Banya Viktor Maslova How to get to the treatment. Russian Bath Maslova: principle of operation, constructive device and finishing options

Banya Maslova is a modern development, which includes the main advantages of Russian wage, Finnish sauna, Turkish Hammam and even infrared cabin. Among its advantages is not only fire safety and energy saving, but also a positive effect on health.


This type of steam room was developed by Viktor Maslov and submitted to the public in 2000. He invented special electrical panels to warm up the steam. Russian Bani Maslov (RBM) successfully passed all checks and received international certificates. The inventor managed to combine all the advantages of the Finnish sauna, Turkish Hammam and the Russian bath, while getting rid of their shortcomings.

Bani Maslov

The pair is one room that resembles a shower room. This steam room is lined with completely ceramics under which special heating devices. The use of such a warming system can significantly save electricity, compared with other thermal sources, by almost 30%.

The instruments for wraising the pair of the oil themselves are invented. These are infrared long-wave panels EINT, which are installed under the finishing material. It is their thermal waves that contribute to the improvement of visitors' well-being. This has proven numerous medical checks. The heating system does not burn the air - this is its main advantage.

Near the sun bed is equipped and a shower for adoption contrast procedures. At one and a half meter height on the wall there is a grower generator. It is used if necessary to increase moisture.

The steam generator that is present in the Maslov bath is a peculiar rectangular heat-insulated box, lined in a common style. It is filled with stones accumulating heat. Inside the device is built-in steel heating tan, which heats the contents.

A steam room resembles a peculiar oven, inwards the person gets. Soft heat indoors comes from walls, floor, sun beds and ceiling. It has a lot of common spectral characteristics with human warmth. The air warms uniformly.

Sizes Steam: For one person - 0.8 * 1.2 m, for two - 1.2 * 1.2 m, for three - 1.65 * 1.9 m, for six - 2.5 * 2 m. The height of the room may be arbitrary.

This type of steam room has a relatively low energy intensity. In the steam room with an area of \u200b\u200bheating 10 m 2 Power consumption of panels - 8 kW. In the size of the standard shower cabin (1.5 m 2) - up to three kW. It is several times less than the standard electrochannel consumes, which is equipped with saunas and baths.

Temperature-humid mode in the base of Maslov

The bath warms up per hour and a half. The room is very easy breathing. This is the main difference in pair. Microclimate is very soft. The rest does not feel the heat, only comfortable warmth. The temperature in the steam room is maintained to + 40-50 degrees, the humidity is 10-50%. At the same time, the visitor sweats abundantly.

It is experimentally proved that the optimal temperature in the steam room is preserved when heated to such limits:

  • Paul - + 35-40 degrees
  • Sun beds - + 42-50 degrees;
  • Walls - + 45-50 degrees;
  • Ceiling - + 55-60 degrees.
If desired, the room can be warm up to +80 degrees, and the humidity indicator increases up to 100%. Therefore, RBM is considered a universal parillery.

In the Russian Ban Maslov, it is possible to receive procedures not only with the steam generator turned on, but also turned off. Then the microclimate of the room will be similar to the Finnish sauna. If you like wet pairs, then the device can be turned on at any stage of the session. To increase the moisture rate, the water from the bucket can be splashing on the stones.

Features of visiting Bani Maslov

First of all, the Banya Maslova has a positive effect on the human body:
  1. Improves the immune system;
  2. Stabilizes metabolism;
  3. Leads to normal blood pressure;
  4. Removes cholesterol plaques and salt sediments;
  5. Strengthens the vessels;
  6. Restores the flexibility of the joints and the spine;
  7. Helps to get rid of Handrose and arthritis;
  8. Is the prevention of tonsillitis, sinusitis and cholecystitis;
  9. Beneficially affects the respiratory and urinary system.
There are no contraindications to the visit. Procedures can be carried out even pregnant, children and people of old age. Overheating in such a steam is possible. The temperature and humidity regime is fully adjustable here.

In the bath in Maslov, the visitor warms up for 20-25 minutes, and the bathing procedures in the steam room are accepted in two stages:

  • In suchoh mode. This process takes longer, since it is precisely in such conditions that the maximum healing effect is achieved. The body of the vacationer is completely warmed by the temperature of + 45-50 degrees. Bioresonance radiant heat penetrates inside, opening the pores and freeing the body from slags and toxins through sweating.
  • For high humidity . In the second stage, the steam generator is turned on. Its intensity and temperature can be adjusted by the amount of water supply.
First you can use in the steam room essential oils To purify the respiratory tract and lungs, and then with a wet pair - a broom for stimulating the blood circulation and circulation of lymphs.

Such a sauna is very easy to care. Materials interior decoration Durable and easily wash.

Maslova Bath Building Technology

Equipment Baths for Maslov will cost several times cheaper than the construction of traditional doubles. It is also a room, unlike other types of baths, completely fireproof.

For the structure you will need: galvanized metal sheet, wall plaster panels, heat-resistant cable, temperature sensor, galvanized grid, waterproofing material, a natural stone For decoration of the room, a refractory tile and a special TEN in a double stainless steel sheath for RBM.

