How to connect sewage pipes in a private house. Installation of sewage in a private house

Filimonov Evgeny

Reading time: 9 minutes


How to create a sewer in a private house. External and internal sewage. Selecting materials and location of sewage. Installation of pipes and sewage drains.

When building a mansion, a seasalization scheme in a private house, should play important role. After all, from the arrangement of waste management waste, the comfort of living and the presence of sanitation repair work in the future depends.

Stages of laying sewer system. Materials for sewage creation. Inner and external sewage, which differences in them. Choosing a place. Options for arrangement. Selection of necessary pipes. Tips and recommendations for reliable installation.

During the construction of a new building, sewage is an integral part. FROM modern materials and quantity useful information On the Internet, find out how competently designed a sewage scheme in a private house do not make problems with your own hands.

Observing simple requirements, you can easily mount the waste system yourself, since you do not have to use outdated bulky materials.

Since the old Dedovsky toilet lost its relevance, especially during the cold season, the three main types of waste systems are currently being operated:

  • System connected to a collective or urban collector;
  • Stationary waste collection point;
  • Hermetic reservoir;
  • Stationary sewer well without the bottom;
  • Installation scheme of biocanalization.

The principles of mounting the pipe system in the house and to the collector, all species are almost the same. It is convenient to carry out all wiring around the house, and the connection to the gathering point is more efficient to make the PND tube of the technical purpose, since its length allows an unlucky way. The main branch connected to the toilet deployed with a pipe with a diameter of 110 mm, all other standard waterproof points (sink, washer, shower), connected to general System pipes of the 50th diameter.

The only requirement is an angle in 2-3o on horizontal sites to ensure the optimal flow of water.

The sewer PVC pipes have its advantages and disadvantages when installing the waste system:

  • Simple connection method. The whole scheme is collected as a designer, pipes and components are simply inserted into each other;
  • Materials have a light weight in comparison, even with PND materials;
  • An easy way of fastening, including vertical surface;
  • The only drawback is the maximum length in free access 6 m.

Seasoning scheme in private house with your own hands

Installation of the sewage system in a private house is possible for all sewage types, except biocanalization. To implement this option, it is recommended to contact the specialists. All others can be mounted independently, but when connected to the central system, a package of tolerance documents will be required.

What should I start

The first item is the choice of the type of collection point. The most profitable is a connection to the common urban branch. The user once puts funds to installation and required materials and monthly pays a symbolic amount for services. This option will not always implement for country constructionBut there is an alternative.

Stationary scheme of the sewage of the private house: the depth of laying the pipe to the tank

The tank can be made of different materials.

It may be:

  • Metal or plastic tank;
  • Concrete structure;
  • Concrete rings installed on concrete base.

This method is acceptable even if there is a water well on the site, since liquid waste at good waterproofing does not penetrate into the soil. The only drawback is the waste of cash on the services of the assessing agents. Septic, as a rule, is mounted to a depth of 1.5-2 m. The pipeline is highly recommended to lay below the level of primeros of the soil, determine which is possible by a special card.

Opinion expert

Filimonov Evgeny

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Depending on the number of waterproof points, the working capacity of the capacity is selected, but it should be borne in mind that the standard amount of the assessing machine is 3 m3, that is, the volume of your capacitance should be a multiple of this indicator.

For example, if the volume of the tank is 5 m3, you or you will overpay for the services of the second machine, or 2 m3 of the working volume is filled once and will become useless.

In the case of a standard family in 4 people, with periodic washing, shower, soaking dishes, the capacity of 3 m3 on average is filled in two weeks.

An option with a non-grid waste collection point

When implementing this type of sewerage, the location of the site collection site is very important. The minimum distance from the house and household buildings to the cesspool is 6-10 m. Otherwise, liquid drains are flushed out soil and sandy pillow.

Execution options:

  • Concrete rings installed on a drainage pillow;
  • Brick version of cesspool;
  • Connected to one metallic system or plastic barrels With holes.

Opinion expert

Filimonov Evgeny

Professional builder. 20 years of experience

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Note! When using the barrels, the base is laid out with gravel, since the weight of the opposite soil press the container into a loose soil.

When laying sewage in a private house, it is recommended to perform with a slope greater than an angle of 2-3 ° for a more efficient process. The depth of the RVA for each case is different, depending on the size of the site and its location relative to the driveway.

Basic principles of the device of the sewer pipeline

Depending on the number of interval points of communication, the diagram of the internal location of pipes is drawn up. For convenience, the scheme is drawn by millimeter paper. In the case of the construction of a two-story building, in order to save materials, it is recommended to place the bathrooms and secondary drain points as close as possible to the collector. The main collector is mounted on one vertical line at all planned floors, all subsequent parts of the system are consistently connected to the main line.

