How made a drain pit in a private house. Drain pit: what and how to build

As a result, the question is sharply about where to give waste. Most. simple option It is the arrangement of a cesspool, even the person who has never fulfilled similar works with this task, with this task. Therefore, it is necessary to think in advance about how to make the sewage, which materials it is better for this, and take into account all other nuances of this case.

First of all it is necessary to find a good placewhere you can equip a cesspool in a private house. It is also necessary to familiarize yourself with the main types of such sewage and find out what best is suitable for your site.

Choosing a place for a cesspool

First of all, you need to choose a plot where a cesspool will be made, there are two options:

  1. Right on the plot that adjies to the residential room or the country.
  2. The arrangement of the pit at a distance of at least 10 meters from the foundation of the private house and other buildings, as well as from neighboring houses.

Such a requirement at the distance is not by chance, the fact is that with a closer building a cesspool without pumping, possible damage to the foundation, as well as flooding of buildings.

There are other nuances that need to be considered:

  • The distance from the pit to the fence is also regulated, it should be at least 1 meter;
  • The pocket depth should be less than 3 meters. Also, it is necessary to take into account the levels of groundwater;
  • From the cesspool to drinking wells should be a distance of at least 25 meters.

The last requirement also largely depends on the type of soil on the site. If it is clay, then the minimum distance to drinking sources is 20 meters, if the loamy is 30 meters, and with a sandy soil, this distance should be at least 50 meters.

Varieties of cesspools

Today, all cesspools are divided into three types:

  1. Absorbing (pits that have no bottom).
  2. Hermetic.
  3. Septica.

The easiest option will be the arrangement of the accumulative pit, which has no bottom. This species has its own positive sides. First of all, such a tank does not need very frequent pumping. Also, these pits are small, therefore it is spent by a minimum of free space and cash on arrangement.

But this species and disadvantages have, among which the main thing is to enter the soil in the soil, which brings harm to the environment. In addition, cope with large quantity Says such a pit will not be able, so it is mostly equipped in the country where people do not live for a whole year.

Sealed tanks are considered cleaner, harmless to nature and comfortable in operation. The main disadvantage of such a design is complex care. The owners have to constantly use the services of the asserenimizers to pump out the effluent. Every year of application, it will have to call specialists increasingly.

If in the house the volume of the effluent is large enough, it will also have to more often call the arms, because water from the container is pumped out, and Il remains at the bottom. It pulls the larger inconvenience and waste of cash.

Specialists advise to equip a hermetic tank of such a volume as the tank of the assessing machine. This will avoid pens overflow until the next disclosure of the effluent.

The most efficient and reliable option is septic, which can also be made independently. This option The cesspool performs not only the accumulation functions, but also cleaning waste.

You can make both single-chamber and multi-chamber systems. It is easiest to equip and apply single-chamber designs. It will be a kind of well, at the bottom of which there is a thick layer of rubble or broken brick, these materials perform filtering function.

This means what happens rough Cleaning wastewaterAfter that, the fluid passes into the soil, where thanks to the bacteria is also cleaned and brightened. As a result, the accumulative capacity is filled not so quickly, and some contaminants fall into the ground.

Most. effective option are multi-chamber septics, they purify water so much that it can be used for watering the beds or other similar problems. But the disadvantage is the high cost of arranging such a sewage system.

Arrangement of cesspools with their own hands

In order to properly choose the type of cesspool used on the country site, it is necessary to accurately determine the place, calculate the daily amount of effluent and pay attention to your material capabilities:

  • If every day the amount of effluent does not exceed 1 cubic meterT. the best option There will be a built-up pit without the bottom and without the need to regular pumping. In this reservoir, the estones partially go into the soil, where the anaerobic bacteria is cleaned.

    According to this principle, most rural and country toilets;

  • If the number of daily effluents exceeds 1 cubic meter, then the options without pumping can be forgotten, you will have to equip the hermetic design and regularly use the services of the associates.

The fact is that the bottomless structures provide for waste into the soil, where special bacteria perform cleaning functions. But it is necessary to understand that the possibilities of these bacteria are not limitless.

With a large number of effluents, microorganisms simply do not cope with their task. In such a situation, environmental pollution will begin, and waste can get into soil aquifers, and pollute sources drinking water. If the amount of stocks is very greater, then there will be the great costs of the assessing agents, in this case it is better to purchase or make an independently multi-chamber septic.

Simple cesspool

If the amount of waste is small, it is better not to wise, such a cesspool is done quite simple:

  1. Initially, it is necessary to divert the pit, for this it is not necessary to apply the special equipment, and there is enough ordinary shovel, because the depth will be about 2 meters, the same will be in width, but in length - 3 meters.
  2. After that, it is necessary to lay the walls of the earth with the use of special materials (concrete rings, car tires etc.).
  3. On the bottom of the cuttless need to pour a layer of rubble.

