How to plaster Pleeplex outside with your own hands. Grid for Polympoth - Create a reinforcing layer

The prerequisite for the effectiveness of energy-saving individual housing measures is to protect against the atmospheric effects of the insulation belt, the function of which performs the front plaster on the foam applied with their own hands. Such a building finish will best prevent freezing in winter carrier structureswill create conditions for reducing costs to maintain the desired temperature indoor with heating devices or air conditioner. A seamless plastered wall is suitable for a device on it of any finish coating.

Why choose expanded polystyrene

The convenience and simplicity of operations with which the foam polystyrene (foam) is finished or extruded polystyrene foam (penoplelex) outside the house, especially with high-altitude and internal worksCombined with high thermal insulation characteristics of this material and the available cost. Sheets are attached to the base with plastic dowels, well held on the adhesive mixture.

View from the bottom of the outdoor insulation of apartments in multi-storey house Posted by photo:

When the facade insulation is a reasonable question that the resulting coverage has been securely saved for a long time polymer insulation From the devastating effects of climatic and mechanical factors.

The technology of applying plaster on the Penoplex does not depend on the type of polystyrene production, since their significant differences with foam is limited to the stiffness of the sheet.

The specifications of this material are given in the following table:

Differences in the complexity of technology, how to stucify the penplex, what other materials it is necessary to use, will depend primarily on where the finish is performed - outside or inside the house.

On the outer walls before applying the bulk, the reinforcing grid will be installed in addition to the processing of the primer. For internal installation This stage is not always observed, but this significantly increases the risk of peeling and cracking over time of the solidified layer. If a minimal thickness Plasters for Pleasses are so important, it is better to use the grid, albeit the finest.

Why it is necessary to plaster

The question is whether it is possible to plaster a penplex, has an affirmative answer and you only need to decide how to make it properly. For this you need, first of all, know some operational requirements for this type.

The solid plaster of the fiberglass across the insulated surface is performed for the following reasons:

  1. Mechanical impacts. With a fairly good stiffness, the material, having received a random dent, can give an extensive network of cracks through which air and moisture will be held, leading to peeling of the insulation sheets and, accordingly, the deterioration of thermal insulation indicators in this area.
  2. Overheat. Polystyrene with significant heating even without open fire will begin to allocate poisonous styrene into the environment. Non-combustible plaster protects the polymer from excessive heating and, as a result, temperature decomposition. Antipirens, which are part of the fastener, lead to self-filing material, but do not hold harmful evaporation.
  3. Environmental impact. Changes in humidity I. sharp drops Temperatures, direct exposure sun ray (Ultraviolet) adversely affects most polymeric materials, and changes in the porous structure lead to an irreversible decrease in the characteristics for season 1.
  4. Primary insulation. The mass insulation belt team has seds that should be attached so that the wind and frost can directly try to create cold bridges between the sheets. Mounting foam, which join joints, or putty can not resist long direct influence Water and air.

The cut sheet of extruded polystyrene foam is visible in the photo.

The importance of high-quality protection of the insulation puts the task of how to plastering the penplex so that the result of the work carried out did not crack, did not exist and did not face during the estimated life.

As stucco is applied on polystyrene foam on the base of the house, it is demonstrated on this video:

Mixtures for plaster

The main information than plastering the penplex is contained in the instructions for use of the mixture attached to the manufacturer's products on the container (bag). It should indicate that the stuccoing of walls and surfaces made of polystyrene can be performed.

In its application, the plaster is better to take the universal, which simultaneously tightens the plates of the insulation, sticks the reinforcing grid and forms facial surface Finishes.

The grid is immersed in a mixture of more liquid consistency (lightly diluted with water) so that it penetrates all cells. The solution is based on the basis, apply the grid on top and smoothed with a spatula, as on this photo:

Blind plaster grid

Manufacturers produce mixtures for plastering the fasteners with different binding components. Universal plaster can be on a basis:

  • mineral (gypsum, cement, lime);
  • acrylic;
  • silicate;
  • silicone;
  • complex (for special conditions).

