How to choose a carpet: Tips and recommendations. How to choose a carpet - pay attention to the manufacturer's material what better carpet on the floor

At all times, the carpet was considered a peculiar symbol of wealth: people having such things in their home had the appropriate standard of living. Today to buy a carpet can afford actually anyone. The main question is how to choose a carpet good quality at an affordable price. Let's try to figure out what exactly pay attention to when choosing such an important interior item.

What do you need a carpet

If you still can't clearly decide whether you need a carpet, try to understand the feasibility of purchasing it. To know whether it is necessary in the house new subject The interior, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the short list of advantages of this product, namely:

  • The presence of carpet makes cleaning much faster. Dust is erased easier, because the villi is delayed, not giving spill throughout the room.
  • The carpet performs the function of sound insulation. Trendy trends of rugs on the wall at times Soviet Union The small thickness of the walls were caused in most panel apartment buildings.
  • The carpet gives the room comfort and the warmth of the homely atmosphere.
  • Thanks to the wool, as well as its synthetic substitutes, the carpet is irreplaceable during cold winters, because it helps heat to linger indoors.
  • Natural wool when touching the legs performs a massager function. This improves the blood circulation of the lower extremities, increases the body's tone and even normalizes the pressure.

Even if you had doubts about the purchase of carpet, they were most likely dispelled, respectively, for themselves you have already decided. In the event of a positive decision regarding the purchase of a new interior item, it is necessary to deal with how to choose a carpet to the floor.

What types of carpets exist

All carpets can be divided into 3 large groups: natural, synthetic and mixed. All of them have their own nuances, about which we will talk more detailed.

Natural coatings include products from wool, flax, silk, cotton or sisal. This group can also be counted and viscose. Despite the synthetic origin of the material, it was created from natural vegetable cellulose fibers.

Such a coating has a direct impact on the microclimate of the room, by saving heat and regulating moisture. The pile looks beautiful and natural, suitable in almost any interior. If you do not know how to choose a carpet, and whether it should be natural, pay attention to a large number of The advantages of such products:

  • long service life without a significant change in appearance;
  • good heat and sound insulation;
  • the pile is pleasant to the touch;
  • environmental safety of the product;
  • beautiful appearance.

The main advantage of the synthetic coating is its low cost. If the question is about how to choose cheaper carpet, the option is perfect for you. Made such carpets from simple Materials Synthetic origin: polypropylene, acrylic, terchane or polyamide.

Synthetic coating - excellent option Combinations of acceptable quality and relevant price. If you are looking for something "average", synthetics are your option. The advantages of the middle segment goods are resistance to moisture, long term Services with gentle use, no allergic reactions, low heat conductivity, which allows you to keep it indoors. If you do not know how to choose an acceptable quality carpet, you need to pay attention to these parameters.

The combination of a natural and synthetic pile allows you to get a new generation coating: high quality at an attractive price. The cost of goods depends on the percentage ratio of the material. Often, 70-80% of one type of pile are used, the remaining 20-30% fall on another material. The price depends on the prevailing part, while natural materials are more expensive.

Among the explicit advantages of this type of coating is worth noting the following:

  • high heat resistance;
  • resistance to burnouts;
  • high strength;
  • good ratio Prices and qualities.

Speaking about how to choose quality carpet On the floor, it is necessary to note the main criteria for which you need to navigate:

  • density;
  • material;
  • type of pile;
  • shape and size;
  • colors.

The quality of the coating directly depends on the density indicator. If you decide to purchase, but do not know how to choose a good carpet, first of all, pay attention to its main criterion - density. Most of the quality of mating depends on the majority technical characteristics carpet.

The type of material is directly proportional to its price. The same applies to the type of pile. Carpets of excellent quality, which will serve you not one decade, have the appropriate cost. If you want to get the coating "simpler", you can choose a great middle version. Form, size and colors - individual parameters. It is reasonable to navigate to the purpose of covering and interior.

What to choose a carpet

To know how to choose a carpet, you need to determine its place in the house. Each room has its own specifics and nuances of the interior. To better delve into all this, you need to remember:

  1. For the living room there will be a synthetic coating of good quality with a beautiful unobtrusive pattern.
  2. If you want a carpet into the kitchen, it is better to stop your choice on an option with a minimum length of a pile.
  3. Bedroom and children's - permanent residence rooms. It is better to choose a natural high-quality coating that has nonsense images.
  4. In the hall or apartment studio, you need to choose several carpets that are harmony.

How to choose a carpet - quite specific, with a responsible question. The main criteria for choosing is the quality of the material and the cost of the coating. When you decide what you need, it is necessary to study the market of proposals for its price segment to select the best product.

How to choose a carpet? Carpeted coatings have long been considered a cozy component of any home. With the help of carpets, our ancestors did their native home more presentable and comfortable.

And even if you can meet carpets, which are started to prefer more modern coatings For sex, all the same, their relevance is not lost.

The case of taste, because true connoisseurs will always buy these products for their characteristics and properties.

What are the advantages of carpets in the house? First of all, they Protect our legs from the cold. If a modern repair With the effect of "warm floor" you do not have, then it is the carpet from natural or synthetic materials will help in this matter.

Moreover The carpet protects perfectly from unnecessary sounds. And is a hypoallergent means of microbes, if you choose it correctly at the purchase stage. Also a tangible advantage of the carpet is that he perfectly massazing legs in walking time.

