Options for how to glue wallpaper. Wallpaper in the room - how to choose modern options for any design (105 photos)

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Two kinds of wallpaper on the wall is great design solution, allowing you to transform any room, visually dividing it into zones. Thanks to this method of pasting, you can mask the flaws of the room or emphasize its advantages. In this case, the wallpaper can have different colors, textures and patterns, and the future result of the work can be estimated in advance by rolling two rolls side by side on the wall.

Types of combined wall decoration with wallpaper

The combination of wallpaper of two types on the wall can be vertical, horizontal, inset and patchwork. The version of the vertical division of the wallpaper is great, for example, for the living room. For him, material is often selected that has different patterns and colors, but the same width, texture and, most importantly, thickness. Design solutions can use a contrasting version with different colors or monochrome, which involves pasting the walls with wallpaper similar in shade.

With horizontal division, you can combine wallpaper different thickness... For example, make the lower part of the wall embossed, and paste over its top with lighter textile wallpaper. In such cases, the joint between the wallpaper different types upholstered with a decorative border.

Wallpaper inserts are designed to emphasize a certain area in the room, for example, you can paste over a corner in a nursery with one wallpaper color.

A patchwork combination of wallpaper implies the use of one background, but different patterns. Such pasting begins with patches, and already the main color is adjusted to them.

The advantages of wall decoration with wallpaper of two types

Using the above-described types of wall-papering of two types, you can get various effects decoration of premises.

Vertical stripes of wallpaper visually enlarge the room. If it has high ceilings, which is primarily typical for the private sector and "Stalinok" apartments, you can divide the walls with wallpaper in a horizontal direction so that the level of structures is not too conspicuous, especially in the presence of low furniture.

A visual increase in the space of a room can be achieved by pasting its corners with a darker material compared to the general background.

In addition, such a design is quite economical. Often, many stores arrange a sale of leftover material at discounted prices. Therefore, the process combined pasting can reduce the final cost of a repair without compromising its quality.

The choice of wallpaper of two types for wall decoration

Before buying wallpaper, you should calculate their number and plan possible options for combining canvases on the walls. First of all, you should take into account the features of the room: it is cold or warm, large or small, light or dark. Using the options for combining wallpaper for wall decoration, you must observe certain rules... They take into account the height of the ceilings, lighting and dimensions of the room, as well as the texture of the material. Let's consider them in more detail.

Ceiling height

This parameter of the room affects the choice of wallpaper pattern, and also largely determines their color and texture. When the height of the room is less than 2.5 m, canvases of soft texture and light colors are used. You can visually raise the ceilings by combining the main light background with a subtle pattern or texture and vertical stripes in the form of canvases of a different color, which can be located on two or three walls.

Ceilings over three meters high require a completely different approach. Here the canvases should have a large pattern stretched across the width. You can divide the walls horizontally by using different wallpaper colors for the lower and upper parts of the structures. This technique is considered classic, so that such a design looks decent, you should try very hard when choosing patterns and shades of paintings.

Room dimensions

In rooms of large areas, walls can be pasted with wallpaper that has dark shades, which visually reduce the space. If dark monochromatic walls are undesirable, you can pick up wallpaper with a large light pattern with a floral theme, geometric figures or abstraction.

In small rooms, the opposite is true: light colors are used. Wallpapers are selected with a medium-sized texture and not clearly expressed small pattern.

The geometric shape of the room for pasting walls with wallpaper of two types also has great importance... In a long and narrow room, more light wallpaper, and some of them - to wind up around the corner. In this case, the difference in the size of the room will not be so noticeable.

There is one more method used in the event that the entrance to narrow room located in one of its long walls... In this case, the middle part of the opposite wall is highlighted with wallpaper of a different color, and the corners are pasted over with canvases intended for the short sides of the room.

Selection of texture

Combined wallpapering requires a careful approach to the selection of material thickness and texture. It is recommended to use canvases of the same type in combinations. With their angular docking, you can not pay special attention to the texture and thickness of the wallpaper. But if the connection of canvases occurs on common wall, then the transition will be underlined by the difference in their thickness.

If, nevertheless, a decision is made to glue different types of wallpaper, then for this you should use a suitable glue. For example, non-woven wallpaper is glued on one composition, and paper - on another. A way out of this situation can be the purchase of a universal glue, it is on sale.

