What a cloth is better to cover the chair. How to drag the chair and other furniture with your own hands? Treatment process: Step-by-step instruction

Any furniture, served for several years, wears. And no matter how hard you tried to carefully handle her, such a moment will come when her upholstery will dwell and endure. Then there will be a thought to get rid of the old thing.

Chair measure scheme and its drape.

But do not rush to throw out the old furniture, especially if she got into the inheritance and is a family relic. You can try to renovate a loved thing. It is necessary to consider the haul chairs with their own hands.

Dismantling old drapery

The main condition for the restoration is: the frame of your chair should be strong and well preserved.Everything else is completely in the power of your imagination and diligence. If wooden frame Significantly damaged or during operation it was struck by a wood-grinder, to restore such a chair is almost impossible.

You need to start with a careful inspection of the chair to be restored. Before starting restoration work, you must remove the old upholstery. If some details are damaged, there are clefts or chips, then you need to repair these elements. Rocking and cracks glue using PVA glue or joinery glue, and tightened with clamps (tool for fixing parts when gluing). For small cleft screed, you can use paper tape. Excessive holes and irregularities are filled with a mixture of small sawdust and glue.

Tools for chairs: Stapler, screwdriver, pliers, drill, jigsaw, screwdriver.

Here is an exemplary list of tools that can be useful if you decide to drag the chair with your own hands:

  • screwdriver Set;
  • nail holder;
  • pliers;
  • bit;
  • carpentry wooden hammer (cynicha);
  • scissors.

Due to the fact that it is planned only to replace the drapery of the chair, all the work on its dismantling must be done with great accuracy to prevent breakage wooden elements Designs.

To remove the old upholstery of the seating, you should first extract all nails fixing it. It is necessary to make all the strength to do it carefully. Facing facing should remain the whole, as it can be used in the future as a pattern for new drapery.

Fully removing facing matter, scissors need to cut the twine, sticking the burlap, and the filler within the design boundaries. To remove the springs, you need to cut the twine that strengthens them, and then pull out all the extra nails.

Disassembling fabric from the back of the chair is made in the same manner using the same tools. Moreover, the upholstery tissue is removed first, and then the burlap and filler, which make up the basis of the stool drapery. After removing all the upholstery materials from the chair, its interior - Wooden frame. All the wooden elements of the chair are carefully examined, and, if necessary, their restoration is produced. Usually it consists in strengthening the crate, replacing some wooden elements with their further painting.

Tregging chairs

Scheme of assembly and chalk chairs.

Before you begin to repair work, We must consider the following. Since the chairs are drawdring with their own hands mainly in order to save money, then during its implementation, only strongly identified materials are replaced. Prepare for restoration work, you need to consider some non-standard of such work.

For the repair of a wooden chair and upholstery drying, a specific tool used for upholstered works may be required. This is usually:

In addition, it is necessary to buy a robust and dense tissue for the restoration (tapestry, shenill, jacquard) in an amount of 1 meter. With the width of the fabric in 1.4 m of this tissue, there are enough for 4 chairs, some materials may also be needed, for example, foam rubber, batting or syntheps.

During long operation Most of all wear and polluted parts of the chair having a soft base. If the fabric covering the seat and the back is completely worn out, you need to update it.

All applications required for this work are followed. Initially, the drapery is removed and the garbage that gathered under it is eliminated long years. When the state of the springs is normal, you can not disassemble and not replace. In this case, the base of the structure can simply be strengthened by applying over new protective strips from matter. They are attached by a special stapler to the back of the seat.

A white tissue is fixed to the seat, allowing to hide small defects and the giving product finally completed view. Then the new facing tissue is turned around the perimeter and the stapler is attached to wooden based So that the fixation is strong and durable.

Varieties of surface repair

It happens, the structure of the chair is that there are no springs in it, and the base of the chair has a completely decent state, then it is enough to compact it from above the simple burlap. With the help of a stapler, it is attached to wooden base, flexing burlap around the perimeter. After attaching the material, the seat is inspected, all excessses emerging beyond the edges of the base of the seat are cut off with scissors.

