Installing the window sill yourself. Instructions for installing a window sill on plastic windows

There is work that is simply impossible to cope with alone, but installing a window sill on a plastic window with your own hands is within the power of everyone.

To install something, you first need to select and buy this item. If the purchase of a window sill is only planned, then it is worth examining the varieties of this element. What we are going to do now, and installing window sills on the windows with our own hands will wait for now.

Which windowsill to choose?

The window sill has a practical and decorative function. These two parameters are equally important, so you need to carefully select the window sill, taking into account its functional and practical features, appearance and ability to keep it intact for a long time.

  1. Polyvinyl chloride or plastic, in a simple way, is often chosen to create not only a window profile, but also window sills. Inside, the structure is empty, but it has ribs that are responsible for the rigidity of the window sill. This option is affordable, durable, not afraid of moisture. Saving is inappropriate here, you need to choose a high-quality window sill. V otherwise after about six months, the structure will acquire a yellow tint, crack or change its shape. We will tell you in great detail how to install window sills on windows.
  2. Plastic with an acrylic base attracts the user's attention with its high strength. You will have to pay a lot for such a "fat" advantage. Another plus is immunity to exposure high temperatures than the previous version can not boast. Acrylic has a glossy surface and can be presented in any color.
  3. Even now, wood is a popular material that is chosen for creating window sills. Affordable and even the most a good option is a pine tree. The choice of expensive species will be appropriate only in the case of a special profile, which displays a pattern of special wood. How to install a window sill, if the window is already standing, made of wood, will be described below. You need to immediately prepare yourself for the complexity of this process.
  4. Chipboard and MDF with a laminated surface cost much less than the previous version, although in terms of external indicators and functionality they are not inferior natural material... Chipboard is more affordable than MDF, but it does not tolerate high humidity conditions.
  5. A natural stone is very expensive, but such a high price is not justified performance characteristics... It will be difficult to install the window sill to the plastic windows with your own hands, its operation must be accurate, and you also need to remember the critical points. If you really want to install a stone window sill, then you need to choose an artificial option. By outward appearance it is indistinguishable from natural, less prone to external damage and pleases with high durability.

This is the whole theory that you should have familiarized yourself with. When the window sill is delivered, you can go to the very essence, and we are already ready to tell you how to install the window sill on the windows.

Do-it-yourself installation of window sills on windows is not a difficult job, but it requires compliance with mandatory rules. Only in this case can a positive result be achieved.

Not always, when installing a new window, the window sill is dismantled. In this case, you will need to independently free up space for the new structure, otherwise it makes no sense to learn how to install the window sill and slopes on the windows. If this is not your situation, then you can safely proceed to the next stage, while we will now dismantle the window sill, which has already served its purpose.

This work can be done different ways, which are determined by the material of the window sill.

  • The wooden structure is removed with a hacksaw and a pry bar, which can be replaced with a crowbar. Be sure to cut the window sill into pieces, otherwise you can cause serious damage to the slopes. Initially, the middle part is removed, after which the side elements... They are firmly connected to the slopes, which makes dismantling difficult. It is required to gently knock the side parts of the window sill out of their position. The blows need to be applied to the butt. The use of a grinder is unacceptable in the case of a wooden structure, you can get serious injuries. Only after understanding this warning can you continue to learn how to install a plastic window: slopes and a window sill.
  • Stone or reinforced concrete is cut just with a grinder. Need a special diamond disc to create through cuts. After that, with the help of a sledgehammer or a large hammer, the plate is broken. The blows need to be applied from the bottom up. The remaining elements are removed using a pry bar.
  • The plastic window sill has the weakest and simplest fastening. Do not rush to dismantle the structure. First you need to remove the ebb, which acts as a kind of external window sill. This will allow you to examine the outside for the presence of fasteners with inside to be unscrewed. In the absence of fasteners, simply remove the foam with a knife and dismantle the window sill, swinging it.

