Induction heating boiler. Induction boiler for heating: truth and myths

Having made the decision to heat their home with electricity or install an additional electrical source of heat, homeowners are wondering - what type of heater to use? Here the choice is small, the market offers three types of electric heat generators: heating elements, electrode and vortex (induction). The latter represent greatest interest, since they are declared by the manufacturers as the new and most economical equipment. Induction boilers have appeared relatively recently, so it is worth studying them in more detail.

Vortex induction boiler device

In fact, this technical solution Far from being new, the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction, due to which electric induction heating boilers function, was discovered by M. Faraday back in 1831. Simply, thanks to modern materials and technologies, the phenomenon has been taken as a basis and implemented in water heating installations relatively recently.

The water is heated by eddy currents (Foucault currents) appearing in the coil core. They are formed under the influence of an alternating electric field created by the turns of the coil with alternating current with a frequency of 50 Hz. The core is made in the form of a pipe, through which the coolant flows when heated. In fact, the device is an induction converter electrical energy in heat with an efficiency of about 98%. The diameter of the wire from which the coil is made, the number of turns and the dimensions of the core are calculated in such a way as to heat water to a maximum temperature of 95 ºС and at the same time prevent overheating of the winding.

VIN type water heaters

The heart of the unit is a coil, consisting of a large number of turns of insulated wire, and placed vertically in a cylindrical body in the form of a vessel. A metal rod is inserted inside the coil. The casing is hermetically sealed at the top and bottom with welded covers, terminals for connection to electrical network... A cold coolant enters the vessel through the lower branch pipe, which fills the entire space inside the body. The water heated to the required temperature goes into the heating system through the upper branch pipe.

By virtue of its design, when connected to the network, the heat generator constantly operates at full capacity, since it supplies heating installation additional devices voltage regulation is irrational. It is much easier to use cyclic heating and activate automatic shutdown / shutdown with a water temperature sensor. You just need to expose required temperature on the display of the remote electronic unit and it will heat the coolant to this temperature, turning off the hot-water induction element when it is reached. After the time has elapsed and the water has cooled down by a few degrees, the automatics will turn on the heating again, this cycle will be repeated constantly.

Since the winding of the heat generator provides for a single-phase connection with a supply voltage of 220 V, induction-type heating units are not produced with high power. The reason is that the current in the circuit is too high (over 50 amperes), it will require laying cables of large cross-section, which in itself is very expensive. To increase the power, it is enough to enclose three water heating installations in a cascade and apply a three-phase connection with a supply voltage of 380 V. Connect a separate phase to each device in the cascade, the photo shows a similar example of the operation of induction heating.

Design features of "Sibtekhnomash" type heaters
Using the same effect of electromagnetic induction, another company develops and manufactures water heaters of a slightly different design that deserves attention. The fact is that electric field created by the multi-turn coil has a spatial shape and spreads from it in all directions. If in VIN units the coolant passes inside the coil, then the device induction boiler Sibtechnomash provides a spiral heat exchanger located outside the winding, as shown in the figure.

The winding creates an alternating electric field around itself, eddy currents heat the turns of the heat exchanger tube, in which water moves. Coil coils are assembled in a cascade of 3 pieces and attached to a common frame. Each of them is connected to a separate phase, the supply voltage is 380 V. The Sibtekhnomash design has several advantages:

  • induction heaters have a separate collapsible design;
  • in the area of ​​the electric field there is an increased area of ​​the heating surface and large quantity water due to the spiral scheme, which increases the heating rate;
  • heat exchanger lines are available for flushing and maintenance.

Despite the differences in the design of the heat generator, the efficiency of its operation is 98%, as in heaters of the "VIN" type, this efficiency value is declared by the manufacturer himself. The durability of the units in either case is determined by the operability of the coils, or rather, by the service life of the winding and electrical insulation, this indicator is set by manufacturers within 30 years.

Advantages and disadvantages

The real advantages that induction boilers have for heating a house or industrial building are as follows:

  1. High, like all hot water installations, the efficiency of work, which is in the range of 97-98%.
  2. Durability due to no moving parts and simple design.
  3. Small dimensions, allowing you to place heating equipment in a room of any size.
  4. High rate of heating of the coolant and the absence of inertia when it is turned off.
  5. Comfort during operation, an induction electric boiler does not require the constant attention of the owner of the house, and the frequency of its maintenance depends entirely on the quality of the water used in the system.

