What is a remontant strawberry and how to grow it. Spring protection of garden plants from pests and diseases

Strawberries, or garden strawberries, open the long-awaited berry season. Numerous varieties give fruits of all shapes, sizes, shades of color and taste. For those who want to see these fragrant berries on their table before the onset of frost, it will be interesting to learn about the cultivation of remontant strawberries.

Let's start with the definition. Reparability is the ability of some plants to bear fruit repeatedly or repeatedly. First harvest repair strawberry gives in July, the second, most abundant, in August - early September. Strawberries are very sensitive to the length of daylight hours and are divided into three photoperiodic types:

  • Have a short day. The usual varieties with a single fruiting in early summer. The kidneys are laid when short day(less than 12 hours) at the end of summer, fruiting can already occur at an eight hour day, but is limited low temperatures winter months and therefore occurs much later, at about 14 hours.
  • Long day. Cultivars of remontant strawberries that lay fruit buds with a day duration of 16-17 hours (from late May to half of July). They begin to bloom at a 12-hour day, the main harvest is given at the end of summer.
  • Neutral day. The setting of fruit buds and flowering does not depend on the length of the day and continues from early spring to the end of the growing season. This process is undulating for "neutrals" and occurs every 6 weeks. In the southern regions, these varieties can form 4 fruiting cycles of strawberries in the open field. However, in dry times at 25 degrees, pollen becomes sterile and no fruit is formed.

That's why maximum yield varieties of a neutral day are given indoors, where all conditions are created for its cultivation.

With such a heavy load, the plants age quickly, therefore, the care of the remontant strawberries requires more thorough care and the plantations have to be renewed more often.

Video "Care features"

From the video you will learn how to properly care for remontant strawberries.

Preparing for landing

For planting remontant strawberries, well-lit places with light fertile soil are chosen. The site should be spacious, because the bushes are planted at a fairly large distance from each other in order to be able to root the whiskers that have appeared. The selected area must be cleared not only of weeds and all organic debris, but also of pests that can destroy an entire plantation of remontant strawberries.

To combat the larva of the May beetle, mustard is planted as a green manure or the soil is treated with the "Aktara" insecticide. Then the earth is dug onto the bayonet of the shovel, leveled, breaking the lumps. It will be possible to plant strawberries in three weeks, when the earth settles down. Freshly dug soil can bare the neck and roots of a plant after shrinkage, or, conversely, fill up the growing point.

Remontant strawberries, the cultivation and care of which require thoroughness, needs a well-fertilized soil. If the soil is poor, then along with digging, organic matter and phosphorus fertilizers are introduced. Caring for the future harvest includes correct selection varieties. The best varieties, according to experienced gardeners - Ali Baba, Alexandri, Lesnaya Skazka, Ruyana, Baron Solemakher, Queen Elizabeth, Temptation, Diamant, Evi2, Moscow delicacy.

Among them there are both small-fruited and varieties with giant berries. If you are interested in any variety, you need to find out how it reproduces. It is better to buy seedlings of beanless varieties not on the market, but from serious producers, or to grow them yourself from strawberry seeds. Growing from seeds cannot be called in an easy way cultivation of remontant strawberries, but it is indisputable that it is the most inexpensive.

How to grow seedlings from seeds? To do this, you will need a box and some garden soil. Sowing seeds begins in January, if there is a possibility of additional lighting of the seedlings, or at the beginning of March. Seeds of remontant strawberries are laid out on a napkin, soaked, covered with polyethylene and placed in a warm place until sprouts appear. Before sowing, you need to prepare the soil by disinfecting it in a preheated oven for 15-20 minutes. The hatched strawberry seeds are planted with a match or a toothpick.

Planting methods

How to plant remontant strawberries depends on the ability of the variety to form a mustache. Mustacheless varieties are best planted with a two-line method. Distance in a row - from 20 to 40 cm, between rows - 50 cm. The advantage of this method is the convenience of planting and care, as well as picking berries. It is better to grow remontant strawberries, which throw out a mustache, in a nesting way with a distance between plants of at least 50 cm.This method allows you to grow and good harvest, and a quality home planting material.

