Decorative rough plaster. Decorative plaster: preparation and application by one's own hands

The variety of finishing materials on the market cannot fail to impress. You will meet various and decorative panels, and paints, and even. How to choose the perfect material? How to find a compromise between a spectacular appearance, excellent quality, long term service and low price? These questions are asked by many people who have thought about self repair. I want to create a unique unusual interior without investing huge amounts of money. And there are many ways to transform your home. The use of decorative plaster will allow relatively quickly and without special costs perform interior decoration. At the same time, even a beginner can cope with such work.

But the usual smooth wall is too boring. Decorative plaster can be much more spectacular. And for this it is not necessary to purchase expensive types of material or special tools. Craftsmen have long figured out all the ways of modernization conventional plaster to a coating with an extraordinary texture.

What is decorative plaster?

The decorative look of this common material differs significantly from its "predecessor". The usual mixture of cement and sand ceases to be solely a means of eliminating cracks and other wall imperfections. The addition of dyes, decorative elements and special ingredients to the plaster has led to the fact that now this material has deservedly become one of the most popular on the market. With it, you can quickly transform the interior on your own.

There are several types of decorative plaster: structural(the surface is grainy), “ Venetian"(imitates natural stone, but difficult to work with), mineral(the most environmentally friendly and budget option) and textured(high plasticity allows you to create unique patterns).

Do-it-yourself decorative plaster with a film

You can give the surface an unusual look in many ways. There are special stencils, pattern rollers and other tools that allow you to change appearance plastered wall. But all of them will be useful to craftsmen who are constantly engaged in home repairs. It is irrational to purchase expensive tools for finishing one or two rooms. But leaving the walls without an unusual texture is not the best option.

The masters found a way out of the situation and solved the issue of applying the pattern with the most familiar and simple things. One of them was polyethylene film. Its price is low, it is very easy to work with it, and the effect is amazing and unusual.

Choice of tools and materials

But one film, of course, is not enough. To decorate the walls you will need:

  • metal spatulas (large and small),
  • one-handed trowel,
  • acrylic putty finishing,
  • masking tape,
  • polyethylene (1.5 times the area of ​​the walls),
  • bucket,
  • pigmented semi-gloss wax,
  • sponge,
  • tassel,
  • paint bath,
  • waterproofing soil,
  • paint roller.

Wall preparation

Particular attention should be paid to the preparation of the walls, since the strength of your finish and its appearance depend on this stage. Get rid of everything old finish : wallpaper, plaster, paint. It is strictly forbidden to apply a new layer on the previous one.

To begin, conduct an “inspection” of the wall. Carefully inspect it, noting all the bumps and notches, cracks and bulges. The wall must be level. If the surface is far from ideal, then it must first be leveled.

In order not to spoil the already existing interior details, use masking tape. She can glue the frieze, adjacent surfaces and other decorative elements. After work, carefully remove the tape, do not leave it for a long time.

Decorative plaster using a film: step by step instructions

We recommend that you use acrylic plaster, since it is much easier to work with it than with dry. However, for finishing internal works both types are suitable. Prepare material. Thoroughly stir the plaster achieve uniformity. It should be quite thick and viscous. If the contents of the bucket flow like liquid sour cream, then the composition cannot be applied to the walls. It just won't stay on the surface.

  1. Step. Use a spatula to spread the plaster evenly. Scoop them up right amount material and apply to the trowel. And already with it you can carefully distribute the plaster over the surface of the wall. You need to start work from one corner, and finish - the opposite. The recommended layer thickness is 2 mm. You should not apply plaster with a thicker layer, it simply will not hold on to the surface. Remember that the plaster is applied to the entire wall at once. You can not stop working one day in the middle of the wall, and the next day do the other half.
  2. Step. So, you evenly applied plaster to the wall. But how to give it the desired texture? For this, film is useful. It is best to work in pairs, then one person can create a pattern, and the other can hold the polyethylene so that it does not arbitrarily fall on the wall. You need to start from the corner. Gradually attach the polyethylene to the wall, forming patterns due to the folds on the film. The more the material is wrinkled, the deeper the relief will be. You can also correct the pattern after gluing the film to the entire surface of the wall. Don't forget to remove the masking tape.
  3. Step. Leave the wall alone for 12-15 hours (the time for complete drying of the plaster is usually indicated on the packaging). After that, you can carefully remove the film. Let the wall dry completely if necessary.
  4. Step. Reapply masking tape to protect adjacent surfaces. Apply pigmented wax with a roller or sponge. To achieve uniformity and emphasize the texture, gently go over all the relief places with a sponge. Excess paint can be removed with a dry white cotton cloth. Leave the wall for 4-6 hours to dry.

After that, you can apply another paint, tint embossed parts or apply mother-of-pearl to achieve an unusual effect of "iridescent" colors.

Decorative plaster using a film: video master class

In the past few years, one of the most popular finishing materials has been decorative plasters. Modern construction market offers the buyer great amount various options this material. They differ in composition, service life, appearance of the coating, and so on, but they have one thing in common - high cost. If the budget for repairs is limited, but there is a desire to create a really original interior, you can try to make decorative plaster with your own hands. At the moment there are three main groups of decorative plasters.

