Warming of residential attic. Insulation roofing mansard from inside

September 7, 2016
Specialization: Capital construction works (Laying the foundation, the construction of the walls, the design of the roof, etc.). Domestic construction work (laying internal communications, roughing and finishing). Hobby: mobile connection, high tech, Computer equipment, programming.

Some time ago finished the execution of an arrangement of the attic of the attic for winter accommodation. Performing work, I thought that the technology used by me is quite simple and makes the thermal insulation with your own hands from the inside will be able to even the unprepared person.

In today's material I will tell you the better and how to warm the attic from the inside with my own hands. This instruction will help you not make mistakes with which at the beginning of your builder career had to face me.

I assure you, at the end of the mansard floor wooden house From no one from the necessary repository of the trash will turn into a cozy and comfortable room, for accommodation in which all your households will fight.

Features and methods of insulation of an attic room

Before telling about the ways from the inside heat insulating the cushionable space, I want to note that it is necessary to do this, even if you are not going to live in a house in the winter. The fact is that the attic, due to the features of the location, is strongly heated by the Sun in the summer, therefore, without a reliable insulation layer, the temperature inside will be uncomfortable (or it will have to put a very powerful air conditioner).

If you have already insulated ordinary residential premises and think that you know how to insulate the attic, you have to disappoint you. The thermal insulation of the room under the roof (not the usual room of the second floor, namely the attic) has some features that I am simply obliged to mention:

  1. Geometry mansard premises Repeats contours scope roof, Therefore, far from a standard cube or a parallelepipeda. Installing the insulation will have to inclined surfaces, so the choice of heat-insulating material will have to be approached with special care. For example, the use of too soft and flexible products is completely eliminated.
  2. The rafting roof system and roofing is always performed from lightweight materials so as not to have a large load on the bearing walls of the house. Consequently, the heat-insulating pie must weigh so much so that only slightly weighting the design, otherwise the roof can collapse with a significant snow load.
  3. In addition to the roof rods, the attic has two more frontones and the floor (it is at the same time an attic overlap). If you do not perform the thermal insulation of these surfaces, all efforts to install the insulation in the rafter will not lead to any significant result.

  1. The roofing material, no matter how reliable it, can pass the atmospheric moisture, which, in turn, is able to damage the insulated layer or significantly reduce its technical characteristics. Therefore, during installation, it is necessary to securely protect thermal insulation from moisture.
  2. When fireing buildings, the fire is usually moving towards the top of the dwelling, where the attic is located. Therefore, to ensure the possibility of evacuating people from this room for thermal insulation, I personally recommend using non-combustible or badly flammable insulation. After all, the case is still exacerbated by the fact that the rapid roof system is made of a tree, which the NG category does not attract.
  3. Well, the last moment is ecology. It is necessary to take care that the insulation does not imagine the dangers for people living in the attic regardless of its operating conditions - heating, moisturizing, freezing, and so on.

To begin with, we define with the method of thermal insulation. There are two options:

  1. Warming of mansard walls. This method is resorted in the case when the roof rates are not the walls of the attic. The role of the latter is played by additional partitions from wood, drywall, plywood, and so on, which should be insulated.
    Plus this method - the presence of an additional ventilated space under the roof. Minus - Reducing the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

  1. Warming of roof rods. In this case, the thermal insulator is installed in the rafter system, after which it is possible to divide the spacious attic with the help of thin partitions, without worrying about the cold or heat. Plus the fact that all subxuring space will be insulated. And with the help of partitions, it is possible to divide it into several separate rooms, setting up additionally storage room in the attic room.

I prefer exactly the second way of insulation, so it will be discussed further.

Choosing materials and tools

It's time to decide what from the inside insulate the attic room. To do this, it is possible to use polystyrene foam, crumples, polyurethane foam, eco-friendly and many other thermal insulators, which offers to acquire a domestic and foreign industry.

But I perform the insulation of the attic with basalt wool. This material, in my opinion, best meets the requirements of the thermal insulation layer of this room.

Briefly list the most important advantages Basalt mats:

Characteristic Description
Low thermal conductivity The material is so well maintained heat inside the room, which is enough to install a layer with a thickness of 10 cm for effective thermal insulation.
Gigroscopic Basalt fibers do not absorb water and have hydrophobic properties, so the moisture that fell inside is quickly removed through the gaps, without reducing the performance properties of the material.
Parp permeability The material does not prevent air infiltration, normalizing humidity in the attic and extending the life of wooden parts.
Non-calamity Basalt wool is not ignited during the fire and contributes to the decay of the flame, giving time to evacuate people or eliminate the fireplace.

I could still talk about the pluses of mineral wool, but not this is the topic of today's article. Therefore, it just noted the better from the inside to perform insulation of the attic.

I prefer to use the basalt Matte TechnoNIKOL TECHNOLITE EXTRA thickness of 10 cm, sizes 120 by 60 cm. More dense material to buy is inappropriate, as it will not experience loads between rafters.

It is very important to pay attention to the size of the material.. I chose Matte TechnoNIKOL, because their width is 60 cm, namely, the distance between adjacent rafters in the case described by me.

In addition to direct thermal insulation, other materials are also needed:

  1. Wooden bars with a cross section of 30 by 50 mm, with the help of which a controller will be formed for ventilation gaps that contribute to the removal of moisture.
  2. Superdiffused vapor-permeable hydro and windproof membrane. Especially high quality these films are obtained from Strotex and Juta companies, so I recommend buying them.
  3. Penophol. Heat-reflecting material I'm going to use instead of standard vaporizoation filmprotecting mineral wool from moisturizing from the inside of the room.