Vortex heaters are supplied with control kits, which makes it possible to connect heat generators with other climatic systems at home.

Sectional Heater

This equipment also has disadvantages. The main one is the high cost, especially for heat generators of the Sibtekhnomash type. If it is quite acceptable to use these units for industrial purposes, then induction heating of a private house may turn out to be unjustifiably expensive.

The experience of the practical use of vortex heaters by homeowners and maintenance personnel of service companies is not yet very extensive, but at the moment there are no significant complaints about the equipment.

Induction boiler myths

One of the most popular myths is created sales representatives selling induction electric boilers... The bottom line is that these boilers are supposedly 20-30% more efficient than other heating electrical installations, especially heating elements. This information does not correspond to reality, since all heat generators that convert electricity into heat operate with an efficiency of at least 96% in accordance with the physical law of conservation of energy. The only indisputable fact is that the heating elements heat up the coolant a little longer due to their multilayer structure. The tungsten coil first heats the quartz sand, then the tube material, and then the water. In this case, the energy is not lost anywhere, and the efficiency of the heating element unit is 98%, as well as the vortex one.

Heating system example

Another myth says that an induction electric boiler does not require maintenance at all, since the alternating magnetic field prevents deposits from settling on the heating elements. This issue depends on the quality of the water and scale on the core of the coil appears in the same way as in heating elements, if the coolant is not desalinated. Therefore, at least once every 2 years, the heat generator itself and the heating system must undergo a flushing procedure.

Contrary to the assurances of the sellers, the water heater cannot be installed in any room. There are two reasons: the danger of electric shock and the presence electromagnetic field around the machine. It is better to place it in a technical room with limited access (boiler room).


Heating installations using eddy currents for heating really have many advantages, especially among them the heating rate, compactness and durability are attracted. How much these advantages justify the high cost of the product - each homeowner will have to decide on an individual basis.

In spite of great amount ways to generate heat using natural resources, homeowners are increasingly turning to the use of electric heating installations for heating their homes.

Electric boilers are environmentally friendly, since the combustion products that appear during the combustion of oil products, gas, coal and even firewood are not released into the atmosphere.

Vortex heater

Another plus use of electric heating is the ease of maintenance of heating systems mounted on the basis of electric boilers. However, the convenience of using electricity for heating a home is becoming an increasingly costly way of generating heat in a house - paying a bill for electricity consumption with each heating season becomes overwhelming for many.

Home owners are beginning to look for an alternative to electric boilers, the design of which is a standard heating element.

Induction electric boilers are gradually gaining popularity, which also convert electricity into heat, which is necessary for heating rooms. but their design allows you to use the energy carrier much more economically, which significantly reduces the running costs of maintaining the house during the heating season.

Saving electricity is due to the rapid heating of the heating medium of the heating system. This is due to the induction device, which replaced the traditional heating element in the boiler.

In addition to reducing heating costs, these boilers have a solid number of advantages over other electric boilers - high efficiency, long service life (at least 25 years) and no scale.

The internal structure of an induction heater and how it works

The design of such a device, created to generate heat energy, is similar in its simplest form to a transformer. Like a transformer, induction generator consists of short-circuited windings - primary and secondary.

Primary winding serves to convert electricity into eddy currents that create an electromagnetic field directed to the secondary winding. Secondary winding at the same time it is both the body of the inductor and a heating element that transfers the received energy to the heating system. The heat carrier can be any electrically conductive liquid, from ordinary industrial water to oil and antifreeze.

Since a vortex induction heater (or just wine) does not emit fuel decomposition products during operation, it is the safest among different types heating equipment used to provide heat to buildings for various purposes. Such a heating system guarantees a favorable composition of the atmosphere, which means the preservation of its ecological purity.

Heating system starts working immediately after voltage is applied to the internal winding... The resulting electromagnetic field directs eddy currents to the outer surface of the core.

Their density almost instantly increases, heating the surface of the core, and then the entire element. This heat is used to heat the coolant circulating in the boiler.

Why is it needed for a heating system? Types of the device, and how it works.

Should I install a thermostat on a heating radiator? product?

It should be borne in mind that the device cuts into the heating system using two pipes. The lower one serves to supply the cooled heat carrier. It is mounted at the boiler inlet, and through the second branch pipe the heated coolant is directed to the heating system.

