Wellness gaming hour in kindergarten. Recreation hour


school training teacher child

The most important task facing the pre-school education system is the comprehensive development of the child's personality and training for school training. However, a significant number of children, despite the "passport" age and their "school" skills and skills, are experiencing great difficulties in teaching. The main reason for their failure is that they are still small "psychologically", i.e. Not ready for school type of learning.

Preparing children for school training is a responsible process that lies in many ways on the shoulders of parents of the preschooler and its educators, on how much the child is ready for school morally and intellectually depends on how quickly it is in new team And it will be comfortable in the learning process.

Preparing for school - the task is a complex, multifaceted, covering all the lives of the child's life. When it is decided to allocate a number of aspects. First, the continuing development of the personality of the child and its cognitive processes underlying successful training activities in the future, and, secondly, the need to teach initial school skills and skills, such as elements of writing, reading, account.

The topic of the study is very relevant, as admission to school is a turning point in the life of the child, in the formation of his personality. If in preschool age the leading activity is the game, now training activities are becoming such a role in the child's life. Therefore, one of the main tasks of the preschool institution is to prepare children for school training.

The problem of readiness for school includes pedagogical and psychological aspects. In this regard, pedagogical and psychological readiness for school is distinguished. In the complex of psychological and pedagogical readiness for school, three components are distinguished: intellectual readiness, personal readiness and volitional.

Of particular importance in this structure is the intellectual readiness of preschoolers for school learning, the search is most effective tools, the formation of which in the educational process of a preschool institution has an increditative relevance. To date, one of the promising means of such formation is the game with the rules, the possibilities of which in the practice of kindergarten are not fully implemented.

The purpose of the study is to explore the conditions, methods and techniques for the preparation of children of senior preschool age for school training.

In accordance with the purpose of the work, the following tasks are resolved:

Study and analysis of literature on the preparation of children of senior preschool age for school training;

Allocation of psychological and pedagogical aspects of the training of children in school training;

Studying methods and techniques for the preparation of children for school training.

Object of study: The process of preparing children of senior preschool age for school training.

Subject of research: conditions, methods and techniques for the preparation of children of senior preschool age for school training.

The work consists of administration, two chapters, conclusion and literature of the literature used.

1. Theoretical foundations for the problem of preparing children for school education

1.1 Age Features of Senior Preschool Children

Senior preschool age is a period of conscious discoveries and cognitive activity. At its length, the knowledge and presentation of children are gradually deepening and expanded, they are generalized. "The child develops ideas about itself and different areas Environmental reality: Nature, human culture products, human relations. He also develops ways to get knowledge.

The child is formed by the ability to listen to an adult, respond to questions and ask them to independently experiment with reality. The level of mastering similar methods along with the influence of the child is characterized by the content side of its mental development. "

Senior preschool age is also characterized by the active development of gaming activities, especially the plot-role-playing game, which in this period enters his flourishing. "The children of the sixth year of life can already distribute the roles before the game began and build their behavior, sticking to the role. Game interaction is accompanied by a speech corresponding to the content and intonational role. Gaming actions of children become more complicated, gain a special meaning that does not always open with an adult. Gaming space is complicated, there may be several centers in it, each of which supports its scene line. At the same time, children are able to track the behavior of partners throughout the game space and change their behavior depending on the place in it. If the logic of the game requires the appearance of a new role, the child can take on a new role during the game, while maintaining the role taken earlier. " The group nature of the plot role-playing game develops the ability of a child to coordinate its actions with other children. Therefore, to the older preschool age, he learns to communicate, establish certain relationships with peers, resolve conflicts with speech.

Senior preschool age plays a special role in the development of the child: in this period of life, new psychological mechanisms of activity and behavior are beginning to be formed.

The age of 6 is characterized by the activation of the growth process: for the year the child can grow by 7-10 cm. Change the proportions of the body. Traffic, motor experience of children expands, engineering abilities are actively developing. The coordination and stability of the equilibrium needed noticeably improved during the implementation of most movements. At the same time, girls have some advantage over the boys.

In children, large muscles of the body and limbs are actively developing, but small muscles remain weak, especially the hands of hands. Senior preschooler technically performs most of the physical exercise. It is able to critically evaluate the movements of other children, but self-control and self-esteem is inconvenient and appeared episodically. Presentations of children about health and healthy lifestyle, about the meaning of hygienic procedures (for which it is necessary to wash their hands, clean teeth, etc.), hardening, sports, morning gymnastics. Children are interested in their health, acquire information about their body (organs of feelings, movements, digestion, respiration) and practical skills to care.

There are large changes in the highest nervous activity. During the sixth year of life, the main nervous processes are improved - excitation and especially braking. This has a beneficial effect on self-regulation capabilities. Emotional reactions at this age are becoming more stable, balanced. The child is not so quickly tired, it becomes more trusted mentally, which is associated with increasing physical endurance. Children begin to refrain from unwanted action on their own initiative. But in general, the ability to arbitrary regulation of their activity is still not expressed enough and requires adult attention.

Social representations of the moral plan are formed. Gradually, the transition from impulsive, situational behavior to the behavior indirectly mediated by the rules and norms. Children actively turn to the rules when regulating their relationship with peers. Senior preschoolers are already distinguished by good and bad acts, have an idea of \u200b\u200bgood and evil, can bring appropriate specific examples from personal experience and literature. In the assessment of peers, they are rather categorized and demanding, with respect to their own behavior are more condescending and not objective.

Intelligent children's ability are expanding. In terms of its characteristics, the six-year-old head brain approaches the indicators of the adult brain. The child not only highlights essential signs in subjects and phenomena, but also begins to establish causal relations between them, spatial, temporary and other relations. Children operate with sufficient temporary representations: morning-day-day-night; Yesterday, today, tomorrow, before, later; Focusing in the sequence of days of the week, the seasons and months belonging to every time of the year. Quite confidently master the orientation in space and on the plane: from left to right, at the top below, in front of the back, close - far, above - below, etc.

The overall horizon of children is expanding. The interests of senior preschoolers gradually go beyond the closest environments of kindergarten and family. Children attracts a wide social and natural world, unusual events and facts. They are interested in the inhabitants of the jungle and oceans, space, distant countries and much more. The senior preschooler is trying to independently comprehend and explain the information received. From five years, the real flourishing of the ideas of "small philosophers" on the origin of the Sun, Moon, stars and other things. To explain the children are attracted by knowledge drawn from films and television programs: about cosmonauts, lunas, space travels, star wars.

Children with lively interest are listening to stories from the life of parents, grandparents. Acquaintance with the technique, a variety of work, the professions of parents ensures further child's entry into the modern world, an introduction to its values. Under the leadership of adult, preschoolers are included in search engagement, and independently put informative tasks, put forward assumptions about the reasons and results of observed phenomena, use different methods Checks: experiments, heuristic reasoning, long-term comparative observations, independently make small "discoveries".

In the older preschool age, the memory capacity is increasing, intentional memorization arises in order to follow the reproduction of the material, attention becomes more stable. There is a development of all cognitive mental processes. Children decrease the thresholds of sensations. The acuity of view and the accuracy of color disintegration increases, the phonderatic and sound hearing is developing, the accuracy of weight estimates and the proportions of items is growing significantly increases the ideas of children about the world around.

In the older preschool age, it continues to improve speech. Over the year, the dictionary increases by 1000-1200 words (compared with the previous age), although almost to establish the exact number of learned words for this period is very difficult due to large individual differences. In this age, all components are actively developing. oral speech, such indicators are improved as a phonderatic hearing, intonational expressiveness, grammatical system. Children use almost all parts of speech, engaged in languages, demonstrate a rich lexicon, a coherent speech is developing.

There is a coherent, monologue speech. A child without an adult can pass the content of a small fairy tale, a story, a cartoon, describe the events whose witness he was. Correctly uses many grammatical forms and categories. On the sixth year of the life of the child's muscles of the articulation apparatus, they have enough, and children are able to correctly pronounce all the sounds of their native language. However, in some children at this age, the correct assimilation of hissing sounds, sounds [l], [P] ends.

Productive imagination is developing, the ability to perceive and imagine on the basis of a verbal description of various worlds, for example, space, space travel, aliens, princess castle, wizards, etc. These achievements are embodied in children's games, theater activities, in drawings, children's stories.

Drawing is a favorite experience of senior preschoolers, they dedicate a lot of time. Children gladly demonstrate their drawings to each other discussing their content, exchange opinions. They like to arrange drawings exhibitions, are proud of their success.

The growing need of senior preschoolers in communicating with peers, in joint games and activities leads to the emergence of the children's community. The peers becomes interesting as a partner for games and practical activities. The system of interpersonal relations, mutual sympathies and affiliation develops. The senior preschooler suffers if no one wants to play with him.

Children become selective in relationships. Single-sex contacts are dominated in communicating with peers. Children play small groups from two to five people. Sometimes these groups become permanent in composition. So the first friends appear - those with whom the child is best achieved mutual understanding and mutual sympathy. It is more pronounced preference to certain types of games, although in general the game repertoire is diverse, includes plot-role, directorial, construction-structural, mobile, musical, theatrical games, game experimentation.

