Carved decks on the windows. Production of door casters with their own hands: Step-by-step instructions

The windows on the windows perform not only aesthetic function, they protect the house from dust entering and serve as insulation, so their installation is recommended in a wooden house. We will tell you how can you make online and threads with your own hands.

A little of the story

On the platbands used the coated symbolism

So, the decoration of the platbands amazing imagination. They depicted symbols having sewn properties. Our ancestors gave them great value. But, unfortunately, for a long time, the art of the creation of cases was forgotten. And a large number of useful information is lost. Today, many masters with great difficulty restore this craft.

Manufacturing technologies

As mentioned above, Rusichi attached great importance magic properties Woods. Moreover, these properties were different from different trees. Even the place and conditions in which the tree grew was taken into account.

Traction vintage way

Therefore, the great set existed in the old days. If, for example, the tree has grown on the crossroads, then the items that did from it, the benefit will not bring.

According to the drawings of the ornament, it is possible to determine from which provincial one or another master. At the same time, the principles of working with the tree were everywhere. Types of wood, too, for example, deaf, sculptural, invoice, slit.

Traditional wood threads

Over time, there was a mixture of styles. This attached to buildings special originality and uniqueness. Many samples of ancient carpentry art can be found in museums, and some buildings have been preserved, which are happy with the beauty of their cakes for many centuries.

Modern methods

Today, modern masters work not only with a tree, but also with synthetic materials. For example, PVC, metal, plywood.

You will not argue with it. Modern technique is able to work wonders. Many companies offer the most a variety of options Calcarions from a variety of materials.

You can purchase budget or expensive. This is a matter of taste and financial opportunities.

But not everyone is satisfied with this option. Therefore, there are firms working on individual project, with each customer. At the same time, you will be offered a lot of directories, sketches, so that you can pick a platband to your taste, color and with a pattern like.

When ordering, the size of the window and the color of the facade of the house will be taken into account, and then you will only admire the beautiful framing of your window.

But the fact is that no car will transmit the heat of the human soul to its product. And many people now have become understood. Therefore, those who appreciate the present carpentry art, gladly turn to carpentry workshops. Of course, the cost of the joiner is quite the road. Prices for such types of services start from 5,000 rubles, but it is worth it.

Types of thread

Carved platbands - rich window decoration

Since ancient times, there are four main types of carving on platbands.

  1. Flat-grained carving. When this type of thread is performed, the slit of the line contour is performed. As a rule, such a carving is combined with other species, the ornament is diluted with wedge-shaped reversals. There are two options for this type:
    • Geometric. How it becomes clear from the title, its elements have a characteristic geometral shape. It is performed as follows: a knife - a shock at a certain angle to the surface with pressure is performed by an incision. The subsidement is made on the other side. Despite the seeming simplicity, and to fulfill such a work need only a pair of tools, it will not be possible to purchase such skills. Two months will leave for this month. Moreover, such work is very responsible, the misses are very difficult to correct. Contour. To perform this species, the contour of the loop loop is derived. The thickness of the groove can change depending on the ornament. In order to make this type of thread, the next set of tools will be required: the chisels, cutters, the main requirement for them, the sharpening must be made strictly at different angles.
    • Floor thread. This is a slightly more complex thread type. The edges of the drawing are specially processed, giving the ornament a relief view. In this case, the depth of the pattern becomes the same as the depth of the background. The main elements are plant motifs, animals. Such an ornament is considered one of the most difficult. It requires more various tools. Let us dwell on three varieties of this type of thread:
      • With dailed contours. When performing this type of work, the contours of the pattern is spinning. From the side of the groove there is a weaker puffing, it is stronger from the background.
      • With custoded background. When performing this technique, the edge of the excavation, which is closest to the pattern, is done rounded, the background is chosen by the salary. The bulge becomes like a pillow, from where and the name. You can perform a slight decrease in the level of the treated surface.
      • With a selected background. The main secret of this technique is the fully selected background, at an equal depth near the pattern. The master seeks the impression that all the details of the pattern are pasted.
  2. Short carving. A very openwork is created on the tree surface. This is achieved due to the fact that the background is almost completely removed. Such a platband reminds the beautiful easiest napkin. The billet is attached to a wooden or tissue basis. With this color, contrasting are selected. This type of pattern is considered to be overhead. It can be said that this type of thread is the most difficult, and to fulfill it only a professional. Single thread can have a very rich set of topics. It can be both simple geometric shapes and elements depicting people or animals.

For this type of technology, the coordrage is useful for the slots, mini-shore, jigsaw. It is possible to use a drill with a feather nozzle. The decoration of the slots should be the finest, so it is performed only manually. For this, these are used chisels, cutters, shoals.

The combination of various types of thread allows you to create a real work of art. Due to the requirements of a big level of skill, it rarely tries in practice. Although separate elements Can be used to decorate facades.

Photo Gallery: Tubes on the windows - DIY templates (stencils)

How to make wooden carved platbands on windows with their own hands

In order to learn how to make platnis, you will have to learn long. If you have at least elementary handling and drill skills, then you may have a chance to perform this work.

Coolquitations can be made independently

It may immediately be possible and it will not be possible to perform a platband with a slit carvings, but it is more simple possible.

Necessary materials

For the manufacture of a platband need wood. Choose such that is famous for its long service life. At the same time, it should not be too solid. Such rocks of trees as oak, or beech, are unlikely to use. You will have to prepare a small stock and be patient, as the work will be long and painstaking.

The best material for the novice carpenter will be birch or pine. What they are good. The wood itself is certainly harsh, but the cuts are obtained beautiful and neat. If you plan to add to your pattern also overhead items, the apple or cherry is well suited for this.

After you have finished your work, you should soak the platband special composition. To do this, you can buy varnishes or impregnations. To emphasize the beauty of the wood texture will help the veil. If you allowed small misses, it is not scary that they can be masked as paint, white or sky blue. Ordinary, usually white or sky blue.


