Floor insulation foamboil. Floor insulation on the ground with a granulated foam cell technology insulation foam cell


    Granulated foamglo It is produced in the form of particles having a close to spherical shape. Production is based on the foaming of individual, pre-returned granules-semi-finished products in the rotating passage furnace.

    Plate foamglo Get foaming blanks in passing tunnel ovens. At the outlet, the material is sent to a long annealing and then to a sawing machine for making plates of accurate geometric sizes.

    Hearth roofing


    In Russia, at least 5 million tons of glass is formed annually only in solid household waste. Production of foam glass is a way to transform glass from landfills to a highly efficient energy-saving material.

    Production of granular foam glass

    Granulated foamglo It is produced in the form of particles having a close to spherical shape. Production is based on the foaming of individual, pre-retaent granules-Polofabrikatov in the rotating passing furnace.

    Manufacture of slab foam glass

    Plate foamglo Receive foaming billets in the passing tunnelsogrus . At the outlet, the material is sent to a long annealing and then to a sawing machine for making plates of accurate geometric sizes.

    Warming of horizontal surfaces

    Granulated foam glass easily fills any irregularities, it can serve not only with a heat insulator, but also lower

    Warming of vertical surfaces

    Granulated foam cell fills in any cavity and creates reliable thermal insulation protection.

    Hearth roofing

    The stove foam glass is an indispensable rigid, waterproof, durable heat-insulating material for the insulation of the roof.

    Heat insulation of technological equipment

    All over the world, the slab foam glass is used on objects, where the compromise is unacceptable - nuclear power plants, submarines, production, and the like.

Foamglass refers to durable, durable and popular materials for insulation. It is characterized by simplicity of installation and high efficiency. The technology was invented almost a century ago in the USSR, and practical use invented later in Canada. Mass on the market building materials The foam glass appeared recently when the technology of its production allowed to make it affordable and high-quality. Before use, it is worth considering what granules or stoves from foam glass, their main advantages and disadvantages, as well as methods of use for insulation.

Penodoneglo combines the advantages of two material at once. It combines silicate glass, which is distinguished by strength and fragility, as well as foam - incredibly lung material. The production of foam glass is to heat the silicate mass with the addition of a substance that forms gas. High temperature leads to melting of a substance, as well as the formation of small bubbles. This technology Allows you to get easy and durable materialwho possesses high indicator Heat resistance.

In the field of thermal insulation, two main types are applied:

  1. Slab foamula. The insulation has a slab forms that has a structure with closed cells. Optimally suitable for insulation base, facade, ceiling, overlap and foundation. The thickness is 6-12 cm, and the size of the plate is 45 * 60 cm. They withstand even significant operational loads, do not shrink and resistant to deformation under mechanical effects.

Slab insulation

  1. Granulated material. It is microporous spherical granules. Performed in granules different sizes from 1-5 mm to 7-20 mm. Can be used as insulation for inner walls, overlap and floors.

Granulated foamglo

The technical characteristics of the two types of material are similar, so when it is elected, it is necessary to be based only on the convenience and appropriateness to use the insulation of one or another form.

Main characteristics

According to statistics, the higher the material hardness indicator, the lower it heat insulating properties. Foamglass refers to insulation, which not only withstand serious loads, but also have a low thermal conductivity.

On other characteristics of the material refers:

  1. Thermal conductivity. The foam glass has a thermal conductivity indicator of 0.04 W / m * p. If you compare it with a tree, then this material this indicator Twice below, and the minimum wool is above an average of 25%. Therefore, foam glass perfectly protects against heat loss better tree, Minvati and many other insulation. High thermal insulation properties are explained by the presence in the structure of small closed cells with subtle partitions.
  2. Strength. Square meter The insulation is able to withstand the pressure of 40-100 tons, and the strength indicator is 0.5-1.2 MPa. This indicator does not deteriorate over time. However, impact strength at the material is low. Penodoneglo can be broken down with strong mechanical effects.
  3. Soundproofing. Foam glass effectively use not only to protect against heat loss, but also from foreign horses. The material is able to extinguish sound waves by force in 45-56 decibels.
  4. Resistance to temperatures. The insulation is able to withstand the temperature from -200 to +300 degrees, which allows it to be used even at extreme temperatures.
  5. Density. This indicator of the material is very low and equal to 100-250 kg per cubic meter. And this indicator below the density of the tree is at least three times.
  6. Parry permeability. The foam glass can be used as a vapor polypoletor. The vapor permeability indicator is only 0.005 mg / (m * h * pa).
  7. Moisture resistance. Foam's plates and granules can absorb no more than 2% of water from their own volume. The material not only does not absorb moisture, but also does not change its properties when interacting with it.