If there are springs belonging to the soft details of the finish, it is necessary to keep in mind that they are almost not wearing and can be used to further. To give the seat an updated look, you just need to attach and reject the existing springs in a new way, while trying to evenly place them on the surface of the base.

It happens that instead of the springs the back of the chair and its seat fill with special soft fillers: foam rubber, latex, sea grass. In such cases, burlap on the reverse side of the seating and add inside the syntheps, foam rubber, vegetable fibers. Then the burlap is sewn.

Now you know how to drag the chair, give it a second life. Previously, the chairs were released with a very strong framework, therefore, having threw a new upholstery, you can extend the life of chairs for another few years.

Quality wooden furniture Can serve for a very long time. If there are beautiful chairs in the house carved woodAnd the upholstery was worn out, do not need to throw them out. The main thing is to make sure that the wooden part is the whole. To drag such a chair with a new material quite simple.

How to choose a cloth for having a chair with your own hands

Fabrics manufactured for furniture upholstery, dense, durable and easy to care. They can be cleaned easily soapy solution If necessary. The chair of the chair will turn out to be stunned below.

Reference! There are fabrics with special impregnation, on which there are no stains, even if they accidentally shed coffee or wine.

Coloring is selected, consonant interior. Among the most sought-after recent times can be noted:

  • Flock: on the mixture base (65% polyester and 35% cotton) stored a pile. Characterized by high wear resistance and good appearance;
  • Shenille: fluffy chenyll thread woven into the bases of the base. It is distinguished by durability, beautiful appearance;
  • Tapestry: high-quality fabric is extremely durable, it is not something to break, cut the scissors hard.

Sometimes to fit into the interior palette, it is necessary to purchase not the most solid tissue. This option is possible when using a rough upholstery from a solid auxiliary matter.

What instruments will be required

To work smoothly and quickly, you need to choose everything in advance. The main thing is that it is necessary to prepare is an electric stapler for furniture. Suitable for upholstery work brackets: 10 mm for internal work and 6 mm for mounting upholstery fabric.

The track from the bracket on the back and seat can be closed with a finishing braid. For its gluing, a glue gun with silicone sticks should be prepared.

To work with the foam rubber, you will need a sharp knife and suitable glue.

We remove the old trim

Remove the old upholstery should be very careful. Old backrest and seats can be used as pattern. Under the soft part of the seating can be part of plywood or furniture rubber. The latter can stretch and need to be replaced. Especially carefully you need to remove the brackets next to the outdoor part of the tree so as not to damage the painted part.

When the upholstery is removed, it's time to check the wooden part for strength. All weakened joints need to be punctured, where it is possible to fix the brackets 14 mm.

Restoration of the seat and chalk cover

How to drag the chair with your own hands, step-by-step instruction Presented below. A part of the foam rubber is pasted on the seat of the seating or furniture rubber.

Reference! For drying chairs, foam rubber with a density of 28-35 kg / m3 is suitable.

The foam rubber is closed with syntheps with a density of 200 g / m2 and a detail of upholstery fabric. The upholstery fabric should be carved according to the lifted cover plus 5 cm around the perimeter, such an allowance is needed for the convenience of work, after shooting with brackets, it is cut.

If a draft case is used, he is the first to rush. The main burden falls on auxiliary fabric, the upper beautiful case also experiences pressure, but is already much smaller.

The back of the chair is inevitable in the following sequence:

  • Initially, the cover is stuffed on the back of the chair;
  • Detail of a draft case, it assumes the main burden in this part of the furniture;
  • The detail of the foam rubber and the part of the SingyTona are pasted;
  • From above, a detail of the upholstery fabric is shot;
  • Surplus fabric are cut by a building knife.

The upholstery of the seating and the back is carried out with a large tension of the cover. In the corners of the seating, neat symmetric folds are laid. The shelling line of the upholstery tissue of brackets is closed with a finishing braid with adhesive pistol with silicone chopsticks.

In addition to the braid, it is possible to use decorative nails. This type of finish is produced two types: in the form of tape or piece nails. Work easier with ribbon.

Internet I. printed publications every day feed new ideas, among them a lot of new products for soft furniture.