We carry out work in such a sequence:

  • Collect the frame from metal sheets. They must be galvanized for corrosion resistance.
  • Fix the insulation to the base and waterproofing material.
  • We are wearing a design with two layers of thermo- and moisture-resistant gypsum wall panels.
  • Laying up lying on red bricks.
  • Fix inside the facilities temperature sensors and heating elements Hem-resistant cable.
  • We are tightening the structure of a grid metal wire.
  • We prepare a heat-resistant solution and apply it to the grid.
  • We are waiting for a complete drying of the plaster and we apply a liquid waterproofer.
  • Equipping ventilation channels With the help of plastic boxes with a diameter of 12-13 cm.
  • On the hood fix the throttle on the electric drive and the collection for condensate.
  • We carry out a finish inside with a steamy natural stone - marble, talco chlorite, a greedyt, shungitis, gravity.
  • We mount separate temperature sensors for each bed.
  • Install the door frame made of metal or wood. Optimal Material For the door - tinted tempered glass.
  • Fix at an altitude of 1.5 meters from the floor opposite the sun beds for heating the thermoaccumulating stones.
  • Heat insulation the container with the Tan.
  • We make facing of the steam generator using a refractory tile. The dimensions of the device are 0.5 * 0.4 * 0.3 meters.
  • We are placed flat one-piece volcanic stones inside.

The steam generator also equip the temperature sensor. With it, the temperature of the stones is adjustable from +250 to +320 degrees.

Maslova's bath from the inside is a bit similar to Turkish Hammam, and for finishing all surfaces inside use:
  1. Ceramic tiles. Universal option in terms of price and quality ratio.
  2. A natural stone. It will be much more expensive, but the effect of it is better.
  3. Glass mosaic. It has good performance properties. With its help embody various stylistic solutions.
On the floor of the steam room equipped a special removable ladder, providing a flow of water.

Watch the video about the arrangement of Bani Maslov:

The principle of operation of Bani Maslov differs from other varieties of hygienic buildings. A visit to this steam room has no contraindications. On the contrary, the adoption of such procedures has a positive effect on the health and well-being of holidaymakers. Maslov's bath is possible to build it. However, special heating panels need to use production. The use of other devices can lead to an enlarged load on wiring and closure.

The official website of Bani Maslov (quality assurance):

The traditional Russian bath has long ceased to be the only possible option. There was a mass of modern analogues, such as the bath of the physicist-nuclear keys V. Maslov. The design developed by it combines all the best from the Finnish, Russian and Turkish bath, while not having their shortcomings. It was the oils at one time that came to the conclusion that thermal energy, Suitered by sun beds, walls and floors of ceramics or natural stone ensures the most soft heating.

The main feature of such a bath is the possibility of maintaining almost any necessary temperature. A special heat generator provides such a climate that is suitable for any visitor bath - from an experienced bow to a child or a person with a sick heart.

Here is a typical equipment of such a bath:

  • zogerletator (it serves as a furnace function);
  • ventilation system;
  • shower.

Banya Maslova is insulated metal carcasstrimmed by heat-resistant panels. These panels are stacked in two layers. Inside the bath, temperature sensors are installed and a special heating cable is laid. The final layer of interior decoration is a galvanized mesh coated with a layer of waterproofing and a heat-resistant solution.

Such a deep warming is achieved by applying natural stone. After all, it is this material that allows a person to get maximum benefits, but not only from heat, and from the stone itself. Ceramics used in the construction of a bath must comply with certain requirements - it should be natural and manufactured without applying harmful impurities.

Note! Sun beds in this case are also special. They are divided into three plots - for legs, torso and, therefore, heads. Each of the plots have separate thermal sensors.

Another feature of the design is ventilation supporting various modes of operation. It plays a considerable role in creating the necessary microclimate, which is required for one or another mode.

In this bath, the human body is exposed to a special warming, which differs from the traditional Russian steam room. Bioresonance thermal energy that comes from sun beds and walls, its spectrum is very similar to human.

Note! Thanks to the special design of the bath, the body occurs evenly warms up immediately from all sides. Actually, this is the healing "secret" of the design of Maslov - soft comprehensive warming.

Special heating described in the previous paragraph of the article occurs at a sufficiently low temperature - no more than 50 ° C, and the humidity at this time ranges between 15% and 50%. In view of this, it is easy to breathe in a steam room quite easily, the heat is not felt - only cozy soft heat. You will be surprised, but even in such conditions, a person sweats abundantly, no worse than in the usual sauna, but the pleasure is obtained much more.

But if such a "climate" for some reason does not suit you, you can increase the temperature or humidity. No wonder because the bath Maslov is considered universal - everything can be bathed in it, up to a child or a pregnant woman.

As already mentioned, in such a bath heating occurs due to special infrared panels installed under cladding. These waves have a positive effect on the body, which was repeatedly brought by medical research.

The temperature of each of the panels is adjusted separately. In the course of the same medical research, it turned out that the body was optimal for the body - 37-40ᵒs, walls and ceiling - 45-55ᵒs, and the sun beds - 45-50 ° C.

It is worth noting that using such infrared panels, you will save on electricity for a third (if you compare with traditional heating systems).

Video - How the bath Maslov is arranged

Heat Heart Bani Maslov

Honestly, the bath Maslov is capable of "cope" even without a couple. In this case, everything is both in the Finnish bath with its reduced humidity level. If you missed the old-good Russian bath - start the hotter. This is a small-sized device of a rectangular shape, inside which stones are placed by the heatakes. To heat the stones to the desired temperature, the tagne are used made of steel.