It depends on what type of thread you are going to perform. Depending on the complexity of the pattern, it will take either only the most needed or a complete set of tools.

Pick the degree of complexity on the basis of your skills you have, and the experience of such work. For example, in order to fulfill the easiest openwork ornament, you will not need the skills of a professional carpenter. And if you connect fantasy, you can turn any minor flaws with the pattern element.

If you do not have experience, do not choose patterns in which many small items, and the mass of parts. The design of the drawing should be understood by the viewer, but you will have a lot of time on the complex pattern, and just angelic patience will be required.

One of required tools for the manufacture of platbands - drill

The main stage

To work, you will need drill, drill, preferably several sizes, jigsaw, manual or electric, sandpaper, olifa and wood.

  1. At the initial stage, it is necessary to clean the surface with emery paper, preferably to absolute smoothness. Now the blanks are made for lateral connection. Perform this in two ways. If the slice of the end part is performed at an angle of 45 º, then this is called "Schip-groove" or "in Polterev".
  2. If you do not have much experience, then take a pattern with large elements to begin. You can apply the contour directly on the tree.
  3. If you draw the ornament to you, prepare the stencil, with which you can transfer the elements of the ornament to the working board.

Video: Making a carved simple business from a tree

Work with the soul, tree it is alive, and if it will feel your love, then the work will be amazing. And if you like this job, then you can perform the real wonders of joiner's art. The experience gained is always valuable.

Who knows, maybe our wise ancestors were right, defending their home, setting carved platbands on the windows.

Put the platbands on the windows with your own hands - the easiest and cheapest way to give an outer view of the house individuality and express his character who lived from ancient times to the present day, see fig. In the old days, an illiterate proliferation, focusing on the platbands, could find the dwelling of the desired master, specialist, an official, a physician or a cereal place. Nowadays, the functions of the platbands on the windows are mainly decorative, but the patterns on them did not lose their meaning, see below.


Putnocks on the windows of the housing of peoples who practiced mass wooden architecture appeared simultaneously with windows, "glazed" fish bubble and mica. Initially, their appointment was purely functional: cover up the insulation and windproofing - hemp - in the slot between the window and the log cabin.

Putnquiries with sacred patterns were first marked in ancient Celts, but the genuine flowering of art creation of carved platforms is associated with the merger of the reviving Russia under the start of Moscow and the overall of the Mongolian yoke; Masters of Russia in a tree thread did not know equal. The Bolsheviks recorded the platbands in the remnants of the meshness and declared them the war on the destruction, but at present artistically decorated window platnis Survive the second birth.

This article is intended to be able to satisfy reading demand for how to do. beautiful platbands on windows do it yourself, how to give them artistic expressiveness and install in place.


Views constructive execution Window platbands are shown in the photo. Overheads (pos. 1) are attached to the wall; Putting, or boxes (pos. 2) - to the slopes of window opening windows (so better) or in the window frame (worse). Overheads put on the windows flush with the wall; Styled - on the windows in the niches.

According to the capabilities of isolation and protection of the insulation, the windows are divided into framing (pos. 3) and portal, pos. 5. Prial-portal is often complemented by a visor. The platband-framing practically does not protect the window insulation / seal from the winding and put on the windows from the inside or on the windows overlooking the canopy, for example, on the veranda.


Traditionally, the installation of the platbands is made by mounting the wall or slope of the window. Now it is best to use selflessness (4.2-6) x (80x150), if the wall is not wooden - in propylene dowels. The attachment points are placed uniformly at the rate of 1 point per 5-7 square meter. DM surface of the platband defined by its outdoor contour. When mounting the attachment point, the attachment point is placed in a row with a step of 150-300 mm (depends on the mass of the platband, which, in turn, depends on its artistic performance, see below) on the axial line of the protruding part of the carrier (basic) wall. The wells with fasteners heads are either hiding in the elimination of the upper levels (see below), or they are screaming and painted the main tone.

Tubes- "Telescopes"

IN modern houses, outside insulated and covered with siding / clapboard, the windows often put flush with the base wall, otherwise the window will drown at all in the wall. In this case, there is nothing left to attach a platband except the window frame. At such a case, tons are invented. Telescopic platbands, but quite reliably they will hold only on windows in reinforced frames intended for regions with a harsh climate; Frame material is a strengthened PVC or modified wood (see below), no particular importance.

The entire "telescopy" of platbands is reduced to the installation of them on the prisoners cut around the place, rigidly associated with the window frame. Reliable platforms on the firmware, on the left in Fig. Telescopic systems of platbands with a groove in the frame (for example, on the right in Fig.) Are not intended for an outdoor installation: a busting of the wind platband can break, breaking at the same time and frame.

If the window frame is a modern wooden or PVC with a groove under the key, telescopic platbands can be placed without removing it. If the PVC window with a wall with an inaccessible base surface is not intended to install a platband, then there is no other way out, how to remove the window, put in the opening box under the platband, attaching it to the base wall, and re-install the window. In this case, the box of the platband must have grooves entering the places of attachment of the anchors of the window.

Tree for co-room

Painted, cut-out and slotted platbands Wooden platbands (see Next) make a high-quality straight pine or larch without bitch. Board thickness - from 30 mm. The driving fir is not suitable: outside the bitches will soon be drawn under any coating, and there they will begin to fall out.

For carved platbands, wood is required, suitable for thread - small-layer, viscous, sufficiently dense - and resistant to outdoor conditions. Best breeds For this - oak and beech, but they are quite expensive. Lipa, alder and aspen are suitable after 2 times the impregnation (the first impregnation - before leakage through) the water-polymer emulsion; Oil, silicone and mineral (mortar) impregnation from rotting does not increase the viscosity and surface strength of wood. Birch is absolutely unsuitable: outside the impregnation will not save it from the damage to mushrooms.

