How to paint the wooden floor on the terrace. Terrace flooring - an overview of the different types of flooring and how best to paint

Terrace - an open area, which is a "staging post" between the house and the street. Choosing a floor covering for her is not an easy task. The terrace is open to rain, snow, summer heat and winter frosts. Therefore, the material for its covering must retain its functionality in difficult, almost outdoor conditions. And, of course, have high aesthetic qualities.

Terrace flooring must have the following properties:

  • High frost resistance. This characteristic is ensured by a low water absorption rate - up to 3%. Materials with such an indicator are not saturated with moisture, it does not freeze in frost and, accordingly, cannot lead to cracking and damage to the coating.
  • Moisture resistance. The floor on the terrace is exposed to atmospheric precipitation. Therefore, the materials used for the coating should not absorb moisture, deform from it, and rot.
  • Durability. Any coating that "works" in atmospheric conditions must be more durable than home coatings. Otherwise, after 2-3 years it will have to be changed.
  • Low abrasion. Durability and durability directly depends on this indicator. appearance terrace floor. The minimum abrasion class of materials that are acceptable for terraces is IV.
  • Anti-slip properties. They are important for the safety of people, especially when walking on a wet or icy deck floor.
  • UV resistant. If a canopy is not planned over the terrace, the sun's rays can reduce the color intensity of the coating. This will not happen if you use materials with a high degree of UV protection.

All these characteristics are inherent in the following materials, which are considered the best for covering terraces:

  • WPC decking;
  • ceramics (clinker, porcelain stoneware, ceramic tiles);
  • concrete plates and tiles;
  • stamped concrete;
  • stone slabs;
  • wooden boards.

Let's consider in detail all these options.

Option 1. Decking made of composite materials

A very convenient material for covering terraces is a specialized terrace board... It is made from a wood-polymer composite (WPC), consisting of plastic (20%) and shredded wood (80%). Composite board is a good alternative natural wood combining the aesthetics of wood and the hassle-free nature of plastic.

WPC boards look almost natural, but they are much easier to care for. They are easy to clean and do not require any special care. The WPC material is pleasant to the touch, there are no cracks or knots, it does not slip due to the longitudinal grooves.


  • high moisture resistance;
  • heat resistance - withstands temperatures from -45 ° C to + 80 ° C;
  • the presence of anti-slip grooves on the surface;
  • does not need additional processing and coating;
  • simple assembly (disassembly);
  • easy care.

The disadvantage of composite decking can be attributed to the visual and tactile difference from natural wood, which, despite the efforts of the manufacturers, can still be traced.

At the moment, decking is the most popular deck flooring option. However, we recommend you to purchase such a terrace board only in specialized and time-tested stores, for example, at This store offers excellent value for money and has proven itself well.

Option # 2. Ceramics for terraces

The most suitable ceramic products for the terrace floor:

  • clinker;
  • porcelain stoneware;
  • ceramic tiles for outdoor use.

Clinker tiles (paving stones) are used for finishing terraces on the ground or on a screed. In fact, clinker is a burnt brick that is absolutely frost-resistant and does not absorb moisture at all. It comes with a smooth and corrugated surface, in different colors: from neutral white to deep red. The form clinker tiles- square or rectangular, with straight or beveled edges.

Porcelain stoneware is a frost-resistant and reliable tile that combines ceramics and granite. Differs in a variety of designs, due to the ability to imitate different materials: natural stone (any - from granite to marble), wood, leather. Only unpolished porcelain stoneware with a rough surface is suitable for terraces. Laying is carried out on a prepared concrete slab, on frost-resistant glue.

Ceramic tiles are also used for terraces. But you need to choose it more carefully than clinker and porcelain stoneware. It must be frost-resistant (look for the label on the packaging!) Specially made for outdoor paving. Products with a corrugated, structured surface are suitable. Despite the high decorativeness, it is strictly forbidden to use tiles with a glazed, shiny surface for terraces. A suitable degree of abrasion is class IV or V.

Advantages of ceramic products:

  • high frost resistance;
  • durability;
  • color stability under the influence of precipitation and UV rays;
  • a variety of textures, shapes, colors;
  • easy care;
  • easy repair (if necessary, you can replace each tile separately).


  • when paving, it is required to observe the slope so that water does not accumulate on the surface;
  • moisture can seep into the seams between the tiles, deforming the coating;
  • low impact strength;
  • porcelain stoneware and ceramic tiles become slippery when icing (this drawback can be circumvented by using special rubber mats with a non-slip effect).

