How to close the joints. How to close the seam between the plates on the ceiling? Video: Repair of seams between overlap plates

When repaired in the apartment, one of the most complex sites is the ceiling. Due to the shrinkage of the house, seedings or movement of the soil between the ceilings, cracks of different depths are formed. Create beautiful view The interior with the slits in the ceiling will not succeed, therefore, the seams between the slabs of the overlap will have. The procedure is performed manually, but has a number of features.

Tools and materials

Seaming seams on the ceiling will require the preparation of the tools and material. They should be prepared before the start of ceiling work with plates.

Spatula with flexible elastic blade

What to close the seams on the ceiling between the plates? For this type of work requires:

  • primer deep penetration, it is better . Soil is intended to improve adhesion concrete surface and the material that planned to close the gaps;
  • cement brand NC, it is used to eliminate deep recesses. The main difference from the standard composition is the ability to expand and fill the holes in the process of frost;
  • for wide gaps, thermal insulation material will be useful, filler serves construction foam, polyurethane or foamed polyethylene;
  • shtclow with elastic material (latex);
  • sealant;
  • reinforced grid with a width of 4-5 cm if the crack width allows you to put the metal base inside;
  • start and finishing shtquet.

Processing the ceiling, like the floor, walls, you will need basic electrical appliances. The type of tool depends on the technologies of seams of seams, usually enough:

  • various values \u200b\u200bof spatulas;
  • metal brush;
  • pulverizer;
  • building knife;
  • perforator, it is easy to replace a drill with a shock mode;
  • emery paper.

What instruments will be useful to us

Before close the joints of the plates on the ceiling, you should take care of individual security: glasses for eye protection, respirator, comfortable gloves and overalls.

How to remove seams on the ceiling: preparatory stage

Before pressing the seams on the ceiling, it is important to carry out the stage of preparation of the coating. The surface should be solid, primed. Any coatings with weak fixation better remove: old shplanke, paint, wallpaper, cement, lime, etc.

Seaming seams plates overlap better clean room (after wet cleaning). In order to achieve the best adhesion and the normal flow of mineralization of the working solution, it should be dry in the room. Upper the purified surface of the ceiling is applied soil.

Before moving to the application of the subsequent layer, it is important to wait for the frozen of the previous one. The amount of time depends on the temperature and type of material.

Work with a wide shame

If there are shallow cracks between the slabs of overlapping with a width of 3 cm better use the filler, the mounting foam.

Seam repair is quite a time-consuming work that you need to perform scrupulously, otherwise then bad job Will be visible

How to close the seam between the plates on the ceiling with a foam? For this:

  1. A mounting gun and foam filled with a hole.
  2. Expect foam drying, usually takes about 2-4 hours.
  3. Building knife All protruding parts are removed, it is better to make a remission of several millimeters for better grasp, but the depth should not exceed 5 mm.
  4. The deepening is treated with an elastic splock. It is convenient to use the material with 2 spatulas: narrow and wide. A mixture is stored on a wide tool, and a pinner is made by a narrow spatula.
  5. Shutters on the ceiling with a wide spatula, removing surplus and other defects.

Work with a wide joint

If you have to close the seam between the plates on the ceiling with a width of over 3 cm and relatively big depth, you should not apply foam.

Work algorithm:

  1. Filling a notch heat insulating material. For the goal, foamed polyethylene and polyurethane foam is suitable.
  2. Fixing the insulation using sealant, with maximum resistance to moisture.
  3. After sealing the crack, the slit is close to the CEMENT of the NC, but leave a small groove with a depth of 5 mm.
  4. After complete frosting of cement from above, a latex variety of shtaplovka is applied, it align the plane of the plate.
  5. The spatula eliminate the excess layer of pre-putty and smash as much as possible.

Instead of foam to close in deep cracks, you can take glue for ceramic tiles

Work with deep and narrow butt

Close up narrow, but deep seams between overlap plates are better than a similar method as in the previous case.

How to close the seams on the ceiling between the plates? This sequence of work is:

  1. A sealant is applied to a slice of insulation, it is placed inside the grooves. The material should be tightly shook into the recess.
  2. After high-quality tamping, the insulation should remain about 1 cm deep for making the Cement of the NC. It is important to leave the recess of 5 mm.
  3. On frozen cement mortar They apply a latex putty, they are aligned with a spatula.

The following steps

Seaming seams between panels does not end in previous steps. It is important to perform the entire processing complex so that defects are not manifested in the future. Otherwise, when the soil moves, the base of the building seams of the overlap will crack, all work will be vain.

