How to shelter a log house block House. Various options for finishing a wooden house by block mobile

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Choosing a facade cladding material, many homeowners prefer wood products, such as lining and a house block. The fact is that they are environmentally friendly, have a long service life and are easily mounted. But before proceeding with the trim, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with all the nuances of this work, so in this article we will consider in detail how the construction of the house is performed by the house of the house.


Block House, in fact, this is the same lining, but with a cylindrical profile front face. As a result, the house covered with this material resembles a log house from a calibrated log.

It must be said that most often a block house is used to cover wooden buildings. In this case, the material allows you to save an attractive appearance wooden house Even after the outdoor insulation of the walls. However, it is possible to use this coating and for the facing of the brick structure, for example, to turn anything not remarkable in a fabulous log house.

At the stage of new construction or reconstruction of an exploited residential foundation, owners of private houses inevitably face the choice: what to bind the facade? The choice is huge. Every day new materials appear on the market. various characteristics. Those who set forth the goal of these works on their own, are looking for optimal option. It may well be siding (siding) - a new word in the facing technology manufactured by materials. And the most famous representative of this commodity line is a blockhouse. How did you guess this material dedicated to the topic: how to strip the house by a blockball do it yourself

Siding: American "Miracle" on domestic facades

Today you can meet on the facades wooden, vinyl and metal facing From siding - elastic, durable and reliable material. Due to the fact that it is light, does not have a load on the foundation, facing material Use for the design of facades of the walls of the old building, household and economic premises.

The most optimal coating is vinyl:

  • it exceeds the tree for operational characteristics;
  • it is cheaper than a metal analogue;
  • sustainable K. external influence aggressive environment;
  • it is unpretentious in maintenance, durable.

Another vinyl can be selected for the color of any exterior. Juicy saturated colorsThanks to the part of plasticizers, do not burn out. Mounting work Do not cause difficulties. The versatility of the facing consists in the fact that with its help, without additional costs, it is possible to give a spectacular and stylish look as new and old, which have lost respectable views, walls.

Siding "Blockhouse": a new approach to facing facade works

"Blockhouse" (or by block chamois) can be called a polymer of acrylic, vinyl materials, metal. There is still siding from the wood of coniferous rocks, which makes it possible to create imitation of natural, volumetric, elegant and massive cylindrical logs on their facade. This is one of the varieties of siding - rounded on one side and flat on the other block "Blockchaus". Structurally, each element with the invalid, adjacent to the side of the side, has air sinuses. They improve the thermal insulation of the material, remove the voltages in it. At the same time, the dwelling in such an inexpensive facing will remain environmentally friendly. Reminder cutting of the building will become part of the natural terrain landscape.

Installation from boards equipped with one side with grooves, with another - spikes (reverse lock) distinguishes "Block House" from ordinary siding, allows you to quickly and securely fasten the elements among themselves, excluding the occurrence of the wave effect. The block mobile in the facing is withstanding significant loads, its elements are well succumbed, and the dimensions are unified.

Facing facade by block mobile, performed by itself

  • Before sheeing the house by a block chamois with her own hands, using for the facade the material from the wood, you need to "be seen" seven times "and everything is good for the boards to fully have enough for the trim.
  • Conduct measurements of the outer area of \u200b\u200bwall planes, find the total perimeter of all window boxes, make calculations, to purchase the facing material itself and add-on to it.

In a simplified form, the number of pieces can be calculated so: find the total area of \u200b\u200ball wall structuresFrom it to fade the total area of \u200b\u200ball doors and windows, the resulting result is divided by an amount equal to the area of \u200b\u200bthe board. The result obtained with a reserve is another 10% (trimming, marriage) and will be the desired.

  • Boards leave under a canopy on the street for a few days for "acclimatization" to the temperature in which the block mobile, and humidity will be operated, but not let it get wet.
  • Carefully read the instructions without retreating from technology, perform work.
  • Bring the walls in the proper look. Dry surface. Imbreet water, fire-resistant and antibacterial solution. Breeding surfaces to handle olphos.
  • Bring up brick or concrete masonry waterproofing film or apply water-repellent impregnation. It must be done before installing the frame of the crate.