  1. Antiseptic primer. It needs to treat rafting roof supports in order to avoid the appearance of mold and fungus. You can buy a composition with antipirens, thereby increasing fire safety the buildings.
  2. OSP-slabs. They will be needed to design the crate on which the flexible tile is stacked on the one hand and the Eurovantia on the other. If you are going to use other materials, then the solid doom can not be needed.
  3. Polyurethan mounting foam. It is useful for sealing seams between mineral mats.
  4. P-shaped perforated brackets for the installation of galvanized crate. I will keep it on the spot installed mineral mats before their firmware decorative material.

Well, now you can safely move on to how you inside with your own hands to insulate the attic.

Arrangement of insulation

The whole process of insulation can be divided into several steps:

So, I will explain how to perform work in each of the mentioned stages properly.

Step 1 - Laying of waterproofing and roofing material

Let's start using the waterproofing membrane, as it is installed outside the room before fixing the roofing coating. Only in this way, you can safely protect the insulation of the layer from entering it atmospheric moisture.

I will immediately say that the entire rafting system of the roof in the case described was established. However, the roofing material and the doomle on it are not yet laid.

The process consists of such steps:

  1. Rolling the first layer of hydro and windproof membrane. You need to start work from the bottom of the roof slide, gradually moving upstairs. The membrane is fixed with the help of brackets and a building stapler or nails with wide hats. It is necessary to install the film not in a latitude, but with a small savory (about 2 cm per meter) so that with a decrease in the air temperature, it has not broken.

  1. Staying the second and subsequent sheets of waterproof film.It is necessary to act in the same way as in the previous paragraph. But there is one point here. The edge of the upper membrane must be on the edge of the lower at a distance of 10 cm to ensure complete impermeability for moisture.

  1. Sealing membrane seams. This uses a sticky tape. It is necessary to simply stick to the joints of neighboring waterproofing membranes.
  2. I establish a copula. Its role is played by wooden bars, which are fixed with the help of self-tapping screws over the waterproofing membrane on the rafter supports. I preliminarily recommend them to impregnate with antiseptic and antipyarem to extend the life of the roofing structure.
  3. Fix the boards of an additional crate. They are mounted perpendicular to the rafters and are attached to self-drawing to the counterclaim. The step between adjacent details is about 40 cm.

  1. I install OSP-plates of the base.They are attached to the boards with self-tapping screws. Here you need to monitor the length of fastening fittings so that too long screws do not waste the hydro and windproof membrane below.

  1. Intim the flexible roof.To do this, the plates are glued lining carpetAfter which it is fixed by the flexible tile shings.

If you warm the attic with the ready-made roof, the waterproofing membrane will have to be installed with inner. This method has two minuses:

  • the complexity of the work carried out;
  • the waterproof film will not protect the wooden rafting roof supports.

It is necessary to fix and seal the film so that it turns the rafters and seen the roofing crate. Thus, peculiar baths are formed, in which insulated material will be invested.

But before this it is necessary to prepare a cerilent space for mounting mineral mats.

Step 2 - Preparation of the Slinge System

Space under the roof, namely, the rafter system, I prepare for thermal insulation:

  1. Wooden parts purify from dust and debris, remove objects that interfer the installation of mineral mats.It is best to clean the raftered with a vacuum cleaner that allows you to remove dust, sawdust and chips, which remained after the installation of roofing material. It should also be checked if there is no sharp ends of screws, nails and so on. They can cause injury or damage insulation materials.

  1. Intimate engineering communications and insulate them.Faning and chimneys can be installed on the roof, as well as the wiring required to connect household appliances in the indoor attitudes:
    • Ventilation pipes, if they are laid in a unwitted piece of attic, it is necessary to heat up with mineral wool or foam shells.
    • For the chimney, you should construct a box for passage through attic overlap And roof. They must be covered with thermal insulating material (most often perlite or clay), which will increase the fire safety of the room.
    • Electrical wiring should be placed in polymer flexible or rigid cable channels, which will prevent the ringer and insulation layer in the event of a short circuit.

  1. Fit wooden surface.It is better to use a universal composition with both antiseptic and fire protection properties. For example, the composition for Wood BS-13 or Firebioplastic of the guard-2. Put it on wooden details It is necessary using a roller or sprayer by performing processing in two layers with an intermediate drying for 3 or 4 hours.

  1. I establish the P-shaped brackets on the side surfaces of the rafted.It is not necessary to use them, since with the proper installation of rafted Mineral mats and so the veils are becoming tight. But I'm used to reinsurance, and their acquisition is not much hurting the budget planned for insulation. But if you use your wool in rolls, without this can not do without it.

Step 3 - Installation of thermal insulation

The insulation of the attic from the inside continues. Go to the main part:

  1. Perform a cutting of mats. Mineral wool cuts into the necessary pieces with a sharp knife or a peking with very small cloths. If the distance between the rafters does you correspond to the width of the insulation, the trimming is practically not necessary.

  1. I install mats between the rafters.To do this, it is necessary to move a little material in the middle, after which insert the insulation in right place. Crawing, the basalt mat will take the place intended for it and will not fall out of the tilted surface.

  1. Fixed mats by brackets.It is necessary to simply bend part of the bracket so that its edge is on the surface of the mat and kept it in place. Instead of brackets, you can use galvanized perforated ribbons, which are attached directly to the lower edges of the rafter.
  2. Sealing the seams of the material with polyurethane mounting foam. Filling the gaps are needed using a gun. Moreover, act so that the composition is inside the entire gap, and not only on its surface. If you make a mistake at this stage, cold bridges can form at the joints, which will reduce the effectiveness of insulation.

To increase the reliability of the heat insulating layer, you can install not one, but two layers of the insulation. Only take mineral mats with a thickness of not 10, and 5 cm. Then the individual layers are installed so that the joints are a rupture. And the bridges of the cold can not be afraid at all, although sealing seams still costs.

