Self-warming of the loggia. Do-it-yourself internal insulation of the balcony and loggia - step-by-step instructions with photos, videos and descriptions

The first association that arises with us at the word balcony is a cold small space outside the window, where we take out everything that seems to be not necessary, but it's a pity to throw it out. This is not surprising. More recently, the balcony was thought up as an additional room to the apartment for drying clothes and storing vegetables. But in last years the situation has changed dramatically, and now the balcony is becoming part of the interior of the entire apartment, and can perform several useful functions both in summer and in winter. "But how is this possible?" - you tell. Very simple. Nowadays, balconies are insulated, sheathed, energy-efficient windows are installed, and even heated.

Consider the best way to insulate the balcony of an ordinary apartment

There are two options for insulating balconies: outside and inside. Both of these methods differ radically from each other. If, in the first case, the balcony is insulated without affecting inner space and so not a large balcony, then in the second, its usable area decreases by at least 30-40 cm.For large balconies, this is not perceptible, but for loggias with small dimensions this insulation technique is not quite suitable. "So what's the deal! - tell you, - let's insulate all balconies from the outside ”. The idea, of course, is a good one, but there is one "but" in it.

What is the best way to insulate the balcony? What methods and types of materials for insulating balconies exist in general, and how to properly insulate them. Our experts will try to answer these questions.

You can only insulate the balcony outside with your own hands if it is located no further than the second floor. For work at higher heights, you need to resort to the help of professionals, which will cost a pretty penny. Therefore, it is cheaper, after all, to insulate the balcony from the inside. Moreover, many special materials are being sold for this.

Materials that are suitable for insulating balconies inside:

  • Styrofoam;
  • Penoplex;
  • Penofol;
  • Mineral wool;
  • Expanded clay;
  • Izolon;
  • Polyurethane foam.

Each of the materials has its own pros and cons, but they are all great for insulating a balcony and loggia from the inside.

To learn about the characteristics of other materials, as well as about the stages of balcony insulation, you will learn from our article:

The better to insulate the balcony inside: finishing methods

There are many ways to insulate a balcony. When choosing your option, be guided by personal plans. Consider what functions you want to add to your additional living space in the future. Modern technologies now allow to install energy-intensive windows, insulate facades and walls with such materials that the cold will not penetrate into the room at all, and the heat will not be able to escape outside.

The better to insulate the balcony inside, if you do overhaul? Based on your financial capabilities. From budget materials the most popular for balcony insulation is polystyrene. It is lightweight, fully meets the requirements of insulation and does not deteriorate for a long time.

The quality of insulation, for the most part, is influenced not by the material with which you plan to insulate the balcony structure, but by the way it is insulated. The more you insulate the structure, the better the thermal insulation will be, and the warmer the balcony space will be in winter. If it is additionally equipped with heating, then such a balcony can be used all year round, without feeling the cold outside the door.

What methods can you apply by insulating the balcony from the inside:

  • Insulate the walls;
  • Sheathe the floor with insulation;
  • Lay insulation on the ceiling;
  • Cover the entire perimeter of the balcony with insulation;
  • Add floor heating to a fully insulated balcony.

In addition, while performing work, you can add additional insulation methods such as a foil sheet gasket, or a wind barrier from plastic film.

We will learn how to lay insulation for a balcony indoors

After we have decided on the material for wall insulation, and the method of performing the work, we need to draw ourselves a plan for further actions. It should consist of stages of construction and periods for completing assignments. Reassess the possibilities of your balcony. If you have not yet equipped with energy-saving windows, then now is the time to install them. You are doing a major overhaul of the cladding, and later it will be difficult to return to it, and the installation of plastic windows will require strengthening the positions that support them.

Insulation for the balcony inside the space must be prepared in advance. Try to calculate the amount correctly consumable... This is not difficult to do, you just need to carefully calculate the area of ​​the insulated planes.

Further, step by step, according to your own plan and studying the feedback from experts, move forward. Immediately think about how you will decorate the walls of your balcony. The method of laying the insulating material during further cladding of the balcony with clapboard or plastic differs from the insulation of the balcony without further cladding.

Step-by-step instructions for insulating a balcony:

  1. If you already have windows installed, then we start by sealing cracks, cracks and destruction. Wood cladding check for rotten planks and fungi. If they are, then take steps to eliminate them. If there are no plastic windows, then you need to install them.
  2. In the event that you will later sheathe the balcony with clapboard (which is done very often), then you need to start arranging the lathing.
  3. Think about electrical wiring. Make the layout earlier, so that later you do not have to spoil the repair.
  4. We begin the process of warming. Lay insulation in the space between the battens of the sheathing, attaching it in accordance with the type of material.
  5. Fill up the gaps between the insulation if it is hard.
  6. Cover the joints with assembly tape.
  7. For greater thermal insulation, lay a layer of foam foam on top.
  8. Level the surfaces.
  9. Cover the walls with finishing material.

When carrying out work on the balcony, one rule should be taken into account - for repairing the balcony, choose the lightest finishing materials. The balcony is a special design and should not be overloaded.

Practice shows that it is best to insulate balconies from the inside with penoplex and penofol. It is better not to use minvata for this. Although it is soft and comfortable, it does not like dampness. And temperature drops on the balcony are inevitable, therefore, condensation as well.

What is the best way to insulate the balcony from the inside, if there are not a lot of funds? Use Styrofoam. It's not expensive, but pretty practical material... A balcony properly insulated with it will serve you for a long time and reliably.

Styrofoam, 4-5 cm thick, will be quite enough to insulate the walls of the balcony. Use liquid nails or special glue as an adhesive. Do not use heavy mixtures for gluing. To make the repair progress in stages, and the finishing materials do not interfere with each other, perform the work in a specific sequence.

Stages of work on the insulation of the balcony:

  • Install plastic windows;
  • It is best to start the insulation of the balcony from the ceiling;
  • After finishing it, go to the floor.
  • The walls are insulated last.

If you do everything correctly, then in the end your renovation will come together in one harmonious idea.

Insulation of a balcony with penofol (video)

When the repair work on the balcony is completed, you can start arranging it. If this part is on the sunny side, it is imperative to hang curtains. You can find options and solutions in our next article:

What your balcony will look like after insulation depends only on you. Use your best skill, patience and time, and you will equip yourself a wonderful room, where it will not be hot in summer and cold in winter.

We choose modern materials that are suitable for insulating the loggia from the inside

To create a comfortable functional room in the loggia, it is necessary to carry out work on its high-quality insulation. On the market today are the most different materials, therefore, it is possible to insulate the loggia with mineral wool, polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam and other types of insulation. The choice of insulation depends on many factors. It is very good if there is an opportunity to consult with experts on this matter.

Mineral wool

Mineral wool insulation is the traditional and most common option.

This material can provide sufficient high level thermal insulation and sound insulation.

At the same time, it is recommended to use mineral wool for insulation only if there is no load on the insulation. In addition, the insulation material must be protected as best as possible from the effects of moisture and the formation of condensation on it.

Mineral wool insulation works are carried out in the following sequence:

  1. First, all surfaces insulated from the inside are waterproofed. This stage is preliminary. To create a high-quality waterproofing layer before insulation with mineral wool from the inside, it is best to use special insulating impregnations. They can be bitumen and polyurethane mastic, special paints and varnishes... In addition, rolled polyethylene materials (sold in any hardware store) are often used as an insulator. What kind of insulator will be used does not really matter.
  2. Then you need to complete the lathing device. The installation step of wooden blocks should be about 1 cm less than the width of the mineral wool sheets. In addition, you need to select the bars in such a way that their thickness is slightly greater than the thickness of the insulating material slab. The fastening of the elements of the lathing can be done to the rough surfaces with dowels and self-tapping screws.
  3. To install mineral wool slabs, you need to select and dilute a suitable adhesive composition (which one is not important). It is applied to the surface of the slab from the inside, after which it is placed in the cell formed by the crate. The slabs need to be adjusted so that they are slightly larger than the mesh size. This will avoid unnecessary voids.
  4. Once the adhesive is dry, thermal insulation material it is recommended to additionally fix it with your own hands using dowels-fungi.
  5. Surface cladding can be done using any suitable materials... Any type of finish is suitable for this, which will not create a heavy load - plastic panels, plywood sheets, lining ...
  6. In conclusion, surface finishing and decorative work are carried out. Work in this case can be performed with any finish.

