It is better to plant tulip bulbs. When to plant tulips? When to plant tulips before winter

How to plant tulips in autumn correctly? Why exactly in the fall, and not in the spring. This is due to the fact that during the cold period occur natural processes: hardening of tulip bulbs and their adaptation to growing conditions. When planted in autumn, tulips form a strong, well-developed root system... there is an accumulation of nutrients for good development in the spring. Due to this, the plants tolerate wintering well, and bloom amicably and profusely in spring.

It is also important that it is quite difficult to maintain good quality tulip bulbs for spring planting. Many of them dry out or rot.

When growing tulips critical stage is their landing. Tulip bulbs, planted on time and correctly in autumn, take root well, withstand winter well and bloom remarkably in the future. If the timing of planting tulips is chosen incorrectly, the plants may not bloom or flowering will be poor. And in the worst case, seedlings may not appear in the spring at all.
Correct planting of tulips in autumn is a guarantee of them lush bloom.

It is difficult to give exact recommendations on the time of planting tulips in autumn. The recommendations usually indicate the average time frame. This is due to the difference in weather conditions by region. In determining better terms For autumn planting of tulip bulbs, the soil temperature is a more accurate guideline.

The optimal time for planting tulips is considered to be the period when the soil temperature at a depth of 10 - 15 cm drops to + 8 ... + 10 ° C.

Before planning your tulip planting, consider the following:

  1. Rooting of tulip bulbs takes about a month and a half. Plants must have time to form a good root system before the onset of frost;
  2. If planted prematurely, the bulbs can grow back in the fall. And the very first frosts will damage the tulips. Therefore, one should not rush to boarding.
  3. If the flowers are planted too late, the tulips simply won't have time to root well enough. In this case, late flowering, winter freezing or even death of the plant is observed.

What to do if you didn’t have time to plant tulips in autumn, we will tell you further.

Dates of planting tulips in different regions

Since determining the exact date of planting is very important when growing tulips, the question arises for amateur gardeners: when can tulip bulbs be planted in a particular region. The weather conditions in different regions are very different and this must be taken into account.

To correctly determine the timing of planting tulips in your area, you need to monitor the temperature of the soil, i.e. drops to + 8 + 10 ° C.

So, for example, according to long-term observations, the best time in the Moscow region for planting tulips: the second half of September - mid-October.

For central Russia, the period from the last decade of September to mid-October is considered optimal.

In Siberia, tulips are planted from late August to mid-September.

In the warm regions of our country, tulips can be planted throughout October.

If you didn't manage to plant tulips in autumn, what to do?

It often happens that summer residents do not have time to plant tulip bulbs within the recommended time frame. What to do if you are late with planting tulips?

If the bulbs have already started to grow, then it is better not to plant them, but to leave them for distillation at home. If the roots of the bulbs have not sprouted, and only the rudiments of the roots are visible, then you can try to plant tulips.

In this case, experienced flower growers say that planting tulips can be done if the ground is not yet frozen and freeze-bound. A flowerbed with tulips must be covered with spruce branches, dry leaves, compost. If the winter turned out to be little snow, you will have to collect snow from the site and throw it over the flower beds with tulips.

Planting tulips in late autumn - video

Another way out of this situation is to plant bulbs in containers, pots or boxes. It is imperative to pour drainage material at the bottom of the containers with a thickness of at least 5 cm.After planting the prepared bulbs, the containers must be watered and left at room temperature for three weeks. During this time, the bulbs will take root. Then the containers can be lowered into the cellar until spring, dug in at the dacha, or, wrapped in spunbond, placed on the balcony.

Tulip soil and planting site

For tulips, be sure to find a sunny and wind-protected place. It is desirable that the site be slightly elevated or with a slight slope. Lowlands where water stagnates, it is strongly not recommended to choose for planting tulips.

For planting tulip bulbs, loose soil, rich in humus, is suitable. You can not bring fresh manure under tulips, but only humus. Flowers prefer soil with a level of acidity close to neutral, so if the soil is acidic, then liming it is necessary.

Prepare the soil for tulips no later than a month before planting. The soil must settle, otherwise, in unsettled soil, there is a possibility of damage to the germinating roots.

For tulips, it is very important to create a loose, fertile layer. To do this, the earth must be dug to a depth of about 30 cm and fertilized. As fertilizers, you can apply fertilizers for bulbous, "Autumn" fertilizers, humus, use wood ash.