The supply of the heated coolant is carried out due to the hydrostatic head. Since the coolant constantly circulates in the system, carrying out the removal of hot liquid into the heating system, then the possibility of equipment overheating is completely excluded.

Features of the installation of the boiler plant and its operation

To ensure continuous circulation of the coolant, the heating system equipped with an induction electric boiler must be closed, without fail equipped with a circulation pump. There are some rules for installing an induction boiler indoors.

The boiler must be installed at a distance of at least 30 cm from wall surfaces. The distance from the floor and from the ceiling should be more than 80 cm.To be able to monitor the operation of the system and ensure its safety, a pressure gauge, an explosive valve, automatic device designed for air extraction.

Before starting work, it is imperative to check the presence of a coolant in the system. The supply of electricity in its absence guarantees equipment failure. Such a boiler can be installed in any room of the building, taking into account its installation at the above distance from its walls, ceiling and floor.

Many consumers who used plastic pipes during the installation of the system are concerned about the question: can an innovative boiler be connected to them? There is no such problem, plastic pipes for heating systems are designed to use any heating equipment.

Read how to choose the right expansion tank for the heating system closed type.

Advantages and disadvantages . How to choose and install?

How to choose a heat pump for heating a private house? The advantages and disadvantages of the heating systems of the future.

Induction boiler price and installation cost

The choice of the power of an induction boiler, like any heating equipment. is determined by the size of the heated area of ​​the building. The cost of the equipment also depends on the power. The most inexpensive VIN boiler available for sale costs about 30 thousand rubles. Installation cost starts from 6 thousand rubles.

The power of such a heater is 6 kW, which is quite enough for heating a small country house... It has two heating sections, 3 kW each, which is very convenient when the outside air temperature rises. This design of heating equipment can significantly reduce the consumption of electricity for heating the house.


I chose a VIN boiler for a long time and bought a SAV. 5 kW. Since the task was to heat the country house. The device does its job well. The only negative is that it often knocks out the machine and refuses to work through the RCD. I will conduct a more powerful power supply line. Perhaps this will solve the problem.

DIY induction electric boiler

The simplicity of the design allows home craftsmen to make an induction wine heating boiler on their own. In the manufacture of the simplest version of such a heater you will need to purchase a high-frequency welding inverter .

It is desirable that it be equipped with a device for smooth current regulation. The power of the structure depends on the value of the welding current (at least 15 amperes).

You should also prepare the following materials:

  • a thick-walled plastic pipe, the inner diameter of which is slightly less than 5 cm;
  • stainless steel wire 7 mm;
  • adapters for connection to the heating system;
  • enameled copper wire;
  • fine metal mesh.

The wire is cut into pieces of about 5 cm... Then a plastic pipe is taken, at the bottom of which a metal mesh is fixed, and then an adapter is attached to the base. This pipe will simultaneously perform two functions - it will become a section of the pipeline heating system and the base of the induction coil.

The inside of the pipe is completely filled with wire cuttings... They will serve as a material heated by an electromagnetic field, and the fixed metal mesh will prevent them from falling into the pipeline. Then to the top plastic pipe an adapter is also installed.

The next stage of work will be the manufacture of the coil... 90 turns of prepared copper wire are neatly wound around a base of plastic pipe filled with scraps of wire. The wire should be located in the middle of the pipe.

The finished device is installed using adapters into the rupture of the heating system pipeline... Installation is carried out strictly vertically.

After installation, the coil should be connected to a high-frequency inverter, and the heating system should be filled with coolant. The heating device must be connected to earth ground. Now you can start using your own heating device.

To prevent heat loss and more aesthetic appearance an insulating body should be made.

Also watch a video on how to make induction heating with your own hands:

The study of consumer demand in the boiler equipment market says that most of the buyers who use electricity for heating their homes prefer modern factory-made induction boilers equipped with different systems safety, powerful and economical. Such heating equipment of a new generation is becoming more popular every year.

In the process of planning the installation of a heating system in the country or in country house many are trying to solve the problem of excessive energy costs by installing an induction heating boiler. In addition to saving energy, its design is such that it allows you to do without harmful emissions in environment and does not pose any danger during use. An important argument in its favor is the possibility of its independent design. In this article, we will consider what an induction heating boiler is: everything about the principle of operation + 2 options for a device with our own hands. In addition, its advantages over conventional electric boilers and gas units will become obvious to us.

