Effective hyacinth care at home: how to care for a potted plant. Flowers hyacinths - varieties: aquatic, oriental, mouse muscari, bean curly, wild

Most often, primroses fall on our windowsills on the eve of the women's holiday or Easter. An extraordinary bouquet pleases with fragrant flowering for one to three weeks. Then they throw it away or try to save it.

Plants of open ground have successfully adapted to growing in indoor conditions and delight with bright flowering with the arrival of spring. The agricultural technique of garden primroses differs significantly from the rules for growing home bulbs.

If with horticultural crops everything is clear, then in a situation with forcing for flowering, the situation is different. The plant is exposed to an increased effect of growth and flowering stimulants, which disrupt the natural course of the growing season. This depletes it and reduces the supply of nutrients. All attempts to preserve the bulb until the autumn planting in the garden according to generally accepted agricultural practices end in failure.

In the opinion experienced gardeners, after forcing, the bulb is not able to withstand dry storage and requires a special approach.

How to preserve a hyacinth bulb after forcing

Growing hyacinths at home gives excellent results. In the room, they can bloom from January to May, as they are contained in more favorable conditions than garden cousins. Knowing how to transplant hyacinth, you can get a wonderful specimen for your home collection.

This species is characterized by a pronounced dormant period, which occurs after flowering. At this time, the aboveground part of the plants dies off. The same process is observed with “gift” copies. Experts recommend transferring them to open field cultivation after growing at home.

The next bloom of forcing hyacinths will not occur earlier than two years later, even under the most favorable conditions.

Garden hyacinths are removed from the soil for dry storage until autumn. They do differently with indoor specimens. Their bulbs are not able to safely transfer two months outside the soil. The most painless option is to transplant the bulbs. In this case, they will safely survive until autumn, when the time comes for disembarkation in open ground... Transfer indoor bulbs has a number of nuances that you need to know and follow.

How to properly transplant indoor hyacinth

At home, hyacinths are planted in small pots with frequent drainage holes. Optimum diameter landing capacity is about ten centimeters. Several bulbs can be planted in wider flowerpots at once, so that during flowering it turns out beautiful bouquet on the windowsill. Florists often use decorative flowerpots in the form garden watering cans, porcelain and ceramic dishes.

It is better to use a commercially available flowering substrate indoor plants... You can prepare an earthen mixture yourself by mixing turf soil, river sand and peat in equal proportions. High-quality drainage will definitely be required, since the bulbs are often affected by rot when the substrate is waterlogged or water stagnates.

Hyacinths should be transplanted only with protective gloves, because the plant sap contains toxic substances that are extremely hazardous to health.

The transplant is carried out after the death of the aerial part of the plant. The peduncle is separated immediately after flowering, and the leaves - after lodging. It is recommended to use the transshipment method. This will help preserve the fragile roots of the plant.

The complete sequence for a hyacinth transplant is as follows:

A low flowerpot is filled with drainage material by one third;

A thin layer is poured over the drain river sand and substrate;

Get an earthen lump with a bulb from the planting container;

Remove the upper part of the coma, which is not mastered by the roots;

The remaining earthen lump, along with the bulb, is placed in a new flowerpot;

Carefully fill the voids around the pot perimeter with the substrate;

The top of the bulb should be flush with the edge of the pot, while the bulb itself is not covered by soil by one third;

There should be no more than three centimeters between the bulb and the wall of the flowerpot;

Finally, a thin layer of river sand is poured to better retain moisture.

The substrate must be compacted by hand in order to avoid the formation of voids.

Hyacinth care after transplant

After the hyacinth transplant is complete, the bulbs are covered with plastic cups, paper caps or plastic bags and transferred to a cool place. The optimum air temperature is within + 6 + 12 ℃. In such conditions, the plant is about ten weeks.

During the entire period of time, moderate watering is continued, preventing the earthen coma from drying out.

Over time, the bulbs will release the first arrows of the leaves. This signals the end of the rest period. You should not immediately expose flowers to the rays. bright sun... A sudden change in the microclimate can lead to stress, which will negatively affect the hyacinth vegetation.

The conditions for keeping the flower should be gradually changed:

  • The pot is transferred to a warm and well-lit room.
  • Heat at + 23 ℃ contributes to the active growth of primrose in room conditions.
  • From this moment on, the hyacinth begins to be watered more intensively and fed periodically.

