Step-by-step technology for arranging a landscape pond on the site. Do-it-yourself pond in the country How to make an artificial pond

As you sometimes want in the summer, on a hot day, to relax in nature near a small lake or pond. It is great if such a reservoir is located nearby from your place of residence. But, for the most part, we have to rest in free time in the summer on their personal plots or summer cottages. And many of us, unfortunately, have money to build even a small country house and pay for the services of a landscape designer. A person has no other choice but to equip a pond in the country. on their own... By the way, making it is easy and quite realistic. This usually depends on your desire, effort and personal imagination. Therefore, the article construction portal will tell you how to make a pond in the country with your own hands step by step.

Important information

So, if you are going to build such a structure in your country house, then first you need to decide on the place where you want to place this reservoir. We advise you to immediately determine the size and shape of the future pond. Remember that these configurations and sizes directly depend on the area of ​​the future pond. The larger it is, the more convenient its further operation and maintenance will be.
A small reservoir will have to be cleaned and cleaned much more often than a large one. If you decide to drop off in it a large number of plants and start a variety of fish, it is better not to consider a pond with a small area as an option, because the internal microclimate will be disturbed and it will be difficult to maintain the desired eco-balance in it.

As for the choice of the future place, then the choice of the future place for the reservoir should be in an open area. Remember to keep the pond in a quiet area and not be subject to gusts. strong wind... Avoid choosing an area with bright lighting. It should be located in a place that is protected from direct sunlight into the water (more than 7 hours), because in the future the pond will bloom. And only frogs will be its inhabitants. But if there is not enough light, then the growth of plants will sharply decrease, and you are unlikely to see the beauty of this reservoir.
If your plans include the installation of a small fountain, then you will need to prepare a diagram of the reservoir for proper connection special equipment... With a little work, you can make the circuit yourself.
Do not forget about how far from the pond the electricity system is. If you place a pond under trees, this can lead to the fact that the falling foliage from them will lead to water pollution and this pond will need to be cleaned much more often. Also, tree roots can damage the reservoir and the pond will dry out.

Pay attention to the publication of the site: How to make a pipe bender yourself

We equip a home pond on a rigid basis

If you dream of equipping the reservoir thoroughly, then you should dig a large pit and pour a large bowl of the reservoir using cement and fittings. This design will serve you for many years (at least 25).
If you have plans to make the reservoir small, then you can choose a cheaper and lighter option.
Let's find out below how to equip a country pond yourself? So, the simplest and most affordable method is to purchase a ready-made "bowl" in a specialized store. But the big disadvantage of this method is that you have to choose the shape of your future pond that is offered for sale. Of less expensive options you can choose a pond made of plastic, with a total area of ​​5 to 9 sq.m. Naturally, there are larger forms, but this is no longer a pond, but a pool and their cost is much higher.

Before purchasing a design you like, you should ask the seller for its depth. It must be at least 1 meter deep. The water in this container is summer period time will quickly warm up, and in winter it will not freeze to the bottom. Which in this case is one of the main factors. If you are going to equip a pond on your own, at your summer cottage, and you want to use a ready-made form as the basis for a reservoir, then first you need to familiarize yourself with what materials are used in the manufacture of this product.
A container made of plastic is the cheapest option, but when choosing this product, you will need to take into account its disadvantages. During the delivery and further installation of this product, you should be careful, as the container can easily burst in the event of a slight shock or bending. A material such as plastic is very susceptible to damage from exposure to sunlight. Based on this, the operation of such a pond will be small - about 4-7 years. To achieve a longer service life, it is necessary to choose a container made of reinforced plastic. This material will serve you much longer than usual. Such forms are less susceptible to ultraviolet radiation and are much more plastic in their properties than products made of ordinary plastic.

A more expensive, but also high-quality product is a fiberglass container with a rubber base. This product can withstand temperature extremes, will not deform or collapse from sunlight, and the components included in it are environmentally friendly and are not hazardous to the inhabitants of the reservoir. The service life of such a pond will be approximately 30-35 years. It is easy to repair, which, in turn, increases its operation several times. Arrangement of such a reservoir is not a very difficult job. As a result, you get a place for relaxation, beautiful in shape, color and aesthetically pleasing in all respects.

We build a reservoir at their summer cottage ourselves

This publication will tell each reader how to make a pond in the country with your own hands. In general, remember that in order to equip the pond yourself, you need to choose a place for it on the site and decide on its future shape. Let's say this stage of work is over. Now you need to prepare for construction work.

  • First, you need to mark out the contours of the future foundation pit. It's easy enough to make them. With the help of a shovel, you need to make a silhouette edging. 25 cm should be added to the manufactured contour, so that sand can be poured into the pond. If you bought a container with ledges, you need to dig each finished level separately, gradually reducing them. It should be added to each resulting level of 12-17 cm for future sand filling.
  • After you make the pit, its edges will need to be leveled, tamping with a shovel. It is also recommended to remove all unnecessary debris from the pit, and the root system of shrubs or trees. If this procedure is not followed, then the form can be spoiled.
  • Next, we proceed to pouring out the sand. Each layer must be at least 15 cm, in this case, the pond will not settle in the future.
  • Then we are installing a plastic container. It is necessary to carefully carry out this work, using a building level to ensure an even installation of the bath.
  • After the container is installed, it is necessary to carefully fill the container with water, filling it by a third. The space remaining between the edges of the pit and the container should be carefully filled with sand. Make sure that all voids are filled. To do this, you need to regularly water the soil with water. The water pressure in this case should be small.
  • After installing the container, you need to continue watering the soil around the reservoir, and, if necessary, add sand. After the soil subsidence stops, the container can be completely filled with water. Use stones to decorate the edge of the bowl, and plant the plants.

Country pond made of flexible materials

Above, we talked about how to make a pond in the country with our own hands. Now we will tell you about what options exist for making a pond on your own, in case you cannot buy a ready-made bowl, but want to build a large pond of an original shape.

So, one of the most available options in this case, 600 micron thick polyethylene can be used. Although its cost is low, there are quite a few disadvantages of this material.

Polyethylene is very thin in composition, so it can be torn, and under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, it begins to rapidly deteriorate. The service life of a reservoir made of a polyethylene backing will, alas, be very short, approximately 3 -3.5 years.

A material such as PVC film is quite cheap, but its composition is much stronger than plastic film. Its service life will be 9-10 years. PVC cover can also be in two layers, with a fabric backing. Unfortunately, this material also has a lot of shortcomings. It is also susceptible to its degradation from the sun, like polyethylene. But there is one main difference - you can always repair it. There are so-called repair kits on sale. In addition, PVC film has good elasticity and excellent stretchability. And a large number of folds created as a result of filling the pond with water, after a while, straighten.

One of the most expensive coatings, but also of the highest quality, is butyl rubber. Lifetime of this material is 50-60 years old. It is not subject to temperature fluctuations. Indeed, neither frost nor the sun is afraid of him. It has excellent properties - flexibility and ductility. Withstands heavy loads. So if your plans include the construction of a large reservoir of a bizarre shape, then you will not find a better material.

The next step will be the marking of the pit. To make a reservoir yourself, you will need to use various materials... You will need:

  • sand,
  • pebbles,
  • rope,
  • felt,
  • film,
  • shovel,
  • repair kit for film coating,
  • bricks,
  • watering hose,
  • building level.