Universal composition for any soil

(in terms of 1 m2) contains:

  • 5 kg of compost or humus,
  • 200 gr. ash,
  • 50 gr. superphosphate
  • 15 grams of ammonium nitrate.

Tulip bulbs before planting

For growing tulips in open ground it is advisable to purchase bulbs with a diameter of about 3-4 cm.

Before boarding planting material must be examined and sorted out.

The bulbs must be dry, firm to the touch, and free from spots or cracks. It is imperative to make sure that there is no mold on the surface of the bulbs. Sick or damaged specimens should be discarded immediately.

If you still feel sorry for throwing out such bulbs or want to keep a certain variety, then you can do the following: cut out all problem areas with a sharp knife and process the cuts with brilliant green. It is better to plant these bulbs in a separate place. Diseased plants should not be planted next to healthy ones.

It is important that the brown shell of the onion is intact. A stem bud may be visible, but should not grow. Donets quality onion should be firm, with tubercles of roots. Bulbs with soft bottoms or already growing roots should not be planted.

After inspecting the planting material, you need to sort the bulbs by size, they will be planted separately.

Planting tulips in autumn - instructions

Before planting tulips, you need to decide how the bulbs will be planted. In open ground, tulips are usually planted in rows in grooves or holes. It is better to plant many bulbs in the grooves, making up whole compositions of tulips. Planting into holes can be carried out when there is not a lot of planting material and it differs in size. Or you are planting tulips in existing flower beds between other plants.

How to determine the depth to plant tulips in the fall? As a rule, this question causes the most difficulties for novice summer residents. It is easiest to follow the rule that applies when planting all bulbous flowers here: the planting depth is usually defined as the size of the three heights of the planting material.

Planting depth depends not only on the size of the bulb, but also on the structure of the soil. Heavy clay soil the bulbs are buried a little less.

  1. The distance between the tulips also depends on the size of the bulbs. Usually it is from 8 - 15 centimeters, row spacing - 25 - 30 cm.
  2. The distance between the bulbs is also chosen depending on the purpose for which the tulips are planted. To get lush flower beds, the bulbs are placed close enough: after 8-10 cm. But it is better to plant tulips further from each other, at a distance of 10-15 cm.
  3. If the soil of the plot is heavy, or water may stagnate, be sure to pour a drainage layer into holes or grooves 1-2 cm thick. (Usually used river sand). On top you need to pour a layer of soil.
  4. With dry soil, the holes must be well shed with water, or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  5. Tulip bulbs are very fond of mice. Therefore, it is imperative to consider the issue of protecting the bulbs from these rodents. To do this, you can use birch tar (sold in pharmacies and garden stores) or grease the bottom with Vishnevsky's pharmacy ointment.
  6. Next, the landing begins.

How to plant tulips in the ground in autumn

Planting rates for extra bulbs and 1st parsing - 50 pcs. for 1 sq. m. The same area can accommodate up to 100 pieces. smaller bulbs. Planting norms must not be exceeded. This affects the quality of tulip blooming.

If the size of the bulbs for planting is different, then you can plant a large onion and several small ones (around a large onion) in the center of the hole.

The bulbs are laid out in the ground and pressed slightly so that air pockets do not form under them, then watered. The planting of flowers is done carefully so that the roots of the plants are not damaged.

Naturally, to place the bulbs in the grooves, you need to bottom down or sideways.

Furrows or holes are sprinkled with soil and carefully leveled. Otherwise, water will accumulate in the recesses and the bulbs will begin to rot.

If the weather is dry in autumn, it is advisable to moisten the area after 5-7 days. If you do not water the plantings in time, then the root system of the bulbs will not form or will be weak.

Usually, this is where the care of tulips after planting ends in autumn. It is not necessary to cover the garden bed - this can lead to the fact that the bulb will grow ahead of time, overwinter worse and bloom later. Exceptions are sudden cold weather.

How to plant tulips in autumn: video

How to plant tulips beautifully

Planting tulips in a basket

Garden shops sell special baskets for bulbs for easy planting.

Planting in baskets simplifies the tulip growing process. The essence of this method is to use baskets, containers and other containers instead of a flower bed or garden bed. They can either be dug into the ground or freely positioned in any convenient place. You can find out about all the advantages of planting in this way and how to plant tulips in baskets for bulbs in the next video

For other methods of planting tulips, with an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages, as well as a trick that can be used to protect against mice, see the video below.

Planting tulips in containers

In addition to traditional outdoor planting, tulips can be planted in boxes and containers.