Considering that the most rational is the most sought-after brand in finishing works Speakers facade plaster for polyplex or tile glue on cement based With the addition of marble or granite crumb. It has an acceptable price and the ability to apply their own dosage depending on experience and specific conditions.

Acrylic and silicone ready-to-use mixtures contain mineral fillers, but the main binders are synthetic polymers. Such plasterers have the specified technical characteristics (strength, elasticity, vapor permeability, texture, moisture resistance) and a practically unlimited number of color solutions.

The silicate binder (liquid glass) has a limited palette of colors, but is distinguished by increased resistance to weather, chemical, mechanical and thermal influences. This coating is durable and not exposed to microorganisms.

Each brand of plaster differs in consumption by 1 m² of surface, but you can consider the required amount of materials on the example of the table:

Any of the listed species of plaster formulations has its own advantages, it is only necessary to choose it in accordance with its operating conditions.

What to do next

At the finishing stage, the question arises, is it possible to put the penplex, which compositions do it better. Such a putty should be selected together with plaster mixtures and primer from one manufacturer. Among special places for use are suitable acrylic and powder formulations for use facade workwhich do not contain components that destroy polystyrene.

In addition, in the passport of goods pay attention to the indicators of frost resistance, moisture resistance and impact resistance of the formed coating.

In addition to the final leveling of the surface, the stacking of the joints and the installation of the corners on the slopes can be attributed (with reinforcement of the grid).

An example, how to prepare to put off, the angle of the insulation, laid outside the house, is shown in the following photo:

Corner glue on the solution and closed with a grid

Inside the rooms do not always use decorative plaster, and close the reinforcing mesh with a layer of putty under the subsequent finish coating.

Before you put a putty, the dried plaster is stigled again. High-quality putty prepares a strong and smooth surface, which for a long time does not lose its properties under painting.

How to paint

Decorative plaster will serve longer if it is also protected by a film-forming coating. To the solution than to paint the penurex, it is necessary to approach as thoroughly as the choice of all previous materials.

To select this finish finish there are several mandatory conditions:

  1. Compatibility of paint grade with putty materials and plaster materials. All putty are suitable for painting, it is indicated on the label.
  2. Chemical inertness to polyplex. Components of the coloring composition should not dissolve polystyrene. They can leak through the pores of the plaster and damage the polymer base.

Choose for staining outside plastered polystyrene insulation It is necessary water-level (water-dispersion), silicate or mineral facade paint on cement or lime-based basis. About Tom, tell me in another article.

In the process of work, such solvents as White - Spirit, kerosene, gasoline is strictly prohibited.

In catalogs famous manufacturers building materials You can choose the entire sequential chain of the compositions of the polystyrene plates used, which together form a high-quality decorative coating.

When insulating the house, the penplex arises the need for its plastering. This process does not constitute any complexity, however, requires strict adherence to technology. Therefore, then we will look at how to plaster the penplex correctly so that the finish does not crack and did not appear.


Penoplex is a good heat and noise insulating material. True, contrary to the statements of many sellers, its thermal insulation qualities do not exceed the characteristics of the foam. Of course, the difference is, however, it is within the error.

The advantage of the penplex is that it is stronger. However, at the same time, its surface is smoother, which requires a special approach to shuttering. In particular, the use of a reinforcing mesh, adhesion primer type "Betonacton", and a special adhesive composition as plaster.

Often you can hear from home masters that they successfully carried out fastening fasteners conventional plaster And without grid. However, most often such work has to redo. Even if the composition creates on such a surface, it will very quickly begin to crack and peel, so do not risk.

Watching technology

The process of fasteners includes the following steps:

  • surface preparation;
  • reinforcement;
  • applying decorative plaster and painting.

Below you read all these stages.


So, before placing the penplex, you must perform the following steps:

  1. first of all, you need to fill the slots between the insulation plates, which may appear in the process of its installation. To do this, you can use mounting foam or special foam for insulation systems, for example, Ceresit CT-84. The cost of the canister (850 ml) is ~ 600 rubles;
  2. next, you need to make sure that the surfacex is flat, the surface is smooth. To do this, you can use the long rule and construction level. All repellent plots should be lined with a special grater.

