Installing a bad door. Installation of door duty and platbands Door dobors How exactly trim

What is good? Why are they needed when installing interior doors? What are the samples of the edge and the fitting method? How are the good? These and other questions will describe in detail in this material.

Usually we are talking to customers "If you have a wall thickness more than 7 cm, you will need good." To determine how to determine whether it is necessary for your doorway good, you should correctly measure the doorways.

How to determine the amount of good?

Almost all doors producers are sold standard width - 100, 150 and 200 mm, and the door frame is almost always 70 mm width. All this is to the fact that before installing it, they must be cut along to ask them the desired width.

For example, if you have a wall thickness of 90 mm, it turns out that you will need another 25 mm wide to the box. (Approximately 5 mm is needed to insert a dog in the grooves), but such a good width is not sold, so we buy a good 100 mm wide and sprinkle along each edge of the good strip 25 mm.

As a result, we will remain another strip of the dough (middle) with a width of 45 mm (5 mm left for cuts), which, theoretically, can also be used on the top of the box, but in practice it is not done, especially if goodholds have crude edges t. e. The end of the good has the same coating as the facial part of the good.

DOWERS, no ferments have, mostly, only veneered doors. Veneer (thin tree cut) is not an elastic fragile material and beatened it at right angles and cannot be broken. Therefore, almost all vehesions do not have the edge. Doborities with artificial coatings (laminate, PVC, ECOCHPON, laminatin,) have chosen ends. In addition, like a door frame or platbands, dobors are also simple and telescopy.

Top Top Top

We return to our example with a sip of kind with a wall thickness of 90 mm. For this case, 1.5 of the stalk of the goodness will be required. From one stick (board) of good, we make two kind, sawing it into parts, and from 0.5 of the good, they also scold a piece of the desired width and put on the top of the box.

As a result, it turns out that if we have a wall thickness from 70 to 90 mm, then we will need a complete set of kinds (2.5 sticks), but there will be 1.5 sticks with a width of 100 mm. If the wall thickness is from 90 to 165 mm, then a complete set of problems is needed - 2.5 sticks width 100 mm.

Table 1: Completeness of nonsense for door openings for interroom doors. The right amount Dobor for each case of the wall thickness of the doorway.

Standard Width Options

Wall thickness in mm 100 cm 150 cm 200 cm
from 70 to 90 1.5 - -
from 90 to 165 2.5 - 1.5
from 165 to 215 - 2.5 -
from 215 to 265 - - 2.5

Telescopic Dobra and their features

As already mentioned above, dobors are with the edge and without edge. There is another third type of edge: the end of the good has a slot. These are telescopic dobilities that are designed to install telescopic platbands.

What are the features of telescopic sobers? For example, if the wall thickness in the doorway is 800 mm, then it is possible to save: buy doors with telescopic components, and good things can not be bought. The missing 10 mm we close a telescopic platband due to the fact that it can be pulled out from the groove of the box for 5 mm on each side of the door frame.

Although the telescopic handle costs almost one and a half times more expensive than simple, but in our case we not only exclude the cost of the goodness, but also the cost of their installation. In addition, if the telescopic good has to be cut in half, it will be harder to mount it, because We'll have to prepare a box for a good thing, which will also entail additional costs.

Some manufacturers make dobors one-sided, i.e. Cutout for telescopic platband only on the one hand. When drinking a kind under the desired width, it certainly facilitates the work on fastening the goodness to the box, but minus is that such goodholds will always have to buy in complete set By quantity, because Do not cut them into two parts.

If the walls are wide?

As a rule, the doorway in brick houses or in carrier wall It may be a thickness of more than 300 mm. In this case, it is better to easily and cheaper to reflect the doorway under the wall (caught with wallpaper or paint) and do not betor. The minus is that unprotected angles of this opening risk quickly damaged. Therefore, dobors are installed in all the opening and on both sides are placed by platbands. There are two ways to solve this task:

1. Close the end of the door opening with solid goodness. Many doors manufacturers make wall panels or good shields. In fact, these are the same diet width about meters. In addition, the order can be ordered good widths, but only multiple 100 mm. In the extreme case, you can buy wall panels of another manufacturer, pickup in color.

