Insulation of a frame house with mineral wool. Correct insulation of a frame house Frame houses wall insulation with mineral wool

A frame house is practical, durable and very a budget option construction. It has many advantages, especially in terms of simplicity of construction and installation.

Unchanged for frame house insulation remains a nuance, despite the basic insulation laid in the niches, it is necessary to additionally ensure the preservation of heat.

The material of a frame house is wood or metal, more often they complement each other... Therefore used additional insulation either outside or inside.

Wall insulation in a frame house has long ceased to be a luxury, now it is rather a necessity. Since lately frame structures are becoming more widespread in the cold regions of the country, then it is worth thinking about the warmth and comfort in the house.

Each version of insulation deserves its right to exist, as in some situations it shows better results. The advantages and disadvantages of each method should be disassembled point by point.

has a higher heat retention coefficient thus, energy costs will be kept to a minimum.

This is due to the fact that there is no need to warm up the walls, most of the air is trapped directly in the room. The situation is twofold, as walls can also collapse due to displacement of the dew point.... So the moisture from the cold air will be transformed into drops almost in the room itself.

Comparison of insulation methods

Also internal option insulation is easier to install, you can get to the wall using a simple ladder.

In contrast to this advantage, there is a nuance - this is a decrease in the variety of wall decor, that is, the insulation is less durable and the fastening of some structures can be difficult. It is logical that the construction of an additional layer on the walls leads to an overall decrease in the area of ​​the house.

Using the way internal insulation walls, be sure to pay attention to the environmental friendliness of the material.

Is more standard and safe way keeping warm. This kind insulation has the following advantages:

  1. The walls are protected from destruction and are less susceptible to weather conditions;
  2. Does not take up space in the room;
  3. Less requirements for the ecological component of the insulation;

List the main types of insulation and their brief description

Heaters are divided according to their properties and method of application, but today the variety of materials is so great that it is very difficult to describe all the options, therefore only the most popular methods will be touched upon.

Thermal insulation comparison

Stone wool

Stone wool is a material that is commonly used, it is preferred by many developers. The popularity of cotton wool is based on easy installation, since no special skills are required and you can get by with improvised tools.


It is used in frame houses that are built with their own hands, that is, not a factory design. The openings between the frame beams are filled with thermal insulation.

Due to its distribution, cotton wool can be found in almost every major hardware store, while transportation is possible even in your own car. The main requirement for the installation of cotton wool is its tightness - there should be no cracks.

Stone wool


- This is a cheaper and moisture-resistant insulation, but at the same time it is quite fragile. The installation of polystyrene is somewhat more difficult and requires some experience in this area. Since the material does not absorb moisture, there is no need for moisture / vapor protective membranes, which reduces the cost of the project.

The performance characteristics of the foam somewhat repel many people, which is why serious controversy around the material flares up. As negative points, it is noted that the material is not at all environmentally friendly and people complain about the deterioration of health after warming.


Mineral wool

Often used in construction due to its high thermal / sound insulating properties and minerals are gaining more and more popularity in private construction.

Vata is in the form of fibers, which are several times smaller than a hair, and all this is in a compressed form. The fiber length is 10-15cm.

Due to availability huge amount air cavities in the material perfectly retain heat, and with it sound. The installation of cotton wool is as simple as possible due to the flexibility and elasticity of the blocks, while there is no tendency to deformation. There is no fire hazard.

Mineral wool

There are many other types of insulation, such as:

Insulation cake of a frame wall - what elements it consists of

There are several basic options for building a frame house, the first is a factory one, when ready-made blocks are initially bought, it is called frame-panel. Another method is to arrange and assemble panels on site, essentially by hand.

Both options should include several important layers, each of which has its own specific function. In fact, there are only 5 main layers:

  1. So the first, naturally, goes facade cladding, this also includes outer insulation, so the function is attractive design and protection against temperature extremes;
  2. Further windproof membrane protects the house from drafts, removes moisture and thereby retains heat;
  3. Directly the frame, it always contains some kind of insulation;
  4. A vapor barrier layer protects the insulation from the penetration of water vapor, which in turn ensures the durability of the building;
  5. Internal cladding... There are no special standards here, you can use internal insulation, a variety of decor and everything that seems appropriate to the owner.

