How to hide ceiling wiring. How to hide wires from the TV on the wall: photos, practical and aesthetic options (75 photos)

Sometimes, when buying new equipment or after repairing, the wires in the apartment remain lying on the floor, hanging on the wall. They seriously spoil the appearance of housing, moreover, they can cause the fall of a person or electronics. It is necessary to clarify in advance how to hide the wires so as not to spoil the design and make the house safe.

Internal placement

When a major overhaul begins in an apartment or house, the wiring is most often recessed into the walls. First, using a chasing cutter, a drill, a puncher, they make grooves in the wall, in which they then hide the cables. Wiring in a wooden house must be placed in a protective corrugation - a shell that will cover them from adverse effects and prevent damage.

Communications remain open with a cosmetic renovation of the home or with the installation of new sockets, switches. If you wish, you can always correct the situation without extra costs... There are several methods to hide the wires with your own hands.

On the walls

It happens that the wallpaper is already glued on, and you don't want to violate their integrity. There is an option to eliminate protruding cables without serious damage:

  • carefully cut the wallpaper or bend it away from the wall close to the floor;
  • take a handy construction tool, make a neat shallow channel in the wall;
  • lay the wires in the resulting hole;
  • close the channel with a thin layer of plaster, putty;
  • let the solution dry;
  • glue the wallpaper in place.

If this method is not suitable, you can act without strobing - use a decorative box for wires. It is especially often necessary to close boxes with power wires: they have a large diameter, therefore, without re-repair you won't be able to drown them into the wall. It is necessary to buy a cable channel suitable in color, width, length, which will serve additional element decor and will reliably protect the wiring.

In a wooden house, the box will help strengthen fire safety measures. This option is also ideal for the bathroom, because it is very difficult to lay wires under the tiles. It is only important to remember that all lighting elements, electrical wiring, cable duct must be waterproof.

How else to hide the wiring beautifully on the walls? If desired, it can be covered with such finishing elements:

  • door platbands;
  • various moldings, baguettes;
  • slopes of windows.

It should be noted that only low-current wires (for example, for the Internet, telephone) can be covered with such materials, and cables under high voltage can only be hidden in accordance with fire safety standards.

On the floor

Wiring is often thrown across the floor, and here it is even easier to hide it than on a wall. During the repair, when laying the screed, you can stretch the cables in the corrugation, fill them with cement from above - the communications will be reliable and durable. If there is already a floor covering, it is easy to carefully remove it, grind the grooves with a puncher, then sink the wires into them and cement them. Under wooden floors, you will have to lay cables in metal pipe after removing the boards.

The stores offer a wide range of floor skirting boards with a hole for wires (with a cable channel). The central part of such a plinth is removed, cables are laid in the niche, after which the removable element is returned to its place. It is convenient to work with such skirting boards, quickly, there is no dust, dirt, the floor material does not deteriorate.

The procedure for laying wires under the most popular coating - laminate - is as follows:

  • remove part of the lamellas, under which the cable will pass, up to construction logs (bars);
  • place cables in a corrugated pipe along or across the log, if necessary, cutting out a space in the tree for the intersection of wires;
  • return the soundproofing pads and lamellas to their original place.

On the ceiling

It is also possible to hide the wiring on the ceiling, and the method will depend on the type of coating. In homes and offices are often used stretch ceiling, which take up extra space, but make it possible to route wires as users need. There are practically no obstacles for the cables, therefore it is possible to lead them along the shortest path. This has several advantages:

  • cost reduction;
  • reduction of work time;
  • decrease in the total resistance of the circuit;
  • strengthening fire safety;
  • the ability to easily replace the wiring.

According to the rules of the fire department, it is necessary to close the wires, their bundles with corrugated pipes. Do the same with the wiring under suspended ceilings, niches or complex structures from drywall. It is best to link communications into a single highway, which will facilitate future repairs. If the ceiling is concrete, you will have to drill grooves in it and lay wires in the same way as it is done on the walls. This method is very laborious and rarely practiced.

Outdoor disguise

With artistic taste, many people prefer not to hide, but to decorate the wires. It is quite possible to make a real art object, painting, panel from standard wiring with your own hands. Usually the cables are black, white, but if you wish, you can find a material in a brighter shade.

Next, you should choose a drawing suitable for the style of the interior, make a sketch of it with a non-greasy simple pencil right on the wall. After that, it is necessary to measure the length of the circuit with a thread in order to buy the missing amount of cable (part of it will only perform a decorative role).

Any wall drawing can be laid out from the wires. Often the following are taken as a basis:

  • a branch with leaves, sitting birds;
  • one or more trees;
  • giant light bulb;
  • power station;
  • road (in the nursery);
  • decorative fence.

The wires are connected to the wall with special fasteners, which can then be decorated with any suitable material- cloth, special paper, designer jewelry... Also, ugly protruding wires are hidden behind high indoor plants well-placed furniture, carpets, platbands of doors, windows.