At this stage, it is often necessary to deepen some hats of dubile umbrellas below the surface of the insulation. If you fail to score, you need to cut off the head with a stationery knife and knocking off another dowel, having previously removed the hole under it;

  1. at the end of the work, the surface of the insulation must be projected to the composition of "Betonacton"For example, from manufacturers such as Ceresit, Violux, Feidal or other. On average, the price of the primer is 700-1000 rubles for 15 liters.

Before applying, you need to shake and pour into a flat container. Then in the liquid it is necessary to moisten malyary Valik, slightly squeeze it and apply to the surface to the surface with a uniform layer, avoiding the flows and the accumulation of liquids in some sections;

  1. after drying the surface, the ground is applied again.

Tip! If there is quite wide slots between the sheets of the fox, they can be filled with chips of the insulation.

This is the process of preparing fasteners to shuttering.


The next step is reinforcement, which is performed in this order:

  1. before watching the penplex, you should shock the hats of dowels and other recesses in the heat insulator;
  2. then you need to stick to the outer corners aluminum perforated corners. The glue is used the same as for gluing a mesh - Ceresit St 83, Glims CF, Kreisel 210 or other. The cost of compositions on average is 350-600 rubles per bag of 25 kg;
  3. next, it is necessary to cut the fiberglass reinforcement grid, taking into account the fact that the web is glued to the brass of each other about 10 cm, as well as with corners of about 10 cm;

  1. next to the surface applied glue composition Thick about 3 mm. According to the consistency, it should be a little juicy than the manufacturer recommends. A fiberglass mesh is immediately glued to the treated area with a wide spatula or low.

Perform work more convenient to top down. In this case, we need to handle glue small plot Walls so that he does not have time to grab before gluing the grid;

  1. after gluing the mesh on the surface, another layer of glue is applied, which is aligned with a wide spatula. In fact, it performs the function of the draft.

Tip! If the fiberglass grid is rather rigid, and it does not work carefully on the corners, then liquid glue should be applied to the bend section, as a result of which the canvas will become more elastic.

Finish finish

As a rule, the insulation of the walls is carried out outside, so the instructions for finish finish Polymplex looks like this:

  1. first of all, two layers of primer are once again applied to the surface;
  2. then, with a wide spatula or low, after drying the soil, decorative plaster is applied;
  3. when the plaster begins to collapse, it is satisfied with the male;
  4. after grazing the decorative plaster, most often the surface is covered with dispersion facade paint.

On this, the process of plastering the fastener is completed with their own hands. It must be said that sometimes insulation is performed inside the premises. In this case, after reinforcing, an ordinary putty is applied to the surface, and then decorative finish is performed, for example, wallpaper is pasted or painting walls.


As we found out, the process of fastening is rather simple. The main thing is to have some skills to work with such tools as a spatula or Malka, as well as follow the sequence described above.

Video in this article contains additional information On the topic of plastering fasteners. If after reading the material you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments, and we will be happy to answer them.

With the approach of winter, many begin to think about the insulation of their homes. A good thermal insulator is a penurex, it is easy to use, has optimal quality and an acceptable cost. But, can it be plastering the penplex? When the construction is insulated, the plaster solution allows you to protect the material from atmospheric and mechanical impacts, so that this procedure is mandatory.

The basis of the fastener is simple polystyrene or foam. In the process of processing foaming with a special thermal method, it acquires such characteristics:

  • High strength, which is several times the usual foam.
  • Smooth coating and homogeneous structure.
  • Almost complete absence of moisture absorption.
  • High levels of vapor permeability.

Penoplex has a low level of adhesion, in comparison with foam. In this regard, to put such material on ordinary technology will be an error. This will lead to the lagging of putty from the insulation and the reinforcing grid. Although the penurex is not intended for cladding with a wet way, its plastering is still possible. Specialists have developed finishing technology that allows you to achieve qualitative results And guarantees high strength.

Stages of shuttering

The process of filling the font facing consists of the following steps:

  1. Preparatory work.
  2. Surface reinforcement.
  3. Applying the leveling layer.

Each stage is extremely important, so they need to be accomplished responsibly.