In this case, the plants are well illuminated, do not come into contact with each other and, therefore, do not become infected. The disadvantage of this method in large areas of unused land can be corrected by thickening the planting of remontant strawberries with garlic. Garlic grown in this way will not only bring a rich harvest, but also protect the plantation from slugs.

Planting of remontant strawberries is carried out in a hole with dimensions of 20x20x20. A hill of nutrient mixture is poured onto the bottom (for 1 bucket of earth - 2 glasses of ash, 1 bucket of compost and 2 liters of vermicompost), a seedling is placed and sprinkled with earth. In this case, the root collar should be at ground level. After that, the bushes are watered.

The remontant strawberry is planted from spring to autumn. Spring planting will not give many berries, but the autumn ones will bear fruit several times. You should not delay planting in the fall; before frost, the seedlings should take root.

Care rules

Planting yield directly depends on how to care for remontant strawberries. It is necessary to carry out frequent loosening of the soil, protection from pests, regularly water, fertilize, remove leaves affected by diseases.

We can say that caring for remontant strawberries the same as for the usual one. If you grow different varieties, then the first peduncles on remontant can be cut off, then the subsequent harvest will be more abundant.

Preparing for winter

To protect the plants from freezing, care must be taken to preserve the leaves, which protect the main organ of the strawberry - the "heart". To do this, the earth is loosened to a depth of 1.5 cm, trying not to damage the roots, and fed with “Ammofoskoy” (1 tablespoon per square meter), mulch with humus and pick flowers and berries. Do not touch the leaves.
If the foliage freezes and turns black before snow appears (this happens at -5 degrees), this will greatly weaken the plants.

Therefore, the strawberries are covered with needles or leaves, and covered with foil on top. When a 10-centimeter layer of snow forms, the film is removed and branches or spruce branches are thrown onto the beds for snow retention.

10-12 centimeters of snow will protect the strawberries from frost down to -18 degrees, and a layer of 20 centimeters will be a talisman even when the cold drops to 30 degrees. Heavy snowfalls will keep the strawberries uncovered.

Growing from Seed Video

From the video you will learn how to grow strawberries from seeds.

Summer worries from the summer resident go on an endless series. Caring for remontant strawberries after the first harvest is often overshadowed by other urgent matters., but to do without it means to call into question the further harvest.

The first harvest of remontant strawberries, although not the most plentiful, takes a lot of energy from the plant, so by the end of the first fruiting, the bush is pretty depleted.

Helping the berry farmer to recover, gain strength and give new berries is the task of the summer resident, which should not be neglected.

Features of remontant strawberries

Repaired varieties, with proper care, most of the berries are produced during the second harvest, at the end of July-August. Some summer residents deliberately donate the first harvest, picking off flowers in order to preserve the strength of the plant for the second fruiting.

But not everyone decides to make such a sacrifice, because the first berries have a special taste, and there are still few other fruits at this time. Therefore, after the first harvest, attention to the plant should be redoubled.

First of all, you need to take into account that after the end of fruiting, the strawberry begins to quickly grow new leaves and lay flower buds. At the same time, a rapid growth of whiskers begins, which tend to crawl away from the bush and take root. Such activity, especially after picking berries, requires additional feeding and care.

What to do after harvest

Dying old leaves, tangled clumps of new foliage and mustache often create a feeling of chaos in the strawberry garden. Covering the garden with artificial mulch - black spunbond or agrospan - greatly facilitates the care of remontant strawberries:

  • there is no need for loosening;
  • the roots of the bushes are not exposed when watering;
  • the soil does not dry out;
  • berries do not get sick with gray rot;
  • unnecessary mustache does not take root.
If the garden bed is not covered with mulch, then care should be started after the first harvest by loosening. This should be done as quickly as possible, while the bushes have not yet had time to grow too much. When weeding and loosening, try to cover the roots of the strawberry bushes with soil.

