How to install the grid on the plastic window. How to install a mosquito net on a plastic window? Features of the sliding grid installation

As soon as the street comes hot days, so I want to open the lashes all the windows in the house to fresh air Pushed out stagnant stool. But the trouble: together with the fresh air in housing, annoyed insects are happy to fly to their bite and buzzing to spoil our mood.

The best way is not to let them on our territory - a mosquito net. On the rules for its installation on plastic window We will talk in this article.

Mosquito net: how to arrange, views

This simple device will not only act as protection against annoying insects, thanks to which you will not have to spend money on fumigators and other not the most useful chemicals. Mosquito net will not miss outdoor dust into the house, poplar fluff and pollen of plants, which is very important for allergies. In addition, you can not worry about the safety of your pets - cats, dogs and birds when the window is open.

Note! There are quite a few cases when cats and dogs trying to jump into the open plastic window, stuck between the frames and died from asphyxia. Installing mosquito net.You can save your favorite not only health, but also life.

Structurally, such a grid consists of the following details:

  • profiles: frame, improbate and corner;
  • connecting corners;
  • fastener cord;
  • 4 holders (z-mounts) from metal or plastic.

Using a mosquito net, you will be convinced of its merits. The first is convenience. IN opening time You can easily remove this design, and if necessary, insert back without much trouble. Mosquito net does not require careful care, because it rubs off with a sponge and washed with water with soap.

Second - nonsense appearance Mesh, its aesthetics. Small holes The material make it translucent, so the view from the window is not blocked, there is enough sunlight and fresh air into the room. Rainwater From the street through such holes will not be leaning.

And the third - the design of the mosquito net consists of aluminum and fiberglass. This means that it is characterized by high strength, resistant to mechanical effects (breaks, stretching, bending tensions) and does not fade in the sun. Nevertheless, the grid is flexible and compact so much that you can turn it out and postpone into a closet for a while.

The most common types of fastening mosquito nets

Taking into account the features of installation and use, mosquito nets are divided into several types. Consider them in more detail.

  1. Frame grid - most simple design, affordable price, and therefore the most common. Presented in two versions: removable and sliding. This is your option, if you are not going to open the grid often. Mesh for windows too big size often enhance the center of the bar. There is another type of frame mesh - plunger. It is mounted in the opening window, not attached to the corners.

    Frame Mosquito Mesh - The easiest and most affordable option.

  2. Velcro design (sometimes tape) is very easy to use. It is mounted on inner side Window sash, and easily remove when it is necessary.

    So that such a grid is well glued to the window, you need to pre-clean the surface from dust and load

  3. Rolled mosquito net is a relatively new invention. It consists of the grid itself, carved into a roll and attached to the guide profile with a transverse bar equipped with handles. The principle of operation of the device is the same as the Rolls: When you open the grid, it goes inside the box located above the door. This type of grid is very well suited for large windows.

    Rolled mosquito net, or rollt

  4. Pliste's grid resembles a rolled network by the principle of action, only assembled into the harmonica, moving in a horizontal direction. These grids are so good outwardly, that modern designers often offer them to buyers not only as protection, but also as an interior element. This design can be performed in any color and decorated with drawings or other decorative elements.

    Mosquito nets-plize can be decorated with your window

  5. "Antikushka" - this design will be useful to you if there are pets in the house. The grid is made of very durable threads resistant to any damage, and is equipped with an additional fastening for improving security. Not a single cat should damage it. And to shoot this mesh for the winter is completely optional - it will be perfectly withstanding snow and frost.

    Mosquito net "Antikushka" will withstand your domestic pet

Types of fastening on plastic windows

This design on the PVC windows is usually fixed with one of the four typical fasteners.

  1. Plunger fastening - specialists are positioning it as the most reliable, but at the same time it costs more than the other options. Plungers can be mounted in the windows of any type, they are maximum resistant to the wind. The plunger is a metal pin with a spring-adjustable spring-adjustable. Mosquito net with such an attachment is easy to install and remove.
  2. Plastic corners - a popular fastening type. They are installed on the outside so unnoticed that they are not striking, and therefore do not spoil the design of the windows. The grid can be easily removed, and it does not hurt to close the window.
  3. Metal corners, Z-attachments are not so reliable as plungers. They should be tightly customized to the frame and fasten it additionally from the inside.
  4. Fastening the "checkbox", unfortunately, is not distinguished by reliability compared to previous options, but cheaper. Fastening parts are plastic hooks of small size, fixing the grid. Minus such an attachment in low resistance to external influences: It will easily cut a strong gust of wind.

