How and where to plant a walnut correctly. Growing walnuts from walnuts

Many copies were broken and the benefits of such a valuable nutritious product as Walnut... By the way, with his help, as a source healthy eating, you can replenish the supply of vitamins and minerals all year round, and what is especially important - it cannot be compensated with anything. That is why it is worth considering that this absolutely wonderful culture grows in your summer cottage, especially since the prices for it in the store bite. About how best to plant walnut seedlings in spring or autumn, oh proper care in the open field and thoughtful preparation for the winter, says this article.

Optimal timing Walnut planting directly depends on where you live, that is, on the climatic zone.

So, in middle lane(Moscow region) and other northern regions the best time for planting walnuts - Spring... Moreover, the planting of the seedling should be carried out before the buds swell, when all the snow has melted, and the weather becomes stably positive, that is, around the month of April. It is not recommended to plant in autumn, as the tree in such climatic conditions may freeze out in winter.

On South(in the Krasnodar Territory, in the Ukraine) walnuts are planted in the fall during leaf fall, that is, it is about October - November.

Important! First of all, when planting walnut seedlings, it is necessary to focus on weather conditions, namely, on the temperature, which should be positive (at least during the day), and the ground is not frozen (in autumn), or completely thawed (in spring).

How to plant a walnut seedling

In many ways, the growth and development of the nut is determined the right choice seedling and preparing it for planting. You should also take very seriously the planting site and the very method of improved planting of a young tree.

Important! As a rule, recently walnut growers have mainly begun to use the technology of planting and growing walnuts according to the Kiktenko method, in part it is this (with some additions from other sources and gardeners' experience) that will be described in this manual.

Selection and preparation (pruning) of a seedling

When choosing a nut seedling, many are wondering which one is better to choose - one-year or two-year. Of course, it is preferable to plant a two-year-old seedling, because it will take less care than for a one-year, but it will also cost more.

What else should you pay attention to when buying a walnut seedling:

  • the seedling should have a single leading trunk (in no case two), on which there is no mechanical damage;
  • the vaccination site must grow together well;
  • there should be no deformation of the roots (they should not be twisted).

Important! It is advisable to plant a lignified seedling.

It is also very important to pay attention to the height of the seedling. Annuals, as a rule, have a height of about 30-40 cm; they do not need to be cut off when planting. Another thing is two-year-old seedlings, the height of which for 2 years of life can reach 1.5-2 meters. Such a seedling must be cut off before planting to about 50-80 cm in height.

Note! The shortening of the aboveground part is performed in order to balance it with underground part plants. In other words, if you do not trim, then root system it will simply not be able to normally provide food for the entire plant, which as a result will constantly wither and eventually dry up.

Video: description of the "Ideal" walnut variety

Place on the site and soil

The most suitable soil for growing nuts - carbonate (rich in black soil). Although, of course, this is not necessary, but it is in such a soil that it grows most comfortably. However, it will grow well on wet loams.

Concerning optimal location for planting in the garden, it is better to plant walnuts in a sunny area, and groundwater should not be located very high (no more than 2 meters). If the water table is close, the walnut tree will not grow well even if you plant it on a mound. This is due to the fact that the root system of the tree grows very powerful and spreading, which means that it will quickly reach the water level, and the roots will simply begin to rot.

Important! In no case can not be planted Walnut next to the house... Its root system is so strong that it can destroy almost any foundation (even reinforced concrete). It is better to plant it somewhere at the end of the garden, and be sure to farther from other fruit (fruit) trees, since the nut draws all the nutrition from the soil. It is also worth considering that when it grows, then its branches will shade a fairly large area of ​​your or a neighboring site.

By the way! Hazelnuts, rose hips, currants, raspberries, viburnum, quince and bird cherry can grow quite normally next to a walnut tree. But dogwood and plum will coexist very badly with walnut.

If you want to plant several trees at once (and this is exactly what you need to do), then you need to maintain a distance between the seedlings at least 5 meters, although on an industrial scale they are often planted according to the 10 by 14 meters scheme. The distance between seedlings directly depends on the cultivated variety.

Advice! For the nuts to be tasty (buttery and sweet), they absolutely need cross-pollination, which requires at least 2, and even better - 3-4 trees.

Landing pit

It is very important to properly prepare the planting hole for planting a nut seedling. Optimal dimensions pits are about 60 by 60 centimeters, but more is possible (depending on the size of the roots). In this case, all the land that remains after digging a hole must be used to create a hole around (a near-trunk circle with high sides).

As a nutrient mixture for better survival and rapid development of the seedling to the bottom of the landing pit it is advisable to pour about 1 kg of ammophos (52% phosphorus, 12% nitrogen), wherein without mixing, just a bunch.

Why is phosphorus needed? Phosphorus has a positive effect on winter hardiness, the setting of fruit buds, general immunity and the susceptibility of a tree to diseases.

Then on top of ammophos you need to pour at least 20 centimeters of soil, but not what was left after the excavation, but only from top fertile soil... To activate the activity of symbiont fungi, you need to add 5-8 kg of excellent humus.

Interesting! The root system of the walnut differs from other fruit trees, because it has symbiont mushrooms on its roots, which, due to their mycorrhiza, extract all nutrients and moisture from the soil. Like any mushrooms, they are very fond of organic matter (humus, manure).

Walnut planting scheme

Direct planting of a seedling

Step-by-step instruction planting a walnut seedling in open ground(according to Kiktenko):

Video: planting a walnut - a master class

But you can plant it in more standard ways, which are described in the following videos.

Video: how to plant a walnut seedling in the fall different ways

Outdoor walnut care

A reliable way to get an excellent harvest of nuts is correct and thoughtful tree care in the open field.


