How to choose the right height for table lamps and floor lamps. What is a floor lamp? What are its benefits? What is a floor lamp made of?

Mankind has not yet come up with a lamp that would be more convenient for reading and working in an armchair than a floor lamp. In addition, a well-chosen floor lamp becomes a real decoration of the interior. It is floor lamps and the endless variety of their forms that we will pay close attention to in our article. And we will try to answer the question, why do we need floor lamps.

How did floor lamps appear?

The simplest and most accurate definition of what a floor lamp is can be found in dictionaries: it is a lamp on a high stand, standing on the floor. The word "floor lamp" itself is of French origin. "Torchère" is translated as "torch".

The first floor lamps appeared in France and Germany in the Middle Ages, and their prototypes were ... street lamps. Then the floor lamps were massive, they were inlaid precious stones, and the light sources were, of course, candles.

In Russia, floor lamps appeared at the end of the 17th century, and they were used to illuminate and decorate the palace premises. By the way, many manufacturers still produce floor lamps in the form of street lamps.

In the middle of the 20th century, the floor lamp became popular everywhere. The peak of fashion came in the 60s and 70s. Then they could be found in almost any house or apartment. The floor lamp has not gone out of fashion even now, while it has acquired the status of a classic lighting fixture that combines practicality and aesthetic component.

Forms and design of floor lamps

Floor lamps throughout their history have not significantly changed the basic design: a stand - a long leg - a lampshade with a light source. Average Height device - 150–180 cm. Now a floor lamp is not just a lighting device, but a significant decorative part of the interior. The imagination of designers and manufacturers has given it bizarre and varied forms.

One of the important features of some floor lamps is the ability to move it within the room, easily transfer from one room to another, updating the look of the interior.

Typically, floor lamps are equipped with a built-in switch. Many models are produced with dimmer- a device for adjusting the brightness of lighting. It is convenient when reading at night. Increasingly, manufacturers use modern light as sources. LED lamp, which are much more energy efficient than classic halogen ones.

Floor lamps with straight legs.

The most traditional form of a floor lamp is a straight leg made of wood or metal on a round base and an austere lampshade. An example is the products of the factory Flos series K TRIBE.

There are many variations of this form. The stand can be replaced triple leg which gives stability to the structure. The lampshade can be attached to the leg at different angles, as in the Artemide models of the MELAMPO series. A number of products (LA FEMME series from Beby Italy) use a combination of several small lampshades.

Floor lamps with curved legs.

An extremely convenient invention for reading: the light falls from above and nothing blocks it. Some models use flexible or articulated leg, due to which you can change the angle of the lampshade. Comfortable, functional and minimalist floor lamp Leucos JJ series with adjustable fittings.

The appearance of such floor lamps can be quite unexpected. Design fantasy can turn it, for example, into a tree branch (FLINTSTONE series by Brand van Egmond).

Floor lamps with shelves.

Since floor lamps have always been used mainly for reading, it is quite logical to equip them small shelf. Many designers have developed this topic, creating visually attractive and at the same time functional designs. For example, on several shelves of the Vibia Suite lamp, you can place several books, a cup of coffee and other small items. At the same time, the floor lamp will remain stable.

Floor lamps with unique shapes.

Experimenting with the shapes of floor lamps, designers create products that are difficult to classify - they are so unusual. Flos created its CHRYSALIS series in the form of a huge vase. And Artemide's COSMIC LEAF lamp resembles a leaf. The options for the shapes of floor lamps, as well as the imagination of designers, are truly limitless.

How to choose a lampshade for a floor lamp?

From French, the word "lampshade" is translated as "light dimming". It is located at the top of the lamp and is a kind of cap around the light source. Its task is to direct the light from the source and create a certain degree of illumination.

fabric lampshade for a floor lamp is considered a classic. However, designers create unique models using glass, metal, wood, leather, plastic, paper. The shape of the lampshade can be completely different: a cone, a cylinder, a ball, a hemisphere, a flower.

The historical task of the lampshade - protect eyes from blinding light source. Therefore, lampshades were created from materials capable of protecting the eyes of the observer, but capable of transmitting light. Designers use these materials to create unusual shapes of lampshades and apply decorative images, embroidery and other decorative elements to its surface.