Using pegs and a rope, it is necessary to mark the shape of the pit that you want to make. To equip a large reservoir when performing land work, you can use excavators. Care should be taken to ensure that the levels and alternate among themselves.

This method is necessary to create more stable banks of the reservoir. It is also worth not forgetting about the terraces (about 25 cm wide) required for planting. The slopes of the ledges should be gentle from each other. The angle of inclination in this case should correspond to 45 degrees. Do not forget that the depth of the future reservoir should be 90 cm. If this distance is less, then with the onset of winter, all the water in the pond will freeze, and the inhabitants of the reservoir will all die. Hence it follows that it is necessary to make a foundation pit 20-25 cm larger than the planned size of the pond. This is necessary for pouring sand on its bottom and on the terraces, in order to eliminate future subsidence of soil, damage to the base from the film. An embankment of sand must be thoroughly leveled and properly tamped, having previously removed all debris, stones and roots from the bottom.

Drainage and waterproofing

  1. After the embankment is ready, you can proceed to the next work. In order to keep the film intended for the reservoir intact as long as possible, geotextiles should be laid on a layer of sand, preferably in several layers.
  2. After that, we level the film and fix its edges on the banks with bricks. No, there is no point in trying to smooth out any wrinkles that appear on the film. They will subsequently be straightened out by water. Try to knead the irrigation hose so that one edge of it is placed in the center of the pond, and gradually, with a low pressure, we begin to supply water. When the reservoir is evenly filled with water, it is necessary to partially release the edges of the film and level it along the ledges of the pit. After the pond is completely filled with water, it is necessary to stop any work for 2-3 days. During this time, the film will gradually begin to smooth out under the influence of water, and as a result, all voids in the pond will be filled.
  3. After its final subsidence, we proceed to cutting off the remaining parts of the film, while leaving 45-50 cm for further decoration of the banks. We fix the edges of the film with pegs and small metal arcs. In the future, they will be hidden by ornamental plants and various stones and pebbles.
  4. Now we are installing the pump and starting to plant ornamental plants.

Pond above the ground in the country

From this article, each reader will be able to learn how to make a pond in the country with his own hands step by step. Besides, useful information in this article we will show an interesting video.

If the family has small children, then the most important task in the construction of a reservoir is to ensure children's safety. In this case, it is necessary to equip the pond slightly above the surface of the water. This method will not only be able to facilitate its further operation, but also make the reservoir safe for children. It will be necessary to use a reinforced concrete foundation for this. Let's describe in detail how to build such a pond.

  1. To begin with, you should dig a pit in the deepest part of the pond, and then make terraces for future plants, as described above.
  2. On the banks of the reservoir, using formwork, it will be necessary to fill the foundation of the required height.
  3. After it is completely dry, the wooden formwork can be removed, and the inner parts of the resulting walls can be treated with plaster to make them smooth. By using this method, you will avoid damaging the film.
  4. Cover the finished bottom of the pit with a film and begin to fill it with water.
  5. Fixing the edges of the film, we leave them behind the manufactured fence. After the pond is filled with water, we give it some time for it to settle.
  6. Then we begin to trim the excess edges of the film, fix it, and create a decor for the edges of the pond.

It should be noted that arranging a pond on your own is not an easy task. But if you approach this correctly, then the result obtained can exceed all your expectations and please for more than one year. In such a case, you also need to try to maintain proper and regular care of your reservoir. Here are a few examples of tools that you will probably need:

Equipment designed to remove debris from the water in your pond. These can be, as a rule, all kinds of scissors, nets or devices for cleaning the bottom.

You will also need radio sockets in order to connect to the network of fountains installed in the reservoir, or a filter for water purification.

If you want to put fish in a pond, then you will definitely need devices such as water filtration units and various UV lamps.

You cannot do without a pump designed to pump out water from a pond. It also ensures its constant renewal, and in winter it drains the reservoir.

Rules for caring for a summer cottage

There is no dispute - the reservoir in the country is wonderful. But if you do not want to see on your site a small swamp with its inhabitants croaking, then you need to properly care for your pond.

The first step is to regularly monitor the purity of the water in it. You can resort to an expensive method of purification - for example, buy a water treatment system. But if you cannot afford this option, then there is another, cheaper remedy: the use of regular peat. In order to clean the pond in this way, it is necessary to fill a canvas bag with it and lower it to the bottom of the pond. The water will not bloom, and the algae that have appeared will disappear.

Keep an eye on the general cleanliness of the pond. Regularly remove any debris that has accumulated on the surface of the water from leaves, twigs, etc.

If you are the owner small pond, then it should be drained to the bottom in winter. And if you have enough pond large sizes, then at least 3 times a year it is necessary to completely purify the water, completely pumping it out.

Instead of a conclusion

From this publication, everyone can learn how to make a mini-pond in the country with their own hands. But, what can be done if the area you have is very small to accommodate a reservoir? Do not despair. In this case, you can place a small pond in any front garden, using a metal barrel or a large basin for this. Such a reservoir can be easily equipped even on a balcony in own apartment and then produce beautiful decor containers with stones or mosaics.

How to make a greenhouse with your own hands from ... We equip the water supply of a private house from a well ...

In the future, this miracle will delight you and all your guests, who will be completely delighted.

How to choose the best place for your pond

You need to decide on the choice of a place that is suitable for the purpose you have noticed. When choosing a site, you need to pay attention to lighting. The area should be well lit, but not under the scorching sun, and not in constant shade. As many plants can be adversely affected by such growth conditions and they will lose their natural appearance.

The sun is the main enemy for the plants in your pond. Some plants can cause water bloom, and will cause you great inconvenience with constant cleaning. Since the ponds made by hand are not very deep, fish and plants will not be very comfortable in the heat. Also, think about your resting place near the pond, in extreme heat, you yourself will not really rest there.

The best location will be if the sun warms the pond in the morning and in the evening, since the temperature is acceptable, and in the daytime, the shadow from the house or fence will cover it. You also need to take into account that it should be located away from trees, which can damage the material from which the pond is made with their roots.

Materials required for manufacturing

The pond can be made from the following materials:

  1. PVC coating;
  2. Butyl rubber film;
  3. Ready-made containers for the pond. (Reinforced concrete, or plastic)

That polyethylene is not suitable for making a pond, so its service life is only 1 - 2 years.

According to the polyvinyl chloride coating, it will serve you for about 15 years, and the butyl rubber film for almost 50 years, although its cost will be much more expensive. Also, some gardeners use reinforced concrete bowls, but most still prefer plastic containers. They are a product, the size of which you can choose by yourself for your site. This bowl is durable, but still you need to be careful so that cracks do not appear on it, they have great frost resistance, so it is not scary to install them even with our climate.

Preparatory stage

We will prepare the place, we will remove all unnecessary. If we use a film, then we draw an arbitrary shape of the pond, if you have a bowl, then with the help of a shovel we draw a contour. And we begin to drip, this is the most difficult stage of the work. If you have a bowl, then you need to drip 5 cm deeper than its height. When using a film, you yourself think about the preference for the depth of your pond.

When the pond is dug, you need to pour sand on the bottom, and tamp it well, the sand will serve as a drainage of the pond. We put the bowl in place, trying to avoid voids, as they can lead to cracks in the bowl in the future. After installation, cover the bowl with foil, and lay it with a stone. They can be natural or artificial, it all depends on your imagination.

