Insulation of the facade of a log house. Options for warming a house from a bar

According to statistics, over 40% of human energy resources are spent on heating and cooling. These data confirm that the role of thermal insulation materials in construction is very high.

The use of high-quality insulation allows you to create comfortable conditions indoors, protect the building from temperature extremes, extend its service life and reduce heating costs. Therefore, it is very important to understand how the house is insulated from a bar. This is a simple work that you can do yourself.

What is the best insulation to use?

Mineral wool has low thermal conductivity and is not subject to rot and mold.

Timber houses have many advantages. A natural atmosphere reigns in such a house. It is comfortable and warm to be in it. However, this does not mean at all that timber houses do not need additional insulation.

The best thermal insulation material for a house from a bar is considered mineral wool... This material is characterized by low thermal conductivity, very high thermal insulation properties and extremely low hygroscopicity. Insulation is made from basalt.

Mineral wool insulation materials are considered one of the best for insulating a house from a bar. This insulation does not support combustion, it is not afraid of fungi, mold and insects, it contains no toxic substances and it removes vapors well into the external environment.

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Step-by-step instructions for outdoor insulation

Warming a house from a bar is carried out in several stages. First, the vapor barrier material is attached, then the frame is built, the thermal insulation is laid, another layer of the frame is created, and finally the cladding is mounted. To do all this, you need the following tools:

  • building level;
  • saw;
  • construction stapler;
  • roulette;
  • hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • marker;
  • nails and screws;
  • drill;
  • dowels.

The correct one begins with the installation of a vapor barrier. Usually polyethylene is used for this.

Will fit and aluminium foil... Vapor barrier performs an essential task. It is she who provides ventilation of the facade. log house under the film cover. Therefore, proper insulation is impossible without a vapor barrier.

If the house is built from a round log house, then there is no need for a vapor barrier. If the walls are smooth, then vertical narrow slats with a thickness of about 25 mm are stuffed on them with a step of 100 cm. After that, the surface is covered with a layer of vapor barrier material. Bottom and top between the slats, you need to make holes 2 cm in diameter. Thanks to the ventilated layer between the wall surface and vapor barrier material moisture will not collect under the film. This will prevent the building material from rotting. The staples or nails with which the vapor barrier was attached must be sealed with tape.

Correct insulation of a house involves the installation of insulation in a previously prepared frame. For the manufacture of the frame, boards 10 cm wide and 5 cm thick are used. They must be fixed on the surface vertically and on the edge. Boards are packed in increments of 2 cm less than the width of the insulation boards used.

Place rock wool slabs between the fixed boards. Make sure that there is no gap between them. If thermal insulation with a thickness of 5 cm is used, then it must be laid in 2 layers. Each layer is laid so that the joints of the first layer of insulation are in the middle of the slabs of the upper layer.

Mineral wool mats are laid in a pre-prepared frame.

Mineral insulation is quite elastic and tough. Its density reaches 100-120 kg / m³. This is enough for the boards to be held without additional fasteners between the boards and not to slip.

Waterproofing must be laid on top of the insulation. The film should be such that it does not hold water, but allows steam to pass freely. Lay the film over the insulation and attach to the frame with staples or nails. Waterproofing is laid with an overlap of 10 cm. The joints are sealed with tape.

Fill the boards of the frame with wooden slats 5 cm wide and 3 cm thick.Thanks to these slats, free air circulation will be provided between the vapor barrier material and external cladding... It will also prevent condensation from forming. From below, the resulting space is closed with a fairly thick metal mesh. It will protect the structure from rodents and insects.

And ends external insulation home installation of cladding. You can use wood or plastic sheathing. Choose the material to your liking.

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Wall Insulation Guide

The work does not end with the external insulation of the house. To minimize heat loss and ensure a comfortable microclimate in the house, you need to perform the correct internal insulation.

Before doing the main work, you need to treat the walls of the house with antifungal and antiseptic compounds. Examine the surface carefully. Fill up the existing gaps. This can be done with jute fiber and a thin chisel. Large gaps are sealed with twisted tape tow. Cover the surface with waterproofing.

You first need to make racks. Measure the height of the room and cut a bar of the same length with a section of 50x100 mm. Prepare a block of the same length, but with a section of 50x50 mm. Place it along the edge of the timber and secure with self-tapping screws. You should get an L-shaped rack.

Make these racks for everyone inner corner... Secure them with self-tapping screws. Check the verticality of the installation with a spirit level. When all such racks are installed, between them you need to fix vertical bars with a section of 50x50 mm in increments of 60 cm.

After completing the lathing device, proceed to the installation of the insulation. The width of the mineral wool slab should be 1-2 cm wider than the distance between the bars. The insulation is attached to the surface using round head anchors. To further improve the thermal insulation, attach an additional layer of foil over the installed mineral wool.

After that, proceed to the finishing work. Pre-attach the film to the blocks using construction stapler... This will allow you in the future to attach bars with a section of 30x40 mm to the vapor barrier over the brackets.

Finally, wall cladding is performed wooden clapboard or other suitable material for this. The lining is the most preferable, because it helps to preserve the naturalness of a log house.

During construction log houses in the Russian climate, wall insulation is a prerequisite for comfortable stay... Our winters are too harsh, so an uninsulated building will make the owner freeze or pay incredible amounts for heating. But when choosing materials for wall cladding, I want the tree to preserve its healthy microclimate as much as possible. Unfortunately, many heaters, having high thermal insulation characteristics, do not "make friends" with the bar, make it "suffocate". And in a couple of years they will lead the wood to a deplorable state. Consider what materials should be used to insulate a log house, so that the rooms are warm and the walls are ventilated.

Which is better: house insulation from a bar outside or from the inside

The main rule of the builder is to plan everything in advance, so that later you do not face alterations. Therefore, start to think over the insulation of a house from a bar even when creating a project. First, decide whether you will sheathe the inside or the outside.

  • What is the advantage of insulating a log house from the inside

If the house is new, then many owners do not want to hide the texture of the wood under the decoration, because it is beautiful in itself. In addition, insulating a house from a bar from the inside is beneficial for controlling the condition of the wood. The owner will have time to notice the places where the walls will begin to collapse or rot, in time and will take measures to "heal" and strengthen the protection of the tree.

  • Disadvantages of internal wall insulation

And yet, the insulation of the log house from the inside is used less often than the external one. First, it steals a lot of usable living space. That is why this moment must be thought out during the design process in order to calculate the squaring of the rooms, taking into account the insulation. But if the foundation is already standing, you will have to put up with the fact that the premises will become tighter, or mount wall insulation from the timber outside.