This method is gaining more and more popularity:

  1. The method of planting in containers allows you to decorate any corner of the garden; after flowering, the container can be easily removed somewhere into the background;
  2. The planting material is very convenient to dig up, there is no risk of damaging the bulbs;
  3. The planted bulbs will not get lost in the ground, and you will always know exactly in which container which tulip varieties were planted. This will help avoid confusion with varieties when digging;
  4. Planting tulip bulbs in containers helps keep mice and other rodents away from plants;
  5. If the soil on the site is heavy, clayey or infertile, then planting the bulbs in containers will optimal solution... It will be enough to fill only the containers themselves with a fertile earthen mixture;
  6. Anything can be used as a container: plastic containers, buckets, various boxes.

In general, planting tulip bulbs in baskets and containers is no different than planting tulip bulbs directly in the flower bed.

But there are two very important nuances to consider:

  • in conditions of a limited volume of soil during prolonged autumn rains, the bulbs can suffer from soaking, therefore, good drainage is needed to drain excess water;
  • bulbs can freeze out in winter, so it is advisable to dig them into the ground or compost for the winter.

Planting tulips in tiers

The essence of this method is planting the bulbs at different depths. The largest bulbs are planted on the very first layer from the bottom. The higher the level, the smaller the size.

The combination looks even more interesting different types bulbous: tulips, daffodils, muscari, crocuses, etc. In the spring, such a container looks wonderful and unusual.

This is how the scheme for joint planting of tulips, daffodils and other bulbs together looks like

Instead of a conclusion

Tulips are deservedly considered the most popular of the early flowers. Perhaps there are few areas where these beautiful plants would not bloom in the spring. Already in April, they begin to delight gardeners with their flowering. Fringed, double, lily, parrot tulips, peony and other types of tulips - a huge selection of planting material allows you to create flower arrangements for every taste. You can read more about the species here.

Tulips are also remarkable in that they are undemanding to care for. Subject to the recommendations for growing, these unpretentious flowers will grow beautifully and delight in spring with their flowering.

In this article, we looked at how to plant tulips in the fall and how to do it right. Compliance with the rules for storing and planting planting material will be the key to successful wintering, and further abundant flowering of your tulips.

Planting tulips in the fall video

Planting tulips in the fall video

Short description: Tulip is a beautiful and delicate flower that is an adornment of any personal plot. The best time for planting a tulip this is the second half of September. Before planting flowers, it is necessary to properly prepare the soil. preliminary work better in two weeks. To provide tulips with a bright long glow, it is necessary to provide them with a sunny area with loose, fertile soil. Also Special attention draw on the flower bulb itself. From a large bulb in the spring it is guaranteed to grow beautiful flower, but don't even expect tulips from a small tulip next year.

Source: YouTube.

Added: 2014-07-25

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Rules for planting tulip bulbs in autumn

It is difficult to imagine a summer cottage without a bright spring flowering of spring bulbs. How to save everyone's favorite tulips in summer, when to plant bulbs in autumn?

Tulips - planting rules in autumn

Spring days are fleeting. With the arrival of steady heat, the recently delighted bright colors the plants wither. Their aboveground part completely dies off, and the bulbs patiently wait for the summer heat and winter cold to pass. Only the spring sun will awaken tulips again.

In nature, bulbs remain in the soil all year round. Tulips in flower beds are regularly dug up in order to sort, preserve and transplant. When to plant tulips: fall or spring? And how to do it right?

When to plant tulips in autumn

After planting, the tulip bulbs must acclimate and take root. This takes 21 to 28 days. Spring planting flowers in middle lane can significantly delay the appearance of buds. In autumn, if tulips are planted on time, the plants have enough time to settle down in a new place and leave for the winter.

In order for the flower beds to please with an abundance of flowers in May, it is important to choose the right time for planting tulips in the ground:

  1. Early planting threatens the formation of foliage in the fall and freezing when it gets colder and snow falls.
  2. If you miss the right moment, the bulbs will not winter well, the spring will be greeted weakened and the buds will not be laid.

It is much easier to focus on soil temperature. If the soil in the flowerbed cools down to 7–8 ºC, the vegetation freezes and the bulbs cannot take root. For example, in the Moscow region and throughout the middle lane, tulips are planted when the air temperature in the Moscow region is higher than +3 ºC. According to long-term observations, such conditions persist until the last week of September or until mid-October. However, it is not worth delaying because of the risk of frost and early snow.