Ceramic tiles are laid on raised terraces, which are reinforced concrete slab with a leveling screed. To fix the tiles, use a special glue for outdoor use.

How to properly prepare the floor and lay porcelain stoneware tiles on it, we will tell you in the material:.

Option # 3. Concrete slabs and tiles

The terrace area can be formed by paving from concrete slabs or tiles on the ground. Laying is carried out on a cement-sand base. If the terrace is a raised concrete platform, then the slabs can be glued to it using adhesive mixtures for outdoor work. However stacking on cement-sand mortar preferred, especially when using large concrete slabs.

Large concrete slabs can be used to pave a large area with very little time. The slabs are rectangular or square. Common sizes: 60x60 cm, 50x50 cm, 60x45 cm, 30x30 cm.

Modern concrete slabs imitate hewn natural stone or ceramics. Slabs with an unusual, curly surface are especially popular. For example, with stamped lines visually dividing the slab into several bricks - to stylize ceramic paving stones.

Concrete or paving slabs smaller sizes offer a wider variety of designs. They can be of any shape: rectangular, square, diamond-shaped, polygonal, complex wavy. On the surface, various embossing is often performed in the form of lines, cracks (craquelure), squeezes ("under the skin"), geometric shapes, flowers, etc.


  • strength;
  • durability (at least 25-30 years);
  • a variety of sizes, shapes, colors and surface structures;
  • the ability to create various patterns and ornaments from tiles;
  • easy installation;
  • ease of dismantling and restoration (for example, if it is necessary to lay communications under the covering, it is enough to remove a few tiles, and then put them back in place without changing to new ones).


  • when paving, it is necessary to observe the slope for water flow;
  • in winter, the surface of the tile can be slippery;
  • with an incorrectly prepared base, uneven slips of the tiles are observed;
  • Difficulty in choosing, as high and low quality tiles in the store may look the same.

Thanks to the introduction to concrete mix coloring pigments, the colors of the tiles can amaze the imagination. Now it's not just gloomy gray tones! Tiles of absolutely any color are available on the free sale: from white and yellow to deep red and deep blue.

Option # 4. Stamped concrete

it decorative concrete the surface of which can copy slabs natural stone, paving stones, wooden parquet, bricks, river pebbles, ceramic tiles... Such a surface can be made on raised terraces, the base is a reinforced concrete slab.


  • durability;
  • strength;
  • the ability to imitate any material;
  • solid concrete surface does not allow moisture to seep under the coating;
  • ease of care.


  • it gets very hot in summer;
  • when using smooth dies, the concrete surface can be slippery;
  • long installation process.

Advantages of a wooden surface:

  • warm surface;
  • depreciation properties;
  • high decorativeness;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • a wide range of colors, sizes, board structures.


  • changes color when exposed to UV rays;
  • difficulty in leaving;
  • regularly requires treatment with antifungal coatings.

In the manufacture of terraces, planed boards (treated with antiseptics and fire retardants) or special terrace (deck) boards are used. The last option- the best. Terraced wooden boards (decking) are made only from hard wood (otherwise heat treatment is used). Their edges are rounded, there is no thorn-groove fastening. Decking elements are laid at a small distance from each other, so that atmospheric moisture flows freely through the gaps. The surface of the boards can be not only smooth, but also corrugated (with grooves) - this increases the anti-slip properties of wood.

When choosing materials for the flooring of the terrace, it is not necessary to stop at one option. If you liked several paving methods, why not combine them? For example, combinations of tiles and wood, stone and clinker, clinker and decking are very popular.

The use of a wooden floor on outdoor terrace significantly different from closed structures. The thing is that a completely different atmosphere reigns on the street, which negatively affects the tree. In the summertime, the tree is exposed sun rays, wind and torrential rains, in winter snow accumulates on the terrace, the boards expand and deform. After such unfavorable conditions, decking can fail very quickly. What can be done to extend the life of a wooden floor on an open terrace? The wood needs to be protected. In natural conditions, the tree is protected by bark and several layers of fibers. How to protect already processed boards?

In fact, there are many options, you just need to find out and consider the materials for processing. In this article, you will learn how to paint a wooden floor on an open veranda to extend its life. After all, even if you purchased a material that has undergone proper processing at the production stage, then after a year this procedure must be repeated.

