Installation of drywall without profile on the wall. How to attach drywall to walls without a frame

Not a single renovation in our time is complete without drywall. The walls are constantly sheathed with this material, they are made of it various designs and they trim the ceilings. As a rule, for the installation of drywall sheets, a frame is pre-mounted on which the material is fixed. However, more and more people tend to attach drywall to the wall without a profile. What is the reason for this? Primarily with the desire to save time, money and labor.

But is it possible to mount drywall directly to the wall? The question is controversial. Experienced craftsmen it is recommended to mount metal or and only then fix gypsum sheets on it. However, with correct installation, you can install drywall on walls without a frame. Nevertheless, it is better to think it over several times and if only if the solution has no alternatives to get down to business, since fixing the gypsum board without a frame just for the sake of economy can result in high costs in the future. To fasten gypsum in this way it is possible, for example, if you carry out repairs in small rooms, such as bathrooms, toilets, balconies, then the frame will steal precious space.

One of the exotic ways to fix plasterboard without a profile is.

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Conditions for fixing without profiles

In order to attach directly to the wall of gypsum board or gypsum plasterboard, you need to observe the number necessary conditions, Without which this procedure is simply impossible.

The wall should be vertical and perfectly flat, that is, not have any even the slightest slopes. There are situations when the wall is not level enough and in such cases it is carried out, partial installation of the frame. The metal profiles in this installation option only serve as a leveling device for the wall.

The height of the room should not exceed the length drywall sheet. The problem here is that when installing drywall sheets, it is assumed that the joints of different pieces of drywall will be located along the transverse metal profiles. If you attach the sheets directly to the wall, then you should not have transverse joints at all, since there is nothing to attach them to.

If the wall has minor irregularities from two millimeters to two centimeters, then there is an option to level it with a starting putty, to which you must first add from ten to fifteen percent of gypsum. For fixing drywall, it is recommended to use ready-made adhesive mixtures. The mixture must be applied along the perimeter of the entire sheet, as well as in one continuous strip in its center.

If the irregularities are much larger, then instead of frame profiles, you can use plasterboard beacons. They are drywall, cut into squares or rectangles of ten to twenty centimeters and serve to level the wall plasterboard sheets without a frame.

After glue mixture dries, drywall sheets are again fastened with dowels in the corners and in the center. The dowels are fastened so that they go into the wall by at least forty millimeters.

After the final installation of the sheets has been carried out, it is necessary to putty the connecting seams, and also glue the mesh.

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Required tools

For finishing you will need some non-standard tool... It is better to prepare them in advance.

  • Knife with replaceable blades for cutting drywall sheets;
  • An electric jigsaw or saw for working with drywall;
  • Strong thread. It will come in handy to create a plane level;
  • Nails or screws;
  • Building level;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Plumb line;
  • Scraper to clean the edges drywall sheet;
  • Drill, whisk and bucket to dilute and stir the solution;
  • Putty knife. It is better to take two spatulas - wide and narrow;
  • Rubber hammer;
  • Normal hammer;
  • Pliers;
  • Phillips screwdriver.

Let's also look at the materials that will be used during the work.

  • Plasterboard sheets;
  • Adhesive for working with plasterboard sheets. You can also use a starter putty if you add ten percent gypsum or PVA glue to it;
  • Water;
  • Primer;
  • Dowels. The size of each dowel should be from eighty to one hundred and twenty millimeters;
  • Serpyanka;
  • Glue.

Preparation for installation

If you are going to finish with plasterboard a wall made of brick or concrete, then it must first be cleaned and sprayed with mortar. Then the surface needs to be primed. It is necessary to dilute the soil strictly in accordance with the instructions specified by the manufacturer. If it says on the packaging that the primer is ready to work, then nothing needs to be diluted. You can immediately start processing the wall.

If the wall is preserved old plaster, it is tedious to carefully examine it in order to identify weak points and treat them with a solution, and then a primer.

It is categorically impossible to fix plasterboard sheets to walls in rooms in which there is constant dampness. And also it is impossible to carry out this type of repair if condensation remains on the walls of the room. This will seriously damage the fastening of the sheets. In such rooms, it is necessary to use a special moisture-resistant drywall and fasten it only to the frame.