The cause of the appearance of the slots can be the incorrect calculation of the load on the design or neglect of construction technology, which is why the building gives shrinkage. It is important at the construction stage of the house to consider the weight of insulation of the house and lay the water supply in advance to prevent destruction carriers and foundation subsequently.

Latex putty. To close the seams, it is such a putty

The protection of the joints between the slabs of the ceiling of destruction is performed in stages:

  1. Wait for the pouring of the latex putty, complete drying takes about 2 days.
  2. Preparation for recessing. Apply the starting layer of the putty, it is placed with a small protrusion for the edges of 4-5 cm.
  3. A reinforcing grid is pressed into the material, the roller is suitable or a narrow spatula.
  4. The spatula is passing along the putty to remove excess.
  5. After the material is frozen, the surface should be treated emery paper With small or medium grain.
  6. The re-applying of the starting putty will help create an ideal plane, stripping performed fine-grained emery.
  7. The finishing plated coating is applied from above.
  8. After frozen, repeatedly processed by sandpaper.
  9. The final stage is painting or pasting the ceiling.


If parallel with the sutured seams on the ceiling there is a significant slope in any direction, it is worth aligning it. The best way is the plaster formulations, the installation of the mesh is preceded by the installation. All working surface Covered with ground concrete contact, in its composition there are solid, large particles to improve adhesion with concrete. To cover the ceiling prepared composition of cement with plaster.

Seams on the ceiling most often close up simultaneously with the repair of the entire ceiling

Close up hole

Due to ignoring construction rates on the ceiling, a marriage may appear, one of the most dangerous - hole. Grinding ceiling seams Between the plates is performed by one of two methods.

The first way:

  1. A brush with an elongated handle is performed cleaning the hole from the inside.
  2. It is important to remove the rash dust by creating a solid grip, for this, the pulverizer with the soil is thoroughly sprayed the entire surface.
  3. Inside the mounting foam is blown in.
  4. After complete pouring, plots with excess material with a sharp knife are cut.
  5. Cut the recess in the form of a cone with a height of 4-5 cm.
  6. The deepening is close to the cement of the NC brand and wait for the simplicity of the material.
  7. The surface is aligned with a layer of shovetkes, and the sulfur grid is stacked.
  8. Subsequent operations do not differ from the seams of the seams on the ceiling between the plates.

There is a second method of sealing stoves of floor slabs with holes:

  1. Create an improvised frame, which is addicted to the hole, is placed inside the defective area. You can use any metal wire.
  2. Fake fixation is performed using a sealant, it is better to use the maintenance of plumbing and walls wet premises. If the purpose of the material is wet walls, the application for repairing the ceiling more often leads to a better result.
  3. After frozen in the cavity, the lattice is obtained, it will provide a strong fixation of the solution.
  4. The mixture of the NC solution is prepared, you can use the classic composition, but it is better to add an additive that will improve the decaying of the solution. So that cement does not fall on it back to the bottom of the plywood.
  5. Phaneur from the bottom is fixed by the backup, it will hold the cement in the desired position until drying.
  6. The wooden shield is removed only after the frozen, then the finish finish is carried out.

The most important thing is to strictly observe the sequence and be attentive

Bug between wall and ceiling: Methods of sealing

It is characteristic of the presence of not only notable joint defects between the slabs of the overlap, but also the walls. It will not be possible to separately separate the surface without eliminating cracks.

  • construction foam;
  • gypsum solution;
  • synthetic style;
  • plate for outdoor work.

The easiest and most effective material is a foam, which in the process of frosting expands and fills emptiness.

If the jokes are quite large, it is worth taking care of further protection against cracking. Preventing the appearance of cracks will help the reinforcing mesh, alternative materials - cotton, linen fabrics that are soaked in adhesive solution. Fabrics are stacked over the hole. On the final stage The layer of plaster is stacked.

What to do if joints are visible on the ceiling: final surface alignment

Regardless of the method of deleting defects, it is important to create a high-quality finish coating. Abrasive mixtures are used to align the surface.

The process of applying latex putty

To create an ideally smooth and smooth surface, it is recommended to use Flizelin. It is placed on the ceiling until the finish layer of the putty. The material contributes to the elimination of small irregularities.

It is important to cover the ceiling of the ground after the final layer of alignment, it will help prevent the destruction of the coating and increase the durability of the plated layer. Now you can paint the ceiling, sack or blame.