  1. The final stage of arranging the cesspool will be the installation of protective overlap and cover.

Such a simple variant of the cesspool has such positive parties:

  • It is possible to equip the system very quickly and simply without third-party help;
  • Materials for a cesspool system of this type are inexpensive;
  • Ease of operation;
  • Does not require frequent pumping of stocks.

True, there are negative points:

  • To arrange such a system, it is necessary to level groundwater It was below the level of waste system;
  • Operation of this system is advisable if the amount of drain does not exceed 1 cubic meter per day;
  • The pit is filled with precipitation;
  • There are unpleasant odors.


Today there are many options for ordinary cesspools that can be made independently. Conditionally, these pits are divided into temporary and constant, but the main criterion for the classification becomes the material from which the place is made under the estate.

Car tires

If the cesspool is necessary for the toilet in the country, and there is no desire to spend a lot of money on it, you can use the old car tires with the benefit. Making a pit from the tire is simple enough, everything is done very quickly, and the cost of such a design will be small.

Initially, it is necessary to dug the pit, and on its bottom, one on the other you need to put a tire. At the bottom there must be a layer of rubble. Sockets between rubber tires It is better to handle clay, for sealing.

Pros of such a scheme:

  • If necessary, the design is easy to restore;
  • Long term services;
  • Low cost of materials, fast and easy construction.

Negative sides:

  • Over time, such material begins to rot;
  • If the load on the cesspool is too big, it will lead to contamination;
  • The cesspool system is rapidly stuck, so it still needs periodic pumping.

Concrete rings

This option also allows you to quickly and effectively cope with the problems of sewage. By appearance Such a pit will remind a well. Rings, like tires in the previous scheme, set one top one. Shakes between concrete rings experts advise close it with a cement tie.

If you recall the classification, then in its type the design of concrete rings More similar to hermetic cesspool systems. Therefore, there is a need to regularly call the assessing agents. But also from concrete rings can be equipped with homemade septic.

Main advantages:

  • The overlap with the hatch is very easy to do;
  • The cesspool will work for several decades;
  • You can do everything yourself, without craftsmen;
  • Low value of materials.

Main cons:

  • An unpleasant aromas may appear from the ventilation pipeline;
  • Jama's work needs regular pumping;
  • Install the rings in the pit without special equipment are quite difficult.


Many specialists call brick best Material For the construction of cesspools, it is ideal for arrangement in the toilet or to output sauna.

The advantages of brick systems:

  • With the masonry to cope every owner of the house, so the construction of the pit will not bring problems;
  • The design does not harm the environment and does not pollute the soil.

Negative sides:

  • So that the system does not occur, it is necessary to constantly use the services of the assessing agents;
  • In such circumstances, the brick is rapidly destroyed, therefore the service life of the cesspool rarely exceeds 20 years;
  • The appearance of unpleasant flavors is possible. But this deficiency can be eliminated by adding special bacteria that accelerate the waste decomposition process.

Arrangement of a cesspool system of brick

The scheme of work is as follows:

The initial stage of performance will be the choice of a plot for the pit. At the same time, it is necessary to meet all the recommendations of specialists, and to do everything so that the use of the pit was convenient.

After that, you need to choose one of the design options. Distinguish them in shape, there are rectangular, round and square species. The next volume is calculated, and you can start digging the pit under the cesspool.

IN traditional option They advise to make a slope to the side where the hatch will be located, it is necessary to pour sand onto the bottom and pour it with cement. You can also apply concrete plates. But if you need a pit without pumping, then it is necessary to pour rubble on the bottom.

After that, laying walls. The masters believe that the optimal thickness will be the size of 30 centimeters. They also advise to make masonry with a chess method using halves of bricks. In some situations for masonry, a quarter of a brick is applied.

When the walls are already standing, they should be covered with bitumen mastic or make a clay castle for better sealing. If necessary interior surface You can plaster.

Celebration pit from barrel

This version of the cesspool can be made independently, it does not need regular pumping. But it is worth noting that the cesspit from the barrel can only work with a small amount of wastewater (up to 1 cubic meter per day).

Phased arrangement:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to prepare a barrel and a volume of 200 liters. It is better to use those materials that are not terrible rust. In the walls of the container, it is necessary to make holes, they will perform the function of drainage. It is necessary to make holes on the chess system, for this you can use a drill or a grinder. The distance between the holes should be 15-20 centimeters.
  2. By the bottom of the tank hermetically attach the nozzle, it will help to install a drain pipe. In order for the design to be truly hermetic, it is better to use silicone materials. The location where the nozzle is installed also should be treated with mastic.
  3. Capacity should be wrapped with geotextiles and secure it with the help of the twine. This will help protect the cesspool from entering the earth and other solid elements, but at the same time does not harm the drainage process.