Milking for mosquito nets: plungers, "checkboxes", corners and z-fasteners

Installation instructions

To independently carry out the mosquito net, prepare the tools:

  • screwdriver or drill;
  • thin swelling;
  • close tool;
  • dumping;
  • rule, roulette.

Fastening elements are supplied in a set of design. But you need to specify this when ordering and check before purchasing products.

Installation on metal brackets from the inside

This method of fastening the grid on PVC-glass accumulation is considered the easiest and safest. With aluminum ripples, hooks are enhanced by long planks.

  1. Keep the product for the side handle and start the top bracket for the window influx.
  2. Raise the mesh to the stop up, hook the lower hooks behind the protrusion frame.
  3. Squeeze the mosquito cloth down to the very end and align on the window opening.

Install the grid and secure it on the brackets.

Fastening the cloth outside

This method is reliable, besides, you do not damage rubber seals. But do not forget to follow the security rules, because you have to get out of the outside window to fasten the corners.

Video: how to install a mosquito net to corners

Installation on plunger mounts

If the mounting to ordinary brackets is not possible, this method applies. As a rule, the protective grid can interfere. Or there is enough space on the frame to place the brackets. Since the plunger grid should be placed inside the opening of your window, and not a muster, measurements are carried out in strict accordance with the perimeter of the frame.

Roll mesh (rollt)

Most effective method protection against insects and dust from the street. The fastening of the system is carried out above the window.

  1. Release the place of fastening: remove the frame of plastic or aluminum from the grid.
  2. Having attached a network to the window, take a place where you will be screwed and secure.
  3. Open the lids on the planks to get to the attachments.
  4. Over the entire length of the perimeter of the window frame, take the installation location and wind the strips as soon as possible. Come on them the grid, then fasten the plane covers back.

Installing a roll grid begins with a box mounting on the upper window frame

Video: How rolled mosquito nets are attached

What about windows with wooden frames?

So far, not all apartments and houses are equipped with glazed windows from PVC. How to protect yourself from the invasion of insects if you have windows with wooden Ramami? We offer you several options.


With the arrival of warm weather, we open the windows, but together with the fresh air, insects often fall into the apartment. Fastening mosquito nets on plastic windows has become the most popular way to protect from young guests in apartments. Let's try to figure out how to choose and correctly put mosquito nets on plastic windows so that they are well and served for a long time.

Features of the mosquito net

Mosquito net is an aluminum or plastic profile With a grid tightened into it. There are several types of grids:

  • frame - installation on the windows frame;
  • sliding - Installation on the clamps (guides);
  • rolled - drum with a grid mounted above the window (door) and unwound as needed;
  • door - Installation on the doorway;
  • antique / Antiple - Modified Mesh, protecting windows from dust and claws of animals.

  • Z-shaped brackets (corners);
  • eraser flags (lamb);
  • pins (plungers);
  • metal hooks (hooks);
  • on the clamns (rollers);
  • on loops.

Select the mounting mosquito net on plastic windows follows from the type of mesh and window design - the most common method - mosquito net on metal fastenersMounted using Z-shaped brackets, but the mosquito net fastener is performed on the guides.

Milking Mosquito Mesh Types

Installation of mosquito net on the window Z-shaped brackets

As a rule, when buying a ready-made mosquito net, Z-shaped brackets together in self-draws are coming. Brackets are plastic or metal, but it does not affect the installation method.

Tip: If you have a plastic mosquito mesh holder, then you need to remember - from sunlight, the temperature difference and other "non-works" plastic can turn yellow and crack, so if you plan to use some holders of several seasons, take the metal brackets.

This type of fasteners implies the installation from the outside of the window. If you decide to install a mosquito net with your own hands, you will need: a screwdriver (cross screwdriver), roulette, pencil, self-tapping screw.

Procedure for Mounting Mesh Z-shaped Fasteners:

  • On the outside Windows to make markers for fastening brackets 2 below and 2 top.

Tip: Do not try to choose a place to mount closer to the corners, on the contrary, secure the mesh closer to the center, because The edges of the profile are hard and tightly adjacent to the window frame, and the center can move a little, and give insect the opportunity to get to the house.

  • A screwdriver or screwdriver drill holes for mounts on the frame.

