How to make a beautiful arch with your hands. How to make an interior arch - design, drawings and assembly procedure

Doorway arches have been used since ancient times. The arch is very aesthetic, today it is not only beautiful, but also allows you to save space, complement the interior and carry out work yourself, with your own hands.

As a rule, drywall is used, it is not expensive, it is easy to work with it and you can make any arched opening. The framing of the arches can be anything, you can put a platband and a variety of finishing materials.

Shape selection

The arch can be any type, even from several levels, with different near and functionality, the correct measurement of the door opening is initially made. The main types of arches are presented in the table:

Arch type: Description:
Parabolic arch: A beautiful and easy-to-manufacture arch. It is made of flexible plastic, for example, a threshold. A mark is made in the middle, which will be the upper point of the arch. Further, the material bends in the form of an arc. The arc is applied to a plaster or other sheet and a template is made, on this the arch blank will be ready.
Circular arch: V wood material(bar) you need to screw on the self-tapping screw and tie the twine to make a compass. They can make an arch template. Next, with a compass made it is necessary to draw a circle of an arch on the sheet.

When the contours of the arch are drawn, you should cut out the shape using a jigsaw or a regular knife. All cuts are made exactly along the lines, the quality of the arched opening depends on this. The classic version of arches is made according to the following principle:

  1. You need to measure the doorway and count the material.
  2. The instrument is being prepared.
  3. A pattern of arches is cut out, semicircular, round, oval and others.
  4. The frame is mounted in the opening using a metal profile or wood.
  5. Installed polyurethane, drywall, plywood, fiberboard, chipboard, foam or other selected material.
  6. The bottom of the arch is cut out and screwed to the side parts.
  7. Puttying and finishing, decoration of the arch is carried out.

Important! When deciding on the type of arches, you need to pay attention to the height of the leaf and the width of the door opening. Some types are suitable for a wide, but low opening, while others are vice versa.

The main forms are as follows:

  1. Portal - U-shaped arch, according to the device it can be in the form of waves or with many angles, one of the most popular types of opening.
  2. Classic arch - it is recommended to use it for ceilings from 3 m, with a passage width of 90 cm.
  3. Romance - it is recommended to set if the width of the opening is large, but the height to the ceiling is small.
  4. Modern is an alternative to any type of arches, can be used in Khrushchev, where every centimeter of space is important. The corners of the arch are made sharp or rounded.
  5. The semi-arch is an ideal arch for zoning rooms.
  6. Straight arch - suitable for loft, high-tech, modern style.

The photo shows ready-made false arches from the Leroy Merlin company, which do not need to be framed:

Knowing what kinds finished arches for doorways exist, you need to decide on the materials and start working with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself drywall arch (video)

Materials for work

It is impossible to build an arch just like that, you need to choose the material and prepare the entire inventory. Plasterboard is more often used, it is easy to work, if you wish, you can redo the arch, its cost is low. Therefore, an example of working with GCR will be described in stages below. An arched interior opening requires:

  1. GKL 9.5 mm.
  2. Profiles 27x28 mm and 60x27 mm.
  3. Self-tapping screws for fastening drywall 3.5x25 mm.
  4. Dowels to fix the frame in the 6x60 mm opening. Used for brick or concrete.
  5. Self-tapping screws with a 4.2x12 mm press washer.
  6. If the doorway is made of timber, then wood screws are needed.
  7. Putties for gypsum boards.
  8. Needle roller.
  9. Perforated corners.
  10. Spatula.
  11. Pencil and tape measure to measure and make a drawing.
  12. Screwdriver.

Having prepared the material, you need to mark and measure everything.


Before , how to make a drywall arch in doorways, measurements are taken. The size of the opening itself is taken in height and width. When there is a width, it is halved to create the perfect arch semicircle. The shape of the arch is determined; for the classic version, it will be necessary to additionally level the walls using putty and beacons. Naturally, the opening must be completely disassembled, prepared, removing dirt and dust from it, if necessary, fill up the cracks and voids with a solution. When the opening is ready, you can proceed to the next steps.

Installation of an interior arch

On the gypsum board, an arch design is made for a private house or apartment, the necessary picture is drawn, after which it is cut out with a knife, strictly along the lines. When one piece is cut correctly, a new side is drawn along its contours and another piece is cut out. Having prepared both pieces, you can mount them on the frame, but before that, the correct frame is being built. The work will look like this in stages:

  • At the top of the opening, the profiles are fastened using dowels, if the opening is brick. After that, the profile must be installed on the walls of the opening. The frame is mounted at two points of the doorway.
  • Next, a profile is made in the form of an arc. Scissors need to cut through the metal every 5-10 cm, after which the metal is bent to the desired shape. For the template, previously cut pieces of drywall are used. Installation is carried out with dowels, and the frame is sheathed with plasterboard using self-tapping screws. For arches you need 2 arcs.

