Preparation for winter hydrangea (pink) hydrangea - how to trim and stream. How to properly hide hydrangea for the winter: detailed advice and recommendations

House hydrangea is fallsthe plant, so it is characterized by a dropping of leaves before the period of their rest. This phenomenon occurs once a year, before the onset of strong cold weather.

In order for it safely survived the hibernation mode and thanked the next year its owners with abundant and long blossoms, she needs to provide a number of necessary conditions.

Preparation for winter should be started already from autumn. It includes making some changes to the plant care.

Before the onset of cold time a gradual pace reduced The intensity of watering of hydrangea, stopped feeding.

Period of rest

The rest period begins shortly after the end of flowering and lasts about 2-3 months. When hydrangea is wondering, the plant is cut and moved to a cool and dry room.

Light mode

It is not demanding of the light. Important: This plant is sensitive to the ingress of straight rays of the sun, so this factor immediately needs to be eliminated.

Hydrangea can grow well in half, and in winter time of the year easy blackout She is simple necessary For a full-fledged holiday and a set of forces to the upcoming blossom. In rest mode, the lighting for this flower has no significant value.

Temperature mode

Room Hydrangea prefers cool. If in the warm season it is recommended to contain at temperatures from +15 to +22 degrees, and at the same time take care of sharp drops of temperature regime and drafts, then in winter it will feel great at 5-9 degrees with a plus sign.

The optimal place for the content of winter is dry and ventilated basements and mixtures.

In the apartment or to the house, on the usual place, the hydrangea is recommended to transfer at the end of winter or early spring (February-March) when the plants will start germinate kidney.

Important: The temperature in the room where the flower is placed after wintering, should not be too high, otherwise it can answer recharge His leaves.


As noted above, the preparation of hydrangea to wintering begins with cutting watering. During hibernation should receive minimum moisture. Pouring the plant should occasionally, and it is only for the purpose of preventing the drying of the earthen mixture in the pot.

If it is moved to the basement for the winter, the need for moisture is significantly reduced, so watering at this time can be completely stop.

Manipulation in winter

In winter, when they are in peace mode, Hytenzia needs to try to disturb at a minimum and to maximally reduce all sorts of manipulations for care and content.

  • if the plant is contained in the apartment, it needs to provide cool temperature mode, rare moisturizing (as the surface of the soil drying).
  • if the pot is moved to the basement, it does not touch it at all during the entire period of hibernation.

Important procedures for this plant - transplantation and trimming - not conducted in winter. Separate time, they need to be required in autumn or spring.

Important: Feed the hortension in winter it is impossible!

  • during autumn trimming Leave only a few strongest shoots. Partial trimming (in order to remove weak shoots) is made in the spring, after the awakening of the plant;
  • the transplant is best made in the fall, after flowering. Young plants transplant every year, old - every 2-3 years.

Important: Room Hydrangea prefers an acidic soil with good drainage characteristics. Soil for this plant should consist of a humus, leaf land, sand and peat.

How to save in a pot until spring?

The flower care in the pot consists of the following moments:

  • carrying out all the manipulations preceding the rest period (gradual preparation of the plant, pruning and, if necessary, transplantation);

She is just necessary dark and cold wintering. During this time, she has time to recover and gain new forces to appear future colors. If this condition fails to comply with this condition, the plant will be able to please the owners only in a year, and even more.

Ghortania - the plant is unpretentious, but its bloom is a great spectacle. So that after a long winter was able to give life to new flowers, it is necessary to provide her optimal conditions. They will not require any special knowledge and big flower experience, and beauty-hydrangea will definitely thank the lush balls of beautiful inflorescences.


See below:

In our climate almost all perennial horticultural crops We need insulation, which is usually produced in front of the frosts. As for the hydrangea of \u200b\u200bthe Miscellaneous, the opinions are greatly different. The fact is that the area of \u200b\u200bits natural grow - regions with relatively low temperaturesYes, and with their sharp drops in combination with high humidity. For example, Far East, Japan, China. Therefore, it is related to the group of frost-resistant plants. Hence the disputes on the question - whether to strengthen the hortension for the winter or can be neglected by this procedure.

In nature, there are about 80 species of this flower. The categorization is quite complicated, but this is not important - only a few representatives of the two-class class are cultivated on the territory of the Russian Federation. One of them is a burnt hydrangea. Her inflorescence white colorWhich over time acquires a pinkish shade, so the hydrangea is often called pink.