When buying a film, you need to pay attention to its color, as there is a very wide range of colors on the market.

Let's get down to the most inspiring part of the work, which is decorating the pond with a variety of plants. Many gardeners use water lilies, the most popular plant for these ponds. They are planted on a special fabric that holds the root system well at the bottom. You can also decorate with a small fountain, which looks very beautiful, and its murmur will help you and your family relax.

You can also put fish in your mini pond, crucians, carps and many other species take root well. If, nevertheless, the inhabitants have been launched, taking care of their accommodation, you need to install a filter so that your pond does not clog up and your fish is comfortable.

How to make a pond with a minimum investment

Many gardeners make ponds from old tubs or cisterns, which will be much cheaper, since you do not have to spend money on bowls that are not cheap. Your bathtub will look no worse than a pond equipped with a bowl, although it loses in size.

We dig a ditch 20 cm deeper than the bathtub, and install the bathtub, fill it with sand on the sides. After that, we lay the film, and with the help of tile glue we lay stones that will give naturalness to your mini pond. The stones should not be laid along the perimeter of the bath, but slightly increased along the edges in order to visually increase the pond.

Pour clay at the bottom of our pond, and mix the solution in the same place, and with its help cover cement mortar between stones, which will give your pond a more natural look. When the clay dries up, and this will happen after 2 hours, you can pour water in a thin stream and start decorating it.

Car tire pond

The tire that will make a very beautiful pond should be from a tractor or dump truck. Using a grinder, we cut off the upper part of the tire.

  • We dig a hole so that the tire fits freely into it. We put fine sand at the bottom of the pond to drain our future pond. You can also protect your future pond from tree roots and protect it with a roadbed.
  • We lay the waterproofing, in the form of a film, which by 50 cm should go beyond the edges of the future pond.

  • Once again we smooth out the film well, and fill it with reins, sprinkle sand along the edges of the pond, and lay the decor in the form of stones that will hold the film and protect it from slipping.
  • If the cover is used from belaz, it can be used for swimming, and made in the form of a small pool. Then decorate the area around the pond in the form of small pebbles, which will be pleasant to step on in the future.
  • If used as a decoration for your site, then you can decorate it with a variety of plants, large stones around the edges.

  • Also in the center, with the help of a small pump, it is possible to make a fountain.

As you can see, if you really want to, it is possible to make a pond with your own hands on the site, from a variety of materials suitable for you.

Do-it-yourself pond in the country

A small homemade pond can radically transform the landscape of any yard. It is recommended to plant new plants in and around the pond to make the site more comfortable and unusual.

Holidays with the whole family on the shore of the pond will be a pleasant experience for everyone. You can build such a pond on your own without outside help.

There are several main types of bodies of water designed for different purposes. Some perform a purely decorative function, and serve as a place for planting aquatic plants. In others, fish are often bred, and there are some where you can swim all summer.

Therefore, before taking on the work of building a pond, you should determine its main purpose.

Choosing a site for the construction of a reservoir

An ideal construction site is considered to be a well-lit area located at a certain distance from the house or other premises.

Many plants that grow on water love the sun, so an artificial pond should not be in the shade of trees. Better to choose an open area in the yard or garden.

When choosing a construction site, it should be borne in mind that the close proximity of bushes and deciduous trees can cause complex care of the reservoir.

Leaves, twigs, and other debris can quickly pollute the water, killing the aquatic plants in your pond. But conifers will perfectly complement the picture.

If the neighborhood with deciduous trees cannot be avoided, then it is necessary to cover the reservoir for the autumn-winter period with a net and plastic wrap.

The dimensions of the pond play crucial role, because plants and living organisms in water need a special biobalance.

To maintain the biobalance level, you just need to observe the proportions between the area of ​​the reservoir and its depth. If the area is large and the depth is insufficient, the water will bloom quickly. In deep but small body of water plants and fish will also be inconvenient to develop. The minimum pond area should be at least three to four square meters. Occurrence level groundwater determines the depth of the reservoir.

Film pond

On sale there is a special film made of polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene and other materials with similar properties.

The service life of the special film is about ten years. We sell polyethylene for reservoirs in rolls with a width of 2 to 10 meters. This size avoids gluing the individual elements to achieve the desired width. The film itself is different thickness... The deeper the artificial reservoir, the thicker the film. Classic polyethylene in rolls is not suitable for such tasks.

The size is calculated using the formula: film length = 2 pond lengths and stock.

The width is calculated in the same way. For a stock, leave about 60 cm.

The most favorable time for arranging an artificial reservoir is spring-summer, when the temperature is above +20. Before direct installation, the film is left in the sun, which will make it more elastic in a couple of hours.

Naturally, a foundation pit is needed for the pond.

To plant the plants, they will need some kind of shelves along the contour of the pond 15 cm deep. Before laying the film on the bottom, you should make a preparation of sand 10 cm thick. Next, lay the film, fix it with stones, and fill the pond with water.

The stones laid along the edges of the pond look very beautiful. A special groove is made for them, and the stones themselves are fixed with concrete mortar.

A pond from a finished plastic mold

Ready-made plastic bathtubs perfectly tolerate any temperature and are quite durable.

The walls of the tank are usually 3 mm, which requires careful transport of the container. Even a small crack will be very problematic to seal. In addition to being resistant to temperature changes, plastic baths look attractive.

To dig a pit, the contours of the container should be transferred to the ground in accordance with its shape.

How to make a pond in the country with your own hands step by step

For this, the bowl is installed in the place of digging and its contour is transferred to the surface of the soil. The depth of the pit corresponds to the depth plastic bath+ 40-50 mm on the base. The horizontal alignment of the reservoir is performed using building level and a flat board set on the surface of the bowl.

The pit is covered with sand, which is carefully rammed. The plastic container is placed on the surface, deepened, little by little adding earth in the right places.

Having installed the tank, it is checked again for horizontalness and only after that it is filled with water.

Artificial pond decoration

Of course, a homemade pond is already a decoration of any site.

But next to the reservoir, you can additionally install a gazebo to relax your body and soul, looking at the surface of the water. In addition, fountains operating with the help of special pumps can be organized in an artificial reservoir, and multi-colored lighting can be arranged.

In general, you can turn a small pond into a colorful sight. It all depends on desire and imagination.

There are special pumps for fountains: surface and underwater. For a tall fountain, you will need an underwater pump, and for a real water attraction, you can purchase a surface model.

For a real water show, you will also need lighting. All lights designed for installation in reservoirs operate from 12 volts.

Mini floodlights can be installed on the surface of the water or even underwater. Illumination of the pond in this way gives it a truly extraordinary and stunning look.


Undoubtedly, everyone who owns a summer cottage, private plot or private property wants to have a beautiful decorative pond on their land. Now it is considered a luxury and something exotic. It is believed that realizing a dream is actually costly and costly. We will try to show how we create a decorative pond with our own hands with low financial costs.

Consider a simple, inexpensive way to create a pond.

A plastic wrap is used as a water reservoir. The main advantages of this material are:

  • low cost;
  • prevalence (in almost every market);
  • ease of storage;
  • service life - 2-3 years, depending on the thickness.

We prepare materials and tools

To make a decorative pond on our website, we need:

  1. contour for the contour of the pond;
  2. shovels and buckets;
  3. sand, ruins, stone for demolition;
  4. plastic wrap (define yourself, depending on the size of the pond;
  5. Loyal servant and 3 days of free time.

