Liquid linoleum pros and cons. Liquid linoleum - characteristics, pros and cons

Liquid linoleum is a floor covering in liquid form, which consists of a polymer and a hardener with the addition of resins. A feature of this material is that there are no joints, fasteners and seams. Also, it does not require glue and the arrangement of thresholds when moving from one room to another, you can fill the floor in several rooms at once.

A polymer floor called liquid linoleum was originally designed as a base for industrial premises and warehouses. But at some point, the developers decided to make the floor original, and put a beautiful pattern under it. This has led to an increase in the scope of this material.

Wear resistance is the main plus for technical rooms

This is due to the fact that it turns out to be not only original and beautiful, but also durable. The minimum service life guaranteed by the manufacturer is 30 years.

A liquid floor consists of polymer, hardener and resin. Depending on the type of resin, the composition is:

  • Epoxy;
  • Polyurethane;
  • Methyl methacrylic;
  • Cement acrylic.

This material allows you to create beautiful patterns

Most often, polyurethane floors are used in everyday life because of their aesthetics. Other types of flooring are commonly found in public and industrial areas.

The main characteristics of such a floor include:

  • More than 10 colors of a neutral shade;
  • Layer thickness 1-7 mm for industrial floors, 1.5-2 mm for apartments and houses;
  • The cost of linoleum depends on the thickness of the fill.

To install such a coating, it is necessary to carry out a complex process of preparing the subfloor. In this sense, ordinary linoleum is better for styling. It is best to produce liquid flooring on concrete, so that there is better adhesion to the base.

The base is preliminarily cleaned of dust, primed. After drying, you can proceed to the installation process.

Laying process in the room

You can also install a self-leveling floor on:

  • Tiles;
  • Metal;
  • Wood.

The only requirement is a flat, clean surface.

Using a wide trowel and roller, the material is applied to the floor surface like paint. After drying for 24 hours, you still need to give time (a couple of days) so that everything finally solidifies, and there are no traces of the furniture placed ahead of time.

An interesting way fill


The self-leveling mixture is gaining more and more fans who prefer it over conventional linoleum. Even high level dry mix prices do not stop you from buying. However, in the end, such spending justifies itself.

The price of work on pouring liquid linoleum is influenced by the area of ​​the room, as well as the condition of the base for laying. But in general, it fluctuates between 220-6000 rubles / m2.

Self-leveling floors on the market are represented by the following manufacturers: Osnovit, Prospectors, Ivsil, Litokol, Bergauf. The products of each of the companies have advantages and disadvantages, therefore, when choosing, you need to take into account the parameters important for liquid linoleum. These include: drying speed, efficiency, scope, ease of use.

Bergauf Boden Zement dry mix

Drying time is an important parameter, since in some rooms high humidity... For Bergauf Boden Zement it is 6 hours, for Osnovit 2-2.5 hours, for Ivsil Tie Rod-III - 4-6 hours, Prospectors - 4 hours, Litocol - 3 hours.

The best option for the ratio of material consumption is the cost of the Osnovit Skorline T-45 brand. Its consumption per 1 m2 is 13 kg with a layer thickness of 10 mm. At the same time, it will take 17 kg to cover with the Bergauf Boden Zement brand. Moreover, the cost of this manufacturer is 1.5 times higher.

Founding Skorline T-45

Ease of use is approximately the same for all manufacturers. It is important to understand on which surface a particular bulk mixture can be applied. So, Osnovite is applied only to floors with a mineral base.

More adapted to our climatic zone are mixtures of Basin and Prospectors. This means that such mixtures have more long term service than similar foreign-made floors.

A self-leveling polymer floor has a number of advantages over other materials. These include:

  • Lack of joints and seams;
  • Ease of installation;
  • Wear resistance;
  • Impact resistance;
  • Security.

Self-leveling floor does not require thresholds

The polymer coating has no seams and joints, as it fills the entire room, forming a solid surface, which excludes the use of liquid welding to connect linoleum. At the same time, laying a liquid floor is quite simple, you do not need to adjust the drawing and lay out sheets if the room has protrusions and niches.