Before fixing drywall, it is necessary to inspect for deviations from the vertical and in alignment using a level and a plumb line. If this is possible, then all convex places must be knocked down, and the hollows must be covered with a solution in order to perfectly level the surface before starting installation.

After priming, with a pencil or chalk, the markings are applied to the wall. If you do this before priming, then all the drawings will simply be washed off. Plasterboard sheets, from the side of attachment to the wall, must also be greased with a primer before attachment. Lighthouses need to be cut from drywall sheets and primed on both sides.

If necessary, the next stage of installation is the installation of electrical wiring. In cases where the wire must pass over the protrusions of the wall, it must be drowned in drywall. To do this, you will have to make special grooves in the sheet.

Fasteners on a flat and curved surface

If the surface of the wall is relatively flat, then you do not have to use beacons. Use a mixer to mix dry powder in water and make glue. If you do not have a mixer, you can make the glue by hand, but then the process will take much more time and effort.

If you decide to add PVA glue to the putty, then first you need to dilute the glue in the water, and only then add the dry powder. If you do the opposite, then the putty will harden very quickly and turn into stone. Naturally, after that, it will no longer be possible to use it for its intended purpose.

Apply glue to drywall sheets in one continuous strip along the entire perimeter on all edges. In the center of the sheet, you also need to apply several cakes from the solution in a checkerboard pattern. The distance between the cakes should be about forty centimeters. For the fastening to be reliable enough, you need to coat more than a tenth of the surface with glue. drywall sheet.

Fasten the sheet to the wall strictly vertically. It must be attached and pressed against the wall. It is best if someone will help you with this, since it is problematic to do this process alone. Check how firmly the sheet is attached. If in doubt, press it harder where the lag occurs. To accommodate this subsequent adjustment, sufficient mortar is applied to the sheet. If the solution is not enough, then theoretically the sheet can be peeled off, but it is better to avoid such situations, since in the process of peeling off the plasterboard sheet can simply break.

If the wall is tilted or turned, then you will have to use beacons. Use strong thread to create a net to indicate the desired verticality and plane. Next, the beacons are installed in the right places... They need to be installed so that they touch the thread frame. Then drywall sheets are attached in the same way as in the first option. After that, fix the problem areas with dowels, and seal the seams with putty and serpyanka.

If you are attaching drywall sheets to a wooden wall or ceiling, then everything is much simpler. To install such a cladding, it is enough to fasten the sheets to the wall with self-tapping screws or screws. If wooden wall not even, then this is corrected by imposing additional wooden overlays, and all bulges can be removed with an ordinary plane.

As you can see, there are different ways to install drywall sheets, but the most reliable way installation of gypsum board - installation on metal carcass... Only in this way will the sheets be held firmly enough.

Anton Tsugunov

Reading time: 4 minutes

Drywall is one of the most common materials for interior finishing works... It allows you to quickly and efficiently level any surfaces, besides, this type of finish is cheap, affordable, and it is much easier to work with it than with plaster. If you have no experience with this material, but would like to apply it to decorate your apartment, the first question that you will have is how to fix drywall to the wall? Depending on the degree of curvature of the walls and the characteristics of the room, you can choose one of two methods, described in detail below.

Mounting methods

Fastening drywall to the wall is done in two ways:

The frameless method is considered the simplest, since for its implementation there is no need for the construction of a crate: drywall is fastened with gypsum glue... But in order to use this method, the height of the ceiling must match the size of the sheet. Using the frame fastening method, you can finish the wall up to 10 meters high.

Installation of gypsum board in both ways is carried out in the process interior decoration before laying flooring... Work on the laying of electrical wiring, heating systems, water supply and sewerage by the time the walls are lined with plasterboard must be completed.

Features of frameless mount

How to properly fix drywall to the wall with an adhesive (frameless) method? To avoid further problems, the following conditions must be observed:

  • the absence of fungal lesions and areas that can crumble;
  • sufficient strength of the base;
  • the wall should not freeze through, it must be protected from the formation of dampness;
  • the surface must be completely free of paint, oil and dust.

Frameless way it is used when the curvature of the walls does not exceed 4 cm.

Installation instructions

Understanding how to attach drywall to the wall will help step-by-step instruction.