Important! Some types of windows are equipped with an outdoor side by ventilation and flow of condensate, in no case use them for fasteners.

  • Secure the brackets on the frame - longer up, shorter down.

Tip: For easy installation, glue a bracket for mosquito net on right place With the help of painting scotch and fasten through it, it will help to avoid the attachment shift or its fall.

  • Insert the grid.

Installation of mosquito nets by plastic flags

Most. obvious advantage This attachment is tightly adjacent mesh throughout the perimeter of the window.

Important! This method The attachments are most optimal for the windows of the first floors, since when installing it is necessary to dry out the outside window.

When installing plastic flags, the procedure for the action almost coincides with the fastening using Z-shaped brackets, the difference in the location of the accessories and in the mesh mounting method. Flags are mounted on the angular part of the frame from two sides, so that each grid angle is tightly pressed to the frame, but after inserting the flag mesh, you must turn and tighten the window from the outside.

The plunger is a combined fastening that consists of a metal rod, springs and hats. To mount a mosquito grid with internal mounting, you will only need a drill - holes are made on the window frame and mosquito net, the pair of plungers are inserted into the mesh frame, and the grid is placed in the window frame, where the plungers are spread and get up into the holes, then the fasteners are tightened. The procedure is quite simple, but requires some skill.

Important! With this method of fasteners, they are advised over the perimeter of the grid to cry felt or pile (sometimes it comes in the kit) for best protection from insects and dust.

This type of mount is suitable for windows equipped with lattices, or windows with small slopes, but it should be remembered that the grid is inserted into the opening of the window, reducing it, thereby clears its width.

Installation of mosquito net plunger fasteners

Installation of mosquito net with metal hooks

Metal hooks help to attach a mosquito net on the window opening from the inside - the hooks are screwed to the mesh frame for 2 top and bottom, then it is inserted into the window opening. The hooks hold the grid on the window opening, without letting it move.

Important! Such holders are one of the easiest to mount, but at the same time the most unreliable - when strong wind, fasteners may not hold the grid and give it falling out of the window.

Frame mosquito nets on metal croups

Shutters for windows protect the house not only from dust and noise, but also from hacking. Read more How to install rollers and manage them Read B

Installation of sliding mosquito net

The mosquito net on the guides is installed on the sliding windows - it is fixed from above and below with the help of polls and rollers providing its free movement. Independent installation of such a mosquito net on plastic windows is quite troublesome, so it is recommended to resort to the help of specialists.

Advantages of sliding mosquito net:

  • Convenience - if the grid is mounted correctly, but it will easily move throughout the window, in addition, such a grid can be installed on the sliding balcony door.
  • Functionality - as the grid is attached, as a rule, from the inside, then the width of the canvas can be adjusted and install one large grid for the whole lumen.
  • Durability Aluminum Mesh Details are designed for long term Work.

Well, the last advantage of such an attachment for the mesh on the windows - aesthetics - the mosquito net will become a continuation of the window, and the absence of fastening elements in prominent places will not be irritated.

Such a mosquito mesh is usually performed on doorways. Fastenings are two types:

  • standard;
  • reinforced (with a closer).

They are mounted on the outside as ordinary door hinges, helping to protect the apartment from insects.

Important! When installing a mosquito net on the door, do not forget to mount the latch, since the mesh on the loop can be under the stream of the wind from the opening.


Milking for mosquito nets on plastic windows - important element in creating comfort and does not follow in determining the selection of the attachment to repel from the ease of installation, it is necessary to rely on reliability, because it is reliable protection From insects in the house and should provide a mosquito net.

Plastic double-glazed windows today are found in almost every home. Many owners have to deal with the need self-mount Mosquito net - a protective device that prevents the penetration into the residential premises of flying insects. Flies, bees, mosquitoes and wasps are able to deprive someone's sleep, therefore the protective mesh canvas is a necessary measure with the onset of warm days. How to choose and install a mosquito net on the window?

A little about the design of mosquito nets

The traditional elements of the mosquito net are the following details:

  • the profile of the frame and its reinforcing impost (plastic jumper having inside the metallic amplification);
  • corners of the connection;
  • cord fastening;
  • profile corner;
  • plastic or metal fasteners.

A mosquito net requires minimal care.

  1. It is easy to attach and shoot.
  2. All pollution can be washed soapy solution And the water jet of the shower.
  3. The grid weighs, resistant to UV radiation and temperature drops.