Good results and reviews are given by the material ISOVER.

Expanded polystyrene

Warming your loggia inside with expanded polystyrene gives quite good results. This material is produced by mixing polystyrene and special foaming components. The mixture is heated, subjected to high pressure, then foamed and carbon dioxide is added.

For insulation of the loggia with expanded polystyrene, plates with a thickness of 45-50 mm are perfect.

  1. Their fastening is carried out on dowels, Double-sided tape and glue (which type of fastening to choose depends on the material of the walls). When insulating the loggia with expanded polystyrene from the inside, it is best to arrange the plates of the material in a checkerboard pattern so that they do not move under their own weight during operation.
  2. In order to prevent the occurrence of cold bridges, seams, gaps and docking zones need to be filled with your own hands construction foam(when insulating with expanded polystyrene and polystyrene, the problem of cold bridges is especially relevant).
  3. As soon as the polyurethane foam dries, you need to cut off its excess with your own hands.
  4. To provide additional insulation, which is required for insulation with expanded polystyrene and polystyrene, it is imperative to lay a layer of special polyethylene foam with a thickness of 5-8 mm. In this case, a layer with foil should be located inside the loggia. This approach will allow you to form a high-quality vapor barrier layer with your own hands and ensure heat reflection. The seams must be glued with construction tape with their own hands.
  5. On thermal insulation layer you can fasten the wooden lathing (for this it is better to use small-sized bars that have been pre-treated with antiseptic compounds). In addition, instead of lathing, often from the inside, the loggia is trimmed with plasterboard sheets.
  6. On wooden crate or drywall sheets, with your own hands any finishing materials can be applied.

You can do without the lathing and use a mesh for reinforcement, under fine finishing.

Penoplex and penofol

Very often penoplex and penofol for insulation are used in one insulation system.

One of the best materials.

These are high-quality insulating materials that have a lot of positive performance and technical characteristics. Many experts recommend using them specifically for insulating loggias from the inside. The use of such a heater for a loggia will allow you to create a comfortable environment inside the room and maintain an optimal microclimate on the coldest days.

Penofol for the loggia.

Insulation works using these materials are carried out in the following sequence:

  1. First, do-it-yourself preparation of all insulated surfaces: floor, ceiling, walls, parapet. The old finishing material is completely removed, all traces and debris are removed. After that, you need to carefully check the integrity of the structures from the inside so that they do not have cracks, holes and other defects through which cold air can penetrate into the room. It is important that the loggia is completely sealed from all sides.
  2. Then, vertical logs are installed. It is necessary to fasten the material with a certain step, the size of which will depend on the thickness of the insulation used.
  3. Next, penofol is attached directly to the lags. For this, you can use any suitable adhesives that are suitable for indoor use. During the installation of the initial foam layer, it is required to direct the foil outward.
  4. After that, the installation of the penoplex is carried out (the best option for a loggia is a material with a thickness of 20 - 25 mm). Laying the slabs from the inside of the loggia can be done independently - there is nothing complicated in this process.
  5. Finally, you need to glue another layer of penofol. In this case, the material must be positioned in such a way that the foil layer is directed inward. As a result, we will get a kind of cake, in which the main heat-insulating material (penoplex) will be protected with penofol on both sides.
  6. All joints that arose during the installation work from the inside of the loggia must be glued with construction adhesive tape.

What kind of insulation material to choose for insulating a loggia?

You need to understand that do-it-yourself work on insulating the loggia can be done from the inside and outside. Of course, it is much easier to make insulation inside the loggia. For this, a wide variety of thermal insulation materials can be used. Their choice will depend on the design features, operating conditions, the nuances of the installation work, therefore, in each case, special attention should be paid to the choice of insulation.

The purchase of the most expensive insulation on the market will not always be justified.

For example, if the loggia has high-quality glazing, high-quality construction, and no defects are observed, the simplest materials can be used. In addition, the choice of insulation for the loggia will depend on whether heating is planned.

The better to insulate the balcony inside: what materials to choose

If the apartment or house has a balcony, then it must certainly be used, since this is an additional, and sometimes just a necessary area. If you approach the issue with imagination and think over all the nuances, then you can get a small, but very cozy room. In order for the balcony to act as a room, it must be insulated. How to insulate the balcony inside is decided by each owner independently, taking into account their financial capabilities and pressing needs. But a few words should be said about the nuances of the process and about the materials used to insulate the balcony. The choice of these materials must be very careful and pay attention to all the characteristics.

Where to begin

It is necessary to start mastering any balcony with an objective assessment of its condition. If the apartment is located in a new house, recently leased to tenants, then you need to pay attention to the material from which the construction of the balcony is made. Also, in new houses, you need to pay attention to what the neighbors' balcony is decorated with. Often in such houses, neighbors try to adhere to a single style.

We make masonry from foam blocks

But if the balcony is located in a far from new apartment and it has always been used as an open space, then the work will have to start with strengthening the balcony... Strengthening is understood as the reconstruction of the concrete platform of the balcony, and the strengthening of the metal handrail. Also, such an event as strengthening the lower part of the upper balcony can be included in this process, this must also be taken into account. After solving all these issues and choosing the material for the external facing of the loggia (balcony), you can proceed to the interior decoration. To simplify this stage, you can lay out a wall of bricks or foam blocks up to half of the balcony, directly to the double-glazed windows. This will save on insulation.

Advice: If all stages of insulation are carried out at the same time, then it is better to immediately install double glazing in the windows, since one glass gives 70% more heat loss in cold weather.

Preparation for insulation

To start insulating the balcony inside with any materials, you need to prepare. Having chosen a material for insulation, it is necessary to create a special wooden crate for it, on which it will then be attached. The exception is roll materials that can be mounted under the crate. This frame is made of beams with a cross section of about 4-5 cm. Transverse and perpendicular beams must be fastened so that squares of 50 by 50 cm are obtained. The lathing can also be made from a metal profile, but this material is somewhat more expensive than wooden bars. The main advantages of the metal frame are the ease of construction and ease of use.

Note: When calculating the necessary insulation for the balcony inside, you need to take into account not only the dimensions of the walls, but the floor and ceiling, since these two positions also need insulation.

Material selection

Insulation is placed in the crate on the inside of the balcony, which can be:

Foam insulation is one of the most common methods of thermal insulation for balconies and loggias.

Styrofoam... The cheapest of these materials is plain white foam, 5 cm thick. If a room is insulated in cold latitudes, then you can take a thicker foam, it can reach a thickness of up to 10 cm.It can be easily cut into required amount parts, and you can not additionally strengthen anything, but immediately place them in the crate cells for finishing materials. The material is absolutely safe both when working with it and during subsequent use. The insulation is completely odorless, does not emit toxic substances, and the evaporation of styrene in small quantities does not affect human health. The installation of the material takes place without the formation of dust.

Mineral wool insulation

Mineral wool... Mineral wool is a little more expensive, but its noise insulation performance is much higher, so if you need to get rid of extraneous sounds, it's better to use it. This material is completely natural and completely fireproof. The combustion temperature of mineral wool starts from a thousand degrees. The inconvenience of laying mineral wool briquettes lies in the mandatory observance of safety measures. The material contains small glass particles that cause itching of the skin. Installation must be carried out in protective special clothing, goggles and a respirator.

Expanded clay... The material is an environmentally friendly insulation. The word "expanded clay" is translated from Greek as "burnt clay". The material is more often used when insulation of floors and ceilings... It is not entirely profitable for them to insulate the walls, since they additionally need to prepare a metal mesh as a support.

More information on how to insulate a balcony here. Tips from the masters and instructions in steps.

After warming, you will need to move on to the interior decoration of the balcony. Plastic panels are well suited for these purposes. Read more about them and their differences in this article.