Exactly correct watering walnut forms the basis of tree care. So, during the summer season (especially if the summer is dry and hot, there is no rain), a young nut will need only about 10-14 waterings (almost every week), and about 2-3 buckets of water (25-35 liters) should be poured at once ... In the future already mature tree you need to water more abundantly (60-80 liters), but not so often (2-3 times a month is enough).

Top dressing

Important! Since you have already applied a significant amount of fertilizer during planting, you do not need to additionally feed the walnut tree until about 8-10 years old.

The further scheme for feeding the walnut is quite simple:

Nut loves very much organic fertilizers, therefore, it is advisable to feed it with humus, compost and ash - 5-6 kg per 1 sq. meter of the trunk circle. From mineral fertilizers he prefers ammonium nitrate, urea (carbamide) (all nitrogen), potassium humate, potassium salt (all potassium), superphosphate, ammophos (all phosphoric) - 10-12 grams per 1 sq. meter.

Note! If you already have sufficiently fertile soil (not sandy), then you should be very careful about feeding, because the nut is already growing very quickly.

Preparing for winter

The measures for preparing young walnut seedlings for winter include the following manipulations:

  • whitewashing of tree trunks (it is better to wrap 1-year-olds with corrugated paper or a similar white covering material, and in the spring it is necessary to remove, 2-year-olds and older - it is better to whitewash);

Note! How to whiten correctly fruit trees, described in detail.

  • moisture charge to increase frost resistance (pour 60-80 liters of water under the seedling).

Pruning and shaping

As a rule, it is believed that a walnut tree independently regulates its crown, which means that it does not require special shaping. That is, it is necessary to perform only sanitary pruning of dried-up branches (and preferably in the summer) so that they do not interfere with the living.

However, if you want to get the most fruitful tree, then it should be properly formed, especially in the early period. You can see more details about this procedure in the next video.

Video: pruning and shaping the crown of a walnut tree: scheme and practice

When to harvest and how to store it

Determining that the walnuts are ripe, and it's time to harvest, is quite simple - their green shell should begin to crack.

After you collect the nuts in the green peel, you will first need to separate it (for this it is better to let them lie for a week in the basement), then rinse the fruits in water and dry them, only after these manipulations can the nuts be stored.

Important! More detailed information on the timing of ripening, the rules for preparing for laying for storage (on how to properly dry the nuts) will be given in one of the following articles.

Now the daunting task of planting a walnut on personal plot spring or autumn will not confuse you. It is only necessary to take into account how to choose the right seedlings and prepare them for planting, in order to then carry out all the necessary measures for caring for young trees.

Video: do you need a walnut in the country - the pros and cons of planting on the site

In contact with

Walnut, a fairly well-known plant, many gardeners and summer residents want to see it in their area. After all, this tree has not only beautiful appearance but will also give a large number of valuable fruits that are so indispensable for our body. After all, thanks to its valuable composition walnuts are used in many diets in medicine, and many prefer to use it in cosmetology. But, despite the benefits, many summer residents are not sure whether they can grow a nut. Therefore, before planting a walnut, you need to find out some of the nuances.

Usually, walnuts are planted in the spring, but first you need to choose a planting method, there are only two of them. You can purchase and plant ready-made seedlings, or you can plant a nut with seeds. If you are not versed in the types of walnuts, then seed planting is best for you. After all, you can choose a type of seedling that simply will not grow in your area, and if it does, it will not bear fruit due to the lack of pollination. It is worth considering that the walnut is pollinated mainly by the wind, and since the female and male flowers grow on it separately, it is necessary that a nut of the same type does not grow far. Thanks to this, pollination will be of better quality and there will be more fruits.

The nuts that you have selected for planting need to be cleaned from the pericarp (upper shell), due to which there will be a slight increase in the germination rate. Then you need to dig a hole up to 1 meter deep, the ground from the hole must be fertilized. Usually, the nut needs to be planted in the fall, after harvesting, no deeper than the fruit itself, then it will germinate faster, but if in your region in winter there are strong frosts up to -30C and more, then the fruit needs to be buried deeper to a depth of 25 centimeters, so that the fruit did not die from extreme cold.

It is important to know that before germination, the nut must be cold treated for stratification. This usually goes away at a temperature of 1 to 5C for 90 to 120 days. If the weather conditions do not allow you to plant a nut outdoors or you are afraid that it will not germinate, do not despair, since you can plant a walnut from a nut in the spring. For this, the effect of cold (stratification) must take place in another place, for example, in the refrigerator, the conditions must be the same as in nature - from 1 to 5C, otherwise delamination will not occur and the nut will not sprout. To increase the germination of the nut, it is better to plant several seeds at once.

Interestingly, there is another way to check if the nut is suitable for sinking. To do this, you need to take a bucket of water and pour nuts into it that are suitable for planting. The germination rate of nuts that have drowned will be better than those that have surfaced.

Planting a seedling

The best time to plant seedlings is spring. Saplings must be selected good quality its thickness should be more than 1 centimeter. Since in the beginning only the root system develops, the height of the seedling does not matter. The most suitable age for a seedling is 2 years. The most important thing for transplanting is not to damage the lateral roots, however, the main root can be cut by 2/3 and then lubricated with a special solution (usually a garden variety). The fact is that in the first years of life, it is mainly the central root of the tree that grows, and at the time of digging it can already reach more than 1 meter in depth, so it is very difficult to dig out the whole central root.

Seedlings with a "canned" root system are perfect for planting, the root of such a seedling is in a special container, where all the necessary substances for the growth of a young tree are already present. Because of what, the tree will immediately grow.

It is worth noting that the walnut does not like transplanting very much, therefore, it must be planted in a pre-prepared place. IMPORTANT! It is advisable to plant the nut away from buildings, since an extensive root system can significantly damage the foundation.