To the number of ladders of carpet of different kind It is possible that they attract dust sometimes in fair quantities.

But in fact, if you clean the carpet regularly with modern technical means, this problem will become for you annexisted.

We will proceed to choosing a carpet in the market or in a specialized store. First of all it is worth paying attention to for what it is the rooms or premises that you buy a carpet.

In addition, there are now on sale carpets different sizes, Forms and Materials, which significantly increases your ability to choose!

In order for the house to become truly cozy and warm, it is necessary to fill it not only with furniture, but also accessories. Comfort, harmony and warmth makes a carpet in our house. How to choose a carpet? What material?

Filling their homes things, people always seek to solve specific tasks.

Carpets did not exception. At first they simply helped save the heat and dwelling dwelling, but gradually acquired another major function - began to decorate it. Today, for us, the aesthetic side of the case, of course, is in the first place. But do we still do not appreciate the carpets for their ability to create comfort, reduce the costs of maintaining heat in the room, absorb sounds?

Carpets are lounge and pile.

Sideless carpets More reminded dense, rude fabric with distinct weave of threads. These include well-known palaces and acquaintances of tourists and vengeons of the Mat without an invalid "Kilim" and two-sided "Sumy".

Pile carpets for most of us, this is actually a carpet in all its glory. Manufacturers of carpets in the course of 6 versions of the types of pile, each of which has its own characteristic features.

Pure wool carpets

Wool is the most popular of natural "carpets" materials. It may be a "gift" of ordinary sheep, valuable merino wool, alpine sheep Tibet and Kashmir. Warm, cozy, with a elastic pile, a good carpet from it is also durable (the average life of 20-50 years). But his pile easily absorbs liquid pollution, and it is difficult to remove the stains. In addition, you should not forget about moths, but if we are talking about places with high humidity, then about mold. And another woolen carpet can become a source of static electricity.

To compensate possible problemsSome manufacturers handle their products with dirt-absorbing, antistatic compositions and means of insects.

➙ Soviet specialist

The density of the carpet is determined by the number of pile points per 1 square. m and thread thread. The higher the density, the thinner drawing and more valuable work. The high density carpet is well tolerates the load, it will be less than it, faster restores its surface in places of installation of furniture. For mass carpets, low density is 150-400 thousand pile dots / sq. m, average - 450-580 thousand, high - 600-1300 thousand

Natural silk and viscose carpets

Because of the high costs, silk carpets are less common. These are luxury items. They are so valuable and durable, which can be inherited. Their smooth empty fibers give the intercourse chic shine.

Conditionally natural can be considered both the viscose, which is produced from cellulose. This well-friendly material looks like silk, but it is much cheaper. Viscose carpets seem velvet, but do not serve decades due to low wear resistance. Also, the durability does not differ carpets from cotton: the material of the mereware is quickly wiping.

Synthetic carpets

Recently, artificial fibers are used for carpets massively, thanks to which they became cheaper, brighter and often more practical. There are both blended products on sale (consisting of a part of natural wool) and completely synthetic. At the same time, "synthetics" "Synthetic" is dispersed.

❧ Polypropylene (Decolan, Iksalen) is one of the leaders in carpet production. Inexpensive material. The best carpets from it have a high density that does not give a pile to sink. In addition, smooth polypropylene fibers do not absorb moisture, and therefore products are very rack to liquid pollution (juice, wine). With good care, 5-7 people look like new ones.

❧ Nylon (second name polyamide) - elementary care, is durable, but in the sun can burn out for a year or two. It serves a long time, and in contrast to his fellow have a high class of fire resistance. At the price approaching wool.

❧ Polyester - more cheap analog Nylon. Popular from the designers, as it can give a matte or brilliant thread, good in frieze.

❧ acrylic - on tactile properties and thermal conductivity very similar to wool, but at the same time hypoallergen. Not too durable, the pile in the first months after the purchase is inclined to the formation of rods, which complicates cleaning.

Handmade carpets

Carpets are handmade and industrial (machine) production. The first cost is expensive, and therefore, when buying things you want to know exactly what you pay for. Turn the carpet: handmade drawing with facial and invalion sides is identical, paints are equally bright and juicy. At the same time, the effect of Abrashe is sometimes present - the difference in the nuances of the colors of the threads due to the use of unbearable wool (it always has nuances) or staining in different parts. A person is not a car, so defects are defective: minor deviations in the figure or edging, density of tightening of the nodules. Tissue is difficult to observe exact size Carpet, so the error will surely: for example, not 2 x 3 m, and 2.07 x 3.15 m. Needlewood carpets are more flexible, the machine is distinguished by rigidity. The fringe on handmade carpets is made from the filaments of the base and is not sewn from above.

Hostess at a notes

As a rule, manual carpets are made from more expensive natural materials - wool, cotton, silk. Recently, manual Chinese carpets made from acrylic also appeared on the market. But it is rather an exception.

Types of vors Kovrov

Velours (straight pile) - forms a velvety, gentle, soft smooth surface, which is obtained by using a short or medium split pile. All pollution on it is mostly superficial, therefore are cleaned without much difficulty. A good option for any room at home, including children.

Saxony - Pile of twisted yarn, thicker and longer than velor. Carpet smooth surface. Application universal.

Frieze with his new species of Sheggy (Shaggy) - type of pile from an even longer and twisted thread treated at high temperature. The carpet looks loose, cosmatic. It is better to lower away from the hallway, indoors with low passability, say, in the bedroom. A long pile is particularly well holding pollution, so the carpet requires every six months-year a solid, deep cleaning.

