How to install a shower tray on bricks. Installing a shower tray on bricks

Previously, shower trays were sold without support, without legs, but today such cabins are out of fashion. Modern designs are so simple that everyone can do all the operations with their own hands. Installation shower tray has become a really simple exercise.

We recommend that you study the issue before buying. This is mostly impossible without a visit to the store, but by reading articles like this one, you can get a clear idea of ​​how to install a shower tray with your own hands.

Pallet constructions

Shower cabins are currently equipped with four types of pallets:

  • The deep ones are so called for the reason that some of them are only slightly inferior to the bathtub in terms of the height of their sides. A strong frame supports their bottom from below, supported by six height-adjustable legs.
  • Small pallets are often called low pallets. They are perfectly flat with a few exceptions. In the modern version, they are placed on 5 legs, but you can still get a completely bare "shell", for which a foundation is definitely needed.
  • Pallets from artificial stone and ceramics are on a completely separate line. In all previous cases, there is free space under the bottom for mounting a siphon, and in this case we have a plate with a drain hole in the center.
  • Cast iron are much less common than steel, and are often confused, but have won recognition for their durability at an affordable price. They are both deep and shallow, but complete cabins are rarely sold. Cast iron pallets have to be purchased separately.

It is clear that thin-walled pallets do not suffer from durability. This is due to the fact that they constantly endure mechanical deformations: from temperature changes, from the feet of bathers and from other reasons. Thin-walled pallets are made of fiberglass-reinforced plastic, ABS and steel. Each of these materials is deformed and has its own disadvantages:

  1. The steel is painted and the coating peels off easily. A metal pallet must have a properly equipped frame. For example, in the form of a durable brick foundation.
  2. The acrylic pallet has not been able to get around the same drawbacks. But over time, he not only bends, but also begins to break. There are plenty of videos on YouTube about this.

In addition to these features, it should be noted that the steel rusts. Worth peeling off protective coating enamel, like metal, will immediately begin to oxidize. This is all the worse because the process can go completely unnoticed by the owner. So one day there will be a hole through the steel. Acrylic is not afraid of moisture, sunlight, mold, but over time, like any plastic, it loses its strength. When buying, the consumer participates in a lottery: is he lucky or not (high-quality polymer or the first one that comes along).

As for a cabin with a pallet made of artificial stone or ceramic, this is the most profitable option. Both materials have proven themselves excellent throughout human history. An additional plus is that the slabs are completely flat, they stand well on any suitable pedestal foundation. And IDO cabins have an advantage in that they roll on rollers instead of legs. Due to this, the structure can be moved around the room within certain limits (in the presence of flexible connections and a siphon). But you don’t need to put it on the bricks - as if it didn’t fall.

Cast iron is good because it does not rust. The walls of the pallet are noticeably thicker (by an order of magnitude), so the pallet is very durable. Among all the varieties, cast iron is the most durable.

Foundation structures

At first glance, it seems that the cabins do not need a foundation. It is enough to adjust the feet to start using the product. But actually it is not. The factor of the pallet installation height comes into play. The drain hole must always be above the sewer outlet. So that the drain safely leaves the pallet.

Frame, foundation in most cases is not needed. But it should be noted that most of the products are specially designed to require replacement over time. Of course, we want to avoid this for as long as possible. The design shows 100% exactly what bad things can happen.

Do you need it or not?

As a rule, the need for the construction of a foundation is determined instantly. To do this, it is enough to measure the level of the sewer pipe. The drain hole of the sump should be slightly higher. The greater the difference, the better the stock. Usually, a slope of 3 centimeters per meter of distance (pipe path) is considered sufficient, but in practice there may be other ratios, and the water will still drain well.

Below the pallet, there is usually a place for placing a siphon, therefore, in the foundation for the drain, there are no constructive solutions not provided. I would like to draw the attention of readers that in high (deep) pallets, the drain is not too high. Because most of the vertical is spent on wall formation. It is not for nothing that this pallet is called deep: it is possible to wash, wash children in it. There is often a seat in the corner.

A deep pallet in 90% of cases has a strong frame made of metal profile... At first glance, this is good, but in practice it turns out that the leg pushes the pallet between the guides. And since plastic becomes brittle over time, this is just enough for a crack to appear. That is why sometimes deep pallets are placed on the foundation. As for the small ones, they were prescribed this from birth: a thin flat bottom breaks perfectly, as many owners have been convinced of. The effect does not appear at the very beginning, but it gets worse over time.

Brick foundation

Many do not think for a long time about solving the problem of building a foundation. Traditional brick helps to solve the problem. For a ceramic tray, this is a great solution, but you need to leave room for a siphon. A properly executed foundation will greatly extend the life of the pallet. Much depends on how tight the bottom is against the pedestal. Ideally, any deformation is excluded.

The problem is as follows. Previously, many put a flat pallet without a foundation, or so that only the perimeter rested on the bricks. As a result, the statistics of broken pallets were replenished at an incredible rate. The manufacturers quickly noticed this and corrected the matter by adding a fifth leg in the center: this is such a bump made of plastic, into which a threaded rod is embedded. It is almost impossible to remove it. You yourself understand that a flat foundation is no longer suitable here, you need to leave a gap for this "fifth leg".

Bricks are enough universal remedy... For example, at the bend of the perimeter, they are laid out in a fan outward with butt edges. The free space is filled with a solution. This scheme is often used for an acrylic pallet. It is important to leave room for leakage control here. It would be in vain to decide that concrete will stop moisture on the way to neighbors. Special measures are needed to waterproof the floor. And in any case, dryness must be somehow controlled.

An example of a brick foundation for a ceramic pallet

The ceramic tray looks fragile, but it can last for many decades. Here's a basement option for this case. We proceed from the fact that the frame for this type of pallet is made only along the perimeter, which gives very broad prospects in terms of control.

  • You need to lay out the bricks to the desired height along two walls and one sidewall.
  • The front is used for siphon access and leakage control. You can close it with a decorative panel.

In case of big worries, place the pallet on two rows of bricks, in one of which there is a hole for control access and dismantling (if the need arises). It is not necessary to mount it tightly, and no one does it. Instead, on three sides, a sanitary corner is laid between the tile and the pallet, mounted on silicone sealant. If you want to hang the curtain from the sides, leave small protrusions along the width of the brick row. Place a board there and adjust the threshold to the desired height.

This is necessary in cases where the corner is homemade and curtained with a curtain. Then there is a certain reserve for mobile matter so that it does not crawl out and water does not flow onto the floor. There are some other options as well.

A metal tube frame is often placed under a purchased ceramic pallet. It only covers the perimeter. For this type of structure, this is a perfectly suitable solution, if the weight of the entire cabin does not press on from above. For example, Leroy Merlin reports that the pallet weighs only 3 kg. The frame is good if the cabin weighs a little. For obvious reasons, the threshold in this case is much more difficult to organize.