Despite the different names, the composition of this type of decorative plaster remains virtually unchanged. It can be based on gypsum, cement, lime, or combinations thereof. Yellow can be used as a filler river sand, flour or crumb from various kinds natural stones such as marble, granite, quartz and so on. Optionally, polymer additives are added to the mixture to increase viscosity, antiseptic and moisture-resistant components.

The surface structure after drying directly depends on the type, quality and fraction of the filler. For example, in the most common structural bark beetle plaster, grains with a diameter of 1.5 to 5 mm can be present. Several particulate materials with different sizes are added to the "lamb" mixture.

Important! In any plaster mixture, the filler content should not exceed 70% of total weight solution. V otherwise the material will turn out to be too loose, and the coating will not meet modern technical standards.

Self-preparation of gypsum plaster

Gypsum decorative plaster is used most often. It dries quickly and is easy to apply and smooth out. There are two main options for its preparation:

  1. Simple. It consists of dry gypsum flour and lime dough. These materials are mixed in proportions of 1: 3, after which they are diluted with water. The liquid must be poured gradually until the consistency of the solution resembles thick sour cream. Color is added at the end, if necessary.
  2. With the addition of silicate material. The basis of the material is the same as in the first version, but additionally add liquid glass. First, the base materials are mixed in proportions of 1:3.5, then silicate is added (about 5% by weight of the mixture) and diluted with water.

In order for gypsum plaster to be plastic, all proportions must be strictly observed.

On a note! If it was decided to make the mixture "from scratch", then you will have to make lime dough yourself. To do this, slaked lime and water are mixed in proportions of 3: 1, after which the container with the solution is covered and left to infuse for a day.

Gypsum mixtures are suitable for finishing works only in dry rooms, you can decorate both the walls and the ceiling.

Cement-sand mixture

Cheaper and durable material is a cement-sand mortar. For its preparation - cement, sand and slaked lime are mixed in proportions of 1: 2: 1, after which silicate material is added (5% of the total mass). Finally, the mixture is diluted with water. The consistency should be such that the material is easy to pick up on a spatula, but not too liquid, it should not drain from the surface.

The cement-sand mixture is quite simple to prepare yourself.

The very last step in the preparation of structural plasters is the addition of stone chips. Recall that its content should not exceed 70%.

If the question arose of how to make decorative plaster quickly and inexpensively, then the easiest option would be to buy a ready-made mixture, without natural stone additives, and a separate filler. Even under the condition that a ready-made mixture is purchased, the cost will still be lower than that of a structural composition with a filler already included in it. To prepare a mixture of such components, you just need to add flour or crumbs to the mixture and dilute it with water.

Textured plasters

In this case, we are talking about a material that contains fine-grained fillers, therefore, after drying, a flat surface is formed. This name was given to plaster due to the fact that, until the moment of setting, various relief patterns are applied to the surface by means of graters, trowels, trowels, figured spatulas, brushes and rollers. The advantage of textured plasters over structural ones is that the master has the opportunity to realize his design solutions. At the same time, structural materials are easier and faster to apply.


cooking recipes

For wet rooms and outdoor works use cement-based material. On a standard bag of cement (weight 50 kg) add 10 kg of ordinary tile adhesive. After that, 0.5 kg of Rotband plasticizer is added to the mixture. Lastly, water is poured and the composition is thoroughly mixed.

For finishing surfaces inside dry rooms, a gypsum version is better suited. This will require 6 kg of dry ready-made gypsum-based plaster, 200 g of PVA glue and 2 liters of water. The manufacturing process is somewhat complicated and includes the following steps:

  • First of all, 1.5 liters of water is poured into the dry mixture and thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  • Then PVA glue is added to the remaining water and also mixed.
  • At the end, you need to make a homogeneous mass of two mixtures, its consistency should resemble thick sour cream.

Self-preparation of a solution from gypsum plaster, PVA glue and water

Also, do-it-yourself decorative plaster is made on the basis of white Portland cement of a grade of at least 400. The most popular recipes for making 1 kg of such mixtures:

  • 200 g of lime dough is mixed with 740 g of marble flour and 50 g of cement, at the end 10 g of manganese peroxide and a little water are added.
  • 630 g of white sand, 150 g of crushed brick, 50 g of cement and 150 g of lime dough are mixed and 20 g of water are added.
  • 180 g of marble flour, 600 g of lime sand, 80 g of cement and 120 g of lime dough are mixed and 20 g of water are added.

Should know! If liquid plasticizers are used, then their mass fraction should not exceed 1% of the total weight of the solution. Dry are added at the rate of 0.5 kg per 50 kg of cement.

Making Venetian decorative plaster

Venetian decorative plaster creates an amazing print

Such plasters are textured, but due to the great popularity and variety of the material, they are distinguished into a separate group. Before you make this type of plaster, you need to find out about its composition. It includes:

  1. Stone dust. Marble is usually used, but to reduce manufacturing costs, fine-grained granite, quartz, malachite and other natural stones are added to it. Since, after applying the plaster, it is treated with a trowel, it must be homogeneous, therefore it is better to use fillers of the finest fraction.
  2. Slaked lime. This substance acts as an astringent. Ready mixes in hardware stores contain acrylic resins instead of classic lime, but due to their absence on the market, the first option will be considered.
  3. Dyes. Previously, plant sap was used, but now they are being replaced with synthetic substances.
  4. Water. You can use normal running water, it is only important to ensure that its temperature is not lower than 10 degrees.

