Connecting steel heating radiators. How to connect the heating battery

Of course, in the Design section, talking about the installation of radiators early. Nevertheless, the connection of heating batteries should be thought out already at this stage. In the sense, choose the method of connecting radiators to the pipeline.

What are you speaking, ask you a question?

The most efficient connection of heating batteries

What is known, section radiators have four outputs (or input?):

At first glance, as if without a difference, in which of these places to attach the feed and reverse tube. But it is only at first glance. Because S. different options Battery connects will work with different efficiency.

To make you not tomorrow, I immediately show the way the connection is considered to be most effective. This is:

The radiator with this connection method warms up the most fully, evenly, and its heat transfer is better than with other methods.

Consider for comparison and other ways.

One-sided connection of heating batteries

Such a connection schematically looks like this:

And with such a connection there is a limit on the number of sections: for aluminum radiator Not more than 20 sections.

Lower connection of heating batteries

Here, the feed and reverse is joined to the lower outputs of the radiator:

According to this battery scheme, they are connected when the pipes pass the walls or by the floor (for example, with a collector wiring). As we see from the picture, the efficiency with such a connection is still reduced, up to 88%.

Connecting heating batteries with lower feed

The mirror reflection of the first method, i.e. the flow at the bottom, and the reverse is diagonally at the top:

The efficiency of the radiator with this connection is only 80%.

And another battery connection option at the bottom:

The efficiency of the radiator is even less: 78%.

One-sided lower connection of heating batteries

There are radiators that have input and exit near. Schematically connecting such radiators looks like this:

Such a connection has the plus that the pipes are not noticeable, but the effectiveness with such a connection is also 78%. To score the necessary power with such radiators, you need to put more sections.

How does the method of installing the radiator on the effectiveness of his work?

In addition to the connection method, the efficiency of the radiator affects how it is installed. What am I talking about? Yes, about the following.

Usually the radiators are put under the windows and it is right and good ... if it were not for the windowsill. In the absence of the windowsill, the radiator would not hurt anything to give heat to air, which would be freely raised vertically up. And all 100% heat from the radiator would be on the heating of the room.

Due to the windowsill, the trajectory of air movement changes, the heat transfer is reduced by 3 ... 4%. If the radiator is subject to some kind of niche, then its effectiveness still falls, as much as 7%:

The decorative screens further reduce the heat transfer of heating batteries. If the screen has an air access space at the bottom, the heat transfer is reduced by 5 ... 7%:

And the heat transfer radiators completely closed with a decorative screen falls and in general at 20 ... 25%.

Conclusion: If you really want to hide the heating battery from the eye, choose at least such screens that have access to the bottom.

So, now you know almost (theoretically :)) Everything about connecting heating batteries. And directly about the installation of them in one of the following articles.

connecting heating batteries

What optimal scheme Connecting heating radiators with a single-pipe system? Do you need bypass between the inserts or heating devices can be connected sequentially? What are the pits and eyeliner diameters? What from shut-off reinforcement Need to mount on eyeliner? Let's try to answer these questions.

Her Majesty Leningradka

This is the simplest and probably the most popular.

What did she win the sympathy of experts?

  • Extremely high fault tolerance. If a two-pipe schemes Can provide uneven heating of heating devices, and in severe cold, even be frozen, then cause some deviations in the standard work of Leningradski can only consciously.
    Screw valves of screw valves, casing or incorrect balancing under no circumstances will lead to a circuit stop or its individual sections.
  • Simplicity of performance. Even a dealetant can design and mount a Leningradka: to understand the principle of her work is quite a minimum common sense and spatial imagination.
  • The possibility of working as with forced circulationand with natural, due to the expansion of the heated coolant.

Recirition: Minimum modifications to move with forced to natural circulation will still be needed.
The gravitational system includes an accelerated collector (vertical section of bottling) immediately after the boiler.
In addition, bypass with a diameter equal to the fluid diameter should be present between the pumps of the pump: it will reduce the hydraulic resistance of the site to a minimum.



Let's start with what should be the heating devices in the autonomous circuit. First, let's estimate the conditions in which they have their own functions:

As it is easy to see, in the requirements of autonomous systems, the characteristics of inexpensive cast iron and aluminum sectional batteries are stacked in the requirements of autonomous systems. Expensive bimetallic products here are clearly exacted: their resistance to high pressures And temperatures will not be in demand.

