The best fast-growing Crafts for creating a vibrant hedge. Garden ivy - evergreen plant

The fencing of the site not only protects the personal space, but is a full-fledged exterior item that can be favorable. So, a lively elevation is especially beautiful, which, as a rule, is formed from shrubs, curly plants and small trees. Properly selected varieties of plants will be decorated with a loft for one year, while performing an important function.

Approximate deadlines for the formation of the hedge

Almost always live hedge Create immediately from several species of plantations. This is necessary to create volume, as well as to create a formed fence. There are many varieties of plants that are used as a fencing of the site, almost always these fast-growing shrubs that are easily entrained, and their growth rate allows for a limited period to create a real green fence.

Plants are extremely important to select about the same in growth in order to avoid uneven pulling and expanding on the planned area. Plus, only many years of plant species should be preferred, even two-year copies are not suitable for use as a fence.

It is believed that at least 2 years it is necessary to create a high-quality and beautiful vibrant hedge up to two meters high. At the same time, it is necessary to regularly cut the bushes so that they do not grow into neighboring sites, as well as water, feed and process plants from all sorts of pests and diseases.

Fast-growing shrubs

The use of perennial fast-growing shrubs is an optimal solution for creating a living hedge. As a rule, they are easy to care, very quickly grow, which is convenient for the formation of a fence. Many prefer plants with spines, which allows you to protect your local area from strangers and wild animals. At the same time, you can use fruiting plants - so you will receive not only a live fence, but you can collect fruits. Plants need to be chosen depending on the living conditions - soil, climate, geographic location. More information about the selection of plants for many years of living hedge read.

Many gardeners combine shrubs so that it turned out a thick live fence. Here are the most popular fast-growing shrubs.


This plant is known for unpretentious to watering and sunny weather, due to which the shrub can be grown almost throughout the middle lane. Kizil has a beautiful form of leaves and fruits once a year, and the berries of the plant are used both in cooking and folk medicine.

The average height of the shrub is from 2 to 5 meters. It blooms in early springAnd then abundant leaves bloom. To shape the hedge from the dog is best in the fall, 3 weeks before the first frosts. At the same time, only two-year plants are best suited for use as a fence.


This small shrub in height is great for living hedges in urban conditions. It has a lush arcuate crown with leaves saturated colorwhich depends on the variety. The bubble can grow in the shade, however, its color will be dim. Shrub reaches 2-3 meters high, but is distinguished by the density of fence and winter, and also has stability to most diseases and pests.

The best plant feels in an acid or neutral soil.


Barbaris is good for practically in any soil, resistant to unfavorable weather conditions. . However, it is necessary to control the moisture of the soil, as Barbaris dies with the wet water.


Because of the large barns on the branches, a practically impassable fence is obtained from the bush, the height of which can be controlled by a variety of plants - there are low and high hybrids. Barbaris looks particularly beautiful during flowering, and the shrub fruit can be used for home billets. Read more about the formation of a live bleeding from Barbaris.


This is a compact shrub, no more than 3 meters high. When creating a living hedge, it is necessary to constantly cut extra shoots, as they have a property to quickly grow across the area. The leaves have a dense structure, and together with dense branches create an impassable fence. The hedge from the Tern will be particularly beautiful in spring - during flowering.

In addition to aesthetic qualities, the shrub has a pleasant almond aroma, and the fruits of the plant can be used to prepare home cosmetics and medicines.

Curly plants

As stated, to create a living hedge you need to use only perennial plants. However, there is a single exception - the curly plants that are not used as a fence, but exclusively in decorative purposes, for example, to decorate the wall. It is recommended to land off the plants to get a thick blooming surface. Among annual plants Distributed the following cultures - Decorative beans, sweet pea, Wild cucumber, Ipomea, Nasturtium and others. In addition to annual plants, you can use perennial shrubs.

Pleet roses

This decorative plant is excellent suitable for framing a small fence, or can be done. From the plenty, or you can create a dense fence due to the strong weave of the vines of the plant. Spines will be good protection against wild animals.

Pleet roses

The shrub is not suitable for wet soil, as the rose dies with the wet water, so it is best suited for disembarking in areas with dry ground. Bookmark of the hedge of climbing roses It is recommended in the first half of autumn, and after a year and a half you can begin the formation of appearance by tapping plant shoots.


This beautiful shrub is suitable for disembarking on open spaces in regions with middle climate and dry summer. Clematis are poorly transferred to the wet climate, so it is important to monitor the state of the soil and not to water without necessity. For abundant flowering, the shrub should be cut regularly, and the plant blooms almost the entire warm period. More information regarding the cultivation of Clematis from seeds read.



The tree can often be found as a hedge in urban conditions. The plant is unpretentious to the soil, and is also well experiencing a frosty winter. It is advisable to land down young trees to achieve the weave of the trunks. The height of the living hedge of the aspen can be adjusted with trimming, otherwise the tree will quickly give a lot of stroke, which will flood the entire area.

Maple field

Maple, unlike other decorative trees, it is best to react to a foliage haircut, which allows you to give a hedge almost any form. The height of trees reaches 4 meters, which can be adjusted with timely trimming. Twice a year you need to remove old branches to achieve a thick green crown of young leaves.

Maple looks good all summer and most of the autumn.

Landing and care

If you decide to create a live fence on your site, first of all, you need to place the territory. To do this, you can pull the trench to the half-meter in the depth, which plants are planted at a certain interval, depending on the type and variety (this method it is recommended to plant curly plants and small shrubs). The second method is plant landing in separate wells, which is best suited for large shrubs and trees.

Planting Sazedans

Regardless of the planting method, you need to add fertilizers to the soil. All the rest of the departure (features of watering, trimming, feeding) completely depends on the choice of plants for living hedges. You can begin to form a crown for the second year, when large twigs and a strong crown appear. However, some varieties are not recommended to cut the first two years to give the plant to form, for example, it concerns trees and large shrubs.


The video describes the very best plants to create a living hedge.


Livestore, which is increasingly used as an alternative to a traditional fever - a great way to not only protect the territory priceworkBut also supplement its landscape design, as well as with it you can hide the flaws of the wall, hide something from prying eyes. The choice of plants for the green fence should be based not only on your preferences, but also on natural conditions, which is very important for the formation of healthy and strong shoots. See more examples of bright decorative shrubs.