For hauling chairs, you can use a combination of companyon tissues. For example: Seat is a jacquard fabric, and the back is selected in monophonic and velvety.

There are many finishing options for chairs. The second task of the finish is to close the path from the brackets, which are visible after the target of the upholstery fabric. In addition to finishing and decorative nails, you can use the finishing twisted furniture cord.

It produces many colors and different diameter. The same cord is still launched with a stitched with a stitching in the seam. Included with chairs you can sew decorative furniture pillows. As a finishing sewage edge - a decorative cord, like on chairs only with braid.

The process of folding furniture is very exciting. It takes quite a bit of time, and the result pleases for many years. Now it is easy to choose upholstery fabrics in combination with the curtains and interior of the room as a whole. There is an opportunity at home to embody the most successful designer finds.

Modern houses It is difficult to imagine without furniture. Perhaps the most common element can be called a chair. It can be found in the dining room, living room, bedroom, office, children's - shops today offer the most diverse options. Over time, chairs, like any friend's furniture, wear out. Whatever you are neat, this moment comes when you need to buy new ones. There is another option - hauling chairs.

Types of designs

There are quite a lot of types of chairs of all sorts of structures made of different materials. Making a repair in the apartment, many want and updates to furniture. Most often it concerns kitchen chairs.

For kitchen

Here options are quite a lot: from ordinary kitchens wooden to soft with a back, covered with leather. The kitchen can be renovated in such a style in which the bar stool or the original will fit perfectly. round option. Kitchen - N. single placein which chairs are needed. They are also needed in the living room, and in other premises.

In the house and garden

There are universal chairs. They can be put in arbors or right in the garden, as well as in the dining room and kitchen. As a rule, they are made of special wood, resistant to moisture, even without special impregnation. Plastic chairs have versatility. They can also be used in the country or at home. Frame variations assume whole and collapsible structures. If in a solid metal frame cooked firmly, then in the collapsible structure is fastened with screws. In the first case, the chair is stronger, and in the second - it is more convenient because you can disassemble it, clean the same back or seat.

Compact and good for storage so-called stackable chairs, installed one on top of another. Such chairs are used as needed. They can be stored in the storage room before the arrival of guests, occupying very little space. Another alternative is folding models. Some are designed by the type "Scissors", others - like theatrical chairs. In the home everyday, many prefer to use chairs with a soft or seed seat, and not with hard. They are most comfortable. The same applies to the models with armrests that are divided into hard, semi-mad and soft.

Wooden chairs With the help of joinery tools can be made with your own hands. It is enough to show a little patience and effort. Bent chairs require special equipment. When using multiple materials and technological processes Created combined chairs. Often, consumers prefer wooden-metal structures, but they have not proven themselves as it is 100% reliable. In order for the furniture to serve for a long time, it should be made of high-quality tree. The best plastic and metal are combined with each other, they are used in the manufacture of furniture for the garden.

Office, Baby, Bar

In addition, there is a chairs for the office. As a rule, they are covered soft materialSupplied with a lifting mechanism and wheels. Common and more simple options - On metal legs with a soft back and seat. Another variety is the bar chairs. Their design is characterized by the fact that there is a foot crossbble. Usually they have a greater height for the convenience of seating at the bar counter. Special requirements are subject to chairs for children and students: they must have a comfortable back and four stable legs.

Restoration methods

If your favorite chair began to look not as attractive, and the upholstery idolized, do not hurry to give up the old and spend money on a new one. You can easily give him a second life, repassing with your own hands. Choose the way you can cope. Tightwork of the chair, in fact, the process is simple, it is even able to captivate you.

Restore the chair is needed by the way that is acceptable in each case:

  • If the chair is simply risen, then it is necessary to connect its parts. For this, some elements may have to be replaced by disassemble the chair first completely.
  • There is such a concept as a carriage screed. It is applied on the seats, must be durable and holistic. The cloth for a screed is cut with a margin, applied to the foam rubber, then a long needle is punctured fabric from the reverse side. It is planned a place where the button will be located.
  • If the skin looks like a fader or broke into some places, the situation will save folding. Before that, you need to prepare the tools, as well as decide which cloth will be trimmed, which material is used for filler.
  • If you need to change the armrests, then it is necessary to disassemble the entire design. Wooden parts must be examined for cracks and chips, defects remove with putty and carbon black glue. If some parts are strongly spoiled, you will have to make new ones for the same samples.