The installation of high-quality double-glazed windows plays an important role in the insulation of a balcony or loggia. Which window profile to choose? - you will find the answer here.

Penofol... This material is one of the thermal insulating agents that has a reflective effect. It is a layer of self-extinguishing polyethylene foam with closed air cells. High quality aluminum plating, 14 microns thick, 99.4% pure on one or both sides. Penofol is a versatile material with steam, - hydro, - wind, - sound insulation properties. The material has the appearance of a thin, flexible, lightweight and environmentally friendly structure. How additional vapor barrier you can use foil foamed foam, it is very convenient for them to work, since it is sold in rolls and is easy to cut even with ordinary scissors. This material protects the room from outside moisture and removes condensation from the room.

Penoplex... It is a new material specially developed for the insulation of premises. The material is very easy to install due to its low weight, so its use on the balcony is now relevant. It is produced in the form of rectangular slabs of various thicknesses, which can be easily cut with a clerical knife. It is also possible to manufacture "sandwich panels" by pouring. Insulation with a rough surface allows you to easily attach and glue them with other materials.


Izolon... Is also versatile material in terms of use. Confirmed safety in use as a heater and vapor barrier element. Excellent sound insulation performance.

The degree of thermal conductivity is compared:

  • with 15 cm brickwork
  • with 4.5 cm of wood
  • with 4.5 cm of mineral wool
  • with 1.2 cm of expanded polystyrene

Reduces noise of at least 18 dB.

These are the main materials for creating an insulating layer, which are now easy to find in any hardware store. We hope you now have more information about how how can you insulate the balcony from the inside, and then we will consider how to do it.

How to insulate

One of the best methods for laying insulation is layer-by-layer:

  • First, the surface is waterproofed
  • The next layer is the selected insulation material, which is also attached with appropriate fasteners. These can be nails, screws, plastic fasteners with wide heads.
  • Then a vapor barrier is laid, which is attached with a construction stapler.
  • At the final stage, finishing material is attached to the crate with the help of special fastening materials

Styrofoam sheets are installed in the crate, and the joints are covered with polyurethane foam

You should get a layer with a thickness of approximately 60 - 70 mm, this is the distance from the outer layer to the finishing layer. This size may vary depending on climatic conditions. It must be understood that any layer of insulation requires financial costs and labor, therefore it is better to immediately make a balcony conscientiously and not try to save on trifles.

In a situation with floor insulation on the balcony the sequence is also the most. If it is decided to fill the floor with concrete, then first expanded clay is laid and the solution is distributed on top of it. Concrete mortar it is necessary to carefully distribute with a special rule and try to make the surface as smooth as possible. Then ceramic tiles or other finishing materials can be laid on such a surface. Roll-type underfloor heating can be installed under the final finishing, and this will provide additional insulation of the room.

Find out more about how to raise the floor on the balcony with your own hands and what materials can be used to do this.

Read on how to choose an electric underfloor heating. Features of different models.

If the option of a wooden floor is chosen, then first the guide joists are laid, between which the insulation is laid. Then a finishing board or chipboard is laid on the logs. Laying of chipboard is necessary if the installation of laminate or linoleum will be carried out further. It is also worth noting that under the laminate you need to lay special backing, which will provide additional thermal insulation. When the finishing of the walls and floors is completed, the skirting boards are installed, which hide the joints of the finishing.

In the complex of works on the insulation of the balcony, it is necessary to pay attention to the ceiling. The process of warming is carried out in the same way as walls and floors. Complicating the task is the moment when the balcony or loggia is on top floor and there is no ceiling. In this case, you need to take into account the additional costs for the installation of the ceiling and roof.

When working on the insulation of the balcony, you should not fuss and rush this can lead to an unreasonably high consumption of material. If you approach the matter with attention and carry out constant calculations, then you can acquire a full-fledged additional room for little money.

How to insulate a balcony from the inside video

We invite you to watch a video on the topic of our article "Insulation for a balcony inside - choose materials", which shows in detail the whole process of insulating a balcony using penoplex and penofol.

How to insulate a balcony with your own hands: from the refrigerator to a warm island

To begin with, it is worth saying that there are two ways to insulate a balcony - from the inside and outside. External insulation, of course, is more convenient - precious centimeters of the area are not "eaten away", and the facing of the balcony facade becomes more pleasant. But this is a laborious process that requires the involvement of a construction crew and industrial climbers. Therefore, in the article we will focus on how to properly insulate a balcony in an apartment from the inside - this can be done independently.

For insulation inside the balcony, first of all, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work... They include several important stages:

  • Where to start insulating a loggia or balcony? Free up space of all unnecessary things. It is best if the balcony is completely empty: it is much easier to work this way. Also, get rid of old finishes in advance.
  • Fill up all the cracks - a lot of heat goes out through them. For small cracks, a weather-resistant sealant is suitable, fill larger ones with polyurethane foam - it will not only fill the voids, but also serve as an additional heat insulator.
  • To make it easier for you to carry out the insulation work, it is important to smooth out cracks and irregularities on the walls and ceiling using cement mortar.
  • If you plan to place light bulbs on the balcony or lighting, it is worth taking care of the wiring in advance. To hide unpresentable cables, place them in plastic boxes.
  • Before starting work, cover the opening between the balcony and the adjoining room with a film so that construction dust and other pollutants do not enter the apartment.

Is it possible to insulate the balcony in winter? Yes, you can. Only when carrying out work in winter is it necessary to choose frost-resistant materials, in particular, polyurethane foam.

How to insulate a balcony: what materials are better to choose

To understand how to insulate a loggia or balcony, let's first figure out what properties the materials should have:

  • high strength;
  • fire safety;
  • water resistance;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • relatively low cost;
  • ease of installation (if we want to do all the work with our own hands).

Most often, mineral wool, expanded polystyrene, polystyrene, etc. are used for insulation. Several of these materials are sometimes combined. We have reflected the pros and cons of each heat insulator in the table:

What is the best insulation for the balcony? The answer to this question depends on your preferences and financial capabilities. More details about the characteristics of heaters, as well as about the insulation of the apartment as a whole, can be found in our blog.

Owners of city apartments often wonder how to insulate a balcony inside with their own hands. This procedure is actually simple. However, it is nevertheless necessary to observe the established technologies during its implementation. First of all, of course, you will need to decide on how to insulate the balcony inside with your own hands. From the variety of the selected material and will be in to a greater extent the method of covering the parapet, walls and ceiling depends.

Styrofoam or mineral wool?

These two materials are most often chosen for insulating balconies and loggias. Expanded polystyrene costs a little more than mineral wool. However, at the same time, he is also the best answer to the question of how to insulate the balcony inside. The fact is that when sheathing the loggia from the side of residential premises, the so-called is inside the insulating "pie". Therefore, it is much better to use a moisture-resistant material for insulation. Inexpensive mineral wool, unfortunately, does not differ in such properties. She picks up moisture very quickly. You can, of course, use it. However, in this case, you will have to pay maximum attention to waterproofing. So the best answer to the question of how to insulate the balcony inside with your own hands is still expanded polystyrene.

Material characteristics

When choosing sheets for balcony insulation, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • density,

Expanded polystyrene sheets produced by modern manufacturers have standard sizes: 2x1, 0.5x1 or 1x1. Those who wondered how to sheathe the balcony from the inside should think about purchasing smaller sheets. Install too large slabs in limited space the loggia will be very uncomfortable. For a balcony, the best option is 0.5x1 or, in extreme cases, 1x1.

As for the thickness, you can buy absolutely any expanded polystyrene for the balcony. The only thing that should be guided in this case is such an indicator as the area of ​​the loggia. After assembling the insulating cake, there should be enough free space on the balcony for a comfortable pastime. Most often, the owners of the loggias typical houses Soviet-built polystyrene foam with a thickness of 40-50 mm is chosen.