Walnut Planting: Video

Walnut is an excellent means of preventing many diseases. Therefore, its market value is quite high, many will not be able to purchase it constantly for financial reasons. However, almost no one thinks about growing walnuts at home. How to plant a walnut seedling at home in a pot in the fall with your own hands? You can find out the details in this article.

As the saying goes - start from the very beginning! In order for the venture with your own walnut tree to be doomed to success, you need to purchase a seedling or a nut that has not been thermally processed. That is, the green nut must not be dried out. Such fruits are quite difficult to find, although in the fall at the end of September, when a new harvest of walnuts is ripening, such a fruit can be found. The choice of the fruit should be taken very seriously and carefully examine it for damage from all sides before buying.

Although, if you plant it at home in an apartment or a private house in a pot, then surely such a fruit will sprout and will delight guests with its appearance all year round. However, such a tree will only have a decorative role. Therefore, planting a walnut in a pot in the fall is quite simple, but do not count on the fact that such a tree will bear fruit right in the apartment.

If you are seriously thinking about growing a large and strong tree at home with your own hands, then you need to purchase a seedling that corresponds to your region of residence. After all, the southern varieties will surely freeze in the harsh climate of the middle zone of our country, and the northern varieties will perish in the stifling climate of the southern regions.


In order to prepare the fruits for planting in the soil, it is necessary to select a certain container for them, sprinkle it with sand and put it in a cool and dark place. The most comfortable storage temperature for such a container with fruit is from zero to +5 degrees Celsius. A cellar is ideal for this. But in the cellar, the temperature can change, so at home the best option storage of the fruit will become a refrigerator. Several times a month, a container with sand and fruit needs to be taken out, ventilated and moistened with sand. In total, it is required to keep the fetus in this state for about 12-16 weeks. After this time, the seeds should be planted in open ground.

Sowing preparation

In order for the fruits to germinate faster, they need to be cleaned from the pericarp. This procedure is not mandatory, but this way the sprouts germinate much faster and have a healthier appearance. However, great care is required when cleaning, because a damaged sprout may grow into a tree with defects or not grow at all. After that, the fruits must be lowered into a container filled with water. The selection of the best fruits should be based on what remained on the surface and what kind of fruits went to the bottom. You are guaranteed to be able to get good shoots from those that remain at the bottom.

How to plant seeds in spring? It should be planted in April, and before planting, dry the seeds in the sun for several days, then for several days it is required to dry the seeds in the shade. Pay attention to the fact that it is strictly forbidden to dry seeds with household appliances or on heating radiators! If you plant seeds in the fall, then no additional operations are required, the sprouts will most likely sprout next spring.

Determining the landing site

Since the walnut has a developed root system, it must be planted in a soil of moderate moisture. You also need to pay attention to planting depth and flow. groundwater... In addition, it is required to plant seeds far from ground structures in the form of a bath or a barn. Ideal option will become loamy soil, reinforced with fertilizers. This requires a hole approximately 80-120 centimeters deep, covered with manure mixed with half a bucket of crushed and sifted ash.

The walnut seeds themselves, when planting in the fall, need to be placed at a depth of 10 or 20 centimeters. It is impossible to place the nut upside down, since even when planted in the fall, the future tree will begin to bear fruit much later. Therefore, the fruit is placed with a tip parallel to the soil level, and up to five fruits can be placed in one hole.

Seed propagation of a nut is one of the most popular ways in which it is important to select good fruit... How to grow a walnut so that the tree will give good harvest, we'll figure it out further.

Seed propagation of nuts is one of the most popular and proven methods.

Germinating seeds

How to choose and how to germinate a walnut:

  1. Collecting nuts is carried out as they fall from the tree, you can knock them down.
  2. For sowing, the gardener selects large fruits with a thin shell and excellent taste. They take whole nuts, which are free of defects and cracks. Make sure there are no spots or dots on the shell.
  3. Do not use store fruits, as they may be old and unsuitable for growing.
  4. The pericarp is removed for faster germination. Peel the fruit gently without touching the inner rind.
  5. For convenience, rubber gloves are used.
  6. The peeled fruits are placed in a container with water. Those that have gone to the bottom are suitable for landing.
  7. After cleaning, the fruits are dried in the sun and put in the shade. Do not use heating technology to dry seeds.

If you do not know how to plant a walnut from seed, follow the advice of experts. Planting seeds in open ground is done in autumn or spring.

Planting a nut in the fall is carried out on a regular territory, since during transplantation there is a risk of damaging the roots and ruining the plant. The diameter of the hole is about 1 m. The seeds must be deepened by 20 cm and sprinkled with soil mixed with humus.

Planting rules will help to grow a walnut tree that bears excellent fruit:

  1. Stratification should be carried out 3 months before disembarkation. Prepare wet sand and place the nuts in it at a temperature not exceeding 7 ° C. After a week and a half, you can see a growing seedling.
  2. Select the strongest seed from the sprouted.
  3. It is important to place the seeds with the seam facing up. The hole holds approximately three fruits, which should be placed at a distance of 25 cm from each other. main feature laying out seeds is observance geometric shapes: three nuts are laid out in a triangle, and four in a square.
  4. Fill in the hole and tamp the formed mound.

Planting capacity

How to properly plant a walnut in a container:

  1. A deep pot with drainage is suitable for planting. The first container should have a diameter and depth of 30 cm. This will allow the tree's root system to fit freely.
  2. Each time you transplant, you need to pick up a new pot, the diameter of which will be 8 cm larger than the previous one.
  3. The container should be placed in a room that is well lit by the sun. There should be no drafts and wind.
  4. When the flowers form, give the plant a shelter from adverse outside influences.
  5. You can install the pot in a greenhouse environment. The tree does not like too dense soil, the soil should be slightly alkaline, very nutritious and loose.

