Do-it-yourself pvc window insulation. How to insulate plastic windows for the winter

The right decision regarding insulation plastic windows, there will be the implementation of this process at the stage of mounting the frame. Although this will raise the total cost of the work by 20-30%, it will ultimately have a positive impact on the comfort of the room. If, for some reason, it was not possible to combine the repair and insulation of plastic windows in the room, then you will have to spend time on independent work. It is not difficult, but it requires adherence to certain rules.

Choose the right time

The preferred time for insulation is summer and spring. To do this, choose dry and calm weather. It is not worth tightening with the insulation of plastic windows for the winter with your own hands if the following signs appear:

  • noticeable heat leakage;
  • small drafts;
  • condensation drops in the window area.

Effective insulation of plastic windows outside and inside is easier in the warm season, since some materials lose their plasticity when they cool down significantly. Also, sealants need a certain temperature range at which they will take on the desired consistency.

According to the warranty technical specifications, sealants are applied at temperatures above + 5 ° С

It should be noted that during frosty and windy weather it is easier to identify problem areas and mark them, and later it is worthwhile to deal with their elimination.

In windy weather, the quality of the installation of plastic windows is also checked. With the flaps fully closed, the candle flame must be motionless as it is guided around the perimeter of the window.

Revealing cold bridges

The main problems of double-glazed windows are improper installation, worn out gaskets and unbalanced locks

Before insulating plastic windows for the winter, it is worth identifying the zones in which heat leaks. Such areas may include slopes, window sills, double-glazed windows, fittings. Detection is carried out with tactile methods and using a lighter (matches). Running your palm around the perimeter of a window or carrying a flame can reveal a leak. Visual diagnostics are performed. The following factors are common reasons:

  • worn out seal;
  • emerged from seat glazing bead;
  • misaligned clamping mechanisms (locks);
  • construction foam has lost its performance characteristics;
  • poorly mounted window sills.

It is necessary to pay attention, among other things, to the slopes, since they are also capable of becoming a conductor of cold into the room.

In order for the sealant to remain intact for a long time, it is lubricated once a year and a half. special formulations... It can be universal silicone lubricants or professional kits for the complex care of PVC windows, but here is not only a product for the care of rubber bands, but also for other elements.

Ensuring tightness

The main task that is solved when insulating plastic windows with your own hands is to increase the isolation of the room from external environment... To implement this strategy, in most cases, you will have to use technical features constructions. Actions will be feasible even for specialists who do not have much experience in repair work.

  1. Often the glazing bead protrudes from its seat. This can be due to its deformation. Replacement is carried out using a thin spatula, with which we pry the element for removal. In the vacated space we install new part, which can be ordered from a manufacturer of a similar profile.
  2. Built-in sealing tape it takes more time to insulate plastic windows. Having determined that the part has lost the plasticity necessary for effective use, we are replacing it. We remove the glazing bead from its side and, pulling out the linings, remove the glass unit. Dismantle the worn out strip. We measure the length and cut a new tape 2-4 cm longer. We carry out the laying in the technological groove using the auxiliary roller. Cut off the excess tape and return the dismantled parts of the window in the reverse order of disassembly.
  3. Do-it-yourself high-quality insulation of plastic windows, as in the video, is impossible without reliable operation of the clamping mechanisms. If they provide insufficient clamping of the frame elements with each other, then gaps with drafts are formed. There are a pair of adjusting screws in the plumb bob installation area. The first is responsible for the position of the flaps, and the second provides the clamping force. For self adjustment the lock is completely loosened, and the adjuster should be tightened clockwise. It will be possible to determine the quality of such work with the help of a lighter flame, which should not fluctuate when it is brought to the joint.
  4. A few years after the installation of a modern profile, in some cases it is necessary to insulate the slopes of plastic windows. In them, cracks can appear, which are a source of cold. It is customary to seal them with foam rubber or pieces of rags. If it was not possible to visually detect gaps, then it is necessary to lightly tap the surface on the plaster to identify voids. Next, we open this area and also caulk with improvised materials. Apply a layer of plaster on top of the insulation. Cover the surface with decor if necessary.
  5. It is necessary to insulate the windowsill of plastic windows. In this situation, work is carried out with butt joints, and not with the plate itself. You need to fill them construction foam and then spend finishing... Since a radiator is traditionally located under the window, the surface behind it, up to the window sill, is sealed with heat-insulating material.
  1. External work can be carried out without outside help only for the first or second floors. Otherwise, it is necessary to call the appropriate specialists. They will carry out the sealing of the seams concrete mortar or plaster.

VIDEO: Plastic windows. Fast sealing of joints and seams

Warming film

Conducting solid construction works demanded after a long period of operation. Then it will be appropriate to use such advice. However, one often wants to improve the current situation without applying any building technologies... To do this, manufacturers recommend taking advantage of effective improvements. One of them is a film for insulating plastic windows. A high-tech device designed to reduce heat loss.

Outwardly it seems that this is common polyethylene film, and far from being the densest. In fact, it is polyester, which is used to create heat-saving and sun-protection structures.