We are thinking about the shape and preparation of the cave for the future decorative pond

After preparing everything you need, start.

The first thing we do is define the shape of the future pond. Round, oval, rectangular, curved, etc. It all depends on your imagination. After defining the shape, for example, a curved pond, you need to attach it to the ground and drag the rope around its perimeter to see a frame of the future pond. When we finish this phase, along the perimeter of the rope in a bayonet bayonet (about 20 centimeters), we dig a ditch that transfers the section of the pond to the ground. In the future, it will be easier to dig without worrying about pond boundaries being affected.

When we finish marking, we continue the hard work - the hammer.

First, pour the entire area of ​​the pond onto 1 bayonet, then onto the second, third. As practice shows, for a decorative garden pond there is enough depth in 3 bayonets, 50-70 cm.

Level the bottom so that the depth of the pond is the same everywhere.

Even with the top edges of the pond, otherwise it will be unevenly filled.

After completing the work, it is necessary to remove all roots, stones, sharp objects from the walls and from the base cave. If this is not done, they can cause holes in the film later.

The bottom of the pond should be filled with sand.

The layer should be 10-15 centimeters. The sand will serve as the crunching pad for the movie.

We made a film

After completing the work described above, continue using the most thorough plastic foil deposited in the cave. It is important to correctly calculate the size of the film in order to squeeze around the edges of the groove by 30-50 centimeters.

We put it down well and tried to straighten out the big wrinkles.

It is best if the three small ridges have one large acronym.

The top should be tighter and more durable.

Water filling

By laying like a film at the bottom of the pond and on its walls (the film must be integral), you can start pumping water. This may be the only time you can relax while working.

While filling the base pond with 2/3 water, turn the edges of the film over the edge and place a rustic stone with gravel along the edge of the pond on top of it.

Place rocks on the edge of the pond, still fill it with water.

If you fill the pond, you can take into account that the work is completed. The area around it can be planted with flowers, ornamental shrubs, many sculptures, lamps.

How to make a pond in the country with your own hands?

Finally, you can buy a small fountain that will greatly improve the effect.

For pond maintenance, change the water at least once a month and catch bugs, leaves and other organic waste with it.

After taking a closer look at this method of creating an ornamental pond in a garden plot, we can confidently say that this is not a complicated and not very expensive business.

If you decide to spend a few days and a little time creating a pond, you will get a wonderful decoration on your website, soak the air in hot weather and admire the view of your loved ones.

Take a look at the photo of the pond that we have at the beginning of the article. is a young cognitive site about home and family. Over time, it will become a repository of knowledge and become an everyday assistant in everyday life.

Creating a pond on the site

Many people who own large areas where they can not only build a house, but also equip other objects, will consider creating their own pond, which will add charm and appeal to the area, but also create original and comfortable seating.

Such a pond may be small in size, but at the same time it will be the pride of every person. The ideal solution is to decorate it with a variety of interesting materials besides, you can make a sandy beach or lie on the edges of different stones. For the pond, you can even use special water flowers, which will be very beautiful and exquisite.

The process of creating a pond in a place with your own hands

First, you need to determine where the water body will be, as well as what specific dimensions and characteristics they will have.

To do this, you need to focus on areas that are well protected from the wind, and in hot weather, the pond should be in the shade.

As the artificial reservoir is created, it is important to supply various communication networks and install equipment. For this it must be possible, so the location of the pond must be chosen appropriately.

At the same time, the reservoir should be located where it will have constant access, so if you want, you can have a great rest on the shore.

There should not be too many trees near the pond, because in autumn it will not quickly get dirty and sticky leaves, which can cause the formation of various dangerous bacteria.

By deciding where to be a pond, you can start practical work.

First, they must create a cave, which must have the required parameters. This work can be done using special equipment and manually using a shovel. In this case, all walls should have a slight slope to the bottom and all surfaces should be well covered.

All walls must be distinguished by the presence of exactly the same parameters, so this issue should be considered urgently, and also checked by level.

How to make a pond in the country with your own hands: 4 real channels and 30 ideas

In addition, the walls and bottom are covered with a waterproofing material in the form of a cylinder, and the roof material is also suitable for this purpose.

The next stage of work is the creation of screeds, for which it is necessary to form a high-quality and homogeneous mixture, which has the necessary parameters.

It must contain Portland cement and gravel, sand and a certain amount of water. Pour the resulting mortar into the cave, which is to be used for vertical and horizontal formwork. The layer thickness must be exactly the same at any point of the screed, but it must be at least 100 mm in order to obtain a high-quality and durable layer. We must not forget that in the ground they will pass pipes leading to the pond.

For this reason, the screed must have a proper opening through which the water pump and its kit will operate. The tube should lead to the nearest pond or other place where water can be obtained and where it can be emptied.

This system must also be equipped with a special pumping equipment, a various valves and other elements for his work were very light.

The pipes must be laid in the ground, for which it is necessary to create ditches around the perimeter, the depth of which must be below the frost level. It is also desirable that all elements located in the ground be wrapped with high quality and reliable thermal insulation materials that can last long underground.

The screed must be reinforced, for which high-quality reinforcing bars are used, which must be laid along and above the screed. In places where all elements are connected, they must be connected with flexible and strong wire. The screed takes about a month to cure, and during this time it must be covered with burlap and sometimes soaked so that it does not burst.

Once concrete screed will be completely ready, you can run the casing so you can use the finishing material or without it.

The ideal solution is to use marble tiles, but if there is no money for this material, plastic tiles will be strong, durable and reliable and have an attractive appearance.

The next step is that the cave is completely filled with water with a pump and pipes buried in the ground. We must not forget that once a year it is necessary to completely dry the pond so that water is restored and unnecessary bacteria do not arise.

The created pond needs interesting design and decoration, which makes it the real culmination of this territory.

To do this, you can make a bridge or a small platform and place stones or sand around the rim. A great solution would be to create water beds of lilies or water lilies.

Alternatively, you can arrange an interesting and attractive fountain in the center or use other decorative elements. If you want to create a fountain, you will need to spend a lot of money because it needs a reliable website as well as the delivery of special equipment.

In the immediate vicinity of the pond, it is advisable to create a relaxation area with sun loungers and benches, so that in hot summer you can enjoy the pleasant cooling of the artificial pond.

So the pond on the site is also pretty straightforward with your own hands, if you do the job properly, the rates are consistent and competent.

A pond is a good decoration for a summer house or garden. Many are trying to bring the landscape of their land closer to the natural one. Water has magical properties and always attracts the eyes and thoughts of people to itself. Almost always, the concept of rest is combined with the concept of rest by the water.

But in many summer cottages there are no streams or lakes. Very often they are not even nearby, but you really want to have a good rest in nature. But there is a way out.

Your own pond in the country is real

A small, self-made pond will become a favorite resting place. This man-made miracle can make your dreams of your decorative reservoir in the garden or country house come true, and even become a platform for aquatic floriculture.

With the help of a waterproof film coating, you can make a reservoir of any shape and of a different area: from the smallest to reservoirs of a fairly large area. It all depends on the size of the site and the design of the landscape.

Applying various decorative materials and decorations, you can make the pond look like a natural mountain reservoir or, conversely, a landscaped pool. With the help of a pump, you can make a waterfall or a fountain, create an imitation of a mountain stream. You can launch fish into the pond, plant water plants. In combination with decorative elements all this looks impressive and creates a favorable atmosphere.