Growing at home

You can plant and grow a tree at home, but this process is laborious.

How to grow a nut from a fruit: The fruit should be grown in large pots, since this will help protect the culture from severe frosts.

Large containers will provide the plant with the necessary useful components that it extracts from the soil. The walnut grown in this way is of medium size. You should not expect a rich harvest from him. Small in size and fruit of the tree. The taste of nuts is directly related to the care of the plant.

Once you've learned how to grow a walnut from a seed, you need to take care of it. Worst enemy walnut - waterlogged or too dry soil. When there is too much moisture, the roots begin to rot and gradually die off.

Insufficient moisture threatens to stop the development of ovaries. On hot days, the amount of water should be increased. You may need to wrap the pot with a damp cloth to cool the roots.

In order to protect the plant from freezing, you need to bring it indoors or cover it with burlap. By a similar method, the culture is preserved from birds. If you are engaged in growing walnuts at home, then you should mulch the soil with peat in the spring, you can use manure, moss. Walnut rarely gets sick, but if spots appear on its foliage, then you need to treat it with a special liquid.

Fertilizers are left during the growing season when the crop needs additional feeding.

Walnut needs additional feeding during the growing season.

The transplant is carried out in the fall. To do this, the tree is taken out of the pot and one tenth of the root system is cut off. The aboveground area also needs pruning. A transplant is needed in order for the nut to reach its final size. A tree that has taken root in a tub can be shaped to any shape.

Do not forget the first years of the plant's life to carry out crown molding along with the removal of some of the flowers. This will prevent abundant fruiting. In summer, thin, weak shoots should be removed.

A tree planted correctly will grow healthy and bear fruit. Now you know how to plant a walnut from the fruit.

Walnut is a durable plant. There are trees that are over 300 years old. The plant loves light and moisture, so it grows best on drained soils with moderate moisture, in which there is a small constant groundwater level. The root system of the walnut is very powerful and penetrates deeply into the soil.


There are many frost-resistant varieties of walnuts, so cultivation is carried out even in the northern latitudes of Russia and Siberia. Cases known successful cultivation in the suburbs and even the Urals. One of the most popular varieties is Ideal. Hybrids of walnut with gray or Manchu walnut can be considered as an alternative.

Of course, in warm regions, the choice of varieties is much wider.

For the cultivation of walnuts in northern latitudes, see the following video.

There are several ways to propagate walnut trees:

  • Seeds.
  • Saplings.

Choosing a landing site

When choosing a place for planting a nut, keep in mind that the tree will be spreading and tall. It is important that in the future it does not interfere with either buildings or other trees.

In general, planting a nut next to any structure is undesirable, because this plant has a fairly strong root system. When it grows, it will damage the foundation.

Shrubs should be planted next to walnut seedlings. In the early years of growth, the tree will not interfere with fruit bearing. And after 6-9 years, when the nut becomes quite large, the bushes are easily removed.

Seed Selection

Seed propagation is the main method of planting a nut. Nut seed germination is one year. For sowing, large fruits are selected, which have a tasty kernel and a thin shell.

You need to collect the nuts that have just fallen from the tree, or even better - knock them down yourself. Only ripe and undamaged nuts are selected for seeds.

Their shells should be free of visible damage, stains and other defects. It is not recommended to plant store-bought nuts as their freshness is unknown.


Nuts may not be peeled from the outer layer (pericarp), but peeled fruits germinate much faster. Peel the nuts carefully so that only the outer shell comes off and the inner one remains intact.

Peeled nuts should be lowered into a bucket filled with water. For planting, select drowned fruits, since they have a whole kernel, therefore, such nuts are more likely to give good sprouts.


After cleaning from the outer green shell, the fruits are laid out in one layer to dry in the sun, and then (after 1-2 days) they are removed to dry in the shade. Dry fruits that will be used for planting in the future, near heating devices Not recommended. If you are going to plant walnut fruits in the fall, you do not need to dry them at all, but sow them immediately in the chosen place. Such seeds will sprout next year in May.

Planting in Autumn

A nut seedling develops a tap-shaped central root, which grows to a great depth. And therefore, fruits should be sown immediately in a permanent place, since a transplant can injure this root.

The depth and diameter of the holes for walnut seeds should be up to one meter. This depth is required to provide the future tree with a margin nutrients... Seeds are planted in holes to a depth of 15-20 centimeters. The soil selected from the pits is mixed with humus and returned back.

Nuts are laid on the bottom with a seam upwards, and not with a point, otherwise the tree will begin to bear fruit later.

Three or four fruits are placed in each hole, placing them at a distance of 20-25 centimeters from each other (the fruits are planted in a triangle or square). The pit is filled up with the formation of a mound in the middle, and then the soil is compacted. Among the seedlings that have grown, the strongest is chosen. Seedlings grown from seeds should be properly pruned. It is necessary to water young walnut trees from May to July twice a month, per 1 m2, four buckets of water. Watering is delayed in rainy weather and stops in August.

In the spring

Seeds that will be planted in May must be stored in a cool place, and stratification is performed about 3-4 months before planting. It provides for laying nuts at + 4 + 7 degrees in wet sand. Before putting nuts in the sand, you can keep them for a short time in a glass container filled with water (water temperature is room temperature).

In open ground, seeds are planted in May. Planting depth is within 7-9 centimeters. The first shoots appear in about ten days. By autumn, their height is approximately 10-15 centimeters. First, the seedlings grow upward, and then their trunks begin to thicken. If you water them abundantly in the summer, then the plants can grow taller, but in this case they overwinter worse.