  • In order for the frame to be strong, bars or pieces of profile are installed between the arcs.
  • The frame is ready, but the arch itself has not yet been made. You will need to bend the drywall for installation at the bottom of the arch or make a type-setting element, the prefabricated bottom is made from pieces of drywall, and when bent, you need to cut off a piece, adding 10 cm from the sides by size. So that the material does not crack, it is wetted with a little water, passed with a needle roller and left for a couple of hours so that it is flexible. After that, you can bend the material and attach it to the frame, using initially adhesive tape, and then self-tapping screws.
  • After 12 hours, the beautiful arched opening will be ready and it remains to design and decorate the arch.

Here's how easy it is to install an arch in a doorway with your own hands. Using these tips, the production of arches will be fast. All voids in the arch can be left unchanged, or you can use polyurethane foam, pouring it inside, according to the instructions. Next, you need to veneer your creation.

Doorway decoration

What to make arches in doorway it is known, but how to decorate the arch in doorways? Decorate finished structure you can use different materials. Often, decoration is done using MDF, you can trim modern material, for example, artificial stone, wood, wallpaper, paint and apply the array. When the arch enters the kitchen, it is recommended to fix the curtain by installing fasteners in the arch immediately. Before trimming and decorating the arch, you need to do a number of works, step by step instruction below:

  • The surface of the arch is sanded with sandpaper, removing irregularities, creating a rounded edging.
  • Seams, joints and places of self-tapping screws must be sealed with putties, but before that they are placed on a perforated corner plastic corner, you need to fix it directly into the putty.

  • When the putty is dry, it is sanded again with sandpaper to remove irregularities.
  • The arch is coated with a primer and when it dries, it is applied finishing putty and polished for the last time.

Arrangement of the arch is completed, you need to pick up the finish and put it on the finished opening. As you can see, it is easy to make a homemade arched opening, any person can assemble the frame and fix the drywall, not necessarily a master, even if the work experience is small. It is recommended to make an arch, the same as the window in shape, so that the interior is unified, although the opening itself can be modernized so that the house or cottage is transformed and functional. Finally, a video showing the process of work, how much material is needed and how a rectangular arched opening with a rounded top is made:

Photo gallery of finished works

Related materials on the topic:

DIY step-by-step instructions for installing a drywall arch
Arches in the apartment: what is it, varieties, advantages
Interior arches in the kitchen: varieties and design

The arch as an element of the building's architecture is intended for dividing a room into zones without using a door. Last years are marked by the active use of these structural elements... Such an elegant device is capable of ennobling and decorating any home, saving living space, which is especially important for small premises. They can often be seen in hallways, kitchens, and between other rooms. How to make an arch at home? To do this, it is necessary to study the features of the installation work.

Such an overlap can be purchased ready-made or made by yourself. The shape of such vaults is also different: from classical versions to modernist designs. In the process of their production, various building materials are taken: brick, stone, metal, wood, PVC, fiberboard, chipboard, gypsum board, plywood. The most popular are drywall sheets. They are flexible and easy to install.

Preparatory work

To understand how to make an arch, it is important to carry out the installation one by one. First, the designated space is measured: its width and height are determined.

When starting the construction of the arc, it is worth considering the fact that the door plane will decrease by 10-15 cm. These indicators relate to the height. Later, this space can be revetted with decorative inserts made of ordinary foam.

Its width is measured and divided by two. These numbers will be necessary in order for the traditional semicircle to turn out to be even and symmetrical.

This data equates to an internal distance corresponding to opposite sides of the space. At the beginning of the work, you should decide on the shape of the structure.

Traditionally, samples of a semicircular type or sheets of gypsum board are installed, which will be discussed below. About how to make the arch correctly, just below. To begin with, you should focus on the verticality of the surface, in otherwise the design will look ugly and one-sided.

If necessary, the inner plane should be leveled with plaster or putty, focusing on the installed beacons.

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Required attributes for work

The above list of devices will allow you to install on your own:

  1. Guide view profile.
  2. Rack profile.
  3. Dowel with screw for fastening profile frame for concrete, brick walls.
  4. Self-tapping screws for wooden surfaces and fastening sheets of plasterboard.
  5. GKL sheets.
  6. Self-tapping screws with a press washer.
  7. Roller with needles.
  8. Special perforated corner.
  9. Latex putty for gypsum board.
  10. Electric jigsaw.
  11. Stationery knife.