2. Close the end of the doorway docked by docking. If, for example, the thickness of the wall is 30 cm, then you can take two sets of voltage widths 10 and 15 cm and docile them, sign one of the sets in width. Especially well to keep telescopic dobors using a stapper.

Interior doors with Dogs \u003e\u003e\u003e

Installing goodness

Dobors are installed when collecting boxes. At the beginning we collect the box, and then painted in the desired width of DOPERS Breeping to the box with the help of special mounting plates with short screws. Thus, dobors with the door frame become one whole. All this design is mounted in the doorway.

Set door box separately and then wide dough Separately it is not recommended because it will be problematic to securely secure the box to the box. If it is not fixed or completely glued, then over time, the goodness from the box can move away by forming a gap. Separately, you can set dogs width no more than 50 mm.

Now I will establish a good on this door. Dobor will be telescopic. For those who do not know, this is what he is in context.

Here is such a groove. There is a groove in a challenge. And on the cashbox there is such a spike. A cashier has such a profile.

What is it done for what. That's when we put a good, then the cash is inserted into it. And we can adjust the distance within this pass. Approximately one and a half centimeters.

Now if we have, for example, this distance is not 8 centimeters, that's how here. And there from 5 to 15 millimeters, we can make a cash immediately without a good. This box it is certainly not telescopic. This door was installed for a long time. it simple box. In general, there are passes in telescopic boxes. Immediately, in order for the ticket to the way could be mounted.

What I start to install a good. First scold in height. First, the next bottom, then here I make a tag with a stationery knife and screaming into 1 millimeter in short.

Then, I take the carbon and measuring this is the distance from the box to the edge. And add a groove depth. In this case, it is 1 centimeter. And I make marking on the reverse side. Here is the line.

Well, here it is necessary to take into account that it is necessary to cut off from the other side where it will be inserted into the box. Because this edge cannot be spoiled. Well, here I expect a Dobly Planck somewhere for a couple of millimeters less than the plane of the wall itself. Because it does not matter here. I can have these 2-3, even 5 millimeters to adjust this thorns of cash. If the usual Dobly Planks, then I, on the contrary, make a 1-millimeter more than a width of a task. For what? To prevent anyway in any case. And you need to measure. The walls are not always in the level, so I measuring at several points. Well, about 4. at the top, somewhere here and below.

If the wall is approximately smooth, you can at 3 points. And caught up, thus, the left and right-handed bar. Then on top of them mount the upper, right on them. I scream all this thing is a jigsaw. You can with a circular saw of some kind of cartoon or mini-circular. Upper bar, I place like this.

Here I put it so that this edge of it is before the groove. Here I also place, right in the groove. Knife once and that's it. Then I turn it over and insert it like this. And here we already make tags as it were in width. Because there is a different left edge and right. So we make tags. Here and here. Like this.

And then Cherch and cut off.

Installation of good

So, now that our setup is prepared all the planks, we will install them in place.

Here it is here that the plane coincided. I check her fingers.

So, there is a straight angle and to the groove. That's what we do.

Like this. Why do you need to do here? In order for when the cash is inserted, there's nothing nevertheless, neither hurt. And this corner will be tightened, that's how it will be. Here it is.

It should be. This plane also coincides. Here she is. Here too. All coincides.

In the event that here in this corner, for example, a gap is formed. Well, there is no foam, for example, to rest. I will drive here and screw the screws. They, as it were, are emphasis, and they support the whole corner. That's all. Now we will mount them. To do this, first I smell this thing, so that the foam is better to go. It expands more evenly.

Because foam expands under the action of moisture. So, we take foam. And here are such cakes I pass the whole perimeter.

Now I take a big scotch wide with me. And fix good. I follow that there was a straight angle.

And so around the perimeter. So, all this fixed. After about one hour, you can already remove everything and put ones. I also do this procedure and from this side. From the edge and on top. Everything, good things will be ready. This attachment is quite enough. There is no load here. No mechanical fasteners are required here. That's all this good is ready. You can say now it will freeze all. Repaled, fixed.

