Preparation of the doorway to the installation of interroom. How to prepare a doorway to installing interior door

Final stage of any overhaul In the apartment - replacement of interroom doors. Interior doors are usually an order of magnitude cheaper input, but to update the interior or a complete design change without their replacement can not do. Change them most often comprehensively, even if we are talking about a small one-two-bedroom apartment.

Technology installation of interroom doors. Video

Depending on what material do the doors and what kind of design they have, the installation technology will depend. Since the question arose about replacing interroom doors, the choice between the types of structures will be inevitable. The correct interroom door can save space in the apartment, if you give preference not by simple single-holder swing doors, and sliding, you can also consider the option to install the harmonica door.

SAMI simple design Without glasses for interior doors, it is performed from a set of canvas. Most often, the canvas are made from coniferous rocks Tree and almost all the doors of the economy class are lined with a felt plate. Fiberboard can be both profiled and simple, depending on the price category. The cheapest doors have a textured surface under painting, and models are more expensive.

Depending on the price category, it can be equipped with a door frame, loops and fittings. But most often, even in standard apartments panel housesIt accounts for a long time to customize the door under the box, because the nominal dimensions are not always followed, which is why before starting the installation of the door, you need to prepare the opening.

Preparation of facilities for installation

In the room there must be a floor, and the walls are prepared under finish finishThey must be plastered or past. The door box should be installed after all wet finishing works were performed, otherwise it may be a story, turn, especially at the bottom, which can deliver extra problems.

The door frame can be sold along with the door cloth, and maybe separately. In the case when the box is bought separately, it is very important to pay attention to the thickness of the door leaf and the status of the racks from which the box will be collected. The curvature and cracks are not allowed, it is also undesirable for bitch on the door frame elements.

Good loops and necessary tools

It is impossible to bypass the loop. Despite the fact that the loops on interior doors do not carry a special load, it is better to choose the models detachable and more expensive. Savings on the loops will further add trouble, and if the door is relatively heavy, it is better to install not two, but three loops. As a rule, those self-tapping screws that are sold complete with hinges are not suitable anywhere. They are disposable and made of low-quality steel. It is better to immediately replace them with proven good screws of a suitable configuration.

To install interroom doors with their own hands, the minimum set of tools will be required:

  • construction level;
  • drill or screwdriver;
  • roulette, ruler, square, marker;
  • assembly construction foam;
  • a set of a chisel or an electric tool that replaces them;
  • fantasy saw or stub manual saw on wood;
  • planer or mill.

The installation of the door block begins with the markup of the racks of the box. Internal size The boxes under the door should be 3-4 mm more sizes of the door itself, and the distance from the lower edge of the door to the floor should be at least 10 mm. The rack is placed, after which they scream at an angle of 45 degrees fantorial saw and manual knife on wood. The assembly scheme is shown in the figure - the assembly uses self-tapping screws or wooden pins. The top bar of the door frame is also cut down the same principle - from the side of the lock and from the side of the loops, the gaps must be 4-5 mm.

It is more convenient to cut the loops and the castle when the box and the door are still in hand, so first you need to measure 20 cm on top and 21 from the bottom of the door and along the inside of the rack on which the loops will be mounted. The loop is attached to two self-pressing temporarily on the door frame, after which the contour of the pencil is burned. The loop can be removed and with the help of the chisel, perform a recess in the rack. The depth should be such that the loop is completely hiding in thickness.

It remains only to collect the door frame and consolidate it in the doorway. As a rule, interior doors are strengthened with mounting foam, but it is desirable to fix the box with large self-drawing or anchors to the wall. The box is set strictly by level and is recorded temporarily with a piece of drywall, foam plaster, boards, after which the free space is filled with foam.

The screws for fixing the box to the wall is best located on the hinge sites and on the pad to fix the lock. So the screws will not be visible, and three points are enough for durable attachment. You can hang the door and gate the space between the box and the wall. After checking the performance of the design, the box is closed by platbands that can be mounted on glue or thin nails.

The design is installed, it remains only to lubricate the loop and solve which lock will be necessary for the door. Successful to all repairs!

Installation of interroom doors is made at the final stage of repair, after final interior decoration Total rooms, including flooring. Many owners trust such work by professionals. But also independent installation You can provide durability and impeccable operation, if you know certain rules Installation of doors I. phased sequence assembly.

Preparatory Works and Required Measures

First of all, it is necessary to align the inner surface of the doorway. This will require:

  • find and remove the remains of fastening the previous door box - nails, screws, screws;
  • demolish the protruding parts of concrete or brickwork;
  • clear the surface from the construction garbage;
  • check the verticalness of the sidewall and the horizontal of transverse surfaces.