Pile single-level loop- fixed on the basis of the loops of the same height remains inappropriate. Carpets with such a pile are considered one of the most endless, resistant to abrasion, so suitable for hallways and corridors, they are often a stele in offices and hotels. At the same time, it is much more complicated to clean the sand and dust. Another "minus" - a domestic cat can spoil such a carpet with its sharp curls.

Multi-level loop (SCROLL) - The loops of different height create a bulk pattern on the surface. Features like single-level.

Cut-Loop.combined option, combining a cut high pile and low loops, has more or less pronounced relief. It is considered easy in content.

How to choose the carpet

Choosing a carpet, consider the size of the room and the area you want to close. Compact and medium products are used as an accent on a certain place - at the chair, beds, tables, as well as for zoning the room. Middle and large covers the floor almost completely, combining space.

Where there is no active movement, there will be great to feel natural products with a high pile.

IN children's (It is important to exclude possible allergens) a steeter of artificial carpets with a velor or saxony.

For kitchen or dining room Relevant synthetic mats. In the living rooms, where the homemade spend a lot of time is relevant high carpet density, which will help him always look sideways.

IN baths. Choose mini-rugs from polymers or cotton that are not afraid of water. Of course, the drawing and the color of the carpet must fit the style of the interior.

How to care for carpets

Woolen carpets first require patience from us: first, of them begins to "climb" a pile, more precisely, podber in (as experts say, the effect of the "waste of weak surface fiber"). Do not scare - this is not a marriage, but a natural process. Moreover, he says that your carpet is really new and natural. Extensively vacuuming and knock the thing at this time undesirable, the fibers must be given the opportunity to enter into interaction. At about six months, cleaning will have to make a broom or a non-rival brush.

Vacuum cleaner for wet cleaning not the best way For carpet. Wet cleaning is better to do with specialized funds without hard brushes. If you decide to use the services of dry cleaning, make sure that the carpet will be thoroughly treated with a turbo, and then test chemicals. Best Method Cleaning - Dry.

When stored, woolen carpets are cooled with rolls, and not fold several times. Do not forget about insect tools.

? The question for which the answer is looking for every at least once in life, whether to move, or replace old model. Carpets differ in color in color, materials, form, it is difficult to choose something one and not get lost in this diversity.

INTERESTING! During the year under the carpet accumulates from 3 to 4 kg of dust. Only with a person in 1 hour about 1, 5 million microscopic particles (scales) falls.

How to choose a carpet?

Before wondering the purchase, read its useful features:

- Decorativeness. Beautiful model Deciding the issue of the aesthetic content of the room. Properly selected color and drawing allow you to unexpectedly transform the room.

- Tactile sensations. The coating is pleasant to the touch.

- Noise absorption. The product is able to reduce the noise level emanating from the neighbors' apartment.

- hygienicity. In models from artificial materials, fungus, mold or mole.

- Fire resistance. Most of the products are treated with a special anti-flame tool, protecting it from fire.

- Easy to care. This type of floor covering allows you to spend a minimum of efforts to care for it.

Which carpet to choose: Natural or artificial?

Many of us remained natural grandmother carpets that can be considered a classic. Before buying a natural product, you need to clarify whether the pile is covered with antiseptic, dirt-absorbing and insect protecting substances. Natural products are usually handmade. They are expensive, care is sometimes even easier than synthetic. The average service life of the high quality product is 20-30 years.

IMPORTANT! Do not fit allergies.

Washing carpets are particularly popular, the material is inexpensive and soft. Goat wool surpasses ram performance characteristicsBut such a model is difficult to find, goats are mainly grown to produce milk. The standard is the camel wool, which is not electrified, is better preserved heat and exceeds two previous material on the aesthetic characteristics.

Cotton is another type of natural material that is used in the production of carpets. Cotton models are often used in rooms with high humidity, as they absorb moisture well. If you compare the tactile sensations with woolen models, cotton softer, but in pure form Cotton carpet does not occur, often add wool.

Among the exotic options bamboo, jute, seaweed, etc. These coatings are exclusively expensive. To this category outdoor coatings Models made of genuine leather, which are produced by stitching individual pieces and serve as much short.

Silk is perhaps the most expensive material in the production of carpet. The product looks stylish, overflowing in the sun, nice to the touch. The viscose is inexpensive analogue, looks outwardly on silk (also glitters).

The choice of artificial materials is much wider:

  1. Acrylic. It is called artificial wool, since the material is characteristic of natural coating. He is pleasant to the touch, not statical, repels moisture, mold, however is less wear-resistant.
  2. Polypropylene. Another material resembling natural wool. It is unpretentious in care, easily undergoing cleaning, has a slight weight, has many saturated colors.
  3. Polyester. Ornate looks at high pile models, which externally resemble wool. The material is less elastic than acrylic, but it serves longer.
  4. Nylon. Great for places with high pendancy, such as the hallway, as well as for the kitchen, where the high probability of frequent contamination.

Length Vors.

Many attract long-life products, but most are forced to abandon their acquisition, afraid of rapid change in the pristine appearance. The length of the pile is from 2 to 10 cm. The higher the pile, the less carpet will last, so in such rooms as a corridor or a kitchen with a high-face product is not a place. But for the living room or bedroom - it is quite possible.