Many mistakenly believe that the room is heated with the help of the heat generator. In fact, this is not the case, the device only produces steam. This happens extremely simple: if necessary, in increasing moisture, pour into the hot stones of the roof of the waterproof water. So humidity can be enhanced even before the limit 100%, it all depends on the amount of water splashing at a time.

In fact, the Maslova's bath represents only one room - a kind of bath and shower room, remotely resembling Turkish Hamam. All surfaces in it are covered with ceramic tiles, glass or natural stone. Near the sun bed there is a shower so that the person can comfort yourself in a sitting or a lying position. The pair cleaning is extremely simply due to the specially installed waste latter on the floor.

Maslova's bath with her own hands - is it possible?

Such a bath can be built only under the condition of the full recreation of the technology of installation of this structure. To do this, you need to purchase original TEN and electrical panels. The only company in the market that has a patent for the production of bath Maslova, Bani Maslov LLC ( It is impossible to change the components of any other, otherwise the wiring may not withstand a large stress, which can lead to a fire. These elements were developed by oil personally, they are characterized by complete safety and low power consumption. These are their main advantages.

After purchasing the necessary electrical equipment, it will be required to install it in accordance with the design of the room. As you probably noticed, the sauna described by us has a rather complicated design, so if you are not sure about your abilities, do not do ammouncing, but seek for help in Bani Maslov LLC.

Construction technology

And now brief instructions For the brave, who decided to put the bath personnel.

  1. To begin with, build a framework of metal structures that is not subject to corrosion. Install thermo and waterproofing.
  2. Then squeeze the frame with two layers of plaster wall panels. This material (gypsum) is characterized by resistance to moisture and elevated temperature.
  3. Secure the thermal sensors and elements of the heat-resistant cable on the trim.
  4. Cover the design of the iron grid (exclusively galvanized).
  5. Apply a layer of thermal stucco on the surface.
  6. After drying the plaster, install a layer of waterproofing about the material.
  7. The best material for cladding the bath Maslov is a natural stone (such, for example, like marble, talco chlorite and other). If you finish a pair of one of these materials, it will acquire healing properties, in many ways, thanks to the stones.
  8. Sunbeds divide into three zones (they already mentioned earlier) and install thermal sensors in each of them.
  9. Use a sheet of tempered tinted glass as the door. Door boxes You can use both wooden and iron.
  10. Install the ventilation system in the steam room (it has a very complex structure and will provide various modes). An ordinary extract will suit the locker room. Use plastic boxes when installing ventilation, the diameter of which is 12.5 cm.

Note! Be sure to equip ventilation throttle valve with electric drive, as well as special condensate-collecting com.

  1. Buy also a special TEN, which will be used to heat the stones. Such a tan should be equipped with a double shell. The device itself must be made of heat-resistant of stainless steel.
  2. Install the TEN on the wall approximately a half meters from the floor, lick with a special refractory ceramic tiles.

All, you can safely start exploiting.

Note! Such heat generators (tanes) are not only extremely effective and economical. Their design is such that completely eliminates the burnout of aromatic oil and burns.

Features of operation

For full warm-up, the room is required for only one and a half hours. It is characteristic that during this time no more than three kilowatts of electricity is spent. To warm up the steam room with an area of \u200b\u200b2.5 m², four kilowatts are needed - it is twice as smaller than when heating the same steam room with a simple electrical stove.

Heating in the bath can be included remotely - by mobile phoneThe continuation of the b is set using a special timer. But the main feature Such a bath can be considered the fact that adjustment is possible in it.

It is for this reason that in the Maslov bath perfectly feel the avid steambags, and admirers of moderate temperature - no more than + 55ᵒs, and people who are generally prohibited overheating - children, people of old age, pregnant, etc. Also in this bath in any The case must be drained for water and volley ventilation.

Video - Banya Maslova

Do you want your whole family to be cheerful and healthy? Strive to keep activity regardless of age? So, it's time for you to pay attention to the unique SPA complex, named after the inventor - Banya Maslov. Victor Maslov created an amazing bathing in his healing properties, providing a soft, uniform and deep warm-up. This was made possible due to heat outgoing from ceramic or stone walls, sun beds and gender.

Maslova bath provides a soft, uniform and deep warming of the entire body of a person.

In a unique bath, you can set any temperature suitable for both kids, and for pregnant women, and for avid steambags that love the bathhouse. Banya Maslova is universal. It provides its heat generator. The small unit successfully replaces the large-sized brick Russian oven. There is also a shower, a dangling ladder and a system forced ventilation "Volley" type. Only the Parlyman himself decides where he today will be - in the traditional Russian steam room, Hammam, Roman terms or in a salt cave.

The bath is a warmed and vaporized carrier metal frame, distinguished by high corrosion resistance, covered with special heat-resistant gypsum wall panels. Panels are stacked in two layers. Their basic distinctive feature - They are well tolerated moisture. The heating sections of the heat-resistant cable are mounted on the trim, temperature sensors are provided. The whole design is covered with a steel galvanized grid, plastered and separated by heat-resistant cement mixtures, on top to which the waterproofing layer is applied.

As finishing material Natural can be applied natural stones, for example, marble, Zlatit, Shungitis, Jadeitalcochlorite. The finish, made of floor ceramic tiles, is not excluded, but enhanced requirements are presented. Maslova bath tiles should be made on a natural basis, without chemical additives and differ high density. In the room decorated with natural materials, a person benefits not only from bath procedures, but also from the stones themselves: there is a course of stounterepia - the treatment of stones. The hotel is divided into three zones - for the head, torso, legs. These zones are equipped with sensors providing maintenance of the desired temperature. Thus, at the level of head, heating is less intense than in the rest of the zones. Instead of a sun bed, an ergonomic backrest can be installed, allowing a steam bag to sit in a relaxed pose.