When we are wearing a house siding with your own hands, we will preliminarily determine whether it is necessary to warm the room. If it is planned, thermal insulation is stacked between the wall and the crate mineral wool or foam. The insulation of the wind-gaparrier, a mustache, with a climb of the edges of the bands one to another by 10 cm is so called a protective membrane that works in one-sided direction. Releaseing a formed couple from within the room, it does not absorb moisture from the ambient air, leaving the insulator is always dry.

  • The frame for fastening the facing elements is performed with a step of 0.5 m and is installed in the vertical plane on the surface being processed. At the same time, the guides should be clearly oriented by the level, and the boards themselves are mounted horizontally.
  • The mount is made by fixing the spike in the groove. You can apply a screw for these purposes. Then you still need to drill down holes below them than 0.45 m one from the other, and after the completion of the work, the hats coat with hermetic water-repellent glue.
  • Given the compensation extensions to which the vinyl block and the air temperature changes should be provided with a 0.1 m gap between the panels.
  • Difficult places in the corners, where it is difficult to perform fitting, leveled by a clapboard or a neat wooden rail.
  • Special attention is paid to the top of the wall. The last panel is adjusted under the top visor and is cut. Mounting flaws are closed by a plinth.

Having an idea how to strip the house by a block chamois with your own hands, you can use metal and vinyl material. The facades of houses with them as a sheat that is resistant to acid rain, ultraviolet Light, oil pollution. The heat-resistant, durable vinyl material has proven itself, both in areas with a hot climate and in the northern regions. It remains to decide on the color. The palette of the colors allows you to choose the design in the shower, which will serve half a century, without losing its qualities.

What is "good" and what is "bad": pros and cons of blockhaus

If you decide to see the house siding with your own hands and chose the blockhause for this, you need to understand what to expect from such a cladding. it universal Material For every taste: a variety of color rows, the textures of the upper layer allows exclusive design. In case of accidental impact, the effects of the winds of the wind, the integrity of the upper layer is not violated on the facade of the spray of aggressive or oily substances. In case of dents or scratches, the damaged area is painted and grinding.

With difficulty, use in the design of the walls Natural Tree Blockchas from various wood breeds It can become a profitable, cheaper alternative not to the detriment of quality. When cladding, sound insulation, heat-saving characteristics are automatically improved.

By the way: "Block House" cladding requires periodic care associated with the painting upper layer or opening it with varnish. This is perhaps the only minus in its characteristic.

Important "trifles" affecting the result of work

If we are wearing a house by siding with your own hands and do not know that it is necessary to install the boards. In the "Inverted" case, water can fall into the groove of the groove, dust, which will lead in a finite account to the panel damage. In connection with this for homemade Masters Another number of such useful for familiarization are intended for familiarization:

  • If the house needs to be insulated, then the material and thickness of the walls are taken into account, as well as facing brusons, between which laying the insulation. The frames of the frame grille must have the same thickness as the layer of the insulation.
  • In addition to the mandatory compensation gaps between the laying elements, the slots should be left for free air circulation between cladding and the ceiling.
  • Blockchaise boards have different geometric parameters. Therefore, it is necessary to attach them to those methms that are suitable in length, thickness and weight of tiles. Sobs are divided into those whose second size (width) does not exceed 0.15 m, the so-called narrow. The remaining (wide) with a width exceeding 0.15m. Their cost depends on the type wood material, sizes, and therefore the quality of facing. But is it worth saving on this?
  • Parts of the material with the same sizes, but made by different manufacturers can have significant differences. Therefore, when purchased, you need to immediately buy the full volume of "running", frequently used size. The outer blockhause should be wide, not less than 150 mm.

