How are radiators made. Homemade heating radiators from pipes - production and installation

On this page we will try to choose for desired apartment necessary assembly units. The heating system of the mansion has some parts. The heating system includes, automatic air vents, heating boiler, fastening system, circulating pumps, fittings, expansion tank, wires or pipes, radiators, thermostats, heat control mechanism. Each node important role... Therefore, the choice of parts of the structure is important to carry out correctly.

Homemade heating batteries

A heater consisting of smooth-walled pipes connected by welding to each other is called a register. Basically, pipes located horizontally are connected by vertical short bridges, through which the coolant also flows. Register design is at the core of creating different kind heating radiators.

Heating registers are divided into three types:

  • aluminum;
  • cast iron;
  • steel.

Aluminum registers are in great demand due to their small specific gravity, good heat transfer rate, excellent corrosion resistance, long term operation, lack of connections and welds.

Aluminum pipes produced by monolithic casting. Aluminum registers are used in residential and administrative premises. The main disadvantage of aluminum devices is high price.

Cast iron registers differ ease of installation, because they have a flanged monolithic connection. During installation, a second flange is welded to the heating pipe, and then using bolts, a strong connection is made.

Steel registers are installed in the heating system by welding. Well-performed welding is guarantor of long service the whole heating system.

Stationary and mobile registers

To heat the coolant in stationary registers, you need heating boilers... For heating the coolant in mobile registers, an electric heating element is used, operating from a network with a voltage of 220 V. This type of registers is used for workers' houses of builders, premises where finishing work is carried out.

Installation of registers in a room has a number of undeniable advantages before installing batteries in the heating system:

  • long lifetime... pipes made of steel do not need repair, at least 25 years;
  • the heating system is distinguished by a high degree of reliability, the main requirement for ensuring such reliability is the high-quality performance of welds;
  • an open heating system can be installed in rooms of a large area, low resistance to the movement of the coolant provides large diameter used for registering pipes.

Recently, registers have been set much less frequently, choosing more alternative modern appliances heating. TO disadvantages this type of device includes:

  • not the most attractive appearance register, a thick steel pipe is laid along the wall throughout the room;
  • small area of ​​contact with air in the room leads to low heat transfer rate... zero use of convection;
  • the supply of the heating system with registers is different high cost and the complexity of installation, steel pipes of large diameter on construction market are quite expensive, the need to use welding during installation.

Let's look at the entire heating system as a whole. The role of the register can be played by supply pipes, a heated towel rail. When choosing a register model, you need to pay special attention to pipe diameter, of which it consists. Preference should be given to devices with a pipe diameter equal to 32 mm. For self-production of the register, it is not recommended to use pipes with a diameter exceeding 80 mm. To warm up the coolant in such large volumes, a too powerful boiler is needed, which is not always cost-effective.

When installing an autonomous heating system in a house using registers, you need to do accurate calculation the number of devices and the preferred diameter of the pipes used. During calculation the required amount heating appliances take into account first of all wall thickness buildings, the number of windows and doorways, view building material used for the construction of the building and many other factors.

When calculating pipe devices, only the heat transfer rate should be taken into account running meter pipes. For a room with a ceiling height not exceeding 3 m and an area of ​​20 sq. meters will be needed 20 m of steel pipe with a diameter of 60 mm. The calculation itself is simple, and the installation of a heating system with registers is no more difficult than installing radiators.

Establish registers when routing pipes downward. This applies to both one-story and two-story buildings.

A heating system with registers in itself is not particularly difficult. The main requirement is to conduct welding works on the highest level... The complexity of the installation of the system can be minimized if all the elements are pre-fabricated separately and correctly designed system diagram. Separately, you can assemble the pipeline and weld the register itself.

The finished components of the heating system can be interconnected using threaded connections. Basically, registers are installed, consisting of two horizontally located pipes. If it is planned to install a register under one wall (5 m) of a room with an area of ​​20 sq. meters, the size of the device, consisting of two pipes with a diameter of 60 mm, will be equal to the length of the wall.

Important! The installation of the register is carried out with a slope of at least 0,05% by the movement of the coolant.

In pipes with a large diameter, the coolant flows practically without resistance, and the register itself is installed as close as possible to the floor surface, which allows much improve room heating.

If you are a professional welder, it will not be difficult for you to make a register yourself. The design is simple, but well done welding... allows you to get a reliable device for heating a room.

Installing a heating element in the manufactured structure and filling the pipes antifreeze or oil you get homemade oil radiator... To heat the room, it is enough to plug the device into the socket. In this case, you do not need to do piping, buy and install a heating boiler, control devices, shut-off valves... You just need to put the register together correctly to get the required premises heat transfer.

Why is it worth assembling the register yourself? First, factory registers have great price level. Second, the register construction is one of the simplest. If we compare the price of steel pipes consumed in register welding and the final price figure of the equipment itself, we will see a threefold increase in cost.

For craftsmen handling welding to make a register with your own hands will not present much difficulty. First selected the shape of the future equipment. Basically, these are pipes connected in parallel, but you can also make a register in the form of a coil.

Step-by-step instruction:

A heating system with registers will work much more efficiently if a circulation electric pump is installed near the boiler. In this case, the room will warm up much faster.

The video below demonstrates the process of making a heating register:


Homemade heating batteries

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Heating household appliances, manufactured at branded enterprises, are effective and safe in everyday use, have a modern or retro design, but their purchase is not always justified in everyday life.

For example, for heating industrial and utility rooms, a home-made heating battery would be a better option, which, of course, is aesthetically inferior to expensive radiators painted with powder enamel, but warms no worse. According to the principle of operation, "self-made" radiators do not differ from factory radiators, but it is not recommended to install them as a permanent source of heating for living quarters.