Hiding wires from TV and computer

Usually the TV is placed in full view, so a long wire from the equipment will also be noticeable to everyone. Most often, during the repair, they immediately determine the place for the TV, mounting the sockets behind it, and pulling the wire out of the wall. It is recommended to carefully peel off the wallpaper, make a strobe for wiring, put it in the hole, drowning it into the corrugation. The wires are fastened by means of staples.

Near the computer desk there is almost always a lot of cables, because printers, modems, routers and other devices are connected to the system unit. To hide the "tangle", you can do the following:

  • attach wires to inner surface table with screws, reliable tape, construction stapler staples;
  • beautifully arrange a shoe box, a plastic box, cut holes and release the wiring;
  • sew a fabric cover, attach to the table top or to the back of the furniture from the inside;
  • connect cables with clerical clamps to furniture;
  • hide the wiring in a single "hose" that will prevent confusion.

In order not to get confused when masking wires and not to get into a mess during repairs, they must be marked in advance. This will help you immediately find the right cable later. It is better to separate low-power wiring from the power one, without connecting it into a single bundle. The wires from the antenna, the Internet should be placed separately from the others, so as not to spoil the signal quality.

Cables should have the shortest possible length and the minimum number of connections: this increases their safety, reduces the risk of injury. It happens that the braid of hidden cables is frayed in case of an unsuccessful arrangement, therefore, in dangerous places check wiring more often. If you need to mask the wiring, you can use any ideas, especially since the range of tools and materials for decorating is now huge!

A wall drawing made of wire will become a "highlight" of the interior. A TV, suspended on the wall, looks original, resembling a picture, and allows you to save free space. In any case, this is an interesting design move that allows you to improve the interior.

Due to the fact that modern apartments have a large number of

How to hide the wires from the TV on the wall? Secrets, design ideas and life hacks

A wall drawing made of wire will become a "highlight" of the interior

TV hanging on the wall, looks original, resembling a picture, and allows you to save free space. In any case, this is an interesting design move that allows you to improve the interior. Due to the fact that in modern apartments there is a large number household appliances, the issue of masking wires is relevant and worries many owners. Do not panic, because there are a huge number of options to solve this problem. You should rely on your own imagination and choose a creative approach to solving this problem.

How to remove wires in the interior?

As stated, there are several options. Some require exclusively creativity and imagination, while others require certain skills. Let's look at the main ways to improve this situation.

Decorating wires

This is the easiest way. You can simply hide the protruding pieces behind a wardrobe, live plants, original curtains and driftwood. In order to mask a given wire, it is not necessary to make it invisible. By turning this element into a part of the decor, you can enjoy the atmosphere and the fruit of your own labor. Also for this purpose, special boxes can be used, used in different forms, materials and colors.

Using available tools and some design techniques, you can decorate the TV cable in an original way.

It's important to know! If you want to get an impressive result, you should not undertake such events on your own, especially if you do not have the appropriate skills. If you turn to professionals, they will do all the work efficiently and quickly, and there will be no traces on the wall.

Alternative decorative options

If a person has well developed creative thinking, he will quickly think of ways to mask the cables. In this case, only available materials can be used. There are a huge number of options, and you need to choose the method that will be appropriate for a particular decor.

It's important to know! In the course of work, it is necessary to take into account the fact that it is highly not recommended to violate the integrity of the cord sheath. After all, this can not only contribute to the failure of the device, but also entail an emergency.

We hide the wires in the renovated room

If there is already a repair and you do not want to violate the integrity of the wall, you can start decorating the channel of wires and cables directly on the surface. It will not be difficult to make such a box. After all, there are a large number construction markets and other retail facilities. To do this, it is necessary to paint the formed ledge in color that matches the wall... You can also play up this moment in an interesting way through accessories and at the same time get the optimal design solution.

Cable frame behind the TV

Advice! If the options are more complex, you can drill into the wall. You can also run wires through it or use a channel built inside the wall.

In the first case, the actions are advisable for walls that are not load-bearing. Again, you should not carry out such work on your own, it is better to entrust them to experienced professionals in their field.

Wall headset application

If desired, some types of furniture can be folded in the form of a constructor. If possible, you can select an empty space in the place where the TV should be placed. In this case, all cable branches will be located directly behind the furniture structures.

It's important to know! If you want to avoid problems with wires at all, it is worth considering installing a TV set that works from a centralized station as an option.

You can shout as much as you like that television destroys the brain, but the number of television receivers in modern houses and apartments will not diminish from this. Moreover, televisions have recently become more and more, the picture is incredibly beautiful and is most often used for watching movies and TV series for the whole family. But sometimes the quality of the displayed image is significantly correlated with the general level of installation of the device. We are talking about the wires that invariably accompany any TV placed on the wall. We offer you 3 ways to solve the problem of how beautifully and cleverly to hide the wires from the TV on the wall, without attaching special efforts- and, of course, numerous photos with final solutions will help you understand the details of the arrangement.