A liquid floor can be up to 1.5 mm thick and is itself a good protective layer, making it a durable floor.

Polyurethane flooring in the dental office

Bulk linoleum is safe: does not support combustion, does not emit harmful substances, which makes it an excellent material for use in medical and childcare facilities.

The uniqueness of the coating is that even the formed dents and cracks can be repaired. To do this, it is enough to fill the surface with a new layer of the mixture and level it.


Liquid linoleum has only a few disadvantages. One of the disadvantages is that it has a small range of colors for the house, garage, household premises. Although 12 colors are not that little. To make up for the lack of colors, manufacturers make up for decorative effects.

Scanty range of colors is one of the disadvantages

After pouring the mixture, spread on top different shapes colored parts from acrylic paint(crisps). In a container with a mixture, they look like confetti, and on the floor, after pouring, they give the surface a similarity to natural stone or marble.

Another disadvantage is the lengthy process of surface preparation.

How to make liquid linoleum yourself

  • Containers with the desired composition;
  • Roller, brush;
  • Electric drill.

To obtain a solution for pouring a floor, you need to place the contents of a smaller container in a large jar. Then, using a drill with a nozzle, mix everything well. The self-leveling floor is ready for installation.

It is important to carefully prepare the base of the floor, otherwise, after pouring liquid linoleum, bubbles will appear on its surface, which will be difficult to remove.

The main points in the work:

  • Floor surface preparation;
  • Preparation of bulk mixture;
  • Fill;
  • Alignment;
  • Drying.

When pouring, a special needle roller is used, which evenly distributes the mixture over the floor, and does not allow air bubbles to form. It should be remembered that you need to work with liquid linoleum at a temperature of +5 - +25 degrees.

In order to decorate linoleum, you can add decorative elements that are glued to liquid nails. They are glued before the liquid floor is poured.

Floor coverings on modern market presented visibly-invisibly. Have you ever heard that floors are not laid, but poured? Such a flooring is called a self-leveling floor or even liquid linoleum.

Indeed, according to outward appearance a self-leveling polymer floor resembles linoleum, and to the touch, it looks like a smooth tile. It differs from other coatings in solidity, flat surface, has no seams and gaps. The color shades are various: the bulk polymer floor "Liquid Linoleum" can be bought mainly in neutral calm tones - light green, gray, beige, light brown. The service life of the self-leveling floor is more than forty years. There is no need for liquid linoleum, put carpets... The floor is magnificent in beauty and thermal performance, light and refined. In addition, this self-leveling polymer floor is safe for health, which makes it possible to actively use it in residential buildings. True, the cost of the liquid linoleum self-leveling polymer floor cannot be called cheap.

Liquid linoleum can be mounted on concrete, cement screed, ceramic tiles, wooden base... The surface must be flat. This can be checked with a spirit level in all horizontal directions. The tolerance is 4 mm. To prepare the floor you need:

Dismantle the skirting boards;

By using grinder or a metal brush to get rid of the old coating;

verify wood flooring for humidity, it should be no more than 10%;

Clean all cracks and sand the floor with coarse sandpaper, in order to ensure stronger adhesion between layers, then lay large cracks with a mortar;

Remove dust and debris industrial vacuum cleaner and wash the floor with a cleaning powder to degrease;

Check horizontality with a level.

At the end of the surface preparation, it must be primed. Porous and dry surfaces are primed several times to completely close the pores. Apply the primer with a wide brush or roller. The next layer is only after complete drying of the previous one. A day later, the floor is "poured" onto the resulting base. Consumption of the "Liquid Linoleum" self-leveling polymer floor in residential premises is 1.5 kg / m 2 with a coating thickness of 1 -1.15 mm.

In order for the self-leveling floor to spread well over the surface, you must adhere to the proportions indicated by the manufacturer in the instructions. You can buy “Liquid Linoleum” self-leveling polymer floor with home delivery. Correct plasticity of the solution is the key to good spreading.

Too rare a solution can provoke the formation of cracks and chips, disrupt the drying out of the floor and reduce its strength. Therefore, it is recommended to fill the self-leveling polymer floor by specialists.