Features of the process

Before proceeding to perform the task, you need to decide how much the repair will be: easy furniture update, complete seat reservation or replacement of parts. First of all, study the framework. If it has damages, eliminate them using wood putty and varnish. If you have already decided, what color will be the upholstery, you can paint the frame to the tone. Such bright chairs will look great in any corner of the house. Before dragging the upholstery of the chair with their own hands, you need to choose cloth and all the necessary accessories.

Step-by-step process Presented below:

  • First you need to dismantle the seat. It is easy to cope with it. Old fabric and soft filler must be removed. To do this, it is necessary to carefully remove the seat and try not to damage the wooden structure, tools will help. The fabric is also separated carefully, because it is on it then to make a pattern to alter the seat.
  • Usually the springs serve for a very long time, but if you see that they wear out, remove them too.
  • All the same do with the back of the chair.
  • Start the restoration itself.

Preparation of instruments

To then not be distracted, prepare everything you need to work.

During dismantling, you may need:

  • nail holder;
  • a hammer;
  • scissors.

For the process of the game, it is necessary to prepare:

  • furniture stapler;
  • staples or furniture nails;
  • pliers;
  • screwdrivers different species;
  • bit;
  • tessel;
  • cyanka;
  • pVA glue.

When you proceed to the pattern, you, to all, you will need:

  • tape measure;
  • pencil;
  • line;
  • cardboard.

Selection of material

Choose that upholstery fabric that you like is, in our opinion, beautiful, practical and durable. Consider that you need a material that retains the shape is strong. It is also extremely important that you can easily clean the soft surface with a conventional brush with soap and remove the dirt or just wipe the surface with a wet cloth. So, you can cover the chair dermatin, ecocuse, natural leather, leatherette.

  • Leatherette Refers to inexpensive and short-lived coatings. The term of its operation does not exceed two years. Over time, cracks and scratches may appear over time. This is especially true if there are animals in the house. At the same time there are high-quality artificial leather, which is not distinguished from natural, but the price of these species is extremely high.
  • Quite another thing - Genuine Leatherwhich refers to high-quality, prestigious and expensive materials. There is one nuance here: if you have never been dealing with the furniture restoration, there is a risk to spoil an expensive coating.

  • The most common upholstery is done from textilesAnd here the choice is great: Shenille, Flock, Jacquard, microfiber, tapestry. After studying all the properties of the fabrics, stop your choice on the one that is more suitable for your quality and price.
  • There is such an option as Self-adhesive alkantra- artificial suede with a sticky layer. Some prefer it because of a long service life (up to 7 years), and work with this material when restoration of the chair is easily even a newcomer in this area.

One more important detail - Selection of filler. Singry procession, latex, batting, but the best way - Leaf foam. He serves for a long time and holds the shape.

Definitely not suitable so-called bulk materials - Polyurethane balls or buckwheat husk.


To make a drawing chair with a high quality, and then for a long time to use it, you need to properly do all measurements, choose a suitable fabric, to determine which thickness should be a layer of filler. So, measure the back, seat and rear lid. In order for the fabric to be well fixed, on each side, they leave at least 5 cm. Choosing a foam rubber for packing, you need to take into account that its density should be 30-50 kg / cube. m. Only then the seat will not be able to be comfortable. By choosing the skin as a upholstery, keep in mind that it should be elastic for convenience of work, therefore its thickness should not exceed 3 mm.


First, the pva glue attach foam rubber to plywood. To do this impose glue on wooden surface And on the upper part of the foam rubber and waiting for its complete drying. After cutting out the fabric desired size, better with a margin; If the piece turned out to be less than you need, it will not be possible to correct the situation. Placed fabric so that front side It turned out to be downstairs, they put a soft part of the chair. As an additional filler, in the middle lay syntheps. Then the material is pulled to the base and attach furniture staplerThis may form an excess fabric that is easy to cut. Then they set the seat in place and fasten with screws.