Why do I do these points, not a solid. Two reasons. Firstly, foam savings. Secondly, the guarantee that good-doors will not be squeezed by Arc. Because there is a foam where it will expand in free space. That's all. Good made. It is done not for a long time for 10-15 minutes. Now I will make a good on another door. During this time, the foam will finish and it will be possible to start doing a ticket.

Installing tickets

Here is our good frozen. I cut foam, removed the scotch. Now I will put a ticket. But I will put it here under the corner of 45 degrees.

In general, telescopic tickets put, as a rule, here it is suited at right angles here. And on top of cash comes here, like this.

But, because on this door cash is already installed like this. So, on this side, you also need to do so. How to post. That's how I take and here I put a half-meter with a knife. Like this. Everything, cut off here and here.

I put the top first. Then I also substitute the vertical here so the brass. That's how I put and make a tag. That's how it, for example, is worth it. And I have it.

So once and put a label. Here it is, it can be seen slightly. And I cut everything. First, of course, it is necessary to slow down the bottom, and then I embraced liquid nails here on this edge. Here. Here on this road edge, like this.

Here, here and along the entire length. And the prince of it. Because if we glue the whole groove. Fill this glue everywhere, and it will be almost impossible to remove it. She and so there is tight and it must be fixed a little bit. You can apply glue here. On the wall straight, several points. This will be enough.

All and insert. You can between them a little.

All and mounted.

So, that's what we got in the end. Here is such a corner.

Here you can pick up a pencil, so that this seam is not visible. It will not be strong in gas to rush. And here is everything here. Everything is clear and beautiful. I'll show it now as a markup to do. Here put, the knife is like that.

Everything. There is a label. Now this takes the label, here. And at right angles, hold the knife and carry it. Everything, now you need to cut off diagonally. Everything goes to the ending. True here because there is a groove, it becomes crooked. I simply put the woods in the thickness of this distance.

Here I put here and it becomes smooth. And I scream.

Well, what we got in the end. Such a good. Black, poorly visible, well, nothing. Now I'll show you.

Everything is tight, everything is smooth, no cracks. This node. All, the door is absolutely ready.

All rights to video belong: Roman Zaitsev

Why do you need good things and what is it? Before answering this question, you need to remember a little, and young to study the story. As it was before? Each Enterprise building materials Exactly performed current state standards on their products. The dimensions of the bricks, blocks were regulated, panel plates and. d. Construction organizations Have standards in the thickness of plaster. This allowed woodworking enterprises to produce a joinery (windows and doors) with standard dimensions of the door frames. After they are installed in the openings, no additional fit of good -comrs was required.

Today everything is different. The absolute majority of enterprises are guided not state standards, and its own specifications. This led to the fact that the same brick or block from various manufacturers may have different sizes. Now no one can with confidence to determine the thickness of the walls, make several standard sizes Door and window boxes are impossible. The output was found simple and efficient. The box is manufactured with a minimally allowable width that guarantees it physical strength, and the missing width, depending on the thickness of the walls, is traded by installing a problem.

Due to the fact that most modern door boxes are made in order to reduce costs from MDF, the same material is used and during the production of good. There is, however, door boxes and goodholds from a natural tree, but they are rare and are much more expensive. The principles of installing wooden and MDF of Sobors are no different.

DOWERS - Ordinary boards from MDF, have a width of 100 mm to 200 mm, produced by doors manufacturers, have the same color and texture as the doors. By constructive device May be ordinary (simple) and adjustable. Simple doors rest in the L-shaped neckline in the sidewalls, adjustable with the box have a spike / groove connection. This allows you to accurately adjust the protrusion after removing the preliminary size and preparation of the good. In addition, the presence of a compound simplifies somewhat and speeds up the process of marking.

PhotoThe sizeColorPrice
8x100x2070 mm.whore oak114.00 rub. / PC.
10x100x2070 mmitalian walnut167,00 rub. / PC.
12x2150x2150 mmsnow rosewood188.00 руб. / PC.
12x80x2100 mmpine193.00 rub. / PC.
- acacia2 192.00 rub. / PC.
100x2150 mmnut468,00 rub. / PC.