Among all the options for flooring, there are those that are distinguished by increased strength and reliability, moreover, allowing you to create very beautiful and unusual bases. Increasingly, a type of material such as liquid linoleum is used for laying coverings in apartments and houses. In another way, this coating is called self-leveling floor. And its installation is fundamentally different from the usual polyurethane linoleum.

Liquid linoleum or is a special composition of polymeric substances that is used to create floor coverings... After pouring, it dries quickly enough and turns into a very strong monolithic base, which feels like ceramic tiles to the touch. The material does not form seams, it makes it possible to make a uniform and beautiful floor throughout the house or in individual rooms. It is thanks to liquid linoleum that the floor can be turned into a real work of art by creating on it beautiful drawings... Sometimes this type of coating is able to imitate stone and other materials.

On a note! By adding decorative elements (chips, glitter, etc.) to the mixture for pouring floors, you can do without creating drawings, and the surface will still be beautiful and unusual.

Liquid linoleum as a material has the following characteristics and features:

  • there are more than 10 basic background colors of the material that can be connected with each other and create unusual abstract drawings;
  • the thickness of the coating formed by the material is only 1.5-2 mm in a residential building or apartment and up to 7 mm in industrial facilities;
  • the cost of materials is quite high, but, since their consumption is small, it makes sense to think about pouring such a coating in the house.

Liquid linoleum is the collective name for a number of mixtures that differ from each other in composition. They can be made on the basis of various components, which is why sometimes their characteristics differ significantly.

Table. The main types of liquid linoleum.

Viewa brief description of

Such liquid linoleum is made on the basis of methyl methacrylate resin. Differs in increased frost resistance, is not afraid of exposure sunlight... Often used on industrial sites and in freezers oh, quite often - on the street, where it calmly withstands the influence of all natural factors.

A very durable and reliable type of liquid floor, which contains cement and acrylic components. Recommended for installation inside industrial halls, where there is a strong mechanical impact on the floors. Withstands changes in thermal and humidity conditions well.

Liquid linoleum based epoxy resin... Not afraid of the effects of various chemical substances, therefore it was previously often used to decorate floors in pharmaceutical workshops and laboratories. Less resistant to mechanical shock than other types of floors.

The most commonly used type of liquid linoleum for residential construction. Quite resistant and allows you to create various types of coatings using all kinds of decorating components and materials. His performance characteristics quite enough to cope with the humidity level in the kitchen or bathroom.

Appointment of liquid linoleum

Initially, this type of coating was used for finishing floors inside industrial workshops. His task was to create a durable coating resistant to chemical and mechanical stress. The floors in factories and inside warehouses had to be resistant to abrasion, not be afraid of the ingress of oils, the movement of trolleys with a load on them, or exposure to water when frequent washing floors. These are the properties that self-leveling floors have.

However, now these types of bases are increasingly used in household repairs. The owners of apartments and houses quickly realized that in the kitchen and bathroom floors should be as reliable as possible and not afraid of moisture. It is advisable that they do not leak in case of problems with the water supply and sewerage system. Thus, liquid linoleum, including waterproofing properties, has become one of the best options coatings for these premises.

Self-leveling floor prices

Weber self-leveling floor

On a note! Over time, liquid linoleum began to fill in other rooms - bedrooms, halls, corridors. But to the touch, such a floor seems rather cold, so it is not recommended to equip it in cool rooms and on the first floors of houses. An exception is the use of a base heating system.

Also, self-leveling floors are often used in shopping centers, at dance and even sports grounds... Wear resistance allows them to be successfully used in car services and premises where various complex technical works are performed.

  • high abrasion resistance;
  • the presence of antistatic properties;
  • increased level of waterproofing;
  • resistance to chemicals.

Advantages and disadvantages of liquid linoleum

Like any material, liquid linoleum has its advantages and disadvantages. And it is important to know them before deciding on the pouring of such floors. The advantages of using liquid linoleum are much more than the disadvantages. Material pluses:

  • very durable and resistant to different types impact;
  • practically does not scratch;
  • it is waterproof, therefore it can easily fit in the kitchen or bathroom and even play the role of waterproofing in case of flooding (in the case of proper preparation and compliance with the installation requirements);
  • durable - service life can be 40 years or more;
  • environmentally friendly and does not burn;
  • easy to care for - it is quite easy to wash with the use of improvised means;
  • has no seams;
  • dries quickly after pouring;
  • can be decorated in a variety of ways.