How to feed strawberry bushes

The next step should be feeding. Many summer residents use feeding of strawberries with herbal infusions, nettle infusion is especially effective in this regard. Two-thirds of a barrel is filled with chopped young nettles, dandelion leaves, and dreams, while removing the inflorescences so as not to spread the weeds around the garden. Then it is poured with water, covered with a lid and insisted in the sun for a week.

The result is a terrifyingly smelly black liquid that successfully replaces manure when feeding. It should be diluted with water at the rate of 1:10.

It should be noted that strawberries are very fond of yeast feeding. Therefore, many summer residents combine these two types of feeding, adding yeast to the herbal infusion. True, in this case, you need to ensure that fermentation does not squeeze the infusion out of the barrel.

On beds covered with artificial mulch, top dressing is done by watering in the cuts that were made when planting the bush. Top dressing, combined with regular watering, should be done before mid-August. Watering should be done throughout the summer.

Some gardeners, after the first harvest, cut off part of the rapidly growing foliage from remontant strawberries, citing the fact that the forces of the bush will be directed to the formation of peduncles. But many believe that this weakens the bush, since the plants receive nutrition not only from the root part, but also from the leaves, and photosynthesis is an important component of plant development.

Therefore, most summer residents still leave the new foliage alone, limiting themselves to removing yellowed and dying leaves from the bottom of the bush.

Do I need to remove the mustache

And finally, often debate is the need to remove the whiskers of remontant strawberries after the first harvest. The whiskers do appear and grow at a high rate, taking away from the plant a lot of the energy that it needs to form a second crop.

However, new bushes rooted from the whiskers provide additional crops. That is why the second harvest of remontant strawberries is distinguished by such an abundance of berries. But many experienced summer residents note that the berries should be expected only from the first whiskers, which are easy to distinguish along the length of the whiskers.

All subsequent mustaches tend to grow barren bushes, from which you will not wait for the harvest this year. Therefore, when growing remontant varieties, it is worth leaving exactly the first mustache, ruthlessly removing the subsequent ones, in order to save the plant's energy for producing berries. If the bed is covered with agrospan, then you can use the powerful first mustache to transplant and form a new bed next year.

When to change strawberry bushes

It should be noted that a clear division into periods of fruiting during the summer exists only in remontant strawberries with long daylight hours, the so-called DSD. Such varieties, in the presence of care and dressing, are able to restore strength between harvests, therefore they are able to bear fruit for two to three years.

Strawberries, on the other hand, with neutral daylight hours, the so-called NSD, give berries constantly during the summer, but, when they are depleted, they bear fruit for only one season, after which they need to be changed. Caring for such remontant strawberries does not have clearly defined processing periods and consists in regular loosening, watering and feeding with herbal infusions.

The attention of modern gardeners cannot but be attracted by remontant strawberries. The varieties of this berry are quite diverse. Their main characteristic is the impressive size of the fruits, their average weight is from 80 to 100 grams. Very often from novice summer residents you can hear the question: remontant strawberries - what does this mean? The plant is in great demand and is very popular. After all, the harvest of remontant strawberries can be obtained constantly, throughout the entire summer-autumn period. That is, the summer resident can enjoy eating fresh berries, thanks to the re-fruiting of the bushes.

Description of repair strawberries

All many beloved red berries, depending on the period of bud formation, are divided into three categories:

  1. Short daylight hours. This is an ordinary garden strawberry, mainly of early varieties, which pleases with its fruits once a season in May-June.
  2. Long daylight hours. The main characteristic is re-fruiting. That is, the gardener can count on a double harvest of remontant strawberries: at the beginning and at the end of summer, as well as in the first autumn month. The second period is characterized by a more amicable and plentiful return of fruits.
  3. Neutral daylight hours. Her hallmark is undulating fruiting. That is, the formation of ovaries does not depend on the length of daylight hours. For the whole season, you can collect about 4-5 crops.

Such a berry feels great in the greenhouse, as well as on the balcony. an ordinary apartment... In such conditions, it can bear fruit all year round.

