Disadvantages of the two-pipe heating system. Pros and minuses of single-tube and two-pipe heating systems - what is better and more efficient? Pros and Cons Leningrad

In the process of designing the heating system, the question arises, how best to connect radiators - by one-rublesscheme or PO two-pipe?

Each of the connectivity methods has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. To select a layout scheme correctly, it is necessary to determine it efficiency in relation to your home. What are the difference between single and two-pipe systems? And for what criteria make a choice?

Single-mounted heating scheme

One-pipe system is the most simple option Connections of radiators and boilers. It is used for heating small and medium rooms.

It has important advantage - Gives ability to organize work regardless of electric circulating pump .

In the simplicity and independence of electricity, the main advantages of a single-pipe layout. How does it work?

Principle of operation

In a single-tube scheme, the same pipe performs the function of supplying hot water and the return of cold. Main trumpet Connect sequentially All radiators.At the same time, in each of them, the water loses part of the heat. Therefore, in a single-tube heating scheme, there are more hot radiators - first, and cooler - at the end of the contour.

Attention! The warmers will be the rooms located Immediately after the boiler. Cool will be premises located in front of the entrance to the boiler. This must be taken into account when building a house.

With such a heating scheme, the first from the boiler should be large roomskitchen-dining rooms, halls.And the latter are small sleeping rooms.


Single-pipe layout Ideal for the organization of the movement of the coolant self. For proper location heating devices Water inside the pipes will move independently, without the help of the circulation pump. To do this, you need to organize significant height difference between the boiler and the distribution collector.

Heating boiler coolant as low as possible - On the first floor of the room or in the basement.

The collector through which the heated water is heard, is located as above - under the ceiling of the upper floor or in the attic. From the boiler in the collector water rises during the heating process.

When heated it expands, it becomes easier and therefore - rises up. Then from the distribution collector enters the feed pipe, then in the radiators and returns to the heating boiler.

Reference! In the heating of a large house, a single-tube scheme can share For several consecutive wings. At the same time, they will all start from the distribution manifold and end in front of the boiler.

In addition to the boiler, distributing collector and radiators, in the diagram are definitely embedded expansion tank.The expansion coefficient depends on the heating value, various heating Water expands in different ways. In this case, a certain amount of coolant is supplanted from the system. To collect and storing displaced water to the system set tank.

the main driving force coolant - temperature lifting water. The higher the temperature of the coolant, the greater the speed of water in the pipes. Also, the speed of the sampling is affected by the diameter of the pipes, the presence of angles and bends in them, the view and number of lockable devices. In such a system only installed ball Valves . Ordinary valves even in open position Create a water movement barrier.

Vertical and horizontal wiring: distinction

More often a single-tube schema collect at the level of one floor- in the horizontal plane.

Pipes are paved along the floor, connecting radiators in adjacent rooms located on the same floor. Such a wiring was named horizontal.

Create less often in multi-storey house Vertical. At the same time, the pipes are connected to rooms located above each other. Such a heating scheme was called vertical. What is the difference between two layouts, and which one is better for a private house?

Vertical scheme:

  • Requires connecting specific batteries - extended in height. Most of the radiators on the market is intended for inclusion in a horizontal system - they are elongated in width. For incorrect connection Radiators The efficiency of their work is reduced.
  • Narrow batteries for vertical wiring are well heated Little room. And worse - large rooms.
  • Is different a small probability of trimming pipes, Education aerial traffic - The air is removed through the vertical riser.

Attention! Vertical wiring optimal for large number floors for small squares.

Horizontal wiring:

  • Provides great Select radiators.
  • Works more efficientvertical, due to the physics of the movement of the coolant in the pipes.

Horizontal wiring is used when adjusting heating On the same floor.In the house of several floors, water between floors is transmitted by vertical riser. So for two- or three-story cottage Optimal will combined systemwith vertical and horizontal layout elements.

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Pros and Cons Leningrad

List advantages single-tube heating:

  • Simple and inexpensive arrangementwhich provides a small amount of pipes, connectors, nozzles and other additional devices in the system.
  • The ideal scheme for Water movements Self And for the organization gravitational heating system, without the need to work the circulation pump.