Basis and substrate

Do not know how to choose a carpet on the floor, in addition to the material and height of the pile, pay attention to the basis and substrate. The basis of the carpet very often determines its quality and operational characteristics:

  1. Shone. Such products do not have a pile, the pattern on them is embroidered manually or in a machine manner.
  2. Wicker. Products have a pile, the pattern is created as follows: the nodules are enveloped by the thread, creating any drawing.
  3. Taftic. Another common name is a needle-free basis. Very often the manufacturer gives it for manual work.

Two materials can be used as the basis:

  1. Rubber. Wear-resistant and hard material that will serve you long enough. But it does not fit if warm floors are installed, whose heating source is central heating. Such models are often used in the bathroom, but that the rubber substrate does not stick to the cafél, it is recommended to hold down under the coating special paper or nylon leaf.
  2. Felt. The substrate from felt may be different thickness and density. It is used in those rooms where coating joints are visible, as well as on the stairs. Refers to materials that are well absorbed sound. For cheaper finished product Manufacturers use a combined material (felt + rubber), but its stability indicators are reduced.


Another indicator that affects the durability of the coating. The higher the density, the better, any seller of carpeted products will say. Such a model is better kept heat, it absorbs sounds stronger and retains its initial characteristics longer. At the same time, the length of the pile on his density does not affect. To evaluate the delicate, you need to look at the wrong side of the product, the distance between the hinges should not be large.

How to choose a carpet on the floor for the living room?

If necessary, choose a carpet in the living room, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  1. Material. From the selected material will depend on the life of the product. For those who prefer eco-materials, carpets made of wool, silk or cotton will be appropriate. Most often from natural models there are woolen, they are presented in a wide variety of colors and forms. Out of synthetic models are relevant acrylic, however, they require careful and gentle care.
  2. Size and shape. Often the living room has several destinations, for example, it can combine the functions of the hallway, the kitchen, so instead of the usual carpet, you can purchase a model divided into two parts for zoning the room. They must be identical or similar to design. The selection of the form depends on the individual preferences. Wanting to achieve symmetry indoors, you need to pay attention to the surrounding items. For example, if the chandelier has a round shape, you can buy a carpet of the same round form.
  3. Fitting. Some stores offer fitting products at home. It is convenient, since you have the opportunity to try the carpet to your interior and decide on it to you or not.

How to choose a carpet on the floor for a nursery?

Which carpet is better to choose for the children's room, because this room is intended not only for recreation, but also for games? It must be comfortable, safe and convenient.

For different ages need different carpets. The first six months of the carpet in the nursery is absolutely not needed, as the baby will be in the crib all the time, but the next 5 years the carpet must be present in the nursery. It is desirable to locate the product in the room, highlighting the zone for games. You can not buy a carpet to the entire room, and save and restrict ourselves to the tracks and islands.

IMPORTANT! IN game zone The carpet must be securely fixed, so that during the movement he did not leave and the child did not stumble.

IN school age The child appears other interests, it focuses on learning, so the use of glue, plasticine and paints can only be stained by the product, so you can restrict ourselves to mats (bedside).

Carpet or carpet? Eternal question that torments all parents. Among the advantages of the carpet: Suitable for any interior, it is inexpensive, covers the entire floor, not sliding. Among the minuses: do not collapse for cleaning, during drawing will have to be displayed with paper or polyethylene, the dust tick can hide in the pile.

Floor carpets not only create in the house comfort, beauty and comfort, but also absorb the sound, and, therefore, reduce the noise level in the room. In addition, Turkish carpets, Persian and simple their counterparts are very well preserved heat and contribute to the improvement of the microclimate in the apartment (home). Yes, and on the carpet just nice to walk, and he will not allow you to slip.

But I will not spend your precious time on the description of all the advantages of the carpet, because if you ended up on this page, it means that you also know them, so I will immediately go directly to the answer to the question of interest: how to choose a carpet to the floor, starting with the description and Distinctive features of materials (the composition of raw materials, pile density, relief, the presence of additional processing), of which this carpet can be manufactured.

1. Materials for carpet.

So, all materials that are used for the production of carpets are divided into:

  • natural
  • and artificial.

Natural raw materials include animals (woolen and silk carpets) and vegetable materials (cotton, flax, jute).

Also, tracks and carpets are made from materials of artificial origin:

  • polypropylene
  • polyamide (nylon),
  • polyester (polyacryl).

Pros and cons of carpets from natural and artificial materials.

The most important advantages of carpets from artificial materials are: their cost, durability and practicality. Therefore, such products are increasingly conquering the market. But they have a lot of drawback - their high fire hazard (artificial material melts already at a temperature of 165 degrees).

And, for example, sheep wool carpets are not only very durable and elastic and have an elastic pile, but also have high fire rates. The disadvantages of carpets from natural materials include: their high cost, exposure to moths and mold, as well as accumulating static charge. In addition, in contrast to synthetic floor carpets, woolen, for example, it is worse than the color, so they are mainly created from calm tones and natural shades.

2. Intensity of use and purpose.

The following indicators (after the material), according to which the carpet should be estimated, are: its purpose and the intensity of use.

For example, woolen carpets are best suitable for the bedroom, they are cozy and warm, but you need to remember that they are still dirty, and also require special delicate circulation.

For the living room and children's room, high-quality synthetic flooring are perfectly suitable, which are easily cleaned and have the desired comfort. In addition, special children's carpets that have high level Ecology and increased practicality.