Decorating wires

If you briefly describe the essence of this method, then it will roughly boil down to the following: "Why hide something if you can organically fit the wires from the TV into the interior?"... In this, of course, one can see the line of least resistance, but if in the end everything looks very nice and cozy, then why not admit that such a solution to the problem has the right to exist?

Let's try to describe several options for elegant and natural decorating wires from the TV:

  1. silicone tips- you can choose the most different shade, there are curly elements that add a significant amount of originality and extraordinary imagination to the design;
  2. curly twisting- you can achieve an impressive effect if you just fold the wires from the TV into some kind geometric shape or any arbitrary shape that meets your aesthetic needs;
  3. plant branches- one of the simplest, but invariably right ways, which consists in the fact that branches of various green plants are placed under the TV panel, as a result, the focus of attention from the wires shifts to attractive-looking greenery, or decorate the wires with voluminous paper flowers that you can make with your own hands;
  4. decorative panels- wood, plastic, and even metal can be used as a material, the shape is arbitrary, and the dimensions should be just such as to safely close all the wires coming from the TV (see examples of 3D panels for walls).

All that we have listed above is the so-called advice for the "lazy". Or just for resourceful people who know how to save their energy. However, sometimes it is not possible to hide the wires from the TV in the same way as in the photo above. We have to resort to more severe measures.

We hide the wires in the wall

The most uncompromising way. He will surely appeal to those men for whom wall chasing is one of the most exciting activities.

However, first things first. The order of your actions directly depends on what basis you have to deal with.

If the wall is made of concrete

Ideally, of course, to think over such things in advance, even at the stage of overhaul.

In this case, you do not have to fiddle with the wall again, deforming the previously leveled surface. However, the ideal is the ideal, to exist only in our thoughts. Therefore, we put our doubts aside, and take a hammer drill or a good old grinder in our hands and start doing strobe in the wall.

  1. make holes along the line of the wires;
  2. remove unnecessary fragments with a puncher, making room for the future "cache";
  3. successfully place all wires along the created groove;
  4. insert the cable into the desired hole on the TV, check how correctly the wire is stretched;
  5. lay the created strobe with plaster, it can be purchased at any hardware store;
  6. finishing is at your discretion.

Of course, this option is from the category of those that are made for many years - so if you are going to soon change the layout in an apartment or house, you should use much more compromise solutions. And you will learn how to properly gouge the walls for wiring from the article at the link.

Let's take a look at the photo of how you can successfully hide the wires in this way.

If the wall is made of plasterboard

This option is much simpler, but will also require the use of auxiliary tools. In particular, a hammer drill. Punch two holes:

  • right behind the TV;
  • at the bottom of the wall, at the junction with the plinth.

The first hole is needed in order, in fact, to hide the wires behind gypsum plasterboard, and the second - for a convenient connection to the network. We draw your attention to the fact that in this case it is best to install special skirting boards with a recess for the cable in the room - this way you can calmly stretch the wire without fear of damaging it.

We hide the wires in the box

If, nevertheless, chasing a wall for you is an overly radical way to solve the problem of wires that get confused and interfere with comfortable viewing, then this option can be confidently called a compromise. First, about all the benefits of using it.

  • extremely simple installation;
  • great aesthetic appearance;
  • compliance with all fire safety standards.

Let's touch on the cons:

  • the cost of purchasing a decorative box or cable channel;
  • the need to make holes in the wall.

In order to mask the wires from the TV on the wall, you can use both cable duct as well as full-fledged decorative box... The photo below shows the difference between these two elements.

The basic material from which the box can be made is:

  • plastic;
  • metal.

However, there are often combined options using the two specified materials.

What will be the order of actions?

  1. count required amount material, taking into account the direction of the wires and the size of the room;
  2. fix the box on the wall, make the necessary cuts in the corners and transitions;
  3. keep in mind that the wire must lie freely in the box, so select the appropriate diameter channel for it;
  4. after the installation is completed, you can repaint the cable duct or box in accordance with your preferences or the logic of interior decoration.

The whole process is on video

You can do without painting, but just pick up a box in advance suitable color design with a wall. Fortunately, the choice in hardware stores is now more than wide and is able to satisfy even the most extravagant requests.

A selection of photos with interesting solutions

Especially for those who like to spy unusual ideas and later integrate them into your interior - our selection of photos. Perhaps this will help you find the most original and successful answer to the question of how to hide the wires from the TV on the wall.


If you did not know how to hide the wires from the TV on the wall, then surely using the described methods and demonstrated photos, you can easily cope with a seemingly daunting task. It seems to be quite a trifle, but what effect does it have on the interior. It is not hard to guess that such trifles make up the integral visual appearance of the room, therefore, to neglect them, referring to the lazy "and so it will do" is somewhat stupid and frivolous.