Installing a cesspool from a barrel is done like this:

  • Initially, the trench is digging and paved sewage pipeline (necessarily with a slope);
  • Next, you need to pull out a pit that will be slightly exceeded the sizes of the barrel;
  • At the bottom of the pits, a layer of gravel or rubble (approximately 20-25 centimeters) is poured;
  • The finished barrel is installed on this pillow and joined a drain pipe;
  • The place that will remain between the walls of the pit and barrel should also be filled with rubbent;
  • In the end, the sewer tube must be attached to the nozzle.

With this method, you can equip a drain pit for different purposes. In particular, it is suitable for drainage drain from a bath or sauna, as well as for the toilet.

Concrete Drain Pit

Concrete is a material that is known for its strength and opportunity of work in aggressive conditions. Therefore, it is also used enough to arrange a cesspool system. Make a pit from such a material as follows:

  • Initially, it is necessary to determine the volume of the system;
  • After that, to roll out the pit taking into account the desired size;
  • On the perimeter of the pit is mounted formwork and filled concrete solution;
  • The outer part of the walls is advised to cover bitumen, it will provide waterproofing;
  • Drainage matters fall asleep on the bottom of the pit (gravel, rubbank or even broken bricks can be used;

  • On the walls of the prepared pit, rubberoid or film (for waterproofing) is stacked. In addition, you need to install overlapping with a hatch and make a hole for connecting sewer pipe;
  • The final stage of work will be joining cesspool sewer pipe.

Such a technology is also considered universal, it is suitable for both bathrooms and toilet.


Depending on the amount of water drained, you can choose the appropriate option:

  • the pit without the bottom (drain) is a suitable option to make drain in the bath;
  • hermetic cesspool - for large number effluors;
  • septic - for partial cleaning and drain drains.

What is better - a hermetic or drain cesspool?

If the daily amount of descending water does not exceed one cubic meter, you can use a drain pit. This is convenient, for example, when organizing a drain in the bath. It is enough to pull the hammer with a volume of 3 m³, put on the bottom of the pillow of 30 cm of sand and 50 cm of stones, strengthen its walls with brick, concrete, or even tires and close the hole.

If the water merges much more, she does not have time to leak and clean. Then you can make a fully sealed cesspool. Already ready-made containers, which can immediately be bought.

The only drawback of such a pit is a monthly waste pumping.

Septic - the best cesspool

If the amount of plum exceeds one and a half cubic meter per day, but order a monthly pumping of the pit is assigned, the optimal exit is septic in the private house. It is pretty well filtered waste, polluting the environment is much less than the usual outrageous place with the pit. For sale already ready-made systems that are enough to bury on the site, or it can be done completely independently.

Advantages and disadvantages of self-made septic

Septica made by do it yourself whole line Advantages over ready-made solutions:

The final cost is significantly lower;
+ does not require a large area for organizing a filtration field;
+ You can organize one septic tank into two houses;
+ Depending on the type of effluent, pumping is required once every few years;
+ Conduct complete cleaning every ten years.

But the disadvantages of such septic are also present:

- significant labor costs - alone with the device septica to cope problematic;
- time - fill in the formwork of cement and its hardening occupy about a month;
- Additional equipment - to simplify the process you will need a concrete mixer or a drill with a mixer.

Selection of space on the plot

Spept requirements are the same as a cesspool - no closer than 15 meters from the well and 30 m from the reservoir. At the same time, you should not forget about the neighbors - the distance to their well, too, should not be less. But to the house it can be installed almost close - 3 meters from the foundation with one-storey structure, and for 5 m - with a two-storey. In addition, the problem of the insulation of the drain pipe is solved - the more distance to the pit, the deeper will have to dig a trench and insulate the pipe.

Be sure to take into account the direction of ground and flood waters - they should not go from the septicity to the house or well. At the same time, to arrange septic tank at the bottom of the site is also undesirable - thaps and stocks will pour it. To protect the septic tank from flooding or raised above the groundwater level, it can be not completely injected into the ground, warming up the above-ground part to prevent freezing.

Step-by-step instruction how to make a pit-septic

After choosing a place for septic, work begins on its organization. It is necessary to calculate the required volume of the main chamber and the total size of the kittle. So, for four people, the main camera is required at least 150x150 cm, and for five-six - 200x200 cm. At the same time, the depth should be at least 2.5 m, but not deeper than 3 m. This is done for the convenience of the future pumping. The second, or drainage, the camera can not be less than a third of the main.

If there is a soul in the house and its daily use, the size of the cameras should be increased by another 50%. It is also better to leave a small margin, since the filling of the working chamber should not exceed 2/3 of the total per day. In addition, the drains in the working chamber must set a little, and not immediately overflow into the drainage chamber. The optimal amount of septic is the daily amount of water drained multiplied by 3.