The technology of assembling PVC materials is very simple, as any pipe can be shortened to desired size. Also, each node with a closed system is recommended to be equipped with an emergency adapter, in case of a blockage occurrence, or adapter larger diameter.

Nodes located in closed sophons are recommended to be combined with the use of sealant. It is recommended to avoid angles in the 90o, it reduces the risk of a blockage.

The principle of water shutter

Water valve prevents penetration unpleasant odors From the sewage to the room. Its device has the same design, differences only in size. Water serves as a kind of cork.

Opinion expert

Filimonov Evgeny

Professional builder. 20 years of experience

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Note! In the case of a long idleness without operation, water evaporates, and the waterproofing loses its functional qualities.

Vacuum valves and fan pipe

These two concepts are unknown by most people who are not associated with the profession of plumbing. The purpose of these two elements is to prevent air discharge in the system when plum large number Water or during the operation of the assessing agents, at the time of pumping waste from the accumulative capacity.

Undoubtedly, the installation of the sewer system is the simplest stage of construction compared to electricity or the construction of walls, but in this stage there are many pitfalls.

Here is a list of some of them:

  • When buying pipes and components, check the presence of rubber gasket in the termination. It is often lost;
  • It is ultimately not recommended to connect the fan tube to the ventilation system;
  • When standard Set Points of water consumption (one toilet, two sinks, washing machine, shower), mounted the fan tube is not necessary, you can limit the vacuum valve;
  • When laying PVC pipes in the ditch, closely follow the joints, since the locations of the compounds are unstable;
  • It is strongly recommended to establish an emergency removal for cleaning sewage. It is installed as close as possible to the door of the pipe in the house, in an affordable place.

Compared to other stages of construction, the sewage is the easiest in the installation, with the exception of biocanalization. Consult with experts or select specialized literature, since rampant actions are able to destroy bacteria present in the accumulative container. For example, from a cleaner for a chlorine-based toilet, bacteria will be recovered for a week.

Sewerage in a private house is a pipe wiring, consisting of two parts: internal and outdoor. Therefore, when the sewage is installed, the process itself is divided into two stages: the assembly of the internal sewer system and the outer one. Everything is done separately taking into account the calculations of the diameter of the pipes and the selection of the material from which they are manufactured. We left the time when the sewage system of the private house was collected from cast-iron or asbestos pipes. They served their own, passing the brazers of the board with plastic pipes. Therefore, first of all it is necessary to properly approach the choice. sewer pipe.

Types of sewer tubes

Today to build sewage in private homes polymer pipes Two types: PVC and polypropylene. The first are used for outdoor system, second for internal.

Sewer pipes

Polypropylene sewer pipes have grey colour And the variation of the standard diameter of 20 mm to 400 mm. In this case, their compound is commercial using a rubber cuff, which ensures the tightness of the joint. Manufacturers to facilitate the installation of the sewer system offer various fittings: knees, taps, crossbars, tees, adapters, plugs and other profile products of different diameters.

Concerning PVC sewer Pipes, then here is all the same as it concerns compounds and fittings. But they have orange or red, so it will be impossible to confuse. Plus, the diameter that starts with 50 mm and ends 1200 mm. For the external sewage of the private house, the diameters of 110-200 mm are most often used.

Internal sewage of a private house

Installation internal sewage The private house is more complicated than the outer. The thing is that inside the house there is a large number of water consumers: cranes, faucets, shower, washing machine, toilet. And they are all located in different rooms. Therefore, the pipe strapping has complicated schemewhich is collected into a single system and is displayed outside, connecting with the outside of the sewage. If the house is built in several floors, then each of them is going to have its own system, and all floors are combined with one vertical riser, which is assembled from the pipe with a diameter of 110 mm.

Typically, the riser is installed in the place where the sewers will be displayed outside the house. It is important to observe one an important rule - The smaller the distance, the more effective the system works. Therefore, the riser is installed at the wall of the building, which is closest to the sewer or septic.

As for the pipe wiring of the inner sewer system, then you have to take into account the volume of water that should go through it.

  • From the sink, you can divert a pipe with a diameter of 25-32 mm.
  • From kitchen sink 32-40 mm.
  • From the shower or bath 32-50 mm.
  • From a washing or dishwasher 40-50 mm.
  • From the toilet bowl of 110 mm.