You can make a small mini pond in the country with your own hands on almost any site, with any soil, and for this you do not need any equipment or complex devices.

To do this, you will need the following materials:

  • special film for creating reservoirs;
  • geotextile;
  • sand;
  • decorative stones;
  • a hose for supplying water to the pool;
  • scissors;
  • shovel;
  • level.

PVC film or butyl rubber is used as a waterproofing film for ponds.

It is better to purchase a special film in the appropriate store. For small pools you can safely use PVC film. But if you are seriously interested in landscape design and want to make an original pond using decorative forms and plants, then it is better to use butyl rubber. This material is very flexible, elastic, durable (service life is more than 30 years). In addition, if suddenly there are some changes and you decide to change the shape of the pond, you can reuse this film.

Pond device in the photo

You need to start by deciding on the location and shape of the pond. You also need to decide what this reservoir will be used for. If in the future fish will be bred in it, then the depth of the deepest part of the pond should be at least 1.5-2.0, and for northern regions and more meters. This is necessary so that the reservoir does not freeze in winter and the fish would have a place to winter. The deepest place itself should not be very large, and even in small bodies of water fish can be found.

The minimum depth of the reservoir is usually at least 50-80 cm. At a shallower depth, the water will overheat in summer and this will lead to the development of unfavorable flora in the reservoir. And in winter, accordingly, such a pond will freeze and the plants and microorganisms that inhabited it will not survive in it.

The bottom of the pond is most often made with ledges. The bottom relief of the reservoir has several zones:

  • coastal;
  • shallow water;
  • deep zone.

The coastal zone is usually a small strip along the coast. Its depth is about 15-20 cm. The shallow water zone can be decorated with small stones or tiles. Shallow water is considered to be up to 50 cm deep. Plants are bred here. This is the place for decorative compositions, which can be made from groups of large stones with the use of decorative ornaments.

The depth zone in ordinary ornamental ponds is usually 80-120 cm. Here you can also plant plants that grow at a depth. Most often, water lilies (nymphs) are planted there.

There are many varieties that are winter-tolerant and adaptable for cold winters. They bloom for almost six months, from late April to mid-October. It turns out to be a very beautiful blooming pond.

If the pond is made only for breeding plants, then it does not have to be deep. A depth of 60-90 cm is quite enough. It is at this depth that it is recommended to plant nymphs in the regions of the middle and northern strip. It is better to make the mirror of the reservoir itself as much as possible, so that they have where to grow, because one plant can occupy a fairly large area on the surface of the water.

For good flowering nymphs (they are lilies and water lilies) need a lot of light. This must be taken into account when choosing a place for a pond. There are more shade-loving lilies, but they also need lighting for 4-5 hours a day. There are a large number of varieties of nymphs and a variety of colors, from white and white-pink to red and dark purple.

Pontederia and nymphs in the pond

For the framing of the pond and shallow water zone, it is also better to choose plants that grow well in this climatic region. The pond then looks natural and does not require much maintenance. It is best to use traditional plants: sedge, reed, reed, cattail. Of the flowering ones, you can plant arrowhead, pontederia, loosestrife (weeping grass), lungwort.


The willow loaf has not only decorative qualities, it is also medicinal plant... Marsh iris looks very nice. But in the coastal zone of the reservoir, both on the shore and in shallow water, decorative irises also grow well, because they are very fond of water and go well with herbaceous coastal plants.

Step-by-step instruction

How to make a decorative pond in the country or in the garden with your own hands? Consider a step-by-step instruction with a photo.

Step 1. Layout and layout of the site... The contour of the pond is drawn on the selected area. The projections of all contours of depths are also applied.

Marking can be done by laying a rope or hose on the surface. You can draw contour lines with sand.

Before you start digging a pit, you need to make a vertical layout of the site on which the pond will be located. In order to prevent it from happening that water will flow out of it through one of the low edges of the reservoir, it is necessary to check the horizontal level along the entire planned edge of the reservoir. The plane of the entire edge should be horizontal, at the same level.

This can be checked with a long stick and a level. Or by hammering in pegs on opposite sides of the pool, pull a rope over them and then attach a level to it. If in some places the surface of the earth is below the required mark, then it is necessary to fill up the soil there.

Step 2. Pit... After leveling the site, we proceed to tearing off the pit. It should be done 5-10 cm deeper than the design depth of the pond.

The bottom is thoroughly cleaned from the remains of vegetation, roots and stones. It is important to do this carefully, because stones and other objects can subsequently damage waterproofing film... Sand is poured at the bottom with a layer of 5 cm and rammed into the ground.

Around the contour of the pond, at a short distance from it - about 20 cm, a small trench is being dug. The approximate width and depth of the trench are 15-20 cm. The edge of the film will be fixed in it.

Step 3. Determination of the dimensions of the waterproofing film. To determine the overall dimensions of the film, it is necessary to measure the length and width of the bottom of the excavation at its widest points. It is convenient to do this using cords that are laid out along the bottom. To the resulting length, you need to add 50 cm on each side, which are needed to equip the coastline.

Step 4. We cover the bottom with geotextile and waterproofing film... First, the bottom is lined with a layer of geotextile. This protects the waterproofing film from possible damage.

The film itself is applied on top, neatly filling all the bends of the relief. If the project provides for the supply of water in the future through a hose that is placed on the bottom, then it can be hidden in the folds of the film.

We press the film well to the ground and temporarily fix it with stones so that it does not move. The film should also be inserted into the groove that has been dug around the pool. The film is pressed with something heavy for temporary fixation. But until they fall asleep, tk. during the filling of the pool with water, the film may still move.

Step 5. Arrangement of the deep zone. If the project provides for planting plants in the deep zone, then now is the time to install them there.

Plants are planted in special containers. The container is filled with substrate. Containers are installed in Right place to the bottom of the pool. Stones are also laid out at the bottom, if they are provided for by the project. Large stones look beautiful at the bottom.

Step 6. Filling the pond with water. After laying the film, you can fill the depth zone of the pond with water. The water must be filled with a slight pressure so that the pool fills up gradually. Thus, water, squeezing air out from under the film, will smoothly occupy the required space and form the bottom. In this case, the film can move slightly until it reaches the correct position under the pressure of water.

If you pour water quickly, then excess stress in the film or air voids under it may arise, which in the future may lead to a tear of the film.

Step 7. Planting plants in shallow and coastal areas... In the shallow and coastal area of ​​the pond, containers with appropriate plants are installed. Rubble is poured around the containers. Larger stones are also laid out, which can protrude from the water, creating islands. In the coastal zone, the bottom is usually covered with small stones. After installing the flowerpots, the reservoir is filled with water to the brim.

Step6. Pinning the edges of the film. Making an earthen castle... After the pond is completely filled with water and the film has completely fallen into place, you can proceed to the construction of an earthen lock, which will finally fix the film in the desired position. And it will also serve as a barrier between the aquatic environment and the ground, so that these environments do not mix, and the reservoir has a clear line.

The edges of the film are led into this trench, which has been dug around the pond. Crushed stone is poured on top of the film. It will serve as a fixing weight to hold the film. Further, the trench is covered with earth and a small earthen roller is made along the contour of the pond.

The unnecessary edges of the film are cut off.