When repairing the back of the chair, disassemble the frame on the details.The old coating is removed, the cracks are getting rid of glue and putty. Then you can cover the details of varnish or paint paint. Well-like pieces are connected. Change the filler and tissue on the back, the replacement process is similar to the sevention described.


This stage is final. It remains to set the design to the base, attach the plates and fasten with screws. If you updated the upholstery, you can replace other details. Then it turns out a completely new design. Thus, they did their own hands perfectly new chair With a beautiful upholstery, durable and convenient, which will serve you not yet one year in the kitchen or in the living room, in a children's or office. But that's not all. You can perform in the role of a designer and decorate your new furniture.

Finish and decor

At home, it is quite simple to make a beautiful seat and backs of chairs. To do this, it is enough to have home fabric, paint, braid, rope, and also possess fantasy and creative abilities. Remember: Nothing limits you in choosing. The color scheme can be any: bright blue, gentle pink, snow-white. A decoupage is considered a trendy direction - a simple way to decorate furniture items, which is applicable to chairs made of wood and plywood, not having a soft upholstery. Surface need to prepare emery paper and sharpen. Then the chair is painted, it is best to use white color. Then the surface is pasted decorative elements. Finishing strokes - re-painting and varnish treatment.

Old furniture in the house usually gave melancholy and despondency. Holes and scuffs in the upholstery, cutting paint and an unlikely design cause a desire to overdone the boning interior items to the nearest landfill. And let the new chlipsky chair and unreliable, but how many positive emotions from the renewal of the interior. But you can get much more pleasure, giving the second life of an old thing. There are creative potential in each of us, and some advice will help implement it.

Methods of restoration of old furniture

Restoration old furniture - The process of time consuming, but undoubtedly creative. Using various techniques, the wealth of the choice of materials and their combinations allows you to get a unique thing in kind. The methods used in the repair depend on the type of furniture and the degree of damage, but combines them all preparatory stage: Removing the old coating from the surface wooden products Anyone affordable way, for example, emery paper, ranging from more rude and completing fine-grained.

  • Traditional methods Furniture updates are considered lacquary and swimming. In this way, you can update the coating partially either completely.
  • Another popular and inexpensive way is lamination, that is, the surface coating with a film. It is more suitable for smooth surfaces. When gluing it is important to start moving from the center, gradually moving towards the edges. This will avoid unaesthetic bubbles.

  • Veneer coating - it's more professional type Restoration. Materials will require special glue, iron and veneer sheets. The technology is not very complicated - 2 layers of glue are applied to the surface, the veneer applies and stroke the iron from the center to the edges. The method is something similar to the previous one, but the result looks much noble.
  • Of the fashion directions in updating furniture, more preference is given to technicians decoupage, cracker, painting with paints.

If the object of restoration becomes upholstered furniture, for example, a chair, then in addition to basic measures, it will probably be necessary to change the upholstery. When updating soft surfaces, it is sometimes enough to simply alter the decorative fabric. But most often under the case are hidden internal breakdowns that require major repairs.

What features of the chairs need to take into account when restoration?

Before starting repair, it is important to determine the type of stool, its purpose and features of the design. It is necessary to evaluate visible damage and try to predict the likely internal. These data will help you understand what instruments and materials will be useful to us. Next, several classifications will be considered.

The following groups are distinguished by purpose:

  • For home. This group includes chairs in the kitchen, for a living room, a cabinet and other rooms. Most often they are universal and used in any room of the apartment;
  • For Street Most often make models from plastic and polymers. There are examples of wooden street chairs, but they must be treated with moisture-resistant impregnations;

  • Office Mobile chairs, have a back and sometimes armrests, equipped with height adjustment;
  • Barna Chairs have a height of up to 80 cm, come with a back and without. The seat of the bar stool is most often round, the presence of the upholstery depends on the model.

According to the method of making a frame there are such chairs:

  • Carpentry Chairs are the simplest in the manufacture, which were made on labor lessons at school;

  • Exact - are named so because all the elements of the circular cross section are made on the machine;

  • Bentchairs make on special equipment. The tree is treated with steam, give the desired shape and dried;

  • Cast Or stamped models are made of metal or plastic.