Warming cake

Vapor barrier and windproof layers should be fastened with a lathing... It is a net, usually made of wooden blocks, which fixes necessary films and internal insulation preventing deformation of the structure.

Sealing gaps and preparing the battens

The lathing is vital in insulating a frame house. The reason is the fact that it is simply impossible to attach to mineral wool or any other filler, since they are not able to withstand the load.

Further work implies the presence of a crate, the material can serve as both a regular beam and a profile.

The lathing itself additionally serves to seal the inner layer of insulation and its additional ventilation.

  • Before preparing the battens it is necessary to seal all the cracks in advance, which can be formed due to a loose fit of the insulation.
  • It is necessary to fill the niches in the frame so that a slight pressure of the insulation on the supports is formed... This is done so that in the event of drying out of the beams, gaps do not form due to the filler, otherwise large heat losses are guaranteed.
  • Various gaps that cannot be closed with the material simply blown out with foam.
  • The lathing itself is as simple as possible. For the installation of the lathing, a board with a size of 20x90mm is used. The battens are fastened to wooden planks that secure the insulation. You can stuff the timber in absolutely any direction, it depends on the decor you choose.

Frame installation

Installation of the lathing

Correct insulation of the walls of a frame house with mineral wool - in detail and step by step

It should be noted that mineral wool is very good material for insulation, but it still has several negative parameters, such as highlighting harmful substances, what limits its use indoors.

It is also noted that the material is afraid of moisture and water vapor.

If the mineral wool is soaked at least a few percent, then the insulation loses half of its heat-insulating properties.

Now you should highlight several basic steps of wall insulation with your own hands when using mineral wool:

  1. First, it is necessary to sheathe the structure from the inside with a vapor barrier material;
  2. Then sew up the inner side of the frame, this is often done using OSB... In this way, niches are created for further sealing;
  3. Usually niches are made to fit the size of the mineral wool, but if necessary, you will have to cut the sheet with a simple knife... It is worth considering that you should cut 5 mm on each side more than it was measured, this creates additional protection against possible cracks;
  4. Selecting the number of sheets of mineral wool... Each is 5 cm thick, the calculation must be carried out on the basis of the terrain, in usual cases 2 sheets are enough. Sometimes niches are made in several layers, which intersect;
  5. Now the frame is sheathed on the outside with a windscreen;
  6. On top of the insulation there is a crate.

Installation of mineral wool

Insulation laying

Insulation of frame walls with expanded polystyrene - in detail and step by step

Despite the fact that mineral wool is a good material for insulation, it is worth disassembling internal ways keeping warm. Here, the choice of material should be taken seriously, as one of the most important criteria, in addition to thermal conductivity, the product becomes environmentally friendly.

The best material for internal insulation, and in all respects, is... It has low thermal conductivity, lightweight, does not let in vapors and is thin, but alas, it costs a little more than other materials.

The installation of expanded polystyrene is quite simple:

  1. A layer of wind protection is laid;
  2. Rails are attached, can be installed in a horizontal or vertical position;
  3. The inside is filled with extruded polystyrene foam;
  4. Usually there is also a vapor barrier, but with this material there is no need for it, so this is followed by a crate and drywall or any other finishing material.

Styrofoam laying

A few words about waterproofing and vapor barrier

Vapor barrier is a certain film that does not allow moisture to accumulate in the layer with insulation... Thus, the penetration of any steam from the side of the room into the various layers of insulation and vice versa is blocked. Often used in conjunction with waterproofing.

Vapor barrier

Waterproofing helps minimize dew point... Blocks the ingress of moisture into the insulation, usually used outside the wall.


Useful video

Warming frame walls by special technology:


Insulation brings comfort and coziness to the house, blocks the occurrence of harmful, destructive phenomena in the structure and at the same time retains heat.

