Benefits of a flat roof. How to make a flat roof with your own hands

Most people have no idea how to make a flat roof of a house; many associate the concept of “flat roof” with multi-storey buildings. A couple of decades ago, flat roofs were rarely used in low-rise construction.

To date, availability modern materials and technology allows you to make the roof flat both at an affordable price and with high consumer characteristics.

Types of flat roofs:

Operated roofs- they need a rigid base in the form of a concrete or corrugated flooring screed. On such a roof thermal insulation material undergoes static and dynamic loads, so it must be strong when compressed. With a low stiffness of the insulation, a cement screed is required on top of it.

Unused roofs- do not need a rigid base for laying waterproofing material, as well as a rigid insulation. Such a roof is cheaper to build, but its service life is shorter than for an exploited roof.

Traditional roofs have their peculiarity that the waterproofing layer is above the thermal insulation layer. At the base of the roof there is a slab of reinforced concrete; an inclined screed made of expanded clay concrete is laid to drain water from the roof.

Inversion roofs are devoid of the main disadvantage of flat roofs - water leaks. In such a roof, the thermal insulation layer is located above the waterproofing layer. This feature protects the waterproofing layer from destruction by ultraviolet rays, smoothes the effects of temperature changes. This type of roof is more durable than other types of roofs. On such a roof, you can even arrange a lawn or pave with paving slabs.

Flat roof covering

In accordance with building codes, a flat roof covering at the base must be made of reinforced concrete slabs or corrugated sheets.

For permanent buildings, lightweight floor slabs are usually used, on top of which several layers of insulating materials are laid:

  1. A vapor barrier is laid to prevent moisture from entering the insulation from the inside of the room. For the vapor barrier of the flat roof covering, a fiberglass-reinforced polymer-bitumen film is used, which is glued on concrete screed... The edges of the film are led behind the vertical of the overlap, the seams are carefully soldered.
  2. Insulation is laid. When used for thermal insulation of expanded clay, it is first covered with a concrete screed. If you are making a lightweight version of the roof, then the polymer insulation is glued directly to the vapor barrier layer.
  3. The most important stage of the coating is waterproofing, usually made of polymer-bitumen or membrane materials.

There are differences in flat roof construction for heated and unheated rooms:

  • for unheated rooms (sheds, gazebos ...), a slope is created by the roof surface to drain precipitation. At the same time, the supporting beams are installed at an angle, and a shield made of boards is placed on top of them. From above it is covered with a roll of roofing material. Roofing material is attached to the board made of boards using metal strips or battens nailed along the slope. The distance between the slats is 60-70 cm, and the slope must be at least 3%.
  • for a heated room, a flat roof is covered in several stages:
  1. The beams are covered with a flooring made of boards, roofing material or roofing felt with an overlap of at least 15 centimeters is placed on top.
  2. Insulation from expanded clay is filled in with observance of the slope towards the discharge of water.
  3. A cement screed is laid on top of the insulation, its thickness should be at least 2 cm. Then we process the screed with a bitumen primer.
  4. We glue a roll-up carpet made of roofing material.

When building a roof made of in-situ concrete supporting structures are I-beams metal beams... If the roof span is 4-5 meters, then beams with a height of 12-15 centimeters are used.

For monolithic floor it is better to use ready-made concrete of 250 brands, and if you make concrete yourself, then use a concrete mixer. It is difficult enough to manually mix the concrete to the desired degree.

The best quality is the placement of concrete over the entire roof surface in one day. It is advisable to tamp the concrete after pouring, for this use a vibrator, or tamp it manually.

To prevent the concrete from cracking, it is covered with plastic wrap for 3 days. After the concrete is completely dry, slopes are made using insulation, then a screed and a roll carpet.

One of important features flat roof - the possibility of its insulation from the outside during the operation of the house, and not just from the inside. In this case, first, the external insulation of the flat roof is carried out, and then, if it turns out to be insufficient, the internal one.

Until recently, the main method of insulating a flat roof was insulation with rigid plates of thermal insulation, but the disadvantage of this method is that the load on the roof increases.

Now the most well-proven insulation with basalt mineral wool, which is light enough and has the best thermal conductivity and waterproofing. Its advantages include the fact that it is not flammable and is not subject to mechanical stress.

If it is necessary to insulate the inner surface of the roof, it is better to use refractory polystyrene foam plates with a thickness of 25-30 mm. For this, wooden strips are attached to the roof ceiling at a distance of 40 cm. Styrofoam plates are glued to the strips with mastic.

Flat roof waterproofing

Correct waterproofing of a flat roof is very important. A flat roof, regardless of the materials used, must have a slope of 3-5% for water drainage. The drainage and waterproofing system should be thought out even at the design stage of a building with a flat roof.