The prepared doorway should be wider in the door block inserted into it by 10 - 20 mm on each side. The presence of a technological gap is necessary for subsequent adjustment of the box and filling the space by mounting foam. To determine the approximate dimensions of the opening, it is necessary to add the width of the door leaf with a double thickness of the box racks. The amount of gaps between the door web and a boxed bar (3-4 mm) are added to the amount obtained, as well as the size of the technological gap between the door frame and the opening.

Before starting work, you will need to check the horizontal of the floor in the room. To do this, at the bottom of the doorway have building level, exposing it strictly horizontally. On side slopes make marks, after which measurements are made from the intended points to the floor. Next, the vertical racks are trimmed with the results obtained.

It should be noted that in the presence of the floor level deviations horizontally, the height of the sidewall box will be different.

Assembly and installation of the door box

Door box is carrier carcass from bars having p - shaped or rectangular shape. In the bathroom and the toilet it is preferable to put an interroom door with a spawning. Such a solution with minor leaks in the water supply system will help to avoid flooding of significant areas in the apartment. For the rest of the rooms are installed doors without a threshold.

Fitted longitudinal racks and connecting transverse bars before assembly must be properly tedded at a certain angle. An additional lower bar serving the threshold is alwayshed down at an angle of 90 degrees. Fantasy for vertical Bruschev And the priests at an angle of 45 degrees is a rather complicated process, but such a dock looks aesthetic. To withstand the right angle will help the use of a joinery stouch. Cathered at 90 degrees is carried out much easier.

It is necessary to assemble the door frame on a flat surface. At home, this is done on the floor. Prepared parts are connected by self-drawing.

To determine accurate measurements of the box, door leaf Inserted into the pre-assembled box. Laying around the entire perimeter of the sash strips from packaging cardboard between ends of the door and bars of the box allows you to withstand uniform technological gaps.

The correct installation of the assembled door frame in the wall opening is performed using spacers and wedges, which fix the box and simultaneously make it possible to adjust the entire design. First of all, looping bar is strictly exhibited vertically, after which it is fixed by screws in the opening of the opening.

Start fasteners of the looper bar follows closer to the bottom canopy (loop). This facilitates further vertical adjustment of the element.

The position of the opposite rack is adjusted using a plumb, after which the correspondence of the horizontal position of the upper bar is checked. Next, the roulette is measured by the identity of the diagonal sizes of the installed box.

The procedure for preparing and hanging the door canvase

The process of preparing the door canvase implies the liner inserts, the lock and the installation of the handles. Standard and convenient location door knob The distance within 0.9 - 1.2 m from the floor is considered.

Rubble door loops It is a deepening (sample) in the size of looping plates. It is performed in places location of canopies using a joinery of a chisel or a mill. The selection depth should provide the placement of the loops in the end surface of the web. Special attention It should be paid to the uniformity of the removal layer along the entire length of the plate, otherwise the skew of the door sash with respect to the box will not be avoided.

Next, the installation of the door canvase is made in the box recorded in the wall. From the bottom, the sash is bubbled with wedges, and with the help of strips from packaging cardboard, the necessary technological gaps are exhibited by its other three sides. Only after that the markup is made for the top and bottom of the loop on the jacket of the box and the subsequent sample of the recesses on it under the looping plates.

Alternative technology provides for the cutting of door loops into a jamb before installing the door frame. In this case, accurate measurements are needed in compliance with tolerances and landings.

After hanging the prepared door canvase, its verticality is checked in closed and open position by attaching a plumb to top corner Doors from the loop. The uniform of gaps around the perimeter is regulated by wedges and struts of the door box. The corrected design is once again checked for:

  • spontaneous opening or closing;
  • rubbing;
  • noise or screenshot.

After installation, adjustment and final fastening of the door block in the opening, proceed to the gap between the door frame and the wall. Construction mounting foam It is an additional fastener. In order not to stain the box and the surface of the door flaps, they should be saved by painting scotch. For a better clutch of foam with a wall surface, the openings are wetted with water.

It is necessary to know that the mounting foam during frozen has a property to increase in the amount, which often leads to the deformation of the door box. To prevent breaks and preserve the desired gap, around the perimeter of the canvas closed door You will need to insert strips from packaging cardboard.

The filling of emptiness should be dosed in several techniques. Full drying of the mounting foam occurs no earlier than a day. It is not worth using it to use the door to use the door. The spoken foam is cut into a knife with a wall with a wall and a box, after which they get to the installation of platbands.