Modern mesh canvas produced the most different shapesBut the function has one - the protection of the rooms from dust and insects.

Popular types of plug-in grids for plastic windows

The choice of mesh cans to protect windows and doors from annoying mosquitoes is quite large. Of all the variety, you can note the most popular models:

  • framework. It is the most affordable and simple, can be sliding or removable. If the window is large, a mosquito net is installed with an additional reinforcing plank in the middle;
  • grid mounted on plungers right in window hole. Its advantage - higher resistance to factors external environment. For example, strong wind gusts;
  • mesh on velcro. The popular model among those buyers who do not need permanent protection against flying insects. This protection can be removed at any time without assistance;
  • mosquito mesh mounted on a loop of the door opening. The closed position of the design is provided by special magnets;
  • roll-type grid. According to the principle of work, it resembles rolling curtains. The canvas is unwinding and collected back to the box installed above the window opening;
  • mosquito nets Plissa. This is also a rolled type of construction, but it is assembled in a horizontal plane (by analogy with harmony). The advantages of such grids are a wide range of color gamut, the possibility of decorating the canvas with decorative elements and patterns.

Mesh Lights Varieties - Gallery

Anti-mosquito net on Velcro - excellent option For use in the country Mosquito net on the hinges is used for plastic windows and doors Rolled mosquito net folds up, looks aesthetic and saves place Plissa grid can be performed in different colors

Fasteners of anti-mosquito structures

Installing a mosquito net on a plastic window implies the use of one of 4 possible types Fastenings:

  1. Plunger is a metal pin with a spring, which can be adjusted in length. The most expensive and most reliable look of fasteners.
  2. "Checkbox". Such a fastening is considered the most short-lived. This is a small plastic hook, easily dried by the gusts of the wind.
  3. Metal corner of the Z-shaped form. Attached on the frame from the inside, used when internal installation Mosquito net.
  4. Corners of plastic. Their main plus - the window opens freely and closes during the operation of mosquito protection.

How to put protection against insects on frame fasteners

If the mosquito net is already equipped with z-shaped fasteners, the algorithm for its installation is as follows:

  1. Align the grid, placing it so that the mount is on the inside. Up put fasteners with a large hook, and down - with small.
  2. Insert mosquito protection into the window opening.
  3. Raise the grid as high as possible.
  4. Take a big hook for the top edge of the window frame.
  5. Tightly secure the grid, lowering the bottom hooks.

Fastening with plastic corners

The peculiarity of this method is to install the design on the fasteners of the window opening. Procedure:

  1. Make the desired measurements of the window loan.
  2. Make on the outside of the window frame pre-markup for the future attachment of the corners. Fixing plastic corners from below is 1.5 cm below the window of the window.
  3. Measure the distance equal to the height of the mosquito net + 1 cm. This is the point of the upper corner.
  4. Fix the corners using self-tapping screws.
  5. Set the design according to the scheme: Raise to the stop up, inserting the corners in the groove, attraction of the grid to the outlet, lowering it down.

Grid size for outdoor installation Differs from ingredient design. The height should be 1 cm, width - 2 cm more sizes Window Operation.

How to mount the grid on plastic corners made by yourself - video

Plunger installation of mosquito structures

The Plunger Installation feature is that the grid is installed in the opening window itself, and not inside or outside. For fixing the plunger, a hole is dried in which the pins are inserted.

The installation process of plunger grids:

  1. There are so many holes on the window of the window as the plungers are installed on the profile of the mosquito net.
  2. In the holes are fixed by the response planks.
  3. Plunger is inserted. To do this, it is necessary to press his head towards the mosquito net.
  4. When the pins are fixed on one side, the in the same way is fixed by the second side of the grid.
  5. In conclusion, a seal is glued to the mosquito floor frame, an increase in the degree of protection against small insects.

Can I install a ready-made mosquito net on a wooden window

Installation of the finished grid on wooden window It is possible if the size of the design and the work is coincided. In this case, the order of work is similar to that used for plastic windows.

If you choose a ready-made mosquito net for a window country house difficult, and order the manufacture of individual project Expensive, you can independently assemble anti-mosquito protection.

How to make a protective net from insects - video

When buying a mosquito net, carefully examine the mechanism of its installation. For example, plunger structures should have the size of the window opening and are not always suitable for consumers with non-standard plastic windows. The owner must think in advance all the questions of the upcoming montage of anti-mosquito protection and choose the most suitable option.

