Garden primrose - photos and species (auricula, ear, Siebold and others). Perennial garden primrose - planting and care What does primrose look like

Regardless of the origin, many species of primroses perfectly "fit" in the harsh climate of Russia with frosty, snowy winters and wet, cool springs. Habitat-like conditions facilitate cultivation and minimize primrose maintenance, providing early, abundant and long-lasting flowering. Thanks to this, the delicate touching flower, announcing the arrival of spring, did not get lost among other early flowering cultures and found popular love.

The little messenger of spring blooming in the gloomy garden bright colors

Why know the origin of the primrose?

The genus Primula grows wild on 5 continents and includes more than 600 species, while garden forms and hybrids number in the thousands and are cultivated everywhere on the planet. More than 30 species of garden primrose are perfectly adapted for growing outdoors in Russia and do not require complex maintenance. And yet, deciding to plant this or that primrose in the garden, ask about its origin. What you should pay attention to?

  1. You acquire a forest, mountain or marsh plant. Forest species (P. spring, P. ordinary, P. high) are more moisture-loving, poorly tolerate 40-degree heat. Mountain primroses (P. Yulia, P. ushkovaya) more easily withstand high summer temperatures, their leaves are covered with a waxy bloom, which prevents moisture evaporation, so their foliage retains decorativeness until late autumn.
  2. Most primroses are perennials, but some species prefer cultivation in a two-year culture (P. mealy, P. candelabra group). Although their rosette does not die immediately in the third year, the decorativeness of the flower deteriorates sharply.
  3. It is important how the plant is adapted to the conditions of open ground. Along with garden primroses, some species are cultivated only in pot culture (P. obkonika, indoor hybrids of P. vulgaris). Plants from the candelabra primroses section, muscarioids need to be covered for the winter.
  4. Unpretentious primroses are more suitable for the garden, but capricious collectible hybrids with unusual colors, abundantly covered with a mealy bloom, require special technology and greenhouse conditions.

Knowing the origin and individual preferences of the flower, you can understand how to properly care for the primrose.

What unites most of the species of primroses that are found in our gardens?

  1. Plants need coolness for active vegetation. In early spring this is not a problem. But the second intensive period of root growth and flower buds laying falls on the last month of summer, when the weather is hot, dry. To reduce the harmful effects of the sun, places in partial shade are chosen for growing primroses. They also save from the heat by intensive watering.
  2. Dryness is the second enemy of primrose. Sap flow and the beginning of the growing season coincide with the period of snow melting, when moisture is in excess, and the plant evaporates its excess through the leaves. Nature laid down the mechanism for intensive evaporation, but did not provide for the reverse process - the suspension of moisture loss in hot weather. If you miss the moment with watering, then the bushes can dry out and die.
  3. Primroses are more demanding on structure than soil fertility. The main thing is that the rhizome should breathe and not be heated. When planting primrose in open ground, low-lying areas are drained, and the structure is corrected. So clay soils they are loosened with sand, high-moor peat, humus, and sandy ones are compacted and enriched by the introduction of organic matter.
  4. The biological feature of the growth of primroses is the protruding rhizome and the rapid growth of the bush. If the plant is not divided and transplanted to a new place with excessive thickening (every 3-5 years), it will grow and die.

Technology of cultivation of garden primroses

It is not difficult to find a place for primroses in the garden. They are planted in flower beds with an eastern and western exposure, on the slopes of a rock garden, under trees, in the shade of shrubs and tall perennials. The only condition for choosing a place for growing primroses is that the plant receives a portion of the morning sun, but is sheltered from the scorching midday rays.

Advice! The mobile version of planting primrose in street containers, boxes, portable flowerpots is becoming more and more popular. They can be placed in any convenient place, and, if necessary, used to decorate the yard, lawn, gazebo.

Planting primroses

When starting to plant primroses, it does not matter - seeds or rosettes, the first thing to do is prepare the soil. TO garden ground add humus based on rotted plant residues or manure in the amount of 15–20 kg / m², a bucket of sand on the same area, apply full or long-term fertilizers for flowering plants according to the instructions.

There are several ways to breed primroses.

  • Through seedlings. Seeds are sown in February in seedling boxes (cassettes) with a light loose substrate, peat tablets... A prerequisite is cold stratification of the seeds for 3 weeks. After sowing, the container is covered with foil and sent to a cool place (no higher than 18⁰C). The shed is removed after germination (after 3-4 weeks). When 2-3 leaves appear, the seedlings dive into individual containers or directly to the flower bed.

    Advice! As practice shows, it is still better to plant a primrose seedling for growing, cover it for the winter, and plant it on a permanent flower bed in the spring or even in the fall of next year.

  • Sowing with seeds in open ground. The most reliable option is to get guaranteed seedlings, sow them before winter - in late October - early November. Sow sparsely, on the surface of the beds, mulch on top with a thin layer of humus.
  • Rosettes when dividing an old bush. This option is used to propagate existing varieties. They practice early spring (before flowering) and autumn planting primrose rosettes, but no later than mid-September. V otherwise the seedling will not have time to take root and may suffer from frost. If you are still late with autumn transplant, wait until spring or cover young bushes with fallen leaves, spruce branches.

Advice! The generally accepted scheme for planting primroses is in clumps; in a group, plants are placed at a distance of 10-15 cm. The rosette, when growing, covers the root zone with foliage, which prevents moisture evaporation, drying out of the rhizome, and overgrowing of the bush with weeds.

Leaving during flowering

In early spring, it is important not to miss the first feeding of the plant. It is done as soon as the snow melts. The bushes are poured with organic matter - slurry diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. Or use a complex mineral fertilizer, which is scattered over wet soil. The norm is 25-30 g for an adult bush. Top dressing is not needed if the sockets were sprinkled with humus in the fall.