How to water and feed indoor hyacinth

Watering the primrose after transplanting is aimed at preserving the bulb. The appearance of the first shoots indicates the need to change the irrigation regime to a more intensive one. It is best to water the hyacinths with a narrow-nosed watering can to keep the bulb from getting wet.

Growing bulbs must be fed twice a month with a complex of mineral fertilizers for flowering indoor plants. The solution is made half as concentrated as recommended on the package. This will protect root system from chemical burns. In general, caring for hyacinth at home is not much different from the generally accepted agricultural technique for indoor plants.

A few secrets to successfully growing hyacinths

Indoor cultivation of hyacinths has its own secrets.

Knowing these simple tricks, you can get wonderful specimens with long flowering:

If the arrow of the peduncle is too short, the flowerpot should be set aside for a couple of days away from the light source. The plant will quickly grow additional peduncle length. After that, the flowerpot is returned to its original place.

An average daily temperature difference of five or more degrees significantly prolongs the flowering of hyacinths. It is enough to rearrange the flowerpot to a cooler place, for example, to the balcony door, to create these conditions.

Disembarkation in an open flower garden is carried out no earlier than the second year indoor growing... During this time, the bulb will have time to recover from stimulants and safely endure the first winter along with garden hyacinths.

Many gardeners recommend planting indoor hyacinth outdoors in June or August. Care should be taken to choose the timing of the transplant so that the bulb has time to take root before the first frost. Optimal disembarkation time garden hyacinths falls in September.

Hyacinths (Hyacínthus) enter the home either as a gift or in the form of bulbs bought for "distillation". In the first case, we are talking about flowering plant that needs some care during and after flowering. Do you know what kind of home care requires a hyacinth in a pot? Forcing are engaged experienced florists who breed hyacinths in the house or grow them in an open-air flower bed. But anyone can try to drive out hyacinth at home.

In any case, hyacinth comes into the house for a reason - always with love! It is with love, fun and joy that bright hyacinth has been associated for centuries. There is, however, another version and the hyacinth is credited with the symbolism of sadness because of its name, but more on that later. Let's stop at love!

About the plant

The name of the hyacinth is translated from Greek as "rain flower".

Interesting! The hyacinth came to Russia thanks to Peter the Great.

Hyacinths are flowers that have not yet been unanimously classified. They have been attributed to the family of asparagus, and to the family of liliaceae, and even hyacinths recently. Hyacinth inspires perfumers. The finest fragrance is present in the collections of famous world brands: Guerlain, Chanel, Nina Ricci, Lancome, etc.

In 2005, the Midnight Mystic black hyacinth was introduced, which took 16 years to breed. But the exclusive - truly black hyacinth - is Dark Dimention, the deliveries of which are made by appointment.

Terry hyacinth was bred by accident. A well-known Dutch florist always cut off the buds that were formed to obtain a larger bulb. But one day, in the process of selection, he got sick and missed the right moment. After a while, unprecedented double flowers blossomed in the flower garden.

Know! The substance colchicine, which is found in hyacinth, is used to treat gout.

What to do with blooming hyacinth? If you were presented with a blooming hyacinth in a pot, it will stay with you from two to three weeks. But after flowering, the plant will begin to wilt, despite leaving. At this stage, many people throw away the hyacinth. Do not do that. Caring for a hyacinth at home in a pot is simple and is described in detail below.

Focus of attention! If you want the hyacinth to bloom longer, put it in a cool place.

In science, hyacinths belong to the group of ephemeroid plants - perennials with a very short growing season. After flowering, the plant sheds the aerial part. Having accumulated nutrients, the bulb falls into a dormant state until the next favorable period. By the way, in this hyacinths are similar to snowdrops, daffodils, tulips, crocuses and others.

The problem for those wishing to preserve the bulb is the hyacinth flowering season - winter or early spring. After flowering, there is nowhere to plant it, to put it mildly. In this case, you can cut the peduncle and care for the hyacinth like a normal house plant. Until it becomes possible to transplant it into open ground.

If the plant still sheds leaves, then the bulb can be removed, dried, peeled and stored in sawdust until conditions are favorable for transplanting. It is advisable to store such a bulb until autumn, when the hyacinths are planted in accordance with the breeding method.

But in real life few bulbs survive from winter to autumn. Therefore, amateur flower growers still recommend planting hyacinth in a flower bed in order to dig it up in June and store it until autumn according to the method of caring for hyacinth in the open field.