How to properly line the wiring: step by step guide- 50 photos and 4 videos

The apartment is well furnished, beautifully renovated, everything is clean, the owners command respect, but this idyll is spoiled by protruding wires. How does this spoil the overall impression of the decoration of the apartment. You have to do something about it, until someone is injured because of them. Therefore, wires from electrical appliances must be carefully hidden.

The article presents several ways to solve this problem.

To make a groove in the wall for electrical wiring, use a wall chaser. Before laying the wires, it is necessary to place them in the corrugation - it will carry out a protective function. Then just place the wires in a special groove, and then cover them with a layer of plaster.

Hiding the wires in the wall is a violation of its integrity, which means some cash costs, dust, dirt, the interior of the room suffers from this. There are other methods of hiding wires from human eyes, without the need to break the integrity of the wall.

If you creative person, then you can experiment and make a composition of wires on the wall. Come up with an interesting image, apply it with a pencil on the wall with light, non-pressing movements. Measure out the required amount of wire with a thread.

Modern wires have only two colors - black and white. If this color scheme does not suit you, then you can purchase an extension cord, which, unlike the wires of electrical appliances, has various color variations. Before starting the composition, attach a cloth to the wall, and you will understand what color it is or not.

This is done simply, you need to turn on your imagination and you will see how your apartment will be transformed.

There is another interesting approach - disguise. In this, our friends will be the skirting boards, door platbands, ceiling moldings and even heating risers. If done correctly, the wires will become invisible, which will improve the condition of the interior of the room.

Internet and telephone cables do not cause problems with laying, the simplest thing is to hide them under skirting boards, thresholds or in platbands.

Particular attention must be paid to underfloor wiring. Today, special skirting boards are produced, which already have a special niche for the cable. The outer panel is removed, and wires are routed into this space, then the panel is put back in place.

The absolute merit of this method is comfort, speed and cleanliness. The work does not take a lot of time, no dirt and the like. Such skirting boards contain wires from telephones, computers and the like.

If you have nowhere to hide the wires, hide them under the floor. But here the question arises: how to do it correctly? Everything is very simple. Take a wall chaser or a punch and make a recess in the floor for wires, make a protective layer on the wiring - a corrugation, and put it in this recess.

After finishing installation works, level the floor with a mortar of sand and cement.

If the apartment has a wooden floor, then you will have to remove the boards and lay the wiring in a metal pipe.

Most modern TVs are located on the wall where everyone can see them, so the TV cable is conspicuous for people. The most the best option hiding the wire in the wall is considered. To do this, we make a recess in the wall with a chasing cutter or a perforator, and lay the wire with a corrugation into it. At the end, the wires are fixed in the wall and plastered.

If you don't want to hide the wire, consider disguising it.

All the nuances associated with hiding wires are best considered even at the stage renovation works so that later there will be no problems.

Even as wireless technology is increasingly taking its place in our Everyday life, we are not yet able to completely abandon wires. Despite any Wi-Fi networks, television, telephone and Internet cables are still present in our apartments (not to mention ordinary electrical wires).

Even if all this is tied into one cable, there is no getting away from the need to lay it. This means that the wires need to be somehow disguised. How? Read in our article ...


To begin with, there are two main ways to hide wiring: directly inside the wall or on the outside of it.

The first option involves a lot of dusty work: you have to chisel the walls and spoil the existing finish, putting off dreams of beautiful interior for some time. But this option will radically solve the problem of interior aesthetics. It is recommended to use this method when overhaul apartments or in a new building.

For those who do not fundamentally hide the wires once and for all, you can offer one of the simplest and most budgetary options - cable channels. Let's outline their main advantages:

  • the problem of ugly, tangled or hanging wires is completely solved: the cables are hidden, and a decorative element in the form of a cable channel appears on the floor or wall;
  • ease of installation: the cable duct box is fixed on the wall, wires are laid inside, and covered with a lid on top. No inconvenience with a wall chaser, dust, debris and damaged finishes;
  • ease of use: the cover and the housing of the cable channel are connected using a latch lock, which allows you to open and check the cables inside at any time, lay a new one or remove unnecessary wire;
  • due to the presence of various connecting elements, it is possible, if necessary, to build up the cable route in length, to put it on the wall, ceiling, or, conversely, to lower it to the floor;
  • low cost makes the cable channel one of the most available ways nicely hide the wiring.

Few of the non-specialists in this field know that a cable duct is not just one plastic box with an opening lid. Today in the markets you can find the most different types cable channels for various purposes.

Having learned which boxes are used for what, it will be much easier for you to navigate when buying, and the interior will look much neater.


Firstly, they make the interior of the premises neat and aesthetically pleasing. Agree, confused between

wires are not the best decoration for your room.

Secondly, it is convenient: it will be much easier to figure out which wire powers a particular device.

And thirdly, it's safe. If you have small children or pets in your home, you must hide the wiring so that

protect them from electric shock. Even a medium-sized cockatoo parrot is able to bite a wire 0 10 mm with its beak!


Today, cable channels are made of aluminum, steel, and also from plastic.