Step 4 - Finishing Coating

The decorative finish of the enjoyment of the attic room is made as follows:

  1. I establish a heat transfer and a pair-protective layer.As you understand, for this, it will serve as a foam-foam polyethylene with a reflective layer of polished aluminum foil. It is mounted as follows:
    • The first sheet of the foam foil layer is established in the direction of the dwelling, and then shoots to the rafters using a construction stapler.
    • The second and subsequent sheets of the material is set to individual elements There was a nest of a distance of 10 cm.
    • The junction of the foam joint is sampled with a double-sided sticky ribbon (inside the joint) or metallized tape (which is glued on top of the joint). It is necessary to make so that a completely homogeneous and hermetic layer is formed.
    • If the thickness of the rafters, you have such that the edge of the insulation does not reach the tree cut, then the foam need to be laid on the surface of mineral wool, fixing the roofing beams on the side surface. Otherwise, it can be cooled when air passes through the ventilation gap.

  1. Introducing the bars of the coogende to arrange the ventilation gap.You need to fasten the planks with the help of screws to the rafters on top of the foam. Thanks to these details, the interval is formed between finish finish and a heat transfer surface that is necessary to remove the condensed moisture.

  1. I install OSP-slabs. They are attached to the counterclaim with self-tapping screws. Here everything is standard, with the exception of some small nuances:
    • It is necessary to install sheets so that it remains 1-2 cm thick at the edges (in the frontones and gender). It is necessary to remove excess moisture and compensation for possible change in the size of the material.
    • The seams between adjacent plates should go to the gazebag (in a checkerboard) and be a thickness of 2-3 mm to avoid blocking the surface with thermal expansion of the base.
    • Fasten the stoves so that their edges are located on the bars of the counter test. The distance between self-pressing is no more than 20 cm.

On the plates later you can install the eurvagon or other decorative material. And we have ahead of the warming of the fronttones, which form the two of their four nationery walls.

Step 5 - Fronton Warming

These pieces of attic, I strongly advise you to warm up, using a dense mineral wool for this, which can be coated from above cement plaster. Scheme of work Next:

  1. I cook the surface to work.To do this, clean the surface of the walls from the residues construction solutions, garbage, dirt and dust. After that, the following operations are performed:
    • Repair of damage. If slots and cracks are detected in the masonry, they must be seen cement mortar Or blew the mounting foam.
    • Protecting the surface. To do this, take the primer composition for the brick or (not the one you have treated rafters), after which it is covered with the frontones in two layers with an intermediate drying.

  1. Intim the starting profile. This is a perforated galvanized part to which the insulating layer will be relying. It is fixed in the bottom of the wall strictly horizontally. If you need a few such parts, then install them with a small gap to compensate for the thermal expansion of the metal.

  1. I stick the first row of mineral mats. Let me remind you that you need to use dense mineral wool, which is intended for subsequent finishing with cement mortar. The sequence of action is:
    • The mineral wool surface is pre-reinforced by cement glue, which is evenly distributed on the stove with a spatula.

  • At a distance of 5 cm from the edge, an cement glue roller is applied from the edge. In the middle of the mat, there are also several lumpy lumps so that no less than 40% of the leaf surface is covered.
  • The detail is applied to the wall. In this case, its lower end needs to be opened on a pre-installed starting profile. Using a water level, it is necessary to check the basalt mat to be installed strictly vertically in all planes.
  • At the first layer, other mats are stuck in the same way. It is necessary to monitor verticals, and that the seams between adjacent details are minimal.
  1. I glue the second and subsequent rows of mineral mats.Here, differences compared to the procedure described in the previous paragraph. It is only necessary to monitor that the vertical walkers go. That is, the seam of the upper row accounted for the middle of the leaf of the insulation of the bottom row (as in the brickwork).
  2. After pouring the solution, the insulation layer fix the "fungi" dowels.They are set as follows:
    • Right through the mineral mats in the wall with a perforator, a hole is drilled, the depth of which in the brick or concrete should exceed 2 cm.
    • A dowel is inserted into the resulting hole, after which the core is installed inside.
    • With the help of hammer, the core is clogged into the dowel so that its hat is slightly recessed into the surface of the insulation.
    • Not only mineral mats need to fasten. "Fungi" should be installed in the seams of the insulation to heat insulating layer did not break away under load.

  1. Sealing the seams of the material.For the insulation of the seams, a polyurethane foam is used, which gluits the fibers of the insulation among themselves, preventing the formation of cold bridges in the joints of the neighboring mineral plates. It is necessary to fill the seam with a gun as close as possible.
  2. Reinforcing the surface of the insulation with alkyl - fiberglass mesh. For this, mineral mats are coated with the reinforcing composition, after which the mesh is put on it and is pressed into the solution with a plaster grater. Then there is a little more solution to be applied from above so as to completely hide the grid inside.
  3. I perform plastering the surface.The reinforced warmed surface of the frontoths is placed, after which it is drawn up by the selected decorative material. In the simplest case, you can simply paint the fronton front paint.

That's all. Some still resort to thermal insulation inter-storey overlapHowever, with such a powerful insulation that I described, I consider this procedure unnecessary.


Now you know how to independently perform the correct insulation of the walls in the attic floor and the floor with your own hands using mineral wool. However, there are other options.

For example, sprayed polystyrene foam, with the help of which the thermal insulation of complex sites is easily carried out, including Mauerlalat on heated attic. You can learn from the video yourself from the video in this article about how to fulfill the PPU.

The questions remained - ask them in the comments!

September 7, 2016.

If you want to express your gratitude, add clarification or objection to ask the author - add a comment or tell me thanks!

Manzard - a favorite dwelling of poets, artists, creative and creative people. Thanks to New building materials, attic floor can be used as a room under the roof as a residential or shopping room (zone) not only in summer, but also in winter (for winter stay). Abroad, competently designed and decorated attic and are at all relate to the category of bohemian housing.