Baths of Maslov are equipped with door of hardened tinted glass. Frames or wooden or metal. A complex ventilation system supports various modes is provided in the parille. And in the pre-tribades, an effective constant exhaust ventilation is equipped. The ventilation system itself is made of plastic with a diameter of 125 mm, equipped with a throttle with an electric drive and a condensate collection.

Stones in the bath are heated using a special tan in a double shell made of heat-resistant stainless steel. Maslov bathing generators are designed specifically. They are mounted on the walls of the RBM cab wall approximately at an altitude of about 1.5 m from the floor, cladding with ceramics and completely replace a large brick oven. Heat generators are extremely economical, consumes the minimum of electricity and ensure effective warming up of the steam room. The pair temperature can reach 100 degrees C and above, and random burns and burnout flavors for water are completely excluded due to the features of the design of thermal units.

Why the Russian bath Maslova is useful

The human body warms out otherwise than in the traditional Russian steam room. A soft bioresonance heat, emitted by a stone or ceramic facing, is very reminded of heat outgoing from the body of the person. The body of the steamer warms up from all sides, because due to the design features it is like inside the furnace. Soft heating with radiant warmth and is considered the main advantage of a unique bath.

The room temperature reaches 40-50 ° C, the humidity is maintained at 10 to 50%. In addition to the heat generator, the Maslov bath is equipped with a shower for contrasting procedures. If desired, the temperature in the steam room can increase to 80 ° C or more, and humidity up to 100%. For 15-20 minutes, a person will completely warm in a comfortable setting. If we compare with the traditional steam, then the heating occurs in 5-7 minutes, and more many people simply do not stand. In the Bath of the inventor, the body is not subjected to overloads. The temperature is easily adjustable, and steam is dosed, so, wellness procedures are ensured without harm to health.

Specificity of the bathing complex

Maslova's bath is controlled by a software-controlled complex based on the operator panels, multichannel temperature controllers with I / O devices are used. The desired mode for a steam bag is achieved by the usual touch of the finger to the display icon.

Heats the bath Maslov in 1-1.5 hours. During this time, 2-3 kW of electricity is consumed. A single bath with an area of \u200b\u200b2.5 m2 "eats" about 4.0 kW, which is twice as smaller than the traditional electric furnace-heater of imported production for heating the sauna of the same volume. The most pleasant thing - the bath can be turned on remotely by phone or set the time of inclusion on the timer. Convenient, isn't it?

Russian bath Maslova (RBM.) - physiotherapeutic complex, based on the health effect of thermal energy on the human body. Constructive RBM is a heat insulated cabin equipped with benches where you can sit and lie. Depending on the size of the cabin in it, various numbers of people can be located at the same time.

All surfaces of the cabin - floor, walls, ceiling, benches - made of heat-powered materials (stone, ceramics) and equipped with a system of adjustable heating. The wellness session in the RBM consists of two main stages:

  • 1. Long deep heating.

At this stage, heat per person acts mainly due to the wave component. The temperature of the cab surfaces is given in such a way that the main radiation spectrum falls on the wavelength in the range of 9.2-9.4 microns. This range corresponds to heat emitted by the person himself and therefore is the most natural and open to the body for deep penetration into tissues and organs. In response to this impact, the body launches the mechanism of self-diagnosis and self-regulation, begins to intensively remove slags and toxins through skin cover (sweat). At the same time, heat transmitted by direct contact with the warm stone surface also affects the internal organs. The nuances of this impact depend on natural composition Stone.

Russian Bath Maslova: Features, Pros, Cons

Conditions in this mode (air temperature of 40 -45 gr. C, humidity 40 - 50%) in associate with an effective adhesive exhaust ventilation practically do not limit the time of the procedure and do not require pre-training organism.

  • 2. Contrast procedures.

At this stage, a convective contact effect is carried out by hot wet air (ferry) in combination with massage brooms of traditional vegetable rocks. Course is formed when taking up water to preheated to optimal temperature Stones in the furnace, the design of which eliminates the convective heating of the surrounding air. Cabin is equipped with a mixer for cold / hot water and a drain ladder. This makes it possible to alternate the impact of hot steam and cold waterwithout leaving the cab. This procedure has an intensive impact on the peripheral blood system, training and increasing the tone of thin capillaries.

Direct consequence of such an impact is effective destruction pathogenic microbes and improving immune abilityRanism (hardening).

The surface of the cabin does not absorb liquids and smells, easily wash water and cleaned chemicals. This makes it possible to apply all sorts of ragners directly in the cabin, infusions and ointments (scrubs) from a rich arsenal of natural resources.

see also


  • V.V. Chernyshev Bath. Top dictionary. - 2nd ed. - M.: Publishing and trading corporation Dashkov and K, 2007. - P. 215-218. - 296С.: IL. from. - ISBN 5-94798-732-5.


Russian bath Maslova

It is significant unknown who invented the Russian vaulted oven. Probably, it was not one person - many participated in its creation. How many people she gave health to long years! Physico Experimentator Maslov V.V. Already today, the nominal Russian bath Maslova (RBM) has been created, repeating the main characteristics of the vaulted furnace, but already using innovative technologies.
Modern bath Maslova is an alloy of light pair and research and engineering knowledge. The author, being by profession to the heat engineering-builder, experimentally developed a system of special electrical panels, with which a smooth warming up of the entire structure is ensured.

