Water movement in heating radiator. Connecting heating batteries: efficient and inefficient ways

When the device of heating systems in private homes, the boiler power and the necessary heat transfer of heating devices are determined primarily. When these issues are solved, it remains to connect them to the boiler pipelines for the supply of heat carrier. On this occasion, the question often arises, - what diagrams of connecting heating radiators are used in certain cases? Our article is called to answer this question.

Types of heating systems

By the method of supplying the coolant to batteries, all heating systems are divided into:

  • one-tube;
  • two-pipe.

Both types are successfully used in cottage construction, each of them is good in its own way. In its design, two-pipe schemes are with lower and upper wiring, but most often the lower laying of heating in a private house is most often taken, as it is more practical and it is more convenient to make it hidden. The coolant from the boiler to the batteries and back can move the gravity or circulate forcibly, a permanent pumping pump. Consider ways of connecting heating radiators.

One-pipe diagram of connecting radiators

Such systems are applied for a long time and have their own. indisient advantages. Simple wordsThe single-tube connection scheme is when one pipe with the coolant is paired through all the rooms and is a closed circuit, all liners to the heating devices are connected to it, as shown in Figure:

Connecting radiators to a single-pipe heating system

It should be said that with a single-tube heating scheme, there are many options for connecting radiators, we bring the most popular of them. In this scheme, a forced circulation of water in the network is used, and the liner to the batteries is attached from below. Such a scheme is called "Leningrad" and is the most economical option in terms of saving materials and ease of production. mounting work. But if in this way to connect batteries, they will warm up unevenly, respectively, the heat transfer to the instruments will be reduced. For this reason, a diagonal method with a coolant bar is overward downwards, shown in Figure:

Diagonal Battery Connection Scheme

In two- and three-storey houses can be applied single pipe system With vertical risers. The feeding riser is closer to the boiler and permeates the overlap. From him, branches 1 and 2 floors, which is then converged back to the second riser:

In this case, you can apply both diagonal and lower ways to connect radiators. The latter, despite the reduced heat transfer of heating devices, are in demand, because it is better fit into the interior of any room.

If the premises on all floors are a lot, then to organize their heating suitable scheme With the upper wiring, where the feed collector is paved in the attic space, and the riser is located in each room or adjacent it. Horizontal branches are missing, the lateral connection of the radiator is applied here directly to the riser. Moreover, vertical risers You can perform 2 varieties: flowing and bypass. It is usually recommended to use bypass in such systems:

As already mentioned, one-tube systems are easier in installation and economically based on materials, but they have a number of disadvantages:

1. Need exact hydraulic calculation and selection sections depending on which the options for connecting radiators are selected. If this is done after the sleeves, it will be very difficult to balance the system, especially in the conditions of a two-storey house. This will lead to ineffective and non-economic operation of the housing heating scheme.

2. It is impossible to install a lot of batteries for each branch. Each subsequent gets the increasingly cold coolant and the latter will have to do with large quantity Sections. Perfect option Installations - 3-4 pcs for each branch.

3. Complicated automatic air temperature regulation. The thermal head installed on the first instrument will affect the operation of the subsequent heating device and so on.

The following conclusion suggests: the location of the device for a single-pipe system is small buildings with a small number of rooms, in them and "Leningrad", and other schemes will work perfectly. The main thing is to calculate everything and choose the number of radiators sections.

Dual-pipe radiators connection scheme

In these systems, each water heater joins 2 separate pipelines passing through the premises. That is, one eyeliner connects to the feed line, and the second to the reverse. The most common two-pipe scheme Connections with boiler and passing water movement in the return highway are shown in Figure:

Connecting radiators to two-pipe heating system

The scheme with the associated movement of the coolant is one of the optimal options, since it is hydraulically balance initially. The path that overcomes water in the feed pipe is equal to the length of the reverse pipeline and their hydraulic resistance is equally. It is preferable to use diagonal method Connecting batteries.

These schemes are deadly. Then the cooled heat carrier from the last device in the chain makes the longest way, and from the first - the shortest, which is clearly visible in the scheme:

It requires balancing by regulating the supply of hot water into each battery through cranes or thermostatic valves.

It is impossible not to say about two-pipe samotane systems with upper wiring, whose work is based on the convection principle and the diagonal connection of radiators is performed. Her main dignity is non-volatility, and the area of \u200b\u200bapplication - residential houses of a small area and a floor not higher than two. The deficiency is the large material intensity due to increased diameters of pipes, as well as the upper connection, which does not always look aesthetic.

The scope of application of this scheme is a very broad, two-pipe heating system is used in buildings of any destination, and in individual cottages and is suppressed. The only drawback is the higher material consumption and complexity of assembly with interest compensated by numerous advantages:

  • The ability of the device as a samotane system and networks with forced circulation of water.
  • Flexibility. The scheme without problems is selected for the buildings of any complexity.
  • An 8-10 batteries are placed on one branch without additional hydraulic regulators.
  • Since the connections to a two-pipe system are made separately feed and reverse, the operation of radiator thermostatic valves does not affect other devices, and therefore, it is possible to organize automatic control of the heating of the house.

On the accession of batteries to pipelines

If earlier choice heating devices and accessories to them was small, now there are enough new products on the market, which make our look like network engineering aesthetic. Now, you can buy a pretty set for connecting the batteries, it can include many useful accessories: Valves, valves, thermal heads and other items for fast and convenient assembly of the heater.

For example, a kit for connecting heating radiators, which includes a whole node with adjusting reinforcement. He is relevant to side Connection The instrument to the network and is additionally equipped with a valve for the thermal head:

Aluminum and aluminum and bimetallic radiators With the lower connections of the feed and return pipelines. Such products are created to connect to laid hidden in the floor pipes and the cost of their more expensive. Despite this, these instruments are mounted together with openly laid pipelines, adding a low-connection corporate node, as shown below.