Note: A magnificent carved platband is very simply from cheap plywood, twice impregnated with water-polymer emulsion. Read more about Plywood platbands, see at the end.

Shield for cylinding

Sometimes one board is not enough on the desired width of the platband, but to fasten 2-3 boards into the shield with steel fasteners in this case - a rough error. Wooden shield on steel outside will soon be split, then fastener in the gap between the platband and the wall, and it crouches. But it is also impossible to collect boards to the shield for a milling furniture without additional strengthening, because the closet or table is not intended to withstand strong winds, rain and snow. Split shields from platband boards. For example, see also Fig. below:

  1. On the table or workbench spread the polyethylene film with a 3-fold margin in the width of the future shield;
  2. The boards are folded into the package on the film and glue PVA or waterproof joinery;
  3. When the glue is grabbed, the package of boards turn the film;
  4. Under the package in the film is put on and imposed plywood cheeks on it;
  5. Package with cheeks tightly wind up with a liner;
  6. Under the turns of the cord, pairs of wooden wedges are born so that the cord is stretched as much as possible;
  7. After 2-3 times the complete drying of the cord glue, the cheeks and the film are removed;
  8. From the ultimate ( back side) The shield is additionally reinforced by stinging the 40x20 bars, laid by plastics, across the boards.

Note: Boards in the package are collected by following the rules for alternating the orientation of the layers of the tree, as well as furniture shieldsSee on the left in fig.

Not a tree

Wooden unpacked platbands do not matter on any not wooden wall, even if its material imitates the coloring of the tree. In such cases, simple PVC platbands (left in Fig.), Or more expensive polyurethane plaque, other poses are better or put. In fig. Polyurethane platbands can mimic outdoor stucco and painted multi-level cut-out platbands (right in Fig.); The latter option can be a glue team from the elements purchased separately.

Miscellaneous art

Artistically decorated window platbands can be performed, first, framework (pos. 1 in fig. Below) or in the salary, pos. 2; Functionality, i.e. Protection of window seals, those and others are the same. Tubes in the salary are most informative and significant is sacred, as we will talk about below. Fireplacaries in addition to the functional are preferably decorative.

From the point of view of the work on the wood framework, in order of increasing its complexity, are divided into:

  • Cutting - boards or shields are trimmed by figure contour, pos. 3.
  • Rubber, pos. 4 - The pattern is poured into the board / shield. It is relatively rare, because Personal.
  • Promotional multi-level, pos. 5, up to 5 or more levels - revealed patterned modules are attached to a durable simple or cutting basis. In addition to the strength, multi-level platbands are good because the powerful fasteners of the wall hides in the elimination of the upper levels, and the upper levels themselves can be mounted in small imperceptible fasteners.
  • With overhead embossed details, pos. 6. In our time, it can be technologically easier to cut out, because It is quite appropriate on the tree. Purchased polyurethane relief.
  • With low convex thread, pos. 7 - It looks great, but very laborious, you need to choose a lot of wood.
  • With low intended threads, pos. 8 - laboriousness less, but the work is more complicated, because It is very difficult to correct visible flaws.

Note: on pos. 8 shows a platband with t. Pillow thread - angles of protruding fragments smoothed. Watching trim with custodial threads is almost as luxurious as with convex, but also time consuming is almost the same.

As for the colorful decor, the platbands can be painted, pos. 3, unpacked lacquered, pos. 4, or natural species, pos. 7 painted in different colors in levels, pos. 5, 6, and painted entirely, pos. 8. Almost exclusively cut-down platforms are performed by painted, and natural - from particularly persistent wood (bog oak, etc.)

On the sculpture of casual skills

In general, about casing with sculptural thread, high (round, semicircular) and low, see fig. It would be possible not to mention the article with the tag "do it yourself". To the one who can cut the tree, for nothing, how to make and put a platband on the window. But there is one point, a little known and experienced masters.

MDF - I have heard? In fact, this is a trading with MDF, Medium Density Fibreboard, medium density woodcrew. All known fiberboard is a low density fibreboard, low density solid. And there is also an HDF, high density fibreboard, high density fibreboard, we have a little known as a result of relative high costs. All these materials are quite environmentally friendly, because It is obtained by hot pressing of wood mass without a synthetic binder, the difference is only in temperature and pressure of the press.

So, HDF, firstly, under the condition of 2-fold impregnation of the water-polymer emulsion, the rack in external conditions. And viscosity and density are suitable for fine wood threads, but much cheaper wood breeds for artistic thread and produced by large absolutely homogeneous plates. HDF is cut as good as a nut, but quite like oak and beech.


A complete set of elements of the Russian salary of the platband is shown on the left in rice; There are also given names for its parts. In specific products, those or other modules may be absent, because They are in importance duplicate each other.

The main sacred value of the Teremet with Kokoshnik and apron; An informative-functional load is carried out, as a rule, gloves and sinks. Timpan with apron usually carries from evil, and Kokoshnik with obsolete, rhesis and windowsill are talismans attracting good. Specific figures for the other were in old Russia their not that in every village, but hardly in every home. In general, the circle with radii, rays or wings (sun), a bird (fire-bird - heirs or Phoenix, or Simurg), horse is a symbol of prosperity and social position, and a fish is a written symbol of Christianity. Universal charms from evil - stylized vegetable ornament based on beneficial plants.

Note: The wing, as part of the bird carrying it in the sky, has the same sacred value as the bird. Winged sun - good messenger. Christian six-square seraphim is nothing but a pagan winged sun with an angelic face.

In the European-Eastern tradition, universal symbols of good - Kartush and medallion. The medallion, of course, the Sun, and the Cartouche is or a stylized tree of life, or on it the Bird Phoenix. It does not contradict Christianity and the Ancient Slavic belief. In Russia, they even took to combine the map with a medallion, for which the trimmer was made by cut, on the right in fig.


