How to make the calculation of lag for the floor. Lagges for the floor: the device of a wooden support distance between the couches under the lags in the house

When I determined the distance between the columns under the lag, it was guided by some article from the Internet. In the same article, it was recommended to consider the option of laying between the lags of the insulation. In the end, when the thickness of the floorboard in 35 mm and the intended width of the carpet mineral Wat. 60 cm (120/2). The distance between the lags was 58 cm (2 cm for wool compression). Given that the lag itself has a width of 7.5 cm, then 65.5 cm. In older paper editions, these distances have not seen some other and clear calculations anywhere else.

On the preparation of skinny concrete lay out brick columns In step (along the axes) of 0.7 ... 0.9 m and with a distance between the rows of 100 ... 120 cm. On top of the columns lay two layers of rubberoid or roofing and an antiseptized wooden lining with a thickness of 3 cm (Fig. 7.24). Lugged on them, on top of the lag lay a boardwalk

Fig. 7.24. Cold floor with warm underground
1 - base; 2 - waterproofing of two rubberoid layers; 3 - lower strapping;
4 - top strapping; 5 - outdoor sheathing tipped boards;
6 - non-ferrous metal plate with holes; 7-outer wall of boards;
8 - plaster; 9 - plinth; 10 - board-made floor; 11 -Ad; 12 - brick column;
13 - antiseptic wooden lining; 14 - underground

HA. Stern. Carpentry. Stroyzdat 1992

Under the lags based on brick columns, to ensure waterproofing, it is necessary to put the rubberoid trimming, which also protects the wood from mold.

Board floors Fill right on the beams if their step is relatively small. With rarely located beams, they additionally put lags with the desired step, and they are already satisfied with the boardwalk. Lagges are located at a distance between the axes of 800-850 mm for boards with a thickness of 35-40 mm. With thicker boards, the lag step can be increased to 1 m, with more subtle - reduce to 500-600 mm. Humidity of boards should not be higher than 12%.

The wooden floor should have a zero slope, so the beams and lags need to be constantly checking using a level or level along and across the room. The step of the columns depends on the thickness of the lag - with a thickness of 40 mm - to 900, at 50 - to 1100, at 60 - 1200-1300 mm. The step of the columns in the transverse direction depends on the thickness of the floorboard.

Building a house from the foundation to the roof

The maximum distance between the rows is selected from the cross section of the lag. I used a calculator for calculating the bearing capacity of single-prupt wooden beams "→ (download). I have more than 2.5 meters for Lag 150x75, but the width of the entire room is 6.2 meters. Hence the distance in the ranks of about 2 meters

In general, of course, the distances can be taken both large, but then more likely to occur in all sorts of defunctions and squeaks. Much depends on the fact that later it will stand on this floor, put future tenants some piano or a football with a palm tree and will become the floor arched or cream.

The distance between the lags for the floor of the boards is very important and often decisive for the durable wooden coating service. If the step is too big, then the laid boards will not be able to withstand the load and the floor surface is quickly deformed on them.

If you take too small step, then wooden semi He will not bring any trouble, which you can not tell about your finances and spent on the floor of the Time: And the first, and the second will need more than you need. Therefore, starting to install a wooden floor, first of all you need to determine correctly with the distance between the lags.

What is lags

Laga is a beam or a thick board, laid strictly perpendicular to the direction towards the filament boards. In the overwhelming majority they are wooden, although metal, reinforced concrete and polymer beams can be used. But their cost is significantly higher than that of wooden, and the fastening of the flooring boards to them is much more complicated.

The use of lag design in the installation floor allows you to solve several tasks at once:

  • arrangement of smooth and durable surface;
  • additional sound insulation;
  • ensuring air circulation underground;
  • the possibility of using the space underground for laying engineering communications;
  • the possibility of arranging additional thermal insulation;
  • the ability to quickly replace individual elements Constructions in case of damage.

Usually, the lag is used in an inexpensive pine, spruce or fir timber. For arrangement in rooms with high humidity, such as in the bathroom or toilet, it is better to take a larch material. Although it is much more expensive, but this difference in price with interest pays off the durability of his service.

For Lag. material is suitable The 2nd and even the 3rd grade, most importantly, so that the humidity in it does not exceed 18-20%. Special attention You need to turn to the cross section of the bar - it should be rectangular. The optimal is the option when the height of the bar is 1.5 times more than its width.

It is such proportions that allow the laid bruster to maintain maximum stability and have maximum resistance to future loads.