High moisture resistance

  1. Biological stability. Penodoneglo has a high rate of resistance to insects, rodents and microorganisms. The insulation does not absorb water, so mold and fungi is not formed in it. BUT high hardness The material protects it from insects and rodents.
  2. Chemical stability. Penodoneglo is a chemically inert material. Therefore, when contacting acids, alkalis, gases and petroleum products, foam-glass does not interact. The only substance with which the foamworm interacts is a plastic acid.
  3. Environmental purity. The foamglass does not burn, does not release toxic gases and does not produce decay products. This makes the material safe for the insulation of residential premises.

The unique characteristics of the material is explained by the combination of properties of silicate glass and gas microcapsules.

Main advantages

The use of foam glass as a heater has a number of significant advantages. These include:

  1. Excellent thermal insulation characteristics. They are explained by the peculiarity of the material structure - small closed cells with subtle partitions.
  2. Universality. The material is universal, so it can be used for the insulation of facades, roof, foundation, communications, walls and gender. It can be used even for objects with a high fire hazard.
  3. Long service life. Material is capable of listening over 100 years without loss of performance. At the same time, it tolerates high and low temperatures well, as well as their sharp differences.
  4. Good sound insulation properties. The insulation layer of 10 cm is capable of drowning even the sounds of the tractor operating motor. Therefore, the material is effectively used not only to protect against heat loss, but also from extraneous noise.
  5. Easy installation. For cutting plates can use ordinary hacksaw, the granules just pour out on the prepared surfaces. The material is incredibly light, so it is easy to work with it.
  6. Safety. Material does not highlight dangerous connectionsTherefore, it can be used in the premises of social and residential premises.
  7. Non-hatching. Foamglass does not burn, and with very high temperatures It only melts, without highlighting toxic components and smoke.

The advantages of foam glass made it one of the most successful and qualitative materials For insulation of gender, roof, overlap, base, walls and other surfaces.

Basic Disadvantages

Despite the explicit advantages of foam glass, when it is elected as a insulation, the disadvantages should also be taken into account. These include:

  1. High price. In the market of building materials, foam glass is one of the most expensive insulation. This is due to high energy consumption in production. In addition, the manufacture requires expensive equipment.
  2. Low shock strength. The material has a high compression strength indicator, however, is a rather fragile material. Therefore, with strong blows, foam glass can crack, and such cracked slabs can no longer be used as a heater.
  3. Low steam strength. This property of the material is its advantage, and a disadvantage. Despite the fact that fungi and mold cannot be formed in the foam glass, the surface that it covers does not happen an air exchange, so foci of infection may appear.

Penodoneglo - high quality and modern insulation for different species The surface, however, when it is selected, the disadvantages should also be taken into account.

Details of the insulation of the house Penodonegle can be found from the video:


The peculiarity of the material is its excellent thermal insulation abilities in combination with high strength. Therefore, it can be used to insulate the base, foundation, carriers and pipelines. Low water absorption indicator allows you to use it for heat insulation basement, foundation and ground floor. Granular material can be used as a warming additive for concrete. For thermal insulation of the walls, it is enough to fall asleep it in their cavity.

Warming with granular foam cell

Foamglass well cuts and dried, so it's easy to make pieces from the slabs desired size. In addition, the slabs hold well plaster, putty, glue and other compositions for finishing surfaces.

The material can be used not only for residential and public premises. It is used for enclosures of various technological and industrial equipment, which operates at high temperature.