Than a special floor on an open terrace

You may be surprised, but most owners of a private house with a terrace are faced with such a phenomenon as the annual replacement of the wooden floor of the terrace. This is directly related to the fact that wood planks are annually adversely affected by atmospheric precipitation. Therefore, without proper protection, yours expects the same. It is clear that it still depends on the board from which the terrace floor is made. If we talk about decking made of larch or other dense types of wood, then their characteristics are much better and allow you to operate a veranda or terrace for much longer. But even the most good coverage on the terrace will not be able to withstand the aggressive environment without protection.

A special feature of the wooden floor on the terrace is the way it is installed. If everything is done correctly and taking into account some rules, then it is possible to extend the operational life and safety of wooden boards. What does this include? It is important during construction to lay the boards so as to maintain a gap of 3-5 mm between them. Then moisture will not accumulate on the surface, but drain into the space under the floor. In addition, it will provide excellent ventilation of the planks, which will allow the wood floor to dry faster. It is also important to make a slight slope of the terrace so that the water flows down the grooves in the boards. So, it will not stagnate on the surface and spoil the tree on the terrace.

However, no matter how professionally you lay your decking board, it needs protection. And the choice of material depends on the type of wood. After all, some build a terrace from simple tree with natural moisture, others buy special decking or larch products. And if the first option is cheap, then the second will have to be paid for. Therefore, most often old-style terraces are made of ordinary boards... Nowadays, you can find many wood protection products that reliably protect both decking and ordinary boards. Let's take a look at all the options.

Protective impregnations for wooden boards

Before considering the effect of impregnations and their characteristics, let's find out what factors contribute to the fact that natural wood outside can deteriorate. Even the toughest species, such as oak or larch, are at issue. The factors are as follows:

Now that you know what to deal with, we suggest considering materials that will help protect the floor on an open terrace or veranda. If in a store you ask how to paint a larch decking, then impregnation will be the first step. They are able to cope with most of the factors influencing the tree. Impregnations can be divided into 2 types:

  1. Washable, water-based.
  2. Indelible, containing an oily organic compound.

Most often, terrace boards are covered with antiseptic compounds at the factory. But, antiseptics cope with decay and biological factors. Therefore, it is better to additionally process the material, protecting it from moisture, fire and other factors. Moreover, doing it with your own hands is quite simple.

The ends of the tree are protected with emulsion impregnation. The thing is that the ends absorb moisture better, so they should be better protected. As for antiseptic compounds, it is recommended to apply them to the part of the floorboard that is inside, since most often the boards rot from below, where there is dampness. Fungus, mold and insects feel great there. And here front side treated with either dyes or oils.

Using decking oil

Oil impregnations are in demand because they do not hide the natural beauty of wood, but only emphasize it. Many people recommend using varnish impregnations, not oil ones. But, the second option is much better. Why? Here are the benefits:

It is better to use varnish indoors, as it is not able to withstand even two years outdoors. The coating will crack and peel. Therefore, if someone asks you how to cover a terrace board on outdoors, do not advise varnish. Better to use oil impregnation.

  • toning effect;
  • composition with natural wax components;
  • antibacterial effect;
  • anti-slip and antiseptic properties.

As for the technology for applying oil to the floor, you will learn it from this video.

Using wood floor paints

Paints are no less popular compositions for wood processing. They are better than varnish as they will be able to withstand atmospheric influences. Only now you need to choose special paints that are used for outdoor work. What to cover the wooden floor with?

Here is a list of suitable paints:

  1. Compositions on an oily and alkyd base. They are worth buying if you are on a budget, or if the floor has been painted with an oily compound before. These paints are reliable, durable and have a low cost.
  2. Water-based paint with acrylic components. The composition is relatively new and good in that it has high adhesion (adhesion) to the surface, and also has high resistance to weathering. It is also important that paints are sold ready-made, so they do not need to be prepared. And when thickening, the composition can simply be diluted with warm water. After processing, the decking can be washed with water.
  3. Polyurethane based paints. They have increased wear resistance. Strong and durable compounds that extend the life of the wood for many years.
  4. Latex compounds. It is odorless, adheres well to the surface and is durable. The material will not only serve for a long time, but will also "breathe".

As you can see, there are a lot of materials for painting. It remains to choose the type and decide on the tone of paint, of which there are a lot. The properties of the painted board will be preserved, and the terrace will stand for many years.