Foundation for acrylic pallet

It was written above that the acrylic pallet has legs. So the instructions for building the foundation are as simple as possible: it is a flat stand against which the cab supports will abut. The installation of the shower tray consists in connecting it to the sewer and adjusting the height of the legs. It is not difficult to do this correctly, having a building level on hand, therefore we do not see the need to describe the process itself.

Few acrylic pallets today go without legs, but if such a case is observed, then you need to proceed as follows:

  • There is a slight depression around the perimeter as the center of the pallet is slightly higher.
  • For metal (not acrylic), an extruded polystyrene plate is sometimes placed in the middle to provide thermal insulation for the area.
  • Fastening is carried out with glue-sealant, so that, if necessary, the pallet can be replaced.

The problem is that most flat pallets are placed on legs. In this case, their bottom turns out to be defenseless in front of the users' feet. Alternatively, you can fix the removable formwork and pour concrete, where, after a certain period of time, mount the pallet. The complexity of the operation lies in connecting a siphon, and the minus is the inability to control leaks or change the sewage system.

Stone pallets

The easiest way is to correctly install this particular type of pallets. No framework is required, but a foundation is needed in all cases. The stone pallet is very low. It will be a mistake to fix the slab too tightly, because someday the turn will come for repairs, and it will be almost impossible to tear off the slab. That's right - just grab it around the perimeter with glue-sealant.

The most a big problem in this case with a siphon. Obviously, you need to equip it directly on the surface of the foundation (floor), or attach a flexible one, which, as it is fine-tuned, will hide in a niche prepared in advance. In the latter case, the foundation becomes a real work of art, because it would be nice to find a way to control leaks. No single instruction can be given here.

Cast iron pallet

This type of pallet does not need installation. Simply put on the floor. He doesn't need a frame, he doesn't need a podium. Its own height is quite enough to ensure a reliable discharge into the sewer.

It is not difficult to build a shower stall if the pallet is properly secured. Before giving preference to any pallet, consider its varieties by material:

1. Ceramics. Pallets are made of sanitary ware and sanitary porcelain. The range of colors is very different. The sizes are standard. Shapes: round, square, quarter circle, rectangular on one side and semicircle on the other. Pros: ease of cleaning, looks beautiful, hygienic, does not make noise from the flow of water, but only a gentle murmur.

Cons: fragile material, cracks can form when heavy objects fall and crack during transportation, heavy. Depending on the size and material, the cost varies from 2 800 rubles to 46 200. The most popular brands of Italian production, as well as Bulgaria, Spain, Russia

The ceramic tray cools down quickly and needs to be slightly warmed up before showering

2. Steel. The depth of the pallets varies between 80-160 cm. Advantages of pallets: strength, light weight, ease of installation, versatility, low price. Disadvantages of pallets: water flows with noise, a metal frame is required, cold, poor choice of forms, slippery surfaces.

When buying, you should pay attention to the thickness of the material, since thin steel has the ability to deform under heavy weight. As a result, the surface layer of the enamel will crack. The cost of steel pallets from 2,000 rubles. up to 10,000.

3. Cast iron. Pros: with correct operation long term service, large weight allows the pallet to be installed without additional support legs, does not bend under weight, enamel surface layer gives a designer look.

A positive feature of the pallet is the large drain hole. It is relevant for small-sized specimens with a low side - the water is drained instantly, without collecting in the bowl.

Deep legged trays are well maintained in terms of siphon access for draining.

Cons: pallets are heavy, which makes installation difficult, the material heats up for a long time, but when heated, they keep it warm for a long time, the choice of forms is limited, the appearance of chips leads to the appearance of rust.

Products are produced by domestic manufacturers and Belarus. Among foreign firms, one can mention Portugal. The price ranges from 4 600-6 800 rubles. This is determined by the manufacturer and the size of the pallet.

Cast iron pallets are not very diverse and are heavy

4. Acrylic. The plasticity of the material made it possible to produce pallets complex form and various sizes. Among all varieties in terms of material, it is acrylic products that are put on the first place in terms of their diversity.

Advantages of pallets: lightweight, warm to the touch, do not allow bacteria to multiply, do not make noise while taking a shower, easy to clean, quickly heat up, do not require grounding. Cons: unstable due to low weight, deep scratches appear when washing dogs.

Products are massively produced by both domestic and foreign firms, so the price range varies from 2,790 rubles. up to 19 990. The warranty period of different manufacturers is not stable and can be from one to twenty five years.

Acrylic pallets have a varied and attractive design

5. Marble. Natural material has superiority in almost all respects, in contrast to the materials presented above. the pallet is durable, does not create noise, embodies all design decisions. The shape, colors and sizes are multifaceted. The disadvantage of the material is its high cost, fragility, high weight. The price ranges from 20,000 rubles. up to 50,000.

The consumer can choose a pallet not only by material, but also by the following parameters:

- flat models. No frame required during installation;

- deep. Installed only with an additional frame.

It is these groups that determine the course of the installation during installation.

The main advantage of marble pallets can be considered high level soundproofing

What tool is useful for the job

To mount the pallet, you will need:

- a device for settling water or a siphon;

- flexible PVC hose;

- small segment corrugated pipe;

- cellular concrete with a porous structure;

- dry mix or tile mastic;

- plastic silicone sealant;

- a gun for silicone;

- measuring device in the form of a tape measure;

- marker;

- bubble level;

- hacksaw or jigsaw;

- container for solution;

- a spatula or trowel.

How to install a pallet?

The bathroom must be fully prepared for installation. To do this, you need to execute preliminary work:

- to carry out hidden electrical wiring;

- install water pipes;

- prepare the sewerage system;

- install an exhaust fan;

- cover the walls with paint, tiles, etc.

Ceramic pallet

Place the pallet in its place, and circle it with a marker. If there are no adjustable feet included, install 4 foam concrete blocks. We designate the height of the mixer in advance.

It is necessary to provide a hot and cold water... Place the bars on the tile glue. Place the pallet on the bars and trace the drain hole with a marker. After removing the pallet, connect the siphon to the pipe.

Use a corrugated tube if necessary. Overlay perimeter foam concrete blocks and secure with tile adhesive. Glue is applied on top, and while it is not frozen, put the pallet on it and use a building level to expose it, tapping with a rubber hammer.

Then pour water into the sewer pipe to make sure there is no movement of parts during installation. As soon as the glue dries, mount the siphon into the pallet.

Degrease the edges of the pallet and pass the sealant around the perimeter in contact with the wall. This will increase the tightness. After, how the shower tray is installed, it is revetted at the request of the owner.

Steel pallet

Install steel shower tray there are two options: prepare the frame or lay out the foundation from ceramic brick, which differs from others in moisture resistance.

If a flat model is selected, then before how to install a low shower tray, care should be taken to lead the sewer pipe to floor level. Then, the model with a low pallet is glued to the assembly.

To prevent the structure from being lifted up, it is loaded with heavy objects. In some cases, flat steel pallets go inward. In this case, a recess is prepared to the height of the pallet with a siphon.