Step 7. Arrangement of the coastline... The next stage is the arrangement of the pond framing. Depending on the design, stone or slab paving can be made on the shore.

If the pond was created in the form of an imitation of a natural reservoir, then it is enough to lay out a few large stones. Paths are made along the line of the pond; a bridge can be made across the pond itself. Here you can give free rein to your imagination and create a pond completely with your own hands as you wish.

How to make a pond with your own hands video

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The wonderful atmosphere of the garden in the country, painted with exquisite colors of nature, will ideally complement the artificial reservoir sparkling in the sun, which today is integral element landscape design... Quiet water harbor, fish, waterfalls, ornamental plants as nothing is better underlined good taste the owner and his aesthetic nature. How to properly build a pond in the country with your own hands so that it brings a minimum of hassle during operation? In this article we bring to your attention various options solutions for creating an artificial reservoir, near which you, your family and friends will relax with their souls and get an unforgettable pleasure from the beauty of nature.

Varieties of reservoirs

Today there are a large number of different ponds, which are classified according to the principles of construction and various characteristics.

In terms of shape and style, the following types of ponds are distinguished:

  • formal or with correct geometry;
  • landscape or with irregular geometry.

The first type of decorative reservoir is distinguished by a strict outline, its sides intersect at right angles, thus forming diamond-shaped, rectangular or other similar combinations. Brick or tile is most often used as facing materials, giving a certain rigor to the structure. A formal pond is appropriate in a country house, where other buildings are already present, rectangular paths.

Landscape ponds are often called decorative ponds. In terms of structure, such reservoirs are similar to formal ones, but their outline most often has a smooth shape in the form of a coastline. Of course, the type of such a reservoir can be very diverse, it all depends on imagination, the main thing is that the pond has the most natural look.

By water level decorative ponds are divided into:

  • raised;
  • recessed.

Raised ponds mainly serve as a decorative function of landscape design suburban area, and they are created with geometry of the correct shape. The depth of such a reservoir is very small - within the boundaries. The advantages of such a decorative element in the country are the minimum physical and financial costs.

However, the disadvantages are immediately visible - in winter, such a pond freezes through, and only annual plants can be planted in it, and there is no place for fish here.

To create a buried pond, you will need to perform some earthen robots using waterproofing materials. In such a pond, perennial plants and fish can be grown without any problems.

Choosing a place for a decorative reservoir in the country

The key to a well-groomed pond is its correct location. It is best to create a decorative reservoir near a house or a place for recreation, for example, a gazebo. So you can watch the playing water surface while drinking coffee or reading a book. However, the main criterion for the location of the pond is the surrounding landscapes.

It should be built in an open area, since large deciduous trees will create problems not only in autumn, but their rapidly growing roots can damage the pond system. It is also important that the reservoir is protected from strong winds, as they will negatively affect the development of coastal plants.

You also need to consider natural lighting. For a favorable reservoir of development in the rays of sunlight, it should be no more than 10 hours, otherwise small bacteria may begin to multiply in the pond, as a result of which it will become overgrown with mud and algae. With very low illumination, the development of already existing deep plants will be hampered.

Construction of artificial reservoirs based on a bowl

During the construction of the reservoir, mistakes must not be made, since it can turn into an ordinary swamp, inhabited by frogs and midges.

Unlike swimming pools, water in a reservoir must not only be ozonized and breathe, but also have a certain acid balance. And only by observing these conditions, the pond will be in a natural state, and the growing plants and fish living in it will flourish and multiply.

Choosing a container for a reservoir

Most in a simple way to make a mini-lake in the country is to build a pond on the basis of a bowl.

Depending on the capacity and material of manufacture for the structure, you can choose the following bowls:

  • polyethylene container with a capacity of 150-900 liters

This option is the most optimal for a small suburban area. Depending on your wishes, you can choose a variety of colors, shape and configuration of the bowl, its service life is about 3 years.

  • plastic vessel with a capacity of 1200-1600 liters

Such a base is more durable and strong, the service life is about 10 years.

  • propylene or fiberglass mold with a capacity of 5000-6000 liters.

With the help of such a bowl, it is possible to equip an artificial reservoir with an area of ​​more than 10 m² and a depth of about 1.5 meters in summer cottages. Service life is approximately 30 years, in addition, if necessary, are allowed various types repair.

Having determined your financial capabilities, and having opted for a bowl, you can start building a pond in the country.

Stages of building a pond in the country based on a bowl

Having chosen a suitable place for the mini-lake, we proceed to the arrangement of the pit:

  • The first thing to do is markup. To do this, place the container upside down on the intended place of the reservoir and make notes along its contour.
  • Then we drive in the pegs with an indent of 15 cm from the contours of the marking, while its outlines should be completely repeated.
  • The next stage is digging a pit, while it should be borne in mind that the pit must fully correspond to the parameters and shape of the bowl. The depth should be done with a margin of about 25 cm for the sand cushion.

  • Thoroughly clean the bottom from various stones and roots.
  • It is necessary to carefully align the bottom of the pit, for this you can try to fit a bowl into it and see if you need to carry it out land works, or already the pit corresponds to the dimensions of the container.
  • If the parameters of the pit correspond, then it is necessary to carefully tamp its bottom.
  • Then the ditch is completely covered with waterproofing material.
  • A sand pillow should be laid on the bottom with a layer of 20-25 cm.
  • Now you can start laying the bowl on the sand cushion. Its horizontal position is checked, after which the free space is covered with sand. Together with filling the sand, you need to fill the container with water in stages.
  • Then you can already show your imagination and start arranging a mini-lake in the country.

Do-it-yourself pond in the country based on a flexible insulating polymer

Insulating film types

If you plan to build a large pond, then flexible insulating material is ideal for these purposes, thanks to which you will not limit yourself in choosing the shape and size of the pond.

We are talking about polyethylene, PVC film and butyl rubber.

It is only possible to build a pond using plastic wrap if it is planned to be temporary. The thing is that this material is quite fragile and easily damaged. The service life of a plastic film, as a rule, becomes no more than three years.

Film made of PVC (polyvinyl chloride) is quite in demand in the construction of an artificial reservoir, it is very durable and reliable, its service life becomes 10-15 years.

Today, the best solution for equipping a reservoir in the country with your own hands is butyl rubber. This material is as strong and reliable as possible, it is not afraid of the sun and frost. It will serve you from 30 to 50 years.

For the price, of course, the most economical option, but at the same time not the most durable, is a polyethylene film. The most expensive and reliable is butyl rubber. If it is too expensive for you, then stop at an insulating material made of polyvinyl chloride, it is almost half the price, but at the same time it is strong enough.

Construction stages

It is best to carry out work on the construction of a pond based on an insulating film in summer time when the air temperature is about 20 degrees. In order for the film to become more elastic, it must be kept in the sun for several hours.

  • At the first stage, the marking is done and a foundation pit is dug.

This is done according to the same principle as when building a pond using a bowl, but here more attention should be paid to the depth and shape of the pit - it is necessary to correctly divide into zones, which are performed in steps. In this case, the width of the steps must be at least 40 cm.

Optimum depth of an artificial reservoir:

From 20 to 40 cm in shallow water, or rather the first step zone;

From 50 to 100 cm in deep water, on the last step of the pond.

If you plan to grow fish in a reservoir, then for them it is necessary to provide for a "wintering hole", which is made about 150 cm deep.