As a rule, just faded hyacinths are not suitable for repeated inappropriate flowering ("distillation"). Nevertheless, the practical experience of some gardeners has shown that it is possible to re-bloom depleted bulbs. Whether it is necessary is another question.

And for planting at home, it is always better to use prepared bulbs from shops and markets or "rested" garden bulbs.

How to care for a hyacinth in a pot at home

Hyacinth - pretty unpretentious plant... But it must be remembered that, first of all, this is a garden plant. Therefore, at home it is necessary to create conditions as close as possible to those outside the window.

Also, for planting hyacinth at home, bulbs that have survived a dormant period are used. It is assumed that the bulbs for sale in shops and markets have received this training. In private farms, for "distillation" rested bulbs are dug out of flower beds.

How to choose an onion

The “golden” size of a healthy bulb for distillation is about 5 cm in diameter. The bulb should be well peeled, firm to the touch and free from mechanical damage.

Focus of attention! For planting in open ground, choose smaller bulbs.

How to prepare the bulbs dug out of the flower bed

Bulbs dug from open ground and intended for planting in a pot at home must go through a certain preparation period. Such bulbs are usually dug up in June. This makes it possible to examine the bulbs, separate the children or leave them for growing, treat them with prophylactic agents.

After that, the bulbs are subject to proper storage: they need to be kept at temperatures up to + 30 degrees and high humidity for about two weeks. Then for two weeks you need to hold the garden bulbs at a temperature of +25. And before planting in a pot - no higher than + 17 degrees.

How to choose a soil

When choosing a soil, it should be remembered that hyacinth is oriental plant, which is home to the Middle East, North Africa and the Mediterranean. These are soils with a low peat content, non-clayey, rich in sand. This effect can be achieved at home: buy non-acidic soil and mix it with sand to increase water conductivity. Drainage is also necessary for the hyacinth.

How to plant hyacinth in a pot

Unlike tulips, hyacinth does not tolerate deep planting. The hyacinth bulb must be positioned so that about a third rises above the ground. Sprinkle sand over the planting site. And then sprinkle it with sand on top to protect it from decay.

Focus of attention! When planting, the hyacinth bulb is best pressed slightly into the ground, but NOT screwed in.

If several bulbs are planted in one pot, make sure that they do not come into contact with each other and with the walls of the pot. It is best to leave up to 2.5 cm.

How to water hyacinth

Focus of attention! Hyacinth should not be sprayed.

Hyacinth is a very moisture-loving plant. For watering it is better to use melt water room temperature... At worst - settled water. Pour water only along the edges of the pot so as not to moisturize the leaf axils. You can add a special calcium solution to the water or use folk method- insist water on the eggshell.

Focus of attention! Calcium prevents the flower stalks from stretching much and prolongs the flowering of the hyacinth.

How to organize sufficient lighting

Poor lighting is one of the reasons why hyacinth does not bloom. The flower needs a large number of sunlight. Therefore, those who grow hyacinths in the open field do not have illumination problems. At home, it is necessary to provide the plant with up to 12 hours of illumination per day. And in winter time- use an artificial light source.

Focus of attention! The flower itself, and especially the peduncle, turn to the light source, so the hyacinth must be rotated so that the peduncle does not fall. Or provide him with support.

What temperature does hyacinth like?

Hyacinth is very comfortable at a temperature of + 20-22 degrees. But it is better to keep heat sources away to avoid drying out of the leaves.

How to feed hyacinth

During flowering, the flower needs feeding. You need to use for this mineral fertilizer... NOT organic!

How to transplant hyacinth

We are talking about a hyacinth transplant when, after flowering, the hyacinth is sent to the open ground for restoration. Or, conversely, hyacinth is dug out of a flower bed for "distillation". You must try not to damage the bulb. Carefully removing the bulb from the ground, you can leave the rest of the soil on, so as not to damage the root. For transplanting, it is necessary to prepare the soil or a pot, taking into account the planting rules (drainage, sand, etc.)

Focus of attention! The main rule of transplantation is caution!

How to prune hyacinth after flowering

As mentioned, hyacinth begins to wilt after flowering. First, the peduncle withers. It must be cut off before the fruit is set, so that the bulb does not waste energy on the seeds. After the peduncle, the leaves will gradually begin to dry out. You need to let them dry naturally and only then cut or peel off.