The principle of operation of the film on the windows

Taking into account the special manufacturing technology, the canvas has a special structure, due to which light enters the room without hindrance, and the heat emanating from the inside is reflected and returned back. In fact, such a film allows you to create a thermos effect in a house or apartment, in which heat loss will be reduced by 25%. They do not take it off for the summer, because it also reflects heat, but now it comes from outside. The indoor temperature remains stable. The film is designed for 3-5 years of operation.

The procedure for use consists of the following points:

  1. The glass and the frame are thoroughly washed with soapy water and left to dry completely (do not wipe with towels, as there may be lint left).
  2. The frame, and it is on it that the film will be glued, is degreased with any alcohol composition.
  3. On the edge adjacent to the glass, double-sided tape is glued around the entire perimeter.
  4. Lay out the film, level it and cut with a construction knife the required size along the glass unit with an allowance of 20 mm on all sides on adhesive tape.
  5. Gluing the film to the tape, for which first it is glued along the upper bar, then, pulling it. They are fixed on the sides and at the very end, carefully pulling it, glue it to the bottom.
  • prints may remain on the canvas, so it is advisable to carry out work with gloves;
  • If wrinkles remain when gluing, they can be removed with a hot jet from a hairdryer. When exposed to heat, the film shrinks and the folds disappear;
  • it is impossible to stretch the film too much - it may burst;
  • the film should not touch the glass - it is glued to the frame of the glass unit.

VIDEO: Nuances of window insulation with film. detailed instructions

Reading time ≈ 9 minutes

Plastic double-glazed windows are considered one of the most sealed types of home windows, but even they begin to let cold air into the house over time. In this article, we will look at how you can insulate plastic windows for the winter indoors with your own hands. This will increase the indoor temperature by several degrees and save a lot of money on heating.

Determination of draft spots

For effective insulation windows, it is necessary to find and eliminate the cause of the draft. Otherwise, all procedures aimed at warming will not give the desired effect. To find problem areas, you need to independently check all critical nodes of the window:

  • Glass holders.
  • Sealant.
  • Hinges and handles.
  • The joints of slopes, walls and a window sill with window frame.

The appearance of technical malfunctions in one of these places can lead to drafts, which in cold weather greatly affects the indoor temperature.

The following methods are used to determine the exact location of the heat leak:

Causes of drafts

You should also have basic information about the causes of the draft. Possessing basic knowledge, you can avoid such unpleasant situations in the future.

If you evaluate in detail all the causes of drafts and heat leaks, then you can divide them into two categories, if possible, if possible, with the help of window installation wizards and independent decision problems.

The services of professionals are best used to solve the following problems:

If the work is done from the inside, then most of them can be done independently.

Insulation of a plastic window

Depending on the identified place of heat leakage, the work carried out will be different. Let's consider each direction in more detail, and also determine how to insulate plastic windows for the winter.

Insulation of slopes

If a draft was found in the cracks between the window frame and the wall, then poor thermal insulation should be considered the cause of this phenomenon. It could become unusable from time to time, or there were technology violations during the installation process.

The most correct would be complete installation thermal insulation materials again. To do this, you need to remove the slopes and do the following:

If the cold has already come, and it is not possible to carry out a complete replacement of thermal insulation materials, then you can take temporary measures and treat the cracks with a sealant. This will save for some time from the penetration of cold into the house, but in the future it will be necessary to carry out more capital reconstruction.

Important! Many sealants have a clear temperature Range, in which its application is allowed. Violation temperature regime can affect the main qualities of the composition. Be sure to check the ability to use a sealant.

Window sill insulation

In case of loss of tightness in the area of ​​the window sill, it is necessary to accurately determine the place of the leak.

Such events will be enough to insulate the windowsill and eliminate any drafts in these places.

Insulation by adjusting windows

The reason for the appearance of drafts may be an insufficient tight fit of the locking elements to each other. To eliminate this, you need to know the basic principles of operation of plastic window sashes.

If the windows were initially installed correctly and closed tightly enough, then the problem can be eliminated by slightly displacing the sash. How to adjust the window at home on your own is described in detail in this video:

Windows of most brands have a system for switching to winter or summer mode. To determine in what position the windows are now, you need to pay attention to the locking pins. Depending on the manufacturer of the windows, they are marked with Current state window. If the mark is turned inside the room, then the windows are in the "summer" mode, and in winter mode if the trunnion is turned in the opposite direction.

When the window is set to summer mode when closed, the sash does not fit snugly enough to the frame. This allows you to maintain micro-ventilation in rooms.

In winter, from such ventilation more problems than good, so the window needs to be switched to winter mode. To do this, we turn all the pins to the desired position.

The middle state is a balance between micro-ventilation and heat retention. It is also called the spring or autumn regime.

Important! Windows in winter mode are designed to maximally press the sash to the frame, which means that the fogging of the glass will be practically guaranteed. To avoid the appearance of fungus, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the room, even on winter days.

Replacing the sealing material

Another way to insulate plastic windows for the winter with your own hands inside is to replace the sealing gum between the window frame and the opening sashes.