It is not for nothing that frame houses are often called thermoses, because with proper construction, a building is able to retain heat even in the cold season for several days. Also, do not forget about ventilation, since the air circulation in the room is minimal.

In contact with

How to properly insulate frame house mineral wool to create unforgettable comfort and warmth inside the house, which are so necessary during the winter cold and frosty period.

Frame construction is becoming more and more popular. This phenomenon is not unexpected, it is rather natural. The popularity that similar objects have earned is dictated by the economy of construction and significant savings in the time required for its construction. Construction market offers more and more products designed to further simplify such construction and make it efficient. However, a similar object would be defective without a thermal insulation procedure.

Fundamentals of frame construction and stages of house insulation work

It is better to insulate frame walls even at the stage of building a house. In this case, the thermal insulation material is laid in the interframe areas located inside the walls. This step allows the most practical and efficient placement of thermal insulation, as well as guarantee the maximum energy saving of the frame house. Ultimately, such a building will turn out to be monolithic and laconic, evoking only positive emotions and feelings.

However, it is not always possible to insulate a frame house at the stage of its construction. This may be due to several reasons, ranging from errors in calculations, ending with a banal lack of funds. As a result, the erected object needs additional measures for thermal insulation of the walls. As a rule, a similar procedure is carried out from the outside, but it can also be done from the inside. The choice of the place of insulation is a purely personal decision and is made based on the individual preferences of the owner of the house, based on the feasibility of carrying out this or that type of work. The procedure for warming a frame object can be conditionally divided into the following stages:

  • preparatory work;
  • creation of a vapor barrier layer;
  • installation of the lathing;
  • laying insulation;
  • creation of water protection;
  • installation of external coating.

The implementation of all these stages will allow you to create an object that is ideal in terms of its characteristics, possessing excellent qualities comfort and warmth. It is also worth noting the importance of carrying out the entire sequence of creating an insulating cake, since only full compliance with the instructions will allow you to achieve the necessary qualities at home.

Insulation of a frame house: preparatory work and the creation of a vapor barrier layer

How to insulate a frame house using cotton wool? For greater clarity, we will give an example of creating a thermal insulation cake outside a building. Such a solution will allow not only to ensure the safety of heat in the house, but also provide an opportunity to choose an external coating. That, with the appropriate approach, will give the house an unforgettable appearance and flavor.

The beginning of the warming process is marked by the preparatory work.

Their essence lies in the organization optimal conditions for future construction. The primary task on which the preparatory work is focused is to seal cracks and crevices. The result of the process will be the creation of the most dense and monolithic structure of the main wall, which does not allow cold air to penetrate into the building.

The next step is the procedure for creating a vapor barrier layer. Its construction is extremely necessary to save thermal insulation material, which in our case is mineral wool. There is a significant difference between indoor and outdoor temperatures. This difference leads to the formation of the smallest particles of moisture formed at the point of interaction between cold and warm air... This condensate has a finely dispersed structure and can penetrate deep into the insulation, depriving it of its basic qualities and contributing to its deterioration. To neutralize a similar effect, a vapor barrier is created that protects the insulation from harmful effects.

Thermal insulation of a frame house with mineral wool and its external decoration

How to insulate a frame house with mineral wool? The next step is to create a retaining frame, which will take on the entire load of the future structure. It is performed in most cases using wooden base either metal profile... Both of these options are quite suitable for creating a batten, since they allow you to achieve optimal qualities of strength and reliability.

Wall insulation with mineral wool begins with the laying of a heat-insulating layer in the cavities formed by the frame. This process requires maximum care and responsibility, since the warmth inside the house will depend on it. Therefore, everyone, even the most hard-to-reach places and the bends must be completely filled with cotton wool. It is also important to evenly distribute it over the entire area of ​​the wall. After completing this process, the entire wall is completely covered with a waterproof membrane. Its purpose is to restrict moisture access to the insulation from the street side. Rain, snow and wind ensure moisture penetration under the wall surface. The membrane provides a hydro-barrier, on which it settles, and after a while it is discharged outside in a natural way in the form of steam.