Cons of coverage:

  • high cost of materials;
  • simple, but at the same time, requiring great attention and care, installation - it is easy to make a mistake, but it is very difficult to fix it.

Prices for liquid linoleum

Since we are talking about the high cost of materials, it is important to find out how much such a coating option costs, or rather, everything that is needed to create it. On average, the price for 1 m 2 starts at 450 rubles. But the more complex and interesting the floor decor is, the more expensive it will cost. Also, the cost will depend on the thickness of the base to be poured. For example, a bulk methyl methacrylate floor with a thickness of 3 mm will cost 1,500 rubles per 1 m 2.

On a note! Compositions for creating domestic liquid linoleum are cheaper than imported ones, and in terms of quality they are not always as bad as they say. But to get perfect result components made by trusted brands should be used.

Features of laying liquid linoleum

Bulk linoleum is not the most plain cover in installation, if you thoroughly study the whole process of filling it. The fact is that at first glance at such work it seems that everything is simple: poured the mixture onto a rough base, leveled it and the floors are ready. But in reality, everything turns out to be much more complicated.

One of the main aspects of work is correct preparation rough floor. It is important not only to clean it well of debris, but also to make it even. There should be no cracks and gaps on the floor, and there should also be no significant differences in height (maximum acceptable level- 2 mm).

Advice! A long rule will help to determine the evenness of the floor. It is laid on the base at different points on the surface, and then the width of the gaps between it and the rough base is measured. If there are gaps of more than 2 mm, the sub-floor needs to be leveled. If we neglect this aspect, then the consumption of the mixture of liquid linoleum will increase significantly.

Cracks and crevices in the floor are also important to seal. construction staff, and all protrusions, the height of which is greater than the floor horizontal, are recommended to be sanded off. Otherwise, liquid linoleum will have to fill all cavities, and this significantly increases the consumption of expensive material. The screed will be leveled by filling it with a self-leveling mixture.

Liquid linoleum is a mixture that must be poured onto a dust-free surface. If this is neglected, then all the rubbish from the base will be on the surface of the poured floor, which will lead to a decrease in its aesthetic qualities. Therefore, the floors are not just swept with a broom - they must be thoroughly cleaned with a powerful vacuum cleaner and rinsed with water. It is also necessary to prime the base - the procedure will remove dust from the surface and reduce moisture absorption by it. Better to use a primer deep penetration and apply it in 2 layers with an interval of 6-8 hours.

On a note! If the base cannot be repaired, it is recommended to completely remove it. old screed and form a new one. However, until the moment the liquid linoleum is poured, you will have to wait until it dries. Drying time cement mix screed is 28 days.

Also, liquid linoleum can be poured onto other surfaces - ceramics, wood, etc. It is only important to properly prepare the base, worry about waterproofing.

Liquid linoleum in an apartment or house must fit under certain conditions. The optimum air temperature for these works can vary from 5 to 25 degrees, and the humidity level should be about 60%. If these values ​​are different, then the mixture will dry out too quickly, which will entail a violation of the installation technology and, accordingly, a decrease in the operational characteristics of the finished floor.

If it is planned to form a decorative layer in the room on the floor, then the self-leveling floors are poured in two approaches. The first layer is rough, basic. It is usually filled with a neutral white mixture. Next, you should choose a way to decorate the surface. There are several of them:

  • using materials of various colors;
  • using chips or sparkles, stones and other decorative elements;
  • creating a pattern on the floor. In this case, you need a printed image.

On a note! The floors can also be painted by hand, but this method requires skill to paint.

After that, the floors are "closed" with a transparent protective layer of liquid linoleum. It is made in the same way as the base is smoothed with a self-leveling mixture. Then the floors should dry well. Usually, only a few hours are enough for polymerization, but experts advise to wait a few days before the base is fully exploited. Sometimes the drying time reaches 20 days - it all depends on the mixture used and the thickness of the applied coating.

