How to insulate pipes in the basement with your own hands. Warming underground water pipes

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To reduce heat loss when heating systems open airUse the insulation of highways, which is a multilayer casing from various materials. The external protection of heating pipes significantly increases the service life of the highway, reduces the financial costs of maintenance and fuel consumption for the boiler room. Using isolation achieve a steady temperature of the coolant, which without significant losses reaching the end user.

Insulation materials and heating systems requirements

List of materials used for pipelines heat insulation:

  • minvata;
  • polystyrene foam;
  • foamizole;
  • polyethylene foamed;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • penophol.

Insulation are subject not only to basic main pipelines, but also pipe heating pipes and apartment houseslocated in the basement, cellar, rooftop, street. Modern insulation Develop from inexpensive materials, with ergonomic design, which helps handle pipes without the help of professionals and special tools.

Insulation for heating and hot water pipes - materials requirements:

  1. Low thermal conductivity.
  2. Safety for man and ambient.
  3. Inertia to acids, alkalis and other biological substances.
  4. Not combustible material.
  5. High melting point.
  6. Low hygroscopicity.
  7. High corrosion resistance.
  8. Durability.
  9. Efficiency.
  10. Easy installation.

Features of the use of mineral wool as insulation

Mineral Wat, perhaps the most famous, old and reliable material Of all kinds of insulation. Along with high-quality thermal insulation ensures safety and durability of pipelines. The material is not lit, inert to acids, alkalis, other chemical compounds. The cost of minvati is significantly lower than most modern insulators, which is played with large volumes of construction. important role.

Types mineral wool For insulation:

  • glass - obtained from glass melt;
  • stone - obtained from the melt of volcanic rocks;
  • slag - product processing of slag from a blast furnace.

Like most porous materials, mineral wool hygroscopic and well absorbs moisture from the environment. Pilot Water Material dramatically loses its heat insulating properties and contributes to the corrosion of the metal. Therefore, when insulating pipelines, it is necessary to provide external waterproofing. Usually these are rubberoid sheets or aluminum foil Increased strength.

The need to use waterproofing sharply increases the overall cost of mounting the heating system. Therefore, today minvat for insulation of heating pipes is used in rare cases when it is not possible to apply cheaper counterparts.

Technical characteristics of polystyrene foam

Two half-cylindrids of polystyrene foams are put on the pipe from above and below. In places of section there is a groove that provides the absence of slots and a reliable docking of parts between them. Isolated pipe wrapped with a metal wire, tape or strengthen the clamps. The casing reliably protects the highway from cooling and physical damage. Despite the water-repellent properties of the material, it needs to be protected from moisture. This includes waterproofing.

Compared to Minvata, polystyrene foam is cheaper and easy to use insulator. Preferably, it is used in the device of heating systems in private houses, basements, since the material is easy to mount even a non-professional. Heat the risers with their own hands is quite easy - it is important to correctly select the diameter of the casing, fasten it to the highway, to be treated with waterproofing. When the site is damaged, the coating is removed and changed to the new one.

The disadvantage of the use of expanded polystyrene as the insulation of pipes is the impossibility of processing folds and turning the heating system with a casing of this material.

The main characteristics of the polystyrene are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Specifications Polystyrene foam
The name of indicators PSB-C-15U PSB-S-15 PSB-C-25 PSB-C-35 PSB-S-50
Density, kg / m.Kub to 10 up to 15 15,1-25 25,1-35 35,1-50
Compressive strength at 10% of MPa linear deformation, not less 0,05 0,06 0,08 0,16 0,20
Tensile strength, not less 0,08 0,12 0,17 0,36 0,35
Thermal conductivity in a dry state at 25 ° C, W (m k) 0,043 0,042 0,039 0,037 0,036
Water absorption in 24 hours,% by volume, not more 3,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0
Humidity,% no more 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4

Penosaol for isolation of heating systems

Contemporary insulation for heating pipes, in terms of its qualities, a similar polystyrene foam. Penosol is applied to the surface of the highway in a liquid form using a special sprayer. Under the action of atmospheric air, the material freezes, forming a solid non-hygroscopic film without seams.

Specifications of foamizol:

  • thermal conductivity 0.035 ... 0.047 W / m 0c;
  • temperature limit -50 ... + 1200С;
  • 15 kg / m3 density;
  • compression strength - not more than 1 kg / cm2;
  • adsorption - 6 ... 8%.