The classic recipe is as follows: stone dust and slaked lime are mixed in equal proportions, after which water is added until a homogeneous thick mixture is formed. Dyes, antiseptic and metallizing components are optionally added.

The special technology of applying "Venetian" requires the presence of fillers in the mixture of the finest fraction

There are two more recipes that involve the use of modern building materials:

  1. Finishing putty and white marble flour are mixed in proportions of 10: 1, after which water and color are added.
  2. For 7 kg of marble sand, add 1.3 kg of flour from a similar material, 700 g of white Portland cement of a grade of at least 400, and 1 kg of lime dough.

The proportions can be changed, depending on the desired effect and the characteristics of the surface to be treated, but this requires experience with plasters. A novice master is strongly recommended to mix the compositions strictly according to the above recipes.

Features of applying different types of decorative plaster

Each type of plaster requires the use of special tools and application methods, but preparatory work is mandatory for all.

Self-decoration of walls with plaster requires knowledge of the methods of working with the material

Preparatory stage

Plastering walls with any type of mixture begins from this stage. To carry it out, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • sandpaper or grinder;
  • narrow and wide spatulas;
  • paint brush;
  • polyethylene film and masking tape;
  • putty and primer.

First of all, it is necessary to clean the surface from traces of corrosion, paint or wallpaper residues, and also dismantle all fasteners. surface process grinder or sandpaper, and then remove the resulting dust with a vacuum cleaner or simply brush it off the walls. Repair the formed potholes and cracks with putty and wait until it dries.


For applying decorative plaster, a wide spatula is used, on which the solution is collected. Then it is applied to the walls. Such plasters dry for a long time, so you can take your time and process the entire surface at a time. Approximately 1.5 mm layer of material is required to apply the pattern, so the thickness of the entire layer should be about 3 mm. At this stage, it is important to achieve complete coverage of the surface with a solution.

Without waiting for the material to dry, proceed to the next step. To carry it out, you will need a brush, rollers of various types or a trowel. Due to the relief patterns and irregularities on the surface of this material, the texture will appear on the plaster. Which tool to choose and how to use it is a personal matter for each master. The only rule is that you cannot push the solution deeper than 1.5 mm. Otherwise, after drying, the material will not gain strength and will peel off the walls.

A day after the completion of the work, the surface is primed, painted and waxed. You can touch it after about 48 hours.

Such plaster as "Venetian" is considered a false and professional material. But still, everyone can do it, the main thing is to follow the instructions below:

  • The prepared solution is collected on a wide spatula and the surface is leveled with a conventional trowel.
  • Then they take a special tool - a Venetian trowel and process the entire surface with it. You need to press the tool with medium force, and the movements should be chaotic.
  • By the same principle, the second and third layers are applied at intervals of 8-10 hours.
  • After that, you need to carry out the "iron". To do this, the Venetian trowel is strongly pressed against the surface to be treated and “passes” it over the entire area until a metallic sheen appears (hence the name of the process).
  • Finally, the wall is waxed and polished with a soft wheel grinder.


Summarizing, we can say that redecorating in an apartment or house can be not so expensive. To do this, you need to try to do most of the processes yourself. Then the repair will bring a lot of positive emotions.

Photo gallery: decorative plaster in the interior (16 photos)

V last years decorative plaster began to be actively used to decorate walls in houses and apartments. It allows you to artistically veneer various surfaces, and it is absolutely not necessary to buy ready-made formulations, decorative trim this type can be prepared by hand. In this article, we will talk about ways to self-creation.

Types and features of decorative plaster

Decorative wall plastering has become a popular cladding method due to the presence of a large number of advantages. thick layer (at least 10 mm) and creates a bright, attractive surface that can mimic the visual characteristics of natural finishing materials - wood and stone. Thanks to this, plaster can be used in the design of rooms in different design styles, including modern, classical and provincial trends.

There are several types of decorative plaster for walls:

  1. 1. Structural. This cladding incorporates inclusions of various additional materials- sand, quartz chips and others.
  2. 2. Textured. Allows you to create embossed surfaces.
  3. 3. Venetian. Imitates the surface of natural marble.

Regardless of the type, decorative plaster always incorporates a number of basic components:

  • an adhesive that ensures high-quality adhesion of the cladding to the treated walls;
  • decorative inclusions - marble and quartz chips, sand, cellulose, beads and other elements that provide high attractiveness of the lined surfaces;
  • excipients - plasticizer and others;
  • water.

Decorative plaster options

The most important advantages of decorative (structural and textured) plaster, which ensure its high popularity in the market, are:

  1. 1. Resistant to a range of adverse external influences, including ultraviolet radiation, temperature fluctuations and mechanical damage.
  2. 2. Creating a smooth, seamless veneered surface.
  3. 3. Easy installation that can be done without pre-training walls.
  4. 4. Alignment of minor wall defects.
  5. 5. Ecological cleanliness - the cladding does not contain hazardous chemicals, is safe and hypoallergenic.
  6. 6. Create a "breathable" surface that does not accumulate odors and does not contribute to the appearance and spread of mold.
  7. 7. Wide range of colors and textures.