The final stage is the installation of the external coating. Any sheet or strip material can be used in its capacity. The main characteristics of which should be brevity appearance and the strength of the product itself. It is they who allow you to create the highest quality and reliable object, which, moreover, has an excellent appearance.

Conclusion on the topic

Warming a frame house from the outside is a responsible process, on the correct execution of which the warmth and comfort of the entire object depends. To give the building optimal qualities, it is extremely important to strictly adhere to the technology at all stages of construction. It is possible to insulate a frame house with mineral wool both from the inside and outside. The main thing is to persistently and accurately carry out all the processes. Since only this approach will allow you to create everything the necessary conditions for living in the winter.

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For this, the surface of the walls of the house, both outside and inside, is covered with a vapor barrier film, and then the resulting cake is supplemented with a layer of drywall or lining.

Thus, the insulation of frame walls with your own hands occurs in several stages, as the technology requires. The resulting cake can be saturated from the inside with extruded polystyrene foam and mineral wool.

In order to prevent the formation of cold bridges laying frame insulation made by hand, followed by overlapping the resulting joint seams and the entire previous layer, which forms a cake outside.

After the insulation has been mounted on the outside with your own hands, it is best to cover the outer layer with expanded polystyrene or cotton wool, and put a windproof membrane on top, which can be fixed with a stapler.

The resulting insulation cake of the frame structure is upholstered on the outside with a crate, it is needed in order to hold the insulation as in the case.

It is best to make a crate with your own hands from a material such as wood. The lathing will not only hold the insulation, but also form a ventilation gap inside frame facade, which will be located between the membrane and the outer skin.

Insulation of the frame structure can be carried out both with foam plastic and mineral wool. In order to insulate the surface of a frame house, you can use not only foam or cotton wool, but also choose alternative material for insulation

2 Types of mineral wool for insulating a frame house

Before choosing mineral wool for insulation, you need to familiarize yourself with its main types, their features and characteristics. Now cotton wool for insulation has three varieties, these are:

  • Glass wool;
  • Slag;
  • Stone (basalt) wool.

If you are going to choose glass wool in order to insulate the frame structure, then keep in mind that the thickness of its fibers is 5-15 microns with a length of 15-50 mm.

Thanks to such fibers, glass wool is sufficiently elastic and strong. When insulating walls with glass wool, you should take care of the availability of personal protective equipment - gloves, tight robe and a respirator in advance. Mineral wool made with fiberglass will differ:

  • Thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.052 watts per meter per Kelvin as at;
  • The permissible heating temperature is +500 degrees Celsius;
  • The permissible cooling temperature is -60 degrees Celsius.

Slag wool is produced using blast-furnace slags. The thickness of its fibers can reach 12 microns, with a length of 16 mm.

Due to the fact that slags have residual acidity, being in a damp room, they can affect metal surfaces with a high degree of aggressiveness.

Slag wool tends to absorb excessive moisture. In view of this, it is not very well suited for providing thermal insulation for the facades of frame buildings.

The material has a high degree of fragility, therefore, if you pick it up, it will prick. The coefficient of thermal conductivity of this substance is 0.48 watts per meter per Kelvin, and the maximum admissible temperature heating is +300 degrees Celsius.

The level of hygroscopicity of slag is quite high and this is an example. Stone wool has about the same fibers as slag wool.

However, compared to foam, it has several undeniable advantages... Fibers of stone (basalt) wool do not prick, therefore it is quite safe to work with it.

The coefficient of thermal conductivity of basalt wool is equal to 0.12 watts, at a maximum heating temperature of +600 degrees Celsius. Basalt wool is made using diabase, however, the structure of this insulation also contains substances such as:

  • Clay;
  • Limestone;
  • Dolomite.

Basalt wool also contains formaldehyde resins. With a decrease in the volume of such substances, the material becomes less resistant to moisture, but at the same time, the likelihood of evaporation of harmful substances is significantly reduced.

Basalt wool is also characterized by the fact that it does not contain additional elements... This insulation is able to withstand an increase in temperature of +1000 degrees Celsius, with a maximum cooling threshold of -190 degrees.