Hyacinth propagation

There are several ways to reproduce hyacinth: baby bulbs, seeds and bulbous scales. Seeds are mainly the work of breeding specialists.
Very often, the mother's bulb independently grows babies during the active vegetative phase.

After flowering, by removing the bulb, you can find small bulbs around it. If they come off easily, they can be grown separately. If they are firmly pressed, then it is better to plant the mother's bulb together with the children, and make the separation next year.

You can stimulate hyacinth to reproduce and artificially. In everyday life, the method of "cutting the bottom" is practiced, with the help of which the onion gives 8-15 children. True, the bulb itself does not recover after such a manipulation and dies.

To do this, you need to take an onion that has passed the resting phase and has accumulated a sufficient amount of nutrients. The bulb must be large, healthy, without mechanical damage.

Such an onion must be washed, dried and exfoliated. Then you need to treat it with a disinfectant solution. Then, with a sterile knife, make four cuts around the bottom of the onion so that you get a square. Now it needs to be re-dried at a stable temperature of about + 20-22 degrees.

After the cuts open, they should be sprinkled with crushed coal, placed in the ground and placed in a dark place with the same temperature + 20-22 degrees.

Focus of attention! Usually, the ripening period for new bulbs does not take more than three months.

After separation from the mother bulb, small bulbs grow for another 2-3 years. In industrial floriculture, the method of "cutting the bottom" is also used, which makes it possible to increase up to 40 babies on one bulb. The mother's bulb is also destroyed.

Hyacinth in a pot photo

Diseases and pests of hyacinth

At home, hyacinth is resistant to disease and pests. Especially if, during planting or transplanting, the bulbs were treated with a disinfectant solution and the care recommendations were followed.

But sometimes hyacinth is threatened:

  1. Bacterial rot. There are quite a few bacteria that cause rot, and the symptoms are quite varied (the leaves become covered with black dots, and mucus appears around the bulb with unpleasant odor; light brown dents; drying out of the roots; softening of bulbs, etc.). In industrial floriculture, there are ways to cope with the disease. At home, as a rule, this is a sentence for the plant and for the soil in which the disease has appeared. It is advisable to discard such an onion along with the contaminated soil. And the pot needs to be disinfected.
  2. Insect pests (root mite, aphid, etc.). Against this threat, you can use special chemicals... But only until the flowering period.
  3. Physiological disorders ("green tops", "crooked inflorescence", "apical flowering"). All these deformations of the peduncle are caused by non-observance of the "distillation" regime, namely the cooling period.

Focus of attention! When planting a hyacinth bulb in the ground, sprinkle it with a little sand. This will help prevent rotting.

Common growing problems

  1. Yellowing of the leaves. If the leaves turn yellow after flowering and along their entire length, this is a natural preparation of the hyacinth for the resting phase. Caring for such a flower is described above.
  2. If the leaves turn yellow during flowering or only the tips turn yellow, the air is probably too dry or the flower does not have enough light. It is necessary to increase watering without spraying and get rid of the heat source near the hyacinth, if any. And also revise its location in the house.
  3. Short peduncle. Often the reason for this may be insufficient soil moisture. Another reason is non-observance of the “forcing” technique, namely, insufficient cooling period or too abrupt transfer of the plant from cold to warm.
  4. The bulb rots. As a rule, decay occurs due to excessive moisture or improper watering when water enters the axils of leaves or buds.
  5. Hyacinth does not bloom or is weak in color. One of the reasons is that the planted bulb is too small. She has enough strength only for leaves, but not a flower.
  6. Often the hyacinth is not ready to throw out the peduncle if the distillation regime has not been followed. If the flower is taken out of dormancy and taken out into a warm and bright room until sprouts with a height of 3-4 cm appear, the hyacinth will grow and bloom poorly. And if you overexpose a flower in a state of wintering, all its power will go into the leaves. Sometimes the plant does not bloom with insufficient moisture in the soil.

Distillation of hyacinth

In a pot

"" Is a special agrotechnical manipulation, in which the bulbs are deliberately removed from dormancy and achieve flowering at the desired time.

Focus of attention! If flowering is expected by New Year or Christmas, the bulbs are planted until mid-September. If by March 8, it is necessary to plant hyacinth in October.

In this case, flowering can be achieved only once. After that, the bulb must be kept dormant and placed in open ground to recuperate for 1-2 years.