If the spring is dry, the primroses are watered. To prolong flowering, it is recommended to promptly remove wilted peduncles.

Post-flowering care

Caring for primrose after flowering is minimized, since until August the plant is in a state of summer dormancy. During this time, pay attention to the condition of the soil. If it is too dry, the leaves will begin to dry out, the root collar will dry out. This should not be allowed.

Before the plant starts growing (at the end of July), feed with a phosphorus-potassium composition. This stimulates the growth of bushes, the laying and maturation of new flower pops.

Dividing the bush

When a perennial sits in one place for a long time, it grows so much that the sockets stick out on top of each other, become bare. Nutrition is depleted in the soil, pathogenic microflora accumulates. This is the main reason why the leaves are shallow, and the primrose does not bloom or does not bloom well.

There is only one recipe - to divide and transplant the bush as often as possible. Someone does this every year, but the common practice is once every 3-4 years. The primrose is abundantly moistened, dug out, the roots are cleaned from the ground and divided into parts - one or 2-3 sockets. Each cut should have a piece of rhizome with at least one renewal bud. If the roots are very long, leave 10 cm, the rest is cut off. The root collar is not buried, the soil is mulched.

Divide the bush in early spring. Many are worried about whether it is possible to transplant primrose in September, like ordinary perennials. Primrose tolerates division well at the junction of summer and autumn, when it awakens after summer dormancy. When transplanting in the second half of September, it is better to cover the planting for the winter, in case the plant is not sufficiently rooted.

Preparing for winter

Caring for primrose in the fall is reduced to watering transplanted outlets, and within 1-2 weeks - in small portions, but daily. The rosette of leaves, like other perennial flowers, is not cut off - let it cover the rhizome. The bush is sprinkled with humus. The substrate has several functions:

  • covers bare rhizomes;
  • insulates the root zone;
  • serves as an effective feeding.

For some species of primroses, more thorough winter preparation is needed. They are covered with leaves, and on top with lutrasil with the onset of frost and open only in March, when the primroses begin to grow. Some hybrids are recommended to be transferred to a box for the winter and stored in a cool room.

Diseases and pests of primrose

The causes of primrose diseases lie, as a rule, in violations of agricultural technology.

  • They have a fungal nature root rot that infect the neck of the plant and lead to damping out of the outlet. The reasons are stagnant moisture in the root zone, thickened plantings. Gradually rot covers the stem and leaves. The affected parts of the plant are destroyed, the bush is sprayed with a fungicide solution.
  • Fungal infections also include leaf spots. Gradually, they grow, become covered with a bloom of sporulation, and lead to the death of the leaf plate. Control measures are the same as in the previous case.
  • In hot weather, spider mites can breed on the plant. They diagnose it by faded leaves and the thinnest cobweb on their back. With a strong infection, the bushes are treated with acaricides.

The best way to prevent primrose diseases is to transplant to new land, compliance with temperature and water conditions.

How to grow primroses outdoors:

Primrose - gentle flowering plant from the Primroses family. Its name can also be translated as "primrose". In its natural environment, the flower is found on the slopes of the Alps, as well as in the temperate climate of Eurasia and North America. A cap of delicate flowers on a low growth appears already in the middle of spring and lasts for a very long time. Today, primrose is grown not only in the garden, but also at home as a houseplant. There are many varieties with different flowering times and appearance. Florists know how to make this beauty bloom at the right time, so for the holidays, pots of colorful primroses appear in abundance.

Description of the plant

Primrose - perennial, and occasionally annual herbaceous plant... It is compact in size. The height during the flowering period does not exceed 20-50 cm. The plant feeds on a fibrous branched rhizome, which is located in the upper layers of the soil. A dense leaf rosette forms immediately above the surface of the earth. It contains sessile or petiolate leaves of an oval, lanceolate or ovoid shape. They are painted in a gray-green shade without a pattern. The surface of the leaf is smooth or embossed, swollen between the veins. The edges of the leaves are whole or finely toothed. Due to the short nap, the foliage appears fluffy and soft.

A long, bare peduncle grows from the center of the rosette. Its top is decorated with a dense brush or umbrella, although there are varieties with single flowers on short legs. Regular corollas consist of five oval petals with a rounded or, conversely, pointed edge. At the base, the petals grow together into a narrow, long tube, and sharply bend along the edge. The color of the flower is very diverse (monochromatic or variegated) - white, purple, lilac, pink and red. The center is almost always yellow. Flowers replace each other within 3-8 weeks.

After pollination by insects, oblong seed pods with soft edges. The inside contains small, elongated seeds with a smooth dark brown or black surface.

Variety of primroses

The highly diverse genus of primrose includes about 400 plant species. They are conventionally divided into 38 sections.

Common primrose (vulgaris) or stemless (acaulis). This species is especially popular with gardeners. Plant height is 5-20 cm. Oval leaves with a corrugated surface grow on short petioles. They have a bright green color without dusting and grow up to 25 cm long, up to 4 cm wide. Funnel-shaped flowers with a diameter of 2-4 cm are distinguished by a variety of colors. They are grouped in a dense umbellate inflorescence and bloom in April-July.

The inhabitant of the alpine slopes grows denser, oval leaves with a smooth, shiny surface and a grayish dusting. In the center of the leaf rosette there is a cylindrical stem up to 20 cm long with a dense spike-shaped inflorescence of 6-7 yellow fragrant flowers.