The design of the batteries has one feature: the water first passes the way up the first section, and then spreads throughout the rest, as with the usual upper joining, which is very convenient. But at the same time, radiators with lower eyeliner have such a deficiency as incorrect adjustment of the thermal head. It is possible to put it, but the element will react to the air temperature at the floor itself.


The selection of the boiler connection scheme to heating devices is not easy. If in a small single-storey building you can still independently draw the scheme, choose radiators and connects to them, then in more complex cases Yet it is recommended to do this with a specialist.

Radiators are necessary elements of any heating system that perform their function by separating heat circulating in the heated coolant device. Modern radiators are unified devices having two lower and two upper technological holes (nozzle) for connecting pipes and air vent.

Select the optimal heating battery connection, installation sites and compliance with the installation rules allow you to achieve maximum efficiency In the work of the heater for a long time.

In this article:

Main ways to connect

Regardless of the type of material (cast iron, steel, aluminum, bimetal) and the type of heating system used (with natural or forced circulation, single-tube or two-pipe), there are several basic schemes for connecting them. Each of these schemes has its own characteristics and can be applied depending on the specific conditions.

Types of heating radiators

  1. diagonal;
  2. lateral;
  3. lower.

Consider more detail their features, advantages and disadvantages.

Diagonal (transverse)

In the diagonal diagram, the feed pipe is connected to one of the upper radiator nozzles, and the discharge pipe is to one of the lower, located on the opposite side of the instrument. As a result, the incoming heated coolant is evenly distributed throughout the volume. internal surface Radiator, providing maximum heat transfer.

At the same time, heat loss does not exceed 2%.

Stock Foto Diagonal connection scheme

It's believed that this scheme ensures the most efficient battery operation.. The rated power of the device specified by the manufacturer in the passport of the product is binding precisely to the diagonal type of connection.

This scheme is most in demand with a large number of radiator sections (more than 10-12), which ensures uniform heating of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe device.

The disadvantages include:

  • additional pipe consumption;
  • complexity and inconvenience of installation;
  • neesthetic appearance.

In high-rise buildings, this scheme is practically not used.

Side (unilateral)

The feed pipe is connected to the top nozzle of the device, and the discharge pipe is to the bottom nozzle on the same side, i.e. Both pipes are connected to one of the extreme sections of the radiator.

This provides a fairly efficient and uniform heating of all sections with low heat losses (up to 2-5%).

The lateral connection scheme is the most common, including in high-rise buildings with central system Heating, due to the minimum consumption of materials and ease of installation at a sufficiently high heat transfer of instruments.

The greatest effect is achieved when the batteries are connected with 10-15 sections, as well as in multi-unit residential buildings With parallel connected heaters.

With an increase in the number of sections, thermal efficiency is dramatically reduced by uneven warm-up of the other side of the radiator.

Side connection battery

The overcomes pipe will join one of the lower pipes, and the discharge pipe is to the second lower pipe from the opposite side.

With this embodiment, the upper and lower part of the device can warm up unevenly, and heat loss can be up to 15%. However, this is more often characteristic of systems in apartment houses With a large number of heating devices and large pipes. For autonomous systems of private houses, such heat loss is practically not visible.

Saddle scheme

Most often a saddle scheme used for private single-storey housesWhen the pipes are laid under the floor or hidden inside it.

This allows you to significantly improve exterior design Radiator, making pipes practically imperceptible.

A separate variety of the lower scheme is vertical connectionwhich is used for certain types of heating devices of a special design (and radiators with lower liner).

Vertical scheme for radiators with lower eyeliner

In such radiators, the connections of the supply and discharge pipes are located nearby in the lower part of the device. The connection uses a special shut-off-connected node.

  • Advantages: Saving materials and improved design by imperceptibility of connected pipelines.
  • Disadvantages: uneven heating and decrease in heat transfer efficiency.

How to connect the battery with your own hands

All methods of connection

Regardless of the type of connection, it is desirable to install locking cranes on the supply and discharge pipe.

This will allow without problems to turn off and dismantle the radiator in case of its breakdown without stopping the work of the entire system for draining the coolant.

Instead of a shut-off crane on the submarine pipe You can install the thermostat with manual or automatic controlwhich will allow you to adjust the power of the heating device by changing the amount of supply of the heated coolant into it.

This will ensure automatic maintenance of the desired temperature mode in room.

How the wireless thermostat works read it.

According to many specialists engaged in the installation of heating systems, the thermostat is better to install not on the supply, but on the discharge pipe.

As practice shows, it allows you to improve heat transfer heating device and increase the efficiency of adjusting its operation by limiting the outflow from the radiator of the cooled coolant.

Video with connection examples

To remove from indoor space The air radiator on one of its upper pipes is installed by the air vent (crane Maevsky). The air vent will increase the efficiency of the device heat transfer.

What connection is better - resume.

For Systems autonomous heating Private houses are preferable to use the side or lower connection scheme, as this will reduce the cost of materials, simplifies the installation and will provide the best aesthetic appearance at enough efficient work Heating devices.

Required tools and materials

The kit for connecting the radiator includes:

  • brackets for mounting the device;
  • transition nuts;
  • plugs;
  • air vent (crane Maevsky);
  • quick-disconnecting compounds of the "American" type and locking cranes (in separate configurations).

If these items are missing, it is necessary to buy a universal kit for connecting or purchase these parts separately.

A more specific list of materials and tools depends on the type heating pipes. What pipes are better for heating we considered.

Most often use:

  • metal;
  • metal plastic;
  • polypropylene.

Metal pipe connections Can be implemented with:

  • welding - It turns out the most reliable connection having a fairly aesthetic appearance. However, this will require a gas welding machine and the skills of handling it;
  • on threaded connections - you need steel splits, couplings, tees or corners of the required diameter, plumbing flax, bollard or handwheel for metal, pipe and precipitated keys.

For connecting the battery to metal-plastic pipes Special adapters, chrome or brass corners and tees are required.