However, this coating also has disadvantages. The most important of them is the relatively high price, the need to use special tools in the work and the involvement of experienced designers to create complex surfaces. Fortunately, today it is not at all necessary to buy decorative plaster, you can do it yourself from ordinary putty. Craftsmen have come up with many options for artistic cladding. In particular, using ordinary plaster, you can perform:

  1. 1. screen plastering;
  2. 2. Venetian;
  3. 3. newspaper;
  4. 4. Versailles.

Plastering with stencils - we take cardboard and plywood

Screen plastering is one of the most simple ways creating a textured artistic layer without the use of special facing materials. This method requires the use of a number of tools and consumables. For repairs you will need:

  • stencils for decorative plaster;
  • finishing acrylic putty;
  • color;
  • starting putty;
  • primer;
  • acrylic paint.

The most difficult - proper manufacture stencil. The easiest way to make it is with a thin plywood sheet or cardboard. First, apply a suitable pattern to a sheet of plywood or cardboard, for example, a flower, a leaf, a bunch of grapes, or a graphic ornament. It is not at all necessary to draw all this yourself, you can simply print the picture from a computer and transfer it to plywood. Next, cut out this pattern in the future stencil. You can cut out cardboard with a simple clerical knife, and it is better to use an electric jigsaw to work with a plywood sheet.

When the stencils for creating textured plaster are ready, you can proceed to facing works. To do this, add color to the finishing putty, which will give the finish the desired color, and mix the composition thoroughly so that the color dissolves evenly in the putty. Apply putty on the entire surface of the wall in an even layer and wait for it to dry completely, then level the wall with a spatula and cover with a primer.

Need to apply two coats of primer paint roller or regular brush. Layers are applied alternately, after the previous one has dried.

When the primer dries, attach the stencil to the wall and fill the pattern with unpainted putty, which will form a pattern on the surface. You can remove the stencil only after the pattern has cooled, otherwise it will deform and the wall will lose its attractiveness. After the pattern has completely dried, the sharp edges of the patterns can be processed with fine sandpaper to make the wall look attractive and natural. At the end of the work, it remains only to paint the drawing with the prepared paint.

Venetian version - marbled pattern

Standard putty gives you the widest range of design options inner space rooms. With its help, you can not only create smooth surfaces, but also make an imitation. For repairs, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • finishing putty;
  • color;
  • wax;
  • primer.

Apply decorative plaster in the Venetian style to the walls in stages. Prime all surfaces to be coated first. If the original color of the walls is very different from the selected color of the filler, we recommend using a primer paint. Now add the color to the prepared putty and apply it in an even layer on all the walls with a spatula.

After waiting for the base layer of the cladding to harden, clean the wall with a spatula so that it is as even and free of defects as possible, cover the surface with a transparent primer. This is followed by the most difficult stage of work, during which you need to cover the wall with putty different shades marble. First you need to prepare the finishing putty - divide the mixture into two halves and add color in a different volume to each of them. As a result, one part will turn out brighter than the other. After that, apply putty with chaotic strokes different colors on the prepared wall and smooth. To give the wall gloss and gloss, after the finishing layer of the cladding has dried, it is necessary to cover the surface with wax or varnish.

Making marbled plaster with your own hands is quite difficult, especially if you have no experience. To increase the likelihood of success, we recommend that you start cladding from the wall that you plan to cover with furniture. By the time you get to the exposed walls, you'll get an idea of ​​how to proceed in order to get the putty as close as possible to the marble pattern.

Invoice work with newspapers - learning along the way

Plastering with newspapers is much less difficult than creating Venetian plaster. For this method cladding will require newspapers, acrylic paint and putty, and experts recommend using starting finishing compounds, as they allow you to get a deeper texture than finishing ones. To begin with, make a tool out of the newspaper with which you can give the textured surface a textured structure. To do this, you need to crumple the newspaper in such a way that it turns out to be a handle with a ball at the end. Put a plastic bag over the balloon to prevent moisture from getting on the paper and softening the newspaper.

Now apply putty on the wall with a layer of up to 10 mm. Without waiting for the material to dry, apply the newspaper to the surface, creating a textured decorative coating. We recommend starting work from the most poorly visible places on the wall, moving on to open surfaces as you understand what structure can be given with a newspaper, and how best to proceed for this. Decorative wall decoration is a multi-stage process, in which you will have to not only create a textured surface with your own hands, but also prime the walls, and after the primer dries, paint the putty with acrylic paint. If you find too rough edges on the wall, you can rub them with fine-grained sandpaper after the paint has hardened.

The creation of figured surfaces can be carried out not only with the help of a newspaper, but also with other tools. For work will do textured spatula, malka or sponge.

Versailles plastering - a multi-stage process

Decorating walls with decorative travertine plaster is a rather complicated way of cladding, but it can be used to make the walls in the house very attractive and save money on ready-made ones. facing compositions. To perform such a repair, you will need a gypsum-based starting and finishing putty, acrylic paint, silver paint and quartz primer - a primer with mineral fillers (she needs to pre-treat the surface).