The most popular are plastic cable channels, as they have good characteristics. The cable ducts themselves are usually made of PVC.

main feature quality material in the fact that under mechanical action the canal changes its shape and also easily restores it without significant changes.

Accessories for cable channels are made of ABS plastic with additional additives that prevent the spread of combustion and the release of harmful vapors when heated (the composition is similar to the material of the plastic parts of sockets and switches). Such material is easy to recognize: its structure is uniform, there is no lamination, the product is quite durable.

Plastic models have different colors. Models with a wood grain pattern are very popular.


Metal models (aluminum and steel) are characterized by excellent fire performance. Quality galvanized steel has a special coating that prevents corrosion. Metal cable ducts have long term service and much greater durability compared to plastic models- withstand even hammer blows.

The price for such products starts at 2200 rubles. per running meter.


Often, a cable channel is not an interior decoration, but the need to hide the wires so that they are as invisible as possible. Skirting cable channels perfectly cope with this task.

These are a kind of plastic skirting boards, in the central part of which there is an internal cavity where the wires are laid. There are whole systems of skirting cable channels: not only long trays, but also a number of additional devices that allow you to assemble a structure of any configuration.

It can be external and internal corners, bends different shapes, plugs, junction boxes, on which you can install switches and sockets. There is also an option with the installation of sockets directly at the level of the baseboard. It is convenient in the kitchen, when the sockets for the built-in large household appliances (refrigerator, dishwasher, electric stove) - so they do not interfere, they are practically invisible.

The disadvantage of such a system is that the skirting cable channel accommodates a small amount of wires. Most often, a television cable is hidden in it. To bring the connectors into the right places, there are special fittings that allow you to do this neatly and as discreetly as possible.

Common sizes of plinth cable ducts: 15 x 100; 20 x 50; 20 x 70; 25 x 100 mm. Also on sale are cable ducts as large sizes(35 x 80; 35 x 105; 50 x 80; 50 x 105; 50 x 150; 65 x 150 mm) and mini-series (20 x 12.5, 32 x 12.5; 40 × 12.5 ; 32 × 16: ^ 0x16; 60 × 60; 60 x 20; 75 x 20 mm).

The price of such a product depends on the manufacturer, the most budget models can be purchased at a price of 385 rubles. per running meter, the price of accessories starts from 30 rubles. a piece.


It happens that you need to pull the wires to the center of the room along the floor.

You can, of course, throw the extension cord. But in this case, wires will appear again, which are easy to touch and catch on, and it is undesirable to carry the computer chair over the wire - you have to lift it every time.

This is where floor-standing cable ducts come to the rescue. They are used for reliable laying of cables along the floor, as they can withstand heavy loads. Moreover, the relatively small height of the structure allows you to move freely around the room without fear of tripping, and even a computer chair on wheels can easily overcome this obstacle.

This type of cable trunking differs in both shape and installation method. They are mounted on the floor, so they have a rounded shape on one side, so they do not interfere with movement. Available in impact-resistant plastic or aluminum. There are also accessories for them - joints, corners and plugs. The most common sizes: 50 x 12; 75 × 17; 92 × 20; 160 × 65 mm.

The price of floor-standing cable channels does not differ much from baseboard ones - they are sold at a price of 370 rubles. per running meter.


Cable ducts of this type are similar in structure to skirting boards. The main difference is. that they are mounted above floor level. Installation of parapet cable channels is usually carried out at the level of window sills or at the level of the workplace. In the case of parapet cable channels, it is possible to install switches, various sockets (for a 220 V power grid, television, the Internet, etc.). They also consist of various elements that allow you to assemble any configuration.

Parapet cable channels have different options finishes that allow you to either make the channel invisible (then the elements are matched to the color of the walls), or, conversely, highlight and accentuate the interior.

The price for parapet cable channels is almost twice as high as for floor ones and averages 600 rubles. per running meter.


This is a kind of electrical boxes, distinctive feature which is perforation (comb-shaped profile) on the sides. They are, as a rule, a U-shaped profile with a length of 2 m and have a different section. If necessary, they are completed with a cover with solid or partial perforation. As with other trunking models, the cover snaps into place after the cables are installed. This profile design is used to lighten the weight and installation of cable routes. Perforated cable channels are often used when the appearance of this installation is not so fundamental (for example, in storerooms, basements, utility rooms).

Prices for such cable channels are one of the most budgetary - an average of 200 rubles. per running meter.


In situations where a "flexible approach" is important - if the walls, floor or ceiling have a relief or elevation differences - such cable ducts are needed that can freely repeat this shape. In this case, flexible cable channels are used. Distinguish between cable channels open and closed types... Open ones are easy to service and install. The closed ones completely prevent the ingress of foreign objects. TYPES OF FLEXIBLE CABLE CHANNELS:

  • flexible chains (or tracks)- multi-section structures that can bend along their entire length in one plane (up and down). Each element of the "chain" is connected to adjacent links by a hinged hitch and has a snap-on cover. There are small gaps between the links, which is why trunking is called semi-closed.