After processing the pipe, it will not be necessary to close the hydro insulating material - Penosol does not absorb moisture, does not let air, does not react to chemicals, biological substances. If the coating is violated, the damaged area is simply repaid again.

Warming of pipes foamed polyethylene

Foamed polyethylene is implemented in rolls, so it is easy to use for the insulation of water pipes to each householder. The film is cut into parts, wind pipes are wrapped, fasten with wire, clamps.

Advantages of foamed polyethylene:

  • no moisture is afraid;
  • durable;
  • easy mounted;
  • economical;
  • not hygroscopic;
  • not combustible, melts at a temperature of +115 degrees.

On the other hand, the thermal insulation properties of polyethylene are inferior to other materials. For example, if you clean the pipe in 2-3 layers, then the insulation of the highway is very doubtful. If you wind the pipeline of 5-8 layers, the material consumption will significantly increase and this method of insulation will not be economical. Maybe, insulating polyethylene Perfectly protect the pipe from corrosion and moisture, but will not save from heat loss into severe frosts.

What material for insulation pipes is better: polyurethane foam or mineral wool

Polyuretheni isolation (or shell) is specially designed for metallic and polymer pipes Heating of various diameters. It is a drop-down cover with a layer of foam dense polyurethane with a thickness of several centimeters and an outer coating of metal foil. IN ready product Place the pipe and tightly closed the edges of the insulation. At the junction there is a self-adhesive tape that tightly closes the seam and does not give the edges to disperse. Insulated pipes look aesthetic.

With the help of polyurethane foam isolation, the reliable protection of polymer and metal pipes from external influence. Today it is the most demanded material for the insulation of thermal highways in modern construction.

Compare polyurethane foam and mineral wool using the characteristics shown in Table 2.

Mounting foam is the same polyurethane foam, only in liquid form. Therefore, the insulation of small pieces of pipes can be carried out by coating with liquid foam. Thoroughly, the mounting foam is expanding, fills the cavities, forming a bulk casing of foamed polyurethane. This method can be used to isolate pipes in the basement, an apartment or a private house. It is especially convenient to die the place of welding, bends, that is, those places where standard methods of insulation do not use.

Yulia Petrichenko, Expert

Penophol for insulation of highways

From modern insulation materials, a special sympathy was obtained by foam - foamed polyethylene with a layer of aluminum foil as an external protective coatingwhich gives additional thermal insulation. This rolled material, which is cut depending on the diameter of the insulated pipe. Penofol is simply wrapped around the line - the material firmly sticks to the surface and becomes one whole with a pipe. The canvas flexible and easily takes the shape of pipelines, closing the places of bends, turns.

Along with excellent thermal insulating properties, it has a small cost, which allows it to be used in large-scale projects. Suitable for those who want to isolate the pipeline in an apartment or private house with their own hands. The material is used for insulation, waterproofing walls, floors, ceilings, mounting seams windows, slopes, etc.

Where is the insulation of pipes

Insulation of heating pipes, stood hot and cold water It is necessary if the highways are underway under the ground, in the open space, in the basement or in the attic of multi-apartment, private houses. The insulation for heating pipes in the open air allows you to cope with many minuses of the physicochemical properties of the material of the highway and the disadvantages of the installation of the system.

Polymer heating pipes are more resistant to corrosion, but also require protection against freezing, physical damage, abrasion, etc. Metal pipesDespite stiffness, strength, can quickly rust and come into disrepair. In addition, the metal is a current conductor, has good thermal conductivity, which for heating pipes and DHW is a large minus. Isolation allows you to eliminate these shortcomings and save the temperature of the coolant. How to use for insulation of pipes, each decides on their own capabilities.

Materials that reduce heat transfer pipes are used in the construction everywhere. Today, manufacturers offer a huge range of thermal insulation materials that can be used without special tools and skills.

And what isolation of the heating system in own home provide you? What materials do you advise to take advantage of the insulation of pipes in a private house?

What is the insulation of pipes? Perhaps this main question Before carrying out the necessary number of works. Having answered it, it will be easier to further decide with the insulating material, and with plots that necessarily require such an addition.