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Installing the front arch components

You can get an answer to the question of how to make an arch, starting with cutting out the facade structural elements. The main problem during this period is that you need to get two identical elements, regardless of the material from which the vault is made. Marking and cutting for each of them is carried out according to the same scheme.

An even semicircle can be made different ways... For example, by using any devices. For such samples, you can take a strong and elastic twine and a simple pencil.

  1. The rope is tied to a rod.
  2. The center of the circle is marked. To correctly determine the radius, you need to remember the number that was obtained in the course of previous measurements.
  3. So, if the width indicators are 1 m, then the required figure will correspond to 50 cm.
  4. From one of the edges of the sheet, 60 cm is deposited and a line is drawn. The distance from the top of the opening to the top of the future vault corresponds to 10-15 cm.
  5. GKL is cut, focusing on the width of the door plane. So, in this version, it is 100 cm.
  6. Then, on the designated straight line, a border corresponding to 50 cm is marked on each side. These indicators will indicate the boundaries of the hemisphere.
  7. With the help of a pencil and twine, 0.5 m of the length of the rope is indicated and the last marks of the hemisphere are drawn. It turned out an analogue homemade compass... As a result of the use of such a device, a circle with smooth edges is formed.
  8. According to the markings, a semicircle is cut with a jigsaw or a clerical knife. Its width corresponds to 1 m and its height is 60 cm.

The profile for the archway is notched to obtain the required bend.

The arch is made in a different way using a long and flexible element. To do this, you can take plastic panel, flexible skirting board.

  1. A rectangular base with a size of 100 × 60 (65) cm is cut out. Following from each side, 50 cm are measured and 2 lines are drawn. The place of their intersection is indicated by a dot.
  2. The drywall sheet is bent on both sides according to the width of the future opening. It turns out a semicircle. The volumetric part corresponds to the previously indicated points, the ends should be in contact with the ends of the rectangular base in the lower part.
  3. The finished vault is drawn and cut out.

The second method of making arches requires an additional person to work. Making accurate measurements alone won't be easy.

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Erection of a frame on an arch

Make this important element in the house you can by preparing a metal profile. Layout of guides with orientation to the width of the opening. Here these figures correspond to 1000 mm. They are fixed on either side. They are fixed on concrete and brick with dowel screws, for wooden surfaces they use special self-tapping screws.

In order for the structure to be in the same plane with the wall, the frame should be fixed inside the opening by 12 mm.

As soon as the sheets of gypsum plasterboard are fixed and putty is applied, the base will acquire even indicators.

Fastening is carried out on either side of both lateral parts of the frame. The length of such elements corresponds to 600 mm.

The bottom of the profile is cut at an angle. Fixing the arch parts to the frame with self-tapping screws for metal bases.

Everyone can decorate this element of the interior with their own hands. The shape of the arched opening is practically not limited by anything, except for imagination, but quite often the owners of apartments during repairs are limited only to painting the plasterboard elements of the arch. Such designs look rather boring, a feeling of incompleteness is created. If the main style of the room is not minimalism, then the arch can be turned into a unique decorative element that emphasizes the integrity of the interior.

Possibilities of decorative arches

With the help of arches you can make small room more spacious, and in a large one, make effective zoning. This architectural element in the apartment performs several functions at once:

  1. Space saving and visual increase.
  2. Simultaneous functional separation of adjacent rooms and their visual unification.
  3. Creation of a certain atmosphere in the house, emphasizing its style.

Types of decorative arches

Most often, arches are made of drywall. Flexible and plastic drywall allows you to quickly create a structure of almost any shape with your own hands. The finished element has high aesthetic characteristics. A drywall arch can subsequently be faced with almost any material, including wood, stone (most good examples can be seen in the photo).

Arched openings can be conditionally divided into two types:

  1. Active - have complex shape, providing maximum visibility to neighboring rooms, can in themselves decorate the interior.
  2. Passive - simple in form, often act as a border.

Advice! It is advisable to determine the shape of the arch even before the repair, as well as its subsequent design.

Simple passive arches include:

  • Classic - with the correct arc radius. Optimal for any interior.
  • Ellipsoidal - the arc can be in the form of a regular or irregular oval.
  • Modern - an arc with a pronounced rise.
  • Romance - the arc is cut at the top, but rounded at the sides.
  • Portal - rectangular shape of the opening.