And the more connections are made in one system, the larger diameter the pipe must combine them. For example, if you are connected in one network washing and dishwasher In the kitchen, the pipe with a diameter of 40 mm is installed under each of them. But they are connected when withdrawing from the kitchen to a pipe with a diameter of 50 mm, which is further, for example, to be combined with the sink and bath, which in the final result will give a combined pipe with a diameter of 110 mm.

Therefore, it is very important to first draw the strapping scheme with an accurate installation of sanitary devices, and then calculate the size of the pipe wiring with the exact determination of the diameters of the purchased products.

Sewage layout diagram of one floor of a private house

Rules of the assembly process

Exist certain rules Installation of sewage pipes that are installed in the inner wiring.

  • The sewer of the sewer pipe, which connects to the very first and extreme consumer, should be located at least 80 cm from the floor level. That is, this is the most far from the riser. If the fittings on the path of water are not so much, then you can lower the installation level up to 30 cm.
  • The toilet must be connected with the riser of the pipeline of the same diameter as the riser itself. And its length should not exceed 1 m.
  • Each plumbing device is necessarily supplied with a hydrotherapy (siphon).
  • The slope of sewer pipes should be 2-3 mm per meter of pipe wiring.
  • Mounting to the supporting structures of the building is made using special clamps, which should be two per each element. Clamps are usually installed in boreal connections.

Internal sewage in a private house

The plastic tube is easily cut, so it can be chopped under the required length using a hacksaw for metal or a grinder. All compounds, as mentioned above, commercial. Therefore, it will be easy to carry out the sewage to the sewage. The main thing is exactly the installation scheme of the sewage system.

Attention! Where to start the installation of sewage: from a riser or from sanitary pribor, each decides himself.

If a a private house It has a basement in its design, then the entire wiring of the first floor can be carried out there. It is convenient in terms of installation and maintenance. Secondly, the pipeline will not be seen that it will increase the space of the premises and the aesthetics of their appearance. It is not recommended to lay in the walls of the sewage pipe. For them are usually built boxes of their different finishing materials With framework device.

Installation of sewage in the basement of the house

External sewage site of a private house

It is easier inner in terms of its installation. But besides pipes in sewage system Consider septic or well, as well as several viewing wells. Starts the installation of the sewage system (external) with earthworks. With the help of a shovel, it turns out the pit for a septic tank or well, and there may be several catlers if the septic tank will be constructed in the form of several overflow wells. Next, a trench rolls out to the house. The main requirement to it is straightforward without a large number of curves and turns, plus stick to the liner towards the well.

By the way, about the liner of the pipeline for the outer system. It all depends on the diameter of the pipe used. For example, for pipes with a diameter of 110 mm, the bias should be 20 mm per one raman meter Camered pipeline. For a pipe of 160 mm - 8 mm bias, for 200 mm - 7 mm.

Slashing Pipe Mounting

As for the minimum number of taps, this is an important component, on which the efficiency of the entire system depends. The fact is that any even the most insignificant turn from the straightness of the pipeline is a place where the blockage can be formed. And if the angle of inclination will be chosen incorrectly, then it is guaranteed to be formed in this place.

Montaja rules

If a standard septic is installed, made of plastic or metal, then there should be no problems with its installation. The bottom of the recovery is aligned horizontally, beats up with a thickness of 15-20 cm, it is rambling. After that, it is necessary to lower the septic tank.

Attention! The inlet nozzle septica must be oriented exactly along the sewage pipe. Optimally, if they are located on the same axis. Deviations are possible, but small.

Installed septic

If a well or septic tank is placed from different materials, that is, a non-versatile version, the complexity of the sewage installation in a private house increases sharply. For example, a well made of reinforced concrete rings. It is necessary to dig the pit, fall asleep in it a sandy or rubbed pillow with a thickness of 15-20 cm, tamme, pour a concrete layer with a thickness of at least 7 cm, if possible, put the reinforcing frame from metal grid or fittings.

Then you need to wait a few days to dry the concrete base. And after that, to collect with the help of a lifting crane and reinforced concrete rings themselves. And before this, the rings are additionally waterproofing outside. All this is difficult and expensive. Therefore, the easiest option is to install a finished septic tank, at a thin end, hermetic or leakage container.

Connection of two sewer pipes

Now, as regards the installation of sewer pipes itself. With their bias, everything is clear. But there is one important process - their thermal insulation. More recently, sewer pipes laid below the level of soil freezing. What is the huge amount of earthworks, because in many regions this indicator More than 1.5 m. Today, you can use such a mode of insulation of the sewage. The use of thermal insulation materials of different types Solves this problem.

Of course, in front of many there is a question of which insulation for pipes to choose. To date perfect option - These are thermal insulation cylinders (shells), which are made from almost all types of insulation: mineral woolFoamed polymers of different kind etc. The shell is simply put on the pipe and fasten with the help of clamps or scotch. By the way, the inner sewage pipes located in the unheated basement also need to be insulated with this material.