The gaming interests and preferences of boys and girls are determined. Children independently create a game space, build the plot and the course of the game, distribute roles. In the joint game there is a need to regulate the relationship with peers, there are norms of moral behavior, manifest moral feelings. The behavior indirectly is formed. As a result of the interaction and comparison of their behavior with the behavior of the peer, the child appears the possibility of better awareness of himself, my me.

More actively manifests interest in cooperation, to a joint solution of the overall task. Children seek to negotiate among themselves to achieve the ultimate goal. An adult helps children in mastering specific ways to achieve mutual understanding on the basis of accounting for partners' interests.

It is at this time that completely new, individual qualities are manifested, the needs of children grow in obtaining all new knowledge, skills and skills. Nature itself, as if suggests that it is time to move to an active educational process, which would cover the improvement of personality from all sides, produced various individual traits Character in child of senior preschool age. Features of the very activity of children of preschool age, as well as the desire for comprehensive improvement, are characterized by a bright manifestation of all new needs. Children of the senior pre-school years are striving to expand knowledge about those subjects or phenomena that they personally did not observe. At this stage, they begin to worry the relationship, which exists in relationships between what they observe. How deeply they penetrate into the study of this relationship, and is defining how actively and purposefully harmonious personality formation occurs. The following factor, which is the most important stage of the child's transition to a group of senior preschool age - awareness of his own seniority over other kids in the group and the garden as a whole. . The manifestation of the feeling of "adults" contributes to the formation of a more suspended approach to the perception of the surrounding reality. And this largely helps solve various tasks with a qualitatively new approach and regardless of the achievement of a certain age. The level of practical activity is also improved, the quality of communication increases. The task of educators is to actively support children in 5-7 years at this stage, help understand this new condition and correctly send it to the right direction. The possibilities for the development of the child's independence, manifestation of creative manifestations, reasonable initiative, at this stage are really limitless.

The creation of such situations in which for children of 5-7 years will require the active application of the existing skills and knowledge, allows them to successfully develop.

The level of complexity of tasks is gradually growing, which leads to the development of certain character traits: raising the power of the will; the desire to overcome certain difficulties to overcome; bringing any work started to the end; Developing skills in the search for all new, most optimal solutions, including creative. Responsible stage is the development self-decide Tasks of varying degrees of complexity, as well as the ability to find several options and choose one.

When preparing children for school training, it is necessary to take into account the features of senior preschool age, their active and comprehensive development.

.2 The essence of the concept of "school readiness and its main components"

School preparation is one of the most important tasks of training and education of preschool children. The concept of "child readiness to school" includes three components: 1) the readiness of physiological, 2) the readiness of psychological, 3) the willingness is social or personal.

All components are closely interrelated; Disadvantages in the formation of any of them affect the success of learning. In addition, "readiness for school training" is a concept equally dependent on the physiological, social and mental development of the child. These are not different types, but different directions of the manifestation of readiness in various forms of activity. The well-being and health status of the future of the first grader, its performance, the ability to interact with the teacher, classmates and obey the school regulations.

Speaking about the physical readiness of the child for school training, we mean a positive change in physical development, showing the biological maturity of the child necessary to start schooling. The child should be well physically developed (i.e. all parameters of its development have no negative deviations from the norm and sometimes somewhat ahead of it). It should also be noted in the development of movements, the emergence of useful motor qualities (dexterity, speed, accuracy, etc.), the development of the chest, the shallow muscles of the fingers of the hands. This serves as a warranty by writing. So, thanks to the right upbringing by the end of the preschool age, the child consists of general physical readiness for school, without which it cannot successfully cope with new learning loads. The concept of emotional-volitional readiness to school includes: the child's desire to learn; ability to overcome obstacles, manage their behavior; the correct attitude of the child to adults and comrades; The formation of such qualities as hard work, independence, perfection, perseverance.

Under the personal and social willingness of the child, his readiness for a new role for himself is a student - and, naturally, responsibility that falls on him with a new role. The schoolboy must be ready to interact with peers, with adults, as well as, be able to control itself and put some restrictions.

Unfortunately, many children are not ready for school on this criterion. They cannot rationally build a dialogue with the teacher, with peers, are not able to diligently perform lessons if they play their friends at this time. .

Often the absence of this component of the psychological readiness of the child is expressed in its inability to make a homework in a pair. Usually it is pronounced in children who did not go to kindergarten, and have no sufficient experience with peers - including the experience of destroying conflict situations and the adoption of joint decisions.

So that the child felt a personal social readiness for school, parents at some stage it is necessary to "separate" from him and give him the opportunity to communicate with different people. Let the child himself install contacts, do not push it or partially take on his functions, "helping" to get acquainted.

It is very important for the formation of the personal and social readiness of the child to school his adequate self-esteem. The child should neither underestimate his abilities nor put himself higher than others - and the other will create him problems in school.

Psychological preparation of a child for school training is an important step in the education and training of a preschooler in kindergarten and family. Its content is determined by the system of requirements that the school places the child. These claims are the need for a responsible attitude towards school and studies, arbitrary management of their behavior, the implementation of mental work, which ensures conscious learning, establishing the relationship with adults and peers determined by joint activities. The first condition for successful learning a child in primary school It is the presence of relevant learning motives: attitude to him as an important, socially significant case, desire to acquire knowledge, interest in certain training subjects. .

Psychological readiness of a child to school involves the formation of arbitrariness (memory, attention, thinking), the formation of the main components of educational activities, mental and cognitive skills: differentiated perception, cognitive activity, cognitive interests. Thus, only those children who correspond to compiled criteria, we can consider ready for school.

School readiness is determined not only by the level of intelligence, not so much the amount of information and knowledge that has a child, how much quality, the degree of acceleration, the clarity of the representations.

Special importance in psychological readiness for school, have abilities and prerequisites in mastering knowledge and skills.

Psychologists call these prerequisites "" "introductory skills".

Once again, we emphasize the need for the development of the ability to listen, understand the meaning of read, the ability to retell, conduct a visual comparison, we emphasize the importance of not the volume of knowledge, but the quality of thinking. .

The determination of the level of readiness should be the basis not only for the choice of the optimal, most suitable for the child the training option for organizing the educational process, but also for predicting possible school problems, the definition of forms and methods for individualizing learning.

Admission to school is a turning point in the life of a child. A distinctive feature of the state of the student, the student is that his studies are mandatory, socially significant activities. For it, he is responsible to the teacher, school, family. The student's life is subordinate to the system of strict, the same for all schoolchildren rules. Its main content becomes the absorption of knowledge common to all children.

School life requires the child to comply with a large number of rules. They are subordinate to the behavior of students in the lesson (it is impossible to make noise, talking to the neighbor, to engage in outsiders, you need to raise your hand if you want to ask something, etc.), they serve to organize students' academic work (keep notebooks and textbooks in order , make records in a certain way, etc.), regulate the relationship of students among themselves and with the teacher. .

The ability to obey the rules and requirements of the adult, the ability to work on the sample is the main indicators of the formation of arbitrary behavior. His development D.B. Elkonin considered a more important component of readiness for school.

The levels of pedagogical and psychological readiness shown by the child when receiving school are analyzed by a teacher and a psychologist so that they can work together to work out the tactics of working with each child, given its individual characteristics.

So, training for school should be versatile and start long before the actual receipt of children to school.

The readiness of the child to school should be considered, first of all, as a common readiness.

When taking children to school, during their adaptation to training and in organizing an educational process, it is important to take into account knowledge of psychological features Children of 6-7 years old.

In general, the child comes to school should be able to systematically examine objects, phenomena, allocate their various properties. He needs to own a fairly complete, accurate and dissected perception, as training in elementary school is largely based on children with various materials under the guidance of a teacher. In the process of such work, the essential properties of things are allocated. It is important is the good orientation of the child in space and time. Literally from the first days of stay at school, the child receives instructions that cannot be fulfilled without taking into account the spatial signs of things, without knowing the areas of space. So, the teacher can offer to spend the line "Empathy from the left top to the right lower corner" or "straight down on the right side of the cell", etc.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe time and a sense of time, the ability to determine how much it passed - an important condition for the organized work of the student in the class, the tasks for the specified period.

Especially high demands of the school makes a child thinking. The child should be able to allocate significant in the phenomena of the surrounding reality, be able to compare them, to see similar and excellent; He must learn to reason, find the causes of phenomena, draw conclusions.

Preparing for school should be versatile and start long before the actual receipt of children to school.

2. Methods and techniques for the preparation of children of senior preschool age for school education

From January 1, 2014, all pre-school educational institutions of Russia moved to a new Federal State Educational Standard preschool education (GEF to).

GEF puts forward three groups of requirements:

Requirements for the structure of the educational program of pre-school education.

Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the educational program of pre-school education.

Requirements for the results of the development of the educational program of pre-school education.