Building construction and creating an attractive appearance is a comprehensive task that requires accounting for many factors:

  • creating a reliable base will prevent the appearance of cracks at the corners and between slabs of overlaps. Before it is important to carefully spend preparatory work: Study of the soil, studying the level of soil freezing, creating proper marking and tamping surface. Provides a service life up to 150 years, only when the laying technology is followed;
  • to preserve heat in the room it is necessary to eliminate the leakage of thermal energy through the floor. One of best ways - ;
  • in multi-storey houses It is better to study the plan for the slab of the overlap, it will help determine the potential vulnerable designs and eliminate them at the repair stage;
  • in the construction of housing it is better to use composite concrete, it is distinguished by high technical characteristics and is absolutely safe for health;

  • working with concrete during the cold season with the standard composition of cement is unacceptable by the manufacturer, but not all companies are ready to stop construction for the winter. So is it possible to pour concrete in winter? - Yes, but it will takes the addition of special mixtures into the composition or electrical heating of concrete;
  • if it is planned to build a house of aerated concrete, be sure to reinforce every 2-3 rows. Lay fittings inside block recesses that creates a strokeshes for aerated concrete;

Holes of various dimensions are supposedly supplied with the proper compliance with technology. It is recommended to choose one of existing ways Elimination of ceiling defects, they are easy to use and durable.

As a rule, the floor in the apartment in different premises are separated by various materials on the qualities and physical properties. Most often, your choice is stopped on a ceramic and laminate. At the same time, of course, the outbreaks of the transitions are inevitably appear - jokes of tiles and laminate.

You can dock the tile with laminate with one of the following ways:
A flexible profile of aluminum or PVC;
N-shaped aluminum or brass profile;
Flat aluminum threshing.
Docking flexible profile

Before mounting the jack between tiles and a flexible profile laminate, it is necessary to value the degree of load specifically to this section of the floor. For example, if the transition is located in the zone between the hallway and the adjacent room, the load on the threshold will be high. Therefore, on this site, the flexible profile of aluminum is optimally mounted. At the same time, the transitions between the bathroom and the corridor are better to make a flexible profile from PVC. On this site constantly increased humidity And the transition from aluminum can start oxidizing and prematurely collapsed.

A flexible stying profile consists of two parts: a fixed base in the form of the letter "P" and the upper decorative lid in the form of the letter "T". Mounting the transition to this method must be provided in advance. That is, when cladding with tiles and laying of laminate, there are no seams of at least 20 mm between the materials, since the standard width of the P-shaped base is 14 mm. The remaining 3 mm on the edge of each vertical base shelf perform the function of the damper gap.
Initially produce accurate measurement of the future outdoor compound. If the transition between different materials has not even, but, for example, a trajectory curve, then it is measured using an ordinary thread. The thread is laid out on the trajectory curve, after which the thread is stretched and the length of the roulette is measured. Next, the workpiece with a small grinder is cut off from the flexible profile. Mounting the connection starts with a sacking of self-adhesive damper ribbon back side P-shaped profile.
After the pasting in the P-shaped base, with a step of 10-15 cm, the holes with a diameter of 6-8 mm are drilled. Further, the base is placed exactly at the place of its attachment and the pencil through the holes produce marks on the surface of the screed. In the future, the markup is marked in concrete screed At a depth of 5-8 cm with a shock drill with a winning drill in the cartridge. Next, the P-shaped base is mounted to the screed using anchor spacer dowels. After that, by hand, a T-shaped decorative profile is inserted into the P-shaped base from above.

Advantage this method: Over time, the transition can wear out, but when it is repair, it will not be necessary to produce any mounting work. It is enough to manually remove the worn decorative plug and install a new lid in its place to the base.
The minus of the method: if the warm floor of the electric thermomatons is mounted in the transition area, it is impossible to fly into the screed.

Docking n-shaped aluminum profile

This type of transition is characterized by the fact that at the end of the work it turns out the joints of the tile and laminate without a clamping, well, or the flags will be completely insignificant, only 1.5-2 mm high. A n-shaped profile is mounted at the stage of laying a porcelain book on the floor. Putting on the glue and aligning the last series of porcelain stoneware on the level, the lower shelf of the H-shaped profile is placed in the glue layer. In this case, its upper shelf on 10 mm finds the surface of the floor tile.

If, when cladding the floor, the tile was missed, then to mount a n-shaped connection, it is necessary to clean the glue with a knife under the edge of the tile glue to a depth of 25-30 mm. Next of the seam obtained, the vacuum cleaner remove all dust and, on the surface of the seam they apply construction pistol Uniform layer liquid nails. Next, the aluminum transition is cut into size and is inserted under the tile directly through a layer of liquid nails.
The opposite lower shelf is attached to the screed or with liquid nails or spacer self-pressing. When liquid nails are well dried, produce laminate laying in such a way that it can come between horizontal profile shelves at a distance of at least 10 mm.

