DIY wooden flowerpots for the garden. How to make a pot of concrete yourself? What materials do you need

Do-it-yourself flowerpots made of cement and fabric for a garden are an original find that can decorate any backyard landscape. Despite the fact that they appeared in the courtyards only a few years ago, the history of the existence of such decorative elements began quite a long time ago.

The use of outdoor flowerpots made of concrete in landscape design goes back to the ancient gardening art, the works of which were housed in palaces. In the front alleys and parks, exquisite bowls made in the Baroque style were an obligatory attribute. Little by little, such flowerpots began to occupy an honorable place in the landscaping of city parks and gardens, public buildings, ceremonial. Concrete outdoor flower boxes are widely used to decorate the entrance to housing, areas intended for recreation, outdoor terraces. In gardens, they play the role of small architectural forms - their use in the landscape makes it possible to somewhat dilute the monotonous unity of the green grass carpet and create attractive visual accents.

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    Manufacturing of concrete products

    To make concrete flower girls on your own does not require any special labor-intensive actions. You will need to first stock up on ingredients for making the working solution and choose containers where the concrete will be mixed. Select the forms with which the product will be made.

    It is not so difficult to make decorative flowerpots for a summer residence with your own hands if you have imagination and a desire to create. Wonderful garden decorations come in any shape - you can make them round or square, rectangular, abstract.

    There are many materials available that are suitable for making castings. These are plastic bottles with different capacities, and children's rubber balls, and metal or plastic basins. A flower pot made of fabric and cement can be amazing in beauty - you can create a real masterpiece with your own hands.

    The first flower beds made of fabric and cement with their own hands probably turned out by accident. After all, many people, after repair, simply throw the soaked cement mortar rags. But if you lightly conjure over the fabric and fix it with a solution, it will turn out to be unusual and very beautiful.

    How to make a container for flowers

    The simplest option a concrete flower girl can be obtained as follows:

    1. 1 Pick up necessary materials... except concrete mortar, you will need old towels (terry or waffle towels) or a piece of any thick cloth the right size... To begin with, you can take an unnecessary bucket as a form. You will also need a piece of plastic. Protect your hands with gloves when working with grout.
    2. 2 Dilute the cement with water to a consistency reminiscent of liquid sour cream. Turn the bucket on which you will dry the flowerpot upside down and wrap it with polyethylene, otherwise it will not be easy to remove it after the mixture has hardened. Immerse a towel in a container with the prepared solution. Then take it out and spread it. It should be saturated with the mixture completely, without residue, do not leave dry spots on it.
    3. 3 Put a towel on a bucket that has been turned upside down, then smooth the bottom better so that there are no folds, otherwise the future vase will turn out to be unstable. Straighten the fabric folds any way you like. Leave the resulting structure to dry for a couple of days. After the fabric has hardened, remove the bucket to the outside. Here is your flower girl and ready.

    You can make a flowerpot for a garden with your own hands exactly as you intended it. The resulting product can be painted with bright colors or simply left as it turned out.

    How to decorate your vase?

    If you liked the very idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bmaking decorative flower girls and would certainly like to build such flowerpots for the garden, you can feel free to get to work. Handicrafts always attract a lot of attention, they can be proudly shown to friends and acquaintances. But sometimes you want something more unusual or bright. You can decorate homemade flower girls as you like.

    For example, you may not like rough outer surface homemade flowerpot. You can turn it into a glossy one after a little alteration. To do this, when making a mixture, choose cement and sand of fine fractions or add Rotband dry plaster to the mixture. Use silicate glue instead of water to dilute the mixture.

    Polyethylene is used to form a glossy surface. The following additions will be needed to the main manufacturing method:

    1. 1 Cook a large dense piece cardboard. Lay a greenhouse covering material on it and straighten it so that all the folds are smoothed out.
    2. 2 After saturating the fabric with the solution, spread it out on a cardboard and smooth it well so that the towel adheres better to the surface.
    3. 3 Then, the bucket selected to create the shape is placed in the center, after which the entire structure must be carefully and very quickly turned over, while holding it by the cardboard. In this case, the fabric should stick around the bucket along with the film.
    4. 4 Form the folds of the future product to your liking. You cannot make deep creases - it will be difficult for you to get the film out of them. From an already frozen structure, you can try to burn out pieces of film stuck there with a lighter.

    The desired gloss has been achieved, but slight defects remain on the product. How can this be fixed? Take a brush and coat the dried vase with silicate glue without diluting it. So you can hide all the defects. You can additionally mix paint into the adhesive - this way you get a pot of the desired color and add it to the outer surface of the gloss.

    Option with print

    In the process of making a flowerpot, you can perform decoupage. To make the outer decorative layer, you will need a thin printed cloth or loose patterned paper. For example, wallpaper, old newspapers are not bad. No need to use glossy magazines, posters, vinyl wallpapers.

    When manufacturing, the sequence of actions is the same as when performing a glossy surface. You just need to add a layer with a picture. The step-by-step procedure is as follows:

    1. 1 Cardboard with foil is spread with silicate glue. Cloth, newspapers, wallpaper, selected for the drawing, are applied to it. Everything is smoothed out.
    2. 2 The reverse side of the paper material is coated with silicate glue. The glue should saturate the material well - this will take about 10 minutes. If there are dry areas, coat them additionally.
    3. 3 Place the cement-impregnated fabric over the pattern. Everything should be smoothed well, then the cardboard with the resulting "sandwich" should be tipped over onto the mold and left to harden. Straighten the folds.