The heating register is heater, consisting of a single pipe or several steel pipes connected into a single structure for the circulation of the coolant.

Practice and calculations have shown the feasibility of using smooth-walled steel pipes with diameters from 32 mm to 219 mm in order to provide the required area of ​​the register heat exchange surface. At the same time, for the purpose of a compact layout in a heated room, the registers are made sectional or in the form of a coil. The use of steel pipes is motivated by the simplicity of their assembly using welding and ensuring the tightness of the welded seams. For the manufacture of heating registers, it is not at all necessary to look for new pipes of scarce assortments. You can use the scraps of pipes left over from the construction and installation work at the enterprise, or find something suitable in the warehouses of Vtorchermet.

The use of smooth-walled pipes has predetermined two types of self-made registers for space heating:

  • sectional, consisting of pipes muffled at the ends, connected by steel pipes of a smaller diameter;
  • serpentine, that is, S-shaped.

When connecting pipes to the register structure, it is recommended to adhere to the distance between the outer surfaces by 5 cm larger diameter from which the register is welded. This reduces mutual radiation and increases heat transfer.

The design of the sectional register is one or more pipes horizontally located, in which the movement of the coolant begins from the upper pipe along its entire length, then flows through the connecting pipe at the other end to the next one.

The nozzles at the inlet and outlet are made threaded, but most often they are welded. They try to weld transition pipes as close to the edge as possible. Additional bridges provide structural rigidity. Steel pipes with diameters from 76 to 159 mm are most in demand for sectional registers. Welded seams must remain tight at a pressure of at least 13 atm.

It is important! By piling up the register pipes horizontally one above the other, it is impossible to achieve a linear increase in the thermal power of a home-made battery. The air flow that rises already heated by the lower pipes is less able to receive heat from the hot coolant, that is, the coolant will give up less heat.

Unlike rectilinear registers, in which large-diameter pipes are connected by smaller pipes, the coil can be represented as a solid pipe in which the connecting arcs have the same diameter as the horizontal ones. The S-shape is more efficient because the entire pipe surface is involved in heat exchange.

Due to the absence of intermediate pipe constrictions and sections with a change in the direction of the coolant, there is a low hydraulic resistance in the coil.

In the case of making a heating battery with your own hands, you should not recklessly rush to any cheap pipe. Unambiguously, profile pipes, which will necessarily flow along the technological weld, will not work. Pipes for registers must be well welded, therefore St45 steel is not desirable.

Homemade radiators made of of stainless steel functionally heated towel rails in the bathrooms. Craftsmen do an excellent job of polishing stainless steel, bending it on primitive pipe benders and creating openwork coil structures. The sluggishness of the factory services does not allow keeping up with savvy folk craftsmen, therefore the lion's share of household stainless steel batteries is handicraft.

Despite the fact that there are big choice radiators, many people decide to make a heating radiator with their own hands. This is a worthwhile decision, especially if you want to, for example, in a garage or other utility room. In such cases, buying store models will be expensive, so homemade heating radiators are an excellent way out.

To independently make such a heating device, they usually use metal pipes, which have already been in use, so the cost is low, and the efficiency will be practically no worse than the factory models. Such a do-it-yourself heating battery is done quite simply, which explains its popularity when organizing heating in production workshops, garages.

The main advantages that a homemade radiator has:

  • for manufacturing, you can use material that has already been in use;
  • for work you will need an affordable and simple tool;
  • installation is simple;
  • the design will be reliable and will not require special care;
  • low cost, since you only have to spend your labor and time.

If we talk about steel or cast iron batteries, then their thermal conductivity coefficient will be almost the same. The standard section of a cast iron battery provides 150-170 watts of heat and holds 1.5 liters of water.

Depending on the thickness of the pipe you will be using to replace one standard cast iron radiator, you will need about 20 m of pipe. To reduce the size of such a structure, the pipe is divided into several sections, which are located parallel to each other.

The disadvantage of a battery made from a pipe is that it has a low efficiency, this is due to smallest area outer surface. To eliminate this disadvantage, it is necessary to increase the length of the registers, and this is limited by the length of the garage or other room.

To reduce the length of the battery, the registers are placed in parallel to each other, while they are connected in series. After the coolant, which can be water or oil, enters the first pipe, it passes through the bypass channel into the second, but moves in the opposite direction.

Required materials and equipment

Since home-made heating systems are most often made from material that has already been used before, you first need to assess the condition of the pipes, Special attention pay attention to the wall thickness. The manufacture of radiators for the utility room of an apartment or garage must be of high quality, since in such systems the pressure can reach several atmospheres. If the pipe wall is severely damaged by corrosion, then it simply will not withstand the load and will burst, which will lead to leakage of the coolant and the termination of the heating system.

Most often, pipes with a diameter of 10-12 cm are used for the manufacture of homemade batteries, in order to plug the ends of the pipes, sheet metal of the appropriate size is used.

For the manufacture of bypass channels and fittings, pipes of a smaller diameter are used so that they can be connected to the heating system, threads are made on the fittings.

You can make a portable oil radiator with your own hands, such models are created from pipes, they are small in size, they use oil as a coolant, and instead of heating elements- heating element. Depending on the volume of the room you plan to heat with the help of such a heater, take a heating element of the appropriate power.

To improve such a device, a thermostat can be introduced into its electrical network, which will periodically turn on and off the heating element.

Manufacturing registers

First, a material is prepared, which is cut into pieces of the required length, while cutting must be strictly perpendicular to the pipe axis. To get an accurate cutting line, you can wrap a sheet of paper around the pipe and at the same time join its edges.

To create a plug at the ends, you must use sheet metal that is at least 3.5 mm thick. The plug diameter must be 5 mm larger than the pipe diameter. The plug must be welded efficiently and tightly.