The density of this type of insulation can be found by looking at the markings. The best answer to the question of how to sheathe the balcony from the inside is to use 15-25 grade expanded polystyrene. The higher the numbers, the less thermal conductivity the material has, and the more brittle it is. If the expanded polystyrene is supposed to be covered with decorative plaster or wallpaper in the future, it is worth purchasing thicker plates. If lining or panels will be used as the quality, you can take loose sheets that retain heat well.

Where to begin?

So, you now know how to insulate the balcony inside with your own hands. Next, let's figure out how to do it right. Before proceeding with the installation of the insulating "pie", it is necessary to carefully prepare the loggia itself. First of all, the wooden floors are dismantled. Then they begin to repair the parapet. If there are through slots in it, they must be sealed with a sealant. Chips close up cement mortar or moisture resistant putty. The walls, floor and ceiling are prepared in the same way.

Loggia waterproofing

Asking the question of how to properly insulate the balcony with their own hands inside, the owners of the apartment must first of all make sure that this small room is always dry. Waterproofing during this operation is considered mandatory (especially when using mineral wool as insulation). In its absence:

    the service life of the balcony finish will be reduced;

    all metal structures will quickly rust;

    due to high humidity all kinds of fungi will begin to develop, as a result of which an unpleasant odor will appear on the loggia.

Sometimes on balconies uninsulated in this way, even support structures begin to collapse, which, of course, is very dangerous.

The easiest way is to waterproof the balcony using bitumen-polymer mastic. It is heated to a liquid state, the floor is poured over it and the parapet is coated in 2-3 layers. Sometimes roll materials are also used to waterproof the balcony.

What glue is needed

Those who wondered how to insulate a balcony inside with polystyrene or expanded polystyrene should, among other things, take care of using suitable glue to fix the sheets. It is allowed to mount this material directly on the mastic (on polymer-bitumen - immediately, on bitumen - after complete drying). In this case, a special glue should be used. It's called Bitumast.

What else do you have to buy

Thus, you now know how to insulate the balcony inside with your own hands. A photo of expanded polystyrene sheets - the most suitable material for this purpose - can be seen on the page. However, in addition to them and glue, to insulate the balcony, you will also need to prepare:

    reinforcing mesh,


    polyurethane foam (toluene-free),

    decorative plaster or wallpaper.

Pasting technology

So, next, let's see how to insulate the loggia from the inside. Installation of sheets should start from the corner. This rule is true both when pasting a parapet and walls or ceilings. Actually, the installation operation itself is carried out as follows:

    Roughness is given to expanded polystyrene sheets. To do this, they are passed with a special needle roller. Treated in this way, they will hold up much better.

    A support rail is attached to the bottom of the parapet.

    The adhesive solution is evenly applied to the surface of the wall, ceiling or parapet.

    Press the polystyrene foam tightly to the surface.

The material for insulating the balcony from the inside should be mounted in such a way that the joints between the sheets have a T-shaped appearance (as when laying bricks). After the plate is glued, it should be additionally secured with mushroom dowels (5 per sheet). Holes for them can be drilled directly through the sheets. At the final stage, the joints are processed. In this case, construction foam is used.

Reinforcing mesh gluing

Expanded polystyrene is an excellent answer to the question of what is the best way to insulate a balcony inside. However, decorative plaster does not hold well on this material. To remedy the situation, use a special reinforcing mesh. Mount it as follows:

    Previously, the expanded polystyrene surface of the ceiling, parapet and walls is completely coated with glue (for foam).

    Another layer of glue is applied on top of it. Its thickness should be such that the joints of the mesh do not protrude above the surface plane.

Fine finishing

So, we have figured out how to insulate a balcony with our own hands. Step by step photo this process is presented above. As you can see, this procedure is relatively simple. At the final stage, the dried adhesive surface is passed with a special float to roughen it. Next, proceed to applying decorative plaster... You can also wallpaper the balcony.

Second way

The loggia insulation technique discussed above is suitable when using dense polystyrene foam. And if the owners decided to buy mineral wool as an insulator? How to insulate a balcony with your own hands? A step-by-step (photo of the process is presented below) guidance for performing work in this case will look like this:

    A frame made of wooden beams is attached to the parapet, walls, floor and ceiling. The step between its elements should be equal to the width of the plates of the selected insulation. The timber can be fixed to the concrete parapet with self-tapping screws. For balconies with a metal fence, an independent paving structure is assembled.

    Further, the insulation itself is inserted between the elements of the frame. The material is attached to the concrete parapet with "fungi" (expanded polystyrene can be additionally glued). If the fence is metal, it is better to use cotton wool and insert it into a rasp. If expanded polystyrene is chosen for insulation, you can, for example, fix plywood on the back of the frame and glue the material to it.

    It is stretched over the insulation. It is better to fasten it with thin rails (two on each side of the timber).

    the balcony is finished with clapboard, plastic panels, plasterboard or plywood. Attach the material to the frame bars.

How to insulate the floor

The base of the balcony is insulated last. The floor is pre-waterproofed, and then logs are installed on it. The answer to the question of what to insulate inside is simple. Most often, expanded polystyrene or mineral wool is placed between the beams. You can also use expanded clay. A vapor barrier is attached on top of the insulation, and then a floor or edged board is stuffed. Then the floor is covered with linoleum or any other suitable material.

Heated balcony

Whatever the answer to the question of how to insulate the balcony inside, the owners of the house choose for themselves, subject to the installation technology, in the future it will be possible to have a good time here, including in winter. However, on very cold days, even on an isolated loggia, additional heating may be required. It is strictly forbidden to carry out central heating by the regulations. Therefore, the best solution would be to set the usual here electric heater... It should be placed against the wall separating the balcony and the apartment. It is not recommended to install heating devices near the parapet. The fact is that in this case, due to the rising warm air on the balcony, the glass will start to fog up strongly.

You can also arrange on the loggia

Warm floor

This work is done as follows:

    Heat-insulating material is laid on the floor.

    Installed metal

    The heating cable is being laid.

    A thermostat is hung on the wall.

    Flooded concrete screed 30-40 mm thick.

    The floor covering is laid.

Well, we hope we have quite extensively answered the question of how to insulate the balcony inside with our own hands and how to do it correctly. The most important thing when assembling a "pie" is not to break put technology... In this case, the balcony will turn out to be cozy and warm.

The part of the apartment, more than others in need of first-order and thorough insulation, is, of course, a balcony or loggia. Because by no means all owners use these premises exclusively for a warehouse or storage room. Modern views are such that balconies and loggias are increasingly being transformed into personal account, kitchens or just in rest rooms. This is what makes the owners perform competent, and therefore high-quality, insulation of these premises.

With this publication, we set ourselves the goal of conveying to the reader information on how to properly insulate a loggia from the inside, what is needed to insulate a loggia from the inside, etc. This will provide significant savings, since you do not have to hire expensive specialists, and learning something new is always useful and exciting. The key to success here is avoiding the most common mistakes and following the sequence of actions.

Let's start with a few points that are considered the most common mistakes of inexperienced builders when they decide to insulate the balcony with their own hands.

  1. Rush. Often enough insulation works are performed at an accelerated pace or hastily. Usually, in these cases, all work is limited only to the installation of a new warm double-glazed window, covering all visible cracks with putty and plugging into a power outlet oil cooler... And meanwhile, precious warmth was leaving the apartment as it was leaving. In this way, it will not work to insulate the walls, floor and ceiling of the loggia. To insulate the loggia, you need to make a little more effort.
  2. The use of low quality materials. In order to avoid this common mistake, the question of what is the best way to insulate the balcony from the inside must be treated responsibly and approached in advance. Since the balconies have a fairly large area, an incorrectly selected insulation for a balcony or loggia will cause a rather serious heat leak from the apartment.

In order to ensure maximum insulation of the balcony, and as a result of the entire apartment, from cold weather, a clear sequence of actions must be followed in the performance of work. This will allow you to achieve high-quality insulation, save energy, money and time spent. So, further the question is considered of how to do the interior decoration of the balcony with your own hands and step-by-step instruction to this process.