In the town the greatest value They had a guarded on Timpan and Kokoshnik, they are from damage, evil eyes, etc. Patterns of the upper fabrics of the windows of the city house are given in fig. Upper - with a carton, stylized birds, fish (the tails are clearly visible) and not less than 12 positive elements, noticeable to a person knowledgeable.

Nizhny - more for adherents of original beliefs. There in a stylized sunny circle a certain Vine Slavic Deity. What - not quite understandable, but definitely good. Good it tramples evil in the form of a snake: Please note that the lower elements of this boards are asymmetrical.

In the village and, especially in the forest, it was necessary to protect it equally from the upper (evil, saying, etc.) and the lower evil: creep of the reptiles and forest uncleani. Help this was called upon by platbands with a leaning or heavy apron, in height equal or large upper guard. An example of the top and bottom windband boards with a duck-standing apron of a village house is given in Fig. You can taste it independently.


Ornaments of windows of windows are usually built on the basis of T. Naz. Rapporto - self-adjoint in one direction of elements forming a linear seamless pattern on the left in fig. By changing the size and number of rapports, it is possible to quickly develop a rubber platband on any window. Combining only 2-3 rapport, it is possible to get a wide variety of patterns; Stencils of several types of full-distance rapports are given to the right in fig.

The rapports of the pattern do not necessarily have to completely conjugate each other, this will make the pattern visually more complicated and more effectively. For example, the pattern of the upper row on the trail. Fig. It is built by turning "upside down" of each subsequent fragment relative to the previous one. Rappports of other ornaments in Fig. Combated either by broken, or on curved lines (marked red).

Note 5: Registration of the corners of frame platbands are common to the terminal lines, the terminal elements are often difficult, just there is not enough space on the corner. At such a case on the trail. Fig. Dana patterns of equilibrium ornament. Turning 45 degrees, you can build linear ornaments from them. Details are best cut from plywood, see at the end.


If you want to make yourself unique carved platbands, then the main difficulty on this path is the selection of the tool. In addition to flat chisels at 5, 10, 16/18 and 24 mm (pos. And in Fig.) We will need oblique the same width, but necessarily pairs - right and left, pos. B. The angular chisels will be 6, 12 and 18/24 mm at an angle of 90 degrees, pos. IN.

Much more needed semicircular chisels, pos. G: For starters 4, 8, 13 and 16 mm normal, with a gutter depth equal to its width. 4 and 8 mm of the chisels will also be deeply deep, etc. U-robes, and 13 and 16 mm also detached.

For fine artistic threads, there will be more curved chisels-twisters normal, detached and angular by 60 degrees, pos. D1, d2, d3. For custoding, it is not necessary to do without reverse tvkaraz to smooth the corners, pos. D2A. The minimum necessary sizes are noted on the pos. D Red.

Finding the tree threads for wood thread needed in art stores, but buying all the initially necessary rules will be very expensive. It is better to immediately take a set for a tree thread, but not for fine sculptural out of 40-60 items (pos. E), it will not cost it cheaper, and at first it will simply be unclear that the majority of these tools do. You need to take a set for beginners of 12-15 items, pos. Well, it will only be necessary to buy knives and shoals by 90 and 60 degrees (shown by arrows on the pos. E). Tools from such a set can be created by cut-out false elements and perform quite thin geometric threads, see Fig.:

Note: If you have the opportunity to take advantage milling machine on a tree, then cutting or slotted platbands can be significantly improved visually, while putting a shaped milling chamfer according to its edge, see Fig. on right.


The most strainable packaging plywood after a 2-fold impregnation of the water-polymer emulsion becomes suitable for the middle-level artistic thread, and under the painting waterproof paint and varnishing acrylic varnish it turns out to be outside with an oak. But more importantly - the strength of plywood, unlike the boards, is almost equal in all directions. Necessary for funeral minimal thickness 30 mm is 5 layers of plywood and 5 levels of decoration of the platband. Thus, platbands can be made of plywood, visually almost not inferior to masterpieces of the masters of the past; Compare on the left and in the center in fig.

Vintage carved platbands, a modern plywood platband and a frosic label from plywood

but hand Lobzik To cut so much plywood for a long time and inaccurately it turns out, and the joiner's electrolovka for such a thin lace is unacceptable rude. We need a logging machine, it is a stationary electrolybiz, on the right in Fig. Branded logging machines are expensive, but not inferior to them can be made with their own hands from manual electroballs (which does not deteriorate from this and remains suitable for the main work), old sewing machine and other ways, see for example. track. video.

Video: Homemade Lobzic Wood Thread Machine

Note: Machines from sewing machines are safest and may not be electrified if the machine with a foot drive. In this case, the frequency of the pink moves and is regulated elementary without any electronics: it is necessary only more often or less often to jog the legs.

ABOUT ancient tradition It was remembered to make and install carved platbands on the windows in a wooden house relatively recently, when the first boom of the construction of log cabins from the rounded log and timber was passed. Having lived a few years in a new wooden house, the owners are almost always beginning to treat him, like a living being, so it is not surprising that surprisingly beautiful carved patterns, which serve as decoration and protection and protection began to appear on the windows and entrance doors.

Functions and purpose of carved platbands

Most experts engaged in the culture and history of wooden architectural monuments, note that carved platbands on the windows, photos are almost a status thing. The house without carved patterns looks like a wooden, albeit even very large and beautifully decorated, with platbands - turns into terme.

Traditionally carved platbands on the windows are set for two purposes:

  • Protection of slots around the perimeter of the window frame from the penetration of rain, snow and wind blowing;
  • Supplements and decoration of window opening, facade wooden house generally.

For a wooden house, builders are traditionally offered with a double-glazed window frame frame or metal plastic window profiles. Normal plastic platbands From PVC can also be ordered in the carb. That's just choosing a picture or pattern, most likely, will not come out, carved plastic platbands on the windows are made according to traditional stamping patterns and only give the form of handmade.