Installation of trimming

Decorative cashing attaching to the door frame, giving interior door finished appearance. Installation of installation Next:

  • the size of the platbands is determined;
  • it is done by the longitudinal planks;
  • drill holes under fasteners;
  • vertical strips are bent along the box;
  • on top of the longitudinal elements of the framing, transverse cash is started;
  • on the place on the horizontal bar, the label is stuck, followed by it;
  • finished platbands are fixed at the place.

The length of the vertical slats is determined by measuring the distance from the floor to the location of the longitudinal and transverse timber bar. The resulting label is the starting point of the injection point, which should be made at an angle of 45 degrees. At the same time, it is necessary to try as accurately as much as possible to withstand the angle, since even a small error can lead to the formation of rather noticeable gaps in the conjugated details. Prepared on the size of the navigation is attached to the door box with small carnations or glued.

The described assembly procedure and installation of interroom doors is the main algorithm of actions. Depending on the materials used when installing materials, tools, fastening accessories and skill masters, it may change slightly.

In this article we will tell, how to independently install the interroom door without the use of specialized professional instrument, such as a cutter and a tracing saw. Of course, using these tools, you can make a much higher quality and fast installation, but it is advisable to acquire expensive equipment only for long-term regular work. With the choice of the tool, each is determined independently, one thing remains unquestionable - before installing the door, it is necessary to purchase it first, and more precisely - to choose (see).

Independent installation Interior door is a complex qualified operation. To fulfill the correct and high-quality mount - Be extremely attentive. The price of any smallest error is extremely high, before doing anything - - check all the calculations several times.

Preparation for installing interroom doors

The first thing you need to do before proceeding to install the door, regardless of whether you install it for yourself, or you fulfill the order - unpack and carefully inspect the canvas, box, platbands, i.e. everything that you have to use. If the work is performed for yourself, the reasons for the preliminary inspection are obvious - claims to the seller (manufacturer) after the start of installation the door is no longer presented. If, you perform installation by order of the client, the inspection is all the more mandatory - demonstrating the customer to marriage even before the installation starts, you can avoid accusations of incompetence.

Important: When unpacking with the use of a knife, be extremely neatly producing an incision of packaging material - do not damage the front parts of the elements.

So, the door canvas and related materials are unpacked and inspected. Do not hurry immediately with enthusiasm to work for work - this is the main mistake of novice masters. Installing the door - one of the most responsible species finishing workThis means that by making a mistake at one of the stages - fix it, without loss of quality, is almost impossible. For this reason, it is necessary to take into account all the features associated with the geometry of the premises, the operation of the door and its design, as well as those complications that may arise in the installation process. View the doorway, make sure the doorway will be able to place the way you need. Check the floor level - whether the door will touch it with the bottom edge when opening (closing). If the floor is twisted - you may have to change the direction of opening the door, leave a greater clearance from the bottom, or (in exceptional cases) to install the door at a low angle.

Do not forget that the platbands must completely lie down to the box, without leaving the gaps, you may have to adjust the location of the box, and do not forget that the box should be installed strictly vertically, without the slightest deviation. Check immediately - will post, after installation, the platband in its place in full size (relevant for corner door openings) Or you will have to cut it along, which looks pretty uneatetic. Determine with measurements - is it possible to place the doorway so that the platbands get up without trimming. Better decision It is the elimination of such remittons "Soviet" layouts at the stage of basic decoration (dismantling and erection of partitions).

Immediately before starting work, of course, it is necessary to clear and prepare workplace (see Preparation of the workplace). Before installing the door box, if necessary, clean the doorway should be cleaned - old stucco, cut off sticking rods of fittings, nails, etc. (see), To do this, be used with a spatula in the "Stroke without rotation" mode and, widely known as "Bulgarian" with cut off disk on metal.

Assembling door box

So, preparatory work Finished. Now you need to assemble the door box. Take the roulette and make measurements of the door leaf.

To close the door freely, add 4-6 mm to the resulting width (if the material of the canvas is high-quality, and the humidity in the room is not large - you can leave the minimum clearance) to the length, depending on the curvature of the floor, add 6-12 mm. The resulting dimensions with a simple pencil transfer to the box planks, while consider that, without having an end saw, you can cut off the box of the box only once, to make the size fit will be extremely problematic. You can adjust the vertical door placement, if necessary, adjust, but horizontal accommodation, how easy it is to guess, not to change, so if you doubt the width of the side gaps, add another 1-2 mm to the magnitude of the top plank, but not too much - Large gaps look extremely inestore.

Important: Also, be sure to add two thickness of the box to the length of the top plank, since the upper bar will block the side. Do not forget to sign details for the convenience of assembly.