Most often they are used in manufacturing to connect machine tools. However, this does not mean that the owner of a private house cannot use such a cable channel. If he has his own home workshop or garage, this view will come in handy for him. Flexible chain width - from 20 to 234 mm;

  • tubular: flexible cable duct for the transition to the door. Such a cable channel consists of a flexible metal hose and two fasteners that are attached to the wall and door. Typically, such transitions are used to power electric locks. Please note that the tubular cable duct can be bent countless times, but only if there are flexible wires (made of thin wire) inside
  • cast from soft plastic or rubber. The cable ducts, molded from rubber or soft plastic, have thick enough walls to prevent moisture from getting inside. In a private house, cast cable channels are successfully used for wiring in a bathhouse (with the exception of a steam room).

Flexible cable channels will cost more - prices start from 1000 rubles. per running meter.


By and large, mini-cable channels are standard U-shaped channels with a cover, but of a much smaller section. Another difference from conventional cable channels is the absence of accessories (plugs, joints, corners, etc.). They will be used where there is no need to hide a large number of wires: for example, when supplying ceiling lighting in a country house. Mini-cable channels can be of the following sizes: 10 x 10; 12 x 12; 16 x 14; 20 × 20; 25 × 25; 40 × 40 mm.

The price for mini-cable channels varies from 60 to 150 rubles. per running meter.


Due to their design, corner cable ducts can be installed at the junction of the room wall and ceiling, and less often instead of a plinth.

Corner cable channels are cut with a hacksaw at the desired angle. Do this carefully so that the corners converge evenly with each other, as they can also serve as a decorative element - molding. No one would guess that there are wires hidden under it! However, such cable channel there is also a drawback - there is not as much space in it as in the baseboard.

The most common dimensions are 40 x 40 mm, so you can't put a lot of cables in it, and we don't even talk about wiring. Also, skirting cable channels have a thinner wall and a high probability of damage when laid below. Care must be taken not to damage the wires that you will be laying.

The price for such cable channels varies from 60 to 150 rubles. per running meter.


If the style of the interior and your funds allow, you can go an extremely contradictory path: do not hide the wiring, but, on the contrary, flaunt it. How?


First, of course, we will talk about retro-wiring.

Some time ago, this is exactly how the wiring was done: insulators were nailed to the wall, and twisted wires were attached to them. Then came the fashion for hidden wiring: everyone tried to hide the wires as much as possible, leaving only the frames of sockets and switches outside, but they also tried to make them as less noticeable as possible. Recently, however, designers have realized that everything new is well forgotten old, so open wiring in retro style is gaining popularity again.

It fits perfectly into the loft style, English, classic interior styles, and also looks great in wooden log houses, where the plastic cable channel will look just ridiculous.

If everything is clear with the first reason (aesthetic), then the second reason why cable channels are log houses do not establish - this is that the wooden house is constantly changing its size. Even after the main shrinkage has passed, there are changes and they are seasonal: in wet periods the wall becomes higher, in dry periods it settles. The difference in height can be up to 5 cm per floor! And since the cable channels do not change their size, there is a problem of their damage.

Retrowiring and all the accessories for it are not cheap: the twisted wire itself - from 165 rubles. per running meter, sockets - from 1200 apiece, switches - from 1500 apiece.


If you are a young and active person or just keep up with current trends you will love our ideas.

Organize whole pictures from wires! This will require a sketch or photograph of the future painting, a construction pencil, a couple of packages of staples for attaching the cable and the wire itself, the length of which depends on the size and complexity of the future drawing. A pencil marks the linear picture itself, as well as the places where the cable starts (for example, a socket) and its end (lamp).

Electric wires, laces, cables running from various household appliances to sockets can significantly spoil the appearance of the room, become an easy target for small children, "toothy" pets. When there are a lot of electrical appliances, the question arises: how to hide the wires so that they are not visible or they are minimally noticeable. There are many ways, most of them are easy to translate into reality with your own hands.

The need for masking wires

Why it is necessary to hide electrical wires, why they should not be within reach:

  • it is ugly - the weaving of a heap of cords in the most prominent places greatly spoil the look of the room, violating the integrity of most interiors, especially "historical" ones. The only exceptions are spaces decorated in the style of techno, industrial, loft, art-believe;
  • it is unsafe - it is easy to catch, fall, get injured by a cable stretched across the whole room. Teething children, many pets, can chew on electrical wires out of curiosity, often resulting in defeat electric shock varying degrees of severity.

In addition to the cords themselves, it is advisable to hide the "boxes" of extension cords, along with a lot of gadget charges sticking out of them.

We hide the wires in the wall

The most popular option is when the cable is hidden directly into the wall - the so-called " hidden wiring". To do this, they cut out the corresponding recesses in it, where they put the electric wires, cover up the recesses. It turns out dusty, long enough, but if the work is done with high quality, dangerous parts are reliably hidden - it will not be possible to see, and even more damage them, without violating the integrity of the wall.