The fence, seized by ivy or bright blooming Lian, looks very beautiful and well maintained. But in addition to aesthetic destination, it can carry and additional functions. Curly plants for fence are able to perform several tasks at the same time - decorate, mask older or just sad walls and create shady corners in the garden, can protect the garden from the unreasonable guests.

Green fences protect gardens from noise and outdoor dust. In order to grow such a fence on own plot It is necessary to make quite a bit effort and then beauty will always be with you.

You need to have an exact idea that in the end you want to get, otherwise the initial joy can change disappointment. It is more practical to plant perennial curly and weaving plants along the fence. It is necessary to make a choice between evergreen and leaf falling, beautiful and decorative-deciduous, prickly and without spikes.

Decoratively decidive include ivy, girlish grapes, amur grapes, lemongrass, honeysuckle, actinidium. Clematis and plenty rose are recognized as popular from beautiful colors. Campxis, Cali Salegia, Azarin, Passiflora are a bit inferior to them, but also enjoy their accuracy in gardeners. Wisteria is not inferior to the beauty of rose, but it is not able to carry winter on the larger territory of the country.

Punching plants for fence

Wild grapes

It will take some more time and the fence will hide under the leaves of the wild grapes

For those who decided to leakeline a plot with the least labor, temporary and financial costs. The leaves are large dense, consist of five oval pointed leaves. Flowers with small inconspicuous colors, berries are not suitable for food. Summer option - rich green color, and in the fall it is purple in all its splendor. Lena length reaches 20 meters.

The plant is so unpretentious that for its landing it is enough to dig a hole in a depth of 30 cm, pour and plant cuttings at a distance of 50 cm. All departure comes down to the watering of grapes on hot days and garter shoots. In the fall of the first year, the fall of the first year can reach 2m. By the end of the second year, it covers a dense carpet allocated to him.

Perfectly feels on the sunny side, and in the shade. It is well tolerating winter frosts in 35-40 C. Not afraid of return freezers. Further care It lies in the trimming of shoots and an infrequent watering. In nurseries, the price of a seedling varies from 400 to 600 rubles.

Amur grapes differs from the virgin form of the leaves and does not possess such a bright growth rate, but gives quite edible fruits and is not an aggressor in relation to neighboring plants.


Ivy covers the fence of a dense wall

Evergreen ivy - a resident of the middle strip. Unpretentious to the selection of landing sites, although prefers shaded places and periodic watering. With the help of the roots of the sucker, buildings and fences and fences and climbs very high. Colchis ivy has a high growth rate and Lian long up to 30 meters.

Reproduces roasted cuttings. They are planted at a distance of 30-60 cm, provide good drainage, feeding and regular watering and mulching of the soil. In autumn, shoots off. Winter-hardy grades are covered with foliage, and the rest are transplanted into the container and send to wintering in a light and cool room, provide lightweight. In front of the spring plant in the ground, plants temper.

Curly plants for fence

Curly (Pleet) Rose

Curly rose is a festive mood

Designers love to use pleet roses When designing a garden. This is understandable. Brightness of paints, bizarre forms, abundant blossom Press these plants just a fabulous look. Roses are more demanding in care, but for this care they will thank the buoy blossom. Regular trimming, feeding and watering is all that it is necessary for the normal vital activity of this plant.

Typically, roses bloom once in the season - May - June, but there are varieties that are pleasing to bloom throughout the summer. In order for the buds to be formed along the length of the entire plant, they recommend 2-3 major escapes to arrange horizontally, coming from them the shoots will give a huge number of buds. The plant of plants occurs in September. Be sure to consider that Rosa loves the sun and does not like wetlands.

Breeding with cuttings and seedlings. Warm winters can survive on a support, covered with a husky and polyethylene. In the cold climate, roses are removed from the support, pruning old and weak shoots. The shoots remaining on the bush bind and laid on the ground. The base of the bush is dipped with land or compost. They cover the plant with fir branches and film or agrovolok. Saplings from 500 rubles.


Clematis will give the highlight to the most ordinary feck

Clematis flowering lasts the entire season from May to October. Large and bright star flowers cover shoots with a solid carpet. The plant is light-cup, but the root part must be privided. Watering is needed by 30-40 cm from the roots, so as not to cause the root rot. Plant drought-resistant and frost-resistant. With the thickening of shoots or depletion of the soil can stop blossoming.

Timely feeding and trimming of unnecessary shoots will help to correct the situation. The reproduction is carried out in autumn and spring seedlings. For harsh winter, the plant should be stolen from frost. Perfect for decorating arbors. The average price is from 400 to 700 rubles.

Falls Liana


Campxis is stunningly beautiful flowers.

The plant of the biignonium family, originally from North America and China. American is more adapted to the conditions of our winter. Hea-loving and light, but ready to grow in half. Loves regular watering. Blossom lasts from June to September. Liana grows up to 15 meters. Timely trimming, he can give any shape. Tubular pink flowers, raspberry, red, orange, red-golden.

It is multiplied with seeds (rarely), cuttings, tanks and root pig. Large bright flowers attract not only people. Everything that flies crawling and jumps striving for his bells. therefore experienced gardeners Do not recommend decorating this lyana gazebo or other recreation facilities. Distributed on the Black Sea coast, in Central Asia, but can grow in medium latitudes, if a good shelter for the winter is provided. Can withstand return freezes to -2 S.


Glycine creates a fantastic atmosphere

This is an incredibly beautiful and fabulous plant with large hanging brushes of fragrant lilac flowers. It was this plant that was used in the filming of the film "Avatar" as a tree Eva. A large-scale rustic plant with spiral stems reaches a height of 18 m. Prefers wet subtropics, but successfully cultivated in more northern latitudes.

Abundant bloom begins for 5-6 years of life of the plant in March - early April before the appearance of leaves. In the autumn, this plant also looks unusual - lemon leaves and large beans with seeds. The young plant requires close attention to itself - warm, slightly pronented and the windless landing site with good drainage.

Well multiplied with gag and seeds, as well as cuttings, and root vaccine. For winter young plant Remove from supports and laid on the boards, then covered with coniferous branches and wrap agricultural.

And in conclusion about plants from plants

Combining plant landing You can use the properties of some plants to improve the qualities of others. For example, gardeners experimenters are advised to land girl grapes Include Clematis Sedes. Thanks to the stems and leaves of grapes, Clematis will safely postpone the winter cold. And in the summer, the bright flowers of Clematis will flour for a solid green carpet of grapes.

When planning, consider all the nuances. For example, the same wisteria mercilessly scores all the gaps, climbs under the roof and even in the waste pipe. Therefore, it is necessary to plant it away from the buildings.