  • To counteract atmospheric precipitation, you should choose nails (if the board is thin). Self-tapping screws 25-35 mm are used with a thickness of a board greater than 21mm, with an anti-corrosion layer and a rubberized head. At the same time, first, a rust trail will not be visible on the front of the panel; Secondly, the defense will save the metician fastenings from destruction.
  • To calculate the required number of nails (sampes), a condition is made that the mount of 1 sq.m. Boards are produced by two hardware.
  • It is possible to place the material during the laying in any way. The texture and pattern imitating wood will be better looking in a horizontal position. To improve the bath with constantly flowing along the walls of condensate, it is better to lay the board vertically: water will not accumulate in compensation gaps, and drove down it. The percentage of humidity can be reduced by organizing the influx fresh air (aeration) with back side Oven.

ABOUT wooden house Many dream, because this is a standard of environmental purity and beauty. But the construction is completely from the tree will cost the customer in a round sum that not everyone can afford. The lining of the walls of the house by a block house is one of the options for saving the means and obtaining the desired effect.

How to strip the house block house - alternative to dear cut

A modern block house is one of the types of car board, which has an outer side of the panel in the form of a rounded log. This trim material is used to finish the building, both with external and inner. The main advantage of the walls of the walls by a block house is an excellent appearance and ease of fastening. Each panel has a "groove-spike" compound system, which allows without special tools and in the absence of professional skills to perform installation independently.

Arrangement of internal as well exterior decoration With the use of a log imitation - a practical and modern step. Now on construction market You will find as well as plastic and metallic. Wooden has several quality classes, for example, a class of extra and class, but are best suited for interior decoration, since they have a minimum amount of bitch and the absence of any other defects of wood. A wooden low-class bed house is great for exterior decoration.

Plastic products can be both painted in mass and have several layers of paint from the front side. It is better to choose painted in the mass, as well as products produced from primary raw materials. Siding, produced from waste, has a significantly smaller service life.

Advantages and disadvantages of materials - choose carefully

These procedures must be performed at least once every five years, although for more long time The operation of the finishing material is not superfluous to conduct repeated paintings and impregnation every two years. In addition, wooden block-Hus refers to the most expensive species Similar siding.

Metal I. plastic species Compared to wooden, there are also a significant minus - how not to twist, but they only imitate the appearance of the wood texture.

From afar, the difference will be difficult to determine, but near this visual deception is revealed. All species combines one undoubted quality - during the lining of the house by a block house there is an opportunity to further insulate the house. Not to mention the aesthetic perception of the trimmed house - even the most expensive structure from the slagoblock will acquire the appearance of a rustic hut, with the attractiveness peculiar to such buildings.

Covering House Block House with her own hands - Features of choice

Despite the external simplicity, choose a suitable wooden block house for outdoor decoration The facade of the house is not the most common task. First, you should focus on the width of the block house. The fact is that each manufacturer has its measurements, and the material bought in two different places may differ in the parameters of thickness and width.

So try to choose the most common sizes. For example, the building is best used for outdoor decoration. wide boards, width up to 150 mm. Secondly, it is necessary to determine the type of wood from which the board is made. For outdoor siding, block houses need to use boards of coniferous trees (spruce, pine, larch) - they have increased resistance to the rotation process.

Also, it is also necessary to find out from what area of \u200b\u200bthe country this board was on sale. Wood from the north has greater density, which means it is more durable. This can be identified even visually - the northern wood between the annual rings has a smaller distance. Naturally, for the finishing of the facade of the building, a block house can use a board not only from northern forests.

TECHNOLOGY OF HOUSE BLOCK HOUSE - Step-by-step instruction

In addition to the Block House itself, you will need other finishing materials - sin not to use this opportunity and not inspired by the building at the same time. That the trimming of the stone is that the covering of a wooden house by a block House does not have a fundamental difference. To start the wall, it is necessary to surround the layer of vaporizolation so that the moisture from the house does not penetrate the outward, forming condensate, which will significantly reduce heat insulating properties Materials.

Parosolation membrane is on sale in every construction store. It is fastened with a mustache, while connecting the stripes by 10-15 cm. The joints of the joints are best sealed with aluminum scotch. Then you can proceed directly to the construction of the building.