Concerning glass lampshades/plafonds, then there are also many options - from laconic forms to exclusive works of glassblowing art.

Floor lamp PH 3 1/2 -2 1/2 by Louis Poulsen

Advantages of floor lamps

  • floor lamp creates cozy atmosphere in a dwelling.
  • With him it is incredibly convenient and comfortable to read, work in a chair.
  • This is one of the most stylish and noticeable elements of the interior.
  • He plays important role when focusing on any area of ​​the room.
  • A floor lamp of an unusual shape will give the interior a uniqueness.
  • This type of luminaire does not need to be mounted to the walls or ceiling, like sconces and chandeliers.
  • Floor lamps can be used as accent lighting.
  • A variety of shapes and designs allow you to choose a floor lamp for the interior in any style - from country to high-tech.

In the following articles of our blog, you will learn much more about various types lamps and rules for their use. for updates and get ideas for your interiors.

For local lighting, compact table lamps and pendant sconces are often used. However, they should not be limited to only them. Try to read under a floor lamp in the evening - and you will not want to return to the previous options.

What is a floor lamp?

A floor lamp is a floor lamp, the classic version of which consists of a base, a column and a lampshade. In modern interpretations, the function of the base and the legs is sometimes performed by the same element, and the ceiling, in general, may be absent.

Key Features

Key differences from others lighting fixtures: installation method and the presence of a lampshade that diffuses light. His eyes don't get tired. This property is appreciated by book lovers: they put floor lamps next to sofas and armchairs, where they usually spend their leisure time.

Also, with the help of such a lamp it is easy to zone the room, on this topic you can find a lot of photos. He will light up working area and a place to rest. Some use paired floor lamps to highlight the exit from the room, but this is not entirely the right approach. A high floor light source is not stable enough for such operation.

IMPORTANT. It is generally accepted that the floor lamp must be high. Now this myth is being assiduously dispelled. Along with the classic 1.5-meter devices, 60–70-cm devices are produced. And they are not always installed on the floor. Sometimes placed on the table.

An additional function of the lamp is decorative. It can become the main decoration in the room, a bright spot due to an unusual column, richly decorated or stylized lampshade.


Floor lamps are divided according to the following principles:

There are also models with directional, reflected and diffused light. The classic version of floor lamps is a source of scattered rays. If the rotation and tilt of the lamp can be changed, then we are talking about a directional type. When reflected, the inclusion of walls, ceiling, floor or other interior items is mandatory: with the help of their rays, they spread, refract and reflect.

Devices are produced that are characterized immediately by 2 or even 3 ways of lighting. Usually this opportunity opens in the presence of additional ceiling lamps: the central one sends diffused or reflected rays, the side one sends directional ones. This design is often shaky, but it is convenient to read and do needlework with it.

Production material

Material is closely related to style. The classical direction is characterized by the use of fabric and paper in the manufacture of lampshades, for country music - wood and metals, for Provence - fabric (usually richly embroidered or decorated with ribbons), for hi-tech - metal and glass. Glass and crystal mosaic plafonds often allude to Tiffany, while those created from twigs and branches refer to eco-style and oriental traditions. Japanese and Chinese style is also visible in terms of decor. These trends are characterized by minimalism. The base is very often made of wood (classic, oriental, eco-style, country), stone, metal (hi-tech, art deco), clay. Columns are made from clay, wicker, metal, glass, plastic, rattan.


Helpful notes about sizes:

Also, with caution, you need to approach the purchase of a high floor lamp, in which a very flexible and thin column ends with 1 large lampshade or many small ones. This design is too shaky, its changing direction of the leg over time will begin to hold the ceilings worse (it will begin to sag under their weight).