Pipe insulation material

Most pipes that communicate to apartments or private homes are on the street, underground or in technical premises. For example, in the basement, in the attic, etc. It should be immediately noted that these premises are not residential, and therefore do not have sufficient conditions. First of all, it concerns the microclimate inside. If, for example, the apartment is constantly maintained by relative dryness of the room, a certain comfortable temperature range, then outside the home is usually a completely opposite environment. It is often quite aggressive, especially in our climate. This concerns both temperature drops and their extreme indicators. And, of course, this situation is not in favor of pipelines that are obliged to work continuously, perform their functions at any atmosphere.

An example of insulation of pipes

In particular, the insulation requires the heating pipe. Most of these pipes in the apartment may be replaced with polypropylene, which are more resistant to differentials and moisture, but outdoor products, as a rule, from metal. Given the fact that within the pipe is a certain environment that can be completely opposite to the outside, their insulation or insulation is the only way to extend the service life and avoid failure of the entire heating system.

Pipes in the attic and in the basement

Heating products, which are in the attic, most often faced with the lowest temperatures. As a result, because of the high plus inside the pipe and critical minus Outside, microcracks are formed in the metal, which lead to gradual destruction of the material.

Modern pipe insulation technologies

In the basement of temperatures, more comfortable, but always increased humidity. And from course of chemistry it is known that moisture for unprotected metal is corrosion and rust, which gradually "eat" the material, leading it into disrepair.

Pipes in the apartment also worth an isolate if they are, for example, close to the cold wall. It will relieve the temperature conflict, and most importantly, heat loss, which is very important indoors for a comfortable stay.

Insulation materials

On the modern market Accessories for pipes can be found all kinds of insulation, which have their own features and applications. Most of them are well suited for heating pipes.

Polyethylene foamed is tubes of different diameters, each has a special incision, for the convenience of fastening. The material performs insulation in all directions. Also to improve the quality of protection, the material foil.

  • Foamed rubber. This is a practically identical type of isolation. The only one characteristic sign The material is its fire safety. Namely, the material during the fire of the surrounding items does not support the burning and fades. Rubber is also fooled, thereby significantly reduced heat loss.
  • Liquid insulation or thermocracy. This type of protection is most simple, it is innovation and is to apply on the pipes of a special layer of protective substance (paint). The main advantage of this species is the possibility of protection even in the most hard to reach places. If you return to the basement and attic, then in this situation it is this material that will become a good choice.

Proper insulation of pipes

Regardless of the location of products, all pipes are isolated separate segments. Mounting should not be missed, but fasten the joints with a special scotch to avoid losses through the seams. In the case of the formation of spans of isolation of more than one and a half meters, it should be hard to fix the scotch, tightly tightened. Also at the beginning and at the end of the segment of the insulation, it must be attached primarily to avoid shifts.

Warming on the street

  1. Low thermal conductivity.
  2. Long service life.
  3. Easy installation.


Have a nice day!

Details about heat insulation of heating pipes

The thermal insulation of the heating pipeline is extremely important, since it allows to prevent heat loss. It should be resorted to it if the heating pipes pass along the street, under the ground, in a concrete tie, basement or in the attic.

As a rule, such conditions provoke a significant heat loss. After all, the contact of cold air with heating pipes is cooled and the coolant itself. Accordingly, the radiators will be heated weaker. In this case, each owner of a private house tries to increase the temperature in the room.

Heat insulation indoors

As already mentioned, the thermal insulation of the pipeline is extremely important in those places where there is a probability of exposure to cold air.

The thermal insulation of heating pipes in the apartment is quite rare, since the pipeline passes through the premises that are subject to heating. That is, the fact that the pipe itself gives heat into the air can also be called part of the heating process.

However, thermal insulation is needed if the heating pipes are mounted in concrete screed Floor. Indeed, in this case, part of the thermal energy is simply given to the cold concrete. That is, the quality of heating suffers.

An example of using an energy source with a warm floor arrangement is shown.

In addition, the pipeline in the screed creates a semblance of a warm floor where it is not needed. For insulation of pipes mounted to the floor, sufficiently dense foam materials should be used, for example, energyflex.

Such materials are well suited for thermal insulation of the pipeline laid in the attic and in basement. For ease of installation it is better to use tubular materials.