  • Stage 1. Measurements of the wall and planning of the placement of plasterboard sheets are carried out.

Avoid cross-shaped joints; place sheets with an offset.

  • Stage 2. Prepare the surface. If the wall is porous, it must be primed.
  • Stage 3. GCR is cut out. In addition to solid sheets, pre-prepared inserts are also useful.

Straight cuts are best done with a sharp construction knife, and a jigsaw will help when making curves and radius lines.

  • Stage 4. Glue is being prepared. Acceptable use gypsum mixes which cure slowly, such as starter putty.

In order to extend the setting time of the mixtures, wallpaper glue or PVA can be added to the dilution water.

  • Stage 5. Plasterboard sheets are glued to the wall.

If you are worried about how to secure drywall securely, then know that this type of fastening does not require any additional steps.

It is important that seams 5–7 mm wide and gaps of 7–10 mm from the floor and 3–5 mm from the ceiling are left between the sheets. For this, pre-prepared wood wedges are used.

Fastening the gypsum board by the frame method

A more common way of attaching gypsum boards is to install sheets on a frame made of metal profiles, installed along the wall.

Work order:

  • Stage 1. First of all, measurements and markings are carried out for the installation of profiles and suspensions. The markup for the guides starts from the upper profile, the required distance recedes from the wall, a line is drawn, and is transferred to the floor using a plumb line. Vertical bearing profiles should be spaced 60 cm from each other, and so that each sheet of drywall fixed to the wall rests on three racks. The hangers should be installed at a distance of 60–80 cm.
  • Stage 2. Installation is in progress. It is necessary to install along the perimeter: using a puncher, dowels and screws, the upper one must be screwed to the ceiling, the lower one - to the floor. At the marked points, suspensions are attached, load-bearing profiles are inserted into the guide profiles. They must be fixed with hangers.

Plasterboard wall cladding is a practical and common way inside apartments and houses. GKL allows you to align walls and ceilings. A widespread method is when the sheets are mounted on a frame made of wooden slats or metal profiles. If you need to save money or time, the question arises: can drywall be fixed directly to the wall? Yes, there are cases when the crate can be omitted. Alignment of walls with plasterboard without a frame is performed on practically flat bases of various types. The photo below shows a room with walls and ceilings covered with gypsum plasterboard.

Benefit from frameless mounting

Fastening drywall to a wall without a profile is the best option on flat surfaces. An important role is played by the degree of deviation from the plane. A frameless wall cladding method is applicable if the differences do not exceed 5 cm. When they are larger, they often install a crate.

Plasterboards are fixed on uneven surfaces using beacons. Due to this, the installation of the sheets occurs immediately according to the level. Without lighthouses, you can mount it with a lot of experience, or in small areas.

You can control the degree of curvature of the base using a building level and a long rule.

Existing to the wall without a profile, it can be mounted on different types surfaces. It is possible to fix sheets:

  • against a brick wall;
  • on partitions made of porous concrete, monolith, panels, limestone, shell rock, cinder block and plastered;

Gluing sheets on a foam concrete base is shown in the photo above.

Plasterboard wall decoration without a frame and profile is beneficial for the following reasons:

  • this method of finishing reduces the cost of material for the lathing;
  • money is also saved on its installation (if it was planned to attract a specialist);
  • the volume of the room practically does not decrease;
  • terms are reduced facing works, and the process itself is simplified.

The following requirements are imposed on the surfaces that are planned to be sewn up with plasterboard sheets:

  • the base must be strong, smooth, without significant defects and fungus;
  • it is required that the wall surface is protected from moisture.

If the sticking method is used, then it is recommended to remove old paint, pollutants (dust, oil stains).

A big plus of decorating walls with drywall without a frame with your own hands is that the process is faster and easier than if you need to first create a crate.

Preparatory activities

Before attaching to the wall this material without profiles, you should decide, prepare the required tools. Everything you need for different installation methods is presented in the table below.

Some of the tools and materials are used only for certain methods of installing gypsum boards.

The photo above shows a bag of gypsum glue used for drywall to glue it on.

In work, you can not do without a stepladder, or other device for high-altitude work.