Modern solutions

Devices in which light sources are hidden look interesting. Until you turn on such a floor lamp, it will look like a sculpture or monument. Stylized lamps are also worthy of attention. It is immediately clear from them which style direction they belong to. Due to the presence of such goods on the market, it is difficult to make a mistake and buy a model that does not harmonize with the situation. Another merit of modern designers: their departure from classical norms allowed to solve the problem of unsteadiness. Now you can find a very stable floor lamp not on 1 thin leg, but on a thick one or several at once. In contrast to such reliable and safe options, fire hazardous ones are also being implemented. These include models in which an elongated glass column is a light source. At the first fall, such a lamp will break and, most likely, become a source of ignition.

IMPORTANT. The lampshade is not an easy beautiful detail, typical for floor lamps. If it is made of unbreakable material - leather, fabric, plastic or metal - it can be regarded as additional protection for the light bulb.

How to choose

To begin with, it is worth determining exactly where and how the floor lamp will be used. Based on this moment, it is easy to find out:

  • the required level of protection against moisture and dust (marking: IP);
  • power;
  • weight and size.

A classic type of stable construction made of moisture-resistant materials is suitable for a nursery (IP should be above 20). For the kitchen, buy a lighting fixture with an IP54 protection level, for a bathroom, a floor lamp with an IP65 rating. For an ordinary living room, look for a lighting fixture with IP20.

IMPORTANT. The indicated values ​​​​are relevant only for dry apartments and private houses. If the room is damp, moisture seeps from the roof or basement, then you should choose a floor lamp with a reinforced moisture protection system.

Permissible limits for weight and dimensions can also be calculated, taking into account the method and place of operation. If the device is not purchased for a specific room and not for a specific place in it, then it will be moved and rearranged. Therefore, it should not weigh a lot and be too high (this will affect stability). Unusual proportions can also affect stability - it is difficult to balance a floor lamp in which the column is bent, has a slope, or in addition to the central ceiling there is another one located on the side. In the latter case, the second lampshade will outweigh, unless the manufacturer can figure out how to balance the design. Because of this, the lamp will often fall, which, in turn, is fraught with a fire. Lighting devices, in the design of which, in general, there is no lampshade, carry even more threat. The place for them is selected taking into account the high risk of fire. They definitely should not be used in rooms with a large flow of people, in children's rooms, in living rooms, in the kitchen, in the corridor and in the restrooms. But they will fit well into the interior of a bachelor's home, a home office and a needlework room - wherever an adult is in solitude and away from sources of humidity, and also where there is no access to animals and children.

In terms of power, you can rely on the following remarks:

  • for an analogue of a night lamp, 50 W is enough;
  • background and subdued lighting is created using 100 W floor lamps;
  • next to the chair, install a device with a power of 150 W;
  • fixtures that can be installed with 200 W lamps will replace the central lighting;
  • 500 W is already an option for industrial premises or for spacious halls in mansions.

In no case should the manufacturer's instructions regarding the power of light bulbs be ignored. This may cause the lamp to break and cause a fire.

Lighting is one of the key elements of interior composition. Light gives the room a special atmosphere, filling it with warmth and comfort. With the help of lighting, you can visually change the space: divide it into zones, eliminate monotony and focus on the key elements of the interior. Light creates a mood, and it can also be used to make even a familiar environment sparkle with new colors. Moreover, well-chosen lighting can visually change the space - visually increase the height of the ceiling, expand the room, change the proportions.

When organizing a room, designers recommend using several light sources at once, using a wide variety of lighting devices. Among them is a floor lamp. This floor lamp boasts not only its rich history, but also a strong position in the list of current interior items. A floor lamp is one of the phenomena of our everyday life, which, despite the rapidly changing world, has not lost its popularity for many centuries. Fleeting time and capricious fashion do not dominate him, he is always relevant.

A bit of history

The French word "torchere" means "torch". It is he who is a distant relative of the modern floor lamp. In the Middle Ages, torches were placed on the walls. In the future, such light began to be installed on special racks, which were popular until the 17th century.

When the gloomy asceticism was replaced by the splendor and festivity of the Baroque, the floor lamp significantly changed its appearance. From a rough torch, he was transformed into an elegant candelabra. The body of such a lighting device, as a rule, was made of wood, stone or metal, and candles and oil lamps were used as a luminous source. Initially, candelabra had only one candle, but over time, their number was significantly increased. This improvement was regarded as a revolution in the lighting of large rooms.