Diy liquid linoleum

It is quite possible to fill this type of coating with your own hands, without the involvement of third-party specialists. To do this, you must purchase all the materials and be sure to study the instructions for working with them in order to avoid mistakes. Tools and materials that come in handy:

  • construction mixer;
  • mixture for pouring the floor;
  • decoration material;
  • squeegee;
  • ordinary roller - for soil;
  • leveling epoxy putty;
  • self-leveling mixture;
  • needle roller;
  • paint shoes;
  • finishing varnish.

Attention! Do not knead all the mixtures at once. Their polymerization time is rather short, and therefore it is better to mix first one portion - for the base layer, and then the second - for the finishing layer, which will cover the decorative coating.

The technological development of mankind does not stand still and is periodically replenished with new discoveries and scientific research... This development applies to all industries, including manufacturers of flooring materials. Liquid linoleum, which is better known to the layman as a polymer-based self-leveling floor, has become a striking example of new technologies in the production of floor coverings.

What is Liquid Linoleum?

Liquid linoleum or self-leveling floor is a synthetic multicomponent mixture that is made in liquid form and is designed to cover any type of base. Depending on the components used, the liquid bulk linoleum there are three types:

  • Metalcrylate;
  • Epoxy;
  • Polyurethane.

In appearance, finished coating practically no different from ordinary linoleum, but it gives much more opportunities for designers. In terms of physical indicators, a self-leveling polymer floor can be compared with ceramic tiles.

For your information. In production and warehouses commonly used methacrylate and epoxy coatings. Bulk mixtures based on polyurethane is used in residential and public buildings.

Features of laying liquid linoleum

The standard procedure for laying the material is very simple and can be done independently without the involvement of third-party specialists. Installation can be done on any type of surface, wood, concrete or ceramic tiles, it is enough only to properly prepare the base and observe the laying technology.

Bulk linoleum makes it possible to make unique design by installing a printed image, which is laid on the surface of the base and filled with a transparent polymer composition. It is better to attract competent specialists to this type of decoration, because of which the price of the floor increases significantly.

For your information. The most popular types of transparent polymer coatings are the brands EpoxyFlooring, GlassFloor, Cemezit UR 35 and Polymerstone.

Prices for liquid linoleum

A thin-layer epoxy coating will cost about 450-500 rubles / m2.

A thin-layer polyurethane coating will cost a little less, about 300-400 rubles per meter / m2.

The cost of a full-fledged epoxy floor with a thickness of 2-3 mm will cost 1000-1200 rubles. per meter / m2.

The cost of installing a self-leveling polyurethane floor with a thickness of 2-3 mm will cost a little less - 800-900 rubles.

The most expensive option there will be a self-leveling methyl methacrylate floor with a thickness of 3 mm, about 1,500 rubles.

Also, highly filled polymer floors will cost 1100-1500 rubles, depending on the components and layer thickness.

Prices are indicated at a rate of $ 1 = 66 rubles.

Benefits of Liquid Linoleum Coating

The liquid type of linoleum has a number of significant advantages over many other types of coatings, which include:

  • No seams. The polymer composition forms a perfectly even monolithic coating, which does not need joints, as it fills the entire room.
  • Simplicity of styling. It is known that it is very difficult to lay ordinary linoleum in a non-standard room with irregular geometry. With liquid material, such problems do not arise and you do not need to spend a lot of time cutting the canvas and adjusting the pattern.
  • Color options. Polymer floors do not limit your choice of color in any way, since there are more than 200 shades of dyes for it, which can be added to the composition before pouring. It is also possible to create unique images with a 3D effect. The finish can be glossy or matte, smooth or rough, depending on personal preference and the style of the room.
  • Wear resistance. The thickness of the protective layer of ordinary linoleum is no more than 0.3 mm, and liquid linoleum itself is a protective layer and can reach up to 1.5 cm in thickness making it a virtually permanent finish.
  • Impact strength. Using a self-leveling floor - liquid linoleum in an apartment or a private house, you can be sure that the coating will not have any damage throughout the entire period of operation. Even if you drop a hammer, sharp object, or move heavy furniture onto the surface, no marks will remain on the floor surface.
  • Security. The self-leveling coating does not burn and does not support combustion, and also does not emit toxic components under high temperature exposure, which makes this coating environmentally friendly. The coating can be safely used in hospitals and children's rooms.