Mounting drywall on walls without a frame requires a number of conditions to be met:

  • the temperature during the work should exceed +10 degrees, therefore, at lower values, it is necessary to take care of the organization of heating;
  • it is necessary that the walls in the room to be repaired be dry;
  • in the presence of high humidity moisture-resistant types of facing material are used in the rooms;
  • before installation, it is recommended that the sheets lie for 3 days in the room;
  • the base for the installation of gypsum plasterboard must be integral, not fall apart, otherwise it will need to be reinforced first.

The quality of the result directly depends on how the preparation was carried out correctly. Due to the fact that everything necessary tools and the materials will be pre-assembled, no need to be distracted during work. Maintaining the required microclimate is a prerequisite during finishing.

Methods for fixing the gypsum board without installing the frame

In practice, several ways are used of how to level the walls with drywall without a frame. They differ in the materials used for this and the technology of work. The use of the frameless method makes it possible to sheathe walls or ceilings of rooms and offices, directly fixing the sheets to their surface.

In practice, 2 options are used on how to fix drywall without installing the crate. But at the same time are used various materials... Here's how you can attach the sheets:

  • self-tapping screws (for wood), or dowels;
  • with glue, " liquid nails", Polyurethane foam.

The photo above shows the application polyurethane foam on a sheet, then to fix it on the wall.

General scheme of work for any installation method:

  • prepare the base;
  • fix drywall;
  • close up the joints.

Additional strengthening measures are not required. Installation methods can be combined with each other. So, the glued cladding can additionally be fixed with self-tapping screws or dowels.

Depending on the variant of the subsequent cladding, the surface can be further putty and then sanded and primed.

The choice of this or that option is determined by both personal preferences and the evenness and material from which the partitions are built. So, drywall to concrete wall(flat) glued or fixed with dowels. Aligned wooden surface sheathed using self-tapping screws.

Fixation method with self-tapping screws, dowels

Without a frame using self-tapping screws, it is possible if there is a base made of a suitable material: wood, foam concrete or gypsum. The workflow consists of the following activities:

  • remove existing protrusions: wooden partitions they are leveled by cutting them with a hatchet, or with a chisel with a hammer, and walls made of foam concrete (gypsum) - with a perforator with an inserted chisel;
  • consolidate drywall sheets with a step of 25-35 cm, using a staggered order of their location on the surface of the base, with hardware 3.9x25 mm or 3.9x35 mm long (on a flat wooden surface) and 3.9x45 mm (on aerated concrete, gypsum).

After screwing in with a screwdriver, the screw head should be slightly "recessed" in the cladding.

The photo below shows the process of fixing on wooden ceiling plasterboard fragment.

It should be borne in mind that the strong tightening of the hardware in the locations of the depressions causes deformation of the material. To avoid this, the sheets fall short, leaving a slight gap between them and the surface. The strength of the created structure will not decrease.

When it is impossible to screw self-tapping screws into the wall (the base is made of concrete, brick, cinder block), then they perform without a profile, using hammered dowels for installation. Their length for unplastered surfaces should be 6x40 mm or 6x60 mm. If the thickness of the cladding layer exceeds 2 cm, then hardware 6x80 or 8x100 mm are used.

The technology consists of the following operations:

  • using a perforator or a hammer with a chisel, level the base, removing defective areas;
  • when the sheet is installed, then a hole is drilled through it;
  • insert the plastic part;
  • hammer or twist a metal core, placing a washer under the head;
  • thus, the entire room is sheathed, cutting the sheets if necessary.

The underlay for the metal core head can be made from a U-shaped profile mount. To do this, it is cut into plates with metal scissors.

In the places of the depressions, the core is not finished off so that the sheet does not bend.

When all the sheets are attached, then they begin to seal the seams. With flat surfaces of the base, the use of hardware allows you to quickly sheathe a room or office.

Bonding technology

For leveling walls with plasterboard on glue, in addition to gypsum compositions, polyurethane foam and "liquid nails" are usually used. Also apply homemade solutions, for example, based on putty and PVA. At the same time, the techniques for applying the compositions to the surface of the material to be installed differ.

Before you start attaching the drywall to the wall, you should prepare it in a special way. The process consists of the following steps:

  • the working area is cleaned of old finish(paint, wallpaper, defective plaster);
  • close up cracks;
  • apply a primer in two layers;
  • dowels are hammered in the corners (screws are screwed in);
  • using a plumb line or level, pull threads (thin strings) between them;
  • in the highlighted square, lying at an angle of 90 ° relative to the floor, consider the surface irregularities;
  • if deviations of more than 2 cm are detected, the substrate is prepared from fragments from the material to be installed (the sufficient width of the pieces is 10 cm);
  • make markings for fixed sheets of drywall on a wall without a frame.

When sketching the location of the fragments, the gaps between the edges of the gypsum board and the floor (0.7-1 cm), the ceiling (0.3-0.5 mm) are taken into account. Open areas(output communications) are also taken into account when marking.

It is convenient to use a laser level for marking.

To attach drywall to a wall without a profile with deviations of more than 2 cm, it is recommended to install beacons. To do this, proceed as follows:

  • pull the threads horizontally along the level with a step of 50 cm;
  • under them (also after half a meter), beacons-cakes made of glue are applied;
  • control the level of the thread;
  • allow the lighthouses to dry before attaching drywall to walls without a frame.

In the role of beacons, you can also use plasterboard strips with a length along the height of the room, glued vertically after 50 cm. In addition to guiding functions, they serve as support points for leaning gypsum boards.

The figure below shows options for leveling walls of various curvatures with plasterboard when mounted on glue.

  • wait for the primer to dry completely;
  • apply fragmentarily a glue mass (with a height greater by 2 cm of the gap between back side GCR and base surface) at a distance of about 40 cm from each other over the entire surface of the sheet;
  • in the same way, cover the base with the composition;
  • press the plasterboard fragment against the wall;
  • knock him out rubber hammer to lean against the lighthouses.

Installation of gypsum board on adhesives it is considered a more complex and painstaking method, compared to fixing with dowels (self-tapping screws). It is recommended to use primers for surface treatment before gluing. deep penetration with antiseptic properties.

Application mounting glue for fixing drywall is shown in the video below.

Installation with polyurethane foam is shown in the following video.

The use of frameless methods allows you to both level the wall with drywall without a profile, and save money at work and material. The savings figure can be as high as 60% compared to frame option... The sheets fixed according to the selected technology will hold securely. At the same time, it is easier to work on your own and faster (especially on level bases) than using a crate.

Nowadays, in most cases, drywall is used to level the surface of walls and ceilings. The standards of the last century are no longer acceptable, since the slightest discrepancy, calculated in centimeters, can put an end to all repairs. The frameless installation method can be used if the surface is relatively flat. This method allows you to save extra centimeters of living space, which not everyone can boast of a chic square. What are the advantages of this method, what is needed for work and step-by-step installation instructions - later in the article.

Most often, drywall is attached to the walls in the usual wireframe: from metal profile or wooden slats, the crate is assembled and the material itself is attached to it. This method allows you to hide communications that may not always please the eye and level the surface. However, not every case allows you to apply this method: firstly, it is more costly, and secondly, it takes away invaluable living space, which, on the contrary, is now being expanded. different ways.

From the tool for work you will need:

  • Roulette;
  • Pencil or marker;
  • Chopping thread;
  • Construction knife or jigsaw;
  • Spatulas (wide and narrow);
  • Mallet;
  • Fine-grained sandpaper;
  • Building level;
  • A hammer drill or electric drill, as well as a screwdriver in the case of using self-tapping screws.

Drywall without a frame can only be attached to dry walls. If indoors high level humidity or the walls are quite damp, the material will not last long enough on the wall.

How to level drywall walls without a frame using glue

Before attaching drywall to the wall, it is important to prepare the surface. To do this, dust and peeling plaster residues are removed from the wall with a metal brush. If the surface of the walls is porous, you will need to treat it with a primer.

Further actions:

  1. Cut the sheets. Before mounting on walls, you need to think about the location of the sheets. The main condition here is to avoid cruciform joints.
  2. Preparation of glue mass. Depending on the unevenness of the wall, the composition of the mortar may differ. If the difference is up to 4 mm, the "Funenfüller" putty is chosen, if the difference is up to 20 mm, "Perflix" is used. The putty is mixed with water to the consistency of sour cream.
  3. Applying glue to drywall. Again, depending on how crooked the walls are, the glue is applied in different ways. With a discrepancy of up to 4 mm, the mixture is applied over the entire surface of the sheet in a small layer. Up to 20 mm glue is applied in separate points with an interval of no more than 35 cm. If the discrepancy is even greater, ten centimeter strips of gypsum board are used, they are attached to the wall and the sheets are already mounted directly to them.
  4. Bonding the sheet. The drywall is pinned to the wall neatly and quickly. After aligning the slab along the bottom edge, the sheet is pressed tightly against the wall.
  5. Correction. Long building level or bumps are corrected by the rule. The protruding places are tapped with a mallet.