Important! It is worth replacing the seal only if it has become unusable. With regular care and treatment with softening compounds, it can last more than 5-8 years without losing its qualities.

First you need to determine if the seal needs to be replaced. If you are the lucky owner of a window with a replaceable sealing rubber, then you can proceed to the next steps.

You can familiarize yourself with the procedure for replacing the seal in detail using the example of the work of one of the installation companies:

Attention! If you are not sure about the correctness of the above works, and also doubt about own forces, we recommend that you seek professional help. Most of the companies involved in the installation of plastic windows can produce additional customization and carry out minor restoration work for an appropriate fee.

Warming with additional means

Sometimes the plastic window is in perfect order and does not create drafts, but in itself is a place of heat loss. In this case, it must be insulated with additional means. Consider several simple ways additional window insulation.

The use of improvised means used for, in the case of correctly installed and configured double-glazed windows, show minimal efficiency. Their main purpose is to eliminate drafts; it does not work with hermetically sealed plastic windows.

Now you know how you can insulate plastic windows for the winter in your home and you can apply most of the methods in practice. Also remember that windows are not the only place loss of heat. It will be possible to obtain maximum heat retention after and ..


Plastic windows are an excellent barrier to cold air in winter, however, when severe frosts if they are not insulated correctly and on time, problems may arise. Warm air will start to go outside, and cold air along with moisture comes into the room and cause icing of the glass. To get rid of this, you can insulate the opening by sealing up all the cracks. A fairly common way is to insulate a plastic window with a film. : it gives good results at minimal cost.

The use of film for insulation

Thermal insulation of plastic windows with a film is not new and is often used by individuals and developers. Energy-saving foil can save up to 30% energy, which significantly increases the room's ability to retain heat. Some types of films are capable of retaining up to 70% of heat, and, as you know, most of the losses occur precisely through glass and cracks. This is what the advertisement says.

In order to make the room warmer, you first need to close all possible cracks with foam and sealant. Produce winter. After that, you can insulate the windows with plastic foil. It is glued to the glass from the inside or outside; the film usually does not interfere, it is glued tightly enough, therefore it does not peel off during the operation of the window. It will not be dark in the room if you use a transparent product. If desired, you can install a tinted film: in summer time it will reduce the amount of ultraviolet radiation in the room, make it cooler.

Film options

There are different variants foils for thermal insulation of leaky windows and double-glazed windows PET and PVC.

PET sheets are plastic based on polyethylene terephthalate. The use of such sheets is a homemade product, and it is not even close to a double-glazed unit in terms of its characteristics.
PET for insulating leaky windows and double-glazed windows is first attached outside, and then inside the room!
Therefore, thermal insulation should be started in the warm season, and not when severe frosts hit outside the window.
Therefore, it is better to start insulation, it is possible and necessary in dry, warm weather, preferably in spring or summer. No, even the best, scotch tape in winter will not stick to the window frame when installing the film outside the building. Therefore, further we will consider other types of window insulation that can be used in winter.

Features of heat-saving material

The film for insulating plastic windows has some features that distinguish it from conventional tinting and help keep the heat in the room. First of all, it is a multilayer product, each layer of which at the microscopic level has a membrane of different metals. High-quality expensive films, for example, include gold, silver, an alloy of chromium and nickel: this helps to trap ultraviolet light and heat. The window will remain transparent, since the metal layer is invisible to the eye and is several microns.

A variant of the film, which is offered by stores at a cost of 500 rubles.

The effect of heat insulation is achieved due to the ability of the film to refract light. It is possible to create such a product only at the factory, observing a complex technology that requires withstanding not only certain temperatures, but also pressure. The film for insulating plastic windows is capable of breaking Sunray on the spectra. Thanks to this, sunlight enters the room, and warm air is reflected from the coating and remains inside the room. Thanks to the versatility of the film, it can be glued to any window you already have installed, thus turning it into an energy-saving one.

Benefits of using:

  • The film for insulating plastic windows will significantly increase the service life of wallpaper, furniture and other interior items, since they will not be affected by ultraviolet light, and paints and varnish will not fade.
  • The room will not get darker, a small percentage of the lighting will be lost.
  • The degree of transparency is high, there will be no mirror effect.
  • It is warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer.
  • WITH outside the glass will no longer be transparent to prying eyes.

However, the film for insulating plastic windows can also have a number of disadvantages that should be taken into account before installing it:

  • In the spring, the film cannot function fully due to the shutdown of heating in the apartment and insufficient natural light outside.
  • Not suitable for greenhouses and greenhouses, adversely affects indoor plants, as it does not transmit enough ultraviolet light necessary for photosynthesis.

Thermal insulation of glass plastic windows with a film, however, gives more advantages, since this type of insulation does not take away the volume from the room, it copes with its tasks quite effectively, maybe with heating elements, thanks to which the glass itself can be saved from freezing and fogging.