Room lighting

If the room is light or its interior seems too monotonous, it is not at all necessary to glue dark wallpaper on absolutely all walls. One of them, located opposite the window, can be darkened a little, and the rest can be left light. As a result, there will be no oppressive atmosphere created by a dark background, and the light will not become so intrusive.

This trick can work in reverse as well. For a dark room, it is enough to stick light wallpaper on the wall opposite to the window. It will be much brighter.

The style of room decoration needs to be chosen based on its functional purpose... Only after that you can select the colors of the wallpaper and decide on the method of decorating the walls with wallpaper of two types.

Combined canvases must be in harmony with the interior and furniture of the room. Selection of wallpaper for the best combination it is recommended to perform when purchasing them. To do this, you just need to attach the canvases to each other and determine their suitability for the intended wall decoration.

If any wallpaper rolls are available at home and you need to pick a pair for them, for example, for patches or inserts, then a piece of canvas should be taken with you to the store for a sample.

Wallpapers of the same texture, but of different colors, are most often combined with each other. Combinations of monochromatic materials with a pattern from the same collection are also popular. In addition, combinations of canvases differing in texture and color are possible.

Options for pasting walls with wallpaper of two types

There are several techniques for combining wallpaper on the walls, which can be used both in pure form, and in all kinds of variations. It is important to have a good idea of ​​the desired effect here.

Vertical finishing

Vertical stripes that visually increase the height of the room are not necessarily in the correct order. One wall may have striped wallpaper, while the rest may have coloring or a subtle pattern. But this decision is not always made. Vertical stripes can be spread over different walls, and they can be duplicated at a constant interval.

Stripes may vary in pattern and color. This combination requires the same texture of the wallpaper. In this case, it is most convenient to use one collection of products. It can have 2-3 solid colors and different options drawings. It is very difficult to compose wallpapers of different textures.

There is an interesting vertical combination technique that allows you to visually increase the height of the room: one of the stripes is placed on the ceiling, the transition border becomes indistinct, which gives the feeling of an increase in space.

Horizontal pasting

This technique is a design classic. It has been used for a long time, but with today's variety of textures and colors of wallpaper, it has acquired a completely new quality. Horizontal division is often used in small rooms with high ceilings.

It can be a horizontal strip encircling the room, which is often located at the height of the window sills. In addition, such a strip is carried out in cases where the plane needs to be divided into three parts, while the border can be in the upper or lower third of the wall.

There are violations of this rule: sometimes the strip is performed at eye level and decorated decorative elements... This technique is often used when decorating hallways and corridors.

The division zone can be at the top. The lower part of the walls is traditionally decorated with dark colors, and the upper part with light colors.

Zoning of premises

Canvases of different colors, glued to the walls of one room, can conditionally divide it into functional areas, for example, relaxation and dining room.

A similar principle applies in the children's room. Here, gluing walls with two types of wallpaper can serve when dividing a room into zones for games, a table or a bed.

With this combination of wallpaper, the use of canvases is allowed. different textures, but the separation of their sections by moldings is almost never used. They try to do the docking in the corners of the room or select the wallpaper in such a way that the joints are not particularly noticeable.

Wallpaper in the form of a panel

These types of wallpapers have existed for a very long time. Once this material was made only of fabric, was framed, was insanely expensive and was available to wealthy people. From that time to the present day, such interior design has already become a classic. Embossed wallpaper, textured and silk-screen printing are now used for inserts.

If the style of the room allows, wallpaper elements of a different color are placed in a frame made of molding. This performance fits well with classics, country styles or Provence.

V modern style Art Nouveau similar panels can be made too. In this case, the frame is made of material cut from the wallpaper.

Another option is to paste over the wall in the niche. In this case, the selection of texture and pattern is made according to the style, and the wallpapers are used from the same collection.

The selection of wallpaper can be carried out by a professional decorator, using his experience or instinct. It is much more difficult for amateurs to do this.

Highlighting sections of walls with wallpaper

This technique uses the color accents of the material, it is applied in two ways. One of them is designed to distract attention from an unsightly interior element, such as curved walls. So that such a defect is not striking, the opposite wall is pasted over with canvases of a different color so that they immediately attract the eye.

Another technique involves highlighting the location of any piece of furniture. In bedrooms, this is usually a bed or an opposite wall. In kitchens, a table is often allocated, thus denoting the eating area. Partly this can be called zoning, partly - an accent.