When decorating the fence with liaans that require shelter for the winter, use a special network. With its help, the plant is easier to remove with a support with a solid carpet and send to wintering.

A wide variety of types of climbing and fusing plants for the fence allows you to choose a plant that is absolutely appropriate to your requirements.

Worthy alternative to heavy concrete and metallic fences Today it became a much more environmentally friendly elevation, which perfectly copes with all the functions of the fence and at the same time serves as an decoration of the site. Consider how many years of fast-growing live elevation can be made: evergreen plants of which kind is better to use and how to care for them.

The main advantage of using green plantings instead of traditional fences can be called them appearance. Juicy greens will surely delight the eye, and at the same time protect your plot from dust from the road. Moreover, shrubs will actively produce oxygen, which is also an important argument in favor of this choice.

Here are some more benefits of alive hedge:

  • fencing from shrubs perfectly copes with a disguise function, due to a sufficiently high density;
  • during the pollination of the colors, a live fence serves as a bait for useful insects;
  • to create a full bleeding from fast-growing plants You will not need to wait too long;
  • spiky shrubs for living hedges allow you to create impassable fences for humans and animals;
  • quite a large variety of existing perennial sadovy Shustarnikovblooming all summer. The photos and names contained in the catalogs allow you to choose this option that the area will decorate during the warm period of the year.

It is important to understand that care for such a fence will be quite specific due to the fact that plants require care: haircuts, feeding, and sometimes irrigation. However, if you consider that the traditional fence also requires attention and periodically you will have to paint and repair it, we can say that the costs of effort and time are almost the same.

Living fence in the country's own hands: what plants can be used

To create a living hedge, a variety of different plants are used. Sometimes you can meet options that apply small trees. In many ways, the choice depends on your financial capabilities, as well as individual preferences. Consider the two main groups on which all plants applied for this purpose are divided.

Coniferous plants. Due to its ability to always remain green, these bushes are very popular among those who want to make a living fence. It is important to pay attention here that for this purpose, exclusively decorative varieties are suitable. It is also worth taken into account the peculiarities of the cultivation of each type: some boys are growing better in conditions of shaders, and other species prefer solar places.

Helpful advice! It is not recommended to plant coniferous plants if you prevail on your site clay soil Or soil waters are located close to the surface. In addition, it is necessary to observe a certain distance between the bushes: 25-55 cm.

Significantly more variety offers the second group of plants - deciduous. Due to the high growth rate, in the first year after disembarking, they will achieve sufficient height in order to fully perform the role of the hedge.

In the process of care of the fence from deciduous plants, the following factors should be taken into account:

  • green plantings of this type can develop absolutely different, so in the process of growth it is worth paying attention to their formation;
  • if you use curly plants, it is necessary to take care that your own and neighboring beds do not suffer from them;
  • you can land fruitful varieties of shrubs or trees;
  • the landing of bushes with spines and spikes can provide you with additional protection against penetration of foreign people to the site.

By making a choice, it is worth taking into account the many existing factors, including climate, type of soil and land relief. It is also better to ask you in advance how the plants you choose get along with each other.

Trees and shrubs for living inges: photos and names of fast-growing plants

In order to make right choiceIt is necessary to briefly familiarize yourself with all existing options. Enough to get general view On the requirements of a plant, and you can easily determine the most appropriate.

Preferably consider the options that are relevant in the Moscow region. Fast-growing plants for live swelling from this list are quite capable of exist in local climate conditions.

Barbaris: landing and shrub care

Disembarking bubbaris shrubs is preferable to occupy in the spring, but in rare cases allowed autumn planting. Living fence from Barbaris is extremely unpretentious and requires minimal care. Not afraid of wind and drafts. The only thing for Barbaris is an undesirable factor - the increased acidity of the soil.

Instructions for the care of the bushes of Barbaris is universal for all varieties and species. In the usual time of additional irrigation, the plant does not require, but during the period of excessive heat or drought you can moisten the soil once a week. It is important to try to avoid water from entering the leaves.

Excessive precipitation is much more dangerous for Barbaris bushes than drought. This is due to their ability to accumulate water and rot. For this reason, it is recommended to regularly get rid of growing weeds and loosen the soil.

You can start trimming a year after disembarking bushes, removing weak and dry branches. This procedure has both formative and sanitary value, so it must be necessary.

Barwinki is believed from a category of grassy plants with reprehensive shoots or fluttering semi-departments. There are many different colors (most often blue, but pink, purple, white inflorescences are found), bloom in the spring.

No difficulties cause cultivation and care. The landing of Barwinka in the open soil can be carried out almost at any time of the year: in spring, late in autumn and even cloudy summer days. The plant is not too sensitive to external factors and is well leaving both at sunny sites and on the shaded.

Additional watering Barvinka is not required if it does not take into account the periods of long droughts that are infrequently. During the rest of the time, the flowers are quite capable of taking care of themselves. Weeds for them are also not a hindrance, so you can do it exclusively at your own request. It is important to cut the plant haircut after the end of a long period of flowering to help it be updated and formed.

Beeskeletlet: landing and care

An eavester is a whole genus of plants, which includes both shrubs and trees. To create a living hedge, it is more often used by bushes. Their main difference and advantage - an unusually beautiful coloring of leaves, which can combine red, orange, yellow, white and purple shades.

An eavestelet refers to the discharge of fruit-making plants, but its fruit cannot be eaten due to the presence of poisonous substances. However, as decoration autumn Garden His fruits look just unmatched.

Shrubs' care provides regular trimming and removal of dry damaged branches. Forming a fence, the becklett allows you to create not only smooth borders, but also give it a variety of geometric shapes. An additional watering plant is not required, but to frosts in young age can be sensitive. Therefore, recently planted bushes is better to stream in the case of frost.

Biryuchi: Livestore from this plant

Biryuchi is one of the most popular fast-growing shrubs for a living hedge. This is an unpretentious plant that easily carries out on the shaded areas. In addition, it copes well with drought. The only thing that can be an obstacle to full growth is excessive dryness of sandy soils or their increased acidity.

Regarding the period that is best suited to transplanting turquish, opinions were divided. Some argue that it is best to do this in the spring, before the new cycle is started and the kidneys will be revealed. Others believe that the transplant is safer to engage in the beginning or middle of the autumn.