Quite a large species up to 30 cm in height grows wide oval leaves with a wrinkled surface and serrated sides. The length of the leaf reaches 20-40 cm. A dense spherical inflorescence about 10 cm in diameter blooms on a long stem. It consists of purple, lilac, red or white tubular flowers up to 15 mm in diameter. Flowering occurs in April-May and lasts up to 40 days.

Primrose inverse conic (obconica). Herbaceous perennial with many round or oval leaves grows up to 60 cm in height. The wavy petiole leaves reach 10 cm in diameter. A large umbrella of white, pink or purple flowers rises above them.

The plant forms a dense rosette of openwork lobed leaves. Above them grow pubescent red-brown peduncles 30-35 cm long. Each one bears only a few large (4 cm in diameter) flowers.

Perennial garden variety with elongated lanceolate leaves that form a symmetrical rosette. Peduncles 40-50 cm long contain several tiers of umbellate inflorescences, which are arranged in whorls. This species belongs to the group of candelabra primroses. Diameter of tubular flowers different shades red is 3 cm.

The inhabitant of southern Europe grows wrinkled oval leaves with small teeth at the edges. The length of the leaves is 5-20 cm, and the width is 2-7 cm. Beautiful delicate flowers with a diameter of 2 cm have a light yellow color with a brighter center. They are grouped in an umbellate inflorescence of 5-15 units. Peduncle height is 10-35 cm. Flowering begins in April and lasts up to two months. Varieties:

  • Primula colossea - larger flowers with crimson petals and a yellow star in the center;
  • Duplex - dark yellow throat surrounded by bright cherry petals.

On the basis of species primroses, breeders have bred many varieties evening primrose... They are distinguished by a large number of petals compared to ordinary ones. From a distance, the buds look like small roses with softer petals. The Rosanna variety series is especially popular. Bushes about 15 cm high are covered with a dense head of narrow flowers of white, apricot, yellow, pink and red.

Reproduction methods

Primrose is grown from seed and propagated by dividing the bush and leafy cuttings. It should be noted that when sowing self-collected seeds, the varietal properties of especially terry primroses are not preserved. The seeds themselves quickly lose their germination, so they are sown as early as possible.

Seedlings should be grown first. For this, in mid-February, shallow boxes are prepared with a mixture of turf, sand and leafy earth. They try to distribute small seeds evenly on the surface. They are only slightly pressed into the ground. To preserve moisture, the container is covered with foil and placed in the freezer for 25-30 days. You can take the box outside. The air temperature during this period should be at -10 ° C.

After stratification, the frozen seeds are transferred to a lighted windowsill, in a room with a temperature of + 16 ... + 18 ° C. Seedlings do not appear quickly and unevenly. When the seedlings are 2 weeks old, the cover is removed. Plants with 2-3 true leaves dive into another box with a greater distance. As they grow, several more picks are carried out. For open ground, primrose seedlings will be ready only after 2 years.

It is recommended to divide a bush 4-5 years old into several parts. This allows not only to get more plants, but also to rejuvenate the existing ones. They do this in August-September. Previously, the plants are well watered, dug up and carefully freed from the ground. The roots are washed in warm water, and then the plants are cut with a knife into divisions with 1-2 points of growth. Slices are processed charcoal and immediately plant flowers in a new place.

For grafting, a leaf with a petiole and a bud at the base is used. It is rooted in a sandy-peat substrate. In this case, half of the sheet plate is immediately removed. The stalk should be kept in a warm (+ 16 ... + 18 ° C) room with bright, but diffused light. The appearance of new buds indicates successful rooting. After that, the cuttings are transplanted into separate pots with soil for adult plants. In the spring they can be sent to the garden.

Landing rules

Primrose is planted in open ground in spring or early autumn. Most plants have good frost resistance. In temperate climates and more southerly regions, they normally hibernate under a leaf cover. The landing site should be sheltered from the wind and slightly shaded. Plants are placed near shrubs or under the light crown of garden trees.

The soil should be loose and nutritious, without stagnant water. Primroses develop best on loams. Before planting, the site is dug up and, if necessary, sand, manure, and crushed sphagnum moss are added. Depending on the height of a particular variety, the distance between plants is 10-30 cm.

Home primrose should be replanted annually after flowering. Overgrown bushes are divided into parts. As a result, the leaves will be brighter and the flowering is more abundant. The soil for indoor primroses is made up of peat, leaf and sod soil with the addition of river sand... A thick layer of drainage material must be laid out at the bottom of the pot.

Primrose care

With the right choice of place, caring for primrose will not cause much trouble.

Lighting. Direct Sun rays the plant is contraindicated, burns quickly appear on it. It is better to keep it in shaded places, where the sun hits only in the early morning or at sunset.

Temperature. Optimum temperature air for primrose is + 16 ... + 22 ° C. Most of the time, flowers are kept outdoors or regularly ventilated. For flowering to last longer, you need to place the plants where the temperature is maintained at + 12 ... + 15 ° C.

Humidity. Usually all types of primrose adapt well to natural moisture... However, they gratefully respond to periodic spraying. In too dry air, the edges of the leaves curl up and dry out.

Watering. The soil at the roots of primrose should always be slightly moist, but not waterlogged. It is better to water it often, but little by little. The water should be soft and well purified. At the end of flowering, irrigation is reduced.

Fertilizer. Several times per season, the plants are fed with a mineral complex with a low nitrogen content. Fertilization begins in early spring. During the period of budding and flowering, feeding is stopped and resumed only at the end of summer.