Thermal insulation of the sewer pipe

If the outer sewer system has a very big length, then we need to install inspection wells. One well is 50 m of the length of the rectilinear pipeline. Be sure to mounted the well near the taps or connections (for example, when the branch from the street basin is joined to the bulk of summer cuisine). Their appointment is to control the sewer streams and, if necessary, through them to repair and clean the system.

You can buy ready-made wells, such today offer manufacturers of sewer pipes. And you can make them with your own hands from the same pipes only big diameter, For example, out of 400 or 500 mm. They are installed in trenches in a vertical position and are connected to the ends of the joined pipes.

Attention! Where to start the installation of sewer pipes: from the septica or from home, each decides itself.

Mounting scheme

  • The bottom of the dug trench is leveled with the tilt of the sewage system. Not much accuracy here is not required.
  • A sandy benchmark is made with a thickness of 15-20 cm. It is her and it will be necessary to strictly align under the slope of pipe gasket.
  • After that, the installation of pipes is performed. And at this stage, the angle of inclination of the system is being checked with a long level.
  • Connection of the pipe with a septic and the pipe inner part of the sewage of the private house.
  • As for insulation, the cylinders are put on before the connection will be made. That is, first the pipe is set strictly on the slope, then the insulation is put on it, and after that it is placed in the trench.
  • Crawling trenches with soil.

Installation of pipes under the slope

Without a working sewer system, a country cottage is instantly converted from a comfortable housing into a slum shack. But that the plums in the sink and the toilet function correctly and without breakdowns, the sewage layout in a private house must be made with a clear observance of the norms of the corresponding SNIPs. It is important from the very beginning to competently perform the assembly of the riser and choose the slope of the pipes to it from plumbing devices. It is also important and the choice of material of the pipe products themselves and shaped parts for them.

  • Requirements

    The scheme of laying the sewage in the cottage is taken to work on the stage of design of the residential structure. It is better to determine the location of the entire plumbing and the pipes in the house. Directly installation of waste pipelines with their own hands or with the involvement of plumbers is performed after the construction of the walls, but before finishing.

    Sewage layout scheme in the house

    So that the intrama sewage has worked properly and without blockages, it is necessary:

    • observe the proper bias of drain pipes from plumbing to the riser;
    • to a minimum to reduce the number of turns and folds on the sewer pipelines;
    • competently choose the size and material of pipe products;
    • provide for the possibility of gases from the sewage system (dill);
    • put siphons for the formation of hydraulic assets;
    • in right places set hatches for revision and cleaning;
    • conduct the heat insulation of the sewer pipe on the street and in the basement (if necessary).

    Two main documents regulating the wiring of the sewage pipelines in a private house and pin down in the village sewer network or septic tank - it is a slope 2.04.01-85 (SP 30.13330.2012) and 2.04.03-85 (SP 32.13330.2012). It is in them that all the nuances of design and installation of the residential lead system are described. wastewater From the cottage.

    The principle of sewage layout

    Regardless of the storeinations of the private house, the layout of the sewer system in it is built around the main vertical riser. Horizontal plums and taps from plumbing devices are already summing up. From the bottom to this central pipe is connected to the street to the septica or the village network of drainage. And on top of it is equipped with a fan ventilation removal on the roof.

    If the house is one-storey, and from plumbing in it only toilet and sink with a bathroom, then the riser can be refused. but vertical pipe For ventilation, it will still have to do, otherwise all the smells from the sewage will be anyway in the cottage. Even the siphons will not save in this situation. The pressure drops during water drain will cause a disruption of the hydraulic assets, with the result that the sewage amber will go from the pipes to the kitchen and the bathroom.

    Pipes for sewage layout in the House

    To perform independently installation of sewage in a private house, you will need:

    • pipes with a diameter of 50 (for taps) and 110 mm (for a riser);
    • tees and knees;
    • plugs;
    • audit hatches;
    • siphons for shells, baths and dushkabin;
    • fasteners (clamps).

    Pipes for sewage in the cottage It is recommended to take plastic from PVC or polypropylene. The first are cheaper, and the second is more resistant to household chemicals and high temperatures. Also for country house Cast iron analogues can be taken. They are more durable, but it is more difficult to work with them. If plastic is cut in conventional hacksaw, then for cast iron, a burgrage or gas autogen will be required. Plus, the sewage pump will be needed for the pressure system (installation with a small accumulative tank in the basement).