In the modern housing construction of the attic - this is not just a warm christy attic, it is effective method Increase functional space residential building. Noteworthy is the fact that in accordance with urban planning standards, attic is taken into account when determining the flooding of the structure.

Advantages of warmed attic:

  • savings at the cost of materials during the construction of a residential building;
  • functional area arrangement;
  • original appearance of a private house with an attic;
  • reducing heat loss through the underpants space.

Among the disadvantages: beveled ceilings, the need for additional insulation, difficulties with the rational organization of residential space.

Most of the minuses of the attic are completely eliminated and with right approach become advantages.

Preparation for mansard insulation

A specific attitude of the attic is the presence of an inclined ceiling. Moreover, on the standards of SNIP 2.08.01-89, "residential buildings" The height of the attic floor cannot be below 2.5 m. A decrease in height on an area not exceeding 50% of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

Another features of the attic can be attributed:

  • the dependence of the heat loss from the material from which the house was built: wood, cellular concrete, brick or their combination;
  • addiction engineering systems Mansard from existing in the house. This imposes prints on technical solutions on device communications;
  • a variety of architectural forms: broken, one, double roof;
  • diversity constructive decisions. Material for manufacture carrier elements Mansard can serve wood, metal, reinforced concrete;
  • specificity of placement location. The attic may be within the area of \u200b\u200bthe building or go beyond its borders with support for colons or a console removal of inter-fitted overlap.

Thus, making decisions on how to insulate the attic for winter accommodation should be proceeding from constructive features.

Note that work on the insulation of a residential building or an apartment is correctly performed outside the room, because This approach ensures displacement of the friction point towards the mounted on outside Walls insulation.

However, the insulation of the attic of the attic from the inside - a widespread option, because All surfaces that are subject to insulation are inside the indoors of the floor - ceiling, floor and walls. The exception is the fronton, which can be insulated within the framework of the insulation of the attic or at the same time with the insulation of the whole house.

Factors affecting the thermal insulation of the attic

Professionals allocate two key factors that have a significant impact on the level of heat loss and performance features Mansard after work on insulation is performed.

  • First, it is thermal insulation material. Taking into account the fact that the attic floor is the coldest room in the house, and it is supposed to perform the insulation of the attic of the attic with their own hands, you need to we suspend to choose a heater.
  • Secondly, this is a waterproofing film. It is she who is designed to protect the insulation from moisture falling into the indoors of the attic from the outside (outside) through the roofing material, and from the inside, through the floor.

What is the insulation for the attic to choose?

For the insulation of the attic of the house, you can apply any thermal insulation material that has proven itself in practice.

Among the most popular materials are: cotton, foam, polyurethane foam and varieties. It should be remembered that the insulation for the attic is chosen taking into account the factors inherent in a particular home and, taking into account the level of skill of one who will be engaged in the installation of thermal insulation material.

Characteristics that determine the fitness of the insulation for use in a particular case are shown in the table.

Insulation Stiffness (compression strength) Heat conduction Gigro-scope Shrinkage Weight Installation on the broken roof Cost
Mineral wool (basalt insulation) - - + + - + 100-140 rubles / m.kv.
Glasswater (synthetic insulation) - - + + - + 70-80 rubles / m.kv.
Penophol (foil insulation) - - - - - + 40-50 rubles / m.kv.
Equata (cellulose insulation) - - + - - + 23-35 rubles / kg
Polyurethane foam (PPU foam) + - - - - + 170-212 rubles / kg
Styrofoam + - - - - - 2560-3200 rub / M.Kub
Polystyrene foam (Painoplex) + - - - - - 3500-5000 rub / m.Kub

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How to insulate the attic from the inside

Features of the use of insulation different species and types.

Soft thermal insulation materials:

  • the insulation of the attic of the minorvata requires a competent selection and use of films. Thus, it is possible to eliminate the main disadvantage of watts - its hygroscopicity. The second, less significant minus - minor rigidity, is eliminated by reliable fixation of watts, as well as the use of more dense varieties. Thus, the wool saving is excluded. However, due to the environmentally friendliness of the components, the insulation of the attic of the Minskata from the inside continues to hold the leading position;
  • the insulation of mansard glass gamble is rarely carried out due to the fact that the glass gamble is unsafe in terms of environmentally friendly material. Plus, creates difficulties in the installation;
  • hansard insulation by foam. Used in case it is necessary to heat without significant losses in the height of the room. So that the foam performed its functions, the material must be orienting the foil layer inside the room.

Hard thermal insulation materials:

  • hansard insulation with foam. Excellent and easy to install an option that has such a disadvantage as incomplete fit of sheets to the crate. In view of this, the space unfilled by insulation appears and the effectiveness of insulation is reduced. In addition, foam foam, and toxic substances are distinguished during combustion. And in conclusion, tight insulation poorly misses couples. Polyfoam's popularity is due to its low price;
  • mansard insulation is a polystyrene foam (penopleypsex) is similar to the insulation of foam. The difference is the presence of a groove fastening system, which, justice, does not play in the insulation of the attic an important role. As well as in the greater density of the material itself.

Note that breathing soft insulation will be good option, if necessary, perform insulation of a wooden attic.

Sprayed thermal insulation materials:

  • hansard insulation is an eco-tree. Material is 80% consisting of cellulose and 20% of wood. It has a natural antiseptic. This is completely eco-friendly material;
  • medzard insulation polyurethanerette (PPU).

The widespread spread of sprayed insulation prevents their high price, as well as the need to attract specialists and use special equipment. At the same time, as evidenced by consumer feedback, the price is justified by a high level of thermal insulation. After all, the sprayed material fills the smallest gaps and eliminates the sources of heat loss.

The thickness of the insulation of the attic depends on: type of roofing material, room height, availability heating system, placement of insulation and its kind.

Recommendation. If mansard roof The chimney passes, use basalt wool. It begins to melt at a temperature of 1000 ° C, rather than smoldering as an eco-board and not melted as hard insulation (foam, penplex).