Insulation foam cell

Technology insulation foam cell

To guarantee high thermal insulation material material, it is required to comply with its installation technology:

  1. For mounting plates, it is recommended to use special glue that needs to be applied to the opposite side of the plate and the side walls. After that glue should be evenly distributed over the surface of the sheet.
  2. If the surface has holes, bulges or other irregularities, the adhesive on the foam glass should be fluttered to get the most accurate framework.
  3. When insulation wooden basics It is recommended to fasten the plates with special dowels. Tree when exposed to moisture and temperature expands, so the insulation to it should be mounted mechanical method.
  4. When mounting the plate on the vertical surface, you must install the lower bar using at the same time building level. As a plank, it is best to use a metal profile or rack.
  5. The first series of insulation should be mounted on the profile that will act as a support. After completely frozen the glue, the support can be removed. However, it is best to remove it after the complete completion of the work.
  6. When installing plates on vertical or inclined surfaces, it should be started at the bottom, and on the horizontal - from the far corner.
  7. Plates should be placed close to each other with a displacement of one row relative to the other. After applying and completely drying the glue, it is additionally recommended to strengthen the plates with special dowels.
  8. Around the windows and doors, thermal insulation plates are recommended to mount solid figures. On the angular lines, separate pieces of material are not allowed.

Insulation of the roof of foam cell

Penodoneglo is a high-quality, modern and very lightweight material for thermal insulation different surfaces. The competent followation of the installation technology will increase the efficiency of thermal insulation and extend the service life of the material.

One of the most qualitative and durable thermal insulation materials is considered to be a foam glass. Thanks to her truly unique characteristics This material has found its application not only in individual construction, but even when it is built. industrial facilities. However, with all its advantages, the insulator is not so popular in comparison with other thermal insulators, and there is no reason for that. In addition to the mass of positive properties and characteristics, foamglass has substantial disadvantages. Let's figure it out what the shortcomings of the foam glass do not give him to become the first among

Expensive production

The problem is that the production of this material is used cheap raw materials, such as broken glass fragments or imaginary breeds, but the manufacturing technology itself is quite expensive. In order to obtain a granular foam glass, a temperature of about 800-900 degrees and forms of heat-resistant steel are necessary.

  • The manufacturing process is first in heating and softening the glass powder obtained from raw materials.
  • Then they are foaming due to the burning of the gas formator - as a rule, it is a stone coal.
  • After the material is slowly cooled, as a result of which the foam glass is obtained.

The production of insulation is a rather complicated and long process, thanks to which the cost seemingly cheap raw materials increases at times.

Products from foamwall

The final result of production is blocks having a cellular structure, and a granular foam glass. By applying special forms, block products have a higher cost than the same volume of the material in the form of granules.

Subsequently, blocks are cut on the plates that are used as thermal insulation on complex objects. For example, on roofing with a large area or structures complex geometric shape, as well as for thermal insulation of underground structures. It is convenient to use a foam glass plate and as thermal insulation for pools, baths and other buildings in which a complex temperature is operated, and all due to the special stability of the material to the effects of water vapor.

Granulated foam glass is used, as a rule, as a bulk free heat insulation on roofing or backfill under the tie. The second application of this material is filler for different solutions To obtain light screeds, plasters or blocks under the foundation.

Both products have the composition and characteristics. ordinary glassTherefore, the advantages and disadvantages of foam glass are based on the properties of this material.

The strength properties of foam glass

This insulation is one of the most durable iso of all types of thermal insulation. However, we are talking only about compressive strength, which is important for thermal insulation materials, since it is precisely this load insulator, as a rule, and exposed. The special meaning of this parameter is due to the fact that with a strong compression, the insulation may lose part of its properties: its moisture resistance is disturbed, and the insulator begins to carry out heat.

In contrast to foam and fibrous materials, which are calculated only on small inner efforts, which significantly limits their application in some situations, foamboil is absolutely not compressed, and this allows him to take part of the loads.

Stability to deformation

The foam glass is not deformed under the influence of gravity, which eliminates its sagging, squeezing or shrinkage. Thanks to this, the insulation does not require mandatory attachment on metal anchors or pins that can create cold bridges. Material can be easily glued to hot bitumen, polymer or concrete mastic and specialized adhesives.

But not all the strength characteristics of the insulation are so perfect. The disadvantages of the foam glass are based primarily on the properties of the original raw materials, which has low resistance to mechanical impacts. Therefore, blocks are easy to break or damage. Moreover, even small surface defects can lead to a decrease in moisture resistance and an increase in thermal conductivity.