The device of induction boilers

The basis internal device such a boiler includes an inductor (transformer). Conventional household induction boilers are slightly different from similar industrial boilers with a cylindrical winding system. In compact boilers for domestic use, a toroidal copper winding is used.

The outer casing of the unit is made of painted metal, followed by a thick layer of thermal and electrical insulation, inside which there is a double-walled core. It is made of special ferromagnetic steel and has a wall thickness of at least 10 mm. The toroidal winding that is wound around the core is the primary winding. It is in it that the energy of the electric field is converted into a magnetic field, which creates eddy currents. Their energy is already transferred to the secondary winding. The role of the secondary winding is the body of the circuit, which, under the influence of this energy, releases a large amount of heat, which is transferred to the coolant. Toroidal winding allows you to create units with low weight and dimensions.

The principle of operation of induction boilers

The standard equipment usually includes the boiler itself, an absolutely necessary semiconductor converter called an inverter, circuit breakers, and an electronic thermostat. The temperature sensor itself is located inside the boiler drum.

The operation of induction boilers is based on the principle of electromagnetic induction. Its essence is that the electricity consumed from the network creates an electromagnetic field. The heating medium is supplied to the inside of the boiler through the water pipe, which is welded at the bottom. An alternating current with a frequency of 20 kHz is supplied to the boiler through an inverter. When this device is turned on, the current flows through the toroidal winding of the boiler. At the same time, the steel core heats up to a temperature of 750 degrees in just 7 minutes.

The generated heat is transferred to the heat carrier circulating inside the circuit. Rapid heating of the liquid creates convection currents. This means that the heated coolant expands strongly and rushes up the boiler structure and further into the heating system itself. Often this is enough for a full-fledged operation of a household boiler with an average length of the heating circuit to take place. This method allows you to quickly heat the entire system, but for better circulation, you need to additionally install the usual circulation pump.

Due to the application of the principle of magnetic induction, heating of the coolant in such boilers occurs much faster than in units with heating elements, and heat losses are minimal. There is almost no scale on the core, no matter how hard and calcareous the water is.

This is because the eddy currents force the core to vibrate, preventing scale build-up. At the same time, bubbles boiling at his body clean the surface of the core. Due to the tightness of the entire system, the coolant takes up the maximum (98%) amount of released thermal energy. Thus, these parameters greatly increase the efficiency of the boiler, which has a positive effect on its efficiency and service life.

Pros and cons of induction boilers

Induction boilers have a number of unconditional advantages over conventional boilers with heating elements:

  • Stable efficiency indicators up to 99% for almost the entire service life.
  • The absence of heating elements, which significantly extends the life of the device.
  • The absence of moving elements, which completely eliminates mechanical wear and the need to replace components.
  • The absence of detachable internal connections prevents leakage.
  • Full availability of work even with constant current or low voltage in the network.
  • Very fast heating to the required temperature of the coolant (5 - 7 min).
  • A sufficiently high degree of electrical and fire safety, corresponding to class II due to the use of a core that is not directly connected to the inductor.
  • No need to install a chimney and provide a separate room for the boiler. There is no need to attract highly qualified specialists to install this system.
  • The standard service life of the device is up to 25 years and even more. It directly depends on the tightness of the sealed outer seam and on the large thickness metal pipes for the core. He does not need any maintenance work during the entire period of operation.
  • The boiler can use all available heat transfer fluids: oil, water, antifreeze, ethylene glycol without any preliminary preparation.
  • It is possible to change the development of the coolant only once every 10 years.
  • Good protection against overheating and various accidents, noiselessness during operation.
  • The boilers are equipped with electronic automated control systems.
  • There is no scale inside the circuit.
  • Possibility of connecting the boiler to any closed-type heating systems.
  • The minimum possible heating of the coolant is 35 ° C.

But induction boilers have disadvantages, both in front of other heating devices and in terms of individual specific parameters.

  • Such boilers can only be connected to a closed heating circuit, very often with forced circulation coolant
  • Quite a large weight of the boiler with a fairly small size. The weight of a 2.5 kW boiler is at least 23 kg with a total height of 45 cm and a diameter of 12 cm.
  • The price is higher than that of other boilers, which is due to the presence of an expensive part - an inverter.
  • Radio interference generated at a distance of several meters from the boiler in the long-wave, medium-wave and even VHF ranges. They do not affect the human body, but they are well felt by pets and electronic equipment.