To make a decorative Versailles with your own hands, mix the finishing and starting putties in a ratio of 1 to 1, mix and add water to them in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. To avoid the appearance of small lumps in the putty, you need to leave it for 5-7 minutes, and then mix it again with a mixer. Lay the finished mortar on the wall in a thin layer (about 3 mm) using a spatula or spatula. To apply the pattern, use a plastic trowel, the pattern should be chaotic wavy stripes, which will make the wall attractive and original. When the putty is dry, sand it down with a spatula and go over it with fine-grained sandpaper so that the finish is textured, but smooth enough.

Then carefully clean the entire surface of dust and cover it with a primer, when the primer dries, paint the wall with paint. Paints of warm, neutral shades are best suited for Versailles plastering - any tone of beige. In the end, you need to mix silver with a primer or varnish in a ratio of 1 to 1 and apply the resulting solution over the paint with a paint roller. Roll the roller easily along the wall so that only the top of the textured coating is painted with silver. Next, just wax or varnish the resulting lining so that it is glossy.

Can you make bark beetle yourself?

Bark beetle is a common type of decorative plaster, which is usually used to decorate the facades of private houses. To save money, you can give the walls an equally attractive visual performance by using more affordable putty instead of expensive decorative plaster. In addition to cement putty for outdoor use, you will need marble chips (quartz chips, sand or other filler), a quality primer and water-dispersion paint. Mix dry putty with filler in a 4:1 ratio - 4 parts dry mix to 1 part crumbs or sand. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly and dilute with water to get a solution that is similar in consistency to thick sour cream.

If the mixture is not mixed beforehand, then the marble chips or other filler may be unevenly distributed inside the putty, which will negatively affect the quality of the cladding as a whole. Apply the resulting solution in a thin layer on the surface to be lined, and when the composition begins to dry (after 5-8 minutes), carefully rub the surface with a small one, making quick reciprocating movements. The resulting putty structure, which will be almost indistinguishable from bark beetle plaster, will only be covered with primer and painted.

How to create a composition from scratch with glue and soap?

If you are not satisfied with the ways to create a textured surface using putty, you can make decorative plaster with your own hands using glue. For this you will need:

  • 800 g of PVA glue;
  • 2 kg of 5% CMC solution used for wallpapering;
  • 10% laundry soap solution;
  • 6.5 kg of gypsum or chalk powder.

First you need to make wallpaper glue from the CMC solution by filling it with water. Required amount water for glue, see the package. Now prepare a solution of soap by rubbing it on a fine grater and soaking it in water. When all the components are ready, combine them and mix thoroughly with a construction mixer or drill (with a special nozzle). The result should be a paste-like mixture that is applied to the walls in exactly the same way as a standard purchased putty. Making decorative plaster is very simple, but it has one very significant drawback - a long curing time. Although it is this time that can be used to create textured surfaces.

In addition to self-creating putty, you can make and apply decorative plaster with various additional components. The first mixture is created from the following components:

  1. 1. River sand (washed and sifted). You can use quarry sand, but before work it must be soaked in water to wash out clay impurities.
  2. 2. Satengips. This is a ready-made gypsum-based dry mix containing various mineral additives.
  3. 3. Fugenfüller. A ready-made gypsum-based mixture containing polymer additives, it will give homemade plaster moisture resistance, strength and durability.

These ingredients must be dry mixed in a ratio of 3:3:1, then pour them with water and mix thoroughly. Add water until the mortar has a thick consistency of good plaster.

Another textured mixture is made from soil and satengypsum. It is best to use a deep penetration primer so that the resulting composition has good adhesion, moisture resistance and strength. For work, you can use any primer, the main thing is that after application it does not create an impenetrable film. To make a textured facing coating, it is necessary to dilute the soil with water in a ratio of 2 to 1. Then gradually add satengypsum to the solution and constantly knead until a thick, pasty plaster is obtained. Before using such a solution, let it brew for at least a few minutes, then stir again so that as much air as possible comes out of it. Lay the plaster with a spatula, after which it can be coated with paint.

To make a decorative finish, you can use any ready-made gypsum mixture with additives. You can buy it in almost every specialized store. To create textured surfaces, it is necessary to close the composition with water and add PVA to it. The result should be a thick solution that is easy to apply with a spatula and use for any of the figured plastering methods described above.

It is necessary to create and apply any decorative plasters with your own hands, taking into account individual features lined premises. For wall cladding in "wet" areas of the house, textured materials are made from tile adhesive. To do this, dilute the adhesive in accordance with the instructions on the package and apply it in a thin layer on the surface to be treated. After that, using templates, stencils or any other improvised materials, draw textured drawings on the basis. The easiest way is to make a texture that imitates the visual qualities of natural stone or brickwork. After creating the texture, you need to smooth the pattern with sandpaper and paint.

Given the diversity existing ways creating textured plaster, you can create artistic, aesthetic surfaces at home without much difficulty and high financial costs. Choose a method taking into account your capabilities and preferences, so that the interior and exterior of your home will please you and your loved ones.

There are many ways to decorate a house, but recently decorative plasters have become more and more popular. They are very diverse, allow you to create walls and ceilings that are unique in appearance. different types give different effects, plus the application of decorative plaster can also be different. As a result - a huge number of variations for any interior in any style.