In landscape design

Garden primrose, thanks to a wide variety of colors, allows you to create an amazing ornament on the site. Since flowering varies greatly in terms, you can pick up varieties that, replacing each other, will delight from April to August. Flowers are used to decorate a rabatka, an alpine slide, flower beds in the shade of trees, edging a curb, shrubs, a high bank of a reservoir. They look good next to muscari, tulips, daffodils, irises, phlox, soapwort. Some species with inflorescences on long stems are cut to form bouquets.

Garden perennial primrose - when does it bloom? When to plant primrose in the garden? Read about the best primrose varieties and interesting planting and grooming techniques in today's article.

Why is the garden primrose popular? The plant belongs to primroses, therefore, when the snow is just beginning to thaw, sprouts are already breaking through. Early development of primrose, as a medicine for the soul, after a long and cold winter. You can plant primrose at home, growing until the soil warms up, and then move it to the garden, or close up the seeds before winter, then garden plant will definitely bloom before the rest.

Garden primrose blooms early - this is understandable, but when exactly to wait for the first inflorescences?

When garden primrose blooms:

  • In March.
  • At a temperature of + 2-7 ° C.
  • Depending on the variety.

Consider the last amendment - primrose garden blooms in different ways, that is, depending on varietal characteristics. For example, ear primrose, which is also planted in the garden, blooms only in May and does not shine on garden plot longer than a month.

Fine-toothed primrose blooms with the beginning of the calendar spring, if it can feed on melted snow and get warm with the first heat. Unlike other early species, it blooms for no longer than 40 days.

Primrose common blooms also in early spring, a little later fine-toothed, but it is also able to please the grower with early flowers. Unlike other primroses, ordinary varieties are more persistent, they tolerate frost well, they can develop freely in different variations. garden conditions, therefore, are more popular than exclusive Dutch varieties.

Primrose development parameters after planting

Experienced gardeners believe that primrose will bloom without interruption if you regularly renew the surface part and stimulate the underground. For example, every 3 years auricular, obkonika, polyanthus primroses divided and planted - this not only allows you to expand the garden, but also to renew the plant itself, which means to start even more lush flowering in early spring than in previous years.

Decorative placement of primrose

How not to remember the decorative placement of the primrose on the rim of the lawns, near the gazebos, street fountains and sculptures, under decorative fences. For a simple, tasteful planting, any kind of primrose will do. They can be combined according to varieties, having determined the planting dates - above we have proposed 3 popular species that bloom, either one after the other, or all together.

For rockeries, alpine gardens, other landscape decorations, you can use frost-resistant primroses. In this case, the ear primrose is in the lead - it blooms first, does not require a complicated planting technique, and favorably frames a "dry" composition of stones.

Primrose in the garden can also be placed, as an accent plant - to highlight several zones, which to decorate with primrose blooming in March. A harmonious impression will be created from the general setting of the garden. The garden primrose will bloom along with other early plants, or enliven the garden after winter sleep with the beginning of spring, preparing the gardener's imagination before the height of spring bloom.

↓ Write in the comments when your species of primrose blooms? How did you organize your garden planting?

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Primrose - growing from seeds at home

How to plant primrose seeds?

How to sow primrose at home?

How to care for a primrose flower?

When does indoor primrose bloom?

How to care for primrose at home?

Primula is a beautiful and touching perennial flower of the primrose family. It is also called a primrose. Due to its early (barely snowing) flowering, decorative qualities and unpretentiousness, it has earned a good attitude among gardeners - planting and caring for primrose is simple, and these flowers adorn the site unusually.

Preparation for planting in open ground

Primrose unpretentious plant- planting and care in the open field is not difficult. To decorate your garden with a carpet of flowers, it is enough to take into account a few points.

Landing dates

Perennial garden primrose is planted in open ground in the second year of life. It can be planted in spring or autumn. The optimal time for planting seedlings is late May - early June. You can sow seeds in one of the periods:

  1. Spring. End of February - beginning of March. Seeds are sown in containers. When the snow melts, they are transplanted into open ground.
  2. Summer. July August. This period is relevant for varietal primroses, in which seeds ripen at this time.
  3. Autumn. Planting seeds before winter. It is believed that planting primroses in the garden in the fall (October) is most effective, because after the snow melts, the soil is saturated with moisture.

Choosing a place on the site

When choosing a place for planting, you need to take into account that the wild perennial primrose grows in the forest, forest-steppe zone. The place should be slightly shaded, well ventilated, and fairly cool.

Preplant soil preparation

The soil for primroses needs fertile, with a neutral or slightly acidic pH, clay, loose, moisture-absorbing, moist, well-drained. If the land on the site does not meet these requirements, its composition is improved. It is necessary to remove 20 cm of the top layer of soil and replace it suitable layer soil. For 1 m² the following is introduced:

  • sand (bucket);
  • chopped sphagnum moss;
  • vermiculite;
  • fermented manure (2 kg).

Preparation of planting material

Preparing a primrose for planting from a greenhouse or greenhouse consists in hardening, accustoming to the sun's rays. When the outdoor temperature rises above 10 ° C, the seedling containers are taken out to open air for a few hours. If the primrose is a large plant, or has already bloomed, then before planting it is advisable to hold it in the fresh air for a week.

Planting process

Before planting, both the flowers in containers and the holes prepared for them in the soil are moistened. 2 hours after watering, they are planted in open ground. It is better to plant primrose on a cloudy day. The seedlings are then better acclimatized to the sun's rays. In case of planting in dry and hot weather, the plants must be abundantly moistened.

There are three ways to plant primroses in the ground:

  1. Seedling method. Old soil is removed from the roots as much as possible.
  2. Transfer method. The ground covering the roots is preserved. Primrose, which is tender root system, it is recommended to plant by transshipment method.
  3. Replacing the topsoil. The earth is loosened, removed upper layer and fill in a new light nutritious soil.