How to germinate a walnut at home

You can grow walnut seedlings at home in plastic cups 500 ml The bottom of the glasses is pierced to excess moisture was withdrawn. The containers are filled with garden soil, and the nuts are placed to a depth of 5 centimeters. Having covered them with earth from above, watering is carried out and the glasses are sent to the balcony or to the basement. By the beginning of February, they are transferred to the house, watered abundantly and displayed on the windowsill.

Seedlings in such glasses appear 2-3 weeks after returning to the house. When the plants reach 10 centimeters in height (usually within a month), they are transplanted into larger containers, for example, into cut 1.5-2 liter bottles. By sending these containers back to the windowsill, the plants are watered in a timely manner, since they require moderately moist soil.

In April, when the temperature rises to +15 degrees during the day, the plants can be transferred to glazed balcony for hardening before planting in the soil at the end of May. At this time, there is no longer any risk of frost, and the seedlings reach a height of 20-25 centimeters. At the same time, we note that the nuts planted in the ground in autumn only begin to germinate in May, and they reach a height of 10-20 centimeters only by autumn.

Propagation by seedlings

With this cultivation, seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place at 2 years of age in the spring. When digging up, you need to be as careful as possible, trying not to damage the roots on the sides. The central root, which by this age has already grown to a depth more than a meter, cut off with a pruner or knife at a depth of forty centimeters. The remaining wound is covered with clay.

The seedlings are planted in compacted soil to such a depth that the root collars rise above the soil level by three to four centimeters. The roots of the seedlings need to be spread well in order to return them to their previous position (before digging out). There is an opinion that a brick or a flat stone should be installed under the center of the root of the seedling so that the roots of the future nut are powerful, but it is wrong. Having installed the seedlings, the pits are covered with soil, after which the soil is compacted, watered and mulched, and excess branches are removed from the tree.


When growing a walnut, you always want to get a tree with good fruit performance. However, most often, when propagated by seeds, seedlings do not retain the properties inherent in the parent variety, so new plants are usually grafted. Harvesting cuttings for grafting is carried out from young walnuts, which are already bearing fruit. Since grafting is a very laborious task that requires some knowledge, it is sometimes easier to acquire an already grafted seedling. Fruiting of the grafted tree begins at the age of 8-10, but if the crown is formed correctly and the care of the plant is good, then the first fruits appear already at the age of 4-5 years.

Usually this is a huge, by our standards, tree up to 25 meters to Greece it has a very indirect relationship: the fruits were brought from the south, and "Greece has everything." Surely, it also grows there, wild forms of this tree are common in Europe.

The tree looks impressive. A separately growing nut not only differs in height - its crown also reaches a diameter of 20 meters.

By European standards, he is a long-liver (second after oak)- specimens of 300-400-year-old trees are often found.

The development of the tree begins with the formation of a powerful taproot, which reaches 1.5 meters in depth at the 5th year and 3.5 meters by the age of 20.

Horizontal ones do not grow right away - they are formed after the core, located in the surface layer of the soil at a depth of 20-50 centimeters.

The tree begins to bear fruit after 10 years of life, and from the age of 30-40, the time of full fruiting comes.

If trees grow in groups, partially shading each other, they rarely yield more than 30 kg of a crop, while a free growing nut can yield up to 400 kg of nuts.

But such cases are rare, only a tree 150-170 years old is capable of such a harvest. Usually an adult tree 25-40 years old in Moldova produces 1500-2000 fruits or 2000-2500 in Crimea.

Moscow region, central Russia - where else you can plant and grow walnuts

They are found in the European part from the foothills of the Caucasus to St. Petersburg where the northernmost nuts in Russia grow. But these are isolated cases, exceptions that only confirm the rule.

These trees do not freeze completely, but they also do not grow at full strength.

The main factor that determines the possibility of growing this southern tree is not at all winter subzero temperature... The sum of average daily temperatures above 10 degrees is taken into account. It cannot be less than 190 C.

If in winter the temperature does not drop below -36 degrees and for 130-140 days a year the temperature is above 0 C, the walnut can grow and bear fruit.

The best winter hardiness was shown by hybrids of Manchurian with walnuts.

When planting even the best seed material brought from the south, adaptation to the cold climate does not occur - such trees freeze regularly and practically do not bear fruit.

Varieties from places with a humid warm climate are completely unsuitable for cultivation.(west and south of Ukraine, the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus).

Only nuts from eastern Ukraine, mountains Central Asia or the Caucasus.

Moreover, it is better to grow a nut from a bone on your own- an imported seedling (even from the indicated regions) will be significantly inferior in endurance and adaptability to new conditions.

Walnut is found in the European part of Russia from the foothills of the Caucasus to St. Petersburg

How and when to plant and grow a tree from a seedling: conditions

It must be immediately planted in a permanent place.... It is unrealistic to transplant a 5-year-old tree. Therefore, you need to decide to take into account all the factors and calculate the consequences.

A vigorous tree is capable of forming a dense shade over an area of ​​approximately 100 sq. M. You will have to delete this area from circulation - under a walnut, there is little that can bear fruit(the strong suppressing effect of the biofield of a huge tree affects).

On the other hand, this square can be equipped with summer zone recreation - essential oils flies and mosquitoes are kept out of the walnut.

We choose a place for planting at the edge of the garden so as not to shade other trees. The nut is very unpretentious to soils, although it prefers loose sandy-stony soil.

Walnut prefers loose sandy-stony soil, it should not be too fertile

The planting hole is dug so that under the roots there is a layer of stones of at least 25 centimeters.

The bottom of the planting pit must be half filled with construction waste(broken brick, pieces of cement, crushed stone) - this technique allows you to shift the flowering time of the tree by 1-2 weeks (the stones slowly warm up, the nut starts growing a little later, skipping the period of frost).

Half a bucket of ash, compost or humus is introduced into the pit... The soil should not be too fertile, the nut will grow intensively and will not have time to prepare for winter.

