Proper connection of heating radiators. Which heating battery connection scheme is better - options and methods of connectivity, advantages and disadvantages

Connecting heating radiators in a private house

Large cottage or miniature house - Each of them is equally in the cold time needs uninterrupted heating, and this heating should provide a comfortable temperature in the home, but not to be too burdensome for family budget.

Types of heating systems

Before connecting the heating radiator in a private house, you must think through: what type of system will be installed. Heating is divided into two types by type of laying - one-pipe and two-pipe. Each of them has its own distinctive features, so consider them separately.

Single pipe system

One-pipe scheme Used mainly in multi-storey buildings and is different:

  • ease of connection;
  • high hydrodynamic stability;
  • low costs for materials and equipment,
  • the ability to use different types coolant (water, antifreeze);

Despite the above advantages, such a heating system has a number of shortcomings, which include:

  • limited number of radiators on one highway;
  • the inability to adjust the temperature;
  • low energy efficiency.

Most of these drawbacks can be eliminated using special technical solutions, so single pipe system It is extremely in demand in multi-storey private houses (from the 3rd floors), since it is much easier to mount. Also, this option is applied using modern boilers, which create sufficient pressure in the system for rapid recycling of the coolant.

Heating radiator connection diagram two-pipe system

The two-pipe system is characterized in that the admission to the hot heat carrier radiator and the movement of the cold is produced on two non-interconnected branches. Such heating systems in turn are divided into vertical and horizontal. In the first case, they are mounted in multi-storey buildings, and in the second - in one-story.

W. two-pipe system exists a large number of Advantages in front of one-tube, namely:

  • the same heat carrier temperature in all batteries;
  • the possibility of mounting thermostators for each line;
  • due to the ease of pipe wiring along such a system, the heating circuit can be used in the building of any area and planning;
  • high energy efficiency.

Disadvantages of a two-pipe scheme - this is the complexity of installation and higher cost and quantity essential materials.

Selecting the type of radiator connection with pipes: Connection schemes

The connection of heating radiators in a private house should be made by the selected scheme, which determines the sequence of pipe connection to the radiator itself. The project documentation of any building should include the wiring of heating during construction, however, in the case of cottages and other personal buildings, it all depends on the Customer and the company implementing the installation.

Schemes for connecting heating radiators in a private house are the following types:

  • one-sided;
  • saddle;
  • diagonal;
  • lower.

The choice of a specific scheme depends on the location of the supply and reducing coolant of pipes and the degree of energy efficiency. Consider each of them in more detail.

Saddle and lower diagram of heating radiators

Such connection methods are advisable to use if the "feed" pipe supplying the radiator with a hot heat carrier, and the "returns" pipe, according to which the cooled coolant leaves the radiator, are located near the floor. Then they connect to the radiator from the opposite sides of the sections, and the battery is filled with the coolant.

The disadvantage of such a connection is low energy efficiency (losses can reach 15%). Low energy efficiency of such a scheme is explained by the fact that the coolant circulates mainly at the bottom of the radiator, and its upper part will not be enough. Because of this, there is also a problem of long-heating room, as well as the possibility of metal corrosion due to temperature drops when filling in the battery.

One-sided scheme for connecting heating radiators in a private house

This scheme is characterized in that the line on which the coolant is received, and the discharge pipe is connected to the same radiator section. The feed - connects to the upper part of the battery, and the discharge - in the bottom. One-sided scheme Connections makes it evenly to warm each separately taken radiator, differs by high heat efficiency, but is not the most convenient option.

it perfect option For houses with not large quantity batteries. But if the number of sections exceeds 15 units, the heat efficiency of such a scheme can be forgotten.

Diagonal (Cross) Connection Scheme

If it is required to provide a warm area of \u200b\u200ba large area with a large number of residential premises, it is much more efficient to use diagonal scheme. When you implement the connection by such a diagram, the pipe coolant pipe is connected to the upper part of the radiator, and the discharge - at the bottom on the opposite section. This option is characterized by the highest heat transfer coefficient (loss of only 2%).

Correct location of radiators in the house

The correct connection of heating radiators depends not only on the observance of the nuances of the connection with the pipeline system, but also from the right location Heating devices indoors. The fact is that the battery does not only perform the function of heating, but should also prevent the penetration of cold air into the house (performs the function of the heat curtain). The most vulnerable place to get cold air is windows, and the more their size, the more they pass the cold. To prevent cold air from entering the house, radiators are installed under the windowsill.