From the tool you will need:

  • truboresis;
  • calibration;
  • press clamp;
  • cide or sliding wrench;
  • pipe bender.

When connected to polypropylene pipes We need transient clutches and / or fittings, a special machine welding machine, cutter or piperaza, precaste wrench.

Much better install radiator

The best place is the window opening, which is the main source of heat loss in the room. With this placement, the heating device creates heat vest, preventing the penetration of outer cold air inside the room.

You also need to find additional heating points in angular rooms with outdoor walls.

For good circulation of heated air and maximum battery heat transfer stick these rules:

  • the distance from the lower edge of the window opening to the battery is at least 8-10 cm;
  • the distance from the floor level to the battery is at least 10-12 cm;
  • the distance between the battery case and the wall is at least 2-5 cm;
  • the width of the surface of the battery must be at least 50% of the overall width of the window opening.

If you are just going to purchase a radiator, we recommend immediately selecting its width and height so as to ensure the required minimum distances when installing it in the selected place.

It should also be borne in mind that the use of decorative lattices can reduce heat transfer by 10-20%. Therefore, their use is justified if the radiator heats up too much. In this case, the grille will not only improve the appearance of the heater, but also reduce its excessive heat transfer.

Installation order

Installation is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. When installing a new radiator, the polyethylene packaging film is not removed from it until all the work is completed, so that it is accidentally staining or not to scratch its surface.
  2. Overlap the heating highway and dismantled old radiator (If replacing it).
  3. The walls are placed on the wall and drill holes for the battery mounting brackets in compliance with the minimum required distances from the windowsill, gender and walls. After that, the brackets themselves are fixed on the wall.
  4. Adapter nuts, plugs, air vent, locking cranes and / or thermostators are installed on the instrument, depending on the selected connection scheme. At the same time, to ensure tightness all threaded connections Before assembly are wrapped with plumbing flas and are additionally cooked with silicone sealant.
  5. The device is placed on the mounting brackets and is aligned strictly horizontally with a level.
  6. It is connected to the pipelines of the heating system using quick disconnect connections or adapters with their thorough sealing.
  7. Pressing system and trial flow of the coolant is performed. All compounds are checked for the lack of leaks of the working fluid.

The implementation of all the rules for placement and installation will provide reliable and efficient efficiency of both the radiator itself and the entire heating system.

To maintain heat in buildings use heating systems. Most include radiators that are mounted in several ways. Options depend on the structure of the strapping and batteries used.

Differences in the schemes, at first glance, a little, but the choice is better to provide a professional.. The specialist will help draw up a competent project, which will not only take into account the wishes of the owner, but will also work efficiently.

How to connect radiators to a single-tube heating system

Widespread thanks Cheapness and simplicity of installation. In most apartment houses The blockage is made in this way. In private buildings, it meets less often. Radiators included in the wiring sequentially. The coolant makes a circle from the boiler, take turns at sight every battery. From the extreme section of the chain, the fluid returns to the return entrance.

This system has pair of flaws:

  1. The impossibility of adjusting individual radiators.Installation of the controller is possible, but control is only full chain.
  2. Sequential connection leads to a worsening of heating in long-range sectionsstraps, since the working fluid loses heat in the way.

The best and worst features of a two-pipe system

Unlike partner, has a straight and inverse tube, whose goal, respectively: to give hot, return the cooled water. Each system battery connect parallel. it increases the heating of long-range sections chains. Two pipes allow installing regulators to each radiatorwith which you set up necessary temperatures.

The disadvantage is completeness of installation and cost increase.

Reference. Cost increases almost twice, compared with a single-tube heating system.

What is the most effective battery connection scheme?

Distinguish Three ways Radiator installations.


It is considered the most efficient and used in most cases.

Photo 1. Four variants of the diagonal connection of the radiator to heating, for one-tube and two-pipe systems.

it associated with high efficiency:

  1. The coolant enters the battery from top corner.
  2. The liquid is diverged throughout the accessible volume.
  3. It follows in the opposite point.

According to this scheme spend test systems in factories.


Meets less often, because it possesses smaller usefulness coefficient.Both pipes are connected to the bottom of the battery. Middle losses are 15%.

Photo 2. Single-tube and two-pipe method of lower connection of the heating battery. In the second case, you need more materials.

From the plus It is necessary to highlight the possibility of mounting in the floor, which hides the strapping. And to compensate for low efficiency, it is recommended to install a more powerful radiator.

Do not use Similar scheme in the strapping without pumpbecause the vortex appears. The stream warms the surface of the pipes, increasing heat transfer in the natural circulation of water. The phenomenon has not yet been studied, so it is not clear possible consequences.

Side or one-sided

Corresponding to the name, pipes includes from one side: at the upper and lower corners. Similar installation options are used in homes with vertical highways, for example, in multi-unit. This scheme not used when applying heat carrier from belowbecause installation is significantly complicated.

Photo 3. And one-tube, and two-pipe systems allow you to perform the side connection of the battery. In the first case, bypass is required.

Possessed high efficiency, slightly smaller than the diagonal scheme. This applies to radiators With 10 and less sections. Long batteries are worse, since the working fluid has to make a long way in one direction.

Important! This factor does not affect panel heat exchangerswhich put special rods that improve the feed.

Useful video

The video disassemble the features of different popular radiators connecting schemes.

The main function of any heating system is the heating of the room. Each element of such a system, ranging from the boiler and ending with batteries in the longest room, must be connected and spread so that their heat transfer levels is close to the maximum. In the system of connecting radiators, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of each room as the location of the pipes, their length, as well as the total number of heating devices.

How to choose a place

Heating in the house works simultaneously in two directions:

  • Warming up the room
  • Preventing cold air movement.

That is why the connection of heating radiators in a private house is a rather complicated process, the comfort in the room will depend on the correctness of which.