Windows become more durable, glass is more difficult to break, because thanks to the film, it can withstand the impact of 8-9 kg per 1 sq. m: this means that a blow with a stone will not spoil your glass. If it does break, the debris will hang on the tape rather than spilling into the room. The product significantly increases the ability of a glass unit to retain heat, reduces noise from the street.

How to mount correctly?

You can always create almost any kind of insulation with your own hands, the film for plastic windows can be very diverse, for example, insulation from mineral wool, polyurethane, various films, the installation method of which will be discussed. Most films are sold separately and have an adhesive backing that adheres to smooth surfaces. The film for plastic windows, the insulation of which you will carry out yourself, should be just that. Before starting installation work, you need to prepare the glass: it must be absolutely clean, dry, and degreased.

In order for the product to lie flat, it must be wiped with a rag, expelling air bubbles. It is allowed to use a brush for the glass of the car, it is impossible to pierce the bubbles, this will ruin physical properties films. The excess can be cut off with an assembly knife. It is quite possible to insulate plastic windows with a film on your own, but you need to do this rather carefully, since there is a great risk of damaging the product. It is better to prepare tools for work in advance, for this they use:

  • Sharp blade or utility knife.
  • Scissors.
  • Rags.

The process of insulating plastic windows with a film should take place around the perimeter of the window, it is better to work together, this will greatly simplify the task.

For the best effect, you need to stick the film on the whole window hole, securing to the slope and the window sill.

Installation instructions

The film, the insulation of plastic windows with which makes the room more comfortable , mounted like this:

  • The window is washed from dirt, degreased and dried, its surface should be perfectly smooth, free from dirt and stains.
  • After everything is done, double-sided tape must be fixed around the perimeter of the frame, after which the layers of the film are separated, for this you can pry the film with a knife.
  • After that, the prepared film for insulating PVC windows is cut according to the right size depending on the size and shape of the glass and is attached to the tape. The protective layer can be removed.
  • Then you need to evenly distribute the film over the glass, no matter if there are folds.
  • After that, you need to blow the surface with a hairdryer, when heated, the material shrinks and it is leveled. Do not press on the product mechanically; you can straighten it with a rag.

Using bubble wrap

Bubble wrap for window insulation may not be so popular due to external visibility, but it can serve as a high-quality and fairly cheap insulation. Such a film can have a smooth surface or be covered with bubbles on both sides. Suitable for work is the film that is used as packaging. Due to the air content in the bubbles, the product, fixed to the window, does not allow the heat to escape through the glass so quickly and retain up to 20% of the heat in the room. The disadvantages of such a film include its high density. Light will enter the room, but in a much smaller amount.

Insulation of windows with bubble wrap is perfect for both an apartment and country house... The film will not allow the window to freeze through, will reduce the noise from the street, it is easy to install. This is done as follows:

  • The purchased film is marked and cut exactly to the shape of the glass.
  • The glass must first be washed, then spray water as evenly as possible on the dry surface.
  • Apply the film to the glass, it should be positioned with the smooth part towards the glass.
  • It is very easy to remove the film, it will stick until you pull it, hooking the corner. There will be no marks left on the glass.

Insulating a window with bubble wrap is a quick and inexpensive way to create an analog expensive coverage with a metal base. Such a film transmits ultraviolet light, so it will not damage indoor plants, it can be used to create winter garden... You can purchase the product at any hardware store or in a company engaged in the transportation and packaging of goods.

Output: film on plastic windows for insulation - great option for any budget, it will help protect the structure from freezing, will not spoil its appearance, it is quickly and easily mounted, and significantly increases the properties of the glass unit. Other options .

Sometimes the owners of windows made of metal-plastic profiles are faced with the situation that in winter cold air enters the room through the window opening (it comes through, "pulls"). To determine how to insulate plastic windows, you need to find places and identify the reasons for the violation of thermal insulation.

How to determine where it is blowing from

Possible cold air ingress points are:

  • Adjacency of the window block to wall panel along the entire perimeter (ceiling, slopes, windowsill);
  • Seal between the sashes and the window frame;
  • Fittings (worn out or loose hinges, handle);
  • Plastic glazing bead securing the glass unit in the profile.

The main reasons for the formation of cracks in these places are:

  • Violation of the rules for installing plastic windows;
  • Distortion of the window frame during natural shrinkage of a new building or a wooden house;
  • The use of low-quality materials by the manufacturer in the manufacture of PVC profiles and by installers when installing the window in order to save money;
  • Drying and cracking of the rubber seal;
  • Wear of window fittings, leading to a weakening of the clamping force;
  • Non-observance of the rules for the operation of windows (regular wet cleaning and processing of rubber seal with glycerin, cleaning and lubrication of the pressure mechanism and hinges).

To determine the place of inflation, it is enough back side hold palms along the listed elements. In the place of damaged thermal insulation, the flow of cold air rushes into the room. For greater efficiency, the palm can be wetted.

It is important! There may be several such places, so it is necessary to examine window block fully.

If in doubt, you can use a lighted match, lighter, candle. They are carried out at a safe distance from the profile (2-3 cm) along the entire perimeter of the window. The deflection of the flame to the side indicates the presence of a draft from the gap.