Secondly, builders do not recommend insulating a log house from the inside, because the tree will be in direct contact with the cold. And when the winters begin, the dew point will shift to the inside of the wood. At the slightest mistake in ventilation, the tree will begin to rot inside the cake, and you will only notice this when the fungus has eaten the bar through and through.

  • The advantages of outdoor insulation

The main trump card of the outside insulation of a log house is the correct distribution of materials for the release of internal vapors. According to building codes, materials are stacked from low-permeability to high-permeability. So that the steam, penetrating into them, can be eroded more easily. Wood has a denser structure than insulation (only the right one!) And a diffusion membrane, so the steam will not settle in the thickness of the cake, but will evaporate in the ventilation gap. In the case of inner lining, steam will easily penetrate through the insulation, but it will not always break through the tree, because it will have time to cool down, and the molecules will move weaker.

When making a choice in favor of external or internal insulation, you should weigh the pros and cons of the chosen method of thermal insulation

In addition, for old buildings, in which wooden walls already look unpresentable, insulating a log house from the outside is a more profitable option. You will simultaneously insulate and decorate the house by finishing. Well, the useful area of ​​the premises will not suffer.

  • Cons of insulation outside

If you decide to insulate the house from a bar outside, you will lose the opportunity to observe the condition of the wood. Therefore, it is necessary to adhere to the right technology installation and find professional builders so that the walls covered with trim remain healthy even without your control.

The nuances of internal insulation of a log house

If you nevertheless chose the option of internal insulation, then even it can be made as safe as possible for the "health" of wood. To do this, you need to buy a suitable, well-ventilated insulation, whose vapor permeability and composition will coincide with the properties of the timber.

Expanded polystyrene materials disappear immediately: they are slightly moisture permeable. They can not be used either for internal or external insulation, because condensation will begin to form at the junctions with wood.

At high level heat saving polystyrene foam insulation is not recommended for wood, as they do not allow the house to breathe

Basalt and fiberglass materials have excellent vapor permeability, and with proper ventilation, moisture will escape from them. The only negative is the unnatural origin. All of them, to some extent, emit harmful substances, and in their structure there are many microparticles in suspension. When shaking the plate, you can see how the air around is filled with the smallest fragments of insulation, and they can settle on a person, causing unpleasant sensations. With normal ventilation, some of the suspended solids will be inside the house, and you will be forced to breathe them. If you block their exit to the house with the help of an impenetrable film, then the whole healing microclimate of the tree will evaporate.

When installing mineral wool, they use respirators, and you will have to breathe suspended particles inside the house

The most beneficial for maintaining environmentally friendly air in rooms will be flax fiber and soft fiberboard. Both insulation materials are of natural origin, therefore they are ideal for the structure of timber walls.

Eco-heaters for wood

  • Flax fiber

It is a slab consisting of 85 percent flax fibers and 15 - binder fibers. Flax is known for its antiseptic properties, which are also preserved in insulation. Those. fungi and bacteria will not settle in it. When cutting and installing, the linen insulation will not dust. Does not impair its thermal insulation properties when saturated with vapors, therefore, when laying it does not require a vapor barrier layer. Well ventilated and non-allergenic.

Flax fiber does not contain suspended particles, so it will be safe to breathe in the house

  • Soft fiberboard

It is made from wood chips conifers, forming into plates with environmentally friendly binders. Good sound absorption and vapor transmission. Possesses unique property saturate the vapors with excessive humidity in the rooms and give them back if the air is dry. Maintains the maximum level of humidity in rooms that is acceptable for humans: 40-60%.

Soft fiberboard is a material identical to wood, so they work perfectly together

Some aspects of installation

When using soft fiberboard, no lathing is needed. Insulation is glued to the timber or taken on self-tapping screws. The wall turns out to be flat, so it is plastered, laying the joints of the plates with a reinforcing mesh, and then painted. You can immediately glue the wallpaper on the fiberboard.

When using flax fiber, a vertical crate is created by stuffing it directly onto the timber. Insulation plates are laid in it, fixing the dowel-umbrellas. Metal profiles are placed on the top of the crate and the walls are sewn up with plasterboard. Due to the metal profiles, a ventilation gap is formed in the wall, through which moisture that has got into the insulated timber will go under the roof or down and weathered. Please note that when using linen fiber, vapor barrier films are not placed in order not to break natural circulation air.

How to insulate a log house from the outside

Most often, we see in the video the insulation of a log house from the outside. Such cladding is mounted using the technology of creating ventilated facades, because the main requirement for preserving healthy wood is high-quality ventilation.

The choice of heaters in this case is wider than with interior cladding... You can use any fiberglass or basalt insulation, because glued timber itself will be an obstacle for their small particles. The main thing is to use slabs, not rolls, because they are more rigid and do not slide down over time.

: Do not choose roll materials for installation, because over time they can slide down

But before insulating a house from a bar, decide on a specific heat insulator. For example, if you buy mineral wool, then when creating a wall cake, it must be insulated with a film from the timber so that the steam does not penetrate into the loose structure. Wet cotton wool ceases to keep warm. But, by fixing a vapor barrier layer on the walls, you thereby reduce their ability to "breathe", because moisture from the timber will be forced to return back into the house. If you buy insulation that is not afraid of getting wet (for example, ecowool or glass wool), then you do not need to create a vapor barrier. It is enough to protect the glued insulated timber with a ventilation gap from the finishing cladding and waterproofing film... Those. your wall cake will look like this:

  1. Bar.
  2. Lathing with ecowool inside.
  3. Waterproofing film (super diffusion membrane).
  4. Ventilation gap (wooden slats are stuffed along the crate).
  5. Finishing finishing material(lining, siding, etc.).

Ventilation slats are stuffed along the crate, which should be set exactly in level: you will have to attach lining or siding to it

When choosing how to insulate a log house - from the outside or from the inside, weigh the pros and cons. Look for an option in which both the wood will remain "healthy" and the rooms will become significantly warmer.

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Houses from a bar, due to their environmental friendliness, are a popular option for private construction. But although they are heated quickly enough and have good thermal insulation properties, the insulation of a log house is an urgent need for most households.

Installation of insulation on the walls of a house from a bar

Differences between old and new technologies

Wooden construction in Russia - centuries-old tradition... For centuries, houses were built exclusively of log houses, from massive round and semicircular logs, the thickness of which was sufficient for good thermal insulation. As it is today, the tree shrank over time, and gaps appeared between the logs. But earlier there were other ideas about the beauty of the facade, so ordinary tree moss was used to seal the cracks. It landed in the cracks between the logs and, over time, reliably filled all the space between them.