Installation of warm windows

The beginning of insulation work in any room, including on the balcony, is the installation of new double-glazed windows. The presence of old wooden frames- this is one of the main reasons for the escape of a large amount of useful heat from the apartment. Unlike other rooms, the installation of a reinforced-plastic glass unit requires one nuance to be taken into account: the reliability of the parapet.

Especially on balconies of the old type, the parapets are rather flimsy and their strength may not be enough for the installation of rather weighty metal-plastic double-glazed windows. Under such conditions, it is necessary to take care of additional strengthening of the parapet. The most suitable method for this is reinforcement with thick metal rods, followed by pouring them with cement mortar. Along with the insulation work on other surfaces of the balcony, the insulation of the parapet is of no less importance and must be approached very responsibly.

How and what to insulate the balcony

Probably, overriding moment when insulating work on the balcony, it is the choice of the thickness of the material with which the inner surfaces are insulated. Most often, the internal insulation of a balcony implies sheathing with insulating materials not only of the walls, but also of the ceiling and floor. Therefore, the best way to insulate the loggia from the inside is the most important issue. And it is necessary first of all to decide the question of what and how to insulate the balcony inside with your own hands.

The main criterion for choosing such materials is their thermal conductivity.

This indicator is inversely proportional to the heat retained by it, or rather, its amount. It is for this reason that the question arises more often than others: how to insulate the balcony from the inside? Mineral wool, polystyrene or expanded polystyrene?

The most common insulation for these purposes is extruded polystyrene foam.... Together with lightness and subtlety, it is also excellently cut and assembled, and very inexpensive. It has good resistance to corrosion and moisture. However, it is very, very expensive. If necessary, it can be replaced budget option- foam. The latter has similar properties, but is not as durable.

Sealing cracks

Any rather old or even not so old balcony has slots. That is why, even by installing the most modern and warm double-glazed windows, you will notice that the heat is still escaping somewhere. It is best to seal cracks in surfaces to be insulated with polyurethane mastics and sealants. They are the most flexible, resistant to natural influences such as wind or frost and seal cracks longer.

Such sealants and mastics are sold most often in small cans, and the gaps are filled with a plastic nozzle or a special gun, which often come with cans. As soon as the sealant or mastic is completely dry, you can begin the next stage - to fix the insulation material.

We insulate the balcony floor and walls

The insulation was selected and purchased, and now it remains to be seen how to sheathe the surfaces with it. There are 2 enough simple options how to insulate the loggia from the inside with an insulating material, or rather, how to fix this very material: glue that does not necessarily contain toluene (since the latter can corrode the insulation plates), and a dowel. If it is decided to fix the slabs with dowels, then their location should be such that about 10 dowels are located on each square meter of the slab.

Stages of insulation of balcony walls

  • The insulation of the balcony walls begins with the installation of a vapor barrier film and gluing its joints with construction tape;
  • A lathing made of bars or a profile is mounted. For these purposes, both wood and metal are suitable;
  • Insulation is mounted: expanded polystyrene, mineral wool or foam. The seams between the boards are blown out with polyurethane foam. When the loggia is insulated from the inside, this stage is the main one;
  • The crate is sheathed with moisture-resistant gypsum board, plywood, chipboard or other sheet materials;
  • The resulting surface is finished. For these purposes, among other things, you also need a finishing material, with which the walls on the balcony are finished.

I would like to note that the use of vapor barrier tape will help to avoid, for example, mold or mildew.

And on the insulated floor, it is imperative to lay a layer of waterproofing. On the walls and ceiling, moisture-resistant drywall will be used as cladding. How to insulate a balcony from the inside with your own hands, see the video step by step below:


Stages of insulation of a balcony floor

  • A concrete screed is poured, the thickness of which varies within 3-5 centimeters. You can, if desired, install a warm floor system into the screed;
  • A waterproofing film is mounted, followed by processing its joints with a sealant or moisture-resistant mastic;
  • Thermal insulation is laid in the form, for example, of a penoplex;
  • The flooring is finished by laying ceramic tiles, laminate or linoleum.

Arrangement and insulation of the balcony floor is possible without the use of a screed. In this case, longitudinal logs made of wood are laid on the waterproofing layer. The latter are attached directly to concrete base balcony. Next, the floor is insulated with a gasket between the lags of basalt wool, expanded clay, foam, etc. All this is covered with boards or some kind of sheet material (chipboard, plywood, etc.). Insulation work is completed by laying the topcoat.

Insulation of the balcony ceiling

When deciding how to insulate the balcony inside, one more thing should be taken into account. If there is no neighbor's balcony above your balcony, that is, the ceiling of your balcony is not the neighbor's floor, then a somewhat special approach is needed to insulate it. Here you will need high quality roofing material with applied on inner side soundproofing in the form of a film or spraying.

The following layers are also stacked:

  • Waterproofing - PVC film or polyester;
  • A windproof membrane that allows steam from the insulation to pass through, but does not allow drops that penetrate inside with the wind;
  • Anti-condensation layer that prevents water vapor from condensing and flowing onto the insulation material;
  • Timber frame supporting the roof;
  • Insulation, which, in fact, is used for thermal insulation;
  • Vapor barrier of the insulation itself, which helps to preserve its properties. It prevents the penetration of water vapor into it.

Additional insulation

In order to provide comfort, warmth and coziness on the balcony even in severe frosts, a well-thought-out additional scheme of balcony insulation may be required. Part of this can be: an air conditioner, a radiator or a heated floor system. In fact, the insulation of the balcony from the inside is limited only by the imagination of the owner of the apartment and his financial capabilities.

If the balcony is connected to the apartment, then it is quite possible to do without an additional insulation scheme. In this case, even an apartment air conditioner can easily cope with the role of an additional heater. However, there is one "but". It will be warm on the balcony, but the floor, as it was cold, will remain so, even with carpet.

In order to avoid such an incident, we still recommend equipping a warm floor system. Believe me, it will be very appropriate. The installation of such a system is a rather complex step-by-step action, therefore, we will not consider it within the framework of this article.

Internal insulation of the balcony is, of course, good, however, in order to achieve the maximum effect, care must be taken to insulate the balcony from the outside. And although it is forbidden to insulate the balcony from the outside on our own, we decided to briefly describe this process using the example of how professional companies do it on their own.

External insulation

  • Pipes with a square section are welded to the upper edge of the parapet, on which the window sill will be fixed and the insulation material will be mounted from the outside of the balcony.
  • The insulation is laid in two layers, and with some shift so that the top layer overlaps the joints of the first. This is done so that cold air does not penetrate into the balcony through the joints of the insulation. Insulating the walls of the loggia from the outside helps to achieve the absence of condensation in the apartment, or rather, on the loggia.
  • Fastening of foam-plastic slabs (namely, this material is used for insulation when the loggia is insulated from the outside) is carried out with self-tapping mushrooms directly to the surface of the parapet and pipes welded on the upper end of the parapet.
  • The balcony cladding from the outside is carried out either with a metal profiled sheet or with plastic. The first one is more reliable and durable, the second one looks better aesthetically.

During the insulation of the balcony from the outside, potholes and chips may appear on the parapet, on the outside. It is not worth worrying about this, since these defects on the outside will be covered with insulation, and inside they will be sealed with polyurethane foam.

Once again, I would like to repeat that for questions about how to insulate a balcony from the outside, it is better to contact professional construction organizations. Working outside the apartment at a height (from the side of the facade) is very dangerous, and it is better to trust the specialists in this. Be smart and don't take risks!

In this article, we tried to show in as much detail as possible the procedure for insulating a balcony. Of course, it cannot be argued that the tips given by us are suitable for absolutely every balcony owner. After all, everyone has their own approach to the question of which materials for insulating the balcony from the inside are better, and which are worse. The choice always remains with the dear reader.

In urban apartments, the presence of a balcony means the ability to expand the usable area of ​​the entire home. But without proper repairs, which includes insulating the entire balcony, such an area can only be useful as a terrace or a cold storage room. The balcony insulation technology includes a complex of repair measures aimed at creating a special structure that will provide comfort and warmth in the room being repaired.