Types of decorative plaster

Decorative plaster - a marvelous interior decoration

Decorative plaster is used for finishing walls and ceilings indoors, facades of buildings. The basis can be various substances of both natural (gypsum, cement, marble dust) and artificial (acrylic, silicone, silicate) origin. It is called so because it forms an attractive surface with different texture- from smooth as marble Venetian plaster to embossed stone or "under a fur coat". The number of options is endless - applying decorative plaster is a creative process and it is unlikely to be repeated exactly. This is another plus of this type of finish.

By the type of surface formed, the following types of decorative plaster are distinguished:

  • Embossed. After applying such compositions, some kind of heterogeneity and irregularities are often formed on the surface, that is, they create a relief. Their plus is the low requirements for the preparation of the base. It must be strong and must not crumble. There should also be no significant differences, but perfect smoothness is not required.
  • Smooth. In this category, only one subspecies is Venetian plaster, but they allow you to create surfaces with different appearances. It is a plastic mass, often translucent. It contains dust of marble, malachite and other natural materials. With its help, you can imitate marble, cork, leather, silk, precious woods, various metals, malachite, granite finishes.

It must be said right away that textured and plastic plasters are often difficult to separate, since they can be used different techniques on the same composition. The photo below shows options for only one type of plaster - different techniques for applying decorative plaster make it possible to obtain surfaces that are very different in appearance.

Some decorative plasters are so plastic that they can be used to create a work of art. It turns out very beautiful and original panels.

A few touches...

By changing the application of decorative plaster, all these various reliefs are obtained - from simple to complex.

It is worth considering further dividing them by area of ​​​​application. There are two large groups - for outdoor and indoor work. There are also universal compositions, but rarely. Almost all the compositions discussed above are for internal work. These are more interior solutions. Some are abrasion resistant, some are washable detergents and even brushes, but harsh operating conditions on outdoors they won't last.

Some types of textured plaster are suitable for outdoor use - bark beetle, for example. This type of finishing material just belongs to the universal. It can be seen on the facade, indoors. In apartments, these are usually corridors and, in offices and institutions, corridors or service rooms can be finished in this way.

An example of finishing a house with decorative plaster outside: on the basement stone plaster, above - on the walls - bark beetle

Putties for outdoor use generally have a rougher structure, contain components that increase resistance to ultraviolet radiation and other climatic influences. In this category there are specific plasters - stone. They consist of small fractions of natural stones in a binder solution. The application of this type of decorative plaster is simple with a spatula or a stainless grater. Other elements are rarely used. On facades and fences, the creation of reliefs is not best idea- dust will clog and spoil the appearance, and it is not easy to wash it out.

Surface preparation

Different types of decorative plaster require different degrees of surface preparation. But we can definitely say that it is necessary to remove everything that can fall off. The surface must be strong, dry and clean, must not crumble. Also a mandatory step is a primer. And not with any composition, but with a special one that creates a rough coating. It increases adhesion (adhesion).

For relief (structural and textured)

Under all relief, you can not especially level the walls or ceiling. The composition is applied in a fairly decent layer - up to 1 cm, so it hides differences up to 8-9 mm. But, in order to reduce the consumption of an expensive composition, it is still recommended to remove large irregularities. The protrusions are cut off, the pits are covered with suitable plaster. The next step is to apply a primer. After drying, you can start applying decorative plaster.

Structural plaster is usually applied in two layers. The first - basic - is laid evenly and dried. The layer thickness is indicated by the manufacturer, usually set with some tolerance. This layer also serves as a leveling layer, but again, in order to reduce costs, it is better to pre-level the surface. The second layer is already applied a little thinner, and a relief begins to form on it.

But not all structural plasters two-layer. On many, you can form a relief immediately after application, without a base layer. Usually the recommended layer in this case is somewhat thicker.

Under Venetian plaster

The compositions of this group require a perfectly flat surface. Not as smooth as for painting, but almost the same. Small differences are allowed - no more than 2-3 mm per square meter. standard - first, a layer of plaster (ordinary) is applied to the walls, a paint grid is embedded in it. After drying, a leveling layer is applied - to a perfectly even state. Next - a primer, and after the drying of this layer - the application of Venetian plaster.

Application techniques

It is impossible to talk about each method of applying decorative plaster - there are a lot of different details and nuances. The simplest case is with textured plasters. They are simply applied with a spatula. The whole difference is in the direction of movement of the spatula, in the depths of the beards that leave inclusions, and in color. But this is in the base version. No one bothers to experiment on these compositions. Another thing is that the structural effect of the same actions is more impressive - more plastic compositions.

What can be used to create a decorative effect

Applying decorative plaster is possible with many tools and common household materials and fixtures made from them:

  • Trowels and graters made of metal. They are used not only for applying the composition in an even layer, but also for forming geometrically chaotic patterns on it.

  • Construction graters made of plastic, polystyrene. They level out the freshly formed overly protruding relief.
  • Sandpaper with fine grain. Also for leveling the relief, but on already dried material. When compared with the previous method, the effects are different.
  • Foam sponges. They are multifunctional. They can:
  • Cellophane films and bags. Also a multifunctional tool:
    • Spreading on freshly applied decorative plaster thin soft polyethylene film, you can form a relief with your hands. It can be some kind of abstraction or something with some motives. When the relief is ready, the film is carefully removed, the relief is left to dry.
    • Crumpled paper is wrapped in cling film. Get a simple but effective tool for the formation of a heterogeneous and chaotic pattern. You can use different application techniques - circular movements, short “pokes”, waves, strokes, comets, tails, etc.
    • Just crumpling the cellophane, but already more rigid and “poking” it into the plaster, we get a surface that is somewhat reminiscent of the moon.
  • Rollers. Ordinary foam rubber or fur rollers are used, as well as special ones with some kind of pattern. Regular ones are used to create a basic relief, on top of which more pronounced strokes are then applied. The type and shape of the "basic" relief depend on the length of the pile. When rolling foam roller small protrusions and depressions are obtained. When rolling hairy - more pronounced. The longer the pile, the greater the difference.