Tip! Today, many restoration workshops and firms have at their disposal three-coordinate milling machines capable of cut in automatic mode from polycarbonate, foam and epoxy plastics pattern of any complexity.

Such work will cost anything, but the quality of carved platforms for plastic windows will be even higher hand cutting. It remains to choose a drawing and pattern.

On the third task of the casing on the windows rarely, which of the owners of the house can tell more or less intended and reliably. We are talking about protective functions that protect wooden house from "bad eyes", diseases and unborn guests. You can relate differently to beliefs and traditions, but it will be clearly not superfluous to take into account the specifics of the selection of a pattern for the platbands.

Patterns and shapes on carved wooden platbands

It is clear that any self-respecting owner will not hang on the windows of a wooden house. The first raised platbands, the process of selecting the topic and the picture can be delayed, therefore it is not necessary to abuse the use of symbols, the meaning of which is incomprehensible or unknown. If the mystical and cultural part of carved platbands creates psychological discomfort, you can relate to carvings as a method decorative decoration Window openings of a wooden house.

They were invented to decorate carved platforms it is no coincidence and was kept and transmitted almost unchanged. Most wood-cutter masters cut simply as copiers, so planning and deciphering the drawing will have to be on their own.

Tip! In any case, before using carved wooden platbands on the windows with templates and pictures of incomprehensible content, it makes sense to try to figure out the values \u200b\u200bof thread elements, patterns and figures.

For example, animal figures and images have always symbolized positive wishes to the prosperity and prosperity house:

  • Snake or Dragon always denoted wisdom and power to protect the house;
  • Birds in flight means good and friendliness sitting in the corners - attention to guests and news;
  • Fish, deer, beams of wheat and grapes mean the wish of wealth.

It was not customary to depict pets and figures of people, especially in one can curving plants and flowers.

More modern drawings On carved wooden platbands usually have a traditional regular ornament.

It can be intertwined flowers, leaves grape vinelaid in regular pattern. In the carved compositions of the XVIII-XIX century, more modern images of columns, porticors and drops used in the wooden architecture of that era have already appeared.

Most of the carved platbands must be ordered from the masters of the cutters. If you wish, it is not difficult to make carved platbands on the windows with your own hands on templates or ready schemes. The simplest lines and drawings can be transferred to the workpiece and cut the engraving nozzle, with more complex schemes We will have to tinker and remember drawing lessons at school.

The upper part of the platbands was called eyelace, it is the most difficult and beautiful part of the decor, on the one hand, wrapers tasked common tone The carved composition, on the other, performed the functions of the visor over the window opening. At the top of the composition was a diadem, symbolizing the rising sun, and in the center necessarily a medallion or crown from plants. The lower part of the window was closed by a carved apron, usually in the form of a revealed veser.

If the mystical and cultural part of carved platbands creates psychological discomfort, one can relate to carvings, simply as a method for decorative design of window openings of a wooden house.

The usual intertwined pattern from the vine or colors will be far from any mystical filling, while the beauty of platbands and carving windows of the wooden house will only increase. In carved platbands with a regular pattern there is a serious advantage over a complex multi-tier composition:

  • First, the templates of carved platbands on the windows are transferred to a wooden or plastic blank much easier and faster than a drawing with a complex multi-tiered composition;
  • Secondly, even if you cut the intertwining vine or kant with your own hands and allow small flaws, to see them in the patterned field will be almost impossible, the psychology of a person will be arranged.

Therefore, before making carved platbands on the windows, select a simple pattern for yourself, with a minimum number of individual details. Even the most uncomplicated drawing on facing planks will be able to transform appearance Wooden houses.

Options for making carved platbands with their own hands

Wood carving has always been and remains a fairly expensive event, so instead of buying ready-made cases, cut or stamped on furniture equipment, You can try to make decorative planks with the simplest patterns with your own hands. At home or in a joinery workshop, you can use one of three methods:

  • Transfer the template to the prepared board and cut patterns using a engraving kit;
  • Pour patterns under a carved platband from polyester or epoxy resin with subsequent color or finishing with a laminate film under the tree;
  • Cut the overhead pattern of the platband with the electrol bias.

Before you try your hand in the manufacture of carved platbands, you need to pick up suitable material. For threads and engraving, solid wood varieties will be required, the beech or oak will fit well, a little worse pine or spruce, a poplar and aspen will not fit. For clippings of the invoice pattern, you can use the usual hand boardBut the material should not have bitch, defects or complex weave fibers.

Pattern Template Templates

For the manufacture of the most simple patterns, you can use the simplest drawings of intertwined plants, colors, grapes. In fact, it is flat tracing from more complex carved reliefs. This pattern can be used to decorate the vertical side planks of the platband.

To decorate the eyebrow, it is necessary to search for non-regular, but single patterns, for example, a composition of symmetrically located shapes or weaves of plants.

The same pattern can be translated into the contour line and turn into a flat ornament, which is simply cut out of plywood, boards, or even MDF slabs.

The most complex embossed or volumetric patterns are manufactured in a setway. Initially, ordinary plates are made of planes, individual cladding elements are carefully seen in the size of the window and are collected in the finished frame.

All other decorative elements are consistently cut out of wood, differ from the casting polymer or cut from MDF plate, after which they are grinding, ground and pasted on the prepared frame.

Production of carved patches do it yourself

Most often, the patterns under the finishing windows are cut out of waterproof OSB plate In the form of overhead decorative elements. Initially, a piece of drawing is being developed for tracing, a piece of millimeters and using the program.

Next, it is necessary to make a working pattern, with which you can transfer the pattern to the wooden substrate an unlimited number of times, a photo. For this printer, the drawing is glued onto a sheet of fiberboard and cut off by a spinning nozzle to a drill or conventional metal scissors.