You can determine where it blows with a burning match

The tightness of the seal can be checked with a sheet of writing paper. It is placed between the open sash and the frame. The sash is closed by turning the handle until it stops. If the paper can be pulled out, then the seal is loose and there is a gap.

The detected places of penetration of cold and cracks are marked on the drawing or with a pencil on window profile... In the process of insulation work, these areas should be given special attention.

  • The warranty period has not expired;
  • Insulation is required outside on high floors;
  • The cause of the gap is a factory defect;
  • Replacement of worn-out elements of the pressure mechanism is required;
  • The work must be done efficiently and in a short time.

In other cases, it is more economical and expedient to carry out the insulation of plastic windows on your own.

How to insulate plastic windows for the winter

The material is selected depending on the area that needs to be insulated.

InsulationMode of application
Polyurethane foam The voids between the window opening and the frame (assembly seam) are filled along the entire perimeter
Mineral wool (for internal works) Window sill insulation and internal slopes with an assembly seam width of 30 mm or more
Styrofoam, expanded polystyreneThermal insulation of external and internal slopes with an assembly seam width of less than 30 mm
Dry building mixtures(plaster, putty for outdoor use)Insulation of slopes, protection of insulation from the external environment outside
Silicone sealantSealing gaps between plastic window elements
Construction scotch tapeGlued on top of the sealant or instead of it
Energy saving filmGlued on inner surface double-glazed windows
Replacing a dry or damaged seal on the sash and frame

To protect insulation from mechanical damage and as decorative coatings for slopes indoors, they are mainly used plastic panels and drywall. The latter requires additional filling and painting.

Step-by-step instructions for do-it-yourself insulation

All work on the insulation of plastic windows can be done independently. It's enough to prepare everything necessary tools, materials, carefully familiarize yourself with the technology and the sequence of work.

The adjustable elements of the clamping mechanism are protruding eccentrics of a cylindrical or oval shape, located at the end of the sash with a step of not more than 70 cm. Additionally, one at a time are placed on the ventilation mechanism (if any) and on the side of the hinges. The cylinders are notched to facilitate adjustment and alignment of all eccentrics in the same position.

Depending on the brand of fittings, you will need a 4 mm hexagon, an asterisk or a flat screwdriver to adjust the cylindrical pin. The oval eccentric is adjusted with a screwdriver.

Clamping mechanism adjustment diagram

For a tighter pressing of the sash to the frame, using a key, the trunnions are alternately turned clockwise. The pressing of the upper and lower hinges is regulated by the screws located on them.

After adjustment on all eccentrics, the risks should be at the same level, the handle should be closed until it stops.

When the house shrinks or the sash sags sealing gum may not adhere to the frame surface evenly. In this case, it is necessary to adjust the position of the sash relative to the frame. To do this, both hinges have left-right screws and additionally in the lower one - up-down.

Video: how to adjust the window yourself so that it doesn't blow out of it

Replacing the seal

The sealant is bought by the same company or an analogue with an identical profile.

For the convenience of work, the sash is removed. For this:

  • The window is locked and removed decorative strip top loop;
  • After removing the retaining ring, remove the hairpin;
  • The window is opened, the sash is freed from the upper hinge by moving "towards itself", it is removed from the lower hinge upward (for large dimensions and weight, the sash is dismantled together);
  • Remove the handle by turning the plastic cover at the base and unscrewing 2 screws with a screwdriver;
  • The sash is laid on a horizontal surface.

Prying with a knife, remove the gum from the groove. The groove is cleaned of dirt and debris, degreased so that the new seal stays in it reliably and for a long time.

The end of the new seal is cut evenly with a knife and pressed into the groove with a bend towards the sash. In this way, the rubber profile is placed around the entire perimeter.

Rubber compressor on windows, if necessary, to be replaced

The end of the seal is cut by 0.2–0.5 cm longer than the required one and, squeezing, pressed into the profile.

It is important! Both ends of the seal can be glued together.

When properly installed, the ends of the seal fit snugly against each other without gaps. If one edge sticks out, it is removed, cut off a little and inserted into place.

Video: replacing the seal on a plastic window

The seal on the frame is also changed.

Sash with installed handle assembled in place in the reverse order of removal:

  • Insert into the bottom loop;
  • Move "away from you" connect the parts of the upper loop;
  • A pin is inserted into the upper loop and a retaining ring is inserted;
  • Put on a decorative overlay.

The flap is closed with a lock and the seal is checked for cracks. If necessary, the pressure density is adjusted with pins and screws on the hinges.

It is important! Before and after the winter season, the seal is cleaned, wiped dry and covered with silicone grease.


Often, adjusting the sash pressure is not enough, cold blows from the windows. In this case, you have to insulate window slopes... It is recommended to do this both outside and inside. Then the windows will be reliably protected, and the room will maintain a comfortable temperature.

It is important! Since the insulation of slopes is carried out in several stages, it is recommended to carry out the work in summer in dry weather. V winter time for external insulation, it is necessary to use materials designed for work at low temperatures.