Complex active ones include:

  • Eastern.
  • Lancet.
  • Horseshoe.
  • Trapezoidal, etc.

Such arches can have uneven or curly edges, be located on several levels, and twist from one room to another.

Arch decor

An arch is, first of all, a part of the wall, respectively, when decorating it, one should start from the finishing of the latter. An architectural element must harmoniously fit into the interior, be a part of it. If there are several arches in the apartment, then they must correspond to the design of the room, be of a single shape or from the same materials.

Advice! The wider the arched opening, the more attention should be paid to its design, color and stylistic correspondence of adjacent rooms.

Finishing materials

Depending on the style of the room and the arch itself, you should select the material for its design.

Paint, wallpaper, decorative plastersimplest option design of an arched opening with your own hands. An element decorated with such materials practically does not stand out in the interior. The color of the coating on the walls and the interior of the arch may differ, if this does not contradict the style of the room.

Wood - noble, durable material. Most appropriate when decorating interiors in classic style... Looks perfect on designs of simple shapes.

Polyurethane stucco molding - with its help, you can do it yourself with your own hands to decorate an arch of any shape and style: from minimalism to baroque. The opening can be decorated with polyurethane columns, curly or flat moldings, all kinds of sockets, bas-reliefs - the material has practically no shape restrictions. Initially white elements can be painted in any color with acrylic paint.

Stone - natural or artificial. Due to the variety of textures and colors, it can be used to decorate arches different styles and forms.

Ceramics - tiles or mosaics can cover both the entire arch and its individual parts.

Glass - these can be blocks installed in the entire height of the opening, on different width, a ladder. This design of high-tech arches looks impressive. Design is not uncommon arched openings using stained glass and colored glass, such elements are ideal for the Art Nouveau style.

Artificial stone arch decoration

Artificial stone is widely used in the decoration of arches. This material is durable and aesthetic, it can imitate any natural analogue, which can be seen in numerous photos in magazines and on the Internet. Natural stone, of course, can also be used for facing, but the arch should be located in the opening. load-bearing wall or a monolithic partition. Drywall simply cannot withstand such a load, so it is better to use lightweight artificial materials for it. Besides a natural stone quite expensive.

Advice! For cladding drywall arches with your own hands, it is better to use light and flexible acrylic tiles. Its surface can imitate the texture of any stone and other materials.

]]>]]> An arch is an effective and very common way to revive the interior, bring freshness and uniqueness into it. A beautiful arch will emphasize the beauty of your home, make it original. A huge variety of shapes and extraordinary visual solutions inspires many to think to make an arch on their own, and then the search for information begins on the topic: how to make an arch with your own hands.
Even such seemingly complex plasterboard structures can be made by yourself

Even such seemingly complex plasterboard structures can be made by yourself

In fact, it is not difficult, the main thing is to come up with which arch you want, prepare everything necessary tools, choose material, read how to make an arch with your own hands and get down to business! It is worth noting that the simplest and reliable option- this is a drywall arch. Even the most intricate curves can be easily constructed from this material - it behaves like clay in the hands of a talented sculptor. Drywall does not need serious processing, and if you work with it carefully, you can easily give it the required shape. You can also make an arch from concrete or brick, but this will require more patience and certain skills from you.

We make drywall arches

If you already know how to make an arch with your own hands, moreover, you decided to make it right now, it means that very soon your house will become more comfortable. Today we will make a drywall arch, gradually telling you about the entire production process.

We start with the purchase of drywall - it is inexpensive, and this is another plus. Everyone can buy drywall, since today this material is not in short supply, therefore, it can be purchased at any hardware store. When choosing drywall for your arch, remember that the thickness of the sheet will differ at different points in the structure.

For example, the lower part is made of sheets, 9 millimeters thick, the side parts must be thicker - at least 12 millimeters. We have indicated the most common ratios, but you can create your own masterpiece that is not like others.

It is important to take the correct measurements.

After the drywall is purchased, you can proceed to the first stage of the production of our arch. And it begins with the preparation of a place for fastening the arch. For these purposes, it is advisable to use a special profile (as an option PN 28/27), which is attached with dowels or self-tapping screws to the doorway. We drill the end holes, drive plastic dowels into them for screwing in screws, thereby strengthening this part in the opening.

The dimensions of your arch will depend on the opening you wish to decorate in this way. You can cut out all the drawn elements of this design using a special knife or jigsaw (the second option is faster and more accurate). Cut out the drawn semicircle. We cut out the second semicircle according to the template - we apply the cut out part to a new sheet and outline the outline. Cut out a strip from the remaining material, the width of which is slightly larger than the width of the doorway and longer than the opening of the arch itself. To prevent the destruction of the slab, and the cut is neat, we recommend using a special blade for the jigsaw.