Unlike other varieties, the hydrangea hill tolerates the temperature decrease to -35 ºС, but this is provided that it is reliably protected from the wind. In addition, the kidneys, of which buds are developing, are formed on the sprouts of one-air, which appeared in the spring of this year. Consequently, the feature of the shelter is to prevent you from freezing, first of all, it root system.

Any plant, even reliably covered for the winter, is unlikely to safely postpone the cold times if it is weakened by autumn and, moreover, affected by any pest. Therefore, to prepare hydrangea to winter should be ahead. As a rule, experienced gardeners begin to engage in the middle of the summer, regardless of the climate features in the region.

  • Fully switches to fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium. From nitrogen-based feeding and its connections should be refused. Explanation Simple - they reduce the frost resistance of the plant and initiate the growth of young shoots. None nor the other hydrangeeement is, how easy it is to guess, in the run-up of winter is not necessary.
  • With the onset of autumn, watering the flower must be stopped. It is necessary for the speedy weighing of all branches that will be wintering.
  • Simultaneously removal of foliage. When this do, it is easy to determine if you understand the meaning of this agrotechnical event. Through the leaves from the plant "leaves" (evaporates) moisture, and if they leave them for the winter, then wood dehydration will occur.

It is advisable to get rid of greenery at the end of the rainy period. But it concerns only the branches of the lower rows, since this procedure Accelerates the process of their obsession. Before frosts are removed all the others for the reason that it is precisely on the leaves that are often justified. garden pestswho are safely (if the greens leave) will take sight along with Hydrangea. Naturally, if it is completely covered.

There are recommendations that the leaves from the tops of the shoots do not need to be touched, as they serve as a kind of protection of places where flower kidneys are subsequently formed. In this case, the authors are confused by the plant varieties. Hydrangea is different in that the most developed (and therefore promising) kidneys are located on areas from the barrel to the center of the sprigs. It is from them at the end of the winter and there are those shoots on which buds are subsequently dissolved. Consequently, if the tops are reversed, it will in no way affect the flowering of hydrangea next year. In addition spring trimming, in the process of forming the crown, they are usually removed.

Width shelter methods

The decision on the feasibility of holding this event the landlord hosts itself, based on the characteristics of the climate, as well as the level of purity of the territory. It makes no sense to explain that when high humidity and strong lateral winds even with small frosts hydrangea for the winter may die. In addition, it is important that it represents this flower - bush or tree. After all, the height of the last variety reaches 2.5 - 3 m, and some copies - and 8, or even 10.


SAMI simple technologyknown to all summer houses. Such prudency helps to protect rOCK From freezing. What to use?

Experienced gardeners Recommend to produce a mixture of land from a plot and peat. Fertilizer not only insulates the soil, but also gives him a good feeder when he is warm days. Part of the melt of water, penetrating deep into the ground, supplies the root system necessary nutrients. In this case, the process of making feeding in the spring is greatly simplified.

Recommendations for the use of hydrangea to cover the nose of hydrangea foliage, grass collected from the Piece, straw, sawdust, although they often encounter on individual sites, are unlikely to be correct. Reasons for abandoning such a shelter method, several.

  1. First, wet, vegetation begins to rotate. As a result - mold and fungus, which immediately spread to Hydrangea Miscellen.
  2. Secondly, it is in such a mass that small rodents are loved to justify the winter.
  3. Thirdly, on the same old leaves there are always various garden pests (or their larvae). That is why one of the most common advice for novice dacnis - the entire plant garbage assembled on the territory is subject to immediate disposal through burning.

If the cutting of hydrangea on the eve of winter is produced quite low, and the overall height of the chesty is small, then it is advisable to pour an earthen one with the calculation so that it completely covered rising over the soil of the stem.

Plugging + branch shelter

This is the most common technique, since in most regions in the winter the temperature is low enough.

How to cover the twigs:

  • If they are not particularly long, it is enough to tie them, and the resulting "cocoon" insulation suitable material. The choice is large - the old branches of the trees, the laps, only (covered with film P / E). Everything else will provide a snowy index - this is the most reliable natural "blanket" for any plant in winter.
  • With a significant length of the trunks, the branches will have to be burned as close to the ground. So hide them much easier. The process is simple, the main thing is to securely fix that during the winter they could not straighten (for example, with strong wind).

The first way. "Pulse" the tops of the shoots of metal brackets. They are easy to do from pieces of thick wire. The only thing that needs to be considered is these fixation elements must have long "mustache", otherwise they will not be firmly held in the ground and relatively easily will jump out of it.