What does the step lag depends

Determinent with the size of the distance between the lags mounted, it is important to take into account 3 factors:

  • their thickness;
  • the thickness of the boards stacked on them;
  • external load that will affect the floor in the future.

In other words, with the same thickness of the boards in the room, where heavy furniture will be, for example, in the living room, the step of lag for the floor from the board should be 5-10 cm less than in the bedroom, and in the bedroom - on the same size less than in an empty corridor. About this circumstance often forget not only inexperienced builders, but also some construction reference books.

There is one golden RuleTo which you need to follow strictly: the thinner there is a floor board, the less should be a step between laid bars. With the thickness of the floor boards, 20 mm, the distance between two adjacent bars should not exceed 30 cm. If the thickness of the board is 25 mm, then the distance can be increased to 40 cm; When using boards of 30 mm - up to 50 cm, 40 mm - 60 cm, etc. If the laying of the floorboard on the lags is performed with a thickness of 50 mm, then the step can be made in 1 m (all numbers in the example are indicated for empty rooms ).

Please note that in the recommendations on the size of the step lag for Lag BRUSEV, the cross section of the BRUSEV themselves is not taken into account. But, although when choosing the size of the step, it is lowered, for the strength of the future floor, this indicator has a very great importance. Even when complying with all other parameters, if you put the boards on too thin bars, then such a floor does not last long.

The cross section of the lag design used for the installation depends mainly on the maximum length of the span, that is, from the maximum distance between the two points of the support. But it is always better to take the material "with a stock." If planned additional insulation Paul, then when choosing a section of BRUSEV, you need to additionally take into account the thickness of the insulation.

With the length of the span in 2 m, the cross section of a bar of 110x60 mm is considered optimal; With a length of 3 m -150х80 mm; in 4 m - 180x100 mm; In 5 m - 200x150 m, etc., defined with the flight length, consider that there is a significant difference between the width of the corridor and the width of the living room. But buying a bar of different sections separately for the corridor and separately for the living room is inexpedient - the height of the floors in this case will be different.

The material of the same size is taken, and additional points of the brick columns are placed in the living room if necessary.

The styling of them is made on the basis of any type - wooden, soil or concrete. The functions of them are to support the floorboards. Installation depends on the design of the house and selection outdoor coating. In this article we will talk about how much the distance should be between lags. But first of all, you should enter the reader in the essence of the question and become acquainted with the basic concepts.

There are different variants of the device of the genital lag. In addition, they themselves differ in density and thickness. The distance between lags from the thickness of the board, which will be laid from above, and from a number of other parameters, which are lower.

Read more about Lagas

There are, they exist in the form of a rigid timber - the bases on which the floor covering is stacked. Most often wooden. But in some cases, the material can serve metal, concrete or even plastic solid species. True, the application of these options is not yet too common.

In low-rise construction (erection of cottages and private houses), a wooden bar is used to use a floor with an outfit on top of it.

What is the dignity of the floors on the lags?

1. Provided that the distance between the floor lags is selected and is observed correctly, the coating is durable and very durable.

2. The installation process is quite simple and can be made. own hands. Before the start of repair using a special calculator will need to make calculation need quantity Tree, then the floors simply are going to manually. The whole procedure will require several days of labor.

3. Put and align lags using the level. That is why the floor with supporting them is even more than that without them. Among other things, the existing concrete gender curvature panel house It can be reduced due to the laying of the lag under the tilt and eliminate the unnecessary height differences.

4. A small gap between the base and lags allows laying below the floor covering the necessary communications. It is not only about the wiring, but also about the pipes of the water supply. It is possible even a warm water floor device.

5. Even in the absence of a warming layer below the wooden floor, the wooden floor, arranged with lags, has good thermal insulation properties. If such floors are also insulated, then even in winter time You can completely abandon your home shoes and move around the barefoot room.

6. The flooring device on the lags additionally improves sound insulation, which is especially important in conditions apartment house. If under the flooring is laid a layer of insulation, the noise from the top apartments can absolutely not to reach the ears of living.

7. If one of the elements of the whole design will accidentally be damaged, it is easy enough to be replaced by a similar one.

The main thing is to prepare

Thus, without special material and time costs, thanks to a special calculator and a careful calculation, the owner of the house, the flooring floor on the lags, receives a whole set of amenities - a wonderful warm and smooth coating with sound insulation and a guarantee of the absence in the next 10-20 years of any serious problems. With floor.

Sometimes the owners of the houses can be heard the complaints from the creaking coming from wooden floors. In order to avoid this unpleasant phenomenon, it follows the preparation of the foundation to pay the most thorough attention to the accurate removal of sawdust and any garbage. Used construction Materials must be previously processed using special Tools, not allowing Brusa to crumble. Bonded among themselves wooden details Also should be only suitable, carefully selected dowels and nails.

Where and how the floors on the lags

Such practical I. universal way Flooring devices like lags can be used in the most different conditions and for different types reason. But each of the options have their own characteristicsIt should be considered.

The first option of their use is laying on the base of the tree. Chernovo wood coating, available or re-laid, is very often strengthened and insulated due to lags, mounted in the frame wooden house. Sometimes large beams and large durable logs are laid in its foundation, on top of which the basis of the future floor of the tree is satisfied. Possible laying of such wooden beams Even or the foundation of a ribbon type.

Installation of floors on lags is technically rather simple, it is usually not difficult with him even in inexperienced builders, first starting to the device of such a design.

Other floors

The second of the types of installation, to which the owners of private houses are often resorted to, is to lay the lag on the concrete. Bulk concrete foundation refers to one of the simplest and fast ways Devices with their own hands base under the house. Paul N. concrete screed May take place in almost any room without restrictions on floor or appointment. Place the lags from the tree on it handled the wizard easily enough.

The third version of the floor of the floor in a private house is to lay lags on a tightly rammed primer base. Empty cost when choosing this option Sladden is great. Usually resort to this method only in summer unheated houses and extension extensions, where it is not necessary to maintain heat all year round.

As the basis for laying the lag, a small pita is arranged, which is purified from soil and soil and poured sand and gravel for strength. Laying of wooden bars is produced directly on the crossbank layer, and on top of the stelement of a wooden floor covering. Due to immediately under the ground, the insulation of such a floor is a rather complicated task.

In addition, there is an option to lay a bar on brick or concrete columns (Piles are clogged directly in the soil). In this case, in the design of the house it is important to provide additional ribs of stiffness. The mounting of the bar should be made more reliable than the classic - with the help of dowels and screws.

Choice of Lags and Bruus

The purpose of a wooden bar or sex lags is a durable service for decades. But the wrong selection of materials or error in the calculations can violate all plans. For the purpose of repair and construction, the timber bar is best suited coniferous rocks. Optimal option - Made of pine. Its wood can be considered the easiest, inexpensive, but it is quite strong. Its processing is possible with their own hands.

Another breed of coniferous - larch - will require the cost of more serious. Her dignity is that the larch wood is practically no subject to rotting. It is also characteristic of it high rates Durability and strength. But compared with the pine bar, the larch will cost you an order of magnitude more.

Other trees (deciduous) look good in the form decorative coatings And often used in the production of furniture items. But how to apply them much less often.

What you need to consider

When calculating the distance between the lags and the choice of their thickness, take the material by providing the necessary reserve for strength. It is understood that the obtained values \u200b\u200bwill not only be rounded into the biggest. Requires the purchase of a bar a little more important than which is obtained as a result of the calculation. These measures are being taken as a safety patio in the event of an unpleasant situation - if the installation of the floor will be completed with errors and the distance between the lags will be more necessary.

After arranging sometimes, it is completely without a bar. If you build a small light lodge, perhaps lags will serve the thick boards set on the edge. By reducing the distance between the elements of the whole structure, you will add reliability to it. Strength as a result will be at no less than with the standard version.

The shape of the lags used during repair and flooring is rectangular. The aspect ratio should be 1: 2 or 1: 1.5. The floors can be mounted and with a lag having a square cross section, but this form involves a reduced margin of safety, and therefore they should be laid on a smaller distance relative to each other.

What distance between the lags of the floor can be considered optimal?

In order to achieve the strength and durability of stacked flooring, preventing the screenshot and deflection of the flooring, it is necessary to pre-calculate the necessary distances between all the elements of our design. Not only the service life of the coating depends on its correctness, but also the amount in which we will be repaired.

The size of the lag may be different depending on the place where they have to be laid. For example, by repairing the floor in an apartment building with the existing overlap of wood or concrete, you can do for fastening the floorboats by a thin ram. If you build a frame building, the lags most often serve as necessary elements of this frame, that is, their function is carrier. Since they have to withstand the weight of the structure entirely, their size is taken much larger, the distance between the lags changes.

What factors should be taken into account by performing the calculation

1. The thickness of the material from which the floor is mounted (chipboard or boards). It is clear that the distance between the lags under Paneur is not comparable to the size when laying a heavy board.