The main principle on which watering is based on the turquist is rare, but abundant moisture flow into the ground. With the exception of particularly dry years of summer, this plant is quite natural precipitation, so there is no need for an additional watering.

Buy the turquoine is also because it is ideal for mastering the shrub curious techniques, as it can easily hide all inaccuracies and disadvantages, very quickly giving new shoots.

Helpful advice! As soon as the bush planted into the ground is taken for, it is necessary to cut the top so that it is more dense and not too smashed up.

Hawthorn for living hedge: buy seedlings or grow independently

About the possibility of creating a live fence, using a hawthorn bushes for this, not everyone knows. For this use certain varieties that are able to survive in rather harsh climatic conditions, and have a sufficiently thick crown that gives way to formation.

This plant prefers outdoor solar cleaners, since a shortage of natural light can cause that the bush will not bloom. However, while the hawthorn is pretty frostable. Its stems are covered with spines, and after flowering, the period of fruiting occurs, characterized by the appearance of orange or reddish fruit.

Article on the topic:

Photos with the names of the plants will help to navigate in a huge variety of colors and make the right choice for your site.

The best time to land the hawthorn bushes is spring. It is during this period that everything is best excavation. But it is important here to understand that the hawthorn does not apply to fast-growing plants and because the period for growing a full-fledged hedge can reach 10 years.

Beginning pruning and forming is needed from the fourth year of the life of the plant, after which it regularly maintains its form. You can do this at any time of the year, depending on the need. For this purpose, you can use an ordinary secret.

Spruce: Living fence from conifers

The popularity of live hedges from ate is explained by several factors, the main of which can be called the ability of this tree always remain green. Unlike deciduous bushes and trees that fall out of autumn, ate can hide your plot from prying views at any time of the year.

Among other advantages, such a solution can be noted:

  • coniferous trees have a very positive effect on the environment, contributing to air purification and neutralizing unpleasant odors;
  • such a fence serves as reliable protection of both dust and snow in the cold season;
  • coniferous plants are quite resistant to various kinds of diseases;
  • the haircut and the formation of freshers should not be carried out too often. This is due to a rather slow growth rate.

Despite all these advantages, it is worth paying attention to that ate, like many other coniferous plants, prefer the wet climate. They do not react too well to increased soil dryness.

Hope is one of the varieties of honeysuckle, which refers to the type "Liana". Its height can reach 6 m, and the color of shoots can vary from green to red. The flowering period of this plant is the end of the spring and the beginning of the summer.

Note! The fruit of the honeysuckle of the honeycomb is the poisonous and their eating is unsafe.

If you want a live fence from the honeysuckle actively bloom, it is better to choose an open solar place for her. For landing, the spring months are best suited. In order for the lianas of the plants to form a full fence, it is necessary to install special supports.

It is best for the honeysuckle suitable neutrally acidic soil. Earth with an increased clay content or excessively dry this plant does not like. At the same time, there is quite high resistance to frosts.

Care for honeysuckle honeriflation involves the removal of weeds, regular and abundant watering, as well as trimming and formation.

Willow: Livestore from a molding tree

The natural fence from the willow is one of the easiest options that can be found only. This is due to the unique ability of this tree - to start the roots even from the twigs. That is, in order to create a full-fledged hedge, you do not need to plant traditional seedlings with an already formed root system. It is enough just to stick into the wet soil a java twist and soon he will germinate himself.

After the twigs are sprouting and come in, your main task will be followed by the formation and, if necessary, limit the growth of trees. Another property of these plants is an extremely high growth rate, which, on the one hand, it allows you to create a full-fledged elevation in the shortest possible time, and on the other, it requires constant attention and control.

Helpful advice! In order to make a living fence more reliable, it is quite acceptable to use the wire that is attached to the vertical fence supports. Thanks to the greens, it will be hidden, however, will prevent the penetration of unwanted guests to the site.

Campxis Large-flowered: landing and care

The people of Campxis have several more names, such as techoms or tube. The plant belongs to the category of tree perennial leaffall lian and in some cases can reach 15 m in length. In the process of growth, young shoots are wound support poles On the spiral, and then, the obsession over time, retain their shape.

I also makes a long period of flowering of this plant - from June to September. Almost all summer you can enjoy aluminum or bright orange inflorescences, consisting of separate flowers, which in shape resemble small gramophilics.

Favorable for the growth of Campxis are considered heat and abundance sunlight. And although the plant can survive in almost any soil, the weakly acidic or neutral environment is considered the most favorable for it. In this case, bloom will be more abundant.

Campxis Lianas grow very quickly, so neglecting trimming categorically impossible. The growth of the fence is constantly monitoring, cutting and directing the lianas. In addition, it is recommended to remove old branches to free the place for new, more suitable for flowering.

Kisser Brilliant: Photo of Live Hug

The most important thing is that it is worth understanding the gardeners who have decided to use a brilliant caticker for a living hedge - this plant is not at all the same as the usual Kisser. And this species will not be able to provide you with edible berries. Looking through the photo of the brilliant brilliant, you can make sure how beautiful this fence looks.

The caticker itself is a bush, which is formed by rectating stems, tightly located. The maximum height that is capable of reaching this shrub is 2 meters, but a brilliant brilliant will be used in the form of seedlings. At the same time, his crown is very thick and fluffy.

Carrying out the brilliant pick-up is regularly. This includes watering, soil loosening and mandatory shrubs. Although it is worth noting that as bushes root and grow, they require less attention. So, over time, it is possible to abandon the irrigation, with the exception of the periods of severe drought.

Sanitary trim, designed to remove all the extra and old twigs, you can venture at any time, regardless of the time of year. This must be done both for the purpose of formation and for the rejuvenation of shrubs. The main forming trimming is carried out predominantly in the spring, before the first kidneys appeared.

Helpful advice! In the process spring trimming It is recommended to eliminate one third part of the growth in order to provide the plant with the possibility of full growth, while maintaining the desired isgery.

Lavson Cypress: Green coniferous plant fence

Lavson's cypressive with confidence can be called one of the most beautiful coniferous plantswhich are used to create a living hedge. In case you pay due attention to the selection of landing sites, in the future you will not have any difficulties with its cultivation.

An ideal location of this cypress woman can be considered a clearing, located close to a permanent source of water. These plants love moisture and constantly need it. In addition, it is very desirable that the place of disembarkation also is protected from strong winds.

IN summer time Each tree requires daily irrigation at the rate of 8-10 liters. In addition, you can additionally spray the crown with water. Fertilize the mineral plant and organic fertilizers Need to at least once a month.

