How to paint the ceiling with water-based paint without streaks. Painting the ceiling with water-based paint

The most common way to decorate a ceiling is to whitewash or paint it. And the most used paint for this is water-based paint. Ceiling painting water-based paint at first glance it seems a simple matter, but there are many subtleties, ignorance of which leads to the appearance of spots or stripes. How to avoid the appearance of such a nuisance will be described further.

Preparation for painting

In order for self-painting of the ceiling with water-based paint to be of high quality and uniform, it is necessary preliminary preparation ceiling. It is possible to achieve uniform staining only on a flat putty surface. Therefore, before starting work, it is necessary to clean the ceiling from any previous coating (with the exception of water emulsion, which holds very well).

How to remove whitewash

If you have whitewash on the ceiling - chalk or lime - you need to moisten the ceiling with water and remove the coating with a spatula. Brush everything down to concrete. Even the smallest fragments must be removed. Sometimes scrape with a spatula small areas very inconvenient, it is easier to do it with a wet cloth.

In any case, after removing the whitewash, the ceiling must be rinsed with water and detergent. After complete drying - prime and putty with gypsum or cement (preferably white) putty until smooth, which is also called "under the egg".

How to remove old water emulsion

If the ceiling has already been painted with a water-based emulsion, it will simply not be possible to remove it. The procedure depends on how the paint is adhered to the ceiling. If it just changed color and you need to update the ceiling, no bulges, cracks or other similar problems no, you can get by with a little blood. First, remove dust (with a cloth and water), dry, then prime. After the primer has dried, it can be painted. But once again we draw your attention - this procedure is used only if the water emulsion holds up well and there are no defects.

Cleaning waterproof emulsion from the ceiling is a pleasure.

If there are cracks, swellings on the surface of the water emulsion, it must be cleaned off. There are two ways - dry and wet. Dry is to peel off sandpaper(manually or using angle grinders), wet - rinse. This method has to be used for paint that is not afraid of water. But it is very difficult to peel off such paint. If the water-based paint holds well, no tricks help, but there are surface defects and putty is necessary, take coarse sandpaper and make the surface rough. After that, you can putty. Further - according to the technology: we prime and then paint.

The water-based ceiling is washed off twice abundantly wetting hot water... The water should be almost boiling water - about 70 ° C. After wetting part of the ceiling, wait 10 minutes, then wet the same area again with hot water. After about five minutes, you can remove the paint with a spatula.

Removing old paint is a lengthy process

You can repeat this procedure several times, gradually removing the lagging paint from the ceiling. Small residues can be sanded and then rinsed, dried and primed on the ceiling. On the primer, it is already possible to putty, sand, leveling the flaws.

Types of water-based paint

Water-based paint is a water-based emulsion containing polymer particles undissolved in water. It also contains pigments and various additives that change the characteristics of the final product. After applying the paint, water actively evaporates and a thin polymer film remains on the surface.

Painting the ceiling with water-based paint begins with the choice of the composition. They use four types of polymers:

  • Acrylic. An aqueous emulsion based on acrylic resins allows you to obtain a flat surface, has good hiding power, hides small surface defects, up to gaps up to 1 mm wide. Its disadvantage is its high price, but it is easier to work with it. V pure form acrylic compounds are hygroscopic and can only be used for dry rooms, but they do not interfere with the passage of steam. To create a waterproof film, latex is added to the acrylic water emulsion. The same additive increases the elasticity of the dried film. Such formulations can be used in wet rooms.

    Acrylic based water emulsion is the smart choice

  • Silicates. This type of water-based paints is based on liquid glass... The coating turns out to be resistant to atmospheric precipitation and at the same time does not interfere with the removal of vapors, has a long service life (10 years or more), and can be used for outdoor work.

    Silicate paints are vapor-proof

  • Minerals are lime or cement. Mineral water emulsions have good adhesion to any surface, but are quickly washed off. In this connection, they are gradually losing popularity.

  • Silicone. Silicone-based aqueous emulsions are the latest industry achievement. These compositions are good because they "tighten" cracks up to 2 mm thick. As a result, the surface painted by them, even without excellent preparation, turns out to be even and smooth. The film is dense, but vapor-permeable. Silicone water emulsion can be used to paint the ceiling in bathrooms and other wet areas. The disadvantage of this type of paint is the high price.