Next: cast iron and aluminum sections The mass and inner volume differ greatly. Both are directly affected by the inertia of the heating system - how much time will be required to warm it up to the operating temperature and subsequent cooling.


Dano: The room is looking for bottling. It needs to trim the heating devices. How to do it?

The only correct connection of heating radiators with a single-tube system is carried out parallel to bottling, without it, and reduce diameter. We emphasize once again: there is a constantly open bypass with a diameter equal to the pouring diameter between the radiator's rugs.

Why? After all, it would seem, this should reduce the heat transfer of heating devices, since most of the heat carrier circulates through bottling?

In practice, the temperature drop in any point of the radiator relative to the bottling temperature will be minimal.

But the gap or reduction of the pouring diameter will create problems much more than they decide:

  • Ripping and sequentially connecting heating devices will be put on their independent adjustment. Any throttling fittings will regulate the permeability of the whole bottling.

  • Reducing the diameter will give an increase in the hydraulic resistance of the contour, which will inevitably affect the circulation rate of the coolant in the gravitational mode, when the pump is disconnected.

It is useful: an intermediate solution can be installed on each bypass of the ball full-risk crane.
Such a scheme will not increase the hydraulic resistance of bottling, but permissible only if a person who understands its device will be serviced by the system.
It is enough to overlap the valve at the radiator liner when the bypass is closed - and the entire contour will be dropped.

Podcast connection

Connecting heating radiators with a single-tube heating system can be performed by one of three schemes:

  1. One-sided side. Both eyewear are connected to a pair of radiator plugs on one (right or left) side. heating device.

  1. Double-sided lower: Connection is performed through a pair of lower stoppers on the left and right.
  2. Diagonal: Approach is included in the upper and lower tubes from the opposite sides of the battery.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each scheme?

The one-sided scheme is practical with a small amount of the radiator (up to 7 sections). In this case, all sections warre up quite uniformly. But with the number of sections 10 and more the end of the heating device will be noticeably colder supply.

Connecting the heating radiator to a single-tube system from the bottom down ensures the circulation of the coolant through any number of sections. However, most of it in this case passes through the bottom collector; The top of the sections warms up mainly due to the thermal conductivity of their material.

Finally, the diagonal connection of the heating radiator with a single-tube system ensures the maximum possible heat transfer at any length of the radiator.

Dimensions of pipes

Forced circulation

If a continuous circulation pump is installed in the system, the following conditional passages of pipes are used when designing the circuit:

  • bottling - 25 mm;
  • liner at the length of the radiator to 10 sections - 15 mm;
  • approach with a radiator length of over 10 sections - 20 mm.

Note: for steel pipe conditional pass (DB) approximately corresponds to the inner diameter. Polymer and metal-polymer pipes are marked with an outer diameter; As a rule, it is a step more internal. So, for polypropylene, diameters 32, 20 and 25 should be used, respectively.

Natural circulation

If the circuit is designed to work in the natural circulation mode, the main task of the designer is to minimize its hydraulic resistance. How to achieve this?

The instruction does not differ in difficulty:

  • with minimal roughness - metal-plastic or polypropylene;
  • the diameter of bottling increases at least up to 40 millimeters.

Elements of the strapping

A single-tube connection of heating radiators does not require their mandatory balancing; However, the possibility of disconnecting individual devices and adjusting their heat transfer is better to provide.

The optimal set of shut-off-regulating reinforcement is:

  • the ball valve is mounted on the reverse liner;
  • the supply supply is supplied with a throttle or a thermostatic head. The choke allows you to adjust the heat transfer manually; The thermal head automates the adjustment by maintaining the constant temperature in the room;
  • if the radiator is located above the filling, in one of its upper traffic jams, an airier is installed - the Maevsky crane.


We hope that the information suggested by the reader will help him in the design of its own heating system. Learn more about how the radiators are connected with a single-tube heating system, the video will allow video in this article. Successes!

What does the proper connection of the heating radiator look like? We will analyze the connection schemes used in private houses and urban apartments, and used for this purpose pipes, fittings and elements of shut-off valves. In addition, we will find out what errors can be made when designing and installing the heating system.