    Different rollers - different surfaces

  • Hands in rubber gloves. any pattern can be made. The task is to repeat more or less similar on the rest of the plane.

  • Brushes. You can get stripes, waves and a bunch of other appearance options.

Principles of relief formation

Decorative plaster is attractive because it allows you to create a unique pattern - you can use your own imagination. To make this drawing look harmonious, you need to know some general rules. Good manufacturers in the description of each composition have rules for working with it. It describes the procedure, methods of application, methods of forming decorative surfaces.

A simple way - rolling with a roller with a pattern formed on it

Large firms (manufacturers or shopping centers) hold master classes, where everyone can try to work with a specific decorative plaster, which is also provided there, and not experiment “on the spot”. Therefore, before buying, be sure to read the entire available material, watch the videos, which are also often available, and in large numbers - there are really a lot of working methods. Describing in words is difficult and often incomprehensible. Much easier to do everything in video format. We will try to briefly summarize the techniques.

    • When working with structural plasters dyed in mass (the color is added to the composition), a thin layer is first applied. base layer. It can be smooth, maybe - slightly textured - rolled by one of the rollers. This layer is allowed to dry (6-24 hours depending on the manufacturer). Then one of the reliefs is formed with the same or clarified composition (uncolored composition is added, obtaining a mass several tones lighter). Further options:
        • Immediately after formation, while the plaster has not dried, the parts that are too protruding are lightly smoothed with a stainless or plastic trowel.

      • Wait until the layer dries. Sandpaper attached to a holder or wooden block, clean off some part of the relief.
    • When working with textured plasters, one layer is applied. Without waiting for drying, they immediately take the grout and form the desired relief. An example is working with bark beetle plaster. This composition is widespread, but basically all surfaces are made the same - with vertical strokes formed by inclusions. There are some very interesting techniques in the video.

  • The most difficult technique for applying Venetian plaster. The layers are very thin, translucent, there are many of them and are applied in different ways:
      • An even, thin base coat is applied first. He dries up.
      • Thin chaotic strokes are applied, which gradually fill the surface. This results in some, not very pronounced relief - different thickness smears are obtained, different directions.
      • The layer is left to dry for 4-5 hours.
      • They take a large stainless spatula or grater and rub (iron) the surface. In this case, the sharp edges are slightly erased, the surface becomes smooth in places, in places it looks velvety. The "marble effect" begins to appear.
      • The next layer is almost the same, but you just need to level the surface as much as possible.
      • The layer is left to dry for 1.5-2 hours.
      • Smooth down with a smooth, burr-free spatula with rounded ends (so as not to accidentally damage). At this stage, the surface acquires a glossy sheen.
      • The final stage is the coating with decorative wax. This layer increases the moisture resistance of the coating, the glossy sheen becomes more pronounced.

Applying decorative plaster: video tutorials

Not all the nuances of finishing work can be clearly described in words. Previously, everything was passed from the master to the students with the help of an internship. Modern technologies allow you to make the process more massive - video tutorials and master classes give an idea of ​​​​how to move, which is very difficult to describe in words. This section contains some interesting ideas for decorating walls with embossed plaster.

As you understand, applying decorative plaster is a creative matter. But without experience, it is difficult to imagine what results one or another of your actions will lead to. We look carefully, we try to copy the movements. First, it is advisable to practice on a piece of puttied drywall - to work out the technique. When the result suits you, you can start decorating the walls.

How to make decorative plaster with your own hands? Such a coating is a fairly demanded material for modern repairs, but due to the high cost of ready-made mixtures, many are looking for alternative ways how to make decorative plaster yourself. Video tutorials suggest interesting ideas, and the article offers to get acquainted with the main stages of making the composition and several recipes for this.

In it:

  • Binder. In this case, you can use:
  1. traditional lime;
  2. modern synthetic materials: epoxy, polyurethane, acrylic resins.

Their main purpose is to ensure the plasticity of the solution, which will increase the time to create the desired decor.

  • Filler. They may be:
  1. colored or white clinker Portland cement;
  2. pigments;
  3. colored fillers.

Tip: For private construction, white cement should be taken as the basis for the mixture. Such plaster can be tinted with your own hands.

When compiling the composition, the following are used as fillers and solid ingredients:

  1. marble chips;
  2. quartz sand;
  3. wood fibers;
  4. granite chips (see. Granite plaster: characteristics of the material and rules of use);
  5. synthetic granules.

Their proportion is much smaller, but they must be taken into account when calculating the mass of the composition.

  • Additives. Usually they are:
  1. plasticizing;
  2. hydrophobic.

The main purpose of the elements is to increase the resistance of the finish to moisture.