Plus this method: It is possible to make a junction of laminate and tiles almost without a clad.
The minus of the method: for the reliability of installation, still a better n-shaped transition to mount simultaneously with the laying of the last row of tiles.

Tile and laminate butt aluminum

Immediately need to say, we are talking about flat or slightly curved aluminum strainer with hidden fastening. It is not necessary to be confused with an open fastening beam, which is mainly mounted outside the apartment on open surfaces or steps lined with tiles.
According to the design, aluminum thresholds with a hidden fastener is a flat or a little curved profile, on the bottom side of which are located under the tilt to each other small shelves. To close the junction between the laminate and tiles with such a decorative weighting, it is necessary to initially cut it strictly according to the extinct size. Next, it is necessary to choose anchor screws with such a calculation so that when placing a self-press in the grooves, its hat was held between the bottom shelves.

If there are no such screws in the presence, they are manufactured independently. For this, it takes long screws, shorten their length and get a hat in a circle so that the self-tapping screw can be launched between the shelves.
At the next stage, at the place of installation, the hole in the screed drill holes with a diameter of 8-10 mm. The step between the holes should be no more than 15-20 cm. In drilled holes Empty spacer PVC tubes from anchors are clogged. Next to the lower groove the lights start required amount Self-timers. Each hand screws is unsolonged in a PVC spacer tube. At this stage, the thresholds and gugged screws must be located perfectly smoothly without distortion.
From above on decorative flags fit into several layers dry sexy rag, after which a wooden bar is placed on a rag. Next, the neat and smooth blows of the hammer on the bar are made of precipitate of the entire hole, while the self-tapping screws enter the spacer pipes and ensure proper installation. To make it easier to present this procedure, see the photo instruction on the sealing of the junction between laminate and laminate - everything is identical.
The advantages of this method are: sometimes about the thresholds are remembered very late and, for example, the gap between tiles and laminate is generally absent or makes up a couple of mm, this case is used by the corrosive.
Minuses of the way: only the coatings laid in one level can be allowed to be allowed, as you can make a joint that will close the tiles and laminate at different levels is technically impossible.

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To date, the laminate is the most relevant and in demand. outdoor coatingwhich is used in almost all rooms and rooms.

Nevertheless, use it in such rooms as an entrance hall or kitchen is not entirely practical and appropriate. For such rooms the best option will be ceramic tile. However, laminate in the kitchen can be used in the dining area, and the rest of the room is laid tiled. And the question arises here: how to close the bog between tiles and laminate (see video below)?

In order for the joke to look neat and beautiful, it needs to be highly hidden. Consider at the same time that the tiles and differ in the thickness. Consequently, they must be laid out on the same level to get a smooth transition. Do not forget to leave between laminate and tiled distance of 0.5 cm so that the tree from different temperatures and humidity can expand or shrink, while not damaging and do not swear.

Installation of browsing

The convenient and most popular way to seal the joint between tiles and laminate is the installation of the thresholds. For the same technology, any joints of floor materials can be closed, for example: between tiles and tiles. To date, you are offered a huge selection of thresholds. They are different by material: plastic thresholds, wooden boards, metal beams or aluminum and others. different species and colors. Consider more popular.

Wooden boards

Wooden boards are the most popular, as well as environmentally friendly and most beautiful. They are great for laminate. This can be noticed even by photo. However, with all this, they are inferior in flexibility by plastic threshing. And therefore they are not used with a wavy junction. I would also like to note that wooden springs are whimsally in operation and require special care.

Plastic bridges

For a wave-like joint, the flakmets are perfectly suitable. They are relatively recently on the market, but they quickly become popular and in demand. Warms are well bent, taking fit form and protecting the joint from dust and dirt.

Metal brewing

If you want to use more durable material For the clad, choose metal. Metal threshings are perfect for any interior, as you can choose the desired color of the material from the diversity presented in the market. Metal flags can be chosen in the color of laminate or tiles, as well as consider the color option of any interior elements and thereby emphasize the design. If there was a situation that laminate and tile lie at different levels, then in this case you can use a multi-level metal spawning, which will help smooth the difference.