  • Uneven heated Rooms - There are hot and cool premises.
  • Not suitable for organizing the heating of large houses whose area more than 150 sq.m,or in the heating system which is built More than 20 radiators.
  • Large pipe diameter makes neesthetictheir views on the walls.

Double-circuit battery layout

The two-pipe heating system differs from a single-tube separation into two pipes - feeding and returning the coolant. It provides uniform heating of all rooms. Such a wiring is used in most new houses.

Principle of operation

IN two-pipe scheme Water from the boiler comes to radiators by The feed tube (highway).

Near each radiator, the feed line has a connecting ingoing pipeThrough which the coolant enters the battery. The feeding line ends near the last radiator.

In addition to the incoming nozzle, each radiator is provided cutting. It connects it with a backpage. The reverse highway starts from the first battery and ends with the entrance to the boiler.

Thus, the heated water enters the radiators Uniformly and equal temperature. From each radiator, the water is displayed in the inverse pipe where it is assembled and is supplied to the boiler for subsequent heating. Thanks to this movement of the coolant, all rooms in the room are warmed equally.

What is the difference

The two-pipe heating system includes elements of a single-tube system and additional devices. In addition to boilers, radiators, pipe supply and return water (so-called breeding), a two-pipe scheme also includes circulation pump.

The large length of the highways, the presence of corners and turns in the feed pipes complicates the movement of the coolant. therefore needless his Forced circulation Electrical pump.

Photo 1. Circulation pump model 32-40, voltage 220 volts, manufacturer - "Oasis", China.

Also in the two-pipe scheme is present more cranes regulating water supply and its number. Such a crane is installed before each radiator - at the inlet and at the output.

Classification by location

In the horizontal two-pipe pipe system, radiators are combined horizontally. Such a scheme works in heating one-storey house or one floor of a multi-storey cottage.

In the vertical two-pipe system, the pipes are connected by radiators located on each other in one "riser". At the same time there are differences from a single-pipe vertical scheme. Here - due to the presence of feed pipes and returns, in vertical heating Can be used Batteries of any widthmultisective(Since feeding and returning risers can be removed from each other). Therefore, the effectiveness of two-pipe vertical heating is higher.

Reference! It is desirable that the batteries of rooms arranged over each other were same number of sections. It is easier to lay it vertical pipe Furning.

Lower and upper strapping: more efficient

The term "bottom" and "top" strapping is denoted Method for connecting batteries to the systemheating. At the bottom strapping, incoming water enters the battery through the bottom nozzle.

If it comes out of the radiator also below, the efficiency of the radiator will be reduced by 20-22%.

If the outgoing nozzle is located at the top, the efficiency of the radiator will be reduced by 10-15%.In any case, with the lower supply of water in the battery, the effectiveness of heating decreases.

For upper strapping (Feed) The ingoing nozzle is connected to the radiator at the top. In this case, the movement of the coolant is organized more efficient, the battery will work at 97-100% (97% - If incoming and leaving nozzles are located on one side of the radiator, and 100% - If the ingoing nozzle on one side is above, and the emerging - on the other side below).

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Suitable for the organization of heating private houses big squareAt the same time, the circulation pump is necessarily cut into the system.
  • Heats all rooms on the floor or in riser evenly.


  • Come goes away more expensivea single-tube system, since twice the materials are required - pipes between the boiler and radiators, as well as connecting devices, cranes, valves.
  • Circulating electric pump makes the system dependent on the presence of electricity.

Important! Increasing the number of pipes and the amount of heat carrier in the system - leads to The growth of hydrodynamic resistanceand does not allow water to move self. Forced circulation and working circulation pump is needed.

The heating system is divided into two types: single-tube and two-pipe. Obviously, it is most profitable to install a more workable that will not only cope with its functions, but also serves you not one year. In order not to stay "in fools" and not mistaken with the choice of the heating system.

You need to figure out which of the heating systems is suitable for you better and why.

Thus, you will know which of the systems is better from the technical side and how to pick it up, given your budget.

High water pressure provides a natural cycle, and antifreeze makes the system more economical.

Disadvantages of a single-tube system - Very complex thermal and hydraulic network calculation, since, having permissible in the calculations of devices, it is very difficult to eliminate it.