Fiber made from basalt wool, in most cases, is presented in the form of rolls, and sheet material it is convenient to carry out stuffing of mats. The flammability of this substance is minimal, the fibers do not ignite, but only melt.

2.1 What is the best cotton wool?

Any of the modifications of the presented insulation is highly hygroscopic. Therefore, in the event of moisture penetrating the surface of the sheathing of the frame, the mineral wool immediately loses all its thermal insulation advantages.

At the same time, it becomes wet and caking as during application. The section of the wall turns out to be open and cold air begins to flow through it.

In order to avoid such consequences, modern developers are actively using for insulation frame structures mineral wool, which is in a protective polyethylene sheath.

In order to insulate the walls in a frame house, it is best to give preference to tiled materials, and not to those that are packed in rolls.

It is quite convenient to work with such a heater, it will not be susceptible to slipping and caking. The material, which contains a fair amount of phenol-formaldehyde resins, of the type has a high degree of resistance to constant exposure to moisture.

The material stuffed with fine fibers is distinguished by its high thermal insulation properties... It is recommended to use mineral wool with a large layer thickness.

2.2 Stages of thermal insulation with mineral wool

Mineral wool should be placed in the spaces that are between the frame posts. In this case, it is important to take into account the value of the distance in such a way that between the tiled or roll material there was no gap.

The same applies to the space between the supports. In the process installation works It is strictly forbidden to press the cotton wool with pressure, as this will significantly reduce its thermal insulation capacity. This is directly related to the reduction in layer thickness.

The main reason lies in the peculiarities of the structure insulation material... Inside it, air masses perform the function of a heat accumulator, and as a result of the compression of the fibers, the number of cavities in which air can be trapped is significantly reduced.

Roll-type insulation is attached to the inside of the sheathing using staples or a construction stapler.

In this case, the gaps should be equal, but the distance between them should be no more than 30 centimeters.

In cases where mineral wool is used, walls and ceilings acquire reliable and high-quality vapor barrier.

In addition, in order to improve its characteristics, it will be rational to use breathable membranes. The use of polyethylene is not recommended, as due to the sharp temperature drop, condensation will begin to form on its surface.

The walls of a frame house should be insulated from the inside. Cotton wool is laid on the floors using boards. Plates of material should not be placed end-to-end to prevent deformation of the internal structure of the material.

In the case of using insulation boards enclosed in a polyethylene sheath, care must be taken to ensure that its tightness and integrity are not compromised.

2.3 Insulation of the walls of a frame house with mineral wool (video)

Frame houses are a great option for quick and inexpensive individual development. However, despite these advantages, they have one significant drawback: taking into account the climatic features in most of the country, they require specific "refinement" in the form of large-scale insulation works. How and by what means can this task be accomplished? There may be several options. It makes sense to dwell on the most popular methods of insulating a frame house.

Options for warming a frame house

Insulation of a frame house with mineral wool

Mineral (stone) wool is often chosen as an insulating material.

  • This is explained by its excellent properties of noise absorption and heat preservation. It is an environmentally friendly and non-combustible material, and its five-centimeter layer can easily replace brickwork almost 60 cm wide (if we compare them in terms of thermal insulation characteristics).
  • The main task when installing basalt wool is competent and reliable protection rockwool from moisture.
  • Condensation on the material will negate all of its remarkable characteristics.

Therefore, if such an expensive material as mineral wool is purchased for insulation, then it makes no sense to save on special membranes and vapor barrier films.