V modern construction economy issues come to the fore and force the use of timber, the thickness of which does not always meet the requirements of the developed standards. With insufficient cross-section, complete freezing occurs in winter, which means that the walls of the house are not able to retain heat. In addition, over time, the tree begins to dry out, due to which heat loss grows even more.

This is what a timber wall looks like after the wood has dried.

Advantages and disadvantages of wall insulation in a log house

The zealous owners are looking for ways to properly insulate a house from a bar in order to spend less money on heating in winter. This can be done in two main ways: from the inside and from the outside, and external insulation is preferable for a number of reasons.

Features of insulation with inside

With internal insulation, the positive effect of saving heat is leveled by disadvantages:

    Part of the usable area is inevitably lost due to the installation of the frame under the insulation.

    The thermal insulation layer hides the "living" wooden walls and the rooms lose their unique charm.

    Due to the external winter cooling of the unprotected wooden wall, the dew point is shifted to the internal insulation. Condensation occurs, mold appears, and it is difficult to control the condition of the wood.

What happens to the wall with improper insulation from the inside - in the video:

Insulation of walls from the outside: advantages and disadvantages of the method

Most often they resort to it, meaning obvious advantages compared to internal insulation:

    The useful area of ​​the internal space is preserved;

    Outside work does not change the family's daily routine.

    The facade of the house is reliably protected from sharp changes temperature, which prolongs the life of the building.

    The correct selection of materials does not violate the microclimate of the rooms (the house "breathes").

    You can decorate the facade to your liking or improve appearance if the wood has darkened from time to time.

    If the technology is followed, the wood will be additionally protected from damage.

    Ease of control of the work of the construction team.

The main disadvantage of outdoor insulation is the need to carry it out in good weather - it makes no sense to do this in cold and damp conditions.

Three main methods of insulation

Any wall insulation involves attaching a layer of insulation and structures holding it to it. For this, several techniques have been developed, and each of them has its own advantages and performance characteristics.

The principle of wall insulation - creating an additional protective "pie"

Hinged ventilated facade

By itself, this technology was developed as a decoration for the facade of a house, but since the installation procedure involves attaching a layer of mineral wool or a similar material to the wall, this method can be considered as insulation.

Benefits of using ventilated facades:

    Long service life (up to 50 years), excellent heat and sound insulation.

    Easy to install.

    Wide choose facing material different colors.

    The dew point is shifting outward.

Installation technology:

    Pretreatment of lumber is carried out with compounds that prevent decay and make the tree unattractive to insects.

    Outside, a crate is attached to the house, onto which a canvas of hydro and wind protection is stuffed. Air circulates freely in the space between the battens of the crate, due to which condensate or moisture that has appeared in another way will be drained from the insulation.

    The crate is leveled with a plumb line.

    Next, slats are stuffed onto the crate, the distance between which should correspond to the width of the heat insulator. Accordingly, the height of the rails is also selected - for middle lane It is recommended for Russia to use insulation with a thickness of at least 70 mm.

The peculiarity of the ventilated facade - a gap is left between the insulation and the cladding

    Insulation mats are laid between the slats, fixing with dowels.

    Then, bars with a thickness of at least 5 cm are additionally packed on the slats, so that there is always a gap between the insulation and the cladding.

    Cladding (siding) is being mounted.

Laying insulation under siding.

There are practically no fundamental differences from the previous technology - insulation is also used here and is also used outside decorative coating... But if the very name of the ventilated facade speaks of the place of its use, then the whole house is closed with siding in any case.

The nuances of installation, taking into account the selected material:

    The distance between the slats is set equal to the width of the mat if foam or sheet extruded polystyrene foam is selected.

    The distance between the slats is set 10-15 mm less than the width of the mat, if mineral wool is used. This must be taken into account when calculating the amount of mineral wool.

    According to the technology, wool slabs are mounted on the spine; polymer boards are placed in cells, joints are processed with polyurethane foam.

    When using mineral wool, a waterproofing layer (diffuse membrane) is additionally mounted on top. It is not needed when using fiberglass or polystyrene.

Sheathing of a log house with siding

Polyurethane foam spraying method

The principle of this technology is clear to everyone who has seen how they work with polyurethane foam. The difference here is that the volume of material required to create a thermal insulation cushion is much larger, therefore, a spray gun is used to process polyurethane foam using compressed air from the compressor. Technology advantages:

    Easy handling and high speed of application of the thermal insulation mixture on large surfaces.

    Excellent adhesion (adhesion) to most building materials, long-term preservation of properties.

    Environmental friendliness, fire resistance and protection against decay of the treated surface.

Spraying insulation can be done on any prepared surface

Types of heaters

The choice of insulation for outdoor work is wide enough and each of them has distinctive features to consider when choosing:

Mineral wool

Available in three varieties - stone (basalt), glass and slag. All have similar properties: fire-resistant, non-combustible, chemical and biological resistance. Another advantage of the material is vapor permeability, environmental friendliness and high sound insulation.

On the downside, cotton wool attracts rodents and does not dry out completely when wet.

It all depends on the skills of the builders, but usually it is easier to insulate a house outside with mineral wool using mats than rolls - the latter are not always convenient to deploy on vertical walls.

Laying mineral wool slabs in the crate

Plate styrenes (polystyrene, polyurethane foam)

Polyfoam is the cheapest option, lightweight and porous, with low hygroscopicity and excellent thermal insulation. The main disadvantages are considered flammability (releases toxins during combustion), fragility and instability when exposed to ultraviolet radiation.

Extruded polystyrene foam

Has a special porous structure, tolerates well low temperatures and unsuitable for microorganisms. The material is durable, easy to install (plate), does not absorb water. Disadvantages: Highly flammable, while releasing harmful toxins.

Styrofoam and expanded polystyrene look similar

Ecological sprayed styrenes (ecowool and polyurethane foam)

Such heaters are expensive due to the method of application; large surfaces require special setup and experience. For small areas of complex shape (gaps near pipes, windows, between slabs) we offer polyurethane insulation in cylinders.

"Warm" plaster

A mixture of light granules of a complex composition (glass, cement and hydrophobic additives), which is not flammable, is not afraid of ultraviolet radiation, protects the facade well from moisture and is easy to repair.

Preparing a wooden structure for plastering on video:

The subtleties of wall insulation from a bar

Insulation of a log house outside for siding, you cannot start when you want - before that, the following conditions must be met:

    Insulation installation work can be started only after the log house has completely shrunk - often this period can be one and a half to two years.

    It is forbidden to carry out work if the facade has not been treated with an antiseptic. Ignoring this rule will lead to the appearance of fungus and rot.