Ordinary apartments do not have high ceilings, so the emphasis on their walls can be expressed in a vertical stripe. In a high room, accentuation can be performed with a horizontal wide strip or any part of the wall.

Some rooms have niches or various protrusions of the walls, which the owners often try to disguise. But this is not worth doing. If such areas are highlighted with wallpaper of a completely different color, you can get an excellent design that will give the room individuality.

How to glue two types of wallpaper - look at the video:

With the help of skilful combination and use of many contrasts of wallpaper, you can easily beat the flaws of any room in its geometry, ceiling height, size, and also divide the room into functional zones. Thanks to the huge range of wallpapers, create interesting design your accommodation is very pleasant and easy. Good luck!

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Today people increasingly attach particular importance to the unusual design of the premises. Due to the large number finishing materials presented in hardware stores, everyone can create a unique interior. Wallpaper is the most versatile way to decorate a room. Thanks to them, you can easily beat the space, zoning work areas and recreation areas, using visual effects to expand the space and, if necessary, reduce it. A variety of wallpapers, their colors and surfaces allows you to translate any ideas into reality.

Today, two types of wallpaper are common. In this regard, manufacturers present at hardware stores a large number of wallpapers that differ in structure and design. At the same time, manufacturers take into account the fact that wallpaper must have a good combined ability. Therefore, buyers will be able to find those combinations that will suit their interior.

Combination of wallpaper with vertical stripes

This type of combination is the most common. It creates dynamics in the interior thanks to the use of wallpaper with vertical stripes of different textures and colors. When choosing wallpaper, any color combination and the width of the stripes. These can be monochrome or multi-color combinations. Moderation should be observed and remember that you can work with three colors as much as possible.

By using wallpaper with vertical stripes, you create the visual effect of increasing the height of the ceiling. This should be taken into account if the ceilings in the room are initially high.

In this case the right option there will be wallpaper with vertical lines to the middle of the length of the walls, the rest of it is best to paste over with wallpaper in a neutral color or pattern. It is important that they match the color of the ceiling.

Combination of wallpaper with horizontal stripes

With wallpaper with horizontal stripes, you can divide the walls horizontally. This method is a great design solution. It makes it possible to combine great amount colors, patterns and textures of wallpaper.

Horizontal stripes create a lengthening effect on the walls. This can be a great option for these wallpapers in small rooms. With this decision, you should choose wallpaper with fairly narrow stripes.

Combination of two types of wallpaper

The most common option for gluing wallpaper is to choose wallpaper of the same color scheme, but in a different tone. If you choose this combination method, the correct solution would be to use it when gluing several rooms at once.

The following shades will look most beautiful:

  • white and turquoise;
  • beige and gray;
  • pink and black.

Room zoning method

This design aims to create a special interior atmosphere. It is based on a combination of solid color wallpaper and wallpaper with a special texture or pattern.

It is important to remember that the most successful way to combine such wallpapers is to have a common range of colors. However, it is allowed to use a bright pattern when pasting several walls.

Combination of wallpaper with different patterns

This is a common way to apply wallpaper. You can use wallpaper with different pictures... Most often, one room is pasted over with wallpaper with a certain pattern, and the rest - using wallpaper with a perfectly different pattern. With the right combination of different patterns, the room will look stylish and unusual.

It should be remembered that even wallpapers with different patterns should have something in common, for example, a color scheme. A good solution there will be wallpaper with vertical and horizontal stripes, but similar color combinations.

Combination of contrasting wallpaper

If it is necessary to carry out a clear division of zones, for example, work and rest areas, this way combinations are perfect.

In it, calm shades can be combined with bright shades:

  • yellow, light green and gray;
  • black, red and white;
  • purple, light green and beige.

Design options for wallpapering (video)

Interesting ideas and options for gluing wallpaper

You can wallpaper the walls different ways, or using several methods at the same time. Most original ideas are listed below.

Patchwork wall covering

Patchwork ideas are a popular and widespread design method in our time. It is suitable for people who are not afraid to experiment and want to create an original and unusual atmosphere.

Algorithm for pasting wallpaper in a patchwork way:

  • Choose a wallpaper with a variety of patterns, colors and textures.
  • Cut the wallpaper into pieces of different lengths, squares or rectangles.
  • Pieces of wallpaper should be glued to each other, but in no particular order.