In a concrete / brick wall

It is advisable to lay the electrical wiring at the stage of repair, better - the layout of the room. As long as the walls are bare, there is no decor on them, the destruction will be minimal. It is important to know that "pulling" the cable diagonally, which is sometimes done in order to save money, is unacceptable - hidden wiring stacked only vertically-horizontally. This will allow it to be repaired quickly in the event of an accident, minimizing the risk of electric shock. The minimum distance from the ceiling to hidden wires is 15-18 cm.

To begin with, a wiring layout is drawn up, the marking is done using a construction or laser method. To make grooves, take a puncher, grinder or wall chaser. Parts are attached to a brick, concrete wall with dowel clamps. After the cable is laid, the grooves are primed, covered with plaster, the wall is leveled.

In a plasterboard wall

Installation of electrical wiring under drywall is much easier than in concrete. Here, you should also lay the cable along a clear route so that multiple self-tapping screws do not damage it. To begin with, the frame is "assembled" from aluminum profiles, plasterboard. It is required to lay the cord in a special corrugated pipe that has a fire safety certificate.
When there is already a plasterboard wall and it is necessary to lay a cable in it, a diagram of the placement of electrical equipment is drawn up. Here the cords are pulled horizontally, vertically, including through the holes in the metal profiles supporting the drywall.

Installation in the floor, ceiling

Placing the wiring on the ceiling is convenient if the latter is partially or completely made of plasterboard, stretched films, hollow wooden, plastic false beams. Such coatings perfectly mask all cables, corrugated pipes, and other communications. This is convenient in cases when the floor, walls are almost ready, they have a unique, highly artistic coating - it is problematic to change anything.

Cables are allowed on the floor, if this is done on the ceiling, walls, it is impossible. Then the screed is made four to seven centimeters thick - under such a layer it is easy to hide any number of electrical wires. Another factor of convenience is the placement of sockets and switches as close to the floor as possible (30-90 cm). It will take quite a bit of work here to cut the wall to install the socket-boxes; the savings in the cable will also come out significant.

It is important to choose the most durable, heavy corrugation for each cord, and mount most of the wiring at a distance of 20-30 cm from the wall. Fastening to the floor is carried out using flexible punched tape, textile material or mesh.

Skirting boards with cable channels

Collapsible plastic skirting boards are equipped with holes in which a cord is inserted, several wires at the same time. Advantages of skirting boards with cable channels:

  • no need to groove walls, violating their integrity, wasting time patching up irregularities;
  • the ability to beautifully hide all the wires, almost anywhere in the apartment;
  • the element is flexible enough - you can use it even if the wall is crooked;
  • the plinth is easily washed from various contaminants, does not fade in direct sunlight;
  • the part is produced in various colors, matched to the existing flooring.

The cable channel is located inside the structure in the center or in the removable upper half. The first option is suitable when you need to hide three or four wires, the second - for several thick cords. It is important to choose the plinth by color, width, mount it from the inner corners of the room. All corners are covered with special decorative strips, purchased together with the skirting boards.

For timber, concrete, plasterboard walls here the appropriate fasteners are used - the plinth must fit snugly both to the wall and to the floor.

Cable channels, their types for masking wires

Plastic channels, where the cord is inserted, inserted, are called cable channels. This is one of the most convenient options for hiding electrical wires, used after finishing finishing work is completed. They are often used in the kitchen - it is convenient when repairs are made, but later additional equipment such as an air conditioner, washing machine, lighting fixtures were purchased.

Cable channels differ in color, they are easy to replace, add new branches. The design is made of fireproof materials, the cords in it are maximally protected from damage from the outside, ultraviolet radiation. The downside here is that it is problematic to choose a color for some interior styles (baroque, ecological, empire, rustic, etc.), although the design looks much better than wires hanging from everywhere. When the cable duct is located at a corner, any ledge, it is easy to snag.

The element is made of plastic, metal (galvanized steel, anodized aluminum), it can be U-shaped, W-shaped, triangular, semicircular section. Fastening to the wall, floor, made with self-tapping screws, dowel-nails, iron brackets, anchors. There are also flexible rubber, wire, transparent options available.

Camouflage covers

It is possible to make a cover for one, several cords at the same time with your own hands from plastic bags cut into narrow long strips. Of these, a kind of "sleeve" is knitted with knitting needles or crocheted, into which all the necessary wiring is inserted. To hide the extension cord with charges in this way, a handbag suitable in size is knitted or sewn.

Separate stores offer decorative collapsible plastic covers, in the form of tree branches, colored tubes, shiny snakes. This design does not have protective properties, as in cable ducts, but it is permissible to cover "ugly" wires with it. If desired, a special spiral braid is purchased - it is flexible, has an aesthetic appearance, and allows you to hide both one element and many wires.