The heating device must be installed exactly in the center of the window, it is also important to correctly arrange it relative to the floor and walls. The gap between the battery and the wall should not exceed 5 cm, and between the radiator and the floor - 10 cm.

So that the heat can freely rise, blocking the way with cold air, heating device Must be advanced a little forward and not fully under the windowson. The installation of the radiator largely depends on the type of fastening. On the brackets - the most common scheme for them proper placement We will have to arm the level, ruler and perforator. As soon as the mount is ready, it remains only to set the radiator on them and connect it to the pipeline system.


First of all, you must correctly select batteries, in accordance with the type of connection and the design scheme. A beginner, not having to connect heating radiators in a private house, will be very difficult to take into account all the nuances, so these troubles are better to entrust specialists. If you have a certain experience, with the help of our recommendations you can choose a connection scheme, calculate the most optimal option heat supply of your home and implement it in practice or save on preparatory work And independently develop a project of heat supply of premises in your home.

What optimal scheme Connecting heating radiators with a single-pipe system? Do you need bypass between the inserts or heating devices can be connected sequentially? What are the pits and eyeliner diameters? What from shut-off reinforcement Need to mount on eyeliner? Let's try to answer these questions.

Her Majesty Leningradka

This is the simplest and probably the most popular.

What did she win the sympathy of experts?

  • Extremely high fault tolerance. If a two-pipe schemes Can provide uneven heating of heating devices, and in severe cold, even be frozen, then cause some deviations in the standard work of Leningradski can only consciously.
    Screw valves of screw valves, casing or incorrect balancing under no circumstances will lead to a circuit stop or its individual sections.
  • Simplicity of performance. Even a dealetant can design and mount a Leningradka: to understand the principle of her work is quite a minimum common sense and spatial imagination.
  • The ability to work with both forced circulation and with natural, due to the expansion of the heated coolant.

Recirition: Minimum modifications to move with forced to natural circulation will still be needed.
The gravitational system includes an accelerated collector (vertical section of bottling) immediately after the boiler.
In addition, bypass with a diameter equal to the fluid diameter should be present between the pumps of the pump: it will reduce the hydraulic resistance of the site to a minimum.



Let's start with what should be the heating devices in the autonomous circuit. First, let's estimate the conditions in which they have their own functions:

How easy to notice, in the requirements autonomous Systems The characteristics of low-cost cast iron and aluminum sectional batteries are stacked with a good stock. Expensive bimetallic products here are clearly exacted: their resistance to high pressures And temperatures will not be in demand.

Next: cast iron and aluminum sections The mass and inner volume differ greatly. Both are directly affected by the inertia of the heating system - how much time will be required to warm it up to the operating temperature and subsequent cooling.


Dano: The room is looking for bottling. It needs to trim the heating devices. How to do it?

The only correct connection of heating radiators with a single-tube system is carried out parallel to bottling, without it, and reduce diameter. We emphasize once again: there is a constantly open bypass with a diameter equal to the pouring diameter between the radiator's rugs.

Why? After all, it would seem, this should reduce the heat transfer of heating devices, since most of the heat carrier circulates through bottling?

In practice, the temperature drop in any point of the radiator relative to the bottling temperature will be minimal.

But the gap or reduction of the pouring diameter will create problems much more than they decide:

  • Ripping and sequentially connecting heating devices will be put on their independent adjustment. Any throttling fittings will regulate the permeability of the whole bottling.

  • Reducing the diameter will give an increase in the hydraulic resistance of the contour, which will inevitably affect the circulation rate of the coolant in the gravitational mode, when the pump is disconnected.

It is useful: an intermediate solution can be installed on each bypass of the ball full-risk crane.
Such a scheme will not increase the hydraulic resistance of bottling, but permissible only if a person who understands its device will be serviced by the system.
It is enough to overlap the valve at the radiator liner when the bypass is closed - and the entire contour will be dropped.

Podcast connection

Connecting heating radiators with a single-tube heating system can be performed by one of three schemes:

  1. One-sided side. Both eyewear are connected to a pair of radiator plugs on one (right or left) side. heating device.

  1. Double-sided lower: Connection is performed through a pair of lower stoppers on the left and right.
  2. Diagonal: Approach is included in the upper and lower tubes from the opposite sides of the battery.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each scheme?

The one-sided scheme is practical with a small amount of the radiator (up to 7 sections). In this case, all sections warre up quite uniformly. But with the number of sections 10 and more the end of the heating device will be noticeably colder supply.