Cast iron pallet

The manufacturer produces cast iron pallets, cast together with legs. Such models are leveled by placing various objects under the legs. So that the materials at hand do not move out of place, cement formwork is being prepared for them, where the plates are laid.

In some cases, the legs are short in order to install the siphon. It is enough to make a concrete collar or a brick parapet with the subsequent fixing of the legs in the form of cement bosses.

Acrylic pallet

The acrylic tray comes with adjustable feet. Before as install a shower tray with your own hands, the entire structure should be assembled. For this, the pallet is turned over, and assembly is carried out according to the instructions. It is necessary to measure the height of the siphon, and adjust the legs a little higher.

At installation shower enclosure with pallet, you should pay attention to the central part. It should be additionally reinforced with a leg or a substrate made of foam concrete blocks. If sticks are used, place a rubber pad on top of them.

Marble pallets

The marble pallet cannot be called popular among consumers, due to its high cost. Before, how to install shower tray from real stone, preparatory work is carried out and installation is the same as in the case of ceramics.

Shower tray installation price outside workers varies from 2,000 rubles to 7,000. It all depends on the complexity of installation and preparatory work.

Apartment renovation

Shower enclosures with acrylic pallets are gaining popularity among buyers. And this is not surprising. Acrylic pallets are not susceptible to rust and mechanical damage. It so happens that in the shower, bottles and jars of detergents often slip out of hands, but falling of these objects is not terrible for acrylic pallets.
In addition to strength, acrylic is also warm material, which means that your feet will not freeze in the shower. Well, all other advantages include the relatively low cost of acrylic pallets. All these characteristics make them popular among buyers.

To install an acrylic pallet, it is not at all necessary to spend money on calling a plumber. The installation can be easily carried out on your own, it is enough to know a few nuances, which we will discuss in this article.

Let's start with the sewer drain. The closer he gets to the cockpit, the better. Perfect option- the location of the sewerage directly under the cabin itself. In this case, all pipes can be hidden under the pallet. If this option is not possible, then you can lay and hide the sewer pipes in the wall. In the latter case, it is necessary to create a slope and try to position the drain as close to the floor as possible.

To connect the pallet to the drain, you need a transition angle and a corrugation.

To seal and secure all parts, you need a special sealant. It is very important to use a silicone based sealant rather than an acrylic based sealant. V otherwise you cannot avoid leaks and other problems, since acrylic is not resistant to water.

Apply sealant liberally. It is applied to the corrugation, and only then an adapter is applied to it. When the corner is inserted, the silicone will squeeze out, but it should be so. After the sealant dries, it forms an elastic and durable layer at the junction of the parts.

Securing the drain

Now you can start securing the drain on the pallet. You just need to do it carefully. The supplied plastic nut can easily crack from too much pressure on it. Be sure to install the supplied rubber gasket between the nut and the pallet itself. It is recommended to apply a small amount of the same silicone sealant to the inside of the gasket.

Installing an acrylic pallet

After fixing the drain, you can install the shower tray in the designated place. Do not rush to immediately connect it to the sewer. The first thing to do is adjust the height of the pallet legs. This process can take a long time. The thing is that the legs are hidden at the bottom of the pallet in a special casing, and after each manipulation, the pallet will need to be turned over.

After correct adjustment feet, the pallet should be level and not wobbled. It is recommended to align the legs using a mounting level. When the alignment is finished, you can connect the pallet to sewer drain... This stage is considered final when installing the shower tray.

I would like to note a couple of features that are required for the installation of any pallets, including acrylic ones:

1. The pallet must be installed straight horizontally. If this is not done, then water will constantly stagnate in one of the corners. That is why do not ignore the building level. Installing the pallet "by eye" will lead to undesirable consequences.

2. A flat floor is the key to successful installation of the pallet and the entire shower cabin as a whole. Before setting up the cab, it is worth taking care of leveling the floor surface. You can, of course, carry out the installation on the old floor, but this process will require more time and effort.

The installation of the cabin itself is carried out according to the attached instructions. The installation features will depend on the cab model, of which there are now many. The only general rule is that the installation of the mixer and shower must be done at the stage of finishing work.

Instead of a conclusion

The shower cubicle is the perfect solution for any bathroom. It is able to supplement spacious rooms, and even replace in small ones cast iron bath... The variety of cabins available in stores allows you to choose the option that suits you best.

As this article has shown, it is not necessary to resort to the help of expensive specialists, but you can perfectly and easily cope with the installation of a shower stall and a pallet for it with your own hands. To do this, it is enough to strictly observe the sequence of work and remember the features of the installation.

At installation of shower trays two main tasks are solved:

  • providing space for placement drain devices(siphon and branch pipe)
  • ensuring the verticality of the walls of the shower cabin, for which the pallet serves as a foundation

Order shower tray installation depends on its type. More precisely, from the material from which it is installed.

Most modern shower cabins are equipped with. They are well suited for installation and are easy to assemble.

Acrylic shower tray with reinforcement - bottom view

1.1. Turn the pallet upside down and screw in the legs. There can be from three to five of them. If the pallet is provided with a separate metal or plastic support frame (in addition to the reinforcement of the pallet itself), then do this operation with the specified frame, because holes for screwing in the legs will be made in it. Strive for the legs in length to be longer than the siphon of the drain system and protrude from the bottom of the pallet by about an equal length.

1.2. Mount drain system... In most structures, for this you need to put the pallet on its side, insert a connecting sleeve from the side of the bath (cavity for washing) into the drain hole; from the bottom side, push the siphon branch pipe tightly onto the protruding end of the connecting sleeve. Use glue for bond strength. Cover all joints and cracks with sealants. There are options for using threaded connections with gaskets - see the instructions for the shower stall.

Adjusting the feet of the acrylic tray

1.3. Place the pallet on its feet. Make sure that the bottom of the siphon does not touch the floor. By adjusting the length of the legs by rotation, achieve the horizontalness of the upper surface of the pallet (the one on which the walls of the shower stall will be installed). This is important because if the cab is tilted, it will quickly start leaking.

Use a building level to ensure horizontal alignment. As a rule, it is a wooden block in which a glass bulb is inserted with an air bubble floating in it. On a strictly horizontal surface, the bubble should be centered in the flask opposite the corresponding mark.

If you do not have a building level, then you can align the pallet horizontally in an easier way. Use a regular, shallow, flat-edged dinner plate. Place it on the side of the pallet and gradually fill with water. From the side of the edge of the plate, from which water will begin to drain earlier than from the others, and there is a slope - this side of the pan must be raised.

Repeat this operation on all sides of the pallet until the plate starts to fill evenly. After leveling, secure the pallet feet with the stoppers.

1.4. If the pallet is installed in the corner of the room or against its wall, grease the boards touching the walls with glue and press them firmly against the wall (s). Wait for the glue to dry and additionally lubricate the junction of the walls of the room and the sides of the pallet with sealant.

1.5. Connect a drain pipe to the outlet of the siphon and refit the decorative cover of the pallet, covering its lower part together with the legs to the floor (this operation can be carried out after complete installation shower cabin).