We will look at the methods of installing both types of good faults, start with simple.

Installation of simple good

Simple dobors can be connected to foam (the most fast way), cloves and self-drawing (the longest way). Choose yourself that method that will seem most appropriate to you, experienced builders Install good foam only. On the reliability of the attachment of the platbands, the method of installing goodholds is almost no influence, and work is greatly simplified and accelerated.

Adjustable dobors are installed only on the foam.

Measurement and preparation of good

The technological task of the voltage is to serve as a platform mounting site. In order for the platbands to lie correctly, the end of the goodholds should lie on the same line with the wall plane. Measurements should be made on the already installed door frame. Size removal is performed in the following ways.

Now you need to learn the height of the left and right elements and the length of the horizontal. At the top of the box, the DOPY is connected to the letter P, consider it during the dimension.

Cut the speed boards can manual saw, electric lobby, portable electric saw or on stationary machine. Last option Preferably, work is much accelerated, their accuracy increases and the risks of the appearance of chips increase and minimize the risks of the appearance of chips.

First, cut off the blanks in length, then each make the width labels at the ends. Spend a straight smooth line and carefully cut off the extra part. Smooth line It is better to carry out the same good things, do not have to look for smooth and long wooden rails. At the location of the cut, you need to remove a small chamfer, so the board will be tightly faced to the door frame.

Video - Measurement of Dog

All elements are prepared, you can start them. Let's start with the most difficult method and finish the simplest.

Installing Self Selfness

Step 1. On Dogs, do sweat under the tapping screw.

The thickness of the MDF 50 millimeters boards, it is necessary to take a drill with a diameter of no more than 9 millimeters. The exact diameter should be coordinated with the diameter of the screws of the screws. The diameter of the caps, in turn, changes with a change in their length. The length of the self-samples is selected with such a calculation so that they entered the door frame into two or three turns, otherwise it can give a crack.

It is desirable that the drills are under the tree, they have at the end thin needle ledges, which allow you to more accurately center the hole and exclude the drill offset during drilling.

Important. Always leave from the front of the facial part of the problem at least 1.5 mm thickness of the board, there is nothing terrible if the hole under the tilt will completely drive the wall of the good side from the reverse side. The depth of occasionally is regulated by the length of the self-tapping screws, the main condition, as we have already mentioned, they must be screwed into the box for no more than two or three turns. Total screws for a long vertical part are enough to install 4 pcs., So much make holes.

Step 2. Remove the holes for the tapping screw. The diameter of the drill must correspond to the diameter of the screws. These holes are somewhat more complicated, you need a "angry" eye and skill.

How to drill them?

  1. It is better to drill holes on the reverse side of the holes under the tilt.
    Very important. You will need to drill not perpendicular to the plane of the board, but at a low angle. This is done in order for the self-taking place to go to the center of the door frame - the possible risks of its cracking on the front part are reduced. If the end of the self-press come out from the back of the box - there is nothing terrible.

  2. Put the drill perpendicular to the platform plane exactly opposite the hole under the tilt.
  3. Drill several millimeters in the depth, turn off the drill. Install the drill at the desired angle and continue drilling until its end appears in the hole under the tilt.

We have already mentioned that this method is the most difficult, we do not advise them to use. But, if someone has convinced you, then we will continue to tell about it. In the described method, prepare all the elements of the good.

Step 3. Insert the screws into the holes and scroll them until the ends are shown on the opposite side.

Step 4. Initially, screw the vertical good, then horizontal. If the self-tapping screw is tightened - do not make great efforts, to unscrew it into several revolutions, and then twist again.

Step 5. Check the position of the sore, if there are places with a loose fit to the door frame - press them with any infrient materials.

Step 6. Warn the bending of the voltage foam.

To do this, you can fix them in two ways: construction paper scotch tape or spacers. Construction Scotch has high rates The gap strength in the perpendicular direction and calmly holds the foam force. If the wall is smooth - use carpentry tape, stick it to a hard and wall in three to four places on vertical elements and in two or three horizontal.