When the issue is resolved with the old window sill, you can proceed to the next stage. To find out how to install a window sill on windows, it is necessary to prepare the surface for work, which we will now be doing.

Whether you completed the previous step or skipped it, in any case, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work at work. And only after that you can learn further how to install the window sill on a plastic window. The essence of the preparation is to clean the surface of various debris. Serious indentations also need to be repaired.

How to install wooden window sill for plastic windows and plastic structures - different processes. Naturally, we will have to consider these two options.

It is necessary to make side grooves in the wall, this is required by the instructions. Their depth should be in the range of 5-7 cm. When you have to install window sills on all windows in the house, then these centimeters can add up to a whole window sill, which leads to additional costs. This subtlety should be taken into account when making measurements and calculating the total amount of materials. In extreme cases, you can reduce the depth of the grooves to 2-3 cm.

The grooves must be even, which means you need to use a level. Measurement is performed as follows:

  • the square is applied to the frame;
  • a line is drawn horizontally from the top line of the groove to the outside cut on the slope.

This will create the top line for the future groove. Deep cuts are made along the outlined lines and excess material is knocked out. The window sill should not end right at the edge of the wall. The structure should protrude 5-7 cm beyond this border.

On this side grooves, and the slab itself can be left alone and learn further how to properly install the window sill on the plastic windows.

There are two ways to carry out the work on installing the window sill. The difference between them lies in the fixing of the sill to the window frame, which is done at the beginning. All further steps are carried out according to a single scheme, regardless of the chosen method. How to close up a window sill after installing plastic windows will also be described below.

The fixation process is straightforward. In the area where the boundary area of ​​the window sill adjoins the window frame, we do through holes every 30 cm.Press the window sill tightly and with outside screw the screws into the holes made. They should enter the stove by at least 3 cm, preferably more.

If the fixing described above is not possible, then the window sill fits snugly under the frame. In this place, you can squeeze out the polyurethane foam in thin strips.

We lay the slab and look at its position. It will not be ideal right away, so we align it as follows:

  • We slightly tilt the window sill towards the room, which will allow water to drain from it, and not accumulate at the joints. 5mm will suffice.
  • Wedges are placed under the slab every 30 cm. Each piece of wood will be cut individually until the desired result is obtained.
  • The position of the plate must be constantly checked with a level. The result should be perfect, otherwise you will have to periodically do minor repairs in the form of covering up the cracks.

If the plate is not fixed to the frame, then polyurethane foam is used. The surface to which the foam will be applied must be moistened with water for better adhesion. The window sill is installed in its place, and foam is blown out under it. Here you need to feel the measure. Excess foam will still find a way out.

An object weighing up to 20 kg should be placed on the windowsill. In this case, the foam will not be able to swell and squeeze out the plate in the middle. The stove will be in the crushed position for at least 10 hours.

It remains to bring beauty (cut off the foam and put putty on the slopes) and be proud of yourself. We described how a window sill is installed on plastic windows, also made of plastic. The wooden structure was left without attention, the installation of which needs to be carried out a little differently.

Some stages will coincide with those that have already been described, so we will not describe them in detail. The work is divided into the following stages.

  • We mark the slab and arrange grooves in the wall. There are no differences in these processes.
  • It is better to fix wooden window sills on the window frame, which can be replaced by the base profile under it. It is carried out similarly to the above description.
  • From the side of the end, a damper tape is glued to the window sill. Thus, the difference between the indicators of plastic and wood (thermal and moisture expansion) will be compensated.
  • The leveling of the slab is carried out again using wedges.
  • Any wooden window sill has an impressive weight, so foam is not suitable for its installation. Better to use gypsum mortar or cement with sand that is applied to the wedges.
  • We lay the plate on top, press it until it stops in the wedges.
  • We remove the remnants of the solution, put putty on the slopes.

We described how to properly install a window sill on plastic windows if it is made of wood. This method can be slightly modified to hedge yourself. The essence of the revision is to drive a long nail into the wedges. The nail should go through and peek out from above by a centimeter. Anchors are used to fix the wedges. In this case, the sill rests on the nails that protrude from the wedges. This method is more reliable, but requires utmost attention and careful verification of all parameters.

You know how the window sill is installed on plastic windows and nothing stands in the way of putting your knowledge into practice. Moreover, you even know how to repair the voids after installing the window under the windowsill. In addition to foam, you can lay insulation.

How to properly install a window sill on plastic windows with your own hands: video

At first glance, all plastic window sills seem to be the same. However, you need to choose this part of the window correctly. main feature a high-quality window sill - the presence of stiffeners inside the plastic product. This should be addressed Special attention if the sill is long. In the absence of ribs during operation, the window sill may deform.

Practitioners also advise when buying a window sill to pay special attention to its appearance. Products must be covered with a protective special film. If it is absent during installation, the window sill will need to be wrapped with something. This will bring some inconvenience, because the film placed on top will not be able to hold on like a "native" one, and as a result of its sliding, scratches may appear on the surface.

The third thing you need to pay attention to is whether there is a marriage. Often, defects are not so noticeable under the film, so the risk of acquiring a defective window sill that is on sale is quite high. If this happened to you, you can try to hide scratches on the surface of the windowsill. liquid plastic... Problem areas just need to be putty with this substance, and the scratches will become almost invisible.

Such simple tips will help you choose a product, and you can start installing it only after studying the step-by-step instructions.

We install the windowsill with our own hands

You are offered the most common installation method, which is done quite easily and quickly. However, there are non-standard situations when some of the stages are either not required or will be carried out differently. For example, a product from the outside of a building is attached to a rail located at the bottom. window frame, self-tapping screws. However, in some designs such a rail is absent, so the window sill should be screwed to the frame from the inside. Then the screws are screwed obliquely at the bottom of the window. If, for some reason, it is impossible to do this, the window sills are fixed with foam for installation. The main thing is before installation plastic window sill realize the following - standard technology on the introduction of the window sill into operation no. Therefore, it is possible to deviate from the installation scheme at any stage, if circumstances so require.

Explore the related information in addition to the current article.

Dismantling the old window sill

You are in luck if the old window sill is simply not there, as it takes several hours to disassemble it. The fact is that in many residential buildings built in Soviet times, window sills are installed "conscientiously". They are so firmly attached that they can be removed most easily with window frame... If the dismantling of the old window sill is carried out separately (the window is already installed), you will need to tinker a little. If the window sill is wooden, you need to remove it very carefully so as not to pull out a piece of the wall with it. There are very few pleasures in this. If the window sill is made of concrete, it will be even more difficult to dismantle it. Such a concrete attribute of the window is tightly adjacent to the wall surface and is a solid lump that requires the use of a punch. If you do not have such an expensive power tool, you do not need to buy one. By renting a hammer drill, you will avoid unnecessary costs. Such a service is not so expensive, especially since you will not take the tool for a long time, you will need it only for one day.

During dismantling work, two factors are of primary importance: accuracy and consistency. A careful approach to disassembling the window sill will prevent damage to the glass or window frame, and will also keep the walls intact. The entire dismantling process is carried out as follows: we cut a wooden window sill in the central part hand saw or with a jigsaw in the transverse direction. After that, a pry bar is inserted between the window sill and the window frame, which must be slowly moved away from the window opening. When it is impossible to move the object to be dismantled, it is necessary to check whether the window sill is attached with screws or special nails. When there are no fasteners and the window sill does not start moving, you need to inspect the slopes. Most likely, they are closely adjacent to the window sill, so you will have to use a puncher or jackhammer to subdivide the abutments.

Manifestation white bloom- efflorescence

A concrete window sill is easier to remove, but this requires the use of physical force. This type of window sill is not attached with additional parts, so you just need to slowly smash the product with a puncher. In this case, you need to pay attention to the fact that regardless of the material of the old window sill, the new one during installation will also deepen by about 5-10 cm into the bottom of the side slope. Notches in the slopes are required so that the edges of the window sill easily go into them. Thus, the product is fixed more firmly. After finishing the dismantling work, you can proceed to the installation of plastic window sills using the standard scheme.

Installation of a new window sill

All steps when installing a newly purchased product must be performed in a specific order. First, you need to use a tape measure to measure the acceptable width of the window sill, given that its edges will deepen into the slope. After that, the product is tightly attached to the window sill strip and screwed with self-tapping screws. At this stage, you must carefully ensure that no gaps form between the window and the window sill surface. After that, wood lining is placed under the windowsill. Such wooden planks will help to adjust the horizontal position of the window sill in level. The free space in the recessed areas and under the surface of the window sill is filled with foam for installation. After the substance has dried, the product is completely ready for use.

Installation work ends there. If everything is done correctly, no problems will arise when using the windowsill. A firmly installed product will last a long time.


  • What is important to know before installing a window sill with your own hands
  • Preparing for the installation of a PVC window sill
  • Video tutorial. DIY PVC window sill installation

Photo 1 - Plastic window sill photo

Practical, attractive and inexpensive plastic window sills are most often installed together with the same windows, although others are possible. design solutions... Installation of window sills does not require special skills, but you need to follow the technology exactly and perform all actions carefully.

List of materials required for installing a PVC window sill

What you need to know for the installation of the window sill to be successful

Before starting any work, you need to carefully study the accompanying documents for all materials and tools used, if you have not previously used them. This fully applies to the installation of a plastic window sill.

For example, it is very important to know at what temperature you can work with polyurethane foam. This information is on the product label. When choosing this material, you should give preference to products with the lowest coefficient of expansion, which will prevent the window sill from rising. Perfect option- use a gun for polyurethane foam. In this case, as a rule, professional material is used, which does not expand significantly.

If you have to install a window sill in a window over 3 meters long, then you will have to use additional parts that need to be carefully adjusted and glued, or special fillers for joints.

Preparing to install a window sill

In order for the window sill to serve for a long time, it is important to correctly determine its dimensions. The width is calculated taking into account the following components:

Window sill width :

  • Desired distance from the inner surface of the wall. Experts do not recommend making it more than 15 cm, because it can become a hindrance. It is also important to consider the location of the heaters. A too wide window sill can cause condensation to form on the side slopes and glass surfaces.
  • Another 2 cm is added to enter the window sill under the window.

To determine the length you need to measure the window opening with a tape measure and add another 10 cm to this value. This is necessary so that the cut edges of the window sill are not visible.


After taking all measurements, check them again. Better to stick to the rule: measure seven times, cut once. Thus, it will be possible to avoid annoying mistakes, which are quite difficult and sometimes impossible to fix.

It remains only to cut off all unnecessary and you can proceed with the installation.

Video installation of a PVC window sill. Main stages

First you need to clean the surface of the window opening from debris and dust. This must be done carefully so that the subsequent foaming is successful. The next step is to try on the already prepared window sill. If necessary, it is cut in the right places.

Photo 3 - DIY PVC window sill installation

Next step- installation of a window sill. To do this, insert it into a special support profile located under the window frame by 2 cm.Using a level, the surface of the window sill is exposed and substituted wooden supports, which are necessary to ensure the design stiffness during the operation of the window sill.

The window sill sheet is installed with a slight slope directed towards the inside of the room. This is necessary so that when condensation forms or watering flowers, excess moisture does not stagnate, but rolls off the windowsill.

Photo 4 - DIY PVC window sill installation

The next step is foaming. It is important enough and must be done with great care. Before proceeding directly to the process itself, the surface of the window opening must be moistened. This technique improves adhesion and more even distribution of the foam.

First, cover with foam inner surface the window sill and the junction with the staging profile. This avoids the appearance of such an unpleasant phenomenon as cold bridges.

Photo 5 - DIY PVC window sill installation

After this operation, experts recommend installing a small load on the windowsill, which is removed after the foam has completely hardened.

Polyurethane foam is afraid of ultraviolet radiation, so you must not allow anyone to get on it Sun rays... Even a thin layer of plaster or other material can protect it.

It remains to install the plug, cutting off the required length from the workpiece and lubricate it with a cosmophene, press it against the ends of the window sill. And on the final stage need to delete protective film and fill in all the joints silicone sealant doing it very carefully.

Photo 6 - DIY PVC window sill installation

From the above, it becomes clear that even those who have a minimum of knowledge and skills in this area can cope with the installation of a plastic window sill. It is only important not to violate the technology and not to rush.

There are so many things in our life, the purpose of which we practically do not think about. It seems to us that they have always been and always will be.

We notice them only in situations when we face them directly, for example, when we are trying to install a window sill.

general information

It would seem that everyone is a familiar element of a window opening, but it can solve not only practical, but also aesthetic problems. For example, it smooths out the difference between the thickness of a window frame and a wall, creating a coherent whole.

Beautiful and correct installed window sill performs various functions - it provides an area for flowers, an additional table in the kitchen, or as a resting place in some interiors, as shown in the photo below.

The most common materials for it are plastic, wood, marble, fake diamond... In the video in this article, you will see some of them. The price of each of them is different from each other, and by weight, not everyone can be used. Therefore, they are selected depending on the type of window, the style of the room or the entire housing.

The installation of each of them is individual in its own way. But, there is general principles how to properly install a window sill on plastic or wooden windows.

One of them - you should definitely make it tilt slightly in the direction of the room. In this case, condensation or excess water from watering flowers will not accumulate between it and, for example).

Technical value

The windowsill is not just a whim or someone's desire to increase with its help useful area rooms. It has a very specific technical purpose.

In fact, the window sill is an artificial barrier to warm air rising from the heaters. It does not allow it to instantly mix with the cold outside, scattering most of it around the room.

For reference: He is considered an insulator that helps to preserve normal temperature in room.

How to prepare the walls

Before properly installing the plastic window sill, the place for it must be cleared of irregularities and debris. To remove dust, it is best to moisten it with water, then the solution or polyurethane foam will have better adhesion to the wall.

According to the rules, the window sill should go into the side walls of the window block (slopes) by 2-5 cm on each side. Therefore, it is necessary to make the appropriate indentations with a puncher.

Tip: if the walls are perfectly flat, you can install it flush with the plaster, if not, push it forward by 1-3 cm.

Installing a plastic window sill

Today, PVC windows are becoming more and more popular, at the same time, the demand for plastic window sills is also increasing. To install the latter, you do not have to be a professional; a craftsman can do it with his own hands, even without training.

This will require a certain construction tool and a work plan. But, if you are not confident in your abilities, it is best to take a few lessons from the masters. The instructions below will tell you the main points of the process.

Tools and materials

Before you install the plastic window sill yourself, you need to prepare:

  1. Corner grinder("Grinder") or jigsaw, but you can limit yourself to a hand file for metal;
  2. perforator with attachments for working on stone;
  3. building level, preferably 1 m long;
  4. polyurethane foam;
  5. gun for polyurethane foam;
  6. wooden wedges;
  7. construction knife with replaceable blades.

Work order

Installation is carried out in several stages:

  1. product selection;
  2. fitting the sill to the right size;
  3. installation of a window sill;
  4. laying gaskets;
  5. checking deviations;
  6. fixation plastic block.

Below we will tell you how to install a window sill on plastic windows in more detail.

How to choose a PVC window sill?

You can buy it today at any hardware store. The standard length of the product varies from 1.5 to 3 m, width - 0.15-0.60 m.

The length of the sill is selected based on the width of the window opening plus an additional allowance (at least 30 mm on each side). The width of the plastic block is selected depending on the depth of the window opening - the distance from the window profile to the wall, taking into account the allowance for the window sill deepening (about 20 mm) and the window sill protrusion from the opening.

It is important to remember that the window sill should not completely cover heater otherwise circulation will be disturbed heat flow, which will lead to the formation of condensation and the appearance of ice on the windows. If this happens, then in some cases you will need to replace and repair plastic windows.

The allowed projection size is 50 to 70 mm. In some cases, it may be completely absent..

Caution: The overhang may overlap natural circulation air.
If this happens, the windows will fog up.

Fitting the plastic block

Installing the window sill and laying the gasket

  1. Clean the place of installation of the plastic block from debris and dust with water.
  2. Insert the prepared workpiece into the space provided for window profile groove to a depth of about 20 mm.
  3. Place wooden wedges under the windowsill, with a distance between the bars of about 400 mm. Wooden wedges-stands will not only help to correctly position the window sill and firmly press the block against the window sill), but will also take on the entire load.

Checking deviations

With help building level determine the correct installation of the plastic block. The level must be observed in all directions.

If there are irregularities, the situation is corrected by selecting the thickness of the wooden wedges-supports. Do not forget about the slight slope of the window sill towards the room.

Fixing the window sill

Before fixing the window sill in the opening, make it heavier. For this, various objects are used, for example, bottles or jars filled with water. After that, the presence of deviations is checked again and the product is fixed.

The PVC window sill is fixed using a spray can of polyurethane foam installed in a special gun. In addition, from the outside of the window, it is pressed against the frame using self-tapping screws. After a day, the load is removed from it, and the excess foam is cut off with a clerical knife.


After reading the article, you learned how to install plastic window sills on PVC windows yourself, without the involvement of professionals. (see also the article) The main thing is to correctly conduct preliminary preparation and follow the instructions. Thanks to such advice, you can install not only plastic, but also any others on any windows.

Window installation companies often don't follow through. And the customer is left with a bare window opening that needs finishing. But it also happens that in order to save money, a person himself takes on the installation of a window sill board. Then the question arises - how to install the window sill so that it holds firmly and does not freeze. It also depends on the correct installation whether there will be condensation on the windows, and therefore mold. Read the instructions below carefully before starting work!

PVC-panels for window sills occupy a leading place in terms of sales. And for good reason! After all, their specifications give a large number of advantages during installation.

The panel has stiffening ribs

TOP 5 advantages of a plastic window sill

Do-it-yourself installation of a plastic window sill has the following advantages:

  1. The size of the panel can be adjusted to fit. If acrylic or stone models have a strictly specified size, then PVC window sills are easy to cut. For this, a jigsaw or plastic saw is suitable.
  2. The material is characterized by steam and moisture resistance (absolute impermeability). It will not be saturated with moisture from possible condensation or rain drops, like a wooden counterpart. An additional advantage - the design is not sensitive to ventilation disturbances, which are often found in modern apartments.
  3. Ease of installation. Installing a window sill with your own hands is quite a feasible task for a beginner.
  4. Heat insulating properties. Due to its special structure, the panel additionally prevents heat loss.
  5. Lack of pores, in which dirt and harmful microorganisms usually accumulate.

Video: How to install a window sill with your own hands

How to choose quality material

Before you buy and install a PVC window sill, carefully study its certificate. What you should pay attention to:

  • for the PVC content (it should be at least 50%, better - 60%);
  • on the percentage of chalk content (permissible no more than 5%);
  • the thickness of the stiffeners must be at least 1.2 cm and not more than 3.5 cm;
  • the thickness of the panel itself is from 2 cm.

PVC panel "wood grain"

The most durable panels are produced by Germany. The second place is shared by Russia.

Truth in size - choosing the optimal parameters

Do-it-yourself installation of a plastic window sill should begin with careful measurement. How to choose the optimal parameters? Focusing on following conditions:

  1. Depth. On average, this indicator ranges from 20 to 50 cm. There is only one regularity: the narrower the panel, the more reliable and stronger it is. And, the more weight it can withstand when pressed.
  2. Width. To paraphrase the classics, even the windowsill has ears. This is the name of the protrusions on the sides of the window. They are necessary, firstly, to fix the slopes. Secondly, to compensate for the thermal expansion inherent in plastic. And thirdly, for a more complete and aesthetic appearance of the window.

Measurements should be made from concrete base.

Advice! When measuring the depth, add 15 mm for the overhang and 50 mm for the overhang. This optimal sizes windowsill.

Window sill dimensions

Correct location:

  • install at least 10 cm from the radiator (battery);
  • the panel overhang should not overlap the heating source by more than ⅔;
  • the window sill should not be at an angle of 90 ° to the window - an inclination inside the room of at least 1 ° is required.

Installation process - step-by-step guide

Correct sequence works and compliance technical nuances- quality assurance of the window sill. Attachment process to plastic window is not difficult and does not take much time.

Work order - how to avoid mistakes

At what stage of the repair is the installation of a plastic window sill most appropriate? The correct answer is immediately after installing the windows, before finishing internal slopes.

If you install it later, the slopes will have to be partially or completely redone. Indeed, for installation, you will need to select grooves in the slopes. It is not recommended to remove the protective film from the plastic board until all renovation works.

Advice! When installing the window sill protective covering do not need to be removed completely. But only in those places where the panel fits into the grooves (near the frame and on the sides). If this is not done right away, it will be difficult to remove the film completely.

Slope for installation in slopes

Preparatory stage - we create a strong support

How to properly install a window sill on plastic windows:

  1. If the window is installed with your own hands, form assembly seam foam under the frame. A seam over 8 cm should be foamed in several passes with an interval of 7 minutes. And after hardening (after 20 minutes) - set on top vapor barrier tape... If the installation of the window is carried out by the wizards, they must complete this step.
  2. How to install a window sill if the window is already standing? Select the grooves on the sides of the window opening (from 10 to 60 mm, depending on the size of the "ears"). If a grinder is needed for this, it is better to cover the double-glazed windows with cardboard sheets for the duration of the work. Since flying sparks can damage the windows (melt the plastic).
  3. Screw the 51 mm self-tapping screws into the support profile under the frame. They should be located at a distance of 17-19 mm from its lower edge. This technique will increase the maximum pressure that the structure can withstand.
  4. If the sill distance exceeds 40 mm, it should be extended with plaster. Indeed, at this size, the foam will not completely polymerize. Which will lead to a decrease in its support and thermal insulation characteristics.
  5. Next, you need to thoroughly clean the window sill with a construction vacuum cleaner or brush. And also - prime the rough surface. The point here is in the features of the polyurethane foam. For adhesion to the surface, the latter must be wet. Also, the primer further increases adhesion.
  6. Measure the surface and, if necessary, adjust the plastic board to size. Do not place the butt against the wall. Leave 1 cm for thermal expansion.
  7. Lay the pivot points in increments of 50-60 cm. For this, fold the plastic wedges with a jack and rewind with electrical tape or masking tape. For reliability, you can grab the anchor points with self-tapping screws, since during installation, you must ensure that they do not budge.

Advice! If, during priming, some of the liquid gets on the glass, wipe it off immediately. Since, when solidified, the composition forms a film that is difficult to remove.

Base profile - 16

We fix the window sill - the secrets of proper installation

How to put a window sill to a plastic window:

  1. Check the window sill for voids in polyurethane foam... If gaps are found in the wall, foil them to prevent the windows from freezing.
  2. With an effort to install the window sill in the profile. Align it in the center so that it slopes 2–3 mm from level to the inside of the room for every 20 cm of depth. This is necessary for moisture to drain off.
  3. To fill up the space under the window. Place a load on top (for example, 5-liter bottles) around the entire perimeter. Foam tends to expand, squeezing out the board. To prevent this from happening, you need a load.
  4. Install the end caps.
  5. Apply a coat of sealant to all crevices.
  6. After the foam has completely solidified (about 12 hours), remove the load.