In the 18th and 19th centuries, floor lamps were an integral part of the most luxurious interiors. They decorated the palace halls and were available only to representatives of the nobility and wealthy classes. Distinctive feature lighting fixtures of that era was their impressive height - it reached more than three meters. To surprise the gaze of sophisticated gentlemen, floor lamps were decorated with semi-precious and precious stones and metals, crystal and porcelain. Thus, from ordinary light sources, they turned into real works of art.

By the end of the 19th century, the floor lamp was equipped with a kerosene burner, making it affordable and usable. ordinary people in everyday life to illuminate the home. To make the light softer and more subdued, its source was covered with a lampshade made of glass, fabric, or paper. So the floor lamp became widespread and began to decorate not only luxurious halls, but also the modest dwellings of the townspeople.

With the invention of electricity, electric lamps began to be installed in floor lamps.

The history of floor lamps continued.

Floor lamp - nostalgia or a fashion trend in the interior??

Floor lamps were very popular and in Soviet years, but then they acquired a more modest appearance. It was during that period that in almost every house one could find a beautiful design made of velvet and a fabric lampshade.

Modifying over several centuries, the floor lamp continues its vibrant life in the 21st century, decorating and diversifying modern interiors. Despite the emergence of many new technologies and materials, products with traditional lampshades made of fabric and thick paper embellished with embroidery or appliqué.

Tastefully matched in color and style to the interior ensemble of the premises, floor lamps become a wonderful addition to a classic or avant-garde setting, filling the home with warm light and comfort.

At the peak of popularity discreet laconic models in the style of minimalism made of glass and metal. Original design solutions in combination with new technologies allow transforming the device by directing the light beam into the right side. A wealth of color variations, exquisite materials and decorative finishes modern floor lamps easily allow you to choose a model for any modern interior making it more comfortable and lively.

Of all the variety of lighting fixtures, floor lamps can no doubt be called the most “homely” and cozy. Soft light, gently pouring from under the lampshade, relaxes and soothes, brings peace and peace of mind to life.

Advantages of floor lamps

Among the variety of lighting fixtures, floor lamps have a number of advantages. The main advantage of such lamps is their mobility. Unlike sconces that require installation, the location of floor lamps can be easily changed if you want to rearrange or refresh the interior, the main thing is that there is an outlet nearby.

The second advantage of floor lamps is that they do not require additional pieces of furniture such as cabinets or tables, because such a lamp, as a rule, stands on the floor or on a special stand.

And the third plus floor lamps - wide range applications and a huge variety of models of completely different shapes and styles, which will certainly allow you to choose perfect option in the interior, decorated in any design direction.

Varieties of floor lamps

In general, the whole variety of floor lamps can be divided into several groups according to their appearance and designs. The base of a floor lamp can be made from metal, wood, plastic and sometimes even glass. The lighting element is both incandescent and LED.

Classic floor lamps, as a rule, have the same design: a straight stand with a base and a lampshade of any shape.

Such floor lamps are always in fashion and are well suited not only for classic and neoclassical interiors, but also for rooms decorated in a modern, minimalist or even eclectic style.

They most often serve for soft and unobtrusive illumination of the recreation area, so they can often be found by the sofa or armchair. Sometimes they are also installed in the bedroom instead table lamps with bedside tables.

The variety of modern floor lamps surprises the imagination. Among floor lamps in this category, you can find absolutely crazy design solutions. Depending on the material and shape of the lampshade, floor lamps are divided into lamps of directional, diffused or reflected light. And they can also differ in purpose, functionality: decorative, swivel, arched (curved), children's, office, with a table, with one or more lampshades.

Where and how to place a floor lamp?

As we know, a floor lamp is indispensable when decorating a seating or reading area in the living room. Especially popular is the placement on both sides of the sofa, as well as by the armchair or just in the corner of the room. In the bedroom, a floor lamp performs the function of bedside lighting, but only if the size of the room allows you to place it so that it does not clutter up the space. If the room is not large sizes, then pick up floor lamps on thin legs with neat lampshades.