For the hallway, stairs, corridors, and more inexpensive synthetic carpets with an expiration date are more suitable for the kitchen. The space of these rooms is distinguished by a lot of permeability, so it is better to purchase inexpensive carpets and periodically update them, which will allow the house to have always neat appearance.

It should also be noted that for premises with a large crossway, optimal option Smooth-loop carpets of funny or muted colors. But for the bathroom and toilet it is better to choose carpets from synthetic materials, as these rooms are distinguished by high humidity.

Regarding the height of a pile and color scheme, I would like to say that it is better to choose a carpet for the bedroom with a fluffy and thick pile, in gentle, bedtime colors. A bright red or burgundy carpet is more suitable for the living room with a pile of medium length, and for a cabinet - a brief carpet in green tones.

Remember that outdoor colors visually increases the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. If the room is not overloaded with furniture, then choosing carpet covering Deep and intense tones, you will make the room comfortable and warmer.

In general, the choice of carpet pattern depends on the style of the interior: it must be combined with the upholstery of furniture, curtains, bedspread on the bed, etc.


With the help of the carpet, you can distinguish between zones in the hall, create a cozy atmosphere and favorably add the interior worker plays an important role in the room, before His presence was considered a sign of the wealth and well-being of the family, at the present stage, it serves not only as a kind of floor insulation, but also part of the interior. Choosing a carpet into the hall, it is necessary to take into account the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and the placement of furniture in it.

As a rule, the hall is characterized by a large area, unlike the bedrooms and living rooms, therefore, in the hall inherent in a variety of furniture and remains space for carpets.

How to choose a carpet in the hall: Criteria

Choosing a carpet to the floor, you need to determine the length and width of the room or the hotel of its zone, in which the carpet will lie.

The natural materials include:

  • Animal skins;
  • Sheepskin;
  • Natural animals fur;
  • Silk.

Carpets made of natural materials are ideal for any room, in areas are distinguished by their safety, durability and ease of care.

Among synthetic materials for carpets, such materials are distinguished:

  • Acrylic or polyester fibers;
  • Viscose;
  • Nylon threads.

These materials are artificial, but are very popular in the market, as they have high strength, resistant to various impacts. ambient, such as water, cleaning products, high temperatures, mechanical damage.

Each material has its advantages and price category, choosing a carpet in quality, you need to repel from preferences and a personal budget.

Carpets on the floor can have a variety of coloring, texture and shape.

There are large carpets on the area, which covers the entire room, including the area under the furniture. There are patchwork mats that are intended for a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe room. The carpet texture may be smooth, fibrous or embossed, depending on the material of the manufacture.

The colors of the carpets are also diverse, the carpet in the hall can be chosen accurately under the color of the furniture, to the tone of the curtains or harnesses, and you can form a contrast, choosing carpets or white or dark color. It all depends on the style of the interior.

Carpet under the interior style hall: what to pay attention to

The interior of the room largely depends on the carpet.

If you run a room in a specific designer style And to lay on the floor of a carpet of another style, the room will not be comfortable. It is necessary to withstand the interior styles when choosing a carpet in the hall. In the middle-style interior, smooth geometric mats are ideal: rectangular, square, oval mats. The color scheme must be restrained, the color is the advantage of pastel. Corn with ornament, in bright colors and shades, are suitable in the country style interior.

Carpets under furniture must fit perfectly under its size.

It is impossible to allow the carpet to be less from furniture area

Carpets under furniture should be accurately fit under its size, one cannot allow the carpet to be smaller from the furniture area.

High-tech style is known minimalism and restraint, carpets are suitable for it geometric shapes and cold tones.

African style in the interior perfectly will take carpets from animal skins, bright tones Carpets, carpets with motn ornaments.

Carpets in the hall should not be:

  • In the form of carpet tracks;
  • Contradict the style of the interior;
  • Stand out by an indefinite form.

And one more thing, this is the colors of the carpet.

It can be monophonic, with an ornament, with a specific pattern. The colors of the carpet must be harmoniously combined with the color of the furniture, without standing out from the interior visually.

Carpet in the Hall: Interesting options

In order to choose the right carpet in the hall, you will need an accurate calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, everything else is a matter of taste.

In the large area, the hall can choose carpets of various geometry, oval, round, rectangular. If there is a sofa in the hall, you can lay an oval carpet near it. Under the angular sofa, oval carpets look even better, they fully fit into the angular space. In the Great Hall, you can experiment with the color of the carpet, the motley colors, bright and dark tones, contrasting drawings come here.

Dark carpets are suitable for large areas of halls only with sufficient natural lighting.

For small halls around the square, as well as in the apartment, it is better to have light-colored carpets.

The light color of the carpet will visually increase the space space and the detail of the room is lighter. The form of the carpet is better to choose even, for example, rectangular or square.

The advantages of rectangular carpets in the hall is as follows:

  • Uniformly fill the room space;
  • They are comfortable to clean;
  • On carpets you can put furniture elements.

You need to pay attention to the vigor of the carpet, the carpets with a long pile are more suitable for bedrooms, but not for the hall, they do not aesthetically look and only in rare cases are successful for the hall in a certain style and color gamma.

For the hall it is better to choose carpets with an average pile, they will be comfortable in cleaning and cleaning, pleasant to the legs and colors on the row with a middle pile look rich more than on the rest. The most sought-after color gamuts for carpets are pastel. Gentle tones of carpets are suitable for any interior style, in any area, for the hall of a small area, bright carpets are good option Visually to expand the room and give her light.