    If, after the mold has dried, there are protrusions that you do not need, they should be cut with a hacksaw. The resulting roughness can be sanded with a coarse emery mesh, which is easy to find in hardware stores.

    How to prepare the solution?

    To make the flowerpots beautiful, it is advisable to pay more attention to the preparation of the working solution.

    This will provide him with the desired density and the rate of solidification.

    To get a concrete solution for work, you need the following substances:

    • fine gravel;
    • sand;
    • cement;
    • water.

    Portland cement, white cement works well. Gravel to choose fractions of 3-7 mm, sand will do open-pit fine-grained. Everything is mixed in a container in a ratio of 2 parts of sand, 1 parts each of cement and gravel. Water is added in small portions until the consistency of liquid sour cream is obtained.

    To make the finished product lighter, small expanded clay is added to the batch. When using these ingredients, it is better to replace some of the gravel with it.

    After pouring, the molds must be covered with foil or a damp cloth - hardening in this way is much slower. This will prevent the formation of cracks when the concrete dries. The structure should be disassembled no earlier than 3-4 days later. The surface of the resulting product is cleaned using a brush and sandpaper, irregularities are trimmed.

    You can make your own material that is an imitation of tuff or sandstone. For this, a solution is prepared from 1 part of cement, 1 - sand, 2 - peat. Dilute the mixture with water until a mashed potato consistency is obtained. With the help of sculpting, the mass is given the desired shape. You can also use art-concrete for preparation - it allows you to make durable, elegant and lighter products.

    How to paint a planter beautifully?

    The most convenient way to decorate concrete pots is by staining. Acrylic paints are suitable for this: they are the most resistant to weathering. Can be made concrete mix add coloring pigment to it.

    The product is dried before painting and a primer is applied. To make a painted flowerpot look beautiful, it is better to choose colors that are not very bright, close to natural ones - the main point for focusing the gaze should be the plants inside the pots, whose task is to create a natural frame for them. Can be arranged on the surface decorative painting in several colors, floral compositions, geometric patterns, abstract drawings.

    How to prepare soil and plants for decorative flower girls

    A layer of gravel, expanded clay, crushed stone is poured onto the bottom of a product made of concrete for drainage. A layer of nutrient soil is poured on top, which should include trace elements and mineral supplements. There should be a lot of organic matter in the soil for annual flowers. To provide organic fertilizers, peat, compost or rotted manure are introduced into it.

    Those summer residents who are seriously going to grow flowers in street pots should know that before the onset of winter time, it is necessary to prepare flower girls for the next season. In winter, in frosts, the soil completely freezes in the flowerpots. Therefore, in order to create flower arrangements in homemade pots, it is better to choose annual plants.

    It is easy to paint the seedlings of annuals with your own hands. In order to achieve the desired effect, it is worth planting plants with bright colors and leaves with a decorative appearance in flower girls. These can be marigolds, annual dahlias, begonias, coleus, snapdragons. Make a good visual impression ampelous plants- these are nasturtiums, petunias, nasturtiums. In concrete vases, you can also thicken the planting in order to quickly achieve the desired effect. It should be understood that with such a small amount of land, it will dry out quickly, it needs regular watering.

    You can place interchangeable compositions in flower girls. In springtime, it is better to make them from colorful bulbous plants- it can be daffodils, hyacinths, crocuses, tulips. For summer compositions, cineraria, lavatera, viola are suitable. In autumn, beautiful flowering is provided by asters, heliotropes, petunias.

    You are very fond of flowers, and fertile land the house is not enough? Nothing, there is a way out. We will learn how to make street flowerpots, and the lack of free space will not become an obstacle to the embodiment of your fantastic ideas.

    Outdoor flowerpots - in harmony with the site

    Outdoor flowerpots should look harmonious. Important role their shape plays: in one version, strict geometric outlines look good, in the other - unusual, extravagant. Even beautiful flowers in inexpressive dishes do not attract the eye.

    The sizes are selected according to the size of the site. A small area requires flowerpots of the same size. A large container in such a situation looks bulky, intrusive, it dominates the space. There is no feeling of comfort and harmony. Small pots in a large enough space will get lost, become inconspicuous. It is required to find the correct ratio.

    Street flowerpots large sizes installed directly on the ground where there is more free space. In cramped courtyards, especially urban ones, where every centimeter is taken into account, it is more convenient to place flowers in small hanging pots, or on inconspicuous stands. Entrance groups flowers are placed, depending on the size, on stands, pedestals, right on the ground.

    In pursuit of beauty, the makers of street pots sometimes decorate them in such a way that the flowers remain invisible. It should not be forgotten that the frame is not the main thing in the picture. Of course, containers for plants should be beautiful, attract attention, but should not be intrusive. They only emphasize the beauty of flowers. Therefore, white, beige, cream, terracotta, brown colors, pastel, delicate shades are preferable for flowerpots.

    Wood - simple and affordable to use

    Wood is not very suitable for outdoor use: rain and snow reduce its life, but it is accessible and easy to process. Without protective treatment the surface will soon turn gray and start to rot. It is better not to use paint, but to use a stain that will show the texture of the wood and accentuate its beauty. After staining, cover the product with transparent varnish.

    Planks and beams are used from lumber. We cut the blanks of the required length and knock a box out of them. The wooden box will soon rot on contact with the ground. To prevent this from happening, we raise it on its legs. The simplest option is four planks in the corners. If you have imagination and skills, we make them curly. We do not fit the boards very tightly: on the street they will begin to swell, expand, but we also do not leave large gaps so that the earth does not wake up.