Now carefully cut off the box of the box with ordinary hacksaw or.

Important: If you have already made an inspection of the boxes, then, for sure, noticed that the edges of these planks in some places have chips and other damage. Try to place the planks in such a way that it is slightly and damaged parts that are cut off. Ideally, the paved parts of the slats are located below the door box and pressed to the floor, and the so-called "factory" level is located on top of the joint.

In our case, the staples of the door box have rounded edges, so it is necessary to combine them to align them or perform the planks under 45 degrees, or to make one of the planes, in this case, the top, recess, repeating this rounded circuit. In our example, the door box does not have a lower plank, if in your case it is - the same operations spend it with it.

When executing a penal saw, the configuration of the cross section of the bar does not matter, everything is aligned perfect, it is professional and fast wayHowever, if the installation of the doors is not your specialization, acquire this expensive tool, as noted earlier, is not entirely profitable. In our example, we will use the second method, and we will make excavations using the electrolls, it is inexpensive and, moreover, it is a universal tool that will be useful to you when solving wide spectrum Finishing tasks. Simple pencil is placed the contour was rented.

Then, remove the insulation and neatly perform the cuts strictly along the line, while directing the jigsaw smoothly and without jerks.

IMPORTANT: To avoid chips, the cut is always performed from the front side (in the drawing, the jigscription will be turned out exclusively for clarity).

Sometimes, depending on the specific model, the support metal part of the electrolybiz may scratch or leave dark stripes on the material cut. To avoid this, when you fulfill the responsible work, it can be simply planeded by several stripes of painting scotch. Please note that the cut is performed not until the very end of the plank, later you will understand - for what reason.

After performing the cut, with the help of the chisels, we remove the extra parts of the bar, for this we put the chisel to the end and, slightly hitting it with a hammer, we chop up too much. Then the same chisel gently cleaned the new surface of the plank, if they were removed enough - we repeat the procedure. The new surface of the plank should be in the same plane as its main part, so the edges of the side planks of the box will be close to the top.

Telescopic platbands are attached strictly in the grooves of the box of the box at some distance from its edge, which does not close and it remains in sight, it is in order to make the slots of the slot assemblies that are not visible on the edge of the door box. We also produced incomplete cut. If you use a regular platband, it, unlike the telescopic, can be fixed with almost the very edge of the box. In this case, you can perform rear to the edge of the plank.

We combine the edges of the door box slats, align them and fasten with self-draws, pre-searched the slap by the drill with a small diameter, if this is not done - when twisting the screws can split the bar when twisting. For drilling and twisting self-tapping, in our example, used, universal and inexpensive tool.

Marking and installation of door loops

Door kra Collected, now it is necessary to check - how accurate your assembly and, if necessary, adjust it. But, before that, the loops should be shown on the door leaf - so it will later be easier to mark the markup under the loop on the box. First, as it should, fasten the door of the door so that you can be convenient to perform work on it. side Neck, It is possible to drink the door to the edge of the wall, the table, etc., the main thing is that the consolidation was reliable.

Now in the doorway it is necessary to make removing for loops. The distance from the edge of the door canvas until the start of the loop is usually: 150 - 200 mm for the upper loops and 200 - 300 mm for the lower. Deciding with the distance to the loops, with the help of a roulette, perform the appropriate measurements, and tick the edge of the edge of the upper and lower loop notch. Then, take the loop and, applying it to the door to the door so that her side edge coincides with the border of the loop notch, applied earlier, and the lower edge (where both parts of the loop are connected) in the same plane with facial surface Door canvas. By placing a loop in this way, circle its contour with a pencil. In the same way, mark the outline of the second loop. It is very important not to be mistaken when installing loops. Therefore, it is better to immediately collect a loop, connecting both of its half, open and in this form try on the canvase. Then close the loop, imagine - how your door will open and close, make sure that everything is done correctly and, only after that, be thrown for the tool.

Take the chisel and slightly shift the contour, keeping the blade, as shown in the figure, the straight side to the removed part - so as not to damage the edge of the excavation should be cutting carefully, slightly hitting the chisel. To solve this task, you can also use a building knife.

Using the chisel, make samples under the loop, directing the blade at a slight angle to the end of the canvas, then clean the recess to the chisel or a building knife.

Insert the loop into the recess, previously disassembled it, the top edge of the loop should be located in the same plane with the surface of the canvas, or hardly appear for it. If the loop acts strongly - you should deepen the recess of the chisel, if the loop is too recessed at the door - to put a piece of paper under it, in which the loops were packed, you can also use chips, cardboard, etc. When the loops are placed in the desired way - screw Their "temporary" small self-draws, it is enough to use two self-pressing on the loop, so you, after installing the door canvase in the box, if necessary, you can correct the position of the loop using the remaining screws.