  1. After determining the size of the chambers, markup is made and boiled meals. The upper fertile layer is removed - it can be used to cover the septic and the bed of the bed.
  2. The trench for the drain pipe is digging simultaneously with the pit. The slope of the pipe is 3 degrees per meter. To the masses are not stored, the pipe should be laid without straight and sharp corners.
  3. It is desirable to get to the sandy or soup soil. A sandy-gravel pillow is made on clay soil. First, 30 cm of sand is poured and tamped, and after - as much as the rubble of a fraction of 5 cm. Thus, for the septicity, a depth of 2.5 m will have to dig up with a depth of 3.1 m.
  4. The rest of the formwork is made on top of the pillow. Along the walls of the formwork one-sided - the second side is the earth.
  5. In the formwork at a minimum of 80 cm from the bottom, a drain pipe with a diameter of 100 mm is inserted. If it is above the fruit of the soil, the pipe must be insulated.
  6. A tee is inserted into the wall formwork between the cameras, through which the stooded water in the drainage chamber will merge. It must be 20 cm below the drain pipe.
  7. You can knead concrete both manually in a trough with a roof and a concrete mixer. To give a mixture of elasticity and frost resistance, you can add a tablespoon of the usual washing powder on each bucket of water.
  8. Concrete is poured into the formwork to be ahead with rubble and stones different sizeAnd the mixture itself is pinned, removing air bubbles. The pipe and the tee are flooded so that after removing the formwork around them there was a monolithic wall.
  9. As soon as concrete hardens, you can make the upper overlap. It is most convenient for formwork to use professional flooring. It is stacked so that it came into the walls of the septica to half - so that when pouring the roof and the walls are merged into monolith.
  10. A technical hatch is made with a diameter of 1m, around which formwork is installed. You need to make two holes above the cameras and insert pipes. In the main chamber - a pipe with a diameter of 100 mm and a feedback for pumping il, which does not reach the bottom of 20 cm. At the end of such a pipe, a vacuum reset hole is made. Insert the ventilation pipe with a diameter of 50 mm inserted into the second.
  11. The overlap is poured with a thickness of at least 15 cm with the obligatory addition of stone and plug. After hardening, the septic is covered with waterproofing and it can be completely filled with the earth, leaving only the technical hatch. In winter, the septic tank is not freezing through this hatch, it is covered with foam and covered with another lid.

Improved cesspool with their own hands ready to work. After some time, the bottom of the main chamber is styled, bacteria develop, increasing the filtration capabilities of the pillow, and in the second chamber, the final purification waters occurs.

And how to make a simple cesspool tells step by step on video:

Citizens, using the water supply, as a rule, do not think about where the exhaust water flows. But owners country houses The problem of waste disposal is often solved independently. Consider how to make a drain pit. After all, this particularly popular version of local sewage is the easiest, cheap and affordable for independent construction.

With the improvement of the house and the site, the first thing is made for the construction of water supply and sewage systems. As it is quite difficult to imagine a comfortable life if necessary.

Variants of the organization of the Warning of Waving A lot, but the easiest and therefore is very popular is the construction of a drain pit. Consider how to make a drain pit with your own hands without resorting to the help of professional builders.

Types of drain pits

With all its simplicity, the drain pit may have various design. Here are the most common options:

  • Hermetic pit.
  • Filtering pit.
  • Two-chamber pit.

Hermetic Yama

This variant of the local sewage device is the most secure for ecology, since all the drains of the house disappear into the hermetic sump and are there until the assessing agents are discharged.

Thus, there is no risk of contaminated water into soil and soil water, that is, the presence in the site of this type of sewerage does not affect environmental systems. The disadvantage of this wastewater disposal option is the need to regularly pump off the accumulated liquid.

Filtering drain pit

Build drain pits of filter type sanitary rules are allowed only if the volume of the flow rate per day is less than a cubic meter. If the wastewater is a bit, they manage to recycle through natural decomposition. This type of pits can be built for a bath, as well as for the house in which there is a separation of wastewater.

In the latter case, there are two sewage branches and two drain pits. The first (filtering type) transports the drains from the shower, from the washbasin, washing machinethat is, relatively clean. In the second (hermetic type) you should cross the drains from toilets and kitchens.

Two-chamber drain pit

Another practical solution to the problem, how to build a drain pit - the construction of a two-chamber installation. Consider the principle of such claiming:

  • The pit is two cameras connected in the top of the overflow.
  • The first chamber is a hermetic, the second filtering.
  • Stocks (undivided) come from the house in the first hermetic chamber, where mechanically separated, that is, simply defend. Solid inclusions are lowered to the bottom, and relatively pure water Plugs into the second chamber.
  • From the second chamber, the water is filtered into the ground.
  • Waste accumulating in the first chamber should periodically pump out.

Tip! So that the drain pit can be cleaned less often, it is recommended to use special biopreparations. Bacteria are processed by the organic, reducing the amount of solid waste.