The second way. Put on the ground a piece of the board, in which (on the reverse side) are driven nails. Here to their sticking tips of the branches and are tied up.

It remains only to secure the hydrangea on top. What - already noted.

More difficult with adult bushes, the branches of which are difficult to hurt because of their significant thickness, therefore, and poorly inflict. In this case, it is advisable to make a complete shelter by any insulation of the web. Experienced gardeners are recommended to focus on Loutrasil, spunbond or something similar. These materials are specially designed to protect plants from "surprises" of weather, including from frost. Sold in several modifications, so optimal option Pick up easy.

With this method, the buggy hydrangea is completely "wrapped" in the canvas. So that the dome does not break up from the wind and snow load, it is produced (scotch tape, rope), after which additionally (and it is advisable to do!) Installed frame design. It can be built of metal arcs, grids. The meaning is that it is covered with a film of P / E, and the formed air gap (it is enough to organize at 10-15 cm) between the polyethylene sheath and the inner protective layer provides more than reliable insulation. For regions with frosty winters - the best way Plant shelter.

Miscellaneous hydrangea is well adapted to growing conditions. Lined on the site, it gradually adapts to the peculiarities of the local climate. So, as it increases, the method of sheltering plants can be simplified over time. But if we are talking about a young hydrangea, it is better to cover it on the "full program". This ensures that all the "surprises" of the weather she will suffer safely.

Hydrangea is one of the most common flowering plants in the world. Everything is known about 70-80 her species, but only a few of them grow in Russia. Garden grades different species This plant is abundant bloom and relatively unpretentious in care. These and the amateur-lovers of the whole world. In Russia, from its species with varieties suitable for local conditions, the following are most often planted: the tree, sweatshirt and largest.

Most of all care is associated with the preparation of plants by winter. The volume and nature of these works determine climatic conditions And the grade of hydrangea. The winter-hard-resistant is a lot of hydrangea. Some of its varieties are able to transfer a decrease in temperature to -35 ° C. Still, because the natural range of this species is, including Sakhalin. At the blurred hydrangea, especially for varieties with high frost resistance, it is usually enough to protect only the root system - to cover the soil of its priority circle. Yes, and that make it only in the regions where the harsh winters. The stems of the buggy hydrangea almost never frozen, and flower kidneys are formed on shoots growing in the current year.

Good frost resistance and tree hydrangea. However, in climatic belts with severe winters, it is recommended to fully cover it completely so that young shoots do not frozen. But even if this is not done, it will not affect it at the plant itself, and it will not affect his flowering. In the spring, the tree hydrangea with frozen shoots is rapidly restored. This process will take even less time if you take a timely trimming and feeding of the plant. Floral kidneys in the tree of hydrangea, as well as in the bunting, are formed on shoots growing in the current year.

Large hydrangea is the most popular among the gardeners of the whole world and Russia, but with low winter hardiness. This species includes about 600 varieties, the overwhelming majority of which are heat-loving. Only some varieties can do without a full shelter on the Black Sea coast, and individual particularly frost-resistant do not get out in the context of European regions of Russia. But even these plants need to be completely protected from winter cold, because large hydrangea blooms from the kidneys of shoots that grew up last year.

That is, flowering kidneys are formed on the shoots of the current summer. They need to be saved in winter, covering Hydrangea, otherwise the next year she will not flourish. Thus, depending on the selected species and variety, the purpose of the cover of the hydrangea can be protection against freezing only the root system or also young shoots. The plant affected by frost will die - it is in the worst case, and in the best - only weakens for a while, but it can not bloom in this summer. It all depends on the selected variety, the features of which must be taken into account during the preliminary preparation of hydrangea.

So that the hydrangeas are well overwhelmed not enough to fulfill the necessary autumn work. So, you should know about the basic conditions that the plant should be created for this site. In shaded places on acidified soils, needs fertilizers and frequent irrigation. Does not transfer the presence of lime in the resulting moisture. Therefore, it is necessary to water only with soft water, desirable rain, and the water supply must necessarily defend.

Prepare for winter hydrangea should be started in advance - no later than the second half of July. From now on, it is necessary to refuse nitrogen fertilizersby going to phosphorus-kaliva. Already, this plants will be prepared for the winter. At the beginning of the fall, it is necessary to stop watering the hydrangea, and from the lower sections of the shoots to break the leaves. It will contribute to the wearing plants. On large hydrangea, the leaves should be left on top. - They will protect the floral kidney in winter.