With the onset of heat on the street there are many insects. But so I want to have fresh air in the house. That is why the question is about how to insert the grid in the plastic window? This procedure is easy to make. The main thing is to fulfill some instructions. This is told in the article.


Conventional are represented as an aluminum profile with a stretched fine material. Gray canvas is not striking. The benefits of products include ease of care. You only need to wash the cloth several times a year, using a soft detergent. It is very easy to shoot it.

Manufacturing and installation is not complicated. Independent installation It will cost cheaper than contacting the company that sets the PVC windows. Installation can be made on the door or window opening with different sizes.

What does it protect?

The mosquito frames are in demand, as they serve the protection of the room from external factors. You can order them immediately with the installation of windows or later. Over time, the designs need a update. Although the product replacement is performed by firms, still work will be done on their own. Mesh serve protection from:

  • rain, snow;
  • dust, dirt;
  • mosquitoes, midges.

Fastening options

Before you familiarize yourself with how to insert a grid into a plastic window, you should deal with the design features and fastening methods. A variant with a frame is often used. To collect an anti-community product, you need tools, skill.

In order to benefit from the services of specialists, it is worth measuring the internal opening of the installation site in advance. If desired, the material can be fixed independently. Holders should be purchased in the same company. Favorable option is considered to fasten the velcro. How to insert a grid in a plastic window? There are the following fasteners:

  • plunger - fixation by pins;
  • sliding - movement by clauses;
  • door - hinges;
  • rolled - unwinding from the drum;
  • hooks;
  • fixation of mounting corners;
  • magnet mount;
  • swivel structures;
  • spring-loaded pins in the internal opening.

Reliable protection

How to insert a grid in a plastic window if there are animals at home? This requires a special fastener that protects the pet from falling. With poor dust tolerance, you need to install a product with small cells that will protect against the penetration of various particles. If the side is solar, then the design of the reflective coating should be selected. This will save the coolness in the room.

Features of work

If a person can hold a screwdriver in his hands, then all the work can do its own. How to insert a grid in a plastic window? It is important to deal with the installation using mounting corners. Fasteners are required - 2 upper and lower ones.

Fastening parts to the window is carried out by self-drawing outside. To perform the work, it is necessary to measure the internal opening. You need to order a ready-made frame with parameters for 20 mm more received indicators, as well as buy components.


To learn how to insert a mosquito net in a plastic window, you must perform the following work:

  1. To postpone from the out of the opening of 30 mm.
  2. From above it is necessary to mark 40 mm.
  3. From the bottom from the side of the opening inside to make marks with a distance of 20 mm.
  4. Attach the smaller bracket by combining the inner shelf with the bottom marks on the window.
  5. Consolidate
  6. Secure self-drawing.
  7. Repeat the procedure from above with the help of large brackets.

Installation in place

How to insert the grid in the plastic window until the full work is complete? Design need to be installed in place:

  1. The frame is displayed beyond the window, holding the handles.
  2. With some inclination, you should start up until it stops in the shelf of the bracket.
  3. Then you need to align vertically.
  4. Then it should be omitted, put on the shelf of the lower bracket.
  5. To remove the procedure performed in the reverse order.

This is the answer to the question, how to insert the anti-mosquito net in the plastic window. It is important to perform work without a rush.

Cost of installation

If you do not want to do the work yourself, you can order it at the master. In Moscow, firms offer cost services within 350 - 800 rubles. The price does not include delivery and call wizard for measuring dimensions. For 1 square. M. Manufacturing and installation is:

  1. 1200-1500 rubles. - For framework.
  2. 2500-2800 rub. - Sliding.
  3. 3500-3800 rub. - rolled.
  4. 1700-2000 rubles. - Option "Antikushka".
  5. 2400-2700 rub. - "Antipul".


Mosquito nets are installed on various options fastenings, but the care for them is the same:

  1. Over time, the product becomes less elastic, so it turns from small mechanical loads. The perforated canvas worse copes with its functions, so periodic replacement is necessary.
  2. To extend the life of the grid dismantled for the winter. Then the profile will not freeze.
  3. After removal, the product must be washed, as many dust accumulates on it.
  4. No fastening is withstanding a larger load. Therefore, if there are children or animals at home, the sash must be kept only in a folding form.
  5. But there is a grid "Antikushka", which has an enhanced canvas and reliable fasteners.

Wash the grid is needed soft washing agents Using a rag. After that, the design should dry in a natural way. Such simple care prolongs the life of the product.