At this stage, the insertion on the door of the lock is possible, if it has already been purchased, this method has both pros and cons, but someone may prefer this option, in this example the lock is crashed already into the installed door. (cm. ).

Put the assembled door box on the floor, then reappeat the retractable pieces of the loops to the shut-off on the doorway and gently lower the door to the box, as if closing it if someone helps you in this - wonderful. Before that, do not forget to carefully remove the transport plastic or wooden legs from the lower edge of the door canvase.

The installation of the door is better to produce together - it minimizes the risk to damage the door itself, or the surrounding interior when it moves it, because the doors are set, as a rule, after performing the main part of the finishing work. Press the canvas tightly to the box with the screw loop, and insert two toothpicks, matches, or a pair of tile wedges in the top between the blast and bar, or a pair of tiled wedges so that a uniform gap of about 2 mm remains. With the opposite loop, a small gap (2-4 mm) should remain with the opposite door loop, from the edge of the door to the edge of the boxes, the distance should be 4-10 mm. If all the gaps are observed, and the build quality suits you - you can proceed to the markup of the loops on the box. Spend a pencil on the upper edge of the box of the box, marking the edge line on the side surface of the loop, then mark the lower and upper edges of the loops on the bar.

Remove the door leaf, disassemble the loops, and make notches in the door box bar, similar to how it was described earlier, then, in the same way, screw the response parts of the loop "temporary" screws.

Preparation of the door box to installation

You can start installing the box in the doorway, but, first, you should decide on the attachment method.

Important: when installing door korobov Mandatory use of rigid fasteners - Mounting foam is used as insulating material And additional (but not the main) fastening. Box fixed only with foam or adhesive compositions After some time it is deformed, and the door will stop normally close.

The mount is carried out with screws directly to the support (side) sides of the doorway through the holes, drilled in advance in the box, it is also possible to fasten the box using metal corners to the lateral part of the opening (the so-called "invisible mount"). In our example, the first fastening method is used. Most often, three fastening points are used on each side, on top of the same box is optionally, but if the box of the box is not sufficiently rigid, it can be placed one or two additional fastening points. Shoots are placed strictly symmetrically on both sides. You can arrange two of them (on one side of the box) under the loops, thus closing them, the average screw from the opposite side, while placed under the retold plate of the castle, which also masks it, in general, it may be a little moretheat , However, the three fasteners still remain in view of the form, in addition, the final adjustment of the position of the door box is better to produce with installed doorin order to provide best quality Installations, but the screws will be under the loop - this will not be possible.

In our example, medium screws will be located slightly above the castle's response plate, the extreme, just below the loops, this will easily adjust the location of the box at any stage of the installation. Since the door box plank is quite tough - it is additionally fixing it is not necessary. Approximately deciding with the location of the reference points, you need to decide and with the fact that the type of screws should be used. In the event that the doorway is located in the brick or concrete Wall For fastening the door box, screws with plastic dowels are used, which are mounted into the holes, drilled in advance with a perforator or shock drill. If the opening is laid out from the puzzle plates, or the reference sides of the opening are made of wooden bar (aluminum profile, reinforced with a timber), used screws with a large thread rate (on wood), they are twisted directly into the material. In our case, the opening is located in the wall of the puzzle plates, in their end holes we focused on gypsum mixture Six segments of a wooden bar (20 * 20), in which the screws will be spinning.

Since the opening is always significantly wider than the door box - for its reliable fixing from one (or on both) sides between the box of the box and the edge of the doorway, the struts are inserted, which is easy to make from the remains of a bar, rail, rail boxes, etc. To determine the size of the self-samples, take the previously assembled door of the door and, by placing it in the opening, position it in the desired way: if the depth of your doorway is much more than the width of the box, and you use dotor, the edge of the door opening side is installed in the same plane with the wall - Here you install the platband, on the other hand, it will be installed first, and then the platband. In our example, good products were not used, and the box was installed at a uniform distance from both planes of the walls. Regarding horizontal placement - try to place a loop supporting side of the door box as close to the edge of the opening. Undoubtedly, very the best way - Align the edges of the doorway in terms of installation perforated cornersThis is, of course, a very laborious process, but at the stage of installing doors, you will feel all the advantages of this technique. In the considered example, the opening was performed in this way, so the side with the loops is fixed close to the smooth edge of the opening, the opposite side will be located at a distance of several centimeters from the edge of the opening. Thus, it can be easily determined that it is necessary to use three screws with a length of the thickness of the box (about 25 mm) plus the depth of fixing the self-pressing in the material of the opening (about 20-40 mm) from the loop side; And three self-pressing with a length of more than previous on the distance from the box to the edge of the opening. In any case, it is not necessary for special accuracy here - and it will be better if you have several fastener sizes at your hand, since it is never known in advance - what surprises can wait for you during the installation process, and possibly the position of the box will have to adjust.