Aluminum and rubber threshing

Aluminum thresholds are used mainly with smooth joints. And for wave-like joints, rubber threshings are better. Will not be much difficulty. This work can be made with your own hands and in just a few minutes. Just do not forget to leave 0.5 cm between materials. To secure the thresholds, it is necessary to make holes in the screed for screws. As a rule, they are sold complete with a spawning. It is enough to fasten the thugs with screws to be fixed.

Fastening of browsing

It happens that there are no screws in the kit. In this case, the flags between tiles and laminate can be secured in a different way. Immediately you need to fill the slot with silicone sealant so that dust and moisture fall into the gap. As an attachment of the thresholds, you can use fastening rails that are screwed by self-drawing to the screed. It is on the fastening rails then the threshings for laminate and tiles are attached. Alternatively, you can use liquid nails.

Flexible threshold or molding

To close wave-like joints different materials You can use the flexible boost. It is installed on a plastic profile with bulges, with which it is attached to the floor coating. Required additional fixation With the help of screws. So that the molding was more flexible, before installing it is worth omitting the flags in warm water For about 20-30 minutes.

Why use thresholds and moldings

The thresholds or molding is necessary to close the junction between tiles and laminate, and give it an attractive appearance. Also, the bellows prevent dust and moisture from entering, which will save your laminate from the inside. The threshings also hide the narrowing and expansion of the laminate. And also allows zoning space.

Common problem when performing repair -bog between tiles and laminatewhich is formed when connecting two coatings in different rooms or zones. Due to the difference in the thickness of the materials there is a small, but unpleasant step, which is necessary to somehow delete or arise.

In contact with

Why profitably combine materials

The need for such a compound is difficult to name indisputable, but in some cases it is indeed the only option for combining two materials . For example, if furniture or technique is used on legs that spoil the laminate, a warm floor is used, more efficient under tile. In addition, the combination is conveniently in the hallway to form an area in front of the entrance door with a more waterproof and easily purified coating, in the kitchen, where there is a risk of spill of water or boiling water.

Docking laminate and tiles gives the following features:

  • Zoning area with the formation of office and common space.
  • The ability to use different materials in color or texture, creating your own design solution.
  • Reducing labor costs and expenses for expensive tiles.
  • Education is more convenient for cleaning coverage in places of possible water or fat.

Should not forget about decorative meaning This compound. The ability to highlight and decorate certain sections of the floor allows you to create a stylish and fashionable element of the interior.

Cons of combined coating

Transition between tiles and laminate It does not always work well enough. The disadvantages of techniques include:

  • "Tallerness" of coatings, unnatural of flooring.
  • With a small area of \u200b\u200bthe room you have to cut tiles and laminate. Violation of the geometry of the material deprives the joint of an external accuracy, the result looks slight or unsuccessful.
  • The possibility of "steps", requiring any design or disguise.

Prices for laminate

What are views

Connection tile and laminate can be issued in different ways:

  • Straight joint. The border between two materials has the kind of a straight line.
  • Wave-shake. The border has a view of the line curve.

You can simply dock materials tightly or use one of the types of special thresholds, manufactured for such purposes.

Important: When choosing a type of joint, you should thoroughly think about the procedure, weigh your strength and skills, I also have a good idea how the result will look like. If the laminate can be changed quite simply, the tile will be glued to the floor, removing it and replace it will require certain efforts.

The direct connecting line looks neatly and allows the use of whole tiles or boards of laminate, which does not spoil their appearance.

This option is good in the rooms of a small area or when connecting coatings. different rooms (Typically, this is done along the door opening line).

In addition, with accurate work and compliance with the thickness of the materials possibletile and laminate buttthat simplifies work, making the connection is less noticeable.

In some cases, zigzag docking is used - the connection line passes along the end slice of the laminate boards laminated with the displacement. There is a connection with a large number of straight lines perpendicular to each other.

Wavely shake

The curvilinear connection of materials can be used in the premises of sufficient area so that the joint can be considered And evaluate the designer plan. Sometimes it is resorted to such a way, if necessary, to separate the zones of a complex configuration when it is more difficult to divide than on an arc. For example, if necessary, bypass pipes, beams, furniture or home appliances.

Decorativerailings between tiles and laminate Performs the function of the joint. The border between the coatings is filled with a certain composition, covered on top of a special profile or a profile is used, which is installed on top of the first coating, and the second is inserted into the profile groove, as a result of which there are no fasteners ( closed docking). In addition, there are thresholds consisting of two parts: the first (bottom) is installed in the joint between the coatings, and the second covers the joint from above, snaps into a special slot of the lower profile. There are also transition profiles intended for the design of multi-level joints.