For a beginner, this process can be overwhelming, but it is worth trying, even if the first attempts are unsuccessful. Now the elements of your arch should be given flexibility - for this we process them with a damp cloth. After such a procedure, it will be easier to attach them to the end arched element and bend the necessary parts in the future. Next, we apply the finished part to the arch frame and fix it with self-tapping screws (it is better to do fastenings at least after 15 centimeters). We do the same with the second part.

Highly important point: when screwing in the screws, make sure that their heads are slightly recessed into the panel. You can also attach the parts to the profile on both sides of the arch. Make sure that the distance of the two sides between the profiles exactly matches, otherwise the manufactured arch will look uneven. Having firmly fixed the arched structure, we proceed to the final stage our work. We carefully process the edges of the structure with a perforated corner, and cover the seams with reinforcing tape and put putty on them. Then you can do exterior decoration arches are a real space for imagination!

Make your interior arch harmonious part of the interior

With the help of decor, you can emphasize the style of your home and make the arch a highlight of the interior.

We smoothly approached the completion of work with our arch. But in order for the arch in the apartment to turn out not only beautiful, but really even, you need to know some of the nuances of working with drywall. We will talk about them further.
The subtleties of working with drywall

The material must be given flexibility, for this it can be slightly moistened, then allowed to dry thoroughly. It is necessary to fasten the strip to the profiles located at the end, repeating the bend of the arch. After the drywall dries out (after 10-12 hours), putty the resulting structure, as well as all existing seams and joints. Make sure that the screws are not hitched. After the structure has dried, carefully process all the elements sandpaper until the burrs are completely removed and the protrusions are rounded.

You already know how to make an arch in an apartment with your own hands, but how to make it perfectly flat? In order to give it mirror proportionality, it is necessary to take care of creating optimal conditions: prepare the necessary tools, take care of good lighting... When observing safety precautions, use gloves and goggles. Professionals installing interior arches always take care of comfortable conditions their work, perhaps this (and considerable work experience) is the secret of their success. So become a real professional for your home, create an amazing arch with your own hands. Now your home will have a wonderful source of pride, which you can not only surprise your friends, but also admire every day.

Enjoy the fruits of your work

How to make an arch with your own hands

With the beginning of the era of European-quality renovations, homeowners looked at their homes in a different way. Everyone is pretty fed up with the dark corridors with many battered doors, like in good old communal apartments. More and more often people refuse door frames and canvases dividing the premises, more and more often during repairs we leave open openings, which makes it possible to visually enlarge inner space, select separate zones.

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Few are content with strict rectangular shapes(although there are, of course, lovers of straight lines), as a rule, the opening takes on the rounded outlines of arches of a wide variety of configurations. When an arch is made with your own hands, you need to pay close attention to the technological moments of installation.

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Despite the fact that the arch can be made based on plastering technologies, in most cases drywall is used here. It should be noted that this popular material reveals itself in all its glory when arranging arches.

To say that the accuracy and reliability of installation drywall construction the arch is the defining moment to achieve the desired result - it means nothing to say. It can be very difficult to fix a crooked arch with subsequent putty. Plasterboard workers perform this element in different ways, there are several technically correct options, but not everyone can avoid typical mistakes that seriously affect the subsequent finish. There are several problems, here are the main ones:
1.) The outer corners of the arch are "not parallel" (so to speak about non-straight lines).
2.) A clear radius is not obtained.
3.) Cracks appear in the places where the drywall adjoins the main wall.

The first issue is resolved through high-quality preparation of the "bare opening", when it is plastered before starting work, achieving the parallelism and verticality of all lines, working out the angles strictly at 90 degrees.

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This allows you to prepare two absolutely identical sheets with the desired cut on the workbench, and then simply fix them in the design position. Some craftsmen first fix rectangular sheets of drywall in place, and then, after making careful markings, cut out the specified radii and tie the structure with a metal frame.

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Radius problems usually occur when sheathing the bottom of an arch. Sometimes a UD profile cut with a grinder is incorrectly screwed along the edge of the sheet, the main thing here is that the metal does not protrude. Sometimes it is not possible to bend a strip of gypsum qualitatively, especially at small radii. Even if processing with a needle roller and subsequent moistening does not give a result (drywall breaks), then parallel cuts 4-5 cm wide can be made on the back side of the dry strip.