Also at this stage you can already decide with the size of the wedges, with the help of which you have to strengthen the door box. Without removing the box, tick it first (without pressing hard to the pencil) - where the fasteners will be located, in our case, they must coincide with the sections of the bar fixed in the edges. If you have a different method of fixing (with the help of plastic dowels, or directly into the material), then such accuracy you will not need, and, though, make sure that there will be no interference of the reinforcements of the screws, the veins, and t. d.

Pull out the box. With the help of a roulette, make measurements and final markings of six holes for fasteners, remember - the holes are preferably located symmetrically, it looks much more aesthetic.

Drill with a drill, or a perforator in the "Drilling without impact" mode, the placed holes along the edges of the door box are placed, while choosing the diameter of the drill should be in such a way that the self-emitted screw is in the hole, it will facilitate the adjustment of the location of the box horizontally. Distances from the edge of the box of the box to the centers of the holes should be the same.

Important: Do not forget that the fasteners will then be masked by decorative plugs, so the holes for them should not be too close to the door protrusion. To perform marking within a few centimeters, it is very convenient to use a caliper.

Drilling holes, it is necessary to expand them from above, so that the self-sufficiency hat is not allowed with the plane's plane with its full swing. To do this, use the drill, the diameter of which is equal to the diameter of the screw screw. Sliver the available holes on a small depth (2-3 mm), then clean the edge of the hole using a building knife (you can also use the tip). If you have to use a larger screws, than supposed, diameter - adjust the holes using the appropriate size for this.

Now you need to make fastening wedges. To do this, with the help of an electric bike, or a conventional hacksaw cut small (50-70 mm) pieces of timber, you can also use trimming boxes of the box. Next, using the chisel, and installing it with the edge to the end of the bars under a slight inclination, and hitting it with a hammer, we split the rectangles along it. Since the chisel is at an angle - as a result you should have several wedges of the trapezoidal form.

When all preparatory work is completed - you can start setting.

Installing and fixing the door box

Important: If you install alone - you should first align and secure one side of the box, and only then the second. When installing the installation, you can also place and fix both sides.

Place the door box in the opening, thoroughly align one of its side in the wall plane (construction level, while applied to the end of the box), and then using a drill with long drillThrough the previously drilled holes, the holes slightly captivate three places under the self-tapping screw. If in your case, the geometry of the opening allows you to fix the side with the hinges close to its edge - to begin, by itself, it is better from this side.

Remove the box and depart the holes in the opening under your selected screws. If you do not do this - the self-sufficiency will not be able to pass on a sufficient depth in the material. Use the drill with a diameter of about half the diameter of the self-press. Install the box in the opening and fix one of its side (it is better to use the "temporary" self-lengths of a smaller length in order not to destroy the wall material), then align in the plane of the walls and mark the opposite side of the box. Then unscrew the screws, remove the box and capture the remaining three mounting holes in doorway.

When used for fastening screws with plastic dowels, a sequence of actions similar to, only holes in the edges of the doorway, of course, are performed, the same diameter is performed as a dowel, which, in turn, should be tightly entering the mounting holes and not hang in them. Finally install the doorway in the opening, strengthen it with wedges and tighten all six screws, but not to the end. Take the building level and, align both sides of the box in the plane of the doorway (applying the level to the wide facial side box), with the installation of wedges different thickness, achieve the right position of the box, in which the lateral side of it will be perfectly straight lines forming with an angle of 90 o.

Important: The door box should be located strictly vertically both in the plane of the walls and in the plane of the doorway, the slightest deviation - and the door installed subsequently will cover the floor when opening, or cannot be closed normally.

Reaching the desired result, tighten the screw completely. Pour holes with screws decorative lining, pick up the desired color and texture.

The remaining small seams in the joints of the joints, if desired, can be filled with a special sealant for a tree, also by choosing a suitable shade.

Fixation of the door cloth on the box

Secure the door leaf, hovering it on the loop. Tighten the remaining "temporary" screws.

Important: If you try to immediately spin the "factory" screws, pre-catching the holes below them - you can easily cut the heads on the head, as complete fasteners are usually extremely low quality.