If the tape wall is not glued - use the struts. They can be made of wooden Reques. The length of the rail must be 1 ÷ 2 centimeters shorter door width. In the future, the struts are pressed with different lining.

Step 7. Swimming a slit between the wall and the swarm of the mounting foam.

Very important. You can rarely meet responsible builders who, before giving any structures, purify them from dust and wet surfaces. And foam has very weak adhesion with dry surfaces, about dust and dirt and there is nothing to say. Try to touch fresh foam with a wet finger - then do not wash anything.

Use any foam for the foam, is not a door box, no load carry, you can use the cheapest stamps. The main thing is not to leave the passes. If the gap between the wall and the good is narrow and deep - adapt to the nozzle various extension cords. For very thin gaps, we used the cocktail tubes - they brought them with a scotch for the existing outlet of the foam spray and worked. Such a design, however, one-time use, but you do not need more.

Step 8. Wait at least 24 hours before the cooler of the foam, a sharp mounting knife cut off the speaking surplus. Check out the stupor of the stability of the position of the problem. Problem places showed - add foam to them.

Video - Installing Self Selfness

All, on this work on installing good, you can proceed to work with

Installing Sobs On Carnations

In this section, we will tell about another way to remove the size of the sizes. They need to be in turn to insert the doorway to the seats and with the help of the sharp side the rule draw the wall line.

It should be carefully. If you inserted enough items in the position in which they will be fixed, then the marked line must be shifted to the other side of the board and only cut it on it. But you can insert the board in the rotated form, then the line will immediately be in its place. Next, all circumcision operations are identical to the above described.

Step 1. The drill of a small diameter (must respond to the diameter of the finish nails of no more than one millimeter) in the preconceitant to the door frame of the good to drill holes at a distance of approximately 20 cm.

On the picture - finish nail Near Doboevik

Important. Drill carefully, keep the drill strictly in a vertical position. The depth of the holes should be 3 ÷ 5 millimeters less than the length of the carnations.

Step 2. Insert the carnations into the drilled holes until you stop. Before this you need to bite the caps, the carnations are inserted with a sharp end.

Step 3. Gently take turns insert each element of the dough in your place in the door frame. Hammer wooden gasket Drive sharp protruding ends of nails in the door box. Do not rush, before fixing tightly press the diverse to the sidewall of the protruding board socket. If you are inattentive and skip the gap, you will have to remove the accurate element and start all over again or close the gap sealant into the tone of the door. Both options are extremely undesirable. In the first case, because the "wrong" carnations will have to pull out the hole in another place under it. The fact is that the wrong mount is located a few tenth millimeters from the correct one. And in this case, the nail will never make a new hole, and will always slip into the already existing one. In the second case, any embossing sealants will not be unnoticed and will indicate the low professionalism of the Contractor.

Step 4. Sweep dough from the reverse side, scotching or struts fix their position from cutting foam.

Step 5. Clean the surfaces from dust and dirt, moisten them with an ordinary water sprayer (pulverizer).

Step 6. Place the gap sealant throughout the plane. After cooling the foam, carefully cut off the spoked part.

Video - Installing Sobors on Carnations

We are specially the easiest way left at last, it will give you the opportunity to compare all the methods described and make right choice. Marking and drinking elements is no different from the first two.

And then everything is simple. Put goodness in place, swing them with inner until full pressed surfaces landing places Door box, tape or struts warn from cutting and gate after cleaning and wetting surfaces. As you can see, there are no steps, drills and scoring. Why do we advise you to use exactly this way?

  1. The strength of such an installation is no different from complex methods.
  2. You never risk spoiling DOPs while drilling holes or lifting the carnations for one simple reason - no holes, no carnations.
  3. During the time, while the "big" specialist drills the holes for the self-tapping screw or nails, you yourself fully set the dough on two door boxes with it the same quality of work.

Compared how fewer technological operationsHow little less risks of damage to the sore and the door frame and how more benefits? Now make a decision.