Insulation of a frame house photo

Sequence of work during installation stone wool

  • Basalt wool slabs are placed in the cells formed by the frame. It is assembled in such a way that its vertical guides have a step of exactly 60 cm. This is the width of the material produced in a roll. The cut plate should fit between the uprights with a little effort and hold tight, without sagging. As for the thickness of the frame house insulation, it is individual, depending on the region of the country. In areas with a milder climate, a layer of 10 cm is allowed.Where the winters are harsh, an installation of a layer of 15-20 cm will be required.
  • To exclude the formation of "cold bridges" in last option it is recommended to install as follows. The first two layers of mineral wool (each 5 cm thick) are placed in the crate cells. And the final one is done so as to overlap the frame guides from above.
  • Frame houses on the outside have an obligatory vapor barrier layer, therefore, before laying stone wool, you do not need to duplicate it. But after all the layers of insulation have taken their places, you need to create a protective layer on top from moisture and condensation. One piece of material will not be enough. Therefore, the joints vapor barrier film neatly and thoroughly glued with construction tape.
  • Mineral wool is also used to insulate the floor in a frame house. But its layer must be at least 20 cm. The work is carried out in the same way as with the thermal insulation of the walls.

Insulation scheme for a frame house

Insulation of a frame house video

Ecowool - an alternative way to insulate a frame house

This material belongs to the category of available insulation.

  • This is possible due to the fact that it is produced from two main inexpensive components: waste from the production of cardboard, paper and waste paper.
  • Both constituents form 80% of the total material, a little more than 10% is an antiseptic to prevent the development of microorganisms.
  • The remainder in this percentage is per additive, the purpose of which is to minimize the flammability of the insulation.

Cons of material

  • Fields of application of ecowool include small construction, but owners of private houses do not always make a choice in favor of it. This is due to a number of features of the material, which are significant disadvantages for some craftsmen.
  • Good thermal insulation indicators, which are attributed to ecowool, decrease over time due to the fact that, under the influence of natural processes, the insulation is compressed and its volume decreases. Losses can be up to 1/5 of total mass... To avoid such troubles, the material is laid with a similar margin. An excess of 25% will serve as a guarantee of maintaining the thermal conductivity of the material at the same level for the entire period of operation.
  • Like everything that is based on paper, ecowool is capable of absorbing a significant amount of liquid. The indicator for this parameter ranges from 9 to 15%. And with each of them, the properties of the material to retain heat are lost. Therefore, it is extremely important to organize the space to be insulated in such a way that it is ventilated and there is a possibility of moisture removal.
  • A uniform injection volume of insulation can only be provided special equipment... It is believed that professional technique allows you to control the tightness of the "packing" to minimize shrinkage. Consequently, you will have to either hire professionals or gain experience on your own, risking a lower level of thermal insulation quality than expected.

  • You can use the "dry" method of filling the voids. His negative point- the formation of fine dust, the ingress of which on mucous membranes and in the respiratory system is best avoided. The "wet" method of application requires drying the insulation layer for two to three days. The waiting time may increase depending on the weather. Given the limited time for building a house, this is considered a big disadvantage. Although of the two methods, it is the wet application method that achieves the best results.
  • The rigidity of ecowool does not allow using it without constructing a frame when it comes to insulating horizontal surfaces.
  • Despite additives that make the material less flammable, complete fire protection cannot be achieved. Therefore, the use of ecowool is not recommended near fireplaces, chimneys, and even more so near open flame sources. To exclude the possibility of insulation smoldering, a protective barrier is erected between it and the heat source. Foil-coated stone wool or asbestos cement slabs are used as it.
  • Particular attention to compliance with the norms for filling with ecowool is required at the time of insulation of walls or inclined structures. Ignoring the recommendation of material consumption at the rate of 65 kg per 1 m² will lead to quick shrinkage and the formation of areas left without insulation.

Advantages of ecowool as a heat-saving material

It may seem that with such an extensive list of shortcomings, the use of ecowool is impractical. This is not true. With the observance of the technology, the advantages of the material become even more obvious.

  • You need to start with the fact that not so much material itself is required. The above norm of 65 kg per m² is not always required, and the minimum consumption of ecowool is from 28 kg per m³.
  • The insulation provides a decent level of sound insulation. A one and a half centimeter layer does not transmit sound up to 9 dB of volume.
  • The environmental friendliness of this material does not need confirmation, if you remember what is its basis. Actually, the name also speaks about it. Due to the "fault" of ecowool during operation, there is no allergy among the residents of the house.