Life of foam glass

The term of operation of the insulation is at least 100 years, which significantly exceeds the service life of most buildings without overhaulwhere it is possible to use it.

The foam glass was created in the 30s of the last century, so today we can talk about resistance to aging of this material. Experts were conducted experimental studies that showed that blocks from foam glass over the interval of 50 years have not lost their properties and remained almost unchanged.

However, this advantage is irrelevant in private construction, as low-rise buildings need reconstruction no later than 50 years. Therefore, it is more appropriate to apply although less durable, but cheaper thermal insulation materials than using foam glass, the price of which is pretty high (16 000 rubles / m 3).

Environmental resistance

In this case, we are talking about various kinds of influences of both chemical and biological nature. Thermal insulation materials from foam glass are not destroyed chemicalsThe exception is only but it is unlikely to be considered a disadvantage, since this reagent can be found except in chemical production.

Since foam glass consists of only various elements, it is not exposed to oxygen contained in the surrounding air, and therefore oxidation.

Thanks to the same features, the insulation is not susceptible to burning. When exposed to high temperatures, it melts as ordinary glass, while not highlighting, unlike most thermal insulation materials, harmful gases and substances.

There is another factor that has an effect on the fire safety of the material, is the lack of absorbent ability. The foam glass fully has this property and is not an absorbent material.

Ungigroscopic material

Thanks to this characteristic, there is no effect on the insulation and water, it does not matter, fresh or salty, since there are no soluble components, and the structure of the foam glass is closed cells in which moisture is simply unable to get. Thanks to these qualities, the material does not destroy under the action of low temperatures. Therefore, often the insulation is used and as

In addition, the foam glass, the characteristics of which are identical to the properties of ordinary glass, has a low temperature expansion coefficient, which means that it is without problems withstanding seasonal temperature differences, regardless of the application region. Another positive property of the material is both high-quality sound insulation, and all due to the dense structure of the foam glass.

Foam glass Foamglas.

However, nonhygroscopicity and material density causes some of the disadvantages of foam glass, in particular its fairly large weight in comparison with other heat insulators. This significantly complicates the carriage of the insulation, due to which the material price is significantly increasing. Yes, and the installation becomes a rather problematic event.

However, it allows to correct this drawback. For example, Pittsburg Corning Corporation releases foamglass Foamglas, characterized by extraordinary ease, while preserving all the properties inherent in this material.

Therefore, today the foam glass is mainly mounted on construction mixesthat simplifies the fastening of the insulation. In addition, the good adhesion of the material is also due to the good adhesion of the foam glass.

Biological impact

First of all, we note that the foam glass is absolutely resistant to rotting, the formation of mold and fungi, since it simply does not have a favorable environment for their reproduction. This factor is especially important in construction when thermal insulation materials are often used in closed spaces. A similar property of the foam glass allows you to be guaranteed to avoid the destruction of both the heat insulator and the surface that it protects, whether it is roof, the wall go the foundation.

It is also important that the foam glass cannot be damaged by roots of plants. And also absolutely not available for penetration of insects and rodents, due to abrasive properties. This feature of the material found its use in the arrangement of granaries, warehouses and food refrigerators, when insulation foam cell is also an ideal protection against various biological forms.

What other advantages and disadvantages of foam glass?

In addition to the basic above characteristics, the material has several more distinguishing properties.

Foam glass is very easy to process and give it the necessary form with the help of ordinary cutting tools. This allows you to use this insulator for the buildings of any geometric shape. But the industrial manufacture of blocks is a rather complicated process that leads to a significant hobby of the value of the material.

Insulation foam-glass - absolutely ecologically pure Materialwhich has no harmful effect on human health. And more recently, it was produced by technology, where hydrogen sulfide was used as a gas formator. Its smell was transferred to the finished material, so the use of insulation in private construction was rather limited due to the unpleasant smell of "rotten eggs".

Due to its environmental friendliness, the foam glass today becomes one of the most popular thermal insulation materials, besides, after use, the insulation may be redesigned to a new product.

One of the best warmth and sound insulation materials is foam glass. This insulation was created by Soviet scientists in the 1930s, but due to the high cost and imperfect manufacturing technology, it was not widespread. Three decades, a practical application was found by Canadians, where the foam glass was used as the thermal insulation of the building. This material entered into mass construction relatively recently, when all flaws were taken into account and production costs were reduced. The article will talk about how to insulate foam cell.