Preparatory work

First of all, it is necessary to deal with what plaster will be used for inferno.Experts recommend using universal mixtures of leading brands. However, I. special compositions, intended for polystyrene foam plates. One of these products is the plaster-adhesive mixture of Ceresit.

The composition is prepared according to the instructions indicated on the package, but there is extremely important momentassociated with a consistency. For mounting the reinforcing mesh, the consistency of the composition should be slightly lower than the manufacturer recommends.

For leveling, the solution must be as low as possible. For the installation of the reinforcing mesh, there will be about 4 kg of composition by 1 m², and 6 kg for the leveling layer.

To plaster Penopelex, you will need to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • glue for expanded polystyrene and attachment of the reinforcing grid;
  • primer deep penetration;
  • fiberglass reinforced grid;
  • two spatula different sizes and grinding grater;
  • perforated corners.

Also in the preparation stage includes fastening the fastener to eliminate possible irregularities and surface drops. Rushing with the performance should not be done, since preparatory work Directly depends on the general result.

Process reinforcement

Installation of a plaster grid is extremely an important stage. Without it, plastered walls can crack, which will significantly affect their life. To install the mesh, it will be necessary to apply a layer of glue to the surface of the fastener, the thickness of the order of 3 mm and glue it to it. Also in the process of performing such work it is necessary to take into account the following nuances:

  • It is necessary to press the mesh into the plaster nothing more than half, but at the same time the entire surface of the product should be immersed in the glue composition. Plastering Applied in several stages. It is often done by strips no more than 1 m, as it is that the width has a facade mesh.
  • The reinforcing grid should be placed only on fresh solution, it is necessary to immerse it with a smooth spatula.
  • Stripes of the product are stacked with a bunch of at least 10 cm. Especially carefully needed to work with angles with which reinforcement is usually beginning. To properly glue an angle, you need to use a bandwidth of 30 cm, bend it in half, pick up to the corner and pressed into the adhesive solution.

After drying the reinforcing layer, it will be necessary to grip the entire surface. For this you can use grinding machine Or grater with emery web. Grout is performed by circular motions counterclockwise, but without much pressure on the tool.

It is necessary to take into account that the time of drying the solution directly depends on weather conditions. In hot weather, it will be enough to wait a few hours and proceed to the grout, it is better to wait at least less than a day.

Application of the leveling layer

The next procedure is the leveling of the surface by plaster. For this, the same universal solution is used as for reinforcement. The composition is applied with a spatula and is evenly distributed over the entire wall. The layer thickness should not be more than 3 mm.

The final procedure is fastening the fastener. It is performed in the same way as during reinforcement and only after complete drying of the solution. There will be no less than a day at full drying, and in the cold season even more. But it should not be waited for a long time, since after 4 days the solution can hardly harden and the grout will not succeed.

After the entire surface is processed, the process of plaster is considered complete and can be proceeded to putting down the premises.

On the video: how to plaster the penplex.

Choosing Put Package for Polympoths

Putclone is the finishing facing of surfaces using special plaque mixes. The selection of putty depends on the surface to which it will be applied. There are compounds in the form of a paste or powder. Pasty mixtures are divided into acrylic, silicone, oil and combined.

For Penoperance the optimal choice The basis based on acrylic or powder. With internal cladding, you can pay attention to silicone varieties.

Choosing a putty, it is also necessary to take into account the binding components in its composition and how much these substances are high-quality. The resistance of the solution and its protection against cold, moisture, various atmospheric precipitations directly depends on the quality of the binding components.

Choosing a putty on a penplex, it is recommended to consult with the seller. It will help choose the option that can withstand the required load. It is also necessary to take into account that the mixtures for cladding indoors are not suitable for facades, so it is better not to save, otherwise it will be possible to redo all the work.

Platclusion process

If dry shtclowing is used, first it will be necessary to dilute. To do this, the water bucket is gained and the powder is gradually added, while the composition is stirred using a construction mixer. By consistency, the putty must resemble a potato mashed potatoes. After the putty acquires the necessary level of consistency, it will be needed to leave for 5 minutes, after which it is once again stirring and only after that begin to the shtailage works.