Installation of an induction boiler and control system for it

Installation of such boilers is possible only in a closed heating system. This requires an expansomat expansion tank and a pump for forced circulation of the coolant.

According to the instructions, the induction boiler is positioned strictly vertically. After that, the return pipe of the heating circuit is connected to the lower branch pipe of the input. The outlet is located at the top of the device (side or top). The supply pipeline is looped onto it.

The weight of the boiler to be installed is quite serious, so the fasteners need to be given the most Special attention... They must be very reliable, taking into account the fact that during the operation of the boiler, its weight will significantly increase due to the coolant entering the interior. The lateral distance from the boiler to surrounding objects and walls is 300 mm. The distance to the floor and ceiling is 800 mm and no less. An important and prerequisite for the installation of such boilers is their grounding. It is possible to use both metal and metal-plastic pipes with it.

A group of safety devices is built in next to the outlet pipe: an explosive valve, a pressure gauge, an air vent. The expansion tank is installed in a convenient section of the system return pipe. Shut-off valves mostly mounted after the security group.

The installation of the entire control system, as well as the boiler itself, must be carried out in accordance with existing rules and the norms of the PUE, schemes and conditions contained in the technical passport available in the kit.

Examples of homemade designs

If you are not going to use an induction boiler for the main heating in a private house, but want to equip a summer cottage or garage with it, then you can try to design it yourself. There are two options for how to do this.

First option

To implement it, you will need pieces of plastic pipes and a welding inverter. Having basic knowledge in the field of physics and knowing how to use wire cutters, you can independently make an elementary induction model. To do this, you need to purchase an already created high-frequency welding inverter with a smooth regulation of the current power up to 15 amperes or even higher. For heating a large area, it is better to choose a much more powerful device. You will also need wire rod from of stainless steel or regular pieces of steel wire. This is necessary to fulfill the role of a heated element. Their length is about 50 mm, with a diameter of 7 mm.

An important component is copper wire, which can be purchased without any problems at any theme store. Do not use winding from old coils. The body, which is the basis of the induction coil, is also part of the pipeline, so it can be made from a plastic pipe with thick walls. Its inner diameter should be 50 mm. Two outlet pipes are attached to this body for the supply of cold and return of the hot coolant. Everything inner space the housings must be completely filled with pieces of wire and closed metal mesh so that they do not get enough sleep.

An induction coil is made as follows: a copper wire covered with enamel is gradually wound around a previously prepared plastic pipe. It will take about 90 turns. The resulting homemade device needs to be connected to the pipeline network. Cut from the pipeline small area pipes, and a home-made induction boiler is installed instead. It is connected through an inverter and the water is simply started.

Second option

This option provides for the use of a three-phase transformer with the possibility and fixation. In addition, you will also need welding machine... To manufacture the device, you need to weld two pipes so that they look like a donut in a cut. This design performs both conductive and heating functions. Then the winding is wound directly onto the boiler body in order to make it more effective work despite its low weight and size. Here, a standard heating medium heating scheme is used: it receives a large amount of thermal energy in contact with the winding.

The manufacturing scheme of such a structure is somewhat more complicated than in the first version. The boiler is equipped with two nozzles, both for the inlet of the cold heat carrier and for the outlet of the heated one. If you come up with and independently build a protective casing, you can minimize heat losses.

Features of self-installation and operation of homemade boilers

As in the case of factory-made boilers, only a closed-type heating system may be suitable for installing a home-made induction installation. It should include centrifugal pump, which creates a constant circulation of the coolant inside the heating system. Common today plastic piping are the best suited for installing a homemade induction boiler. All regulations related to the installation of store-bought boilers must be fully observed in this case. If you install controls and safety devices on the system, then your homemade installation will be little inferior to their factory counterparts.

Although it is quite difficult to make such a device, and it is better not to take up this business without having "direct hands", it is a pleasure to operate it. After all, along with the ease of use, we also get serious energy savings.

Electric induction heating boilers are positioned as very economical means of heating homes. In this article, we will try to soberly assess these devices: electricity consumption, usability, and other features of the solution.

The photo is the hero of our article.

What it is

An induction heating boiler, as the name quite logically suggests, uses the principle of electromagnetic induction. If you wind a coil from a thick wire and pass a sufficiently large current through it, an electromagnetic field will arise in it and, in part, around it.