    Before insulating a house from a bar outside, it is necessary to prepare the facade: to close not only wide gaps, but also small cracks. To do this, you can use putty, polyurethane foam or similar materials.

    Good thermal insulation of a log house requires careful selection of material and calculation of its amount. It should be taken into account how the thermal insulation material will be combined with the wood of the bar itself.

    To choose a suitable insulation, one must take into account the size of the building, the quality of the log house and the seams.

Some heaters are installed without crate

Tools and materials for building thermal insulation

To insulate a house without being distracted by the search for tools and materials, builders need to prepare the following:

    bubble or laser building level, you can still use a plumb line;

    tape measure, square or ruler made of metal;

    hammer, construction knife or hacksaw for metal, screwdriver;

    front dowels, scotch tape, chalk, foam, antiseptic;

    dry slats, insulation;

    steam and waterproofing film;

    material for final cladding.

    wood protection sprayer

Treatment of a wooden wall with an antiseptic

General course of installation of thermal insulation

All steps for insulating a house from a bar in any of the described ways are schematically always the same and are performed in the following sequence:

    for ventilation of the first layer of insulation, a crate of wooden planks is mounted on the wall;

    a frame is stuffed onto the crate to fix the insulating material

    installation of insulation;

    installation of additional lathing and frame (if double insulation is used);

    laying an additional layer of heat insulator;

    attachment of a diffusion membrane, which will provide hydro and wind protection.

    installation of facade finishing (lining, siding) with an air gap.

In general, the insulation of a house from a bar, carried out according to the rules, will make it possible to save on heating in the future. Despite the seeming simplicity of the whole process, there are a fairly large number of pitfalls that will surely come out during installation. As a result, if you do not have the proper qualifications, then it is better to order the work to professionals, because it is much more pleasant to control the construction site than to climb the walls yourself.

The ancient method of building houses from timber has become popular again today. Now such buildings play the role of not only country houses, but also full-fledged dwellings for year-round living. Well, in order for a wooden house to be warm in winter, it must be insulated. We will talk about how to properly insulate a log house in this article.

Insulation of the walls of the house from the outside

As a rule, it is customary to insulate wooden buildings from the outside. This allows you not to conceal the interior space of the premises, and also prevents the wood from rotting. Insulation of a log house from the outside is necessary for several reasons:

  1. Thermal insulation of the building protects the walls from heat loss, reduces heating costs.
  2. An insulated house is not afraid of high humidity, severe frost and other unfavorable environmental factors.
  3. While dealing with thermal protection of the walls, you can simultaneously install siding, which will allow you to change the appearance of the house at the request of the owner.
  4. As already mentioned, external insulation does not reduce the interior space of rooms.

When performing such work, it is important to consider several points:

  • choose the right thermal insulating material, calculate its thickness and the required amount;
  • exactly follow the installation technology;
  • do not forget about creating a hydro and vapor barrier layer;
  • properly process wooden walls to protect them from insects, fungi, burning and other harmful influences.

Insulation for a log house must meet certain requirements:

  • be of high quality and durable;
  • easy to process and install;
  • safe for health, environmentally friendly;
  • do not burn.

So that the insulation of a log house is effective, and the building will serve you for many years, listen to the following recommendations:

  1. Never use raw material. The insulation must be dry and pretreated with an antiseptic. If you cover the walls with damp material, the wood will begin to mold, rot, and collapse. Fungi and microorganisms will start in it, and after a while the bars will simply become unusable.
  2. It is possible to insulate the walls of a wooden house only after the building has completely shrunk. This shrinkage usually takes at least 1.5 years. If the building is sheathed earlier, as a result of the subsidence of the logs, the cladding is deformed.
  3. Thermal insulating material can only be mounted on prepared walls. This means that all deep cracks and chips must be covered with putty, and the wood itself must be impregnated with antiseptics and fire retardants.

How to insulate a log house from the outside: creating a curtain facade

Among the methods of thermal insulation of log buildings, the construction of a ventilated facade is considered the most popular method, the reason for this is the advantages of this method:

  • the hinged facade is easy to install, it takes relatively little time to work;
  • after warming, the walls can be revetted with various decorative materials: clapboard, porcelain stoneware, siding, boards, slatted profiles, etc.;
  • this method of insulation does not allow the walls to grow moldy and collapse, the dew point moves behind the outer wall;
  • resistance to temperature extremes, humidity, precipitation, as well as excellent sound insulation should also be attributed to undeniable advantages hinged ventilated facade;
  • such a structure is durable, the period of its operation reaches 50 years;
  • when insulating walls, you reduce energy consumption for heating.

External insulation of a log house in a similar way can be described as follows:

  1. So that moisture does not accumulate in the wood of the walls, a gap is made between the insulation layer and the decorative finishing material, which is why such a facade is called ventilated. To create air space, a crate is installed on the wall. To make it, marks are first put on the surface where the bars will subsequently be attached. The width between them should correspond to the width of the sheets of insulation material, and the thickness of the beams is selected depending on the thickness of the mats.
  2. Having placed the marks, the logs are attached to the walls with self-tapping screws. The evenness of the lathing is checked building level and a plumb line. It is especially important to ensure that all the beams are located in the same plane - this will subsequently help to make a beautiful, even and high-quality siding.
  3. When the elements of the crate are fixed, sheets of insulation are laid between them. They are pressed tightly against the walls and fixed with dowels.
  4. To provide the necessary air space, wooden planks are nailed over the crate and the insulation layer. Their thickness should be such that the gap is at least 5 cm.
  5. After laying the insulation, they are finished with decorative siding.

Home insulation with sprayed materials

Instead of sheet insulation, you can also use sprayed insulation, for example, ecowool or polyurethane foam. Ecowool is a cellulosic substance that is made from recycled paper, borax and boric acid... The advantages of such material can be considered:

  • environmental friendliness and hygiene;
  • good moisture resistance;
  • excellent thermal and sound insulation qualities;
  • fire safety;
  • non-toxicity;
  • wasteless use;
  • excellent vapor permeability;
  • the ability to fill even the smallest gaps in the walls.

Ecowool has the appearance of a crumbly mass pressed into briquettes. Before use, such briquettes are opened, their contents are poured out and dried.

If you want to use polyurethane foam as insulation, check out the advantages of this material:

  • like ecowool, polyurethane foam is fireproof;
  • it has good sound and heat insulation properties;
  • counts eco-friendly look finishes;
  • its service life is quite long, and during this entire period the material does not lose its properties;
  • polyurethane foam is not subject to decay, mold does not form on it, insects and microorganisms do not damage it;
  • ease of installation is due to the fact that it does not provide for the use of special fasteners.