Features of loggia insulation

On the one hand, do-it-yourself insulation should not present any difficulties. It is enough to purchase material with the required parameters and install it on your balcony. The tricky part is that the appearance of ease of repair leads to further frustration. This is when, in a cold season, an unpleasant draft, mold, water accumulates and the walls freeze on a loggia insulated and renovated with love. Condensation is to blame. When warm air touches a cold surface, steam reaches such a saturated state, under the scientific name "dew point", when it easily turns into water. This leads to an uncomfortable state inside the balcony, destruction of the thermal insulation system and other unpleasant sanitary and hygienic consequences.

The most reliable way of insulation is a multilayer enclosing structure outside. This option contributes to the free movement of heat outside the inner walls. This leads to the fact that the junction of different temperatures, or rather the contact of cold and warm air, occurs outside the walls of the inner room, which means that such unpleasant phenomena as condensation, steam, mold and dampness are not threatened. The outer de layer will not allow the penetration of cold from the street.

The result is an almost ideal atmosphere inside the balcony. The whole difficulty is that it is not always possible to make external insulation of the walls and roof with your own hands. The only way out is a well-built construction of internal insulation.

The installation of a window block has a double meaning: firstly, protection against atmospheric precipitation, and secondly, keeping the heat on the loggia. But doing glazing with your own hands is not always a justified risk; it is better to invite professionals for this. When installing windows, check how carefully the slots are sealed, whether the parapet (base) is reliable, from which the frame is made, whether the height of the expanders corresponds to the thickness of the intended insulation. It is better to clarify all these questions before window work.

Before starting work, decide on the choice of material for interior decoration. For this purpose, foam plastic, mineral wool, penoplex, penofol, etc. are used. In order to prevent condensation subsequently, for internal works choose vapor barrier materials.

You will need:

  • polystyrene or its analogue, layer thickness 3-6 cm;
  • foil-clad penofol or ordinary foil, polyethylene film for parainsulation;
  • screed materials (dry mix for the floor or antiseptic boards);
  • bars for lathing;
  • moisture resistant panels for decoration;
  • glue, double-sided tape;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • screws, dowels.

Thermal insulation of a loggia implies thermal insulation of walls, ceilings and floors. Any material, especially for walls and ceilings, should be securely fastened. For this, two methods are used: glue or dowels. The peculiarity of the adhesive method is the application technology and the accuracy of the choice of the composition. The important point is that the glue must match the insulation material. A notched trowel is used to apply the adhesive. With its first step, an adhesive solution is applied along the perimeter of the heat-insulating material. In order to avoid leakage of glue to the joints, it is laid, stepping back a couple of centimeters from the edge. The rest of the usable area is evenly dug in with glue in the form of dots.

Another method for DIY repair involves fastening with the help of "fungi" - special dowels. They are issued different sizes, and when buying insulation, you need to immediately look for fasteners that are suitable in size and property. For comparison, when attaching insulation with a thickness of 4 cm, you will need about 7 dowels with a diameter of 1 cm and a length of 9 cm.

To protect yourself from unforeseen embarrassment in case of unsuccessful fastening with your own hands, it is permissible to use two methods at the same time: first, glue is applied, and the insulation is installed in place, and then the structure lends itself to the dowelling process.

If everything is fine with the floor, then you may not need to repair it. But if you observe special scrupulousness and do everything according to the rules, then floor insulation will not take much time, in the end it will help to avoid unpleasant surprises. A well-mounted do-it-yourself shelter will help make from the balcony cozy room for living at any time of the year. The first step is to achieve a perfectly-even coverage. Before installing the thermal insulator with your own hands, flatten the floor surface. Mineral wool, polystyrene foam or a “warm floor” structure is used as insulation for the floor.

The first layer of insulation is staggered. As the first step, as in the case of the floor, the entire surface of the walls is leveled, holes and cracks are closed. The next step is to cover up the joints formed between the insulation and the wall using polyurethane foam.

Warming methods

The loggia insulation technology suggests two possible ways to create a comfortable, warm environment with your own hands.

1. This method is designed for the property of polyethylene or foil to retain moisture and not let it pass into the inner layers of the insulation. In this technology, it is quite possible to use mineral wool, because in other cases it is not recommended to use it as a heat-insulating material.

In this case, the structure will look like:

  • balcony railing;
  • insulation, for example, mineral wool;
  • vapor barrier (foil or polyethylene);
  • MDF or PVC panels;
  • wooden beams or plastic panels.

All technology is carried out "dry", which facilitates construction works... The only drawback is the lack of air permeability. This problem is solved by functional ventilation.

2. In this version, a protective barrier is not used, and thermal insulation is carried out using materials with low vapor permeability.

In this case, the do-it-yourself design will be as follows:

  • fencing;
  • glue;
  • insulation;
  • glue;
  • reinforcing fiberglass mesh;
  • glue;
  • finishing layer;
  • fixing with a dowel.

With this method, you can use a putty as a finish, followed by wallpapering. The design takes up some part of the usable area, more laborious than the first, but has good air permeability with adequate heat retention.

Standard work procedure for insulation

1st step- laying and fixing insulation on the floor, front and side walls and ceiling. In this case, all cracks and joints are sealed with polyurethane foam.

2nd step- vapor barrier. For this purpose, foil or polyethylene is placed over the surface of the insulation and secured with tape or glue. The fastening is completed by mounting the vapor barrier in the joint with metal tape.

3rd step- floor screed. Do-it-yourself flooring can be done in different ways.

Bondage and thickness. Its height reaches 4 cm. Before pouring the screed along the perimeter of the floor, a gap of 1 cm is laid out of foam foam near the wall. After the screed has hardened, ceramic tiles are laid using the appropriate glue.
Electric heated screed. Here is a job for specialists or skilled craftsmen in DIY repair.
Wood flooring... Throughout the area of ​​the loggia, wooden rods are laid, which are fixed using polyurethane foam. Grooved boards are mounted on them, forming a flooring.

4th step- lathing. Horizontal and vertical battens made of wooden beams are laid on the ceiling and walls. For mounting in a concrete wall, self-tapping screws and dowels are used.

5th step- final finishing. The decoration of the loggia largely depends on financial capabilities and preferences in external design.

The last final step is finishing with plastic panels, drywall or wooden clapboard. The main thing is to observe the technology renovation works in the apartment.

Some subtleties in this matter will help avoid further disappointment. The vapor barrier is laid on the dark side of the insulation, the foil should be turned inside the warm room. The use of mineral wool as a heater is not always justified. If water seeps into it, then the entire insulation system will have to be changed. When using mineral wool, you need to take care of waterproofing measures. Wooden rods cannot be mounted through the thickness of the insulation, since then places of accumulation of cold and water, the so-called "cold bridge", are formed. In order to fully improve the repair of the loggia, consider an additional ventilation system, which will significantly enhance the climate control of the entire living space.

Has the day come when it's time to finally throw out your old ski and take out all the cans from your balcony to the garage? Your head is full of ideas, and if not, then the global web will help you. You are ready to realize all the brightest and wildest desires on the vacant piece of living space. There is one little problem left. These are harsh conditions that attack your blood square meters.

Therefore, the primary task that must be solved before letting fantasy unfold is keeping warm. In order to minimize repair costs as much as possible, let's figure it out how to insulate a balcony from the inside with your own hands.

If a decision is made to attach the balcony area to the living area of ​​the apartment, it is necessary to carry out work on its insulation. So that after the repair there are no unforeseen problems, the work must be carried out in compliance with the established norms, rules and approvals.

Serious reconstruction will require permission from local executive authorities, architecture and the Ministry of Emergencies. You should not ignore this point in order not to be punished for violating the housing code. In addition, reconciliation will help avoid certain mistakes when changing structural elements... Experienced specialists will immediately notice that there are no joints in the project. Correction of errors at the design stage will avoid the cost of correcting errors after repair.

The order of work and their volume depend on what tasks the reconstructed balcony will perform:

  • It will continue to be a place to relax in the warm season, and insulation is carried out to protect it from wind, dust and precipitation. This is a less expensive method and easier to implement.
  • It will be added to the area of ​​the apartment as a full-fledged living space, used all year round. Here, the scope of work increases significantly, since it will be necessary to provide for heating, steam and waterproofing, and change the power supply system.