Whichever roof material you choose, it is important that the joints and abutments of the various roof elements are watertight. A quality sealant is essential for good waterproofing.

During operation, the roof is exposed to aggressive effects external environment(temperature changes, moisture, etc.). Therefore, when choosing a sealant, pay attention to the characteristics of its resistance to temperature and mechanical stress.

Most often, mastic is used in the form of a sealant, it is based on elastic polyurethane resins. After being applied to the roof, the mastic polymerizes, after which a continuous rubber-like membrane is formed. It has waterproofing properties and protects the roof from mechanical damage. For a flat roof, mastic is ideal, it is safe, highly resistant to ultraviolet radiation, sediments, microorganisms. Apply it with a brush or roller.

In conclusion, it should be noted that, from the point of view of many modern designers, a flat roof is a sign of minimalism in building a house as a whole. For example, in Greece this type of roof is mainly used. If, from the point of view of design, the proportions of the house are observed correctly, then this type of roof is beautiful and original.

A flat roof of a house is appropriate for those houses that have simple design with a minimum of components and decorative elements.

Not so long ago, such a fashion as a flat roof in a private house came to the CIS countries. Most developers did not consider this expedient and continued construction pitched roofs... They can be understood, because several decades ago, when the quality of materials remained in doubt, the construction of a flat roof was carried out only on temporary structures. But today, when the quality of materials has improved significantly, it is foolish to abandon this type of roofing.

Flat roof roofing pie

Needless to say, residential building with a flat roof is reliably protected from the wind... As for moisture removal, roofers have also learned how to solve this problem in a quality manner. They realized that a low-slope device would naturally remove excess moisture from the roof plane, but this could be prevented by materials whose structure has different roughness.

That's why assembly work should be thought out in more detail, but it's worth it. After all, you significantly save on lumber and the time it will take to build a flat roof.

So, in order for all layers to perform their functions efficiently, they should be laid correctly. This is what a flat roofing cake should look like:

  • Base... As a rule, it is made of reinforced concrete slabs, but some use thick profiled metal. This component roofing cake will carry impressive loads, therefore, it is worth making it as stable as possible. Often, flat roofs are made exploitable, for example, a lawn is sown on the surface. If you plan to do something similar with this plane, then check the base calculations several times.
  • Vapor barrier layer... During operation, this component will play important role... It will serve as a protection against moisture vapors coming from the underlying floors. Remember that if moisture gets to the insulation boards, then they will have to part with their positive qualities, therefore, this layer will become useless. For the installation of a vapor barrier, plastic wrap or bitumen is usually used, but developers who have the finances can afford a unidirectional membrane. It allows you to remove excess moisture from insulation and at the same time serve as protection for them.
  • Thermal insulation layer... A flat roof differs from a pitched roof in that there is a possibility of laying unique materials, for example, bulkheads. They are perlite, slag, expanded clay and so on, but in addition to them, this layer also includes slabs of mineral wool or foam. By the way, roofers try to lay these materials in such a way as to give the roof some slope. As mentioned above, this allows atmospheric precipitation to naturally be removed from the roof plane. The requirements for this layer are as follows: light weight and low hygroscopicity
  • The most important component of a flat roof is waterproofing layer... Bituminous, polymer or mixed products are used as it. You can choose slightly different materials for yourself, but remember that in addition to waterproofing qualities, they must be resistant to sudden temperature changes, good elasticity and a long operating period.

A high-quality choice of materials and their installation will significantly affect how long a flat roof will last in a private house. It should be understood that the failure of at least one of them will certainly lead you to repair, therefore, take the selection of roofing materials as seriously as possible.

Varieties of flat roofs and the nuances of their installation

Before you make a flat roof device for a private house, you should figure out what purpose you will pursue.

  • If you want to create an unexploited roof, it is best to use as a base profiled metal sheets... This will save you money and have a significant impact on speed. assembly process... But if in doubt, then it is best to immediately think over this option and resolve this issue.
  • Operated roof means that on its surface you will build some kind of additional structure or arrange a pool or lawn here. This type of roof will be an excellent solution in buildings whose dimensions do not allow the creation of additional rooms. It should be understood that with the arrangement of the roofing space, the load will increase, which presses on the base, therefore, reinforced concrete slabs are laid as it. According to technical documents, the slope of such a roof should not exceed three degrees.
  • Inversion... This type is a kind of traditional. Their difference lies in the fact that the inversion roofing cake is laid in a slightly different way. Waterproofing changes with insulation boards. This option is the most common in private construction, so the architects offer it.
  • Ventilated... Although ventilation is more suitable for pitched roofs, there is a flat ventilated roof in construction. To do this, aerators are correctly positioned on its surface, which, under a pressure difference, pull the polluted air outward and thereby circulate it. Their device is advisable to carry out with large roofing areas.