What is a foam glass

  • This inorganic heat insulation material It has a porous structure. In the process of production, the glass masses is heated at high temperatures, the added gas-forming substance forms bubbles with a diameter from a millimeter to centimeter. Porosity varies within 80-95%.

Foamglass photo

  • The color of the product may be different: cream, green or black. This property depends on the initial raw material, because crushed quartz, and sodium sulfate, and sedimentary rocks, and non-refundable glass are used in production.
  • Insulation is offered in the form of granules, plates and shaped products (Shells for pipes). Popular blocks are popular, which may be the following dimensions:
    • length - 200, 250, 400, 475 mm;
    • width - 125, 200, 250, 400 mm;
    • thickness - 80,100, 120 mm.
  • Installation is carried out through mechanical fasteners, cement solutions, mastic and other adhesive compositions. The fixation method is selected depending on the type of surface (concrete, iron, wood).

Characteristics of foam glass

  • This light material, its density is 120-200 kg / m. cube
  • As for compressive strength, this indicator is very high and varies from 0.5 to 1.2 MPa.
  • The thermal conductivity is even better than the wood - 0.06 W / m * C against 0.09 W / m * with respectively.
  • The absorption index of the sound waves with a slab with a thickness of 100 mm is 50 dB, which provides increased comfort.

  • The magnitude of sorption is negligible and does not exceed 4% of the volume.
  • The temperature range for the use of the material is very wide - from -200 to + 500c. At a higher temperature (from + 540С), the plates begin to deform, but do not release toxic gases or vapors. The heat resistance makes it possible to use foam glass at the facilities to which the increased fire safety requirements are presented.
  • Chemical inertness is at a high level. The material does not interact with acids, alkalis, petroleum products and other aggressive environments.

Advantages of using foam glass

  • In addition to high physico-technical characteristics, among the advantages, absolute environmental purity can be noted. The material is recommended for use in structures with increased requirements of sanitary and hygienic conditions.
  • Mats do not change their sizes during the entire service period. Glass cells are not deformed under operational loads and seasonal temperature drops. Thus, the formation of cold bridges is not allowed due to compression, sagging, swelling or shrinkage.

  • The foam glass is not subject to rotting and development of corrosion processes. It is also not attractive for microorganisms, mold, fungi and rodents, which speaks of biological resistance. Thanks to the above-mentioned advantages, the lifetime of blocks is at least 100 years.
  • The thermal insulation material is easy to process. It can be cut, drilled and saw, while it does not form crumbs and cracks. It is combined with almost all kinds of building materials: cement, brick, iron surfaces, the finishing formulations are well held.

Disadvantages of insulation foam cell

  • The main minus is to high cost, because the manufacturing process itself is a complex technological task. For the production of insulation in the form of a shell, additional equipment is required, which entails an increase in the cost of the finished product.
  • Another disadvantage can be noted - low resistance to shock loads. But this indicator is not critical because the insulation is not subjected to such tests.

Attention! "Analogs"

  • The market presents more cheap analogWhich is made of liquid glass. Ready product It does not differ in strength and moisture resistance. In essence, this is a pricked glue.
  • The only plus of such a material is low cost, which can be 2, or even 3 times less than that of foam-glass products produced from solid raw materials.

Foam-glass application

Thanks to thermal insulation abilities, the material uses:

  • in civil engineering. It is widely used for thermal insulation of engineering communications. This material is equipped with "warm floors", operated roofs, attic premises, cellars, foundations. They are also insulated internal and outer walls;

  • in sports facilities. Block and granular material is widely used in the construction of ice arenas, swimming pools, playgrounds and other objects to which special requirements are presented;
  • in industrial facilities. Foamed glass masses work to reduce operation costs due to high thermal resistance. Therefore, its use is relevant not only for terrestrial, but also underground structures, for example, such as: Bloomred tanks and other containers;
  • in national economy. Crushed stone from foam glass provides the opportunity to build structures on clay and wetched soils. It provides reliable thermal insulation of farms intended for breeding birds, harvest cattle, etc.;

  • in landscaping pomidery. The foam-mounted bulk material has found its use in the arrangement of greenhouses and greenhouses. Performance features allow you to form a relief on the plot, shut down pedestrian tracks, create gabions, use in drainage systems and groundwater discharges. They are also insulated by plated containers.