Attention! Balcony with sliding windows it is practically pointless to insulate, since the windows themselves will let the cold through.

How to insulate a balcony from the inside with your own hands

First of all, it is necessary to make measurements and determine the amount of materials, their composition and quality. Manufacturers offer wide range materials for insulation, insulation and decoration for every taste and material wealth. Saving on quality, of course, is not worth it. You need to take care of environmental friendliness and fire safety of housing.

A balcony is a remote structure that is located outside the building, its three sides and the ceiling require insulation, even if the neighbors have already done the work. The sequence of work should be built in such a way as not to miss important nuances, which will then have to be corrected:

  • Particular attention must be paid to the condition fencing parapet... Most often, it is a thin plate made of metal, profile, or iron rods. Such a structure will have to be replaced with a brick wall or foam blocks. For the construction of the wall, you need to choose light, hollow bricks so as not to create an unnecessary load on carrier plate.

The enclosing parapet of the balcony

  • Glazing it is better to entrust it to professionals. Depending on the chosen interior, the profile can be wooden or PVC with double glazing. The number of doors is determined in advance to ensure ventilation and ease of maintenance. During the installation of windows, expansion profiles are installed, which will facilitate the fastening of insulation boards.

Glazed balcony

Sealing cracks on the balcony

  • Let down power supply so that access to food is as practical as possible. Electrical work and the heat supply device must be carried out by specialists who have special permits to carry out such work.

Conducting electricity on the balcony

  • Warming is carried out in the following sequence: walls and ceiling.

How to insulate walls on a balcony

To choose the right insulation, you need to know its technical characteristics, pros and cons.

The main parameters that determine the quality of the material is its thermal conductivity, ecological and Fire safety... It is very important that the insulation is lightweight and takes up less space.

  • ... Multi-layer, consisting of foil and polyethylene foam, reflective material several millimeters thick. At the same time, it reflects at least 90% of heat, durable, lightweight, inexpensive. During installation, it easily takes the shape of a surface and is attached.

Insulation of a balcony with penofol

  • Polyurethane foam... Provides fire and environmental safety. It is applied to the surface by pouring or spraying, closes all cracks, provides waterproofing, does not require a frame and fastening.

Thermal insulation of a balcony with polyurethane foam

  • Penoplex... These are foamed polystyrene boards. The material practically does not absorb moisture, but it is bulky and poorly accepts the parameters of the surface to which it is attached.

Insulation of the balcony with penoplex

  • Expanded polystyrene... Has excellent sound, steam and thermal insulation properties... Due to its efficiency and environmental friendliness, it is well suited for balcony insulation.

Thermal insulation of the balcony with expanded polystyrene

  • Stirodur... A type of expanded polystyrene, extruded, green, with good characteristics.

Balcony insulation with styrodur

  • Isover (mineral wool)... Widespread fiberglass based insulation. This is mineral wool, which retains heat, provides sound insulation, and does not weigh down the structure. Has an affordable cost. It is used with additional waterproofing and vapor barrier.

Insulation of a balcony with isover (mineral wool)

It is not advisable to use fiberglass, as it is fire hazardous and releases toxic substances.

Taking into account the temperature difference between the outside air and the room, it is necessary to provide a kind of hydro-barrier that will not allow warm air if it comes into contact with a cold enclosure, create condensation. The presence of condensation will lead, in the future, to the formation and decay.

Insulation is fastened, depending on the type, with glue, special dowels with a wide head, spacer nails or spraying.

Using mineral wool the surface is pre-primed. After drying, they are applied to the wall mineral slabs smeared with adhesive. Installation starts from the bottom and is carried out according to the type brickwork... Allow the glue to dry completely within 24 hours. It is possible to carry out reinforcement in several places with dowels.

Often used for laying slabs wooden frame, the design of which retains heat worse than insulation. Therefore, it is better to fasten the material end-to-end and seal them with aluminum tape or polyurethane foam.

It is better to fasten the layers of mineral wool end-to-end

The next layer is attached to the vapor barrier. It could be foil-clad polyethylene... It is laid with foil inside the building so that it reflects the heat coming from the house. Insulation materials for other heaters, may not be used, depending on the purpose of the room.

How to insulate the floor on the balcony

About a quarter of the heat loss on the balcony occurs through the floor, so work needs to be done to prevent these losses. This is not the most difficult operation and it is quite possible to do it yourself. When choosing a material, it is necessary to take into account that the floor level on the balcony after installation must be at or below the floor level in the adjoining room.

There are several simple and affordable ways:

  • with a frame device;
  • monolithic;
  • electric warm floor.

Only one professional skill may be required - the device of a warm floor.

Underfloor heating installation on the balcony

The main point in choosing a method and material is the condition of the supporting plate. In old houses, structures may have wear and tear and are not always ready to withstand heavy loads. Therefore, it is important to agree with the specialists of the architecture department what weight of materials can be used for repairs. This is especially important when installing monolithic concrete floors.

The frame floor, in turn, can be arranged using:

  • mineral wool;
  • expanded clay;
  • pepoplast;
  • foam or expanded polystyrene.

Floor insulation technology consists of several stages.

  1. Leveling the surface of the slab is carried out if necessary.
  2. Waterproofing with polyethylene film or roofing felt (for damp rooms).
  3. Arrangement of wooden lathing. A bar is used with a height close to the thickness of the insulation. It is laid along the length of the balcony at a distance of 50 cm from each other or another convenient distance, depending on the size of the insulation sheets. Leave indents from the walls 5-7 cm, and the ends - 5 cm, so that with high humidity the wood does not deform. Attached to the floor with anchors or self-tapping screws with a depth of at least 4mm. This will provide a firm hold. If the installation of transverse beams is required, it is necessary to make cuts up to half the thickness at the joints and make grooves with the help of which the transverse logs are connected to the longitudinal ones. They control the level, do not allow the bars to sag. If necessary, put wooden wedges or dies, which are fixed to the floor, with polyurethane foam. It is important to prevent foam from getting at the junction of the wedge and the bar.
  4. The lathing is filled with the selected insulation.

Cheap and effective materialmineral wool... Available in rolls and slabs, lightweight, easy to install. The size of the canvas is chosen in such a way as not to crease or bend it. This degrades the protective qualities due to the decrease in the amount of air between the fibers. The main disadvantage of mineral wool is its low moisture resistance, so it is necessary to use the next layer of vapor barrier.

Popular, inexpensive Styrofoam due to the ease and simplicity of installation, it is most often used as a heater. It is highly hygroscopic and resistant to any environment. Among the disadvantages are deformation under loads and poor sound insulation.

Thermal insulation of the balcony floor with foam

Penoplex it is resistant to mold development, mechanical stress, temperature changes and excellent thermal insulation performance. As disadvantages, its flammability with the release of harmful substances and the thickness of the material can be canceled.

Insulation of the floor and walls of the balcony with penoplex

High fire resistance, durability possesses expanded clay... But it is not very good for insulating a balcony, since a thick layer is required for normal thermal insulation.

Thermal insulation of the balcony floor with expanded clay

  • The cracks remaining after filling with insulation are foamed.
  • On top of the insulation or vapor barrier (if used) as a rough flooring, after which the selected floor material will follow, chipboard or moisture-resistant plywood is attached.

The cement screed is used only when sufficient solid construction balcony. In order not to exceed permissible load, use a reinforced screed up to 50 mm thick.

The following methods will require special professional skills.

As insulation they implement electric heating systems using special infrared film, cable, tapes. They are laid on a thin layer of insulation and installed according to the manufacturer's instructions.

For water floors a device in a special way of the water circuit is required.

Water floor device diagram

How to insulate the ceiling on the balcony

Before starting work, you should carefully inspect the ceiling for signs of leakage, since even a small amount of moisture, falling on top of the insulation, can lead to the development of mold.

Considering the difficulty of working on the ceiling, it is necessary to protect the eyes and use glasses.