Video - Installing Dogs on Foam

Installation of adjustable voltage

Adjustable dobors have several advantages.

  1. The connection of the elements in the spike / groove allows you to tightly press the elements visible planes. Fully excluded the appearance of the gaps, there is no need to twist them.

  2. Dobors can move in the doorway up / down or out / inside. These few "free" millimeters allow you to accurately adjust their locations and compensate possible mistakes During the dimensions or dipping.

There are problems and disadvantages - without stationary circular not to install them. The fact is that only on a stationary circular saw can be cut on the thickening elements of the spike of the desired thickness and depth.

How are they installed?

Step 1. Remove the size, while consider the groove depth on the door frame. You can measure it and add to the width values \u200b\u200bobtained, and you can take a piece of thin plywood or ruler, insert into the groove and in such a position to measure the width of the good. Measurements do in several places throughout the perimeter of the doorway, the walls are often uneven.

Step 2. Denote the left and right-wing good and transfer the size of the workpiece.

Important. In order to further simplify the installation of all elements, reduce their width by 2 ÷ 3 millimeters. This stock will give the opportunity to move good in the groove in the right direction.

Step 3. Cut the blanks in length and width.

Step 4. Install the stop circular saw On the width of the spike, the saw table lift with this calculation to ensure the desired spike height. Put a good on the edge and carefully cut off the spike.

Step 5.. In the same way, prepare all the remaining elements of good.

Next, everything is simple. Install them in place, align in the joints and wall plane. To prevent the plot, glue the construction tape to the wall and dogs, clean the surfaces from dirt and dust, wet them and swing. The presence of a spike / groove compound is freed from the need to crunch, dough and so great keep the size and tightly pressed to the door frame.

Video - Installation of adjustable

During the installation of good, do not create unnecessary problems and difficulties themselves, use only the third most simple way - Installation on the foam. Why?

  1. First, there will never be efforts to pull out, they will safely hold the platbands in any case.
  2. Secondly, the carnations only perform a role in a reliable pressing of the good to the door frame, and do not hold them from the breakdown. Ordinary wedges of foam, paper and other healthy materials cope with the same task nothing worse.
  3. Thirdly, all sorts of "drills" in thin boards of sobers and in the door frame can cause the appearance of cracks on the front side. We have to change the good or repair the box.

And the first, and the second, and the third one does not need to anyone. Why do the first two installation methods exist? We think it is one of effective methods undeserved increase in the salary of unscrupulous builders. They are important to declare customers that for such complex work you need to pay the corresponding amounts.

You should not nail a horizontal good to vertical in the corners of the joints, he is so perfectly pressed foam. If you are experiencing - press it in these places by any wedges. Extra carnations in thin bad products - an extra chance to see a hole on the front part, and this is a direct marriage in the work.

Do not pinch the bar

You can meet the tips before installing the problems in the door frame to connect all the elements of the letter P. We do not advise you to do so for two reasons.

  1. First, it does not reduce, but increases the installation time.
  2. Secondly, the compound "chlipping", during the movement and installation in the place of the design of the carnation still will move slightly and the gap between the horizontal and vertical goodness will appear. Its in any case will need to be eliminated in place.
  3. Thirdly, the design can have so much when transporting so much that carnations break the integrity front face Good. This is a very unpleasant situation, close the crack "before the initial state" will never succeed. An experienced master Always sees a problem space.

And the last advice. Sometimes there are cases when you have to invite the masters to help. You independently install multiple door sobers, and several must install the master. Perhaps I want to finish this stage in the construction of a bath or time not enough, the vacation ends, and I want to finish the trim, the reasons may be different.

The master came - see what kind of tools he have. If they are dirty, immediately striking, they do not look behind them - refuse the services of such a master. If among its tools you saw sealants for cracks - please "craft" hand and send it back. Modern doors From the MDF should be installed so exactly that the presence of a slot testifies only about the inaccurability, inexperience or irresponsibility of the master.

Video - Installation of DOP

Dobors for interior doors can be installed independently. The materials necessary for this are inexpensive for this, but required tools There are even a novice homemade master.