The onion (or bulbs) planted in a pot is covered with a bag with small holes. The plant must breathe, but be in the dark - close the bag. Then the packed pot must be placed in the refrigerator on the lower shelf or other dark place where it is possible to maintain the temperature at + 5-7 degrees. In such conditions, the bulb is stored for 2-2.5 months, not less.

Focus of attention! Sawdust is often used to darken the planted bulb.

Watering the hyacinth is often unnecessary. Just make sure that the soil does not dry out. After the specified period, the sprouts reach 2-2.5 cm in height. Now the hyacinth needs to be moved to a warmer room (+ 10-15 degrees) and with good ventilation, but without drafts. But when the plant gives its first buds (about a month later), the pot can be safely rearranged to its permanent location: well-lit, without a source of heat and drafts.

In water

The forcing steps are the same as in the conventional technique. Only in this case, the bulbs are placed in cones filled with water so that they do not come into contact with water - only the roots are in the water. It is better to filter the water in advance or collect rainwater. The bulb itself is covered with a dark paper cap and sent to rest in the same way as a potted plant. The only condition is to constantly monitor the water level.

When sprouts appear from the bulb, mineral fertilizer is added to the water and the plant is transferred to heat and light. A further care for such a hyacinth is no different from caring for a flower in a pot.

Hyacinth: interesting facts

  1. Hyacinth was brought to Europe by merchants from the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean and Central Asia. And its modern appearance obliged to Dutch breeders.
  2. The most delicate aroma possesses white hyacinth, and dark pink is the strongest.
  3. V pre-revolutionary Russia already knew how to competently do the "distillation" of hyacinth at home. We did this mainly before Easter.
  4. At one time, hyacinth was even called the "Easter flower".
  5. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, hyacinth is an energetically favorable plant along with azalea and orchids.
  6. In a flower bed, hyacinth is best combined with daffodils, red and white tulips.
  7. In astrology, hyacinth is considered the flower of Libra. And under the influence of his sign, he fills a person with energy, clears his thoughts and strengthens his will, inspiring for magnanimous noble deeds.

Hyacinth in mythology

Hyacinth is the name of the son of the Spartan king Amiklos, the great-grandson of Zeus. The prince was young and so beautiful that even the Olympian gods were staring at Hyacinth. Especially the god Apollo, who loved to spend time with the young man.

Once during a discus throwing competition, the god of the west wind Zephyr changed the direction of the disc launched by Apollo, and the disc wounded Hyacinth in the head. Apollo was next to the dying Hyacinth until his soul departed for the kingdom of Hades. And then Apollo whispered: “You will always live in my heart, beautiful Hyacinth.

May the memory of you live forever among people. " And after these words, full of love and tenderness, from the blood of Hyacinth a beautiful flower, exuding a divine aroma, grew - a hyacinth.

Video - the secrets of hyacinth care in a pot

Hyacinth is considered to be very common among houseplants of the bulbous family. He is able to delight thirty growing next to each other and smelling flowers that look like bells. They, in turn, grow on a leafless peduncle, which keeps all this beauty. One peduncle is produced from each bulb. The length of the wax flowers reaches from 2.5 to 5 centimeters, and without fading, it can last for two or three weeks. Hyacinth has many species, which differ in the shade of their flowers. They can be pink, red, blue, purple, white and yellow. But it is very important to know how to care for a hyacinth if you want to grow it yourself.

How to care for hyacinth

Many people think that caring for home flowers is a hassle undertaking, but it is not. This article will explain how to care for your hyacinth, in particular how to properly care for your hyacinth. Knowing these simple methods, you can easily populate your home with natural beauty and see that caring for is not at all difficult.

For a favorable development, hyacinth needs bright light. He loves him very much. In this regard, if you want him to delight you in the apartment with his beauty, find a place for him that will be as bright and illuminated as possible.

Water the hyacinth sparingly, allowing the soil in which it grows from watering to watering to dry out. You can also add an appropriate top dressing no more than once a week.

After complete wilting, it is necessary to finish watering the geocynth, and the bulb should be left in the same pot for storage in summer period... For the formation of flowers from the same bulb, it is necessary that she is not disturbed by watering or transplanting.

At the arrival of autumn, the hyacinth bulb should be dug up and processed, so that, possibly, the new bulbs that have appeared do not grow as additional ones. Having carefully torn them off, it is quite possible to plant them as single flowers in new pots.

To plant a geocynth, you need to take a deep pot, the size of which will be four or five centimeters wider in diameter than the bulb itself.