The hole for the installation of the bypass valve is made on the side surface, before this, stepping back a short distance from the edge. Then the pipes are connected into separate sections. To carry out welding work, you must be highly qualified, if you do not cook well, it is better to invite a specialist for this.

After assembling the battery, it is connected to the heating system, which is filled with water, antifreeze, then its performance is checked, and the coolant is checked for leaks. If the system provides for the use of a pump, then it is turned on to create pressure. If the check is successful, you can safely use the heating system with homemade registers.

If you install such registers in a residential area, then it is best to additionally use a screen for a heating radiator. It is performed in the form of a lattice, which is most often made of MDF. Such a grill allows you to hide the battery, but allows air to move freely and practically does not affect the quality of heating the room. Making a radiator grill with your own hands is a simple process available to any home craftsman.

Now it is popular to use baseboard heating devices or a vacuum radiator in the heating system, but it is very difficult to make them yourself at home, since this requires special equipment and skills.

To create a vacuum radiator, a lithium-bromide liquid is also needed, the boiling point of which is 35 ° C, it is pumped into registers, and it is impossible to do this at home.

Heating radiator: do it yourself

Despite the fact that there is a large selection of radiators on sale, many people decide to make a heating radiator with their own hands. This is a reasonable decision, especially if you want to make heating, for example, in a garage or other utility room. In such cases, buying store models will be expensive, so homemade heating radiators are an excellent way out.

To make such a heating device on their own, they usually use metal pipes that have already been in use, so the cost is low, and the efficiency will be practically no worse than factory models. Such a do-it-yourself heating battery is done quite simply, which explains its popularity when organizing heating in production workshops, garages.

The main advantages that a homemade radiator has:

  • for manufacturing, you can use material that has already been in use;
  • for work you will need an affordable and simple tool;
  • installation is simple;
  • the design will be reliable and will not require special care;
  • low cost, since you only have to spend your labor and time.

Calculation of heating batteries

If we talk about steel or cast iron batteries, then their thermal conductivity coefficient will be almost the same. The standard section of a cast iron battery provides 150-170 watts of heat and holds 1.5 liters of water.

Depending on the thickness of the pipe you will be using to heat your garage, it will take about 20m of pipe to replace one standard cast iron radiator. To reduce the size of such a structure, the pipe is divided into several sections, which are located parallel to each other.

The disadvantage of a battery made from a tube is that it has a low efficiency due to the smallest outer surface area. To eliminate this disadvantage, it is necessary to increase the length of the registers, and this is limited by the length of the garage or other room.

To reduce the length of the battery, the registers are placed in parallel to each other, while they are connected in series. After the coolant, which can be water or oil, enters the first pipe, it passes through the bypass channel into the second, but moves in the opposite direction.

Required materials and equipment

Since home-made heating systems are most often made from a material that was already in use before, you first need to assess the condition of the pipes, pay special attention to the thickness of the walls. The manufacture of radiators for the utility room of an apartment or garage must be of high quality, since in such systems the pressure can reach several atmospheres. If the pipe wall is severely damaged by corrosion, then it simply will not withstand the load and will burst, which will lead to leakage of the coolant and the termination of the heating system.

Most often, pipes with a diameter of 10-12 cm are used for the manufacture of homemade batteries, in order to plug the ends of the pipes, sheet metal of the appropriate size is used.

For the manufacture of bypass channels and fittings, pipes of a smaller diameter are used so that they can be connected to the heating system, threads are made on the fittings.

You can make a portable oil radiator with your own hands, such models are created from pipes, they are small in size, they use oil as a coolant, and instead of heating elements - heating elements. Depending on the volume of the room you plan to heat with the help of such a heater, take a heating element of the appropriate power.

To improve such a device, a thermostat can be introduced into its electrical network, which will periodically turn on and off the heating element.

Manufacturing registers

First, a material is prepared, which is cut into pieces of the required length, while cutting must be strictly perpendicular to the pipe axis. To get an accurate cutting line, you can wrap a sheet of paper around the pipe and at the same time join its edges.

To create a plug at the ends, you must use sheet metal that is at least 3.5 mm thick. The plug diameter must be 5 mm larger than the pipe diameter. The plug must be welded efficiently and tightly.

The hole for the installation of the bypass valve is made on the side surface, before this, stepping back a short distance from the edge. Then the pipes are connected into separate sections. To carry out welding work, you must be highly qualified, if you do not cook well, it is better to invite a specialist for this.

After assembling the battery, it is connected to the heating system, which is filled with water, antifreeze, then its performance is checked, and the coolant is checked for leaks. If the system provides for the use of a pump, then it is turned on to create pressure. If the check is successful, you can safely use the heating system with homemade registers.

If you install such registers in a residential area, then it is best to additionally use a screen for a heating radiator. It is performed in the form of a lattice, which is most often made of MDF. Such a grill allows you to hide the battery, but allows air to move freely and practically does not affect the quality of heating the room. Making a radiator grill with your own hands is a simple process available to any home craftsman.

Now it is popular to use baseboard heating devices or a vacuum radiator in the heating system, but it is very difficult to make them yourself at home, since this requires special equipment and skills.

To create a vacuum radiator, a lithium-bromide liquid is also needed, the boiling point of which is 35 ° C, it is pumped into registers, and it is impossible to do this at home.

DIY heating radiator: how to make

Despite the fact that there is a large selection of radiators on sale, many people decide to make a heating radiator with their own hands. This is a reasonable decision, especially if you want to make heating, for example, in a garage or other utility room.

DIY heating radiator

Here you will find out:

Homemade radiators, welded from large-diameter pipes, are used to heat industrial and utility rooms, which do not have special requirements for design and beauty. They have good efficiency and are cheap. What do you need to make a DIY heating radiator? This is what we will tell you about in our review.