Pasting walls with wallpaper with various designs

This way is great options to delimit zones, for example, an office area and a recreation area.

For gluing, wallpapers of different designs and sizes are taken. In order for the wallpaper joint to look elegant, it is decorated with molding.

The method of dividing the walls into two parts

This method is considered one of the most stylish design solutions. The wall is conventionally divided into two parts. Then each part is pasted over with a different type of wallpaper.

Algorithm for gluing wallpaper by dividing it into two parts:

  • The bottom of the walls is pasted over with wallpaper with various patterns, horizontal or vertical lines.
  • The top of the walls can be pasted over with wallpaper of the same color or with a simple and elegant pattern.
  • A prerequisite is the aesthetic decoration of the joints between the wallpaper with a border.

Stylish and original wallpaper gluing

Often designers use original techniques that come to their minds right during the workflow. Determine which interesting solution it can be accepted only while at the place of repair, knowing the interior and layout of the premises.

Reception of accented insert:

  • First you need to decide in which part of the room the insert will be located.
  • The shape of the inserts can vary from classic, square and rectangular, to arbitrary. However, care should be taken to ensure that they do not violate the overall style.
  • An interesting solution would be the use of vinyl stickers that are popular today, which can be glued directly onto the wallpaper.

An excellent design solution would be to decorate ledges and niches. Designers know how to glue wallpaper beautifully on ledges and niches. They advise not to hide them, but to emphasize them.

Technology for the correct use of the layout of the premises:

  • Paste over niches and protrusions bright colors that will contrast with the wallpaper in the main part of the room.
  • Decorate the ledge with a bright pattern. For example, if the wallpaper contains a small pattern, stylish solution will decorate the ledge with a larger pattern.

These tips will help you successfully purchase wallpaper, design it correctly, combine it, and decorate rooms. Following simple instructions, do designer renovation yourself, it will be easy and interesting.

Important points when choosing and gluing wallpaper:

  • You should buy wallpaper in one place. Then they will match in texture and shade. If this is not possible, it is necessary to carry samples of existing wallpaper with you so that you can attach them to new rolls and select the right combination with other wallpapers.
  • Care must be taken to match the width of the wallpaper. This will greatly simplify the task of combining, matching and finishing the wallpaper.
  • The correct combination will help not only create visual effects, but with the right design and use, hide the imperfections of the room.

Unusual options for gluing wallpaper (video)

There are so many design options gluing wallpaper. Variations different ways Combinations of wallpapers, combinations of textures and colors allow you to bring the design project into reality as closely as possible. A variety of manufacturers, wallpapers with a myriad of patterns, will allow you to embody the most bright ideas... Thanks to correct use Combination techniques can achieve many design effects: visually expand the room, increase the height of the ceilings, focus on ledges and niches, make the room brighter and warmer.

Wallpaper gluing options (photo)

Designers have been using wallpaper for a long time. With their help, the design is carried out in the kitchen, in the hall, in the hallway (in the photo - a sample of decorating the walls in the kitchen with different wallpapers).

Different wallpapers can give a room an exclusivity. Let's analyze some interesting ideas for using wallpaper in the kitchen, in the hall (in the photo - interesting ideas for repairs in the kitchen and in the hall).

About the combination of colors

The most important thing in the process of gluing wallpaper in the bedroom is to create a well-thought-out project, drawing up a detailed plan for pasting the walls. It is important to decide before gluing the walls with wallpaper, their quantity, color, adhesive material. Modern design allows gluing in the hall different materials(pictured - wallpapering the walls in the bedroom).

Advice! If you decide to create a combination of different wallpapers, consider the combination of colors and shades.

Professionals suggest first analyzing the graphical representation of flowers in the form of a circle, which is divided into several circles. Different colors sectors that are located next to each other, you can make such a design in modern bedroom, in which you can relax to the fullest (option in the photo).

With a combination of colors located in opposite directions, you can get interesting ideas for gluing walls in the kitchen (an example of decorating walls in a kitchen using contrasting wallpaper in the photo).

Such a combination brings additional positive energy to the design. Considering various ideas for combining different wallpaper colors, consider not only the fashion trends of the season, but also personal taste preferences(pictured - design in the bedroom with multi-colored wallpaper).