Prices for decorative beams

decorative thresholds

Material for the manufacture of decorative thresholds can be:

  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • wood;
  • rubber;
  • laminate;
  • bung.

The use of a particular type is due to either the state of the already existing boundaries between the materials (for example, the need to somehow smooth out the existing "step"), or the method of forming the joint itself is selected under a certain type of spawning.

Attention! Choosing blank for floorThe features of the coating materials should be provided, the possibility of accurate and neat cutting or processing both materials.

Flexible bellows

Flexible beams are intended for registration of curvilinear tile joints with laminate. They are made direct, which allows them to use them both on curves and direct areas. Basically, aluminum profiles with teeth on the underside adjacent to the base are used. For bending, it is necessary to deepen them with a metal with a metal.Flexible threshold From PVC is capable of bending without additional processing, although some samples require heating to form an arc with a small radius. If it is supposed to use for an existing joint, you need to be sure that its width will be sufficient to install the profile.

How to make podiums

Podiums are made to zoning the space of the room, allocating a certain area intended for any purpose . The device of the podium clearly cuts off part of the room, creates a space that is perceived as a separate area. It does not require the construction of partitions or walls.

Podiums have one drawback - the height difference creates quite good placeTo stumble something, every member of the family or guest will be used.

It should also take into account the high risk of the installation of the podium in the kitchen, where operations with boiling water, hot dishes, cutting or sharp objects are made.

When creating Podiumthreshold between tiles and laminate It is not required because its role is played by the end part, lined with tiles (most often) or trimmed with sliced \u200b\u200bstrips of laminate. High end part can be decorated point lampswhich will be able to visually designate the border of the plots.

How to carry out the installation of materials without a thoring

If coatings are allowed in a straight line, you can try to connect them without additional elements. Long reflect onhow to dock a tile and laminate without a freegeNo need - you need to work hard to make a joint so that the gap between the two materials is minimal. Their edges must be qualitatively processed and neatly trimmed.

The gap between the coatings is usually filled with by any elastic material - liquid cork, sealant, foam. There are other materials, but for their use it is necessary to create an ideal width of the gap. For example, if the groove between laminate and tiles is stacked thin wooden railMounting is more correct to produce alternately - tile, rail, laminate (or in reverse sequence).

Prices for mounting foam

mounting foam

Elimination of clearance

The installation of coatings in the joint is made, if the thickness of the laminate and tiles are the same. The thickness difference is allowed to 2 mm. Both materials are carefully customized to each other to get the minimum width of the gap.

Ideally, he should not exceed the distance between adjacent tiles. Then, to fill the gap, you can use the same grout mixture (or fugu), which is between the tiles, combining both coatings into a single canvas.

In addition, it can be usedgrout for laminate, sealant or liquid cork.

What material is more suitable for connecting

The choice of the connection type is best to produce until the installation of the coatings is able to use any of the common docking agents. To connect coatings, it is customary to use:

  • straight metal threshold;
  • flexible metal or plastic thresholds;
  • cork compensator;
  • filling the gap by elastic solidifying compositions (foam, liquid cork, sealant);
  • using a fugue or grout.

In order to decide whichtile and laminate connector It is best in this case, you should carefully examine the gap and immediately exclude from the list of probable materials that will not be able to be used for any reason. Most likely, these reasons will be the uneven clearance or the inability to establish the main part of the profile.

From the remaining, you can choose the option with which it will be easiest to work. In this case, the result will be most successful.

Important!We must not forget about the need to create a deformation gap, otherwise, with heat expansion or swelling of the laminate, there will be an extension of the coatings along the joint line.

Installation of flexible profile

Flexible profile consists of two parts: comb and top visible part
(Actually damage).

When installing, you must first install a comb, which is a perforated strip with a lock for attaching the top and cutouts to be bent in needide (Hence the name - comb).

Her mount is made to chernovoy semi With the help of self-tapping screws through the mounting holes.

The upper part bends in the desired configuration, the lock is snapped into the rolling part of the comb. In order for the bending of the material to get better, did not break the castle, it is recommended to warm up the profile construction phenomenon. Work is better to produce together. The procedure is simple, but requires some skill. To begin with, it would be worth it to take off at an invisible place.

Installation of flexible metal profile

The metal profile is equipped with special "legs" - supporting platforms, between which there are cuts for bending. These paws should be started under one of the materials - tile or laminate. This is the complexity of installation. Opinions of specialists in this matter diverge - some advise puttingdocking profile for tiles and laminate Paws under the tile, others recommend first to put the tile, then set the profile with foot from the tile (under the laminate), and only then put the laminate, sticking it to the ends in the profile groove. Both options are good, but have their weaknesses.Before installing coatings, it is necessary to thoroughly think about which option will be most preferable to determine the procedure of action and only after that begin to perform work.