Even if in some way damage appears on the coating in the form of a scratch or dent, it is very easy to repair it. It is enough to fill the dent with a new layer and align with the common plane by polishing. Scratches are also removed by polishing with special machines. To fix the material, we recommend watching a video on laying a polymer floor.

On construction market there are many types of floor tiles. Liquid linoleum, which appeared about five years ago, stands out. The term is insignificant, but during this short time many masters have already managed to pay attention to it.

Such material is also known under a different name - self-leveling floor. This coverage is reliable. With it, it is possible to create original drawings, which is skillfully used by interior designers.

Such linoleum needs a specific type of installation, which differs from the laying technique of other types of coatings. This article will cover:

  1. Information about the types, characteristics of the self-leveling floor. Their advantages and disadvantages.
  2. Application rules with instructions.

Types of self-leveling floors

So what materials is liquid linoleum made of? Of these, the following are popular:

  • Methyl methacrylate... Prepared from the same name. It is characterized by high resistance to low temperatures, good tolerance ultraviolet radiation... It can be used for laying industrial sites and freezers. The material is also used outdoors, as it is resistant to the influence of external factors.
  • Cement acrylic... It is positioned as a very durable liquid linoleum, which includes cement and acrylic compounds. Can be used in industrial halls with heavy floor loads. It is not afraid of high moisture and heat, it tolerates temperature changes well.
  • Polyurethane Liquid Linoleum... A relatively popular subspecies. Can be used in combination with many formulations. Tolerates normally high humidity so it can be installed in the kitchen or bathroom.
  • Epoxy... Such a composition is based on. Deals well with aggressive chemicals, therefore it can be used even in laboratory conditions. Of the shortcomings, there is a low resistance to mechanical stress in comparison with other subspecies of the composition.

Pros and cons of self-leveling polymer floor

A self-leveling polymer floor has both advantages and disadvantages. Privileges include:

  1. High strength. Such a coating will not wear off and will not be damaged by mechanical stress.
  2. Wide range of applications. It shows itself well in a residential building, at industrial facilities and in places with an active flow of people.
  3. Moisture resistance. This coating has a one-piece water-repellent layer. Copes with direct water ingress. According to its characteristics, it is most like a tile.
  4. Seamlessness. The visibility of the seams often spoils the overall impression of the renovation. If you do not want to observe such shortcomings, then pay attention to self-leveling floors.
  5. Design variations. Liquid, as opposed to rolls, allows you to fully express your creativity. From original drawings all the way to hand painted or 3D images.
  6. Resistance to high temperatures... The composition is positioned as heat-resistant. It is not afraid of combustion, therefore it is often used in industrial areas.
  7. Harmlessness. All components are non-toxic, and therefore they are completely safe for the health of the master.
  8. Easy to care for. Anyone can wash such floors. household chemicals, and all the dirt from them is wiped off in a couple of minutes.

But liquid linoleum has its drawbacks.:

  • relatively high price;
  • difficulty in applying;
  • limited range of colors.

What rooms are they used in?

Such floors have found their application in any room. Many people still treat such material with suspicion, but in vain.

In comparison, laminate and other floor coverings deteriorate quickly. Self-leveling floors, on the other hand, can be installed in the kitchen or bathroom without the risk of deterioration for many years. The stable monolithic surface does not absorb liquid, which means that the risks of material swelling are reduced to zero.

What surfaces can you lay on?

This compound works well with most floor coverings. Lay liquid linoleum on a wooden floor, on concrete, on tiles, porcelain tiles and other surfaces.

As you can see, manufacturers do not set any restrictions in this direction. The only caveat: when laying on any of the types of surfaces, take into account all the manufacturer's recommendations for its preliminary processing.

Popular brands

Most of these mixtures are sold in hardware stores. For example, liquid linoleum in Leroy Merlin is represented mainly by products of such brands:

  1. Streamline Chemicals;
  2. Texil;
  3. Epital.

They differ in the composition and design of the drawings. By technical specifications the goods of these brands are equal to each other - no better and no worse.