If you place a core made of any ferromagnet in a coil (to put it simply, a metal to which a magnet sticks), eddy currents will arise in it, which will inevitably cause the metal particles to move faster. Heat up.

Now let's wind the coil around a dielectric pipe, and fix the steel core inside in any way. It remains to insert the resulting structure into the heating circuit - here, in fact, the do-it-yourself induction electric heating boiler is ready.

The principle of operation is simple and straightforward:

  • The consumed electricity is converted into an electromagnetic field.
  • Its energy is spent on heating the core.
  • The core gives off excess heat to the coolant - water, oil or ethylene glycol.
  • Fast and strong heating of water or other liquid in a certain area generates convection currents in it. The heated coolant expands and tends upward. The created difference is sufficient for the operation of a medium-length contour; if you need to speed up the circulation of the coolant, the usual one is used.

Please note: the design is positioned as an innovative ultra-economical solution that allows you to consume 20-30 percent less energy.

Myths and reality

Any seller is interested in selling his product and, in order to be bought, is quite capable of distorting the facts. Let's analyze all the main theses mentioned in the advertisement of this type of heating device.


Thesis: we have an innovative development based on a new physical principle.


  • The phenomenon of induction was discovered by Michael Faraday almost two centuries ago - in 1831.
  • In metallurgy, induction melting furnaces have been massively used since the second half of the 20th century.
  • Neither new materials nor any high tech in the manufacture of induction cats are not used.

Conclusion: the well-known principle of operation is used only in order to create and occupy a new market niche.


Thesis: induction boilers for home heating allow you to save electricity, consuming with the same heat transfer 20-30 percent less than analogs.


  • Any electrical appliance direct heating that does not perform mechanical work (that is, does not move any mass against the gravity vector), converts 100% of the consumed electrical power into heat power.
    The efficiency can only differ due to heat dissipation around the boiler instead of heating the coolant.

Note: if the boiler is placed in a heated room, this heat is not lost, but again goes to heating the air.

  • The efficiency of heating the coolant is determined by the temperature of the heating element. In the case of heating elements, it has to be artificially limited; a monolithic core can be heated almost to the melting point.
    Advertising statements often cite the results of an experiment in which an induction boiler heated a fixed volume of coolant to a certain temperature in 3 hours, while a heating element took six. At the same time, the cost of electricity was slightly less than that of the induction one.
    The authors of the experiment defiantly ignore the fact that in 6 hours any heating circuit will dissipate much more heat than in 3. The laws of physics are simple: to get a kilowatt-hour of thermal energy by direct heating using electricity, you need to spend a kilowatt-hour of electricity. Point.
  • A large amount of heat will inevitably be generated on the inductive coil itself - simply because it is a conductor with non-zero resistance and a large current flowing in it.
    Inappropriate heat dissipation will be determined by quality external thermal insulation boiler. However, if it is located in the house - again, the heat will go to heat it.

Conclusions: we are dealing with the manipulation of information for the sake of increasing sales.


Thesis: the device's uptime is over 25 years. It is extremely reliable compared to conventional heaters and requires no maintenance.


  • Boilers of this type do not contain any moving parts. Mechanical wear is absent as a class.
  • A copper winding of sufficient thickness with proper cooling with a coolant will serve indefinitely. Turn-to-turn breakdown due to poor insulation also does not threaten it: the coil is wound not turn to turn, but with small gaps between them.
  • When heated, the core will inevitably be eroded by water and steam bubbles, gradually deteriorating. However, with its sufficient thickness, this will not be a problem for a very long time.
  • The boiler control circuit must contain several fairly powerful transistors (it will have to control large currents).
    The service life of semiconductors rarely exceeds 10 years; however, it is largely determined by the subtlety of the process technology.

Roughly speaking, transistors made 30 years ago live several times longer than the current ones. It all depends on the used element base.

Conclusions: induction heating boilers may well be much more durable compared to both traditional heating elements with their limited service life of heating elements, and electrode ones, in which the anode inevitably dissolves in water over several years.

Consistency of characteristics

Thesis: traditional boilers are characterized by a drop in power due to scale on the heating elements. Here, the characteristics are unchanged.