Before starting construction, carefully consider all the details. As for load calculations, it is best to entrust this work to professionals in their field.

Flat roof construction on unheated structures

If it is necessary to cover a temporary structure, for example, a shed, a gazebo or a shed, a not very difficult structure is created. Support beams are used to adjust the slope. Tilt 3 cm by 1 running meter stingray, which, in fact, will be 3% will be quite enough for atmospheric precipitation to be removed naturally.

The basis for the roofing cake will be a solid wooden lathing... By the way, for ventilation between the boards it is worth leaving a small distance of 1-3 millimeters. This will remove any condensation that occurs. Self-tapping screws or long nails are used as fasteners.

The waterproofing layer on this structure will be a roll material - roofing felt. This product is a very cheap material and its qualities are quite enough to cover a temporary structure and protect it from moisture for 10 years, and if repairs are required, then it is enough to buy a couple more rolls of roofing material and roll it up again, on the old basis.

The bituminous material is laid in layers. The overlap of the strips should be at least 10 centimeters. Fastening of the coating to the base is carried out using a device on its surface with wooden or steel slats. Their installation should be carried out, so as not to interfere with the natural descent of water from the surface.

Flat roof construction on temporary structures is usually not a difficult job that can be done by one or two workers.

Roofing on heated buildings

The device for a flat roof of a private house, in which heating is provided, will take place as follows:

  • First, the installation of floor beams is carried out. During this process, it is especially important to monitor the horizontal, so for the convenience and speed of the process, get a laser level.
  • On the installed beams, unedged wooden planks are laid, the thickness of which is about 4-5 centimeters. If there is a very large distance between the installed support beams, then the section of the boards must be increased to the required design value.
  • On the created base, strips of roofing material are rolled out, but other material can be taken as waterproofing. After cutting off unnecessary parts, some developers leave the bituminous product in this state for a day, but it is possible to carry out further work without waiting this period. For a reliable connection, the joints of the strips are laid with a ten-centimeter overlap.
  • After waterproofing, as a rule, a thermal insulation material is laid. Remember that a fill product is often used for flat roofs. Its device hides some dangers in itself, because with a small mistake, you can come to the conclusion that huge puddles will collect on the surface of the roof, which will significantly reduce the life of your roof, so I advise you to invite a knowledgeable person to carry out this work.
  • Next, the plane is poured with a screed, the thickness, which should be at least 20 millimeters.
  • After the cement mass has solidified, the entire roofing surface is primed, and then the roofing is laid.

If you make these layers as high quality as possible, then your roof will last even more than the manufacturers of roofing products assure about it.

Monolithic concrete as a roof

In addition to the well-known methods of erecting a flat roof in construction, a new method of creating a roof has recently appeared. So here technological process construction of a concrete roof.

  • Concrete is far from being an easy building material, therefore, appropriate products should be used as floor beams. An I-beam steel beam with a thickness of 120-150 millimeters is ideal for its role. Their installation should be carried out without any slopes, ideally horizontally
  • Experienced developers recommend using a concrete grade of at least 250. Its mixing is best done in a concrete mixer installed at the facility. If you do decide to knead the solution by hand, then most likely you will not achieve the desired consistency. Concrete is created in the following proportions: 4 buckets of fine gravel, one and a half buckets of cement, a bucket of sand and required amount water
  • The basis is all the same lumber located on the lower flange of the I-beam. Wooden elements should be protected from the solution with a waterproofing material, for example, roofing material. After the waterproofing wraps the boards, a reinforced mesh with 2x2 centimeters cells is laid on top of it
  • The next layer is fine crushed stone, and then there is prepared concrete

IMPORTANT: Complete the entire pouring process within one working day, otherwise it threatens the appearance of cracks on the future element.

  • Let the screed harden. She will do this in 1-2 days, in addition, do not forget to take care of the concrete, of course, if quality is important to you. To do this, wrap it with plastic wrap or, after some time, water this element with water.
  • After complete drying, bulk material is delivered to the resulting plane - expanded clay. Then they make a deviation and from paving slabs lay out the ballast sleeve

In this article, I have mentioned the slope quite a few times, and probably not everyone knows what it is, so let's explain.

What is deflection

This process is typical only for flat roofs. It is arranged in order to ensure the natural descent of atmospheric precipitation from the roofing surface. Typically, a flat roof is arranged with internal drain, but there are options where it will be external. Therefore, at the very beginning of construction, it is building to think over the given moment, and decide which drain will be more profitable for you.