How is the installation of aluminum hole

There are two types of aluminum thresholds:

  • Open editing.
  • Hidden editing.

Installation of the browel open type Prost - it will be necessary to put it on the joint line, mark on the draft floor of the installation of the dowels (if there is no possibility to screw the screws in the floor), drill holes and fix the thresholds in place with screws.

Hidden installation is more complicated: it is produced either at the time of laying one of the coatings, mostly laminate, or after laying both materials in the existing gap.

To solve the issue,what to close the junction between tiles and laminate, A special aluminum profile can be used with a cable-channel, covered from above with a rubber insert, or a one-piece profile that is installed close to the edge of the tile with the insertion of the laminate ends in the profile groove. The installation order depends on the type of material. Basically, the profile is attached to the black floor on the self-tapping screw.

There are thresholds intended to correct the height difference between two materials. They are convenient if the tile or laminate differ significantly in thickness.

How to treat seam sealants and foam

Treatment of seam sealant or foam allows you to qualitatively fill the gap of the liquid solidifying substance. The process is simple - the gap between the coatings is neatly filled with the material from mounting pistol or your own cylinder. Good option For such a solution to the problem will beliquid Laminate and Tile jointsBut about it a little later.

The main danger when applying liquid mixtures is to enter the composition on the surface of the tile or laminate. In order to avoid this, you can save the edges of materials by painting scotch, and after hardening the composition neatly remove it.

Cork compensator between tiles and laminate - Collective name for two types of material:

  • the hardband from the plug, installed in the gap between the coatings;
  • liquid composition of cork crumb and sealant.

The installation of these materials is significantly different from each other. Installation of a solid strip is made after tile stickers, directly during laminate laying.

The cork strip is pressed against the edge of the tile sheet, and the laminate is close to it.

The most successful result will be with a straight line docking, as the fitting of the lines curves, in this case, will be a rather difficult event. The option is pretty simple and provides the necessary deformation gap, but some care and periodic cleaning will be required behind the cork band.

The liquid composition is poured into the gap between the coatings and is withstanding opening time For pouring. The height of the applied layer should not be above the tile or laminate, but if this happens, the line is polished or neatly cuts up with a sharp knife after soaring. Ideally, the layer of composition should be flushed with the plane of coatings and not to require any additional processing.

Docking tiles and laminate requires the use of a special material, the choice of which is better to produce in advance. To obtain a high-quality seam, it is necessary to study the properties of the material, the method of application, the installation order so that the corrections and alterations do not need.

About how to stick to the tile in the corners, knows every homemade craftsman, who first started facing. And only with experience is born to understand that in the construction of perfectly direct corners does not exist, and therefore laying of the tile is not at all as simple as it may seem at first glance. Over the years, true skill comes, and it turns out that ways to place both outer and the inner corner is not one, not two, but much more. And each of them has the right to exist, and may be the only true situation in a certain situation.

First of all - layout!

And the facing of any room with layout begins, as in typical apartments There are not only perfectly direct corners not only, but it is not perfect smooth walls. Master Tiler thoroughly freeze the room, evaluates the condition of the walls, floor, inspect the angles to select a method for designing each. It is from what method of docking the tiles in the outer and in the inner angles will be selected depends:

  • selection of a tool for performing work;
  • the number of tiles purchased over the norm pro reserve;
  • actually, layout itself.

Basic layout rules

The layout starts from the surface that will be most noticeable. For example, for the bathroom - this is a wall located opposite entrance door. It is laid out first, and then the walls adjacent to it. The temptation to start lining from the corner is great, but if it succumbs, almost guaranteed in the corners and under the ceiling will appear slit, sometimes width of several centimeters, which will have to be laid out with tiny trimming. As a result, the deviation of the wall from the vertical will be very noticeable, and the impression of the wizard will remain at the customer extremely negative. Therefore, making layout, you need to stick certain rules:

How to dock tiles in inner corners

Options to issue an internal angle quite a bit. You can do this in such ways:

  • with a patch (trim)
  • registration of the usual seam without additional details.

Corner design with a plastic profile

This option is used in internal vertical angles, as a rule, beginner masters. With the experience, it comes to understanding that the plastic part, rarely ideally coinciding in color with, rather hesitably, than the interior decorates. An exception to the rules is the use of trimes in the junction of the floor and wall coating. Here almost always the corner is appropriate and desirable. Do not like plastic corners In the bathroom and the hostess - for the fact that they are rapidly polluted, but it is much more difficult to care.