Advantages and disadvantages of homemade radiators

Homemade heating radiators are full-fledged heating devices. They will be an excellent solution for heating warehouses, production halls, corridors, basements and others. non-residential premises... For their manufacture, pipes of large diameter are used, welded together with jumpers and fittings. Certain varieties are welded from bent pipes, resulting in serpentine radiators.

Serpentine radiators do not need jumpers, but fittings must be used to reinforce them.

The large area of ​​pipes used provides quite good efficiency and good heating. In order to improve heating, pipes are made long - to the point that their length reaches the length of the room itself. What are the advantages of homemade heating radiators?

  • Absolutely simple design - everyone who knows how to work with tools and a welding machine can make a heating battery with their own hands;
  • Minimal material costs - buying inexpensive or used pipes will provide significant savings;
  • Ability to work in systems with natural and forced circulation;
  • Possibility of installing a heating element with a thermostat for autonomous operation.

Not without certain disadvantages:

  • The need to own a welding machine - if you have never done welding, then it is better not to undertake such work;
  • The need to comply with the high quality of welds - finished radiators must withstand high pressure;
  • Low efficiency when compared with factory batteries - here they lose a little.

The construction of home-made heating radiators is recommended in cases where the installation of the heating system is carried out under a limited budget. Also, their use will be justified in the presence of cheap or completely free materials (for example, if there are free pipes or the opportunity to purchase them at a bargain price).

Design features

How to make a DIY heating radiator from pipes? First you need to decide on the design of the radiator. The most widespread are sectional varieties. They represent several pipes of large diameter, interconnected by bridges from pipes of a smaller diameter. Increased structural rigidity can be achieved by welding small pieces of reinforcement.

The most popular types of DIY radiators.

The number of section pipes can be any. For heating large rooms, long sections are used, almost the entire length of the wall - often they consist of only two pipes. If compactness is needed, then the sections are shortened, and their number is increased to the required limits. Connecting jumpers in such radiators are installed near the ends, which ensures a good passage of the coolant.

Sectional radiators have a simple design, but the use of pipes of different diameters prevents the normal passage of the coolant - high hydraulic resistance affects. Therefore, coil radiators should be considered as an alternative. Here are the benefits:

  • Ease of assembly - you just need to find bent elements;
  • Low resistance provides more efficient heating;
  • Stronger, more reliable design.

Coils are welded from individual elements, straight and bent, ensuring unhindered passage of the coolant through the radiator. To give the structure increased strength, jumpers made of durable reinforcement are used.

Making a homemade radiator

Let's see how to make a heating battery with your own hands using the example of a sectional radiator. We will be heating a large room, so we need a large radiator, three meters wide, consisting of four pipes. To build, we need:

  • Four pipe sections three meters long (diameter 100-120 mm);
  • Sheet metal for the construction of plugs;
  • Plain metal water pipe for lintels;
  • Armature - since the radiator turns out to be large, you need to give it additional rigidity;
  • Threaded fittings.

Of the tools, you will need a grinder (angle grinder) and a welding machine (gas or electric).

We cut off plugs, jumpers and pipes of the required length. Then we cut out the holes for the jumpers and weld them. The last step is to weld the plugs.

If the pipe was intact, we cut four pieces of three meters from it. We process the edges of the pipes with a grinder so that the trim is smooth. Next, cut from a piece sheet metal eight plugs - we will later embed fittings into two of them. Water pipe cut into pieces, the length of which should be slightly larger than the diameter of the pipes used (by 5-10 mm). After that, we start welding.

Our task is to connect four large pipes together using jumpers. To give additional rigidity, add jumpers from the reinforcement. We place the lintels from the pipe near the ends - here you can retreat by 90-100 mm. Next, we weld our plugs to the end parts. We cut off the excess metal on the plugs with a grinder or welding - as it is more convenient for anyone.

Radiator connection diagrams:

1. Lateral connection;

2. Diagonal connection;

3. Bottom connection.

Next, we proceed to the installation of threaded fittings on the side plugs. Here you need to decide how the coolant will flow - based on this, you can choose a diagonal, side or bottom connection scheme. On the last stage we carefully clean all our connections with a grinder so that the radiator takes on a normal appearance. If necessary, cover the radiator with paint - preferably white.

When everything is ready, you can start testing the radiator - for this you need to fill it with water and inspect it for leaks. If possible, pressurized water should be supplied, for example, connect the radiator to the water supply. When the check is completed, you can start installing the radiator in the heating system.

Today heating systems are installed using plastic pipes small diameter, using circulation pumps for the movement of the coolant. Therefore, it is necessary to provide high-quality fasteners for the radiator so that it does not break the pipes. It is best to hang it on a few metal rods driven into the wall, or mount it on metal floor supports.

Thus, in the construction of a heating radiator with your own hands there is nothing difficult - you just need to get the necessary materials and cope with their welding. When choosing materials, carefully examine them for defects. Pipes should be intact, not thinned, with a minimum of corrosion. If the metal is too thin, then it is better not to use such a pipe - the wall thickness should be at least 2.5 mm. For the subsequent protection of the radiator from corrosion, it is advisable to degrease it, prime it and paint it.

DIY heating battery (radiator)

How to make a heating radiator with your own hands? We are talking about the creation of radiators from sections of large diameter metal pipes - step by step instructions.

Homemade batteries: technology for making heating radiators from pipes

Despite the huge selection of radiators on sale, there are those who want to make heating devices with their own hands. Homemade pipe heating radiators are used in summer cottages, in garages and in small country houses. If you carefully work on the decoration, you get a beautiful design item that is not ashamed to decorate even a civilized home. What do you need for work, how to weld a high-quality tubular battery and is it worth doing it at all?