Key installation of GEF - support for childhood diversity through the creation of the conditions of the social situation of the assistance of adults and children for the development of the abilities of each child. Only targets are defined, these are the social and regulatory and psychological characteristics of children of certain age groups, such as initiative and independence, self-confidence, developed imagination, creative abilities in drawing, developed large and small hands, ability to volitional efforts, curiosity. Here are some targets, they are not directly evaluated, including in the form of pedagogical diagnostics and are not grounds for their formal comparison with real achievements of children. They are guidelines for teachers in order to solve the tasks of professional activity and the formation of a program and guidelines for parents.

The child, graduate, must have personal characteristics, among them initiative, independence, self-confidence, positive attitude towards himself and other, developed imagination, the ability to volitional efforts, curiosity. That is the main goal of pre-school education is not the preparation of a child for school training. Not a child should be ready for school, and the school is to the child! Children should be able to calmly adapt to school conditions and successfully absorb the educational program of primary school. The goal of kindergarten is emotionally, communicatively, physically and mentally develop a child. To form resistance to stress, to external and internal aggression, form abilities, desire to learn. .

Introduction of federal states Educational standards (GEF) is an important stage of the continuity of kindergarten and school.

The main result, according to GEF, at the end of the preschool institution is a physically developed child who mastered the main cultural and hygienic skills; inquisitive, active, emotionally responsive; mastered the means of communication and methods of interaction with adults and peers; able to manage their behavior and plan their actions on the basis of primary value ideas, which observing elementary generally accepted norms and rules of conduct; able to solve intellectual and personal tasks (problems), adequate age; Having mastered the universal prerequisites for training activities - skills to work according to the rule and sample, listen to an adult and execute its instructions. .

A distinctive feature of GEF is their activity, which makes the main purpose of the development of the child's personality. The education system also refuses the traditional presentation of learning outcomes in the form of knowledge, skills and skills. In GEF, requirements for learning outcomes are formulated in the form of personal and subject results.

Filling individual characteristics The DW graduate should be collegially carried out in order to increase the objectivity of the information. Supports of the group who work with the child, as well as narrow specialists (if they are in this DW), a teacher-speech therapist, a psychologist, physical education instructor, music leader, should be involved in this.

When filling out the characteristic, it is necessary to take into account more information about the child received from parents during the questionnaire survey. This information makes the characteristic even more objective, as they will take into account the opinion not only by representatives of the Pedagogical team of DW, working with the child, but also parents. .

The problem of training children for school training during the transition to GEF to remains relevant, since educators today must prepare children for elementary school in accordance with GEF

A child to seven years, that is, at the exit of a kindergarten becomes sociable, inquisitive, initiative, independent. These are the main landmarks in which direction you need to move. These qualities must be formed from preschoolers. It is also important that the child to the end of their stay in kindergarten has been formed volitional and motivational readiness for school.

In a modern preschool educational institution, a sufficiently large number of programs are used, allowing along with the development of the basic qualities and the properties of the child as an active person at the same time to prepare him for school learning. We will reflect some of the main provisions of individual programs.

As such a program for the preparation of children to school, the program "continuity can be used. Training preparation "(Compiled by N.A. Fedosov).

Essential and important is that the program "continuity." in a short period of time allows, not duplicating school program, prepare children for school training. Children will continue to master the school program in the future, as the program ensures the continuity of preschool and primary school education also, thanks to the fact that teachers of preschoolers, and elementary school specialists, who were taken into account when developing a program of age of preschool age, participated in its development. . .

The program has announced the purpose of the work, the main tasks are allocated, the sections for which children are being prepared for school training are selected. The author offers age and psychological characteristics of children 5-6 years, which allows you to navigate in the specifics of the growing organism of children. Author-compiler offers options for using this program in dOU conditions, on the basis of school or family training.

Essential and important is that the program "continuity." In a short period of time, it allows, not duplicating the school program, prepare children for school training.

A comprehensive program for the development and education of preschoolers in the educational system "School 2100" ("Kindergarten 2100"). Author's team: A.A. Leontiev (Head), R.N. Buneev, E.V. Buneeva, A.A. Vakhrushev, M.V. Corepanova, TR O. S.A. Kozlova, O.A. Kurury, I.V. Maslova, O.A. Stepanova, O.V. Chinkdilova, considers psychological and pedagogical and methodological aspects of the development and education of preschool children from 3 to 6 years and is one of the structural components of the school 2100 educational system.

The main objective of this program is to implement the principle of continuity and ensure the development and education of preschoolers in accordance with the concept of the school 2100 educational system. A distinctive feature of this program is that it really solves the problem of continuity of preschool and school education.

The purpose of pre-school education is to create conditions for the maximum disclosure of the individual age-related child's potential.

Modern kindergarten needs to synchronize training and education processes, make them not opposing each other, but complementary, enriching the development of children. The child should get the right to become a subject of its own vitality, see his potential, believe in his strength, learn how to be successful in activities. This greatly facilitates the child to the transition from kindergarten to school, will retain and develop interest in knowledge in school training.

The purpose of the goal implies a solution of a number of tasks:

Development of content providing education, harmonious development of the personal qualities of the child; development of the cognitive sphere (thinking, imagination, memory, speech); development of the emotional sphere;

the integrity of the children's worldview.

Formation of experience practical, cognitive, creative and other activities.

Formation of self-knowledge experience.

Mandatory conditions for solving these tasks are to protect and strengthen the health of preschoolers, the development of their motor culture, the creation of an object and development environment.

The result of the entire course of the development and education of the child in preschool age is the maximum disclosure of its individual age-related potential, the harmonious development of his personal qualities, awareness of the child himself, its capabilities and individual features, the ability to communicate and cooperate with adults and peers, mastering the foundations of physical culture and a healthy lifestyle, readiness for schooling. .

The program is based on the following major centers for the development of a preschooler: 1) the formation of arbitrary behavior 2) Mastering with the means and references of cognitive activity 3) Transition from egocentrism to decentration (the ability to see the world from the point of view of another person) 4) motivational readiness. These four development lines determine the content and didactics of pre-school education.

When developing the proposed program, the accumulated positive experience of modern pre-school education was taken into account, as well as new approaches in this field.

The program does not pretend to universality. However, by conviction of the authors, she, firstly, will help overcome the negative trend of simplified understanding of the content of education during the preschool childhood, using non-specific forms for it. Therefore, game educational technologies They are leading in all sections of the educational and educational bloc of the program, and the knowledge offered to children act as a means of developing a child-preschooler personality. Secondly, ensure the continuous and progressive development of the child's personality at all subsequent stages of education in the conditions of a single educational system.

A comprehensive program for the development and education of preschoolers "Kindergarten 2100" is implemented in specific benefits recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, and guidelines for teachers. Continuing continuous courses for all educational lines in elementary school is provided by the programs and textbooks of the same authors.

"Childhood" is a comprehensive educational program developed by the authors from the standpoint of humanistic pedagogy, a personality approach to the development and education of a child preschooler. Author's team: teachers of the Department of Preschool Pedagogy RSUP them. A.I. Herzen (T.I. Babayeva, N.A. Notcina, etc.).

The purpose of the program is to ensure the comprehensive development of the child during the preschool childhood: intellectual, physical, emotional, moral, volitional, socio-personal, through the developing environment relevant to its age features. Introduction, the child in the surrounding world is carried out by its interaction with various spheres of being (the world of people, nature, etc.) and culture (visual art, music, children's literature and native language, mathematics, etc.). The task of the program is to promote the development of cognitive activity, curiosity, desire for independent knowledge and reflection, development of mental abilities and speech.

In unity with the development of knowledge and feelings, the program of the development of independence and creativity of children is carried out in the program. The task of the program is to enrich the experience of independent activities, awaken the creative activity of children, stimulate imagination. .

The "Childhood" program is based on the principle of integrating educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and features of pupils, the specifics and capabilities of the educational regions themselves.

The implementation of the program "Childhood" is fully possible only under the condition of the close interaction of kindergarten and family.

The "Childhood" program is based on a comprehensive-thematic principle of building an educational process. The choice of the topic takes into account the interests of children, the tasks of development and education, current phenomena and bright events (seasons, holidays).

The construction of the pedagogical process involves the predominant use of visual practical methods and methods of organizing activities: observations, excursions, elementary experiments, experimentation, game problem situations, etc.

In the senior preschool age, in accordance with the importance of the pre-school period, organized educational activities involves conducting classes with children, which are carried out as exciting game and problem-cognitive activities aimed at solving relevant, interesting tasks to children.

The "Childhood" program involves the construction of an educational process at adequate age forms of working with children. The main form of working with preschool children and the leading activity for them is the game.

For the most part, educational situations are conducted on subgroups and are integrative, helping children better orient in the world, attract information from different educational areas to solve their problems.

Free, diverse activities in the conditions of a enriched educational pedagogical environment allows the child to showfulness, curiosity, to know the surrounding without coercion, strive for creative mapping of disgraced. In the conditions of the developing environment, the child implements its right to freedom of choice.

The program "from birth to school" relies on the best traditions of domestic education and is reworked in accordance with the current GEF before and is an option "Program for upbringing and learning in kindergarten" edited by MA Vasilyeva, V.V. Herb, TS Commary, recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. The leading goal of the program will be the creation of favorable conditions for a complete residence of a child of preschool childhood, the formation of the foundations of the basic culture of the personality, the comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparing for life in modern society, the formation of prerequisites for training activities, ensuring life safety preschooler.

Special attention The program is paid to the development of the identity of the child, to preserve and strengthen the health of children, as well as education from preschoolers of such qualities as patriotism, an active life position, a creative approach in solving various life situations, respect for traditional values.

The continuity of pre-school education implies the provision of a smooth transition of one stage of education to another. GEF is an important step in the continuity of kindergarten and school. Analysis of the content of the program showed that they are continuing when preparing children for school training, these programs simultaneously allow you to develop the main qualities and properties of the child as an active person and prepare it for school training.

.2 The system of work teacher for the preparation of the child to school

The role of the educator in the preparation of children to school is huge. Among the functions that are performing a kindergarten in the education system, in addition to the comprehensive development of the child, the preparation of children to school takes a large place. From how qualitatively a preschooler will be prepared in a timely manner, the success of its further training depends in many respects.

Preparation of children to school in kindergarten includes two main tasks: comprehensive education (physical, mental, moral, aesthetic) and special preparation for the absorption of school subjects.

The work of the educator in the education of readiness for school includes:

Working in children's ideas about classes as important activities to acquire knowledge. Based on this presentation, the child has an active behavior in classes (careful execution of tasks, attention to the words of the educator);

Development of perseverance, responsibility, independence, diligence. Their formation is manifested in the desire of a child to master knowledge, skills, to make sufficient efforts for this;

Education from the preschooler experience experience in a team and a positive attitude towards peers; assimilation of active impact on peers as participants in general activity (the ability to assist, it is fair to assess the results of the work of peers, tactfully note the shortcomings);

Formation in children of organized behavior skills, training activities in the context of the team. The presence of these skills has a significant impact on the overall process of the moral formation of the child's personality, makes a preschooler more independent in choosing classes, games, interests.

The upbringing and training of children in kindergarten is educational and takes into account two directions of receipt of children of knowledge and skills: a wide communication of the child with adults and peers, and an organized educational process.

In the process of communicating with adults and peers, the child receives a variety of information, among which two groups of knowledge and skills are distinguished. The first provides knowledge and skills with which children can master in everyday communication. The second category includes knowledge and skills to be assimilated by children in classes. In class, the educator takes into account how children assimilate software material, perform tasks; Checks the speed and rationality of their actions, the presence of various skills and finally determines their ability to comply with the correct behavior.

Cognitive tasks are connected to the tasks of formation of moral and volitional qualities and their decision is carried out in close relationship: cognitive interest encourages the child to activity, contributes to the development of curiosity, and the ability to exercise perseverance, adjacent, has an impact on the quality of activity, as a result of which preschoolers strongly absorb educational material.

It is important to bring up in a child curiousness, arbitrary attention, the need for an independent search for answers to emerging issues. After all, the preschooler, who has not enough formed interest in knowledge, will passively behave in the lesson, it will be difficult for him to direct the effort and will to fulfill the tasks, master knowledge, to achieve positive results in the teaching.

Of great importance in the preparation of children to school has the upbringing of "the qualities of the public", the ability to live and work in the team.

The pedagogical activity of the teacher in kindergarten is educational and develops from the two components of knowledge and skills receiving preschoolers: wide communication of the child with peers and adults, and an organized educational process. Accordingly, in the process of acquiring knowledge and skills, those who have a child can get independently in the process of communicating and the knowledge and skills that he can only receive on special training sessions is distinguished. The tasks of the educator in classes include checking the completeness of the instructions of the children of software, check the speed and rationality of their actions, the availability of skills and skills, as well as controlling the correct, adequate behavior.

Many modern psychologists put forward the opinion that about eighty percent of the child's intelligence is formed to the eight-year-old age. In this regard, the requirements for organizing the upbringing and training of senior preschoolers are quite high. In kindergarten, cognitive tasks are combined with the formation of moral and volitional qualities, and their solution is carried out in close relationship. The formation of cognitive interest contributes to the awakening of a child of activity, contributes to the development of curiosity. In turn, the ability to exercise perseverance and adjacent contributes to improving the quality of activity. Thus, preschoolers confidently and effectively assimilate the educational material. In the process of raising a child in kindergarten, it is also necessary to develop a need for cognitive activity, curiosity, independent search for solutions and answers to emerging issues. A child who has this need for a sufficient extent will be exercised in school in school, it will be difficult to force to perform tasks, independently master knowledge and, accordingly, to achieve high results in the teaching, therefore, one of the conditions for the formation of children's positive relationship is the support of the educator Natural needs of children in communication. Communication must be voluntary and benevolent. Communication of children is a necessary element of training for school, and to ensure the greatest possibility of its implementation may be primarily a kindergarten.

Key installation of GEF - support for childhood diversity through the creation of the conditions of the social situation of the assistance of adults and children for the development of the abilities of each child. Only targets are defined, these are the social and regulatory and psychological characteristics of children of certain age groups, such as initiative and independence, self-confidence, developed imagination, creative abilities in drawing, developed large and small hands, ability to volitional efforts, curiosity.

Preparation of children to school in kindergarten includes two main tasks: comprehensive education (physical, mental, moral, aesthetic) and special preparation for the absorption of school subjects.

2.3 Methods and methods of preparation for school children of senior preschool age

The training method is a way to streamline interrelated activities of the teacher and trainees, activities aimed at solving the tasks of education, education and development in the learning process. Reception is part of the method, its specific element. There are a variety of classifications of learning methods. The age characteristics and capabilities of preschoolers correspond to the classification in which the methods are divided into sources of transmission and perception of information:

The verbal methods include an explanation, story, reading, conversation.

Practical and game - Exercise, Gaming Methods Elementary experiments, modeling.

In working with children, certain specifics acquires the use of visual methods and teaching techniques: the educator mostly applies them to enhance mental activity, and not to form ways of action. So, the sample show is most often used to remind the child about former experience, To revive memory images, imagination. For example, in the visual activity, the children paint the Dimkovskaya toy stuck out of clay. As a sample, they are well acquainted by Kirov ornaments. Together with the children, the teacher considers the features of the ornament, the ways to fulfill its execution, and then invites them to come up with a pattern and draw it right. At the end of the lesson, everyone considers work together, they critically evaluate them.

In another case, the sample (toy, painting, duvay) is given to children at the end of work - to compare with him their crafts, checking the correctness of the task. If they do it all the time, they are formed self-control, the ability to listen to the instructions and guided by them, observe, compare, act independently, to make the appropriate conclusions.

The use of visual methods and techniques meets the didactic principle of visibility and is associated with the peculiarities of children's thinking.

Observation is a targeted, planned perception of the child and the phenomena of the surrounding world, in which perception, thinking and speech are actively interacting. With this method, the educator directs the perception of the child to the selection in the subjects and phenomena of the main, essential signs, to establish causal relations and dependencies between objects and phenomena.

Demonstration method, includes various techniques:

a) showing objects - one of the most common teaching techniques: children view doll furniture and clothing, dishes, home things, workers of labor, drawing equipment, modeling, appliqués, etc.;

b) The sample show is one of the techniques that are used in teaching visual activities, design. The sample can be a drawing, applique, exercise.

c) Showing the method of action is used in the development of movements, musical, amusement, etc., it must be accurate, expressive, divided into parts; May be complete or partial.

d) Demonstration of paintings, illustrations help children present those sides and properties of studied objects and phenomena, which they cannot directly perceive.

The use of TSO in the training of preschoolers is used as a demonstration of diapositives, diamarts, movies. Recently in practice work DOU Computers are used.

It should be noted that the verbal learning methods (the story of the educator, a conversation, including pre-thought-out questions, etc.) have great importance in working with children. The teacher carefully refers to the choice of verbal methods, the compelling combination with others (visual, practical), so that the learning process is most active, and the knowledge digested consciously.

The effectiveness of verbal methods and techniques largely depends on the culture of the speech of the educator itself, from its imagery, emotional expressiveness, accessibility for children's understanding.

Explanation is used in the process of observing phenomena and view objects, paintings, during exercises, etc.; With it, it is specified by the immediate perception of children, they must be expressive, emotional, affordable children. The story is a living, figurative, emotional statement of events containing the actual material. The narrator has the ability to freely communicate with children, notice and take into account their reactions.

Reading expands, enriches children's knowledge, forms children's ability to perceive and understand the fiction. The conversation contributes to the conduct of an active dialogue, the development of independent thinking, manifestation of the emotional component.

Practical methods are associated with the use of knowledge in practical activities, mastering skills and skills through exercises.

Hardware techniques are drying out (games-exercises, dramatization games, moving games, riddles, etc.). A special place is given to didactic games. The educational task set in a games form, makes a clear goal of gaining knowledge for a child, it raises arbitrary attention, activates activities, develops cognitive interests.

The leading role in the development of the child to school is played. During the entire period of preschool childhood is accumulated vocabulary (At 6 - 7 years, the margin of the child's words from 3 to 7 thousand). A year before the school, the child can already be consciously analyzed by speech and sounding letters, it loves to play words, select words-associations, rhyme, invent new words.

Unfortunately, quite often even 5 - 6 year old children, incorrectly pronounce words. It is necessary to calmly correct the child and try to achieve repetition (well, if many times) during the game. With the right upbringing and lack of organic disorders by 6 years, children should clearly utter all sounds, correctly build suggestions, be able to read the poem, tell the fairy tale, describe the picture or a series of pictures, bind the beginning, continuation and end of the story, fairy tales.

The main form of speech communication 6 - 7 year old children is a dialogue. The preschooler actively communicates not only with adults, but also with peers. Along with the function of communication at the 6th age, it also performs a very specific function of regulating activities. This is the so-called inner speech.

One of the most acute problems of working with children 6 - 7 years is the difficulty of concentrating attention. Children can already send attention to the desired object and its properties, on the organization of certain activities. But the volume and level of such attention, as well as the ability to distribute it is still very low. Only by 9-10 years there will be a sharp change, and then children will be able to work quite a long time, concentrated, without distracts and errors.

In the process of activity, the child often has to switch attention. The speed of switching at 6 to 7 years is still low, and the child's change is noticed not immediately.

One should not forget about one characteristics of children 6 - 7 years old - about the difficulty of allocating attention between different activities. By organizing classes, teachers are often trying to use tasks, requiring a quick change of one type of activity to another, without taking into account the difficulty of switching attention. Even more difficult for a child when it is forced to simultaneously perform two different actions. For example, "catch the ball and call the word." In this at first glance, a simple task is two main actions: motor and intellectual. Such dual tasks cause the strongest functional voltage and create stresses, as a situation of time limit situation occurs when solving two different tasks.

An important indicator of the development of the child is the memory. Memory processes include encoding information, for which a short-term memory is needed when the information is stored for a short time and is held only due to the repetition. From short-term memory codes come and persist in long-term memory. After the information has fallen into long-term memory, it can change and complement under the influence of a new experience, which is also encoded. There is no clear boundary between short-term and long-term memory. Some children suffer short-term memory, but the long-term remains is preserved, and other on the contrary.

In preschool age, the child's thinking joins a new phase of development: not only an increase in the circle of representations and the expansion of the mental horizon, but also the restructuring of the most mental activity. With the right organization of educational work, the preschooler begins to understand the causal relations between the observed phenomena and arguing about them without falling into contradictions.

The development of thinking is closely related to the development of other cognitive processes. During the preschool childhood, a transition is made from visual-effective thinking (characterized with children 3 - 4 years old) to a clear-shaped (5 - 6 years) and verbal (6 - 7 years). Vite-shaped thinking goes to a higher level, to clearly schematic thinking, when a child 6 - 7 years old operates not only by specific images, but also it is capable of drawing a simple scheme itself, can use the scheme when working with the designer.

Gradually, in the process of learning, children arises a conscious attitude towards tasks, the ability to listen, to delve into the explanation of the educator, the desire to achieve good results not for the sake of praise, but to meet the results of labor. Preschoolers formed the ability to work focus, at a certain pace, efficiency increases.

The educator needs to know the children of their group, their capabilities, ability. Some of them are attentive, well understand its instructions and focus on them, others do not listen to them to the end; Some children before proceeding to perform the task, think about it, others begin to work hastily; Some children are engaged with pleasure, show interest in knowledge, other passive and are engaged because all this is done, etc. Heavy or understated requirements quarrecting the cognitive interests of children, impede the formation of elements of educational activities. The educator, conducting classes, takes into account the individual features of preschoolers, the level of their knowledge and skills. For example, one children, he gives the task to make a creative story in the picture, others who are such a task at this stage is complex, attracts to the preparation of descriptive stories.

An individual approach in the learning process provides for a gradual complication of mental tasks, methods of their implementation. For example, children who do not know how to draw up a descriptive story, the teacher gives his plan, and then proposes to perform the task on its own. If it is most often focused on children more active, and timid, slowing remains out of his attention, it generates from the last gaps in knowledge, skills, slows down their development. Such children are hardly assimilated by the class I program, do not cope with the requirements that the school places the mental activity of the student. Gively a little attention to preschoolers who are good and quickly assimilate the material, not giving them tasks encouraging actively thinking, to act, the teacher will slow down their development, as a result they disappear to knowledge.

Of great importance in the implementation of the principle of developing learning has the leadership of the educator by the process of completing the task, its assessment. When evaluating the work, it should be interested not only by its result (pattern, applique, compiled by the story, etc.), but also mental efforts spent by the child, its efforts, independence, enthusiasm. The correct assessment is always raising. It is also important to take into account the level of mastering the child in this type of activity so that not only better to see his promotion, but also tell him about it. An considered analysis carried out in tactful tone will help the preschooler understand its successes and errors, to achieve the best results. .

Analysis and assessment of work together with performers contributes to the formation of important skills in them necessary for training activities at school (comparison, comparison, self-control, etc.). Teaching children ability to analyze the responses of peers and the results of their own work, the teacher first gives them a sample analysis, then offers its plan, then together with them constitutes a similar plan, and finally, they independently analyze the work of comrades and evaluate it. In other cases, he invites the preschooler to tell about what he learned how he did work. This is a very important way to form a self-control.

Requires the requirements for the behavior of children in the classroom: to sit correctly, to be touched, listen carefully, not to interrupt another, complement the response of the comrade.

The program of moral and labor education of children is complicated, the formation of their relationship with peers and adults; Work intensifying the development of civilian feelings. Forming the moral experience of the child, the educator is more relumed to understand the norms and rules of behavior, exercises him in morally useful things, teaches independently solving ethical tasks in specific everyday situations (help peers, stop offenders, prevent conflict, etc.). Given the age and individual features of children, it creates the necessary conditions for the formation of a system of relationship with people around them.

Many modern psychologists put forward the opinion that about eighty percent of the child's intelligence is formed to the eight-year-old age. In this regard, the requirements for organizing the upbringing and training of senior preschoolers are quite high. In kindergarten, cognitive tasks are combined with the formation of moral and volitional qualities, and their solution is carried out in close relationship. The formation of cognitive interest contributes to the awakening of a child of activity, contributes to the development of curiosity. In turn, the ability to exercise perseverance and adjacent contributes to improving the quality of activity. Thus, preschoolers confidently and effectively assimilate the educational material. In the process of raising a child in kindergarten, it is also necessary to develop a need for cognitive activity, curiosity, independent search for solutions and answers to emerging issues.

Preparing children for school training should include such methods and techniques that correspond to the age characteristics and opportunities of children of senior preschool age.


High living requirements for organizing education and training make new, more efficient psychological - pedagogical approaches aimed at bringing training methods in compliance with the requirements of life. In this sense, the problem of readiness of preschoolers for school training is of particular importance. It is connected with its decision to define the objectives and principles of organizing training and education in preschool institutions. At the same time, the success of the subsequent teaching of children at school depends on its solution.

Preparation of children to school - the task is a complex, multifaceted, covering all the spheres of the child's life. When it is decided to allocate a number of aspects. First, the continued development of the personality of the child and his cognitive processes underlying successful training activities in the future. Secondly, the need to teach initial school skills and skills, such as elements of writing, reading, account.

Studies have shown that not all children by the time of admission to school reach the level psychological maturitywhich would allow them to successfully move to systematic school learning. In such children, as a rule, there is no learning motivation, a low level of arbitrariness of attention and memory, notes the undevelopedness of verbal-logical thinking, the incorrect formation of methods of academic work, there is no orientation for the method of action, weak ownership of operational skills, low level of self-control, is not subject to subtle Motoriki and weak speech development.

Revealing the essence of the concept of "school readiness" and its components we concluded that the training of children to school should be versatile and start long before the actual receipt of children to school.


1. Galiguzov, L.N. How to help establish communication with peers [Text] / L.N. Galiguzov // Pre-school education. - 2006. - №1. - P. 111-113; P. 118-120.

Galiguzov, L.N. Communication Steps: from year to seven years [Text]: B-ka educator of kindergarten / L.N. Galiguzov, E.O. Smirnova. - M.: Enlightenment, 1992. - 143 s.: Il.

Children's Practical Psychology [Text] / Ed. Etc. Martzinkovskaya. - M.: Gardariki, 2000. - 295 p.

Pre-school pedagogy [Text] / Ed. IN AND. Loginova, P.T. Samorova. - 2nd ed., Act. and add. - M.: Enlightenment, 1988, -271 p.

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Leontyev A.A. Psychology of communication [Text]: Education. Manual for studies Higher. studies. Vehicles / A.A. Leontyev. - 4th ed. - M.: Academy, 2007. - 368 p.

Lisin, M.I. Problems of ontogenesis of communication [Text]: / M.I. Lisin; - M.: Pedagogy, 1986. - 144 p.

Lisin, M.I. Formation of the identity of the child in communication [Text]: / M.I. Lisin. - 2nd ed., Pererab. and add. - SPb.: Peter, 2009. - 276 p.

Loginova V.I., Babayeva T.I., Notcina N.A. and others. Childhood: the program of development and raising children in kindergarten. Publisher: SPb.: Childhood-press, 2015

The upbringing and training of children in kindergarten is educational and takes into account two directions of receipt of children of knowledge and skills: a wide communication of the child with adults and peers, and an organized educational process.

In the process of communicating with adults and peers, the child receives a variety of information, among which two groups of knowledge and skills are distinguished. The first provides knowledge and skills with which children can master in everyday communication. The second category includes knowledge and skills to be assimilated by children in classes. In class, the educator takes into account how children assimilate software material, perform tasks; Checks the speed and rationality of their actions, the presence of various skills and finally determines their ability to comply with the correct behavior.

The work of the educator in the education of readiness for school includes:

  • 1. Proceedings in children of the presentation of classes as important activities to acquire knowledge. Based on this presentation, the child has an active behavior in classes (careful execution of tasks, attention to the words of the educator);
  • 2. Development of perseverance, responsibility, independence, diligence. Their formation is manifested in the desire of a child to master knowledge, skills, to make sufficient efforts for this;
  • 3. Education from a preschooler experience experience in a team and a positive attitude towards peers; assimilation of active impact on peers as participants in general activity (the ability to assist, it is fair to assess the results of the work of peers, tactfully note the shortcomings);
  • 4. Formation in children organized behavior skills, training activities in the conditions of the team. The presence of these skills has a significant impact on the overall process of the moral formation of the child's personality, makes a preschooler more independent in choosing classes, games, interests.

With low ideas for the formation of a positive attitude to school, it is necessary to pay a child as much attention as possible. Communication with him should be built not in school, but in pre-school form. It must be direct, emotional. From such a student it is impossible to strictly require compliance with the rules school Life, you can not scold and punish it for their violations. This may lead to a persistent negative attitude towards school, teacher, teaching. It is necessary to wait until the child himself, watching other children, will come to the right realization of his position and arising from it the requirements for behavior.

To increase the level of development of thinking and speech, the child in collective games in emergency time is very important. It is necessary to charge him more often, requiring the acceptance of any decisions, active speech communication with other children.

Do not try to "train" a child to fulfill the tasks of the type of those that are given in the techniques. This will give only the visibility of success, and in a collision with any new task for him, it will also be nullly, as before.

With a "low" level of development of thinking and speech, it is necessary from the very beginning of training additional individual tasks aimed at a more complete assimilation of the curriculum. In the future, eliminating the formed gaps will be more difficult. It is useful to increase proportion knowledge (especially in mathematics). It does not need to be hurrying with the development of skills: to work on understanding the material, and not above the speed, accuracy and error of answers to questions or perform any action.

Insufficient level of development figurative views - One of the frequent causes of difficulties in studies is not only 6-7 years old children, but also much later (up to top classes). At the same time, the period of their most intensive formation falls on preschool and the beginning of younger school age.

Therefore, if a child comes to school has shortcomings in this area, they must be compensated as soon as possible.

Fine and constructive activities are extremely important for the development of shaped presentations. Need to stimulate painting, modeling, applique, design from building material and various designs. It is useful to give similar homework: draw a picture, collect a simple model for the designer, etc. In the selection of tasks, you can rely on the "Program of Education in kindergarten".

It is very important to instill faith to your strength, prevent the occurrence of underestimated self-esteem. To do this, it is necessary to praise it more often, in no case to scold for the mistakes allowed, but only to show how to fix them to improve the result.

  • - to arm children with knowledge, skills, the skills necessary for an independent decision of new issues, new educational and practical tasks, to educate independence in children, the initiative, sense of responsibility and perseverance in overcoming difficulties;
  • - purposefully develop cognitive processes, including the ability to observe and compare, notice the general in various, distinguish the main thing from the secondary, to find patterns and use them to fulfill the tasks, build the simplest hypotheses, check them, illustrate examples, to classify objects (object groups) , concepts on a given principle;
  • - develop the ability to conduct the simplest generalizations, the ability to use the knowledge gained in the new conditions;
  • - to teach disclose the causal relationships between the phenomena of the surrounding reality;
  • - develop mental operations: the ability to solve problems for the search for regularities, comparison and classification (continue the sequence of numbers or geometric shapes, to find a disturbed pattern, identify a general sign of a group of objects, etc.);
  • - develop speech: be able to describe the properties of the subject, explain the similarity and distinction of objects, justify your answer, be able to clearly state your thoughts;
  • - develop creative abilities: be able to independently come up with a sequence containing some regularity; A group of figures with a common feature;
  • - develop clearly - figurative, verbal and logical and emotional memory;
  • - develop attention, observation, logical thinking;
  • - develop the ability to generalize and abstraction, develop spatial representations (on form, size, mutual location of objects);
  • - intensive development of speech activities: the abilities to listen, speak, freely use the language in various situations of communication;
  • - the development of artistic and logical thinking, education of a speech culture of communication as an integral part of communication of human culture;
  • - if possible, enrich speech, develop their attention and interest in language phenomena;
  • - development of phonderatic hearing;
  • - Enrichment of the dictionary, the development of their speech.

Application of the presenter of the preschooler in the process of special training for school:Special preparation of a senior preschooler to school is to educate a conscious positive attitude towards public and educational activities, suggesting the concept of importance and the need to study at school. The tasks of the educator include the following actions, it should:

  • * Call a desire from the child to become a schoolboy;
  • * excite the sympathy for students;
  • * cause a desire to be like them;
  • * Cause respect to the profession and personality of the teacher;
  • * instill an understanding of the socially useful importance of the Labor of the teacher;
  • * Detect the need for the book and the desire to learn to read.

The success of special training of senior preschoolers to the school is largely determined by how much the educator takes into account the peculiarity of the work of children and, in particular, exactly how the teacher applies the game for this purpose. Elevated level The attention to study in the process of special training for school in the senior group of kindergarten does not rarely lead to the fact that the meaning of the plot and creative game is imputed, and not deservedly. But it is she who pays in themselves no small educational opportunities in the case of special training for children to school.

In the game and through the game there is a gradual preparation of the consciousness of senior preschoolers to future changes in their life, in relations with adults and with peers, there is a formation of the qualities of the personality, which is necessary for the future first-grader. The game has the formation of such qualities as initiative, independence, organization, development creative abilities, abilities work collectively. All these qualities are needed by the future schoolboy.

Takes and methods that are applied by the educator in the process of special training of senior preschoolers to school complement each other. A variety of classes tutor combines with a game and work. Knowledge that is obtained by children in the process of observations, excursions, targeted walks, the educator replenishes and clarifies, by stories, reading works of fiction, correspondence with children of various kindergartens.

With the help of the game, the educator reveals the attitude of senior preschoolers to the image depicted, promoting, at the same time, the development and consolidation of this relationship. Children really like again and again to experience joy, admiration, surprise, delight, tested by them when meeting the object, phenomenon, event. This explains the steady interest of senior preschoolers to games. In the game they practically realize what they would like to see in the first grade.

Pupil to the educator in the process of special training for school, careful attitude and love for the book remains at the guys and at school. The one who in a preschool institution under the leadership of the educator is engaged in the textbook, at school in the process of extracurricular reading, offer various forms of work with a book, speaking by organizers of various quizzes on the works of their favorite writers or issuing exhibitions of these books.

The need of senior preschoolers in the book, their ability and the desire to find answers to various issues, as well as careful attitude towards the book from the first days of study - all this is the merit of the teacher. At school, all these qualities help the teacher to interest the older preschoolers reading, causing the desire to learn to read, supporting and developing interest in their gain to receive new knowledge.

Didactic classes and games.We recommend thoughtfully and systematically carry out didactic games. The importance of plot and didactic games in school preparation is difficult to overestimate. Plot-role-playing games have a general developmental impact on the identity of the future schoolboy, and didactic games with the rules are associated with the upcoming academic activities and the behavior of students. The games are played by a preschooler situations and actions, largely close to future learning activities. That is, in the game there is a direct preparation of the child to the transition to a new stage of learning - to enter school.

Already younger preschoolers need to be learning to choose a choice: a problem from a number of homogeneous items is put in front of a row of homogeneous items. A similar game carries the classification element. Thus, parents supply a child to independent generalizations: relying on direct sensual experience, develop on him affordable material Elements of logical thinking. The sample grouping becomes the background of the occurrence of conceptual thinking in children, which underlies the entire school learning.

The systematic assimilation of children's knowledge in the classroom in kindergarten is the basis of mastering some elements of educational activities. IN preparatory group Children teach a central line when depicting symmetric forms. Preparations are preparing to ensure that in the 1st grade, children are easily seen in the classroom of fine art when building a picture to apply auxiliary lines: a vertical, horizontal, inclined tangent, axis of symmetry, draw an invisible part of the items. Practitioners on drawing, modeling, applications contribute to the training for lessons from, mathematics, labor. When writing and drawing, the skill of the correct position of the body, hands, the ability to keep the handle, a pencil. The tasks of aesthetic education in kindergarten are diverse. They include the formation of the child's ideas about the world of art, education of aesthetic feelings and relationships, as well as various skills of artistic activity. In class, the task of comprehensive personality development is carried out, the skills needed in training activities are formed and enshrined: the preschoolers take possess the skills to listen, memorize and consistently perform tasks; subordinate its actions to the rules determining the way they are fulfilled; lay in time; evaluate their work; find and correct mistakes, bring work to the end; keep in order workplace, tools, materials.

Psychological prerequisites for the inclusion of a child in a class and school team develop among senior preschoolers as a result of their participation in joint activities with peers in a kindergarten group.

In addition to psychological readiness, the preschooler needs a well-known reserve of information about the world around us - about items and their properties, on the phenomena of living and inanimate nature, about people, their work, about the principles of moral norms of behavior.

A special place when working with children in kindergarten is occupied by the knowledge of the knowledge and the formation of skills, traditionally related to school - literacy and mathematics. Mastering the children and mathematics is occurring in the process of special occupations, the main purpose of which is the formation of the prerequisites for learning letters and account. Mastering a diploma is a difficult mental activitywhich requires a certain maturity of many psychic functions of the child. Therefore, a letter of preschoolers should be prepared long before they begin to carry out all the functions of the letter.

Psychodiagnostics of preschoolers.Pre-school development of children proceeds extremely varied, but the school places the same requirements. The inconsistency of these requirements, deviations from them to any side turn out to be not desirable, can significantly complicate the life of the student. An individual approach in teaching is actually unrealized, and not only because there are more than 30 students in the class. The standard of requirements is incorporated in that there is a single class training program, within which assimilation is assumed by the exact same amount of knowledge and the implementation of the same tasks by all students. Requirements for the level of assimilation and execution, evaluation criteria, organization of training activities, the mode and form of classes are also united for all.

It is important from the point of view of age-related pedagogy that very different preschoolers, entering the first class, fall into the same conditions, they make uniform requirements regardless of their individual psychological capabilities, the initial level of development of intellectual abilities and the formation of primary school skills.

Thus, the question of conducting a comprehensive psychological examination of children upon admission to the first class. This kind of psychodiagnosis makes it possible to understand the individual capabilities of their child, make a forecast for future problems, develop recommendations for teachers and parents, which can avoid complications in learning and development.

There are individually psychological features of children who are far from always obvious, often find out only with special diagnostics, but generate problems in training from the first day of coming to school, if not carried out prophylactic correctional work. These include: a reduced level of intelligence of a child; The sharp disharmony of the child's intellect with the insufficient development of its verbal substructures (extreme "visuals" and "kinestics"); The presence of deviations in the emotional and personal development of the child (elements of neurotic, autistic, psychopathy, etc.); Disadvantages of visual and motor coordination, etc.

The main aspects in the view of which should be carried out by the psychological diagnosis of children entering the first classes:

  • 1. Compliance with the neuropsychic and physical state of health with a general training regime.
  • 2. Compliance of the first grader's intelligence type of curriculum.
  • 3. Compliance with the preschool preparation of the child with the requirements for school skills implicitly contained in a number of curricula.
  • 4. Compliance with emotional-volitional, personal characteristics of the child to the style of communication and the method of teaching a specific teacher.
  • 5. Compliance with the communicative child's experience with the requirements of group cooperation in the class team.

One of Especially important moments The diagnosis is the analysis of the family situation, since the relationship between parents to the child depends on what recommendations and to what extent will they be used to prevent and correct learning problems.

Psychodiagnostics is not an end in itself, but only a means with which the necessary information base is provided for planning further psychological assistance to students.

The lack of a comprehensive psychological and pedagogical examination of children upon admission to school leads to the fact that in time not detected disharmoniousness or light deviations in development generate incorrigible defects of education and education.

"Health-playing hour", a healthy-saving technology that is used in a preschool educational organization.

The problem of preserving and strengthening the health of the child in kindergarten was and remains the main and determining. It is solved due to the broader inclusion in the educational and educational process of health-saving technologies. I present to your attention a health and game hour as an innovative form of work with preschoolers. The health and game hour takes place in our educational organization daily in the afternoon. This form of work has proven its effectiveness, not only because it is useful, but also because interesting and fascinating for children.

The introduction of health and game hour to the day mode contributes to the creation of the situation of psychological comfort, ensures the conditions for development motor activity, formation of culture of movements, increase the life tone and strengthening the health of children. It consists of a health-play hour of 2 blocks. The complex is being developed for a year, every month is new.

I block: "Healthy" has the following structure.

1. Gymnastics of awakening, including gradual awakening of guys and exercises for various muscle groups. Children wake up under the sounds of music. The educator awakens every child individually, easy stroking, and then we perform 3-4 exercises. Gymnastics begins with waking children, the rest are joined as awakening. Music causes pleasant, positive emotions. This ensures a gentle transition from sleep for wakefulness.

Exercises are conducted from different provisions: lying on his back, on the stomach, on the side. Dumpling are accompanied by verses calm, affectionate tone, can include folklore elements. The main rule is the elimination of sharp movements that can cause muscle stretching, overexcitation. The duration of gymnastics in bed 2 - 3 minutes.

2. Walking on the gymnastic paths "Health" is an effective way to strengthen the foot of the foot and its ligaments, as well as a good prevention of flatfoot. This is technically the easiest to implement the non-traditional hardening method. Duration - 3 minutes.

3. Running, duration 1 minute.

4. Moving to the engine (duration of 5 minutes). Exercises are carried out on different muscle groups: for hands, torso, legs. All exercises are combined with one plot, which increases interest, is repeated 5-6 times.

5. Game self-massage, can be carried out with objects and without them. Chestnuts, bumps, nuts, leaving material are used. The psyche of the baby is designed so that it is almost impossible to make any exercises if they are not interested. But these games with simple movements and poetry accompaniment are held for children.

Requirements for conduct

Wellness - game hour

Wellness - the game hour is carried out by the educator daily after day sleep Directly indoors in the bedroom and group in the cold season and at the site - in the warm period of the year. Group classes, somewhat greater than the lesson of physical education, duration (up to 25 - 30 minutes of younger and up to 35 - 40 min - from senior preschoolers). In young children, the exercises must be associated with the game, showing, among older children - the word prevails or the word is combined with the show. The structure of the wellness is recommended for the game hour for children of preschool age.

Structure of wellness - game hour

Days of the week

Time, Min.


    Movable game with objects (hoop)

    Scene - role-playing game

    Exit from class


    mobile game with objects (rope)

    Scene - role-playing game

    Exit from class


    Mobile game with objects (ball)

    Scene - role-playing game

    Exit from class


    Mobile game with objects (with hoops - srso)

    Scene - role-playing game

    Exit from class


    Mobile game with objects (gymnastic sticks, browses)

    Scene - role-playing game

    Exit from class

The most versatile and effective is the form of training session. It does not always look like a traditional lesson, but the main components of the lesson (preparatory, basic and final parts) must be present in any form of the organization.

The purpose of the warm-up -provide gradual training of child functional systems to more intensive loads. During the warm-up period, it is necessary to most carefully prepare those muscle groups that will be most involved in the main part of the lesson. Usually in the warm-ups are used varietary walking, running, imitation jumps, etc. Exercises for warm-up with the participation of various muscle groups (1 - 2 min), breathing exercises 2 - 3 min).

Main partclasses are dedicated to the development of physical qualities or traffic training by performing gymnastic exercises with various objects in game or relay mode 12 - 15 minutes) and the moving plot-role start of the main part of the classes, and develop and improve physical qualities better, in the following sequence: coordination exercises , speed, strength, endurance. The activity of the main part of 20 - 25 min in the younger preschoolers, up to 25 - 30 minutes - from the elders.

In the final partclasses are calm walking, relaxation exercises, easy jogging, breathing exercises (2 - 3 min). The occupation will be held with children, dressed in a lightweight sport form (at the beginning in T-shirt and panties, then - only in panties), barefich, in a well-wired room with a temperature of air from 16 to 20 0, with a gradual decrease depending on the physical activity of children before 12 0. temperature mode Wellness - game hour when combining it with a pulsating microclimate, described in detail in methodical manual By hardifying children.

In the days of the wellness - the gaming hour of physical education lesson, not excluding. Some reduced motor gaming loads and pay special attention to special hardware procedures (wet wipes, contrasting foot baths, etc.)

The modern concept of the organization of physical culture in kindergarten involves the use of mobile games as the main component of planned physical education classes, which make up an integral part in the "Program of Education in kindergarten". Children learn lives playing.It is in the games that they enter different, sometimes complex relationships with their peers, showing dexterity, courage. Sophistication. For children, everything around is a cheerful, joyful and exciting game. If they like it, they are ready to play the same game many times in a row. Preschoolers have all the classes that the tutor spends on physical education, go down to the game.

The game process in the Dow should be focused on compliance with the requirement in which games should:

    influence the psychophysiological development of children;

    develop motor skills;

    organize children for collective action;

    easy to digest children;

    as far as possible is carried out in the fresh air;

    easily absorb teachers to study with children;

    do not require special devices and benefits.