This completes the installation of the acrylic shower tray.

If you decide to install a marble shower tray in the bathroom, see its advantages and where you can buy it.

Cast iron pallet assembly

Installing a shower tray made of cast iron is fundamentally similar to the installation of an acrylic pallet. The difference is that:

2.1. The cast iron pallet is strong in itself and does not require additional reinforcement;

2.2. The legs of the cast iron pallet are molded in one piece with the body. Therefore, its horizontal alignment is possible only by placing some objects under the legs. Let's say, steel strips of measured thickness (for example, a metal ruler cut into pieces).

The cast-iron pallet almost does not need installation!

In this case, the question arises, how to fix the shower tray so that his legs do not slide off these plates? After all, the sides of the cast-iron pallet are not glued to the walls of the room ...

The problem is solved by creating a cement frame-boss around each leg of the cast-iron pallet. To shape it as a formwork, you can use at least a "box" from an ordinary matchbox.

Another thing is that factory-made prefabricated shower cabins are not equipped with cast-iron pallets. Cast iron shower trays are usually used together with simpler shower enclosures in the form of screens, curtains, which do not require a very precise geometry of the shower tray for their installation.

Preparing a place under a parapet for a cast iron pallet

2.3. Sometimes the height of the legs of the cast iron pan may not be enough to accommodate a drain siphon under it. In this case, the cast-iron pallet will have to be lifted with a parapet. This task is not very difficult. A brick parapet is laid out along the perimeter of the pallet (or a concrete collar is made), sufficient in height to accommodate a siphon inside it. A hole or groove is left in the parapet for the passage of the drain pipe from the siphon. A pallet is installed on this parapet, if necessary, it is adjusted in the horizontal plane; the pallet legs are fixed with cement bosses; the view surfaces of the parapet are faced tiles or mosaic modules.

Steel pallet assembly

Today, the installation of a plastic shower tray is gaining popularity. You can familiarize yourself with the general and non-general cases of its use.

- you will also find it on our website.

How to make a shower tray yourself?

The main part of the procedure is described above. Only in this case, the side of the bathtub (cavity for washing) is also laid out with a brick on top of the pedestal. The drain hole of such a makeshift pallet is aligned with the inlet of the siphon. The cavity into which the siphon and the branch pipe are installed is subjected to comprehensive waterproofing, overlapped from above with a cement plug or brickwork. The bathtub (cavity for washing), as well as the rest of the pedestal, is faced with tiles or mosaics.

Homemade shower tray before cladding

How to lay out the shower tray with these materials? Just like any other surface. You just need to remember that when laying out tiles and mosaics, a slope should be made towards the drain hole. Possibly by varying the thickness of the adhesive or cementitious layer. Seams between tiles or mosaic modules are covered with a water-repellent compound.

Previously, using dowels or pressing into a cement screed, profiles can be fixed over the sides of the pallet for the subsequent installation of the cab railing.

Mosaic shower tray cladding

How to put the shower tray

Little to know how to assemble a shower tray, you need to have an idea where to put it.

Most of the shower trays are designed to be installed in the corner of the bathroom. But it may turn out that the distance from this angle to the inlet to the sewer or to the water pipes is too great. Therefore, rectangular pallets are preferable, because they provide more freedom in the placement of the cabin: they can be placed both in the corner and against the wall, and even in the middle of the room.

Connecting the shower tray to the drain

In general, since water from the water supply system comes under pressure, and the distance from the cabin to the point of connection to water pipe not critical, when choosing a place for installing the cab, you need to focus on the distance to the entrance to the sewer. It is set quite rigidly by the height of the pallet legs (pedestal). The drain pipe from the siphon to the sewage system for normal water flow should go at a slope of 7-8 degrees downward.

Sometimes the drain hole of some pallets (especially steel ones) is located not in the bottom, but in the side walls. Accordingly, the pallet must be turned with the sewer drainage hole with the side in which it has a drain hole.

How to strengthen the shower tray

For many buyers of shower cabins, the strength of acrylic trays, even reinforced ones, seems insufficient. Steel pallets also need strengthening.

General rules for how to strengthen acrylic or steel shower tray, No. Typically, strengthening the structure is reduced to laying bricks under the bottom of the pallet or installing supporting pillars. In this case, one thing is important: the surface of the supporting element should correspond as much as possible to the surface of the bottom of the pallet, and all the supports should be of the same height. Otherwise it will be even worse: the support element will simply push the bottom of the pallet.

Reinforcing the shower tray with bricks

What to do? Arrange special cement lodgements for pallets with careful adjustment of these structures to the configuration of the bottom of the pallet. But this kind of "monuments" may turn out to be more expensive than a new shower cubicle, let alone a pallet.

How to glue the shower tray

During installation, you can damage the shower tray. Especially if it is made of acrylic. But even through cracks up to 300 mm long can be easily repaired using special restoration kits. For example, "Akrol", which is sold in the majority of Moscow building stores.

The procedure is as follows:

8.1. Dismantle the pallet, remove all the cab parts from it.

8.2. A comprehensive inspection of the pallet to make sure the nature of the damage: through or not through.

8.3. Drill holes in both ends of the crack with a drill of slightly larger diameter than the crack itself - so that it does not propagate further.

8.4. If the crack is through, then glue a strip of fiberglass cloth onto it from below (on the side opposite to the washing cavity) using epoxy resin.

8.5. Remove (using a drill with a cutter or just a sharp knife) chamfers with a depth of 1.0-1.5 mm along the entire crack - so that the restoring solution can be poured into it more easily.

8.6. Fill the crack with liquid acrylic and hardener.

8.7. After drying, remove the beads of acrylic near the crack with a "soft" sandpaper.

Damage to steel and cast iron pallets most often consists in enamel chipping. Elimination of blind damages of this kind also consists in sealing with restoration compositions. Either - with epoxy resin with a layer of liquid enamel applied over it, or with the help of liquid acrylic with a hardener.

It is impossible to restore a broken ceramic tray ...

Damage to ceramic (earthenware) pallets is most often fatal: they break when the permissible loads are exceeded or from impacts. Those who wish can try to glue them with any glue they know, but it will not be possible to restore acceptable strength and appearance.

Repairing mineral cast pallets is the same as repairing acrylic pallets.

Shower tray installation - price

If you don't feel like bothering with a question, how to assemble a shower tray, then you can invite specialists for this. For example, " Range of consumer services»(Moscow) charges RUB 1,500 for the installation of an acrylic shower tray with connection to the sewerage system. But, as a rule, this service is provided in conjunction with the assembly of the entire shower cabin, and in itself is not very popular among Muscovites. After all, anyone can screw four legs to an acrylic dish.

Another question, if you need install shower tray original design, on individual project, and even from some unusual material. Then the lower threshold prices determined by your bargaining ability, the top does not exist!

Renovation in the house is always perceived positively only at the first stage, when everything conceived is brought to life on paper. When the stage of the direct editing process comes, there are many disputes, disagreements and pitfalls that simply no one knew about.