Preparing the soil for the flower. Its composition should be as follows: in one part of river sand, you need to add two parts of leafy earth and mix, then - (based on one liter of water) one teaspoon of superphosphate, and then -

After you have started the planting procedure, you need to check that the bulb remains one and a half centimeters peeking out of the ground. Then, for moderate moisture, our soil should be watered.

Then, oddly enough, it is necessary to slightly cool our onion by placing the pot in an ordinary refrigerator, but to the level at which the temperature of its stay will be at least five degrees Celsius.

Look at the plant, and when you notice small leaves 2, 3 centimeters long, take it out of the refrigerator and put it in a place where it will be light enough, but cool along with it. Now you should water the hyacinth (add two grams of nitrate per liter of water).

Optimum temperature environment for our flower, nine degrees Celsius is considered, of course, with sufficiently bright lighting. Under these living conditions, our hyacinth must live until the very appearance of the peduncle.

As soon as you notice that a peduncle has appeared, the hyacinth should be placed in more warm conditions at which the ambient temperature will be equal to fifteen degrees Celsius.

And when the first bud appears, the bulb can be fed by fertilizing the hyacinth with complex fertilizer. He needs another feeding only after it blooms, and after three weeks you can again water the hyacinth with our fertilizer. This dressing will contribute to the accumulation of the bulb greater mass, and this, in turn, will have a positive effect on the preparation for the state of her rest and the appearance of flowers next year.

How to care for hyacinth, you need to know, because proper care behind it will allow you to have a gorgeous-smelling flower garden both at home and at work.

Many garden flowers have long become "traditional", so every year summer residents plant exactly them on their personal plot... Surely you also have a list of such favorites, don't you? Most surprising: some of garden flowers can be perfectly grown at home. Such wonderful representatives of the flora include hyacinth.

Hyacinth (from Latin Hyacinthus) is bulbous plant, belonging to the Asparagus family. The plant is miniature, reaching no more than thirty centimeters in height. Flowers are collected in racemose inflorescences. Each has 18 to 25 flowers. They are bell-shaped, with pointed edges. The peduncle itself is very thick for such a miniature plant. Hyacinth, once bred by the Dutch, is today one of the most popular flowers for floral arrangements.

Another fact that is decisive in favor of growing hyacinth at home is the variety of plant colors. They can be white, red, purple or blue. The most amazing thing is that hyacinth easily takes root in any home environment. The main thing is to do the distillation correctly.

Bulb selection

An annual flower easily and naturally takes root in any conditions, in the garden and at home. The main thing is to adhere to some rules.

On a note! If you do not want plants to delight you with their flowering, start with the right choice seed - the bulbs themselves.

Rules for choosing an excellent bulb

  • On seed there should be no damage, neither mechanical nor color disturbances. In other words, the bulb should be exactly as we see it in the pictures in plant directories or on the Internet.
  • The bulb should never be hollow, with damaged or soft sides. The seed must be firm and firm.
  • It is imperative to check whether there is rot on the bulb, whether it is infected with a fungus.
  • Each bulb selected for sowing must weigh at least 80 grams.
  • Each bulb must be at least 5 centimeters in diameter. Many experienced growers will confidently tell beginners that large bulbs are much easier to grow healthy, strong and surprisingly beautiful flowers rather than small-sized bulbs.
  • Check each onion carefully. If the infected seed lies in close proximity to healthy bulbs, then you will not be able to grow a single healthy plant later.

Preparing the bulb for planting

Desired result! If you want beautiful hyacinths to bloom, be sure to run a row preparatory work before planting the bulb in open ground.

The hyacinth bulb should be kept for two weeks in artificial conditions created for it. The temperature in the room where the seed is located should be kept at a level not lower than +25 degrees. Humidity should be kept above 60. Such conditions should be maintained for at least 14 days, and then the temperature should be lowered to 20-22 degrees. Two weeks before disembarkation, the temperature is lowered to +17 degrees and it is stored in such conditions for another two weeks.

General scheme for preparing the bulb for planting

  • 14 days: t = + 25-27 degrees and humidity 70-80%;
  • the next 14 days: t = +20 degrees and humidity 65-70%;
  • the remaining 14 days: t = +17 degrees and humidity 60%.

In total, the course of preparing bulbs for subsequent planting lasts 42 days.