    Scheme of natural sewerage of a private house

    Layout schemes

    Wiring of sewage pipes in a private house is performed according to one of two schemes:

    1. Natural (gravity).
    2. Forced, pressure (with pump).

    Preference is better and correct to give the first, with the self-election movement of wastewater. To the forced version of the wiring should be resorted only as a last resort, when it is impossible to provide a natural drainage of sewage from the building. Such a system is volatile, when the electricity is disconnected, the sewage will stop working. Internal drive pumping installation A certain amount of uncleanness to accept maybe, but it is limited.

    Scheme forced sewage

    Mounting order

    The sewage system in the house is collected from the bottom up. First, the basement is made in the basement (withdrawal through the foundation of the cottage) for the connection of the street and the domestic parts of drainage. Then the upstream rises with the installation on each floor above the floor of the tee or crossbars to connect horizontal taps.

    Features of the installation of pipe connections of the private house

    The opening in the foundation is made in size in 400x400 mm and more. From the pipe to the edge of this opening, there should be free space of about 150 mm. It is necessary that the release of the cottage and swelling of the soil in the winter did not turn out to be deformed or destroyed. The remaining gap is climbing clay with palauls.

    Montage of risers

    Installation of the riser is a consistent installation of individual parts on each other. The compound of them and the fixation of each other is made due to the presence at the end of these elements of the termination. From the floor on the first floor, the tee is first put on the branch. Then there is a pipe with a height of about a meter. Then the audit is established. And after another pipe is mounted for overlapping the next floor. There again tee and everything is repeated.

    Installation of tap sewage

    From the floor level to the hatch of revision should be about 1-1.5 m. If the pipeline is made from plastic products, then the riser must be attached to the wall with the help of clamps on the dowels. Moreover, the lumen of 15-20 cm should remain from the wall surface to the tube. And the clamps should be placed under the conversion and with a distance of each other at an altitude of 4-5 meters.

    The passage through the overlap and space above it after installing the pipe is flooded with cement mortar from the pipe from a pipe in 2-3 cm and a height above the floor of 8-10 cm. This concrete edging is made to protect the riser, ensuring noise insulation and prevent the spread of fire during a fire.

    Installation of the tap tube with adapters

    Installation of taps

    Taps are mounted under a slope from plumbing at 25-35 mm on the temporal meter. If the slope is less, the wastewater will be stated in the sewer pipeline. And with less, the drains will be too quickly leaking, with the result that heavy particles and fat will graft inside, gradually forming a blockage.

    The length of the horizontal line should not exceed 10 m. If it is laid open wayThe pipeline can still be increased by a couple of meters. However, for closed screed of sewage pipes, it is unacceptable. And in any case, for every 8 m, the horizontal portion must be provided with an audit for cleaning. The fixation of the outlet under the slope is made by clamps to the wall in a step of 1-1.5 m. If you increase this distance, then the plastic line will resist.

    Features of the sewage installation scheme in the house

    Features of the sewage arrangement in the same two-storey house

    In a single-storey cottage, the sewage layout is usually performed with one rumor in the bathroom and two horizontal taps in the bathroom and kitchen. But if the house is big and has two to three floors, then the diagram of the sewer system will be more complex. It is often necessary to install a couple of separate risers. But in general, the principles of organizing the collection of household wastewater from plumbing are one - the bias of the pipes and the supply of wastewater in one point to the conclusion from the building.

    Sewage diagram in one-story house

    So that the sewage worked properly long yearsWhen designing and installing it follows:

    • taps with a riser to connect not with straight crosses, but by elements with nozzles at an angle of 30-40 degrees;
    • to fix the discharge lines under a slope to apply clamps with a step of no more than 1.5 meters;
    • the location of the vertical risers through the overlaps is be sure to close with cement mortar;
    • sprinkle plastic pipes After cutting them with hacksaw on the details of the desired length;
    • for the formation of hydraulic assets to use siphons;
    • distill the fans away from the windows and balconies.

    According to the side of the private house, the wiring of sewage pipes can be carried out open and hidden (in mines or non-combustible materials) methods. The first option allows you to constantly monitor the condition of the pipelines and, if necessary, simplifies their repair, and the second more aesthetic.

  • Comfort and comfort dacha house, private household, country cottage It does not seem without an efficient, well-working sewer system.

    Planning, arrangement and maintenance in the proper condition of the drain complex is the object of permanent attention of individual real estate owners.

    Understanding all the fundamental principles of building and maintaining the drain of the seafront, the design of the main components and units of the system, to carry out the sewer in the private house is easy own hands. At the same time, significant savings of the selection is achieved. supplies and pay for qualified specialists.