In this article, we will describe in detail the process of repairing a bathroom, or rather, installing a shower stall on a "brick pillow".

Shower cabin made of scrap materials

As you know, the price of a ready-made shower cabin sold in a store can vary greatly, this is due to various factors. For example, some devices are more modern, they have more electronics, others use cheap materials, and some are completely non-standard.

The choice is large enough, it is extremely difficult to find something worthy at an affordable price, so we suggest not to get hung up on finished products... Let's better make a shower cabin ourselves, save money, and at the same time work with our hands.

The very first thing you should pay attention to is the shape of the pallet:

  • Rectangular.
  • Semicircular.
  • Pentahedral.

As for the materials from which pallets are made, the choice is quite diverse:

  • Cast iron- the most expensive, but at the same time, the most durable and durable. They are considered the heaviest by weight, so a reliable base is required for them. On the other hand, the supports can be placed around the perimeter, leaving the central part hanging.
  • Steel pallets are slightly inferior in strength and durability, but they are also more affordable in terms of cost. There is one drawback, steel makes noise when exposed to water, therefore it is necessary to use a special noise muffler under the pallet.
  • Acrylic- the most diverse in shape, but the least durable. Under the weight of an adult, such a pallet will easily bend, and with increased load, it will crack altogether. Therefore, the pallets are installed with an additional support made of metal parts.

Note! You can make a brick shower tray with your own hands, but it must be tiled with ceramic tiles. Firstly, it is better from the aesthetic point of view, and secondly, the tactile contact with the brick cannot be called pleasant.

Now let's select one of the above pallets to describe by example assembly process... Let's give preference to the most durable and reliable - cast iron option.

Additional materials

To install a shower cabin with our own hands, we need:

  • Plumbing elements: siphon, hoses, valve, rubber rings, fum tape, shower head.
  • A silicone sealant is also useful.
  • The preparation of the solution requires cement, sand and a plasticizer.
  • Building bricks(for example,).
  • It is better to use tiles for decoration.

As for the tools, you need to purchase:

  • Building level (laser device).
  • Roulette.
  • Putty knife.
  • Master OK.
  • Mallet.
  • Sealant gun.

Room preparation

Important! If the bathroom is being repaired in a country house, then be sure to make sure that the pipeline is initially located correctly. For this, the drain is installed in the floor, in any part of the room. It is better to install pipes with cold and hot water supply in the wall so as not to spend money on additional finishing during repairs.

  • The first step is to vacate the room, dismantle the old flooring and cut off all the old plumbing fixtures.
  • Measure the working area and calculate the amount building materials.
  • To prepare cement-sand mortar using water and a plasticizer.
  • Level the walls and floor using mortar or filler. You can skip this stage, but, you see, in a smoother room and repairs are easier to do, at least Decoration Materials easier to fix.

Installing the base

Below will be described instructions, from which you will learn in detail how the pallet is attached to the bricks:

  • After the floor is leveled, it is necessary to mark the boundaries of the cast-iron pallet on it.
  • The masonry grout can now be kneaded.
  • The next step is to apply a few strokes of cement to the floor using a trowel.
  • Put a brick on them, lightly drag it around the mortar. The final position of the material must coincide strictly with the line of the pallet.
  • Then hit the brick several times with a mallet in order to press it as best as possible to the floor.

Note! The thickness of the seam for masonry can vary, it all depends on where it is carried out. In this case, 5-7 mm is enough to maintain strength.

  • Put the second brick, perpendicular to the first, to make a letter "G".
  • Lay out as many bricks as necessary so that the pallet does not touch the floor surface and there is room for a drain hose.

In the photo - under the pallet there is not only a drain, but also a water supply

  • Do the same in all other corners, observing the drawn line of the pallet.
  • While the solution is drying, you can mount the plumbing elements.
  • After waiting a certain amount of time (at least 2-3 days), you can proceed to the direct installation of the pallet.
  • Before you put the cast iron product on the bricks, you need to apply a cement mortar to them.
  • After putting the pallet down, you should press it well and check building level, whether the horizontal plane is observed.
  • If all is well, you can connect drain hose with drain hole of the pallet.

The next stage is finishing. Since we took tiles as a basis, we only need two things: plastic crosses to install them between the tiles, and grout for the joints. And in the desired color. Here, in fact, the shower cabin is ready, it remains only to hang the curtain from the ceiling so that the spray does not fly in all directions.

Acrylic pallet

A cast iron product is still expensive, not everyone can afford it, so let's briefly consider the process of installing a more flexible and elastic material - acrylic.

The main thing is an even distribution of the load in order to extend the life of the base

  • They should also be installed in the corners.
  • The welded metal frame is attached between the brickwork to the floor using dowel nails.
  • To prevent the metal from rubbing the acrylic surface, an insulating material must be used. The most affordable thing that can be found in the materials at hand is ordinary rubber, which is glued directly to the metal.

Important! Pallet joints (even cast iron, even acrylic) should be treated with silicone sealant. If you think this option not too aesthetic, then you can use plastic decorative corners, which are fixed with glue or sealant.

As you can see, a do-it-yourself brick shower stall is quite accessible, even for people not associated with construction and repair. The main thing is to do everything as the professionals advise, then the result will delight you longer.


Brickwork is not afraid of high humidity, it is important to isolate other elements from direct contact with water. For example, the drain hose can be the main source of excess moisture.

If it is installed without the appropriate materials (fum tape and rubber rings), then there is a high probability of leakage, as a result of which water will accumulate under the sump. And this is an excellent breeding ground for harmful microorganisms.

  • Materials and tools
  • Installation procedure
  • Useful Tips

A modern shower cubicle is a wonderful addition to the usual bathtub, making pleasant and useful water treatments as diverse as possible. Here you can place both a hydromassage system and an exotic shower, connect light music and create light and sound effects.

However, without a quality pallet - the foundation of any shower - all this is simply impossible. Therefore, you should know how to install a metal shower tray with your own hands.

Why is it better to choose, for example, not a ceramic shower tray, but a metal shower tray, and why is it better to install it yourself, and not with the help of qualified installers? A metal shower tray is a great choice and is easy to install. In addition, you can save money this way.

Materials and tools

In order to quickly and correctly install a metal pallet, you need to stock up on the following materials, tools and fixtures:

  • ready-made shower tray;
  • drain pipe;
  • mixer with a siphon;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • waterproofing mixture (silicone sealant);
  • brick stock;
  • sheet rubber;
  • FUM tape;
  • trowel for stone work;
  • plastering spatula;
  • paint brush;
  • hammer;
  • building level.

Back to the table of contents

Installation procedure

There are many ways how to quickly and efficiently install a metal tray in a shower room (chamber). Consider one of the simplest and most common options for installing a drainage channel.

Before you start the process of installing this structure with your own hands, it is imperative that you study the technical instructions that are usually attached to it when selling. It is worth noting that experts recommend doing this, regardless of what material the shower tray is made of.