Contour schemes

If in the city apartment, the scheme of the heating system as a whole or its separate loop does not depend on our efforts, then in the private house the contour is designed from scratch.

Two fundamentally different schemes can be distinguished:

  • One-pipe, representing the only filling around the perimeter of the heated building. Heating devices cut parallel to bottling.

Note: Practiced and consistent battery installation; It is inconvenient because it does not allow independent adjustment of instruments.

  • Two-pipe - Independent feed and reverse rose. Each radiator acts as a jumper between them.

Dignity one-pipe scheme - low cost, simplicity in installation and exceptional fault tolerance. Disadvantages - a significant range of temperatures between the first and last heater, as well as the problematic of the gasket around the perimeter of the house in the presence of high openings and panoramic windows.

The two-pipe scheme is deprived of these drawbacks, but under certain conditions it can create a much more serious problem to the owner. Middle to the battery boiler quenches the difference between bottling, which slows down the circulation in long-range devices. That is why the two-pipe requires a mandatory balancing - eyeliner throttling and adjusting their bandwidth for temperature leveling.

This problem is elegant in the passing two-pipe system - the circuit of Tichelman, all loops of which have an equal length.

Insert radiators

What could be the methods of connecting heating radiators to bottling and risers?

Name Description Features
Side one-sided Approach connects with the upper and lower collectors on one side of the heating device With a small amount of sections provides maximum heat transfer. With the number of sections of over ten far from the eyeliner, the edge of the radiator will cool. In the extreme sections, ILL will accumulate over time.
Bottom down Podding connected to both bottom collector corks The heat transfer of the device slightly decreases due to a slow circulation through the upper collector. The radiator does not require washing: sections are not styled
Diagonal The eyeliner is connected from the top cork on one side of the radiator and the bottom - on the other hand The heat transfer is maximum at any length of the radiator. Lower sections from the deaf bottom stopper are styled

Please note: in closed autonomous System Heating about the problem of having batteries can be forgotten.
A small amount of suspension contained in the heat carrier is quickly assembled in the mud and does not create any problems.
Accordingly, it makes sense to choose the types of connecting heating radiators that will ensure maximum heat transfer.


Incorrect connection of heating radiators can lead to failures in the operation of the CSU system, an autonomous circuit or to seriously reduce the heat transfer.

What errors can be made when installing batteries?

  • The insertion of your radiator between the feed and reverse risers on any floor, except for the top, will make you freeze your neighbors on the riser. The coolant will circulate on a small ring - through your battery, but the heat transfer of all devices above the improvised jumper will fall sharply.
  • Radiator cutting with any locking or throttling fittings on eyeliner without jumper in front of the cranes or chokes. In this case, the covered crane will stop circulation in all her riser.

  • Side connection The multisective radiator, as mentioned, will lead to the fall of the heat transfer of extreme sections.
  • To the drop of thermal power relative to the nominal and connect heating radiators linked diameter linked. The norm is the pipe DU15 (1/2 inches) with the number of sections to seven and Du 20 (3/4 inches) at larger quantities Sections.

Choosing materials

The choice of pipes, batteries and fittings affect the efficiency and safety of the operation of the heating system at least no less than its scheme. What materials should prefer in different cases?

Central heating

The regular parameters of the operation of the CSC (4-6 kgf / cm2, 40-95 c) seem to be allowed to use any modern pipes, batteries and fittings in it.

However, the practice shows that some of their species are better to refuse:

  1. The calculated value of the temperature of the coolant is often exceeded in very coldy. With mass complaints on the cold in the apartments, the work of elevator nodes without a nozzle is sometimes practiced, with a muffled sacrifice. In this mode, the batteries can be heated to 130 - 140 C.
  2. The sharp closure of any element of the shut-off reinforcement due to the incompetence of a locksmith or breakage will lead to a hydrodar with a short-term increase in pressure up to 20-25 atmospheres.

Cast iron radiators are calculated for pressure 9 - 15 atmospheres and at the hydraulic man can collapse.

It is the likelihood of abnormal situations that imposes its mark on the choice of equipment for the CSO.


To mount eyeliner can be used:

The last option is attractive in that it is easily mounted with your own hands using the simplest tool - a pair of recording keys. Price corrugated pipe With a diameter of 1/2 inches amounts to about 200 rubles for the temporon meter.