Also, it is a very high hydrodynamic resistance and an involuntary number of heating devices on the same highway.

The receipt of the coolant goes immediately into everything and is not subject to separate adjustment.

In addition, very high heat loss.

In order to adjust the operation of individual devices connected to one riser, the bypass (closing areas) are connected to the network - this is a jumper in the form of a piece of pipe connected by the straight and reverse pipes of the radiator, with cranes and valves.

For the possibility of regulating the temperature of each separately, the bypass allows you to connect autotothermorts to the radiator.

In addition, it also makes it possible, in the event of a breakdown, replace or repair individual devices, without turning off the entire heating system.

One-tube heating is divided into vertical and horizontal:

  • vertical - This is the connection of all batteries successively from top to bottom.
  • horizontal - This is a consistent connection of all heating devices on all floors.

Due to the accumulation of air in batteries and pipes, so-called traffic jams occur, which is the disadvantage of both systems.

Installation of a single-tube system

Connecting- is made according to the scheme, using cranes for losing radiators, which overlap the cranes and plugs.

Pressing system-after which the coolant is poured into the battery and the system adjustment directly is configured.

Two-pipe heating system

Advantage of two-pipe heating system - This is the installation of autotroid matters, which gives the full possibility of adjusting the temperature in separate rooms.

This will take the independence of the operation of the chain devices, which the special collector system provides.

The difference between the two-pipe from the one-tube system is that the first can be connected to additional batteries after connecting the main, as well as the possibility of prolonging in vertical and horizontal directions.

Unlike a single-tube, here you can also easily correct permissible errors.

Disadvantages of this system Minimal, if you have a sufficient amount of material tools and have the ability to call the wizard.

Installation of the heating system with lower horizontal pipeline wiring

This system allows you to place a tank. open type In a comfortable warm place. Also, it is possible to combine expansion and expenditure tanks allow you to use hot water Directly from the heating system itself.

In S. systems forced circulation To reduce the flow of pipes, the discretion and feeding risers are located at the first level.

Among the countless variants of the heating systems are the most common scheme of a two-pipe heating system with lower layout and forced circulation of the coolant. It can be assembled independently provided that it is designed and designed correctly. But not every homeowner understands these issues, and even if it is decided to hire for the design and installation of specialists, their work must be checked. This is possible only if you figure it out that such a two-pipe system of heating a private house and how to fix it correctly. Our article is just to help such homeowners.

Types of two-pipe heating systems

Our topic is entirely devoted to these systems, since they have a number of advantages over one-tube. It all makes sense to list them, it is worth noting only the main thing: the two-pipe system works in such a way that the heat carrier is almost the same temperature in all radiators.

The word "almost" means that this rule has exceptions, these are schemes collected from steel, copper and stainless corrugated pipesnot covered with thermal insulation layer.

The fact is that the system of heating a private house made by its own hands from metal uninsulated pipes will give heat into the premises not only by means of radiators. The metal has a high thermal conductivity, therefore the coolant flowing into such a highway as it removed from the boiler will be slightly cooling. Although the drop in temperature compared to the single-pipe layout is insignificant, it is necessary to consider it anyway.

Note. Many supporters of single-tube schemes such as "Leningradka", they say that they are cheaper, since the material will be twice as smaller. But at the same time, they forget about the fall of water temperature, as a result of which it is necessary to increase the power of radiators, that is, add sections. These are additional funds, and considerable.

According to the orientation of standing in space, vertical and horizontal types of systems are distinguished, and they may have an upper, lower and combined wiring. With a vertical scheme in the building, one or more stands are connected from the heat source located in the basement or first floor. Radiators are connected to vertical risers directly, as shown in Figure:

This is a scheme with a lower layout, since the main pipelines supply the coolant to the stands below. The vertical system with the upper bottling implies their gasket from above, with combined version Only the feed horizontal collector passes under the ceiling, and the reverse - bottom. Typically, the mains paved on top are placed in the attic space, and in its absence - under the ceiling last floor. What is not very good from the point of view of aesthetics.