A seedling for planting must be taken only from a trusted seller, otherwise, apart from the frostbitten branches of a southern tree, you will not get anything, you probably will not wait for the harvest.

The walnut tree is planted only in spring, it enters the dormant period too early and does not have time to take root before winter.

It is believed that a nut planted with his own hand from a bone will grow into a tree practically adapted to the new conditions, which will develop successfully.

Seeds are planted in the fall directly into the ground to a depth of 7-10 cm... It is advisable to lay in the soil sideways at the seam. Spring planting requires 2-3 months of stratification in wet sand.

Special care for the seedlings is not required - in the middle lane even the nut has no pests.

How to plant an annual nut seedling:

Post-planting care: in spring, summer and autumn

How to care? Walnuts may need watering only in spring and early summer. when there is an intensive growth of green mass. Usually, the soil supply of winter moisture is sufficient for the tree.

Only young trees up to 5-7 years old are watered, if it's really dry.

The pivotal root system of the southern tree is adapted to find water in the lower horizons. After 10 years of age, you should generally forget about watering the walnut.

For him, excess moisture threatens to grow too actively, to the detriment of the ripening and preparation of wood for winter. Freezing after a wet summer is guaranteed.

In addition to stopping watering, you need to take care of preparing the root system for winter. That's why, trunks must be mulched with any organic matter or compost:

  • in summer - to preserve moisture;
  • in the fall - to protect the topsoil from freezing.

In especially cold areas, the soil is mulched with a layer of at least 10 cm, especially in areas with little snow.

It is useful to cover the stem up to a height of about 1 m with spruce branches or wrap it with newspapers in several layers (after the first frost). This will help you survive -40 degrees and below.

Such shelter is necessary only in the early years.- the wood must be naturally hardened.

Walnut may need watering only in spring and early summer, when there is an intensive growth of green mass.

How to properly care for the cultivation process: before maturation and after

Like all fruit crops, walnuts need periodic feeding.

In the spring, nitrogen fertilizers are applied, in the second half of summer - only potash and phosphorus fertilizers, which are responsible for preparing the tree for winter and laying fruit buds for the next harvest.

On cultivated soil, nitrogen can not be fed at all, and phosphorus and potash fertilizers can be applied (in terms of the active ingredient) at 10 g / m2.

Practice shows that the rule applies to all cases when the nut does not grow on obvious stones and clay.

What is especially pleasing - in the middle lane, the walnut has no natural enemies... It has already been said that flies and mosquitoes fly around it.

Moreover, very effective remedy against aphids and various caterpillars, which is successfully used in Ukraine.

Home remedy absolutely harmless to humans allows you to process trees and bushes with fruit and berry ovaries.


Unfortunately, walnut cuttings do not take root - propagation occurs only by seeds.

Vaccination is carried out in cases where:

  • there is a seedling of probably winter-hardy Manchurian walnut, for which -40 in winter is not a problem;
  • the planted variety did not live up to expectations - there was an opportunity to re-graft it.

Annual seedlings are grafted into a split and grown under control in a greenhouse to a presentation.

Young trees that have already produced the first few nuts can be re-grafted according to the type of "budding with an eye"- only the bark is removed with the bud in the form of a half-tube (the method is called that) and is combined with the same cut on the rootstock.

Until complete healing, the vaccination site is tied with a film.

The result of grafting an adult walnut tree:

Reproduction in the country

The main method of obtaining seedlings is growing from seeds... To simplify the process, nuts are planted in the fall to a depth of about 10 centimeters without additional processing. It is believed that it is best to lay them sideways at the seam.

Who did not have time to bury for the winter, put in wet sand in the basement - the nut must go through stratification, otherwise it will not hatch.

Walnut is renewed by pneumatic shoots in just a year or two. These trees are able to bear fruit literally in the second year, and at 10 - already a significant harvest.

The main method of obtaining seedlings is growing from seeds

It turns out that walnuts can be successfully planted and grown in a dacha in the middle lane, in the Moscow region. It is enough just to follow simple rules:

  • the right choice of place;
  • seedling - only zoned;
  • obligatory mulching of the trunk circle;
  • shelter of the trunk from frost in the first years of life.

All this is within the power of most gardeners.... Choose a sunny spot protected from cold winds - the walnut will thank you.

You may be thinking about how to grow a walnut from a nut. The walnut tree can live up to 300 years, and all this time no special care is required for it. It produces extremely healthy fruits that are not only tasty, but also have a healing effect, including the wood of the walnut, its foliage and other parts of the plant. The root system is very powerful. It penetrates deep into the ground. The tree is light and moisture-loving. Prefers fertile soil, where groundwater is located nearby.

How to prepare seeds for planting

Planting a walnut at home is easy. The main thing is to choose the right fruits, that is, the nuts themselves. It is reproduction by means of such seeds that is the main method.

Germination of a nut is carried out only after a year. In order for the process to go well, it is necessary to choose fruits that have a thin shell, as well as good taste qualities... You should only use whole, flawless nuts. They can be collected both from branches and from the ground when they have already fallen from the tree.

The shell must be of good appearance. It should not have segments with damage, dots, spots and other defects. You can not use the fruits that were bought in the store, as they can be either spoiled, or unusable, or old in order to germinate them.


It is recommended to remove the nut from the fruit. The membrane is called the pericarp. It may not be removed, but in this case the germination process will be significantly slowed down. During cleaning, care must be taken that the inner skin is not damaged. Only the outer part needs to be disconnected. It is recommended to use rubber gloves or other protective equipment for hands, since when in contact with the juice of the shell, the skin begins to darken.

When the nut is already completely peeled, it is supposed to be lowered into a container of water. Fruits, which gradually fell to the bottom of the container, are suitable for planting, since the kernels in them remained intact.