  • The only thing that you should pay attention to when studying the composition indicated by the manufacturer is what substance was used as a fire retardant additive. Fire retardant best quality borax (sometimes called borax) is considered. Ammonium sulfates and boric acid can be the culprits of an unpleasant persistent odor, and they do not provide long-term protection from fire.
  • Thanks to the seamless installation, the material fills the space without leaving voids, therefore, there are no unprotected areas.

Thermal insulation technology of a frame house with ecowool

As mentioned, there are two main ways to insulate with this material: "dry" and "wet". The second option can be carried out on a water basis or using adhesive composition... But no matter how excellent the result it gives, the method of filling dry insulation is considered the simplest and most popular. So, to complete the work manually, you will need to perform the following manipulations.

  • It is a little easier to insulate floors. The purchased material must be loosened with a special apparatus, after which the pressed briquette weighing 15 kg will triple in volume.

  • The ecowool prepared in this way is poured between the logs. This should be done gradually, leveling the layers. At the end, the material should form a small hill. What this surplus is for has already been mentioned. It will be compacted under the weight of the boards.
  • To carry out work on the walls, a layer is attached to the guide posts vapor barrier material or immediately sheathing with sheets of drywall or OSB is made. This is not done to the end, but a gap is left through which the ecowool is poured. It will gradually fill the space, condensing under its own weight. But at the final stage, it will have to be tamped.
  • All actions are performed using protective equipment(goggles and filter mask), and the filling process can be optimized by using a machine that blows the material out while loosening it. Some construction companies provide an opportunity to rent such equipment.

Styrofoam and expanded polystyrene for wall insulation of frame houses. What to choose

Both of these materials are used in timber frame houses. They insulate facades from the outside and inside building. With some similarity, polystyrene loses to its opponent in most indicators, but due to its good thermal insulation characteristics and cheapness, it is in demand. Among the obvious disadvantages are:

  • not very high quality sound insulation,
  • emission of harmful substances during combustion
  • and an obvious interest in it from rodents.

Insulation of a frame house with foam outside

  • The surface will have to be prepared along with everyone supporting structures... For this, nails, remnants of other materials must be removed, cracks are closed. A smooth surface will eliminate air gaps between the wall and the foam. After leveling the surface, it is treated with a primer intended for outdoor work. The consumption of the composition is from 150 ml per m².

  • After the primer dries out, a system of vertical suspensions is constructed with a step of 60 (70) cm. Thanks to this, it will be possible to prevent distortions when fastening the plates of the material. The foam is set on glue, which is applied at five points in the form of small piles, and a glue strip is completely drawn around the perimeter of the plate. The canvas with glue is firmly and with force pressed against the base. Subsequent rows are stacked in a manner brickwork, that is, running apart. A portion of the diluted composition must be consumed within an hour.
  • If, as a result of laying, inconsistencies are formed between the sheets of material or irregularities are obtained, then all such defects are eliminated using a sharp and heated knife. The resulting gaps can be repaired:
    1. a mixture of crushed foam and glue,
    2. penoizol (liquid analogue of the material),
    3. polyurethane foam.
  • Plastic dowels create additional fastening for the insulation. They will be required in an amount of at least five pieces per plate. This is followed by securing the entire structure with fiberglass for extra strength, and special profiles for the corners will create reliable stiffeners. It is better to apply the putty in two layers, and the final finish can be, for example, facade paint.

Insulation of a frame house with foam from the inside

The technology for performing work indoors is similar. The stage of surface preparation differs only in the use of primers for interior work.

  • As an adhesive, you can use the usual tile adhesive for ceramic tiles... The use of dowels is also desirable.
  • As for the size of the cells on the reinforcing mesh, they can be from 3 to 6 mm. It must be fastened by forming an overlap and pressing it tightly against the foam.
  • Drywall is often used as a finishing layer. We must not forget about the mandatory sealing of the seams.

Insulation of a frame house with penoplex

  • Expanded polystyrene in installation differs from polystyrene in increased requirements for creating protection against moisture and sun rays... The wall mounting technology has no fundamental differences.
  • What exactly to prefer, you will have to decide for yourself. Both materials really differ, including in price. The latter is more expensive, but it is more durable and dense.