What is better in the hall, carpet or palace

Both the carpet and the Palace have its advantages.

The carpet makes the room cozy, depending on the material, structure and colors of the carpet, it can become an element of the decor in the interior of the room.

The carpet is warmer than the Palace, softer, so in the winter season he simply will not be replaced. But the carpet cover is much more complicated in cleaning and cleaning, rather than carpet. Palaasses, like carpets, can become an element of the decor of the room. Palaasses are easier to process, they are easier by weight and easily rinse the floor under them, simply clean them.

As for the designer point of view, both carpets and palaces are perfectly suitable for the design of any areas of the halls.

By its structure, Palances thinner than carpets and insulation the premises will be half worse

In a hall with a large passability of people, you can lay a palace, it will be more practical:

  • It is easy to clean;
  • Under it is easy to clean;
  • The pile does not seek under constant weight from walking.

Carpeted coating is more suitable for large areas of halls, it will additionally warm the floor.

For large rooms, it is possible to use a carpet, which will not only be a comfortable floor covering, but also a beautiful surface for aerobics or levion at home.

Carpet can consist of solid cut, and may have several cuts that will have to be connected independently.

Choose carpets in the living room (video)

Not so long ago, the carpet spread out of fashion as an interior design tool, but such coatings remain indispensable in the design of the room.

Carpets, palaces and carpets remain an integral part of the interior, which is especially necessary in the winter season, despite the presence of heated floors. What to choose a coating on the floor for your hall depends in particular, from the budget and designer plan.

Carpet design on the floor in the hall (interior photo)

How to choose the carpet?

1. Carpet design. The design of the carpet must match the style of the room. Classic furniture is combined with a carpet of classic design, and modern furniture and lamps are combined with a design with an abstract pattern.

Carpet designs are:

Classic, which in turn are divided into:

eastern Classic (Small ornament or small flowers are very saturated all over the design)
Carpet - european classics(contain major monograms and flowers, a lot of free field - such designs are still called palace)
chinese classic (Contain chrysanthemum flowers or plum tree, or Chinese characters, a lot of free field).

Abstracts who also have different type Figure:


Children's designs.

The collection features a saturated color gamut, elements of children's themes in designs, as well as affordable price.

2. Color carpet.

In order for the carpet to be the final stroke of the interior, it is necessary to select the color of the carpet according to the following rules:

The color of the carpet continues the flower range of walls, gender and furniture, and as if emphasizes flower palette.
Either the color of the carpet is a bright spot indoors: the color of the carpet is dissected with walls and furniture, but necessarily intersects the color scheme with textiles or underlined with a stroke (vase, chandelier, painting).

Bright stains in the room should be no more than three.
Color - Perhaps the first thing, about which a person is thinking when choosing a carpet. Defined color combinations make it possible to change the presented room size: optically increase or decrease it.

As a rule, dark color reduces, and light - increases space. Colors look different with different lighting. Artificial lighting can completely change the effect created by color. Bright colors in a well-lit room look almost white. Dark colors with weak lighting seem almost black. The drawing can also be applied by ending the pile (multi-level pattern), or by cut and undisputed loops.

In this case, the carpet often is one-photon. It is important to note that some carpets, such as viscose, have the focus of the pile. The focus of the pile means that the carpet "changes" the shade, if you look at it from the opposite side. On the one hand, the carpet is bright, shiny, with the opposite - dark, matte.

What are carpets: a choice for a modern house

It is necessary to take into account the color changes from the illumination and the orientation of the pile when selling the carpet in the store to our customers, it is important not only to give an explanation to the buyer, but, and demonstrate how the carpet on the floor looks different conditions illumination.

3. Carpet size.

It is very important to determine right size Carpet for your room.

In order to properly choose the size of the carpet, you need to know in advance the size of the room and the placement of furniture in this room. The carpet selection depends on the type of room (living room, corridor, bedroom, etc.).

4. Price carpet.

And, of course, the price of the carpet plays a latter role. As a rule, more large, as well as exclusive carpets with a more complex designer pattern or from better and expensive material are more expensive.

Not in vain at all times the carpet was a sign of wealth and luxury. But in our online store you can choose inexpensive carpets. Call us and our managers will help you choose the best carpet on a combination of price-quality for you!

How to choose an outdoor carpet in the hall?

The space of the living room is very important, because here the owners of the house or apartments accept guests and spend time.

Therefore, it is necessary to choose carpets on the floor to the hall, which are presented in a wide variety. This element provides comfort, emphasizes the style and creates a cozy atmosphere. At the same time, the quality of the floor, practicality, appearance and other factors is essential.

As a result of a careful choice, the Sheggy or carpet for the living room on the floor will become worthy and functional decoration of the space, which will reflect the hospitality of the owners of the house.

Options and their features

An extremely extensive range of carpets makes it easy to choose the optimal model. Also effective option is a carpet, which will look as stylish as possible and give the hall a special comfort.

It is important to determine the material from which the carpet or Sheggy is made, as well as other characteristics of this item. Due to the fact that high-quality and practical option Provides comfort and convenience, and also emphasizes the style of the hall, the hospitality of the owners and the uniqueness of the situation.

Classify various options Carpets can be different characteristics and parameters.

The main one when choosing is the material from which the coating was made. The following materials are used to create such interior items:

  • The classic option is wool.