How much does it cost and where to buy?

Self-leveling polymer floor is expensive building materials... The exact price of a composition varies depending on its exact subspecies.

For example, a thin epoxy resin coating will cost about five hundred rubles for square meter... The same version of polyurethane is sold in stores for 300 rubles per 1 square. The price of a thickened epoxy floor starts at a thousand rubles. As you can see, the polyurethane subspecies will not cost so much again - from 800 rubles per square meter.

The highest prices are hung on methyl methacrylate floors with a thickness of three millimeters. For one square meter of such a floor, you will have to pay from one and a half thousand rubles.

Choice of buyers

According to statistics from construction stores, bulk polymeric flooring from polyurethane is taken more often than other types. Buyers are attracted by the price of coatings made of such material - it is lower with the same unusual design.

In second place in demand is a coating based on epoxy resin. Such floor surfaces are also durable and don't cost too much.

Before you prepare liquid linoleum with your own hands, you need to determine what type the purchased composition belongs to. It is conventionally divided into two categories:

  • One-component. Positioned as a self-leveling screed. It does not require preliminary preparation before application.
  • Two-component is needed already for finishing... Such compositions are made from different materials... The demanded ones are polyurethane. Before application, pre-treatment of the base is required.

Preparation of liquid linoleum is done according to the manufacturer's instructions. Before applying the composition, it is imperative to clean the surface.

Technique for laying liquid linoleum

Laying liquid linoleum is carried out in strict accordance with the following instructions:

  1. We prepare a rough base. Debris and dust are removed from it. If the base is with cracks and grooves, then it is leveled by filling it with a self-leveling compound. To completely dry the floor, take 48 hours.
  2. We ground the base. We prepare two-component bases according to the manufacturer's instructions. The primer is applied with a roller so that all areas are thoroughly worked out. This will help remove residues from the coating. construction dust and will significantly increase the adhesion of the formulations.
  3. Re-leveling with epoxy putty. The mixture is kneaded, then poured onto the floor and leveled with a spatula. If, at the same time, irregularities remain, they are recommended to be sanded and walked over the coating with a vacuum cleaner.
  4. We knead the mixture for pouring the floor strictly according to the instructions on the package. First you need to make base layer white... We apply the composition to the base and level it. Important: you can only move through such a mixture in shoes called “paint shoes”. There are special spikes on their soles.
  5. Processing of the filled layer. To do this, you need a roller with needles. The goal of the task is to remove excess air, the bubbles of which may remain inside.
  6. Decorating. To create the desired picture, you need to print large format images. There should be an adhesive layer on one side of the picture. He will join the base of liquid linoleum.
  7. Fill the finishing layer on top of the drawing, it should be transparent. It is applied according to the same principle as the base ball.

Try to work quickly. A slow process will lead to the polyurethane material hardening too quickly, and you will not have time to fix all the shortcomings.

It is possible to use the frozen self-leveling floor no earlier than two days after its arrangement. At the same time, it is necessary to provide the room with maximum protection against vibrations and air currents.

It is categorically impossible to enter the room until it hardens completely and give the floors to mechanical stress. Do not try to speed up the cure time with a hair dryer or other heating appliance. This will lead to the formation of cracks in the floor covering.

One of the main problems when working with such material is the difficulty in choosing a design. Therefore, we advise you to see what liquid linoleum looks like in the photo. Here are a few interesting ideas, which can be realized in many houses or apartments.

In Moscow, you can buy liquid linoleum in construction markets. When buying, check the expiration date of the product and its compliance with the storage conditions. Check the instructions from the material manufacturer. It contains valuable advice on how to interact correctly with the squad. This is the only way to achieve an effective result.

To better navigate correct preparation and applying the mixture, we recommend that you study the video tutorials. A visual demonstration of the work algorithm, where masters reveal secrets correct styling liquid linoleum, will help you understand all the intricacies:

Do you know other ways to install a self-leveling floor? Share them in the comments to the article to help readers find best method of all suggested.