They are a soft flexible tube with a longitudinal cut. She just puts on heating tube And fixed with special clamps or ordinary scotch. Such insulation will serve for a long time, provided that its installation is performed correctly.

Important: When carrying out insulation, it should be attentive: the pipe must be tightly covered with insulating material. The presence of slots is a possible path for heat loss. In order for the work to be extremely high-quality, in some cases, a plastic corrugation is put on the heating tube.

In addition to the fact that thermal insulation prevents the heat loss, it plays a fairly important role to preserve the integrity of the pipeline.

In particular, due to the protective layer, they are not exposed to moisture, vapors, aggressive substances, and this is all capable of causing premature destruction.

The indicated protective abilities are especially important when thermal insulation of heating pipes in the basement is carried out, because it is rather cold, and often a raw place. The pipeline passing on this room must necessarily be protected.

For the insulation of the pipeline in the basement, the heat insulating paint can be used. Such material is characterized by simplicity of application and perfectly preserves heat. In addition, paint is reliable protection From moisture and, accordingly, (if metal pipes are used) from corrosion.

Read more about what paint can be painted heating pipes. The article is told about the technology of painting and choosing a particular brand.

Warming on the street

Heating pipes that pass in the ground or just on the street, necessarily need thermal insulation. However, when choosing a material and conducting insulation work You should be particularly attentive.

The material must comply with such requirements:

  1. Low thermal conductivity.
  2. Water resistance - water should not accumulate in the layers of the material. It is especially important to take into account this when choosing the heat insulating material for pipes that are laid underground.
  3. Resistance to the aggressive medium (the material should easily carry low temperatures, wind).
  4. Long service life.
  5. Easy installation.

Most often, the pipes are covered in several layers, each of which is fixed with special tape, wire or rope.

Isolation of heating pipes on the street with mineral wool

The first is the mineral wool, which the pipe is tightly wound. Then there is a runneroid, and it is covered with foil insulation. Multilayer thermal insulation helps prevent the impact on the moisture pipeline and low temperatures, aggressive environment.

There are a significant number of types of insulation. Quite often uses a special foam shell, which is simply put on the pipe.

Easy installation and high-quality defense made this species Coatings are very popular. But in order to prevent the premature destruction of such a protective layer it is recommended to cover liquid insulationwhich, frozen, forms a dense hermetic crust, or a foil insulation, which is more stable with bad weather conditions.

Currently, thermal insulation of heating pipes by foam is one of newest Materialswhich is a layer of foamed polyethylene, which on one side is covered with aluminum foil.

Such a heater can be used to isolate the pipeline, both on the street, or in the ground and in the basement and in the attic. The feature of the foam is that it is very thin and mild: there will be no problems in the installation.

Aluminum foil prevents contact with cold air and moisture pipes, and a layer of foamed material, characterized by low thermal conductivity, perfectly retains the temperature of the coolant.

Read more about the types of insulation for heating pipes in this article.


Thermal insulation of heating pipes is pretty simple processwhich does not require special skills. Having spent it, you will notice that the quality of heating has become much better. But it was spent quite a bit of time and money.

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Warm water pipes in the basement means creating a comfortable microclimate, and reduce the cost of the heating system. Such work is important both for private houses and for apartment buildings. Certain requirements apply to the pipe insulation process. This applies to any systems: plumbing, heating and sewage.

IN last years Polypropylene structures in the basements of houses became popular. Do you need to warm them? If in the construction process was not insulated ribbon foundation, it is necessary. If the private building is used only in summer, and in winter it does not heal, the insulation of the pipes will not allow the system to freeze and fail.

Requirements for insulation

To insulate the pipes in the basement of a private house, various materials are used. Regardless of their type and composition, they must comply with important indicators:

  • be durable
  • resistant to humidity;
  • fireproof;
  • easy for installation;
  • resistant to temperature drops.

Than isolate pipeline in the basement

The better to insulate the pipes of the water supply in the basement, because the choice of materials is great. First of all, it is important to choose the insulation that meets the above requirements.

Minvat and Glassovat

These insulators are used better for metal-plastic structures. Fiberglass has low thermal conductivity and resistance to elevated temperatures. But does not tolerate moisture. Therefore, you will have to be additionally spent on isolation from moisture. Such a heater is used only for buildings that are heated all year.