Construction planning

Before making a drain pit, you should draw up a construction plan. It should be decided on the type of facilities, choose the place of construction and determine the required amount of tanks.

How to determine the volume of drain pit?

The main indicator on which the volume of the drain pit will depend on the intensity of the use of a residential site. It is clear that the house needs a more voluminous pit than for giving.

Tip! Of course, the volume of effluent is better to determine individually, but there are generally accepted norms. So, for a family of three permanently residing in the house, a pit with a capacity of 6 cubic meters should be built.

When determining the volume of the reservoir, the following factors should be taken into account:

  • Accessibility of services of the assessing agents.
  • The volume that the assessing equipment can pump up at once.

Where to locate the drain pit?

  • Soil waters should lay down deep enough, since the minimum depth of the pit is two meters.
  • If the source of drinking water is located nearby, then you should place a hole at a distance of at least 30 meters from it.
  • The cesspool can not be placed on the slope.
  • It should be provided for free travel for pit maintenance.
  • It is impossible to have a pit near the house and the fence of the neighboring site. The minimum distance to housing is five meters.

In a word, choose a place for construction is quite difficult, especially if the site is already equipped. However, to retreat from the rules listed above is impossible.

Selection of material for construction

For the construction of hermetic pits, the following materials are used:

  • Concrete solution. A formwork is built into which the solution is poured. The wall thickness and bottom should be at least 7 cm, it is desirable to perform reinforcement using a steel grid.
  • Plastic containers. This is the least laborious option. Prepare a pit, in which the finished plastic container is installed.

Tip! To exclude the possibility of deformation of containers under the action of the soil pressure, as well as its pop-up during spring floods, it is recommended to perform concreting walls and the bottom of the pit. In concreting, the bottom is placed by special fastening loops, which are tied with plastic tank with polymer belts.

  • Concrete rings.
  • Ceramic brick.

When choosing two recent optionsIt is necessary to conduct additional measures to seal seams. To do this, brickwork (or joints between rings) from the inside is processed by a solution, the bottom of the pit is concreted.

Additionally, the walls are coated with a bitumen solution, and the outside is tinted (20cm) with a layer of oily clay. And the better to put a drain pit if the filter version of the sewage treatment plant is built? There are no options. Perfect:

  • Brick. The walls should be lay out so that five percentimeter gaps located in a checker order remain between the rows.
  • Rings are reinforced concrete. Manufacturers specially produce rings for the construction of drainage wells, they have perforation. If you could not buy such rings, the holes in one-piece products can be done on its own, using the perforator.
  • Old car tires. From this girlfriend, you can easily collect a drainage well. Tires put one over another, cutting off the pre-lower rim on each of them.
  • Old plastic or metal barrels. For the construction of the pit use a barrel without the bottom, while in its lower part, a series of holes are performed for better water filtration.

Stages of building a drain pit

Consider how to properly make a drain pit under the condition for independently performing work:

  • Construction begins with the preparation of pit and tranches for laying the supply pipeline.
  • The pit should have a greater depth than the planned depth of the drain pit, since the drainage pillow is arranged at its day.
  • The drainage pillow is performed, pouring the sand and rubble layer, each layer is highly tamped.
  • If the pit is sealed, the height of the layers can be 10-15 cm. On top of the draining pillow, or put the finished reinforced concrete slabOr perform a concrete screed.
  • If a filter pit is built, then the crushed stone layer should be at least 20 cm so that the drains are better clean and the bottom is not longer.
  • Next, the walls of the reservoir are strengthened, that is, brickwork is performed, concrete rings or plastic containers are installed, depending on the selected construction material.
  • If a hermetic reservoir is built, then after the end of the strengthening of the walls, their waterproofing is produced.
  • At this stage, the supply pipeline is connected to the receiving tank. The connection of the pipe with a container should be sealed, but not tough so that it does not collapse under the action of soil movements. It is convenient to use rubber couplings.

  • At a distance of approximately 40 cm from the surface of the Earth, the overlap is arranged for the pit. As a rule, it uses a finished reinforced concrete plate with a hole under the hatch. If desired, such a slab can be solely and independently, previously installed the formwork.
  • Alternatively, thick boards can be used for the ceiling of the overlap, but in this case, it will be less durable.
  • In the overlap must be made by hatch to check the filling of the pit and pumping its contents.
  • It is advisable to install on the lid and the ventilation pipe. Indeed, in the process of waste decomposition, various gases are formed, including methane, which is explosive. Therefore, it is better to provide for the possibility of conducting.
  • From above, the overlap can be covered with soil. Soil must be poured with a holloch to eliminate the flow of rainwater.

So, if the location of local sewage is planned, the construction of a drain pit is one of the simplest, but, at the same time, comfortable and practical options. The beginners in the construction business will not hurt to visually see how to make a drain pit - video describing the stages of work can be found on the sites of construction subjects.

