How to set an extension to the house of foam blocks. Installation Bulking to the house from aerated concrete an extension to a wooden house from gas-silicate blocks

When there is little place in the house, the tenants think that it would be good to make an extension. For people who understand little in construction, the construction of an extra room can cause many questions. In this article we will try to figure out which types of attacks are, from which material it is better to make them, what stages for the construction of the construction must be necessary.

Types of attached to a wooden house

Depending on the type of building, the material, insulation, base and windows of the future room are selected. It can be a kitchen, toilet, garage. IN middle lane Russia often can be found a greenhouse, which is attached directly to the building and has an entrance from the house - it is very convenient.

Connection diagram rafted roofs of the main house and an extension

Watering can be done from the central water supply. It is clear that the construction of any construction should be coordinated with the supervisory authorities and is compliance with the technical regulations.

The construction of any design to the building involves several stages:

  1. Selection of space for the location of the object;
  2. Calculation of the size of the future design;
  3. Selection of materials;
  4. Checking the estimates, as you need to put in the budget;
  5. Calculation of communications;
  6. Thinking out the passage from the main house in the erected part;
  7. Molding window location.

    An example of an extension drawing of foam blocks to wooden house

Of course, the construction of the room is better to produce from the same material as the house itself, but it is not always possible. If the house is wooden, and new room It is planned to make more massive, then it is best to build from foam blocks.

An extension is better to do from the same material from which the house itself is.

Features of the construction of adhesives from foam blocks

Start the construction of an extra room from foam blocks, it is necessary to draw up a plan:

Recently, cellular concrete has been greatly distributed as a material for construction. No wonder. Mesh concrete is light, with him you can make an extension to a wooden house without much effort.

Many builders choose this particular material, because with foam blocks can be saved on the basis of: instead belt Fundament Use the base on the pillars, for example.

The use of high-quality blocks is a guarantee of reliability of construction. Attention should be paid to the color: it should be uniform. Cellic concrete should not have chips, cracks, stains.

Foundation device scheme for an extension of foam blocks

Order material follows in a large enterprise that has own production. It is best to order blocks from one batch. Construction should be started only using well-dried blocks, in dry weather. The block structure will be successfully erected both on the tape and on the base.

Foundation columnal

The advantage of this type of construction is not only her low costBut the fact that the owners will always be able to access the land under construction. The construction of a columnar foundation is recommended in the area where there is a lot of water in the soil.

Ribbon foundation

More thorough construction should be treated with a belt foundation. This base for the construction is more expensive, but it will have to be repaired not so often. In addition, builders recommend to make a ribbon foundation for an extension if the main building has the same type of base: it will keep the construction from the skew.

Construction of the wall of the veranda of foam concrete blocks

Monolithic foundation

Such a foundation for an extension is suitable for both the wooden house and the construction of foam blocks. This foundation will be very durable, there will be a century. However, its cost is so high that it is impractical as a base of the extension.

The monolithic foundation for attachments is almost never applied.

The main stages of the construction of foam block exercises

Works consist of the following steps:

With the help of an extension from foam blocks you can significantly increase the living area of \u200b\u200bthe house
  1. Foundation. It is worth saying that construction foundation It has one advantage - the construction of the walls can be started immediately. If you perform the foundation for an extension on the tape type, you will have to wait for its shrinkage for at least six months. Foundation new buildings Must be built at the same level as the main house, he also must have the same shrinkage;
  2. Walls. The walls of the extension to the building can be raised independently - work using blocks does not require special training. The finished foundation is covered with rubberoid and laid out blocks from the angle. The first row lay out on cement mortar. The following rows will be fastened with foam blocks (there is summer and winter species). The seam thickness during construction from foam blocks should not exceed 3 mm so that there are no cold bridges in winter time. You can strengthen the construction of additional reinforcement, which is driven into the base of the foundation and is located between the blocks. Use the reinforcement width no more than 10 mm. Another way to build a massive construction of an extension to the house is to cut horizontal hollows in the installed row of blocks, put the reinforcement and pour it into it;
  3. Jumpers. The jumpers are used if the width of the day is not more than 1.75 cm. If you plan to install a wider discourse, the construction is better to start using silicate brick desired size. Installed wooden frame, Then it is put on a row of parts with a U-neck. Fittings fit in the neck and poured it all concrete solution. After complete solidification, the wooden frame is removed. In the case of working with cellular concrete it is difficult to exercise design solutions Opera If it was planned to do in the opening arch, a round window in the wall, then it will not work with cellular concrete;
  4. Overlapping. The overlap is most often installed from a bar or log. In pre-installed gaps, the material is placed and fastened, then the overlaps are attached to it to further install the roof. An extension coating can be made from soft tile, metal or in the old way - using runnerdoor. The type of coating is chosen on the basis of which construction is being built for.