A reliable product is created from an aluminum profile. The material is durable. In addition, it does not rust, does not spoil from temperature differences. The thicker profile, the better. It is preferable to acquire a product of at least 1 mm thick.

For convenient use of the mesh, it is desirable to choose a frame with solid connecting angles. Usually the main material is the Fiberglass, which is durable and resistant to precipitation. In order for the room to be protected from insects, you need to choose a grid with a cell size of no more than 2 mm.

Grids are gray and white color. The first appearance is suitable. Pens created from high-quality plastic. They are fixed by a rubber cord. If there are animals or children at home, then it is better to choose a grid of polyester, withstanding up to 4 kg.

Thus, the mosquito net protects against different insect penetration. If desired, all the work will be done independently. The main thing is to do everything according to the instructions.

When winter ends, a warm time comes, insects are activated on the street, which, on purpose or not, seek to get into the human dwelling. For this, there is the easiest let - through the window or door. Therefore, it is natural that a person seeks to protect these "channels". AND modern decision This vein is the use of so-called mosquito nets.

They allow you to keep windows and doors open so that the room falls fresh air, but protect against insects.

Therefore, it is worth considering this invention in more detail, including the features of its installation.

About Article:


  • removable framework;
  • sliding frames;
  • plist;
  • rolled type;
  • with fastening on scotch or magnetic tape;
  • "Antikushka";
  • "Antipul";

  • for doors or windows.

Consider the main types in more detail.


If at home there are pets, then when installing a mosquito net about their safety, it is also worth thinking. For this, there is a special model - "Antikushka". It is created from special durable threads, so that the product can withstand the most serious loads. Consequently, the same cat will not be able to break or spoil the grid. In this case, the product is equipped with an additional fastening that improves safety. And it is not worth shooting such a grid even for the winter, its strength is enough to withstand such a joy. The quality does not deteriorate.


Suitable not only for ordinary windows, but also for terraces, and balconies. Such a grid looks like two sliding parts capable of opening-closed. In this case, the opening should be special guides to move parts. And thanks gray bloom Visibility does not deteriorate from the windows.


The most effective solution. They look like a twisted roll, located in the box. It is attached over the window. An important advantage of such a design is multifunctionality. After all, the grid looks good, and is used comfortable. There is nothing complicated in the installation of such a mosquito net. It does not require special care. And, of course, no minuses did not cost - high cost.


Today, allergies are a fairly common phenomenon in different layers of the population. Therefore, for such cases it is worth thinking about yourself by installing the grid "Antipul". A product is created from a dense material that delays even the smallest particles. True, hence the disadvantage - fast pollution. However, clean it is very simple. First, the surface is washed with soap warm solutionand then wipes soft dry cloth.

Such a mosquito net does not worsen the appearance of the window, while I miss well sun rays. And its main drawback is a high price. And otherwise everything is very worthy.

For doors

There are such models. They not only protect the room from insects, but their kind plays the role of the regulator of the incoming air. These products on the loop are installed. Fixation occurs with magnets. A similar mosquito net on the door is the guarantee of the absence of draft. Of course, if in the rest of the premises about it took care.


Speaking about mosquito nets, it is impossible not to affect the question of their attachment. And it can be like this:

  • using ears;
  • on loops;
  • on plunger pins;
  • on z-shaped fasteners.

The last option is the most successful in terms of reliability and ease of use. It does not need to be done in the frame additional holes. This mount can also be used for wood, and for plastic windows. The only drawback is the looting of the mesh. Due to the remaining small gaps into the premises, especially dodgy insects can penetrate.

Pins are screwed into window Rama. Therefore, the fastening is reliable. Elements are created from stainless steel. This solution allows the grid to fit tightly to the frame, and it is easy to install it and dismantle it.

On the hinges fastening well use for doors. In this case, a reinforced profile is used, because the load on the frame turns out more.

What is the fixture to choose?

It all depends on the place where the installation will be executed. For the plastic window, four fasteners and eight self-tapping screws will be required.

To remove the grid from the window, we take plastic holders with both hands, and neatly pull them up. First, the grid will come out of the lower holders, then it should be bent, and then remove from the top. After that, the grid remains to pick up the room.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in installing and disassembly mosquito net, even if a plastic window is used. Therefore, to perform such procedures, in most cases it makes no sense to contact the specialists - their knowledge and skills should be enough.