Bani Maslov

Basic dignity electric panels The RBM lies in the fact that the gamma of heat emitted by them almost completely coincides with the radiation of the heat by the walls of the vaulted Russian oven when it is heated. From a medical point of view, the effect of long-wave thermal radiation is the best way to reflect on the well-being of people.
Adjusting the work of each of the individual panels. Skillfully producing it, it is possible to change the degree of heating of the steam walls for a comfortable stay in it.
Temperature and humidity regime inside the innovative Russian baths of Maslov is very soft. Deep heating in it is carried out at a relatively low temperature - 40-50ºС. Humidity fluctuations varies within 10-50%. The amplitude of the temperature heating of the floor from 25 to 35 ° C, the sun bed is 45-50ºС, the walls are 45-60 degrees. Adjustment temperature mode Performed automatically.
The adjustment range of the RBM heating panels is very wide - to 80ºС and 100% humidity. Therefore, contraindications for staying in this bath is not only elderly with mass chronic diseasesBut also pregnant women, as well as children do not exist.
If desired, the Russian bath of Maslov can be turned into a sauna. To do this, the air temperature in it needs to be increased to 80 ° C. With the help of adjusting the mode of operation of the electrochannel, turning off the steam supply.
Parry is equipped with a heat generator and shower. The steam generator is a rectangular furnace-stone stove enclosed in the heat-insulated casing. It is located on the wall, at a height from the floor of about one and a half meters. This is done to save space.
Next to the sun bed - a shower that can be taken in any position of the body, even lying.
In the floor there is a ladder for water drain, so high-quality cleaning indoors does not represent any problems. Water in such a design goes easily and quickly - damp in the Russian bath of Maslov is not in riser. Therefore, the rinsing process can be carried out directly in the steam room.
A person surrounds a comfortable warmth, which, nevertheless causes a strong sweating. No heat - and breathes freely and easy! Imagine - what a pleasure!
The interior of the steam in the base of Maslov is simultaneously simple and original. Ceramic tile, structured wood and comfortable sun bed. In some models, marble, granite and even mosaic tiles are used for trim. Such facing materials Not only aesthetic, but hygienic and durable.

Maslova Bath - Universal Design

It is very important to such a feature of the RBM as constructive versatility. Banya Maslova is developed and created for use in households builders, field camps and watch villages. Electricity consumption, taking into account the capacity of the RBM to 120 people per day, is completely small and averages 40 kW.
If desired, Maslov can be built with their own hands. It must be respected important condition - Electropanels and a hotkenerator installed in it must be original purchased from official representatives of the manufacturer. Failure to comply with this condition is fraught with the occurrence of a fire, since the indoor wiring may not withstand a strong load.
Installing electrical appliances inside the design is made strictly in accordance with the design of the bath, as well as the eyeliner of all communications and the improvement of the ventilation system.
On the final stage Construction is carried out by stone or ceramic wall cladding, as well as the installation of sanitary equipment and sun beds.
If you wish to feel the atmosphere of the Russian bath - on help will come Heat generator. It is only worth splashing the waterpar for the heated heat accumulating stones, as the humidity of the air will instantly increase in the bath. Moreover, it will directly depend on the amount of water, which will fall on the stones of the heat generator.
Want to feel the advantages of the Finnish bath? You are welcome! Banya Maslova works perfectly in the absence of steam.

Useful properties of RBM.

Weekly procedures in the Maslov Ban have a beneficial effect on blood circulation, improving metabolic processes, output salts, thereby improving the flexibility of the spine and joints. Cholesterol deposits in vessels decrease, the vascular tone is normalized. Through the opening, the body leave toxins and final exchange products.

Maslova Bath with his own hands: Features and subtleties

The kidneys are resting while you are here in this miracle bath. After all, she takes their functions.
Stimulation of the work of the immune system also occurs. Such chronic sores like sinusitis tonsillitis, prostatitis and pyelonephritis goes not passing goodbye!
The youth and beauty of the skin will help to return procedures with therapeutic mud, which can be carried out in the Maslov bath. The mud procedures of people suffering from chronic arthritis and arthrosis are particularly useful, since heating on various parts of the body is carried out gently and evenly.
The effect of drafts in the RBM is absent. On the contrary, a soft bioresonance infrared radiation is produced, the most favorable effect on the fabrics and organs.
The amount of water led to hot stones determines the temperature of the steam and its intensity. Thereby airways Perfectly cleaned under the influence of steam with an admixture of aromatic oils.

Banya Maslova What it is

Reviews about Ban Maslov from a bath forum. Part 3.

Material from the forum

PN2 wrote (a):

Vladimir L. I am extremely interesting to your personal impressions of the RBM, whether it is possible in it without any discounts to give a person with the help of a broom the same feeling as in classical Russian.

Health, happiness, success in everything and of course light steam.

I give clarity - I'm a junior Lyakhov, and Volodya is the eldest. And the question is addressed most likely to me as to the squabble. The answer to this question sounds in the reviews about the RBM hosted by Valentina. Moreover, in the RBM there is an opportunity for everyone to create an individual mode, starting with comfortable warm and to the extremely rigid. After the first right, mild comfortable sweating and deep warm-up, having triggered a little bit, drinking tea, returned to the pair. We are waiting for warm shelves and warm airthat is, the situation is comfortable even little baby. Giverable to pebbles and raising the temperature in the steam room, I gradually increase it to the necessary one to this client. I spend it on the threshold of comfortable tolerance, to give the most, but not "burn". If interesting, then the procedure will write more about the new year.