Minvata is dangerous for skin and mucous membranes. It is recommended to work with it in gloves and the respirator. The material must be wounded on the pipeline and secure a solid rope. Wrap over the entire length of the pipe and fix at its end. On top of Minvati, it is recommended to apply foil or runner.

PPU and expanded polystyrene

Such insulators have resistance to moisture and mechanically influences. They can be applied several times if the construction and analysis of the design is required. To insulate the heating pipes in the basement of polystyrene foam, you need to wind it on the pipe and make a scotch across the entire circumference. Such a heater has thermos properties. Very racks to the surrounding effects and perfectly keeps the heat around the pipe.

Polyethylene foamed

Insulator Easy for mounting. Quickly fixes on pipes. Using clamps or foil tape. Great protects heating structures in private houses. Can be used many times.

The process of insulation of water supply in the basement

To insulate the tap pipe in the basement yourself, is not required professional instruments and skills. After selecting a suitable insulator, you need to arm yourself with clamps, with a scotch or a caproic wire.

  • Measure outside diameter and pipeline length. Cut the material in accordance with the parameters. Sometimes it is necessary to wrap sewer pipes repeatedly. This should be taken into account with the "plot" of the insulator.
  • Wrap the design of heating and immediately fix the insulation. Unscake tape or rope firmly. It is easier to work if the materials cut into the length of small pieces.

Heat pipes in the basement of the private house is important to eliminate the appearance of condensate on communications. If the basement of the houses is cold or in the house for a long time do not use water, then the insulation layer will protect the pipe from possible freezing. Consider ways of insulation water pipes in the basement of the apartment and one-storey house various materials. At the end of the article we will show the video from the manufacturer of tubular isolation.

For insulation used to use any blowing materials - old blankets, foam rubber, sintepon from old jackets, etc. But today tube insulation are presented on construction market In a wide range: From the shell of polystyrene foam, PPU and mineral wool to simple roll insulation from foil foam and isolon. To begin with, we analyze the advantage of pipe thermal insulation, the better to protect the pipes in the basement from the freezing.

Do I need to warm the pipes in the basement of the house

The insulation of pipes from the well to the house and in the basement should be wondering before the onset of cold weather. The insulation of communications in the ground is a very laborious process, they are better to do when laying pipes, since the most problematic plots of water supply with cold water Are on the street. Thermal insulation of pipes in the basement apartment house Reduces the risk of condensate and moisture on the surface of the water pipeline with cold water.

Basic requirements for materials for water supply underground - low price, ease of installation, maximum long service In a wet environment and low thermal conductivity. When choosing insulation, it is necessary to take into account fire safety and non-combustible material, the duration of operation and the possibility of reuse when repairing repair. Consider further than the better to insulate the pipes in the basement of the house with their own hands.

How to insulate pipes in the basement do it yourself

Minvat and Glassovat In the form of cylinders, it is easy to handle the PPU pipes of the water pipeline. The pluses of mineral wool include low thermal conductivity, but it will be necessary additional waterproofing Insulation with rolled materials, which complicates work. Upper layer It may have a metallized foil layer, but the cost of this insulation can be high enough.

Polyne foam and PPU not to be afraid of high humidity, so they can be used without additional waterproofing coating. The shell of extruded polystyrene foam (fastener) can be used multiple times, and ease of installation makes it use very comfortable and easy. The shell of various diameters is produced, the material on pipes with plastic clamps or simple tape is fixed.

Polyethylene foamed not subject to decomposition in a humid environment, has high heat insulating characteristics and elasticity. Penofole and isolon are produced in the form of a hollow tube length from 1 to 1.5 meters with a cut. You can apply I. rolled materials Of the foamed polyethylene, which are cut into strips and are wound on metal or polystropal pipes on the helix. The insulation is attached with a tape.

How to insulate pipes in the basement do it yourself

Prior to the start of work, water supply pipes or heating must be prepared. First of all, all processed surfaces are first cleaned from dust and dirt. Metal pipes should be processed by primer or mastic to protect against corrosion. Heating the heating pipes in the basement of an apartment building with their own hands can be mineral wool - it will reduce heat loss, and in the crane and in heating radiators water will become much hot.