No less often, floor lamps can be found in the dining area, as they create a romantic and relaxed atmosphere, and it becomes more comfortable to dine in soft light.

If we talk about color solutions, it should be noted that the floor lamp itself is a very conspicuous element of the interior, so the selection of its shape and color should be given special attention.

The floor lamp shade can be chosen to match the color of the sofa, armchair, bedspread or curtains. The color of the floor lamp can match the color of the walls if the lamp does not stand close to the wall. But it is better that the lampshade differs by several tones. You can choose a floor lamp that will perform the decorative function of an accent. Universal option- a floor lamp with a lampshade in white, cream or gray color. If the interior is made in restrained colors, then you can try to make bright accent on a floor lamp. Pick up a red floor lamp in the interior in black and white shades and complement it with pillows of the same color, and the room will sparkle with new colors. For classic interior good option there will be a series of lamps different types made in the same style. Thus, they tie all design elements together.

In order to increase the amount of light in the living room or hallway, place a floor lamp near the mirror. To get diffused soft light, choose a floor lamp with a cylindrical fabric lampshade. If you need a floor lamp with directional light, then pay attention to office types. To illuminate more space choose a floor lamp with a ceiling lamp pointing up. For children's rooms you can choose a bright functional floor lamp, with plastic shade and soft coating grounds.

In conclusion, we can say that over the centuries, floor lamps have been constantly transformed and have undergone many transformations. Nowadays, they continue to change, more and more new design solutions appear.

Despite this, floor lamps do not lose their popularity and are actively used in interior design, not only as a decoration, but also as a practical and functional lighting element.

Floor lamps are portable floor lamps of directional, reflected or diffused light. They are used to complement the main lighting, highlight certain areas and create lighting effects. The classic form of a floor lamp is a lampshade on a high leg with a stand.

In addition to the main function, the floor lamp is used to decorate the interior as part of the overall design concept. Floor lamps are distinguished by a variety of shapes, types and styles. Thanks to this, it will not be difficult to choose a floor lamp that fully corresponds to a certain design.

If you understand all the nuances floor lamps, to choose the right specific model and correctly place it in the room, then you can quietly place accents and hide obvious flaws.

Modern floor lamps are multifunctional and versatile. Some models allow you to adjust the height of the tripod, the shape of the structure, the direction of the light and the intensity of the light. Before choosing a floor lamp, it is better to familiarize yourself with detailed information and advice. Then your purchase will be the most useful.

All floor lamps can be divided into several types:

- Floor lamps with lampshade. In this group, all typical models can be distinguished, which are single-lamp lighting fixtures on a high leg with a lampshade. It seems to play a special role here decorative element- lampshade. But it is not just decoration - it defines the characteristics of the lamp and gives tone to the lighting. Depending on the material (cotton, rice paper, acrylic, glass), a lampshade can create soft, diffused and comfortable lighting. Or, on the contrary, highlight a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room with concentrated light. The classic shape of the lampshade is a truncated cone, but among modern models you can always choose a floor lamp in a non-standard design. For example, with a lampshade in the form of a ball, a parallelepiped or in the form of a huge hat.

- Decorative floor lamps. It is the most versatile and diverse group. Their main task is to decorate the room and focus on a certain area of ​​the interior. Choosing a floor lamp according to this criterion is quite simple, since decorative models are quite diverse, and differ greatly in appearance from their classical counterparts. They may not have a lampshade at all, or, conversely, several lampshades different shapes and sizes. Leg decorative floor lamps it can also be made in the form of a tripod, a statue or an intricate figure. There are models without a standard tripod, made in the form: floor vase, huge geometric figure or a bizarre light pillar.

Floor lamp for reading. Luminaires of this group are designed to illuminate certain areas. For example, for reading or needlework. The most convenient and practical models consist of two lamps with lampshades of different sizes, located on two levels. The upper lamp is framed by a ceiling in the form of an inverted bowl, designed to create background lighting. The second lamp is located on the stand itself, but lower by 20-30 cm. Its ceiling (lampshade) is directed downwards and is equipped with flexible fittings (a rod with a regulator). This design allows you to direct the light to the desired area. When choosing a floor lamp for reading, you must consider its compatibility with the overall style of the interior. This will be easy to do, because modern market can be found and unusual models floor lamps. For example, in the form of giant table lamps with one plafond pointing down.