People seek to go beyond the megapolis, to the country to be closer to nature, fresh air and earth. But there they wait for one unpleasant discovery - the lack of familiar urban amenities, one of which is sewage. Not centralized systemtraditional for the city, so for comfortable accommodation It is necessary to lay pipes for wastewater and get acquainted with such a concept as a drain pit in a private house.

The principle of working dacha sewage

Modern cottage is radically different from the village houses of the last century. The household citizens replaced the dysphemny toilets in the courtyard in the yard with convenient toilets, installed shower cabins, baths, washing and dishwashers. The question arose: where should the dirty used water drain?

So an elementary sewer system appeared: a set of removal pipes that lead to the drive installed on cottage plot Outside the building. Different structures can be as a drive: expensive station biological purification, a simpler device is a septic tank or a cesspool, known from the Dedovsky times. Waste and wastewater across the pipes fall into the drive, from where they are taken from different periodicity from different periodicity.

Regular pumping of the contents of the suture pit is a prerequisite for its use. The only way to efficiently clean the drive is a challenge of assessing

Most of the holidaymakers, especially spending in the country only summer vacation, dream of installing the appropriate drive quickly and cheap. Perfect option In this case, the drain pit with their own hands. For its construction, it will take several days and minimum costs - mostly, the rebunny material: bricks, boards, cement.

Calculation of the volume of the drive

Before chopping, it is necessary to determine its dimensions, as well as an approximate sewage volume. It is believed that 0.5 m³ from the total pit should be selected for each tenant. But you need to take into account the unnecessary calculation of water consumption during water procedures and use household appliancesTherefore, for a family of 4 people, a tank is required at least 6 m³.

The tilt of the base of the pit towards the arrangement of the hatch is necessary for a complete pumping of uncleaning by the assessing equipment - specially provided by the hose, which is lowered to the bottom

The dimensions of the structure depend on the volume of incoming drains, but there are certain boundaries. For example, the depth of the dacha drain pit should not exceed three meters, otherwise the associate equipment simply cannot cope with cleaning. The width is usually 1-1.5 m, the length is 2.5-3 m.

Attention! The soil level must exceed the level of filling the pit at least 1 meter. This is a kind of insurance from the spill of wastewater beyond the boundaries of the pit.

Choosing a suitable construction site

It is important not to be mistaken in choosing a location. The question arises: how to properly make a pit for a drain pit, so that sanitary standards are not violated?

The diagram shows the approximate location of the drain drive relative to residential house, water source and closest obstacles

There are a number of rules:

  • The minimum distance from the house to the drive is 5 m.
  • The distance to the nearest water source is 30 m or more.
  • The pit should be in the open space, not fenced with buildings or fence.
  • The prerequisite is a good access road for the assessing machine.

It is necessary to consider the drain pit as an object of increased danger, so the playground and recreation facilities should be located on the other side of the house.

Example of the construction of a brick pit

Stage # 1 - Earthworks and base

Digger is a heavy and laborious process, so if possible, it is better to use the excavator. The most convenient form is considered rectangular or square, but you can also meet the pit and cylindrical configuration. During the coppe, follow the condition of the walls: they should be even and sprinkled.

If you did not have to do before brick masonry, it is better to choose a building rectangular shape: straight walls and corners easier to form

The features of the drain pit device are largely dependent on the material. Consider in more detail the construction of a red brick drive with a concrete bottom.

The bottom of the tank should be given a small slope toward the hatch - for effective cleaning. Nizhny layer - 15-centimeter sand pillow, then layer of concrete, in conclusion - cement-sand screed.

Attention! Instead of a multi-layer base, a reinforced concrete plate can be installed on the bottom.

Stage # 2 - Construction of walls

Material for the construction of walls is a red brick, a laying solution - a mixture of sand and clay, which will later play the role of plaster. Masonry produced traditional way - with a brick shift half in the next row. Minimal thickness Masonry - 0.25 m. Brick walls partially produced, but how to make a drain yam hermetic? And very simple - it is necessary to use bituminous mastic or similar waterproofing solution.

In the construction of the pit uses a long staircase and any useful sweater material, such as boards and beams, remaining from the construction of the house

Attention! Mastics based on bitumen covers only absolutely dry walls.

Stage # 3 - Setting

The strongest is the overlap of reinforced concrete. Wood and plastic will not fit, as they have too little service life. It is better if the upper part of the structure is blocked from the sides of 0.3 m. The hole for pumping should be positioned at the top, but not in the center, but on the side of the base. Design for concrete overlap Created in several stages. The first layer of the solution is poured (5-7 cm), then iron bars are placed on it, top with the second layer of concrete. When the overlap fully solids, it must be masked: to cover with thick film and pour into the soil. From the Earth, only Luke should be visible.

On the surface of the earth, only the hatch lid remains visible. It can be made of concrete, plastic or metal

As you can see, a drain pit of a brick is easy to make enough elementary skills on the masonry and processing of walls.