Connecting the heating radiator to a single-tube system from the bottom down ensures the circulation of the coolant through any number of sections. However, most of it in this case passes through the bottom collector; The top of the sections warms up mainly due to the thermal conductivity of their material.

Finally, the diagonal connection of the heating radiator with a single-tube system ensures the maximum possible heat transfer at any length of the radiator.

Dimensions of pipes

Forced circulation

If the system installed constantly working circulation pumpWhen designing the circuit, the following conditional passages of pipes are used:

  • bottling - 25 mm;
  • liner at the length of the radiator to 10 sections - 15 mm;
  • approach with a radiator length of over 10 sections - 20 mm.

Note: for steel pipe conditional pass (DB) approximately corresponds to the inner diameter. Polymer and metal-polymer pipes are marked with an outer diameter; As a rule, it is a step more internal. So, for polypropylene, diameters 32, 20 and 25 should be used, respectively.

Natural circulation

If the circuit is designed to work in the natural circulation mode, the main task of the designer is to minimize its hydraulic resistance. How to achieve this?

The instruction does not differ in difficulty:

  • with minimal roughness - metal-plastic or polypropylene;
  • the diameter of bottling increases at least up to 40 millimeters.

Elements of the strapping

A single-tube connection of heating radiators does not require their mandatory balancing; However, the possibility of disconnecting individual devices and adjusting their heat transfer is better to provide.

The optimal set of shut-off-regulating reinforcement is:

  • the ball valve is mounted on the reverse liner;
  • the supply supply is supplied with a throttle or a thermostatic head. The choke allows you to adjust the heat transfer manually; The thermal head automates the adjustment by maintaining the constant temperature in the room;
  • if the radiator is located above the filling, in one of its upper traffic jams, an airier is installed - the Maevsky crane.


We hope that the information suggested by the reader will help him in the design of its own heating system. Learn more about how the radiators are connected with a single-tube heating system, the video will allow video in this article. Successes!

Designing heating or planning the replacement of old heating appliances in an apartment or a private house, the owners often think about whether the heating batteries are possible with their own hands. In fact, if you figure it out, the battery connection is a rather time-consuming process and take a long time, but it is quite possible to perform it with your own hands, if you adhere to the instructions and all operations are correct.

It must be borne in mind that on how correctly the interference of the heating batteries is made, the temperature comfort will depend on the house or apartment. It is necessary to explore the wiring options, the methods that the radiators can be carried out correctly heat engineering calculations, To ensure that each connection is made correctly and tightly. If all requirements are fulfilled, all nuances are taken into account, connecting radiators to the system in an apartment or a private house will be successful.

Required preparations

Before starting performing work with your own hands, you will need to do all the necessary preparations and calculations:

    • If you are planning heating from scratch, not just change the old aggregates to new, you will need to design and draw on the plan of the building a highway. To do this, you will first need to explore the wiring options and choose the most suitable for your home.
    • It will be necessary to perform a heat engineering calculation in order to determine the parameters of heating appliances.

  • It will be necessary to think through all ways to control, as well as the possibility of service and repair without disconnecting heating.
  • Select the method of lining the radiators to the highway.
  • Stock all required tools and consumables.

Necessary information about the heating system - Wiring and connection methods

Before starting work, you should familiarize yourself with what ways are the distribution of the highway and the subtleties that must be considered by performing the connection with their own hands.

Highway heating in an apartment and a private house can be a single-tube or two-pipe:

  • A single-tube highway assumes the presence of one contour, according to which the coolant from the boiler is moving through everything heating devices. The disadvantage of this method is the uneven heating of the batteries - the first battery in the chain is much stronger than the latter.
  • The two-pipe highway assumes the presence of two contours in the system. One by one is carried out by the supply of hot heat carrier, otherwise - a removal to the boiler of the cooled liquid. It is used here parallel connection batteries and pipelines. This method guarantees a uniform warming of all radiators.

If you compare these two types, it is undoubted that the two-pipe layout is much more efficient. However, its installation is much more complicated and more expensive - in some cases a single-tube system, as more economical, more profitable and more efficient.

According to the method of circulating the coolant, the following varieties distinguish:

  • C. highway natural circulation - The coolant in the system is moving due to the difference in pressures, which occurs when heating and cooled the fluid. In such a system, the pipeline must be mounted with a slope towards the movement of the fluid.
  • Masters with forced circulation - a circulation pump is used in the system to ensure the movement of the coolant. In this case, more stable operation is ensured, you can choose pipes with a smaller diameter, since the hydraulic resistance is not so important as in the first case. This method is much more expensive, it is more difficult to mount your own hands and it makes you dependent on availability. electrical Energy - With its unauthorized disconnection, heating the house stops. However, it is more effective methodthan natural.