DIY batteries: the truth without embellishment

Modern radiators are complex technical devices operating simultaneously on the principle of radiation and convection. Manufacturers take into account many factors when creating batteries and use new technologies in the production process that increase the efficiency of the heating system and reduce the volume and temperature of the coolant. Of course, the factory device will always work more efficiently. homemade homemade and surpasses it in compactness and design.

It is advisable to make heating appliances on your own only if free or inexpensive pipes, a welding machine, a metal cutting tool (grinder) and skills in working with equipment are available.

Important! The slightest mistake is fraught with leaks and serious emergency situations... It is not recommended to install devices own production in apartments - they are more suitable for spacious premises and outbuildings.

Types of homemade heating radiators

At home, the easiest way to make a heating register is a device consisting of one or more pipes welded into a single structure. The principle of operation of the device is the same as that of cast iron batteries- the coolant circulating inside heats the metal, and the heat emanating from it heats the air.

The registers are suitable for use in one-pipe and two-pipe systems, wall and floor installation is possible. The simplest examples of this group of heating devices can be found in the bathrooms of old houses, where they function as heated towel rails.

Homemade registers are divided into two main types: sectional and coil. Sectional devices are a structure of pipes of different diameters, in which elements of a larger diameter are located parallel to each other, have plugs at the ends and are connected to each other by pipes with a smaller diameter.

It is advisable to place the connecting pipes as close to the edges as possible. For structural strength, additional jumpers are used - they increase the heat transfer of the device, since they increase the heating area.

The movement of the coolant in such a structure always begins with a container located above the others, then the water passes through the pipe to the lower row, flows along the entire length and enters the next element. It is important to ensure the strength of the welds - they must withstand a pressure of at least 13 atmospheres.

The coils are S-shaped and assembled from elements welded in series. This design is more efficient, since the entire surface of the pipe is involved in heat exchange. There are no intermediate constrictions in the coil, therefore the hydraulic resistance is always less than in the sectional register.

How to make a pipe radiator with your own hands

To make a homemade radiator, you need to be able to work with a welding machine and have the skills to "handle" a grinder. It is important to correctly size the heat source - for this you need to calculate the required power.

Battery power calculation

The power of a radiator for liquid heating depends on the surface area of ​​the device and the thermal conductivity of the material. To calculate the power, special formulas are used, but it is not easy for a layman to navigate complex equations. If you plan to heat outbuildings where precise values ​​are not needed, you can take a cast-iron battery as a basis.

For example, the power of one section of a cast-iron radiator is 160 W, and its volume is 1.45 liters. To replace a standard 10-section cast iron appliance with a pipe heater, you need pipes that can hold 14.5 liters of fluid.

According to the norms, in residential buildings for each square meter the premises require 1 kW of heating device power. Increase this value when calculating the system in houses with poor thermal insulation.

Necessary materials

In order not to run in search of missing little things, it is advisable to immediately prepare all the necessary materials and tools. For a homemade radiator with a volume of 14.5 liters you will need:

  • a carbon steel pipe with a length of about 2 meters and a diameter of 10-12 cm with a wall thickness of 3.5 mm;
  • steel sheet with a minimum thickness of 3.5 mm for end caps;
  • water pipe for passages;
  • two squeegees with a diameter of 2.5 cm;
  • reinforcement to enhance rigidity;
  • threaded connections for tapping into the system.

It is cheaper to purchase materials from scrap metal collection points, but for permanent housing it is better to opt for new smooth steel pipes. It makes no sense to take pipes with a diameter of more than 12 cm for registers - this will increase the volume of the coolant, increase the load on the boiler and the current heating costs.

Manufacturing technology

Two-meter steel pipe cut into three identical parts and cut out two holes in each of the parts for connecting the passage pipes. The holes should be 5 cm from the end and located at different ends at an angle of 180 degrees relative to each other.

At the next stage, round blanks are cut out of steel sheets to close the ends. The diameter of the covers must match the size pipe holes... The plugs are welded to the ends, covering the elements for the registers.

The tubes for supplying the coolant are welded to the holes, obtaining a kennel for movement hot water... To give the structure strength, the pipes are interconnected with reinforcement. In large registers, additional safety jumpers are provided. It is important that the distance between the sections is 0.5 cm greater than the diameter of the main pipe.

After the completion of welding, homemade pipe radiators must be checked for strength. Before the test, the lower opening is closed, and the upper one is supplied with water under pressure, completely filling the device. If there are no leaks, the battery is installed in the system. For floor mounting legs are welded or brackets are provided. In heating systems with natural circulation, the registers are installed with a slight slope along the direction of movement of the coolant.

Similarly, a bathroom radiator is made in the form of a coil or ladder. For a heated towel rail, it makes no sense to take pipes with a large diameter - the more crossbeams are planned, the smaller the pipe girth should be. If you take copper pipes instead of steel pipes, you get a durable and practical device.

If you have never used a welding machine, we strongly advise against learning this difficult task on heating devices. Even if you really want to install home-made radiators at home, it is better to entrust their welding to a specialist.

Homemade heating radiators from pipes: features and manufacturing technology

The principle of operation and the device of home-made heating radiators from pipes, their types, advantages and disadvantages. How to make a heating register with your own hands.

How to make a heating radiator from pipes yourself

Reliable and high-quality heating radiators can be purchased at almost any hardware store. But sometimes situations arise in which the only correct solution is homemade heating radiators from pipes. Of course, such radiators cannot be used on an ongoing basis in a residential area, but, for example, they are quite suitable for heating a garage.