After completion of the installation, fill in the mounting foam of the emptiness between the box and the bearing wall.

IMPORTANT: Before applying foam, moisten absorbing surfaces with a conventional sprayer. Also, do not forget with the help of painting tape gear on the door cloth folded in several layers of cardboard - in order for foam to dry out the change in the geometry of the box. It is better to use a professional foam that does not increase when frozen. If the voids are too voluminous - put the foam in several stages.

Door manufacturing companies, suppliers and shops offer great amount options for the arrangement of residential, commercial and production premises. Moreover, the cost of many of them is more than acceptable. However, the installation price does not always seem to us available at least because there is an understanding that such a procedure can be performed independently. However, how to do it? How do it yourself, for example, to prepare the work on the installation of the interior door? Let's try to answer these questions by offering recommendations for preparatory and installation work.


We have already mentioned about saving funds with independent activities. But is there any other advantages of such a decision? Of course, if you have a high degree of responsibility and accuracy, then surely, following the instructions, you can achieve a more accurate result than many professionals. After all, these qualities are needed, and experience is taken into account in the recommendations given. Therefore, you have everything to act.

Why do it

Consider why you need to do preparatory manipulations:

  • Get the opportunity of tight fixation of the box in the opening. An unreliable option may be deformed during operation, which will cause damage to the canvas, gender or other elements of the interior.
  • No cracks between the platband and the wall. Sometimes, such a gap remains that it can spoil the impression of the result. It may be caused different factorsthat you want to eliminate before starting the box mounting. Most often it is necessary to align the wall, at least in the installation zone of the door.
  • Attractive appearance of the walls. Sometimes the real dimming dimensions are more than supposed. This causes the need to supplement the space by any material. It can be mounting foam, plasterboard, wooden barber or cement-sandy solution.
  • Removing the need to cut the door in height. Sometimes, the canvas exceeds the height of the opening. To do not cut it (after all, it is impossible to do or conjugate with certain risks to spoil the material), you can prepare the opening, deleting an excess part.

Preparation of actions

Start the procedure is necessary with the preparation of personal protective equipment. After all, work will be associated with dust, mud and solid elements that can get into the eyes, respiratory organs, skin, hair, and so on. To avoid unpleasant consequences, protect yourself from possible injuries, it is recommended to wear:

  • headdress;
  • glasses;
  • closed shoes and clothing;
  • respirator.


Tools should be prepared:

  • perforator;
  • bulgarian with a diamond disk;
  • nail holder;
  • a hammer;
  • chisel;
  • roulette;
  • pencil.


Preparation of the doorway to installing the interior door, as a rule, starts with the dismantling of the old. First you need to remove the cloth. It can be done safely by unscrewing the screws holding a loop. Further to remove the platbands. If there is a seal between the opening and the box, it must be removed. On all elements it is necessary to make rugs. First you need to break the lower parts of the box, and then the top. It remains to clean the opening from the remnants of the old box.

Features of training

  • Door opening It is necessary to make more box per 1-3 cm. The remaining space can be filled with mounting foam.
  • The opening must be strengthened. Bruks need to press so that they do not hate, and bricks, the plaster must be sealed.
  • All over the perimeter, the depth of the opening should be permanent. It may be necessary to use putty, plaster or drywall.
  • Contact outdoor coatings Two rooms should be carried out in the middle of the canvas. Otherwise, both coverage will be noticeable.
  • If the opening is located at the perpendicular wall, it is necessary to redo it in advance, otherwise it will also have to perform a more complex installation, for example, with the cutting of the platbands along. It is necessary to grow the wall from the part of the perpendicularly located wall, as well as cut off the opposite.


The preparation of the opening for the installation of the interior door can be performed after determining its size. To do this, you need to measure the box. As already noted, the opening should be more than 1-3 cm.

Preparatory activities should provide form, sizes and quality of the opening in order to install at the proper level. As a result, compliance with all recommendations should be so that the size of the opening will be fully approaching the door mounting. It concerns height, width and depth - all parameters need to be displayed. At the same time, the imposed appearance should be ensured so that the interior of the room is not injured after all actions.


There are no special difficulties in the preparation of openings under the door, especially for those who at least once participated in the repair of the premises. As in any case, here is important attentiveness and sequence, so it is important to consider the recommendations given, then the result will be high-quality and reliable.

And if the preparation of door openings to install the doors seemed to you too complicated, there are doubts, then you can call specialists. This decision will not require much effort from you, but money will be needed, since the work of professionals most often costs a lot. However, in this case, the result will be exactly high quality. Moreover, many provide warranties, therefore risks are minimal.