By type of seat, the chairs are divided into the following options:

  • Hard. These are models without flooring;
  • Semi-mug. These include chairs without a spring block with a foam strip in 2-4 cm;
  • Soft chairs. For elasticity, equipped with springs and a layer of foam rubber, the average thickness of which is 3-5 cm.

By availability of armrests:

  • Chairs with armrests can be rigid or soft with skin or textile.

Removal of old upholstery and carcass inspection

The initial stage of the chairs of the chair is his disassembly. Dismantling every detail remember and mark what was there, it will make it easy to build finished product. First of all, you need to remove the seat, for this you need to remove all attachments (bolts, nails, brackets, metal plates). Similarly, the backrest is also taken if it is.

After that, it is necessary to inspect the framework of the chair for the presence of hidden damage, cracks, separated by compounds, check the status of the springs that come into disrepair are easily replaced with a jute ribbon. Next - the selence of the seat and backs: removal of the bracket and the neat removal of the finishing fabric and filler. It is not necessary to throw them away at once, as it is easy to make melts and measure the approximate flow rate. The plywood foundation should be cleaned from the residues of the foam rubber and glue, if it cracked, cut a new one. The next stage is the preparation of materials and tools.

How to choose materials?

Evaluating the front of the work, you can move to the compilation of the list of materials. Upholstery change usually requires the use of the following materials.

Upholstery fabric

  • The aesthetic form of the future cover should be combined with practicality. It takes to avoid options with a sharp smell and fading. Probably in production was used poor-quality, toxic dye.
  • Fat fabric with a pile will help the newcomer to hide the upholstery flaws. At the same time, the displacement details, it is important to take into account the direction of the pile. If you forget about this feature, the color of the details in the final product may differ.

  • To save on the flow rate of the tissue, it is necessary to prefer a smooth material with a small abstract pattern. Such a texture and texture makes it possible to have occasionally economically, in any directions.
  • If the highlight of your design should be a drawing or a large ornament, then get ready to buy more fabrics. In this case, the direction of lines is important when stating. The mismatch of the pattern on the seats and the back is dramatically highlighted and looks sloppy. For example, if the red strip goes sharply into blue, or the details of the ornament are shifted relative to each other.

  • Choosing a decorative upholstery, take into account the purpose of the chair. For example, for kitchen chairs, you should choose the material durable and easily cleaned.
  • The upholstery of the leatherette will give the solidity of the furniture, but it will be slightly longer than other types of fabric.

These tips are not at all involve the limited choice.

Types of upholstery fabrics can be diverse:

  • The most common fabric in the production of upholstered furniture is tapestry. Two-layer tissue, it has a rich texture and texture. But she conquered furniture makers not only with beauty, but also durability, durability and practicality. It can be washed, it does not fade in the sun. Tapestry has antistatic properties, due to this, dust is not going on its surface.

  • Another popular option - shenille. This is a beautiful, available fabric made of fluffy shenyl threads. The canvas woven from such a thread is obtained volumetric, and it is soft and velvety on the touch. Using Shenyl threads in different types Weaving (tapestry, jacquard, satin) allows you to get interesting textures, and a combination of different colors (their number sometimes comes to eighteen) creates unique patterns. Optimal option For drawing chairs at home are samples with a mixed composition. The presence of artificial fibers increases the wear resistance of the tissue. The main drawback of Shenill - hygroscopicity: from the water there are spots on it and its deformation is likely, so it does not fit for kitchen chairs.

  • Flock- This is an artificial analogue of velvet. He meets all the requirements for upholstery fabric: nice appearance, durability, simplicity of care (easy to clean), not afraid of animal claws.

  • Velours - One of the most expensive and impractical upholstery, velvety to the touch, spectacular, but quickly wear out. Suitable for furniture that is rarely used.

  • Thinking chair Natural skinYou will get a practical thing for many years. But this material is quite expensive, therefore the consumer offers the leaks: eco-eco and dermatin. The leatherette took over external characteristics real skin, but inferior in quality. Upholstery with leatherette will withstand from 2 to 5 years, depending on the intensity of operation. Perhaps the hauling of ecocuses will slightly increase the service life.