Waterproofing and vapor barrier under insulation

Since Vata is a leader among the materials for the insulation of the attic, and at the same time it is hygroscopicity, then the need arises to take care of the wado itself, protecting it with a film of hydro and vapor barrier. Otherwise, Wata wureswards and loses its heat insulating properties.

For insulation insulation, apply:

  • izospan (20-25 rubles / m.kv.). A vapor barrier film (membrane) has a double layer and surface roughness, due to which condensate is held;
  • polyethylene film (3 rubles / m.kv.). Most affordable price waterproofing material. But this film does not have the ability to skip steam;
  • waterproofing membrane (30-45 rubles / m.kv.). Many manufacturers offer membranes for the roof, which distinguishes the ability to simultaneously hold moisture and skip steam.
  • penofol (40-50 rubles / m.kv.). Folgized insulation.

Mansard insulation technology from the inside with their own hands

Complex thermal insulation provides for the implementation of such types of work:

  1. insulation roof attic;
  2. insulation ceiling attic;
  3. insulation of the floor of the mansard;
  4. warming of mansard walls.

Each of the stages has its own characteristics on which we will stop in detail. The insulation of the attic from the inside is performed if the roof is already covered.

Warming roof attic

It doesn't matter what roofing material covers the rafter system. The main thing is that it effectively copes with the task of preventing water from entering the indoor room. From the point of view of insulation, the type of roofing material does not matter - their thermal insulation properties are approaching zero. This means that the most significant losses of heat occur through the roof. Therefore, work on the insulation of the room begins from the roof of the attic floor.

How to insulate the roof of the attic from the inside - step by step instruction

  • installation of a waterproofing film or membrane. This is a film that prevents water to the insulation, but does not interfere with the output of moisture from it. Thanks to which the insulation does not wet. The film is mounted from the skate to the cornice so that water, if it fell through the roofing material or condensed on it, flowed on the film outward. Before mounting a film, it is important to handle wooden parts rafter system primer deep penetration;
  • air layer. It turns out by arranging the crate. Allows the material to "breathe";
  • installation of insulation. Mineral wool (or hard insulation) lays between the attic roof rafters. If the step has rafted more than 600 mm. It is necessary to make an additional crate before the styling of the waterproofing film.

    Vata is placed between the adjacent bars or the metal profile of the eye, so that there are no gaps. If such appeared, you need to cut a piece of watts, and close the gap.

    Masters recommend using mats from mineral wool, and not rolled material, because They differ greater density. It is also recommended to lay cotton in two layers with displacement. To cotton tightly sitting in a designed place, it can be strengthened with rope or nails;

    Council. If a capping ceiling is performed with a slope length of more than three meters, you need to make wooden jumpers between vertical bars Chatters. Because Wat can "slip".

  • installing vapor barrier film. The task of this film does not miss steam into the insulation. The optimal level of humidity is achieved by ventilating the room;

    Note. To isolate the rafters, some masters set a thin insulation between the paraparmer film and the finishing material.

    Laying the layers in a given order is important to ensure reliable adjuncing of films and insulation to the skate, endand, walls, window openings, etc.

  • finishing material. Most often, plasterboard sheets, MDF or wood (board, lining) are used to finish the attic. Facing material Fastened to a rapid system or a frame of profiles.

Back in 1630, the Architect of Mansar proposed to use the attic space for residential purposes. So the attic appeared - a comfortable room. And it will become even more comfortable if making attic insulation from the inside. The key to the effective thermal insulation is the following rules: the creation of a continuous circuit of insulation, ensuring waterproofing and vaporizolation, and arrangement.

Materials used

Not all insulators are suited for the insulation of the attic of their own hands. Optimal choice - Plates made of stone wool. They are fireproof and vaporosham, do not succumb to deformation and almost do not absorb water. And here polystyrene foam plates And the mats from fiberglass builders are trying not to use. The first cannot be proud of fire resistance, the second over time lose heat-insulating properties.

Most often, in this case, lightweight materials use not to give a large load on the basic designs. Therefore, with its manufacture, it is preferred to take wood or a thin cold-made metallic profile.

During the laying, it is impossible to take a product for accurate size Cell frameworks of the rafter system. If the insulator is calculated by the sizes of the cell, it will not perform its functions: the material "will die" and small cavities are formed, through which the cold leaks.

When the plate of the selected insulation is taken with a margin, it becomes the space between the rafters closely and even after the "drying" wata fills the entire cavity.

We make heat insulation of the rods

The roof, under which the mansard room itself is located, supports the design: a doomle and rafters that are installed in a step of 600-1000 mm. Consequently, stone wool plates are put in place between rafters. In the event that the thickness of the insulation is more than the height of the cross section of the rafter, they are attached to them with screws wooden barsAntiseptic treated.

To remove moisture that fell into the underfloor space, the air clearance is left between the roof and the insulator. If the roof is made of galvanized professional sheet, tiles or metal tiles, then the thickness of the gap should be 25 mm. If the roof is laid out flat sheets (asbestos-cement, galvanized, soft bituminous Tiled), Requires a clearance of at least 50 mm.

Builders also recommend taking care of a layer of windproof vapor-permeable material. If we are talking about erection of the house from scratch, the windproof film is fastened on top of the rafted wooden bars. In the event that the attic is landscaping at the already existing attic, the windproof layer is attached to rafters or nails or wooden slats.


It is very important to start the insulation of the skates, to correctly make the platoosolation of the attic with their own hands. This is necessary so that water steam does not penetrate the dwelling in the undercase.

As a rule, the roof is poorly passed by water vapors, so condensate is formed from the inner side and on the crate of the inside.

Over time, this can lead to negative consequences: to the destruction of the island of the structure, a decrease in the level of thermal insulation, the appearance of lifettes on the ceiling.