  • The next step is to carefully level the bottom.
  • After removing all large and small stones, roots, etc. the surface is covered with a layer of 5 cm, with a clean layer of sand and covered with geotextile, so that the service life of the film coating can be extended.
  • Now you can start laying the polymer itself.

Set the material loosely, while securing it along the edges with bricks. You should not rush to cut the film, since initially you need to fill the resulting container with water in order for the material to take the desired shape.

The dimensions of the insulating film are calculated as follows: the length of the film is equal to the length of the reservoir, 2 depths plus a margin of about 40-50 cm. In the same way, you can calculate the required width of the polymer.

  • Underwater part decoration

Immediately after laying the insulating film, you can start pouring water, but it will look very impressive and beautiful if you decorate the underwater part in a special way, overlaid, for example, with tiles, brick or stone.

If the angle of inclination of the underwater coast is not more than 30 °, then the stones can be laid without fastening them to each other, but with bandaging the seams. For this, the space between them should be covered with clay. If the slope of the bank is steeper, then the stones must be fixed with cement mortar.

Decorative design of a reservoir in the country

When all construction works behind, we proceed to the design of the reservoir - the last stage of the arrangement of the artificial pond in the country. The coastline can be laid out with pebbles, tiles, stones or any other variety of flooring.

The banks are decorated with small stones by the method of dumping, while the blind area looks like a gutter, the remaining insulating film is kept by poured pebbles.

If you plan to decorate the shore with large stones, then you must first organize a concrete base, since otherwise loose stones can slide and spoil the polymer.

Ponds look very impressive in combination with fountains, alpine slides, small streams. An excellent option for a small artificial reservoir would be a floating fountain, it is already sold with everything necessary equipment, you just need to include it in the electricity.

If there is enough free space in the reservoir, then be sure to make an artificial waterfall with 2-3 cascades through which water will flow into the bowl.

To organize it, you will need such main components as a powerful pump and a branch pipe, which will supply water from the pump to the top of the cascade. To create cascades, you can use molded pallets or a thick waterproofing film. It is best to run the branch pipe underground, if this is not possible, then just carefully mask it. The following figure shows a diagram of the organization of a waterfall with 3 cascades.

Plants such as reeds, ferns, feces, iris, lake reeds, etc. will perfectly decorate the pond. Plastic or metal vessels are used to plant them. Coat the walls of the container with clay so that the water does not wash out nutrients land.

Flowers and leaves of aquatic plants must always be above the surface of the water. For example, for water lilies, the required depth is up to 100-130 cm, and for an arrowhead, 10-20 cm will be enough.

In a pond, be sure to plant aquatic plants- oxygen generators, which produce oxygen and prevent the growth of various algae.

It is best to plant terrestrial plants in containers dug near the pond in order to prevent ingrowth of roots under the pond. Populate the fish in the water. You can decorate the ground part of the reservoir with a bridge or other decorative elements, let your imagination run wild.

Pond in the country - photos of beautifully decorated artificial mini-lakes:

Filters, weir and lighting

In order for the water in your reservoir to be always clear and clean, you need to take care of its filtration. To organize this cleaning system, you will need plastic pipes and reinforcing hoses. The pump and filter system should be selected taking into account the volume of your mini-lake and the desired degree of filtration.

When arranging a reservoir in the country, you need to think about an element such as a spillway. Thanks to it, it will be possible to regulate the water level, for example, in the spring during rains or when the snow melts, our pond will never overflow the banks. The weir is a small depression at the bottom of the reservoir, filled with pebbles. Drainage pipes are brought to this depression, with the help of which excess water will be drained from the mini-lake.

Any artificial reservoir will look more spectacular if it is equipped with various types of lights.

If you choose the right spot lighting, then in the dark, the artificial reservoir will come to life, fill with new highlights and take on unusual delightful forms.

The lighting can be placed permanently at the bottom of the pond, or it can be equipped with lamps that, using weights of various weights, will float at several water levels. But the bulbs located on the fountain nozzle will illuminate each stream of beating streams of water.

At the same time, it is worth remembering that all products that live on electricity must have the appropriate marking, which allows them to be used in water or outside.

Pond in the country - photo ready reservoirs with beautiful backlighting:

  • The ideal depth of the reservoir is about 5 m with an area of ​​about 15 sq. m, if you plan to increase the area of ​​the pond, then accordingly you should increase its depth, for example, at 20 sq. it is desirable that the depth is more than 1 m.
  • In order not to disturb the balance of the ecosystem, it is better not to change the water in the artificial lake.
  • Plant all plants closer to the shore.
  • The ratio of water and vegetation should be 1: 4, in this case, the ecosystem will not be disturbed.
  • It is advisable that the stones in the reservoir are not made of limestone, as it makes the water alkaline, which will negatively affect the fish living there.
  • Do not be alarmed if after the first flood of water into the reservoir, it becomes cloudy. This is due to the fact that there is a stage of colonization with microorganisms, after some time, after reaching the equilibrium of the ecosystem, the water will be purified.

Maintaining order in the reservoir

Like other structures, the reservoir needs some care. You will not need to expend any special physical forces here, with the correct selection of aquatic plants in your mini-lake, a biological balance will gradually be established, and the system will control itself, you just have to help it a little.

Pond care is very simple and logical:

  • In summer and spring, regularly remove thread-like algae from the pond with saka, and weeds around. If your pond does not have a filtration system, then you can buy special chemicals that will saturate the water with oxygen without harming all its inhabitants. In summer, when the water evaporates quickly, top up as needed.
  • In autumn, remove fallen leaves to the surface in time, as they will eventually sink to the bottom. Transplant some frost-intolerant plants into separate containers for wintering. Thin out overgrown plants. To protect the reservoir from various debris for the winter time, pull a special mesh over its surface.
  • In the spring, somewhere in April, you can already start the reservoir - cut off the dried stems, clean the walls and bottom of silt, if available, connect the fountain lighting.

As you can see, the hassle of caring is quite insignificant with how much emotion and joy this living wonderful corner brings you.

(19 estimates, average: 4,39 out of 5)

An artificial pond in the country can be a great place to relax on a hot summer day. To those people who have country houses on the shore of a lake or river, very lucky. Well, the rest will need to roll up their sleeves and equip a reservoir in the country with their own hands.

We draw up a project

It is best to take a place for a future artificial reservoir even at the design stage of the suburban area... In this case, the reservoir should:

  • do not come under prolonged exposure to direct sunlight - heated water provokes the growth of algae and the development of microorganisms. The water in the reservoir quickly becomes cloudy and will have a musty, unpleasant odor;
  • be in an open area - branches and foliage from trees will quickly pollute the water, and the root system can damage the bottom of an artificial reservoir;
  • be located so that later you can expand the size of the water surface if you want to remake the pond, for example, into a full-fledged complex - with a fountain, bridge, etc.

Professional builders it is advised to make the artificial reservoir shallow - since it will be mainly used as a beautiful element of the surrounding landscape in the garden. In addition, you immediately need to think about how you will take care of the reservoir on the site - there should be a convenient approach to it. Naturally, not through the or the vegetable garden.

The water in an artificial pond will need to be changed with your own hands, since it will not be purified in a natural way, unlike natural reservoirs. Therefore, you need to make sure that it is located near your pond.

The choice of material for construction

Before making a pond with your own hands, you need decide on its basis... In this case, there are several solutions. Let's consider what an artificial reservoir can be made of.