Video 1 Heating Battery Connection Guide

Most often, the battery is located under the windowsill, for this you need to withstand a certain distance:

  • Between the wall and the battery - from three to five centimeters.
  • Between the floor and radiator - at least 10 centimeters.

In addition, the battery should not be completely located under the windowsill - if it is too wide, the heating instrument should be pulled forward using special attachments for this.

In cottages or houses most often, batteries are placed in two versions - this is a single-tube and two-pipe connection method. It is worth considering each of them in more detail to choose the most optimal one.

One-pipe scheme

Methods for connecting heating radiators in a private house include the easiest - this is a single-tube method by which all batteries are connected in series using one pipe. It goes from the heating boiler to the first radiator, then to the second, third and so on. There is another option of such a connection - a solid pipe, to which radiators are joined by risers and reverse movement pipes. In the first version of the scheme, one of the radiators cannot be blocked, without stopping the heat supply to others. The advantage of the method is the savings of materials, minus - a big difference in heating the first radiator from the boiler and the radiator in the longest room.

Video 2 single-pipe system radiator heating

Two-pipe scheme

The way to connect heating radiators in a private house according to such a scheme is somewhat more complicated. The system consists of several heating batteries, which are connected to each other parallel. In this case, the delivery of hot water is carried out on one pipe, and the return on the other. This method is most suitable for heating a private house or cottage, since the degree of heating in this case is almost identical in all rooms, it can be adjusted using a convenient thermostat.

When the radiators are placed, it should be taken into account how the heating system was designed, in particular, if the movement of the coolant provides a pump, problems in this case are much smaller, but there is a dependence on energy carriers.

Video 3 How to connect a radiator to a two-pipe heating system

It is much more commonly found a natural circulation, that is, a hot heat carrier, most often it is water, rising up, pushes its cool mass. In this case, the heating system does not depend on the energy carriers, but to design a similar scheme is necessary only to those skilled in the art, which will explore the total length of pipes, specificity, the number of heating elements, as well as the number of sections in radiators.

In short, if the goal is to provide high-quality heating at home, it is necessary to take into account all the features of a particular object, and the process of entrusting to professionals.

So that it was warm in the house, it is important to correctly develop a heating scheme. One of the components of its efficiency is the connection of heating radiators. No matter pig-iron, aluminum, bimetallic or steel radiators You gathered to put, it is important to choose the right way their connections.

The method of connecting the radiator affects its heat transfer

The amount of heat that will radiate the heating radiator, does not last depend on the type of heating system and the selected connection type. To choose optimal option, I must first figure out what kind of heating systems are and what they differ.

Single tube

One-tube heating system - most economical option From the point of view of costs when installing. Therefore, this type of layout is preferred in multi-storey buildings, although in private such a system is far from uncommon. With such a scheme, radiators are included in the highway sequentially and the coolant passes first through one heating sample, then enters the second input and so on. The output of the last radiator connects to the inlet of the boiler heating or to a riser in high-rise buildings.

An example of a single-tube system

The lack of such a layout is the impossibility of adjusting the heat transfer of radiators. By installing a regulator on any of the radiators, you will adjust the rest of the system. The second significant drawback - different temperatures coolant on various radiators. Those who are closer to the boiler are warm very well, which are still becoming colder. This is a consequence of the consistent connection of heating radiators.

Two-pipe layout

The two-pipe heating system is characterized in that it has two piping threads - feed and reverse. Each radiator is connected to both, that is, it turns out that all radiators are connected to the system in parallel. It is good because the coolant of one temperature is received on the entrance of each of them. Second positive moment - On each of the radiators, you can install the thermostat and it is used to change the amount of heat that it highlights.

The lack of such a system is the number of pipes when the system is wiring is more almost twice. But the system can easily be balanced.

Where to put radiators

Traditionally, heating radiators put under the windows and it is not by chance. Ascending flow warm air It cuts off the cold, which comes from the windows. In addition, warm air heats the glass, not allowing to form condensate on them. Only for this it is necessary that the radiator occupies at least 70% of the width of the window opening. Only so the window will not fog. Therefore, when choosing the power of radiators, select it so that the width of the entire heating battery was at least a given value.

How to arrange the radiator under the window

And the last distance that you need to withstand when the heating radiators is connected - the distance to the wall. It must be 3-5 cm. In this case, the ascending flows of warm air will be raised along the back wall of the radiator, the heating rate of the room will improve.

Radiators connecting schemes

How well they will warm the radiators depends on how the heat carrier is supplied. There are more and less effective options.

Radiators with lower connections

All heating radiators have two types of connectivity - side and lower. With the bottom connection, no discrepancies can be. There are only two nozzles - input and output. Accordingly, on the one hand, the heat carrier is supplied to the radiator, and the other is given.

Lower connection of heating radiators with a single-tube and two-pipe heating system

Specifically, where to connect the feed, and where the reverse is written in the installation instructions, which must be available.

Side Connection Heating Battery

With lateral connection options, much more: here the feed and return pipe can be connected in two nozzles, respectively, four options.

Option number 1. Diagonal connection

Such a connection of heating radiators is considered to be the most effective, it is taken for the standard and that is how the manufacturers are experiencing their heating devices and data in the heat power supply passport - for such a liner. All other types of connection are less efficiently given heat.

Diagonal diagram of connecting heating radiators with two-pipe and one-pipe system

All because with a diagonal connection of the batteries, the hot heat carrier is fed to the upper entrance on one side, passes through the entire radiator and leaves the opposite, the bottom side.

Option number 2. Unilateral

As it is clear from the title, pipelines are connected on one side - the feed, the reverse - the bottom. This option is convenient when the riser is running on the side of the heating device, which is often in the apartments, because this type of connection is usually prevalent. When the coolant is supplied from below, this scheme is used infrequently - it is not very convenient to place the pipes.