In the Urals, the dates are shifted by 10–20 days. The farther north, the earlier the bulbs should get into the ground. In Siberia, the planting of tulips in autumn is postponed to August and the first week of September. In a number of regions, bulbs are not planted before winter due to severe frosts, which cause irreparable damage to plantings.

How to plant tulips in autumn

Tulips, like most spring bulbous crops:

  • sun-loving;
  • do not like stagnant water and cold wind;
  • prefer light, loose soil with a slightly alkaline reaction.

Before planting tulips in autumn, a suitable plot is prepared for them. Sand is added to dense, heavy soil. Sour lime soil or mixed with dolomite flour. Flower beds for bulbous are dug up on a full bayonet, making for each meter of area:

  • 10-15 kg of well-rotted humus or grass-fed peat;
  • 100-160 grams of sifted ash.

These fertilizers can be replaced with an equivalent amount of complex mineral mixtures, except for dressings with the inclusion of chlorine.

When tulip bulbs are planted in the fall, do not use fresh manure, droppings, or non-rotted compost. Such organics can provoke rotting of the bulbs, the introduction of pests and the development of fungal infections.

The planting depth of the bulb is equal to three of its diameters. On dense soil, it is better to plant flowers a couple of centimeters higher. On sandy soils, the holes are made a little deeper. Only healthy planting material should get into the soil, so the bulbs are pre-inspected, sorted and treated with a solution of potassium permanganate.

In the fall, when tulips are transplanted or planted in a new place, it is useful to do at the bottom of a furrow or hole sand pillow, and dip the bulbs themselves in wood ash. It will serve as a protection against pests and rot, as well as an effective fertilizer.

Tulips are planted in groups or rows at intervals of 8 to 10 cm, taking into account the emergence of new bulbs and sufficient nutrition for adult plants. Then the holes are covered with soil, it is compacted and watered abundantly.

In the future, before the onset of winter, the bulbous culture does not need constant attention. If the autumn, when the tulip bulbs are planted, is dry, the ridges are watered again. With the onset of stable cold weather, the site is thickly mulched. In winter, when there is a risk of freezing, the flower garden is additionally covered with snow.

How to store tulips before planting in the fall

The beauty of flowering and long life bulbs depend a lot on how the tulips are stored prior to planting in the fall.

To keep the bulbs juicy, dense and healthy, their excavation field is dried and cleaned of soil residues, foliage and roots. Then they are sorted, laid out in clean, ventilated boxes made of wood or plastic, sprinkled with sawdust or overlaid with wrapping paper. Optimum temperature for storing tulips is 22–25 ºC. The air should be 5–7 ºC cooler closer to landing.

Planting tulips in autumn - video

Correct makes it possible to get strong and full spring flowering plants... The main thing is not to violate the necessary planting dates, to properly prepare the soil in the beds in advance and to close the bulbs to a certain depth. The autumn planting of tulips does not present any difficulties, but if the planting material is improperly planted in the ground, the flower bulbs may freeze or rot, the plants may emerge late or not bloom, and the young bulbs will be of poor quality.
So that even an inexperienced summer resident - a florist can rejoice abundant flowering of these beautiful flowers, this article will give various useful tips concerning the planting of tulip bulbs in the ground in autumn.