Forming trimming is carried out in the spring, while at the same time removing all dried twigs and carrying out growth control. At the same time, you can also exercise feeding to maintain the plant.

Cubs and Paris Leiland: Evergreen Livestore from trees

Cha Leyland's CuprestsCipris is an evergreen plant, which is trees whose height can reach 20 m. Crown of these trees is thick and has a symmetrical shape with hanging down escapes. In the year, the plant can grow by 1.5 m, so that it is believed to the group of fast-growing.

Cupresociparis is quite calmly living in the shade and has few requirements for external conditions. If we talk about the most favorable environment for him, it prefers moderate humidity and soil saturated with minerals. As for acidity, this indicator does not matter. In the dry time of the year, young trees need periodic watering, and during the rest of the time they are quite natural precipitation.

Helpful advice! Planting trees B. open sad It can only be done after their root system will be well developed. Up to this point, they should be contained in special tanks.

In search of fast-growing bushes for living hedges, many pay attention to such a plant as a lambist. Most of her species grows pretty slowly, but the laurels of the drug is an exception and therefore used by gardeners quite often.

Separately, it is worth noting the beauty of the colors of this plant. Long (up to 12 cm) inflorescences consist of a large amount small floweries And they give the hedge decorative and aesthetic appearance.

Lavirichnye is perfectly withstanding any difficulties, including serious freezing. Sufficiently shaded, but demanding of moisture. If the soil is too dry for a long period, the plant will stop blossoming and fruit, it will grow worse.

The fast-growing live fence from the laurels requires trimming and forming twice a year. The first time it must be done at the end of the next summer after planting seedlings.

Holly: photo, disembarkation and care shrubs

Padub is a shrub that has a dark green foliage with a glossy surface. Its leaves spiny, which allows you to create a practically impassable fence, whose height can reach several meters. The plant is unpretentious and can fully grow and develop both under conditions of sufficient solar light and in a half.

A live fence from holly shrubs is formed for 4-5 years, provided that quite developed plants were planted in the soil. At the same time, in the process of the disembarkation, it is necessary to observe between bushes a distance of about 60 cm to give them the opportunity to grow.

The disembarkation can be made twice a year: in the fall (October-November) or spring (in April). But the trimming is recommended to spend in the middle of the summer (it is best at the end of July).

Balsamic fir: care features

Balsamic fir is a plant preferring to grow on shaded areas. For her, the shadow or half is suitable. Also on its development will have a close position of the reservoir. This is due to the fact that the fir loves wet and rich microelements of the soil, well drained. At the same time, stagnation of water in the soil will not allow this plant for this.

For landing in open, soils are used by seedlings whose age is at least 4 years. The landing is best in April, but it is worth picking up a cloudy day for this. Preparation should be started in advance, digging the pits of suitable size two weeks before disembarking.

Despite the fact that the fir is quite resistant to frosts, sharp drops Temperatures are able to provoke the frostbite of the stem part of the tree. So that this does not happen, for the period of severe frosts, it is recommended to cover the plant with a sweet plant. Of course, it concerns young plants.

Helpful advice! It is important to remember that the root fir system is quite superficial, so the strong wind can damage the plant. In the process of landing, it is better to select such places where the trees will be protected from severe gusts.

Ivy Garden: Photos of Living Hollows and Growing Nuances

Garden ivy is one of the most unpretentious plants that can only be found to create a living hedge. His landing and growing will not give any trouble to the owners. The plant grows perfectly in both the shadows and the sun. However, it does not tolerate high humidity and serious frosts too well, so it is advisable to stream the plant for the winter.

The choice of place to landing is carried out from the following criteria: the absence of drafts and strong wind, mostly elevation. First time Ivy grows pretty slowly, adapting and accustomed to new conditions. Therefore, the disembarkation is best to spend early in spring, so that during the summer months the plant had the opportunity to gain strength.

Frequent irrigations garden ivy does not require. Even during periods of drought 1-2 times a week will be quite enough. Closer to autumn or during the periods of natural precipitation, it is worth refrangiving from it.

Helpful advice! To maintain the health of the root plant of the plant, immediately after the rains it is recommended to braid the soil to prevent the formation of dense areas that will not allow moisture and oxygen freely penetrate the roots.

Sugit: landing and leaving the living ground in the garden

Sugit is an incredibly beautiful shrub, which allows you to create unique hedges in garden sites. At the same time, this plant has the requirements, the observance of which will allow to grow healthy and beautiful bushes. Thus, the most suitable is the soil with a moderate humidity and a soup or a thin composition. Sugit is poorly reacting to the increased acidity of the soil.

An unfavorable effect on the development of the root system has an increased level groundwater. As for the love of plants to the direct sunshine, it can definitely say that the samshet prefers shaded areas, although creating a living fence, comply with this condition is not easy.

Failure of the Samshat must be exercised in spring. For this purpose, you need to prepare trenches, the depth of which will be twice the size of the root seedlock system. In the process of landing, pay attention to the state of the root system, as well as the crown of plants.

Thuja Brabant is a decorative plant that cannot be called a whimsical, but at the same time it requires compliance with a number of landing conditions and content to save functions. First of all, it is worth paying attention to that this thuja does not tolerate the shadow. The shortage of sunlight can lead to the loss of the initial bright green color of the plant.

At the same time, severe heat is no less detriment. Perfect option - half-day when the plant is part of the light day under the influence of sunlight, and the rest of the time is hidden in the shade. This can be achieved by landing from Western or East side from any construction on the site.

Considering the feature of the shape of these plants (wide crown and narrowing up), planting seedlings for living hedges should be produced at a distance exceeding 50 cm from each other. So saving space in this case will not work.

Dry exhausted land cannot become a decent basis for growing a car, which in its decorative characteristics will be able to meet all the requirements, and most importantly, your expectations.

Thuja Smaragd: Live hedge from this plant

Having made a choice in favor of the Tui for a living hedge, it is worth considering as an option another kind of this plant. Thuja Smaragd can reach a height of 3-5 meters. At the same time, her girth will reach 2 m. Such serious dimensions of the adult plant should be considered in the process of planting seedlings, leaving a sufficient gap between them, even if you end up you want to get a dense green hedge.

The tree grows quite slowly and the annual increase for it does not exceed 10 cm in height and 5 cm in width. Thuja can live for 150 years. As for the conditions, trees are sufficiently unpretentious, and can grow both at sunny sites and in shading.