    An example of an extension arrangement scheme to house

The seam thickness between the foam blocks should not exceed 3 mm!

Features of the attachment of an extension to a wooden house

Before starting the construction of an extension to a wooden house, you should carefully examine the walls of the main building. If there are rotten brices, they should be replaced. It is not bad to treat the wall with substances from the occurrence of mold, to cry with paint or varnish. At this stage, it is necessary to think about whether the insulation of this wall between the house and an extension will be.

Scheme of the technology of the standard basement device under the extension of foam blocks

Then it is necessary to split the foundation that belongs to a wooden house and a new one. For this B. old Fundam Armature is inserted about a meter long.

The second part of the reinforcement is sewn into the foundation for an extension to the house. If the foundation is columnar, the extreme pole joins the wooden house in the same way.

Additional room extension scheme to residential house

The distance between buildings is best laid mineral Vata., Then you can make wooden planks and decide the design of siding. Such an approach will allow not only to save the house from the skew, but also will retain all the heat inside the room.

The roof of the construction of a cellular concrete should be lower than the roof of the main building. This approach will help to avoid problems after shrinkage, besides, atmospheric precipitates will not fall on the part of the main building.

Now you can go to insulation. You can use almost any affordable Material. Just do not forget that foam blocks require a mandatory installation of vaporizolation.

Scheme fine breeding foundation under the extension of foam blocks

Let's summarize:

  • To the wooden building, the construction of foam blocks can be attached;
  • The foundation of the construction can be a column and tape, monolithic is not recommended;
  • It is necessary to wait for a shrinkage of a belt foundation;
  • The walls are installed from foam blocks, additional strengthening elements can be used (solution, fittings);
  • Passages Install using wooden backups and jumpers with hollow;
  • The roof is not a hardware design, from wooden beams;
  • Walls to the main building we attach without hard fastening;
  • The roof of the extension should be lower than the coating of the house.


You can watch the video on how to correct the extension of foam blocks.

It often arises such a situation when a person built a house, which at first it seems comfortable and spacious. But the time passes and the deficiency of the useful area is fatal.

Similarly, the owners of cottages and country houses Often the desire arises to add any extension to the main structure.

In the photo - a fairly frequent phenomenon in individual construction, when an additional area is "growing" to the finished structure

Well, if the owner not so long ago began with scratch and knows how much it costs to build a house from foam block. Then he is much easier to navigate in the cost of the upcoming work.

But most often the extension are solved by those owners of individual housing, which:

  1. It has long been built (10-15 years ago);
  2. Acquired ready option and seek to increase it useful Square.

Why Penooblock

Foam concrete blocks relate to almost perfect building materials, especially this is true for those cases when the house is based on independently, with their own hands. Blocks made of foam concrete lungs, simply process them, for example, they are freely sawing with ordinary hacksaw. Also, special skills are not required for their laying, unlike brick laying.

Foam concrete material is quite easily delivered to those settlements, which are considered hard to access. Comparing foam concrete and other similar building materials, you can allocate higher strength quality, as well as a relatively low cost.

When comparing foam concrete and gas-silicate blocks, attention is drawn to the fact that their environmental, fire-resistant, heat and sound insulation parameters are practically at the same level.

But gas-silicate blocks have a very porous structure, therefore, a higher water absorption. Also compared with foam concrete blocks, low frost resistance of the gas silicate, therefore it is used most often for the inner partitions.