If your choice fell on internal system drain, then the slope is performed so that the water flows into special water-trapping funnels. Their number in everything depends on the dimensions of the roof plane, for example, on a roof of 25 square meters 1-2 funnels are provided.

When an external drainage system is equipped, then with the help of a slope, the water is brought to the edges of the slopes, where the gutter is arranged.

Unfucking can be done in the following ways:

  • Create the required slope using bulk material. Expanded clay or perlite is ideal for this. Having set the required bias, this material covered with a screed, and the roofing is already laid on it
  • Thermal insulation boards are also able to set the required slope. But I think that playing with the laying of this layer is much more difficult and costly than purchasing expanded clay
  • Specially designed formwork allows concrete to be poured so that it is already with the required slope
  • The most expensive method of deflection is considered to be the device of plastic panels, which differ in their thickness from each other. By laying them out in a certain sequence, you can achieve the required bias

A flat roof is an excellent solution for creative people... After all this design will not only serve as an excellent protection of your comfort from bad weather, but will also give you additional square meters that you can use for your own purposes, for example, equip your workshop for crafts on the roof.

Having made special fences on the roof, you can build a rather interesting playground right on your roof! And if the options I proposed do not suit you, then perhaps you will find the use of these square meters on your own.

Most people associate a flat roof with multi-storey buildings. In private housing construction, such roofing structures were practically not used ten years ago. Today they can be seen in many projects of country cottages. Therefore, many developers consider a flat roof in a private house as an option, analyze the pros and cons of its operation.

In this article

Varieties of flat roofs

Any building structures are subdivided into certain types, subspecies. So, for example, for some flat roofs country houses envisaged attic, for others, no. Therefore, they are classified:

By destination:

  • Operated roofs - additional objects can be built on their surface, equipment installed, organized:
  1. recreation areas, lawns, flower beds;
  2. greenhouse or winter garden;
  3. children's and sports ground;
  4. parking;
  5. pool;

The strength of the floors of the house and load-bearing walls must be suitable for the type of use of the roof. It is important to note that sound and vibration should be reliably absorbed.

The main features of the exploited roof. is the sufficient strength of the floors and the protection of the waterproofing layer.

  • Unexploited roofs are the exact opposite of the first option. There is nothing superfluous on their surface, only snow can lie in winter.

With an unexploited roof, they rise to the roof only in the case of its maintenance, repair, as well as when it is necessary to maintain the structures located on it, such as ventilation caps, cable lines, antennas, overhead power lines, etc.

Important! In regions with abundant snow, flat roofs are usually not used due to sufficiently large snow loads.

By construction type:

  • No attic space... Such structures require high-quality waterproofing, as they are, in fact, a ceiling last floor building. And in winter period snow accumulating on the roof surface will constantly melt thanks to the heating of the room.
  • With attic space... A free space is formed between the overlap of the last floor and the roof - an attic. Typically, roofs of this type are made without thermal insulation, and do not require special maintenance in winter.

For the arrangement of the roofing cake:

  • Traditional- first, there is an insulating layer in the roofing pie, then waterproofing is equipped.
  • Inversion- in this design, on the contrary, heat-insulating plates are placed on the waterproofing layer.

Private developers, paying attention to the listed points, end up with a practical, high-quality flat roof structure.

Advantages, disadvantages of a flat roof

Homes with flat roofs stand out in the private sector among houses with pitched roofs.

When choosing such a roof structure for country house the developer receives the following benefits:

  • There is no need to equip the rafter system, therefore, you can significantly save on building materials.
  • Additional objects can be organized on the roof surface, for example, a swimming pool, mini-gym, summer zone rest, etc. But then a flat roof requires an increase in its strength, a waterproofing layer.
  • Ease of maintenance, the possibility of arrangement electrical system heating, thanks to which frost will not form on the base of the roof in winter.
  • Due to the practically absent slope, it is much easier and faster to erect such roof structures than pitched ones.
  • Interior rooms will not have sloped walls.
  • Much easier to produce renovation work on a flat roof than on a sloped roof.
  • It is much more convenient to install and fix additional equipment on a flat surface: solar panels, air conditioners, etc.

Important! To prevent precipitation from lingering on the surface of a flat roof, the minimum angle of inclination should be 5 °. This slope can be created by overlapping or using slag, expanded clay.

But a flat roof, like other roofing structures, has, in addition to pluses, minuses, for example:

  • In some cases, the organization of an internal drainage system is required, which is often clogged and freezes in winter. Failure to clean it in time can lead to adverse consequences.
  • A constant check of the tightness of the roofing cake, the moisture content of the insulation material is required.
  • In case of heavy snowfalls, it is necessary to remove snow from the roof (an excessive load that can lead to damage to the structure) manually.
  • Also, when a large snow mass accumulates on the roof surface, the snow below begins to melt - accordingly, leaks are possible.