What Tui for the living hedge is better - each decides itself, relying on their appearance, as well as the conditions available on the site. But one thing you can say with confidence - and a live fence from Tui Brabant, and the fence from her fellow Smaragd will become an excellent decoration of your site throughout the year.

Perennial fast-growing live elevation: general advice

As can be seen from the above list, many plants are unpretentious enough and demand from the owners of increased attention only at the stage of choosing the right place and disembarkation. In the future, only periodic trimming will be required, which allows to maintain a fence in due.

Buy shrubs for living hedges are also quite simple. Best of all, garden centers or greenhouses are suitable for this purpose, which are engaged in growing shrubs and trees seedlings.

What is better to make a live fence

After reading the photo and names of fast-growing trees and shrubs for giving, you can evaluate which options for you are preferable. It is worth making a choice based on criteria:

  • available conditions for plant growth: soil type, site illumination, climatic features, precipitation, etc.;
  • the amount of time and attention you are willing to give care for the fence. Different trees And bushes for living hedges demand from the owners of various efforts. If you are not ready to devote a lot of time to this issue, it is better to give preference to the option easier, which will allow you by the forming trimmer one or twice a year;

  • the aesthetic component is an equally important aspect of choice. Much depends on how you see the fence of your site, whether you want an everrinlen or deciduous plant, etc.

The choice of fast-growing plants for live hedge is great enough, so finding the option suitable for you will not be too difficult. The main thing is to consider how big photo With the names of perennial bushes for the garden and the garden, the haircut of which implies the formation. And after you make a choice in favor of this or that option, familiarize yourself with detailed instructions How to make a living fence with your own hands using a plant.

Evergreen hedge, made of ivy, will be worthy garden decoration. The cultivation of this culture will not deliver the trouble: care is required to be minimal. Most varieties can be planted in open ground. Deciding to acquire ivy, it is important to know how correctly its landing is performed, watering is organized, which are the subtleties of the reproduction methods of this plant.

Description of the varieties and varieties of evergreen ivy

Biologists know many varieties of this perennial Plant., ripping the carpet of the mountain and plain. Ivy has a large number of long roots with which he clings for everything that comes across. His leaves are saturated dark greenThere are copper species. To determine which ivy is better to start for your site, you can, examined the photo.

Evergreen ivy gardeners plant on their sites, near houses, arbors. More often there are the following cold-resistant varieties of plants.

Proper landing and care for a young culture

Ivy is not demanding and not capricious. He perfectly transfers the shadow, loves the sun's rays, is afraid low temperatures and high humidity. If the winter in the frost leave it without shelter, culture can die.

So that the young plant successfully overlooked in the open soil, it is planted on an exalted area where the wind does not walk, there are no drafts. While Ivy is not strengthened, it grows slowly. It should be landed in early spring to culture for summer period Enough has grown and gained strength for wintering.

Lached ivy as follows:

  • prepare a well-humidized substrate, airtight, rich in organic fertilizers;
  • eat pit, which will be a little more in the depth than the main root of ivy;
  • drainage at home;
  • to plant culture, falling asleep with a substrate, pour.

After planting Ivy in the open soil, the first time should be controlled by the state of the top layer of the soil. It is important that air flowed into the ground, moisture penetrated. It is necessary for this correct care and periodic neat loosening of the Earth can be mulched by any organic porous nature.

Attention! During the cultivation, the soil should be loosened after the rains, in order to prevent the formation of a dense land, which prevents the penetration of moisture and air to the root system.

Water ivy growing in the open soil, too often do not. If it rains is not a frequent phenomenon in a particular region, then watering follows in the summer 1-2 times a week, in the fall in the soil of additional moisture reduced.

For winter evergreen ivyLocated on the street should be covered. For this, gardeners advise to use polyethylene film, burlap. In the spring, when the snow melted, it is not necessary to immediately take the fertilizer and be taken to trim the frostite and weak shoots. Prothesing is recommended in June, when the juice run is over.

Plant reproduction methods required fertilizers

Dilute ivy is very simple. Gardeners are recommended to do this spring or early summer. For reproduction, the top branches are chosen, which began to be unreserved. If you take a young escape, then its rooting and subsequent growth will occur longer, while not always the plant is coming.

Planting Ivy

Slicing cuttings for breeding (approximately 10 cm long), it is necessary that healthy nodes exist on each process. First, they are planted into the greenhouses, using a very loose moistened soil, or for a while they are lowered into the water until the root will grow. After you can transplant to the permanent location in the open soil. Each stalk after reproduction sits at a distance of a meter from a neighboring plant.

You can multiply ivy with a whole escape. To do this, you need to perform several actions:

  • take such an escape of Ivy, which grows at least eight leaves and put it, slightly indulging, on the sand so that all the leaflets remain on the surface;
  • during the cultivation to moisten, not allow sand drying;
  • after 7-10 days, air roots in the sand turn into underground;
  • gently remove ivy and cut the escape so that every cutlets had his sheet;
  • put the planting of the sprout into an open soil or in a pot, do not forget about fertilizers.

To ivy the garden pleased his owner, every two weeks in spring and several times during the summer it is necessary to feed the plant. It is better to do this after watering. For feeding, gardeners advise the use of a cowber connected to water, or mineral fertilizers for decorative plants that can be purchased in a specialized store.

How to recognize diseases and notice pests. Combination with other plants

Ivy is considered an unpretentious plant, but it may be sick or be a captive pest at any moment. It is important to make timely to recognize that the plant needs help, and take all measures to cure it.

Council. If Ivy attacked the pests or attacked the disease, it is necessary to inspect the number of growing crops.

  • If the leaflets began to turn yellow and fall - the cause should be sought in soil dryness. Having received sufficient irrigation, very soon I will acquire a new foliage.
  • If the stalks are losing green leaves and quickly bald, I do not like the ivy. Usually such a phenomenon may occur in a hot summer, in the fall. Therefore, gardener is recommended daily to organize water procedures every day.
  • Bad sign, if the motley and bright green leaves suddenly blocked. The root cause - the plant gets little light. You can solve the problem only with landing for a new, more illuminated place.

Ivy perfectly decorate hedges

This plant is often planted from the fence, near the house, around the arbors. Photos of buildings overgrown with ivy can be seen in magazines. Ivy, if, as it increases, send branches on supports, will become decent decoration Pricework. It is not afraid of any next to growing neighbors, but not all plants are combined with ivy and can get along with it on one territory.