Properties of foam concrete and its trademark are determined by the density of foam concrete. The best heat and sound insulation qualities of the material, the density of which is lower, but with increasing density, its strength increases.

Choosing a foam concrete brand, it is worth deciding on what is the purpose of the material. For carriers, in case of construction two-storey houseIt is worth choosing more durable, which are structural or heat-structural. Well, in the case when the question decides how much it costs to build a bath from foam blocks, then you can stay on thermal insulation blocks.

We build an extension

We consider money

In general, it is not so much the ultimate amount, but how calculations are made. Suppose an extension in which you need to lay out three walls, has dimensions of 3x10 m, the laying height is 2, 5 m, the blocks are placed on the largest plane.

With a different location of the block, the calculations will be slightly different.

  1. We consider the volume of walls. The total length is 16 meters, the thickness of the walls is 0.3 m. We obtain 16x2,5x0.3 \u003d 12 cubic meters.
    This is the volume of the required foam block. Although it is worth adding about 1 cubic meter In view of the fragility of the material. Need to subtract the volume occupied by window and doorwaysBut it can also be written off to battle. The volume of the seams do not take into account, it is too small.
  2. The average price of a meter of cubic foam concrete blocks is 2500 rubles. Although B. different regions It may differ in one direction or another.
  3. Multiply 13 per 2500, we get 32,500 rubles.
  4. On average, 20 kg of adhesive for foam blocks is consumed on the cubic masonry meter. So with an average price of 300 rubles per bag of 25 kg, we get 20x12 / 25 \u003d 15 bags, which costs 4500 rubles.
  5. For masonry of the first row required cement-sandy solution. For the length of the whole wall, with a seam thickness of approximately 2 cm, it will be required 16x0.02x0.3 \u003d 0.1 cube. What will take about 35 kg of cement, that is, almost a bag, 10 sand buckets.
    In the money, it will be an average of 300 rubles a bag of cement, but the sand will have to carry a whole machine, so it can be not considered for the masonry. As a result, the cost of inter-block seams will be 4,800 rubles.
  6. So, the cost of walls from foam concrete blocks will be 32500 + 4800 \u003d 37300 rubles.
  7. We add the cost of the foundation and roof and get the price that will have to pay for this extension.

Articles on the topic:

ATTENTION: The construction process is a full-fledged building process.
What implies the mandatory project development, and, of course, this project should be approved in the relevant instance.

The plan for the construction of an extension is quite ordinary: the foundation, walls, roof, internal and external finish. The difference lies in the amount of work produced.

Features of the foundation of an extension

When they make the foundation for an extension to the house, the likelihood that he will see is great. Therefore, it is desirable that the material, as well as the depth of the foundation of the house and the extension coincided.

In addition, experts advise the time to give a new foundation, in order for it to stand. Ideally, this time should be a year, or even two. And only after the Earth is under the base, it is possible to be confident in the reliability of the erected extension.

Another one an important point, It is the conjugation of the foundation of an extension and base of the house. There are two ways of compound, hard, with the help of fittings, and the other in which the deformation seam is applied. The foundation itself may be a tape, columnar or constitute screw piles.

The technology of laying the walls of the extension from foam blocks with their own hands, exactly the same as for the main building. The angular blocks are also laid out, the cord is stretched for a reference point, the same special adhesive for foam concrete blocks. Do not forget about the reinforcement of masonry and Aropoyase for plates of overlapping and under the roof.

Build a house of foam block

Calculate the cost

The first thing to determine is the final cost of work, which depends on whether the construction of the house in a specialized company will order or lay the blocks. Considering the second case, you will not spend money on the work of third-party builders, they will use you, for example, on the inner finish.

Get information on how the foam block is put on how the bandage is performed, how the masonry is reeded and much more, you can on the pages of our portal. Stripping from such parameters as the size of the block, knowing how many of them in one cubic meter, you will learn using the calculator - how much is the house to build from foam blocks.

The cost of foam blocks

The first thing to pay attention is that qualitative material Can be produced only in factory conditions. It is at the factory more expensive and quality equipment For its production. Appeared in large quantities The mini-plants are not worth trusted, because many of them have no normal machines.