First of all, the shower cubicle must have dimensions that generally correspond to the dimensions of the metal base. In this case, the dimensions and finishes should be adjusted in such a way that the facing ceramic tiles, if not the entire wall of the room is laid out with it, their lower edge descends slightly below the level of the pallet attached to the wall. If there is a gap between the wall and the base of the cabin, it must be sealed with a waterproofing compound (sealant).

Starting to set up a pallet according to all the rules, it is recommended to immediately track the clear horizontalness of its upper plane with a building level.

This situation should not interfere with the efficient removal of water in the future, since modern drainage products are manufactured with ready-made cone-shaped funnels.

The legs supplied with the pallet are used to fix the structure in a certain position and to ensure its horizontal position. They are usually adjustable so that they can be used to quickly and easily position the base. At the end of the adjustment, the legs are rigidly fixed with locking mounting bolts.

In some cases, instead of legs, special plastic supports are used, which are supplied with the pallet. At the same time, builders very often mount these products, resting them not on legs, but on specially constructed supports made of bricks or assembly cinder blocks.

The specified support (or, as it is also called, the well) is built in accordance with such dimensions that the future bottom of the shower stall fits freely on it, resting with its sides on the edge of the brick (cinder block) masonry. To fix the pallet, its sides are either glued to the masonry with a special adhesive mixture, or planted on a cement mortar.

When installing the base of the shower chamber on a stone support well, one cannot ignore the fact that a siphon must be connected to the bottom of the drain neck of the pallet. The fact that the height of the well is sufficient for it (the sewer outlet must be above the floor level at a height of 12-15 cm) must be taken care of in advance when designing a bathroom. By the time the entire structure is finally fixed on a brick support, the mixer must be assembled, and its component parts must be tightly screwed to each other according to the diagram.

For better stability of the pallet, the space between it and the floor can be filled with ordinary sand. So it will be created additional support... If there is no sand at hand, polyurethane foam can partly replace it.

It should be borne in mind that a shower stall is a place where, by definition, there must be a lot of water. Therefore, all the smallest seams, cracks and mating points - between the sides and the brick on which they rest, between the edges of the pallet and the tiles on the walls, between the tightly twisting elements of the mixer and the pallet - should be carefully coated with silicone sealant and laid with FUM tape.

Each time, after completing one or another stage of the installation procedure, it is recommended to immediately check the quality of what has been done. In particular, after the support well (but without its final fixation) it is proposed to make sure that it is stable. To do this, it is enough, with the utmost care, just to stand on the pallet, and, most likely, balancing deficiencies will immediately manifest themselves.

It is also necessary to make sure that the junction of the pipe with the neck of the pallet and the siphon with the sewer pipe is well-sealed. For this purpose, water is supplied to the pallet with a small pressure. If there is no fluid leakage, the shower can be used as directed. If water seepage is detected, additional sealing of the connected components will have to be done.

The bathroom is a place of relaxation, where a person puts himself in order. It should be practical and aesthetically pleasing. A shower stall is the perfect way to save space in your bathroom. Highly important point in installation - this is the installation of a shower tray. Let's consider how to properly install different models.

Manufacturers are ready to surprise the most sophisticated owner by offering a variety of shapes, sizes and designs. One of the first classifications is the division of models by shape. It can be square, oval, round, triangular, rectangular products... It is worth choosing the shape and size of the pallet, which will most ergonomically distribute the space in the bathroom with an appropriate level of convenience.

Another classification is related to the material of the performance. Today you can purchase a pallet from:

  • cast iron;
  • acrylic;
  • marble;
  • ceramics;
  • become.

In this case, the pallet can be installed using several methods, using a metal frame, a pedestal or a flat surface (for ceramic models). It should be noted that marble products are very fragile and can be damaged by impact during the installation stage, so all work must be done as carefully as possible. The ceramic tray can also crack on impact.

Marble pallets have a beautiful external design and will fit into any style of bathroom interior: from retro and classic to high-tech

It is worth noting that cast iron and steel models can be unpleasantly cold in the morning, which cannot be said about acrylic products. The latter are today modified with the addition of silica dust. As a result, the structure becomes stronger and more durable. Such models are called quaril.

Marble pallets are spectacular and warm up quickly. Provides a pleasant tactile sensation in contact with the skin. Ceramic models heat up slowly, but are practical in everyday use and durable. The prices for these solutions are significantly higher compared to the rest.

The pallets also differ in depth. When choosing, you can use the following guideline: very flat (6-10 cm), flat (10-18 cm), deep (25-35 cm).

Facing with tiles or mosaics

In many cases, side cladding is required to hide mounting bases... One of the most convenient options for solving the problem is the use of mosaic tiles on a plastic or glass base. A layer of adhesive is applied to the base using a notched trowel. After pressing the tiles, the excess adhesive must be removed immediately.

Any uneven surfaces can be faced with mosaic tiles. it can be easily cut with construction scissors or a knife thanks to the paper backing. It doesn't matter if you use tiles or mosaics - all seams must be sealed. This makes sense especially when you decide to build a pallet yourself.

The space between the pallet and the floor can be covered with mosaics or tiles. Mosaic fragments are flexible and allow high-quality and quick revetment of the sidewalls or the entire pallet if you build it yourself

Use crosses when shaping seams. After lining, you need to grind the seams with a waterproof grout and rubber spatula... Then the remnants of the grout are removed and everything is wiped with a piece of cloth. After everything is dry, you need to wash the tiles.

Pallet installation instructions

Installation rules often depend on the material from which the pallet is made, so we will consider four popular options. Acrylic and steel modifications are more common, while cast iron, marble and ceramic are less common.

Installation of acrylic models

Acrylic solutions are the lightest, most affordable, and come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Such models are equipped with brackets, legs and other fittings that help to mount and secure the pallet to the base. The design drawback in many cheap models is the lack of reinforcing support under the bottom, so when choosing, attention must be paid to ensure that the bottom is strengthened.

First you need to turn the pallet upside down and screw on the legs. Depending on the model, the set may include from 3 to 5 supports. A number of products use a support frame based on plastic or metal. The holes for mounting the legs will be located in just such a frame.

When screwing in the supports, make sure that the length of the legs is not less than the height of the siphon. Also, all the supports must be screwed in to the same height (then it will be possible to adjust the horizontal position of the pallet using a level)

Make sure that all supports (pins, legs) are screwed in, and after installation, adjust the strictly horizontal position of the pallet

Further - the installation of the drain system. It is necessary to connect the pallet to the sewer by placing the product on its edge. A complete sleeve is inserted inside, which is used for connection. A siphon branch pipe is put on the protruding end of the sleeve. To prevent leaks, the joints are coated with glue.

You can use epoxy glue or epoxy clay. Connect the branch pipe and the bushing, and seal the connection from above with sealant. In some models of shower cabins, a system of joints with paronite or polymer gaskets can be used. In this case, you do not need to use glue.

Place the pallet on its feet, making sure that the edge of the siphon does not touch the floor. Now it's time to adjust the horizontal position of the pallet. To do this, we rotate the legs, putting a level on the walls of the pallet (grooves into which the shower enclosure will be mounted).