  • Advertising overestimates the damage caused by limescale. In a closed loop a large number limescale deposits have nowhere to come from; and the thermal conductivity of the sediment layer is not so low as to seriously insulate the heating element.
  • With regard to the core of an induction boiler, however, the statement is pure truth: it practically does not form scale on it, even if the water is rich in lime.

Eddy currents make the core vibrate, and even the smallest bubbles of water boiling at its surface (at maximum power, of course) destroy any scale.

This canonical photograph of the heating element after several years of operation is a clear exaggeration of the problem.


Thesis: the device works absolutely silently, comparing favorably with the alternatives.


  • of any type does not make loud sounds during its operation. Simply by virtue of its design: heating water does not require any acoustic vibrations.
  • An induction heater will be silent only if the convection generated by it is used to circulate the water. On the other hand, heating boilers are always supplied with pumps, which are not at all silent.
  • If, in a circuit with a heater of a type of interest to us, a large hydraulic resistance forces us to use a pump, the noise level will be the same as that of a heating element boiler.


Thesis: induction heating boilers have small dimensions, thanks to which they can be mounted in any room.

Reality: With reasonable power, this is true. The device does not need any large container in which the heating elements heat the coolant: it is just a piece of pipe with a coil wound around it.

Nuance: in heating elements electric boilers, a significant part of the body volume is occupied by a circulation pump and an expansion tank.

Conclusions: On the whole, the statement is absolutely true.


Thesis: the device is absolutely safe.

Reality: If the coolant leaks, the core left without cooling will melt the mount and the case in a matter of seconds. You can only rely on an automatic shutdown in case of overheating or a pressure sensor.

Conclusions: in terms of operational safety, the design is no different from competing solutions.

Overall score

Before us is a convenient and compact heating device without any design flaws. The price of a boiler of this type is approximately twice the cost of a heating element heater. At the same time, neither real savings, no other miracles can be expected from him.

Installation instructions are quite standard:

  • An expansion tank must be present in the circuit;
  • For devices with a power of 7 KW, 380 volts are needed;
  • In a system with natural circulation, the boiler is mounted strictly vertically;
  • For devices with high power or in a circuit with a high hydraulic resistance, it is mandatory.

As usual, some additional information about induction heaters you will find in the video at the end of the article. Warm winters!

Among the electric hot water heating equipment, a special place is occupied by an induction electric boiler. The principle of operation is based on the occurrence of Foucault currents. The scope of operation is limited to household and industrial systems closed type.

Induction electric boiler device

The device of an induction (inverter) electric boiler, consists of several important units responsible for the excitation of the electromagnetic field and the transfer of heat. Structurally, the heater consists of the following elements:

Such a device provides maximum efficiency equal to 99%. An induction electric boiler has the following advantages:

  • The use of inverter technology provides the necessary intensity of heating the coolant, preventing overheating and boiling. In this case, it is required to create conditions for constant circulation of liquid inside the heating element.
  • Wide operating temperature range. If necessary, the boiler can be connected to energy-saving heating systems, such as "warm floors" or work in anti-freeze mode, maintaining heating within 10-15 ° C.
  • Safety and efficiency are fundamental electrical circuit, completely eliminates the likelihood of defeat electric shock... The core heats up quickly due to the low level of inertia. A lower heating temperature of the heat exchanger is used than in heating boilers.
  • Long service life of an inertial electric boiler, varies from 40-60 years. At the same time, during the entire operation, it is not necessary to change the heating element.
The electrical circuit of a high-frequency inverter of an induction heating boiler is so simple that some consumers make it with their own hands. A homemade boiler, inferior to the factory one in reliability and efficiency, but is popular, thanks to minimal costs for its manufacture.

What is the difference between induction boilers and heating elements

The main difference between an induction boiler and an electric heating element is a different principle of heating the coolant:
  • Heating element boiler - for heating, a tubular heater is used, with a spiral inside, heated as a result of an electrical circuit closure. Above, the heating element is enclosed in a ceramic or stainless steel sheath.
    To heat the coolant, the generated heat passes through several stages. First, the spiral is warmed up. Heat is transferred to the heating surface and only then to the heat carrier. At the same time, large heat losses are observed.
  • Induction boiler - in the role of a heat exchanger, a hollow ferromagnetic rod acts through which the coolant circulates. The advantages of induction boilers over conventional electric boilers are in the direct heating of the heating system fluid. The heated core transfers heat immediately.
Household induction electric boilers for heating private houses, in comparison with heating elements, they have several more advantages. Eddy currents lead to the fact that the core constantly vibrates, which makes it impossible for the appearance of calcium deposits (which are the main reason for the failure of heating elements of boilers).