When planting large flowers, you need to maintain a distance of 40–45 cm between them. A distance of 10–15 cm is observed between miniature primroses. decorative effect flower rug, plants are planted and more closely.

Primrose care rules

Primrose is an unpretentious flower, the main care for it consists in systematic loosening of the soil (preferably after watering), removing weeds, maintaining soil moisture, shelter for the winter.

Watering frequency and water quality requirements

Water weekly at the rate of about 3 liters of water per m². In the heat, watering is increased, focusing on the soil - it must be maintained in a slightly moist state. Watering - in the evening, after sunset, or in cloudy weather - to protect the primrose from sunburn. The water should be settled, not cold.

Selection and timing of fertilization

Planting and care in the open field includes regular feeding of primrose, soil enrichment. Complex fertilizers are used for feeding. The dose is halved from that recommended on the package. Top dressing - weekly, from the appearance of the first leaves to the end of flowering, simultaneously with loosening the soil.

  1. Apply potash fertilizers in early spring.
  2. During flowering (14–21 days after the first fertilization) apply phosphorus fertilization. They increase the flowering time.
  3. After flowering - nitrogen fertilizers, potash and phosphorus. And also the flower needs organic fertilizers (mullein, horse manure).

In autumn, the place where the primrose grows is enriched with a nutritious substrate. With a layer of 3 cm to a depth of 15–20 cm, add a mixture of the following composition:

  • humus (5 kg.);
  • compost soil (10 kg);
  • peat (5 kg.);
  • phosphorus-potassium fertilizers (20 g);
  • nitrogen fertilizers (15 g).


Optimal lighting for a primrose is diffused sunlight, partial shade. It is good to plant it next to tall plants. Deciduous trees and shrubs give it the necessary shade from the sun. Perennial primrose feels good when planted next to conifers.

Favorable temperature

In summer, the primrose feels comfortable at temperatures no higher than 25 ° C. During the rest period, the optimum temperature is 15–18 ° C. This also applies to domestic primroses. In areas with warm winters, the primrose is unpretentious, it is not necessary to cover it - there will be enough snow layer. But it must be borne in mind that in the snowless cold winter, the flower can freeze out. In cold regions, the primrose is covered with dry foliage, straw, spruce branches. The cover layer should be less than 10 cm thick.

Pruning rules

Plants are pruned in the spring, and in the fall, the leaf rosette must be preserved - it will serve as a natural shelter for the primrose for the winter - and from the cold, from the wind. Remove these leaves in the spring.

Pests and diseases of primrose

It is necessary to notice even minor changes in appearance primroses, because they can signal a disease or pest attack. For example, a fluffy gray coating on leaves and flowers means gray rot; white, with black dots, bloom on the leaves is a sign of powdery mildew. Withered leaves can be a sign of late blight, and twisted and yellowed leaves can signal the appearance of aphids. Small light specks may indicate where thrips are feeding, while dry leaf areas and a thin cobweb may indicate the appearance of a tick.

Flowering period

The flowering period of primrose depends on the species and variety. By combining different types, you can get an elegant garden from April to August. Flowering time:

  • early spring - early summer ("Virginia", "Siebold");
  • beginning and end of summer (Bullesiana, Florinda).

Flowering acceleration

The forced acceleration of flowering is called forcing. It is made at home to get flowers by a certain time, for example, by March 8.

  1. In October, dig up the garden primrose (2 years old) and, together with the earthy clod, leave in a cold (2–5 ° C) room. Does not need watering.
  2. Avoiding higher temperatures or bright light - this can provoke the growth of leaves.
  3. In February-January, move the primrose to a light and warm (12-15 ° C) room. Resume watering.
  4. When the primrose blooms, add potassium-phosphorus fertilizing every 2 weeks.

Suitable for forcing are "ordinary", "pink" primrose, primrose "Siebold".

Resting care

After the end of flowering, the primrose is busy growing leaves. You need to take care of the flower during this period unobtrusively. Watering is reduced, top dressing is applied once a month.

Reason and methods of transplant

The main reason for transplanting is the primrose's tendency to grow strongly. If, after 3-5 years of growing in the garden in one place, the primrose begins to grow and bloom poorly, then it needs to be transplanted. Methods:

  1. Pouring in a new one nutrient earth... This method can be used if the root is exposed, begins to dry out, but for some reason, transplanting to a new place is difficult or undesirable.
  2. Transfer. It is used if the root system has not grown much and the plant can be transplanted along with an earthen clod on the roots. When transshipment, you need to pluck out all the buds and flowers, since the primrose will need strength to root.
  3. Transfer. For adult (4–5 years old) plants. Simultaneously with the transplant, reproduction is carried out by dividing the bush. In the fall, the flower is dug up, the roots are divided and planted.
It is advisable to transplant the garden primrose after the flowering period, in the spring (late May - early June) or in the fall - in September.

Reproduction methods

Primrose propagates vegetatively (cuttings, dividing the bush) and seed.

By dividing the bush

Propagation of primrose by dividing the bush allows you to rejuvenate the plant and preserve everything varietal characteristics... The division of the bush is usually done during transplantation and after the end of flowering, the flower must be at least 3 years old. Water the area, dig out a bush and rinse the roots from the ground. Cut the roots with a sharp knife so that a leaf rosette remains on the divisions. Powder the places of the cuts with ash. It is necessary to plant as soon as possible, until the cuttings are dry. Water abundantly for the next 2 weeks.