Considering all the variety that you will have to face, choosing a floor lamp is not such an easy task. But its solution lies in an integrated approach. You just need to decide on the main characteristics and parameters that will affect the final choice: type of lamp, lighting power, style and size of the room, number and direction of ceiling lamps, additional features etc.

1) The size and purpose of the room directly affect the choice of a floor lamp.

First you need to decide exactly which room the lamp is chosen for: a living room, an office, a bedroom or a nursery. For each of them it is necessary to approach lighting in its own way. For example, in the living room you can choose a floor lamp with soft and diffused light. For the office you will already need a lamp with directional and bright lighting. In a children's room or bedroom, you need a model with a comfortable, warm and cozy light and power control.

Do not forget about the size of the room and the estimated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lighting zone. In a room with high ceilings, you can choose a floor lamp of 2 - 2.5 meters. But for standard room with ceilings of 2.6 - 3 meters you will have to find a smaller floor lamp. In direct proportion, it is necessary to select a floor lamp for the lighting zone: if light is needed for a small area, then it is not worth cluttering up the room with a sprawling floor lamp.

Our advice: If you want to visually increase the height of the ceiling, then choose a floor lamp with a long and narrow leg with light directed upwards - this will visually increase the space.

2) Compliance with the general style is extremely important condition when choosing a floor lamp. Try to follow the general concept and not break the harmony. A floor lamp should fit perfectly into the interior, regardless of its purpose. Pay attention to the compatibility of the design of the legs, stand and ceiling (lampshade). For example, for a living room with a crystal chandelier, you can choose a classic floor lamp with glass decor elements.

Our advice: try to buy a floor lamp from the same series with the rest of the lamps - this will make the interior of the room harmonious and maintain the unity of style.

3) Type of lamp and its characteristics. Much depends on the purpose of the floor lamp itself. The main function is additional lighting. Therefore, you should not equip it with too bright and powerful lamps - 40-60 watts will be enough.

But every situation is different. For example, for a calm and homely atmosphere, you should choose a floor lamp with one lampshade - you will get diffused and soft light. For reading or working, it is better to choose a lamp with bright light and the ability to adjust the ceiling.

Our advice: pay attention to the direction of the main shades. For background lighting, it is necessary to choose floor lamps with lampshades that “look” up. Directed downwards or swivel shades are designed to illuminate selected areas.

4) Advanced features also affect the final choice of a floor lamp. Some models of lamps boast the following nice additions:

Power adjustment. The presence of a dimmer will allow you to adjust the intensity of lighting. This feature is useful in all areas: from the living room to the bedroom.

The presence of shelves. Ideal for reading lovers or for setting additional decor.

Remote Control. Availability remote control The light is especially useful for bedrooms or rest areas.

The use of additional light sources in the interior gives the room elegance, originality, comfort and special coziness. Unique atmosphere of tranquility and hearth can be supplemented with unique, unrepeatable shapes and modern materials floor lamps. The right floor lamp will give a special chic to any room.

In accordance with GOST 16703-79, a lighting device (SP) is a device containing one or more electric lamps and lighting fittings, redistributing the light of electric lamps or transforming the structure of light and intended for lighting or signaling.

There are the following types of lighting devices:

    The lamp is a short-range lighting device;

    Searchlight - light device long range;

    A projector is a lighting device that redistributes the light of a lamp with a concentration of light flux on a surface with a small volume or in a small volume.

For indoor and outdoor lighting systems of industrial enterprises, as a rule, lamps are used as lighting devices.