For the simplest insulation of slopes you will need:

  • Construction foam;
  • Insulation;
  • Silicone sealant or liquid plastic;
  • Drywall;
  • Perforator;
  • Hammer;
  • Spatula, trowel;
  • Construction tape;
  • Foam adhesive (highly elastic);
  • Perforated corner;
  • Polymer reinforcing mesh;
  • Primer;
  • Plaster and putty for interior and facade works.

Polyurethane foam is selected for winter or summer, depending on the time of the work being carried out.

Insulation can be polystyrene or expanded polystyrene. Polyfoam can absorb moisture and hold it for a long time. Expanded polystyrene is more expensive than its counterpart, but surpasses it in all respects.

The thickness of the insulation is selected so that it completely overlaps the assembly seam and goes into the frame by 1–2 cm.

To insulate the slopes from the inside, you can use different materials

If the width of the assembly joint is large, first apply a layer of plaster of the required size.

Insulation from the inside

Initially, the thickness of the insulation and drywall is calculated so that the new slope enters the frame, but does not interfere with the opening of the doors.

Work is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Available old decorative coating knocked down with a puncher to a slab or brick, cleaned of dust and debris with a brush.
  2. The detected voids in the mounting layer are filled with mounting foam. The excess of frozen foam is cut off with a knife. The foam should be of low secondary expansion.
  3. The walls around the perimeter are abundantly primed. A modern primer has antiseptic properties, protecting the surface from the formation of mold and mildew.
  4. If the surface of the slopes has protrusions and depressions, it is leveled with a layer of plaster. After drying, recoat with a layer of primer for better adhesion to the adhesive.
  5. Cut out blanks from polystyrene according to the dimensions of the slope with a margin of 3-5 mm in width. On both sides, they are treated with coarse sandpaper, making the surfaces rough.
  6. The insulation is glued from the bottom up. Glue with a spatula or trowel is applied in a continuous uniform layer to the slope area and the workpiece. It is better to apply the composition to the foam with a notched trowel. The insulation is pressed against the slope and fixed. The insulation can be glued to the slopes with polyurethane foam. To do this, it is applied in zigzags over the entire surface of the slope and the foam is slightly fixed.
  7. After the glue hardens, the prepared drywall blanks are fixed on top of the foam with dowel-nails of such length that they enter the wall by 4–5 cm.
  8. The joints between the slope and the window frame are coated with silicone or liquid plastic.
  9. Excess foam and drywall protruding beyond the plane of the wall are cut off with a knife.
  10. At the angle between the slope and the wall, putty is fixed perforated corner... After hardening, the excess is removed with fine sandpaper.
  11. The slope and the section of the wall are putty and, if desired, painted with water-based paint.

It is important! At each stage of work, the vertical and horizontal lines are controlled building level.

Video: do-it-yourself foam slopes


The polyurethane foam is especially vulnerable from the outside, therefore it needs a thorough examination, removal of the worn-out and applying a new one, filling the voids. Special attention you need to turn to the area at low tide.

  1. Excess frozen foam is removed, the slope is cleaned of old plaster, paint, dust, cover with a layer of primer.
  2. Align facade plaster... Mixtures for internal work crack from temperature changes, so they are not used outside. Again, primed.
  3. The prepared insulation is glued to the slope and additionally fastened with "fungi" - plastic dowels with wide caps. Cut off the excess foam with a knife.
  4. A layer of glue is applied on top of the insulation. Immediately lay the reinforcing mesh to fit the wall, and press it into the glue with a spatula.
  5. A perforated corner (preferably metal) is attached to the junction of the slope and the wall with glue.
  6. A layer of plaster is applied on top.
  7. Install the ebb.

It is important! Over time, a gap forms between the plaster and the frame, therefore it is recommended to make a groove 5 mm deep in this place with a spatula and fill it with silicone.

Video: insulation of slopes outside

Due to poor quality or economically performed work on the installation of a window sill, it can show through quite strongly from under it.

To insulate this area, it is not necessary to dismantle the window sill:

  1. Remove the layer of plaster under it, carefully examine the opened space. Often there you can find debris and polyurethane foam applied only in certain places.
  2. The debris is carefully removed, the voids are thoroughly moistened with a brush.
  3. Further, the entire space under the window sill from the frame to the edge of the wall along the entire length is gradually filled with polyurethane foam.
  4. After hardening, the foam is cut off. The area under the windowsill is covered with a layer of plaster and putty.

Insulation of a window sill with polyurethane foam

It is important! It is necessary to control the position of the window sill with a building level. So that the foam does not displace it during expansion, weights (books, containers with water) are placed on top along the entire length.

Glass insulation

First of all, before the onset of cold weather, windows must be washed. Clean glass prevents the penetration of infrared radiation outside, therefore, heat loss is reduced.

One of the latest developments for insulating glass units is an energy-saving heat-shrinkable film. It has a double effect:

  • Reduces heat loss in the form of infrared radiation;
  • Forms an additional air layer (“third glass” effect).