Simple pairing 2 rows tiles

Independent docking tiles in the inner corner has obvious advantages. First, the corner is decorated in this way look more organically, especially in small rooms. Secondly, this method does not require additional details that increase the repairs even more.

Of course, there is a simple pairing method and disadvantages. This is the professionalism of the master as prerequisite And the high probability of formation of cracks on the seam due to the natural tendency of the tile and narrowing and expansion. Especially often such a problem occurs when cladding plasterboard structures, but by brick Walls that's great rarity.

Prevention of formation of cracks serve:

  • the correct calculation of the width of the seam;
  • use in vertical inner angles of sanitary silicone.

Important! Registration of the inner corner without using a patch and without decoration of the seam is unacceptable! The result of this laying will be the black slot on the junction. Fix the appearance can be only silicone. But pick it up exactly in the tone of the grout is hardly possible.

How to dock a tile in the outer corners

There are many more ways to arrange an external angle. It:

  • use of trimov and;
  • technology trimming ends tiles at an angle of 45 °;
  • simple laying one row of tiles on the edge of the other;
  • the formation of an angle by grouting.

Method 1. Using angle-trim for laying out outer angles

Today, stores offer a wide range corner profiles For laying tiles. They are made of plastic, aluminum and even brass and can be the most different colors and sizes. The amount of the corner must be chosen, based on the thickness of the selected tile, which is usually 7, 9 or 11 mm.

Interestingly, in most European countries, trimes are used everywhere, due to the ease of the method of designing angles. In Russia, the mass fashion at the corners slowly, but correctly goes to a decline over a number of reasons:

  • the desire to be not like everyone else;
  • the small size of most apartments in which the extra details in the facing will crush the room, visually making it even less;
  • the briefness of plastic trimes, and their high tendency to pollution;
  • high cost of metal corners;
  • the emergence of new, more aesthetic methods of facing the outer angles.

Installing angle-trim

Installation decorative corner It is performed after one wall in the room will be fully lined. Then at the entire height of the angle using the mounting gun is applied silicone sealant. A smooth side of trim is applied to the already laid tile, and the grooves of the part remains freely on the adjacent wall. In the future, the tile is laid on this wall below, and the edge of the facing material is inserted into the groove of the corner. A day after the end of the work of the seam between tiles and trim are rubbed. Similarly, installation is performed decorative element And in the corners located horizontally.

Method 2. Subsum edge tiles at an angle of 45 °

If on the question "how to connect the tile in the outer corners?" The master replies: "Of course, at an angle of 45 °!" - Before you a real professional. Just because this method of novice is not on the teeth, because it requires experience, hardness of movements and a lot of time. In addition, it's not without good tool, namely angular grinding machine. Work is carried out with diamond Disc. If you need to cut a double firing tile, it is better to use the stanza-type stannel tile.

The disadvantage of such design is the fragility of the angle of the corner. It is worth only to knock on the edge of the masonry, and with a huge probability of the tile will have. However, the methods of the method are ready to put up with it, because no other way of registration of the angle does not give such a harmonious result: the beveled edges are perfectly joking with each other, and form an ideal straight angle with thin, barely noticeable gap.

Method 3. Laying one row of tiles on the edge of another

This reception is good for beginner masters, because it does not have anything complicated. First facing material One wall is completely laid out, then another, the extreme tile of which simply overlaps the edge of the tiles laid perpendicularly. Very often, this method of laying is chosen for laying tiles with relief, because in most cases it is chosen, yielding to the view that the seams, joints and irregularities of the walls will be not so noticeable on the textural surface. This is true, as the fact that relief is very difficult to docile in the corners.

Another kind of laying method is in disintegration: in the first row on top there is a tile of one wall, in the second - the other, and so on. Very often, this method is used when lining rooms. As a result, the masonry turns out deliberately negligent, most relevant in the interiors in the style of country or loft.

Method 4. Angle formation using grouting

Its essence: laying of tiles without trimming and without protrusion to the outer corner. The obtained gap is drawn up in the form of a semicircle with the help of grouting or other adhesive compositions. It must be recognized, the reception is still unpopular, both among the masters and among the customers. Although it allows you to solve a common problem: eliminate fragility exterior corner and prevent the seam cracking, especially common on plasterboard Walls. Therefore, how to close the joints in the corners with the help of grouting, any master tiler should know.

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How to dock the tiles in the corners