The last two categories are the best remontant strawberries (see photo, video) that can be found in the beds of many gardeners. It is thanks to these varieties that special admirers of the fragrant berry can enjoy it throughout the season.

Remontant strawberries: growing and care

All types of garden strawberries require careful care. What can we say about a plant that bears fruit constantly? Of course, it is necessary to reverse Special attention for watering, fertilizing, timely pruning of remontant strawberries. This is the only way to get large fresh berries in abundance.
How to care for remontant strawberries? Reviews of experienced gardeners say that the key to success is the right place for the garden. Legumes are excellent precursors for the plant, but by no means nightshades! The soil must be well loosened, it is recommended to dig with a fork. Acidic soil will not work, the pH should be neutral (about 7). When digging the soil, you can add ash, manure, mineral fertilizers... Planting remontant strawberries can be done in two ways:

  1. Carpet. In this case, the size of the holes should be 20x20 cm, and the distance between them should be twice as large.
  2. Private... It is recommended to make the holes a little larger, and the distance between the rows is at least 70 cm. The earth around the bush must be tamped tightly. Correct cultivation repairing strawberries also provides for timely watering. This is due to the fact that the roots are not able to independently pull moisture from the depth of the soil, since they are located almost on the surface.

It is best to water the plants in the early morning or late evening. If we are talking about young shoots that have just been planted in the soil, then this procedure is recommended to be done daily. The same recommendations apply to the period of increased fruiting, as well as especially hot days. In other cases, one application of moisture for several days will be sufficient. It is also recommended to use mulch or agrofibre.

It should also be noted that plants with neutral daylight hours are more demanding to care for. Since they bear fruit constantly, they need abundant watering and frequent fertilization.

A feature is also the fact that the whiskers of the remontant strawberry NBT are formed very slowly. Instead, flower stalks develop, which give a lot of berries. The bushes are small, compact, with a minimum of leaves. Many gardeners call this type of berry also the mustless remontant strawberry. Breeding such varieties is much more difficult.

Top dressing of remontant strawberries

In order to get excellent large berries all season, shorten their ripening period and prevent the development of diseases, it is necessary to take care of timely feeding... There is no specific universal scheme for their use, since there are many varieties of berries with different periods of budding and fruiting. Most often, the plant needs an additional portion of nutrients. in early spring, during flowering and fruiting and after full harvest.

For the first feeding, Nitroamofosk, mullein solution and nettle infusion are perfect.
How to feed remontant strawberries after the first fruiting? After the fruit has returned, the bushes need special fertilization, since they are very depleted. Here you can apply wood ash with urea, nitrogen fertilizers that intensify plant growth.
During the ripening of berries, an excellent option would be to use foliar dressing... To prepare the solution, you can use the following recipe:
boric acid- 1g;
mineral fertilizers - 0.5 tsp;
potassium permanganate - 2g;
potassium sulfate - 2g.

Care for remontant strawberries in July also includes the introduction of organic fertilizers. You can use a yeast mixture, iodine solution, ash, bird droppings.
Repair strawberries in the fall also need intensive nutrient input. But during this period it is necessary to use top dressing that will not promote the growth of the bushes and prepare the plant for winter. Ideal option there will be potash fertilizers. You can prepare such a solution: 20 g of potassium salt should be dissolved in 10 liters of water and add 2 tablespoons of nitrophoska. This nutrient solution can be watered between rows.

Pruning repair strawberries

Many novice summer residents are interested in a logical question - are they pruning remontant strawberries? It should be remembered that it is not worth completely cutting off the bushes at any stage of growing remontant strawberries. Leaving after the first harvest involves removing dried leaves and stalks. This will give the opportunity to intensively grow and develop young shoots. In autumn, late flower stalks should also be removed, which will not give ripe berries before the onset of the first frost, but only use up nutrients from a plant. So that in the spring the summer resident can count on early and bountiful harvest, then it is necessary to take care of the bushes until the first snow.

How to propagate remontant strawberries?