Planting tulips in the fall in the ground
First of all, when planting tulips, it should be remembered that the density of the planting material has an important effect on their development. So on a square meter. up to 60 full-fledged bulbs are planted. In this case, the height and width of the future flower are also taken into account. So large tulips are planted less often, and small ones - denser. 54
A huge influence on the production of beautifully flowering tulips has right choice the timing of planting planting material. It is very important for this plant to go through a cooling period, which promotes the formation of various substances in the bulb, which are necessary for the active growth of the plant in spring. Premature planting of tulips in the fall in the ground leads to their rapid rooting and very active growth at the very beginning of spring, which can result in the death of plants with strong spring frosts... The timing of planting these flowers directly depends on climatic zone:
northwest regions - beginning - end of September;
middle band - mid-September - early October;
southern regions - the beginning of the second decade of October to the end of November.
If the summer resident cannot determine exactly which zone his site belongs to, there is one trick, thanks to which they determine the most suitable time for planting tulips in the fall. So the most optimal period for planting bulbs in the ground, when cooling the earth at a depth of 10 cm to 6 - 9 degrees. At the same time, the planting material will have time to fully take root in the soil, and in the spring it will quickly grow when warm weather sets in.
Some summer residents practice planting bulbs in the ground "under the snow" in late November or early December. At the same time, flower beds with tulips in the country house are insulated with dry foliage and grass, spruce branches or sawdust. Such experiments sometimes end with the death of the planting material, since they do not have time to take root.
Successful cultivation this type of flowers also greatly depends on the correct selection of planting material. We sort the dug out and dried onions by size (analysis), determined by their diameter. The best results are obtained by cultivating extra bulbs (from 4 cm), 1 (from 3.6 cm) and 2 (from 3 cm) parsing. Smaller ones often do not even sprout at the end of winter. It is also important to choose the strongest bulbs. A good tulip planting material has brown integumentary scales and no symptoms of disease.
For the propagation of this type of flowers, we also use daughter bulbs, which in the first 2 years we plant in the ground on special beds with loose soil, well fertilized with fertile compost. Only for 3 years we transplant already well-grown planting material to a permanent place.
Stages of autumn planting of tulips in the ground
The main stages of the autumn planting of this plant, which guarantee its normal development and flowering in spring, include:
1. Choosing a site in the country
The most ideal for growing tulips are, in contrast to flowers and vegetables loving shadow, well-lit flat areas, protected from strong and cold winds. As a last resort, you can plant tulips in partial shade. Despite the fact that this plant is moisture-loving, it absolutely does not tolerate stagnant water, therefore it is unacceptable to plant it in depressions with waterlogged soil. This will prevent the bulbs from freezing and the appearance of various rot.
2. Preplant soil preparation
For growing this flower loose fertile, sandy loam soils with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction are ideal. We begin to prepare the soil for these flowers 2 - 3 months before planting them in the ground. To apply fertilizers, we make a deep digging of the soil. At the same time, we introduce into it the main fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. We also use and organic fertilizers in the form of compost (2 buckets / sq. m.). The application of manure adversely affects the development of tulips, since it can cause the appearance of fungal diseases. Good result in tulip cultivation gives soil application dolomite flour and chalk (500 g / sq. m.), as well wood ash(200 g / sq. M.).

Planting tulips in autumn at the most suitable time, taking into account all the nuances

In order for young plants to fully develop, we add superphosphate to the soil a month before planting the bulbs in the flower beds. Its consumption per square meter can be 15 - 20 gr.
planting tulips in the fall in the ground
3. Preplant preparation of bulbs
Before planting tulips in the fall in the ground, we soak the bulbs in a solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). To prepare it, we dilute 3 grams of potassium permanganate in 10 liters of water. Soak the flower bulbs in the solution for one and a half to two hours. You can also treat them with special antifungal drugs, in which it is soaked for the time indicated in the instructions. The preparation "Maxim" perfectly protects the planting material. After that, we dry the bulbs and use them for growing in summer cottages.
4. Loosening the soil and applying fertilizers before planting
Immediately before planting the bulbs, we deeply loosen the soil and add urea or ammonium nitrate to it at the rate of 25 g / sq. m. Can be added to the holes and crushed wood ash.
5. How to plant tulip bulbs
The depth of their embedding in the ground directly depends on the size of the planting material. In this case, we are guided by the rule: the larger it is at the flower, the deeper it must be buried. You can also focus on this calculation: the depth of the hole should be 3 times the height of the tulip bulb. The depth of the hole should be at least 10 - 15 cm. As a rule, a gap of 10 cm is left between the bulbs. If the bulbs are small, this distance can be reduced. We plant the largest in the center, and around it - small. This is done so that in the future, these tulip specimens do not shade smaller plants that have grown from small ones. At the dacha, we practice growing tulips in shallow (in depth) polypropylene boxes (for fruit). When the bulbs need to be dug out for drying, it will be easy to do, and not a single copy of them, even the smallest, will be lost.
When planting several varieties, it is necessary to group them correctly so that in the future it is easier to care for them and there is no confusion when digging the bulbs. To maximize the decorative effect of flower beds with tulips, it is necessary to plant varieties of different flowering periods, or plants that grow and bloom later (for example, ornamental cabbage). So these beautiful flowers can delight with their charm throughout April and May.
planting tulips in the fall in the ground
6. Mulching the soil
After planting tulips in autumn, we mulch the soil with peat or chopped straw. The layer of mulch on the ground should be 3 - 5 cm.
7. Protection from mice
Some summer residents, having planted tulip bulbs in the fall, in the spring find that their plantings are significantly damaged by rodents. Sometimes mice destroy everything completely. Exists different ways protecting flowers from pests. Below are the most effective ones:
We do mixed landings bulbous plants using hazel grouses and daffodils. At the same time, tulips are well preserved, since these plants contain toxic substances that repel rodents.
Before planting the bulbs in the ground, we put them in a plastic bag and spray a solution of kerosene into it from a spray bottle. It forms a thin film on the bulbs, harmless to flowers and unpleasant to rodents.
When planting, generously sprinkle it with ground red pepper, which will scare off mice.
Lubricate the bulbs with a thin layer of Vishnevsky's ointment.
After planting on the soil surface, we scatter special poisonous briquettes or granules from rodents.
As a rule, tulip beds do not need additional shelter for the winter. Despite this, in those regions where the winters are snowless and rather harsh, it is possible to insulate the planting of tulips with fallen leaves or spruce branches. Such a shelter will also contribute to the preservation of moisture in the soil, which contributes to the early germination of flowers in spring and lush flowering of plants.