Advantages and disadvantages of the structure

The advantages of the drain reservoir include the following factors:

  • Ease of installation and maintenance. A pit can be digging and ennoble independently, and it is enough to call for its cleaning.
  • Independence of the installation from the type of soil. In sandy soil, a clay castle is used for greater strength.
  • Protection of groundwater from pollution. Concrete bottom and brick walls prevent the penetration of wastewater into the ground, but if they are fading - soil bacteria will cope with cleaning.

Before digging up the cumulative drain pit, the negative sides should be considered. One of the tangible trouble is a periodically emerging smell of unclean. Regular cleaning will help eliminate this problem.

Well-equipped, connected directly to the waste pit Road - a guarantee of high-quality cleaning. The construction of the road is better to engage in the construction stage

It is necessary to get used to frequent visits to the assessing agents - 1-2 times a week. Only with frequent cleaning the pit does not casing. The service life of the brick drive is not more than 15 years, since the masonry under the influence of water slowly collapses. If for some reason the cesspool will cease to arrange, it is possible to establish a more functional septic tank that produces mechanical and bacteriological treatment of wastewater.

Today, country developers are used to collect sewers. Different structures and designs. And the simplest option is a cesspool. In fact, this is a well, which is connected by a pipeline with a house and other buildings (bath, garage, and so on), where the waste water and sewage is going. The scheme of a cesspool in a private house is quite simple, because there are no complex building elements in it. But if it is competent, it will serve a cesspool sewer system a very long time.

Where to dig it

Location of the pit - very important criterion proper approach To the construction of sewage in a private house. Here you need to consider two main indicators:

  • distance from home and other buildings on the country site;
  • free access of the assessing machine, if the pumping of uncleans will be carried out with its help.

As for the first indicator, in this case the cesspool is determined by SNiP, which is clearly indicated, as and where it should be located.

  • From the foundation of the private house (and from neighboring also) the distance should not be less than 5 m.
  • From the fence of at least 1 m.
  • From the wells and wells for water within 20-50 m. The distance is large enough, because SNiP negotiates different types Soils that may be on the country site. For example, for clay soil It is 20 m, for soup 50 m.

Attention! The depth of the well is also specified by the norms. This dimensional indicator may be any, the main thing is that the bottom of the pits were above the level of groundwater per 1 m.

Scheme of a cesspool

Volume of cesspool

It is clear that the more cesspool, the less it will have to be cleaned. But a huge well requires significant labor and material costs, therefore it is worth accurately calculating its required volume. First of all, it is necessary to understand that the cesspool, although the national team is, that is, sewage drains are assembled into it, but we need to take into account that part of the water will penetrate the soil in the underlined water layers. And since on country areas The soil can be different, then its filtering properties will be very different from each other. For example, on clay soils, this indicator will be less than on sandy.

But there is a standard amount of cesspool based on one person, which is 0.5 m³. If four people live in a private house, you will have to dig a hole with a volume of 2-2.5 m³. True, it is necessary to take into account the fact that over time the sewage structure will be clogged with oil and fat deposits, which will reduce the filtration capacity. Therefore, optimally, if the calculated volume is increased. For the house in which the same four people live, it is better to build a cesspool with a volume of 6-7 m³. Moreover, the challenge of the assessing machine is equally, in independence, it grows its full tank or half.

PUB structures do it yourself

So, the location is determined, the volume is calculated, you can start construction work. But before this it is necessary to decide on the device of a cesspool. It will be just a well in the ground, or it will be a design laid out by some carrying building material. For example, from brick or concrete.

If a a private house Small, and 2-3 people live in it, then you can do the first option. Although no one does, because safety requirements, as well as the norms of sanitation require a special approach to the construction of cesspools. Therefore, it is worth considering the options of sewer wells made with their own hands from different building materials.

Pit from reinforced concrete rings

It is very easy way Build a cesspool with your own hands. As mentioned above, its volume is determined, the depth of groundwater level is determined, and after that a pit is digging under reinforced concrete rings.

The height of the concrete rings varies within: 10-100 cm. But most often used concrete products Little 90 cm. The diameter is also different. It will help to correctly select concrete elements under the required volume of the well, given its depth. For example, if the depth of groundwater shut is 5 m, then the rings with a height of 90 cm can be set to a depth of 4 m. Choosing their diameter equal to 2 m, you can install four rings. The volume of such a cesspool will be almost 8 m³, which is for a private house in which 5-6 people live, normally.

Celebration pit from concrete rings

Reducing or increasing the size of concrete rings, you can select the required volume of the well, while take into account the complexity of the work done. Than more diameter Rings, the less will have to go deep into the ground, but digging the pit is wider.

Celebration pit from concrete rings - the structure is difficult in terms of the possibility of installing construction elements with their own hands. Here, without a lifting crane, it is not necessary, and it is his services that increase the cost of building a sewage well.