To insulate the walls by spraying, you will have to acquire special equipment... You can buy it, or you can rent it and save money. The process itself looks like this:

  1. Even before purchasing the material, you should calculate the required amount. For this, the area of ​​the working base is measured, and the consumption of the sprayed insulation is taken into account.
  2. Then, a crate made of wooden boards or metal profiles is mounted on the wall of a log house from the outside. Subsequently, decorative finishing material can be attached to this crate.
  3. Using a special installation, ecowool or polyurethane foam moistened with water is sprayed between the battens of the crate. Often, when soaking cotton wool, adhesives are added to the water, which will allow the insulation to adhere more firmly to the surface.
  4. Having processed the walls of the house with a pneumatic spray gun, the material is left to solidify completely.
  5. After that, the excess insulation is cut off with a knife, and siding is mounted on top of the crate.

Insulation of a log house outside, video:

Thermal insulation of the house from the inside

Is it worth insulating a wooden house from the inside

Few people decide to mount the insulation on inner surface walls of a log structure. Insulation of a log house from the inside is not popular for several reasons:

  1. This method of thermal insulation of a building can lead to the accumulation of moisture in the walls, due to which the wood will rot, mold and collapse. It is highly undesirable to use this method in baths and saunas, where the air is constantly saturated with water vapor. In winter, when the wood freezes, the dew point is located between the walls and the insulation layer, as a result, condensation accumulates there, which destroys the structure. If you create in the house good system ventilation, then such problems can be leveled.
  2. The second reason why the walls of log houses are rarely insulated from the inside is the loss of usable space. The space of the rooms is reduced by at least 3-4 cm on each side, and this is especially noticeable in small rooms.
  3. Insulation layer also conceals natural beauty log house, which is not to the liking of lovers of natural interiors.

However, sometimes the owners of wooden houses resort to a similar method for various reasons. Some, for example, do not want to hide the appearance of the house under a layer of insulation and siding. Someone wants to revet the interior walls with some kind of decorative material. Regardless of the reasons, the technology of internal insulation of premises should be conscientiously observed so as not to spoil the wooden beams and not to shorten the life of the building.

The better to insulate a log house from the inside

For thermal insulation interior walls should only be selected eco-friendly materials that will not release toxic substances into the air. For example, foam is not suitable for such a purpose for several reasons. Firstly, it does not have vapor permeability and does not allow the walls to "breathe". The room turns out to be completely isolated, there is no necessary natural air exchange in it. Secondly, during combustion, the foam emits very toxic substances into the air, so that in the event of a fire, it is considered an extremely dangerous material.

You can insulate the walls with mineral wool. It is environmentally friendly and does not burn, has good vapor permeability, high thermal insulation characteristics. The most significant drawback of such a heater is that small particles are released into the air, which are dangerous to respiratory tract... If the cotton wool is covered with a layer of film and finishing, then such a minus can be ignored.

Very often, completely environmentally friendly and safe materials in all respects are used for internal wall insulation: flax, jute, wool. Such means of insulation are economical and effective, protect the building from the cold and extraneous sounds, provide good air exchange through wooden walls.

How to insulate a log house from the inside with your own hands

  1. The first step is to carefully inspect the walls for cracks, chips, damage, caulking quality. All shortcomings are eliminated, cracks are covered with putty. Dirt and dust are removed from the logs, after which the bars are impregnated with antiseptic compounds. If electrical wiring runs along the walls, it is also checked and, if necessary, repaired.
  2. After the antiseptic impregnation dries, cracks are caulked in the walls. For this purpose, jute fiber is used, which is pushed into the gaps with a chisel.
  3. Before insulating a log house, it is also important to take care of creating a vapor barrier. So that the thermal insulating material does not get wet, it is customary to cover it with a layer of vapor barrier film on both sides. Because of this, the humidity in the rooms will increase, in order to avoid this, you should arrange good ventilation in the house.
  4. When laying the vapor barrier material, place it smooth side to the wood so that the moisture from the logs does not impregnate the insulation.
  5. The next stage is the installation of the lathing. Along load-bearing walls stuffed with wooden bars or metal profiles. The spacing between the boards should be equal to the width of the mats of the insulating cover. Corner posts are mounted in the corners of the room so that the corners are even and beautiful. The lathing is fixed on the walls with self-tapping screws, using a level to check its evenness. If wood is used for the frame, it, like the walls themselves, is also impregnated with antiseptics.
  6. Sheets of insulation, for example, mineral wool, are placed between the details of the crate. A fragment of the required length is cut from a roll of material and installed between profiles or bars. It is desirable that the width of the sheet be 1-2 cm larger than the distance between the frame parts. Expanding, the cotton wool fills the entire space and does not require additional fastening. If the insulation itself is not very secure, you can fix it with dowels.
  7. On top of the mineral wool, another layer of vapor barrier film is laid. Its fragments are overlapped and connected with adhesive tape at the joints. The steam insulator is nailed to the insulation with a stapler. Remember also that the rough side of the film should be placed towards the interior of the room.
  8. The final stage of work - finishing walls. The easiest way is to install drywall sheets on top of the crate, after which they can be painted, covered with decorative plaster or pasted over with wallpaper.

Thermal insulation of a log house. Video

The house built from timber actually breathes, providing the space inside with a healthy microclimate.

A well-heated facade often does not need additional insulation. However, it is carried out in order to save and conserve energy used for heating.

In addition, the cladding and effective insulation are one of the most actual ways repair is no longer a new building.

Preparation for insulation

Facade preparation

Insulation is carried out according to the principle of a hinged facade. In choosing the most suitable material for this, the householder often listens to the recommendations of friends and acquaintances.

At the same time, it is important to remember about the dew point, which even the highest quality insulation is able to displace deep into the wall.

And this is fraught with consequences: condensation collects on the inner side of the facade during the cold season. And it causes an increase in humidity, the appearance of fungus and mold.

Before starting work in outside wall all the cracks will have to be properly repaired.

If the house is new, then it is necessary to wait at least a year, since they will appear after it has shrunk.

In the old building, all corners and walls are carefully checked. The holes found are sealed with tow or hemp, which will require a chisel. It is desirable to have several of them in different sizes.

Cracks in the timber can be filled with a special compound - wood sealant. Glued laminated timber does not need caulking.

Material selection

After the completion of the restoration work, you can think about choosing a suitable insulation.

Most often, it is used as mineral wool or polystyrene.

Modern foam has its improved version - extruded polystyrene foam... It is characterized by a higher strength, even over time it does not disintegrate into fragments and granules. Normal Styrofoam collapses from time to time. Also, the improved type of material is distinguished by its non-combustibility.