Before leaving the exhibition in Moscow, I was invited by the "butt" to post the RBM to the Red Gate.

I am impressions. Photos can be found here

First about the place, the bath near the metro station and stations, very convenient. Located in the Tea Club, I still took part in the tea ceremony after the procedures. In general, the soulful and flavors of tea and incense as free app To the bathhouse.

The bathhouse itself is certainly small, but spiritual, sit, talk, drink a seagull where. Even the heated laying for massage is.

The overall impression of the steam room is positive. A little uncomfortable layout of the Lena - to the right step for seating and you have to reach it when you have a feet. It is better instead of constant to make a wooden bench with the possibility of removing her to the side before the wiping. The tank with stones in the option of the "butt" turns out to be on the head of the lying, there is a risk of falling on a person with a sacrificent couple. But these are all corrected planning costs, it can be varied. The version of the Kamenka itself - thermos is very impressed, the steam is obtained high-quality, with a characteristic sound. The weight of the laying of stones make it difficult to determine, suspect that a kilogram of forty.

The first dry warming had to be somewhat reduced due to the fact that the partner of the "butt" was limited in time. However, I meld on a hot marble layman, I gave juice very soon. Processing with brooms started with me. Vasily is called nursing. Actually, this was well described by Lyakhov Vladimir. My nuance procedure is a hopelessly thoughtful skin and habit of amateur time to finish your back to a feeling of candid burning. You understand yourself, this combination creates some problems to the one who crashes me, and I always sympathize with him, in general, nursed me together. From the receptions from Vasi most liked the feelings of the hot poultice of brooms.

After the rest, I spent my standard pair for the partner Vasi, received comprehending and comments from him. Then I also had a massage with the elements of the manual, they were still asked with mantras, shorter life was successful.

Today I went to a meeting with V. Maslov with a proposal to develop a variant of his bath on wood furnaces. Those. Garden option, not everywhere there are plenty of electricity. It turns out that it has already stumbled upon these rake, failing to perform orders in hunting houses Because of the "kilowatts". He puzzled me with the need for quite clear temperatures at different levels.

I boasted that he opened a decrease in the temperature of the person in the steam room to 28 degrees. Sleerating Maslov did not argue, silently put to me the thermocouple and said - "Answer for the Bazaar." I had to remove the pants and with a thermocouple under the arm to go to the steam room. She is constantly supported in standing in standby mode, as one of the batteries of his house. (The house is heated with electricity, if not a bath, then there would be more batteries).

It turns out that within the framework of the necessary kilowatt heating, several batteries are grouped in a different way, which gives a new property - waiting for the bath, at the same time the dryer.

So - T \u003d 43 (after closing the door T \u003d 49), Lenhing 42 (heat, not burning), the floor is about 40, the walls 50 - the hand holds, under the ceiling - the hand does not hold - for 60. Side, chat, warm, good . After 10 minutes, I went sweat, "Pot". Thermocouple shows 37. Suspected 40 minutes, everything hoped for a decrease, but it became 38. The whole wet.

Ricked up immediately in the steam room, came out, drink tea. Cheerfulness, good.

They ventilated, the window is a large 50cm * 40cm, the french came well, again from 43 to 49 quickly the air heated. Again, I was playing for 20 minutes of chatter, time you do not notice, very warm and comfortable.

They went out into the street, could not stand - lean face in the snow, looked like snowing snow, good, cheerful. T \u003d 38, there is no endogenous heating, 28 degrees are also not. Drinking tea.

The condition is cheerful, as usual after the bath before. I thought, at this stage, my wife would finish the procedure - and so good. Several times were in the baths with iron stoves, after that it was no longer able to drag her in those wage, where did bath furnaces (As a rule, iron stoves built into a brick heat drive).

We ventilate the steer, lay down on the bed. My Personal Banchik, VVM himself, will start a couple and begins "Mahat Vainyk".

Now finally realized what to lower the steam. The hiss heard, but at my height did not feel anything until I was hidden the cloud of the "wap" hot steam. I did not feel anything like that when I washed by a broom at 120 degrees.
It turns out that this is a broom - a buzz ...
Then they poured, then they planted cold ....
And on the stone laying warm, I do not want to leave ...
Then fog with mint and marine Solu - Feeling how to breathe.
Then she lay in the pre-banker with his back on a warm floor (22 degrees) - the floor seems so soft and comfortable.

That's all. Cheerfulness in the body, removed all fatigue and there is no something of such a heavy, which was after 120 degrees, and I don't want to sleep - that's, I write at night.

Features of Bani Maslov

It can be seen the body did not have to be protected and lower the temperature to 28 degrees, as in the steam room 90.

As I get 90 degrees, I will again check the lowering of T to 28, I saw it and I do not drink fundamentally all my life.

Here is such a bath Maslov.

Good afternoon dear members of the forum.

With great interest I read your discussions on the forum. For a long time I could not make a decision which bath build in my house. Thanks to this site, I learned about the existence of the RBM. However, without having experienced a bath on his own skin, it was not decided to make a final decision, and to reinvent the bike without taking into account the experience gained by the author, considered an error. So I contacted Viktor Maslov and, together with my wife, went to get into the Banke for 750 kilometers (I live in Minsk).