Exist various optionsHow to connect batteries with pipeline:

  • Radiators with side connections - eyeliner is performed through the upper and lower nozzles on one side of the unit.
  • Radiators with lower connections - the compound is carried out along the lower nozzles with the right and left side of the aggregate. It is believed that radiators with lower connection from the bottom heated is stronger, but this is an erroneous statement. Due to the heat convection, the heating of radiators with the lower way of the eyeliner occurs both along the upper and at the bottom level.
  • Radiators S. diagonal connection - Podding to the system is performed through the upper nozzle on one side and the bottom - on the other. With this scheme, the most uniform warming of the device is ensured.

Planning the performance of work with your own hands, you need to remember that in the system of the pipe of the radiator, the lower eyeliner is hidden in the floor - you will have to stick the grooves in which the pipeline will be laid. At the same time, it is necessary to properly heat the contour to avoid heat loss on the heating of the cold space under the floor.

Connecting heating radiators with their own hands

    • If we replace the old aggregates, first need to turn off the heating, pull the water and wait for the cooling of the batteries. If the system does not turn off and do not drain the water, there is a danger to get seriously cooled by a hot heat carrier.
    • After we managed to turn off the system, we disassemble the old aggregates. For this, we promote each connection to the highway - if the thread is not amenable to heat it. Then we will be able to turn it out due to the temperature expansion of the nut or coupling. If we are talking about cast-iron batteriesIt will be necessary to resort to the services of the assistant, since such products have a very large mass.
    • When replacing old devices to new, it is better to save the size of the centers in the new batteries so that it does not have to reinstall the alignment to the heating line. Each threaded connection is cleared and check for damage - if any are detected, cut off the damaged area and cut a new thread with a radiator.

  • With the help of an assistant put to the wall new radiator And we celebrate the places where the brackets will be located. After that, each bracket is attached to the wall with a dowel. Pre-calculate the ability of the wall to cope with the load - if there are doubts, we provide additional support with the help of an outdoor retainer.
  • Perform a radiator connection with threaded connectionsusing stacks of elastic rubber or paronite. Sealed connection It will save you from premature leaks - in order to ensure the right tightening force, we use a dynamic key.
  • Turn on the equipment and follow the lack of leaks and how efficiently the batteries are happening. If everything is normal, work can be considered completed.


By installing new heating batteries in your home, you can make it yourself with your own hands. In order for all operations to perform correctly, you need to competently plan the process, take into account all the subtleties and nuances. If all calculations are fulfilled correctly and the system is designed optimally, you can only diligently implement the entire algorithm - from your accuracy and hardworking will depend warm in your home.

The heating system is one of the most important element Domochea. Heating at home directly depends on the selected heating system, and the method that it has been connected. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how it is better to connect the heating radiator with their own hands.

But before, it is worth understanding the varieties of heating systems. This is necessary, since when connected can be features depending on the selected system.

Varieties of heating systems

Depending on the connection principle, there are one-tube and two-pipe heating systems.

One-tube system - is the most common, since installed in most apartment houses. It is a sliding tube to which heating elements are consistently connected.

It is called so because to supply water into radiators and only one pipe is used to return it to the boiler. This method of connection has a number of its positive features and disadvantages.

Advantages of such a system:

  • efficiency, in terms of necessary materials;
  • small temporary costs when installing;

Its disadvantages are:

  • There is no possibility of top connection;
  • because of serial connection, the heat transfer of the first heating element is much higher than that of the latter in the system;
  • Heat transfer cannot exceed the rate calculated during installation;

The two-pipe system differs from the previous one, independent pipes are responsible for the flow and return of water. Also, when using this model, radiators are connected in parallel.

Advantages of this connection method:

  • the ability to adjust the flow of the coolant, using the installation of the crane in front of the radiator;
  • uniform heating of all elements;

The disadvantages are greater consumption of materials and a more laborious installation process.

At the moment there are various schemes and ways to connect radiators. But there are several generally accepted features that are recommended to take into account, regardless of the installation method.

The main place to install radiators is the area under the windows. This is done not to let the cold air from the glass into the house, and also prevents the occurrence of condensate.

In this case, the length of the device should not exceed 70% of the windows width, in otherwise The windows will periodically fogging. Also, for optimal heat circulation, the radiator must be from 8 to 12 cm from the floor, and from 3 to cm from the wall.