How to insulate a house from a bar outside?

Insulation such as mineral wool, well ventilated. Thanks to this property, it does not lose its working qualities even when it gets wet (it absorbs moisture well).

When choosing a material for insulating a wooden structure, the peculiarities of finishing materials must be taken into account, thanks to which they can breathe like wood. This makes a huge difference.

The working properties of wood should not be violated, otherwise the quality may change. physical characteristics dwellings. Therefore, more often the choice falls not on expanded polystyrene, but on mineral wool.

The process of warming a house from a bar

How to correctly calculate the required thickness of material for insulation

Before buying a material, you need to make a calculation of the required amount of mineral wool. Of no small importance is the thickness of the insulation plates.

Too thin is not only a violation of technology, but also sweating and weeping walls inside the building during the cold season. Excessively thick material is fraught with unnecessarily high costs. When working, it is important to observe the following position: the dew point from the wall is removed strictly into the insulation.

For this reason, the wooden facade is insulated only from the outside.

You do not have to make your own, rather complicated calculations, and not order them from professionals, but refer to the requirements of a special SNiP, which defines all the necessary indicators for each specific zone.

It is also indicated there that if the wall is up to 15 centimeters thick, then 5 centimeters thick is sufficient for mineral wool as a heater. A material of 10 centimeters will be too massive.

To calculate the thickness of the insulation, you can use a simple folk method:

  • If the indicators of winter temperatures do not fall below 20 degrees below zero, then with a thickness of 20 centimeters, one layer of 5-centimeter mineral wool slabs will be required.
  • If the winters are colder, and the temperature often exceeds 20 degrees, two layers of mineral wool insulation are used.

Insulation outside. Work progress

Suppose we have decided on the choice of material, and we know how thick it should have. All subsequent work is carried out according to the well-known template for mounting a curtain facade. This is a well known technology.

The following manipulations have to be done:

  1. Wooden beams are processed special formulations- anti-flammable and antiseptic.
  2. A crate is mounted, for which a beam with a thickness equal to the thickness of the mineral slabs is used. The step between the individual beams should be equal to the width of the insulation plates, which can be different - it depends on the manufacturer.
  3. Mineral wool is placed between the beams, securely fixed to them with special self-tapping screws with umbrella hats.
  4. A windproof and waterproof film is mounted. It is important to ensure that the film is placed right side: glossy outward, and rough to the insulation itself.
  5. After that, facing facade slats are nailed directly onto the timber. Finishing can be done different materials: it can be clapboard, block house, siding and so on.
  6. It is also necessary to remember to observe the required air gap between the waterproofing and the cladding itself.

This technology provides for high-quality air ventilation of all available layers, which guarantees free evaporation of excess moisture.

This method can be used not only to insulate the facade of a wooden house, but also to insulate the roof. The roof can be covered with any suitable material, for example, functional shingles.

Wood paint for outdoor use with wax which is better

The timber from which it is assembled is also used for the construction load-bearing structures or fences. In fact, this is a log after edging from 2, 3 or 4 sides. Three-sided processing gives a bar with face side imitating a log surface.

Types of timber

A bar and a bar are different concepts. Cross-section thickness less than 100 mm - bar. To assemble a house, the timber should be made of pine (for better air permeability) and have a section of 150x150 or 190x150 mm.

For low-rise housing construction use:

  • solid timber (cheap, but burdened in the long term with prolonged shrinkage);
  • glued (high-tech, with specified useful properties, and therefore expensive material);
  • profiled (with a thorn-groove connection embedded in the process of processing - this is how the internal pressure is removed, leading to cracking of the wood).

Profiled beams are made from solid wood or glued from lamella boards. The last option- is devoid of drawbacks and refers to premium building materials. This type of lumber differs and by the method of surface treatment:

  • profiled timber (German) - "comb";
  • profiled timber (Finnish) - with two spikes for connection;
  • profiled timber with cups - grooves for corner joints;
  • timber with a flat front surface;
  • timber with a convex front surface.

What makes timber the preferred material in private housing

  1. Appearance favorable for design, the ability to play with color and texture.
  2. Simplicity and waste-free construction.
  3. Factory surface treatment suitable for the application of finishing materials (drying oils, paints).
  4. Environmental friendliness of the building while maintaining a healthy microclimate.
  5. Superiority in performance over a rounded log.
  6. Comparative efficiency.

All manifesting later limitations houses from a bar - a consequence of violations of the production technology of this material.

No matter how carefully the assembly of walls from a profiled bar is carried out, it is impossible to avoid a loose fit and cracks. They make the house breathable and permeable to low temperatures.

Therefore, an important stage of construction is the correct insulation of a house from a bar - internal and external.

House insulation from profiled timber

Traditional tow has received effective competitors: jute, linen, ecowool, mineral wool, fiberglass, expanded polystyrene, thermobasalt. To evenly distribute the insulation between the crowns, tapes of fibrous materials in the form of a non-woven fabric are used, which are attached to the wood with a stapler or glue.

In the choice of insulation worth guiding not only by its heat-saving properties, but also by its susceptibility to open fire, fungal and mold infections.

What is meant by "insulation of a wooden house"

Insulating a house from a bar can mean just protection against blowing out, or protection against the ingress of cold air. And you can consider this process as a set of measures to preserve internal heat in winter conditions. Each of the target installations will require different insulation materials, different technologies implementation of this stage of construction, varying degrees of complexity of the measures taken.

The most unpretentious insulation is caulking the mezhventsovy cracks. It is carried out in 2 stages: in the first (during the assembly period) pieces of tow are laid between a pair of beams, in the second (after the house has shrunk) - the tow is pushed into the gap with a special spatula using a hammer. The process is simple, but laborious and time-consuming.

Insulation of the house from the inside

Whatever insulation is used in this case, its primary task of retaining heat is certainly combined with sound insulation from external environment... Insulation of the walls inside should not significantly reduce the size of the premises, therefore, insulation plates are chosen no thicker than 3 cm. Their environmental safety and resistance to destruction by rodents are envisaged. On top of the insulation, usually, the walls are faced with plasterboard.

The technology of correct insulation of a house from a bar outside

Insulation of a log house outside begins with checking the quality of the joints after reaching natural moisture timber, choosing a heat insulator and calculating it required thickness(up to 7 cm). Now there is a convenient opportunity to make a calculation with an online calculator on the Internet.

Worth considering that the insulation work will not greatly affect the dimensions, but can change the appearance of the building beyond recognition, so you need to immediately decide on the type of future cladding (plaster, siding, false beams) and the proposed finishing work.

External insulation can be done in the following way:

  • arrange a hinged ventilated facade;
  • insulate the outside with polyurethane spraying;
  • insulate with foam.