A flat roof structure in a private house is not difficult, so it can be completely built with your own hands. But in this case, you need to take into account some important points:

  • In order to perform work at a quality level, it will be necessary to first calculate the expected loads on the roof during its operation. So, for example, in addition to its own weight, the roof will have to withstand the elements of communication systems, the mass of several people, wind and snow loads.

Important! Using only high quality building materials.

If earlier flat roofs were made only on urban multi-storey buildings and were associated with constant leaks, today the situation has changed radically. These structures are used not only during construction multi-storey buildings, but also in the construction of prestigious private houses on exclusive projects. Such changes were made possible by the emergence of completely new building materials and technology.

Flat roofs - one of the many types of roofing arrangements, has both positive and negative sides... The advantages of such roofs include the following characteristics.

  1. Saving building materials and speed of construction. The effect is achieved due to physical savings - the area of ​​a flat roof is much smaller than a gable roof. In addition, for this structure, there is no need to manufacture a complex rafter system with various girders, supports, crossbars, Mauerlats, etc. A small number of roof elements makes it possible to construct flat roofs on their own without the involvement of expensive professional specialists.
    True, for this you need to have the initial skills in performing roofing work, to understand modern technologies and materials. Otherwise, attempts to reduce the estimated cost of the structure may result in large additional costs for unplanned repairs. And not only the roof itself, but also the interior of buildings.

  2. The ability to use the roof as an exploited one. On flat roofs, you can equip winter gardens, places for recreation, flower beds, small playgrounds for sports, etc. But in these cases, the roofs have a very complex structure and require a professional approach to the implementation of all construction work.

  3. Flat roofs facilitate installation and periodic Maintenance different engineering equipment: air conditioning and ventilation systems, solar panels, antennas, etc.

Unfortunately, such architectural designs also have disadvantages.

We have listed the real advantages and disadvantages, each developer must carefully analyze them before making a final decision.

Varieties of flat roofs in private houses

Thanks to new materials and technologies, the designers have managed to create several types of flat roofs with unique performance characteristics.

Flat roof typeBrief description of technical and operational characteristics

The most commonly used, simplest and cheapest type of roof. It is found most often on utility buildings, rarely mounted on private houses.

A very prestigious roof that allows you to use the area to improve the comfort of living in the building. The arrangement of such roofs requires high-quality materials and special technologies. An exploited roof is often inverted.

It differs from the usual arrangement of the layers of the roofing cake. Waterproofing is done directly on the supporting base, this feature protects the coating from mechanical damage. Geotextile, extruded polystyrene foam, another layer of geotextile and a ballast layer are laid on top of the waterproofing. Geotextile allows water to pass through drain system, and ballast prevents the undermining of layers by strong gusts of wind.

Important. The cost of flat roofs varies widely, some options for a price can be several times higher than gable structures.

Roofing cake device

All flat roofs in residential buildings must be insulated; structures consist of several layers. Each of them fulfills its function and is critical for the roof.


It can be reinforced concrete or wooden.

Professional builders prefer reinforced concrete slabs but not all homes can use them. Slabs are mounted only on brick or concrete facade walls, for wooden or frame buildings, such elements are not used.

Vapor barrier

Prices for material for vapor barrier

Vapor barrier material

It is used only in two cases: the base of a flat roof is made of wood and mineral wool is used as insulation.

But such options are rare, most often the base is made of a concrete slab, and durable extruded polystyrene is used for insulation. Both of these materials are not only not afraid of exposure to steam, but also do not react to direct contact with water. Accordingly, when arranging roofs made of such materials, vapor protection is not required.


There are two types of insulation that can be used in flat roof construction.

  1. Mineral wool or glass wool. On flat roofs, only pressed types are used, rolled according to their technical parameters do not meet existing requirements.

    The advantages of mineral wool are absolute resistance to open fire and environmental friendliness. It has no more advantages, but there is a rather long list of disadvantages: high cost, low rates mechanical strength, hygroscopicity, dependence of thermal conductivity on indicators of relative humidity, wind blowing. As additional disadvantages can be called the complexity of the installation: you need to work only in good weather and in protective clothing.

  2. Polymer heaters. This category includes expanded polystyrene, polystyrene foam and read materials based on polymers. These heaters have two common drawbacks: they emit harmful chemical compounds into the air and are inferior to mineral wool in terms of fire resistance. But such shortcomings in this case are very conditional for two reasons. The first is that for roof insulation, the amount of emitted chemical compounds does not matter, they do not enter the living quarters. The second is modern achievements innovative technologies made it possible to produce polymer heaters with high characteristics of resistance to open fire and permissible sanitary standards for the release of chemical compounds.