The impressions that Victor's family and the Bath itself also exceeded all expectations.

I will not describe the process itself, because he was discussed repeatedly and in detail. Just at the moment for myself, I finally decided that my house would be a bath Maslov.

Maybe everyone will have the opportunity or time to visit Maslov, so I will describe the trip in more detail.

Attending Moscow has often. Apparently the mad rhythm of life in the capital imposes an imprint on its inhabitants, so the warm welcome from the owners was a pleasant surprise for us.

Since childhood, the bath for me was the norm of life because it lived in the private sector, although in Minsk. And now it is rarely a week without something to get into the bathhouse. Many of my friends built a bath in their homes most often in the basement. Disadvantages are obvious. The traditional Russian bath must be located in a separate structure. I do not have any opportunity to build a single bath, as although I do not consider myself an amateur, but I also don't.

Now directly about the RBM. The bath is located almost in the center of the house and serves as a famous Russian stove. During the rest, Victor explained that he almost never turns her off. The bath is always ready for work and daily and quite intensively used. To begin with, we were sent to warm up for thirty minutes. I did not expect that at such a low temperature, you can breathe so much and warm up. They left the bath not because they were tired, but because the time came out. The host generator hosts are less common, but warm daily. The benefits of this procedure is indisputable, since the atmosphere in the bath resembles a well-dried Russian oven, on which not one generation of our ancestors has grown.

After we rested a little, the owners were treated. You can get the opportunity in the bath well, for me it was a decisive moment to make a decision. Just to warm up, even if not with such pleasure, it is possible in infrared cabinand in Turkish Hamam. It was unexpected that in the stone steam room, you can warm up so well a broom. Yes, and you can enjoy the procedure for a long time because even when you throw the park much easier to breathe than in the traditional steam room. Feelings are just great. Coming out of the steam, they knew on the grass, with more than a long time, which suggests that it warmed thoroughly.

On this possibilities, the baths were not exhausted. We made a vacuum massage using blue clay, turpentine and other components. The composition of the funds used was detailed by my wife.

After another rest, we experienced the action of the scrub, and how we were able to make sure, in the bath it is very convenient to carry out any procedures that usually require salons. Very by the way, it turned out to be a shower located right in the bath.

So for very pleasant procedures and no less pleasant conversations flew over four hours.

A more functional, hygienic, comfortable, compact bath, neither I could not imagine my wife. Victor answered all my questions.

The forum discussed the question about the name of the bath. I want to say the phrase that the Germans told me, with whom we worked for a long time: "If you yourself will not love yourself, appreciate and respect, then why do others have to do?" In general, I want to have any worthy achievements related to slavic names and last names.

No need to continue the tradition of Columbus.

Sorry that Victor Maslov stopped visiting this forum. I am pleased to thank him for the attention he paid for us. Even by visiting Maslov's bath in any bath complex, we could not find out so much. I also want to say that if Victor wants to promote his idea in our region, I will be happy to have any assistance.

Bath Maslova: Device and construction features

Banya Maslova

Russian Bath Maslova is a unique one, exclusively new Type Paired, including only the best of all existing analogues - Finnish sauna, turkish hamama, Roman term and traditional Russian steam room. This is a multifunctional, universal system of recovery and rejuvenation of the body, a powerful device for treating and preventing various ailments and modeling figures.

Russian Bath Maslova - Results:

  • the skin acquires velvet tenderness, it becomes more tightened and shining;
  • well-being is significantly improved;
  • edema disappear;
  • uniform and deep heating contributes to getting rid of a variety of diseases, including chronic states;
  • the rejuvenation of the body occurs literally in front of her eyes.

The key peculiarity of the Russian bathhouse of Maslov is due to the innovative patented technology of work, which consists in warming the body with low-wave IR radiation, which is the safest and physiologically favorable for human health.

In Moscow, the first Russian banya Maslovalocated in the Babyan Bath Bath Bath. A huge selection of bathroom treatment and health procedures: ranging from the classic parking of brooms and ending with mud or algae wrapping, aromatherapy, massage or peeling.

Prices for services

4-bed rooms "Russian Bathhouse Maslova" (for 2 hours washing)
up to 2 people 4000 rubles.
4300 rub. (with a broom)
up to 4 people 5000 rub.
5300 rub. (with a broom)
Over 4 people, surcharge for each visitor 1300 rub.
Other services
Lingerie (sheets) of male and female branches 300 rub.
Oak broom (1 pc.) 300-00 rubles.
Bryezoy broom (1 pc.) 300-00 rubles.
Disposal slippers 100-00 rubles.
Washer of pensioners on a pension certificate
weekdays, 2 hours wash
from 8: 00-12: 00
750-00 rubles.
Washer of pensioners on a pension certificate with a broom
weekdays, 2 hours wash
from 8: 00-12: 00
1050-00 rubles.
Children under 7 years
2 hours wave
is free
Children from 7 years to 12

Types of pools for baths and a sauyban pool under the roof or on the streets with an attached artificial ...

Today we will visit a very interesting bath, it is called the name of his creator. This is the Russian bath Maslov, it differs from all the most famous analogues.

Let's remember what the bath is. In principle, all of them are based on the principle of body heating and on how to turn off certain moment The thermoregulation systems so that the person can warm up. If you take Eastern Hamam, then in this case the temperature there is low, about 43-45 degrees. This creates air humidity 99-100%, the receiving procedures actually cannot cool its body.