Now you need to dry the seed. To do this, it is supposed to be decomposed in one layer in a sunny place. After a couple of days, the fruits are recommended to be removed to a place under a canopy so that they dry out. You can not keep nuts that are selected for germination near heating appliances... If the seed is planned to be planted in the fall, then there is no need to dry it.

Planting seeds

You need to figure out when to plant walnuts. This can be done both in autumn and spring. In the first case, it is required to plant seeds immediately in the place that will be permanent for the tree, since then it will not be possible to transplant it without damaging the root system.

The hole should be about 1 m deep and about 1 m in diameter. This is required to ensure the required amount nutrient compounds for the tree in the future. The nuts are supposed to be deepened by about 20 cm. You need to fill in the seed with a mixture that includes humus and soil. It is necessary to place the seeds so that the seam is at the top. There are 3 nuts per hole, which are placed at a distance of 20 cm from each other. They must be laid out in the shape of a triangle.

Then you need to sprinkle the hole and tamp the soil. Of those seeds that have sprouted in the hole, only the strongest and best developed are chosen. Watering should be done between May and July. On square meter requires 4 buckets of water. If the weather is rainy, then watering is not carried out. When summer comes to an end, then the humidification should be stopped altogether.

Sprouts appeared

If you want to grow a nut in springtime, then it is best to carry out the planting process in May. This is especially true in many regions in Russia, where winters are very cold. If you plant a nut in such areas in the fall, then there is a possibility that the seed will freeze and not germinate. In the spring, planting a nut is supposed to be in May. Until this time, the seed should be kept in a cool place for stratification for 3-4 months. When planting nuts, the temperature should be approximately + 4 ... + 7 ° C.

It is required to place the fruits in wet sand. Before this, the nuts must be kept in a container with water for some time (the temperature should be at room temperature). Then they need to be deepened 8 cm into the ground. After about 10 days, the first shoots will appear. By the fall, they will already grow by 15 cm. At first, the shoots stretch upward, and only then they begin to gradually thicken. If watered abundantly, the length of the sprout will be longer, but at the same time it is more difficult for it to endure the winter.

It is necessary to decide where the walnut grows well. It is imperative to choose the right place for planting so that the tree is comfortable. It prefers places with good lighting... The area should be spacious, as the tree needs space for a spreading crown. Then the fruits themselves will ripen on all branches. Before next tree you need to leave at least 5 m, as the root system will be very powerful. You cannot grow a nut near a house or other buildings, as it will damage the foundation. If the soil is poor in content nutrients, then it needs to be fertilized. It is best to plant the tree from the southwest or south side, away from the building.

Tree care

All garden work begins in the spring. If in the second half of March the temperature is not less than 4 ° C, then it is recommended to prune walnuts for sanitary purposes, as well as for crown formation. If at this time, due to bad weather, it is still impossible to carry out pruning, then it is recommended to carry out this procedure at a later date, but in any case before the sap flow begins.

In springtime, the tree needs a lot of moisture. If there was little snow in winter, and the spring was not rainy, then additional watering is required. In addition, it is necessary at this time to carry out prophylaxis against various diseases and pests in order to grow a nut tree strong and healthy. It is recommended to use a solution copper sulfate(3%). In addition, it is additionally necessary to whitewash the trunk with lime. Top dressing is needed in May. At this time, it is recommended to add ammonium nitrate. Big tree about 6 kg of this substance is supposed per year, this rule applies to those trees that are more than 3 years old. Those fertilizers that are laid when planting a seedling are enough for this time.

Young trees

If the summers are dry and hot, the tree should be watered periodically. In the period from May to July, watering is supposed to be carried out 2 times a month. After moistening the soil should not be loosened, since this procedure this particular plant does not like it. But the weeds must be removed so that they do not interfere with the tree. V summer time the walnut can suffer from insect pests or fungal diseases, so it is very important to periodically inspect the plant so as not to miss the onset of the disease. As soon as the first symptoms appear, it is necessary to use drugs from the group of fungicides or insecticides.

In the last week of July, it is recommended to pinch those shoots whose growth needs to be accelerated. They must have time to form before the cold snap begins, otherwise in winter time will die from frost. In addition, at this time, it is supposed to carry out top dressing using fertilizers that contain potassium and phosphorus. In some varieties, the fruits ripen at the end of summer. You must be ready to harvest.

As for autumn, almost all varieties of walnuts have this time for harvesting fruits. Usually the time starts at the end of August and ends around the end of November. After harvesting, you need to put the garden in order. First, the tree is pruned for sanitary purposes, then it is necessary to collect all the foliage that has fallen, and shoots. Additionally, it is required to treat the tree from pests that could settle in its bark for the winter. In addition, agents against pathogenic bacteria are used.

At the same time, the plant must be prepared for wintering. The nut is considered a plant that loves warmth. Some varieties can only grow in places where there is no cold in winter. But there are also varieties of trees that can withstand frosts down to -30 ° C. An adult tree can overwinter without additional shelter, but young plants, which are no more than a year old, need to be insulated. For this, it is supposed to use burlap. In addition, mulch helps with manure.


If now we understand how to plant a walnut, it's time to start ...

Let me tell you the secret of longevity: eat walnuts at least a few times a week! But know when to stop - no more than seven a day. And better in the first half of the day, - this is how Vladimir KOROL began his story about his favorite plant.

So I’m about to change my eighties, but I still feel like a hoo!

Add to this a sound mind, and I have a memory - God forbid everyone! I'm sure this is the merit of the walnut - it's not for nothing that it resembles a human brain in shape, - jokes Vladimir Pavlovich.