    Everyone house masterwho created your own hands a difficult functional system for own house, as autonomous sewageAutomatically becomes an indispensable specialist in its service.

    In the construction market of Moscow and the region, there are many companies in the arrangement of water supply and sewage work "turnkey". The Moscow region is positioning a different price range - for a small country house, the cost is within 20-30 thousand rubles. For a medium-sized building and with tenants up to 6 people, the drain will cost 50-60 thousand rubles. Equipment drain system Big 2-3. floor cottage With the number of tenants more than 12 can pull 200-300 thousand rubles and higher.

    So, how to design and implement a sewage device in a private house, which will work not one decade without failures and emergency situations? How to plan it yourself, having received savings in the amount of 50% of the total costs? This will be discussed further in our article.

    Design of plum

    Before starting all the work, it is necessary to carefully consider the device of the entire system as a whole, as well as the composition of all its components. It is best to set out your vision of the design on paper.

    Drawn project will be constantly in sight, helping to take into account important details. Work on the drawing will make it possible to plan the compact location of the pipes and take into account the characteristics of the building structure.

    In the project, it is important to take into account the location of each plumbing node, designate ways of laying pipelines to equipment, calculate required amount Fittings, pipes, materials.

    Specific plots of laid engineering network It is necessary to designate separately, calculating the length of the pipes and their diameters. When purchasing materials, this information will be very useful. The sewage scheme in a private house will be a reliable help with its construction.

    The design process involves the arrangement of the internal and external detection schemes of the waste water.

    When paving internal sewage is installed:

    • Fan trumpet
    • Central Outline
    • Pipes for shower, bathroom, toilet

    External sewerage in a private house is responsible for the removal of outer sewage. It is suitable for supplying septic to either a deep cleaning station. The last construction will have a high cost. If there is near the house central system Sewering the task of arranging the external withdrawal of waste water is greatly simplified, considerable cash savings achieved.

    To simplify installation, as well as in order to reduce costs, at the design stage it follows the compactness of the houses associated with water consumption. Thanks to this layout, the laying of pipes inside the house is greatly simplified.

    Important Council - the design process must be started with a riser. Only by defining the channel of passing the riser and the collector pipe, you can schedule the further location of all other components of the system parts.

    • the best way Material for laying sewage - polypropylene or polyvinyl chloride pipes, tees, fittings. They are much cheaper, but much more durable of cast iron products;
    • locking drain networks, all turns in them can be mounted using two plastic knees with a bend of 45 degrees. The design significantly minimizes the probability of blockages, which are often used to use one bend 90 degrees;
    • for gray kitchens, as well as for the output of used water from the bathroom used pVC pipes with a diameter of 50 millimeters;
    • sewing toilet pipes must be a diameter of at least 100-110 millimeters. The total length of such pipes should be not more than 1000 millimeters.

    Wiring and laying of pipes

    Installation work When laying pipelines of the drain complex are considered the most laborious in construction. Holding the house with their own hands, one owner will be difficult to cope with all the amount of work. Therefore, it is recommended to have one or two assistants from among family members, neighbors familiar. The speed of operation and the quality of the sewage layout of this will only benefit.

    Currently, the trading network and construction Internet portals offer a wide variety of plastic pipes, revisions, tees, knees. With the help of rubber cuffs, they are connected without problems and function perfectly, not passing water. Connection locations are processed by special construction. silicone sealants. In places of passage of pipe communications through the walls, the sleeves are installed on top to prevent damage.

    Approximate list of tools that will be needed when laying sewer pipes:

    • Automatic gun for applying sealant
    • Screwdriver Set
    • Hammer 200 g
    • Electric perforator
    • Pencil
    • Level
    • Bulgarian with a long cord
    • Hacksaw for cutting plastic and metal

    With such works, minor errors are always possible. In order to detect the leaks or reinforcement defects, the finished sewage system before commissioning must be experienced. clean water. Just make sure of the reliability of its state, you can connect to the current housing equipment. Storm sewage It can be combined at the outlet of the house with the inner plum.

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    Bias and edition

    An important factor in the installation of drain designs is the right slope. Modern building rates offer a bias of systems where there is no fluid pressure, taking into account the diameter of the pipelines. The 50mm pipes must have a slope of 3 centimeters per meter of their length. Pipes with a diameter of 100-110 millimeters may have a slope of 2 centimeters of their length. Based on this, different points horizontal pipes must be at different heights.

    To prevent non-docking of the external wiring with the internal, the installation begins with the release of sewage. The issue is a place in the pipeline, where the inner riser is connected to the pipe leading to the septic. It is laid deep in the ground through the foundation below the level of soil freezing of this region.