Improving efficiency

  • When choosing the thickness of the plates, it is necessary to take into account the thermal insulation properties of the material used for the construction of the house. So for the outer insulation of brick, concrete and silicate walls Apply foam-glass plates with a thickness of 120 mm.
  • For structures made of wood, foam and ceramzite concrete blocks, this thermal insulation material is 50-100 mm thick.
  • Internal insulation work is carried out by means of a foamed glass of 60 mm thick. Plates are fixed using adhesive compositions, thin dowels and steel M-shaped brackets.

  • For the "Warm floor" system, the foundation and inter-storey (attic) overlaps, a granular material is used. It will fill all empties and ensures the necessary heat insulation. The layer thickness calculation is based on temperature regimes Region residence.

Installation of foam cell

  • For fastening mats, special adhesive for foam glass is used. It is applied on the root side and 2 side walls. Cement-containing solutions and bitumen-based compositions are uniformly distributed around the perimeter.
  • If there are minor bulbs or depressions on the surface, then it is recommended to apply an adhesive mixture with "slaps" (at least 5 pieces on the stove). With this method, the consumption of glue will increase, but the basis will become the most even as possible.
  • For wooden surfaces Use special dowels. This is explained by the fact that wood is subject to temperature expansion. In connection with which the plates must be recorded by a mechanical method, which will allow "moving" to foam-plating blocks after the tree.
  • Before mounting the plates on vertical surfaces At the ground level, a horizontal level level is installed. It can be a timber or a metal profile, if necessary between the base and the rail, the wedges are led. The empty space is filled with foam.
  • The first series of insulation is installed on the profile acting as a support. After the adhesive composition freezes, the support is dismantled. For reliability, the horizontal bar is better removed upon completion of all works.

  • The mats of the foam glass are mounted on the walls and inclined roofs from the bottom up, on horizontal surfaces (for example, on inter-storey floors, foundations) in the direction - "on itself", that is, from a long corner.
  • Laying foam-glass products is performed close to each other with the obligatory displacement of one row relative to the other (with the dressing of the seams). If, in addition to glue, it is planned to additionally use a dowel, then their fasteners are made after complete drying of the binder mixture.
  • Thermal insulation plates around window or door openingsSmashing pipes and other elements are mounted by solid figures. Docking blocks from foamed glass masses on angular lines is not allowed.

Foam-glass technology laying

Knowing the method of fastening this material, you can easily and quickly perform the insulation of any objects under construction. The competent location of all layers will help increase the efficiency of thermal insulation.

Unique physico-technical properties make it possible to reduce the thickness of the "cake" and abandon the use of wind and moisture protection membranes. Below is the most common use of foam-plates.

  • Heavy Facing Wall. Products made of foamed glassworks are glitched to reinforced concrete or brick surface. Additional fixation It is performed by a mechanical way (4-5 dowels on the stove). After the entire perimeter will be laid on the installation metal profiledesigned for a lining stone. This option is applicable to the arrangement of the base.

  • Wall under the stucco. On the brick masonry Or the walls erected from foam or aerated concrete blocks, fastening mats are attached by adhesive composition. Before applying the finishing material, the plates are covered with a mesh of the brass (not less than 100 mm). It is fixed with plate dowels with clamping washers. The thickness of the plaster layer can be up to 30 mm.
  • Wall with facing brick. The brick base is covered with foam-glass plates. Flexible connections are more convenient to insert after laying insulation, and not until it is installed. Next is the laying of facing bricks. Here you can use the granular material that fallster apart between the main and facing wall As the latter is erected (the distance between masonry is at least 250 mm).
  • Wall under profiled sheet. Wall surfaces are covered with foam glass mats. A shaper is placed on top of them wooden Reques or metal profile. The fastener is selected depending on the material from which the walls are erected. Profiled sheets are installed on the appropriate technology (bottom up and left to right, the brass in horizontal and vertical level).