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Arched (or "restoration") 6-millimeter drywall, unfortunately, is too expensive, and its quality has been a little lame lately, but there are more than enough wall scraps during repairs.

Cracks near the arch are a real scourge, especially if painting predominates in the decoration. Cracking on the plane of the wall is very common when the gypsum plasterboard is adjacent to the mineral base end-to-end.

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Therefore, many installers (if possible) dismantle the plaster near the opening and fix the sheets with an approach to the wall (100-150 mm), using Perlfix glue, plus fix this place with dowels "through the body". If the small thickness of the plaster does not allow such a maneuver to be performed, and the docking takes place in one plane, then glue for drywall ("bloopers" from the inside) is applied to the problem area to the base.

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The second delicate point is the abutment of a narrow hem strip to the slopes of the opening, here it is also better to use glue, apply it immediately before screwing the drywall.

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When the arch is mounted and thoroughly dried (if you moistened the plaster), you can expose the perforated corners. For this, there are special arched specimens made of plastic or aluminum. Among the painters, there are ardent adherents of one of two options, but both are good. The main thing is that the perforated corner on the arch and on the straight vertical corner of the opening is of the same type, then there will be no questions about the correspondence (or rather the discrepancy) of the rib shape.

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The most important task is to correctly set the perforated corner, while not "breaking" the radius. It is very convenient for these purposes to use a drywall template, it can be made separately, or you can use the counterpart that remained after cutting out the radius. It is better to fix the perforated corner with a stapler; many painters use studs / screws, which are removed as they are puttying.

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After installing the perforated corners, you should reinforce problem areas with a dense nylon mesh-serpyanka (it is sold in meter rolls) - adjoining the gypsum board to the mineral base. It will not be superfluous to solid gluing a curved, and even more so a notched strip of drywall. Please note that the mesh must be embedded in a previously applied layer of putty, and not just covered.

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Now you can start broaching the zones near the perforated corners. It is best to use a durable putty designed for sealing gypsum plasterboards, for example, Fugenfüller from Knauf. Perforated corners usually move the plane away from the base by 2.5-5 mm, so it is convenient to level the mass between them with a spatula with a hard blade or a small rule.
arch alignment

Many painters cut short rules from a conventional aluminum trapezoid for such purposes. After the main layer has dried, cover the entire structure with a finishing putty.

Some difficulties arise when grouting a curved surface. A regular flat pad will not work, so it is worth making a rounded or elastic abrasive holder, for example, from a piece of dense rubber. It is necessary to skin mainly with longitudinal movements, to the state of "under the wallpaper". Do not forget to prime all putty surfaces.

The finishing of the arches is made according to various technologies starting from cladding with wild stone and decorative plaster, ending with wallpaper for painting. If you want to get a smooth painted surface, then it is better to pre-paste over the arch with fiberglass using PVA. The same applies to thin-layer plasters. If we talk about gluing wallpaper and directly painting, then these technologies in relation to arches are not particularly different from work on slopes, which we have already discussed in one of the previous articles.

Finally, I would also like to note that the opening is subject to mechanical damage due to its high cross-country ability, therefore, quite often its outer corners, including arched ones, are covered with protective overhead parts - stripes, corners, dense polyurethanes.

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DIY arch for beginners

The ability of drywall panels to bend easily became the reason for the appearance fashionable design interior spaces using curved surfaces. In some rooms, connected to each other by a door, doorway always remains open, that is, the door is not in use.

In this case, the best option the use of space becomes getting rid of the door and decorating the opening with an arch. Often, when starting repairs, homeowners believe that such a reconstruction will be too expensive, and they do not know how to make an arch with their own hands, without resorting to the services of masters, although the technology of such work is not too complicated.

Anyone with minimal experience can cope with such work as making a drywall arch. home renovation... First of all, it must be borne in mind that to decorate a doorway with an arch, it must be at least two meters high. Otherwise, the arch will only worsen appearance premises. You should know that the higher the height arched opening, the more attractive it looks.

If the height of the opening is insufficient, then before making the arch with your own hands, you will have to increase it by hollowing out the upper part. Now you need to decide on the design of the arch. Share arched structures into two classes - classic arches that look like half a circle, and arches that are half an ellipse. The first option is used to design high openings, and the second class is more suitable for doorways having significant width.

Before making a drywall arch, you should prepare necessary materials and tools.

Basic materials required for work:

  1. drywall 10-12 mm thick
  2. metal profile PN 28/27
  3. self-tapping screws for metal
  4. dowels for securing the profile

Basic tools required for work:

The process of creating a drywall arch

The work begins with cutting out a blank for the future arch. Having determined its shape and dimensions, we mark the drywall with any in a convenient way... Having marked the cutting line, cut out the outline with a hacksaw.