    In extreme cases, if the conditions do not allow and the release is above, it must be very thoroughly insulated. Otherwise, in winter frosts, a pipe with drained water will freeze and create problems.

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    Cesspool and septic tank for wastewater treatment

    The most inexpensive way to improve the withdrawal of used water from a private house is a cesspool. It is manufactured in the calculation of 0.5-0.8 m³ per person. The bottom of the pit is poured concrete. The side walls are restored with brick, blocks, can be poured concrete. In order to avoid seafood drinking water Top of masonry is sealing with bitumen mastic.

    Sewer wiring is laid in a trench of 1 meter depth. Capital is overlapped wooden overlappingwhich is filled with liquid bitumen and is installed with an observation hatch with a lid.

    The cesspool should be located in a convenient accessible place. This is necessary for the fact that as the pit is filling, it is necessary to clean. In all settlements there is a service that, at the request of private householders, send special machines for cleaning cesspools.

    Taking a decision on the creation of a sewage design, the owner must familiarize himself with full list Special devices widely represented in the building materials market. Plastic septic tanks, cumulative tanks, multi-chamber sewer systems - these devices facilitate installation of a drain complex, ensuring reliability and durability of its service.

    Septic has a more reliable design, longer life, convenience in use. His task is the lightening of wastewater and the conclusion of them into the ground. Septic typically is made of several sections, depending on the intended volume of water consumption in the house. According to the standards, it should be located at a distance of 20 m from the residential building. Installation for drainage is mounted at a distance sufficient to prevent the soil, foundation and wastewater in the basements and wells.

    The drainage system should be located below the level of water selection for drinking, not closer to 50 m from the water intake point. With absence groundwater Instead of the drainage system, a filter well is arranged. It is laying out of the brick, the blocks are either poured with concrete in the formwork. From above, the device is closed with a lid and is covered with molten bitumen for sealing.

    Ready septic tank can be purchased in the trading network, on Internet portals. Often, plastic containers, concrete rings are used for this purpose. It is important to remember: withdrawing water in drainage system The pipe should be laid at a depth of at least one and a half meters. The depth of sewage is allowed to avoid its freezing in winter. Septic is cleaned at least once a year. Donate deposits turn into minerals that are successfully used as fertilizers for the garden.

    Filtering well

    The filter well is installed with a slight consumption of water - up to 1 m³. A sealed case is made, the bottom is filled with any bulk filter material: rubble, slag, gravel, gravel. Such a device is located at a distance of 50 m from the water intake. His bottom is located above the level of groundwater at least one meter.

    It is desirable when the sewage setting for a country house is used to apply modern technological materials. Here the pipes made of polyvinyl chloride or polypropylene of good quality are best suited. Such materials will serve as one decade, pleaseing the inhabitants of the house of their functionality, reliability, uninterrupted work. If necessary, replace small details They can easily change without prejudice to the family budget.

    In this way, a rhetorical questionHow to make a sewer in a private house or cottage with your own hands - an attractive topic that, by the forces, forces to fulfill each owner of the property, choosing the most optimal option from a variety of structures.

    Having understood in the pipeline of construction, correctly by installing the system of the sewage system, the owner of the mansion is elementary to independently solve all the issues that arise during the entire period of its operation, without attracting specialists from relevant companies.

    There were those times when in country and private houses all the amenities were on the street. Now to create basic comfort, the sewage in the private house must be laid. This is a very responsible task is not difficult.

    To pave the sewer in a private house with your own hands, you need to start with the creation of a competent project. During the construction of a new building, it is important to design the estones not by the residual principle, but in a complex with all systems, since the sewage system is one of the most important items of life support of the modern home.

    And it is also necessary to first clarify whether there is the possibility of connecting private housing to centralized sewage. This will save money and time on the construction. You need to know which soils can climb near the house, geological intelligence will help.

    The project on the sewer system of a private house should include such items:

    Installation of external sewage

    According to SNiP 2.04.03-85 "Sewerage. External networks and facilities "from carrier ability soils depends the type of pillow for sewer pipeline. In trenches in rock soils, it includes a pillow with a thickness of 100 mm from carefully tumped sand or gravel. In peat, or other and other weak soils make an artificial foundation. For other types of soil, it is quite carefully tumped by the immediate bottom of the trench.

    The depth of pipe supply depends on the level of soil freezing in this area. The top of the water supply should be below the friction point. With the height of the soil layer, less than 700 mm, drainage pipes must be insulated and protected from damage, if the terrestrial transport is supposed from above.