After all the bulges have been removed, for reliable fixation, the sheet is propped up for several hours with a wooden board.

If the curvature of the walls exceeds 40 mm, guides are attached to the walls in places of strong deviation. Also, in places of strong depressions, it is necessary to apply more glue... The joints are processed further and rough finish walls.

We fix drywall on self-tapping screws without a frame

This method of fastening is more reliable, although somewhat more complicated than the previous one. It is successfully applied on very curved walls, but there is a condition: the height of the ceilings should not exceed 3 m (the technology does not include horizontal seams).

After preparing the walls, the following is done:

  1. The sheet is applied to the wall and 8 - 10 holes are drilled in it at an equal distance from each other. Thus, marks are placed on the wall.
  2. Dowels are driven into the holes on the wall.
  3. On the reverse side of the gypsum board, foam rubber is glued at a short distance from the drilled holes. It is needed for amortization.
  4. Then the sheet is attached to the wall with self-tapping screws and washers. Washers must be at least 1.5 cm wide.
  5. The vertical is checked. To do this, the level is applied to the wall and in places of discrepancies, screws are screwed in or out.
  6. After all the sheets are fixed, next to each self-tapping screw on the plates are made small holes, they are filled with polyurethane foam.
  7. After the foam hardens, the screws can be removed and the holes can be filled.

How to glue drywall on walls without a frame (video)

Frameless installation of gypsum board on walls is a rather complex process that requires certain knowledge and skills. You need to understand the materials in order to choose a quality filler or foam. TO self-installation you can start being confident in your strengths and knowledge. Also, you cannot do without helpers, because the sheets of drywall are quite heavy and bulky. Believe in yourself and you will succeed!

How to attach drywall to a wall without a frame - technologies, materials, features. Recently, drywall has become one of the most demanded repair materials for houses and apartments. They are flat, have a large area and are smooth, which makes it possible to quickly remove the curvature of the walls, as well as prepare the room for further decoration.

In addition, if the sheets are attached to the frame, there will be additional opportunity in order to insulate and soundproof the ceiling / walls.

But not in every case it is possible to make a frame, since such a structure will "steal" useful area apartments. For this reason, for apartment owners who are planning renovation work, it will be useful to learn how to finish the walls with plasterboard without, so as not to lose usable area in an already cramped room. There are several methods for attaching the gypsum board, but each of them will require preliminary preparation.

Preparatory work

Each work begins with the fact that you should prepare all the necessary set of tools and buy all the necessary materials.

Materials required:

  • LGK. Depending on the room in which the material will be used, you can use ordinary sheets, or moisture-resistant, and if you plan to finish the wall near the fireplace or stove, then fire-resistant. The number of sheets can be calculated if we take into account the area of ​​the walls in the room, taking into account the fact that about 15% of it is occupied by doorways and windows.

The amount of material can be easily and simply calculated using the online calculator.

Surface cleaning and sealing of defects

In order for the sheets to adhere well to the wall, and in any remaining gaps between them there was no fungus or mold, the surface should be carefully prepared. Do not neglect such events, as the term of use of the finish and the base will depend on them.

If there is an old one on the wall plaster layer, which peeled off in places, then its traces should be at least partially (or better completely) removed, especially in the place of the defect, as this can reduce the adhesion of materials to each other. If there is a thick layer of plaster "fur coat" on the wall, which consists of 2 or more layers that were applied at different time intervals, it is better to remove it completely, since it can begin to lag behind the base at any time, and drywall sheets will begin to move away with it ... But a thin layer of plaster will not be a problem for plasterboard wall cladding without a frame.