Necessary tools for insulation works .

  1. Roulette and level with a plumb line.
  2. Hacksaw.
  3. Self-tapping screws.
  4. Ladder or scaffold.
  5. Lumber for lathing.

The sequence of works on the device of the hinged ventilated facade

If the timber used in construction was dry, then the curtain facade can be started immediately after the construction of the log house.

  1. First of all, it is necessary to close the gaps between the joints (see "caulk").
  2. The lathing begins to be assembled from a frame made of bars (50x70 in terms of the height of the insulation). They are fastened to the wall vertically with nails, with a step - along the width of the insulation.
  3. According to the technology of the ventilated facade, the crate is made two-level to obtain a gap of 3 cm between the insulation and the topcoat.
  4. Insulation plates are laid end-to-end between the structures of the crate.
  5. A special material (diffusion membrane) is stretched, fastening construction stapler to the crate.
  6. Strengthen the finishing material of the facade.

This type of insulation makes the facade stable to any kind of atmospheric phenomena, prevents rotting and mold, retains the ability wooden walls"breathe".

Warming due to spraying of polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam- Polymer No. 1 adheres well to a clean, oil-free surface. Applied over several runs with a special equipment under pressure with a layer of 50 mm on a wall of a bar, it forms a moisture-proof film without seams and cracks and closes the pores of the wood. This covering is removed under the curtain wall of the finishing material.

The method is very simple and economical, it is carried out without lifting mechanisms and scaffolding. A significant advantage is resistance to open fire, duration of preservation of heat-shielding qualities, resistance to decay processes and exposure to bacteria.

But, need to foresee when designing a house, a ventilation system that effectively solves the problem of vapor permeability of a polyurethane film.

Foam insulation

Insulation of a log house with polystyrene foam (expanded polystyrene) can be done both from the inside and outside. It is an inexpensive and effective material to use. For insulation works take plates 5 cm thick and special glue.

  1. Starting profiles are attached horizontally to clean dry walls at the bottom horizontally to prevent the cladding from slipping.
  2. The glue is applied both to the foam and to the gluing site, lubricating the joints.
  3. Work is carried out from the bottom up.
  4. Drying time of the glue is 3 days.
  5. After drying, the foam is additionally strengthened with special dowels.
  6. Subsequent work is carried out after priming the layer.
  1. Shrinkage of a profile bar up to 3-4% occurs in the first six months - a year.
  2. When working with insulation, it is important to observe safety measures: eye protection - goggles, hand protection - gloves, respiratory protection - respirator.
  3. Insulation cannot be stored under open air: getting wet will reduce its heat-shielding properties.
  4. Insulation plates can be installed without additional fasteners, if the distance between the crate elements is reduced by 1.5 cm.
  5. Spray insulation can be done at a temperature of at least 10 degrees.
  6. Organic insulation is susceptible to destruction by rodents.

Features of the Russian climate - strong wind, heat and frost, rains - one way or another, they require insulation of the home. Consider how to insulate a house from a bar in accordance with the norms and standards of heat conservation.

In general, insulation must be started even during the manufacture of a log house, laying an inter-row seal after each row of logs. Wood is natural natural material that dries up and shrinks over time. And therefore, a year later, after the walls of the log house have dried and shrunk, repeated work is carried out on filling and thermal insulation.

Materials (edit)

Only natural plant fibers are used as the basis of which there are no artificial additives. They provide an environmentally friendly atmosphere, do not emit harmful substances and unpleasant odors isolate sounds well.

All cracks and corners of the building are sealed with seals made of natural plant fibers.

Supporting materials

Experts do not recommend finishing the insulation of a log house with plaster finishing. The reason is that it gets worse as a result natural ventilation the walls are outside, which makes the wood more prone to rotting and rubbing. You need to prepare the following materials for work:

  • hydro-barrier;
  • bars for the frame with a width corresponding to the heat insulator;
  • the insulation itself - mineral wool, polystyrene, glass wool in rolls or slabs;
  • finishing - siding or lining.

It is possible to insulate a house from the inside or outside only after the natural shrinkage of the tree is completed. It usually occurs within a year of operation.


The timber can be made from the following materials: marsh moss, jute, made from the shoots of this plant and is resistant to decay; linen tow and mezhventsovy felt. It is better to use polystyrene foam products last, since when long-term operation structures, the destruction of the layer and the appearance of fumes with harmful phenolic compounds are possible.

Mezhventsovy felt is produced in three types: jute mezhventsovy - 90% consists of jute, 10% - of flax, linen felt (linen) of highly refined flax fiber and linen-jute inter-crown sealant - half of flax fiber, half of jute fiber.

About interior decoration

Insulation for interior decoration timber can be almost any. The most widely used are mineral wool materials from the manufacturers ROCKWOOL, URSA, ISOVER. They are believed to possess better sound insulation, low thermal conductivity, low hygroscopicity.

Mineral wool properties

The fibers of the material are made from basalt - an extra strong rock. The big advantages of mineral wool are its resistance to mold, fungi, insects, as well as the ability to withstand temperatures above 1000С.

In addition, mineral wool fibers have good vapor permeability, which allows vapors to evaporate rather than accumulate in the walls. An important quality of mineral wool is the absence of toxic substances in the composition.

The thickness of the slabs of the applied insulation depends on the width of the walls of the house itself. For example, for a timber of 150 mm, it will be correct to use only 5 cm of mineral wool. Thinner slabs are mounted in two continuous layers. Docking points must be covered to enhance the heat-saving effect.

Types of mineral wool

Mineral wool URSA is a mixture of dolomite (mineral) with quartz sand. Its main advantages are high elasticity and flexibility (facilitate installation) and excellent thermal insulation characteristics (the thermal conductivity coefficient of such a heater is 0.032 W / mK).

For the walls of ventilated facades, the material Ursa FASAD is used in the form of semi-rigid fiberglass plates, pasted over with black high-density fiberglass. Additionally, the slabs are treated with water-repellent agents. Thanks to all these qualities, there is no need to install wind protection films.

Rockwool mineral wool is made from basalt rocks impregnated with a hydrophobic mixture - the chaotic arrangement of mineral fibers ensures high strength. Such material contains a minimum amount of binders. ROCKWOOL does not deform during operation. It is produced in various forms - rolls, plates, mats of various thicknesses and areas, which also differ in the degree of rigidity.

Mineral wool ISOVER is made on the basis of fiberglass and has excellent heat saving performance, shape stability and durability. The upper surface of such plates is covered with fiberglass, therefore they do not require the use of diffuse membranes. When carrying out two-layer insulation, this material acts as a top layer.