On the eve of the first colds and to the shelter, the bumpy, tree and large-scale hydrangea is recommended to draw the blurred inflorescences. The last species is important not to trim at the same time and shoots with floral kidneys, which should dismiss the next year.

The method of shelter of hydrangea №1

Before getting to the insulation of hydrangeas, it is necessary to accurately find out exactly what kind of grade and the species is planted on the site. Classic and frost-resistant blurred and tree plants in shelter, most often do not need. For the suspension, their bushes should be very good to emphasize, well, and you can still throw dry leaves on the rolling circle (but not with fruit trees) Or lay a spruce yard, as shown in the photo.

But this applies only to adult plants. One-year-old seedlings, like a large-scale hydrangea, must be fully covered for the winter. The most common proven methods of hydrangea insulation are as follows. First you need to fall asleep the rolling circle of dry ground to protect the bottom kidneys and the root system from frosts. When the soil under hydrangea is raw, it is desirable to climb the entire covered area of \u200b\u200bdry ground to reduce the humidity under the collapse. Then we choose one of the options to continue insulation.

We labeled the Hydrangea Highter Boards around the bush. The shoots of the plant carefully be adjusted, having previously tied to a bundle, one way, and better unrelated - fan or sunset around the circle, as in the photo. At the same time fixes them:

  • we bind the ropes to the nails pre-drunk in the board;
  • click in the slots between the boards;
  • climb stones, bricks or other suitable materials.

Then we fall asleep the plants with dry leaves (again, not with fruit trees) and cover Loutrasil or sponbond brand 30.

Additional options for insulation plants

The second shelter method is covering the soil around hydrangea with a spruce snapper in a small amount, and already put on it to shoot the plant with one of the methods proposed above. Fix them at the base and at the ends with the help of wooden or iron brackets. On top of the shoots put the huskien, and then Loutrasil. Then we make the next layer - from the peat or sawdust. It is also covered with a sweetheart. Flower kidneys can be additionally protected.

For this purpose, along the periphery of the laid plants, spacious polyethylene bags filled with dry leaves. Under the basis of poorly bending shoots, the same packages are placed. They will not let me break with these branches. Then the entire structure is covered on top of a film or rubberoid. The harsh winter, the more insulation layers need to be done. Their alternation and use of those or other of the above materials does not matter. The main thing is to comply with the following basic rules for creating a shelter of hydrangea.

Another 1 is a very popular way of shelter - air-dry. Hydrangea bush first typing, and then wrap Spunbond or Loutrasil, As shown in the video. Then set around it at 20-25 cm from the shoots frame from hard, preferably metal grid. This fence should rise above the top of the plant with a 10 cm. Fill out the frame with dry leaves, and from above we cover the entire design with waterproof material - rubberoid, film or similar. This method is used to cover the one-time buggy and tree hydrangea.

Container and recreation specimens of plants are better removed on the veranda, in a basement or other closed room. When there is no possibility, on the site they make a touch. Choose a sunny place with enough big depth Local groundwater. I dig there trench. Its depth should be such that the bush placed in the soil is left to the surface of the soil remained at least 10-15 cm. We set in the trench of hydrangea, and then cover them with boards or a wooden grid, as in the photo.

Next place Loutrasil or Spanbond. To make an additional insulating air layerOver the trenches you can put empty boxes, turning them up the bottom and sprinkled with leaves. Top plays some waterproof material. In the spring, the shelter of hydrangea disassemble the gradual - layer behind the layer as it becomes more and more warm weather.

Hydrangea is good even in autumn time. Some species retain inflorescences to deep autumn. And how beautiful the bushes of hydrangea with large burgundy leaves! Unfortunately, not all kinds of winter-hardy and can be overwhelmed in open soil Without reliable insulation.

The most popular types of hydrangea

Tree and miscellaneous hydrangea Right in many areas. They are overwhelmed in the open soil without much losses. Huge ochals of the inflorescences of tree hydrangeas are preserved on the bushes until the very end of autumn. True, they are no longer so white or light cream as before. A greenish tint appears in their color. Inflorescences by autumn are waving and increasing in size. It is a pity to cut them, although it's time to cook a bushes for winter.

White, white, cream or pinkish inflorescences have a conical shape. Autumn white inflorescences pose (less often can remain white-creams). In some risky hintsides of the pink shade in inflorescences more than others. Sometimes in the ground under the bushes of the buggy hydrangeas specially buried rusty nails so that the inflorescences become intense-pink. In the autumn, heavy large-grade computers of hydrangea hydrangea grade "Vanilla Fraze" become pink-red. For the winter, the land under the tree and blurred hydrangees is better to sprinkle a peat to which loose garden land. These species are amateur and weakness soils. For the winter they can not be covered. In addition to those places where the snow is blown away by the wind. Then the branches are flex and covered with a sweetheart.