DOWERS FOR CARTY DOORS: What do you look and for what you need

DOPERS (DOWNLOAD BOARDS) - it is wooden planks or MDF panels that close door slopes. Such slopes are formed if the wall thickness is greater than the width of the door box. As a result, the box does not overlap the entire end of the wall and can be seen naked concrete or broken bricks. Sometimes this section is plastered, covered with wallpaper, closed with plastic, but it's easier, faster and aesthetically to establish good.

Design of the door block using good

In contrast to conventional slopes, the good boards continue the missing width of the box itself, forming a single design with it. In order not to make a mistake with the tone, Dobors buy at the same time with door blast and navigate.

Advantages of use

  • Right mounted volu products look presentable and depending on the total style solution They bring the element of wealth and luxury to the interior or restraint and solidity.
  • Painty gooders are simply and quickly that saves time, strength and means.
  • During finishing work door block It does not come into contact with wet solutions, which prevents it from turning and damage. Increases the service life of the door.

Finished design looks beautiful and modern

Dobors can make it easily or buy ready. The store will offer a good plank of standard sizes:

  • length - 2.1 m;
  • width - 7-25 cm;
  • thickness - 6-30 mm.

To calculate the width of the task, the width of the slope add a groove depth in the box, or from the thickness of the walls take the width of the box taking into account the groove.

With a particularly thick walls, the width of the dough can reach 40 cm and more, but such planks are made to order. Thickness of a good plank should not exceed the width of the groove in the door frame.

Based constructive features, Dobly planks divide on:

  • ordinary;
  • normal with adamors;
  • telescopic.

The easiest good is a straight strip of fibreboard (MDF) or laminate without a facing edge. Many masters believe that sticking the facing edge to the ends is superfluous by spending time and finance. After all, one end adjacent to the door frame tightly, and the second will be covered with a platband. But in this case, the installation should be done with a special care, because the deviation even for a couple of millimeters will give a novice master: the gray raw edge will rush into the eyes.

The simplest fair is the usual bar

If the end of the problem is pre-close the edge ribbon, selected tone into the tone, small flaws will be invisible. The edge itself is a penny, and you can stick it in a few minutes using conventional Iron. This method is preferable also because the edges of the ends prevents the mild-plane swelling under the influence of moisture. This is especially important for door blocks in kitchens and bathrooms.

A more advanced voluntary bar is distinguished by the presence of the edge on the ends

The most complicated design of the telescopic is good. Its feature is the presence of special grooves that allow you to install without the use of self-use and nails. Moreover, it is practically impossible to miss: the good is perfectly docked with the box and platbands. The width of the dough is regulated by the groove depth. To make a telescopic good independently, you will need certain skills and a special tool. It's easier to buy ready-made planks.

Telescopic door good has special notches

Required tools and materials

When installing a problem, a minimum set of tools is used:

  • level;
  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • saw or electrolybiz;
  • plane;
  • a hammer;
  • a sharp knife.

Necessary materials:

  • mounting foam;
  • fasteners (selflessness, nails or "liquid nails");
  • dobly planks.

Typically, good-faces are bought with the door cloth, but if the doors are not going to change, but they only plan to close the slopes, for the manufacture of problems use:

  • wooden planks;
  • mDF slices;
  • long DSP trimming;
  • plastic.

If applied natural treeTo extend the service life, it is pre-treated with antiseptic impregnations.

Homemade doblors from ordinary MDF will differ from the factory, since in industrial samples the interior between two thin wood-fibrous plates is filled with cellular material.

Wood-chip plates lose the tree and MDF on appearance and durability, but inside the premises of goodness from the chipboard can be applied.

Plastic as a material for the manufacture of goodholds is rarely used. And if it is still used, it is selected especially durable, reinforced by metal PVC panels.

Dobors can be made of natural wood, Chipboard, MDF panels or plastic

Installation of volunteers

Installation in groove

If you plan to use good, the door frame is better to buy with a special groove. The presence of a groove not only accelerates the installation process, but also allows several millimeters to put forward / plug in the challenge in the box, which increases the accuracy of the installation.