In the CSC systems apply:

  • representing the turn of the pipe with fins, increasing heat transfer;
  • Bimetallic radiators. Steel core makes them resistant to pressure jumps up to 25 - 40 kgf / cm2;
  • In rooms in which aesthetics does not play a decisive role, the installation of homemade all-welded tubular radiators (registers) is practiced. As a rule, connection steel radiators Heating is performed by a ferrous steel pipe on welded connections.

Heating system


Fully controlled parameters Autonomous contours make it possible to use inexpensive and durable polypropylene and metal-plastic pipes.

With their installation, a pair of subtleties is connected:

  • No compression, and press fittings, which better carry numerous heating and cooling cycles are preferably preferred;
  • For polypropylene, reinforcement, which reduces the lengthening of pipes during heating.


Everything is simple here: our choice is cheap, aesthetic and high heat transfer aluminum batteries.

Aluminum sectional batteries are an excellent choice for an autonomous contour.

Armature and fittings

To connect the heating device to cranes and eyeliner last years American women are used massively - fittings with a cape nut, allowing to make a connection quick-disconnecting.

As regulatory and shut-off valves can be used:

  1. Ball Valves;
  2. Cone cranes (chokes), allowing to regulate heat transfer in manual mode;
  3. Thermostatic valves with thermal heads that allow automatic maintenance of a given air temperature.

On the upper floors apartment houses And in cases where the upper collector of the radiator is the upper point of a separate loop of the contour, the radiator plug is completed with a crane of the Maevsky - a simple device for aircraft blending.


We hope that our overview of the connection schemes and materials used in heating systems will help the reader to make a right decision when planning your own repair or construction. The video in this article will offer its attention to additional thematic information. Successes!


To provide a private house Heat, it is necessary to carefully consider the project of the heating system. It is important not only to correctly pick up the power of the boiler and choose high-quality batteries, but also competently connect the heating radiators. At the same time, the choice of the heating system and the direction of movement of the coolant through the internal channels of the battery affects the amount of heat incoming in the form of infrared radiation and convection heating of air masses. Consider which of the schemes for connecting heating devices are considered most effective in the apartment and private mansion.

Connection radiator battery

The factors that need to be considered

At the design stage of the heating system, the thermal calculation of the house as a whole and each heated room is separately carried out separately. This allows you to install the boiler. required power And pick up the heating device for each room, the heat transfer is enough for high-quality heating even in frosty days. It has no fundamental value, from which material the radiator is made - it can be steel, cast iron, aluminum or bimetallic.

However, the type of battery affects the convenience of using the heating system - cast iron radiators For a long time cool and heated, not allowing flexibly adjusting the microclimate indoors. Also worth paying attention to the presence of steel panel type radiators with lower connection - They are connected to the pipeline the only possible way.

In order for the heating system to provide house with warmth, working in optimal mode, without unnecessary fuel consumption, you need to consider:

  • type of heating system;
  • the location of the batteries (on their heat transfer is influenced by the installation site - the protruding structures and decorative screens reduce the indicators by 3-20%);
  • the length and specificity of the heating paintrass.

Features of circulation coolant

The heat supply in the heat supply system is water or antifreeze ( last option Used in private houses with autonomous heating). It can navigate through the pipeline in two ways:

  • under the influence of the forces of gravity and thermal expansion of the liquid - the heated water rises along the acceleration tube, and then moves down the pipes installed with a slope, displacing the cooled water into the boiler;
  • under the influence of a special pump forming a fluid flow.

Natural circulation

Considering the methods of connecting the heating radiator, the type of coolant circulation should be taken into account, otherwise there is a risk that in the gravitational battery system will be bad.

Single-pipe layout

With a single-tube wiring, heating devices are connected to the system sequentially, as a result, the hot heat carrier in turn passes through all the batteries, after which it gets into the reverse highway, which is transported to the boiler.

This option is usually used in apartment houses As the most economical when installing. Moreover, two main means of connecting are practiced:

  • through each heated room, the apartment passes the riser, to which the heating device is connected;
  • in each apartment, feeders of feeding and returns were held, and the heating devices of all rooms were consistently connected.