For the soft chairs at home, the selection of the filler is not so great: Singrytepsum or foam. Having stopped at Sintegone, pay attention to its color and smell. Something from white tint, as well as the presence of a sharp smell signal about the use of a second-rate or toxic raw material. Check the material structure and its strength. The canvas uneven thickness and density that is easy to break the hands is definitely not suitable. Suitable foam rubber is easy to distinguish in structure: the fewer bubbles, the higher the density and quality. In order not to be a deceived seller, make sure that when pressing the sample does not make a cod (it is bursting with artificially sealed cells).

  • If the soul chair, then may need a jute tape. It can be replaced by the springs that came in dissent.
  • Elements for finishing: ribbons, lace, cords, buttons and others.
  • Cardboard or dense paper For pattern.
  • Primer, paint, varnish or skeleton print.
  • Plywood sheet.
  • PVA glue.

Preparation of instruments

The following will be useful from the tools:

  • Furniture stapler with brackets or hammer with furniture nails;
  • Screwdriver, pliers, nippers, booths;
  • Santimeter tape, scissors, ruler;
  • Durable threads for sewing (Titan recommended);
  • Sewing machine.

The process of replacing step by step

  • Frame repair. The old coating is removed, all the cracks detected during the inspection are carefully sampled, the chips are spitted. The weakened compounds are compacted, for example, by the inserted wedge, and are additionally fixed with glue. The springs failed are cleaned, the jute bands are fixed in their place in checkers. If the bottom is plywood, then, depending on the state, it can be changed on a new one or cleaned from the remnants of glue and filler. The frame is covered with paint, varnish or verse or one of the modern decoration techniques is applied. So that the new coating lasts longer, before painting the surface should be treated with primer. White primer is suitable if you are going to use paint, colorless allows you to save a pattern of wood, so suitable for varnishing. After drying the primer, the surface is grinning and painted at least 2 layers.

  • While the frame dries, produced seat folding. First of all, parts of the fabric and foam rubber are cut. If the old upholstery does not work as a template, it is made pattern from cardboard. To do this, the plywood base is reduced and added 2-4 cm per battery. With the help of the stationery knife, the filler is cut. Then the tissue pattern is made on the same lecture. Remember that displacements and inconsistencies are not allowed. Cutting out the fabric, leave the allowance of 10 cm on the bending.

  • The next step - seat tightness. If the seat is a separate item, then the filler is glued to the upper side of the base. When the glue dries, decompose the upholstered tissue with an inlets up and cover the seat with a porporal side. Make sure the base is correct relative to the pattern or pattern. Sequentially adjust the edges of the fabric to the base with the help of a furniture gun (step in 1-2 cm), trying to avoid large folds. This stage is difficult to perform independently, because the fabric needs to be tightly and evenly pull from all sides. It is important to observe " golden middle": With too tight tensioning, the foam rubber is deformed and flakes it faster. Cut the surplus fabric. If the seat is inseparable from the frame, then all manipulations are held immediately on the chair, while if there are springs, it is desirable to close with a dense cloth, such as burlap, and put the filler on top of it.

Even if you carefully monitor and carefully care for your furniture, one day the moment of wear occurs when it loses initial View. Indicators that it is time to change something - a lot. A seat can be sold or to form a hole, but the most common is the external damage to the upholstery. Over time, it is getting dirty, flutters and stirring, giving a chair or chair a very non-primary look. However, you should not hurry to get rid of old furniture. After all, you can renovate it. Hauling chairs - the process is not too time-consuming, but it will return to them for the old beauty or even make it better. There are a lot of companies that are engaged in the restoration of any kind of furniture. But if your chairs require conventional halves, and do not need serious carpentry or some other complex transformation, then you can safely do it yourself. Thus, you will succeed and save money, and subsequently rejoice at the creation of your hands.

Hauling chairs with your own hands will return to them for the old beauty, or even make them better.

Preparatory work

By itself, the hauling implies what certain operations will be made, during which soft furniture elements are replaced. The main condition is a good skeleton state. IN otherwise It will take a deep restoration.