Latex can be added to any of the formulations. Latex water-based paint is water-repellent. It is not afraid of moisture and can be used in humid rooms.

Based on the main characteristics of these compositions, you can choose for yourself best type water-based paint. Each case requires its own properties and the "best water emulsion" - different each time.

What primer to use

A primer is necessary for better adhesion (adhesion) of the paint to the painted surface. It avoids the appearance of cracks and blisters after the paint has dried. If there is no primer, this can happen. We'll have to clean everything up and putty again. Therefore, in order for the ceiling painting with water-based paint to be of high quality, it is necessary to prime the surface well.

The base of the primer must match the base paint. Under the acrylic paint, the same primer is required, under the silicone paint, based on silicones, etc. Moreover, it is advisable not to save: the quality of this composition depends on how smoothly the water emulsion will lie on the ceiling.

There is economical way primers: dilute the base paint with water (1 to 2) and paint over the surface a couple of times with this composition. It's definitely better than nothing, but the primer gives a more secure grip.

How to paint the ceiling with a water emulsion with your own hands

Each of the water-based paints on the can has instructions for use. The order of work is described there. Some formulations just need to be mixed well before work: undissolved polymers can settle at the bottom of the can. Some formulations require dilution. The amount of added water is also prescribed in the instructions and depends on the method of application. They dilute more under spray guns; when using a roller, thicker compositions are required.

When diluting a water emulsion with water, add it in small portions. Stir thoroughly and taste on the surface. If the paint lies flat, almost completely covers the base, you can paint.

It is more convenient to pour paint into special container with a bath and a ribbed platform. You can use a regular bowl and a clean piece of oilcloth, spread out next to it. It is not so convenient, but less expensive.

Which roller to choose

A roller for painting the ceiling with an aqueous emulsion is needed with a dense short nap. You need to examine it thoroughly. The pile should “sit” firmly and in no case should it “climb out”, even if you pull on it. Then inspect how the seam was made. In no case should he stand out. It must be hard to find. It is best if it is made obliquely.

Devote maximum attention to the choice of roller: the quality of the painting - the absence of stripes on the ceiling - largely depends on how good you have chosen the tool. It is more convenient to whitewash the ceiling with a water emulsion not from a stepladder, but from the floor. To do this, the roller is placed on a long handle and fixed well.

How to paint without streaks

So that there are no stripes on the ceiling, painting the ceiling with water-based paint should end no later than 20 minutes. Water immediately after application begins to actively absorb / evaporate and stripes appear at the junction of the dried and "fresh" color. Therefore, it is advisable to prepare the room. It is necessary to turn off (wrap up) the heating batteries, to prevent the appearance of a draft. It is also advisable to clean the floor immediately before whitewashing, even if you work during the day, turn on the lights, this will allow you to better control the quality of the painting. Then you can get to work.

Ready-to-use water-based paint is poured into a container, a roller is dipped into it, then rolled well over the site, achieving uniform distribution over the entire surface. When the roller has a solid color, they begin to paint.

The corners are painted over with the first brush. After applying a little paint, take a small roller and roll it out well. Then they begin to paint the main surface. The first layer is applied parallel to the window, the second - perpendicularly.

You need to stand so as to look at the painted area at an angle. This will give you a good chance to see how evenly the paint is distributed, as well as the place where you have already painted and where not. Move systematically, without jumping from one piece to another.

The width of the strip to be painted at a time is slightly larger than the width of the roller. After wetting the roller, place it approximately in the middle of the strip. Quickly roll the paint in both directions from one wall to the other. Don't waste a lot of time: you don't have much of it. On average, the water emulsion dries up in 10-20 seconds. Before that, you did not have time to apply a strip nearby - the border will be clearly visible, from which you will not get rid of. Having distributed the paint more or less evenly over the strip, dip the roller in the paint, and again roll it out from the middle of the ceiling. At the same time, enter the not already painted strip by about 10 cm. All this at a good pace without stopping and smoke breaks. The edges of the painted strip must not dry out. In general, these are all rules.

After applying the first coat of paint, some areas may be less stained. It is necessary to wait for complete drying, and paint a second time. This should already be enough to get a flat surface. If after the third layer of water-based paint you still have streaks and streaks on the ceiling, you will have to redo it. It is necessary to level the surface with sandpaper, prime and paint again.

Which color

The easiest way to achieve perfect color evenness is to use "snow white" paint. All pigments clearly highlight even small irregularities, therefore the process must be given maximum attention or use an acrylic or silicone-based water emulsion.

The most common repair method is painting. Seems like it could be easier? hides its secrets. The ideal ceiling has a uniform, even finish, free from brush streaks, streaks and stains. In this article, we will talk about how to avoid streak-free using water-based, acrylic, latex coatings. Consider options using a roller and brush.

Water-based coating

Before using water-based coating, the surface should be prepared. Regardless of whether your ceiling is painted or whitewashed with lime, if there are cracks and irregularities on the surface, and the old finishing material moves away from the surface, then it must be completely removed. Defects and irregularities must be filled, sanded and primed. If we are talking about a perfectly flat surface, then you just need to prime it. Before starting work, clear the room of foreign objects and furniture.

If you need to remove the whitewash from the surface, then it should be wetted. Brush small areas because surfaces dry quickly. If you wet it all at once, then you will have to do it many times, and this, you see, is an extra waste of time and effort. So, we wet the surface, waited for the whitewash to get moisture, removed the layer with a spatula. Thus, remove all whitewash from the surface.

If you have planned redecorating rooms, then start painting from the ceiling. V otherwise chances are good that you will bury the walls.

What if only the top is subject to processing? In this case, the walls must be sealed with foil. The same measures should be taken with regard to gender. To know how to properly apply the coating and at what temperature to do it, check the manufacturer's recommendations.

In order for the paint to lay flat on the surface, it should be treated with a primer. It is better to buy the same brand of coating and primer. If you have a flat and clean surface without stains, then it can be primed in one coat. In other cases, it is better to apply the composition in 2 layers. Then apply one layer to all dark areas. This will prevent them from appearing after the end of the work. After completing priming, leave the surface to dry.

If the ceiling is ready for the next step, then assemble and prepare the necessary tools for this. So, you will need:

  • dye;
  • roller, brush or spray gun;
  • tray;
  • painting telescopic extension for a roller or a stepladder.

Latex coating

When choosing a method, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of latex paint. Below we will consider its advantages and disadvantages.

If we talk about the advantages of latex coating, then there are enough of them to give preference to this particular paint and varnish material:

  1. The washable cover allows dirt to be removed with a damp cloth. Surface resistance to abrasion is not the highest. If you have to frequently wash the surface, then it is better to choose a different composition.
  2. This coating creates a vapor barrier. The insulated ceiling made of gypsum plasterboard, after covering it with latex, does not need additional vapor barrier.
  3. Odorless during the implementation of work and after their completion.
  4. Dries quickly - from 20 minutes to 2 hours. It all depends on the thickness of the layer and the humidity in the room.
  5. The latex coating has good adhesion. Does not peel off even from polished metal, with its preliminary priming.

There are still no man-made materials in the world that have no flaws. Therefore, it is not surprising that latex paint is also not devoid of them:

  • Under influence low temperatures the coating can become covered with cracks, as a result of which it begins to flake off. Therefore, it should not be used in rooms that are not heated or often ventilated in winter time of the year.
  • Latex can become food for bacteria. On the treated surface in a room with high level moisture can form mold. But this only happens in very damp rooms, in which the surface has not been previously treated with an antiseptic. Therefore, this disadvantage can be said to be indirect.

Water-dispersion acrylic paints, without exception, give a matte surface. Unlike them latex coating sometimes glossy. The texture of the surface after coating can be judged by the numbers on the packaging of the product. For example, Samtex20 is a latex-based silky gloss finish and Samtex3 is matte.

If we talk about the features of a glossy latex surface, they boil down to the following:

  • The gloss is less dirty and easier to wash.
  • A glossy surface emphasizes defects, while a matte surface hides them. Therefore, before coating with gloss, the surface should be leveled.
  • Gloss visually raises the ceiling by partially reflecting the space underneath. The illusion of depth is created, which is very important in low rooms.

The preparatory processes boil down to the fact that all exfoliated parts of the plaster and nabel are cleaned off with a spatula.

If the entire surface or some part of it is affected by a fungus, then it must be treated with an antiseptic primer. And then treat it with a penetrating primer. Do it with a brush, because this way you will be able to process all the potholes.

Then putty the defects. Acrylic putty is best suited for these purposes. Use a wide trowel to keep the ceiling as flat as possible. After the putty has dried, sand the unevenness. Re-prime the plastered areas of the surface.

A roller with a long pile should be used. The layers should be applied perpendicular to each other, with the finishing layer directed away from the window. This is done in one go, otherwise irregularities will be visible along the border of the dried areas. The roller should be rolled out on a paint tray or, if not available, on a piece of cardboard.

Latex is an intermediate option between more durable and expensive silicone and cheaper acrylic.

Acrylic coating

Acrylic-based paints have high performance and physical and technical characteristics. Among their advantages are the following:

  1. Environmental Safety.
  2. Water vapor permeability.
  3. Affordable price.
  4. Easy to apply.
  5. No pungent odor.
  6. Practical (it is easy to wash off dirt from the surface).

On the market you will find a large assortment of both domestic and foreign manufacturers. There is plenty to choose from, but it makes no sense to say that paint from one manufacturer is strikingly different from similar products from another.

Acrylic can be applied to the surface in just 2 layers. This will be enough to hide all microcracks up to 1 mm wide. The resulting film will be sufficiently elastic and strong.

In addition, you can buy highly specialized acrylic paints on the market. These can be products for coating surfaces with traces of soot or greasy spots etc.

When purchasing material, look not at its amount in the container, but at the rate of consumption of the treated surface per 1 m 2.

Features of work

Surface preparation is the same as described above. Therefore, there is no need to describe this process again. After the final priming of the ceiling, you need to process the corners of the room with a brush, which should be dipped into the composition only half the pile. Squeeze out the paint and apply a strip 3 to 5 cm wide in the corners. For the rest, it is better to use a spray gun or roller if purchasing the first is impractical.

If you decide to use a roller, then you should consider some points:

  1. Do not dip the entire roller into the material as this will avoid smudges. Roll it over the tray. This will help you distribute the composition evenly over the roller.
  2. Do not apply thick or thick coating. As a result of such actions, smudges and folds may form.
  3. Apply stripes across the room. Check for uniformity. Inspect it periodically under different angles and from different sides.

When working, you cannot make drafts in the room. The temperature in it should also be as stable as possible. To find out the optimal temperature regime, read the instructions for the acrylic coating.

Do not process the surface when sub-zero temperature... If you want to save material consumption and achieve the most uniform application, then you should use a spray gun. Such a purchase is advisable if you will use this tool in your future work.

Perfect coverage

Nowadays, you can often find colored, and not just white ceilings. It is very modern, and besides, the colored surface brings some notes of freshness to the interior. If you bought finished material with a pigment, then there is nothing to worry about. However, if you add color to the white coating, then prepare the mixture with a margin. This is due to the fact that when mixing paint by hand, it is unrealistic to achieve the same tone. If it seems to you that the composition in the bucket is the same in color, then after drying you will see strokes of a light or dark shade.

As a rule, it is obtained ideally from the second or third time. But by following the instructions in this article, you should be able to cope without any additional experience. The most handy tool for work is a spray gun. However, it is probably not worth purchasing it for the sake of one operation. Unless you have free funds and you have plans to use this tool in the future.

When working with this tool, the least material consumption, and the coating process does not require much physical effort.

Painting the ceiling with a brush is difficult and time-consuming. Therefore, if you choose between a brush and a roller, then it is better to give preference to the latter. With its help, the coating is produced evenly, it does not need to be re-dipped as often as a brush. In order for the joints with the walls and the corners to be well processed, they must be pre-treated with a brush, you cannot do without it in the process of working with a roller.

Before starting work with the roller, draw a narrow line around the perimeter of the surface, carefully covering the joints. Do not dip the entire roller into the material. After dipping it a little, roll it out in a special paint bath. Thus, the material is distributed over the entire surface. Cover the ceiling starting from the far corner of the room. The strips should be applied with an overlap of 5–8 cm. In this case, there should be no thickenings at the joints, and for this, the composition must be rubbed with a roller over the surface.

Painting must be done at a sufficiently high rate, otherwise streaks will appear on the surface due to drying of the material. After completely covering it, let it dry. Then apply a second coat.

The next coat should be applied perpendicular to the previous one. This eliminates the possibility of streaking and unwanted streaking.

In order not to accentuate the spots, do not touch the highlights. It is better to evaluate the quality of work from the floor, because you will not be able to do this while under the ceiling. The technology of using acrylic material is no different from the technology of working with water-based emulsion.

After finishing work, avoid excess sun and drafts in the room. It can be ventilated only after the surface has completely dried, which means - not earlier than in a day.

Stretch ceiling covering

Do you want to renew the tension surface, thus improving its external performance by painting? It is worth noting that these manipulations can only be done with tensioning materials that do not have connecting seams.

For this kind of work, you should take an acrylic-based coating. Use a spray bottle to apply the compound to the surface. Experts do not recommend covering tensioned surfaces too often. The fact is that with each subsequent layer they increase in weight, which means that they will sag over time, which of course is undesirable. The conclusion is simple - you can cover tension structures no more than 5 times.

Experts do not recommend painting if you do not have at least some experience in this matter. This is due to the fact that even a professional is not able to maintain the gloss and gloss that the material had before processing. Having lost their gloss, tension surfaces attract more dirt and dust, which becomes more noticeable.

It is also important to take into account the fact that self-renewed tension surfaces when using electric heating devices and when exposed to temperature changes will begin to crack after a while and will not be attractive. In such a situation, of course, it is possible to process the surface again, but the result of this manipulation will be short-lived.

If for some reason tension structure has lost its attractiveness and needs restoration, then, as an alternative, you can make a partial decoration with the help of airbrushing. You can simulate the sky and clouds.

The combination of knowledge of coating technology along with high-quality primers and dyes, and working tools are the key to a high-quality, reliable and beautiful coating. If you have experience in coating, then share it with us and our readers. Write your comments at the end of this article.


These videos show you how to get a streak-free ceiling:

Water-based paint is a product that is ideal for painting ceilings. It is not too expensive, but it looks very neat. However, of course, the surface will look spectacular only if it is strictly observed the established technologies processing. Further in the article, we will consider how to paint the ceiling without streaks.

Reasons for the appearance of stains

After drying such paint on the ceiling often appear different kinds defects. First of all, these are spots that are clearly visible at unequal angles or when using different light sources. Unfortunately, this defect is considered difficult to fix. The fact is that when painting spots, the unevenness of the coating usually only intensifies, which aggravates the situation. And therefore, when such defects appear, the work on finishing the ceiling most often has to be done again. In order to avoid such a problem, you should first of all carry out correct preparation to staining.

How to choose a roller

So let's see, water-based paint without streaks. And first, let's figure out how to choose the right tool to perform this operation. Accurately painting the ceiling can only be done using a roller. The brush will definitely leave streaks and small streaks. A long-nap roller is most suitable for water-based paint. With such a tool, you can apply the composition as evenly as possible. In this case, foam and velor rollers are absolutely not suitable, since after them ugly "pores" can remain on the surface.

How to stir the paint correctly

Dilute products such as water-based paints for internal works, only follow the instructions on the label. In most cases, no more than 10% of water is allowed to be added to this type of paint. Otherwise, the composition will turn out to be very liquid, and it will not be possible to paint over the ceilings. Water can be poured directly into the paint can. Add it little by little, constantly mixing the composition. For execution last operation it is best to use an electric drill with a special attachment.

How to color paint correctly

Traditionally, ceilings are treated with white water emulsion. However, coatings with a light shade also look very impressive: pink, blue, green. Those who wish to decorate the ceiling in this way, be sure to first familiarize yourself with the rules for tinting water emulsion. They are as follows:

    The shade of paint should be selected with the lighting that will be used most often in the room. In this case, it is worth using a special tinting card.

    The selected color should be added immediately to the entire volume of paint necessary for decorating the ceilings in the apartment. Otherwise, the surface will definitely turn out to be spotty.

    Stir the color in the paint only with a drill and for quite a long time - at least 10 minutes.

How to apply paint to a roller

How to properly apply a water emulsion to the ceiling, we will consider a little below. Now let's figure out what is the technology for recruiting the composition on the roller itself. Of course, in order for the ceiling to be neat, this procedure must be performed correctly. The roller must be completely covered with paint. However, dipping it whole in a bucket, of course, is not worth it. It is very easy to paint correctly on this tool. The roller should be lightly dipped in paint and rolled out on some hard surface. This can be, for example, a piece of plywood, linoleum or plastic. If necessary, the rolling procedure can be repeated twice.

Sometimes experienced painters they act differently. In this case, some paint is simply poured into the tray. Further, the roller is periodically rolled over a surface specially created for this during the processing of the ceiling.

How without streaks and right

Of course, there is also a certain technology for applying the composition to the surface. The roller itself should be taken quite wide. This will allow you to do the work not only efficiently, but also quickly. You can trim the ceiling from a stepladder or from a high table.

Actually, the very answer to the question of how to paint the ceiling with a roller is simple. The basic rules for performing this procedure are as follows:

    First of all, the perimeter of the room is painted over with a strip about 10 cm wide. To perform this procedure, it is best to use an appropriate brush.

    Rub the paint over the surface with a roller as thoroughly as possible. When painting, you need to ensure that no drops remain on the ceiling.

    During processing, you should get off the ladder from time to time and inspect the surface from different angles. Thus, you can achieve the most uniform coloring.

Water-based paints for interior work are usually applied in at least two layers. In this case, before painting the surface a second time, wait until the ceiling is completely dry. The water emulsion dries pretty quickly. Layers should be applied in such a way that the first is perpendicular to the second. In this case, you will get a more uniform design. Painting should be done so that the second layer is carried out in the direction of the rays of light from the window.

What else you need to know

Water-based paint is an excellent answer to the question of how to paint the ceiling in a room. However, in order to get the most accurate surface, among other things, it is worth following these rules:

    You only need to buy new paint... The old one may have an uneven consistency.

    Before painting, check the roller. The villi of this instrument should never lag behind.

    Seams and unevenness on the ceiling should be eliminated before painting, and the surface itself should be primed.

Paint price

Of course, many apartment owners are also worried about how much it costs to paint the ceiling with water-based emulsion. The price for this product is really very low. So, for example, a 3-liter can costs about 150-170 rubles. This amount is enough to process ceilings with an area of ​​about 30 m 2 in one layer. On standard two-room Khrushchev, thus, you will need no more than 2 three-liter cans or 300-400 rubles.

So, we have figured out how to paint the ceiling with water-based paint without streaks. As you can see, this procedure is relatively simple. The main thing is to make the right preparatory work, select good tool and not violate the technology of applying the composition to the surface.

Currently, ceiling painting is becoming more and more popular in city apartments. Accordingly, the usual whitewash fades into the background. There is a fairly simple explanation for this.

Material advantages

It should be noted that the paint is more resistant than whitewashing. In addition, aesthetic appearance material lasts much longer. Certain types of paint are not at all afraid wet cleaning... This feature is very important when it comes, for example, about the kitchen. At the same time, no difficulties in painting technology are noted. The duration of the procedure is the same as for whitewashing.

Material selection


Coloring is carried out with uniform and consistent movements. In this case, it is necessary to observe a certain speed when applying the composition. Stir the mixture thoroughly in a jar before painting the ceiling. It is recommended to start applying the composition with a brush. First of all, paint over skirting boards, ceiling edges, corners. The first layer is applied along the wall on which the window is located, and the second is applied perpendicular to it. It is recommended to apply the composition in strips from 0.7 to 1 m.

Ceiling painting is the most common way to repair it. But far from the easiest one: to achieve good result, you will have to spend considerable time and take into account several subtleties. The topic of our article is how to paint the ceiling without streaks and other defects.

Our goal is the perfect ceiling. Material - water-based paint. Let's find out how to apply it correctly.