Wood protection is the primary task that needs to be done. Therefore, do not hesitate with her and buy quality formulations that will be able to extend the operational life of the decking.

Any host suburban area dreams of adding a wooden veranda to the house. This cozy place is becoming the most popular for all family members. After the construction of the main structure, it is necessary to paint it. What paint to choose for the terrace to reliably protect the wood from external factors? Today we will try to consider this issue from all sides.

Before you start painting the veranda, you need to prepare in advance required material... There has been a long debate about which material is best to use for covering wooden surfaces in the open air. The fact is that open areas made of wood can be protected only for a while, since this natural material which is difficult to protect.

Major destructive factors

Wood products are constantly influenced by weather conditions. The structure of this material is capable of easily passing any liquid. The moisture content of the tree makes it possible for many harmful organisms to develop. As a result, the product starts to rot and decay. In addition, fibers swollen from moisture can begin to destroy the wood from the inside, especially in the cold winter period.

Throughout the year, planks are exposed to strong drops. temperature regime... As a result, they change their shape. In this case, not every coating can become reliable protection from such material deformation.

Natural wood is the most breeding ground for many molds. They quickly attack material with a large presence of moisture, destroying all the fibers inside with their juices.

Important! There are fungi that can destroy the entire building in a short period of time.

Ultraviolet rays emanating from the sun negatively affect some properties wood flooring... They can also ruin the paint, making it look faded.

A variety of worms, larvae and others are very fond of wood. harmful insects... Bark beetles gnaw through many moves, and over time they eat up the structure. In addition, the wood is attacked by mice and rats, which like to settle in their summer cottages.

Now we know that there are many enemies at the veranda made of wood. As a result, there are difficulties in caring for this structure. Therefore, it is necessary to find the best option to protect the object from rain, sun, heat and frost.

The choice of material for the veranda

The best option to cover wooden veranda is paint. However, when choosing of this material, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that a special paint composition should be purchased for the floor. To paint the rest of the structure, you can use any paint intended for outdoor woodwork.

Coniferous wood is often used in the construction of a veranda. They are the most readily available wood species. In addition, they have natural protection from water - these are the resins with which the wood is impregnated.

For decking conifers significantly less paint will be needed to cover it.

Acrylic latex paint

This coverage has recently become more and more in demand among consumers. It has good feedback about the operational properties. In addition, the paint is easy to work with: it is odorless and does not harm health. Manufacturers produce this composition in a huge range of colors and shades.


Aqualaki today are also popular among summer residents. They are excellently used for decking.


Such a coating is used when they want to preserve the beautiful texture of the wood. However, this composition has one drawback - it is high cost.

I would like to note that all of the above compositions are expensive types of coating for wooden surfaces. But, their advantage is that they look very beautiful, and they also have the longest service life.

Now we can talk about covering the floor on the terrace. This is a separate topic and quite vulnerable. This building in the country carries a heavy load due to the constant influence of unfavorable factors from the outside. And for the floor, such a load increases several times, so they walk on it in shoes, which are often in a swamp, and the water on the floor does not dry out for a long time, etc.

Floor features

Every year summer residents have to face such a problem as replacing a terrace floor board. As mentioned earlier, atmospheric conditions can damage even a tough coating. Sometimes wood floors can save correct styling, which provides for a gap between the boards of 2-4 mm.

But even with perfect installation, it is necessary to process the wood. paints and varnishes to keep the floor from collapsing. They are selected depending on what kind of wood the flooring consists of.

Basically, they prefer to buy floorboards from conifers, in particular, larch. Whoever has the opportunity, a terrace board is ordered for this purpose.

It is very important, before coating the veranda with paint, to properly prepare it for this process. To do this, it is necessary, first of all, to treat the floor and other structural elements with a primer and antiseptic. In this case, it is possible to use the object as long as possible.

Any paint finish intended for open-structure timber can last for about three years.

Regular enamel paint or varnish is only suitable for indoor use. To cover the floors of open verandas, it is better to use terrace oil, which does an excellent job with its duties.