Products good quality It can not cost cheap, and even if the price is not high, it is serious to choose from foam concrete blocks.

Tip: Before making the purchase of blocks, spend a kind of monitoring of the market for the settlement where you live.
Find out the opinion of people about the material and only then make a decision.

Having collected all the necessary information regarding the blocks, you partially find out how much it stands to build a house from foam blocks.

Choose the project

Before starting construction processIt is necessary to create a high-quality project of a foam block.

Tip: Do not work on the development of the project yourself, it will be better if experts from any architectural bureau will take.
They will make it better and in detail.

The project will help you to calculate need quantity Building materials, and it is easy to consider certain constructive features building. And this will finally find out how much the construction of the house from the foam blocks is.

To increase the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe private house or improve its appearance, the most successful solution is considered an extension from foam blocks. Excellent characteristics This building material make it very popular among individual developers.

What you need to know before the construction of an extension to the house of foam blocks

Advantages, advantages and disadvantages of foam concrete

Foam concrete blocks are great for independent construction Extensions: They are easy, simple in laying and not working.

When compared with the main types of building materials, foam concrete has several significant advantages:

  • Installation of foam blocks does not require professional skills that are necessary for brickwork
  • The process of laying blocks requires much less time and strength than brick or timber
  • Foam concrete is not a fuel and meets all the requirements of fire safety, which is unavigated wood materials
  • Thanks to the porous structure, the blocks practically do not give a shrinkage, while wooden walls are significantly reduced in height

In addition, foam blocks have their own advantages:

  • Environmental Safety
  • Low thermal conductivity provided by a unique cellular structure
  • Long service life - minimum of 50 years
  • Relatively low cost
  • Simplicity in fitting and fuel drilling
  • Strength
  • Low labor costs due to large sizes blocks
  • The ability to maintain construction on complex soils
  • The ability to "breathe" and creating an optimal microclimate indoor

The lightweight of foam concrete simplifies construction work and does not require a laying of a powerful fundamental base, which allows you to save at the total cost of a new extension.

The disadvantages of the blocks of foam concrete only two:

  • Fast loss of thermal insulation qualities due to high hygroscopicity, which requires a mandatory special protection device
  • Unattractive appearancewhich leads to additional trim costs

What houses can you add extra buildings?

Specialists accentuate special attention On the strength of the house, to which it is planned to attach the construction. There is a professional opinion that the structure whose age exceeds 15 years, you can make an extension only after a thorough calculation of its strength.

But since the extension is, in fact, redevelopment, then in any case the project is required and coordination permissive documents For the construction of additional premises.

How to make an extension from foam blocks: Main stages

The process of erection of an extension from foam concrete blocks has its own specificity and consists of several mandatory stages that must be carried out in strict odds.

Step 1. Fundam

The main condition for the durability and reliability of the extension is the correctly selected base type and its competent pairing with the foundation of the house. Therefore, the foundation for an extension from foam blocks requires special attention.

This work has its own nuances, because the construction is done from scratch and you must dock an existing and new foundations.

There are two main conjugation methods:

1. Hard reinforced connection - It is recommended to apply with the established foundation of the house building, whose sediment, by the time of the construction, has already occurred and the "freezing" of the new foundation will not cause the sediment of the entire house exceeding critical importance. Hard docking foundation is advisable only in non-empty soils

2. Device seam device - more economical and simple connection option. It can be performed one of three ways:

  • Belt
  • Column
  • On screw piles

At the top of the finished foundation laid insulating material, most often ruberoid.

Step 2. Wall Station

Laying foam blocks starts with corners.

  • The bottom side is moistened to increase the clutch with a solution.
  • A few layers of waterproofing composition protecting against capillary moisture are applied to the first row
  • Before applying the next layer, the previous one is moistened
  • The first row must be made with strict compliance with horizontality and verticality, since it depends on the quality of the masonry as a whole. Horizontal error is aligned with solution
  • The masonry is carried out on the adhesive composition for obtaining seams of a small thickness (about 1 mm). This minimizes the total area of \u200b\u200bthe seams that is called "Cold Bridges"
  • The mixture is prepared according to the instructions and applied to the horizontal, then the vertical line of the block. Each block is leveling horizontally and vertically.
  • The finished row of masonry is thoroughly aligned horizontally with a grinding cooker. Dust formed dust swears
  • Every 5 rows and at the corners of the extension, fittings are stacked, which will connect the design and prevent the formation of cracks. For this, the circular saw is made square 5 cm with a facet of 3 cm. 5 cm. The grooved groove is knocked out, into which the welded fittings (in the center of the groove) is installed and is filled with adhesive composition.