The film fixing technology is simple and does not require any special skills. To do this, you need a clerical or construction knife, Double-sided tape and a hairdryer:

  1. The window is thoroughly washed so that a characteristic creak is heard when you slide your finger.
  2. Scotch tape is glued to the frame along the entire perimeter. It is desirable that there are no gaps at the joints.
  3. The film is laid out and cut to the size of the frame with a small margin.
  4. Remove the protective layer from the tape.
  5. The film is glued to tape, stretching along the entire perimeter of the frame. Small "wrinkles" will not cause problems. It is important that the film is securely fixed across the entire width of the tape, without "bubbles". Pay special attention to the corners.
  6. The stream of hot air from the hair dryer is directed to the film, especially carefully warming up the folds. Due to its heat-shrinking properties, the film quickly stretches, "wrinkles" disappear.

The heat-insulating film is glued to the window without much difficulty

The appearance of the window deteriorates a little, but the heat-saving qualities are significantly increased.

Video: installation of a heat-saving film on a window

For self-insulation plastic windows sometimes it is enough to have a suitable tool at hand. It is important to correctly determine the cause, know the technology and follow the sequence of the work performed.

The perfection of the designs of plastic windows is far from the ideal that is presented in advertising. In practice, it turns out that both cold and loud sounds are allowed into the room. That is why the question of how to insulate plastic windows for the winter with their own hands inside an apartment arises over time with most of their users.

The perfection of plastic window designs is far from ideal.

Reasons for the need for additional insulation

Leakage violation is the main factor provoking the need for insulation work.

Because of what there is a loss of tightness:

  1. Errors during installation of the window unit;
  2. Poor installation of slopes;
  3. Worn out insulation;
  4. Loss of elasticity of the seal;
  5. Shrinkage of walls;
  6. Malfunction of mechanisms, window fittings.

Leakage is the main factor

Interesting! During installation, a plastic window requires significant damage to the window opening. Often, builders resort to unscrupulous insulation measures, hammering the impressive holes formed during the construction of a house with literally anything - from construction waste to sand and cement.

Popular for filling holes in walls and polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam, which has a cellular structure, which, over time, when condensation forms in the facade cracks, peels off the surface, and also dries up under the influence, is popular for sealing holes in walls. ultraviolet rays... Therefore, warming over time will require not only window cracks, but also a window sill.

Invite craftsmen or do it yourself?

For self-insulation of plastic windows, it is advisable to be familiar with technological process installation of window blocks.

It is widely believed that the elimination of defects in the sash seal and insulation along the glass contour, as well as malfunctions of window fittings and the locking mechanism, is better to be trusted by professional specialists. The advantage of performing work by experienced qualified craftsmen is that they provide a guarantee for their services.

The advantage of having the work done by experienced skilled craftsmen

Remember! Independent work on the insulation of a plastic window will be considered a violation of the terms of warranty service, if its term has not yet expired.

Some types of work, for example, warming the contour of the frame, slopes, ebb, window sill can be done with your own hands. A wide selection of material on the Internet, describing in detail how to insulate plastic windows, if it blows, with step by step instructions in video and text format, available for understanding by anyone without special skills.

If there are doubts about the success, it is better to hand over the conceived business into the hands of experienced people.

The decision on whether to insulate windows on your own or to seek help from a master must be taken carefully. If you are confident that you can do it yourself for sure, spending money on such work is not at all necessary. If there are doubts about the success of the planned business, it is better to leave it in the hands of experienced people.

Diagnostics of critical points

To determine what work is required, the window must be examined to find places where wind and cold pass through.

To understand exactly where the window lets the cold into the room, you can use a simple technique: take an ordinary lighter or candle, and examine the perimeter of the window for the presence of blown areas, observing the deflection of the flame. In the absence of a lighter, you can use an open palm.

Most carefully, you should study the places where the window frame adjoins the wall.

On a note! Most carefully, you should study the places where the window frame adjoins the wall. Slopes, window sills and fittings are also subject to mandatory checks.

It is especially convenient to find cracks on frosty days, when there is a contrasting temperature outside compared to the room.

What to choose materials for insulation

The choice of material depends on the condition window system.

The most popular heaters for indoor windows:

  • Cotton wool, masking tape;
  • Foam rubber on an adhesive basis;
  • Polyurethane foam;
  • Sealant, putty;
  • Rubberized seal
  • Styrofoam;
  • Mineral wool.

Regular packing tape for window insulation will not work

Important! Ordinary packing tape for window insulation will not work - it is very difficult to clean.

Insulation, if necessary, can be mounted using a dowel or adhesive mixture.

Decorative finishing can be done with plaster mix

Decorative finishes can be done with plaster mix, PVC panels or drywall.

First, the window should be washed

Not many people know that a dirty window is the cause of heat leakage from the room.

The thing is that heat tends to leave the window in the form of infrared radiation. Standard window glass is transparent, while letting in rays of the visible spectrum, it acts as an obstacle to heat-transmitting infrared rays.

Glass covered with a layer of dirt loses its transparency

Interesting! Glass covered with a layer of dirt loses its transparency for the visible part of the radiation, but at the same time the transparency of the glass for the rays of the infrared spectrum increases.