How to strip the house block house - step-by-step scheme

Step 1: Dooming under the block house

From the thickness of the plates of thermal insulation directly depends the size of the bars that are selected. For example, for central regions, the maximum thickness varies in the range of 10 cm. Distance between wooden bars It should be no more than 60 cm, although it is best to customize it under the size of the insulation plates. Before the attachment, the selected bars must be necessarily processed by an antiseptic. For installation it is better to use screws or special nails (if a wall of stone is a dowel), with wide hats.

B Lokhouse (having a shape of a rounded log) relatively inexpensive compared to the log cabin and rather sought-after natural material, moreover, its use together with various insulation guarantees modern and durable finish at home.

Outside of the house by the Block House of the Balance of the facade of the bathroom, cottage or cottage and a wooden siding cladding. Facade finish Block House - a valuable investment in the protection of the house: an increase in atmospheric stability, strength, reliability of the structure plus an additional heat-sound insulation!

The cost of work on the finishing of the house by a block house

The price is made up from the volume and level of complexity of the required work on the installation of crates, the device of the insulation layer, the steam / winder and other processes. Supervising our Objects The foreman will make the necessary measurements, will provide calculations and the estimated work plan. In the case of project coordination, the total amount is coordinated individually taking into account% discount.

Name of outdoor workunits. changePrice, rub.)
The process of full facing facade
Facade Finishing Block House "turnkey" with painting m 2. 800 rubles.
Full window finish (slopes, fits, etc.) pC. 2000 rubles.
Facing facade in parts
Mounting Panels Block House m 2. 350 rub.
Installation of the device of the crate m 2. 150 rub.
Installation of the device Monitoring m 2. 100 rubles.
Installation of the Paro / Windproof Barrier m 2. 50 rubles.
Installation of insulating layer 100 rubles.
Installation of internal / external cartoons bim.m. from 80 rubles.
Installation of sings bim.m. from 160 rubles.
Framing of window and doorways bim.m. from 250 rubles.
Antiseptic impregnation treatment m 2. 50 rubles.
Decorative impregnation, paintwork materials (1 Slah) m 2. 70 rubles.
Mounting of the drain system (chute, pipe, removal) bim.m. from 300 rubles.

Why is it worth separating the house by a block house?

Block House is an environmentally friendly product, resistant to mechanical damage not subject to deformation at temperature fluctuations. Processing with special antiseptic impregnations, applying protective paints and varnishes ensure the safety of the texture and natural beauty of the wood. Thanks to this coating, the decoration acquires moisture resistance without being subjected to rotting processes for many years.

Facade covering by a block house is famous and good insulating properties: aerial layersThe material contained in the fibrous structure provides minimal thermal conductivity, which is why warm and cozy in the house in the house is a pleasant coolness.

The challenge of our specialist will help you make an accurate calculation and selection. essential materials by the desired size, determine the volume of work, solve technical nuances.

Discount on the volume

to 10%

Facing technology at home, cottage, bath block house

Facing the facade by a block house is made on a pre-installed cut from the outside after the preparatory work phase. In the process of preparing, masters are cleaned and surface surfaces are cleaned, the design of the crate, the insulation layer is placed with a pair / wind-proof barrier device.

Installation The counter tests will provide a ventilating layer between the insulation and the blocking of block house. The lock configuration of the spool / groove allows you to make a dense panel of panels when lining of walls, preventing moisture from entering.

Work performed

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Fashion for eco-friendly and natural materials Spent a whole direction in interior design. Natural and pseudo-human decor elements occupy an increasing share modern market finishing materials.

This is the traditional, time-tested products from the wood massif - Rake-lining, wall panels, tipped board.

but modern technologies allowed to create and the newest, high-tech finishing materials from natural tree, among which a block house. We will describe in more detail what it is, and how the walls of the walls are made by a block house inside the house.

What is a block house

Block House is valued for excellent decorative qualities and environmental friendliness

Block House is a very popular material used to finish outdoor walls. Thanks to a whole set of magnificent decorative and performance qualities, it has compiled a successful competition to all other materials applied to.