After the marking of the wooden billet, you can start cutting machine. The easiest way to perform feeds with an electroll bias on a joiner's workbench.

Through the propellant performed, you need to remove the champace to be neatly sandpaper to remove the face facial surface The carved pattern was not cleared. If a fairly thin strap was chosen as a workpiece, then the carved part of the decor can be pasted on the tissue basis.

In the same way, small overhead elements are cut out in the form of rhombuses, squares, rings, pigs. After squeaking, the carved elements are stuffed on a hydrochloride with a stone for grinding wood. Using a circle, it is enough to simply give a rhombus or any other geometric shape the necessary shape, form a face or transient curvilinear planes.

After sticking the decor, carved platbands are ground with hydrophobic impregnations and expose aging. This is done in order to remove the whiteness of the freshly linked tree. For this, solutions of iron, copper, chromium salts are used. As a result, it is possible to pick up the color and shade of the carved platband to the tone of the wooden window frame. It remains to open the tree with varnish or oil impregnation and install a carved decor on the window.


Very often owners wooden houses Instead of making new decorative elements, it is preferred to buy old carved platbands, preserved around the villages, abandoned houses and buildings. Often the cost of a set of carved platforms for the three windows of the building of the building is cheaper than the manual carving of one platband with a modern master. In some cases, among the old decoration, there are real works of art made by hand by the masters of the last century. Such carved platbands are usually subjected to deep restoration and are installed not on the outer parts of the windows, but indoors.

Tubes on the windows created by their own hands, a wonderful decoration of the facade of the house (ready-made stencils and templates will be shown in the article below). They make the house not similar to any other, visually change its proportions.

Today, possessing certain skills, you can independently create elegant platbands on the windows in a wooden structure. Moreover, they can be manufactured not only from wood, but also from other materials.


When the owner decides to mount the platbands, he seeks to arrange a traditional decor in his possessions.

Tubes have such advantages:

  1. Excellent decorative function. So visually builds the construction.
  2. Supplementing the aggregate style of architectural design.
  3. The defense of the space between the opening of the window and the wall plane from moisture and dust is created.
  4. Reduce heat losses and noise level.
  5. Stand out individual traits Houses and stylistics of the chosen era.

Calcarions and shortcomings:

  1. Wood needs a certain processing from high humidity and deformation.
  2. Products need regular care and processing.
  3. They are not harmonized with metal-plastic windows. In this case, the platbands are made in one color scheme.

Independent creation templates

Today there are many types. Their types are defined by the way they are installed to the window. There are two varieties for this criterion:

  1. Telescopic. Their specifics: M-like protrusions, coinciding with the grooves of the window box.
  2. Overhead. Installation occurs on the window frame. Fasteners - construction glue or nails with screws.

For your information:ready samples are created in a full amount. They are printed in compliance with the required parameters.

An exquisite solution is the installation of carvings. You can independently implement such ideas only if there are special equipment.

Popular Materials

  1. The most common material for platbands is wood. Its products from it have elegant and harmonious appearance.
  2. Frequently involved and plastic versions. They are characterized by powerful resistance to temperature differences and ultraviolet. Plastic options are sold already in the finished form.
  3. Another popular material is MDF. It is preparing from wood waste. It is more environmentally friendly than plastic. In addition, it is characterized by an appearance that resembles natural wood.
  4. Polyurethane. Variations from it are distinguished by high practicality. From this material often make facade stucco.

Nuances of the right choice of wood

As already noted, the tree is the most popular material for platbands. AND performance features Wooden platbands depends on the variety of wood used.

Here you usually pay attention to such options.

  1. Solid deciduous. Such varieties include, oak and beech. They are very durable. But they are quite problematic to create patterns.
  2. Soft deciduous. This is: Lipa, Aspen and Alder. They are easier to handle. On their surface, the patterns are worked even manually. And such surfaces are thoroughly processed by special means.
  3. Cherry and apple tree. They are optimal for the creation of small components that can be attached to the base.
  4. Pine and birch. They are also easy to handle. And they have excellent performance.
  5. Various combinations of varieties of wood. Application here special protective compositions For powerful impregnation required.

With high quality wood turns out beautiful original decoration Window Operation.

Nuances of creating templates with their efforts

The basis of the work comes down to creating stencils and design.

Independent printout stencils - it's quite sat for everyone. It is important to achieve a combination of the selected ornament with the whole style. Mixing geometric and plant patterns is not allowed.

At work on platbands, the following subtleties are taken into account:

  1. There must be harmony color palette walls and decorative elements.
  2. Necessarily correctly selected suitable parameter. Tubes should not be obtained very wide or small.
  3. The high-quality version of the coating is selected. Special paints are used.
  4. A template is needed for the manufacture of outdoor carved components.
  5. On the workpiece is correctly located drawing. Details are followed along wood fibers.

When you manage to achieve color combination Calcarcasts and plane of walls, it turns out a holistic and harmonious facade.

Stage of manufacture

Before creating a window decor in photos, carved platbands are selected. You need to make a template in advance. It should be the same for the work of all openings.

Typically, such methods of creating patterns are used:

  1. Overhead thread. It has isolated pattern elements. They are joined by one basis.

Installation of overhead components should be based on the patterned pattern.

  1. Rubber thread. Here are made through ornament. He externally resembles wood lace.

For all methods of work, the presence of stencils is required. So they look:

Tip: It is not necessary to make a scale stencil on simple patterns. Enough and a notebook sheet.

In the work, it is necessary to have such a toolkit:

  1. Lobzik.
  2. Hoven (oriented for wood).
  3. Knives and chisels.
  4. Drill.
  5. Milling machinery

Print must be created from the prepared materials. Work stages are as follows:

  1. Scrupulous measurements are carried out.
  2. The selected tree should be dry. If it is wet or wet, it is necessarily brought to dry condition. The width of the boards is determined by the parameters of the window passage. In the thickness, the material reaches at least 3 cm if the rubber thread is performed, and at least 1 cm when the overhead thread is carried out.