Horizontal systems

This is a closed two-pipe system, in which horizontal branches are laid instead of vertical risers, and a certain number of heating devices joins them. As in the previous case, the branches may have an upper, lower and combined wiring, only now it happens within one floor, as shown in the schemes:

As can be seen in the figure, the system with top wiring requires laying of pipes under the ceiling of the premises or in the attic and the interior will fit with difficulty, not to mention the consumption of materials. For these reasons, the scheme is infrequent, for example, for heating basement Or in the case when the boiler room is on the roof of the building. But if the circulation pump is correctly selected and the system is configured, then it is better to launch with the roof boiler pipe, any homeowner will agree with this.

Combined wiring is indispens when you need to mount a two-pipe gravitational system, where the coolant moves naturally due to convection. Such schemes are still relevant in areas with unreliable power supply and in small square homes and floors. Its disadvantages are that through all rooms there are many pipes big diameter, hide them very difficult. Plus high material consumption of the project.

And finally, horizontal system with lower wiring. It is no coincidence that it is most popular, because the scheme combines a lot of advantages and almost does not have drawbacks. Sliding to radiators short, pipes can always be hidden behind the decorative screen or deposit into the tie of the floor. In this case, the consumption of materials is acceptable, and in terms of efficiency of work it is difficult to find a better option. Especially when more perfect backway systemshown below in the scheme:

Its main advantage is that the water in the supply and return pipeline passes the same distance and flows in one direction. Therefore, it is hydraulically this is the most stable and reliable scheme, provided that all calculations are carried out correctly and taken into account the features of the installation. By the way, the nuances of systems with associated movement of the coolant consist of complexity of the device of ring circuits. Often, pipes should be crossing doorways and other obstacles, which is why the project costs can grow.

Output. For a private house optimal option is a two-pipe horizontal heating system with lower wiring, but only together with artificial circulation coolant. If it is necessary to ensure non-volatile work thermal equipment and networks, it is recommended to take one of the combined samotane systems - horizontal or vertical. The latter will be appropriate in the house with two floors.

Heating system with forced circulation

So, the layout scheme is selected, the following are the following:

  • draw it in the form of a sketch, and even better - a three-dimensional model (axonometry);
  • make calculation and selection of pipe diameters on all branches and areas;
  • choose all the necessary elements of a two-pipe system: batteries, pump, expansion tank, filter, reinforcement and other parts of the boiler and radiators;
  • purchase equipment and materials mounting work;
  • testing, balancing (if necessary) and put the system to work.

On the sketch in the form of axonometry, it is necessary to draw highways, arrange radiators and locking reinforcement, put the heights, taking the surface of the first floor screed surface. Subsequently, after performing the calculation, it will be necessary to put the dimensions and cross-section of pipes in the drawing. An example of how the installation scheme of a two-pipe system with forced circulation is performed, shown in the drawing:

Important. Ready sketch Allows you to better figure out all the nuances of the future system, up to the number and varieties of fittings from polypropylene, metalplastic or other material. It is especially convenient when the plan is attached to the three-dimensional image.

Selection of pipe diameter

This calculation is to determine the coolant consumption of the heat carrier for heating, and on it - the diameter of the pipes for the two-pipe heating system. Simple words, pipe cross section should be enough to deliver to each room the right amount Heat along with hot water.

Note. By default, it is believed that the calculation of thermal losses of the building has already been completed and the amount of heat for all rooms is known.

The selection of pipe diameter starts from the very end of the system, from the last battery. First consider the flow rate of the coolant for heating of this room by the formula:

G \u003d 3600Q / (CΔt)Where:

  • G - the desired consumption of hot water to the room, kg / h;
  • Q - the amount of heat for heating this room, kW;
  • c - water heat capacity, 4.187 kJ / kg ºС is accepted;
  • ΔT - the calculated temperature difference in the feed and reverse collector, usually take 20 ºС.

For example, for heating the room you need 3 kW of heat. Then the coolant consumption will be equal to:

3600 x 3/4.187 x 20 \u003d 129 kg / h, in volume it will be 0.127 m3 / h.

To balance the two-pipe water heating system initially, it is necessary to choose the diameter as accurately as possible. For volumetric flow, we find the passage section using the formula:

S \u003d gv / 3600vWhere:

  • S is the cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200bthe pipe, M2;
  • GV is the volume flow of the coolant, M3 / h;
  • v - the flow rate of water is taken from 0.3 to 0.7 m / s.