  • Interior walls (partitions). Work inside the premises are not much different from the outdoor installation of the insulation represented. Also, the insulation is attached to the surface, which is covered with a layer of plaster (you can mount a profile for plasterboard sheets).
  • Roofing under rolled materials . Reinforced concrete plate If necessary, covered with a bitumen-polymer primer providing high level moisture protection. Next, hot mastic on a bitumen based on the foam glass unit is applied. glue solution And with a row pressure is fixed on the surface. The finished canvas is processed by hot bitumen. With the help of the burner, the waterproofing layer of EPP is filmed, and then the rolled material of the ECP type.

  • Roofing with a small bias under leaf coatings. Poinoneclel blocks are glued to the overlap of reinforced concrete. You can use special adhesive compositions or bitumen mastics. Upon completion of the work, the foam glass surface is covered with a hot bitumen-polymer mass. To increase the waterproofing of the roof, weft rolled materials are used. After the frozen, the lamp is performed, corresponding to one or another roofing material.
  • Wooden roofing. On the rafters is equipped with solid flooring. Over it spreads the layer from waterproofing materials On a bitumen basis, the fastening of which is carried out by a mechanical way. Next is mounted foamula, then the waterproofing material. Now the surface is fully ready for laying any roofing material.
  • Insulation of penny beds. Foam-glass plates are tightly laid out over concrete base or the rammed layer of sand or cement. Here the stove thickness will depend on the alleged loads. Further places polyethylene in 2 layers, and then the whole pie is poured sand-cement mixture. This basis is fully ready for the arrangement of various finishing materials: Linoleum, parquet, ceramic tiles etc.

Filathal products have the characteristics necessary for the effective thermal insulation of structures of any destination. They combine: low heat transfer rates, ease of installation, long term operation, fire and biostostility, environmental safety for both human and design.

Foam glass video

Despite the high cost of this material, laying foam glass will pay off all expenses due to the absence of additional layers of cake and thanks to the minimum amounts in heating accounts.

Installation and dismantling of the traditional insulation of walls with mineral wool, foam and other plates - the process is quite time-consuming. In some cases it is appropriate to use bulk insulation. It is much cheaper and more convenient for the same efficiency. The market presents a very diverse selection of such materials.


Bulk heat insulator applies not only for internal surfaces - They can be insulated with room and outside. Walls, floor, roof - you can warm all the elements that structurally allow the material to be covered.

Beep heat insulation cheap. Some of her species are simply waste production (sawdust) or ready-made natural materials (sand).

The only drawback is hygroscopicity. Wet, he loses its properties.

Need to special attention To devote hydro and vaporizolation of its layers. However, the fear of moisture is characteristic of the same extent for all types of thermal insulation.

Features of the material

There are several types of bulk material for insulation. Each of them has its own properties. List of bulk insulation:

  • ceramzit;
  • polystyrene foam in granules;
  • foam concrete crumb;
  • equata;
  • sawdust and sand;
  • boiler slag;
  • vermiculitis.

The familiar look of this material is round or oval granules. The granules or material of another shape porous and very light (some species can be kept on the surface of the water). Ceramzite is formed due to the roasting clay. It is absolutely not combustible, safe, environmentally friendly with its composition.

The material can be in three forms:

  • sand with a grain size from 0.14 to 5 mm. It is used as a filler for light concrete and for insulation of the floor;
  • running crushed stone from clay - these are granules fraction from 5-40 mm. The best way for thermal insulation of foundations and floors of residential premises;
  • gravel from clay. Rounded granules of 5-40 mm with a mounted surface, absolutely racks to the fire. Inside, they have closed pores, which gives their excellent frost resistance. Such gravel is recommended for insulation attic overlaps: The material is lightweight, has a low thermal conductivity.

In the marking of the material necessarily presents the size of its fraction:

  • 5-10 mm - floors and roofs;
  • 10-20 mm - baths and saunas, capable of keeping the temperature and humidity in the room for some time;
  • more than 20 mm - for foundations and basements.

This is the most controversial bulk material. Represents very lungs, air granules white color. It is used as a frustration when warming roofs and walls, it is also used as an additive in a mixture for the insulation of concrete.

The disadvantages are toxicity and flammability, but its properties have not yet been studied. Instead, it is recommended to use granular foam glass. The polystyrene foam is cheap, convenient for insulation by the method of well masonry.