Side connection for two-pipe and one-pipe system

With such a connection of radiators, the effectiveness of heating is only slightly lower - by 2%. But this is only if the sections in the radiators are a bit - no more than 10. With a longer battery, its far from the edge will be bad or remains cold at all. In panel radiators to solve the problem, flow extensions - tubes that bring the coolant slightly on the middle. The same devices can be installed in aluminum or bimetallic radiators, improving heat transfer.

Option number 3. Lower or saddle connection

Of all the options, the saddle connection of heating radiators is the most intimate. Losses are about 12-14%. But this option is the most imperceptible - pipes usually fit on the floor or under it and this method is the most optimal from the point of view of aesthetics. And so that the losses do not affect the temperature in the room, you can take a radiator slightly more powerful than required.

Saddle Connecting Heating Radiators

In systems with natural circulation, this type of connection is not worth doing, but if there is a pump, it works well. In some cases, not even worse than the side. Simply, at some speed of the coolant movement, the vortex flows occur, the entire surface is warmed up, the heat transfer rises. These phenomena have not yet been studied to the end, therefore it is impossible to predict the behavior of the coolant.

Typical schemes of heating systems and methods for connecting radiators

Heating systems are artificially created engineering networks. different facilities, the main functions of which are heating buildings in the winter and transition time of the year, compensation for all heat loss building structures, as well as maintaining air parameters at a comfortable level.

Varieties of heating wiring

Depending on the method of supplying the coolant to radiators, the following schemes of buildings and structures were obtained:

These methods of heating differ fundamentally from each other, and each possesses both positive properties and negative.

One-pipe scheme of heating systems

A single-tube heating system: vertical and horizontal wiring.

In a single-tube scheme of heating systems, a hot heat carrier supply (feed) to the radiator and the reservation of the cooled (reverse) is carried out on one pipe. All devices relative to the direction of movement of the coolant are interconnected. Therefore, the temperature of the coolant at the entrance to each subsequent rising radiator is significantly reduced after the heat removal from the previous radiator. Accordingly, the heat transfer of radiators with the removal from the first instrument is reduced.

Such schemes are used mainly in the old systems of central heat supply of multi-storey buildings and in autonomous gravitational systems (natural coolant circulation) in private residential buildings. The main defining disadvantage of a single-tube system is the impossibility of independent control of the heat transfer of each radiator separately.

To eliminate this disadvantage it is possible to use one-pipe scheme With bypass (jumper between feeding and returning), but also in this scheme, the first radiator will always be on the branch, and the latter is the coldest.

In high-rise buildings, a vertical single-tube heating system is used.

In high-rise buildings, the use of such a scheme saves on the length and cost of supply networks. As a rule, the heating system is made in the form of vertical risers passing through all the floors of the building. The heat transfer of radiators is calculated when designing the system and cannot be adjusted using radiator valves or other regulatory reinforcement. With modern requirements for comfortable conditions in the premises, this scheme for connecting water heating devices does not satisfy the requirements of residents of apartments located on different floors, but the heating system attached to one rising. Heat consumers are forced to "endure" overheating or underheating air temperature in the transitional autumn and spring period.

Heating along a single-tube scheme in a private house.

In private houses, a single-tube scheme is used in gravitational heating networksin which the circulation of hot water is carried out due to the differential of the densities of heated and cooled coolants. Therefore, such systems got the name of natural. The main advantage of this system is non-volatile. When, for example, in the absence in the circulation pump system connected to power supply networks and, in the event of interruptions with power supply, the heating system continues to function.

The main disadvantage of the gravitational single-tube connection scheme is the uneven distribution of the temperature of the radiators coolant. The first radiators on the branch will be the hottest, and as it removes from the heat source, the temperature will fall. Metal components of gravitational systems are always higher than that forced due to larger diameter pipelines.

Video about the device of a single-tube heating scheme in an apartment building:

Two-rowing diagram of heating systems

In two-pipe schemes, the addition of hot heat carrier to the radiator and the removal of cooled from the radiator are carried out along two different pipelines of heating systems.

There are several options for two-pipe schemes: classical or standard, passing, fan or radial.

Two-pipe classic layout

Classic two-pipe layout diagram. Heating system.

In the classic scheme, the direction of movement of the coolant in the feed pipe is opposite to movement in the return pipe. This scheme is most common in modern heating systems in both multi-storey construction and private individual. The two-pipe diagram allows you to evenly distribute the coolant between radiators without temperature loss and effectively control the heat transfer in each room, including automatically by using thermostatic valves with mounted thermal heads.

Such a device has a two-pipe heating system in multi-storey house.

Backway diagram or "Loop Tichelman"

Backway diagram of heating wiring.

Backway diagram is a variation of the classic scheme with the difference that the direction of movement of the coolant in the feed and reverse is coincided. Such a scheme is used in heating systems with long and remote branches. The use of a passing scheme allows to reduce the hydraulic resistance of the branch and evenly distribute the coolant for all radiators.

Ferry (radial)

Fan or rady scheme Used in multi-storey construction for agricultural heating With the possibility of installing on each apartment of the heat metering device (heat meter) and in private house-building in systems with floor laying pipelines. With a fan scheme in a multi-storey building on each floor, a collector is installed with outputs for all apartments of a single pipeline and installed heat meter. This allows each apartment owner to take into account and pay only to them consumed heat.

Fan or raewater system Heating.

In a private house, the fan schema is used for the floor distribution of pipelines and for the radiating connection of each radiator to the general collector, i.e., each radiator is a separate feed pipe and returns from the collector. This connection method allows you to maximally dispersed the radiators coolant and reduce the hydraulic losses of all elements of the heating system.

Note! With fan wiring of pipelines within one floor, the installation is carried out by solid (non-gaps and branches) pipe sections. When using polymer multilayer or copper pipes All pipelines can be flooded in concrete screedThereby decreases the likelihood of a break or leakage in places of dusting network elements.

Varieties of radiators connecting

The main methods of connecting the instruments of heating systems are several types:

  • Lateral (standard) connection;
  • Diagonal connection;
  • Lower (saddle) connection.