Basic rules for forcing hyacinth at home

  • Forcing hyacinth at home begins with choosing a container for growing. This can be a large pot, a plastic container like a basin, or something else. At the bottom of the container, carefully lay out the drainage, and then the nutrient substrate.
  • Each bulb should be buried in the soil so that two or even three centimeters of the plant remain above the surface.
  • The location of the bulbs in the seed container is of particular importance. It is very important that none of them come into contact with the walls of the pot. This will prevent young plantings from growing and developing normally.
  • The distance between the bulbs must be at least three centimeters.
  • Rotting plants is considered one of the most dangerous phenomena that can happen to hyacinth bulbs. Therefore, special care should be taken with plantings, do not flood them. Sprinkle lightly on top of the planting with a thin layer of sand.

Growing hyacinths

So, you have prepared everything for forcing, and now, the most important thing is to properly care for the plantings. The first thing to do is to lower the temperature in the room where the container with the onions will be kept. Some gardeners do the following: put the planted hyacinths on a closed balcony or in a cellar.

Important! The temperature in the room where the forcing of hyacinths will be carried out should not rise above + 5 + 7 degrees.

What else is worth remembering?

  • It is best to wrap the container with the planted bulbs in a plastic bag. Holes must be made in the bag itself for normal air circulation.
  • No lighting is required when forcing the bulbs. The planting pot should be in a dark room.
  • Planting requires regular watering. The earth should not completely dry out. The frequency of watering directly depends on the level of humidity in the room. If the moisture level is excessively high (more than 90%), then the soil can be moistened only once during the forcing.

The entire stage lasts from 2 to 2.5 months.

After two months, the sprouts should reach the three to five centimeters mark. If that happens in line with the forcing timing of the bulbs, it will be great. From this moment on, you can gradually (!) Increase the temperature in the room where the hyacinth plantings are located. Alternatively, you can simply move the pot to a room with a more comfortable temperature. However, lighting is still not required for the sprouts. If it is no longer possible to create such conditions (for example, you transferred the pot from the cellar to the room), the plantings should be covered with an opaque cloth on top. Also, be sure to leave room for air circulation.

Advice! Be sure to remove the opaque cape from the plantings when the sprouts reach ten centimeters in size.

Hyacinth planting care

We congratulate you! If you took care of hyacinths correctly during forcing, then it will not be difficult for you to achieve their beautiful flowering. As soon as the first buds appear, immediately move the pot to a warm, well-lit room.


If the plants did not need lighting during the forcing of the bulbs, then later it is necessary condition their normal development. Like its garden cousin, the home hyacinth needs sunlight... But don't be too zealous.

Be careful! Direct sunlight is destructive for home, as well as for garden, hyacinths. The duration of daylight hours for plants should be at least 12 hours.

If climatic conditions your region does not allow you to create such a long-lasting lighting for a flower, it is quite possible to use phytolamps.


We are not going to tell you in what mode the plant should be watered. After all, everything is 100% dependent on the conditions in which it grows. Excess water should be removed from the sump. You need to focus on the drying out of the earthen coma.

It is important! The hyacinth is watered with extreme care, without touching the bulb itself and not getting into the axils of the leaves and on the flower buds. It is best to water the soil from the edge of the pot. Don't worry, the water will reach the roots of the plant in full.

Hyacinth feed

Soil filling nutrients very important for the normal development of bulbous plants. In total, during the growth and development of the plant, it should be fed several times. After each top dressing, it is imperative to loosen the soil around the bulbs. The main thing is not to injure the root system of the plants.

The first time is after the grower transfers the hyacinth from a dark room to a light one. In this case, phosphate fertilizers are best suited.

The second time is after the buds are formed on the flowers. Here, potassium-phosphorus fertilizing will be very useful.

The third time is after flowering. At this point, a mixture of potassium and superphosphate, taken in equal proportions, will come in handy.

Diseases and pests

One of the main reasons for the development of diseases in hyacinth is improper care for bulbous plants at home. If the hyacinth is in a room with excessive moisture (already during the budding and flowering period), then the young inflorescence may fall out of the common flower.

Very often hyacinth suffers from yellow bacterial rot... The bulbs themselves become very soft and give off an uncharacteristic (and highly unpleasant!) Odor. Such a flower cannot be saved, feel free to get rid of it.

Hyacinth is a delightful bulbous plant that can be easily grown at home. However, the bulb will not survive if the grower wants to distill it for two years in a row, and is quickly depleted. Therefore, it is better after home cultivation plant a bulbous plant for a year in the garden.