    If slats are used as a frame, they serve as legs at the same time. We cut off four identical pieces, to which we attach the side boards and the bottom. To prevent the nails from splitting the wood, we drill holes 1–2 mm narrower than their diameter at the attachment point. Instead of boards, you can use thick moisture-resistant plywood. It is better to fix everything with self-tapping screws. For them, we also drill holes in plywood and slats at the same time, stepping back 1 cm from the edge. Beautiful legs come out of metal corners, especially stainless steel.

    If you have a 6x6 or so timber, you can make beautiful flowerpots out of it. Their sizes depend on the strength of the rails. For example, the desired height is 8 beams: 48 cm. Length - 1.5 m, width - 0.6 m. Cut 16 long beams different lengths: 8 by 1.5 meters, another 8 minus the double thickness of the beams - 150-16 = 138 cm.Cut the short ones according to the same principle - 8 by 60 cm, another 8 - by 48 cm.

    We lay on a flat platform two long beams of 1.5 m, between them - two short beams of 48 cm, check for right angle... We fasten the bottom on top of the bars. If it is made of waterproof plywood, you will need a dozen self-tapping screws, if from boards, we screw each one or nail it down. As in the previous case, we drill holes for screws and nails. Turn it upside down and continue working.

    We are building up the structure. Lay out the next 4 bars in a different way: longitudinal - those that are shorter, lateral ones - those that are longer. We attach them in the corners to the bars below. We additionally strengthen the long sides in the middle with one or two nails. We lay out the third row like the first and then alternate the arrangement of the beams until we reach the top. All wooden flowerpots can be combined in one design with a bench. We install it in any suitable place in the garden or at the entrance.

    Regardless of the material and size of the flowerpots, do not forget about the drainage holes in the bottom: we make one or more, focusing on the size of the container.

    Stumps and decks - a little fantasy doesn't hurt

    In the area from old trees, stumps and trunks remain, which can be used. It is not necessary to uproot the stumps: if they do not interfere, we plant flowers in them. We align the top with a chainsaw, outline the contours of the container. We take an electric drill with a feather drill, drill holes in diameter and in the middle. A depth of up to 20 cm is enough. Next comes the hammer and chisel, with which we destroy the walls. We clean it inside, fill the ground.

    We cut blocks of various lengths from the trunk: for vertical installation - up to 40 cm, for horizontal arrangement - at our discretion. In the stumps cut for vertical installation, select the middle, as in the previous case. With a long deck on the ground, it will be more difficult. We outline the contours and make longitudinal and side cuts with a saw. Further - a drill, a chisel. We carefully treat the internal cavity with an antiseptic using a paint brush.

    If there is a half-rotten trunk, we use it for a flowerpot. Cut to length and select the core using the previous technology. It is easier to work with such a trunk than with a living tree. He starts to rot from the middle, and the sidewall is still strong enough. To extend the service life of a semi-rotted trunk, we treat the inner cavity with machine oil or special oil for wood. We do not remove the bark on flowerpots from stumps and trunks, they are much more beautiful with it.

    Old barrel - amazing transformation

    If there is an old wooden barrel, this is an almost finished flowerpot. Cut across - you get two containers for flowers. If you need a bottom, cut it out of waterproof plywood. You may need another hoop for strengthening. We make it from a steel strip, grab it by welding and stuff it onto a barrel. It is important not to be mistaken with the diameter.

    We perform a longitudinal section using one of the methods suggested below, but in any case, the boards will have to be additionally strengthened. You can cut the barrel into two equal pieces. To then fasten them together, we first cut out two circles from thick plywood along the diameter of the bottom. We cut each circle in two, use it to connect the cooper's rivets - the boards from which the barrel is folded. They are fitted to each other, therefore, before disassembling the barrel, we number each board. We fasten them with self-tapping screws to plywood semicircles. We cut the hoops in half and also screw them to the boards with self-tapping screws. They will slightly strengthen the structure and at the same time perform a decorative function.

    Another option: cut out several boards in the barrel, but not completely, but stepping back from each edge near the hoops or next to them on the side facing the middle. Cut boards should be reinforced. We screw them to the bottom, but this is not enough. We attach to the hoops: it is enough to drill holes in them and tighten the rivets with self-tapping screws. If there is no cooper barrel, we do something similar. We cut out two semicircles, attach thin narrow boards or slats to them, and also additionally fix them to the hoops. The main thing here is to fit the boards well.

    If the wood is alive, it is enough to cover it with an antiseptic, stain and varnish. We pre-process old boards with sandpaper. We clean rusty hoops from rust - we remove only detachments. Then cover with a layer of engine oil or clear varnish.

    Plastic - is it easy to work with?

    In construction, sheet polystyrene is widely used, from which wonderful flowerpots are obtained. We take scraps of dense foam or buy it. When outlining the dimensions, remember that the foam is not very strong: a tall and voluminous structure will not withstand the weight of the earth and flowers. It is better to use a special construction knife with variable blades: they are narrow and sharp. We glue the finished parts together.

    Then we strengthen the structure. Cut from plaster construction mesh(not metal) pieces along the inner and external dimensions with a slight overlap. Stir the purchased mortar, apply the mesh to the surface and apply a layer of plaster to glue the mesh to the foam. When it grabs, level it with sandpaper and again apply a layer of plaster. We process the dried layer with sandpaper.
    A foam product resembles concrete in appearance. You can leave it like this, or you can paint or apply drawings. From the outside, decorative elements can be applied. We cut out various figures (geometric or others) from polystyrene and glue them even before reinforcing with a mesh. You can add dyes to the finished mixture or buy with the ones already in it.

    Concrete flowerpots - making a shape and preparing a fill

    Long-lasting and beautiful flowerpots are made from concrete. To fill it, you need a form. It is made from any material: boards, plywood, tin, fiberboard, cardboard. A form that breaks down from moisture needs to be protected. We glue the cardboard with tape, put the film in the form of fiberboard or also glue it over. It is important that the structure withstands 4–5 hours, then moisture will no longer be released from the solution. Made of cardboard large form it is pointless to do: it will not withstand the pressure of concrete mortar on the walls.

    A variety of plastic and metal containers will do. Since two forms are required for filling (external and internal), we select them from different sizes: larger and smaller. It is good if they are similar, differ only in size, but this is not necessary. For the interior, we use any dish that is slightly smaller.

    We make the solution ourselves from pure river sand and cement in a ratio of 1: 3. The finished products will come out a little rough and gray. If desired, add a coloring pigment to the solution. It is better to buy ready-made mixtures known as decorative, architectural, artistic concrete, acrylic, polymer, art. They contain additives made from polymer or stones, and some contain dyes. The surfaces come out even, smooth, attractive, thanks to the blotches. The photo below shows some types of architectural concrete.

    Pouring mortar - sequential actions

    Prepare the mold before stirring the mixture. So that later it could be separated from it concrete product, we lubricate them with machine oil: the outer form from the inside, the inner one - from the outside. Don't forget about drainage. We make holes in the molds into which we insert pipe segments. To take them out later, we also grease them with oil. Knead, gradually pouring in water. We achieve such a consistency so that it does not fly off the shoulder blade, but it is not too thick, like plasticine.

    Let's start filling:

    1. 1. Pour a layer of mortar of the required thickness on the bottom, put the inner mold on it. If it is light, we make it heavier - fill it with sand.
    2. 2. Gradually fill the space between the walls. To spread the mixture in a uniform layer without air voids, we use a steel rod and a hammer.
    3. 3. Insert the rod to the bottom and swing it to the sides: air leaves the solution, it settles. But if the material allows, at the same time we knock on the walls with a hammer.
    4. 4. After filling out the form completely, align the top. Cover with foil and leave for a day.

    The next day we remove the film. If the cast products are small and not too heavy, we lower them completely in a container of water and leave them for at least a week. If this is not possible, moisten it abundantly with water three to four times a day until dark and cover with a film. After a week, the concrete will completely set. To be strong, besides good solution, we select a place for manufacturing in the shade, closed from sun rays... The air temperature should not be lower than 5 °, the best is 20 °.

    To increase the strength of concrete, especially of large-sized products, we use reinforcement of the bottom and walls with steel wire or metal plaster mesh.

    You can leave the flowerpots as they are, especially from decorative concrete... It is better to decorate gray sand products. We use pebbles, mosaics or pieces of ceramic tiles. Apply tile adhesive and press in the finish. Remove the remnants of the glue immediately.

    Car tires - how do unnecessary things serve beauty?

    Original street flowerpots come out of old worn-out tires. We use studless winter rubber, it is softer and more pliable. The disc is also useful for the stand. You will need a sharp strong knife, jigsaw and soapy water. We draw the outline of the picture - a line of any outlines. If it is curly, we draw each fragment of the same size so that it comes out beautifully and neatly.

    Cut off the sidewall from above with a knife. For curly details, it is better to use a jigsaw. To prevent the knife and jigsaw file from jamming, moisten them with soapy water. Then we put the tire with a cut down, the disk is inside, and we begin to turn out the rubber. The work is hard, but it gets easier as you progress. We process the slices with a grinder to give them the perfect shape.

    Wash the rubber, let it dry, degrease it and cover it with a primer. Then we paint with oil or enamel nitro paint. Car paint in spray cans works well, one is enough for several tires. We paint not only outside, but also inside. We paint, as the fantasy tells us: monotonously, in several colors, or we apply various patterns under a stencil.

    These are not all methods of making do-it-yourself flowerpots from simple and available materials... Anything that is at hand can be used: old records, plastic bottles, shoes, buckets, and the like. A little paint, decorative elements - and old thing will be transformed.

    The adjacent territory, as well as the summer cottage and garden area, constantly need improvement and landscaping. To do this, in various places, you can arrange street flowerpots with plants planted in them - with their help, you can successfully place accents in the form of bright blotches from flower arrangements, giving a harmonious look to the house area.

    Currently, decorative mini-flower beds that harmoniously fit into the landscape design are very popular. By planting and growing plants in outdoor pots, you can choose a suitable soil composition separately for each group of plants, as well as optimal conditions- depending on the needs, flowerpots can be placed in well-lit or shaded places. They make simple and complex, stationary and portable outdoor flowerpots, on spacers, as well as hanging ones - the material of manufacture, shape, color and texture of such products should be selected taking into account the general style of landscape design of the territory in which you plan to place it, taking into account the principles of combination ...

    Stationary decorative flowerpots look good as accents along paths and paths, on terraces, near the porch of the house. Hanging outdoor flower pots can be used to decorate gazebos, garden pergolas, and walls. Also, placed among the plants planted in open ground, flowerpots with flowers will look quite harmonious, complementing and decorating the overall picture. For permanent placement in the garden, stationary options are suitable with various decorative compositions that will decorate the landscape for a long time. Small portable flowerpots with flowering plants - the so-called mobile flower beds can be freely moved to a suitable place, if necessary, they are easy to replace.

    When choosing flowerpots, it is necessary to measure their size with the scale of the site - on a long alley, small pots will simply get lost, and in a small suburban area, large containers may not fit, as they will look cumbersome and violate the harmony of space. A flowerpot of a suitable size will organically fit into the landscape, without standing out too much (being in sight, but not in the spotlight) and acting as a suitable frame for those planted in it different plants... Vases are often placed along the edges of stairs, garden paths and alleys. In addition, they can be placed on any part of the plant composition, including the central part.

    As for the colors, products of solid white, beige, terracotta and brown tones are widely used, as well as delicate pastel shades - they successfully set off juicy greens and flowering plants. You should not pick up flowerpots of too bright colors, as they will draw attention from the flower arrangement to themselves.

    Materials for making outdoor flowerpots

    For the manufacture of these products, both natural and artificial materials can be used - stone, clay, metal, as well as plastic and concrete.

    Depending on the material of manufacture, outdoor flowerpots differ in the following characteristics:

    • clay - due to high plasticity of this material, you can make flowerpots of various shapes and textures. Burnt clay (terracotta) is a natural material with high porosity - therefore, the root system of plants in a flowerpot is actively enriched with oxygen through the soil. If the product is coated with a special glaze, then it loses its porosity;
    • stone - outdoor flowerpots made of this material are piece products on which you can carve various volumetric ornaments. The process of their manufacture is rather laborious, therefore, stone flowerpots are quite expensive. Their advantages include high decorativeness, strength and durability. In addition, the stone is moisture-proof and retains moisture in the soil of the flowerpot with high quality;
    • wooden - such flowerpots are made from natural wood, impregnated with an antiseptic, and will organically fit into any landscape design. These products can be varnished and painted. Wooden flowerpots perfectly retain moisture and therefore are suitable for moisture-loving plants;
    • metal - solid monumental products made of cast iron or forged vases made of brass are on sale, as well as steel and zinc containers of clear geometric shapes in a minimalist style. These materials are susceptible to corrosion, so they are usually painted. In addition, metal flowerpots quickly heat up, so they should not be left for a long time under the scorching sun without watering, otherwise the roots of the plants planted in them may "burn" from the heat;
    • concrete - in their characteristics they resemble stone products, but they are much cheaper. In hot summer conditions, the ability of concrete outdoor flowerpots to effectively retain moisture in the soil is especially relevant. Due to the low thermal conductivity of this material, the root system of the plant will not overheat and overcool sharply. Vases made from a mixture of concrete and stone chips look solid and solid, due to their massiveness, they are suitable mainly for areas of a sufficiently large area;
    • plastic - they are produced in a wide variety of shapes and colors. In frost-resistant outdoor plastic pots, you can plant perennial plants that overwinter on fresh air- such products can withstand temperatures from +50 to -40 °.

    Making outdoor flowerpots with your own hands

    A wide selection of outdoor flowerpots from the above materials is on sale, corresponding to modern trends in landscape design and in various price categories. Usually they are made of moisture-resistant and frost-resistant materials that can withstand various weather conditions. In addition, suitable flowerpots for outdoor plants can be made independently - this does not require significant cash costs, as well as the presence of special skills. Thus, you can create it yourself original products, which will decorate the site, in harmony with the existing style of landscape design, the buildings located on the site, as well as green spaces.

    Vases from improvised household items

    You can independently make flowerpots literally from scrap materials - wooden boxes, garden watering cans, car tires, old cans, barrels, jugs, wheelbarrows and carts. This garden decor looks very creative and will make the site unique and memorable. Vases can be painted in various tones, it is recommended to cover wood with antiseptic impregnation or varnish to increase durability. Wicker baskets or wire baskets look nice, as well as old utensils (knocked down clay bowls and jugs, ladles and pots) adapted for planting plants. Old plates, after heating, become plastic, thus, it is easy to form flowerpots from them. the desired shape(try not to burn yourself). With the help of several flowerpots, made by yourself, you can compose various flower arrangements.

    The possibilities for decorating flowerpots are limited only by your imagination - you can use small pebbles, pebbles, shells, etc. In addition, you can decorate the flowerpots with a mosaic coating - with the help of broken colored glass, fragments of faience and porcelain (they are fixed with tile glue).

    Vases of stumps and sawn trees

    A stump or wood saw cut of sufficient thickness can be easily converted into a flowerpot. This will require a drill and chisel.

    It is necessary to drill holes at a small distance from each other and gradually remove the wood from the stump using a chisel to obtain a hole of the required depth. The prepared recess in the stump is covered with earth and plants are planted in it.

    A sawn tree with flowers planted in it looks very decorative and creative. For this, a recess is prepared in it, as for the stump. A pot or other suitable container with planted plants is placed in it. It is not worth filling the stump hole directly with soil, since the wood is very susceptible to moisture, and as a result of watering the plants, it will begin to rot. In order to avoid getting wet and subsequent damage, it is recommended to treat the wood with a special protective impregnation.

    Flowerpots from tires

    Many have seen flowerpots made of tires placed on city flower beds. Similar decor for adjoining territory a country house or a summer cottage is easy to do on your own. To do this, you will need old car tires (they are easy to get at tire shops), as well as about half an hour of free time. Using a well-sharpened knife or jigsaw, you will need to cut out the petals of the vase (the recommended width of the ornament is at least 10 cm), and then turn the cover inside out. Next, you can add decorative cuts around the perimeter of the flowerpot, giving the rubber sections the shape of triangles, rectangles, semi-ovals, petals.

    After that, it remains to paint the product in a suitable color, and also, if desired, apply a decorative pattern. After the paint has dried, a special non-woven agricultural cloth is laid on the bottom of the flowerpot, which allows moisture to pass through and provides drainage, and then it is filled with earth.

    Concrete vases

    Concrete outdoor flowerpots are very easy to use and, in terms of their properties, are not much inferior to stone products.

    To make such an outdoor flowerpot with your own hands, you will need:

    • cement-sand mixture;
    • sunflower oil;
    • two containers close in size - the largest of them will act as a form for the product, with the help of the second it will be possible to form the walls of the flowerpot;
    • plastic tube, cut into several pieces about 5 cm long.


    DIY pots

    At home, you can also make a pots - a decorative flowerpot, the design of which does not provide for drainage. A pot of plants will usually interfere with it, or you can plant them directly in a pots (this will require drainage). As a basis for such a homemade flowerpot, you can use any available container of a suitable shape. On top of it, a layer of clay, gypsum or asbestos is applied with a thickness of at least 2 cm. The vessel used as a base is wrapped with a gauze bandage - it must first be moistened in plaster, diluted to a creamy consistency. After the material has hardened (after about 12 hours), the product must be cleaned with sandpaper... After that, you can start decorating the flowerpot - for example, paint it with acrylic paints and varnish it.

    It should be borne in mind that the size of the plants and the containers in which they are planned to be planted must correspond to each other. For hanging products, climbing ampelous plants are suitable, which, as they grow, will fall beautifully from flowerpots. In containers located at ground level or at a low height, you can plant groundcover and low-growing plants - beautifully flowering and decorative deciduous perennials.

    Successfully selected flower arrangements, planted in street pots and distributed throughout the territory, will set off the existing vegetation and buildings, acting as a highlight in the surrounding landscape.

    Street flowerpots - photo

    Making outdoor flowerpots - video

    Not limited to planting. Thoughtful combinations of shape, color and texture change the arrangement and enliven a boring landscape. It is not necessary to order expensive author's products in order to set up a fantasy garden on six acres: homemade flowerpots, correctly fitted into the landscape, look no worse than the creations of fashion designers.

    Which material should you choose?

    Every summer resident has a small supply of building materials with an interesting texture - why not use them? It is convenient to make massive flowerpots for volumetric park compositions from stone, wood, concrete and plywood. Compare the advantages and disadvantages different materials and make an informed choice!



    Concrete Wood Moisture resistant plywood Stone Natural
    Strength high average high average medium; needs firing medium; does not require firing
    Plastic high average low low high high; freezes quickly
    Susceptibility to precipitation average high; material requires varnishing low high low low
    Susceptibility to microbial spoilage and decay low high; needs antiseptic treatment average low low low
    Sensitivity to temperature extremes medium; gains strength only at positive temperatures high low average medium; glaze required average
    Methods for making flowerpots casting cutting, knocking down boards cutting, knocking down planks cutting sculpting sculpting

    Cast concrete flowerpots

    It is easiest to cast large flowerpots of geometric shapes from concrete by constructing a flask of two vessels of different sizes, which you do not mind throwing away. Lubricate the walls of the vessels with vegetable oil and put one vessel in another and pour a slurry of cement with sand and dye into a large container. Then take plastic pipe, cut into four pieces, immerse the pieces in the solution and leave for a day. In the morning, carefully remove the smaller container and spray the set concrete with water. After a week, the flowerpot must be removed from the mold and filled with earth.

    The embossed decor looks beautiful on the walls of the pot: small pebbles, colored glass, shells, beads and buttons. And how to cast curly flower girls and make patterns with a towel, the video will show.

    Irony is welcome in landscape design. If you want to cheer yourself up, use plaster and concrete busts from the red corner as stands for flowerpots with hanging compositions. Modernized looks of classics and revolutionary leaders in lush green wigs will amaze guests on the spot!

    Prefabricated flowerpots made of timber and stone

    If you are friends with a hammer and nails, it will not be difficult for you to put together stylish vintage flowerpots that look like boxes from the balconies of our grandmothers. Using the pieces of timber as stiffeners, pin boards to them, leaving gaps between the strips so that the walls of the flowerpot do not warp after the rain.

    The boards treated with wood stain are connected with grooves. In the slats on both sides, cuts are made in half the thickness and the boards are connected like a designer and the joints are fixed with nails. From the bottom, nail the bottom cut from the plywood sheet. For reliability, you can make sidewalls from moisture-resistant plywood at the same time.

    Luxurious stone flowerpots are collected in the same way. Stone slabs are cut into planks and connected with glue. Expensive types of stone such as marble, jasper or onyx can be replaced with cheaper and more pliable flagstone, travertine, sandstone.

    The area around the house is a visiting card of any site. Special attention is always paid to its design. An excellent option decor are outdoor flowerpots with a variety of plants. With their help, you can create whole compositions of flowers, or place accents throughout the site.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Vases as a landscape decor, involving the manufacture of their own hands, have positive and negative sides.

    The benefits include:

    • Transportability. Thanks to their easy movement around the territory, you can create new compositions, and during bad weather or in winter, transfer plants to the attic or veranda.
    • The ability to decorate a yard where the ground is covered with concrete or tiles, and planting plants in the ground is impossible.
    • Fencing function. With the help of street containers, you can divide the site into zones, make a cozy corner.
    • Ability to create favorable conditions in each flowerpot for a single plant: special soil, fertilization, watering.

    • Low cost. Compared to many other garden decor items, containers are a cost saving solution. Handmade products allow you to do this doubly.
    • Saving space. In containers, you can place not only flower beds, but also cultivated plants, use them instead of beds for growing cucumbers, tomatoes, herbs, berries. This is especially true for small areas in order to save space.

    Vases for the street have practically no drawbacks, however, depending on the material, several of them can be distinguished:

    • Fragility. Refers to plastic and wood products.
    • Plastic flowerpots are harmful to health, as they can release hazardous substances into the air.
    • Ceramic products are very fragile.
    • Plants in ceramic and metal containers require frequent watering because the soil dries out too quickly.
    • Great weight. This disadvantage is possessed by products made of concrete and stone.

    Shapes and sizes

    Outdoor flowerpots can be of a wide variety of shapes, sizes and colors. Making them with your own hands, you can be sure that you will get a product that meets all the required criteria. And its appearance may be due to the material used and manufacturing technology.

    When choosing the size for the future flowerpot, you should take into account the space on the site.

    In a small area, large, massive containers will look ridiculous and cumbersome. Bulky plant compositions should also be avoided. At the same time, in a spacious area, small, modest containers will be lost and will not fulfill their function of decoration.

    The container can be of any shape. It is limited only by technical capabilities and imagination. If the site is planned to be decorated in a certain style, then it is he who will dictate the appearance of the street decor.

    Choosing a material

    The choice of material is due to factors such as cost finished product, features of its manufacture, availability necessary tools for the manufacture and skill of the craftsman. Decorative flowerpots for a summer cottage or garden can be made with your own hands from wood, concrete, stone, plastic, ceramics, metal, or from scrap materials.


    Refers to short-lived materials, since on the street the product is constantly exposed to moisture. Such a product must be processed special means preventing rotting. In this case, it can be used for several years. The most common version of a tree flower container is to make it based on a tree stump. The inner part is scraped out in the trunk, holes are made for drainage, the plant is placed inside. It is better if the earth is first poured into another container, and then put inside the stump.

    Concrete or plaster

    Simple and inexpensive materials at work. Concrete and gypsum products are durable, practical, resistant to impact environment... With their help, you can make almost any shape of the flower girl. However, it will have a lot of weight, so it is better to do it immediately in the place where its further location on the site is planned. Peat can be added to the cement as a variety when mixing concrete. In this case, you will get a product made of hypertuff, which outwardly practically does not differ from real tuff or sandstone.


    Stone flowerpots are heavy and expensive. They look very presentable and have a long service life. The process of making a container made of stone is rather complicated, so it is better to purchase such a product ready-made.


    Plastic products are characterized by a short service life and a simple appearance. However, they are inexpensive and come in a wide variety of colors, shapes and sizes. Plastic containers are usually purchased ready-made.

    Pottery or clay

    Such flower girls are fragile and break easily. A ceramic or clay product can be made with your own hands if the technology is followed correctly, including firing.


    Metal flowerpots are durable and will last a long time. Forged products look very original, although they have a rather high price. The process of making a metal flower pot is laborious and requires special equipment.

    Materials at hand

    The choice of improvised means for making a flowerpot is limited only by imagination. The flower container can be made from huge amount usually unnecessary items on the household: tires, bottles, old barrels, carts, baskets, buckets, tires, styrofoam, rubber boots and bicycles. Such products will be distinguished by originality and uniqueness.

    Master classes

    You can make a beautiful flowerpot from scrap materials.

    Made of wood

    The easiest way is a flowerpot made from a piece of a sawn tree or stump. Birch is best suited for this. From tools for work you will need a drill and a chisel.

    1. Several holes need to be drilled on the surface of the stump. The more of them, the closer they are to each other, the easier further work will be.
    2. Scrape the inside of the stump to the desired depth.
    3. Place a container with earth in the recess.
    4. Treat the entire surface of the wood with a special anti-rotting agent.

    In addition to the stump, you can use ordinary boards or timber to make a wooden flower pot. In this case, you will need a hacksaw and a hammer.

    If the starting material is boards, four shields must be put together separately from them and connected to each other. It turns out a rectangular container that needs to be processed protective agent and decorate as you wish.

    If a timber is assumed as a material, the flowerpot is assembled according to the principle of a log house, like a designer.

    The bars are cut to the desired size, and on each side, a cut is made to half their thickness.

    Then the whole structure is assembled and fastened with nails and screws. The finished product is sanded and coated with a protective agent.


    On the basis of cement, flower girls of a wide variety of shapes and sizes can be made. For this:

    • It is necessary to prepare a form, most often it is plastic, suitable in all respects.
    • Prepare the mixture for filling the form. It contains cement, agroperlite and peat in proportions of 2: 1: 2. All components are poured into a suitable container and diluted with water to a thick consistency. The mixture turns out to be a lot, it is very difficult to stir such an amount, so it is worth doing it in several approaches, dividing the solution into parts. To make the flower container colored, dyes are added while mixing the solution.