Note. If the heating system is a single-storey house - gravitational, then you should take minimum speed - 0.3 m / s.

In our example, we take the speed of 0.5 m / s, we will find the section and by the formula of the area of \u200b\u200bthe circle - diameter, it will be 0.1 m. The pipe closest pipe from polypropylene has internal size 15 mm, and put it in the drawing. By the way, the connection of radiators to a two-pipe system is usually carried out by such a pipe - 15 mm. Next, we turn to the next room, we consider and summarize with the previous result and so to the boiler itself.

Connecting radiators to a two-pipe system

Installed batteries join highways in the installation process, proper connection Heating radiators with a two-pipe system is a side or diagonal. Everything existing methods Showing in the picture:

To which temperature balance leads lower connection The radiator to the two-pipe system, well illustrate the drawings:

Batteries involved in the vertical scheme usually have side attachment (Method No. 3). In the horizontal systems most preferred diagonal scheme Connections (Method No. 1), due to this, the maximum heat transfer of the heating device is achieved, which is presented below in the image:


The meaning of this operation is to balance all the branches of the system and adjust the water consumption in each of them. To do this, each branch must be properly connected to the highways, that is, install special balancing valves on the ring. Also, adjusting cranes or thermostatic valves are installed on eyelid to all radiators.

It is not so easy to carry out the exact balancing with your own hands, you need to have appropriate devices (at least a pressure gauge for measuring the pressure drop on the balance valve) and perform calculations for pressure loss. If nothing is it, then you need to fill the system after testing, pull the air and turn on the boiler. Next, the balancing of the two-pipe system is made to the touch, according to the degree of heating of all batteries. The devices nearby the heat generator must be "pressed" so that more heat leaves to the long. The same with the entire branches of the system.


It is noteworthy that the installation of a two-pipe heating system is much simpler than to develop, calculate, and then balance. So this stage you can pass by yourself, and everyone else is desirable to coordinate with specialists.

Evgeny Sedov

When hands grow from right place, live more fun :)


To date, there are the most different methods ORGANIZATION OF SYSTEMS, among which heating was gained by two wings with a pump. Its device is made according to the principle of efficient maintenance with minimal heat loss. The two-pipe heating system has become particularly popular in single-storey, multi-storey and private houses, the connection of which allows you to achieve all required conditions For comfortable accommodation.

What is a two-pipe heating system

Two-pipe heating is used in last years Increasingly, it is despite the fact that the installation of a single-pipe version costs, as a rule, an order of magnitude cheaper. Such a model provides the ability to perform temperature adjustment in each room of a residential building own willingbecause This provides a special regulating valve. Concerning one-pipe schemeIn contrast to the two-pipe, its coolant during circulation consistently passes absolutely all radiators.

As for the model of two pipes, here the pipe intended for the discharge of the coolant is separate to each radiator. A return pipe is collected from each battery to a separate circuit, the function of which is to deliver the cooled carrier back to the flow or wall boiler. This contour (natural / forced circulation) is called the return and especially great popularity it acquired in apartment housesWhen the need to heat all the floors with one boiler appears.


Double-circuit heating, despite the higher installation cost compared to some other analogs, suitable for objects of any configuration and floors is a very important advantage. In addition, the coolant that comes in everything heating devices It has an identical temperature, which provides the possibility of uniform warming up of all rooms.

The remaining advantages of the two-pipe heating system consist in the possibility of installation on the radiators of special thermostators and in the fact that the breakdown of one of the devices will in no way affect the operation of others. To the help of installing the valves for each battery, it is possible to reduce water consumption, which is a big plus for a family budget.


The above-mentioned system has one significant disadvantage, which is that all its components and their installation costs much more expensive than the organization of a single-pipe model. It turns out that it is by pocket not all residents. Other disadvantages of the two-pipe heating system are made in complexity of installation and a large number of pipes and special connecting elements.

Scheme of two-pipe heating system

As mentioned above, this method of organizing the heating system differs from other options for more complex architecture. Scheme double-circuit heating It is a pair of closed-type circuits. One of them serves to serve a heated coolant to batteries, the other - to send spent, i.e. the cooled fluid back to heating. The use of this method on a particular object in more than Depends on the power of the boiler.