So that this does not happen, the thermal insulation layer is additionally protected by vapor insulation material (the usual polyethylene film is suitable or a membrane specially intended for this). It is placed on the inside of the plates with the allen in 150-200 mm, and then fasten with wooden slats.

The vapor insulation material should be sealed. By the way, some materials for thermal insulation have a special base made of foil. It allows you to protect the roof from condensate: when installing you need to trace so that the insulation is located foil inside the room.


It will correctly be finished the attic of the attic only after all procedures associated with the heat insulation of the skates are completed. From the inside the attic floor can be separated by plasterboard, plywood, clapboard or boards.

The finishing material is fixed to the bars or to metal profiles. In the event that the insulation is not equipped with a vapor barrier film, but a vaporizolation foil, the finishing material is fixed at a distance of 5 cm from the foil. This allows you to reduce heat loss.

It should be remembered that the outflow of heat in the attic is not only through the rods, but also through the end walls (frontoths). Wall insulation attic room It is carried out in two ways. The most effective is the outer (when the thermal insulation layer is located on the outside of the front). This option is acceptable for houses built from a bar, logs, bricks and foam concrete.

But outdoor isolation is not always possible. Then the thermal insulation of the attic floor is made from the inside. According to the technology, it is not much different from the insulation of a conventional frame wall:

  • a windproof layer is installed on the bars of the frame, after which the insulation is placed;
  • if the frame in thickness is less than an insulated layer, then additional bars are put;
  • after the installation of the insulator is finished, the wall is closed with vapor insulation.

Please note that the vaporiazolation layer is not interrupted either on the fronton, nor on the skates. This can be achieved by fixing the cloth of a vapor barrier film.

Work with stone walls

For stone walls will have to make the system from scratch. Alternative to the above insulation - the use of blocks made from alabastrums. The optimal version is the slabs of wood fiber, that is, the Fiberboard. Fiberboard has a lot of advantages. Thus, one product with a thickness of 1.2 cm is similar to a 4.5 cm brick. In addition to heat-shielding properties, it is distinguished by sound insulation properties. The plates are processed with a substance with an antiseptic, so not affected by microorganisms, mold.

In general, DVP is rather brittle, light and soft to the touch material. The outer area of \u200b\u200bproducts has a smooth surface, and internal - corrugated. Plates do not react to sharp temperature differences, quickly cut into parts and are not deformed under the influence of different loads. Wallpaper rolls are glued to the outer area, which will create home comfort on the floor.

Proper to produce the heat insulation of the frontoths by tree fiber plates like this:

  • 250 × 122 cm stove rises to the desired section, after which it is strengthened from the bottom of the militant backups, having a look of the letter "T";
  • the stove is nailed to nails to the wall surface. The length of the fasteners is more than 3.5 cm.
  • under the Hats nails are put on the special plates with a size of 1.5 * 1.5 cm made of thin aluminum - "Durally".

The mount is carried out in a checkerboard manner and so that the hats have drowned in the material, otherwise the surface will not be smooth and it will spoil the finish.

Work with floor

Warring attic, there is a sense, except for the frontones and the ceiling, insulate the floor surface. There are two popular methods. The first implies dismantling of an old coating with the subsequent laying of two ruberoid layers. Farm plates of certain brands are put after them. We are talking about M-20 and PT-100. At the end, the finishing floor is laid again.

The second method is based on application carpets Special type. Initially, plinths are dismantled, and on top of the NPP. Rug materials are glued to the plates. In front of the adhesive, it is necessary to hold the products in an unfortunate room in an expanded form for 14 days - it is so much time is needed for sitting and sprinkling.

Another option to maintain heat - under the already installed layer of thermal insulation to put another one. This is done as follows:

  • on the internal trim Mansards are installed frame made of bars, between which the insulator plates are placed (perfect stone Vata.). The height of the bars should be equal to (or less) the thickness of the insulation layer;
  • the heat-insulating layer is protected by vapor barrier material - it is attached to the frames of the frame.

Finish inside

From the inside the attic can be separated by clapboard, plasterboard or plywood. It must be remembered that when using this technology, the insulation of the attic is significantly reduced by the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe room, as well as its height. The advantage is that it is not necessary to disassemble the roof, so you can take a job not only in summer, but also in winter.

The attic insulation also implies the heat insulation device under it under it. There are cases when as optimal option will suit Combined approach. It lies in the fact that the ceiling is insulated over the already existing heat insulation. Inclined surfaces of the attic room are separated from the inside. And in that, and in another case, it is impossible to forget about the thermal insulation of the frontones.

So, the insulation of the attic from the inside is perhaps the only way to obtain a comfortable microclimate. In addition, the correct selected heat insulation will allow less than paying for heating even in very cold winters.

Dimensions of country sites and the desire of their hosts to use the maximum fertile layer of the soil convincing making decisions on expansion useful areas In the vertical, and not in the horizontal direction. It is easier and more profitable to equip the attic over the bath, than to attach an extra relaxation room to it or build a separate house. True, this option will be acceptable only if the useful underpressure with a height of 2.5 m has more than 50%, and if the ceiling above the bath is arranged in such a way that it is possible to walk without fears on the upper plane. In the presence of listed prerequisites, the insulation of the attic will allow it to turn it into an excellent residential compartment.

  • Let's start with the fact that the configuration of the roof is far from the form of a classic cube. Mounting the insulation will have to inclined surfaces. And since we consider the insulation of the attic of the attic from the inside, it is impossible not to take into account the complexity of the installation of soft and flexible rolled materials.
  • Recall that the prevailing majority of the upper fencing area is a roofing structure with a rafter system. Its coating from extremely lightweight materials with high waterproofing qualities, but also with a considerable thermal conductivity. Wooden elements Prints stropile design They are stacked with gaps that do not form a thermal barrier.
  • We take into account that in the attic floor there is not only the surface of the roof, but at least two fronton and endow. Leave without insulation or badly insulate them - it means to reduce all efforts to zero.
  • It will not forget that the roofing material that does not pass by atmospheric moisture, at the same time prevents the output of evaporation, natural for the bath and not only for her.
  • We will ensure the safety of the use of the residential premises by performing the insulation of the roof of the attic materials with the environmental and hygienic characteristics required for housing.