Diy pipe heating battery

Design features of a homemade battery

We will manufacture the battery from a 2-meter steel pipe with a diameter of 100 millimeters. Both ends of the product must be welded, and a pair of bends must be welded directly on its plane, through which the working fluid will be supplied and discharged from the heating network.

What will be required in the work?

For making homemade heating radiator we need the following equipment and supplies.

Welding machine, electrodes to it

A pair of special sleeves of the required diameter

Steel sheet 3 mm thick and 10x60 cm in size

Steel pipe VGP 0.3 m long

Steel pipe with a diameter of 10 cm and a length of 20 cm

Having prepared everything you need, we proceed directly to the manufacture of the battery.

Heating radiator manufacturing instructions

In order to get an effective and high-quality product as a result, you need to do everything strictly according to the technological instructions. Of course, we start by cutting a large steel pipe with a grinder.

  1. First, let's clarify the main points. The pipe should be cut into three equal pieces. Therefore, we take a grinder and, guided by the markings made earlier, we proceed to cutting.

  • At the end of cutting, we take a welding machine and use it to make two holes with a diameter of about 25 millimeters in each of the pipe sections. These holes should be located 5 centimeters from the ends of the products at an angle of 180 degrees relative to each other.
  • Next, we clean three pieces of molten metal left after welding.
  • We take a steel sheet and cut out round billets from it in the amount of six pieces. Typically, the diameter of the workpieces should be equal to the diameter of the large pipe.

  • We take blanks and, using the same welding machine, weld the ends of all three pipes with them.
  • We take a pipe of a smaller diameter, cut it in half, so that we end up with two identical segments. We weld these segments to pipes of a larger diameter in those places where we previously made 2.5 cm holes.
  • We continue to make a homemade heating radiator from pipes. We take two 10 cm pieces of reinforcement and weld them to pipes of a smaller diameter. As a result, the strength and reliability of the finished structure should increase significantly.

  • It remains only to weld on the two squeegees that we prepared in advance. That's it, the work is almost finished!
  • At the end of all preparatory activities check finished structure for strength and tightness. In order to check if the radiator is leaking, we close one of its squeegees, and in the second we fill in the required amount of liquid. In this simple way, we can identify even the smallest leaks in the battery. And if they - leaks - are detected, then we drain the water from the product and re-weld all of its sections that were poorly welded.

    Note! The cost of such a home-made battery is measured in several hundred rubles, while the "store-bought" analog will cost at least three times more.

    Before proceeding with the manufacture, you should understand the number important points with regards to this responsible procedure. So, first you need to make a list necessary materials and decide on the configuration future battery... As a rule, no difficulties arise with materials: the most suitable option for the manufacture of a radiator - metal pipes with the maximum possible diameter.

    But in order to save on this it is vital necessary material we recommend going to the nearest scrap metal collection point - there are more than enough different pipes. This simple "maneuver" will allow you to save a lot.

    Note! The most important characteristic any heating equipment Is its power (in terms of heat transfer). At the same time, it is impossible to find out technical specifications each of the materials. That is why, when calculating, we will start from the general parameters standard radiators from cast iron.

    It is worth noting that to calculate the power, the following points must be taken into account:

    • battery weight;
    • the weight of the working fluid that will be in it;
    • the total area of ​​the heater;
    • thermal conductivity.

    If we compare the thermal parameters of steel and cast iron, then there are practically no differences. Therefore, regardless of which of the materials was chosen, we will start from general characteristics both materials.

    The most important difference between a factory battery and a "self-made" battery is the total area. For hand-made devices, it is usually less. Although this moment is not particularly important, since the thermal conductivity of steel exceeds that of cast iron. Therefore, the difference in area is compensated.

    For informational purposes, here is one simple example. Let's say we have a factory cast-iron radiator for ten registers, and each of them holds about 1.5 liters of working fluid. Thermal power one register is 160 watts. What is all this for? And in order that during comparative analysis we found out that homemade battery must hold at least 14.5 liters of working fluid.

    To make a homemade heating radiator from pipes, you need to use an ordinary steel pipe with a diameter of about 10 centimeters. As for the wall thickness of the product, it should be 0.35 centimeters. It turns out that the inner diameter of such a pipe will be equal to 9.5 centimeters. Next, we calculate the total cross-sectional area of ​​the product - it turns out almost 71 centimeters.

    After that, we make the simplest division of the total capacity by the cross-sectional area (71 centimeters) - this will allow us to determine the required pipe length. In this case, it is 2 meters 5 centimeters. A product of this length will be required in the manufacture of one heating battery.

    Installing a homemade battery

    Installing a radiator made with your own hands requires not only basic knowledge in the field of installation processes, but also some experience in this kind of business. And in order for everything necessary actions were done correctly, we must take care of all the equipment needed in this case.

    Homemade heating radiators from pipes - we assemble and assemble with our own hands

    How to make a heating radiator from iron pipes yourself

    There are many types of heating devices on the heating equipment market. But at all times we have been famous for craftsmen who still prefer to do everything on their own, including radiators. Given that these devices are made of pipes, they are rarely used in apartments. But in country houses, as well as garages, this device will be simply irreplaceable. If you think over its external design, it can become a designer interior item.

    Homemade requires caution

    All modern factory-made radiators are technically sophisticated devices.

    Now you can buy those, during the operation of which two processes occur at once - heat radiation and convection.

    1. When developing a particular heating device, manufacturers take into account many factors... In the manufacture are used Newest technologies, allowing to significantly increase their heat transfer, reducing the volume of the product and its temperature.
      Therefore, a home-made heater cannot even come close to comparing with a factory one:
      • work efficiency;
      • compactness;
      • design.

    Advice: before proceeding with the manufacture of the author's device, you should soberly assess the feasibility of this event.