Comfortable next door to ivy will be coniferous, deciduous trees, decorative shrubs. Landscape designers serve the idea of \u200b\u200ba combination and recommend this clasp plant to plant in the garden with roses. Dark or motley wast greens will beautifully emphasize the foot of the queen.

Ivy garden, when it grows and gaining strength, becomes very beautiful. Calling such a plant, you should be ready that to give a neat aesthetic form, the plant must be regularly cut. Especially if it stretches up the supports, the walls of the house, hedge. Otherwise, to care for the plant is simply. Correctly choosing a place in the site by organizing watering, timely subcord And trying in practice the reproduction of the plant, after the season you can become the owner of an incredibly beautiful ivy of garden.

Gardening Garden Ivy: Video

Ivy garden: photo

Ivy garden evergreen - unpretentious decorative wound plantwhich is actively used by gardeners and landscaped designers for landscaping buildings, structures, household buildings, slopes and creating alive hedges. In natural conditions, Ivy Evergreen is widespread in oak and beech forests, as well as in the nizenas of the Central, Western, southern part of Europe, Asia. Bright and juicy thickets of many years of Liana can be found in the southern regions of our country, Crimea, in the Caucasus, where it is very popular. Ivy garden painfully flies any surface. Waterfall of decorative and attractive leaves serve as a real decoration of any corner of the garden. They can be laid out a gazebo, the dark wall of the old building, hide the unattractive sections of the garden, decorate the fence. In the lowlands ivy, quickly smashed, forms a solid carpet, striking the earth. The evergreen liana retains its attractiveness and decorativeness throughout the year. Plant care is required minimal and does not cause trouble. On how to grow garden ivy on its plot, read in this article.

Ivy garden evergreen: description

Ivy evergreen (HEDERA) - a curly liana, refers to the Aralia family. In nature, there are more than 15 species and more than 1000 varieties. decorative plantwhich differ in the shape and coloring leaves. Most varieties of ivy leaves have a dense and smooth surface. The form of leaves is diverse: there are varieties of both solid leaves and a three-pall, a five-pall form. The color of foliage is the advantage of bright green, there are decorative species with motley foliage, with stripes and splashes of yellow, orange, red, with a motley edge. the main distinctive feature The decorative plant is its unlimited growth. With the help of stalks and the air roots located on them, garden ivy can be mastered by any surface, reaching lengths up to 30 meters.

The inflorescence of ivy is an inconspicuous inflorescence of greenish-yellow color in the form of an umbrella, is an excellent honeycomb and attracts the attention of various insects.

Additional attractiveness and decorativeness give the ISSINA-black berries - fruits that appear after flowering. Ivy berries are poisonous for the human body, in contrast to birds, which are happy to be laughing in the fruits of evergreen ivy.

Garden evergreen ivy varieties

Ivy - a thermal-loving culture and predominantly distributed in the southern regions of the country, in moderate climatic zone Only a few frost-resistant plant species are grown:

  • Ivy ordinary (ivy land evergreen frost-resistant) - is the most common view in our latitudes for garden landscaping, and is also used as indoor plant. Neurizruple leaves, have three or five-way shape. Depending on the grade of the color of the leaves can be rich green with glitter or have intellect. Ivy, an ordinary grows moderately, reaches length up to 20 meters, the fatal surface of the curling stem with air roots, which allow the plant to attach to any support. It is used for vertical landscaping of buildings, structures, and also used as a soil culture. Prefers shaded garden sections. Among decorative winter hardy grades The most famous are: Sagittaefolia, Eva, Mona Lisa, Goldhert.

  • Ivy Kolkhidsky or Caucasian - fast-growing view of evergreen Liana, most widely distributed in the foothill areas of the Caucasus. Soothes are strong, with large leaves that change their shape in the process of growth. The leaves are preferably dark green solid form, less often encounter spotted varieties. Thanks to the power of shoots and rapid growth, this type of ivy is capable of a short period of time to label any surface, reaching a height of up to 30 meters. Prefers to grow in the shade. Famous sorts of garden forms: Arboorescens, Dentata Variegata.

  • Ivy Crimean - the appearance of ivy, common in the southern regions of the country and the Crimea. It has rapid growth, unpretentiously, steadily for drought and frost. As Ivy's shoots grow, weighing trees, shrubs, fucked with them hard and firmly. The trunk of adult liana in a circle can reach up to 1 meter, and length is up to 30 meters.

Ivy garden evergreen: landing

Ivy - unpretentious, shadowed culture, which is easily adapting to any living conditions. As an ideal place for landing ivy, elevated areas protected from strong wind gusts should be selected. It is not recommended to choose a place where moisture is stared, since excessive moisture in the ground is dangerous for Liana and can lead to extinction in winter. In the northern regions there is a high probability of freezing the plant used for vertical landscaping arbors, arches, buildings, alive ingredients than soil copies that are better tolerated under the snow.

In addition, the plant loves the shadow, to preserve his decorativeness, he needed sun rays. The lack of light affects the brightness and saturation of the color of foliage. Liana planting seedlings should be observed between landings, at least 50 cm to alleviate the pruning and care of the plant.

Planting ivy is carried out in the spring, so that young shoots for the summer season manage to grow and prepare for wintering. It should be noted that the first years of his life a long-term liana grows slowly, then, the growing, it accelerates its height.

How is the landing of ivy garden evergreen

Ivy Evergreen is perfectly rooted and grows almost on any soils, but young seedlings, for faster rooting and growth, is needed a fertile, rich organic substrate. It is not suitable for growing ivy too dense and clay soil, as the roots of the plants need oxygen. The main condition for successful cultivation Liana is a good drainage so that the moisture is not stood in the ground.

Stages of work:

  1. For planting culture, prepare the soil from equal parts of the turf, river sand and peat. The substrate must be air-permeable and moisturized. You can also use a universal store a substrate rich in organic.
  2. Drop the boarding hole, its size should be slightly larger than the root system seedlings, including the drain layer.
  3. The bottom of the pit must be covered with a drainage layer. As a drainage, you can use clayzit, broken brick, pebbles.
  4. Place the seedling of Liana into the landing pit, fall asleep with soil and slightly tamper. Immediately after planting, the plant is plentiful.

Ivy Garden Evergreen: Care

It is quite easy to care for Liana, it is enough to loosen and mulch soil, water and feed the plant.