Wood preparation for processing

  1. If the wooden floor has been previously painted, be sure to clean it from old paint... In advanced cases, it is recommended to use any solvent for this purpose.
  2. Before painting the wood, you should remove all kinds of knots and other defects. Sometimes the material becomes unsightly after prolonged contact with rain and sun dark color... To get rid not only of defects, but also of fungi that have settled in the wood, it is necessary to remove upper layer using a special device.
  3. Boards that have fallen into disrepair must be replaced with new ones, otherwise they will simply crack.
  4. If, during the period of using the material, cracks, holes and other gaps appear in it, they must be sealed with putty, and then sanded.
  5. Before you start covering the boards with a protective substance, the floors must be thoroughly cleaned of dust and foreign objects.
  6. It is recommended to cover the floors with more than one layer of primer in order for the composition to saturate the wood well. Complete drying of the material is achieved after three days. And only after that you can start covering the floor with paint or terrace oil.

Floor covering

After finishing preparatory work, we begin the painting process, which should take place in several stages. The first layer of paint can be applied with a roller, and the gaps between the boards can be painted with a brush.

If the tree is painted for the first time, the paint must be applied in a thin layer and wait for it to dry completely, which can last up to 7 days. There should be at least two such layers, and all of them should be applied in the thinnest possible layers. After finishing work, the floor must be thoroughly rinsed with warm water.

The question of how to cover a wooden floor laid on open veranda, is quite relevant and very difficult, since wooden structures used in the open air are subject to various negative influences and therefore it is necessary to carefully select the protective properties of the compounds. At the same time, they must also retain their decorative, adhesive and strength properties.

What are the requirements for decorative coatings?

Wooden floors on terraces and verandas are subject to all possible negative influences external environment, which negatively affect their aesthetic and strength properties. Therefore, decorative coatings should be selected taking into account the following requirements:

  • have increased adhesion to wood: form a continuous uniform layer on the surface, which is not prone to peeling or peeling;
  • have an optimal ratio of strength and ductility, which makes it easy to tolerate temperature changes and various mechanical influences without damage or loss of aesthetic properties;

Important! Before applying decorative coating it is necessary to treat the wood with special protective impregnations, which will provide maximum protection against pests, atmospheric and climatic factors, as well as fungus and rot. In this case, protective and decorative compositions must be compatible with each other.

  • be resistant to various atmospheric and climatic conditions: high humidity, direct exposure to ultraviolet rays, low or high temperatures;
  • the ability to form a coating with minimal porosity in order not to accumulate dust and dirt on the surface during operation;
  • not be susceptible to various biological influences: fungus, mold, microorganisms;
  • maintain the original color shade throughout the entire service life.

What types of coverings can be applied to the surface of the veranda floors?

You can cover the wooden floors on the veranda with the following compounds:

  • varnish;
  • oil or wax;
  • enamel paints.

At the same time, it should be understood that each composition has specific protective and decorative properties and their operation in specific conditions should ensure a long service life of the coating and wooden structures... That is, the manufacturer in technical characteristics must indicate their purpose, maximum permissible mechanical loads, types of protective functions and service life.

Lacquer compositions - preservation of natural decorative properties of wood

Varnish compositions for wooden floors are very advantageous, since, on the one hand, they retain natural color shades and texture patterns, and on the other hand, on the surface they form an airtight protective film and partially impregnate the outer layers of the wood. That is, the floors look quite natural and very organic, they acquire protection from moisture and from various pests.

Important! For verandas, special varnish compositions should be used, which form elastic coatings with increased strength that can withstand various negative factors. Their distinctive feature from conventional varnishes is the presence of special additives that can prevent cracks, peeling or loss of performance properties of the protective layer.

The varnishes have excellent hiding power and excellent adhesion to wood, thanks to which they easily impregnate even a rough surface and form an even high-strength protective layer. Protective covering it is characterized by increased resistance to wear, mechanical damage and shock, without losing its aesthetic appearance. Their service life is up to 2 years.

Oil and wax compositions - comprehensive protection of wood and preservation of its decorative properties

Oily and wax compositions for outdoor wood treatment are mixtures based on organic and synthetic components that have increased resistance to negative external factors. They have excellent adhesion properties, making it easy to apply on wooden surface and form a uniform high-strength protective coating.

The main advantages of using such formulations include:

  • protection of wood from loss of decorative properties is provided;
  • the surface of the material will be able to withstand abrasion and other types of mechanical stress;
  • wide choice of color shades or the level of transparency of the compositions;
  • the formed surface is not slippery in any weather and temperature environment, thanks to which the terrace can be safely used all year round;
  • the protective properties of wood from biological, chemical and climatic negative factors increase.