Own external species The material simulates a rounded log or a bar, giving a dear wall decorating the wall and a very aesthetic look. Among other advantages, block houses can be noted ease of installation and wide selection Source raw materials. This decorative finish can be manufactured from a variety of wood: from affordable and inexpensive pine to exclusive breeds - Karelian Birch, Jawor, sea oak, etc.

We could not pass past this wonderful material and interior designers. The beauty of natural wood made it possible to bring a special flavor to the inner decoration.

Inside the house, the slats block houses can be shifted both walls and ceilings, creating unique interior Country style. However, despite all its simplicity and manufacturability, work with this material has its own characteristics.

Selection of material

Use coniferous breeds for residential premises.

In addition, resin coniferous trees It has antiseptic properties, preventing development in the premises of pathogenic bacteria.

For interior premises from high temperatures Heating (saunas, bath) It is recommended to use hardwood wood, as the coniferous trees of the tree when heated is inclined to highlight the excess resin.

To finish the bath optimal will be the use of larch

Also, such a factor as increased humidity should also be taken into account, so the wall decoration block to house in such premises provides for the use of wood, resistant to the effects of dampness.

However, important criterion Wood breed selection is personal preferences. After all, the main purpose of the wall decoration Block House is the creation of an interior, pleasing eye, so if you like the openwork texture of Karelian Birch or Beech, acquire just such a material.

I like something more and more exotic - take wenge, Merbau, a red tree.

Panel size

Use thin panels to finish the premises

When choosing panels, attention should also be paid to their size. Typically, the width of the lamellas ranges from 80 to 230 mm, but there may be exceptions to these rules.

Wider panels are used to finish the facades of buildings, since inside the house they will look unnecessarily massively, creating a grace and "eating" space.

As practice shows, it is better to take thin lamellaes for the interior decoration, 8 - 16 cm wide. The thickness of the lamella can be from 20 to 50 mm. The length of the slak-house plank can range from 2 to 6 m, so this parameter should be taken into account when the material is selected, so that production waste remains as little as possible.

For decoration, narrow and long planks should be used for the decoration. They have a property to visually expand space, increasing the size of the room. The opposite effect has massive lamellas, so it should not be used inside the house.

Class material

Extra class materials have a high price

In addition to the wood and size breed, the block House is also divided into classes depending on its quality.

It has elevated decorative qualities, first of all, it characterizes the almost complete absence of bitch and other cosmetic defects. However, the cost of such a Haus block is high enough.

The following class of material - "A" and "B". They have large quantity Suckov, as well as on their surface, some other defects are allowed.

The cost of such a material, respectively, is significantly lower than that of the extra class, but if you are not too demanding about quality, you should pay attention to this version of the economy class. Especially since the sealing of small chips or dents is not much labor.

Calculate required amount The material is simple enough. Multiple the height of the wall on its width. To the resulting value added another 10 - 15% in case of unforeseen expenses: unintentional damage to the material, etc. Also, we should not forget about the good elements - corners, platbands, plinth, doom.

After need material Selected and purchased, you can proceed to its installation. For this, you will need the following tools:

Antiseptic primer

As for finishing materials. Then you, except block houses, should be purchased:

  1. A frame for a frame with a cross section of 4 x 5 cm and 2.5 x 5 cm.
  2. Additional decorative elements.
  3. Wooden varnish.
  4. Antiseptic primer.
  5. Insecticide primer.
  6. Moril.
  7. Antipirem primer.

Preparation of material

Since wood, whatever expensive, it is not distinguished by special resistance to dampness and fire, made of her finishing and construction materials Be sure to be subjected to additional processing. Read more preparatory work See this video:

Wood is covered with soil-compositions with antiseptic properties. This allows you to protect the lamellas from the formation of fungus and mold, as well as make them more resistant to high humidity. Thus, antiseptics are able to significantly increase the service life of the block house, especially if we are talking about places such as a sauna, a bathroom or a bath.

Antipirens protect the material from fire exposure

The next stage of processing wood panels is impregnated with antipirens. This primer composition, impregnating wood fibers, reduces the likelihood of their ignition from open fire. This is especially important if slave-house lamellas inside the house will be used to finish kitchens with gas cylinders Or under them is supposed to hide wiring.