If you want to admire the splendor of the flowering of such truly luxurious flowers as tulips, autumn with the onset of spring - it's time to buy their bulbs and plant them in the garden or in the country. The optimal period for planting them begins in mid-September and lasts throughout October. And do not rush to despair if you do not have time to plant tulips before the end of the indicated period, because, in principle, it is allowed to plant this flower until the beginning of stable cold weather, however, in this case, in the spring, they will bloom a little later.

Video: Planting tulips in October. Garden World site

What to look for when purchasing tulip bulbs?

Select bulbs by size. Do you want your front garden to be decorated large flowers, choose larger bulbs. At the same time, do not be too lazy to inspect each bulb, paying close attention to its surface, which, ideally, should be clean and dense. Of course, in tulips, cracks and the absence of individual scales on the bulbous surface are quite allowed, but the neck of the bulb must necessarily differ in density. A small, strong tip of the stem should be visible from it.

If the stem has already begun to grow - it is stretched out and somewhat uneven - you should not take such a bulb. The bottom should also be dense, not showing signs of decay and roots.

How to plant tulips correctly

Despite the fact that the timing of planting these flowers falls in late autumn, the ground for planting them should be started from August. About a month before you plan to plant the bulbs, you need to dig up the site, be sure to add compost, or humus and some kind of mineral or complex fertilizer - for example, nitroammofosku (40g per 1 square meter of area).

Even at the stage of planning a place for planting tulips, try to give these sunny flowers a bright place, with well-fertilized and fairly loose soil.

Before proceeding directly to planting flowers in the ground, their bulbs must be held in manganese water. It is prepared at the rate of one and a half grams of manganese powder per five-liter container. The bulbs should lie in pink disinfecting water for a couple of hours (comfortably warm).

Having prepared tulips for the planting process, you should start arranging holes. The main thing here is the observance of the landing depth. Please note that the tulip should be planted at a distance equal to the height of the bulb used, multiplied by 3. For this reason, they should be sorted before planting so as not to verify the depth of the hole for each of the bulbs. Remember, if the planting depth is not enough, the likelihood of a problem such as variegation increases. The distance between the bulbs during planting should be about 15 centimeters, and between the rows of flowers - about 35 cm. (if the bulbs are large, you can increase the distance a little more).

When to plant tulips

When planting the bulbs, the soil must be moistened, which means that in dry weather, just before planting, you need to water the furrows a little.

Video: How to plant tulips correctly. Website

Why plant tulips before frost hits? Because plants need to root properly before frost.

To cover or not to cover flowers for the winter? Despite the fact that the tulip hibernates well in the soil, it is still better to cover the planting. To do this, before freezing, the soil with the bulbs placed in it is covered with humus, a peat mixture, or a heap of dry foliage or straw.

Planting tulip bulbs in autumn

The shelter is removed in the spring. Then the plants are fed nitrogen fertilizers... The first feeding can be done even before the snow has completely melted, the second one - when the grown flowers are covered with juicy, multi-colored buds, the third one is performed ten days after the second.

When and how to plant tulips - video

Video: Planting tulips, how and when to plant bulbs

By the way, it is better to plant tulips in a new place every year, returning them to their previous place every five years. However, if it is not possible to do this, you should just constantly take care that pests and pathogens do not start in the soil. Great idea plant tulips in the ground where garlic, calendula or nasturtium previously grew, which heal the soil with their own phytoncides.