All billets are pre-processed by the protective composition.
Their clipping is using templates. A clipping ornaments passes using jigsaw. This tool is better to use different types Pellet.

For work electric pubsomy We need certain skills and special accuracy. Created holes must be lost. Excellent means for this - sandpaper. After a powerful grinding, the part is processed by specially impregnated.

Next takes place all prepared parts for the base. Here you need to use glue or special nails. In such a work, it is better to abandon the use of self-use. They will cause crashing products.

Montaja specifics

The created platband can be attached to the desired position by such methods:

  1. On a deaf spike. Installing such details goes to inner side. Especially for them should be made in the hole frame. On the spike is applied and distributed evenly glue. The spike is introduced into the groove. Such a fastening casts platbands from dust and humidity.
  2. Using through spikes. The butt plot here is thoroughly treated with varnish.

These techniques are justified when working with a wooden window. For connecting to metal plastic, a special powerful liquid glue is involved.

Required care

The plated platbands need constant attention and care. For processing, special preparations are used - powerful impregnations. They create high-quality protection from:

  • wood pests;
  • the appearance of cracks;
  • sudden fire.

Carved options are necessarily covered with primer, then varnish or paint. The intensity of such treatments is 1 time in 3-5 years. So there will be a seriously developed operational term of products, and at the same time their attractive appearance will continue.

When installing plastic or metal products, some careful care is not needed. For products it is necessary to arrange high-quality corrosion protection. It also requires periodic paint updating.

Thus, to independently make platnacks of extraordinary beauty with elegant patterns are very possible. Certain joiner, carpenter and tools are needed. So you are a very original way to decorate window openings and make an elegant highlight to the selected architectural stylist.

How carved platbands are manufactured by a slit thread technique, see the following video:

Finishing windows by platbands is an ancient practice. Wood carving - at one time, was one of the most sought-after professions, and now passed into the category of applied art.

Our ancestors believed that devilry May penetrate the house through window and doorways. Therefore, the platband served not only by a decorative element, but also a faucet, and each applied ornament and pattern on a carved platband carried a certain message. Moreover, each region had its own traditions.

Carved wooden platbands on windows with their own hands

The value of carved elements on platbands is interesting

  • Wings emphasize power.
  • Bird is an element connecting all times.
  • The sun personifies life and energy (as a rule, is located on Kokoshnik).
  • Snake symbolizes wisdom and fertility.
  • The cross demonstrates the desire of the hosts to harmony between the material and spiritual.
  • Vegetation shows a sense of unity with nature.
  • Series testify to the hospitality of the hosts of the house.

Symbols on carved platbands for windows

Wooden platbands are rarely found in cities with multi-storey buildings. But in private construction they today are in demand, making modern houses More stylish and unique. He emphasize the desire of many to revive traditions in the decor.

Today, the window platbands perform a completely different function and are manufactured not only from wood. Combines made of metal, plastic (PVC), plywood, laminated MDF. As for the latter, platbands from MDF or plywood are not intended to external windows framing, only for internal design of door and window openings.

It should be noted that the correct name of the external decorative framework of windows is cash. The platband is installed indoors.

Carved elements of wooden platbands on the windows


  • decorating window openings. For example, a platband can visually pull out a low house, or expand narrow;
  • the ability to express your individuality or give home the style of a certain era or region;
  • emphasize the style of the house and allow you to combine all the buildings on the plot into a single architectural ensemble;
  • protection of the slots between the window and the wall from dust and moisture;
  • reducing the heat loss in the place of the junction of the window frame and the wall;
  • reduction of external noise;
  • sometimes are the only one possible option Registration. For example, platbands on the windows of a wooden house or log cabin can only be wooden. Otherwise, the entire flavor of such a structure will be lost.


Wooden, especially carved platband has a number of minuses, or rather features:

  • dependence on atmospheric influences. Frequent temperature differences, moisture, ultraviolet, all these factors are damaged by platform;
  • dependence on high-quality processing. Right choice Breed, thorough impregnation of wood, timely replacement of parts, and painting, all this is capable of extending the life of the product. IN otherwise, Wooden platband will soon be unusable;
  • combination complexity with modern plastic windows. Wooden platbands are not always suitable for plastic windows.

Plastic windows with wooden platbandsQuite often there are plastic windows framed by wooden platbands, as shown in the photo above. Somewhat unsuccessful, controversial solution. In such cases, you need to either install wood glass windows (or windows laminated under the tree), or paint the platband in white.

More harmonious finish - in the photo below.

Plastic windows with wooden carved platbands

Types and types of platbands on the windows

The manufacture of platbands on the window depends on the type and method of installing the platband.

Mix simple plates on the windows are flat and standard. More beautiful, manufactured on special equipment. The most beautiful platbands on the windows are, of course, carved.

On the method of manufacturing and the cost of the platband affects the method of their installation:

  • telescopic. More change in framing door openings. Special M-shaped protrusions of such a platband come in the boxes of the box. Such a connection is more complicated, but beautiful;
  • overhead. Mixed to the window frame with nails or special glue.

It is worth noting that the platbands are distinguished by a wide variety and are often complemented by shutters.

Types of wooden carved platbands

How to make platbands on the windows - the choice of material

1. Breed of wood

For the manufacture of a platband, it is better to use such wood as beech, oak, birch, linden, alder, pine, nut or even fruit trees.

The impact on the choice of breed will have an estimated method of making a platband.