2. Load in its maximum value per square meter Coatings.

3. The approximate distance on which the lags will be located.

Deciding with these parameters, you can start the selection and size of boards, timber and all other materials necessary in the process of repair or construction. According to the optimal distances from one element to another, it is convenient to use either a table or a special calculator.

It follows, among other things, take into account that they cannot be placed further than 30 cm from each wall. Because of this, the distance between the lags should be adjusted by the necessary amendments. When the results of computing goes fractional number Elements, rounding is made in a large side. For example, if the calculator showed the required number of Lag - 9.5, then optimally take 10 pieces and slightly reduce the gaps.

From the table below, it can be seen how the distance between the lags should be selected depending on the initial parameters.

Not worth saveing

If you take only 9 lags in order to save money, the strength of the wooden floor will be reduced. Savings in this case will not be so significant as I would like, since the cost of materials is generally not too big.

The price of lags and floorboats can be asked not only in construction stores or on the Internet, but also on the sawmaker where anyone can be purchased wooden crafts and materials are much cheaper.

Saving by reducing the distance between lags when installing the floor - not the most best idea. In addition, it is important to draw attention to the size of the Lag themselves and the required density. If the distance between them is increased, the floorboards may be undergoing a deflection. When the floor covering is not arranged from the boards, but, for example, from the plates, the latter can easily be unwritten or covered with a network of cracks.

Thus, the key to successful repair and guarantee of the safety of high-quality wooden floor for many years ahead is an accurate count of all the necessary sizes (including the calculator), the choice of high-quality suitable wood breeds and a competent approach to the preparation of the base.

So that the floor covering served for a long time and was durable, the floorboards did not creak and did not go under their feet, it is necessary to pre-correctly calculate all the design parameters, including at what distance laying the floor lags. Not only the durability of the floor covering will depend on the correctness of this calculation, but also the amount of material that has come to it, and therefore the cost of work.

  • What does the choice of lag depends?
  • What should be considered when calculating?
  • Example of calculating the distance between floor lags
  • Step lag depending on the floor covering
  • What can error in calculations?

What does the choice of lag depends?

The size of the selected lag will depend on the place of installation. So, B. apartment houses With ready-made wooden or concrete overlaps As a lag can calmly serve a subtle bar on which the flooring will be resting. At the same time, in the frame building, the lags are usually simultaneously elements of the frame of the house, they take a significant load, that is, have bearing functions, so they must have a much larger cross-section.

What should be considered when calculating?

When performing the calculation, the following factors take into account:

  • the thickness of the material of the floor covering (chipboard, boards, etc.);
  • approximate step between floor lags;
  • the estimated specific maximum load on the floor.

All these parameters will determine the cross-section of boards, timber and other lumber used for floor arrangement.

When it is calculated how much the distance should be between the lags of the floor, it should be remembered that the extreme lags cannot be located further than 30 millimeters from the walls, it is necessary to make an amendment in the calculations.

As a result, the calculations are usually not a whole number, but it should always be rounded in a majority so that the actual number of lags does not work less than the estimated. Otherwise, the strength of the floor design may be insufficient, especially if we consider that such savings will be completely insignificant compared to the likely risk.

The cheapest of the entire lags for the floor can be found on the sawmills, then there are construction online shopping.

When it comes to installing the floor, it is not recommended to save it over. Lags must have not only a suitable cross section, but also sufficient density. If you take a step lag for the floor from the boards too big, then the boards will begin to fuse, "play". Similarly, if the distance between the lags for the floor from the OSB do more than permissible, the plates will begin to crumble and crack.

Example of calculating the distance between floor lags

The distance between the lags of the floor under the board may be relatively large, since the thick board is more durable materialThan, for example, thin plywood. Accordingly, for more subtle finishing Materials It will take more frequent location of the lag.

For clarity, consider an example of a floor arrangement with such data:

  • room 12 meters long;
  • use of a bar 100x180 mm for lag;
  • the use of 30 mm boards as an finishing coating.

Table of distances between lags floor under the board:

According to the table above, for a 30-millimeter board optimal distance Between the lags of the floor should be 50 cm.

Denote the total number of beams of the letter "k".
Then the total width of all lag will be ( 100 mm * k).
An indentation between the wall and extreme bars will be 30 mm.
Accordingly, the step between adjacent lags will be ( k - 1.).
The distance between all the elements will be ( 0.5 * (k - 1)).