Surface preparation

Before opening a can of paint, it is worth preparing the room and the ceiling itself.(cm. ).

Preparing the room will boil down to taking out what you can handle and covering everything else. Perfect material to protect against paint drops - polyethylene film... But with the preparation of the surface of the ceiling, the hassle will be much more:

  • Let's start by removing the flaking plaster. In addition, if the ceiling is affected by a fungus, all darkened areas of the plaster must be cleaned up to concrete base... For this operation, we will arm ourselves with a steel spatula.

Tip: pre-wet the ceiling with a spray or roller the right places... There will be much less dust, and the plaster will come off easier.

  • All areas affected by the fungus are treated with an antiseptic primer... If the room is damp, it is better to play it safe and treat the entire ceiling with it, since the cost of money and time is small.

By the way, any liquid containing chlorine can be used to destroy the fungus. For example, domestic detergent White. However, unlike a special primer, it will not provide long-term protection against mold (see).

  • After the ceiling is dry, it is time for a penetrating primer. It will strengthen the surface and improve the adhesion of the putty to it (see).
  • All irregularities are carefully putty with starting putty. After drying, it is sanded with a coarse sanding mesh. You can do it manually; however, the sander will speed up the procedure many times over.

  • The next stage is the final putty of the entire surface. It is better to apply it in two thinner layers with complete drying of each; tool - wide steel spatula. Then - fine sanding with a fine mesh or sandpaper.
  • After this stage, the surface is re-primed (see). In addition to maximizing surface durability and better paint adhesion, the primer will reduce consumption. Do not doubt the economic underpinnings of this operation: a primer is much cheaper than a quality paint.

The surface is in perfect condition and completely ready for painting. However, the stripes during painting appear not only due to the unevenness of its surface.


Tools and materials

  • Roller. We need a long pile. The short one won't pick up enough paint; foam roller will give bubbles.
  • Painting tray. This will allow the paint to evenly saturate the roller. In addition, streak-free painting requires rolling out the roller. Moreover, it is absolutely impossible to do this on the ceiling.

  • Dye. The best choice- water-based paint on acrylic-silicone base. It is not afraid of moisture and allows you to wash the ceiling an almost unlimited number of times.

Please note: most manufacturers recommend diluting the paint with 10 percent of its volume with water before use. Be sure to read the instructions.

Basic moments

So, the moment of truth. The ceiling has been prepared, all soiled items have been removed from the room, the paint is open, diluted and poured into a paint tray. How to paint the ceiling with water-based paint without streaks?

  • The ceiling is painted in at least two layers. Moreover, each layer should be as thin as possible. Of course, this implies a very specific paint consistency.
  • Layers are applied perpendicular to each other. In this case, it is desirable that last layer lay down in the direction from the window. Even if there are minor irregularities, they will be parallel sunbeams and will be less noticeable.

  • The whole room is painted in one step. No breaks for lunch and smoke breaks. If the paint on the painted part of the ceiling has time to dry out, then where fresh paint will fall on it, an influx will be noticeable.
  • The easiest way to control color uniformity is to take a couple of steps away from where you are painting. It is difficult to assess the quality of paint application at a right angle, and much easier at an oblique angle.
  • If you notice an unpainted area when applying the first layer, when the layer paint has already begun to dry, do not try to touch up the ceiling. You will only make it worse. The reason has already been mentioned: there will be extra layers of paint on top of the drying one.

The correct solution is to wait until the first layer is completely dry and then apply the second. If necessary, you can add painting with a third layer, since the paint consumption will be minimal.

  • What if streaks appear on the ceiling due to some mistake? Is it useless to tint areas with a thin layer of paint? Alas, only grinding the surface and re-painting it will help.

Wait until the last layer of paint is completely dry, arm yourself with a grinder - and into battle. By reapplying paint, you will have a very strong incentive not to repeat the mistakes you made.


Do not forget that since painting the ceiling without streaks is far from the only way and, as you can see, not the easiest one, we can conclude that sometimes creating suspended structure requires much less time and effort.

First of all, this applies to situations when the overlap has large swings height or far from the horizontal. Good luck in the repair!