By summing up the above criteria, make a peculiar formula from the requirements that the constructed thermal insulation system should be responsible. According to the tasks staged before insulation, we will select the material and find out everything technological nuances. For efficient work Thermal insulation is necessary to:

  • layer of insulation completely covered interior surfaces Without "rush" in a kind of carpet, so that in the heat-insulating system there was no weak places in the form of an unprotected skate and unclipped with an insulator of the frontones;
  • insulating material opposing the attacks of the cold atmospheric front outside and the warm wet front from the inside was protected from condensate formed as a result of their confrontation;
  • on the outer surface of the heat insulating layer did not accumulate moisture, not missed outward waterproofing roofingso that excess moisturizing is removed through the ventilation channels;
  • easy roofing insulation was equipped with a windproof, excluding blowing blowing from mansard into windy days;
  • the material is suitable for technical, technological and sanitary and hygienic parameters.

Listed requirements are a detailed answer to the question "How to warm the attic". If the thermal insulation system will comply with all conditions, then it will serve it for a long time and efficiently.

Choosing a suitable insulation

From a technological point of view to create a thermal insulation system, the plates are best suited from the inside. Using the material holding is easier, faster and more convenient to perform the insulation of the attic with their own hands with a minimum number of additional fixing devices. For their proper Installation The rafters are nourished longitudinal bars with dimensions, allowing to provide ventilation gap. The outer plane of the bars must coincide with the outer plane of the elements of the rafter system, the inner plane of the heat insulating material must coincide with the inner plane of the rafted.

Note. If the power of the selected insulation is larger than the width of the rafted, each of the elements of the rafter system will have to be knit or installed on screws additional bar. Wooden supplements before installation are necessarily processed by an antiseptic.

In any case, both with sufficient and in case of insufficient width of the rafted ventilation space between the insulation and the roofing material should be left.

Indicators of the thermal quality of the material determine the climatic features of the region. To find out them will help the collection of construction standards under number 23-02-2003. According to the indicator specified in Snip, the material must be selected.

  • Polyfoam - budget material and convenient way insulation. The lightweight plates will be easy to install, the heat-insulating system will insignificantly increase the weight of the roof. However, a weak ability to carry out couples and attractiveness as a talleled dish for mice are forced to think about whether the insulation of the attic of the attic foam.
  • Minvata is also a convenient and democratic option. Code-cm stripped in size for a pair of more than a gap between the slab rafters is easy to install. Before mounting, the insulation element needs to be slightly squeeze and arrange in the required place. Crawing, elastic mineral wool will be firmly "sitting" in its nest. As an almost equivalent alternative, glass wool can be applied.
  • The polystyrene foam is usually placed on top of the rainstream system, forming ventilation gap by installing the control in between the insulation plates and the roofing coating. For the insulation of the roofing system from the inside it will not work, but can be used for the insulation of the frontones.
  • Polyurethan - without problems applied to the surface of any complexity by spraying. The performer with a portable installation that supplies under pressure foamed insulation is subject to a plane with any bias. The insulation of the attic of the mansard polyurethane will allow creating a monolithic layer without the slightest gaps. In addition, it will not be needed a vapor insulation layer that protects the inner finish from the effects of condensation.
  • Eco-insulator from the discharge of sprayed materials. According to the properties is similar to the wood, in its composition there is an antiseptic that prevents the heating layer damage and the wood contacting it. Also as the previous analogue creates solid cover, not sediments in the process of many years of use. For insulation, an emotor will need to be mounted steer ceiling And install the crate for fastening the vaporizolation material to it.
  • Folgized materials operating not only as a heater, but also as a mirror reflector, seeking to exit heat outwards. In order for the foil heat-insulator to perform work on "excellent", it is necessary to deploy it during installation with an aluminum layer inside the room and leave a 5 cm distance between it and a vapor barrier layer.

The list is quite sufficient to make attention to the attention, but the most sought-after insulation materials from the inside recognize mineral wool. Spraying polyurethane foam is popular, but not everyone is available due to the lack of an apparatus, which, however, can be rented for rent in construction organization. It remains only to find out how to insulate the attic with their own hands and get an excellent result.

What should be the right constructive cake?

Instructed heat-insulating system is the following constructive pie if you start listed the layers on the part of the core space:

  • Facing plasterboard plates.
  • A vapor barrier layer, preferably the type of membrane type. A solid shell, created from lanes laid with a 10-centimeter adhesive, is a solid shell. The canvas are attached along horizontal and vertical joints with a special adhesive tape.
  • Disease performing three functions. Attached across rafying racks hold the insulation, serve as the basis for fixing vaporizolation and form ventilation space, especially necessary when using foil material.
  • Insulation, laid in one or more layers, depending on the generated heat engineering effect. With the insulation of the attic on the side of the room mounted between the rafters.
  • The waterproofing layer protecting the insulation from wetting, the consequence of which is to reduce heat engineering properties.

Note. Builders who thoroughly know how to insulate the attic, urgently advise the ventilation gap between thermal insulating material and waterproofing. According to technological standards, its absence is considered a gross mistake.