When choosing suitable composition it is important to consider the type of wood, which can affect the following important properties:

  • porosity, affecting the consumption of the composition;
  • the presence of oils that can impair adhesion;
  • the density of the material, which may require the use of compositions with increased adhesion and elastic properties.

Enamel paints - excellent aesthetic properties of decorative coatings with a long service life

Enamel paints for the veranda floor are an excellent tool for giving them unique decorative properties, protecting wood and long term operation of the structure. They are distinguished by a rich selection of color shades, increased wear resistance and unpretentious operation.

  1. Polymer resins that give coatings unsurpassed resistance to UV, shock, abrasion, scratching, temperature extremes and all types of precipitation. The composition is quite viscous, due to which it is applied to the surface in an even layer, and also solidifies within several hours, but does not contain toxic substances.
  2. Solvents, allowing to ensure the maximum speed of solidification, as well as increased moisture-resistant characteristics of the coating. They have excellent decorative properties: a wide range of colors, a choice of matte or glossy finishes. However, such enamels are highly toxic, so they should be applied using protective equipment.
  3. Modified oils that have not only excellent penetrating ability, but also enhanced protective properties: weather resistance and mechanical strength... They are characterized by increased adhesion to any wood species, so the technology of their application is quite simple.
  • before painting new wooden floors, it is necessary to apply a high-quality impregnation to them deep penetration, which will provide reliable and durable protection of wood from negative climatic and biological influences;
  • the wood must have an optimal moisture level at the time of coating, which does not exceed 20%;
  • to obtain a bright and rich shade of the coating, and, most importantly, durable, it is recommended to apply several thin decorative layers instead of one thick one, while it is imperative to wait for the previous coating to dry;
  • the composition for painting must fully comply with the operating conditions in a particular region of the country, therefore it is recommended to purchase only certified compositions where all characteristics are guaranteed by the manufacturer.

Before deciding how to paint the floor on an open veranda, it is necessary to study the features of creating such structures. Basically, the floor of the veranda or terrace in the country house is built of wood, and special means will be needed to protect it.

Material classification

Natural wood - even the most durable species such as oak or larch - is influenced by many external factors:

  • biological: fungi, mold, insects and rodents;
  • temperature drops, precipitation, icing, wind, ultraviolet light;
  • mechanical damage: scratches, gouges, chips, abrasion.

There are materials that can protect wood flooring on an outdoor deck or veranda adjacent to your home. First of all, these are impregnations, which can be conditionally divided into two types:

  • washable - water-based;
  • indelible - based on an oily organic compound.
There are several types of paints for painting

Usually, the terrace board is coated on the outside with antiseptic compounds at the factory. But such processing is able to cope only with rotting and mold. Therefore, it is better to process the tree for the veranda of the house additionally from moisture, fire and mechanical damage.

Yacht varnishes

Yacht varnishes have high stability, good penetration into the structure of the material, UV resistance. They contain an alkyd-urethane mixture, which is often used for painting buildings located on the street.

Material advantages:

  • resistance to external influences and pollution;
  • permeability into small holes inside the tree, due to which the wood acquires increased strength;
  • resistance to ultraviolet rays- the wood does not fade and retains its beautiful natural color for a long time.

Before applying varnish, the veranda boards should be dismantled for grinding with sandpaper. The varnish is applied in several layers at intervals of 4–5 hours.

In this video, you will learn the pros and cons of this paint:

When processing the floor of the veranda, it should be borne in mind that when low temperatures the varnish loses its elasticity. In this case, the varnish will have to be applied again after a year of use.


This paint is a multicomponent tintable mixture, which is not only wear-resistant, but also has a decorative effect. For painting surfaces on the street, enamels are produced based on:

  1. Natural and mineral oils. Oil paint fits perfectly on wood, concrete and metal surfaces.
  2. Solvents. Nitrocellulose paint is highly resistant to moisture, adheres beautifully to the surface, forming a glossy film.
  3. Polymer resins. These are alkyd universal and specialized paints, which are subdivided into water-based and acetone-containing ones. Enamels containing acetone are the most resistant to external influences.