    For the manufacture often used sheep wool, which is characterized by elasticity, durability, environmental friendliness.

    This requires careful and correct care with the use of funds for products from natural wool;

  • Silk canvas, coating or carpets on the floor in the hall are distinguished by a very high cost. This natural material is wear-resistant, has a luxurious appearance and a smooth surface. Silk carpets in the living room also require special care;
  • The basis for making a coating a few meters long for the floor can serve as viscose.

    A bright carpet of fibers is practical, nice to the touch and durable. In wet, just enough to damage this subject of the interior;

  • Cotton options are quite comfortable, as well as safe for human health. Such carpets in the living room passes air and hypoallergenic. Products are easily deformed and impenetrate, do not differ elasticity;
  • Products from polyamide and polypropylene do not require particularly careful care, have a bright coloring and do not lose form.

    A spectacular long carpet will look beautiful in any interior, but the models do not differ wear resistance and can burn out of the sun;

  • The polyester carpet in the interior of the living room on the floor emphasizes luxury, style and convenience. The material is pleasant to the touch, soft and durable, does not require special care.

Products from natural materials are suitable for any room.

Particularly relevant Sheggi or classic carpets in the nursery or bedroom, because natural fibers do not emit harmful substances And safe for health. At the same time, the cost is high, but the extensive range allows you to choose a suitable model.

Luxurious and modern carpet in the living room can be made of synthetic fibers. This option allows you to make the interior not only beautiful, but also practical, because comfortable cleaning of the product is an important criterion choice.

Models with a long pile are relevant, and the carpet will look at the hall is quite appropriate. At the same time, a long or average vest version makes the interior more cozy, stylish, hospitable.

The main criteria for choosing this subject of the interior are the form, color, size and material. Taking into account the data factors, it is enough just to choose a carpet in the living room.

The style is also of particular importance, because the coating must necessarily harmoniously complement the design of the room, the hall. That is why it is necessary to preview the photo placing flooring for the floor in the hall, which allows you to choose a model with a long pile, oval or rectangular, oval, classic or any other carpet for the room.

Practical carpet with a long pile or classic options can be any shape and color. These factors allow you to make a harmonious carpet with the interior of the living room. A variety of photos greatly facilitate the choice and therefore it is necessary to pre-determine the desired color and shape of the product. Before choosing carpets in the living room, it is also necessary to familiarize yourself with the features of the material, find out the composition of the desired model, determine the design and size.

Stylish carpets in the interior

High-quality carpet coating allows you to create a spectacular, cozy and beautiful design Any of the rooms in the house or in the floor room.

There are many options for products that make it possible to create unusual or elegant combinations with furniture and other elements of the situation. At the same time, carpets with a living room can harmoniously complement the design of space or are a bright setting detail.

That is why, before choosing a carpet in the living room, it is worth determining the size, shape, color, pattern, the length of the pile, that is, the appearance of the coating.

Create a spectacular design of the room and choose a carpet in the living room can only with the personal preferences, the desired characteristics of the product and its appearance. At the same time, any design room is easy to add and pick up optimal carpets on the floor to the hall.

Some of the most spectacular are the following combinations:

  • The rectangular carpet with floor-made patterns made in two-year shades, suitable for the setting of a classic style room;
  • Sheggi with a long pile is optimal for the hall in the style of country or minimalism. Such a product is quite concise and easy to decorate almost any room design;
  • Bright models with abstract patterns or monotonous suitable for rooms decorated in minimalism style.

    Soft coating can be made of different materialsbut always perfectly complement concise design;

  • Sheggy with a long pile is suitable for the floor for both the living room and for the children's room, a bedroom.

    The rectangular or oval carpet in the living room is practical and can be seized in a small space.

The hall can be decorated in any style, but depending on this it is worth picking up a soft coating. A variety of carpets in the interior can be of any size. For example, the spectacular option is a small product of the optimal color, which should be placed in the living room near the sofa, under the coffee table. Different carpets in the interior of the living room: design photos allow you to determine the appropriate combination.

A particularly important point is the color and structure of the canvas.

There are the very following a variety of options. For example, monophonic models are universal and suitable for any room. Too bright, the variegic is best located in the room decorated in the minimalism style. This solution allows you to diversify a strict environment, make bright accent And use a stylish carpet in the living room interior.

One of the most spectacular are carpets in the interior, made in the form of original figures, as well as models decorated with lace patterns.

The subject of an unusual form will easily complement the design of the hall, room or living room in the style of Hi-tech. Options with lace or curly edges are optimal for the setting of country and other similar species. In any case, it is important to take into account the color. Bright models are best not included in the original style room. The strict decor is easy to make more comfortable, and for this it is suitable for a single bright carpet in the interior of the living room.

This subject allows not only to decorate the space, but also distinguish between the zones. In the hall of the large area, you can equip several zones, each of which is worth the carpet in the interior of the living room. Also need to consider some important moments arrangement. For example, if the coffee table is located near the sofa, the carpet in the interior of the living room should correspond to the length and width of the table, but not be less.

So the principle of harmony is observed, comfort and proper placement soft coat For sex.

High-quality carpet in the living room: photos allow you to determine the appropriate model for the floor of the hall. At the same time, any carpets in the living room must be practical, high-quality, comfortable. Such an object for the hall will be durable, and its appearance will perfectly emphasize the hospitality of the owners of the house. Stylish or classic carpet In the interior of the living room, an unusual product for a hall or any other fashion model is a functional and important element of the situation.

Standard sizes of carpets - from small to large

Like any purchase - buying a carpet. Interesting and fascinating classes. The large range of carpets, presented in modern stores, simply strikes with its diversity, so it will not be difficult for you to choose interesting design And the coloring of the carpet, but before buying it is important to determine the size of the necessary carpets.

In this article we will try to figure out what standard sizes of carpets Various shapes so that you know and focused in the carpet sizes.

Carpet manufacturers try to satisfy the most diverse consumer requests, so the market is represented big choice carpets in size, from small to large.

Most carpets are sold in standard sizes, or approximate to them (a difference of several centimeters).

Choosing the size of the floor carpet, should be considered:

  • Little carpets Choose to focus on a specific point in the interior (a small rug at the chair, a fireplace, under the coffee table, a bedside rug near the bed).
  • Middle carpet It can be used as one carpet in the interior, which is focused, as well as for the separation of a large room on the zone (several carpets are used, for example, in a large living room, the room is divided into a seating area and dining room).
  • Big carpets Use to butt out the entire room (do not forget that if you want to be out the entire carpet room, it is desirable to leave the gaps between the edges of the carpet and the walls of 15-20 centimeters).

Therefore, you have to deal with in advance which in size to buy a carpet (or several carpets) to make the interior most attractive and practical.

Standard carpets for floor

Sizes of rugs rectangular and oval shape

Among the rugs oval and rectangular shape The most common sizes are (in meters):

0,60*1,10; 0,80*1,50; 0,90*1,50; 1,20*1,80; 1,50*2,00; 1,70*2,40; 2,00*3,00; 2,50*3,00; 2,50*3,50; 3,00*4,00; 3,50*4,50; 4,00*5,00; 4,00*6,00; 5,00*6,00.

These are the most common sizes of carpets of such a form, there are many approximate sizes with a difference of several centimeters (from 1 cm to 40 cm).

This is especially true of handmade carpets, when weaving which often the size differs from the planned in a couple of centimeters, due to the complexity of the carpet weaving process.

Important! In handmade carpets, the size indicates without taking into account the fringe, do not forget to take it into account when buying data of carpets.

Round and square carpets

Among the circles and squares most often encountered such sizes of carpets (in meters):

0,60*0,60; 1,00*1,00; 1,50*1,50; 2,00*2,00; 2,50*2,50; 3,00*3,00; 3,50*3,50; 4,00*4,00.

Among the round carpets of handmade will be more difficult to find a non-standard size, because the circles are difficult to determine and usually on sale contains not a very large selection.

Dimensions of carpet tracks

If you choose the carpet track, then below is a list of the main sizes of the tracks:

In width there are sizes: 0.66 m; 0.70 m; 0.75 m; 0.80 m; 0.90 m; 1.00 m.

In length: 2.00 m; 2.5 m; 3.00 m; 3.5 m; 4.00 m; 4.5 m; 5.00 m; 6.00 m.

The carpet path will be an excellent solution for corridors and stairs, more details about the tracks are written in this article.

Choosing non-standard carpet or track You can use the sewing service (weaving) to order, or if these are machine work products, it is possible to choose a width of the required width, and the product length will be raised and made overlock.

Knowing the standard and most common sizes of carpets and tracks to the floor, it will be easier for you to choose and buy a suitable product for your interior.

If this article was also useful and interesting, we share in social. Networks and leave comments, and also read the article "Where better to buy carpets?"

Today we offer a wide range of carpets from different materials. These are natural and artificial fibers that have their advantages. If you want to buy the best carpet for your favorite living room or bedroom, you need a little understand the features of a particular material so that the purchase becomes for you and your family with pleasant pleasure.

For lovers of natural things, carpet catalog in Novosibirsk offers products from silk, wool and cotton.

Such coatings are fairly roads and are used rather as decoration, and not as a functional practical element in the interior. The most beautiful, possibly silk carpets. They are ideal for decorating walls, flooded with light, and their nobility and beauty emphasize the status of the owner of the house. Soft and very warm carpets are made of wool, which are environmentally friendly and durable. If your home does not have a "warm floor", then you can create the desired comfortable conditions with a woolen carpet.

How to choose a carpet on the floor for quality

Cotton carpets are thin and have excellent softness. They are mainly used to decorate the walls, and for sex is practically not used.

Natural carpets are highly appreciated and bring style and nobility to the interior. However, they cannot be called practically.

Such coatings require careful care and sometimes wet cleaning, since natural fibers quickly absorb dust. If you decide to buy carpets from natural materials, think about the technique that you can easily take care.

And for those who are afraid of this perspective, it will be a good choice To buy artificial mats.

Today are internal fittings Made of acrylic, polyamide, polyester, viscose. These are synthetic anti-allergenic fibers. Their big advantage over natural - low cost and practicality. Thanks to the excellent quality of such materials you can buy artificial carpets in the store, which cannot be separated from natural.

For example, acrylic is an excellent wool replacement and looks very similar to the appearance. Such a coating is easy to clean, and the dust on it is much smaller. Its use is ideal for people suffering from animal hair allergies, as well as families with young children.

Bath mats can be short, medium and long. We recommend choosing natural coatings with short drinks, because their departure is greatly alleviated.

If you have a very effective technique Cleaning carpets, you can easily cope with prolonged stuttering!