The calculation of the distance between the lags of the floor begins with determining the step between the beams by such an equation:

room Length \u003d Total BROUSEW Width + Distance Amount Between Brussia + Indents

12 m \u003d 100 mm * k + 0.5 * (k - 1) m + 30 mm * 2

It is important to bring the equation to a single calculus system. As a result, we get:

12 m \u003d 0.1 m * k + 0.5 * (k - 1) + 0.03 * 2

Remembering the school course of algebra, solve the equation:

12 \u003d 0.1 * k + 0.5 * k - 0.5 + 0.06;
12 + 0.5 - 0.06 \u003d 0.1 * k + 0.5 * k;
12.44 \u003d 0.6 * k;
K \u003d 20.7 pcs.

Since the number of beams can only be integer, it is rounded up to the biggest, that is, it is required 21 Barlok..

The sum of all the gaps between lags will be:

12 - 21 * 0.1 - 0.06 \u003d 9.84 m

You need to divide the amount to the amount of gaps, and get the distance between adjacent lags:

9.84 / (21 - 1) \u003d 0.492 m

Thus, we managed to establish, after a distance, put lags for the floor in this example - 0.492 m or 49.2 cm.

Step lag depending on the floor covering

There is a linear dependence between the thickness of the coating of the coating and the lag pitch: the thicker the thickness, the greater the step can be.

This is what the distance between the lags of the floor should be done if the flooring is carried out by boards of different thickness:

  • with the thickness of the boards of flooring at 20 mm, the lag should not exceed 30 centimeters;
  • for boards with a thickness of 25 mm, a step is required 40 cm;
  • for "thirty" - 50 cm;
  • for 35 mm - 60 cm;
  • for "forty" - 70 cm;
  • for 45 mm - 80 cm;
  • for "fifty" - 1 m.

The distance between the lags of the floor under Paneur or OSP is somewhat different. On the one hand, these materials have a smaller thickness, but on the other, they have a great resistance of bending.

  • If the flooring will have a thickness of 15-18 mm, then step lag for the floor from plywood will be 40 cm.
  • With a thicker flooring (22-24 mm), a step can reach 60 cm.

What can error in calculations?

What can threaten the wrong choice of cross section of the lag and the calculation of the distance between them? If the floors are put on concrete baseIn this case, the value of the step between lags is most important, which directly affects the behavior of the floor covering. If there are too rarely mounted lags to mount the chipboard plate, it can be saved and even break. If ceramic tile is put on top, then it will crack or fall out. The boards will just "walk" and felt. Any of these options will require alteration.

Much more serious will be mistaken, after what distance they put lags for the floor, which simultaneously serve as elements inter-storey overlaps. If in this case establish an insufficient number of such carrier elementsThe strength of the building itself will decrease, which is fraught with the most serious consequences - from irreversible deformations to complete destruction of overlaps.

Do you have the experience of installing the lag? Do you make calculations or use only tables? Write about it in the comments.

To the floor, made of such a popular material, as plywood, was durable, reliable and durable, it is necessary to preliminarily calculate the distance between the lags. Moreover, the correctness of this work depends largely common quality Construction or repair at the facility. About how to consider the distance between the power supports of the floors and the platforms, on top of which is located plywood, we will tell in this article.

What is lags?

First of all, you need to deal with definitions. Under the lags in construction traditionally understood the common basis or power element of the cereals and floors, which takes on the main static and dynamic loads, due to finding equipment or furniture, moving people, etc. They are traditionally used and if such as the floor is such wood materiallike plywood.

Make lags preferably from wood, and from coniferous rocks. Resin in their composition additionally protects the Phanera from moisture and extends the total service life. Sometimes a larch and other wood is also used.

In fact, lagows are wooden bars The required (pre-calculated) section, which are located on the basis of the floor. They perform an intermediate reference element between plywood and tie.

The main functions of the lag include the following:

    ensuring the uniform distribution of existing loads on the floor and the underlying elements;

    an increase in noise insulation qualities (moreover, lags in a tandem with high-quality plywood provide additional thermal insulation of the floor);

    the ability to hide various communications under plywood (Internet cables, wiring, etc.) while maintaining relatively convenient access to them and the minimum parameters of maintainability;

    democratic lagging costs provided to ensure a smooth floor surface (this is true with respect to most outdoor materials - rolled or wooden).

Why calculate the step between lags?

Any constructive material has its own strength, reliability, durability, etc. It is true towards lags. So that afterwards the plywood does not rush or the floor did not lose its original parameters, you need not only to choose the supporting bars suitable on the cross section and the thickness, but also to choose proper distance (or step) on which they will be located apart.