The horizontal position must be checked on all sides of the pallet. If the product is installed against a wall or corner of the room, then it is necessary to grease the contacting surfaces with glue and press firmly. It is necessary to wait until the glue dries, and then strengthen the sealing with a sealant, applying a layer of it to the place of contact between the sides of the pallet and the wall.

The space under the acrylic tray can be filled with polyurethane foam, which will act as a support cushion and soundproofing

Installing a cast iron pallet

The installation of a cast iron product is similar to the steps taken with the installation of an acrylic pallet. The fundamental difference is only in the design of cast iron models. Cast iron is a very strong and resistant metal. There are no reinforcing elements in its design, and the legs are an integral part of the pallet and are cast simultaneously with the body.

To align such a model horizontally, you will have to put steel strips under the legs or other objects that will prevent pushing through. flooring since the cast iron pallet is heavy.

The sides of the cast iron product are not glued to the wall of the room. But how to fix the pallet so that it does not slide off the plates installed under the supports? This problem can be solved by cementing the bosses, which will frame each leg, preventing movement. For formwork, a regular matchbox will come down.

It should be noted that complete shower cabins are not equipped with cast iron trays. Usually they are used with simpler fences, including curtains, screens and other lightweight materials that do not require precision, so as not to adjust them to the geometry of the pallet.

For cast-iron pallets, a full-fledged shower enclosure is rarely used, curtains are usually used. If the aesthetic integrity is preserved, the curtains are sufficient.

Sometimes the height of the legs of such a product is not enough to accommodate a drain siphon under it. In this case, you have to prepare a special parapet. The procedure is not difficult to implement. It is enough to lay bricks around the perimeter of the pallet or erect a concrete collar - this will be the parapet. It should have space for installing a siphon and a sewer.

Then you need to level the pallet using a level, placing plates under the legs, cementing them with cement bosses. To hide the parapet and the space above it, you can use tiles or mosaic modules.

Features of mounting steel products

Steel models are produced by stamping, so making a one-piece structure from a pallet and legs is quite difficult. Steel products are completed with a stand. The plant, which produces steel pallets, also produces the corresponding stands for them.

They are rectangular or square shape and represent a failure of the welded structure from the profiles in which the threaded bushings are located. Threaded legs are screwed into them, with which you can adjust (align) the pallet.

Steel pallets are often included with factory shower enclosures. It is also a reliable option for replacing your worn out acrylic pallet. If the pallet is installed as an independent product, then a cement substrate or pedestal is mounted on the bathroom floor. Their height must be sufficient for the location of the siphon and the piping.

The cement pedestal, which is an ordinary leveled screed, allows you to make the installation of a steel or stone pallet as reliable as possible

The pallet-to-wall contact points can also be glued and sealed, as when installing an acrylic product. The erection of the pedestal will be discussed in the next paragraph.

Installation of ceramic and marble models

Today, ceramic and marble sanitary ware is in trend. Shower trays are no exception. Such products are durable and massive, therefore they do not require the use of legs or reinforcing elements.

The installation method is selected depending on the pallet design. In many ceramic models, a niche is provided in the cavity of the pallet for installing a siphon and draining the sewer system. It is enough to connect such a pallet to the sewer and install it directly on the bathroom floor without any additional steps. It remains only to attach the walls of the shower stall.

But there are many monolithic options in which there is no corresponding niche. In this case, in order to connect the drain hole to the siphon, you will need to erect a pedestal. Inside it will be a space for connecting to the sewer.

The pedestal is erected as follows. We apply a layer of waterproofing to the area where the pedestal will be built. To do this, you can use liquid rubber, roofing material, polyurea or other composition. It is necessary to wait until complete polymerization is achieved if you have used a liquid product.

Any type of waterproofing can be used. modern version liquid formulations, which, after application, polymerize and create a waterproof layer

Next, create a layer of cement screed with a horizontal surface (use a level). We are waiting for complete drying. Inside the contour of the pallet, we make brickwork with a height that would be enough for the normal location of the siphon. It is necessary to provide a cavity for the drainage system.

We connect the drain hole of the pallet with a siphon, the opposite end of which is connected to the outlet pipe. Apply a layer on top of the masonry cement mortar... Next, we install the pallet on the pedestal in such a way that the siphon and the outlet are in the places designated for them. At the end, you need to make the pallet cladding with tiles.

How to make a pallet yourself

The process begins with the preparation of the future place for the shower stall. To begin with, the installation area is waterproofed, as in the previous paragraph. This will help protect walls and floors from mold, mildew and moisture.

The second stage is the preparation of the drain. A ready-made drain assembly can be purchased at a hardware store or plumbing store. It is also called a shower ladder. It must be of high quality. The drain hole is immediately connected to the sewer system. The installation must be very tight, therefore glue and sealants can be used on all threaded connections.

By purchasing a drain for homemade pallet, you cannot save. Choose a quality product that is suitable in size and will last as long as possible

Now you need to lay out the base (use brickwork or rough screed) after the waterproofing compound has dried. We make masonry walls using silicate or ordinary bricks. Before this, you need to put on the base metal mesh for the solidity of the structure.

We process the entire base of the pallet waterproofing material... After it dries, we make a layer of screed over the entire surface of the pallet in order to hide all the brickwork behind it. It is important that the screed has a minimum slope towards the drain, so that water does not accumulate after using the shower stall. After drying, apply the penultimate waterproofing layer.

Next, we make the surface of the pallet as flat as possible. For this, you can use a self-leveling mixture. We apply the final layer of waterproofing and tile the pallet. It can be a mosaic or any other tile.

Strengthening a steel or acrylic product

These solutions, especially acrylic ones, do not have a strong enough structure. Measures to increase strength are reduced to the installation of supporting elements, which can be bricks.

It is important that the pallet presses on all supports with the same force, otherwise one of them may simply push the bottom

In this case, all props in the places of contact with the bottom must repeat its shape. You can also use paronite or rubber gaskets for this.

Some complete shower enclosures have large railing and tray heights that may not have enough ceiling height to install. In this case, you need to make a floor cut in order to install the pallet and connect to the drain.

How to install a shower cubicle correctly:

Installation of a shower tray when the right approach does not take much effort and does not require special training. If you follow the instructions, you will have a first-class installation of a monolithic pallet with the highest possible reliability.

Modern dwellings are distinguished by rather large bathrooms, but many people have a bathroom only a few squares. For this reason, people try to install a shower stall in order to free up at least a little space for other things. We will help you cope with this work, consider the options for shower trays and the main points of their installation.

Which material is better - metal, ceramic or acrylic?

The easiest way today is to purchase a ready-made shower cabin, the installation of which will not take much time. This design is equipped with many functions such as hydromassage, radio, telephone. However, such functionality is not always in demand, and the cost of the cabin can reach fabulous figures. In this regard, most people prefer not to spend money, but to purchase a shower tray that you can install in your home with your own hands.