For the first time, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to give additional play actions daily regime was put forward by Yu.F. Zmanovsky. In addition to the 10th - 15 minute game, he introduced a warm-up, physical education (gymnastic exercises of various orientation) and a concluding part in which the respiratory gymnastics attached great importance.

Then it was proposed to combine reception with games air baths: Children conducted half-naked games - at the beginning in open T-shirts, panties, socks and slippers, and in the future - only in panties and slippers. The dosage of air baths ranged from 7 to 28 minutes and was in close connection with the temperature conditions and the intensity of physical stress. So began to combine the use of physical exercises in the form of moving games and challenging procedures Their main provisions were developed:

    moving games and exercises should be engaged at the same time a large group of muscles. This corresponds to such movements as walking, running, jumping, throwing, climbing. Less acceptable movements with the involvement of a limited number of muscles: the heads of the head, the side turns of the body, the movements of the shoulders, etc.;

    the exercises are desirable to fulfill, which all children are immediately involved, and not in turn;

    exercises should be available and simple, not to require long-term preparation and high load on attention. Such tasks should be given. Who will immediately be able to fulfill after the show by the educator or who are already familiar to them;

    it is important to cause children interest in these classes, make a desire to temper:

    during classes, those assignments that the child performs with joy, not suspecting that he is subject to adult desires:

    harding activities related to movement can be used in kindergarten throughout the year on various types of classes.

We are convinced that games are preferable than ordinary gymnastic exercises. Organized moving games are developing in children strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, dexterity. They are the basis for the harmonious development of the child. The value of collective games is that they represent the first stage of collective communication of children, help develop the independence of the child, his creative imagination and fantasy. The advantage of the game is also that children can participate, as a state of health, are related to different (by resolved physical exertion) groups.

The game may include individual dosing load.

Moving games - one of the best methods aerial temperingThe conditions for which are created in classes in closed premises, if the elementary requirements for the preparation and content of physical cultural and gaming activities are observed.

The longer the game, the longer the same set of exercises is being worked out, the children are involved in them with great pleasure. The frequent change of games is not an advantage, it is better to complicate familiar already, increasing the distances that need to be overcome by changing the rules of the game that require more clarity of tasks.

Children for whom movements used in the game do not represent difficulties, are usually active and cheerful. If during the game the child fails to pass, run or throw the subject, the emotional tone drops it, it ceases to rejoice, becomes passive. The educator should pay attention to such children, try to make sure that they would definitely make the worship movements and became active.

One should not take some children and emphasize the awkwardness, the non-historicalness of others. It is necessary to remember about individually - typological features: children who are lagging behind their peers feel their not a fullness, gradually refuse to occupy, are made in low-tech.

Games with children should be held daily. No one day should take place without playing and gymnastic exercises that special harder procedures should be fried by a natural element.

Administration of the urban district of Podolsk

Committee on Education

Municipal pre-school educational institution

Kindergarten combined type number 32 "Firefly"

Consultation for teachers

"Wellness-game Hour".

Prepared an educator:

Kormina Alexander Grigorievna

G.O. Podolsk, 2017

Recreation hour

As the outstanding Soviet teacher-Novator, V.A. Sukhomlinsky: "Health care is the most important work of the educator.The health and cheerfulness of children depends on theirspiritual life, mental development, strengthknowledge, faith in your strength. "

Preservation and promotion of health and physical development of children - the main goal of the work of any DOA and GEF to aimed at solving the appropriate tasks:

    protection and strengthening the physical and mental health of children, including their emotional well-being;

    psychological and pedagogical conditions: the use of forms and methods of working with children, corresponding to their age and individual characteristics (dominance of the game form);

    building educational activities based on the interaction of adults with children oriented and the possibilities of each child;

    the development of the personality, motivation and abilities of children through the implementation of the educational field "physical development".

Movement is one of the universal manifestations of human vital activity. Movement is the main function of a small child; Through the movement, he will know the world, improves the engine unit, regulates the exchange processes, whose mutual harmony depends on the growth and its physical development.

Observations of doctors suggest that the mobility is characteristic of healthy children, and low-liament, as a rule, suffering from any ailment. Unfortunately, not knowing this, children are often forced to behave calmly, for a long time to sit in one place, which is delayed by their physical and mental development. Properly organized physical education contributes to the development of logical, memory, initiatives, imagination, independence in children. Children become more attentive and observant, more disciplined. They are strengthened by the will and is developed in nature.

Preschoolers have all the classes that the tutor spends on physical education, go down to the game. The gameplay in Dow must be focused on compliance with the requirements in which games should:

    influence the psychophysiological development of children;

    develop motor skills;

    organize children for collective action;

    easy to digest children;

    easily absorb teachers to study with children;

    do not require special devices and benefits.

I would like to note that:

    moving games and exercises should be engaged at the same time a large muscle group;

    the exercises are desirable, in the execution of which all children are involved, and not in turn;

    exercises should be available and simple, not to require long-term preparation and high load on attention. These tasks should be given that children will immediately be able to fulfill after the show by the educator or who are already familiar to them;

    it is important to cause children interest in these classes, to cause a desire to temper;

    during classes, those tasks that the child performs with joy, not suspecting that he is subject to the desire of adults;

    harding activities related to movement can be used in kindergarten throughout the year on various types of classes.

Today I want to introduce you to such an innovative form of working with children from 2 to 7 years as"Improving and game hour", which involves a comprehensive approach, including wellness components in different activities.

The goal of the health and game hour: creating conditions for the recovery of children by optimizing the motor activity and stabilizing the emotional state of preschoolers.

The main tasks are:

    Protection and strengthening the health of the child-preschooler;

    Improve adaptation I. functionality organism;

    Improving mental and physical performance.

It should be noted that carrying out the organization of the health and gaming hour, the following conditions are followed:

1. Accounting for individual characteristics, health status, the emotional state of the child. This is achieved by cooperation with medical personnel, raising the level of competence of educators and the use of gaming techniques.

2. Regularity. Only this can provide a certain success. Wellness and gaming clocks with children should be held daily.

3. Duration and intensity of procedures increases gradually.

4. Improving motor activity in the spring and summer period and its decline in the autumn-winter period.

Structure of health and gaming hour

    awakening gymnastics;

    walking on health tracks;

    massage of active points;

    outdoor games;

    water games (in the warm season);

    breathing exercises.

Wellness and game hour in Dow with children

early and younger age.

The main technique of organizing such an "hour" for kids is a "play moment". Wellness-gaming "hour" for kids is organized by the educator after day sleep. Its duration is for children from 2 to 3 years old - 8 min, from 3 to 4 years - 8-10 minutes. The leading role in this form of working with children, of course, belongs to the educator. The organization of the health and gaming hour provides for a creative approach: the educator can replace the game, use musical accompaniment, introduce additional game characters, use the artistic word and others. But with this, the necessary condition remains accounting for optimal physical exertion and the emotional state of kids.

Recreation hour in the senior group.

Recreation hourit is organized in the group in the outdated days (an outdated day - a day, which for some reason (for example, weather) is forbidden to conduct outdoors, outdoors) in the first half of the day. Its duration is in medium group And in the older group of 35-45 minutes. The maintenance of the health and game hour includes mobile playing with the health effect; respiratory, articulation, finger and visual gymnastics; logo exercises; Relaxation elements. To improve interest in the execution of the specified exercises, shaped-gaming scenes are used, combined one topic of the day.

The thematic plan is drawn up. The material on the use of wellness technologies in the DWA is selected and systematized, and is determined for what purpose they are carried out during the wellness-gaming hour.

For every month, in the form of a table, a plan of measures of health and gaming hour is drawn up.

For example,





2 skaps, doll,



2 - Ya

a week

Walking the swarming and running snake.

Game exercise "Find and say"

Movable game
"A train"

Gaming exercise

Walking, run.

Running, Color Fixing


Jumping on two legs





Kegli, multicolored cubes, masks will be engaged

3 - Ya

a week

"They suggested legs, top, top, top!"; Running around the perimeter of the hall.

Exercise for the restoration of breathing "Oh, tired legs, fled along the track."

Movable game
"At the bear in Bor"

Game - Entertainment "Soap Bubbles"

Walking, run.


Walking in a circle, Running Switching





Color rope

bear Mask, Soap Bubbles

4 - Ya

a week

Exercises with cubes

Gaming exercise "Catching me"

Track obstacles

Game exercise "Hyperships"

Actions with objects

Running in orientation

Walking, subject

Orientation in space



Cubes, baskets, rope,

keheli, arc.

And in conclusion I want to add. Do not forget: no day should take place without playing and gymnastic exercises, which should be built by the natural element, special challenges.

List of sources used

    Alyamovskaya V.G. How to educate a healthy child / M.: Linka Press, 1993.

    Gavruchina L.V. Heating technology in Dow / M.: TC Sphere, 2008.

    Shvetsov A.G.Formation of children's health in preschool institutions/ M.: Publishing House Vlados-Press, 2006.