Hydrangea hydrangea, or garden, have huge flat or spherical inflorescences. White, raspberry, pink, blue and even blue. This type of capricious. In the suburbs they are safer to grow in pots, which in winter are transferred to cool premises. Large hydrangea can be winter and outdoor if they are well insulated. So that the bushes are not affected by spontaneous. Large hydrangeas grow on weakly alkaline soils, so you can be attached to them. garden soil.

There are others, not so popular species. I have without any shelter cherry and dolisant hydrangea. True, they grow in those places where a lot of snow accumulates in the winter, but tELL WATER Do not stuff. Fast-growing hydrangea lianas are suitable for decorating arbors, they can climb on the construction and climb on tall trees. If there is no support near, then shoots sprawling on the ground. In the shade of hydrangea, the cherry is blooms worse than in the sun or in a half. The hydrangea is dabutant decorate and inflorescences, and beautiful large "rough" leaves resembling oak-shaped. In the fall, they become crimson. White inflorescences, which in the end of the summer intensively pose, do not hold on in the fall. You have to cut them. At the end of the autumn, I associate branches so that they do not crumble under a heavy snowdrift. These hydrangees can be added to loam, mixed with peat and humus, or ordinary garden soil. With age, the winter hardiness of these types of hydrangeas increases markedly.

When to plant?

I try not to land the saplings of Hydrangees in the fall. The exception is only a transplant when it is inevitable. It is better to leave young plants in the school. The newly acquired seedlings can be transferred to a cool place in the house and land them at a permanent place in the spring. In the southern regions they are planted in autumn. Many roots are located near the surface of the soil, so the bush does not plunge during the landing.

When to crop hydrangea?

Without pruning the bushes of the tree and whitewash the hydrangea "swell" and over time, it bloom worse, their inflorescences are minced. In the fall, I only cut off the upper part of the shoots, I delete all the inflorescences. I make the main trimming in the spring, during the swelling of the kidneys. Then it can be seen which parts of the shoots are extruded, and which remained alive. I start with the fact that I will cut the bush, removing broken, old, lying on the ground and thickening the crown shoot. Leave no more than 12 strong shoots that are strongly shortened (up to 2/3 of the height). These types of inflorescences appear on the shoots of the current year, which justifies the bold trimming. A completely different approach to large hydrangees. This species blooms on last year's shoots. They are saved and cut out only the oldest branches and thickening shoots. It is important not to remove the upper kidneys. I form a dabutant hydrangea and a cherry, removing broken, dried and thickening shoots. I do this in the spring when the condition of the bushes is clearly visible.

Wintering of large hydrangea

Large hydrangeas that remain for the winter on the plot, you need to warm it too much. Pynik and (or) dense nonwoven material. Branches are pre-tightened by ropes. Even better - pinch bushes to the ground. Those large hydrangeas that winter in the ground bloom in the second half of summer. Large hydrangeas growing in flower pots, bloom much earlier.

I grow such a hydrangea brought from Svetlogorsk (Kaliningrad region), in flower pot. For the summer I get it into the ground, it is relating to the winter basement. Even under Kaliningrad, where the climate is softer, these hydrangeas in some winter will freeze. Before February, the pot with a bustard prepared for wintering stands in the basement at air temperature plus 5 - 6? P. Watering reducing, but I do not allow soil drying. In February, Hydrangea put on the windowsill. Waiting for the awakening of the kidneys and the growth of roasting shoots. Already in April - MAE dissolves all inflorescences. You can transfer bloom to a later date. For this, there are pots with large-scale hydrangees in the basement (or another cool fellow room) until May. Such bushes bloom only by the middle of the summer.

Coloring inflorescence large hydrangea varies depending on the acidity of the soil. In the soil with an acidic reaction, pink flowers become blue, in neutral or weakly alkaline soil they pose. In the Kaliningrad region, many bushes of large-scale hydrangeas, in which part of the inflorescence has a blue painting, and part pink. Previously, the soil was acidified by the alum. Now there are special fertilizers for hydrangeas affecting the color. A woman who I bought a sapling of my hydrangea said that for blue color she acidic soil with water in which the peat is molded for several days. The pink scenery of hydrangea hydrangea is obtained when the bush grows on the sand.