Step 3. Window and Door Jumpers

Mounting window and door jumpers are possible with a width of a proof, not exceeding 1.75 m.

With a larger, there will be significant loads on the jumper, for which the foam concrete strength is not enough. Then it is recommended to use more durable material - slagoblock or silicate brick. But when erecting an extension with such a problem rarely faced.

The height of the jumpers for internal openings should be counted taking into account the thickness of the future floor.

The jumpers can be made in two ways:

  • With removable formwork
  • With a non-cooable formwork

At the first method, the following actions are performed:

  • Welded reinforcement frames of appropriate length
  • Opported bars are nailed on the sides of the road, they are formwork from "Socketon". On the sides are attached shields
  • Foam blocks are cut into narrow blocks that are placed inner surface formwork to get a kind of trough
  • Stacked armature carcass Down with S. large quantity rod and fixed by struts
  • Blocks are moisturized, poured with a concrete mixture around the perimeter of the walls and compacted
  • The surface of the filled concrete is aligned in the level of blocks in the formwork and carefully loads

The second method involves the use of U-shaped blocks. At the same time there is no need to arrange a formwork, which reduces the time of work. To install U-shaped blocks, you need to perform such operations:

  • On the sides of the opening, a block is installed with a cut-out support (about 25 cm)
  • On the hose level, the horizontal support of the supports, the detected deviations are corrected by grinding
  • The U-block fit on the glue by opening up
  • The reinforcement frame is stacked with a large number of rods down and rigidly fixed with struts.
  • The block is wetted by water, concrete layers are stacked on it, which are carefully compacted by Clavma

Step 4. Production reinforced belt

The reinforced belt is arranged to increase the stability of an extension to of different kind deformations and wind loads, as well as to increase carrier ability walls. Since it is very heavy, it is made directly on the wall.

For this:

  • The reinforcement rods of the appropriate size are stacked in the prepared wooden patterns. Frames are welded one after another and aligned along the axes and horizontally, and in places the intersection is welded additionally. Angular joints cope especially carefully
  • Sliced \u200b\u200bnarrow blocks is placed laid in the framework template
  • The inner surface of the template is wetted with water. The form is filled with concrete

Step 5. Overlapping

A few days after the device of the reinforced belt, when the concrete gains strength, begin to mount the overlap. For an extension from foam blocks most often used wooden overlaps and aerated concrete plates. When using wooden parts, they must be coated with fire and bioprotective compositions.

Having finished the construction of an extension, it is necessary to insulate and reorganize the walls. For this, the panels are used from foam with subsequent plastering or installation of siding.

Decorative plaster or artificial stone is used to enjoy outdoor.

An extension to the house of foam blocks is one of the ways to increase the useful area of \u200b\u200byour home. While doing construction work It is necessary to perform a number mandatory requirements and established standards, and also know the features building material, ways of masonry walls and features of foam concrete, its properties.

Wooden house with an extension from blocks.

You can independently build an extension of foam blocks saving your own funds. The information article should help beginner builders to cope with the construction of an exercise using foam blocks.

Foam blocks are a modern building material with an acceptable price. It is suitable for the construction of various attacks. Using foam blocks can be installed convenient, in all respects, warm and durable construction.
The masonry is somewhat different from the technology of using brick and slag block. But before proceeding to the process of the design of the masonry and the construction of the foundation under the structure, let's consider its advantages and pay attention to the disadvantages.

The advantages of used blocks

The advantages of the building material.