The peculiarity of this type of berry is the short life and fruiting of the bushes. The constant return of the crop will use up all the vitality of the plant and it dies. Most of all, this applies to strawberries NSD. Therefore, so that your favorite berries are not extinct, you need to take care of their cultivation. Depending on the type and variety, there are several ways to propagate remontant strawberries.

  1. Mustache... This method is suitable for those varieties that are capable of knocking out arrows with a so-called mustache. After collecting the first spring harvest it is necessary to choose the most developed outlet and sprinkle it with a small amount of earth, without separating it from the main bush. Next, you need to wait until it takes root. It is possible to transplant young seedlings of remontant strawberries to a permanent place in the event of the appearance of several leaves, not earlier than August.
  2. By dividing the bush... Mustacheless varieties of remontant strawberries are propagated in this way. It is necessary to choose a large adult bush, which is at least 2-3 years old. Independent shoots should be very clearly visible on it. Such a bush should be dug up and divided into several parts with a sharp garden knife. Those bushes that have at least 3 roots are planted on the garden bed.
  3. Seeds... This method is quite complicated, but if you have patience and do everything right, the result will please, because getting your own seedlings of remontant strawberries is the dream of any summer resident. It is necessary to start this process in February. If you choose a later date, then young shoots will have to be transplanted to a permanent place at the height of summer. It is much more difficult for them to take root under the hot sun. Seeds of remontant strawberries are sown in wet and nutrient soil... Then they are sprinkled with dry earth, the layer must be thin. Next, the container should be covered with foil and placed in a sunny place. If the temperature stays at least 20 degrees, then the seedlings will appear in 20-25 days. Immediately after this, the cellophane is removed and the pots are removed to a cooler place. An excellent option will be installing. This will prevent the sprouts from pulling out. Plants should not be expected to grow rapidly. The pick can be carried out not earlier than in 2 months, if there are 3-4 leaves. For this, a container with a volume of 0.2 liters will be enough. Disposable cups are perfect. When to transplant repair strawberries to open beds? This can be done only with complete stabilization of the weather and in the absence of night frosts. This is not earlier than May-June.

Repair strawberries differ from simple crops in that they can bloom continuously and produce berries two to three times per summer. Not all plants have this property. Repaired varieties can also be found among raspberries, strawberries and some citrus plants.

Fruit buds of strawberries are very often laid only under the condition of a short daylight hours, therefore this type is called KSD. Strawberries of remontant varieties can lay buds when:

  • long daylight hours (abbreviated as DSD);
  • subject to neutral daylight hours (NDM).

Berries of the DSD type bring harvest several times during the summer season: strawberries fully ripen in July (from 20 to 35 percent of the yield), as well as at the end of August and the beginning of the first month of autumn (about 60 percent of all berries). Repaired strawberries, which are adapted to neutral daylight hours, can bear fruit freely throughout the growing season, gradually yielding their fruits.

To consume fresh strawberries, it is best to grow NSD type strawberry varieties. Anyone who loves to harvest strawberries for the winter can freely grow a plant from the DSD group: the first crop can be eaten, and the second can be used for further conservation.

The main difficulty in growing strawberries is concluded in the rapid depletion of plants with their regular fruiting... At the end of the berry collection, not all crops manage to maintain their condition and survive - many plants die. This greatly affects the growing time of such strawberries; many remontant plants can continue to bear fruit for no more than two to three years.

It is possible to increase the lifespan of varieties of remontant strawberries when grown in open field only with the use of correct and comprehensive care. To begin with, it is important for a gardener to follow all the rules for growing and planting a crop, and also learn how to prepare remontant strawberries for winter.

Landing in the ground

There is not much difference in which soil to grow strawberries: open or closed. It can be both a garden bed and a greenhouse, a window sill. The remontant plant is distinguished by the fact that it is especially unpretentious to growing conditions, as well as to the general climate. But most often the culture is planted on garden plots and is grown in open beds.

Planting and caring for strawberries must be carried out in accordance with special instructions.