And he adds more seriously that he has been growing a valuable nut crop on his site for over 20 years. Today there are 10 trees in his garden of different ages(in the photo - a 15-year-old walnut in the yard of the house). At seed reproduction trees of ordinary and large-fruited varieties give a harvest in the 8th year of life. The gardener has the same plant variety Samokhvalovichsky-2 early-fruiting - enter fruiting already in the 3rd year.

How to plant a walnut correctly

When propagating by seeds, it is important to put the nut in the ground correctly and not toss it as it should.

I planted my first nut so that the root began to grow up. Now I do the following: in the fall I pick well-ripe fruits, cleanse the pericarp and dry in the sun for 2-3 days. I plant it in the ground in October. But first, I dip the nuts into a container with water - which side they sink to the bottom, I plant this in the ground (to a depth of 10 cm).

I prepare the plot in advance: for digging for 1 square meter, I bring in 10-15 kg of humus, 100-120 g of double superphosphate, 40-60 g of potassium chloride.

The right place to plant

For a walnut, you need to select in advance right place... The culture is light-requiring. Therefore, it is advisable to assign a sunny area to her. In shading, the yield decreases. Yet important point: An adult tree can grow up to 16 m high. In the center of the plot, such a giant will interfere with the rest of the plants. “I planted one tree right under the high-voltage power lines.

I realized my mistake when the top of the crown almost reached the electrical wires. Now I regularly restrain the growth of the tree by pruning. It is better to plant walnuts near the fence, near the walls of agricultural buildings at a distance of 2 m from them.

Walnut care

The first few years I do not feed the plants. I regularly water the already grown seedlings, loosen the tree-trunk circles, weed the weeds. After falling leaves, be sure to remove the leaves and burn them so that there is no breeding ground for infection and pests on the site. Sometimes, for prophylaxis, I treat the plants and the soil under them with a 3% solution of Azophos or Bordeaux liquid.

In the fall, once every 2-3 years I bring in rotted manure (3-6 kg), phosphorus (5-10 g) and potash (3-8 g) fertilizers - I embed them in the soil to a depth of 10-20 cm. In June-early July I can feed the trees with mullein solution (1:10; bucket per plant).

In spring and summer, young walnut trees need a lot of water, so I water the plants 2-3 times a month - 3 buckets of water each. Mature trees have a powerful root system - they no longer need as much.

I don't cover trees for the winter. Only in the nursery can I sketch in trunk circle humus seedlings.

Walnut crown formation

From the second year, I begin to form a crown in the form of a bowl on a stem 90-100 cm high. In the crown I lay 3-4 skeletal branches of the first order (I do not cut out the leader to accelerate fruiting at once). Next year I am already laying 8-12 skeletal branches of the second order. And as I get the first crop, I cut the top-leader to the first skeletal side branch.

After entering fruiting, I cut the trees minimally - in early spring I remove only thickening crown, broken and diseased branches.


The nuts ripen in September. They need to be removed as they ripen - as the green shell (pericarp) begins to crack. Do not pull with cleaning, otherwise they can rot, especially in rainy weather, or birds will bite them. Nuts need to be cleaned of the pericarp. Fresh kernels are tasteless, even bitter. Everything changes after drying: Vladimir Pavlovich sprinkles the nuts in a thin layer on a baking sheet and keeps them in a dry, warm place (near the battery) for about a month. The harvest is stored for 2 years.

Walnut for atherosclerosis

Vladimir Pavlovich recalls: “Once upon a time I read how the French relieve vascular spasms. For this internal partitions walnuts need to be insisted on vodka (1:10) for two weeks. V medicinal purposes drink 6 drops on an empty stomach together with 2 tbsp. warm water... The course is from a month to three (depending on the state of health). "

Walnut trees ( varieties Pinsky, Pamyat Minova, Samokhvalovichsky-1, Ideal, Kocherzhenko) and hazelnut bushes ( varieties Moscow Ruby, Barcelona, ​​Moscow Early, Kvachevsky No. 1, Rimsky). Care is the same as for other fruit. But Sergey dwelled on some points in more detail.

Landing - on the "correct" edge

I grow walnuts from dried fruits. But I am not stratifying them. In mid-April, I soak the nuts for 3-4 days in melt or rain water, which I change every day. And then I put it on the edge in a box with river sand... If planted directly in open ground, the nut germinates slowly. It is also important to choose the "right" edge: I throw the nut from a height of 40 cm into the water and, as it floats, I put it in the sand. All summer I keep the box in the garden in the air. But I definitely cover it with a net so that crows don't get to the seedlings. For the winter, I transfer the plants to a cold cellar, and the next spring, at the end of April, I plant them with a lump of earth in open fertile soil in a permanent place. I get the first harvest from plants of early-growing varieties in the 5-6th year.

In the method without stratification, there is also a minus - the seeds do not germinate at the same time. To make the seedlings more friendly, in January you can put the nuts in wet sand and store in a cool place for 50-70 days.

Minimal cropping

In March when I cut orchard, walnut bypass. At this time, these trees have abundant sap flow, so pruning has a bad effect on the further development of plants. If I cut broken or dried branches, then I leave stumps about 50 cm high. I completely remove them along with other extra branches in June-July. In general, I try to immediately break out young unnecessary shoots in May and early June, so that later the pruning is minimal.

Don't forget about leaving!

Walnut tree care is minimal. But he is! Once I shared the seedlings with summer residents. A few years later, they make claims to me: the trees do not bear fruit. I looked at them on the site - and was horrified: the bark on the boles was swollen. It turned out that the plants were injured by the trimmer when they cut the grass. For feeding, once every 2-3 years in October, I mulch the trunk circle with rotted manure. And so during the season I put cut grass under the nuts. I water young plants in the spring-summer period (2 times a month) - about 3 buckets of water per 1 sq. M. I water mature trees only in drought.

Recorded by Victoria GULKO

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