IN this variant The direction of feeding the heated water and the return is multidirectional. The two-tube dead-end heating system involves the installation of batteries, each of which has an identical number of sections. To balancing the system with such a movement of heated water, the valve mounted on the first radiator must be screwed with big powers In order to produce overlapping.


This scheme is differently called Tichelman's loop. The passing two-pipe heating system or simply the traveler is easier to balancing and configuring, especially if the highway is very extended. For this method Each battery is required to install a needle valve or such an instrument as a thermostatic valve.


There is still such a type of scheme like a two-pipe horizontal heating system that found wide application in one- I. two-storey houses. It is also used in premises with a basement, where you can easily place the necessary communication networks and fixtures. When using such a wiring, the installation of the feed pipe can be carried out under radiators or at a level with them. But such a scheme has a disadvantage that consists in frequent formation of air traffic jams. In order to get rid of them, it is required to install on each instrument of Maevsky cranes.


The diagram of this type is more often used in houses with 2-3 or more floors. But for its organization requires a large number of pipes. It is necessary to take into account that the vertical two-pipe heating system has such a significant advantage as the ability to automatically withdraw air, which goes through the trigger or expansion tank. If the latter is installed in the attic, then this room must be insulated. In general, under this scheme, the temperature distribution by heating devices is uniformly.

Two-pipe heating system with lower wiring

If you decide to choose this scheme, then consider it can be a collector or with parallel mounted radiators. The diagram of the two-pipe heating system with the bottom wiring of the first type: from the collector to each battery, two pipelines are departed, which are feed and discharge. Such a model with a layout of the lower type has the following advantages:

  • installation shut-off reinforcement performed in the same room;
  • high level Efficiency;
  • the possibility of mounting in another unfinished object;
  • overlapping and adjustment is easy and simple;
  • the ability to disconnect the upper floor if no one lives there.

With top wiring

The closed two-pipe heating system with top wiring is used to a greater extent due to the fact that it is deprived of air plugs and has a high water circulation rate. Before making calculation, install the filter, find photos from detailed description Schemes, it is necessary to correlate the costs of such an option with the benefit and take into account the following disadvantages:

  • an inesttic look of the room due to open communications;
  • high pipe consumption and essential materials;
  • the emergence of problems associated with the placement of the tank;
  • the rooms located on the second floor are heated somewhat better;
  • the impossibility of location in rooms with a large horage;
  • additional experts decorative finishwhich should hide the pipes.

Connecting heating radiators with a two-pipe system

Installation work related to the installation of double-circuit heating includes several stages. Radiators Connection Scheme:

  1. At the first stage, the installation of the boiler for which the specially designated place is prepared, for example, a basement.
  2. Next, the installed equipment is connected to the expansion tank mounted in the attic.
  3. Then to each radiator battery From the collector, a pipe is conducted to move the coolant.
  4. At the next stage, pipes for heated water are reappeared from each radiator, which will give them their heat.
  5. Of all the inverse pipes, a single circuit is drawn up, further connected to the boiler.

If the circulating type pump is used in such an outline system, then its installation is made directly into the opposite contour. The fact is that the design of pumps consists of various cuffs and pads that are made of rubber and do not stand high temperatures. On this, all installation work is completed.


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Almost all heating systems currently available in any buildings and facilities can be attributed to one of the two classes mentioned in the title of this article.

Answer a question that is better a single-tube or two-pipe heating system, you can only thoroughly understand the advantages and disadvantages of each of the considered options.

Characteristics of a single-tube system of heating at home

What system of heating is more effective, one-pipe or two-pipe? It is impossible to definitely answer the specified question.

A single-pipe CO has all the main elements inherent in any heating system. The main ones are:

  • Heating boiler operating on any kind of fuels that are most available at the placement of a heated building. It can be a gas boiler, solid-fuel or designed to work on liquid fuel. The type of fuel used by the boiler does not affect the heating circuit;
  • Pipes by which coolant circulates;
  • Shut-off instrument various destination (valves, valves);
  • Heating devices and thermometers;
  • Airbag valves. Placed on radiators (cranes of Maevsky) and at the top point CO;
  • Drain crane (at the bottom of the CO);
  • Expansion tank of open or closed type.