  1. It is assumed that by the time of the installation of the voltage, the door frame is already fixed in doorway. Therefore, first measure the distance from the door frame to the edge of the wall. All slopes are measured separately and each minimum in four points. As a rule, these indicators differ: Even if the box is installed strictly vertically, the wall itself can be uneven.

    Measurements are convenient to produce a construction kit

  2. A width of the slope add a groove depth in the door frame. The value obtained determines the width of the task.
  3. Electrolovka or saw cut the dobors in length and width to of the desired size.

    Dobly planks are bought with a stock in width, and an accurate fit is made in the installation process.

  4. Dogs are installed in the dump box.

    Design of the door block using ordinary doors

  5. If telescopic doters are used, the door frame and platbands should also be telescopic. The entire block is collected as a constructor, inserting the protrusions of some elements in the deepening of others. For strength, good planks and platbands are planted for glue or "liquid nails". The design assembled in this way looks like one.

    When installing telescopic problems, the "spike in the groove" method applies

  6. The upper horizontal kind lies on the side, forming the letter P.

    Upper Dobor lies on the side at right angles

  7. To ensure the fixability of the goodness, they are temporarily attached to the walls and box with a painting sticky ribbon.
  8. Eliminate emptiness formed between a good bar and a wall, filling the gaps by mounting foam. As a rule, the struts are installed between gooders. If there is no strut, the clearance is rented in several stages, so that the foam is too saturated layer does not squeeze the dobors inside the doorway.

    The gap between the wall and the good foam fill

  9. Wait a few hours and after hardening the foam, its excess is cut off with a knife.

    The use of foam during installation allows you to do without nails and screws

Installation without groove

If there is no special groove in the door frame, the dobors fasten the oppressive. This installation requires a very accurate (up to a millimeter) measurements, careful fit of the good slats and special accuracy during installation.

  1. Measure the width of the slopes as the method as when installing the problems in the groove.
  2. Crop the challenges to the desired size. If extra millimeters remain after sawing, they are cut off by the plane.
  3. On the resulting sections are glued edid ribbon.. For this, the edge stroke the hot iron, as a result of which the glue on the reverse side is melted and the ribbon is firmly attached to the bar.

    The edge is glued with an iron

  4. Thin nails up to half are clogged into the ends of the voltages with a step of 20-25 cm. If you additionally use glue, three nails on vertical good and one (in the middle) on the horizontal.
  5. Hats nails bite off at an angle so that the end was sharp.

    Nails are clogged into the end of the good and bite the hats

  6. Install the best in place - first the side planks, then upper. The vertical good is tightly pressed downstairs, bother and finish with a hammer, so that the nail entered the door frame. Then nourish the middle, then the top. They follow that there are no cracks between the good and the box.
  7. The upper horizontal bar is put on the vertical, check the straight angle and naple.

    After installing the problems, nails are not visible

  8. The gaps between the wall and the goodness are fought as well as when installing the problems in the groove.

Installation of trimming

After the dobors are installed and the mounting foam dried, the platbands are fixed.

  1. Measure the height of the side planks. To do this, the top of the door width is added to the height of the doorway.

    The length of the vertical platband is calculated, taking into account the width of the horizontal

  2. The top of the right platband is roasted at an angle of 45 degrees in such a way that the edge of the planks will be shorter to be the edge.

    Cut the platband at an angle exactly 45 degrees will help the stub

  3. Also at an angle of 45 degrees, but in the mirror image, the top of the left platband is pushed.
  4. Scram extra length from the platbands.
  5. Vertical platbands are installed in place and everyone is enhancing two nails - downstairs and in the middle.
  6. Apply the upper platband and make marking.

    It is preferably to bite off the nails. So they will be almost invisible

    If screws are used instead of nails, then first drill a hole in which the hat is drowned. Then they screw them, and the hats are closed with special plastic plugs.

    Independently to establish goodness for interior doors is easy, although the process will not call fast. But if everything is done correctly, the new door block will become the main decoration of the room.