If you have a jigsaw in your home workshop, then this process will be much more convenient and faster. Using the finished workpiece as a template, we cut out another one, identical to the first. Then we prepare a strip of drywall for the end of the arch. In order to give it the desired shape, slightly moisten the front side of the strip and gently bend it.

Now, with the help of dowels, we attach the profiles to the door opening, not forgetting that it should be positioned so that the plane of the arch coincides with the plane of the wall. We prepare a profile for the end of the arch. So that the profile can be bent, after 3-5 cm we cut grooves in its two walls. Then we bend it according to the template and attach it to the side profile.

It remains to cut off the extra corners at the side parts of the profile and attach the drywall blanks to their places with self-tapping screws. We can assume that the task of how to make a drywall arch with your own hands has been solved. It remains only to putty the seams, previously pasted over with reinforcing tape.

Master of Architecture, graduated from the Samara State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. 11 years of experience in design and construction.

In an effort to move away from generally accepted standards and give the interior elegance, the owners of apartments and country houses change the usual doors to arches. This is not new, but to this day a popular design highlight. The arch in the doorway is bought ready-made or made by hand. It comes in a variety of configurations, so it allows you to implement any idea.

Forms of arched openings

Interroom door arches are selected not only on the basis of taste preferences, but also depending on certain parameters: ceiling height and. Structures are made of plasterboard, wood, MDF, PVC. Plasterboard is easiest to work with as it is the most flexible material.

There are currently a large number of different types arches that vary in shape. The most common are:

Arched openings also have various designs and, on the basis of this, are divided into several varieties:

After taking a closer look at your interior and choosing the desired arch model, you can start phased implementation work.

Step-by-step instructions for self-production

In order not to spend extra money on finished goods, you can do the decoration of the arched opening yourself. To do this, you need to follow a clearly established scheme.

Taking the necessary measurements

Any construction process requires precision, which is achieved by first taking measurements. You need to start from the opening itself, so measure the width and height of it first. The size of the span between the walls of the opening is equal to the width of the arch. In order to make a semicircle as accurately as possible, this indicator must be divided by two.

Before making an arch, you need to decide on its future configuration. If you are going to perform it in a classic style, then pre-align the walls. Otherwise, the design will look ugly. Remove all defects from vertical surface you can putty or plaster using beacons.

Structural framing

To make the installation of the frame, you should perform a number of sequential steps:

  1. Along the lines of the opening with dowels, a contour of metal profile... The vertical guides are installed with an offset from the surface of the interior wall. The size of the indent is equal to the thickness of the drywall sheet and the plaster layer (about 0.2 cm).
  2. We install two such profiles parallel to each other on each side.

    For the frame device, two profiles are installed in parallel

  3. Having finished working with the profiles, we take up the installation of the first sheet of drywall. If its thickness is 1.25 cm, then it is recommended to fasten it with 3.5x35 self-tapping screws. If the thickness of the gypsum board is not more than 0.95 cm, use smaller screws.

    Drywall is fixed with self-tapping screws

  4. Sheathe the other side of the frame with drywall.

  5. Make an arc-shaped metal profile. To do this, cut the side walls of the profile with special scissors every 7 centimeters. As a result of these actions, it is easier for him to give the required form. For an arched structure, you will need two such blanks.

    An arched arc is made from the profile

  6. Install and fasten the arched profiles to the main frame.

    The arcuate profile is attached to the main part of the frame

  7. In order for the arcs to be securely fixed, they are attached with hangers to a straight rail located on top. The number of suspensions depends on the width of the opening. Usually three pairs are sufficient.

  8. In increments of 0.4-0.6 m, attach reinforcing cross-members around the frame perimeter, fixing them on the guides of two contours.
  9. As a result of the above actions, a reliable metal structure in the form of an arch from a profile. In the future, it will be sheathed with plasterboard or plywood.

If it is assumed that the columns of the arches will not be too large in thickness, then 2 arcs can be changed to a wide profile. Cutting and folding is done in the same way. Only in this case, the installation of cross members is not required.

Sometimes, instead of a metal profile, they use wooden slats... At the same time, the frame installation technology does not change significantly.

Plasterboard bending

After installing the frame, they are taken for bending the gypsum board. Experts recommend using drywall, designed specifically for arched structures. He easily accepts the desired shape if the material is washed in the longitudinal direction.