Therefore, the banal timely washing of windows, performed before the onset of cold weather, will help preserve heat in the house.

Before insulating plastic windows for the winter, they should be washed.

Before insulating plastic windows for the winter, they should be washed both inside and outside. They will qualitatively wash window glass from dirt and greasy stains detergents containing ammonia or ethyl alcohol.

In any case, before carrying out insulation work, you should also thoroughly wash both the frames and the window sill, since insulation, seals and heat-saving film are very poorly glued to uncleaned frames.

Window sash pressure adjustment

The rubber seal can lose its elasticity and volume due to the constant opening or closing of the window frame. Cold air begins to flow into the house through the cracks formed.

It is not necessary to change the gasket. The clamping mechanism can be adjusted.

The rubber seal may lose its elasticity

Important! A completely leaky seal will have to be replaced.

There are special cylinders in the slots of the metal plugs. They fit into the frame hooks and are called pins.

The hooks can be moved to the desired degree of pressure, or the pins can be adjusted. The loosening of the bolt facilitates a change in the position of the hook. To increase the pressure, the hooks are moved towards the street; to loosen the hooks, they are shifted to the side of the room.

For those who want to visually see how to insulate plastic windows for the winter with their own hands inside, using the methods of adjusting the pressure mechanism from the room, this process is presented in the video below.

Do-it-yourself traditional ways of insulating plastic windows

  • Cotton wool and masking tape. These materials remain the most economical. Large cracks and the entire frame around the perimeter of the window is laid with cotton wool, after which it is sealed on top with masking tape.
  • Foam insulation on an adhesive basis. Reliable protection from cold and wind, it is qualitatively attached to the window frame and does not fall off. One roll contains 3 meters of material, so before going to the hardware store, you can calculate the right amount... The only drawback is that the foam rubber can absorb the resulting condensate, as a result of which the tightness can be broken.

These materials remain the most economical

  • Putty. This method is suitable for those who are looking for a reliable answer to the question of how to insulate plastic windows, if it was found that in any part of the frame it was blowing heavily. Sold putty in bars weighing 300 grams. One such block is needed per window. The mass is kneaded with hands until soft, after which all the cracks are filled with it. After hardening, the material hardens. The work is quite laborious. The putty does not absorb moisture and is very inexpensive.

Sold putty in bars weighing 300 grams

  • Silicone sealant. Reliable sealing contributes to the retention of heat. Ideal for filling voids and gaps and for strengthening glass in a frame. However, frames cannot be filled with such material, since with the onset of spring the window may not open.

Reliable sealing contributes to heat retention

  • Rubberized seal. Reliable and durable insulation product. There are three types, depending on the thickness, for filling gaps of various sizes. Sold in skeins of 10-12 meters. The cost of such material is quite high.

Thermal insulation of the glass surface

Cold glass has a considerable area and is a kind of refrigeration panel, since in fact it lowers the temperature of the air in contact with it.

Inside the room, condensation forms on cold glass, which, with prolonged exposure to the window opening and frame, provokes:

  • mold development;
  • accelerated wear of the seal;
  • the ingress of fungal spores into the air inhaled by a person, which harms the health of all people living in the room.

A simple, effective and inexpensive solution for insulating a plastic window is gluing a thermal film on the glass surface. It contains rare earth metals deposited with a thin molecular layer, as well as nickel and silver alloys, which do not allow cold air to pass through.

The application of thermal film has no effect on the transparency of the glass.

Due to the formation of an air cushion between the film and the glass, a heat retention coefficient of 154% is achieved. The application of thermal film has no effect on the transparency of the glass.

For gluing the thermal film you will need:

  • double sided tape;
  • scissors;
  • stationery knife;


  1. Before gluing, it is extremely important to perfectly wash and wipe dry the glasses. It depends on how smoothly the film will "lay" on the glass surface and how long it will hold.
  2. Stick double-sided tape around the perimeter of the window.
  3. Divide the edges of the film with a utility knife.
  4. Cut a piece of canvas with scissors in accordance with the dimensions of the window and stick it onto the adhesive tape applied to the frames.
  5. Turn on the hair dryer and rinse the film warm air smoothing over the glass surface. If small bubbles appear, they can burst with the tip of a knife.

A reliable way to additionally insulate windows - blackout curtains

Checked! One more reliable way additional window insulation - blackout curtains that have an air cushion effect, similar to thermal film.

Other ways of insulating plastic windows

More serious internal insulation works, such as:

  • installation of slopes (with dismantling of old ones);
  • window sill insulation various materials;
  • replacement of the sealant and insulation;
  • adjusting the level of the window block due to wall shrinkage;
  • repair and adjustment of mechanical assemblies and fittings

You can also do it on your own, with certain technical skills, attentiveness and diligence. How to do this can be seen in special videos, where all the instructions will be clear even for a beginner.

Plastic windows that really keep warm in the house is an absolutely realizable task. It is important to find all blown areas, and, having chosen the most suitable method of insulation, perform simple step-by-step actions.