If various were worn out small parts, You can disassemble both the seat of the chair and its back, replacing the old or broken items with new ones. It is better to immediately check whether the wood is not amazed, perhaps the beech grinder worked on it, then the furniture will be restored almost impossible.

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Materials and tools

In order not to be distracted from work, it is better to take care of the preparation of all necessary tools and materials necessary for having fun:

  1. Measure the pre-seat chairs that are going to restore. To the resulting digit, you need to decide on each side of 15-20 cm. Such a stock will be needed for subsequent upholstery height. The fabric is better to choose from tapestries, flock, jacquard or shenill.
  2. Choose the appropriate package for haul chairs. Since the seat tightness is not such as the pillows, the fine filler (bulk materials or polyurethane balls) is completely unable. It is best to fill with Sinyprun, Latex, Vatin or Leaf Foam. So that the latter is not remembered to the board itself, you need to take the material with a density of 30-50 kg / m 3.
  3. Prepare a cardboard paper for pattern, glue ordinary PVA.
  4. We will be needed jackhammer With furniture nails or furniture stapler with brackets.
  5. Also need screwdrivers different types and pliers.
  6. Prepare chisel, cutter and Cyenka.
  7. Do not do without good sharp scissors, centimeter usual for sewing.
  8. Melting is useful to make marking on the material, pencil and line.

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Phased hauling chairs

Latex, batting, or sheet foam rubber, is best suited for stools.

First, a certain dismantling operation is performed. It is necessary to do the most carefully and carefully to damage anything, and then all without any problems collect back.

Slowly pull out old nails or brackets using pliers or anti-stripler. With facing material should also be careful, because it can come in handy later as a pattern for new sheathing. When you remove it, cut the twine that holds the burlap and filler. And in order to remove the elements of the springs, cut the twine, which fixes them. Then the removal of all unnecessary nails will be needed. Gently fold the metal plates, nuts and screws so as not to lose them and do not look for later replacing them. The dilapidated upholstery can also be useful, so do not rush to throw it away. She will serve as a pattern. Just put the old fabric on the wrong one and circle on the edge of chalk. So, you will get a pattern for a new upholstery.

The back is dismantled in the same way as the seat. Now it is better to check, in what condition your chairs. After all, why do double work? Complete compounds, cobble and roll crack clamps in wood, replace the unsuitable elements. You can all cover with varnish, paint. Otherwise, in itself, the hauling chairs will not give a positive effect. Remove the garbage, the remnants of the filler and the traces of the glue from the plywood base of the seat.

For high-quality fun, you need to make a template. To do this, you will need to lay chairs of cardboard pieces on the plywood seats and cut them with a pencil. When the plywood is cleaned, take into account the allowance, it is worth adding 2-4 cm in the drawings. Cut the template using a stationery sharp knife or scissors.

So, with the help of the stencil, the foam rubber is also cut. If suddenly it did not work out the use of a worn upholstery for the pattern (as described above), then the material can also be cutting through the cardboard pattern. To do this, it should be circled by tissue with a pencil or chalk, given on each side 10 cm for the pent. Now you can cut. Watch out what kind of fabric, because you need a good stock material. There are many nuances here. The picture should be in the center, so that the chairs have a presentable look, all patterns and lines should be properly located and match each other. Immediately place everything that you did, so that I did not have to repeat.

If in the models of chairs inside not plywood, and the frame with a weaving from rubber or grid, it will be necessary to check, in what condition is a wicker base.

Unsuitable and worn material is better to throw out, and in return to fix dense and wide rubber tapes.

Now you can glue the foam over the seat. When the glue is completely dry, there comes a turn of upholstery fabric. It puts up with an insane, and then covered with a seat with a foam rubber facing it. That fabric that you have in stock should be bent in a circle on Faneru.

At the end of the halves, it is necessary to tightly pull the material along the edge of the trim, at a distance of about 1-2 cm to shoot the fabric to the seat. Make sure that large folds or weaknesses do not appear between the fasteners. Spend unreliable brackets with a hammer. Cut excess fabric. If your chairs square shapethen you need to bend folds and at the corners. On this hauling is over.