Side connection

Side connection of the radiator.

Connecting from the end of the device - the feed and reverse is located on one side of the radiator. This is the most common and effective method Connections, it allows you to remove the maximum amount of heat and use completely heat transfer of the radiator. As a rule, the feed is located on top, and the return on the bottom. When using a special headset, it is possible to connect from below-down, it allows you to maximize the pipelines, but reduces the heat transfer of the radiator by 20-30%.

Diagonal connection

Diagonal connection of the radiator.

Connection diagonally diagonally - feed is located on one side of the instrument from above, the return on the other side is from below. This type of connection is used in cases where the length of the section radiator exceeds 12 sections, and panel 1200 mm. When installing long radiators with side connections, it isolazed the radiator surface warming up in the portion most removed from the pipelines. In order for the radiator to warm evenly, apply a diagonal connection.

Lower connection

Lower connection from the ends of the radiator

Connection with the bottom of the device - the feed and reverse is at the bottom of the radiator. This connection is used to maximize. hidden mounting pipelines. When installing the sectional device of heating and connecting it by the lower method, the feed pipe is suitable on one side of the radiator, and the lower nozzle back on the other side. However, the efficiency of radiators heat transfer with such a scheme is reduced by 15-20%.

Lower connection of the radiator.

In case when lower connection Used for steel panel radiator, then all the nozzles on the radiator are in the lower end. The design of the radiator itself is designed in such a way that the feed comes over the collector first into the upper part, and then the reverse is assembled in the lower collector of the radiator, thereby not the radiator heat transfer is not reduced.

Lower connection in a single-pipe heating scheme.

Connecting the heating radiator to a two-pipe system: Types of heating systems and the connection options for heating devices

Usually, the heating system in private houses is autonomous, so it is necessary to purchase sufficient power boilers for its organization and determine which heat transfer of heating radiators should be. Then the case remains for small - you only need to connect the heating devices with the boiler with the help of the pipeline and refuel all the heat carrier. The most optimal connection scheme is two-pipe, when there is also feed, and the return.

Diagram of connecting heating radiator two-pipe system with lower wiring

Types of heating systems

Use single-tube and two-pipe options that may have both advantages and disadvantages. The design can be mounted both with lower wiring and top. However, the latter is most often applied, as it is more convenient and practical.

How do you know the principle of work autonomous System Heating consists in constant circulation of water or other coolant from the boiler to devices and back. At the same time, it can move in gravity, or in a compulsory, which is achieved by connecting the pump.

What is the difference between one and two-pipe heating schemes

Two-pipe connection option

Consider her features:

  1. The installation instructions for the scheme implies the presence of two separate pipelines to which each of the devices are connected.
  2. At the same time, one plumbing is served, from where hot water comes from, and the other - inverse, which is already chilled water.
  3. Since the paths overcome by the coolant, both in the feed pipe, and in the inverse, are equal, their hydraulic resistance is equally. That is, such a scheme is hydraulically balanced, which makes it use the most optimal.

Proper connection of heating radiators with a two-pipe system - diagonal method

Tip: Use In this case, the diagonal method of connecting the heating devices will make the operation of the system more efficient.

  1. However, the schemes can be deadlock, which means that the most:
    • the long way has been doing the cooling water, departing from the latter in the heating device chain;
    • short - runs from the first.

For this reason, you will have to adjust the supply of hot water with your own hands in each of the battery with cranes or use thermostatic valves.


The scheme may be forced (the pump is embedded) and the samoton, the main advantage of the latter is that it does not require the availability of electricity. To do this, the upper layout is made, and the heating devices, as well as in the previous case, are connected diagonally.

Forced two-pipe scheme for connecting heating radiators with boiler and pump

It is used most often in small residential buildings that have no more than two floors. Although it will become the ideal in the settlements experiencing electricity interruptions, is not often used, which is due to the need to use large number Materials and non-psychic appearance.

Used not only in residential buildings, but also in any other buildings, regardless of their destination. Its organization requires high costs of materials and forces, but still the benefits of such an indisputable system.

The system has the ability to automatically regulate temperature

Tip: You can easily pick it up for any buildings, no matter how difficult they are.

On one branch, it is possible to locate a large number of heating devices, and it will not require additional installation hydraulic pressure regulators. Water supply and reverse outflow in such schemes are connected separately, which allows you to adjust the heating of all rooms at home automatically. In this case, the thermostators will not have any influence on other devices, and their price is only slightly increase the cost of mounting.

Diagonal connection of two heating radiators to one riser

Options for connecting heating devices to the system

We often say words - "connect" and "attach", implying the implementation of the same action - to connect the radiator with the pipeline of the heating system.

However, this approach is amateur, since there is a certain technical difference between them:

  • attach the radiator - To bring a tube tube to it and "Retroof". An example can serve to the radiator side option when the pipes are suitable for the device on one side from above and below, or diagonal.
  • connect the heating device - Create a connection node in which there is a feed or reverse order, as well as regulating ball Valves, valve or other similar items.

There are two main versions of the heating system, on which it depends final assembly heating circuit Houses Go apartments:

  1. The upper - the feeding line is located above the top level of the radiator.
    In this case, use such options for the radiator attachment:
    • one-sided side (bottom and top) - the method is most effective when used in the battery no more than 10 sections. Otherwise, the heating of the distances does not occur completely, because of which the efficiency of the device is significantly reduced;

One-sided side connection of the device with upper wiring system

    • diagonal (from above and below) can be two ways, each of which is considered the most effective in this method of wiring. You can use devices with a large than 10, the number of sections and they will all warm up the maximum.
  1. The bottom - the feed line approaches the radiator below, is usually used when installing the pump:
    • one-sided side (from above and below) - in this case, as in the previous one, maximum effect From this method one can only be obtained with the number of sections in heating devices not more than 10, otherwise the coolant simply will not have time to warm them;

Side connection at lower strapping

    • diagonal (on top and bottom) - the effect is the same as at the top wiring;

Diagonal method of connecting at lower strapping

    • lower method - in this case, the feed is suitable from below to the radiator and leaves on the other side too below. The greatest effect will be only when the pump is installed;

How to connect the end radiator to the lower way

In the photo - the option of connecting when the reverse ring behind the heating device

Tip: Make a drop-down feed and returns further than the last radiator is set maximum carefully, otherwise it may affect the setting of the entire heating system.