  • Another counterclaim that creates a ventilated space between waterproofing and roofing material. Ventilation in this case is necessary to remove moisture accumulating on waterproofing membrane. Holes are provided for the moisture removal in the base zone of the rods and in the Endaist area. The width for ventilation determines the roofing material. If the roof is covered with tiles, slate, professional flooring or wavy ondulin, it is enough to leave 25 mm, if a flat material without a profile relief should be left 50 mm.
  • Windproof vapor insulation, equipping ventilation space. It is necessary for maintaining heat in the case of active ventilation in the vent. Stacked above the rapid legs, attached to the rails, on top of which the roofing coating is mounted.

By performing the insulation of the attic of the attic with her own hands with all the subtleties, the owner of the bath with an attic will provide himself with a comfortable residential space, eliminating the need to erect the house in the country area. For the arrangement of the attic roof under housing, it is not necessary to obtain permits and ask the consent of the neighbors. But the benefits and economic effect is obvious.

Competently made insulation of the roof of the attic - a pledge of a comfortable atmosphere in this room, and a long service of the internal decoration of the attic room. In winter, it was warm and cozy in the winter, and in the summer you were not disturbed by the heat and silent air, it is very important not only to choose the correct thermal insulation materials, but also to mount them in compliance with technology. Today we will tell you how to insulate the roof with their own hands, what insulation are suitable for this purpose well, and most importantly - how to avoid common mistakes when installing, which raise all efforts to almost zero results. You will learn the most important thing about the insulation of the attic roof - video rollers attached to the article clearly demonstrate all the subtleties of this work.

Scheme of the insulation of the roof of the attic from the inside

The insulation of the attic roof has its own characteristics, due to the fact that the walls of the residential premises are directly adjacent to the roof, more precisely, they actually make a single whole with it. That is why it is customary to pay close attention to the insulation of an attic roof from the inside, which allows you to provide a normal microclimate in the room. Before starting a conversation about how to insulate the roof of the attic from the inside, let's figure it out from which layers is the so-called "roofing pie", and why it is so important to have these layers in the desired sequence:

  • Roof;
  • Waterproofing;
  • Ventilation;
  • Thermal insulation;
  • Parosolation.

The scheme presents the correct order of the elements of the thermal insulation system of the attic roof

What caused exactly the location of the layers? Elementary laws of physics. Imagine that in the winter feared a decent layer of snow, which, by the way, is a natural heat insulator. As a result of the vital activity of people living in mansard house, warm air It will be raised from the inside to the surface of the roof. Her covering snow will be lifted. And as soon as the temperature on the street drops below zero, the ice crust is formed, which no longer has any heat insulating properties. The essence of the proper insulation of the roof of the attic is to prevent the melting of snow in winter, and penetrating the scorching heat.

Air Movement Scheme in the underfloor space, and the work of the Parobarker when insulation of a naked roof

In more detail about the device " roofing cake"And principles proper work All of its components you will learn from this informative video:

The better to warm the roof: the choice of insulation

There are four most important criteria based on which it is necessary to choose a high-quality insulation for the attic roof:

  • Thermal conductivity;
  • Moisture resistance;
  • Fire safety;
  • Environmental purity.

The first parameter can be called decisive, since it is precisely how low the thermal conductivity of the material you choose depends on its thickness, the number of layers, and most importantly - efficiency.

Important It can be sufficiently high-quality and reliable to be the insulation for the attic roof with a thermal conductivity coefficient not higher than 0.05 W / m * to.

The second indicator is also important, especially for the attic stage of the tree. The stability of the insulation to moisture will allow less worry about the possibility of damage and rotting wood. Why the fire safety of insulating materials is important, it is probably too unnecessary. And finally, the ecological purity of the insulation in the case of mansard premises also has great importance, especially if it is a bedroom or a children's room on the attic.

Comparative construction table and finishing materials indicating the coefficient of their thermal conductivity

As follows from the figure above, the insulation of the attic roof is an emotory - a great solution, since this mineral insulation meets all four criteria for selecting material. However, you can not call it most affordable, so many masters refuse to use EcoWhats in favor of cheaper, but not less effective insulation. For example, the insulation of the roof of the attic of the polyurethane foam makes it possible to achieve the same excellent effect, while saving the means. Among the effective mineral and polymer insulation You can also call:

  • Basalt cotton wool;
  • Glass wool;
  • Extruded polystyrene foam;
  • Styrofoam.

By the way, it is the insulation of an attic roof with a foam can be called the most economical and simple method. But it is worth remembering that the foam does not miss a couple, besides, rodents are often settled in it. Polystyrene foam can be called a more modern and technically advanced alternative to conventional foam. Choose optimal option The insulation for the attic roof will help you with this video:

How to insulate the roof of the attic of the attic do it yourself

It is not difficult to perform insulation of the attic roof with their own hands, for this you do not have to possess the skills of a professional builder. The specificity of work on the installation of thermal insulation is entirely dependent on the type of insulating material you choose. If the insulation of the roof of the attic is made using mineral wool or glass gamble, the process will take a few more time than in the case of foam or polystyrene. The fact is that wool to achieve a good effect is stacked in several layers, and requires additional vaporizolation, because it strongly absorbs moisture.

The technology of insulation of the attic roof from the inside mineral wool on the example of the broken row roof

The thickness of the insulation of the attic roof is directly proportional to the magnitude of its thermal conductivity, that is, the more denser and reliable material, the less it will be needed. Usually, in the process of installation of thermal insulation from the cotton, an additional layer is made, closing rafters. But many of the owners of residential attic does not categorically suit, because stropile beams can act as an important decorative element of the future interior of the attic room. If you refer yourself to the number of such owners, for you is preferable extrusion polystyrene foam, the small layer of which is paved between the rafters.

Council Before starting work on the insulation of the roof, consider the future design of the attic room, and select the type and method of laying thermal insulation, best suitable for your interior finish.

For all those who wish to learn in detail how to insulate the attic roof - the video below. In this small film, it is described about the insulation of the roof of a wooden country house from glued timber with duscal roof Just with the help of the most modern and high-quality thermal insulation material - extrusion expanded polystyrene.