    The bottom of the trench is necessarily cleaned by garbage and large stones, the base is prepared. The pipeline must be brought to the house from the sewage reset location with a minimum rotation. If they cannot be avoided, they use smooth taps for pipes. Pipes and shaped pieces of each other are connected using sealant.

    Sewing to a private house should be under the necessary:

    • for pipe with a diameter of 160 mm, a bias is needed 0.008;
    • for the supply pipe measuring 110 mm - 0.02;
    • the pipeline with a diameter of 50 mm should be laid under a slope of 0.03.

    At the outlet of the building in the opening of the foundation, the metal sleeve for laying pipes in it is inserted. The remaining space is necessarily filled with insulation, for example, mineral wool.

    Performing these simple conditions, you can protect yourself from a sudden breakthrough of the external network of the association or freezing it in winter. For example, the repair work process in the cold period of the year is complicated by the ridge of trenches in the murzed land.

    Collection and storage

    In the absence of ability to use several variants of the local discharge system, storage and wastewater treatment:

    • cesspool;
    • septic.

    Traditional cesspools Not the best option, from the point of view of ecology. But they are the most economical way to organize an autonomous drive of household wastewater. Choosing such a way, it is important to properly organize the placement of the pit:

    • The distance between the cesspool and the well should be more than 25 m.
    • The drain of the drains should be from home further than 5 m.
    • With the performance of sewage from 8 square meters. meters distance increases to 8 m.
    • The distance from the rebel to the border of the site should be at least 1.5 m.
    • The cesspool is located at the bottom of the groundwater to prevent the effluent from entering the wells.
    • The associate well is located below the home level.

    Material for the construction of the bump is traditionally red brick. With the possibility of the entrance, the special equipment is equipped with a pit from those who are ready with a previously concreted bottom. The design is covered with a stove with an observation hatch and an inserted tube for ventilation.

    A more progressive solution to the organization of waste collection is septic. It consists of two or two or three cameras. The first chamber is precipitated by the solid fraction and decompose with bacteria. Filtered liquid is sent to the next reservoir for further purification. In the last chamber, the purified liquid seeps through the gravel base into the soil. Septic is necessarily equipped with an umbrella ventilation pipe. From precipitated solid waste, the construction needs to be released every 5-10 years. Such designs are already purchased in the finished form.

    Inner layout

    In addition to the arrangement outdoor sewageIt is important to know how to put pipes inside the house. There are many nuances:

    • Points of water intake should be located as compact as possible for the optimal organization of the sewer system.
    • The toilet joins the riser separately from the rest of the instruments to prevent the absorption of the drain from the toilet.
    • Strokes from shells, sinks, shower and other plumbing equipment should be summed up to a common riser higher than the stock from the toilet.
    • The bias must be 2-9 °.
    • Every four meters the riser must be installed on the height of the floor more than 1 m.
    • If the sewer pipes are not hidden under the floor, then before each turn it is necessary to establish audits.
    • The riser is equipped with a ventilation pipe with its output above the level of the roof from 70 cm. It will protect housing from unpleasant odors.
    • IN unheated premises The pipeline is necessarily insulating.
    • Parts of the pipeline in places of compounds are labeled sealant.
    • For the organization of waste from miles and shells, a pipe with a diameter of 50 mm, from toilet bowl, bathroom and soul - 110 mm.
    • The diameter of the riser should be at least 110 mm.
    • The smaller the diameter of the pipe, the greater should be its slope.

    Connection diagram Rims with exterior sewage pipe

    Sewer pipes are preferably soundproof (this will increase the level of comfort of housing) with the help of the arrangement of the drywall box and filling it with mineral wool.

    If the sewage is selected under the floor in a private house, it is necessary to comply with additional conditions for SNOP. In addition, with such installation, the height of the room is lost, the installation of underground sewage is possible everywhere. It is forbidden to install it:

    • in food storage facilities;
    • in residential rooms (bedrooms, guest or children's);
    • in the rooms of long stay of people (offices, educational offices);
    • in rooms with installed electrical equipment.

    Important! The configuration of the underground sewage must be as simple as possible, without unnecessary turns, transitions and fittings.

    When installing system Under the overlap it is necessary to observe a number of rules:

    • The diameter of the pipes should not be more than 110 mm.
    • Fittings are mounted at an angle of 45 °.
    • Fasteners are installed at a distance of each other equal to the diameter of the pipe multiplied by 10.
    • The presence of underground wiring in the bathroom should not create the excess of the floor over the rest of the rooms.
    • Increased requirements are presented to the quality of the materials used, since it will take overlaps to repair the paved network.

    Installation of the inner wiring of the sewer in a private house with its own hands is a fairly simple occupation, but requiring care and serious relationship to detail that distinguish high-quality repairs.