  3. Heaters can be installed in two ways.

    Currently, architects in most cases prefer the second option for insulating a flat roof, keep this in mind. But practitioners advise to install insulation from inside the premises. Each developer must make a decision independently.

    Prices for thermal insulation materials

    Thermal insulation materials

    Practical recommendations for arranging a flat roof on a frame house

    For example, we will take the option of arranging a flat roof on a wooden frame house. These buildings are very popular with many developers, they are quickly assembled, relatively inexpensive and provide residents with modern level comfort.

    How to make slabs

    For the ceiling, you need to use I-beams, ordinary ones will not work due to very high loads. If the linear dimensions of ordinary beams are significantly increased, then their own weight will play a noticeable role in calculating the acting forces, and this is extremely undesirable for all structurally loaded elements.

    Important. If the size of the house is large, then it is much more profitable to order short beams and splice them on site. Due to this method, the process of transportation and installation of structures is simplified. During the installation of ceiling beams, you need to make a slight slope for water to drain.

    Video - Wooden floor

    What to make waterproofing

    Prices for PVC membranes for roofing

    PVC membrane for roofing

    For sealing, it is recommended to use a modern high-quality membrane that has protection against harmful effects. ultraviolet rays... The membrane thickness is not less than 1.5 mm, the service life of such coatings is more than thirty years. Membranes should retain their original properties at temperatures of -30 ° and below. It must be borne in mind that situations may arise when in winter it is necessary to remove snow from the roof, the waterproofing must withstand mechanical forces and not be damaged.

    How to install a funnel for receiving water

    The diameter of the funnel must correspond to the roof area and the maximum water debit. The data are available in comparison tables and are attached to the instructions for use of the elements. If for some reason there is no such instruction, then you should consult with the seller.

    The funnel is installed at the lowest point on the roof. The roof plane is divided into several sectors and each has a slight slope towards the drain. To prevent ice from accumulating in the funnel in winter, it is recommended to connect an electric heating system. Heating functions temporarily and only during the period when the temperature changes from positive to negative several times a day.

    How to properly lay a waterproof membrane

    The joints are welded construction hairdryer and additionally filled with special two-component glue. You should start from the very bottom edge, the width of the overlaps is at least 10 cm. To increase the strength of the fastening, each strip of the membrane is separately fixed with special fasteners, the wide washers are then closed.

    Along the perimeter of the parapet, the membrane is also screwed on with washers of a large diameter, the distance between them is about 20-30 cm.

    How to drain water from the roof

    Experienced builders do not recommend trying to install external gutters and pipes on flat roofs to drain water to the ground. The best option- to start up plastic pipes through the interiors. The installation of the system should be done immediately after assembling the frame of the house; during the sheathing of the inner walls, the pipes are hidden. Due to such a place of installation, the likelihood of freezing is completely excluded, the reliability of the system's functioning is significantly increased.

    The better to process OSB boards

    There are many options, the effectiveness depends not only on the materials used, but also on the professionalism of the master. But practice shows that, all things being equal, the greatest reliability is in bituminous mastics... The surfaces must be coated at least two times, this guarantees the tightness of the coating for a long period of time. Of course, the upper membrane also needs to be of good quality and correctly applied.

There are many roof design options for a private house. Today, along with tent structures, modern technologies and materials allow creating flat versions. It is worth considering in more detail what a flat-roofed house is, its design features, pros and cons.


Traditionally, in the temperate and northern latitudes, a hipped roof with inclined slopes was erected, which prevented the accumulation of snow cover on the surface and allowed abundant rainfall to drain down onto the rain drain system. Houses with flat roofs were common in southern regions where there was no heavy rain and no snow at all in winter. But development building technologies and the emergence of modern materials, especially waterproofing, made it possible to create a horizontal roof without problems in any region, even in the Far North.

A flat roof is a floor that is located horizontally directly above the residential floors of a private house. Several layers of insulating materials that protect against moisture, cold and steam, as well as a drainage system, allow you to create reliable top protection in a one-, two- or three-story private house.

Do not be afraid that leaks will appear on the ceiling of the last floor, since with a competent approach and quality materials they are completely excluded. The main thing is to properly operate such a roof and change the coating in a timely manner according to the warranty period.

For buildings with straight roofs, functionality is increased as the roof surface can be used. In many ways, the installation of such buildings is simplified in comparison with hipped-roof options, where it is imperative to erect a rafter system. They also have a lot of other advantages.