If you decide to use regular drywall, then you have to tinker with it. The installation element is cut out the right size in the form of a rectangle. It is folded in two ways: wet and dry.

Bending fabrication scheme

The wet method is time consuming and cannot be rushed. To prevent the material from cracking when bent, it is moistened with water and punctures are made. In this form, the drywall sheet is left to lie for a while, and then it is folded onto a template of the desired configuration.

The dry method means the application of cuts parallel to each other on the seamy side of the gypsum board. The cut goes deep into the sheet, affecting the outer cardboard layer and gypsum. The cardboard layer on the front side remains intact.

With the dry method, the bending of the positioning element takes the correct shape. At the same time, it is important to know that it is better to cut the gypsum board with a jigsaw, and not with a hacksaw. Then the edges will not be torn.

Rough frame cladding

If the bend was performed wet method, then first of all it is necessary to wait until the drywall sheet is completely dry. The fixation of the material is carried out first with adhesive tape, and then with self-tapping screws. The minimum step between them should be from 5 to 6 centimeters.

Perforated corner prevents edge chipping

After fastening the edge sheathing drywall sheet are cleaned up. And in order to prevent chipping of the curved edge, a perforated plastic corner is installed on it.

Leveling with putty

To make the surface even, you need to finish the arched structure. First, a primer is applied, and after it dries, a putty. Fiberglass mesh is used to reinforce the second layer and strengthen the corners..

Fiberglass mesh reinforces the corners of the arch

The last third layer of putty is applied to the mesh. After about 10 hours, it dries up, after which you can start cleaning the irregularities with sandpaper. With a well-done work, the surface will be without roughness, irregularities, the caps of the self-tapping screws will not be visible in it.

Methods for finishing arches

Those wishing to decorate the arches on their own will have to work hard, cutting out each detail separately. However, many do not look for difficulties and choose the simple way - they acquire factory structures from prefabricated elements.

Prefabricated and prefabricated pads

Factory-made overlay is of two types: wood and foam.

Styrofoam elements

Foam arches are often preferred as an alternative to plaster products. The advantages of such designs are as follows:

  1. Fast installation. Installation speed is much higher than arched structures made of plywood or gypsum board.
  2. Low price.
  3. Easy transportation. Polyfoam is a fairly light material, so you do not need to hire movers to deliver the product to your home.
  4. Low weight. Arches of this type can be installed even on very weak structures.
  5. Various forms.

Foam arches are recruited from ready-made elements and trimmed in place to fit the size of the opening

Negative sides arched structures made of polystyrene are: fragility, toxicity, quick flammability.

Wood elements

Wooden arched structures do not require advertising. They look rich and rarely do not match any interior style. However, it should be understood that the word "wooden" does not mean that all components are made of pine, oak or other solid wood.

The arch can be made from natural wood, MDF, chipboard or plywood

Arched elements are also made from inexpensive MDF, laminated chipboard, plywood faced with veneer. The desired option is selected individually based on the taste and thickness of the wallet.

Wooden elements ordered from the catalog, and then cut to length before installation

The installation of timber structures is simple. In hardware stores, arches are sold both assembled and disassembled. The first option is considered more reliable, since the work was performed by a specialist.

Decoration with finishing materials

Currently, there are many ways to beautifully and neatly. The decor is selected so that it is in harmony in color, texture, material with the home environment. The most popular options are recognized:

  1. Simple staining... The arch will look elegant and complete if it is simply painted white, brown or the tone of the walls. This finish is often complemented by decorative elements, backlit.

    Monochrome painting looks great in combination with backlighting

  2. Wallpapering... It is the fastest, most affordable and easy process. For these purposes, vinyl or non-woven options are best suited.

    Wallpaper highlighted slopes - a very stylish design move

  3. Finishing with wooden, plastic clapboard. The method guarantees not only an excellent aesthetic appearance, but also ensures the durability of the structure, its protection from moisture and mechanical damage.

    The clapboard option is great for interiors with wall decoration from the same material

  4. Decorative plaster... The surface of the arch is beautiful, embossed and durable. True, this finish sometimes needs to be restored, and it requires some maintenance.

    This method looks especially advantageous in deep arches.

  5. Stone... Arch in a house made of natural or artificial stone installed only with the help of a professional. The decoration captivates the eye and makes the interior unusual.

    The ragged edges of the arch can become a highlight of any interior.

  6. Cork- it is quite expensive, but environmentally friendly material. It is easily damaged by mechanical damage, therefore, to extend its service life, it is recommended to cover the cork with wax.

    Cork finishing brings a sense of environmental friendliness and comfort to the interior