One of the most important elements In repair of the apartment is the installation of interroom and entrance doors. Entrance doors Protect housing from unwanted guests, and interior doors provide additional comfort and share rooms. Before installing doors, it is necessary to check the walls of the doorways to vertically. It can be easily done using a level. In the event of not the perfect verticality of the walls, they need to be aligned because in the case of installation of doors on uneven walls Disposable door canvases. After the verticality of the walls is recognized as satisfactory, it is necessary to measure the height and width of the opening. This is done in order to ensure the necessary gap between the door frame and the wall at about 10 to 15 millimeters.

The correct calculation of the dimensions of the door frame and the canvas will provide the normal functioning of the doors. If the size of the opening will be greater than necessary, it will make the landing doors not dense. To reduce the gap, lumber is usually used with which the size of the gap is communicated to the desired value. It should take into account the possibility of reconstruction of pubery, Since for some types of coatings, several larger Gap under the door. If you need to install non-intercommunal doors, but input, then you need to take into account their design. Recently, in most cases put massive metal doorswhich minimize the possibility of unauthorized penetration. But for this you need to ensure proper installation Door canvas. The walls are pre-placed on the walls, to which the door frame is welded. This allows you to securely protect the door from knocking out with the door frame.

After preparing the door opening, the queue follows the preparation of the door frame. The method of connecting the door frame depends on the type. In classic design, the door frame has a rectangular view. For this type of boxes are usually chosen most easy way Connections: The upper crossbar of the future box is superimposed on the ends of the side racks. In some cases, removal of a small part of the box by unsinking. This is done so that the end plane is placed perpendicular to internal surface Racks. If this location is already present in the box, you do not need any changes.

But such classically options began to be applied more and more closely, more complex curly profiles of door frames came to replace them. Pulling elements of certain types of figure boxes is carried out using a mustache. This means that the ends of the docking elements must be washed at an angle of 450. If the box does not have this washed, then the installation of the doors must be started from roaring the racks.

Experts recommend paying close attention to the length of the door box. Length and width of the door canvase should be suitable for the box. This requires a small gap. If the gap is small, then you need to perform a cut. At the same time, it is necessary to approach the process of cutting as much as possible, because in the case of too much cut, it is almost impossible to correct the box or the web. The cut itself is best to produce at a minimum distance from the end of the box, because in case of inaccuracies or errors, it was possible to immediately make a cut and align the plane. Sometimes door boxes Comes with inserted sealing elements. In this case, it is better to produce a cut, after removing the seal.

After the preparation of the door frame should be emphasized on the cutting of fittings. Castle I. door hinges Mounted usually on the door canvase placed horizontally. At the same time, under the door should be installed lining, and they put foam or cardboard sheets on them. This will avoid dents or damage to the layer of varnish or paint covering the door surface. Facial and locking bar of the castle, as well as the loop cards should be accurately strained with the surface. At the same time, all elements of accessories should be located in the appropriate nests without gaps. Sometimes gaps are allowed not exceeding one millimeter. After installing the first elements by the magnitude of the gaps, you can talk about professional qualities Masters. The absence of a gap between the surface of the box and the loop card can be achieved with the help of a chisel, a sharp knife and a hammer. Of course, it is best to use an electric milling mill for these purposes, but the above-mentioned tools will be perfectly suitable for its absence.

Use the tools is a sample. The boundaries of this sample should accurately repeat the contours of the embedded element. According to some specialists, the hand-cutting provides a more accurate result than mechanical. At the same time, some difficulties may arise with the insertion of parts having rounded parts, and the smaller they are, the more difficult to accurately perform the cutout. It is for this reason that the details having a rectangular shape usually cut manual wayAnd for details with rounded parts, the mechanical cutting is perfect. Also, problems may arise with inserting accessories in door boxes from MDF, which are painted by automotive technology. In this case, from the blows of the chisel, the paint in neighboring sites can be peeling, so it is very difficult to perform an accurate boundary. In such cases, it is better to use an electric milling mill.

After the samples under the loop are made, and the loop cards in them are fixed with the help of screws, they wear the remaining pieces of loops. At the same time, the top of the box is applied on top, which marks the position of the loop. Then you should repeat the entire described routing process, but no longer on the door, but on the rack. It should be noted that in this process only the box itself is applied, and not it all. If you purchased already collected box, it is better to disassemble it, because it is much more convenient to work with one bar than with the whole box. And at the same time increases the likelihood of accuracy of carrying out accessories. After that, handles are put in the door canvas, and the lock is crashed.