Do-it-yourself glass wool insulation of a frame house

Some do not take glass wool into account, considering it the material of the past generation, but in vain.

  • Modern representatives of heaters of this category differ from their predecessors in improved characteristics. In addition, it costs less than its "brothers", and is able to retain heat well enough.
  • The principle of its installation is the same as for stone wool. That is, in order to insulate, for example, floors, the material is cut from a roll so that it is a couple of centimeters wider than the distance between the lags.

  • A waterproofing layer is created before laying. It can be roofing and polyethylene.

How the frame house will be insulated as a result is not so important, the main thing is to proceed from own forces and opportunities and to comply with the technology in everything.

Today frame houses are gaining popularity in Russia. They are built from wood on the basis of wood or metal frame... Typically, such a frame is either erected in a factory or directly in the construction area. Plasterboard, chipboard or other materials are mounted on the frame. It is from these materials that the walls of the building are created. One of their disadvantages is poor thermal insulation. You can solve this problem with the help of varieties of foam or mineral wool. We will talk about the latter in this article.

general information

Mineral wool is a synthetic substance that consists of a number of fibers of inorganic origin. Such fibers can be composed of broken glass, dolomite or basalt. They are created by melting the substances described in the previous sentence with their subsequent loading into a centrifuge. In a centrifuge, under the influence of high revolutions, the molten substances cool down, stretching into strong fibers, which are pressed into plates or rolled into rolls. Both the first and the second option are ideal as a heat-saving material that can be used to insulate the walls of a building and not only.

Insulation of a frame house mineral wool it is beneficial because it has high thermal insulation characteristics, is inexpensive, and its installation does not require special labor. The high thermal insulation properties of this material are explained by the fact that there are many air chambers in the structure of the mineral wool fibers, which make up approximately 90% of this structure. Thanks to these chambers, which are a fairly dense layer, the material retains heat inside the building and does not let the cold outside.

Since mineral wool is a synthetic raw material, it can have one of the following fiber structures:

      • corrugated
      • spatial
      • vertically layered
      • horizontally layered

Regardless of the type of fiber structure, this material able to perfectly resist the influence high temperatures as well as the impact of many chemical substances... In addition, it has high ductility, which is extremely convenient for builders in the process of laying it.

Among the disadvantages of mineral wool, the presence in its composition of formaldehydes, gases harmful to the human body, should be highlighted. To protect yourself from their harmful effects, mineral wool is produced in the form of special pressed plates. After installation, they are finished. vapor barrier membranes that do not allow formaldehyde to penetrate inside the building.

Another disadvantage of this product is its increased moisture sensitivity. It is not in vain that a layer of a special waterproof film is laid on top of the mineral wool, which protects the material from moisture ingress on it, which can damage its structure and significantly reduce its thermal insulation capacity.

Varieties of material

Minvata is divided into the following three types:

P / p No.Material typePeculiarities
1. Glass woolMade of fiberglass. Differs in special strength and elasticity. When laying it, you must use special means personal protection (overalls, gloves, etc.) so as not to get hurt by glass microparticles.
2. SlagIt is made on the basis of blast-furnace slags. Its fibers are thicker than glass wool. Absorbs excessive moisture, which is why it is not suitable for insulation metal surfaces, for example, water pipes... Suitable for insulating frame houses.
3. Basalt (stone) woolThe thickness of the fibers is approximately the same as that of the slag wool. The material does not prick, so you can work with it without using personal protective equipment. Possesses high temperature resistance - is able to maintain its properties in temperature range from -190 to +1000 ° C.

Each of these three types is perfect for insulating a frame house. but Special attention should be given to slag and basalt wool. Due to the fact that these two types have a thinner fiber structure, their density is higher, and, accordingly, they retain heat better than glass wool. In some cases, glass wool is cheaper. It is possible to insulate a frame house with this type of mineral wool, however, in order to achieve the same effect as in the first two versions, the layers of glass wool must be wider.