Single pipe system

In private houses, the radiator yield is also connected to the input of the next heating device, and the latter output is connected to the inverse tube. The disadvantage of sequential layout is:

  • Insufficient heating of the last batteries most remote from the boiler. To ensure sufficient premises heating, you will need to install heating devices with higher heat transfer due to the increased number of sections or panel size.
  • No ability to regulate thermal power radiators to create an optimal microclimate for each of the rooms separately.

Two-pipe layout

The two-pipe layout option involves connecting the battery input to the feed pipe, and the output is to the return. Parallel connection:

  • Provides uniform heating of heating devices, regardless of their remoteness from the boiler.
  • It makes it possible to change the heat transfer for each radiator individually using the thermostat, including automatic mode.

The disadvantages of the two-pipe system include high material intensity - the length of the pipeline increases actually twice. But the financial costs of installation pay off with simple system balancing, the convenience of its operation and saving fuel when using thermostators.

Two-pipe system

Two-pipe connection It is mostly applied in private houses, but it can also be found in multi-unit.

Principles of connecting batteries

It is necessary to decide how to connect the heating battery in the apartment in the event that the feeders and returns are settled in it, and the principle of connecting radiators will have to choose the tenants themselves. IN multi-storey houses Soviet buildings and in many modern buildings A single-tube system with a riser in each room is used - in such a situation, you do not have to choose, the battery must be installed according to the standard project.

The diagram of connecting heating radiators in a private house is selected in accordance with the preferences of the owners or solving the developer, the type of wiring of the heating system. To figure out what the advantages and disadvantages of each of the battery connection schemes, it is necessary to represent how the radiator is arranged.

The design of radiators is similar, despite differences in the execution material and appearance. Two parallel collectors (upper and lower) arranged horizontally are connected by channels that perform the function of vertical jumpers. Alternate liquid moves through the channels, giving thermal energy Metallic case.

How to connect batteries in an apartment building

Heating devices designed for a lateral molding method are equipped with threaded nozzles at the ends of the collectors. Two nozzles use to connect the battery to the pipeline, plugs are installed on the remaining two. Instead of one of the upper plugs, the manual air vent is usually mounted.

A number of manufacturers offer steel panel radiatorswhich is convenient to connect to the pipeline hidden under the floor or plinth. Such heating devices are equipped with two nozzles with outdoor thread, placed in the lower part of the housing.

The diagram of connecting heating radiators with a two-pipe and one-tube system is selected taking into account the effectiveness of the heating of the battery case when the coolant is moving along its internal channels.

Side Connection (Single)

One-sided side connection with top feed. This option is used in apartment buildings, where the risers are connected to one radiator on each floor. The outlet nozzle (lower) is also connected to the feed rink (one-tube system) or to the riser of the return ( two-pipe system).

Side connection

The advantages include compactness. This type of connection has proven itself for low-length heating devices - up to 10 sections. In the case of installation of an extended battery, it is necessary to use a special pipe (stream extension), which is inserted into the top collector and supplies heated coolant to long-range sections, otherwise They will not warm up and the heating device will not be able to work for all power.

One-sided side connection with lower feed. Used B. single-tube systems With the feed of the coolant for the riser from the bottom up. The heated liquid seeks to pass through the nearest channels to the pipes, so the long-distance part of the battery is not warm enough - the loss of radiator power may exceed 20%. In order for the battery to work in optimal mode, the stream extension that helps feed the heated fluid into distant channels inside the bottom collector.

Diagonal Connection (Cross)

Diagonal connection With top feed. This option is most effective, it is this connection scheme that takes the basis when calculating the thermal power of the batteries with side connections. The feed pipe is connected to the upper nozzle, and the output to the bottom from the opposite side. The coolant enters the upper collector and in all channels-jumper, evenly heating the body of the heating device across the area.

Diagonal connection

Lower feed diagonal connection. If connecting the feed pipe to the radiator using the bottom nozzle so that the coolant passes through the heating device diagonally from the bottom upwards, its power will decrease by about 20% relative to optimal option Connections. The coolant rises along the nearest channels to the input and the collector enters the pipe connected to the upper nozzle. As a result, the lower corner of the battery is not heated. This option is not recommended for the reason for extremely low efficiency.