Advantages of using single-pipe systems

The difference between the single-tube heating system from the two-pipe is that the first is the most simple and in an effective way Heating of buildings with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 150 m2.

Setting the circulation pump and the use of modern technical solutions It is guaranteed to ensure the required temperature parameters in heated rooms. Therefore, answering a question, a single-tube or two-pipe heating system that choose, among indisputable advantages The first system should be noted:

Mounting versatility. A similar system can be mounted in the building of any configuration, and the closed circuit guarantees the movement of the coolant along the entire perimeter of heated rooms.
Unlike two-pipe, one-pipe CO can be installed in such a way that the heating of the rooms began with the coldest side of the building (Northern), regardless of the installation site of the boiler, or from the most significant premises (children's bedroom, and the like).

To mount the system, the minimum number of pipes and locking equipment is required, full mount CO is carried out in much smaller time than with two pipes. All this allows you to get a serious saving of funds allocated for the payment of construction work.

The system allows the installation of the pipe directly by the floor or under it, which allows you to implement any design solutions in the premises.

The scheme provides consistent and parallel connection heating devices, which allows you to control the temperature in them and its adjustment;

Under certain requirements when installing, the system can be performed in a non-volatile version. In the case when the pump stops when the power is disappeared, the coolant supply line switches to the parallel branch. In this case, the CO, from the option with forced (PC) circulation, goes to circulation (EC) natural.

Disadvantages inherent in the specified version with

Two-pipe or single pipe system Heating of a private house? Assessing the arguments "for" and "Against", it should be borne in mind that the main minus one-pipe CO is the fact that the heating devices are connected in series. And this, during operation, eliminates the possibility of effective temperature adjustment in one of them, without reflected in the remaining radiators.

The factor affecting the choice, a two-pipe or single-tube system of heating a private house will be mounted on your object, do not forget about such a latter latter, as elevated, compared to a two-pipe version, the pressure in the system. It is possible to achieve this by increasing the power of the circulating pump installed in the system, which entails the growth of operating costs and increases the likelihood of leakage, and also requires a more frequent addition of the coolant into the system.

The system requires vertical bottling. And this automatically determines the placement location expansion tank attic room And, accordingly, solving the issue with its insulation.

If a similar system is mounted in a two-storey building, another problem arises. The water temperature arriving at the first floor may differ from the one that is initially served on the second floor, almost 50%. To avoid this, installation of additional jumpers on each floor is required, and the number of sections of the first floor heating devices must be significantly superb it, which is mounted on the second.

What system of heating is more effective, one-pipe or two-pipe? The first we have already considered. Consider the second.

Such a system of a priori implies the presence of 2 pipelines placed around the perimeter of heated room. Radiators are cut between them, which quenit pressure drops and create hydraulic jumpers. However, the problems created by this can be leveling due to the correct configuration of CO.

  • Two-pipe systems can be vertical and horizontal, depending on the location of the feed and returns (parallel to the overlaps or perpendicular to them). However, it should be understood that the scheme mounted in apartment buildings in essence is a horizontal two-pipe CO.

    The two-pipe vertical will turn out when the radiators are not installed in the risers (as in the case described above), and between the feed and reverse.

  • Backway and deadlocks. To the first species include systems in which hot waterpassing through the radiator, moves in the same direction already on the return. If after the heating device, the direction of movement of the coolant changes, the system is classified as a dead-end.

    The required option is chosen taking into account the presence of pipe laying door openings, to bypass it is quite difficult, it is easier to return the water in the direction by which it came.

  • With lower and top bottling.
  • With natural (EC) and forced (PC) circulation.

The advantages and disadvantages of the system

The schemes of the single-tube and two-pipe heating system are compared to their virtues and disadvantages. The advantages of the second system can be called:

  1. Admission to all heating devices of the coolant with the same temperature, which allows you to set the value of the desired temperature to specifically;
  2. Smaller pressure losses in highways, which allows the use of a lower power pump (saving funds for operation);
  3. The system allows installation in buildings of any area and floors;
  4. The presence of shut-off valves allows prevention and repair without stopping all CO.