Advice! Professional designers advise decorating the walls in the bedroom with beige, golden, white wallpaper (pictured is the option of wallpapering the walls in the bedroom).

Innovative ideas

Currently, when decorating walls in the bedroom or in the kitchen (pictured), you can use a lot of interesting ideas related to wallpaper:

  • graphics;
  • color palette;
  • geometric and floral motifs;
  • classic and modern wall design for indoor wallcovering.

For those who have decided to carry out self-gluing of walls in the hallway or in the kitchen, he offers some ideas that will help to carry out a full-fledged design. You can combine 2-4 types of different wallpapers with different patterns. A similar design is interesting with materials that have a similar color scheme (the photo shows an example of such a solution in the kitchen).

If desired, using the wallpaper, you can create on work surface patchwork. Three canvases of wallpaper are glued to the walls with different lengths, width having different design(example in the photo). Wallpaper joints are decorated with decorative tape, matching it in tone to the color of the decorative plinth.

Secrets of the patchwork technique

Alternating harmony bright colors you can get the alternation of colors and the direction of the trellises. To create such unusual design, choose several striped wallpapers for gluing. For example, for pasting three walls, canvases with vertical stripes are purchased, and canvases with horizontal wide stripes are purchased for gluing the fourth wall. The video clip describes interesting ideas for wallpapering walls indoors.

A universal method of gluing is the combination of several paper or vinyl canvases. This option of pasting the walls makes the room exclusive, brings harmony and comfort to it. Such ideas are suitable not only for pasting walls, but also for decoration. ceiling covering in the room.

Options for pasting walls

Before proceeding with independent process wallpapering walls or ceilings, try to choose the right materials for work. On modern construction market presented various options trellis:

  • single-layer paper materials;
  • velor fabrics;
  • washable wallpaper;
  • satin fabrics;
  • non-woven and vinyl models;
  • foam wallpaper.

Advice! Do you want to receive beautiful and functional surfaces after the completion of the repair? Stock up on patience, creative imagination, necessary materials and tools, and feel free to get to work.

Preparatory work

After you decide on the design option, get busy with serious preparation of the work surface for gluing. To begin with, it is important to get rid of the old coating, check for serious cracks, irregularities, scratches on the surface to be decorated.

For any type of canvases chosen for gluing walls, it is assumed that preliminary plastering, gluing paper, or paper wallpaper, subsequent application of the selected topcoat.

Attention! It is important to thoroughly clean the surface to be treated from all old coatings (paint, wallpaper). This is especially true when working with non-woven and fabric canvases.

A layer of primer can be used to remove dust from the wall surface. In this case, you will not only get rid of dirt and dust, but you will also be able to increase the adhesion of the wall to the glued finishing material.

Sateen cloths should be glued on a perfectly smooth and even surface, in otherwise all defects will be visible on the wall. When working with non-woven and vinyl materials, it is enough to apply glue to the wall surface.

Wall pasting technology

Found interesting idea for decorating walls in a hallway or bedroom with wallpaper? In this case, first familiarize yourself with the technological features that are expected when working with such materials. First you need to prepare strips of wallpaper of the required length. In order for them to be enough for the entire length of the wall being decorated, do not forget about a margin of 5-10 centimeters. When choosing a glue, consider the type of wallpaper.

Advice! Manufacturers of all types of finishing materials indicate the type of glue on the packaging of their products, follow their recommendations.

After you cook adhesive mixture, let it brew for 10-15 minutes. During this time, all the particles of the adhesive will swell completely, the finished solution will be ready for direct use.

When gluing the first strip, you will need a plumb line or a building level. The process of pasting a room with any kind of wallpaper starts from the window, in which case the joints will not be visible between the canvases. In order for the wallpaper to stick well to the wall, use a construction roller.

Design solutions

Nowadays, when using wallpaper, the owners of city apartments are no longer limited to canvases with flowers, geometric patterns. Manufacturers of modern wall decoration materials offer a huge range of roll wall materials differing in the technology of their manufacture, external characteristics, composition. If desired, you can purchase tapestries made of bamboo, natural cork, with imitation of the structure of wood, leather, natural stone... Among the latter fashion trends in the field of decorating residential premises, the combination of different types of trellises is of interest.