How nice it is when in the spring you see flower beds and beds with blooming tulips. However, having dug up the bulbs in the summer, then you need to know exactly when to plant tulips in the fall. Growing tulips outdoors is generally not difficult. In fact, there are many little things, observing their plants are smooth, beautiful with large flowers. If planted incorrectly in the ground, plants can freeze and rot. And the flowers themselves will sprout late or not bloom at all. Read about the timing and intricacies of planting tulips further in the article.

First, determine the correct planting period for the planting material. Remember, it is important for tulips to go through a cooling period. It is he who contributes to the formation in the bulbs of various substances necessary for active growth in spring. So, premature planting of bulbs in the ground leads to their rapid rooting and very active growth in early spring. In turn, this will lead to the death of plants during severe spring frosts. Thus, the planting dates themselves directly depend on the climatic zone. In the northwest regions optimal time will be September-month, in the middle lane - mid-September - early October. In the southern regions, bulbs are planted in the second decade of October to the end of November.

If you do not know which zone you belong to, then determine the most appropriate time for the soil temperature. The optimum time is considered at an earth temperature of 6-9 ° C. In this situation, the planting material will have time to completely take root in the soil, and in the spring it will quickly grow with the onset of warm weather.

Seat selection

The most ideal areas are those protected from cold winds. Tulips are moisture-loving, but the bulbs absolutely do not tolerate stagnant water. Therefore, they should not be planted in depressions with waterlogged soil. V otherwise the bulbs will simply freeze and pick up various rot.

The soil is ideally prepared 2-3 weeks before planting the bulbs in the ground. First, deep digging is carried out (to the depth of a shovel bayonet) with the addition of the main fertilizer with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, or rotted compost is added. Consumption - 2 buckets per 1 sq. m. It is not advisable to introduce manure, it leads to rotting of the bulbs. In order for young plants to fully develop, shortly before planting, you need 1 sq. m add 15-20 g of superphosphate.

How to plant tulip bulbs correctly

Healthy specimens are selected for planting, without spots, mechanical damage, with a smooth, even surface.

Important! Recently purchased bulbs should not be stored next to your own. They must go through mandatory quarantine for at least a month in order to be able to make sure that they are not infected.

Immediately before planting, the bulbs must be kept in a weak solution of potassium permanganate (3 g per bucket of water) for 15-20 minutes. It is best to treat with Maxim or. Then the bulbs are dried and planted.

On the prepared bed, holes or grooves are made, crushed is poured into them. The depth of planting in the ground depends on the size of the bulbs, that is, the larger the bulb, the deeper it is buried. The depth of the hole can be determined as follows: it should be 3 times greater than the height of the bulb itself, but not more than 10-15 cm. An interval of 10 cm is left between large bulbs. Small children are sealed to a shallower depth.

When decorating a flower bed, it should be borne in mind that larger specimens are planted in the middle, and small ones at the edges. Large plants grown in this way do not shade young, short flowers.

The "Longline" landing method has proven itself well. It consists in the fact that large specimens are first planted to a depth of 10-15 cm. Having sprinkled this layer with earth, medium-sized bulbs are planted on top in a checkerboard pattern. And this layer is also sprinkled with earth, on top of which little children are planted, then they are also sprinkled with earth. With this planting, you can use not only different varieties of tulips, but also plant other bulbous flowers - daffodils, hyacinths, lilies. As a result, it will turn out very beautiful bush flowers.

Should you dig up tulips in summer?

Tulip bulbs should be dug out of the ground annually for the following reasons.

  • Not dug onions lack a positive temperature in the soil. Therefore, they are dug up after the end of flowering, their peduncles have turned yellow and withered. The dug out bulbs are dried in the sun and then stored at a temperature of 20-25 ° C for some time.
  • Another reason to dig up tulips is crowding. From one bulb, one replacement (large, large) and 2-4 children are formed every year. If you leave the nest in the ground without digging, each of them will produce even more babies the next year. The overgrown nest will not have enough food and space, as a result, the flowers grow small.
  • Perhaps another reason is mice and moles. They are very fond of bulbs and do not mind eating them in winter. In order to somehow protect the flowers from their invasion, flowers are planted near the tulips. Their smell scares off pests, perhaps this way you can save flowers. Another way to preserve the bulbs is to plant them in plastic boxes and nets. More on this in this video.

Care after landing

If you took into account all the rules when planting the bulbs in the fall, then you do not need to care for the tulips in the fall. Planting tulips does not require additional shelter for the winter. But in regions with a harsh climate, plantings can be covered from above with fallen leaves, mowed grass, spruce branches. Such a shelter will preserve moisture and will contribute to their rapid germination and lush flowering. In the spring, it is necessary to regularly water the plants, loosen and remove weeds.