Heat loss is minimized due to the double thermal insulation of the case. As a result of the principle of operation and design features, the heating system using an electric induction boiler has a high efficiency of 98-99%.

Heating elements boilers, for heating and hot water supply, use two separate heating elements that work simultaneously when the DHW tap is opened. At the same time, a peak load on the power grid is created, and electricity consumption increases. In induction heat generators, this does not happen.

Due to the noise and vibration observed during operation and the high cost, induction boilers are primarily intended for heating industrial premises.

Choosing an induction type electric boiler

Electric boilers for induction heating are presented in a wide range. When choosing a suitable model, take into account the performance characteristics:
  • Power consumption - boilers with a capacity of up to 6-8 kW are connected to a two-phase household network. Installation of boilers of higher capacity requires the allocation of a three-phase network, 380V.
  • The average daily energy consumption can be found in the description for the boiler. When choosing, take into account the cost of heating. In some cases, it is economically viable to connect an electric boiler to an already the existing system heating with a solid fuel or liquid fuel heat generator, as a secondary heat source.
  • Control system - possibility remote control, connection to room and weather-dependent temperature sensors, increase the comfort of use and ensure the autonomy of the heating system.

Before buying an electric boiler you like, it would be nice to read the full description, operating features, permissible type of coolant, service life, warranty obligations manufacturer, etc. The operating parameters specified in the operating instructions will greatly facilitate the choice of the boiler.

After selection according to the operating parameters, boiler equipment chosen by the brand of the manufacturer. The following electric boilers are distinguished by constant consumer demand and good thermal performance:
  • VIN - model is an abbreviation for Vortex Induction Heater... Manufactured by the company " alternative energy", Located in the city of Izhevsk. The popularity of VIN boilers is constantly growing, which made it possible for products to enter foreign markets for heating equipment.
  • SAV - boilers are produced by ZAO NPK INERA. The production facilities of the enterprise began to operate in 2007. The company promotes the introduction of new energy-saving technologies and the creation of competitive products. SAV electric boilers are used for heating residential and industrial complexes.
  • TECO-HOUSE is a Ukrainian manufacturer. The scope of the concern covers many areas of production, including the manufacture of heating equipment.
    TECO-HOUSE induction boilers are distinguished by a unique control system, high thermal efficiency and safety. The products are manufactured according to the standards in force in the EU countries and the Russian Federation.
  • Edison is an electric boiler manufactured by Sibtekhnomash. The company focuses on the manufacture of integrated solutions for heating, household and industrial buildings... On the basis of the enterprise, modular electric boiler rooms equipped with Edison water heaters are being developed and produced.
  • Miraton is a Russian brand, a relative newcomer in the production of heating equipment. On the basis of the enterprise, they manufacture heat generators for domestic use. The advantage of Miraton products is the unique design enclosure that allows installation inside the living space.
Prices for electric induction boilers for heating private houses and industrial premises, largely depend on the performance and the manufacturer's company. So, a monoblock for 18 kW, will cost around 70 thousand rubles. Industrial boiler equipment with a capacity of 250-500 kW will cost from 500 thousand rubles. and higher.

Features of operation of induction electric boilers

Prices for induction electric boilers exceed the cost of heating elements by 30-40%. In order not to make rash material costs for purchasing a boiler, you should first study the features of the work and operation of the selected model.

Considerable help in this can be provided by real reviews about electric induction heating boilers.

Features of operation:

  • Versatility - the boiler works with any type of heat carrier, without reducing thermal efficiency and efficiency.
  • Suitable exclusively for systems with forced circulation of the heating medium. The heating fluid is the natural cooling element of the heated core. If the circulation stops, the heat exchanger will overheat.
  • Applications - manufacturers mainly manufacture industrial electric induction heating boilers. Household models are produced less frequently. The thermal efficiency of an induction device increases with an increase in the amount of heated coolant.
  • Service life - induction boilers are expensive. Electricity consumption is 10-15% lower than that of heating elements. Savings are also achieved through long term operation of heat generators reaching 40 years.
Economical induction boilers, used in household and industrial heating... They have a long working life, meet the requirements of electrical safety.