  1. After the walls are cleaned of the old plaster layer, cracks or even peculiar "sinks" can be found on the surface. They should be repaired, since in otherwise Condensation may form and this will act as a catalyst for mold growth.
  2. First, widen the cracks, and this is required in order for the material in the seal to better hold inside. Sinks and enlarged cracks must be cleaned of sand and plaster particles with a soft brush, and then well primed.
  3. To fill cracks, it is best to choose a repair compound that is close to the base material, or one that has high adhesion. If the cracks are large enough and cover more than 50% of the surface, they can be repaired with polyurethane foam.
  4. Small-width gaps can be filled with a plastic sealant, which will take the form of a crack both when it narrows and when it expands.
  5. After the primer is dry, all defects can be filled in more densely with the repair compound and brought into the general surface plane. If protruding protrusions are found on the wall, then they should be knocked down or cleaned off to a general level.
  6. After that, all walls should be primed with a deep penetration antiseptic.

Which primer is best?

The durability of the coating will depend on the quality of the material that will be applied as a base. It is best to choose reputable manufacturers, or those that are very popular, as the company will not produce bad material for short-term gain and ruin its reputation.

This material is applied in 1 or 2 layers, and both must dry well. The process is carried out using a soft roller, and hard-to-reach places and inner corners should be further worked out with a brush. The time for complete drying of the primer is indicated on the bottle or pack, and if should be adhered to, since the installation of drywall should only be done on a clean, dry wall.


When the walls are finished with a primer layer and dry, you can start marking. To do this, ideally you should use laser level... If not, do it the usual way- a building level or plumb line, a rule, a square and a tape measure. The easiest way is to use the first option.

  1. During the marking, deformation gaps should be taken into account, which should remain at the junction of the gypsum board with the ceiling and floor. During shrinkage at home, they will not allow the sheets to be damaged on hard surfaces.
  2. The gaps must be between the sheets of material for finishing from 0.3 to 0.5 cm, and the sheet is raised from the floor by 0.8-1 cm.For this, a horizontal control line should be beaten off from above, and on the floor it will be easier to observe the gaps by placing a piece of plywood of the required thickness under the sheet ... Later, when the glue hardens and the drywall is attached to the wall without a frame, the stands can be removed, and the gaps at the bottom and top can be filled with foam.
  3. If the gypsum board does not fully cover the height of the wall, then you will have to beat off two lines - along the height of the whole sheet and along the upper edge of the wall. Such an area will be covered with a cut-off sheet from a single piece of the required size. Such elements are capable of additional solid sheets only on top, but most professionals recommend placing them in a checkerboard pattern, namely alternately.
  4. The corners in the room are not always even, and for this reason, using a plumb line, you can measure and accurately beat off a vertical line along the joint on two walls. It is required in order to complete the installation and fix the first sheet along it, which should be perfectly level. The evenness will depend on how it is fixed.

After that, you can proceed to the study of glue for gypsum board.

Which adhesive is best?

Installation of gypsum board sheets on the wall without using frame structure performed on different surfaces according to the degree of evenness. For this reason, different adhesives can be used for work. To do this, we will divide them into three conditional groups: installation on flat walls, on brick walls and on uneven walls.

Adhesive for flat surfaces

Plaster stone and concrete monolithic surfaces can be attributed to smooth walls. Naturally, they are not always smooth, but usually serious alignment is not required. It may be necessary to expose beacons of gypsum plasterboard or gypsum mixtures if the surface has a slope to one side. Corrected or flat wall Glue drywall to any composition - it can be a cement / gypsum-based composition, as well as polymer mastic. But the easiest option is to use polyurethane foam.

If the surface is smooth and even, you can also use glue, which is made in the form of mastic and is sold in special plastic cartridge tubes, and is also squeezed out using construction gun or a syringe. Compositions on gypsum or cement base sold dry and must be diluted with water just before application. All proportions are indicated on the package. If you will use just such a composition, then before installing the canvas, you should sprinkle it a little with water.

Peculiarities installation works on brick walls

The walls that are made of bricks also have to align the walls with the help of gypsum board. If the masonry is even and of high quality, then installing the gypsum board on it will not differ much from fixing it on a flat surface. But still on such a wall there are defects in the form of seams between bricks and drops. So, the glue will be unevenly distributed, and the blade may not be installed reliably.