Planting tulips in autumn is a very responsible task, because the quantity and quality of blossoming directly depends on how successfully you cope with it. in early spring delicate buds. Incorrectly chosen time and violation of the basic rules for planting bulbs in the ground can lead to various undesirable consequences, which then will be almost impossible to correct.

Determine the ideal timing for planting tulips in the fall

So, all bulbs can freeze out or rot in the ground, or tulips will sprout very late and bloom poorly, and new bulbs will form small and of poor quality. As a result, all the efforts spent on caring for tulips will be in vain.

Therefore, if you are determined in early spring to see wonderful blossoming buds of an impeccable shape and excellent quality in your flower garden, try to thoroughly figure out how to properly plant tulips in autumn.

Video about the correct planting of tulips

Novice gardeners often ask themselves: "When to plant tulips - in autumn or in early spring?" Why is the fall planting of tulips considered more preferable than the spring planting? The fact is that the bulbs planted in spring begin to bloom much later than those that were planted in the soil before the onset of winter.

Tulips need a cooling period for rapid germination, then the substances necessary for the active development of the plant are formed in the bulbs. In nature, wild tulips germinate immediately after the snowdrifts melt, therefore gardeners in flower beds try to create the same conditions for cultivated varieties.

Well, if for some reason you still can't plant the bulbs in the fall, you can postpone this process to the spring, taking into account. It is even allowed to plant the bulbs under the snow at the beginning of December, in this case the flower bed is covered with spruce branches or dry foliage and snow from above so that the planting material does not freeze.

Tulips need a cooling period to germinate quickly.

Even at experienced gardeners sometimes there are annoying mistakes in determining the appropriate period for planting the bulbs. Having chosen the wrong time in autumn, you can be late with planting, and then the bulbs will not have time to take root until frost (this is not too scary, but in the spring the development and flowering of tulips will be greatly delayed), or plant tulips too early, as a result, they will sprout and freeze in the fall at the first frost.

Early planting is also undesirable because during the warm autumn period, the garden bed will have time to overgrow with weeds, which will immediately start growing in the spring, preventing the tulips from gaining strength.

So, in order to correctly determine when to plant tulips in the fall, periodically measure the temperature of the soil at a depth of about 15 cm - if it is stable at + 10 ° C, you can safely start planting the bulbs. Calendar dates can change from year to year depending on the vagaries of the weather, so roughly focus on the period from mid-September to the second decade of October (in warm regions).

Having chosen the wrong time in autumn, you can be late with planting, and then the bulbs will not have time to take root until frost

The ideal soil temperature at which the bulb takes root well and begins to develop the root system is about + 7 ° C, but do not forget that it takes from three weeks to a month to take root into the ground, and the weather in autumn is quite unstable.

How to plant tulips in autumn, taking into account all the intricacies of the process

Before planting tulips, it is very important to select the largest and healthiest bulbs, as damaged or diseased specimens can infect their neighbors, which will not only affect the quality of flowering, but you may even lose flowers. Before planting calibrated bulbs on a flower bed, it is recommended to treat them with a weak solution of potassium permanganate to protect against diseases, or soak them for a while in a special antifungal agent.

It is very important to select the largest and healthiest bulbs before planting tulips.

Mandatory conditions for autumn planting of tulips:

  • choose best place for planting tulips - it must be reliably sheltered from the wind and be well lit, since tulips bloom much worse in shaded areas;
  • it is important to provide flowers with a fertile loose layer of earth with a thickness of at least 35 cm;
  • dig up the soil and fertilize in advance with compost, wood ash and phosphate fertilizers;
  • it is necessary to plant the bulbs to a depth of 15 cm (the depth of the hole should be three times the height of the bulb);
  • Leave the distance between tulip bulbs about 10 cm, the distance between smaller bulbs can be reduced;
  • try to plant larger bulbs in the center, and small ones on the sides, then tall flowers will not block the light with the smallest ones;
  • it is best to plant tulips according to varieties - in this case, it will be easier for you to care for them in the warm season;
  • provide, which can nullify all your efforts, destroying the planting of tulips in the winter.

Their attractiveness, health and correct development v spring... If you are responsible for planting bulbs, then tulips will certainly thank you with wonderful flowering. Just do not forget during the entire growing season in order to grow wonderful high quality planting material by the next fall.