How to put the penplex right? To apply a solution, you need to use a wide spatula to which the mixture is superimposed by a narrow spatula. When performing the finishing facing it is extremely important that the new treated area of \u200b\u200bthe surface merged with earlier sharp. The joints should be almost invisible, so that if there is no experience in doing this work, it is better to seek help from specialists. They know how to put the penplex quickly and right.

The maximum allowable thickness of the putty layer when applied 5 mm, after it is frozen, the total coating is made. Grout is performed with circular motions using an abrasive grid. It should also be borne in mind that grinding is performed no earlier than 4 hours after applying the composition.

Having finished the grout, it will take once again to apply the primer - it will remove the tempered dust from the surface and make the coating smooth and smooth. After drying, the primer can be moved to painting or other decorative facing.

As can be seen from the article, the insulation of the penplex is good decision. Such material can be placed without any problems, which allows him to provide additional protection and an attractive appearance. The main thing is responsibly referring to the selection of mixtures for processing and to apply them, since it is from this that the result will be directly dependent. If any complications occur, it is better to immediately contact the specialists.

Penoplex is considered one of the most popular types of insulation presented in the domestic market. Material is actively used for finishing inland walls and facades of residential buildings and production premises. Since the synthetic thermal insulator is not a finish coating, it needs to be facing a special plaster for fastening. Application technology is not of great difficulty, so it is quite possible to cope with work on your own.

Facing material for polyplex - reliable protection thermally insulation plates from biological and mechanical damage, extension of their life. Inside the room, the plaster not only protects the insulation from evaporation, but also serves as a spectacular decor. Therefore, before you buy material for finishing, it is necessary to study its composition and find out the nature of the surfaces being processed.

1. Mineral plaster - a combination of portland cement and polymers shows high resistance to biological aggression and atmospheric precipitation. The solution is suitable for facing walls outside and inside the building. It has a good clutch, easy and smoothly applied to the base.

2. Acrylic finish - material with good elasticity, moisture resistance and resistance solar radiation. The use of plaster on acrylic resins is recommended for deformed planes and sections with high humidity.

3. Silicate composition - Elastic plaster has the properties of an antistatics, excellent vapor permeability and resistance to atmospheric precipitation. The instructions contain recommendations for use on the outer and interior trim.

The service life of solutions is varied, so this indicator should be paid special attention. The most good resistance to mechanical loads and durability is shown acrylic mixtures. The life of such a cladding is 15-25 years. The following in order are silicate and mineral. The durability of the finish also depends on the texture of the coating. Rough and embossed surfaces have increased resistance to deformations of various kinds.

Popular manufacturers

On the russian market There are several main brands of special purpose materials.

1. Ceresit - the company presents a large assortment of finishing mixtures on the polyplex of all kinds. Adding to the composition of grain fillers allows to obtain textured surfaces. Packaging 25 kg cement plaster "Winter Kameshkova" stands on the market 660-990 rubles. Acrylic type with the same texture will cost 1300-1500. The cost of the most expensive silicone solution is 1760-1900. For plastering from acrylic called "Coroed" will have to pay approximately 1350-1580 rubles. The price of a similar texture of silicone is 570-850.

2. Ecomix - application technology provides for high-quality processing of outdoor and internal surfaces From the fastener. The mixture of economies is effective when filling cracks, seams, irregularities. The average cost of plaster - 140-170 rubles for 25 kg. "Coroed" costs 90-120 rubles.

3. Heaths - the basis is portland cement M-500. Different with excellent performance and aesthetics. Packaging weighing 25 kg "Coroed" costs 300-390 rubles. The factory composition of "lames" with polymer modifiers costs 1120-1300.

4. Bergauf Decor - Classic Option decorative finish Polyplex on the facades of residential buildings. The cost of "Coroed" is 390-580 rubles. The dry mixture "Kameshkovaya" is offered for 560-640, "Shub Diadem" for 395-520.