In this case, the preparation of the brick surface is performed as follows:

  1. Define vertical wall using a plumb line. If there are drops that are more than 2 cm, a substrate should be made of strips with a width of 10-12 cm. Smooth strips should be fixed vertically from ceiling to floor or parallel, depending on the location of the irregularities. Such scraps will become figurative beacons in order to secure large canvases.
  2. Occasionally, instead of straight stripes, rectangles are used, and their size is 10 by 15 cm. They need to be glued to the wall at a distance of 15-25 cm from each other, depending on the need.

When leveling brick wall you can use any glue, but the best and economical option will be using cement / plaster based glue. If you use polymer mastics or foam, then a lot of such material will be required and this does not guarantee that it will be attached securely.

You should also take into account the material from which the bricks are made in the masonry. If it is a red brick or foam concrete, then any type of glue can be used, and for cinder blocks and sand-lime brick a special approach will be required, since some formulations should be strengthened. Ready mixes in dry form are universal, but this is not always proven in practice, and many pros improve them by adding special components. For example, add 500 ml of PVA and 1 kg of gypsum to 10 kg of cement glue, and add only PVA to 10 kg of gypsum glue (the same 500 ml). Whatever you choose, you should fix the drywall with dowels "fungi",

Installation on uneven surfaces

In this case, glue, which is sold as a dry mixture, will help out, since a lot of it will be required. Attach drywall to a wall without a frame, if any large swings it is possible, and this method will be a hike for fastening to a brick wall. Only in certain areas, instead of one layer of the substrate, it will be necessary to glue 2-3 at a time. This method is time consuming, since each layer in the substrate must dry out before another layer is glued to it.

On a curved wall, an extremely reliable fixation of the canvas to the surface with dowels and tight filling of the space between the wall and the wall, in particular at the edges, is required. If using underlays, they can be fixed on the wall with foam, and for gluing the main canvas, use adhesive solution created from two different formulations.

Installation of gypsum board without frame

Here are the techniques for applying different glue to the sheets, and they differ from each other.

The most popular material is gypsum-based glue. The composition on cement is often used, but both options are applied to the canvas according to the same principle.

Before installing, the edges at the joint should be trimmed at a certain angle, namely, chamfering, so that a gap appears, which will be filled with putty. But keep in mind that it is not necessary to apply the composition to a sheet of material, but you can do it right on the wall. there is no fundamental difference, but in this case the wall must be prepared with a primer.

Synthetic finish

The second installation method is the use of a synthetic compound, and it can be done in two ways:

  • Apply mastic or foam to the surface of the gypsum board.
  • Fill the space between the installed and aligned sheet and the wall with foam.

The method using polyurethane foam is more interesting.

Bonding on polyurethane foam

This option is used when installing the sheet on a wall for which alignment is not required. Foam is applied to the gypsum board sparingly than glue from a dry mixture. It will be enough just to foil stripes around the entire perimeter of the sheet and diagonally. After the composition is applied, the sheet should be glued immediately. Since the foam has good adhesion to any surface, it will set quickly, and after 24 hours the sheet will already be firmly attached to the wall.

Similarly, all materials are attached to the wall and allowed to dry for a day. If polyurethane putty has been used, it should be applied to the sheet in frequent stripes and around the entire edge. Inside the sheet, the glue should be applied in different ways, but so that the lines run at a distance of 15 to 20 cm from each other. In this case, when pressing the sheet, the glue will be evenly distributed (provided that the walls are even). Since all mastics dry for a long time and for different time, when buying, pay attention to this.

Bonding and void filling

This method is the most difficult, but gives excellent results when leveling far from the most even surfaces. Note that only foam can be used for this and in a large number... Consumption depends on how curved the wall is, i.e. what will be the size of the cavity between the gypsum board and it. To install the frame to the wall without this method, additional materials will be required.

Adjust the foam dosage before filling in order to use the material as economically as possible. This should be done in advance, as the gluing will be done blindly.

Seam sealing

When everything is over, you can perform a joint seal. Prime the joints of the sheets, let them dry. In the places where the chamfers are cut, apply the primer several times. After that, carefully apply the putty with a spatula, and until it dries, stick the serpyanka or sealing tape and slightly drown in the composition. When the seams are dry, you can proceed to the final finish.