Already familiar penoplex, mineral wool, polystyrene foam (foamed polyethylene foam) are used as material for work.

Penoplex density 35-45kg / cm² allows the use of panels from 20mm, which will provide normal thermal protection. The only drawback is the high cost.

Insulation of the balcony ceiling with penoplex

Thickness foam can be within 50mm, and the density is 15kg / cm², then MDF, PVC or drywall panels are mounted on top. At a density of 25kg / cm², a putty can be used.

Insulation of the balcony ceiling with foam

For ease of installation, markup is carried out taking into account that the plates or sheets of insulation fit well into the prepared crate, determine the level of fastening. It is better to calculate everything in advance at the bottom, then the work at the top will take less time. The thickness of the layers of insulation and finishing must be such that they do not interfere with the opening of windows.

Use a different sequence of work:

  • Sheathing device → installation of insulation → cladding.
  • Fastening of insulation throughout the entire area → vapor barrier → installation of a wooden lathing or frame from a metal profile → cladding.

If the balcony is located Upstairs building, it is important to prevent moisture from the roof from getting onto the insulation; for this, an additional layer of insulation with polyethylene or foil polyethylene foam is provided under the roof.

The first layer for waterproofing can be special composition based bituminous mastic applied to concrete slab brush. The next step is to install a sheet waterproofer.

How to insulate a balcony with penoplex

Penoplex is an accumulation of expanded polystyrene balls with air spaces... Practically does not absorb moisture, has long term service, low thermal conductivity. Slabs are produced with a thickness of 2-10 cm.

Penoplex plates

The lightness of the material does not place additional stress on the base plate. It is resistant to deformation, does not emit harmful substances. To increase fire safety, choose the type with the C marking. Since the walls of the balcony are thin, thick insulation plates are used, which will reduce the useful area of ​​the room.

Under influence sun rays penoplex loses its properties, therefore it is used only as an internal insulation.

The material is easy to cut, does not crumble, does not create problems during installation. It is used to insulate walls, floors and ceilings. The following types of fastening are used:

  • Disc type dowels with plastic cores. This mount is suitable for uneven surfaces, metal profile roofs.
  • With a special glue applied to a previously primed surface, it is enough to apply the glue in dots or in a zigzag pattern. It adheres well to smooth concrete substrates.
  • With glue, with additional fixation, dowels.

Methods for applying glue to penoplex

Plates of penoplex are placed in prepared cages of the crate or without it, on the entire surface. The use of battens, especially on the façade, impairs thermal protection.

The fit of the plates is carried out tightly, the joints are sealed with construction tape or filled with polyurethane foam. The insulation is covered with a layer of polyethylene with a foil layer. Depending on the purpose of the room, the vapor barrier may not be used.

Penoplex insulation is suitable for all types of interior decoration: special plaster, plasterboard, wood and finishing boards.

How to insulate a balcony with foam

One of the most common ways to insulate a balcony (walls, floor, ceiling) is polystyrene foam. This material, at a relatively low cost, is able, with proper installation, to provide excellent thermal insulation performance. Among other positive qualities, it is worth noting resistance to adverse weather conditions. It does not absorb moisture, does not collapse under its influence, is resistant to the formation of rot and mold.

Polyfoam does not emit harmful substances, it goes well with other materials.

For insulation of the balcony, polystyrene is used both outside and inside. It is better to entrust external work for a multi-storey building to specialized organizations for the purpose of safety.

For internal insulation, a foam thickness of 4-6 cm is sufficient.If the front part is thinner than the side panels, a thickness of up to 10 cm can be used.When choosing a thickness for floor insulation, it is necessary to leave a margin of height for the floor itself, and for the ceiling - for opening windows.

Warming is carried out in two ways:

  • Glue... On flat surfaces that do not require a waterproofing device, foam plates can be glued special glue(Ceresit ST-85). This method is good for installing a floor under the next screed or walls - under plaster. In this case, when the foam sticks, the glue is applied to its outer surface with a thickness of 2-3 mm. Without waiting for complete drying, they apply a reinforcing mesh, but do not flood it and cover it with another layer of glue.

Glue method of foam insulation

  • Wireframe... Since the use of other finishing materials requires additional fastening, they arrange a wooden crate or a frame made of a metal profile. This method is convenient for creating a multi-layer cake that provides waterproofing on the outside, and vapor barrier on the inside. Layers can fill the cells of the frame or be located under the bars and on top. The foam itself is cut to the size of the cells so as to fill them as tightly as possible. It is fastened with dowels or self-tapping screws with wide mushroom-shaped caps.

Frame method of insulation with foam

Slots , emptiness , irregularities are filled with scraps, polyurethane foam or sealant. After drying, you can attach a layer of vapor barrier over the insulation and the cake is ready for finishing with plasterboard, plastic panels or other finishing.

How to insulate a plastic balcony

Plastic balconies or decorated with plastic panels, impact resistant external environment, sun rays, temperature difference. The guaranteed service life of high-quality panels is at least 50 years. They are easy to install, have an affordable price, are easy to maintain and look aesthetically pleasing. Thanks to positive characteristics, plastic balconies have gained popularity.

Plastic panels improve the aesthetic appearance and provide sufficient thermal protection for balconies with improved glazing.

Balcony with plastic panels

The balcony cladding with plastic is carried out on a mounted wooden frame or metallic profile, which reacts poorly to temperature changes and changes in humidity. The frame device creates free space between the walls and finishing panels... It is foolish not to take advantage of this moment and add one of the common heaters to this space. If, at the same time, the seams and joints of the balcony structure are sealed, then even one layer foam, penoplex or mineral wool filling the crate cages will significantly change the microclimate. And the use of an additional layer of vapor barrier will make it possible to use plastic balcony during all year round as a full-fledged living space.

How to insulate a wooden balcony

Lovers of wood in the interior, maintain the style on the balcony. The main advantages of wooden structures are their environmental friendliness, favorable microclimate created by breathable material. The texture of the wood, supported by modern finishing materials, creates a cozy atmosphere and an attractive look. However, without additional insulation, the wooden balcony can only be fully used in the warm season. In addition, under the influence of the external environment, the tree ages quickly, absorbs moisture, cracks, and lends itself to decay. Constant costs are required to maintain open wooden balconies in an attractive way.

Wooden balcony

Insulation with installation will help to improve consumer qualities glazing and a set of works on waterproofing.

The interior is well supported by double-glazed timber frames of the appropriate species, allowing the balcony to be used as a living space. After their installation, work is carried out to seal cracks, cracks and abutments using polyurethane foam. Insulation technology is similar to work for structures made of other materials, however, wood requires mandatory hydro and vapor barrier.

Work order:

  • Wooden balcony structures are treated with agents to protect against decay, insects and increase fire resistance. This also applies to the bars for the lathing device.
  • The concrete base is primed.
  • Waterproofing is laid on the prepared surfaces. Roofing material or mastic is used for the floor, polyethylene or foil for walls and ceilings.
  • A wooden frame is prepared from bars, which provide the possibility of laying an insulation of the selected thickness.
  • Insulation (mineral wool, polystyrene or penoplex) is tightly placed in the cells of the crate. The remaining voids are filled with foam.
  • A layer of vapor barrier made of foamed polyethylene foam, penofol is attached on top of the insulation.
  • Finishing wood paneling, clapboard. It must be ensured that the weight of the finishing material does not overload the supporting plate of the balcony. Part wood materials can be replaced with lighter ones without sacrificing functionality and attractiveness.

To insulate the balcony with your own hands was a pleasure and ensure an excellent result, think over the goals and objectives in advance, carry out the necessary approvals and measurements. Choose materials in accordance with the technical characteristics and your material capabilities. Carry out work in the complex, not missing the little things. And success is assured.

You can also watch several videos that will help you insulate the balcony with your own hands.


Thermal insulation of balconies and loggias with mineral wool

Balcony insulation technology with penoplex

Warming and joining the balcony

How to insulate the balcony? The choice of insulation

How to insulate a balcony? Step-by-step instruction

How to insulate a balcony with your own hands: how and how to insulate + video