This is a layered material based on mica. In the process of its manufacture, no chemical additives are used, impurities. Is an excellent option For insulation of loggias, rooms. Used as energy-saving housing lining inside and outside. For floors and walls, a layer is recommended at least 10 cm, for a roof - no less than 5 cm. The backfilling of this material with a thickness of 5 cm reduces heat loss by 75%, 10 cm - 92%.

Features of the material:

  • high breathability of insulation - material porous - which allows the walls to "breathe", perfect for natural circulation, updates of air and ensure the microclimate indoors;
  • environmentally friendly, without toxic substances;
  • non-flammable, refractory, belongs to the combustible group of G1;
  • fungi, mold, rodents, insects are not terrible such isolation;
  • special skills or experience, special tools are not needed for his backfill. The layer of material is simply falling asleep and compacted. Additional fasteners are not needed;
  • service life - more than 50 years.

For the walls, the thickness of the vermiculite vermiculite is 10 cm, for attic, roofing, inter-storey overlaps - 5 cm. When laying it is desirable to use vapor insulation film - This will additionally protect the insulation from moisture.

Sawdust and sand

it traditional materials To preserve heat that are used in attics and in basements, not one century apply. Disadvantages: poorly isolated from moisture, pests can get in them. Sawdust - combustible, susceptible to mold, fungus. It is recommended to use more modern materials.

For insulation, not ordinary sand is used, but perlite. He has a light weight, less hygroscopic, reminds with its characteristics mineral Wat. Thanks to Maloya bulk density Does not create a load on the wall, does not cut them.

Equata or Cellulose

Components of this insulation - Equata (7%), crushed paper (81%), antiseptics (12%) and antipyrin (7%). Material non-combustible and does not rot due to special impregnations. It has been used in the world for more than 80 years, it is known on the CIS to be known over the past decade.

As an antiseptic in this material used boric acidIn the role of Antipiren - Bura. These substances are environmentally safe.

The material is quite practical: the fibers fill fine emptiness well, so it is recommended for complex structures.

For snowing there are the following recommendations. Firstly, bulk material Over time, it is settled, so it needs to be talked. Boiler slag and ceramzite is desirable to use in the regions where in winter the temperatures do not fall below -20 ° C. Insulation shelter roofs Crumples and similar compositions are carried out outside, after laying vaporizolation. Along the skate between the rafters, transverse limiters are installed - they evenly distribute the insulation.

After laying on the floor or in the basement, it is well trambed to exclude the shrinkage and deformation of the finish. The only problem is moisture ingress, bulk insulation is sufficiently hygroscopic. In the baths and saunas and, however, everywhere, a layer of insulation must have high-quality hydro and vaporizolation. It is necessary to ensure that there is no cracks in the finish, and the bulk material did not wake up through them. It is also worth remembering that the ceramzite is sufficiently heavy. It is necessary to ensure that it does not cut too weak partitions or walls.

Methods of snowpad

The process of frustration of any insulation is the same: the material falls asleep in the cavity and tram. It is recommended that the argument is recommended to solve immediately when designing the house. In case there are no internal cavities under the insulation of the insulation, there are layers through PVC or drywall panels.

A good option when the insulation falls asleep between facing and ordinary bricks, between internal and external masonry. Inside there may be ribs so that it is well distributed. Due to the bulk thermal insulation, the walls can not be made to thick, which saves costs. There are ready-made bribes - slabs, inside of which there are already cavities filled with clay, they are 50% better preserved heat than ordinary.


For sex, such methods of insulation of bulk components are used. The first option is a falling (or bulk) insulation on the lags. On the floor, lags are made on the columns, cranial bars are nailed, then flooring from the board. Parosolation is put on the flooring, clamzit is poured. Further, if necessary, the next layer of thermal insulation, on it - a screed, rough wood flooring.

Second option - mound over concrete slab. A variant for low-quality housing - Khrushchev, for example - when it is possible to raise the floor level. Flooring is removed, waterproofing is laid, it is poured with a clamzite layer at 5 - 10 cm. Then you can put the grid for reinforcement, and it is done on it chernovaya screed - Foundation base outdoor coating. On top of the ceraimsitic pillow, vapor barrier is laid, another layer of insulation.

Finally, the third option is a dry ceramic screed. The layer of claympsite is poured, a layer of gravel, then - another layer of clay. The surface is aligned, drying plaster plates, and on them - any finish coating.