Preparation for plastering

The implementation of the technological scheme for finishing the fastener begins with the calculations of the required amount of materials. In accordance with practical knowledge, construction professionals offer such expenses for 1 m2:

  • 4 kg - for mounting the reinforcing grid;
  • 6 kg - to create and align the finish layer.

For plastering of the foam, you should purchase several tools:

1. Spatula wide (at least 350 mm) - for basic work;

2. Spatula narrow - for overlapping the solution;

3. Grater with a rigid web - for rubbing on the grid;

4. Roller foam or fur with a short pile - for priming;

5. Sponge hard coarse - for decorative plaster.

Create texture on the facade you can also use a grater or spatulas.

How to plaster Penoplex do it yourself?

Facade application technology includes several stages.

1. Preparation of the adhesive solution - the sequence of actions is usually indicated in the instructions on the package. In the container, first pour water and only then fall asleep dry mixture.

2. The starting coating is to evenly distribute the plaster over the plates of the polyplex layer 1-2 mm. A spatula move from below up, withsting angle of inclination to the wall of about 30 degrees.

3. Reinforcement is the end of the roll with the mounting grid to attach to the treated area starting from the angle. Deploy gradually, pressing the material to the wall with a spatula. Close down from the middle of the canvas, moving downwards.

4. Creating a leveling layer - the dried surface is watched with a skin and apply a fresh solution with a thickness of about 3 mm. Apply the leveling layer parts. Counters of plaster and mounting grid control, preventing coincidence.

5. Priming - when the mixture will dry well, thoroughly align the plane of the grater. After that, covered with soil composition, not leaving the flows.

6. Registration of decorative plaster - the finishing layer of the solution to apply in small fragments, withsting the same layer thickness. Decorative texture shape on a wet surface. Ready finish Leave to seek for a few days.

7. Staining - indoors The plaster layer is covered with protective varnish. Outside the decor is more suitable acrylic paint.

Tips for specialists

1. The technological scheme for decoration provides for the mandatory use of the mounting mesh of fiberglass. It provides a reliable grip of a smooth surface of a fastener with facade plaster. It is desirable to choose a material with a density of 140-160 g / m2. The smaller the cells, the stronger the adhesion.

2. If the fox work is carried out in the summer, then it is necessary to consider that the solution on the facade in hot weather dries very quickly. Therefore, it is necessary to apply it fragmentary, not exceeding the width of the roll. On fixing reinforced grid It is better to invite assistant.

3. To glue the mounting mesh on Penoplex, a mixture with a more liquid consistency is used than this is indicated in the instructions. The same composition is carried out finishing alignment.

The grout of the processed walls produce only after complete drying of the plaster. The duration of setting from the outside depends on weather conditions, inside - from temperature mode premises. Technology system It allows for a time interval from applying a solution to a zatilka for a period of no more than four days. IN otherwise The plaster strongly harms and grind it will be difficult.

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How do you need to stucify the penplex? List of tricks and action

Quality and fast installation systems:

After performing insulation, the question often arises how to plaster "Penoplex". For those who are not informed: the so-called material, which is an extruded polystyrene foam and differing from the usual foam, almost only increased rigidity. The remaining characteristics of the material are practically the same: it does not rot, does not absorb water, has a low thermal conductivity and is used mainly for external thermal insulation. However, from a technological point of view inner insulation In general, illiterately and permissible only in the most extreme cases that it does not interfere with people often warm up from the inside.

By the way, the assurance of advertisers and sellers is that the use of "fasteners" is more efficient than foam, somewhat unfair: heat insulating characteristics They are almost the same, the difference is calmly attributed to the area of \u200b\u200bpermissible errors. The material wins only due to smaller fragility.

How to plaster "PESTROX" and that at the same time use depends, first of all, from the location of the heat insulator: it is outside or from the inside.

Why stucked by insulation?

The need for the process is explained by the similarity of the characteristics of "Polymplats" and foam.