Connection Lower, saddle

In private houses enjoys popular hidden mounting Pipeline - Communications are located in the floor or for the plinth. Accordingly, the connection of heating batteries is from below.

Lower connection. This term is used in relation to panel steel radiators, which are fitted close to each other with pipe connections with a pipeline.

Lower, saddle connection

Sadd connection. This option for connecting the radiator implies the use of lower pipes standard model with side connections. Benefits include aesthetics - pipes do not remain in sight. The disadvantage is the loss of heat power by 10-15% due to the fact that the main part of the coolant moves directly along the lower collector, and only part of the heated fluid rises through the channels upwards, heating the radiator body.

The intensity of the movement of the heated fluid in the absence of the pump is not enough to warm up the radiator, so the installation of heating devices with the lower or saddle connections is allowed only in systems with forced circulation.


Most proper option Connecting the heating device in a private house - diagonal with upper feed. If you correctly select the speed of the coolant in the system with circulating pump, You can minimize heat loss at the bottom of the connection. Other types of battery connection in autonomous heating systems are not used as often as their effectiveness is noticeably lower. The apartment connection is practiced in apartment buildings.

If we talk about what is primarily the comfort in the house, then one of the primary factors will be warm. It is it "inhales life" in any structure, regardless of whether it is a luxurious house in several floors or small-sized apartment In the building of the old building. What is ensured heat? Naturally competently created heating. And B. modern conditions It should be not only effective, but also economical, and such a balance achieved quite difficult. Although, nothing impossible in principle does not exist, so we consistently tell us on the pages of our site, how to create excellent heating in the dwelling. This time, our topic: Schemes for connecting heating radiators. This is one of the most important points When a heating system, which can be implemented in several ways.

What types of heating systems are?

In order to understand how to connect the heating radiator, you need to clearly realize which system it will be integrated. Even if all work will perform the masters from a specialized company, it's all the same as the owner of the house you need to know which kind of heating scheme He will be implemented in the dwelling.

One-tube heating

Based on the supply of water into radiators, installed in a multi-storey structure (usually in high-rise buildings). Such a connection of the heating radiator is the easiest.

However, in the availability of installation, this scheme has one serious drawback - it is impossible to adjust the supply of heat. No special devices provide such a system. Therefore, the heat transfer corresponds to the designated norm of the project.

Two-pipe heating

Considering the options for connecting heating radiators, it is natural to pay attention to the two-pipe heating system. Its functioning is based on the supply of hot heat carrier on one pipe, and the discovery of cooled water in the opposite direction by the second pipe. Here is implemented parallel connection heating devices. The advantage of such a connection is the uniformity of heating of all batteries. In addition, the intensity of heat transfer can be adjusted by the valve, which is mounted in front of the radiator.

Important! Proper connection heating radiators implies compliance with the requirements of the main regulatory document - Snip 3.05.01-85.

Choosing a radiator installation site: What is the importance?

Regardless of whether the sequential connection of heating radiators was implemented or parallel to the functional purpose of these devices is not only heated room. Through batteries, a certain protection is created (screen) from the penetration of cold from the outside. This is explained by the location of the batteries under the windowsill. With this distribution of radiators in places of the greatest heat loss, that is, in the area window Operactions The effective heat curtain is created.

Before considering ways to connect the heating radiators, it is necessary to make a scheme for the location of these devices. It is important to determine the correct installation distances of the radiators, which will ensure their maximum heat transfer. So, absolutely correctly arranged. heating batteries if a:

  • omitted from the bottom of the window sill per 100 mm;
  • from the floor are at a distance of 120 mm;
  • delta from the wall at a distance of 20 mm.

Methods of circulation coolant

As is known, water, and usually it is it poured into the heating system, or naturally. The first option implies the involvement of a special water pump that pushes water through the system. Naturally, this element is included in the total heating circuit. And it is installed in most cases or near the heating boiler, or is already its structural element.

System S. natural circulation Very relevant in those places where frequent electricity interruptions happen. The diagram does not provide a pump, and the heating boiler itself is non-volatile. Water on the system is moving due to the fact that a cold coolant is displaced with a heated wound post. How will the connection of radiators be implemented under such circumstances depends on many factors, including the peculiarities of the passage of the heating main and its length should be taken into account.

Any of four ways to connect can be implemented in the presence of a circulation pump in the heating system.