Warming of pipes in the basement of the house of Minvata

The main problem in the basement - small space And bad lighting. It is easy to work with the shell for pipes from minvati. The heating or water supply pipes simply turn the insulation, which is fixed with scotch and clamps. If remnants of rolled insulation are used for insulation, then this is a more laborious process. To do this, it is necessary to cut the insulation on the strips of suitable size and wind them on the water pipeline.

Fastened basalt insulation Kapron rope. The rope is tied on one side of the pipe and the heater will be reduced along the spirals to the pipe until the end. On top of the insulation, it is necessary to protect against mechanical damage and moisture. To do this, cut the rubryoid or foil foam with thin stripes with the desired length and wrap over the insulation. When working, use individual protective equipment - gloves and respirator.

Photo. Communication Shell

Water pipe insulation shell from PPU

Warming of pipes shell is the easiest way to protect communications in the basement of the house from freezing. Insulation for pipes from foam or PPU (polyurethane foam) produced with different diameter, so you can easily pick yourself right size. Characteristics of U. extrusion polystyrene foam And the PPU is almost the same, so when buying pay attention mainly for the price. Installation of the shell is easily performed.

To mount isolation, take two halves of the shell and connect them on the pipe, securing the scotch top from above. The following insulation elements are placed with the allen on previous parts. For bends and turns there are special elements, so nothing additionally cut from the tubes. All operations are repeated until all pipes in the basement are completely protected by insulation from heat loss and possible freezing.

Warming of water supply in the basement Izolon

Insulation of foamed polyethylene in the form of hollow tubes - a more common method of thermal insulation of different kind Communications in cellars of apartment buildings. The material can be used when mounting pipes and after. In the second case, it is necessary to make a side cut on a tube of foamed polyethylene and wrap the pipe along with turns and bends. Material is fastened on a pipe with a clamp or scotch.

Advantages of isolon and foam in pair of impermeability, that is, additional waterproofing will not need. Instead of buying a insulation, you can use trimming of rolled insulation from foamed polyethylene. This option will be less aesthetic, but no additional costs are required. The insulation is simply cut into narrow strips and turns around the pipe (several pipes can be wrapped in a spiral at once).

Video. How to insulate pipes in the basement of the house

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Warming of heating pipes with their own hands: Methods for self-fulfillment

Foamed polyethylene and mineral wool - excellent heating of heating mains in the attic

Hello. Today I want to tell about how do it yourself insulate the heating pipes inside and outside construction objects. The topic is considerable, since the correct thermal insulation allows to reduce the heat loss level when transporting the heat carrier from the thermogenerator to heating device. I hope the instructions given in this article will be interesting to you and useful.

A few words about actual insulation methods

Insulated heating pipes are used if the track passes outside the construction object or by cozpostroy, attics, cellars and other non-residential premises. Isolate pipes in a residential room there is no need, since the pipeline releases heat to the environment and performs the function of the heating radiator.

At the moment, a lot of types of thermal insulation materials and methods of their use are known. Pipelines, depending on their configuration and location, are insulated with polystyrene foam foamed polyethylene foamed rubber, mineral wool, foil insulation, etc.

Current ways of insulation of pipelines are distinguished by such characteristics as the thermal conductivity of the finished result, temperature Rangein which long-term operation of insulation is possible and, of course, the price.

Unfortunately, not all methods of insulation of pipelines are available to perform with their own hands. Therefore, in its review, I will tell you about the technologies that I yourself encountered and the result of which was satisfied.

So, consider in this article?

  • The use of liquid insulation compositions;
  • The use of polyurethane foam;
  • Application of mineral wool;
  • Apply an insulating shell.

Application of coating liquid insulation on the heating

The simplest thing to implement the insulation of heating pipes in the basement, in the attic and in the housekeeping, is performed using liquid coarse, such as "Armor Classic" (superctic thermal insulation).

The tool is intended for applying polymeric and metal surfaces at ambient temperature at least + 7 ° C. The storage of the material is allowed only at the plus temperature. Operation of material is allowed in temperature mode from + 200 ° C to -60 ° C.

According to the manufacturer's statements, the operational resource of the insulation is at least 15 years.

Instructions for insulation of pipelines are shown in the following scheme.

Consider the main stages of working with liquid isolation Read more:

  • We prepare the surface, namely, consider the molded rust from the material, dust and dirt, after which we wipe the rag moistened in the diluent;
  • While the surface dries, prepare the material - open the jar and mix the contents;

Liquid isolation is used with a consistency of thick sour cream, so it is not recommended to dilute the means with water for the ignition.