  1. Works can be performed independently.
  2. Save money.
  3. The workflow is not stretched. The construction of an extension from foam blocks will not take much time.
  4. Foam concrete is not lit.
  5. Possessing the porous structure, foam concrete, does not have additional pressure on the entire design, the shrinkage is minimal.
  6. The material is considered environmentally friendly.
  7. Blocks have a low thermal conductivity due to porosity.
  8. It is easy to proceed, including it can be cut in conventional wood hacksaw.
  9. The durability of structures where blocks were used is determined by 50 years of age. These are the minimum time indicators.

Besides, foam concrete blocks Perfectly "breathe" due to the cellular structure.
They can, without problems, use when building attacks on all types of soil.
Everyone knows the high strength of this material.

On a note!
The light weight of the blocks during the construction of an extension allows you to abandon a powerful base (foundation).
Not the last place in the choice of material takes the speed of masonry.

On the disadvantages of the material

The main problem of using this building material is that it requires strong protection against atmospheric precipitation.
The unprepare appearance makes the owners of the house resort to exterior decorationWhat is the rise in price of work.

To what houses an extension is possible

Using blocks, you can expand the area already built at home. And does not play roles, from which material was built a house, be a chopped building, a brick structure or concrete facility. In some cases, an extension is allowed to light frame structures.

If the house, to which an extension is planned for 15 years or more, it is necessary to make a thorough calculation of strength. This is the opinion of professional builders.

The question of how to make an extension from foam blocks is reduced:

  • to the selection of a certain type of foundation;
  • compliance with block laying blocks;

It is important to consider the method of conjugate the extension details to the main construction.


Since construction work is conducted from zero, it is necessary to build a foundation. Let's get acquainted with the ways of conjugation. Works can be performed in two ways:

  1. The use of a rigid, reinforced connection. This option Suitable when the foundation already established the foundation of the main structure, which has been drawdown, and the hinding of the new design will not affect strength. This type of foundation is recommended on non-empty soils.
  2. Second option: arrangement of deformation seam. This is from an economic point of view, the most favorable option. The construction of a much simpler reinforced connection. You can use one of three ways: on screw piles, columnar or belt option.

The foundation of the ribbon type

First of all, it should be cut down, at the foundation level of the erected structure. Drive should cover the entire perimeter of an extension.
Next step, setting formwork. The design is erected from wooden boards.
Next, the bottom of the pit is covered with sand. A layer of extraction within 5-15 cm. And is poured with concrete (sweeping) with a thickness of about 5 cm.
The reinforcement frame knits 12 millimeter rods. It is not necessary to bring the framework close to the main structure, in order not to cause shrinkage of the main structure. Just pave the scenar saw boards, and the question will be closed.

The foundation of a ribbon type with a slight blow away.

We pour the base of the concrete mixture prepared in the ratio of 1/3. Experts recommend using Cement M-400, not lower. You can enjoy the solution manually, but for the quality of the mixture it is better to do this using a concrete mixer.
Then it is necessary to withstand the time that the finished base is out. Typically, the process takes 30 days.

Option of columnar foundation

An extension to the house of foam blocks, including a wooden house based on a column foundation. It must be pulled out throughout the perimeter of the future facilities. Work is performed in stages. First, the pits are placed in increasing to 1.5 meters, in which the formwork is lowered.
An extension to a wooden house from foam blocks involves the arrangement of the formwork, which is a rolled rubberoid. The bottom falls asleep with rubble, the reinforcement (4 rod) is set by the clamps. The design is poured in advance by the prepared concrete mixture. It is important that the columns are at the level of woodwork at home.
At the same time, the rods must perform 200 mm upwards, which in the process of work should be associated with the shock fittings.
The final stage of the work implies the fill of the formwork, shot down from the boards, concrete mixture.
The analogy of performing does not differ from the arrangement of the tape basement. Previously, the bottom of the ribbon is prevented by the soil. When concrete freezes it can be removed.

Foundation column.

Withstand the necessary term of frozen concrete mix You can go in the wall masonry.

What you need to know about wall masonry

Locking blocks starts with corners.