By cuttings

Reproduction by a sheet. A well-developed leaf rosette is cut off near the roots of the plant. A leaf with a bud (stalk) is separated and planted in a container with earth. The container with the stem is kept in a bright place at a temperature of 16-18 ° C until the roots appear, and then transplanted into the container until spring.


Primrose can be grown from seeds. Seeds collected by yourself must be disinfected. Soak in a solution of boric acid (0.5 g per 1 L of water) for 24 hours, rinse. Procedure:

  1. In a container with a good drainage layer, lay out the substrate from turf soil and sand (1 part each) and sheet soil(2 shares).
  2. Scatter seeds over the surface (5 pieces are enough for 1 cm), lightly tamp. Cover the container with foil.
  3. Stratify for a minimum of 10 days (or about a month) at temperatures between 5 ° C and -10 ° C. This can be done in the freezer.
  4. Transfer the container to the windowsill, water the seeds. Open the film for several hours every day and remove completely after 2 weeks.
  5. At a temperature of 17 degrees, seedlings will appear in 25 days. After the appearance of 2-3 true leaves, the seedlings dive.

It is necessary to learn about the characteristics of the variety, since not all primroses need stratification (for example, “rosanna”).

The use of primrose in landscape design

Primrose can be used to decorate almost any corner of the site. Necessary condition- the direct rays of the sun should not fall on it, therefore, when planting, you should adhere to the north side. The primrose can be planted with a solid floral carpet along the paths, a green border can be grown (for this, the varieties "high", "polyanthus" are well suited).

The especially moisture-loving variety “Sikkimskaya” will look spectacular near water bodies and fountains. For alpine slides, "rocky", "allioni" are well suited. In flower beds, in front gardens, primroses go well with daffodils, irises, phlox, tulips, bells. Hybrid primroses are indispensable in landscape design, because they have a bright and varied color.

Popular species and varieties of primrose

The genus Primula is extremely diverse. Includes more than 500 species, almost 200 varieties. Particularly widespread are primroses "stemless", "Siebold", "spring".

Primula stemless, or ordinary (Primula vulgaris)

The common primrose is very decorative, blooming in March - April - July with an abundance of white, pale yellow flowers and shades of pink and red. Under favorable circumstances, it can bloom again in early autumn. Easily tolerates air temperatures down to minus 23 ° C.

Primula Siebold (Primula sieboldii)

Blooms from July with flowers of scarlet and purple shades. The edges of the petals are smooth and patterned. In this species, after flowering, the leaves die off, so it is necessary to carefully cover it for the winter.

Spring primrose (Primula veris)

Spring primrose is the most famous species primrose. From this species, many hybrids have evolved with a varied, simple and complex color, incl. terry primroses... The very same primrose "spring" blooms with yellow-orange flowers in April. Easy to carry low temperature, but must be protected from frost.

Primula high (Primula elatior)

Blooms in April-May with small yellow inflorescences. Primrose hybrids are pink to dark blue in color. Because of decorative look, early long flowering and unpretentiousness, it is willingly grown in gardens.

Other types

Some types of primroses are grown at home. The best plants for home cultivation are considered:

  1. Primrose "obkonika". It blooms in a pot with red, yellow, blue, purple large flowers in the winter-spring period.
  2. Primrose "Chinese". This indoor primrose differs in unusual buds - they are close to each other and resemble a bouquet.

Planting and caring for primrose at home is not difficult. Requirements for temperature, watering, soil are similar to garden primroses. But indoor primroses, unlike garden primroses, can cause an allergic skin reaction.

Primrose is famous not only for its decorative qualities, but also for its healing properties. Decoctions and infusions of leaves help with bronchitis, rheumatism, headaches, strengthen immune system and soothes the nerves.

Plant common primrose (lat.Primula vulgaris), or primrose- herbaceous perennial from the genus Primrose. Naturally, primrose grows in Europe, northern Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia. Primrose is known since time immemorial - the ancient Greeks considered it a medicinal flower of Olympus and called it "dodecateon" - the flower of the twelve gods. Primrose is one of the first spring flowers, popularly called "rams" or "little keys". The Old Norse saga tells that primrose flowers are the keys of the goddess of fertility Freya, with which she opens spring. And the Germans believe that primrose is the key to marriage. The Celts and Gauls included primrose in their love potion.

There is a Danish legend that the princess of the elves, who fell in love with a mortal, became a primrose, and the ancient Greeks invented a myth in which the body of the young man Paralysos, who died of love, was turned by the gods into a fragrant primrose out of compassion, and now this flower heals all ailments, including and from paralysis - not without reason in folk medicine the flower is called paralytic grass. Cultivation of primrose in Europe began in the 16th century, it has always been a popular flower in England - there are several clubs for auricle primrose lovers in this country. Sometimes the addiction weakened, but then with new strength revived. Nowadays, primrose exhibitions are held annually in England, and there is something to see every time - the blooming primrose is an amazing sight.

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  • Landing: sowing of self-collected seeds in boxes dug into the ground - immediately after collection. Sowing purchased seeds for seedlings - at the beginning of February, transplanting seedlings into open ground - at the end of May in two years or in the fall in the second year of life.
  • Bloom: in spring or summer - depending on the species and variety.
  • Lighting: depending on the species and variety - in the bright sun or in the shade of trees and bushes.
  • The soil: moist, loose, light, moisture-absorbing nutrient soils.
  • Watering: the soil in the flower bed should be slightly moist at all times. In the heat, you will have to water more often. Water consumption - 3 liters per m² of land.
  • Top dressing: mineral fertilizers with a reduced nitrogen content in half of the dosage indicated by the manufacturers weekly from the moment the leaves appear until the end of flowering.
  • Reproduction: seeds, leafy cuttings and dividing the bush.
  • Pests: beetles and slugs.
  • Diseases: bacterial spot, anthracnose, jaundice, rust, powdery mildew, cucumber mosaic virus, stem and root rot.