    Register variants

    Consider below those that are most often used:

    1. The design of such a device is quite simple and consists of pipes with different diameter... By outward appearance it resembles a staircase.
    2. Pipes with a large diameter are placed parallel to each other, closing the ends with plugs.
    3. Pipes of smaller diameter act as elements connecting the entire structure.
    4. Additional elements may be present - jumpers. In some cases, their presence can be important, since in addition to imparting strength to the entire structure of the battery, they tend to increase heat transfer.

    Principle of operation:

    1. The liquid begins its path through the pipes from above.
    2. From there it goes down through the connector element, then, having passed the entire length of the pipe, flows through another pipe into the next section.

    It should be borne in mind that the structure will have to experience constant pressure, and therefore, before starting operation, it is necessary to check the reliability of the welded seams.

    Coil The shape of these devices can be judged by their name. This device heating consists of elements connected to each other by welding.

    The coil does not have any intermediate connections and constrictions, and its entire surface heats up when the liquid circulates. This allows the device to better give off heat at a lower coolant pressure.


    To make a battery with your own hands, you need to have at least the slightest skill in handling the equipment necessary for welding and cutting metal. At the same time, the size of the heater directly depends on the required power.

    Power calculation

    Since a liquid is used as a heat carrier, calculate using a special formula based on the total area of ​​the device and the degree of thermal conductivity of the material used in the manufacture of pipes. The best and easiest way is to use an ordinary cast iron battery as an example.

    If the power of the cast-iron section, as a rule, is 160 W, and it contains 1.45 liters of liquid, a radiator consisting of ten sections can be replaced with several pipes that can accommodate a tenfold amount of water.

    According to the existing standard, for every 1 m² of living space, there should be 1 kW of heating device power.

    Tip: Increase your average heat transfer rate if your home's insulation is poor.

    In the photo - welding of parts into one structure


    You will need:

    • 2 m steel pipes with a thickness of at least 3.5 mm and Ø 120 mm;
    • a sheet of steel of the same thickness for the plugs;
    • pipe used in plumbing systems;
    • threaded elements for connecting pipes (bends) Ø 25 mm - 2 pcs .;
    • reinforcement for stiffening the structure;
    • for connecting the device to the system - threaded connections.

    Ideally, all these materials can be found in your country house or garage, then you only have to spend on electrodes and electricity. If this is not available, you can contact the scrap metal collection points, where the price is much lower than the store price.

    Advice: if the device is planned to be constantly used in a residential area, it is more expedient to purchase new pipes.

    The main thing is not to buy pipes over 120 mm in diameter. This can not only increase the volume of the coolant, which, in theory, should increase heat transfer, but also increase the load on the boiler. And this is already fraught with additional heating costs.


    The instruction will be as follows:

    1. Cut the steel pipe into 3 equal pieces.
    2. Make holes in each of the obtained parts for connecting the connecting pipes.

    Tip: the holes should be located at a distance of 50 mm from the ends and at different ends, as well as at an angle of 180 ° relative to each other.

    1. Cut out steel sheet round elements of the same diameter as the main pipe, it is they who will perform the function of plugs.
    2. Weld them to the ends.
    3. Fix the pipes for the water supply to the holes and connect the pipes to each other using fittings. If the battery is large, then additional jumpers should be installed. The distance between the main pipes must be 5 mm larger than the diameter of the main pipe.
    4. Check the finished radiator for leaks. For this, the lower opening is closed, and water is supplied to the upper one, preferably under the same pressure that is maintained in the circuit. If no leaks are detected, the device is ready for use and can be installed in the system.
    5. Depending on the type of fastening - floor or wall, legs or brackets are welded to the radiator.

    Advice: if in natural circulation water, the radiator is installed at a slight slope in the direction of water movement.

    It makes no sense to describe the technology for manufacturing a coil, since everything is produced in the same way. The most important thing here is not to overdo it and not to take large-diameter pipes for the manufacture of the device.

    Tip: the more crossbeams you plan to make, the smaller the pipe diameter you need to use.


    Making a heating radiator with your own hands is a painstaking task, and also requires certain skills, knowledge and equipment. It may well replace a conventional battery when you need to heat a utility room or a room in a residential building. The video in this article will provide an opportunity to find Additional information on the above topic.

    Reliable and high-quality heating radiators can be purchased at almost any hardware store. But sometimes situations arise in which the only correct solution is homemade heating radiators from pipes. Of course, such radiators cannot be used on an ongoing basis in a residential area, but, for example, they are quite suitable for heating a garage.

    Diy pipe heating battery

    Design features of a homemade battery

    We will manufacture the battery from a 2-meter steel pipe with a diameter of 100 millimeters. Both ends of the product must be welded, and a pair of bends must be welded directly on its plane, through which the working fluid will be supplied and discharged from the heating network.

    What will be required in the work?

    To make a homemade heating radiator, we need the following equipment and consumables.

    Welding machine, electrodes to it

    A pair of special sleeves of the required diameter


    Steel sheet 3 mm thick and 10x60 cm in size

    Steel pipe VGP 0.3 m long

    Steel pipe with a diameter of 10 cm and a length of 20 cm

    Having prepared everything you need, we proceed directly to the manufacture of the battery.

    Heating radiator manufacturing instructions

    In order to get an effective and high-quality product as a result, you need to do everything strictly according to the technological instructions. Of course, we start by cutting a large steel pipe with a grinder.

    At the end of all preparatory measures, we check the finished structure for strength and tightness. In order to check if the radiator is leaking, we close one of its squeegees, and in the second we fill in the required amount of liquid. In this simple way, we can identify even the smallest leaks in the battery. And if they - leaks - are detected, then we drain the water from the product and re-weld all of its sections that were poorly welded.