To improve the clutch with a solution, the bottom side of the block is wetting ordinary water. In order to exclude the seeping of moisture in the future, the waterproofing composition of several layers is laid into the first row.
Before mounting the next row, the previous "floor" is wetted with water. You should pay close attention to the first row laying. Check is performed by horizon and vertical.
Further process and correctness of masonry depends on the quality of the initial design. Subsequent works must be performed on adhesive composition.
This will get the seams of a small thickness, approximately 1 mm. Using adhesive composition Reduces the total area of \u200b\u200bseams that can skip cold. The seams are also called the "cold bridges".
Each finished row of masonry is checked along the horizon and rubs on the grinding cooler. All work is carried out in strict accordance with the instructions. In this way, 5 rows of the wall, should be used in the corners of the reinforcement, designed to stronger to associate the entire design, and prevent the formation of cracks.
Using circular saw You need to make a square cut to a depth of 50 mm. The edge of the propyl should not exceed 30 mm.
I knocked out the hammer and / or the chisel of the groove and clearing it, the welded fittings are installed on the center of the groove. It must be (necessarily) to pour the adhesive composition. An extension to the house of foam blocks implies in the future the arrangement of window and door jumpers, the manufacture of reinforced belt and overlap.

For details on how to construct the wall of the house and an extension you will learn from this video:

Window and door jumpers

If it is incorrectly to set the jumper (there is a big lumen) to it will negatively affect the increased load. In this case, you can make a laying of brick, which will strengthen the design.

Arrangement of jumpers.

But this situation arises extremely rarely. Arrangement of jumpers I. window structures can be done using two ways: nribying to the installation of a removable or non-coordinate formwork.

Reinforced belt

An extension of foam blocks is not possible without armed belt arrange.


It is necessary to give a house of sustainability, including strengthening the bearing walls of the new structure.


When an extension of foam blocks is mounted, the overlap is the final phase of construction work. The foundation of the house is flooded, the openings are ready, the design of the erected walls does not cause complaints, therefore, you can start overlap.

Overlapping an extension of foam concrete material.

Withstand the pause within a few days, after installing the reinforced belt, overlap is made. Material, for work, most often serves wood and aerated concrete plates.
If you are mounted wooden details they must be soaked with bio / protective and fire retardant composition. An extension from foam blocks is ready. It is necessary to hover the outer gloss, give a decent appearance walls, and insulate them. Decoration involves use in finishing artificial stone, decorative plaster or foamflast.


An extension of foam block is fully ready. As you can see, nothing supernatural and architect. The desire and implementation of the planned plans to be implemented. For confidence in their forces, before the start of work, PRAKE technical literature and see how construction goes from others. To do this, you can familiarize yourself with the video material that is in sufficient number on YouTube.

The need to attach an additional room often occurs. Garage, boiler room, economy block - all these rooms are most convenient to have nearby, at hand. In addition, the size of the site does not always make it possible to build the desired building in the distance. Most simple decision The question is the construction of an extension from aerated concrete to the house.

Opinion expert

Sergey Yuryevich

Ask a question expert

The main issues arising from design are the foundation and method for connecting an extension with a wall of the house. The durability and stability of the new structure depends on the quality of solving these problems.

Type of foundation

Most often, the foundation is built separately from the general foundation of the house. This is caused by two reasons:

  • The absence of a part of a common foundation where you can build an additional area. There are no questions here - during the construction of the house, it is very rarely poured by the basis for the future extension.
  • The need to join the foundations of the house and attaching from aerated concrete due to weight difference. The load that an extension will inevitably create an extension from aerated concrete to the house may be unbearable for the foundation of the main structure. He was not designed to accept excess weightAs a result of the appearance of an additional load, the risk of distillaces, sediment or other disorders of the foundation geometry appears.

The only right solution will be the construction of a separate basis. Now it is necessary to decide which type of foundation will be the most correct. Here it is necessary to take into account several factors:

  • For which it is designed to the house - it will be a residential or auxiliary roomwhether it will be heated and so on.
  • The magnitude of the extra room.
  • Hydrogeological conditions of the plot, depth of ground groundwater and the composition of the soil.
  • Is it planned to create a basement, cellar, etc.

All these factors in the amount will allow to determine the magnitude of the bearing capacity and the type of base.