For example, you can select coatings in a similar colors, characterized by the presence (absence of a picture). Manufacturers, anticipating such a design solution, often offer 2-3 versions of paintings at once in one collection. Photowall-paper has not lost its relevance in modern design. More and more often in modern design there are photowall-paper with a 3d effect. They give realism to images applied to the surface of the ceiling or walls.

Such materials are optimal for modern, high-tech, they are appropriate when decorating a children's room, they fit perfectly into the interior of the living room and hallway. For example, on a dark background in the corridor, you can stick volumetric applications white, giving the room a solemn look.

In this case, you will receive not only the original design option, but also be able to fully enjoy the functionality. achieved result... Dark wallpaper for the living room, accentuated by white is ideal.


DIY apartment design - wonderful way organization of joint leisure, the manifestation of their talents by each family member. In order for the final result to really please you, work out the initial design project for your apartment, either country house... Turning to professional designers, you can together choose felt, holographic, metallized, velvet coverings so that your hallway or living room is not only beautiful and comfortable, but also unusual.

If you have a sufficient amount of material resources, you can purchase tapestries self made made from expensive natural materials... With the help of such finishing materials, you will bring new notes into the room, visually expand the space, create a small paradise for relaxation in your apartment. Looking through the design options different premises in the apartment offered on the sites design studios, you will definitely pick up the sample that fits perfectly into your home or city apartment.

Hey! I continue the series of articles that inspired me to look through the ads for the sale of real estate on Avito when I was choosing a new apartment for us. In them I disassemble typical mistakes in decoration, which I have met literally in every second apartment. I already wrote about, the turn has come to wallpaper, namely about combining different wallpapers in one room. And it seems that today there will be a mega-post, since there is not just a lot of information, but a lot.

Lyrical introduction or where the problem is growing legs

First of all, I want to note that, judging by what I saw, combining wallpaper is really a very popular technique in Izhevsk. And I think things are the same throughout the post-Soviet space. I saved literally 80% of these photos, because about so many people use this method incorrectly. Something in the series: I saw so in " Housing issue". Then I looked at the pictures on the Internet and did everything exactly the same. In fact, it is far from exactly the same, and more often quite the opposite.

I tried to figure out where the legs grow from. As usual, I googled the request "how to properly combine the wallpaper with each other in the same room" (judging by the statistics, similar requests in different options monthly recruit more than 10 thousand people (!!!) and looked at the top five sites in the search results. It's just that usually no one looks further 🙂 And then a lot fell into place for me.

All articles were written by copywriters with no interest at all modern design and decoration, some sites of construction offices, firms engaged in repair. All information is rotten and of little use, and sometimes just harmful.

Who are these designers? Where do they advise it? Actually modern decoration allows for both. But in terms of the number of interiors, painted monochromatic walls or monochromatic wallpapers are still in the lead, and not combinations.

The biggest difficulty is to understand that the combination must necessarily pursue some goal, practically program a person, make him look at the point you need, and not just so that it is not boring. This is not enough. If this is the goal, then it is almost guaranteed to be nonsense.

And now the lyrics will be enough, it's time to disassemble the archive of photos that I have saved and show them by their example. typical species wallpaper mix and the most common misses. Sit back, read, watch carefully, and learn from others' mistakes.

Vertical arrangement of different wallpapers

This is the most common method at this time. Generally speaking, you can combine:

  • patterned and plain,
  • two types with different patterns

The first method is the most common. The programs about renovation and design have firmly instilled the concept of accent wall and zoning into the everyday life of our citizens. But they did not explain which wall to choose as an accent wall and on what basis, by what criteria. It is on this wall that wallpaper with a pattern is glued, and on the rest - plain.

The main criterion by which you can determine whether it is worth focusing on it is its location. There must be sufficient distance to ensure good overview... For example, in Khrushchev's kitchen, in principle, there is no place for this.

Usually they accentuate the wall against which the gaze rests upon entering the room. Or it can be located behind some functional area, a group of furniture, for example, for dining table, a sofa with an armchair, a workplace that will stand out even more against the background of matching wallpaper.

Almost unmistakably it was determined by our parents, hanging the carpet. Just imagine you have a chic antique Uzbek kilim instead of a roll of wallpaper. What wall would you hang it on? Will it be clearly visible from different points of view, will there not be something to argue with him for attention?