Decor with stickers, stickers, improvised means

Decorative elements that help to hide or neatly fasten numerous cords are sold almost everywhere and are quite inexpensive. In this way, you can decorate the cord coming from the sconce above the bed in the bedroom. Decorate the cable from the TV, the cord from the heater, going along the floor, will turn out using a "toy" mini-fence glued to the baseboard. If it is planned to neatly hide many elements behind the fence, tie clamps are used.

Decorative clamps are now available in all electrical stores. They represent an adjustable flexible clip, decorated with leaves, flowers, butterflies, birds, houses. V romantic interiors laces are decorated with sequins and feathers, in the children's room - with stickers depicting heroes of fairy tales, favorite cartoons.

Wires as an art object

From a long cord contrasting with the wall near which it is located, it is easy to create an original contour image. When the cords are long enough, which can be deliberately arranged, geometric patterns are laid out of them, whole plot pictures - panoramas of cities, silhouettes of animals, profiles of people, trees, legs and backs of furniture, framing mirrors.

Loft-style interiors are also easy to decorate with wires, laying out bricks from them, decorating with deliberately huge corrugated pipes covered with bronze paint. The latter also fit in the intended form.

Colored electrical cords can become a continuation of the wall painting, duplicating the pattern on the curtains, the floor, imitating the "missing" parts of various designs.

Cable as a detail of the interior, style

Loft is one of the few interior styles in which it is permissible not to hide, but on the contrary, to emphasize in every possible way the presence of wires in various places. The original wiring in the "retro" style, which not so long ago was found only in truly old houses, is now offered by many companies specializing in wiring.

In such an interior it is easy to find:

  • twisted electric wires "ivory", "copper", "brass";
  • convex retro switches "ivory";
  • antique sockets;
  • cords imitating aged silver.

In the loft, the wires are not hidden at all, but nobody canceled the safety here - when there is a risk of accidental damage, it is better to hide the element in massive cable channels stylized as copper, steel, corrugated pipes, wooden boxes and etc.

Ideas on how to hide cable from TV, home theater

Cables, cords from TV, set-top boxes, speakers are neatly hidden behind the shelf on which the TV is placed. If it is decided to hang the screen on the wall, the wire is hidden in a box, matched to the color of the wallpaper, and under it they put climbing plant, antennae and branches of which are allowed to curl around the box.

Many designers propose not to hide the wires, but simply decorate them with colored ribbons, for decorating an apartment in pop art style, indoor plants (curly ones are optimal) - for eco-style, hollow snags-boxes, wood paneling when it comes to classic interiors.

When you have to hang a bracket for a heavy TV, the design of the first one is chosen so as to fit all the sockets there. Sometimes a box is mounted on the wall where the TV screen will be placed, in which the cords from the speakers, DVD player, and other electronics will be hidden.

Tips, ways to hide wires in the workplace

In a home office, in order for it to look neat, the laces coming from the computer, the router also need to be removed. The stationery clip will allow you to "start up" the cord, which gets tangled under your feet, under the surface of the table - from its very edge. The clip is easy to fix on the wall, shelf, and from several of these parts you get a kind of dividers for the inputs of different charges. If possible, the wires hanging in the area of ​​the back of the table are simply covered with a textile curtain. Some of them can be arranged in a mini-hammock - the "head" of the extension cord can easily fit there together with the chargers, which greatly interfere on the table.

Through a simple modernization of the table, which has spacious drawers, all the electrics will neatly hide there.

A modern person often has to charge several devices at the same time. When they are all inserted into one "tee" or "multi-tailed" charging is used, with three to five cords for different devices, all elements are assembled under one stationery clip, attached to any nearby surface. Some purchased options are boxes-dividers with four to six shaped holes, through which only the "tails" of the charges are displayed. Such a product is easy to do with your own hands, by modernizing a simple shoe box, pasted over with cloth wrapped in colored paper.

Safety - how to hide wires from a child

Many companies that produce household goods produce whole series of protective elements designed to maximally protect the little man from electric shock. Companies such as Ikea produce convenient clamps for wires - it is difficult to gnaw them, break them, and two or four cords can easily fit inside.

Special integrated structures that allow you to charge your phone or tablet are built into any furniture surface - they are easy to place out of the reach of the child. The same company produces boxes, handbags-covers with buttons - they hide extension boxes, partly electrical wires, which allows you to give a neat appearance to the whole room. For individual devices, there are completely wireless designs - to charge a tablet, phone, player on them, you just need to put the gadget on such a charger.

If the items of protection for laces, extension cords could not be purchased, all "dangerous" items are hidden in large cardboard, plastic, wooden boxes, which are placed in places inaccessible to the baby.


Wireless technologies are still not widespread - the vast majority electrical appliances have to be plugged in. The way out is to hide the cords in the cable channel, in the wall or under the skirting board. Make a real work of art out of a long wire using original decorative elements is also possible. Qualitatively disguise electrical cables, cords from all devices to the ceiling, floor are usually helped by electricians.