Read more about growing primrose below.

Primrose flower - description

The genus Primrose is one of the most numerous in the world flora, according to various sources it has from 400 to 550 species, but still in nature there are plants of this genus that have not been described by scientists. 33 species grow in Europe, 2 - in North America, one view on the island of Java, several in South America and Africa, while more than three hundred species of primrose grow in Asia, Western China and the Himalayas. Chooses primrose wet places- in meadows, along the banks of streams and mountain rivers.

The underground part of the primrose is a rhizome with roots. Basal leaf rosette consists of dissected or simple, sessile or petiolate oblong oval lanceolate leaves. In some species, the leaves are wrinkled, in others they are leathery, dense, grayish-green in color, as if covered with wax. The flowers of the primrose on long leafless peduncles are single or collected in pyramidal, spherical, cushion, tiered, bell-shaped or umbellate inflorescences. They have a tubular shape with a bend - flat or funnel-shaped. The primrose fruit is a cylindrical or spherical polysperm.

In the culture, perennial and annual garden primrose is grown, primrose is also cultivated at home.

Growing primrose from seeds

Sowing primrose seeds

Primrose seeds lose their germination very quickly, so it is best to sow the seeds immediately after harvesting them in boxes set in the ground. If you bought high-quality seeds and do not want to risk them, then primrose seeds are planted for seedlings at the beginning of February on the surface of a substrate consisting of two parts of leafy soil, one part of sand and one part of sod land. There should be no more than 5 seeds per 1 cm² of substrate, which are not sealed, but simply pressed to the surface. The container with the crops is placed in a plastic bag and placed in a freezer for 3-4 weeks at a temperature not exceeding -10 ºC.

After a month, the frozen crops in bags are transferred to the windowsill, shading from direct rays, and wait for shoots, maintaining the soil in a slightly moist state. The optimum temperature for seed germination is 16-18 ºC. Not all types of primroses need stratification - for example, common primrose and fine-toothed primrose germinate without freezing. When seedlings begin to appear, and primrose seeds are usually in no hurry to germinate, the packages are gradually opened, accustoming the seedlings to the air, and after two weeks the packages are removed altogether.

Seedling primrose

Seedlings of primrose grow very slowly. After the appearance of two or three true leaves, the seedlings with the help of tweezers dive into the boxes and continue to care for them, moistening the soil as necessary. You need to dive seedlings every time they grow strongly. Primrose is grown from seeds before planting in open ground for two years.

Planting primrose

When to plant primrose

Planting of perennial primrose in open ground is carried out in spring or autumn in the second year of life. If you decide to plant primrose in the spring, then do it at the end of May. Primrose grows best outdoors in the shade of garden trees and shrubs, where direct sunlight does not penetrate. Only alpine primrose species in the northern regions are planted in the open sun. The soil for primrose is preferable to be moisture-absorbing, loose, light and well-drained, in which moisture will not stagnate for a long time.

Primrose grows well in clay soil. Too heavy clay soil can be made easier by introducing a bucket of sand, 2 kg of manure, vermiculite and chopped sphagnum moss for digging on 1 m² of the plot.

How to plant primrose

Small species of primrose are planted at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other, and large ones - after 20-30 cm.When planting, keep in mind that the primrose does not like open spaces, so plant seedlings in such a way that when the plants grow, the plantings are closed. Primrose blooms from seeds in the second or third year of life.

Primrose care in the garden

How to grow a primrose

Planting and caring for primrose outdoors is usually straightforward. How to care for an outdoor primrose? Keep the soil in the primrose flower bed slightly damp, loose and clean - after weekly abundant watering, be sure to loosen the soil and remove weeds. In hot weather, the frequency of watering will have to be doubled. Water consumption in one session is about three liters per m².

Care perennial primrose provides for frequent feeding of the flower with a weak solution of complex mineral fertilizers - the concentration should be two times less than the instruction provides, and the frequency of application should be weekly from the moment the first leaves appear until the end of flowering. However, one should not abuse the nitrogen component of complex fertilizers, since in next year you will wait for flowers, but you will see only lush greenery. To prevent this from happening, apply only phosphorus and potash fertilizers every other time.

Primrose transplant

Care and cultivation of primrose involves transplanting the plant simultaneously with dividing the bush every 4-5 years, since primrose tends to grow strongly. For information on how and when to transplant primrose, read the next section.

Reproduction of primrose

In addition to the seed method, primrose propagation is used dividing the bush and leafy cuttings. In the fourth or fifth year, the overgrown primrose bushes in August or the first half of September are watered, dug up, shaken off the ground from their roots, then the roots are washed in a bucket, the plant is divided with a knife into several parts with at least one renewal point on each, the cuts are sprinkled with ash and then the delenki are planted in a new place. After planting, the primrose is watered. Dividing the bush not only rejuvenates the plant, but also provides free planting material in which you can be completely confident.

If the plant has a weak root system or only one outlet, then it is propagated by axillary shoots. A primrose leaf with a petiole, a bud and part of the shoot is separated and planted in the soil mixture, after cutting the leaf plate by half. Keep the cutting in a bright place, but protected from direct sunlight, at a temperature of 16-18 ºC in a moderately moist substrate. When the buds give shoots with three to four leaves, they are planted in pots with a diameter of 7-9 cm, and in the spring they are transferred to open ground.