  • Cashbar made of hardening rocks (beech, oak, ash) are very reliable, but such material is very solid. To cut the pattern on them, you need to make a lot of effort and spend a lot of time.
  • Systems of soft breeds (linden, alder, aspen). Soft wood material, working with it is a pleasure. But they, if improper processing, absorb moisture and quickly come into disrepair.
  • Optimum option - deciduous wood (birch) or coniferous rocks (Pine). Sufficiently solid to operate outside, they make it possible to perform neat cuts.
  • Cherry or apple tree is used to perform small jewelry, which are superimposed on the main pattern.

2. Patterns for platbands on the windows - drawings and patterns

If assumed decorative decoration Threaded, you need to decide on the pattern. Depending on the skills, you can choose a lightweight or very complex ornament for platbands. Below are some drawings of carved platforms on the windows. Templates can be copied in whole or in part, introducing something from yourself to the pattern.

Pattern of carved concubineThis pattern is implemented on the window platband.

Patterns for platbands on the windowsPatterns for platbands on windows-2

Patterns of platbands on the windows

Patterns of platbands on the windowsTubes on windows - 2

Sketches with interesting ornaments and patterns are made on a separate page, going to which you can
download free templates of carved platbands on the windows.
It also describes how to make stencils for making templates with your own hands.

It is desirable that all the windows are decorated with the same platbands with the same thread. Therefore, choosing a pattern, keep in mind that it will need to repeat several times. He should not be too fried. Especially if you are a novice. It is better if your pattern will contain round holes (they can easily drill them) and large elements. It is worth noting that small elements are not only complex in the manufacture, but also faster than others come into disrepair. Therefore, they will require periodic replacement.

Another important moment - This is the mandatory presence of a slope at the top of the platband. Otherwise, the snow will accumulate on the surface of the tree, which will inevitably lead to its destruction. A slope of several degrees to perform easily, it will divert water down.

3. Tool

  • hacksaw;
  • knives;
  • chisels of several species (priperase, corners, flat, curved, semicircular, caesaric);
  • grinding paper;
  • electrolovik;
  • drill;
  • milling machine (if available)

4. Patterns for platbands - stencils and sketches

Carved platbands - sketchesTo the pattern was the same on all windows, it is recommended to make a sketch or stencil.

Carved platbands - the location of the drawing on the workpiecePlace the drawing on the workpiece is needed correctly. Elements should be located along wood fibers. This will prevent the cracking of the thread.

Sections of the pattern, where you need to perform slots can be marked with color.

5. Production of carved platbands on the windows

There are two ways to make a wood thread:

  • short wood carving. The pattern is cut through the entire platband and it, like lace, beautifully and sacrificely framed the window opening.

Carved platbands - a rubber wood carving

  • overhead carving on wood. This method is much easier for the fact that a more subtle billet is used to work, work with which is easier. With an overhead method, separate elements of the thread are created, which are then folded together on a solid board. Thus, it is possible to reflect simple plates on the windows.

Carved platbands - Final carving

beauty openwork concubine The window is to use contrast. More often occurs a lighter carved element on a dark background.

Wooden platbands on windows with their own hands - instructions

  • from the windows remove the measurements;
  • all works are performed on a dry lumber. The height and width of the board depends on your preferences, but the thickness must be at least 30 mm for the rubber thread and at least 10 mm for the invoice;
  • billets are cut;
  • with the inside of the platband, to a depth of 1-2 mm. Selects wood. Along the edges leave edges. Such an approach will provide a more dense fit of the platband to the frame;
  • cut the pattern applied by template. At the same time, the holes can be drilled by drills different diameter, and cuts to perform a jigsaw. Lobzik input location is denoted by a drilled hole. So cut will be more beautiful;
  • the slots and holes are processed by grinding paper. If there are no non-core holes in the pattern, then it is necessary to remove wood dust. This is done using a vacuum cleaner.

Master class on making carved platbands on the windows - templateMaster class on the manufacture of carved platbands on the windows - markupMaster class on the manufacture of carved platbands on the windows - cutting patternMaster Class on the manufacture of carved platbands on the windows - grinding

6. Fastening of carved elements

Details made by overhead carvings are attached to a wide base of the trunk on nails. It is desirable that the nails are without hats. A more reliable compound can be ensured if you apply glue to the pattern from the wrong side. Wizards advise not to use self-tapping screws to connect not to damage the connection location.

7. Installation of platbands on the windows

A little creating a beautiful product. You still need to know how to install platbands on the windows correctly.

The correct installation of the platbands on the window pledge of them long operation and aesthetic appearance. For attachment, you can use the following ways:

  • deaf spike. Such spikes are installed in the platband, and the holes are drilled in the frame. A little glue is applied on the spike and start in the groove. This fastening is the most difficult, but protects the place of installation from moisture ingress and does not spoil the appearance of the product;
  • through spike. More simple and less reliable way. This spike system and ensures the mount. But, the spike needs to be installed where it will be less noticeable and additionally defend from moisture.

Listed methods are used if the installation of platbands on wooden windows is made.

In the event that the installation of plastic windows is required, a special adhesive (liquid nails) is used. This method will allow not to disturb the integrity of the frame.

8. Protective processing of plates of wood

So that the carved platband pleased you as long as possible, you need to take care of its processing. For this, wood is soaked, covered with varnish or color.

Protective Treatment of Tree


The desire to follow the traditions of the ancestors is commended. The revival of carved art is not possible in the conditions of modern urbanization. A special color of Russian thread will not lose its relevance. Applying some efforts, you can make carved wooden platbands with your own hands. Yes, the work is complicated and painstaking, but it is worth it. Plus, you can save a decent amount, because if ordering the manufacture of a set of carved platforms on one window in the workshop, it will cost 5-15 thousand rubles.

Carved wooden platbands on the windows - photos with examples

Carved wooden platbands on the windows - 1Carved wooden platbands on the windows - 2Carved wooden platbands on the windows - 3Carved wooden platbands on the windows - 4Carved wooden platbands on the windows - 5Carved wooden platbands on the windows - 6

Tags: Window Tree Put