  • Liquid thermal insulation is applied by a conventional mane brush over the entire surface of 2-3 layers with a break to dry out each previous layer.

Explanation of assembly work:

  • Despite the fact that the tool is not toxic, when working with it, we use protective gloves and glasses;
  • We work as good lightingto cover working surface There were no non-crushed plots;
  • Fittings and moving areas shut-off reinforcement Do not score, since as the liquid thermal insulation during drying forms a dense crust, which it will be not easy to remove.

How to heat the track using PPU

In one of the previous articles, I talked about how polyurethane foam deposition is performed. PPU is universal Materialwhich can be applied on various surfaces including heating pipes.

To perform scheduled work, you will need:

  • installation for spraying PPU;
  • components for foam production;
  • ruberoid and soft aluminum wire;
  • plywood for cutting rigid ribs.

Instructions of insulation works are shown in the diagram.

Consider the listed steps in more detail on the example of the insulation of the polyethylene tube:

  • from plywood or fiberboard, cut the rings with a slot, in order to wear a pipe at the calculation that the ring diameter should be twice more diameter pipes;

  • rings exhibit about 60 cm from each other;

When installing the rings, the cut is directed up. In order for the rings easier to become on its place of the edge of the slots, and then we shift.

  • in the slots on the rings, we establish the pamp feed hose so that its end reached the last ring;
  • the hose is fixed in place with a tape or plastic clamp so that it can be subsequently pulled out;

  • next we wind the ruberoid so that the string of the edges lay down on two adjacent rings and the edges came out about 10 cm;

  • winding from the frontieroid clutch with a soft wire;
  • along the entire length of the pipe in the shell through each meter we break the holes with a diameter of 5 mm;
  • after the shell is assembled, press the open end of a piece of plywood or fiberboard and let the foam;

  • when foam appears from the end of the pipe, covered with a piece, pull the hose by 0.5 meters;

  • when the foam appears from the first from the end of the hole done in the shell, pull the hose still half the meter, etc.;

  • as a result, after the hose is completely elongated, the pipe will be surrounded by durable and reliable insulation.

Ruberoid and leave without removing even after the foam will completely dry. First, the ruberoid will protect foam insulation from mechanical loads.
Secondly, the presence of an outer shell prevents the impact of UV radiation on the foam, which will extend the resource of the insulation.

If the instruction seems to be complicated, you can do it easier and apply a uniform layer on the surface of the track mounting foam from the can

Unfortunately, the price of foam from the cylinder in terms of the processed area is high. In addition, using a cylinder is not easy to uniformly process all the fate of the pipe and even more difficult to apply a uniform layer without proper shell and without bugs.

Other methods of thermal insulation

Mineral wool has long been used for thermal insulation of heat insulation. The thermal insulation was built as follows:

  • out of the pipeline, the mineral wool strips were wound and fastened with wire;
  • on top of the insulating winding, the chain grid was installed;
  • on top of the grid, the slave was applied a layer of cement-sand plaster, which was designed to protect the insulation from atmospheric precipitation.

It is possible to implement such a way independently, the more, there is nothing difficult in this. If the pipeline of a small diameter and passes through the basement or by the attic, instead of a complete reinforcement, on top of the mineral wool you can wind a layer of dense polyethylene film.

Finally, a few words about shells that are made of mineral wool, polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam.

It is believed that the shell of polyurethane foam is intended for heating pipelines, while polystyrene foam, that is, a foam with a dense structure is intended for insulation of the water supply system and. In fact, the heating pipe can be isolated both by those and other shells, as the foam melts at a temperature of + 160 ° C, while most of the heat paints do not heat up more + 80 ° C.

The use of the shell is distinguished by reliability and simplicity. Two or three halves (depending on the modification and diameter) folded together. Finished design It is tightened by clamps or locks are foaming by mounting foam.


So now you know how to carry out insulation of heating pipes on the street. Moreover, you can choose one of the listed methods and cope with its implementation yourself.

there is personal experience In thermal insulation of pipes? Tell me about him in our comments I think everyone will be interested to know about it. By the way, I recommend watching a video in this article.

July 29, 2016.

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