Another extreme option is a sukhu sauna, where the temperature is high. Finns offer not to increase above 90 degrees, while relative humidity drops almost to zero (3-5%). If someone with such heating will try to throw a challenge on a small amount of water, then he risks in a closed volume to get a burn.

The golden middle of all bath is Russian with a temperature from 50 to 60 degrees, air humidity is like ambientWe are accustomed to her, that is, from 50 to 65%. It is this atmosphere for the human body naturally, it allows you to get the maximum recreational procedure about finding in the steam room. Most of the bath, for example, in the Moscow region make up dry-air saunas.

Many people ask, what is it all different and what to do to transform the sauna to the Russian bath? In principle, nothing is difficult. You need to create a specific mode. Just do not overheat the walls and increase the amount of moisture in the air. Thus, it turns out the regime of the Russian steam bath, which more gently affects the human body.

Inventor Bani Viktor Valentinovich Maslov

I did not really have the idea to create some bath. It turned out due to the fact that I accidentally grabbed the horn of a Russian oven. I bought the Matushka plot in the suburbs with the old house, began to landscap. It was necessary to create some hygienic conditions so that the mother could wash. Laid the foundation under the bath first. Bought a wood stove on the market.

Spring arrived and decided to prepare a house, burn all garbage, accumulated from past owners. In the horn of a big Russian oven, I threw a lot of unnecessary things: chairs and so on. As an urban resident, I did not know, to what extent you can turn the Russian oven. She overheated, the arch became white, bricks fell off from him.

Deciding that the stove need to urgently repair, Viktor Valentinovich cooked cleanium And climbed inside the furnace. After that, to quiet from ash, he plunged into the snow. There were no other water sources nearby. And then it climbed into the oven again, to get ready. Nautro Viktor Valentinovich noted that the pain in the back, which has been tormented by many years, he does not feel.

Immediately I slept the whole night, I slept, it made a strong impression on me. I began to think why I will do something like a sauna to get down. I will make myself instead of this bath just a warm room, where I will put it, I will make the walls so as not to turn the stove, but immediately lay out the heaters. I will put the sensors, and I will have a modern analogue of the rhinestone.

What is Bani Maslov

In fact, it is an oven from the inside. It is like a stove that surrounds a person. We are not near the oven, but right in the oven itself. it chief Principle Bath inventory. ABOUT technical solutionsThat applied oils, we will talk more about the next story. Now let's look at the fact that it is an analogue of the horinous of the Russian oven.
The first room is a dressing room. It is small. The font is an optional element, but desirable. Sometimes a person heats up so much that he needs to cool. It is small, just 1.5 x1.5 meters. The depth is about 1.5 -2 meters. He has a handrail, a staircase, on which a person can come down there and cool. The temperature of the water, since it is recruited here from the well, somewhere 10-12 degrees. In such water, of course, it is impossible for a long time. Not everyone can dive into the font, because it is a contrasting procedure.

There is a separate room. Maslov calls her sweating. Immediately the question arises: why it is not a tree, ceramics? The fact is that ceramics is much better spent warm and gives it. Tree is insulation. Therefore, it cannot quickly give the heat of man. Since the bath Maslova is interior Russian oven, this is ceramics.

In the walls and sex, the ceiling is special elements that heat this room in different ways. Floor - to a temperature from 30 to 45 degrees, walls from 40 to 60 degrees. The ceiling is up to 55-70 degrees. This is to create a favorable infrared effect on the body.

In this bath there is a Lena, a sofa, which is convenient to sit. In this room you can stay for a long time. It's not very hot here, but at the same time a person begins to sweat. Therefore, it is called sweat. The ceiling has a vaulted structure, that is, it has a radius of curvature. Thus, infrared radiation envelops all the space.

Here is very beautifully highlighted, it can change at the request of a person. In addition, on the ceiling you see pipes, it is a steam shower. With the help of a special heat generator, couples can be served here, it will descend on a person located on a hot shelf.

On this sofa heating from the inside, it is very pleasant to be. It has an anatomical form, has a backdrop under the lower back. Here are interesting stones, they are comfortable to put on when we go to the sun bed, under the neck or back.
These stones are heated, giving additional heat for the spine. In addition, water can be pulled here everywhere. There are two mixers. Spa procedures are held on the sun bed, and they help to wash off all ointments.


The last room is the hottest. This is a steam room. Here is also a ceramic heated ceiling. There is a heat generator in which water is served using a lattice. From above, high temperature steam leaves. It can be supplied with wonderful smells with the help of a bucket that is placed in its place. If put there healing herbsThe couple, passing through them, will fall into the room of the steam.

Through the hole in the air duct, the steam shower and per person lies on the shelf.

Ventilation bath Maslov

Next to the head lying on the shelf - ventilation holesincluded using a toggle and then fresh air Served directly to the face. There is ventilation of the room, controlled by a remote control. Here are 4 buttons that switch modes depending on the need.

The main tool in this bath is brooms. Particularly oak brooms, with the help of which the Parmer is treated with a man lying on a warm shelf.

The difference between the heat generator from the traditional stoves of the Russian bath

Recently, cases of making counterfeit baths of Maslov (R) became more frequent - if such a bath is made not prepared and not trained specialists, it is fraught with dangerous consequences. Official site of Maslova: