Preparation of greenhouse to planting vegetables. How to prepare a greenhouse to the new season in the spring

The greenhouse is a special agroecosystem. Round year Soil in the greenhouse does not feel direct exposure Environment: Inside the greenhouses do not go rain, the wind does not blow, there is no direct sunlight. Preparation of greenhouse and greenhouse for spring is a very important event.

On any sunny day, the air inside the greenhouse is heated under the action ultraviolet raysAnd the soil is not supplied with a lifeful moisture, it does not cover snow, as it happens on ordinary beds. Because of this, the properties of the soil inside the greenhouse change over the winter season, and in spring the first thing it is necessary to reanimate it and moisten it, lead to the tone, which is called.

Preparation of soil

For the winter, the soil in the greenhouse dries very strongly, becomes almost dusty. On the one hand it is good. Dry soil is an excellent heat insulator. In the greenhouse, the Earth is not freezing is not deep or does not freeze, unlike open soil. On the other hand, it is bad because in the spring dry soil warms up for a long time. That is why it is so important in advance in the spring to bring the soil "to the feeling".

In the greenhouse, the soil must be warm up to a temperature of +10 - +15 ° C. When shining bright sunThe air inside the greenhouse warms up almost instantly, it is kept inside the design with walls and roof, and the soil remains cold for a very long time - a few weeks. To provide plants normal vegetation conditions, the soil in the greenhouse should be warm.

First thing the soil must be explodedTo make it breathable. Then you need to make small trenches on the beds depth to the bayonet shovel. Such procedures will significantly increase the contact of warm air with cold soil.

After which the soil must be wilted with warm water. To do this, you can use conventional heated water, and you can shed the soil in the greenhouse warm solution Nutrients, such as EM-1 solution, Emochemia, Baikal-1. You can also use a dry-form biological preparation, for example, emotions-skewers that sufficiently wake up on top of the soil and pouring conventional warm water. These procedures "revive" the soil, soil microorganisms will be woken in it and take care of work.

Combs between the troves warm up faster, since their area is small, and the water temperature is large. Running the ridges, we distribute heat all over the soil, we get a relatively large layer of warm "living" land.

Important! Do not throw snow from the street into the greenhouse. Many are doing this, explaining this by what they try to eat water with water. The water, of course, will penetrate the soil deep into, it will be poisoned by water, that's just it does not warm, and the greenhouse season will begin by 2 - 3 weeks later.

Watering tranches hot water, we practically instantly raise the soil temperature to +10 - +15 ° C. This will allow you to immediately hang cold-resistant and early cultures: radishes, leaf lettuce, onions on the feather, cress, salad, parsley seedlings. Next, the temperature of the soil in the greenhouse will be maintained due to the energy of the Sun.

Soil treatment from diseases

The soil of warmed, soil microorganisms woke up. What's next? Do not forget that in the greenhouse there is extremely high risk of the appearance of fungal and bacterial diseases of plants. Phytofluorosis, alternaria, black leg, puffy dew And others - Beach Greenhouses.

To carry out preventive work, it is necessary to process the soil, as well as all the parts of the greenhouse - wooden details, boxes, base, walls. Any biofungicide can be used as a means of treating against fungal diseases. For example, "Phytosporin", "Mikosan-H", "Triphodermin", "Planries", "Phytocid", "Healthy Soil".

To better warm the soil in the greenhouse, it can be covered with black agriculture. Heating under the rays of the sun, it will transmit heat ground. This is if the landings are not soon. But to mulch the soil before the greenhouse will establish a constant positive temperature, it is not worth it. Although it all depends on the color of mulch. Under the dark mulling, the ground will warm up, under light - remain cold.

Before falling into a greenhouse of cucumbers, prepare the soil - treat it with "azotophyte" or another drug forcing the nitrogen from the air.

To saturate the air in a greenhouse with carbon dioxide necessary for plants, inside the greenhouse you can set a container with a compost or something else that wanders. For example, in the container can be poured chicken litterComfort from a heap or an uhm compost from plant residues or organic food residues from the table. In a carbonated gas, the plants will develop faster.

Having landed the early plants in March, be prepared to get the first harvest already in April.

Spring work in a greenhouse

If you don't have a greenhouse, it does not matter. You can quickly build a greenhouse on solar heating. it excellent option For summer residents who are driving. In the greenhouse you can grow seedlings and the first spring greens.

Prepare a greenhouse must be prepared in advance from the fall. Place for the greenhouse should be well lit and high enough to make it not flooded spring water. The depth of the pannie must be about 70 cm. Comfortable width - on the size of the frame with glass or film.

Up to half of the kitty should be filled with by humus, compost or other vegetable residues. From above, a layer of fertile soil is poured. In late February - early March, the greenhouse needs to cover the frame with glass so that it warms it. Place the frame is necessary with a southern side slope.
Before planting seedlings or sowing seeds, a greenhouse should be well ventilated and shedding soil with warm or hot water, as in the case of a greenhouse.

In such an earthy greenhouse, you can safely grow seedlings of such cultures as tomatoes, cabbage, eggplants, peppers and various flowers. From time to time, the greenhouse must be solaring that the plants do not get sick with fungal or bacterial diseases. And even better - to process the soil of fungicides.

Please note that in sunny weather, the leaflets of the rapid plants can be shipped - "burn" in the sun, as the glass enhances the heating effect. To protect the plants, they should be covered with stolen material and only from above - glass.

Using a greenhouse for growing seedlings in an open ground allows you to grow strong plants with dark green leaves and a developed root system, and also eliminates the need to use many cups for seedlings. Yes, and the windowsills are not cluttered.

"Accommodation" for seedlings: stationary Grokery and Cherentelker

If the seedlings of vegetables and annual colors are better to grow in a greenhouse or a greenhouse, then for breeding seedlings of perennial flowers, it is more expedient to equip a special bed - layout. In this garden, in the summer - in June, seed seeds of perennial flowers, and on the autumn there are bulbous for growing.

Little "kids" flashes on a layout of 2 - 3 years old, and the buds that appear on them in the growing season are diligently deleted. On the stationary bed can, for example, land lilies. After 2 - 3 years you will get large bulbs of lilies.

Solding seeds of perennial flowers is better not straight in bed, but first in plastic cups or containers. At the bottom of such cups or containers, a drainage layer must be equipped. It is advisable to sign the container, indicating the name of the plant and the variety. And only then the container should be picked into the ground in the garden. This method avoids the losses of "fighters". After all, sometimes the varieties of plants are confused, and it happens that weak gears suffer in the process of weeding.

A stationary bed is best placed in a half or, on the contrary, on a plot illuminated by straight solar rays, but from the northern side, the site should be protected by a wall or a fence from the wind. It is desirable to limit the beds with sides of wooden boards with a height of 15 - 30 cm. You can also put over the gardening of the arc, allowing you to cover the plants from frosts with a film or from the scorching sun. Optimal width Building bed 1.5 m, length can be any. But the orientation on the sides of the light should be from the west to the east.

It is extremely important that the soil on the stationary bed is fertile, light, air and moisture-permeable. If the ground on the clay area, then you need to perform drainage. To break the soil, you can add sand into it. Sheet and turf will also be useful, but the compost is undesirable to the soil. For fertilizer soil, you can use ash. Its discharge stimulate the formation and development of the root system. Watering plants on an empting bed must be carried out in a timely manner, not allowing severe drying, but it is not worth the mooring too. It is better to quickly explode the soil or even better to climb, keeping moisture inside the soil and reducing evaporation.

To multiply berry and decorative shrubs is also uncomfortable on ordinary beds. For this purpose build cherenteli. After all, the main condition for the successful rooting of Chenkov is high humidity air.

Cherenteller must be placed in a shady seat and hide on top with glass or polyethylene film on arcs. Place the frame is preferably under a slight bias in the south. If using polyethylene filmThe edges should be securely pressed against the ground.

Some gardeners root the cuttings with plastic bottlesBy installing from the top of the cutlets upside down.

In order to be in beds for cuttings, water is not formed, it is necessary to equip the drainage from rubble, gravel or clamzite with a layer of 10 - 15 cm. On top of the fertile layer, the layer of sand 5 - 7 cm. From time to time, it is necessary to carry out spraying. The rooted cuttings leave for the winter in the drain and only the next year they transplanted into open ground to a permanent place.

Remember that the preparation of the soil in a greenhouse, a greenhouse or on a stationary bed - the key to large crops. Healthy seedling, and behind it and plants are a direct consequence of care for the soil fertility and the prevention of dangerous diseases. Greet your family fresh, clean vegetables and greens, grown own handsAs soon as possible as much as possible. And bad weather or late frosts are not a hindrance if you correctly prepared a greenhouse or a greenhouse.

If you have on cottage plot There is a greenhouse or even a few, with the onset of autumn cold (after harvest) immediately need to begin the preparation of these structures by winter. This work is very important - on how correctly the greenhouse falls, the quality and the amount of crop obtained in it is dependent.

In the fall, the greenhouse needs a whole complex of events. But after its holding in the spring you will only have to plant seedlings in a clean and healthy "house".

Greenhouse conditions are required by plants to protect against their main enemy - cold. Inside the greenhouse, thanks to the brilliant design and materials from which it is made, constant temperature is maintained and the humidity required by plants for successful development is maintained. But it is due to this ability to create plants favorable conditionsThere is a danger that weeds and pathogenic organisms will also be perfectly feeling in a warm and humid environment. Bacteria, preserved in the greenhouse after harvest, will safely survive the winter, and in the spring they will attack the seedlings of young sprouts. Harvest can not be waiting.

Consequently, training involves not protection against winter colds, as is done with perennials or young trees seedlings, and the final processing of all components of the greenhouse.

Autumn processing of the greenhouse includes two main directions of work:

  • bringing the soil on greenhouse beds;
  • disinfection of the structure (framework, covering material).

Start follows from soil processing. And to work, it is necessary to proceed before the onset of serious cold weather.

Autumn processing of greenhouse beds

It all starts with cleaning. In the dry, not rainy and windless day, go to the greenhouse and remove all the remains of the plants from it.

First stage - general cleaning

With the release of the beds from the annual cultures of questions, there are not many questions - just remove the suspended plants, and, if possible, all of their parts, underground and overhead. The same applies to the residues of fruits, vegetables - the word is all that prevents the purity of the Grocery, it is necessary to delete.

Tip! Even if the plants in the greenhouse did not hurt, they were not amazed by pests and you did not proceed with their chemicals, do not send collected herbal residues in compost pit And do not leave on the territory of the site. There are two ways to dispose plant waste - burning or instillation outside the site. If your garden partnership produces organized garbage removal, you can send waste there.

In addition to annual plantsIn the greenhouse sometimes there are perennials. With weed perennials, they come in the same way as with the remnants of cultivated plants - burst with root and dispose of. Cultural perennials - for example, strawberry garden - are subject to careful audit for the removal of fallen, dried, damaged instances. They are also removed along with the root, and in spring new ones are attached to their place.

The second stage - the removal of the soil

This is the most time-consuming task of all that faces you in the process. autumn processing Greenhouses. But it is necessary to fulfill it, and well. If annual vegetables, flowers or others are grown useful plants (and in most cases it happens - it is for this purpose that the greenhouses are installed), upper layer Soil must be deleted annually. This is an immutable rule that underlies the future harvest.

The layer of the soil - at least 15 cm. With where to make this soil, there should be no difficulty - it can be reached on open ridges, pour on the flower beds, under the trees, in alpine Gorki. Just before this shot is preferably disinfected.

The question is more complicated - what to fall asleep into the greenhouse instead of the sweeping soil. In a short period, you need to create a new fertile layer. It is not easy to do so, since useful microorganisms have a limited period of time - before the onset of frosts, to start processing the new soil. Therefore, the soil must be perfectly suitable.

There are two ways to replenish greenhouse Grookok. Soil:

  • tore from the outside (purchase);
  • independent preparation (draw up from various components in accordance with the necessary requirements).

The first way is easier, but has "pitfalls". It is the purchased soil that does not guarantee the presence of all the necessary components in it. Moreover, contrary to promises, unscrupulous sellers can bring you the soil before removed from other greenhouses. In appearance it will be loose, dark, humus, fertile, but fall asleep it into a greenhouse - the same thing that does not remove your spent soil, or even worse. New Earth - New bacteria in addition to the already existing on your site.

Output one - prepare the soil yourself.

Table number 1. What should be the ground for replacement in the greenhouse.

Parameter soilDescription
Proper structureThe soil must have such a structure at which it does not need to carry out the loosening after each watering. The soil fractions should not be small, resembling dust, which in the mixture with water gives dirt, and not large through which water passes, like through the sieve.
High nutritionalThe soil must contain all nutrients that will be needed by plants for full-fledged development. He must be rich in humus, that is, let the plants rapidly increase high-quality and powerful root systemWhat is known without his (humus) is impossible.
Lack of mineral saltsYes, the original soil in the greenhouse should be without mineral fertilizer. The nutritional of the soil is not enriching it with minerals, which will destroy the young sprout instead of ensuring its nutrition. Rostock is unable to absorb mineral elements, it's like feeding a newborn baby fried potatoes. The necessary mineral fertilizers will be entered later - in the spring, after planting seedlings.
Moisture intensityBe sure the soil must take moisture and hold it, especially this is relevant for heated stationary greenhouses.
Neutral PHThis is important - the content of acidic salts and alkali must be balanced.
DisinfectionDisease pathogens should not survive for the spring in this soil. This can lead to the death of the entire seedlings or subsequent diseases of seedlings. Guarantee the absence of bacteria can only carefully disappeared soil.

As for the composition of the soil, it is classic and includes:

  • high education peat;
  • sand river or lake;
  • compost or humus.

And then the ground is called up to stop exposure harmful substances, reworking them if not in useful, then at least neutral, non-harm plants. Humine acids help in this, which make it fertile and relevant to all parameters good soil. Manure, litter, which turned into humus, recycled insects is a simplified soil replenishment scheme with such valuable and necessary humus. In this scheme, there is no place for mineral compounds that are certainly contained in purchased soils.

But if there is no time to wait until useful microorganisms create a fertile layer, you can use humic acids. The soil prepared for replacement is processed by the drug "Flora-C" according to the instructions. After that, it will only remain to displaced the soil. But for this, it is not necessary to pour into it boiling water, urea and to train by mangartee. Much more efficiently and with the benefit for soil with a task can cope with a hay stick, which is contained in the preparation "Fitop Flora-C".

Fertilizers "Flora-C" and "Fitop Flora-C"

Tip! No matter what kind of vegetables you are grown in the greenhouse, every five years need to be carried out in it (not superficial, both annually) the replacement of the soil to a depth of 35 cm. There is another option - to transfer the whole greenhouse for the fifth year.

Third Stage - Disinfection

So far, the soil treated with humic acids "matures", in the greenhouse it is necessary to carry out disinfection. Here all the means are good, but the most commonly used - treatment with urea or other disinfecting drugs and enormous gray. The second way is good because with it, you can disinfect not only the soil layer remaining in the greenhouse, but also the entire structure from the inside.

An important warning! Gray can not be focused on the greenhouses that are at the heart of the design metal carcass.

Table number 2. Ways disinfection of the greenhouse.

Method of disinfectionDescription

An aqueous solution is prepared from the substance. The proportions are as follows: 50 g of urea on 10 liters of water. Cold water, urea should dissolve completely. The resulting solution is thoroughly watering the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe soil in the greenhouse, not only reclaimed beds, but also the passages, tracks, aisle.

Dedovsky method - 50 g of sulfur on m² of the workplace of the greenhouse. In the sulfur add kerosene (arbitrary proportions), close all windows in the greenhouse and clog the gap. To set fire to sulfur with kerosene and immediately leave the greenhouse, closing the door tightly. Effective temperature for this procedure + 12 ° C. Modern method Sulna disinfection involves the use of smoke sulfur checkers. But it works faster - enough 6 hours (against 48 "sulfur-kerosene" method). Precautions are the same: respirator, glasses, gloves, returned after arson as quickly as possible.

Can be used:
- formalin liquid composition 2.5%;
- copper sipop in a solution of 0.75%;
- harated lime with water, diluted to 10%;
- Creolyne solution of 2% concentration.

Video - How the disinfection of the greenhouse

Processing of greenhouse construction and underfloor material

Disinfection of the structure can be conducted different waysDepending on which the materials are made of greenhouse. In all cases, in addition to pre-conducted gray processing, it is necessary to separately disinfect the framework and the entire undercover material. Any stationary coverage that remains wintering on the frame, as well as any removable coating that is deleted to storage so that in the spring to be reused, is subject to mandatory disinfection.


Frames are three types:

  • metal;
  • wooden;
  • polychlorvinyl.

Do not forget that the metal frame is not subject to sulfur processing - sulfur can "eat" metal, bringing the frame into disrepair.

Table number 3. How to handle the carcass of the greenhouse.

Material carcassMethods Processing

Washed with boiling water with the addition of vinegar. For one liter of boiling water consuming at least 50 ml of vinegar.

It can be treated as the same concentration with acetic solution as the metal, but the water temperature should not be higher than + 60 ° C.

It is best to use copper vigor. The maximum concentration of the solution is 10%.

Coating processing

It also depends on what material is used.

Film and glass

If the greenhouse covers the film or glazed, the coating is processed by hot (at least + 40 ° C) solution economic Soap. A piece of soap without impurities and with a high alkal content weighing 100 g dissolved in boiling water completely (you can harm on the grater). The solution, stirring, is coated to the desired temperature. The brush is carried out careful processing of all coatings first from the inside, and then outside.


It is processed not active alkali, but by a solution of manganese. It must be intense and hot. It is not enough just to pour all the coverage, trying not to miss a centimeter. It is important to wash the polycarbonate well. inner. Special attention - corners, lower and top (under the ceiling can be preserved osin nests). Outside, the construction can be simply damped. After disinfection, all the doors are opened, drafts are provided and the rapid drying of the greenhouse is arranged.

Removable film coating

Removed film reusable Also must be processed by manganese, sucked and sent for storage packed in a large hermetic package.

Strengthening the carcass

If your region is likely snowy winter, before disinfection of stationary greenhouses you need to spend another important work - Strengthening the carcass. For this purpose, temporary supports and arcs are used, which are installed inside. They can be made independently or purchased ready.

Emphasis is placed on the upper part of the design. In order to protect the six-meter greenhouse from collapse, you will need a minimum of four T-shaped backups. They are fixed on the upper colashes of the structure and serve as an additional insurance against collapse and breakage.

Tip! If the greenhouse stands on a plot, blowable by the wind, and the size of the snow cover may increase critically, then double the number of backups.

The backups put on a solid foundation. It can be plywood a metal sheet or another seal. If you set backups to the ground, they can go into the soil under the weight.

For polycarbonate greenhouses there are the rates of maximum loads on the frame. On average, they are as follows: 70 cm of dry, light snow and not more than 30 cm of wet, clinging. Glass can withstand the load half less, and the film, even the most dense - a maximum of 20 cm of dry snow cover.

That is why it is important to remove the snow from the roof and the walls of the greenhouse. Even the design of the greenhouse provides an independent one of the snow (such a function has the majority modern greenhouses From polycarbonate), check the process from time to time does not hurt.

After the installation of the backups, disinfecting procedures are carried out, the greenhouse is thoroughly ventilated (especially from the sulfur checkers), it seems to be dry and a new primer is laid.

On the eve of the appearance of the first sprouts of the favorite plants to work well. After all, just to take and put in a greenhouse in early spring Seeds or plant seedlings are impossible. Preparation of greenhouses in the spring includes a large complex of various works. But carefully after performing them, you can avoid various difficulties later, when cultures will be greater or fruit.

Preparation of greenhouses for the season need to start in spring

The scale of work is largely determined by how well you worked. The more it was performed in October-November, the less will have to do early in spring. Although even if you have completed the whole complex of necessary autumn workJust throwing the seeds to the ground anyway will not succeed.

Inspection and repair of the greenhouse after winter

The first thing you have to do is hitting the plot after a long winter, it carefully examine the greenhouse. After all strong winds, tightening snowfall and long negative temperatures may adversely affect appearance Designs.

If your greenhouse is made of wooden carcass, It is necessary to test all the elements and parts, including cladding. Because of the bad weather, something could overwhelm or suffer. In this case, damaged items will need to be replaced, and tighten the attachments or replace.

In the presence of large number They should be investigated for metal parts for the formation of deep corrosion. If such will be found, then elements with defects should be replaced with new, if the scratches or chips are small, they can be treated with anti-corrosion substances and prohibit well.

Be sure to conduct planned repair of greenhouses and eliminate all flaws

Sometimes it also happens that under a huge snow hat, the greenhouse design begins, it is stuck or "folded." It's nice enough, but it should not be very upset. Everything is fixable.

The frame will need to restore the bent items to straighten or replace. It is worth thinking over the strengthening of the design. Otherwise, this trouble is repeated again, and maybe even in the summer at the height of the country's season, damaging the plants and fruits.

Be sure to explore the underfloor material. Broken or cracked glasses are replaced with new ones. The torn film is either glued to a transparent wide tape or partially changing.

Despite the strength, even cellular polycarbonate Can get in winter damage. Folded sheets are worth trying to align, if not succeeded, be sure to replace. The broken channels and darkened areas can also be replaced or try to correct these shortcomings.

Quality preparation: removal of last year's plants

Preparation of the greenhouse necessarily includes the removal of all plant residues, both grown farm crops and weeds. Of course, there is a big temptation to throw last year's tops in a compost pit, but you should not succumb to such anxiety. It can serve you a bad service.

The pathogens of diseases and pests, which can be perfectly overwhelming in the remains of plants, are able to seriously harm the new harvest or destroy it completely. In the new year, it will be more difficult to fight with them, because by last year's ways of struggle, they are likely to be sustainable. Therefore, all, even the small roots of plants in the greenhouse, you need to choose, take out the placement and burn.

For more effective struggle With fungi and bacteria, the top layer of soil is needed to a depth to 5-7 cm to take off at all and replace it with a new one. If the soil is new in the greenhouse, then it should be at least to be disinfected. To do this, it can be shedding with copper vigorous or bordeaux liquid, pre-reaping the bed.

Disinfection above all!

Even after very strong frosts In the soil, the greenhouses can save disputes, larvae, eggs of various diseases and pests. To save future yield From this attack, in the greenhouse should be done regularly. You can do this in several ways.

Perfectly copes with the tasks of the enucleation of the room sulfur checkers. With burning, they highlight gases capable of penetrating even into small gaps. Due to this, even very well-hidden pests are destroyed.

Before conducting the fusion, all the cracks in the greenhouse should be carefully sealing. After the procedure, the greenhouse is leaving tightly closed for 3-5 days. And only then it is well ventilated. This time is enough to end all chemical processes, and microorganisms, descending for plants, disappeared from your facilities.

It is important to carry a disinfection of a greenhouse and to displaced the soil

If the fusion of the structure is gray, it is impossible for any reason, then it is worth conducting a wet general cleaning With the help of chlorine lime. A pre-cooked solution must, not spare, spray from the inside all the elements of the greenhouse and the soil.

In addition to such effective, but at the same time, aggressive disinfection methods can be tried to use biological methods. They give not such high results. But simultaneously with prophylactic treatment, they are engaged in the improvement of the soil and the restoration of its fertile layer. Biopreparations contribute:

  • nitrogen fixation;
  • secrets of heavy metals;
  • launch natural growth hormones;
  • help in the destruction of residues of pesticides;
  • due to them, the capacity of chemicals increases by a quarter.

You can work in a greenhouse after biological processing immediately, there is no need to wait a few days.

In the spring, increase the quality of the soil

Thinking over how to prepare a greenhouse to landing in the spring, do not forget to pay attention to the soil, increase its fertility. Plants are taken from the ground a lot of beneficial substances, and from the season for the season soil poverty, and the new plants becomes nowhere to draw vitality.

Therefore, the restoration of the fertility of the Earth is an important task. Her solution will help well organic fertilizerswhich contain the whole complex of nutrients necessary plants. So that the earth was loose, easy, do not regret the organicists. The more add, the easier it will work with it.

It is also not necessary to forget about the sites - plants that are grown to enrich the soil with useful substances. Spring for planting is chosen by mustard, fodder peas, oats, fireliness, viku. They are cold-resistant.

1-2 weeks before landing the main plants, the Siderats are planned. After this period of time, they begin to allocate useful material In the ground.

Terms of use of Siderators:

  • young plants rich in nitrogen, quickly begin to decompose in the soil, so after them you can land the main culture in the soil after 1-2 weeks;
  • it is categorically impossible to spark in the ground too much vegetable mass, as it will not be rotten, but can;
  • mature plants decompose more slowly, but more efficiently.

An important rule in the preparation of the greenhouse - its heating

If you have chosen for your greenhouse as a coating cellular polycarbonate, the beds were raised to a height of up to 40-50 cm from the floor, and have also made them heat-insulated, then you do not need to worry about the additional warming up of the soil. The sun rays passing through the polycarbonate are perfect with this task.

If at least one of these three conditions is not fulfilled, then the heating of the soil will have to work hard. After all, the room temperature will quickly increase independently, but the soil to warm up to 10-15 degrees, it will take a lot of time.

Stages of heating soil:

  1. Understand the soil, it will help warm air penetrate deeper into the soil.
  2. In the beds to make trenches to the depth of the bayonet shovel, it will also increase the availability of warm air penetration into the freezing ground.
  3. Moisten the EM-mortar earth or shed hot water. Such events will dismiss soil microorganisms.

To achieve a greater and speedy effect, after the work done, it is possible to store the ground with a dark film, which will also improve the heating.

Cooking greenhouse and soil for spring

Pays due attention to all types spring work To prepare the greenhouse to the new season, you will be well rewarded. In the renovated, absolutely hermetic, well-cleaned, disinfected greenhouse with a fertile efficient warm soil, your plants will quickly develop and grow. The life forces of the enriched, delivered from fungi and pests, the soil is enough for agricultural plants to give you a rich harvest.

Construction of protected soil make it possible to grow seedlings gardening crops, seedlings of flowers, rooting the cuttings of fruit and decorative trees and shrubs. But before settling with green inhabitants, they must complete a certain preparation. How to properly prepare outside and inside the greenhouse so that the spring can be proceeded to grow planned crops in it, you can learn from the article.

Repair work

Start the preparation of the greenhouse to plant the desired cultures should be in early spring, approximately in the first numbers of March. It is advisable to perform work in accordance with the following items:

  • Inspection framework frames. If it is made of wood, then thoroughly check the reliability of all jumpers and roofs. In those places where loose detection is found to replace the part. In the case when the metal frame is focusing on the detection of areas affected by corrosion, which should also be replaced to prevent the separation of the greenhouse. In addition, in winter, during abundant precipitation, the metal skeleton of the greenhouse can bend under the weight of snow. In this case, it is aligned and installed additional supports.

Council. In order for the basis of the structure to serve for a long time, it is better to treat it with special protective compositions.

  • Thorough inspection of the greenhouse coating. For glass version Replace all cracked and broken windows. If the coating is made of polyethylene, then some sections are subject to replacement, and the canvas with small cracks or punctures are twisted by the usual tape. When modeling the surface of the greenhouse from polycarbonate on its surface after a cold season, defignments can be formed, breaking and dark spots. Plots with such defects in spring are subject to replacement.

Cleaning indoor room from plant residues

The process of preparing the greenhouses in the spring includes such a mandatory item as exemption from the remains of plants living here last season. This step allows you to prevent development in closed system Closed soil of some diseases affected by the predecessors. For example, most pathogenic fungi do not die along with the plant, and safely winter on dried leaves and stems.

Attention! The remnants removed from the greenhouse are best to endure outside the site or burn.

The roots of the suspended plants should also be removed from the greenhouse at mandatory. At the same time, you can replace the upper layer of soil. Step by step this procedure looks like this:

  1. Remove from 5 to 7 cm soil. Roots are chosen and thrown out. The land is transferred from the greenhouse to the open space.
  2. Locked the layer by humus, and then manure.
  3. Everyone is sprinkled with a small (about 3 cm) with a layer of garden land.

Additionally, the soil is disinfected. To do this, use a solution copper Kaperwhich poured the soil in the greenhouse after loosening.

How to spend disinfection

Spring treatment for dees basins indoor room When preparing the greenhouse is very important, since only this technique can destroy the spores of the fungus causing phytoofluorosis. Conduct it with several methods:

  • with sulfur gas checkers;

Disinfection with checkers

  • spraying with haired lime in a mixture with copper vitrios;
  • treatment of walls, ceiling and soil with special biopreparations.

Attention! All des. Solutions of poisonous. It is only necessary to work with them if there is appropriate protection.

For gas processing, checkers with gray "climate" are most often used. During their combustion, acids that penetrate even in imperceptible slots are formed. Thus destroy fungi, slugs, cobed tick. The procedure is carried out with tight closed door and the vents. 1 m³ requires 50 g sulfur. Carry out a greenhouse after 3 days after a dip. Some greenhouse owners oppose such a disinfection method, referring to its low efficiency and a high percentage of sulfur compounds in the unpatrigible soil of the closed soil, which is a guarantee of absorption by its plants.

The proceedings in the following way is to spray the walls, the ceiling and frame with a solution of a mixture consisting of 3 kg of hazed lime and 500 g of copper mood (on the water bucket). This method is also not good enough due to the fact that drugs are toxic for humans.

Use during the preparation of the greenhouse to spring plantations of biological products is considered the most efficient, safe and promising way to get rid of fungi and harmful microflora. In addition, according to manufacturers, such treatment increases yield. On 10 liters of water you need 100 g of drug.

How to prepare the soil

For normal plant growth and, accordingly, receiving good harvest Requires sufficient supply of nutrients in the ground. Therefore, before planting crops, the soil is prepared in a greenhouse.

Here you can use 2 methods:

  • making organic and minerals;
  • sowing Sideratov.
  • legumes;
  • cereal;
  • futselli;
  • mustard.

They are sown to the greenhouse very thick, early spring. For a week or two in front of the planned planting of vegetables, the seedrates are cut off with flattereres and cheered to a depth of 3-4 cm.

The preparation of the greenhouse is a very important event, which depends on the correctness of which the well-being of crops of crops depends. Most lovers after reading the article, viewing the photos and video materials attached to the article will be able to understand everything and work independently.

What to do in a greenhouse before planting plants: video

The presence of greenhouses in the country area allows to receive early yield vegetable crops and greens. In order for the harvest is really early and healthy, it is necessary to promptly prepare the greenhouse in a timely manner to the new season.

The preparation of the greenhouse in the spring includes several important events that we were conditionally divided into two groups:

  • what did not have time to do in the fall;
  • what is better to do in the spring.

Complement what you did not have time in the fall

Let's start with events that are desirable to spend autumn, but due to circumstances can be made in the spring. Good and gathering daches that make everything according to the rules can skip this item.

To begin with, exporting plant residues from the greenhouse, inventory and garbage. If temporary spells from twine or rivers were satisfied, then everyone should disassemble and also take out. All garbage from the greenhouse must be burned. Events for cleaning and preparing the greenhouses should be started before establishing positive night temperatures. The earlier the greenhouse will be ready, the faster the soil warms it.

The frame and the coating of the greenhouse (film, glass or polycarbonate) need a thorough washing with water under pressure from the hose from dirt and garbage.

Spring preparation of greenhouse

All works can be divided into the following steps:

  • purification of the coating and perimeter around the greenhouse from snow (it is carried out in March to accelerate the heating of the soil in the greenhouse);
  • inspection and repair of construction and coating (if you skip small cracks, then the draft can destroy all young shoots);
  • disinfection of greenhouses and soil;
  • preparation of soil to sowing and landing;

If you have a greenhouse of polycarbonate, then do not use the shovel or wooden stick.. In order not to damage the coating, use plastic broom. The first two stages are understandable even to novice gardens, but the latter require more detailed consideration.

Ways disinfection of greenhouses and soil

The greenhouse is a separate agro-ecosystem, which is very important to support favorable phytosanitary conditions. The disinfection of the greenhouse in the spring is carried out with the aim of destroying the dispute of such hazardous diseases as a phytoofer, gray rot, malicious dew, black leg and others.

If in the conditions of open soil to reduce the dissemination of the disease, it can be used, then in the protected there is a quick accumulation of a contagious beginning.

Gudders are available to the following disinfection methods: fumigation (sulfur checkers) and spraying (aqueous solution of chemical preparations).

Sulfuric checkers are used at the rate of 50 g per 1 m 3, but if a web tick was seen last year, the norm is increased by 3 times. The effectiveness of fumigation depends on the duration of the contact of the caustic smoke with the inner surface of the greenhouse and the surface of the soil.

Before processing, it is necessary to close all the slots and consider the isolation of the door. You can open a greenhouse for ventilation only after 3 - 5 days. It should also take into account the temperature minimum that for sulfur preparations is located in the region of 10 - 15 ºC.

The compounds formed in the process of combustion of the joints cause corrosion of all metal surfaces, Therefore, the paint frame coating is required. If all the points of the instruction are met, sulfur checkers will protect not only from the spore of mushrooms, but also from bacteria, slugs and ticks. At the same time, smoke can penetrate everywhere and no "missed areas" for him.

Spraying is carried out with a 10% chlorine solution or a copper sulfate solution with harated lime (1: 6). On a 10-liter water bucket take 0.5 kg of copper sulfate, lime add and insist for several hours. The finished solution is washed interior surface Coatings, frame and soil greenhouses.

You can combine fumigation and spraying, processing wooden parts and soil with a solution of copper sulfate, and then dipping with sulfuric checkers. Such treatment of the greenhouses from pests and diseases may be required at the high number of pests and strong damage to the disease last year.

When working S. chemical preparations In a closed, not ventilated room, it is necessary to remember the means of individual protection (respirator, gloves, glasses and a bathrobe) and security measures.

Today, the biological treatment of greenhouse soil is increasingly popular. In horticultural shops, you can purchase a specialized biological preparation (phytosporin, plates, Baikal EM-1, etc.), prepare a working solution and spill the soil to them. This method is inferior in efficiency, but allows you to get a really environmentally friendly crop.

If you use biological preparations for prevention, without waiting for the appearance of symptoms of diseases, the effect will be higher. With the help of biological products, you can not only restrain the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, but also increase soil fertility.

The disinfection of the greenhouse is a rather time-consuming event that requires careful preparation and compliance with the instructions, but should not be neglected by this stage. Muchly spray fruiting tomatoes and cucumbers from massively spread pests and causative agents of diseases much more expensive and harmful than to process the greenhouse in the spring before planting.

Ground preparation for the new season

In the greenhouse conditions, the soil is experiencing increased loads. First, due to intensive use (it is difficult to find a greenhouse where there are empty sites) and a high rate of harvest with 1 m 2, and, secondly, due to the lack of environmental impact (precipitation, wind, animals, sharp oscillations Temperatures). As a result, the soil is strongly depleted and needs to be replaced or enrichment. It is impossible to start new season on the old soil.

For the winter, the soil in the greenhouse dries greatly to eliminate this problem enough in the middle of the autumn sowing a Siderate in beds, which will cover the earth and will reduce evaporation. In addition, the Siderats enrich the soil nutrient substancesCleans from pathogens and serve in the spring with excellent fertilizer. Siderates also purify the soil from toxic substances allocated by tomatoes and serve excellent alternative crop rotation. In the greenhouses it is better to suck out winter rye, Vika and mustard. But these recommendations will be useful for the future, and now we have a dry moving soil that you need to reanimate.

Soil preparation in the greenhouse includes the following works:

  • soil looser in beds;
  • prokoka small trenches on the beds for better contact with warm air (after watering the trenches, they fall asleep and the beds are smoothed);
  • singing warm water to saturation (it is impossible to use snow to moisturize, as it will only delay the warming process);
  • the introduction of organic (humus, compost, river il, peat);
  • the introduction of phosphorus-potash fertilizers (if not taken in the fall);
  • making dolomite flour, chalk or lime to neutralize the soil solution (the annual use of mineral fertilizers leads to the acidification of the soil);
  • deep resistance and loosening;
  • early sowing of Sideratov before the seedlings landing;
  • solving the complex of useful microorganisms;
  • covering with black agrofiber for better heating of the soil (if Siderats are not sown).

The land prepared in this way will grow faster and "wakes up" for sowing green and seedlings. The beginning of the work on the preparation of the soil depends on the conditions of the region. In the suburbs, it is possible to prepare the greenhouse in mid-March, and for Far East And Siberia dates shift to April - May.