Painting the veranda floor consists of several stages:

  1. The surface of the boards must be cleaned of old paint residues using construction hair dryer... For heavily aged coatings, alkaline paint removers are used, which are harmless to wood.
  2. We eliminate unevenness on the floor surface using a special putty mixture.
  3. We carry out the final grinding of the surface using a grinder or sandpaper.
  4. With a foam roller, we prime the surface in the direction of the length of the boards.
  5. The composition of the paint should be prepared in accordance with the instructions: if necessary, add a thinner to the jar and mix the contents.
  6. The paint is applied with a flat wide brush.

If you have to paint a wooden floor on a large terrace, it is better to use a spray gun instead of a brush and a roller.

Terrace oil

Benefits of coating with terrace oil:

  • high resistance to moisture;
  • reduction of contamination of the wooden surface;
  • the best protection against peeling, cracking, drying out of wood;
  • preservation of the natural beauty and texture of the material;
  • reliable protection against negative impact ultraviolet radiation.

This oil has its pros and cons.

Even boards that have been impregnated require additional oil treatment. There are coatings for different purposes:

  • products with a colorant to give the flooring a certain shade;
  • oils containing natural wax for improved wood protection and better penetration of the material structure;
  • special antibacterial compounds;
  • products for imparting anti-slip properties to the surface.

Sequence of work:

  1. First of all, all boards should be pre-treated with a plane or an abrasive wheel. The entire dark layer of the wood is carefully removed.
  2. Cover the entire surface with a paint brush antiseptic... Remove wood residues before application. The antiseptic is applied especially carefully, avoiding gaps.
  3. After the impregnation is dry, the primer is applied in several thin layers.
  4. After the impregnation has dried, stir the oil thoroughly and then apply to the floor surface. The oil should completely saturate the wood.
  5. Approximately one day after the application of the first layer, after waiting for it to dry completely, the second layer of terrace oil should be applied.

Video "How to Prepare and Paint a Wood Floor"

In this video, you will learn how to prepare and paint a wooden floor on an open veranda or terrace:

Color guide

The color range of paints on the building materials market today is inexhaustible.

Most popular shades:

  • all shades of brown;
  • rich yellow;
  • Red;
  • black.

Which color to choose depends on the individual taste preferences and from the general color scheme of the building. A wooden white floor looks stylish and original, especially if it is in harmony with the color ceiling slab... To create such a coating, you must:

  • carefully sand a wooden surface that has not previously been covered with other compounds;
  • putty all irregularities and defects;
  • coat the entire wooden surface with special oil white with hard wax using a brush, before this, mix the composition in a container thoroughly;
  • after a while with a rag, carefully remove the composition that has not been absorbed into the boards;
  • a day later, reapply a new layer of white oil with hard wax.

One more original solution for painting floors - painting according to the template. It is especially important in cases where the floors in the country house do not look very presentable, and varnishing will not help. To paint in this way, you must:

  • pre-draw a template on paper;
  • determine the size and color of the future drawing - the boundaries of straight lines should be very clear and accurate, masking tape will help with this;
  • then you should paint the wooden floor with the main color of the enamel;
  • after the base has dried, the main color of the stencil is applied;
  • then it remains only to paint the details of the image.

In order for the floor on the veranda to have a long operational life, correct preliminary preparation... If the floors were previously covered with paint, it must be completely removed from the surface. To facilitate the removal of old coatings, it is better to use special means or use solvents and a spatula in the work.

Do not forget about the nuances of painting floors

Before painting, it is very important to remove all possible defects and unevenness of the wood. Under the influence of the sun and moisture, the material acquires an ugly black and gray tint. With help grinder it is necessary to remove the top layer of wood - this will help eliminate defects and bacteria. Such work is carried out until a light shade of the wooden board appears. Defective elements must be replaced as they can crack under appropriate load. All cracks and crevices in the floor must be carefully putty and sanded.

After sanding, the floors are cleaned of dust and sawdust. Only then can you start covering the boards with a protective agent. To do this, you can use various materials, which differ in the method of application. If you plan to use an antiseptic primer, then the floor boards must be treated with such a composition in advance, before installation. It is recommended to cover the floors in several layers to better impregnation wood material... The primer must dry thoroughly, and only after complete drying is the main paint material applied.

If the wooden floors of the veranda are laid according to the rules, then even a long absence paintwork will not damage the wood due to the presence of ventilation. But if moisture accumulates, then with a prolonged absence of coverage, the wood quickly deteriorates.

Many owners of summer cottages and country houses it is necessary to renew the veranda or terrace flooring annually, since very few materials have the necessary degree of resistance for use as flooring in open spaces.