How to install.

Attention! Mounting hermetically rings do not need each other. The more gaps, loose ads, the better than water will be discharged into the ground.

Brick pit

Celebration pit of bricks is the most difficult structure, so country private developers are increasingly abandoning it. Poles to everything, the brick under the action of sewage drains quickly comes in disrepair, requiring replacement.

And yet brick cesspools still use. How to build it properly.

As for the lid of the cesspool of this design, you can use different options. For example, pour it with your own concrete solid. For what exactly the formwork is made right on Earth. Be sure to fall down a metal sheetwhich is wetted by spent technical oil. Inside the formwork, you need to lay a metal reinforcing frame from fittings or wire. You can lay metal grid. It is important that Armokarkas is located in the middle of the cover in the thickness. Everything is ready, a concrete solution is poured. Be sure to form in the formwork of the hatch and a hole for ventilation.

Poam lid from concrete with their own hands

You can fill the cover from concrete right at the place of its installation. For this, again, formwork is collected on top of the cesspool. In this case, the lower metal sheet will become fixed, that is, it will remain there forever. The reinforcing framework also stacked, and all the construction is poured with concrete.

The lid can be made with their own hands from boards, metal. You can purchase a reinforced concrete cover, however, it will be necessary to install it with a lifting crane.

Sealed cesspool

Exists great amount Sealed sewer wells, which simply inside themselves collect estones overlooking the private house. For example, the same cesspool of the concrete rings (with their own hands assembled). To make her hermetic, it is necessary to set a deaf bottom or pour with a concrete solution. Rings are used with a lock, which is necessarily fastened with a solution and bitumen mastic. No cracks, gaps and other loose ads.

The same applies to the cesspool of a brick, the walls of which are placed on both sides and are covered with bitumen mastic. Experts recommend outside to make a clay castle, this is when the surface of the brick wall is cooked clay mortar Thickness at least 5 cm.

Cesspool of eurocubs

But there are methods much easier. One of them is to install a finished hermetic container. It can be made of metal or plastics. The second option is better in terms of price and simplicity of installation, because large plastic tanks weigh a bit, and two or three people will be able to install them.

Some small containers, for example, the Eurocup, can install one person. Their volume is 1 m³ or 1.25 m³. It is better not to put them on each other, because under the mass of the lamination, the lower can not withstand the load and burst. Therefore, they are installed consistently with a slight displacement in depth, which makes it possible to organize a flow from one tank to another. Plastic perfectly copes with all natural loads, it does not rot, does not rust, so plastic containers Exploited almost forever.

You can purchase on the market and ready-made plastic containers specifically for cesspools. They can have a horizontal or vertical form with different thickness Walls. Their price is acceptable, so buy it and install independently - not a problem.

Concerning metal structures, often cesspools are going out of several metal barrels volume of 200 liters (0.2 m³). Their quantity is adjusted for the required volume, after which they are welded with each other, having pre-cutting the bottoms and the lids (in two barrels: the first and last one one end is left). Cooked design can fit vertically or horizontally.

Celebration pit made of metal barrels

The only drawback of metal barrels is their thin wall and metal itself, which, under the action of sewage, quickly comes in disrepair. Therefore, internal and external surfaces The reservoir assembled must be able to hydroize, using bitumen mastic applied to several layers.

Pipe connection

Before starting to build a cesspool with their own hands, it is necessary to carry out a sewer pipeline that will connect the house and the well. Most often for the construction of the pipeline use plastic pipes diameter 110 or 200 mm. There are two very important momentswhich affect the correct installation of the sewage network.

  1. The pipeline must be labeled below the level of the fruit of the soil or it will have to be insulated.
  2. It is necessary to withstand the exact bias from the house to the cesspool, which will allow to drain sewer shakes Self.

In some regions, the level of primer of the soil is very large (for example, up to 1.5-2 m), so the pipe remains to warm. Thermal insulation options are a huge amount. The easiest and cheapest - use mineral Watwhich is winding the pipeline, and on top stacked waterproofing material: Film or membrane (better in two or three layers). You can use insulation in the form of cylinders. Also a simple option, but more reliable than the first.

Warming of sewer pipe

As for the angle of tilt the tubular sewer system, that is, the standard values \u200b\u200bthat are defined by the bottom. It is 2-3 cm for one raman meter The length of the sewage site. It is impossible to do less than 2 cm, because the water will drain under the same angle, and the unclean will be linger in the pipe. Above 3 cm is also not recommended, because the speed of water movement will increase, which will slip quickly, and the uncleans behind it simply will not have time. These slope values \u200b\u200bare used for pipes with a diameter of up to 110 mm. The larger the diameter, the less you can install their tilt. For example, for pipes with a diameter of 160 mm, the slope is 8 mm, for 200 mm - the angle of inclination is 7 mm.