Reinforced concrete

The most durable garden pond can be made with reinforced concrete. The bottom and the coastal zone, reinforced with reinforcement and filled with concrete, will be able to withstand various additional loads - the installation of sculptural compositions, a fountain, etc.

The complexity of construction makes this technology inappropriate for organizing small ponds in the country. The disadvantages of this solution include significant cost. We'll have to rent special equipment, use a lot of building materials, and it will be possible to dismantle the installed reservoir only with great labor costs.

PVC film

A budget solution for the construction of an artificial reservoir in the country. The depth and shape of this reservoir can be easily changed, reduced or increased in size. A pond on a plot with a film base can even be made seasonal - for example, it can be filled up with the arrival of winter and rebuilt in the summer.

The disadvantages of this solution include the fragility and fragility of the PVC coating - the film can be easily damaged, and if the integrity of the bowl is violated, the water will easily go into the ground. Therefore, swimming in these home reservoirs is not recommended - they are made small in size and are used for garden decoration.

Shop artificial bowls

This is the golden mean for people who want to have their own pond in their garden and at the same time do not suffer with building materials for its organization. Shop bowls for decorative ponds are made of durable and durable materials - fiberglass or polyvinyl chloride.

The first option is much more expensive. However, the cost of a fiberglass bowl is compensated in full by the excellent performance of this material. This bowl can be easily put with your own hands, without involving outside help in this process. The disadvantage can be considered the acquisition of ready-made standard forms - that is, the foundation pit must be made to match the shape of the bowl, and not vice versa.

Moreover, the possibility of constructing uneven relief bottom to decorate natural coastlines. Besides this way organizing a pond in the garden will cost much more than a pond made of scrap materials or film.

Materials at hand

Enough interesting option- the use of different improvised containers or materials. Old troughs cast iron baths quite suitable for construction.

The advantages of this method are that there is no need to build bulky reinforced concrete structures or acquire standard forms. The disadvantages include the low decorativeness of old containers - you will need to show imagination so that from old bath make a work of art.

For example, experts advise people who have catastrophically little space in their dachas to use a convenient and simple pond made of tires. Old tires are dug in, a film is laid inside, and the banks are decorated.

The resulting pond can surprise even professional designers - the finished pond will be an exclusive element of the landscape interior.


Then, when they have decided on the material for construction, it is necessary to dig a pit. This work is best done in summer, when the groundwater leave as much as possible... The depth of the pit is determined based on the type of material from which they decided to make the bowl. If it is an old bathroom or another ready-made form, we dig a hole 25-30 cm deeper than the dimensions of the form.

If you decide to make a pond from PVC film, then you will need to dig to a depth of about 70-90 cm - a shallow pond will completely freeze in winter, dry quickly and heat up in summer. For reservoirs made of reinforced concrete, it will be necessary to dig a pit more than 1.5 meters deep - here you cannot do without special equipment.

Consider the stages of work for the construction of a pond in the country with our own hands for different types selected materials.

PVC film pond

When the pit is ready, it remains to clean its bottom and open the sides of the future mini-pond small terraces ... The depth of these terraces is approximately 30 cm, and the width is approximately 25 cm. The bottom of the pit is compacted, pebbles, rubble, stones and other foreign objects are removed. The cleaned bottom is sprinkled with sand and covered with geotextile fabric. This bottom preparation will significantly improve the strength of the base coat as well as extend the life of the film.

The next stage is the installation of the film coating. The size of the film can be calculated as follows: take the total length of the reservoir and add twice the depth of the pit. The sheet of films is fixed on the terraces with a margin of about 30 cm. The laid sheet is laid with stones or bricks - this must be done to preserve its laying shape.

Then you need to fill the pond with water, check the integrity of the film and start decorating the coastal zone. Don't need it right away cut off the remnants of the film under the bricks, as it may shrink over time.

Bath pond

To build a pond from an old bath or other unnecessary container, you will need:

  • crushed stone;
  • a piece of a chain-link mesh;
  • sand and cement;
  • a coil of steel or aluminum wire;
  • beautiful stones for decoration.

After the pit has been dug, it is necessary to make its edges. Why, around the entire perimeter of the future pond, we remove the upper layer of earth about 45-50 cm wide... This perimeter is deepened so that it is level with the shape of the reservoir. The drain hole in the bathroom is closed, then it is installed at the bottom of the pit.

To extend the operating time of the future mini-pond, it is necessary to protect the enamel on inner surface bowls. Why the sides and bottom of the bathroom can be treated with tile adhesive. After that, the bath is allowed to dry thoroughly. As a rule, this takes at least a few days.

Then, a mesh-netting is laid around the entire perimeter of the bowl. It is required to reinforce the bottom and sides of the reservoir. We apply a cement-sand mixture to the mesh or concrete mortar and let it dry. After that, it is the turn of the final design of the shores.

A pond from a finished form

A pit dug for the mold, cleared of debris, branches and other items. The walls and bottom of the pit are compacted. When the soil is very loose in the country, it needs to be strengthened. For the finished form, a perfectly flat plane of the sides and bottom of the pit is required. The surface can be leveled using a building level.

Then the bottom must be covered with sifted sand, which also needs to be tamped. The sand layer is an excellent safety seal that will ensure the integrity of the finished bowl.

After that, the bowl is placed in the pit and water is poured. The resulting voids between the ground and the sides of the form are covered with sand, this must be done gradually. First, 20-25 cm of sand is poured, which is moistened with water. After sand spreading, this process needs repeat until the voids are completely filled between the walls of the pit and the mold.

This must be done without fail, since the shape for the pond is very fragile and easily deformed. Even pressure on the surfaces of the bowl will prevent it from bending.

After a day, check the gap between the ground and the sides of the bowl. If there are voids left, add sand. Pour the water out of the mini-pond, clean it completely and pour in clean water.

Plant selection

Small plants are planted on the coastal part of the pond. Hostas can create a picturesque picture on the shore of the pond, with green ones preferring partial shade, and blue ones preferring shade.

Also in the shade, sedge grows well with narrow leaves, which sometimes grow up to 80 cm.In partial shade, an unpretentious loosestrife with attractive inflorescences purple ... In a sunny area, you can plant a lightning.

A fern will perfectly decorate the shore of a reservoir located in partial shade. It thrives on damp ground. The same conditions apply to astilbe. Low-growing varieties are suitable for planting near a pond.

If the reservoir is quite large, land a darmeru (peltiphyllum) on the shore - perennial in the form of bushes up to 1 m high and up to 0.5 m in diameter with notched round leaves.

At the second level, water lilies are traditionally located in the reservoir. Hybrid nymphea are characterized by a variety of colors, so there is no need to overload the pond big amount copies, they grow and only interfere with each other.

Sunny shallow water is great place for calamus... In a small reservoir, a low grass calamus organically looks, and in a large one - a marsh calamus. Some iris varieties also prefer low water.

The unpretentious calla is a fairly popular plant for home ponds. At the beginning of summer, an ear-shaped flower appears on it, and after that, red berries. It must be remembered that they are poisonous.

The vanilla-scented aquatic hawthorn grows well in water, reaching a diameter of 50 cm. It is a deep-sea plant. It looks original, floating on the surface, miniature, covering the reservoir with a green carpet of azolla. However, it will need to be fought with, periodically catching bushes.