Features of growing remontant varieties

There are three methods of growing a crop at once.... These include:

  • sowing seeds;
  • dividing the bush;
  • the use of a mustache.

Each method has both positive and negative sides. For example, sowing seeds for seedlings will cost a gardener much less than purchasing ready-made seedlings from a flower shop, but this activity is considered quite time consuming. At the same time, not all varieties of such a culture have a mustache, there is a large number of dry plants. It is allowed to divide the bush only when they are completely healthy and full of vitality, which is quite a rare occurrence for remontant crops.

That is why each summer resident must determine for himself what is the best way to grow and propagate a culture. Strawberries can be planted both in spring and autumn, they are highly resistant to low temperatures.

When planting a plant in the spring of berries this season, the gardener should not wait. Many people prefer to plant seedlings in the ground already in autumn, when the bushes have only a few weeks left for complete rooting, and already on next year get tasty and healthy fruits.

Seedling use

In this case, the gardener purchases ready-made strawberry varieties (Victoria), and then plants them like seeds vegetable plants(tomatoes, eggplants and peppers). Such a plant is very fond of soil with a high nutritional composition and looseness; the soil for planting seedlings should be prepared in advance. More experienced summer residents are advised to take soil for this from the site on which summer time vegetables were grown (turfy soil is not at all suitable for seedlings).

The soil should be taken slightly acidic or neutral in composition. Seeds will begin to germinate only when the moisture content of the soil is at least 70 percent. You can provide such an environment if you add about 0.7 liters of water to one kilogram of purchased soil, which includes humus. The soil mixes well so that no lumps form, and is laid out in prepared containers for planting seedlings.

About three centimeters recede from the top of the glass, the rest is filled with a substrate. On the surface of the soil, you need to carefully spread the seeds of the culture, then sprinkle with a small amount of dry soil or river sand... After that, the planting is watered with water using a spray bottle.

After 14-20 days, the strawberry seeds should already sprout. At this time, the film can be removed, the seedlings can be carefully watered and placed on the windowsill or in another place where there is the required level of lighting.

Since seeds are sown most often in February, then some sun rays will be too small for normal growth and development... In this case, phytolamps or simple lamps are additionally installed.

After the plant has two or three leaves, this will not happen earlier than several months after planting, the seedlings need to be dived. The culture is transplanted into separate containers, as well as in wooden boxes... Anyone who grows the plant at home can transplant the strawberries into permanent pots.

The plant is transplanted in the same way as in the case of vegetables: the crops are carefully transferred together with an earthen clod between the root system. The seedlings are deepening to the same level at which they grew before the pick. After that, the gardener only needs to properly water the seedlings and carefully watch their growth and development.

Two weeks before transplanting the plant in open ground it needs to be additionally hardened. For this, containers with seedlings are taken out onto the balcony, over time increasing the time spent on it. After that, the strawberry seedlings will be fully prepared for planting in a permanent place of growth.

Repaired varieties are considered quite unpretentious in cultivation. But large berries, which can weigh from 70 to 100 g, as well as regular fruiting throughout the summer have a certain effect on the plant - the bushes very quickly lose all vitality, therefore, they require special fertilizers.

Effective care for remontant strawberries (in autumn and summer) includes:

Experienced gardeners advise mulch planting with strawberries, as root system such berries are superficial, as a result of which the berries very often suffer from a lack of liquid.

Sawdust, humus, straw or spruce needles are often used as mulch for a plant.

Watering features

Strawberries need to be watered more often than simple varieties. Immediately after transplanting, the plants begin to water it every day, after a few days watering becomes rare and, as a result, is reduced to two times a month.

When watering, it is important to apply only warm water, and it should be carried out only when the temperature outside normalizes, and it will not be so hot (in the morning and evening time). The soil with strawberries should be moistened to a depth of two to three centimeters. The next day after watering the plant, the soil must be carefully loosened so that the root system of the plant receives the right amount oxygen, and also did not form a solid earth crust.

Fertilizing the soil

In view of regular fruiting, the plant needs to be provided with complex feeding. It is also important to ensure that the soil in the area with strawberries is always saturated with nutrients, minerals and vitamins; you need to take care of the plant regularly.