How to make decorative plaster from ordinary putty

The simplest and budget option decorative plaster for interior work, made on its own is the usual putty, which can be:

  • Fine and fine for applying relief coatings in separate strokes.
  • Coarse-grained, to get a pronounced, but not too catchy structure, such as a bark beetle.

Tip: To increase the strength, elasticity, reliability of retention and ease of application of the mortar on the wall, it should be mixed with a deep penetration primer or PVA glue in a ratio of up to 6% of the total mass of the mixture. With an increase in the percentage, the finishing layer will be stronger, but it dries much longer.

When applying decorative plaster with your own hands:

  • The thickness of the layer is taken three millimeters.
  • After setting the top layer, the surface is textured with any materials at hand, which can be:
  1. crumpled paper;
  2. polyethylene;
  3. sponge;
  4. purchased stamps;
  5. rollers with various patterns (see Rollers for decorative plaster and creating a relief surface).

  • To apply a relief pattern, a small soft spatula is used, while chaotic strokes are performed.

The instruction video shows in detail how decorative plaster can be applied, the video in this article demonstrates a simple finishing method available to anyone who wants to do everything on their own.

Decorative plaster from ordinary putty with your own hands can be applied in another way:

  • The first, fairly smooth layer is laid, which will serve as a background.
  • After it dries, the surface is polished.
  • Covered with soil.
  • A stencil is applied.
  • An additional convex layer is performed, which creates a three-dimensional pattern.

At the same time, they will look beautiful vegetable patterns with picture:

  1. bunches of grapes;
  2. climbing plants;
  3. geometric ornaments.

  • After drying, for naturalness, sharp edges are processed with a thin abrasive.
  • The surface is being painted.
  • The decor is processed with colored paints, gilding, patina and other decorating techniques.

Tip: The thickness of the convex image should be no more than 5 millimeters, otherwise the decor will crack over time.

How to make homemade decorative plaster

If for some reason ready-made decorative plaster is not suitable, how to make the desired composition yourself?

This will require:

  • PVA glue - 800 grams.
  • CMC solution 5%, which is a carboxymethyl cellulose, powdery material used for wallpapering - 2 kilograms.
  • A solution of laundry soap 10%, rubbed and soaked in water, stirred until a homogeneous consistency of a thick gel.
  • Calcium carbonate or chalk powder - 6.5 kilograms, it can be replaced with ordinary gypsum.

Next, the components are combined and well kneaded with a drill with a nozzle to a paste consistency. Application to the wall is carried out in the usual way, as described above. The disadvantage of such home-made decorative plaster is that it dries for a very long time.

Other ways to prepare decorative plaster

There are other recipes to make decorative plaster yourself.

How to cook it in several ways:

  • Solution for interior work. To do this, purchase:
  1. river sand, well washed, sifted about 3 parts, can be quarry, but it should be soaked before use to remove clay impurities;
  2. atengips or dry ready-made gypsum thin putty, which includes mineral additives - 3 parts;
  3. fugenfüller or dry gypsum mixture with additives of polymers - one part, to give the composition moisture resistance and strength.

Dry ingredients are mixed, poured with water and kneaded well.

  • You can imitate textured putty with a composition of soil and satengypsum: a deep penetration soil is taken, which increases adhesion and improves moisture resistance. Forms that do not form an impermeable film, such as an aqueous dispersion of a synthetic polymer, are suitable for this. The soil is diluted with water in a ratio of 2:1. Satengypsum is gradually added, mixed well, until a pasty consistency is obtained. The solution should stand for several minutes, and then knead again to remove air from the mixture.

Tip: If there is lime in the composition of decorative plaster, it should be borne in mind that when it is applied metal tools dark streaks may remain.

  • For wet rooms, decorative plaster can be prepared from tile adhesive. It is diluted according to the instructions on the package, applied to the surface in a thin layer, and after that, the texture is drawn with templates or improvised objects. You can give it naturalness with a brush, which is pre-moistened with water.

Tip: To decorate a plinth or facade, a cement-sand mortar should be used instead of glue.

How to apply exterior decorative plaster

External decorative plaster is carried out with a conventional cement-sand mortar. Lime is added to the composition only in regions where the climate is dry, in which the humidity is not higher than 65%. With an increase in the sandstone fraction, the surface becomes more structural.

Work order:

  • The solution is prepared in proportion:
  1. one part of Portland cement, better than white, not lower than M 400;
  2. three parts of sand.
  • Dry ingredients mix well.
  • Pour in water until the consistency of sour cream with medium density is obtained.
  • The surface is sprayed with a spray gun or a brush with long bristles, which will create a coating for a fur coat.
  • Drawing bark beetle is obtained by kneading cement-sand mortar in a ratio of 1:3, with the addition of one part of coarse-grained components, such as:
  1. marble;
  2. shells;
  3. onyx.

Diluted with water to the consistency of thick sour cream, which will allow the finished mixture not to drain from the trowel. Then:

  1. the composition is applied to the surface with a grater, its layer is taken with a thickness equal to the grain size of the filler;
  2. after setting the solution, with the same grater, which is dipped in water, the layer is rubbed diagonally or vertically, the tool is pressed tightly against the surface, and the grain, as it were, draws grooves on a smooth surface with pressure, forming a texture on it.

When properly applied, the surface acquires an attractive appearance of good quality.