  • at the top wiring, the maximum effect you will receive with a diagonal connection of the instruments;
  • for lower layout And the pump is the most efficient option will be the bottom (bottom-bottom).


As can be seen from the article, a two-pipe version of the connection of radiators to the heating system is the most acceptable almost from all points of view, with the exception of the increase in costs for components. They allow you to easily adjust the temperature of the coolant for different roomsand also make the necessary balancing so that the hydraulic strike does not occur.

Installation of heating devices to the diagram does not represent difficulties, so it is usually produced in private homes alone. Video in this article will give the opportunity to find additional information on the above topic.

Connecting radiators heating Schemes of the strapping Installation of batteries

Any heating system is a rather complicated "body" in which each of the "organs" performs a strictly reserved role. And one of the most important elements The heat exchange devices are precisely on them the final problem of transmission of thermal energy or in the room at home is assigned. In this capacity, the usual radiators, convectors open or hidden InstallationMaking the popularity of the water heating system of floors - pipe contours, laid in accordance with certain rules.

Connecting radiators heating Schemes for the strapping

This publication will be discussed about heating radiators. We will not be distracted on their diversity, device and specifications: on our portal on these topics - enough comprehensive information. Now we are interested in another block of questions: Connecting radiators of heating Schemes for the installation of batteries. Proper installation heat exchange devices, rational use of laid in them technical capabilities - This is the guarantee of the efficiency of the entire heating system. Even from the most expensive modern radiator will be a low return, if not listening to the recommendations on its installation.

What needs to be considered when choosing a straightening schemes of radiators?

How the heating radiator is arranged

If you simplify look at most of the heating radiators, their hydraulic design is a fairly simple, understandable scheme. These are two horizontal collectors, which are interconnected by vertical jumper channels, along which the coolant is moving. This whole system is made of metal, providing the necessary high heat transfer (a bright example - cast iron batteries), or "dressed" into a special casing, the design of which involves the maximum contact area with air (for example, bimetallic radiators).

Very simplistic - diagram of the device of most heating radiators

1 - upper collector;

2 - lower collector;

3 - vertical channels in the radiator sections;

4 - heat exchange case (casing) radiator.

Both manifolds, the upper and lower, on both sides have outputs (respectively, on the top pair of B1-B2, and the bottom B3-B4). It is clear that when the radiator is connected to the pipes, only two exits from four are connected to the heating circuit, and the remaining two jammed. And from the connection scheme, that is, from the mutual arrangement of the pipe supply pipe and the exit to the "return", the efficiency of the installed battery depends largely.

And above all, planning the installation of radiators, the owner must accurately figure out what kind of heating system functions or will be created in his home or apartment. That is, he must clearly represent where the coolant comes and in which direction his stream is sent

One-tube heating system

In multi-storey houses, a single-tube system is most often used. In this scheme, each radiator is inserted into the "gap" of the only pipe, according to which the coolant is also carried out, and its removal to the side of the "returns".

Options for single-pipe heating stands in a high-rise building.

The coolant passes consistently all radiators installed in the riser gradually cleaned heat. It is clear that its temperature will always be higher on the initial stretch of the riser - it is also necessary to consider when planning the installation of radiators.

Another point is important here. Such a single tube system apartment house It can be organized on the principle of the upper and lire of the lower feed.

  • On the left (pos.1) shows the upper feed - the coolant in a straight pipe is transmitted to the upper point of the riser, and then consistently passes through all radiators on the floors. So, the flow direction goes from top to bottom.
  • In order to simplify the system and save supplies Often, a different scheme is also organized - with lower feed (pos. 2). In this case, on the top floor of the pipe, radiators are also consistently installed, as well as on lowered down. So, the direction of the coolant flow in these "branches" of one loop is changing to the opposite. Obviously, the difference in temperatures in the first and last radiator of such an outline will be even tangible.

It is important to deal with this question - on what pipe of such a single-tube system is installed your radiator - depends on the flow direction optimal scheme Box.

Mandatory condition for the strapping of the radiator in one-tube riser - bypass

Under the "Bypass" name is not completely understandable for some, the jumper connects the pipe connecting the radiator to the riser in the one-pipe system. What is it needed for bypass in the heating systemWhat rules are guided by installing it - read in a special publication of our portal.

A single-tube system and privately used is widely used. single-storey housesAt least for considerations of saving materials for its installation. In this case, the owner is easier to deal with the direction of the coolant flow, that is, from which side it will be served in the radiator, and with what - the output.

In any single-pipe system of heating when installing radiators, it is important to accurately know the direction of the coolant flow

Advantages and disadvantages of a single-tube heating system

Attracting the simplicity of its device, such a system is still somewhat alarming the complexity of ensuring uniform heating on different radiators of the house wiring. What is important to know about single-tube system heating of a private houseHow to mount it with your own hands - read in a separate publication of our portal.

Two-pipe system

Already on the basis of the title it becomes clear that each of the radiators in such a scheme "rests" into two pipes is separately for feeding and "reverse".

If you look at the two-pipe layout scheme in a multi-storey building, then the differences are immediately visible.

Both risers perform the role of peculiar collectors to which parallel, independently of the heating radiators are connected independently

It is clear that the dependence of the heating temperature from the location of the radiator in the heating system is minimized. The flow direction is determined only by the mutual position of the pipes embedded in the risers. The only thing you need to know is what specifically the riser acts on the role of filing, and what is the "return" - but it is usually easily determined even by the temperature of the pipe.