Most of all, it is important for such strawberries to receive potassium and nitrogen, and phosphorus can be added to the soil only once - during the preparation of the site for planting a remontant variety.

Features of plant feeding:

  • In the third decade of May, the plant needs to be fed with urea, using a one and two percent composition for this.
  • In the second half of June, while flower stalks appear on the plant, strawberries need to be fed with liquid cow dung or chicken droppings... This will provide the plant with better fruiting.
  • TO organic fertilizers mineral additives are also added, for example, Solution, or Kemira lux.

For the whole summer, from 10 to 15 additional fertilizing with complex fertilizers is carried out for the plant - this is very important for the full care of strawberries.

Plant maintenance also includes pruning. This procedure is carried out once a year in autumn or spring. It is also important to pay special attention to caring for remontant strawberries in the fall.

In colder areas of the country, where winters are long with low temperatures, the plants are most often covered. That is why the pruning of shrubs is carried out in the fall. After the crop is harvested from the plant, the lower leaves are carefully removed from it, while it is important to try not to damage the upper leaves, in the axils of which new fruit buds are laid for the next season.

Strawberry bushes can be cut from time to time throughout the summer, or you can eliminate them permanently - this is still discussed by many. experienced gardeners... But in the event that the summer resident decided to eliminate the strawberry leaves in the autumn, then together with them he must cut off the mustache.

To preserve all the characteristics and qualities of the variety , you can breed with a mustache... It must be remembered that only the first generation mustache is allowed for reproduction. The process does not require special skills from the gardener. When growing strawberry bushes on healthy plant retain about five whiskers, the rest are eliminated. For planting, healthier and stronger sockets are used.

Another way to propagate a plant is to divide a healthy bush into separate parts so that each crop has the right number of roots. It is necessary to divide the plant at the end of the summer season - by the beginning of September, all planting material should be planted, otherwise young crops will not have time to take root until the first frost.

Repair strawberries are somewhat different from the usual garden strawberries. However, many novice gardeners grow remontant varieties, despite their requirements for special agricultural technology. But these types of strawberries allow you to harvest repeatedly and with correct cultivation are able to almost completely save you from the "berry-free" season.

Repaired strawberries are capable of giving several harvests per season, but for this it is necessary to observe the rules of agricultural technology.

Acquaintance with the culture

Repair strawberry - what does it mean? Repaired are called large-fruited varieties, the mass index of which fluctuates between 20-75 g. But there are specimens in which the weight of the fetus can reach 100 g!

In remontant strawberries, not only maternal, but also young bushes, which were obtained by rooting the whiskers at the beginning of the current season, are capable of bearing fruit. Such varieties give a crop twice a year: the first fruiting period falls in July, the second - in August-September. At the same time, the second time, as a rule, it is possible to collect much large quantity berries than in July.

The second harvest of remontant strawberries can make up from 60 to 90% of the total number of berries harvested.

On a note! However, not all plants can withstand such a load, and most of them die after the last recoil of the berry!

Choosing a variety

Repaired strawberries are cultivated in narrow beds

Autumn care

Caring for remontant strawberries in the fall includes several must-do activities.


Reproduction of remontant strawberries can be carried out with a mustache, dividing bushes and seeds. In the latter case, the seedlings must be grown at home. For this, seeds are planted in mini-greenhouses in winter - in January or February. In the spring, mature seedlings are moved into open ground. Seed propagation is a rather laborious process and requires special preparation. For this reason, novice gardeners often resort to mustache breeding.

Propagating remontant strawberries with a mustache is the easiest way to propagate. This process requires minimal skills and knowledge, since in most cases these varieties produce a lot of whiskers. In addition, this method allows you to save valuable varietal characteristics culture. If there are few mustaches, then it is better to resort to reproduction by dividing the bushes.

Repaired strawberries respond quite well to proper care... And if all the features of agricultural technology are observed, the gardener will definitely get decent harvests throughout the season.