Preparation for use

The thickness of the insulation used depends on which tree and by what technology the house is built:

  • for chopped logs, at least 15 mm of insulator is laid;
  • for laminated veneer lumber, a layer of 5 to 10 mm is sufficient.

All work on sealing the walls must be carried out simultaneously along the entire crown in order to avoid distortion of the frame. All gaps must be sealed both internally and externally. Before carrying out work, the log house is carefully inspected, all cracks are identified and caulked. Special attention at the same time, they pay attention to the processing of the corners of the log house. Digging alone is clearly not enough.

Insulation from the inside

After the walls have been compacted, work is carried out on the internal thermal insulation of the dwelling. They consist in laying a layer between the walls and the material for interior decoration. As the latter, gypsum fiber or drywall is often used. For internal insulation, insulation with a vapor barrier is used, which prevents fumes from impregnating it.

Insulating a house from a bar from the inside has the following risks:

  • cracking of the tree and the formation of condensation is possible;
  • decay of a log house;
  • decrease in the usable area of ​​the room and deterioration of the interior.

Insulation outside

The best option for insulating a wooden house would be to create a ventilated facade system with air gap- the updrafts will themselves remove unnecessary moisture. Such a system has high heat-shielding qualities and ensures the dryness of the walls.

You need to pay attention to the sealing of windows and doors, the floor, the device floor slabs and attic. Floor insulation is carried out by laying a layer of waterproofing, heat insulator, on top of which a layer of vapor barrier is placed.

Beginning of work

To begin with, the entire surface of the walls is well treated with antiseptics and fire retardants. After processing, gaps and gaps are eliminated at all joints and between the timber. The gaps are eliminated with polyurethane foam or seals, which are used when laying a log house. Most often it is linen, jute fiber or ribbon tow.

After sealing all the gaps, vertical bearing rails are packed onto the walls. The distance between them is left slightly less than the width of the future insulation material. This is done for easier and tighter entry into the structure.


Between the bearing rails, starting from the bottom side of the wall, the sealing plates are laid. Plates are fixed with anchor fasteners, while the joints are located close to each other and to the edges of the sheathing.

The second frame row of beams is fixed horizontally. In the gaps between them are installed mineral wool slabs... In this case, the upper slabs should overlap the joints of the underlying layer. The second layer of heat insulator is also reinforced with anchors. In addition, the densely elastic structure itself fiber boards contributes to a fairly reliable installation of the material between the battens of the sheathing.

A diffusion membrane is fixed on the surface of the insulation, which is permeable from the inside to steam and air, but completely closed from the outside to wind and external moisture. This layer will perfectly protect the insulator and the tree under it from adverse weather conditions.

Thermal insulation in regions with high humidity will be correctly supplemented with a vapor barrier film. In this case, the vapor barrier is installed directly on the surface wooden beams walls.

Ventilation and trim

Frame for exterior decoration must be fixed so that there is an air gap between the finishing layer and the heat insulator for ventilation of water vapor. Indeed, on the surface of the insulation, external moisture will inevitably condense, which should be able to evaporate.

An external facade finish is mounted on the frame. It can be lining, siding or polymer panels. You can decorate the building with a block house - a polymer that imitates wood with its texture and pattern. It is important to prevent heat loss through other areas - roof, floor, foundation, windows, doors.

Attic, doors and windows

The technology of insulating the attic of a wooden house is as follows:

  • on false ceiling a vapor barrier is being laid in the attic;
  • insulation is laid on top - mineral wool or expanded polystyrene;
  • a layer of waterproofing is laid on the insulator and a crate of boards is mounted.

Ideal for the installation of doors and windows - the use of two-chamber metal-plastic or wooden double-glazed windows and double doors, as well as the obligatory presence entrance vestibule... Finally, before choosing a method for thermal insulation of a log house, it will be correct to make sure that such a procedure is necessary in principle.

It is important for every person that his home is comfortable and warm, especially taking into account the fact that our climate is rather harsh. When building a house from a bar, it is imperative to insulate the outside. This is the only way to achieve a good microclimate at a time when frost is raging outside the window. In this case, you can use a beam, the thickness of which will be less than 40 cm.

However, you will have to spend a little here, because the problem of thermal insulation by sealing cracks and caulking cannot be solved. At severe frost the timber can freeze directly. As a result, it becomes necessary to insulate the house from a bar outside, since this is the most effective one.

Advantages of house insulation outside

What needs to be considered when insulating the walls of a log house

  • First of all, use the correct insulation;
  • be able to correctly estimate the thickness of the thermal insulation material;
  • laying should be carried out strictly according to technology;
  • it is necessary to carry out all necessary actions for waterproofing;
  • to provide protection of the log house from the factor of ultraviolet radiation and so on.

External insulation can be equipped in several options:

  1. with the help of a hinged ventilated facade;
  2. using polyurethane spraying.
  3. with the help of foam insulation.

No. 1 - Hinged ventilated facade

Warming using this method is one of the best options, because it has a number of advantages:

  1. fairly quick installation;
  2. a different choice of material for cladding, including a rack profile, lining, siding, wooden facade board, porcelain stoneware and so on.
  3. excellent heat and sound insulation;
  4. the service life is approaching 50 years;
  5. finishing materials can have a wide variety of colors;
  6. significant reduction in heating costs;
  7. the facade is resistant to atmospheric agents;
  8. the dew point is displaced beyond the outer wall.

Scheme of a hinged ventilated facade

Insulation technology

A layer of insulation is attached to the outer walls, after which it is closed with decorative trim.

No. 2 - Laying insulation under siding

Attention! If mineral wool is used as a heater, then to protect it from moisture, you should use diffusion membrane... It is a perforated film that is capable of letting vapor outward, but does not allow atmospheric moisture to be absorbed into the insulation. If fiberglass or polystyrene is used, then they will not need moisture protection.

No. 3 - Polyurethane foam spraying method

This method has the following advantages:

This method is used for thermal insulation of the foundation, walls and basement of the house. It is quite popular when insulating the outer walls of houses from a bar.

Finishing wall cladding

Sheathing a log house with plastic siding

To sheathe a house from a bar outside, it is advisable to use wooden boards, the thickness of which will be at least 25 mm. Also, that they are made of larch, pine or oak. In this case, an important parameter will be fulfilled, at which both the cladding and the walls will breathe better.

Finishing wooden planks lets the walls breathe

Important! During the installation of the cladding, special ventilation slots should be created on the lower and upper edges of the façade. To prevent rain or snow from falling behind the facade, special visors can be mounted on the cracks.

In the next article, we will consider - which insulation is best for this type?