  • Despite higher rigidity, it remains insufficient. Without strengthening the surface, a random dent will give a whole web of cracks, which provoke peeling of the insulation and the weakening of its thermal insulation properties.
  • Polystyrene when heated (even without burning) begins to highlight styrene - flying and poisonous. The plaster protects the "PESTLEX" from overheating and the decomposition associated with it.
  • For weather influences, the material is not very racks, as well as its analog - foam. Drops of temperature and humidity together with the effects of ultraviolet can derive it in order for one season.
  • The seams between the insulation sheets may well become cold bridges, and only solid plaster can eliminate this probability.
  • As for the combustion: the polystyrene foam itself flammifies easily. However, in the production of "PENEROX", anti-epires are added to it, as a result of which the material becomes self-tapping. However, anti-epirains are not protected from the release of toxins.

What do you need?

In any case, with external insulation, and with internal, when conducting plastered, a reinforcing painting grid will be required. For external work A variety is purchased, resistant to alkalis, when carrying out internal, this is not a prerequisite.

From the inside "PESEROPLEX" can be safely plastered with gypsum compositions. Most often for these purposes, the mixtures of "Knauf" are used - the "Rotband" plaster or the universal putty "FugenFueller". The adhesive qualities of these compositions are usually enough for reliable clutch with the surface. However, to the height of human growth, the wall is better to progress the "concrete contact" from Tikkurila or Ceresit CT 19: increased mechanical loads are likely.

Outside the plaster does not apply - it is hygroscopic and not water vehicles. However, and ordinary cement solutions According to "Polymplas", it is impossible to work: cement corrosive material. You will have to buy special adhesive for polystyrene foam or cement-based tile.

In this case, the primer is not required: the compositions penetrate the plates on sufficient depth and provide a high degree of clutch.

After graduation plastering Repeated priming under the final, finishing finish.

Technology Plastering on "Polymplats"

  • The seams between individual plates are placed by mounting foam. It is not necessary to close with plaster mixtures: will become mentioned already bridges of the cold. It is not necessary to leave without embelling: the heat loss will be provided by convection, and emptiness can be sold at external effects.
  • After the frozen of the surplus of foam (bubbles) is cut with a knife with a surface with a surface, and all it is rubbed to smooth out the scope and bulges.
  • Divorce plastering mix. Do not forget: the powder is added to the water, and not vice versa, otherwise the plaster will be heterogeneous.
  • Approximately meter of the wall in the width is covered with a composition of 2-3 mm thick. In height, the processed plot should be such that you can easily glue the grid segment at once: it is mounted only in the fresh composition.
  • A grid is cut down in the height of the missing surface, applied to the wall and pressed so that it is completely immersed in the plaster. Smoothing is carried out from the center to the edges.
  • The next piece of grid is superimposed; The approach of one half to the other should be at least 10 cm.
  • After the reinforcement of the entire wall, the break is made necessary to graze the adhesive layer. In summer enough 2-3 hours, in the cold or high humidity Better to wait a day.
  • The degraded reinforcement is rubbed by a grater of wood or plastic with a grinding net, circular motions, without excessive zeal and with an equal pressure.
  • After processing the entire surface, final shockting is carried out. Its layer is the same 2-3 mm. You can use the same composition that the painting mesh was pasted, you can apply a special finish plaster.

After the final drying and this layer, the wall is again rubbed to the maximum smoothness, it is impeded from dust with a soft brush, a vacuum cleaner, or a dry sponge and ground under the chosen finish coating. At this stage, it is necessary to show special attentiveness: some paints are able to destroy the "penurex", penetrating through the plaster, especially if it is applied to a thick layer or has a gypsum base. It is categorically not suitable paints having in the composition of olive, benzene, xylene, toluene, acetone, polyester and coal resins, kerosene or gasoline.

When painting, it is also impossible to use the most common solvents like the same gasoline with kerosene or White spirit. It is suitable for staining of the plastered insulation facade water-emulsion systems, silicates and mineral paints based on cement and lime. In principle, meanwhile, how to stucify the "penurex" and plastering any other surface, the difference is not too large. It is important to choose the proper compositions for work and in mandatory reinforcement. Protected plastering layer The insulation will last at least 10 years, and with a timely reproduction of the upper coating and restoration of damaged plaster and all 20.