Principle and types of construction

To begin with, it is worth noting that a flat roof in a private house is not strictly horizontal, so that water does not accumulate and its drain is carried out, a surface slope of about 5-7 ° is provided. The principle is the same as for weirs. pitched roof- they are located at a slight slope, which is invisible from the ground, but allows all the accumulated moisture to drain into the downpipe. Also on a flat roof: water collects in a certain place due to the unevenness of the surface, but the site looks horizontal, you can safely break a lawn on it or equip a recreation area.

The drainage system on a similar roof contains special funnels, into which rainwater flows under the action of gravity and then, with the help of a system of hoses, goes into the sewer or underground. These devices are made of plastic that is not exposed to moisture and decay, they are mounted in layers of insulation on the roof, and they are equipped with a protective mesh on top so that the neck and drainage systems do not get clogged. One such funnel is designed for approximately 100-150 sq. m roof area, from here you can calculate their total number. Usually for a small country house, 1-2 pieces are enough.

A flat roof can be exploited and unexploited. If it is practically not used, that is, it is climbed several times a year to check the integrity and maintenance, then the coating contains the following layers from bottom to top: thermal insulation, vapor barrier and waterproofing. The flooring technology here is practically the same as in residential multi-apartment and industrial buildings.

There are the following common types of unexploited flat roofs: corrugated board and monolith.

  • The first option is wireframe. First, a metal profile lathing is mounted on a concrete base or wooden beams, insulating materials are placed in it. Then, profile metal sheets are attached to the frame. This is a relatively cheap option, easy to install, and the structure is lightweight. But it is practically impossible to walk on such a roof, because the profiles will bend and deform.

  • Monolithic coating for a flat roof contains several layers. Directly on concrete slab is being laid vapor barrier film from hot bitumen, then mineral wool and waterproofing, and a cement-based screed, reinforced with a reinforced mesh, is poured on top. Such an unexploited roof will have a lot of weight, but it will reliably protect the house from precipitation and cold.

Another option, if the roof is constantly involved, people walk on it, there are some objects. Then the insulating layer changes in order: first comes the waterproofing, on top of which the thermal insulation is installed. Therefore, such a roof is called inversion.

The procedure for laying materials is as follows: first, a bitumen-polymer membrane is placed on the floor slab, then a layer of foam, foam or expanded polystyrene insulation is laid. If there is a desire to create a green lawn on the roof of your house, then a separating and filtering layer of geotextile is laid on top of these insulators, and then a fertile layer on which natural grass will grow.

Such a roof with a fertile layer can be freely operated throughout the warm period, with a properly installed drainage system, it is not afraid of rains. On the roof you can place a playground or a sports ground, put sun loungers or benches, make flower beds and even have a picnic. Operated green roofs are now common not only in country houses, but also in city houses.

Arrangement of a flat roof does not end with decking and pouring insulating layers and laying drainage systems. For correct operation it is necessary to create ventilation. Moisture and its vapors can accumulate between the layers of insulation, later, during frost, the insulation cake can crack, bubbles appear on it, and delamination occurs. In order to avoid this, aerators are used - plastic or metal tubes with umbrella-shaped caps that are mounted inside roofing... The air entering through them, due to the pressure difference, erodes water vapor from the insulation layers, they remain completely dry.

Another important point after flat roofing is the construction of lightning protection. It should not be neglected, since, despite the low probability of occurrence, a thunderstorm can lead to the most catastrophic consequences in country house... The lightning protection mesh is installed inside the insulation layers, if they are not combustible, or if they are combustible, on top of them on special holders at a height of 10-12 cm from the surface. All nodes of this mesh are connected into one lightning rod made of thick conductive wire, which goes to ground.

Advantages and disadvantages

Low-rise buildings with a flat roof, built according to various projects, have been in operation in our country for more than a year. Reviews of owners who have lived in such houses for several years will help highlight all the advantages and disadvantages of such structures.

They have the following advantages:

  • saving materials - no need to build a complex rafter system, and roofing simplified;
  • speed of construction in comparison with gable and even more hip roofs;

  • ease of repair and replacement of roofing;
  • the device of a flat roof allows you to make a platform on it for different needs: lawn, recreation area with gazebo, gym, children's Corner etc.;

  • it is possible to mount windows in the ceiling, this is very original project interior plus an additional source of natural light on the ceiling;
  • roofing work will be much safer than in the case of a hipped roof;
  • with strong gusts of wind, there is no risk of collapse of massive roof structures and cladding.

According to the reviews of the owners of such houses, one can also point out the disadvantages of a flat roof:

  • unlike tent structures, snow will accumulate in large volumes on such roofs in winter, which must be regularly removed by hand;
  • installation of a drainage system is required;

  • you will need to constantly monitor the integrity of the roof, the absence of leaks;
  • despite the apparent ease of installation, flat roofing has many nuances, insulator layers and gutters must be done as correctly as possible, otherwise leaks cannot be avoided.