Pests and diseases of primrose

Primrose in the garden is affected by rot of the root collar and stems, jaundice, bacterial spotting, rust, anthracnose, powdery mildew and the cucumber mosaic virus. As soon as you notice the modified leaves, immediately destroy them.

Of the pests, various nematodes and aphids are dangerous to the plant, spider mites and weevils, as well as beetles, slugs and fleas. It is better to fight diseases by treating primrose in spring with a two percent Topsin or Fundazol solution, one percent Bordeaux liquid or copper oxychloride, and in the fall it is advisable preventive treatment 1% Nitrafen solution. Beetles and slugs will have to be collected by hand, ticks are destroyed by treatment with Aktellik, and nematodes are killed by Ragor.

Perennial primrose after flowering

Primrose in autumn

After the primrose has faded, loosen the soil in the area, clear it of weeds and leave the primrose alone until winter - at this time, its leaves begin to grow. It is very important that the leaf rosette is preserved until late autumn, as it will serve as a natural shelter for the plant. If you cut the leaves in the fall, the primrose will begin to shrink, its flowering will weaken, and it will lose its decorative effect. But when spring begins, it is better to remove the old, overwintered primrose leaves.

Garden primrose in winter

In areas with cold winters, primroses require shelter with dry leaves, straw or spruce branches, and the covering layer should be at least 7-10 cm. There are types of primroses that do not need shelter, for example, Julia's primrose. In areas with warm snowy winters primrose can not be covered - there will be enough snow cover. However, with the onset of spring, watch how the snow melts - the primrose should not vanish under the ice crust. Break up the crust, let the water drain freely.

Types and varieties of primrose

As already mentioned, there are so many primroses in nature that botanists had to divide them into 30 sections. There are also plenty of species, varieties and hybrids in the culture. You can endlessly describe them. We will introduce you to the most common species in culture and their most popular varieties.

Primula stemless, or ordinary (Primula vulgaris)

In nature, it grows in Southern and Central Europe at the edges of forests, in alpine meadows near melting snow. This species has a short rhizome with thick filamentous roots. Lanceolate leaves up to 6 cm wide and up to 25 cm long are partially preserved during the winter. Single flowers, light yellow or white with a purple throat, open on short peduncles 6 to 20 cm in height, their wide petals are divided into two lobes.

Despite the fact that it was called ordinary, stemless primrose is very beautiful and during flowering, its bush looks like a bouquet. Flowering can begin in March, sometimes this species blooms again in September. In culture since the 16th century. Varieties:

  • Virginia- white flowers with a pale yellow throat;
  • Giga White- white primrose;
  • Cerulea- blue flowers with a yellow throat.

Primula high (Primula elatior)

Grows in the Carpathians, in the middle and southern parts of Western Europe. It is a perennial with wrinkled oval finely toothed leaves 5 to 20 cm long and 2 to 7 cm wide at the edge, which sharply taper towards the petiole. On the upper side of the leaf, the veins are depressed, and on the lower side they protrude. Light yellow with a bright yellow spot at the base of the petals, fragrant flowers up to 2 cm in diameter are collected in umbrella-shaped inflorescences of 5-15 pieces. The barely pubescent peduncle reaches a height of 10 to 35 cm.

Tall primrose blooms profusely from April for 50-60 days. There are hybrids with more large flowers lilac, white, cream, red, yellow colors - monochromatic, with a peephole or edged. Varieties:

  • Duplex- cherry flowers up to 2.5 cm in diameter with a dark yellow throat;
  • Rosea- dark pink flowers with a yellow eye;
  • Gelle Farben- light purple flowers with a diameter of 3.5 cm with a yellow throat;
  • Goldgrand- brown flowers with a golden border and a yellow throat, diameter 2.5 cm.

There are groups of hybrids based on tall primrose with large flowers and long peduncles, attractive for cutting. Among them there is a terry primrose curiosity of a yellow-brown hue, and Golden Dream of a bright yellow color, and Olga Menden with light red flowers.

Primula Siebold (Primula sieboldii)

It blooms in June with lilac and pink flowers of different shades, collected in loose umbrella-shaped inflorescences. After flowering, the leaves of this ephemeroid die off.

Spring primrose (Primula veris)

Which is often called the medicinal primrose, a representative of the European flora. It has wrinkled ovoid leaves up to 20 cm long and up to 6 cm wide with depressed veins on the upper side and convex veins on the lower pubescent side. The flowers are yellow with an orange spot at the base of the petals. Have garden forms This species has a rich palette of colors - plain and two-colored simple or double flowers bloom profusely from April to June.

In addition to the species described, primroses of Sikim, Bissa, fine-toothed, ear, Geller, snow, small, Voronova, Yulia, Komarov, Ruprecht and many, many others are attractive to flower growers.

Primrose properties

All parts of primrose contain high concentrations of manganese salts. The ground parts of the plant are rich in vitamins, the rhizomes are rich in saponins, essential oils and glycosides. Primrose leaves are used in salad, added to stews and soups. Due to the high content of ascorbic acid and carotene in them in the spring, during vitamin deficiency, they support the body.

They eat not only fresh, but also powdered dried roots and leaves of primrose. As a medicine, primrose is used for expectoration for diseases of the respiratory tract - a medicinal infusion is made from rhizomes, and a decoction is made from the leaves. Primrose is used for pain relief in rheumatism and as a diuretic for diseases of the kidneys and bladder.

The infusion of the leaves helps with colds, tonsillitis, headaches, neuroses and insomnia, and the infusion of the roots is used to absorb external hemorrhages. All parts of primrose are a component of various medicinal preparations and teas. A contraindication for use may be an individual intolerance to primrose.

Medicines from the plant should be used with caution in early pregnancy.

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