How to prevent foam squeezing

Pro tips - how to get the perfect result

How to install window sills on plastic windows - skill secrets:

  1. If the window sill overlaps the battery, a hole must be cut in it across the entire width. And then - drown it out with a grill.
  2. To overcome fogging of windows, you need to use the principle of directional blowing. To do this, cut through the plastic (in the center of each glass unit) round holes... This can be done using a special crown. Then install round gratings in the cuts. Thus, the airflow is normalized and condensation will not collect on the windows.
  3. If you need a deep window sill (for example, for a sofa on the window), you will need to install additional support... In this case, it is better not to use brackets, since the plastic is fragile in bending. The best option- make an imitation fireplace portal by laying out the walls on the sides of the radiator.
  4. The sill board must withstand a load of at least 30 kg per 1 sq. m. But the fastening of the window sill to the plastic window must withstand point loads up to 100 kg. After all, wiping the window, the owners lean on the plastic with all their weight. To do this, you need to lay reference points under the board. These can be pieces of wood treated with an antiseptic, plastic wedges, etc.

Attention! The most vulnerable is the back of the window sill. It is she who has the entire load during window cleaning. Therefore, a tight hold-down is necessary to increase the strength of the structure.

Directional blowing of glass

Loggia window sill - Spanish installation method

The classic way to install a plastic window sill on a loggia is based on the following rule. The window sill should be installed last. As a result, in order to do this efficiently, a lot of measurements and adjustments are required. This leads to a colossal loss of time and energy.

The Spanish method reduces the installation time by 4 times! And make the structural strength 2 times higher. What is its essence? The fact that the window sill should be installed at the very beginning. And already from it, fasten the guides. This significantly reduces the number of measurements.

The step-by-step installation process looks like this.

Screw 51 mm self-tapping screws into the plastic frame at a distance of 3 mm from the bottom edge of the special support profile.

Screwing in the clamping screws

Install a window sill between the screws and the frame. How to attach a window sill to a plastic window? Fix it to the frame with 71 mm self-tapping screws at an angle in several places. The depth of entry of self-tapping screws is 1–2 mm. This is to prevent the structure from falling out.

Fastening the window sill to the frame

On the lower part of the plastic board, attach the upper rail from a bar 40 mm wide. Fix it with 51 mm self-tapping screws. The distance from the "spout" of the window sill to the upper rail is 8 mm. This distance is necessary for the installation of the cladding panels.

Installing the top rail

Install the lower guide using a plumb line. Grab it with self-tapping screws to the floor along the edges. Align the bottom rail with a level and fix it with self-tapping screws to the floor in increments of 50 cm.

Installing the bottom rail

Attach the vertical guides (planks) to the top and bottom rails.

Fixation of vertical battens

Align the board with a square (at 90 ° or tilted inward 2–3 mm from the level). Screw in the screws 71 mm to the end.

Aligning the window sill with a square

Attach the middle rail to the vertical planks.

Fixing the middle frame

Skillful pens - two ways to do it yourself

Save on purchase plastic panel is quite real! To do this, you can go in the following ways:

  1. Install a concrete window sill. To do this, you should do permanent formwork and pour the first layer of concrete. Next, install the upper removable formwork. Lay wire mesh 1.5–2.0 mm with a mesh of 50x50 mm. This will help strengthen the structure. Then - pour concrete and grind it after drying. Tiles or mosaics can be laid on top.
  2. The second way to make a window sill yourself is to glue it from a floorboard. To strengthen the structure, you will need pins. The board must first be sanded and primed, and then varnished in several layers. It is better to install such a window sill on liquid nails.

Advice! For growing flowers on wooden structure it is better to use special pads. They can be glued to wood.

Making a window with your own hands is both simple and difficult at the same time. On the one hand, this does not require serious skills and a special tool. On the other hand, it will be quite difficult to correct the mistakes made. Therefore, it is better to entrust the installation of the window sill board to professionals!