Before installing, clarify the heat supply system, as it may be necessary depending on it different types radiators.

Connecting the radiator at home

Before direct installation, you should make sure that all the items are required for installation. If a single-tube connection method has been selected, it is recommended to purchase bypass, which will remove the radiator installed without the need to overlap the entire system.

Also, according to the size and connection method, the connecting elements are selected if they are not included with the radiator. This can also include shut-off valves and splits, which are also selected in size.

It is extremely desirable to set in the design of the Maevsky crane, which will allow periodically to burst the accumulated air from the system.

On the Internet there are a large number of photos of the display of heating radiators to select the optimal configuration of components.

It is worth noting that when installing any kinds of radiators with the exception of pig-iron, you should not remove the packaging until the installation work is completed.

Instructions for properly connected radiator

One of the fundamental operations is the markup and installation of brackets. It is recommended to do this in accordance with the above guidelines, or according to the instructions of the radiator manufacturer.

It is important to prevent too much skewed, as this may lead to undesirable consequences in the form of stagnation. After installation, the device must tightly rely on all mounts.

Next, you should unscrew all the plugs from the radiator. If a single-tube method is used, a bypass is joined primarily to the radiator, which is in advance the valve. Otherwise, the adjusting valve is connected to the device using the CU.

Using a Sgon, heating element Connects to the heating system. To ensure sealing, it is recommended to use a pass or similar seal if necessary.

Installing the radiator in the system is completed, but for its full work it will take another crimping device. To carry out this procedure, it is recommended to refer to the plumbing, as professional equipment will be required.

Stock Foto Process Connecting heating radiators

First you need to decide which steel radiator must be connected - with side or lower connections.

Steel panel heating radiator is connected similarly to aluminum and bimetallic radiators. The steel radiator with the lower connection has two outputs in the lower part - the feed and returns, which cannot be confused.

Schemes of lateral radiators

There are three main circuits for connecting pipes to the radiator:

1. Diagonal connection - most preferred option for maximum heat transfer. In this diagram, the feed pipe must be connected to the upper nozzle of one side, and the discharge - to the lower nozzle of the other side of the radiator. In this case thermal power The radiator is the maximum. With reverse connection - the feed pipe is from below, and the opposite - from above, the heat transfer of the radiator will decrease by 10%.

This scheme is preferable for long radiators and radiators with the number of sections of more than 12. Best option From an aesthetic point of view, there will be a laying option of suitable pipelines in the wall (in the stroke, or for false).

2. Side unilateral connection - The most common case in apartments. IN this variant The feed pipe is connected to the upper nozzle, and the reverse - to the lower, the same side of the radiator. At the same time, the maximum power is less than in the case of a diagonal connection by 2%. When connecting a suitable and return pipeline, the power decreases by another 7%.

3. Lower connection. This option of connecting the radiator is most often used when laying the main pipelines in the floor or wall, when there is no possibility to hide the pipes in the stroke.

The maximum heat transfer of the radiator is 7% less than when diagonal connections.

Connecting a steel panel radiator with lower connections

Steel radiators with lower connections, must be attributed to the scheme with one-sided connectionbecause All wiring (upper and lower nozzle) is made inside it.

It should also be remembered that when removing the steel radiator with the lower connection, it is impossible to change the submission and reverse. Reverse nozzle - always the first from the near corner (see Figure).

All steel radiators with lower connections are universal, that is, they can be connected via the bottom nozzles or the second option, drown out the lower nozzles and unscrew the upper integrated thermostatic valve. To connect the feed pipe to the valve, and connect the return pipeline to one of the lower side nozzles.

How to connect a steel heating radiator

The steel heating radiator with side connections is also mounted as any sectional radiator. In most cases, he has a 1/2 inches's internal thread, in which: plug, crane Maevsky and adjusting valves.

Steel radiators with lower connections in most cases are tied with copper, metal-plastic pipes or crosslinked polyethylene. To connect pipes to the radiator, as well as to cut off the radiator from the system, nodes are used lower connection (corner or straight).

Nut spinning on 3/4 outer threads of the radiator, the pipe to the bottom connection node is connected via Euroconus 3/4.

In some steel radiators Entrance fittings are internal thread By 1/2 inches, to connect such a radiator to the bottom connection node, it is necessary to use special nipples 1/2 x 3/4 under the Euroconus.

In addition, such radiators can be connected using conventional thermostatic valves.