Some residents of apartments can mislead the presence of two risers, in which the system will not cease to be one-tube. Look at the illustration below:

There are two risers in both cases, and heating systems are fundamentally different

On the left, although it seems that there are two risers, a single-pipe system is shown. Just one pipe is carried out the top of the coolant. But on the right - a typical case of two different risers - feed and "returns".

Dependence of the efficiency of the radiator from the scheme of its insertion into the system

What is said all that. What is posted in previous sections of the article? And the fact is that the heat transfer of the heating radiator is very seriously dependent on the mutual arrangement of the supply and reverse tube.

Overview of radiators of heating radiators in a private house

The heating system for the private house through radiators and boiler equipment has two main connection methods: one-tube and two-pipe.

Both schemes have their advantages and disadvantages.

With its choice, the area of \u200b\u200bthe room should be taken into account, the number of residential floors and the region of residence.

Choice of schema

The choice of pipe wiring depends on the connection system: one-tube and two-pipe, and a method for circulating water in pipes: natural and forced (with the help of a circulation pump).

One-tube - It is based on sequential connection radiators. Hot water, heated with the help of a boiler, on one pipe passes through all heating sections and goes back to the boiler. Types of wiring for a single-tube scheme: horizontal (for forced circulation water) and vertical (with natural or mechanical circulation).

With vertical layout, pipes are perpendicular to the floor (Vertically), the heated water is supplied up, and then the riser is descended to radiators. Water circulates independently, under the influence of high temperatures.

Two-pipe The system is based on the parallel addition of radiators to the chain, that is, hot water is individually supplied to each battery on one pipe, and the release of water is made according to the second. Types of wiring - horizontal or vertical. Horizontal wiring is carried out in three schemes: running, dead-end, collector.

Connecting convectors to the heating system is performed by the following methods: the bottom, top, one-sided and diagonal (cross). The circulation of fluid inside it depends on the battery installation plan.

For one-tube and two-pipe systems, the vertical layout is predominantly used for houses containing two or more floors.


The principle of operation of a single-tube heating system - Circular circulation of fluid on one line. The heated coolant comes out of the boiler and passes sequentially through each connected convector.

In each subsequent flow, water from the previous one, as it passes, part of the heat is lost as a result of cooling. The further the battery from the boiler, the lower its temperature. At the failure of one element, the operation of the entire chain is disturbed.

Installation is carried out with a horizontal or vertical wayIn the second case, the boiler is optimally installed at the lower level to provide natural circulation liquids.


  • Interrelation of chain elements - failure of one radiator leads to violation of the entire system;
  • High heat loss;
  • Inability to control the heating individual elements systems;
  • Limited area of \u200b\u200bheating (up to 150 m 2).

However, for one-storey house With a small area, more rational to choose this type of heating.


In this system, the liquid circulates in two highlighted highways: the feed (coolant outlet from the boiler) and the reverse (to the boiler). Two pipes are connected to the water heater. Installation is carried out vertical or horizontal method wiring. Horizontal - performed by three schemes: flow, dead-end, collector.

With a flow scheme, the movement of water occurs consistentlyFirst, the liquid comes out of the first convector, then the second and subsequent elements are joined to the highway, then water returns to the boiler. The coolant in the feed and reverse tubes, in this case, moves in one direction.

The deadlock layout is characterized by the opposite direction of water in the pipes, That is, water comes out of the first battery and rushes to the boiler in the opposite direction, similar to the remaining heaters.

With a radial or collector wiring, the heated liquid is fed to the collector from which the pipes are deployed to convectors. This option is more expensive, but is distinguished by the possibility of precise water pressure adjustment.

A single-tube system of the heating of a private house with your own hands to do, read the recommendations.


  • Parallel connection convectors, the conclusion of one element does not affect the operation of the entire chain;
  • Opportunity setting thermostators;
  • Minimal heat loss;
  • System functioning In the premises of any square.

Connection options

Methods for connecting the radiator to the pipeline:

  1. Top. The coolant enters the heater from above and comes out in a similar way. This type The installation is indispensable to uneven warming, as the coolant does not heat the bottom of the device, so the use of such a method in homes is irrational.
  2. Lower. The coolant enters and goes downstairs, is distinguished by a small heat loss (up to 15%). Advantage this method - Ability to mount the pipe under the floor.
  3. One-sided or lateral. The feed and reverse tubes are connected to one side of the convector (from above and below). It provides good circulation, which reduces heat loss. This type of installation is not suitable for convectors with a large number of sections (more than 15), since in this case the long part will warmly warm.
  4. Cross (diagonal). The feed pipe is connected from different side of the radiator diagonally (from above and below). Advantages: Minimum heat loss (up to 2%) and the ability to connect the device with a large number of sections.

The method of connecting radiators to the pipeline affects the quality of the room warming up.

All about fuel boilers, gas and electricity in our article.

Installation of radiators

Installation of the battery to the pipeline is carried out using fittings (Corner, coupling combined with thread) and crane of the ball "American", by soldering or welding. On one of the other holes, the airproof duct (Maevsky's crane) is installed, the remaining opening is closed with a plug.

Before filling in the system, the first trial launch For its cleanings and checks for leaks. Water should be left for several hours, then merge. After that, again fill the system, increase the pressure using the pump and release the air from the radiator before the water appears, then turn on the boiler and start the heating of the room.

Common Mounting Errors: Incorrect location of the convector (close location to the floor and wall), inconsistency of the number of sections of the heater and the connection type (side connection for batteries with the number of sections more than 15) - In this case, the premises will be heating with less heat transfer.

Splashing liquid from the tank testifies to its re-equipment, noises in circulating pump About the presence of air - these problems are eliminated using the crane of Maevsky.

Price on equipment

Approximate calculation of the equipment for the heating system of the house, with an area of \u200b\u200b100 m 2.