Example # 1

In this living room, accent (with flowers) should have been made one wall per upholstered furniture, and the rest of the walls are monochromatic (and preferably in the background color of the flowers). As a result, it is not clear what was being singled out at all: either the wall behind the TV, or the end of the room with the window ... What was the idea? There is no idea, everything looks as if they took a couple of rolls left over from the last repair, since the main ones were not enough.


Example No. 2

Then the same mistake, what's the idea? In this case, the "carpet" should hang over the sofa. It seems that the wall for the accent was chosen by tossing a coin, just from the bulldozer. It is not clear why the person sitting on this sofa was asked to look at the left wall. And the colors themselves are well matched.


Example No. 3

In the following example, I like choosing a color for the main wallpaper and choosing a wall for an accent. Adequate viewing distance to appreciate the overall view. But it is completely incomprehensible why the active wallpaper went further and settled over doorway... Because of this, the whole meaning of the accent wall was lost. If zoning was meant (corridor and living room), then why were they united at all? Same mistake - no idea. Now it just seems that in the hallway and the ball room different finishes, the partition was demolished and everything was left as it was.


This implies another prerequisite.

It is necessary to correctly define the boundaries of the accent wall. This is the entire wall, from corner to corner, and not some separate piece behind it and not several walls at the same time.

Example No. 4

The joints of the combined wallpaper should be in the corners, not in the middle of the wall. Firstly, such a joint almost always looks unaesthetic or it seems that there was simply not enough wallpaper.

No idea, sloppy seam.


Example No. 5

Why bother and glue to the wall or was it really not enough?


Example No. 6

On next photo no doubt the wallpaper is deliberately glued only in the center. This is a typical example of meaningless zoning, when renovations are made without understanding the future interior as a whole. I'm 99% sure that there will be a sofa or TV along this wall.

This arrangement is a claim to symmetry that severely limits the arrangement of furniture. Having placed the sofa in the center of this composition, you will no longer be able to move it slightly to the left or right without re-gluing the wallpaper. Well that is you can move, but you are guaranteed nonsense. Examples of the consequences of such pasting will be below.


Example No. 7

Corridor in the same apartment. A claim to symmetry, but without the slightest understanding of how awful it is in combination with asymmetric switches. What prevented you from choosing other wallpapers, where they would not be so noticeable and sticking them all over this wall? After all, the accent wall itself is just perfect. Unsuccessful wallpaper, pasting with stubs.


Example No. 8

Another arrangement of wallpaper with a stub above the sofa, which visually separates the sofa and the chair from each other. What's the idea? Focus on the entire wall, not on a piece of it, except if there are any constructive protrusions there.


Example No. 9

The logical result of the stubs on the wall. The sofa was moved, but the wallpaper remained.


Example No. 10

Something went wrong ... In connection with the addition to the family, we had to make a rearrangement. It is now impossible to grasp the initial idea.


Example No. 11

It is impossible to predict in advance exactly to the centimeter how you will arrange your furniture if the interior is formed spontaneously. At least she also needs a strip of wallpaper, but it would be better to continue to the end of the wall so that the chairs and the table look like a single group.

By the way, cool, a table on one leg has never seen one on sale.


The patchwork technique itself is not so bad, but not in this form, of course.


Example No. 13

The thought “so it’s not boring” ruined more than one interior. In the nursery in the next photo, the parents bought the entire set of wallpaper collection at once: with a pattern, green and orange. And they used everything in one room at once. The wall for accent wallpaper with a pattern, in my opinion, was chosen well. But! What are the opposite stripes for? Why bright orange behind the curtains, because the window itself is a self-sufficient architectural accent.

As a result, the gaze does not focus on one thing, it wanders chaotically, because everyone argues with each other for attention. Enumeration of areas of active colors, the accent wall is lost. Not complied with. It would be much better for combinations instead of orange and green "companions" to take a neutral beige, which serves as a background for the picture.


Example No. 14

In general, companion wallpaper is evil. This is such an inconspicuous trap, it seems that if some designers in the factory made them compatible, then there can be no mistake. In fact, as much as possible, almost all examples of using these pairs are extremely unfortunate.

For example, let's see a wallpaper combination in the next room. They are most definitely companions. I have no questions about the compatibility of colors and patterns, everything is really good. But! Both types of wallpaper have a very active pattern, i.e. it is completely unclear which of them is the main one and which is the additional one.