Before installing the shower tray, you need to decide on the material of its manufacture, since some of the nuances of installation will depend on this. And, indeed, there is plenty to choose from:

  • A natural stone. Expensive options, the installation of which must be carried out by professionals, since they are heavy, and with the slightest wrong movement, the pallet can be damaged beyond repair.
  • Metal. Such pallets are quite noisy and slippery, especially steel ones, although modern manufacturers try to make more improved models, fighting these shortcomings. But there are still very few such options. Therefore, you need to be prepared for self-soundproofing the bowl.
  • Ceramics. Heavy, yet reliable structures. Their disadvantage is the price and the possibility of damage by heavy objects.
  • Acrylic (plastic). The most common option, due to its affordable price and low weight. Such structures heat up easily, they are non-slip and do not make noise, unlike their steel counterparts.

Modern models also come in a variety of sizes and heights. Here, as they say, everyone chooses for their own parameters. If the house is inhabited by people of age or with any physical limitations, then options with a slight rise will be relevant, so it would not be difficult to get into the pallet ... But if you have small children and you plan to use the structure as a miniature bathtub, we advise you to take pallets with high walls. Indeed, in some models, they can reach 40 cm.

Preparatory phase - what should be taken care of in advance?

The installation of the shower tray should begin with the preparation of the very place where the installation is planned. For this, any corner of the room or a specially equipped niche is usually used. Before installation, the walls must be leveled, waterproofed and finished. ceramic tiles... This material, judging by the reviews and practice, is best tolerated by direct contact with water. However, tiling is optional, and everyone has the right to choose any other material of their choice.

It should be noted that installation can be carried out on the floor, on specially designed supports or on a metal frame. First you need to level the floor, especially if you have to mount the pallet immediately on it. Pay particular attention to the installation of plastic and acrylic models... They can sag under the weight of a person, so additional reinforcement must be provided. For this purpose, they lay out a frame made of bricks or foam blocks with their own hands, on which the pallet will then rest. Alternatively, you can fill the place with concrete - create a kind of screed right in the area of ​​the structure placement.

Before installing the shower tray, all pipes must be checked for serviceability and brought directly to the place where the font is located. Pay special attention to the drain system, since a faulty sewage system can subsequently cause big trouble for both you and the neighbors below. If you plan to install a shower tray, then you also need to consider a system for supplying electricity to connect lighting and other functions within the structure. For this, hidden wiring is used, and a separate machine with an RCD is installed in the dashboard.

Installing a shower tray - each material has its own way

Acrylic pallets are easiest to install. To do this, put the bowl on its back and screw the included legs into it, the number of which differs depending on the model. It may be that the pallet will be equipped with a frame, then the legs will need to be screwed into it. At the next stage, we mount the drain system. Most of its elements are threaded, so it will not be difficult to assemble it. We recommend using a special thread or linen to seal the seams. Seal all connections with silicone sealant.

Since the acrylic bowl can bend under the weight of a person, it is best to make the support wall out of bricks or blocks. Then place the pallet on the floor and adjust the height so that the siphon does not touch the surface. The installation of the shower tray must be carried out strictly according to the level, otherwise there is a high risk of leaks. The edges of the junction of the pallet with the bathroom walls must be filled adhesive composition or a sealant. At the final stage, connect the sewer pipe and put a protective screen, if one is included.

Cast iron, steel and other metal structures do not require additional support for the central part, so they are mounted either on legs or on a specially equipped frame. The installation method is similar with the only difference that for noise isolation steel structures use polyurethane foam, which fill the cavities between the pallet and the base.

The installation of ceramic pallets and models from natural stone... Such structures have an impressive weight and are installed directly on the base, and not additional fasteners. However, with its weight, plumbing equipment is quite fragile, so when working with it, you must be careful not to damage it. When installing heavy pallets, take Special attention sewerage equipment and siphon installation. Since the font is placed directly on the main base, it is necessary to provide for a small niche at the design and pouring stage of the foundation, where the drainage and drainage system can freely fit.

In addition, you need to create a technological gap through which it will be easy to service the siphon with your own hands in the event of a malfunction. This place can later be decorated by installing a hatch or a removable trim element there. Glue is applied to the base where the bowl will be attached, after which a pallet is installed on it, which is aligned strictly horizontally on all sides. After that, we are waiting for complete drying. adhesive solution and connect the sewer pipes to the siphon. The place where the bowl touches the wall is treated with silicone sealant or tile adhesive to create a reliable hydro-barrier. If you wish, you can install a ceramic or plastic corner on the joint.

After completing all the work, we proceed to the installation of the protective screen, and if the pallet was attached directly to the frame made of blocks or bricks, then we plaster the wall, primer and revet it with the material that is most suitable for the interior of the bathroom. To protect against splashes, we install glass doors or hang a waterproof curtain. Each model may have its own characteristics, therefore, before starting work, you must familiarize yourself with the attached instructions.

Are you planning to purchase an expensive shower cabin for your summer cottage? Take your time - there may always be a cheaper option! The low cost price of a product does not mean its poor quality, one can say more - it is almost always just a simplified and minimized design. In this article, along with the site, we will explore a steel shower tray that will help you build a primitive but pretty cute shower.

Rectangular shower tray

Steel shower tray: advantages and disadvantages

It is generally accepted that enamelled steel shower trays have no merits and that the most attractive thing about them is the price. But this is not so, besides the low cost, this type of plumbing fixtures have other positive qualities, which for some reason everyone is trying to forget. Yes, they have a less attractive appearance than similar products made of acrylic, the enamel on them can peel off from careless handling, they are a little colder than all other brethren, but, you must admit, it will not be very correct to focus on shortcomings alone. Especially when you consider that they are fixable.

In addition to the low cost, metal shower trays have the following positive aspects.

  1. Durability that no acrylic can match. If you are a massive person, then it is the steel pallet that will be able to transfer your weight without additional supports.
  2. Highly easy installation, which, if desired, can be mastered by any person - there are no subtleties and nuances that can affect the service life of this product.
  3. Versatility. A similar pallet can be used as a separate plumbing fixture, or as a complete set. And what is most interesting, it will not be difficult to choose a factory sliding one for such a pallet.

And the shortcomings mentioned above, by and large, are not at all shortcomings - except for the appearance that cannot be corrected. But even here, if you think carefully, you can come up with something - products of this type, as a rule, are built either into the floor or into a pedestal made specially for it. In general, the appearance of such a shower tray fully depends on the quality of the surrounding lining.

Metal pallet: varieties and their differences

Another point that repels most people from the enamel shower tray is the small variety of shapes and design solutions... The product is simple, no frills and designed to fulfill its sole purpose - to collect water and drain it into the system. In general, the conversation about the types of metal pallets will be short - classify metal pallets it is possible for two reasons.

A visual guide for installing a shower tray can be viewed in the following video.

Rectangular steel shower tray: installation technology

As mentioned above, one of the advantages of steel shower trays is its easy installation, which will be discussed later. For ease of perception of information, we present it in detail and point by point.