Watering Ivy Garden Evergreen

Regular watering and preservation of moisture in the ground is the key to the successful cultivation of ivy on the site. Too frequent watering, which lead to the mooring of the soil, are dangerous for the plant. If summer and autumn issued rainy, an additional watering is reduced. To determine whether there is plenty of moisture by the plant, it is necessary to pay attention to the soil under the Liana and the state of the leaves of the plant. If the ground took a crust, and the leaves began to dry out, it says about excessive soil dryness. The looser of the upper layer of the soil and watering will correct the situation and return the plant to life.

Garden evergreen ivy mulching

Young landing ivy for rapid growth And good rooting is needed not only moisture, but also the air. Therefore, regular soil looser under planting, as well as its mulching will help keep the air exchange and water balance in the soil. Mulching is also necessary to protect the plant from the first frosts. Any organic material is used as a mulch: dry foliage, compost, sawdust or peat. Mulch should be added gradually - first with a thin layer, then, by autumn, its layer increases to prepare a plant to winter.

After heavy rains, the soil, where ivy grows, should be loosened to prevent the formation of a dense layer of the Earth, which prevents the penetration of moisture and oxygen to the roots of the plant.

Uzviva Garden Evergreen

In order for the evergreen Liana to grow rapidly and decorated the garden of the garden, it is periodically introduced by nitrogen-containing fertilizers, contributing to the magnificent growth of new shoots and leaves. Complex fertilizer with nitrogen contributes at the beginning of summer. Since July, feeding should contain phosphorus and potassium, which will help enhanced growth and aging shoots, preparing plants for the upcoming wintering.

Pruning of Ivy Garden Evergreen

In order for Ivy beautifully framing buildings and buildings, and also created a lush alive hedge, growing shoots need a haircut and pinching. After trimming ivy, gives a lot of lateral shoots, providing a liana spectacular look.
It should be remembered that it is recommended to cut dry, weak and damaged branches, after the winter is recommended only at the end of the spring deployment, approximately in the first numbers of June. Sanitary trim is also held in the fall, in front of wintering. Slices on the stems should be treated with a garden boiler to prevent Liana infection.

How to prepare evergreen ivy to winter

Since Ivy is from Europe, the plant is quite rigorous and unpretentious for the regions of our country with a temperate and warm climate, where frost-resistant varieties of many years of curly lianas are grown. Harsh winters of the northern regions, even with winter shelter, ivy may not withstand and die. In the southern regions, with mild winters, Ivy frost resistant can winter without cover. Its roots protect the thick layer of mulch from organic MaterialsAnd the dropped snow creates additional protection against freezing the root system.

In the rest of the regions in winter, Liana should be covered by burlap or polyethylene film. Vertical Lians in the warm climate are not necessarily removed from the support, and in the northern regions it is better to remove them and hide them with burlap, spruce branches, film, carefully placing on Earth.

In the spring, after melting of snow, the film is removed to prevent spontaneousness.

How to get rid of the growth of the Liana of Ivy garden evergreen?

Some gardeners face such a problem as the growth of ivy in the large area of \u200b\u200bthe site. The fast-growing liana does not give other plants and shrubs fully grow or soaring fruit trees. To remove liana bush, you need to cut her stem from the base and dig root. Do not leave cut shoots on Earth, as Ivy quickly steals and continues its height.

To prevent the abundant growth of the stroke, it is recommended to regularly trim, giving the desired form.

Garden evergreen reproduction

Ivy quickly and well multiplies. It can be multiplied with stalling, so the plant forms apparent or air roots, which are very quickly rooted. For reproduction of ivy, it is better to choose spring or summer - a period of active plant growth.

For drawing, you should choose the top weighing shoots with the reservoirs of nodes or visible roots. Green young cutlets are better not to cut, since for its rooting it will take a larger length of time, and in unfavorable conditions for him it can die. Selected cuttings are cut into fragments up to 10 cm and rooted in loose fertile soil, creating a greenhouse or in water. After the appearance of strong roots, the young escape can be planted in an open ground.

Modifying ivy on the plot, using a whole escape on which air roots are present. It is enough to put the branch on the ground and slightly press it into the ground, leaving the leaves on the surface, and regularly water. After about a week, the Escape is rooted, its air roots will become underground.

Pests and diseases of ivy garden evergreen

A special danger of evergreen liane is pincers, aphid, whitefly and trips, which are transferred insects or wind. When pests are found on the stems and leaves of ivy, it is necessary to immediately begin processing by the plant insecticides. Ivy and nearby growing plants spray with accomplished, diluted with water, or carbofos. To complete the destruction of pests, it may be necessary to re-procedure.
Excessive humidity of the soil or stagnation of moisture can lead to infection with fungal diseases. The affected leaves and stalks of the Lian should be deleted.

Possible problems in the cultivation of ivy garden evergreen in open ground

  • The yellowing of foliage testifies to the dryness of the soil. When resumed irrigation, the leaves acquire the former green color.
  • The appearance of dry and yellow leaves signals the rebupping of the chipping chip or feeding.
  • Fitting of ivy leaves can talk about dry air. In the arid summer ivy need to spray with water from the hose. Water procedures also help remove dust from the leaves and give Lian a luxurious view.
  • The pallor of the leaves is a sign of lack of sunlight. If the plant is planted in the shade, it should be transplanted to a more illuminated area, in the half.

Ivy Garden evergreen: use in the garden

Buildings, gazebos, verandas, braided with green liaans, an incredibly beautiful and fascinating sight. The buildings look fabulously and just magically. Ivy provides gardery space for the embodiment of his creative fantasy in the arrangement of the garden plot.

Beautiful and effectively look fences, Ovitivated ivy, as well as alive hedges separating the garden to the zones. I decide to plant an evergreen lian on the plot, it is necessary to prepare for the fact that to give it decorativeness and aesthetic species, it is necessary to regularly cut the rapid growing shoots, especially if Ivy grows up the vertical support.

Ivy garden on the site - a great way to hide the unattractive zones, such as the old building or fence, decorate the empty wall of the house. Liana can beautifully prophesions and decorate the arch, pillar, column or tree. Having an evergreen ivy in the garden, you should be ready for the fact that in the summer, while flowering, butterflies will fly to it, small insect pests and birds can settle for it, which feed on its berries. To give a beautiful, fresh species, Liana needs to spray with water from the hose, cleaning the leaves from dirt and dust.

Ivy is perfect for many plants: coniferous and deciduous shrubs, successfully combined with planting pink bushes as a soil plant.

Ivy garden evergreen, photo