    Note! The cost of such a home-made battery is measured in several hundred rubles, while the "store-bought" analog will cost at least three times more.

    Video - How to make a heating battery

    Important points

    Before starting to manufacture, you should understand a number of important points regarding this responsible procedure. So, first you need to make a list of the necessary materials and decide on the configuration of the future battery. As a rule, no difficulties arise with materials: the most suitable option for making a radiator is metal pipes with the largest possible diameter.

    But in order to save on this vital material, we recommend going to the nearest scrap metal collection point - there are more than enough different pipes. This simple "maneuver" will allow you to save a lot.

    Note! The most important characteristic of any heating equipment is its power (in terms of heat transfer). At the same time, it is impossible to find out the technical parameters of each of the materials. That is why, when calculating, we will proceed from the general parameters of standard cast iron radiators.

    It is worth noting that to calculate the power, the following points must be taken into account:

    • battery weight;
    • the weight of the working fluid that will be in it;
    • the total area of ​​the heater;
    • thermal conductivity.

    If we compare the thermal parameters of steel and cast iron, then there are practically no differences. Therefore, regardless of which of the materials was chosen, we will start from the general characteristics of both materials.

    The most important difference between a factory battery and a "self-made" battery is the total area. For hand-made devices, it is usually less. Although this moment is not particularly important, since the thermal conductivity of steel exceeds that of cast iron. Therefore, the difference in area is compensated.

    An example of calculations.

    For informational purposes, here is one simple example. Let's say we have a factory cast-iron radiator for ten registers, and each of them holds about 1.5 liters of working fluid. The thermal power of one register is 160 watts. What is all this for? And in order for us to find out in the course of a comparative analysis that a home-made battery must hold at least 14.5 liters of working fluid.

    To make a homemade heating radiator from pipes, you need to use an ordinary steel pipe with a diameter of about 10 centimeters. As for the wall thickness of the product, it should be 0.35 centimeters. It turns out that the inner diameter of such a pipe will be equal to 9.5 centimeters. Next, we calculate the total cross-sectional area of ​​the product - it turns out almost 71 centimeters.

    After that, we make the simplest division of the total capacity by the cross-sectional area (71 centimeters) - this will allow us to determine the required pipe length. In this case, it is 2 meters 5 centimeters. A product of this length will be required in the manufacture of one heating battery.

    Installing a homemade battery

    Installing a radiator made with your own hands requires not only basic knowledge in the field of installation processes, but also some experience in this kind of business. And in order for all the necessary actions to be performed correctly, we must take care of all the equipment necessary in this case.

    Measuring tape

    A set of keys for assembly

    Electric drill, as well as a set of drills for it


    Adjustable wrench

    Building level

    And only when all the equipment is at our fingertips, we can safely start working. But before that, of course, you should dismantle the old heating devices (if any). The algorithm of actions should be as follows.

    Replacing heating batteries in an apartment

    Earlier, we talked in detail about how to independently change old battery in the apartment, in addition to this article, we advise you to read this information

    Here is how the heating system will be installed (briefly). We carry out the marking of fasteners for radiators, we make the installation. Install the radiator (s) on the prepared fasteners. Then we complete the heating system with all the necessary elements, that is, taps and plugs. After that, we put in place the head with a tap (the latter is necessary to activate it). The final stage will be the connection of the new radiator (or radiators) to the main heating main. Now let's take a closer look at how all this should look.

    Video - Install heating radiators

    Possible installation errors

    In order to avoid any difficulties of a technical nature after installation, it is necessary to provide for the common mistakes that are often made in the work. So, if you install batteries less than 7 centimeters from the floor surface, then in the future we will face the difficulty not only of cleaning under them, but also with heat exchange in the room. Conversely, if you install the batteries higher than 15 centimeters, then, most likely, there will be significant temperature differences.

    In addition, heat dissipation may be impaired if the radiator is installed right next to a wall. Also, do not forget that you should not close home-made heating radiators from pipes with decorative grilles - this will lead to a decrease in their power.

    Battery replacement

    If the radiators need to be replaced, then it is advisable to start work in the warm season. The fact is that the heating is turned off during this period, so dismantling / installation can be carried out without any difficulties. Often, replacement is required in case of equipment wear or, alternatively, if it is necessary to reduce the number of sections. By the way, we prepare not only the batteries for replacement, but also the wall surfaces behind them.

    Note! We putty, level and paint the walls even before installation, since after it, as noted above, this will not be possible.

    Video - Replacing radiators

    Comparison of types of heating batteries - looking for the best

    We have previously reviewed and compared different kinds heating radiators, thereby identifying their positive and negative sides, in addition to this article, we advise you to read this information

    Factory-made heating batteries

    Pipe radiators are also manufactured by industry. These products are heating devices that consist of upper / lower collectors. Both elements are connected by vertical tubes arranged in two or three rows. But the ribbing, due to which they often increase useful area, in this case is absent. For heat exchangers, products with a diameter of 2.5 centimeters are used, and for collectors - 5 centimeters.

    Utterly allowable pressure such radiators have 12 atmospheres, and due to the fact that the surfaces of the pipes are galvanized, the products are more resistant to rusting. The rolled steel used for this has a thickness of 0.15 centimeters. As for the layout in relation to the collectors, it can be:

    • with perpendicular heat exchanger;
    • parallel.

    If we take into account all the technical parameters, then tubular radiators must be used in public facilities and small-apartment city buildings. Thanks to attractive design such products will easily fit into any interior, and due to the fact that they do not have any sharp corners, they can be installed even in preschool / school institutions, as well as in medical institutions... Finally, due to the absence of ribbing, cleaning the surfaces from dust takes a matter of seconds.

    That's all. Good luck in making the radiator and, of course, warm winters!