If the correct and competent calculation is performed, the lags will effectively perform their functions, Fanora or hand board It will not have to proceed soon, and the total costs of setting the floor of the floor can be minimized.

In addition, it is important to take into account the specifics of the object. Lagi B. panel houses Installed from above reinforced concrete overlap. In this case, the cross section of the bar can be chosen as minimal to just have the opportunity to fix the phaneer or other outdoor material. In frame wooden buildings, the support also performs a power function for floors, it can be associated with wall supporting structures, etc.

What is important to take into account when calculating?

To strip Phaneru, it is first necessary to determine the step between the support bars used in this case - the remoteness of one lag from the other. But before, it is necessary to collect the initial data that will be required in the calculations, namely:

    plywood thickness;

    the limit load on the floor (at the rate of 1 square meter of the square);

    distance between the walls and the number of support points.

Even these parameters are quite enough to determine optimal step And to lay a reliable and practical floor from the thickness suitable and other parameters of plywood.

It is also necessary to determine the optimal section for lag. The total remoteness of one support (walls) to another is taken into account, this is the magnitude of the span and the necessary floor capacity. As a rule, when using plywood, the maximum load is accepted for 300 kg per square meter. After that, they are selected as a lag rectangular (the part that is wider, placed vertically) or square bars, and when the thickness of the bar is selected, only the size of the span is taken into account:

    for 2 meters - width to 10-15 cm;

    2-3 meters - 15 cm;

    span 3-4 meters - Lagged width 18 cm;

    5 meters - 20 cm;

    6 meters - 22 cm.

Simultaneously with increasing widths gradually increase the height of the bar - by 1-2 cm, with the initial value for a 2-meter span of 6 cm. If the boards are so

oh no size, then on top of the bar, it is permissible to place a piece of plywood or other boards on top of the width and length. And even without a bundle or gluing, it is possible without prejudice to the floor to get the effect of full-scale lag.

Shada calculation

By defining the desired section of the lag, the remoteness between the supporting bars for plywood or other outdoor material can be considered. If previous calculations are carried out correctly - taking into account the loads and the values \u200b\u200bof the spans, then the step calculation is simplified. In order to determine the distance for lag, it is enough to consider only the thickness of the material used, that is, plywood, outdoor board, etc.

A direct dependence has long been determined in the construction sphere - the thickness of the material, the wider you can position the support bars. We recommend adhering to the following recommendations:

    if the plywood thickness is 20 mm, then the step of lag must be 30 cm;

    24 mm thick boards are used - a distance of 40 cm;

    30 mm plywood is used - 50 cm;

    board thickness 35 mm - 60 cm;

    for thick materials, 40-50 mm thick, the pitch should be from 70 to 90 cm, respectively.

At the same time, the calculation technique should change if a wood-chip plate (chipboard), an oriented chipboard (OSP) and other products are used as a rough floor covering. These building materials are actively used as grounds for masonry ceramic tile or the use of linoleum, laminate, etc. It is necessary to take into account the overall strength and bending rigidity, if they are lower, then the step must be less.

If there are doubts about the distance for supporting bars under plywood, then it is better to reduce step. In this case, the total durability of the floor will be only higher.

What threatens mistakes in determining the step between lags?

Wrong preparatory stage And errors with the choice of secting or remoteness of the support can directly affect the finish coating. The most likely consequence, if the step is set too much - this is the sagging of plywood, risk of cracks or deflection, cracks in the tile, clearly noticeable irregularities of rolled outdoor materials. This negatively affects not only appearance, but also on the general operational properties. And as a result, a complete or partial alteration will be required.

Even big negative consequences Errors in calculations may be in the case of the creation of inter-storey floors. With a serious overpricing step (for example, in order to save on materials), the total strength of the structure strongly suffers, the risk of deformations and complete destruction is growing.

How to make calculations or who entrust this work?

Not so important, whether you use toporie or other rough floor supports, any miscalculations and inaccuracies of measurements and preliminary calculations should be excluded. How to do it? Trust this work to those who understand it:

    make independently, but carefully checking the standards and recommendations, checking the initial data and making roundings only towards an increase in the cross section of the lag or reduce the steps between them;

    entrust the calculation of the project organization in which qualified professionals work;

    apply modern software Or online calculators of calculating using several options for checking.

Only it is possible to mount both the supports themselves and the whole design with maximum reliability, and at the output guarantee the strength of the construction, its attractive appearance and durability.