Possible types of foundation

  • Slab. Has a form monolithic platelocated on sand-gravel pillow. Well shows itself on bunched soils that have noticeable seasonal movements - the base "floats" on the surface, changing its position along with the soil. The disadvantage of this type is the high laboriousness of the work and the inability to build a basement or cellar.
  • Ribbon. The most common type of foundation. Allows you to make a basement, and it can be built later when the walls are completed. Costs for such a basis lower than on the slab, labor costs are much less.
  • Pile. This foundation is used in areas with high levels Groundwater. Piles are clogged (or screwed, poured) into the ground until contact with solid layers appears. Support is durable and reliable, but the construction of the basement is excluded. In addition, to score piles in close proximity to the residential building is dangerous. The output can be screw piles that may rummage manually.

The choice of one or another type of foundation depends on the possibilities of the site and the owner of the house. When the extension of aerated concrete brick house, The value of additional load in any case is less than the main one. For wooden houses, especially frame, the situation may be reverse.

Opinion expert

Sergey Yuryevich

Construction of houses, attacks, terraces and veranda.

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For small attacks, the tape small-breeding type of foundation is most often used, less often - slab type, for which the finished railway plates laid on the pillow are used. It should be borne in mind that a technique is needed for laying plates, which does not always have the opportunity to drive up to the house for a close distance due to the presence of other buildings or other obstacles.

Procedure for performing work

First of all, it is necessary to draw up a plan-project of preparing works and get all the necessary permits. The procedure is sufficiently long, but the consequences of unauthorized buildings may be more unpleasant.

  • Then the construction of the foundation begins. The site is carefully placed, the angles are noted by the spicy, between which the cords are stretched. On them will be monitored by the correct trench penetration under the foundation.
  • The bottom of the trench is falling asleep PGS with a thickness of 10-15 cm for leveling and creating a drainage layer. Thoroughly tram.
  • A formwork is installed, the inner surface is littered with rubberoid (hydraulic protection), the reinforcement framework is constructed.
  • Pulley is made with concrete, the tape is maintained until complete drying.
  • The formwork disassembles, the second stage begins - the construction of the walls.

Opinion expert

Sergey Yuryevich

Construction of houses, attacks, terraces and veranda.

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Aerated concrete is a simple and convenient material. It is relatively lightweight, stacked on the principle of bricks, but the magnitude of the blocks significantly accelerates work.

An extension to a wooden house from aerated concrete can be carried out even by an unprepared person without experience, the main thing is to learn some rules. For example:

  • Use the usual cement solution is not recommended, you will need special glue.
  • Foam concrete soft, it can be cut in conventional joinery, which allows you to very gently customize blocks in size.
  • Nails in the material do not hold. You must use anchor.

The walls rise to the desired height, are tied with Mauerlat, which is installed slinge system. Most often an extension to a house of foam concrete has a flat single roofthat significantly simplifies the installation of the rafted. The bias of the roof should be directed from the walls.

Connection attachment with walls of the house

A serious question is how it is better to attach an extension to the walls of the house. To save materials and labor costs often try to use the wall of the house as the fourth wall attached. This can not be done. Seasonal soil movements and the natural shrinkage of the extension to the house from aerated concrete will cause changes in the geometry of the walls, which is fraught with the formation of cracks or even destruction.

It is impossible to associate the walls of the house and the attraction, in fact, you need a separate building, only erected close to the house.

All sections of the adjoining must have elastic deformation seams, compensating advantage of attachment or the main structure. The location of the roof adjoining to the wall is also equipped with a moving elastic compound, providing the possibility of smooth movement without a disruption of seam tightness.

Opinion expert

Sergey Yuryevich

Construction of houses, attacks, terraces and veranda.

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The construction of an extension from aerated concrete to wooden walls It is easy enough. The main condition is not to bind them to a hard way and ensure the flow of rainwater away from the walls. All other issues are solved in the usual way: the floors are filled with a screed, the overlap is most often done from the tree in order to relieve weight attached. Works must be done in the warm season, for which it will be necessary to calculate the time for the execution of all necessary operations. With a small amount of additional work, the work can be fully produced alone or with an assistant during one warm season.

Video about an extension of aerated concrete to a wooden house