The most important lighting characteristic of a luminaire is light distribution, i.e. distribution of its luminous flux in space. Depending on the ratio of the luminous flux directed to the lower hemisphere to the total luminous flux, the luminaires are divided into five classes (Table 6)

Table 6

The distribution of the luminous intensity of a lamp in space is characterized by its photometric body - a part of space bounded by a surface drawn through the ends of the radius vector of the luminous intensity. The cross section of a photometric body by a plane passing through the axis of symmetry of the light source determines its luminous intensity curve (CLC). Symmetrical lamps, depending on the shape of the KSS, are divided into seven types. To describe the whole variety of lighting devices, it is not enough only light KSS, therefore they are refined according to the zone of directions of maximum luminous intensity and the form factor of the KSS, which is understood as the ratio of the maximum luminous intensity to the arithmetic mean in a given plane.

An important lighting characteristic of a luminaire is the coefficient useful action, which is understood as the ratio of the luminous flux of a lamp operating under given conditions to the luminous flux of the lamp (s) installed in it.

The protective angle of the luminaire (γ, γ 1 in Fig. 8) characterizes the zone within which the observer's eye is protected from the direct action of the lamp. It is enclosed between a horizontal line and a tangent to the luminous body of the lamp and to the edge of the reflector or opaque screen.

Rice. 8. Protective corner of luminaires

The design of the luminaires must comply with the conditions of the environment. The minimum allowable degree of protection of luminaires for lighting rooms with different conditions environments (with the exception of fire and explosion hazardous areas) should be taken in accordance with Table. 7.14 15

The searchlight is a hermetically sealed reflex lighting electrical installation. To ensure greater safety and the possibility of using it outdoors, the floodlights are protected from high levels of humidity and dust, from the dynamic effects of water flows and strong water jets. Modern floodlights are designed in such a way that neither a strong jet of water nor a sea wave can penetrate into the body of the lamp. Therefore floodlights with a power of 1 kW and 2 kW, with an increased degree of protection, are used to illuminate large open spaces. Metal halide floodlights are used to illuminate railway and road interchanges, airport terminal platforms, seaports, swimming pools, football fields.

A searchlight is a lighting device that redistributes the light of a lamp (lamps) within small solid angles and provides an angular concentration of the light flux. In the spotlight, the luminous flux of the lamp is concentrated in a limited spatial angle using a mirror or mirror-lens optical system.

Spotlights are divided into:

    Long-range searchlights (used in military affairs), supplying round, slightly elongated, cone-shaped light beams of light produced by glass paraboloid reflectors up to 3 m in diameter;

    Floodlights (for building lighting, stadiums, stages, etc.);

    Signal spotlights (for information transmission);

    Accent spotlights (for accent lighting of various objects).

According to the type of lamas, spotlights are: LED, Metal halide, Xenon, Mercury; and by application: theatrical, industrial.

Floodlights can be used both for indoor lighting (for example, a garage box) and for outdoor lighting.

A projector is a lighting device that redistributes the light of a lamp with a concentration of light flux on a small surface or in a small volume. Projectors are basically optical-mechanical or optical-digital devices that allow using a light source to project images of objects onto a surface located outside the device - a screen. The appearance of projection devices led to the emergence of cinema related to projection art.

Types of projection devices:

    Diascopic projection device - images are created using light rays passing through a translucent image carrier. This is the most common type of projectors. These include such devices as: a film projector, a slide projector, a photographic enlarger, a projection lamp, an overhead projector, etc.

    Episcopic projection apparatus - creates images of opaque objects by projecting reflected rays of light. These include episcopes, megascope.

    Epidiascopic projection device - forms on the screen combined images of both transparent and opaque objects.

    Multimedia projector (the term "Digital projector" is also used) - with the advent and development of digital technologies, two, generally speaking, different classes of devices received this name:

    1. A real-time video signal (analogue or digital) is fed to the input of the device. The device projects an image onto the screen. It is possible that there is an audio channel.

      The device receives a file or a collection of files (slideshow) - an array of digital information on a separate or built-in carrier or from a local network. Decodes it and projects the video image onto the screen, possibly playing audio as well. In fact, it is a combination of a multimedia player and a projector in one device.

    Laser projector - displays an image using a laser beam.

    Choice lighting fixtures nowadays is wide and varied. Devices are different in their qualities, types, functionality, sources and type of lighting. There are both multifunctional luminaires and devices designed to illuminate individual objects. sixteen