What would be nice when combining drawings sofa cushions does not work at all with wallpaper. Looking at this interior again, the idea is completely incomprehensible, which wall is the accent? Left, right, end? What are the different wallpapers used for? Why do different wallpapers have equal surface areas?

As usual, the result of a senseless, thoughtless combination is a complete mess.

The situation is aggravated by the wrong scale flower pattern, already low ceilings seem lower than they really are. An extremely unfortunate choice. If you missed the article on how to choose, then be sure to read it.

Everything is bad

Example No. 15

In the bedroom perfect place for accent it is the wall behind the headboard. Remember the carpet? It was there that it would be worth hanging. Some other options are rarely possible: walls of some kind of irregular geometry, have ledges, the bed is in a niche, etc.

In this bedroom, the owners again fell into the trap of companions, bought a pair with drawings of the same activity and it is not clear what they wanted to highlight. The wall behind the bed? Then why did they seize the window? A wall with a TV? This wall is not suitable for accent.

And again, the terrible scale of flowers, hiding the height of the ceilings. The link to the article about this error was just above.


Example No. 16

In order to clearly define the accent wall and make sense in the zoning with wallpaper, the drawings should be different in activity (in attracting attention to themselves)


Example No. 17

You should not use three types of wallpaper, as in the children's room in example # 13, there are too many things. Zones, zones, zones, crushing already small space into pieces ... Only one wall should have been accentuated (either behind the bed or opposite the entrance at the table). Three kinds are overkill. And if there were 4 types of companions in the collection, would they buy everything, according to the number of walls?


Horizontal arrangement of different wallpapers

Example No. 18

Today this method is simply morally outdated - this is greetings from the first European-style repairs of the nineties. Then the first companions and paper borders appeared on sale. The most squeak of fashion. But for today good contemporary examples such a combination of wallpaper simply does not exist. I named it so that the list is complete, for information. You will just know that it is there, but keep in mind that it is best not to use it in the next 50 years.

The horizontal line cuts the wall in two and hides the height of the ceiling.


Combining photo wallpaper with wallpaper

The combination of wallpaper with photo wallpaper deserves special attention. I noticed that, at first glance, things are somewhat better with them, at least the choice of the wall is almost always successful. But there are still some nuances.

Example No. 19

I like the choices for the accent wall: correct location at the end of the room, near the bed, there is sufficient distance in the room to evaluate the whole image, and not to look at it point-blank. Like big size, from wall to wall, joints in the corners. It's all great and well done. But the very combination of wallpaper and pattern on the rest of the walls looks bad. It would be much better if the second wallpaper was paintable or smooth plain white or sandy colors.


Example No. 20

Exactly the same story. Correct accent wall, right size, but absolutely incompatible with the main wallpaper. Moreover, the main ones are also quite interesting and are not bad in themselves. They just don't have to be together. Monochromatic ones are needed here.


Example No. 21

Do I need to comment on something on this photo? It seems to me that you can see everything yourself: photowall-paper hitting the next wall (what prevented you from trimming ???), a combination with striped ones (you need monochromatic ones), and a wardrobe that "allows you to enjoy" the views of the night city.

Everything is very bad

By and large, if we summarize, then we can distinguish 3 main mistakes:

  1. lack of idea and meaning in combining wallpaper, action from the bulldozer;
  2. the wrong choice of a wall for an accent;
  3. the use of wallpaper is not for the entire area of ​​the wall, the joints are not in the corners.

From here follow 5 simple rules, and if you take them into account, then I think that you can easily combine beautifully wallpaper in your room. Learn from other people's mistakes, not yours!

  1. Accent wallpapers are placed on the view wall, there must be good points of view, the minimum distance from the point of view is 3-4 meters, and better more.
  2. Never use any ready-made companions if they are both with an active pattern.
  3. The best combination for photo wallpaper and others with an active dynamic pattern is plain wallpaper.
  4. Glue the accent wallpaper on the entire wall, from corner to corner or other architectural elements (edges of a niche, ledge, etc.), then you don't have to think about how to arrange the joint.
  5. Think about why you want to draw the attention of those present to this wall, think over the idea.

Examples of the ideal use of combining wallpaper in decorating a room

The overwhelming majority of examples are a combination of an active pattern with plain walls (plain wallpaper, paintable wallpaper, or just painted walls). If you are not mentally prepared for most of the single-colored walls in the room, then it is better to think 10 more times about whether you need an accent wall in the interior at all.