Many projects of private houses with horizontal roofs came from Europe, where the climate is milder. Therefore, such decisions must be adjusted in accordance with our more severe weather conditions.

What to make of?

A flat roof can be made from various materials, their choice depends on the structure of the building itself.

  • If the house is brick, made of gas silicate or concrete blocks, then a reinforced concrete slab can be used as a roof covering. In this case, the roof will be as strong as possible; bulky and heavy objects can be placed on it. Such a floor material does not have protection against moisture, therefore, in any case, you will have to make a waterproofing layer from rolled bitumen or a screed with a lower bitumen-polymer membrane.

  • Wooden roof slabs of a similar structure will be cheaper than concrete ones, they can be made on suburban area yourself. A frame with beams is installed on the walls, you can take planed beams of 10x4 cm or others as them, the main thing is that they are able to withstand the weight of future insulation and other objects located on the roof. The wood is treated with an antiseptic and a refractory solution. Timber roof can be covered with wood-based panels, board or metal sheeting.

  • Bitumen is traditionally used as waterproofing for houses with flat roofs. it organic material on a hydrocarbon basis, which is produced during the distillation of oil. It has excellent waterproofing properties, is not susceptible to moisture, decay, and is not afraid of frost. The main disadvantage of bitumen is considered its non-environmental friendliness - it contains harmful components, when heated, it emits a pungent odor. Nevertheless, bituminous insulation is still in demand, including in the construction of houses with a flat roof.

Bitumen can be rolled and liquid. Usually for maximum efficiency a combination of the two is used. First, a hot solution is poured onto a prepared cleaned surface, then rolls of solid bitumen are rolled upward. This combination allows you to close any microscopic cracks and cracks and reliably protects the roof from moisture ingress.

  • There are other modern waterproofing materials, cleaner and more harmless than bitumen. These include, for example, euroruberoid. It is also made on a bitumen basis, but, thanks to synthetic fabrics and polymers in the composition, it emits less harmful substances and smells. Euroruberoid is produced in rolls, for strength it is sprinkled with special mineral chips.

  • There is a sprayable roof waterproofing in the form of powders and aerosols. It is applied to the surface using special equipment... Similar mixtures are available from plasticizers, cement, synthetic resins and hardeners. Their advantages are that they not only protect from moisture, but also reflect Sun rays, do not let steam through.

  • For protection from precipitation, they are widely used coating waterproofing... It, like liquid roofing material, is applied to the roof surface with a roller or brush. Among such materials, emulsion, rubber, polymer mastics and primers are especially common.

  • There are options for bulk waterproofing in the form of granules that absorb moisture well and prevent it from seeping into the living space. Examples include expanded clay and crushed stone. Their advantage is that no complicated installation is required - the granules simply rise to the level of the roof, crumble and evenly smooth out over the surface.

  • As a vapor barrier layer is usually used plastic wrap with a thickness of 0.1-0.5 mm, which is laid over the entire width of the roof under thermal insulation layer... Many effective materials are used to protect against the cold: mineral wool, polystyrene, penoplex, expanded polystyrene and others.

  • Solid glass roofs are very impressive and impressive in appearance. The transparent ceiling in the house visually enlarges the space, creates a unique airy atmosphere, the rooms are always as light as possible. It is not very difficult to mount such floors, it is enough to create a frame from metal profiles or wooden frames and glaze it. But the operation of the glass roof becomes more complicated, in winter it is necessary to constantly clean it from the snow cover. Therefore, it is best to make a continuous floor with small skylights.

Design options

A flat roof can be installed both in a one-two-storey house with a small area, and in a spacious cottage. In a large building, you can combine a pitched hipped roof with horizontal, for example, using it for an outbuilding or veranda. Roofs can also be different in shape: square, rectangular and more complex. The main thing in a non-standard project is to correctly calculate the slopes and the weir system so that moisture does not accumulate on the surface.

An inverted flat roof can be used for air conditioning, ventilation systems, television antennas, communication boxes and other equipment. If the roof is to be used as a platform for recreation or other active pastime, then it is necessary to mount a fence along its edges.

Also, when installing such a roof, you should immediately take care of a convenient rise upward with a railing. There are many designs for an inverted roof to use with blueprints to guide you when building your home.

Installation instructions

Before the construction and arrangement of a flat roof, it is worth breaking down the plan of all work step by step.

  • It begins with the choice of the shape, type and materials for the overlap. It should be borne in mind that the load on such a structure is always more intense than on the tent options. Based on this, you need to make a drawing frame system with beams and ceilings. The sketch indicates geometric shapes, size, color, materials, necessary communications. It is best to immediately have a visual idea of ​​how it will look like future roof for your home.