Then everything wooden elements It should be treated with insecticides making them unbearable for beetles-grillers, different larvae-tree-bodies, etc.

Not only the decorative panels themselves should be handled by protective primers, but also elements of the inner bag.

Warming and vaporizolation

Parosolation protects from dampness from the outside

All work on the installation of lamellae block houses on the wall consists of several consecutive stages. The wall must be stuck with a steam insulating material. It can be a pool or its analogues. This waterproofing has a wonderful property not to pass dampness outside, at the same time, allowing it to leave the interior to the street.

Thus, the isospan does not prevent natural circulation Couple and air inside the building. What can not be said about such waterproofing materialslike rubberoid or polyethylene. Creating a closed space completely impenetrable for moisture and air, they conversely contribute to the accumulation on their surface from the inside of the condensate room, and this certainly leads to education under decorative finish Mold and fungus, so it is not worth using such "deaf" waterproofing for the interior walls.

After the walls are covered with vapor and waterproofing, you can proceed to the thermal insulating layer device. According to construction standards It is best to create a heat insulating layer outside the building. In this case, the so-called "dew point" shifts on the outer side of the walls.

For interior decoration heat insulating materials condensate can start going to inland surfaces walls. However, it often happens that it is not possible to produce outdoor insulation. Then it remains to shelter insulation interior walls. To do this, it is better to apply modern varieties Insulation with low thermal conductivity indicators, such as foil foam.

This will allow for minimum thickness Create the most efficient thermal insulation layer.

Installation of doomles

The next step is starting the installation of the root on the wall. Using the level, exhibit bars in the vertical plane. To do this, you can use metal suspensions that are usually used when mounting a frame for plasterboard. For details on the best fastener for block house, see this video:

Bruks of the roasters should be located apart from each other at a distance of 50 - 70 cm. First, in the level, install the timber in one, and then in the other corner of the wall. Between them in the upper and lower parts, we stretch the twine, along which we produce the installation of all subsequent bars.

Installation of lamellae starts from the floor

After installing the skeleton frame, you can start the installation of block house panels. Their installation should be started below, since the floor level can not always be perfectly smooth, the first panel should be mounted using a level.

Mount the lamellas by means of screws. This process has a number of its subtleties. First of all, the self-tapping screws should be twisted at an angle of 45 degrees to ensure the tight pulling panels to each other.

Before spinning the self-tapping screw, the thin drill should be drilled in the lamella through hole. This will avoid cracking the panel, especially if it is thin and narrow enough, or is unnecessarily dry.

When installing the product grooves, it is necessary to place down, to the floor, and the side with the spike - up. Fixed lamelters to each vertical barn of dohes. Self-tapping screws should be selected so that after passing through wooden panelThey were not less than 50% in the bar. Description of the Conduction Przessa, see this video:

When all panels are installed on the wall, at the top and below, they should be closed with plinth with plinths, masking joints with floors and ceiling. After the conveying of the adjacent wall with the lamellas of the block house, the joints should also be closed with decorative corners.

Finish finish

Grinding and substainable varnish block houses will be allowed to show the structure of the tree

After all the walls of the room are trimmed decorative panels, produced finish finish Surfaces. With help grinding machine The entire surface of the lamellas is worst from all sorts of sowing and small defects.

If it is necessary, chip and dents can be sealing with a putty on the wood and a pretty sand. Then the surface of the panels is coated with a mourn or texture varnish.

This method of finishing will emphasize all the advantages of wood, first of all, the beauty of its texture, and also give it any noble shade: even a simple pine after processing the corresponding verse will be indistinguishable from a wenge or ebony.

The last stroke cover the surface of the panels with a fixing varnish, which will create a protective layer. As a result, the block house will become more resistant to mechanical exposure, abrasion, ultraviolet and moisture. More about how to paint wood, see this video:

For a longer service of such a material as a wooden house, it should be carefully related to the care of it. Should not be washing using large number water. Also do not need to use aggressive cleaning household chemistry or abrasive cleaning products.

It is best to care for it to use soft rags or sponges moistened in soap solution.