    • Line the bottom of the mold with cellophane. The main thing is that its surface is smooth, without folds. Any unevenness will be imprinted on the finished flowerpot.
    • Put the prepared mixture on cellophane. First, fill in the bottom, making it about 5 cm thick. You can use a toothpick or straw to control the depth. Previously, a cork wrapped in polyethylene is placed on the bottom of the future flowerpot in order to provide for a drainage hole.
    • Then line the remaining surface of the mold with mortar.

    • When the mold is completely filled, it must be left for 10 days to harden. If the mixture dries out, moisten it with water.
    • Pass the finished container with a wire brush over the entire surface to remove all irregularities, and give too smooth places a slight relief.
    • After that, the flowerpot must be rinsed with water, dried, wrapped in foil and left for about a week.
    • When the product brightens, you can remove the film and put it on Right place... The weight of such a flower girl is very large, so it is better to deal with the process of its manufacture right at the place where it is planned to be found further.

    To increase the strength of the structure, a metal frame can be inserted into the concrete layer.

    In addition, for the same purpose, crushed fiberglass can be added to the mixture.

    From car tires

    Unused car tires are a material that often lies idle or is thrown away as trash. They can easily be used to make bright and original decor for a garden or a summer cottage. It is better to choose winter tires without spikes, they are softer and thinner.

    To make a flower container in the form of a flower, you need:

    1. Draw the desired outline on the sidewall of the tire.
    2. Cut along the contour of the part. To do this, you can use a rubber knife or jigsaw.
    3. Next, you need to turn the tire inside out. For this, cuts are made throughout the tire every 5-10 cm.
    4. The pot is ready. It remains to decorate it as you wish, cover it with earth and plant a plant.

    From plastic containers

    A very easy way to craft flower pot- take as a basis plastic bottle, barrel or any other container. It is enough to cut a hole in it for planting a plant, make several drainage cuts and cover it with earth.

    However, in the case of a plastic pot, it is worth taking care of its stability. If the container is small, you can simply cover its bottom with small stones or pebbles. If we are talking about a large container, it is better to make it stationary.

    To do this, you need to dig in a metal pin at the chosen place.

    The bottom of the bottle is cut off. Then the bottle is "put" on a metal pin with its neck and a little deeper into the ground. The finished flowerpot can be decorated as desired and covered with soil.

    From the pipes

    Original idea is the use of plastic and metal pipes for the manufacture of flower girls.

    The pipes can be installed vertically. In this case, only the upper part is used for planting. If you install several pipes nearby, different in height and diameter, you get an interesting composition.

    You can install the pipes horizontally by making holes in the surface for the plants.

    Such original flower pots look beautiful along paths, lawns, along the perimeter of houses and greenhouses.

    Finishing options

    For large outdoor flowerpots, you can choose an original decor, which will be the final touch of their design.

    The easiest way is to paint the product with paint. You can use one shade for all made flower girls, or you can create a multi-colored composition of all the colors of the rainbow. The main thing is that the planted plants are in harmony in color with the painted container.

    For plots with houses in old styles artificially aged flower girls will do. To do this, they are covered with the selected paint, and a layer of craquelure is applied on top.

    In order for the paint to hold for a long time, the surface must first be coated with a primer.

    Another way to design an outdoor flowerpot is to decorate it with various materials at hand. The decor can be created from cones, twigs, small stones or pebbles, broken tiles, mirrors or colored glass, creating a mosaic effect. This requires only special glue.

    If it spills or stains the surface, it must be removed immediately, otherwise, after hardening, it will be impossible to do it.

    After that, the flowerpot must be allowed to dry. If tiles, glass or stones are used as decoration, the surface can be additionally treated with grout to complete the work. In addition to natural stones, you can use artificial ones, which will be ideally matched in size and look more aesthetically pleasing than natural ones.

    How to arrange a summer cottage?

    When choosing containers for flowers as a decoration for your site, you should first of all assess their safety for people. For example, the so commonly used tires from car tires are not the safest option. They can release toxic substances into the air and be dangerous, especially if there are small children in the family.

    In addition to safety, the flowerpot must meet the requirements for outward appearance: to match the size and style of the site.

    Its size should fit harmoniously into the space. In addition, if the house and the entire plot are decorated in a certain style, the flowerpots should correspond to it.

    Not all plants are suitable for outdoor pots. To register a plot flower arrangements, it is worth considering the peculiarities of their root system, watering and the need for sunlight.

    The following plants are suitable for planting in flower girls:

    • Petunia. These are easy-care flowers of various colors that bloom all summer.
    • Pansies... Their flowering continues for a long time. They are unpretentious, differ in a variety of colors and varieties, grow short, but fluffy.
    • Ageratum. Differs in long flowering and unpretentiousness in watering.
    • Fuchsia. Due to its flowing appearance, it creates the impression of being in a blooming, fragrant garden.
    • Verbena. Suitable for planting in containers, has a modest root system, can be combined with other plant varieties.

    Beautiful ideas for inspiration

    What designers and gardeners themselves have come up with:

    • fabrics, napkins, poured with concrete and frozen forever;
    • rubber boots of bright colors and different sizes as original flowerpots;
    • regular bowls attached in rows to wooden fence or strung on a metal pin like a herringbone or pyramid;
    • you can even build an alpine slide from tires;

    • broken ceramic bowls should not be thrown away, shards can serve original decor;
    • old galvanized watering cans, buckets;
    • mosaic from old ceramic dishes;
    • a box of boards with a trellis for climbing plants.